#leland mckinney headcanons
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Survivor!Leland Dad Headcanons
i am so so so so head over heels for this gorgeous ball of fluff i cannot even explain. literally spent the past like 4 hours rambling about him i cant get over him hes so MMM
Cw: mild angst, i'll make the angsty paragraphs purple so you can avoid them if you just want fluff :)
!!WARNING!!: you will get baby fever.
Leland is a country boy at heart, and he definitely chooses to settle down with you on a small ranch complete with a few acres of property, just in case you ever want to have livestock or expand, but also because he wants room to build playsets and make sure his kids are getting out and have space to play outside.
He'd buy the wood to make a playset, and he'd get all of his dad's tools together and stand out back, staring at the pile of scrap, trying to figure out what to do with it. He wasn't all that familiar with it, but he wanted something handmade- he wanted to be able to build a play set so he could tell his kids about it. You'd go out back and chat with him about it, and every time he explained his vision to you, it was something different.
After about a month, you ended up just purchasing one of those store-made play sets and gave him some of the supplies as well as the instructions. However, he used the wood parts he'd gotten for the bulk of it. The playset ended up looking a little strange- most of it was natural wood, but then the roof and stairs were plastic, and the slide, and the railings, but it had a bit of charm to it. And Leland loved bragging about how he built it himself. You still remember the large grin he wore when he presented it to you, and then leaned down, speaking to your stomach and telling your baby how about all the fun they were going to have on it.
He spent the next two-weeks baby proofing it. Padding everywhere, he managed to static-proof the slide, he added extra stability to the fences, and it ended up looking even more... unique. You teased him about it, telling him that kids were going to find a way to get hurt no matter how much he baby proofed it, but he was stubborn that some was better than none. You let him get away with it, until...
He started baby proofing the house. Some, you understood. Outlet covers. Cabinet locks. Baby gates by the stairs- that was all fine. But then he started putting rubber softeners against every sharp surface, he moved around all of the silverware so that it was out of reach- out of your reach, too, and hardly organized. You put an end to this really quickly, and although he was clearly anxious about your kids finding a way to hurt themselves, you'd tell him that- yeah, they were kids. That's what they were great at. He was just making your lives harder without really doing anything. So, he took it back a notch, though you did notice him sprinkle in random rubber rounders on sharp corners. You didn't call him out on it, and he eventually was satisfied, and stopped, leaving it to rest.
He dresses his babies in overalls and cow-print onesies, the fabric always has some sort of pattern on it, whether its small horses or sunflowers- whatever it was, it had a pattern on it. He wasn't very good at picking out outfits for them, as they very often clashed and he didn't understand that you can't just mix patterns, but with a bit of guidance from you (and you supervising him when you shop for clothes), he slowly got better at picking out outfits for them, and also started getting a bit better at picking out his own outfits as a bonus.
While it wasn't a terrible case, you did suffer from a bit of postpartum depression, especially with your first, and Leland felt awful about it, like genuinely gut-wrenchingly bad, so he did everything possible to make things easier on you. He always offered to be the one on wake-up duty, refusing to let you get up out of bed when the baby started crying. If you wanted, he'd go and get them and hand them off to you, letting you hold them for a little while and let them fall back asleep before he returned them to the nursery.
One night, you'd waken up to the baby crying, but Leland reassured you that he'd take care of them, so you went back to sleep. When you woke up about an hour later, Leland still wasn't there, and you grew a little worried. You got up out of bed and checked the nursery, and both of them were gone. You immediately went into a panic, and you headed down the stairs, only to find Leland on the living room carpet with your baby, leaning against the couch as he dangled a foil toy above them. He yawned; he looked absolutely exhausted, and he was dozing off as he bobbed the toy up and down.
"Lee?" "Huh-? I'm awake, I'm awake, where is she?" He jolted awake, looking around until he spotted your daughter reaching up for the toy above her head, and he let out a breath of relief. "Sorry, she just would not go back to sleep. I came down to start the coffee, and set her down here, and.... Guess I just dozed off." You laughed, walking over to him and sitting next to him, leaning your head against his shoulder. "Do you wanna go get some sleep? I don't mind starting some coffee and watching her." "Are you sure?" "Positive. Go get some sleep, babe, you're all good," you reassured. He kissed your cheek, and then kissed his daughter's forehead before heading back upstairs.
Especially for your first kid, he got really anxious when they'd cry. He'd try all sorts of things- tried burping them, tried feeding them, tried playing with them, anything he could think of. And it took a lot of persuasion for him to realize that, no, your kid was not dying, they were a baby, and babies cry. He got a lot more accustomed to this idea by the second, and then the third, and was pretty much a pro by the fourth kid.
Oh yeah, four kids. Three girls and one boy. He is SUCH a girl dad and I will not be accepting criticism on this.
Every single time you gave birth, you'd hold the baby for about fifteen minutes before passing it off to Leland, who refused to give it back for at least an hour. He'd tell you to just get some rest, you deserved it, and he just wanted to take the trouble off your hands. "Our baby is not trouble," you'd remind, but he'd shush you, and as time went on, your kids started chiming in, telling you "Just get some sleep, mom!", and you'd pretend to go to sleep, and Leland would sit on the floor with them, letting them see their new sibling.
He wouldn't let them be held by any of your kids, he didn't want to risk the worst, but he'd talk it through with the kids, explaining the story that Mom worked really really hard for their new sibling, so they needed to be gentle with them, and be patient. The older ones understood it, but the younger ones had a little trouble grasping the fact that babies could be loud, and annoying, and frustrating, but he'd explain to them that babies can't do anything else because they don't know much. Exactly the way that you'd first reassured him about his anxieties with the baby crying.
Another thing that never changed were his occasional anxiety attacks, usually after a bad nightmare back to the event, or when he couldn't sleep despite his meds, and he paced in the bathroom, running his fingers through his hair over, and over, and over again. Thinking about the what if's. Thinking about all of it. And he'd get on the edge of tears, the edge of really breaking down, before he'd go into the nursery and sit next to the crib. He'd set his hand inside, and the moment that his baby's tiny fingers wrapped around one of his, he'd let out a tense exhale, managing a smile. Even when they were grown, he'd stand in the frame of their door in the middle of the night, reassuring himself that he'd done fine. That he'd made a life for himself. Made a family for himself. That they'd be proud of him. And while it never got easier, he got better at understanding it, at calming himself down, at reassuring himself.
As his kids get older, they start asking about his scars. You overhear it from where you're cleaning in the kitchen, and you step closer, listening in. At first, you worry that he'll shut down- you know how sensitive subject it is for him, and there's silence.
"Daddy?" Your daughter asked, and you could hear a sniffle. He let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, see, you aren't s'posed to know about 'em. Stuff you don't wanna know about your daddy, kiddo," he'd respond, and you could practically see the pout on her face. It was his fault he spoiled them so much. "C'mon, daddy, tell me! Please? I promise I won't tell anyone else," she hummed. "Nobody? Not even your brother?" "Nobody," she assured, and he sighed. "Well, before you were born... I went on a lot of adventures. Me and my friends. See, we had to fight these real bad guys. During the battle, they got a good couple of hits on me, and that's what the scars are from." "Did you win?" There was another pause. "Yeah, sugar, I won." "Where are your friends now?" Another pause. "They're out there protectin' others. They don't have kids like me and your mom. I had to retire from kickin' butt," he teased. "You're still my hero, daddy." You smiled, and you could hear his voice break as he replied with, "I love you, baby. Don't ever forget that, alright? No matter what happens." "I know, I love you too, dad."
It wasn't long before your kids started to touch his scars in passing, when they were playing with him, or when he was sitting on the couch next to him. They'd lean against his shoulder and touch the ones on his forceps, ones that you knew were far too small to be sensitive. But then they'd touch the ones on his back, and you'd hear him let out a quiet grunt, trying to shift- not shift away, but shift so that his back faced them, and they'd ease up their pressure. He'd remind them to be gentle, and they'd oblige, gently tracing the scars on his back.
He understood that they were curious; they were young, and touch was how they explored. He would've been curious too, at their age. So he was patient with them, and understanding. Even when they'd accidentally poke at a sensitive spot, and his jaw would tighten, but he never got angry at them. Sometimes, he'd give you a look, and you'd understand immediately, and distract the kids with something else so he could have his personal space.
It wasn't long before a lot of his scars were named. The ones on his back were Billy and Jessie, and the one on his chest was Hugh. The others had names too, but they changed pretty often. Those three remained the same, though. Sometimes the kids would line them with colorful markers, drawing wings around them or drawing faces on the scar tissue, and he got used to them messing with the scars, and it started to affect him less.
From the minute they grasp the concept of walking, those kids are dancing. Or, at the very least, bouncing as Leland danced around them, singing to whatever was on the radio at that moment. He loved having dance parties with his kids, and you'd join in, and he'd twirl you, your kids acting as a hype squad as the two of you danced. He liked letting his kids pick out something from his vinyl collection and putting it on, dancing along to his favorites and teaching them how to dosey-doe and square dance.
The first time his daughter fell off of her bike, he cried way more than she did. She was already back on the bike, asking for Leland to help her, and he was practically bawling, talking about how he was so proud of her for being so strong. You'd laugh, and step in, helping her out while he collected himself.
The moment that his daughters have enough hair to clip a bow on, he's doing it for them. He does it for every outing, all the way until they graduate. Every prom, he set up one of the bedrooms as a sort of salon, and he did all of their hair for them, even the ones who weren't going to prom that year. And every year, he was teary-eyed as he did it, rambling about how much they've grown up.
With his son, most people expected him to go hog wild with the sports dad thing, but he was entirely the opposite. he didn't want his son to get hurt, so he never even encouraged the idea of sports.
"Lee, you were in football in high school. Don't you want that opportunity for him?" "I knew a guy who was paralyzed from football." "You knew a guy, or you heard it on the radio?" "..................I'm not takin' any risks."
He swears your hormones are contagious. If he walks in on you crying, he starts crying, and he never cried before you had kids. And then both of you would be crying, and neither of you would know why, so you'd start laughing, and then you'd go back to crying again. He didn't understand it in the slightest, but he was fine as long as you and his kids were.
Speaking of hormones, you had to sit him down when your oldest daughter got about 12, and you gave him a very in depth discussion about how periods work, what he should expect, and what he can do to help.
The next time he came back from the store, he had a box of every single brand of pad and tampon. And he assured you that it was important because you never know what might work. Well, what worked was the first box that they tried, and now Leland was left with a lot of boxes and a lot of period products. So, what did he do?
He broke down the boxes and took out all of the period products. And he made a fort with the boxes, using the pads as adhesive and using the tampons as decoration. You and your two daughters stumbled across him working in the living room, laying on his back as he used a pad to tape two boxes together.
"Dad...? What are you doing?" Your eldest asked, the three of you exchanging a glance. "Are you okay, daddy?" The younger one added, and he sat up, turning towards the three of you with the happiest, most proud-dad grin on his face. "It's a period palace!" He laughed, showing off his work.
The kids didn't play in it much, but he and Jacs had their fun with it, and before long it was thrown out, probably for the best.
When referring to him in conversation with your kids, you'd refer to him as Dad, or Daddy, and he'd refer to you as Mom. However, when he was being more affectionate, he'd refer to you as Mama instead.
#tcm#adapting to leland mckinney#leland mckinney#leland tcm#leland mckinney x reader#leland mckinney x reader fluff#leland mckinney angst#leland mckinney headcanons#leland mckinney fluff
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Separation Anxiety
What if Survivor!Leland had separation anxiety?
Working on hcs for him along with the others (slowly but surely) and it got me thinking
He’s always worried about you when you’re not right next to him. You could be in the bathroom and he’d want to be right there with you to make sure you’re okay.
Of course if you’re uncomfortable with him being in there while you do your business he’ll wait outside, sitting and learning against the door waiting for you to let him in.
Or if you are comfortable he’ll do his own thing or just sit reading a magazine or something, he just wants to be near you and make sure you’re safe.
He feels like he needs to be there to protect you from anything and everything, it’s the least he could do when he couldn’t protect his friends he thinks.
He works hard training and building up more muscles, not for wrestling but for protection. He believes if he was stronger and tougher everyone would be alive, besides him.
He always asks if you’d like to accompany him to the gym or on jogs, he feels better if you agree and he always tries to make enjoyable for you whether you like to exercise or not. Sometimes if he has had a bad week he’ll not go anywhere if you say you don’t want to go with him.
He always insists to buy you a drink when out jogging. Just let him do it, he likes to and it’s his subtle way of saying, ‘thank you for coming with me.’
Obviously he can’t go everywhere with you so when you’re at work, school or wherever, he is a mess. He doesn’t know if you’re okay or not and that terrifies him to no end.
Whenever he gets the chance he calls and please answer or call back he might actually break down if you don’t. If you do answer he feels a bit better and he tries to keep you on the phone for as long as he can honestly.
If you don’t answer he’ll think they got you. They took you just like they took him and Connie and Sonny and Julie and Maria and Ana now they have you, and you’re gonna be put up on a hook and-
You finally call back. He’s shaking and there’s a tremble in his voice. It sounds like he’s trying to hind he was just crying a few seconds ago. He asks if you’re okay, what happened, where are you, do you need me to come get you, etc, etc
The only time when he’s kinda at peace if when you’re right next to him and he can physically feel you. Hearing your voice isn’t enough but feeling your presence calms him, not all the way through.
He wants to be touching you at all times too. Maybe his hand holding yours, his arm wrapped around you, your head on his shoulder, his leg over yours, etc. It grounds him, lets him know that he’s here and not in that awful place.
His nightmares make him think he’s back there and when he wakes he’s immediately reaching out for you. If you aren’t there? Immediate panic. Screams out for you and starts running around the house searching for you. He’s running into walls and throwing all the doors open.
Once he sees that you’re okay, he cries. He’ll reach out for you, almost in a way he doesn’t believe you’re really there with him safe and sound. Say his name and he’ll bring you into a tight hug, squeezing you against him and burying himself in either your hair or neck.
He needs time to readjust and trust the world and even himself. He wants to protect you and be there. He’ll be there ready to protect you always.
#leland mckinney x reader#leland mckinney#leland mckinney angst#leland tcm#leland mckinney headcanons#give him a hug
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I have a headcanon that Leland has a little sister who is 6 years younger than him. He’s too much of a sweetheart for him to not be the protective older brother who just adores his little sister.
I have so many thoughts about this and I may just make some proper headcanons.
#leland mckinney#Texas chainsaw massacre game#Leland tcm#tcmg Leland#Leland McKinney Headcanons#tcmg#tcm game#tcsm game
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ugh i love him def writing a carnival drabble for him soon <3
Leland HCs but it's a Carnival Date <3
So, Leland doesn't get the attention he deserves. Neither do the rest of the victims, but I'm here cracking out content for y'all because they deserve better and they need the wholesome energy just as much as I do So I'm gonna write HCs for everyone (victims I mean) if they went to a carnival!! :DDD Starting with Leland because he <3
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
He's not excessively competitive, he doesn't feel a need to be. But, before you get there and you oh so confidently tell him you're going to beat him at everything, he has that smirk on his face that is literally rarer than finding a four leaved clover. And you immediately feel suspicious about it, because Leland is so non-chaotic that it genuinely sparks fear when he has the look of mischief on him.
Lo and behold, you can't beat him at any of the games. He's a cowboy bestie, born and raised in Texas of all places. He's good at everything. You try every single carnival game there is, and where it's close on some games, Leland literally always beats you. You can't even stay mad at him, he's just brilliant, period.
The whole cocky energy he gets when he beats you at everything and you get irked because it was only like two points of difference (but he still won) is really annoying but really attractive at the same time. Like, everyone is used to Leland being the sort of soft boy, self confidence issues and the like. Here? Oh no, he's so full of himself, and as much as it's irritating it's good to see him so confident about his skills for once. (This is the ONLY occasion he isn't continuously doubting himself)
You two end up getting snacks while you're there also, because fortunately, you don't have to blow all your money to win a game. Leland is the type of person who absolutely can't do sauces for himself when it comes to hotdogs, and when you pull off the perfect squiggly lines like every commercial, he is just in awe for several moments. That's the one thing you hold over him as a win, because his hotdog is literally a mess and the equivalent of a theatrical murder (there is ketchup EVERYWHERE, on his hands and everything) he's a total mess and you end up having to get extra tissues and wipe him off because his hands have so much ketchup on them that he cant do anything without getting ketchup on it lmao
The sauce bottles DO NOT like him at all he's cursed and ketchup specifically has a grudge against him
Once the ketchup crisis is over, you two walk around munching on your hotdogs and just chat for a while. About the silliest things, mostly poking fun at each other over the small things that had gone on. Somehow he turns things that are incredibly embarrassing for you into genuinely funny jokes. He can always make you smile, that's why you came here specifically with him.
Then when you're done eating, you two decide to go check out the bull riding, because Leland is a cowboy and you want to see the most stereotypical cowboy things go down, not just because you love him, but because you also want to see him go flying off of a mechanical bull.
Unfortunately for you, Leland is also good at bull riding. And the whole time he's just smirking like he is SO smug it's really funny-- And another unfortunate event is that you are NOT good at it at all, and you're left a complete mess, hay in your hair and everything just staring up at him. He'd be stood over you, trying his utmost not to laugh while he holds his hand out, biting the inside of his cheek and resisting his urge to make some cheeky comment.
He'll help you fix your hair, though, and then he'll make some comment about how terrified you looked or something similar. He's a cocky boy when it comes to carnivals and anything that's stereotypically very country. Truly a very cowboy baby man, he is.
If you two end up going on any of the rides, Leland purposefully chooses to go on the one he thinks would scare you the most. It probably does end up giving you mild anxiety, and it's a perfect excuse for him to give you little cuddles and tell you it's okay. He also fixes your hair (again) and gives you THE cutest smile. He literally could light up an entire room with his smile, it's so sweet--
By the time you two leave, you have more prizes than you know what to do with. Of course, they're mostly from Leland, but he purposefully gets you whatever he spots you eyeing up prize-wise. He's annoyingly observant about these things. It's halfway like he's completely different when it comes to carnivals.
Either way, on the way home, you're both all smiles and laughs together, because Leland is the sweetest, purest little guy you've ever met. He makes sure you get home safe, and gives you a hug and a kiss on the forehead as he says good night to you and everything. He's so baby I love him!!! <3 <3 <3
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ─── I absolutely hc that anybody's parents would approve of you dating Leland, like he's the good boy everybody wants but few people deserve
#tcm game#texas chainsaw massacre#leland mckinney#leland tcm#leland mckinney x reader#leland mckinney headcanons#tcm headcanons#leland tcm headcanons
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Jeland hcs🌻🔪
(except it’s not a bunch of sexual stuff like how people make this ship/lh)

General stuff:
- Leland and Johnny both aren’t great at tending to wounds but Leland manages to get the job done (if not then Sissy helps with injuries, most of the time mocking Johnny for getting hurt)
- They enjoy spending time outside and since Leland likes flowers(hc), Johnny likes to get him new seeds when he leaves to go get stuff
- They do have their rough moments and things can get violent but eventually it calms down once they both get tired of being upset
- Johnny won’t let Hitch make fun of Leland in a serious way or else bro gets his ass beat for it
- Johnny had to hide Leland from everyone else for a while before it was even safe to let him roam, he didn’t want Nancy to hurt em
More violent stuff:
- Of course Johnny still kills, Leland doesn’t like it but he knows it’s what bro does
- Johnny gave Leland a scaling knife just to see if he’d help out, he ended up killing a few but felt awful after
- Johnny does assist in Leland’s kills to make things easier because they’re both strong n stuff and can kill quick
Fluff/sweet lil things:
- Johnny can be affectionate, aggressively grabbing onto Leland and pulling them both down onto the couch just so they could lay together
- Johnny likes neck kisses, grabbing Leland’s waist, and just overall messing with sensitive places for fun
- Leland prefers gentle kisses but will get into the touchy stuff if he wanted to with Johnny
- Leland is definitely the little spoon when it comes to the two of em, Johnnys arms wrapped around Leland’s waist as they doze off
-That’s all-
i love them if they can be the exception for one another and it can be cute

#jeland#leland tcm#leland mckinney#johnny tcsm#johnny slaughter#johnny x leland#headcanon#the texas chainsaw massacre#tcsm#tcm game#texas chainsaw massacre game
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college smut headcanons with the tcm boys and fem!reader getting it on. if you want one with the girls lemmie know ;) minors dni
weekly study dates with sonny and making out in the library. this man gets shy so easily and is constantly looking over his shoulder, even when the aisle is quiet and no one goes through it. as things gets more heated between you, the study dates take place in your dorms where sonny is more open and relaxed. you take control as sonny is not the most experienced, constantly asking for consent and checking if what you are doing is okay. he nods along, his heart racing a million miles per hour, wondering how he got so lucky with you. the study dates don't involve a lot of academic learning, but you soon learn this man is a natural at oral. his attention to detail lets him discover what makes you feel good, his tongue the perfect rhythm as he eats you out. his slender fingers fitting perfectly between your slick walls, showering you in kisses as he worships your body. he's too humble to know how good he's making you feel and how much his touch drives you crazy. he makes you orgasm effortlessly, holding your quivering body in his arms, bathing in your warmth.
danny likes to sneak into your dorm and surprise you when he gets off work. you tell him off, worried he will get caught. he doesn't care, he's been thinking about you and can't go another day without seeing you. distracting you from studying, wrapping his arms around you and engulfing you into a rugged, passionate kiss. a metallic smell clings to his clothes from his day of work, and they are quickly discarded as you rip off each others clothes and collapse onto the bed. there is a roughness to how he handles you, but it's powered with passion, his hands pressing hard against your skin and ready to relieve the stress that has burdened him all day. the way he fucks you is immersive, towering over you as his thick cock stretches you out. he's slow at first, looking deeply into your eyes, kissing your face and neck to soothe the temporary pain. he likes hearing you beg for him, being a slight tease, before giving you what you want. he fucks you deep into your cheap dorm bed, not caring how much it creaks, only focusing on making you feel good. he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, teasing you for liking it rough, calling you his sweet darlin'.
you end up stuck in seven minutes in heaven with leland at a party. the cupboard so narrow it's pressing your bodies together. even with the lack of light, leland can't help but check you out. your breasts press against his chest and his cock bulges against his tight jeans. you feel it too, and you're looking up at him so innocently he can't help but kiss you. it turns into a heated makeout. he grinds against you as he kisses your neck, and you muffle your moans into his shoulder. with the remaining five minutes, leland is fucking his cock into your hand, his hands cupping your breasts. you curse the small closet and the lack of time, wishing for him to be inside you and fucking you senseless. someone shouts '1 minute left!' and leland doesn't want to stop, using the last remaining time to kiss you. you both compose yourself, ready for the door to open, making a deal to meet up later and finish what you started.
#i like whoring up my favourite men#sonny williams x reader#danny gaines x reader#leland mckinney x reader#tcm game#texas chainsaw massacre#creepling.brainrot#smut headcanons
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Oh Danny Gaines the man that you are making me ramble about you
Besides Sonny I don’t really see a lot of Danny stuff and it breaks my heart like he’s such a guy, so today I give you my Danny headcanons!
I think Danny would be on the spectrum and have ADHD. He’d always tinker and fidget with whatever he can like if you give him a pen bro with destroy that shit within seconds. He’d bite his finger nails which keeps them hella short, Maria would try to get him to stop but of course it’s nearly impossible.
Danny would be a early bird mainly because he likes to do a lot of things in the morning and stay on top of tasks and routines whenever he can, but as soon as it’s like 9pm bro is in bed snoozing.
My favourite one is that Danny is Demisexual, i feel like it just suits him right and I kinda find some comfort in it.
If you tell him any ghost storys he would genuinely get so scared he would hate any ghost movies or even jokes. He belives they are real and if you tell him a house was haunted he would still act like the people lived there, just very cautiously and quietly. He could handle any other horror movie just not the paranormal.
If Maria or his friends don’t finish their food he would eat their leftovers like it’s no big deal even if the food is spicy. He lives for spicy foods.
When Maria brought Danny home to meet her family she was definitely very giddy but when Ana first met him she was like “Maria…why are you bringing a white boy home?” but then of course when she got to know Danny they got along very well. And when Ana started dating Leland Maria jokes about how those two are just a little version of herself and Danny.
Danny has a small stutter he’s grown out of it but it still shows up
#tcm game#texas chainsaw game#maria flores#ana flores#danny gaines#leland mckinney#headcanons#rambles
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new hc
danny is a stoner but is also incredibly smart, he’s an engineer & had a full ride scholarship to texas university
#tcm game#texas chainsaw game#leland mckinney#ana flores#julie crawford#sonny williams#connie taylor#maria flores#danny gaines#danny tcm#tcm headcanons
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leland 🔛🔝

#lgbt#icon#pfp#lgbtq#icons#pride#lgbtqia#headcanon#TCM#Texas Chainsaw Massacre#leland mckinney#TCM game#Gay#Mlm
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just thinking abt a leland hug. leland hug. silly little guy lelawn
the things i would give to be hugged by this man include but are not limited to my soul, any internal organs he requests, and my life savings.
his hugs are definitely just like- they are the definition of a hug. doesn't matter if he's trying to comfort you, show his affection, or just greet you with a hug. It is a hug. and he is a hugger. i mean, like, he's built for it. side hugs, full hugs, quick hugs- doesn't matter, they're all super warm, reassuring, etc.
plus he definitely smells really good. like, it's cheap cologne cause he doesn't have much money, but he lets ana or julie pick out the scent so you KNOW it smells good. not like the 70s version of axe body spray, it actually smells like cologne. and he switches scents up so its always something new.
i can also see him doing the thing where he rocks whoever he's hugging, like he hugs them super tight and then rocks side to side as he's chuckling and- UGH. god i love this man sm you have no idea anon.
also... he rubs his hands over the other's back, and- have yall SEEN? HOW? BIG? HIS? HANDS? ARE? they are HUGE. shockingly so.
this is a screenie i took cause it looks like he's hugging/holding ana and i thought it was cute (it's also very fitting for this prompt) and-
WHY IS IT SO BIG? WHY ARE HIS FINGERS SO LONG??? ive never been so happy to have a thing for hands holy hell the DAMAGE i would let him do to me
but yeah. rant over. thank you for the brain juice anon <33
#tcm game#tcm#leland mckinney#leland mckinney fluff#leland mckinney headcanons#leland mckinney x reader#leland mckinney tcm#tcm game fluff#adapting to leland mckinney
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Victim Headcanons Based on How my Friends and I play them
A/N: I have been playing so much texas chainsaw massacre it's not even funny. It's my new special interest so stardew things might be a little slow for a minute until I get this out of my system. Also it's quite literally based on how we play so things may be ooc!! Can you guess which one I main?
Tw: cursing, some blood and violence.
Genre: headcanons, shitpost, crack post
Wc: maybe 6+ for each? Not very long
Will get into a fight with the Family. Absolutely does not care
Yes he's cut up
Yes he's bleeding
But he refuses to die until he gets to push someone down and stab grandpa at least once
Usually dies second or third
Very dramatic
Favorite insult is "whore"
Usually says "uh-uh absolutely not" when someone comes to try and kill him
Gets killed by Bubba like 60(sixty) percent of the time
Will fall on top of you in the well you better hurry up and move
Hates Bubba and Cook the most
Goes silent when about to say really bad words
Scream queen
Talks to herself, her teammates, and the Family
Sings while walking around to try and stay calm
Will purposefully get killed by Johnny if she has to die
Jumps out of the window no matter what
Wants desperately to be violent and fight back
Is not allowed to
Best at hiding
Either dies first or is somehow the last person alive
"Oh my god why am I bleeding so much?"
Launches herself down the well
Feels bad for bubba but hates him chasing her
Is constantly lost
Is constantly confused
Most used insult is "idiot"
Specifically hates Cook and Cook only
Wants to stab grandpa but never gets the chance
Goes "oooh johnny~" whenever he kills her
Will die just to get a chance to flirt with him
Goes back to help everyone
Dies trying to be nice
Good at sneaking around
Usually gets killed first or last
Feels bad for escaping without everyone else
Quick and sneaky
Lockpicking queen
Nervous when moving around
"Should I do this or no?"
Most used insult is"eat my ass"
Screams in lowercase
Slams doors in peoples faces
Hates Cook the most, thinks Sissy is the scariest
The well is her best friend will always go down it
Usually gets slashed on her ass and it bleeds EVERYWHERE
Cute laugh
Somehow lives by leaving everyone behind
Claims that she was just going ahead and would've come back
Super helpful and actually good at surviving though
Is quick and quiet unless being chased then is super loud
Kinda dumb and does not pay attention half of the time
Does not listen, bad at directions
Usually dies from blood loss
Good at dodging
Decent at teamwork when she tries
Usually last victim standing
"Ha ggs"
Provokes everyone into anger
Hates Hitchhiker most
Is dirty
Constantly flirts with Ana in a non genuine way
It's literally just to be annoying
So none of my friends nor I play him so....
This is based off of when I have played with randos
Usually gets killed first
Super good at hiding
Sorta stupid but helpful
Tries really hard but never lives
Gets killed by Bubba most of the time
#texas chainsaw massacre game#texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#tcm game#tcm headcanons#tcm shitpost#texas chainsaw game#texas chainsaw massacre headcanons#tcm julie#tcm connie#tcm ana#tcm leland#ana flores#leland mckinney#connie taylor#sonny williams#julie crawford
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Have y’all ever noticed how Leland looks a lot like Pink from Dazed and Confused? I swear Gun must have taken some inspiration from him; even Leland’s backstory matches Pink’s ( minus the football, replaced with wrestling )
I mean look at his party outfit! Tell me I’m not crazy 😭 ANYWAY rant over I just wanted to share with my fellow Leland appreciators 💕

#tcm#texas chainsaw massacre#leland mckinney#Texas chainsaw massacre game#leland mckinney headcanons#tcm writing#faceclaims
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I’d like to think that when Julie learns that Leland wrestled in high school, she gets him to teach her some moves and then proceeds to playfully use them against him for the rest of their lives.
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Leland HCs, because he died in Chapter Four
My heart has been broken by fanfiction countless times with Leland dying omg. (You know who you are) Anyways so I decided to write some Leland Golden boy McKinney HCs!!! They're mostly for my comfort and my inexplicable thoughts. Went from Leland hater to Leland brainrot real fast. Thank you, fanfiction authors! You're a gift to the planet <3 Not used to writing for characters that aren't my ocs, and these are purely my own comfort hcs, so hopefully you guys don't mind my little contribution to the fandom. I might post other hcs if people want? idk Side note: These are also kind of somewhere between "soft boyfriend" and "part time group dad" energy, interpret these how you want. :D
He's not big on slushies originally. Probably not a big fan of cold things generally with a few exceptions of course, but he can't resist seeing you so excited to try the new flavour and wanting to drag him along. (At the time, probably blue raspberry. It came out in '74!) And of course, he'll go with you. You manage to persuade him to try it. He winds up enjoying them quite a lot. Blue raspberry is his favourite from then on, though you can never quite tell if it's the flavour that he likes or the fact that you introduced it to him.
He doesn't like hot custard. Can't explain that one, it's just a thought, honestly. But he'd rather die than eat hot custard, he just doesn't like it lmao
He absolutely has a thing for you wearing his shirts or if he has a jacket on, his jacket at the time. Especially when it's colder out, and he knows he can help you warm up. He protects his friends from literal cannibals in game, so why not from the elements too? And to build on this, I also HC he doesn't really like leather jackets because of his arms. They're always tight for his shoulders. But he still wears them sometimes for style points, you know what I'm saying? (When I say "a thing" here it means his heart is swelling and he can't stop smiling. Proud dad, maybe happy boyfriend, I dunno I'm just here for happy and alive boy Leland)
He gives the best hugs out of the whole group, for sure. He's always warm to the touch, even in winter, it's like he's literally got a built in heater or something. Plus, look at him. He is literally built for hugs. Wrestle hugs? Are those a thing? They are now I said so He'd definitely have anyone he cuddles with feel safe when he holds them. (He also prefers to be hugged around the waist than higher up his body.)
If you ever go out to watch a movie with him, you're absolutely leaving there laughing. Leland is a master of comedic timing and stupid comments. He'll find a way to spin any movie to be a comedy. Horror, Romance, anything. He'll make a terrible joke, and it'll be funny. Maybe less because of the actual comedic value, more in how he delivers his jokes, or how he ends up laughing halfway through them and ends up laughing also. His laugh is infectious.
Leland gives me dad joke energy. I will not elaborate.
He is literally just such a ray of sunshine. He's a bit dim-witted at times (it's ok bb me too <3) but he makes up for it in how pure he generally is. He's a good shoulder to cry on, especially while hugging him (literally speaking as well as emotional things- sorry, I'll shut up about his arms now). He might not be 100% certain how to comfort you most of the time, but he's trying his best.
One thing I can conform for an absolute certain is that he has the most banging record collection anybody has ever known. Man has brilliant taste in music. Queen, ABBA, that whole vibe is his favourite to listen to. He has a collection of vinyls he tells nobody about. You're probably the first to know, likely from him knowing the words to things like Killer Queen especially.
His favourite song, however, is definitely Hooked on a Feeling. It's just... I can't explain it. He'd dad dance to this, for sure. He's just a little silly goofy boy <3333
If you're the type of person that sees fluffy and/or soft hair and immediately wants to braid a bit of it, he will gladly let you do so. He'll probably have to lean down for it to be more comfortable for you. He doesn't care if you're a bit messy or not used to braiding hair properly, he'll happily keep it in for a day at least. He has the SOFTEST hair anybody has ever known, he's just a very fluffy boy and I love him.
In the winter, if you forget to bring gloves or whatnot, he'll hold your hands to warm them up. Referring back to the little portable heater energy thingy we've got going for him. Also, doesn't matter who you are his hands are always bigger than yours even if it's very slightly.
He gives me golden retriever energy he's so baby That's it that's the post, love y'all, thank you for coming to my Ted Talk <3
#tcm game#leland mckinney#leland tcm#texas chainsaw massacre#tcm#headcanon#wholesome#we love not being able to tag#I'm new here#hhhhhhhhhh#anyways so he's very baby and I have big brainrot over him#blaming my fave author <3
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Headcanons for Leland🌻
sooo like i may end up repeating some stuff ive said in previous ones bc i dont pay attention
- Hands HATES Leland and has tried to kill him multiple times, choking him, shocking him.. and it’s mostly because Nancy wants Leland dead
- Nancy’s ability gives Leland such horrible migraines enough to make him ill, laying on Johnnys couch just trying not to vomit
- He has taken a lot of shocks from Hands traps just to get people out which ultimately means he gets attacked by Hands if he’s not quick enough back to the shack
- He gave up the will to escape a long time ago, resorting to staying by the shack and tending to flowers.. though Nancy thinks he’s useless when it comes to family business
- Leland has to constantly be tended to by Johnny, Leland getting into fights does remind Johnny of himself a little and he doesn’t like it
- Leland doesn’t think he’s ever going to be good enough, he’s not strong enough to stay alive anymore and he fears for his safety
- He will curl up on Johnnys couch if he’s gone and just cling to anything that smells like Johnny, it makes him feel calmer and safer even though Johnny isn’t home
- He isn’t afraid to fight Hands if it’s for a victim he’d gotten close to, he will barge and grapple that mf like crazy, though it always mostly ends bad due to Leland’s constant injuries and not allowing himself to rest
- Speaking of resting, Leland won’t unless he’s forced to, he just wants to do something useful all the time and wears his body out. Sometimes he doesn’t have enough energy to climb onto Johnnys couch and he sleeps in the floor, Johnny coming back to his shack to move him to the couch
anyway, enjoy🫶
#leland mckinney#leland tcm#texas chainsaw massacre game#tcsm game#the texas chainsaw massacre#txchainsawgame#johnny slaughter#johnny sawyer#johnny x leland#leland x johnny#lejohnny#jeland#johnny tcsm#headcanon
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i always wondered how the survivors became friends in the first place so i got some headcanons:
they're all college buddies, and honestly i think they all met through parties (since they vary in age).
in my mind leland is floyd from dazed and confused. like, they're the same person. quarterback turned stoner. leland didn't continue with wrestling in college because he got more into the hippie/rock scene and fell in love with music and loving life. i still see him lifting weights and keeping fit tho.
leland's venture into flower power then lead him to meet his girlfriend; ana. she loves folk music, pottery, political activism. will stand up to injustice at any cost. leland digs her confidence, even if she is stand-offish to his reformed jock persona. she soon warms up to his kind eyes, not being able to deny his handsome ass any longer.
then connie is ana's bff. farm girl in the city for college; a fish out of water taken under the wing of a girl's girl that has her back. a girl in STEM, smiling through the lecture halls dominated by men. working 2-3 part time jobs because she can't stay still.
sonny notices connie in his lectures and can't help notice they are both minorities in a white, male filled field. it's what motivates them to band together and get through the semester without feeling like outsiders, and connie's confidence rubs off on him. for the first time in his life, he doesn't feel like his only friends are the people in his dnd campaign. but hey, now they're friends, and she invites him to hang out with her friends. and now sonny feels less like a loser.
julie ties them all together with her parties. she's there on a sports scholarship, and the sport and sorority pals are pretty stuck up. she misses letting her hair down, surfing the waves, smoking pot on the sandy rocks. the gang look to her like an older, cool sister. she's the girl that looks mean (because she's popular) but is the nicest person ever. and her spontanious nature is what encourages them to hang out outside college, go on roadtrips, go to concerts and get high in tapestry drenched rooms.
#tcm game#leland mckinney#ana flores#connie taylor#sonny williams#julie crawford#scout.rambles#headcanons
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