rositabluemoon · 7 years
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inktober day 21 furious 
I did Leihah one of my ocs from the comic and yes this is some parts in the story about her being angry at someone but who?
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
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Leihah finally calm down still feeling upset of the newcomer. The others looked at her waiting for her explaiton. “We ..use to be a team…Daemon and I were assigned to the misson for the white fang hoping we’ll find more people like us to have peace and to see if we find anything that’s when we met them.” “Daemon, Lehiah meet Ewirn and his sister Aquamarine they’ll be working with you” said one of the generals. Aquamarine waved at them “you can call me Aqua for short” she said a smiled a bit. Ewirn other hand bowed a bit since he thinks to be gentleman. “Its a pleasure to meet you I hope we’ll get along ” said the white haired boy. Lehiah blinked at him snickers a bit, “no need to be formal North we’re all friends here.” “Its Ewirn” “Whatever” Daemon nuged his sister to be nice “come on Lehiah what did mom say about meeting new people?” Sighs “respect them and be treated how you wanted to be treated” she rolls her eyes a bit hating how he’s always the nice guy. “I’m sorry about that she isn’t always rude if you get to know her” “Its fine i’m use to it.” Daemon used to be a happy boy smiling and very protectful towards to his friends, sometimes he can be rude towards whoever mess with his kind or someone he’s close to as a family. Sometimes shy from girls when they flirt with him even though he has a sister but its different. He looked at Aquamarine noticeing she had been staring at him for awhile. She looked away blushing a bit scratching her cheek. He seemed to be confused at first wondering she looked away, “properly she isn’t to faunuses” he thought. He was used to people who doesn’t like his kind before he would try to talk them that they aren’t bad but ending up leaving not wanting to get trouble. He remembered what his parents had told them of the mistake they did joining the white fang. When his father Adam left the white fang he started working for General Ironwood. Telling him about the white fang and what he knows. Yes he had trouble with trusting with humans but he had helped with Blake and had to apologize to people who he has hurt esbically Yang. Aquamarine said something but he didn’t catch it. “What?” She spoked again “I….I like your eyes…they almost like gold” blushing a bit more of trying to be honest. Daemon stood there for awhile blinking a bit slowly his cheeks become a light pink then red to his ears. Realizing of what happened He has been flirted Leihah looked between them started laughing falling to the ground “looks like she likes you already bro!” She continued laughing holding her stomach. It didnt help the blue haired girl who blushed even more embarrassed. The brother just put his hand on his face and he has been telling her not to be so open minded. Daemon strcatch his back of his head, calling down a bit “uh thanks I uh like your eyes too” he admited he does he never seen anyone with white eyes. And thats where it began between them. ~~~~~~~~ After many months of working together and the name of their team is ELAD since Ewirn became leader and his partner is Leihah and as for other Daemon’s partner is Aquamarine and they’ve gotten along very well actually besides good at fighting. Though theres something up with Daemon same as Aquamarine, and the others knew why. They like each other but they never said anything. Daemon would get the blue flowers that matches her hair or white for her eyes and has been saving her quiet sometimes when she’s in a little trouble. While she asked him about faunaus and sometimes would read with him since he likes to read. But one day it all changed Daemon and Aquamarine were running from the white fang members, they were caught from spying on them when someone was behind them. The worst part is they knew who they were, the son of the tairtor to the white fangs while the other is the daughter of Shcnee family. Daemon cut the trees to block the trail they were in so it would slow them down. Aqua was breathing havley and was frighten when the members knew they were she couldn’t thought of what would happened if they were captured. Daemon was trying to call Ewirn telling him of what happened but wasn’t able to. “That’s weird this never happened before” he looked at his scroll checking if he had something like a bug or something but there was nothing. “Well looks like we’ll have to walk from here to find them hopefully there isn’t much grims on the way” he said while looking around of which way to go. “ to be continued
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
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Inktober 2: fire I'll be doing different inkober each one one tomorrow might be gore day for it #inktober2017 #fire #ink #pen #oc #leihah #myart
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
ELAD team
"Guess we should start going before the white fang catch us up" Aqua said when she finally calm down.
They started walking through the forset and hoping it'll won't be long to get back home.
It suddenly gotten cloudy so they have to stay up a tree from getting caught from the rain. Also to stay away from the ground so they won't come across grims.
Daemon tried again to call his team leader but still the scroll didn't work sighing bit leaning on the tree trunk. "Looks like it'll be awhile for us to get home."
"At least we have each other thats something right?" The girl said smiling and blushing.
Daemon blushed a bit then smiled putting his head on hers trying to take a nap.
"I guess your right"
Daemon suddenly woke up from his cat ear hearing from far away of where he is. He shift a bit so he won't wake up his friend who is still sleeping have her leaning on the trunk so she won't fall.
He got down to the ground to follow the noise he had heard. When he finally got there he saw a wolf like grim sniffing around.
He thought the grim was trying to find them so he reached one of his swords but then stopped when he saw a little grim come running towards to it that it seemed to be its mother.
He wasn't sure if he should attack or not but seeing between the little grim and the mother. He decided not to attack them since it doesn't look like they were going after him, he putted his sword back to it place then turned around to go back then met the another grim but much very bigger looking.
He screamed then fell back to the ground very surprised and shocked that he didn't hear it coming. He was too frighten to do anything and it seemed like the time has been slow down. He sat there for awhile now the creature didn't do anything at all just staring at the boy.
Daemon finally calm down a bit breathing heavily a bit confused that the grim hasn't done anything. The wolf grim walk past by him walking towards to the little family. Then he finally understood it was the father.
Daemon got up dusting himself thinking over of what happened then he heard someone *thank you*
He turned around have his sword out scared but didn't see anyone only seeing the grim himself.
The creature looked at Daemon for moment then walked away from his family.
The red haired boy was very confused thinking he must've been imagining things so he started headed back to where his partner is.
He finally got back to the tree sees her still asleep he didnt want to tell her of what happened thinking she won't believe him so he kept quiet about it. He kept thinking about the grims family, he wasn't sure why he or they didn't attack each other. Sure he has killed some Grims before but never thought of them having a family it was very confusing for him.
Daemon didn't noticed Aqumirne was awake.
"You alright Daemon?" She asked touching his shoulder. He nobbed trying to act normal.
"Yeah just had a weird dream"
"Oh wanted to talk about it"
He thought for moment but shook his head.
"I just want to get home I don't others to worry even more" he gets up getting his hook to.the tree so he and Aqua can get down. Aqua looked at him worried, but eventually went down with him anyway not saying anything when they walked through the forest.
Then suddenly they heard a snap turning around have the weapons out, for Aqua didn't see anyone but Daemon could sense his aura someone is watching them his ear flicked a bit.
Aqua was about to say something but Daemon pulled her hand and started running away not looking back knowing who they are.
"How many are they there?"
"Too many to count with one cat ear"
Aqua started running same space as him after she heard him said that. She suddenly heard a pipping noise from Daemon's pocket.
"About time!" He pulled his scroll out answered it. "We need back up now!"
"Why haven't you called earlier?!" Ewirn yelled even he was mad but then he was relived to hear his friend again.
"No time we need back up right now, there's too many white fangs chasing us."
"On it"
Daemon started to noticed that Aqua was getting tried of running. He put his arm around Aqua's waist, she was confused and about to ask but he had pulled her up, and holding her to his back which she got embarrassed.
"I can still run Daemon"
"Really? Cause you look like you were about to pass out"
She huffs holding his neck close giving in "protective cat"
"Little snowflake"
She laughed a bit forgetting that they were running from the white fangs. Then she saw some of grim bears "D-Daemon!"
"Trust me I know"
He took use clip hook out throws at the tree branch making sure its tight enough then pulled them up after jumping over one of the bear's head.
Landing savetly on the ground kept running, though he turn around surprised the bear hasn't followed them.
*I'll hold them off*
Daemon widen his eyes again seeing the grim bears where blocking them. He shook his head trying to focus though still thinking as if he's going mad. Aqua was shock that the grims helped but was more worried about Daemon and hoping they'll be home soon.
"Daemon what's wrong? Your acting if you saw a ghost"
To be continued the next one might be last backstory hopfully, sorry for bad writing I'm trying. >.<
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
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sorry if it looks kinda messy but I wanted to finish this still got a lot of script to do
Robert, Roberta, and Peal belongs to @doum-maple
Daemon and Leihah belongs to me 
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
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whoops Leihah seems not to like the girl wonder why hehehe
Robert, Roberta, and Pearl belongs to @doum-maple
Daemon and Leihah belongs to me
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
Daemon blinked few times seeing a bright light, hearing ringing in his ears, and blurings. He felt someone holding him while he could slowly hear his father's voice who sounded upset and his mother sobbing whispering "you'll be fine" reaptly.
His throat felt dry but finally spoke only like a gasping a bit, "m-mom?" When he coughed a bit he felt his chest was about to pop out and felt like he has been stabbed. Well then again he was stab from his partner which it still confused him but it still hurt of what she did and said to him.
Blake gasps a bit smiling a bit kisses her son's head "yes Daemon mommy is here and your going to be ok you hear me?" She looked at him, not caring if his left eye was red like her husband's Adam, and had some black ink mark on him. She was glad that Daemon was finally awake though she is too upset about what happened. Esbically Adam
Will be edit
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
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screenshot of the scene of the mystery girl the story will be post in a bit so this will be edit soon 
After Daemon had manage to stop his sister from attacking the blue haired girl he turned to her with blank emotions that he usually is but at beginning he was pretty shocked to see her in years after the incent between them. He then finally spoke “what is it Aquamarine ?” He asked acting like nothing had happened from the past, and even it was too painful of what she had done. it seems like it didn’t matter to him anymore while his sister other hand seemed not so easy to forget. Aquamarine seemed to be surprised when he spoke to her didnt think he would talk to her again. Though she was kinda glad he did though, she still feel guilty of what she had Done. She cleared her throt to fine her voice again after the attack that Leihah was trying to do. “I uh..I was sent to give you the papers from my brother..its for the mission that were assign for you both..” She spoke gently have the papers out, yet very awkward for her she curses her brother for making her to go to see them, fully knowing it has to stop and to move on before they have to missions together again like from their pervious life’s. Daemon nobbed a bit taking the papers to look through them, for a second his eye twitch a bit of his orders, and knowing Leihah won’t be happy about it. They have to be paired up with Aquamarine and her brother just like in their past. He putted the papers away, so the others won’t see even though they’re his friends he doesn’t want them to worry. Esbically Roberta, the girl he got attached to after her following him around, and him trying to push her away but ended up being close to her then anyone. Though Robert has been warning him to stay away from his sister but it didn’t stop the red headed girl to still hang out with him. Daemon has gotten use to her brother though he was never scared of him or anything just staring at him while Robert telling off at him thinking how much difference between the siblings. “thank you…I’ll see you later then” he said normally he was about to leave until he hears her voice. “Actually there is something I do want to talk about…. what happened..alone..” She said looking at the floor not wanting to see his eye of how damage she did not knowing he would changed so much. Leihah didnt like what she heard. She was about to protest but she saw her brother gave her look to leave. She clutches her fist taking deep breath then walked away from them not liking to leave them alone. Roberta was very confused of what she saw and how they are both acting she followed her angry friend wanting to know what happened but wasn’t sure if she would. Though she was worried about Daemon, and wondered how this girl knows him. He never mention about her or anybody then again only few friends he had in the past but never about Aquamarine. Her brother Robert wanted answers. “What was all that about?! And who is she?” He asked very confuse and freaking out of why Leihah would attack at some random girl they’ve never seen. Leihah was pacing back and forth to calm down. Pearl the other hand was trying to have Robert to calm down by smacking his face. “First let her calm down then maybe She’ll tell us” she said. It seems it’ll be a long day for the teens to understand of what’s going on. And thats the end of the chapter for now the next one might be a comic or another screen shot not sure when bit hopefully this makes up of my story so long to come out hope you like it @doum-maple Daemon, Leihah, and Aquamirne belongs to me Roberta, Robert, and Pearl belongs to @doum-maple
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
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wip! and yes sorry this won’t be the next chapter where Roberta and Daemon met but this is about a bit of Daemon’s past and someone was a part of it that made him didn't want to be close to anyone. This is months later when he’s doing a bit better to make friends since Roberta was hanging out with him often and eventually he gave up then gets out of his shell. But still be back away a bit from people and only ONLY let’s Roberta to be close to him since she understands how he is though she never hugs him ........or does she? ;3 hehe
Robert, Roberta, Pearl, belongs to @doum-maple
Leihah and Daemon belongs to me
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rositabluemoon · 7 years
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I’m gonna be honest I wanted to finish the comic in complete before I post it but I guess it was too much because of time I still have some sketches but for now I did two pages so thats something ^_^ anyways enjoy.
Daemon,Leihah, and mystery girl belongs to me 
Robert, Roberta, and Pearl belongs to @doum-maple
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rositabluemoon · 8 years
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I know its late but I wanted to draw it Daemon and Roberta #Rwbyoc #Rwby #Daemon #Roberta #oc #drawing #sketch @doum-maple is the owner of Roberta
Robert and Pearl and Daemon & Leihah belongs to me
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