mandaloriwren · 1 year
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Name: Lei'ti Aranxia
Role: Former Slave
Species: Twi'lek
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Age: 41 galactic standard years
Height 5'2", 157 cm
Lei'ti's family was sold into slavery before she could remember. When their mother died during an uneasy childbirth, Lei'ti was forced to take on the role of both older sister and surrogate mother - along with the help of a few other slaves. She thanks the stars that a Jedi came along, and was able to get Slovir out of there. He only did, though, because the Jedi sensed that the child was Force sensitive. Either way, Lei'ti ended up becoming the slave for a Hutt. For once, life seemed "stable," even if she hated being a slave to a Hutt.
Afterall, staying in one place for years of your life can make a place seem like the one thing you call "home." Unfortunately, after a rather terrible series of negotiations, the Hutt was forced to give her up to the Sith lord Xyrus Asha. She was then forced to put up with a Sith master she hated more than the Hutt, along with an Imperial agent that didn't seem to understand that the Sith is abusive.
Out of chance, or perhaps through the Force, her brother - long forgotten - came to rescue her. Yet even that didn't happen until she rescued him from the grasp of her Sith master. When she was finally free, she settled down on one of the Core Worlds to wait tables in some hole-in-the-wall. It may not be the most comfortable life, but it's a hell lot more comfortable than being a slave.
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oolathurman · 2 years
one day i need to make a list of ocs that are civilians bc I'm not sure how clear it is but. i have a lot of ocs that don't see combat, that are everyday people, etc.
these guys don't have clearance levels, they're not on any board or council or committee or whatever, they're just. average joes, for the most part.
drelan + alis
all of rakheshi's family
roskah, kinda? despite being jedi they are simply not a combat person.
i mean i think that's about it but damn i make a lot of npc like characters huh
i suppose technically i could add the dabarein siblings to the list since they're non-combatants but they're still like... privy to be a part of galaxy changing moments, if that makes sense.
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goodthinker · 11 years
I do wonder though... Lei'ti is Xyrus' slave. I suppose technically his agent, Y'ael, may as well be one too, but at least he has a uniform he can wear.
But with lei'ti, the obvious choice is the slave bikini. Thing is, I'm not too sure how comfortable I am putting her in one? Like, IC, she doesn't mind; she's used to wearing scanty clothes as a hutt slave. But as her creator, I don't know if I could put her in it IC.
I suppose some other skimpy armor could work, but I'd have to look through what's available. Hmmm....
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mandaloriwren · 1 year
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Name: Xyrus Raa
Role: Manipulator, Sadist
Species: Sith Pureblood
Gender: Cis Male
Pronouns: he/him/his
Age: 23 at time of death
Height: 6'1", 187cm
Faceclaim: Young Ralph Fiennes
Graphic description of disembowelment in description. Description of slavery as well as physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological abuse.
The Pureblood was a acid mix of contradictions: he was a misanthrope obsessed with physical contact, he hated dirtying his hands yet would carefully carve the flesh of living beings with intricate patterns and markings. He was consistent only in that he thrived in calamity, that he found joy and ecstacy in the pain of others, and he loved himself alone.
He was first thought to be blind to the Force, something he resented almost more than being the son of a slave or being a slave himself. It was a brutal beating from the other slaves of his father's household that seemed to trigger any sensitivity in the Force. Apparently, years of being told that his Sith father hated him, that his Sith father found no worth in him, that he was lower than any other alien slave his father owned, created such a hatred that the Force seemed to wake in him.
Though he was hardly strong in the Force, his hatred and temper made him a great Sith. He wanted to climb ladders, and he did so by carefully orchestrating deaths and mutilations. The first to fall was his father, found in his own bed with guts strewn across the sheets and ribs protruding out of the skin. Brain matter had been pulled out, and so were the eyes and tongue. He had done more to the body, most which remain unnamed.
The next to fall was his mother, the slave that bore him. She was already frail, and had done all she could to protect him, but he didn't see it as enough. How could he, when he was a Pureblood slave? He had left her womb outside her body, hanging the rest of her high in a cage above the roof, where birds pecked at her remains.
He grew powerful, not through the Force, but through manipulation, sadism, and every trait considered Good in a Sith. Nearly everyone he touched became prey to him, each dying more spectacularly than the last, and it was beautiful.
Despite it all, his favorite prey was a twi'lek male by the name of Slovir Aranxia. He was such a pretty twi'lek, and a Jedi as well: One that believed himself strong enough to kill him. Him, a Sith Pureblood, a being so perfect and above any other species, especially twi'leks. It was one of the many reasons why he kept a twi'lek slave as a pet, one who called herself Lei'ti. His other favorite pet was one given by Imperial Intelligence, a beautiful young human male by the name of Y'ael. And while Lei'ti was submissive (out of a beautifully crafted survival instinct), and while Y'ael was malleable, something he built to suit him perfectly, Slovir was something else entirely. Slovir was a Jedi he could break and tear apart and love with gentle kisses and claws down the skin. That twi'lek thought himself unbreakable, and Xyrus reveled in proving him wrong.
So it was to his irritation that he found his new toy gone one day. Luckily for him, it was easy to find the culprit: the twi'lek slave he owned, who he found out was the Jedi's sister.
He enjoyed punishing her that night. He left streaks across her back, ones he made sure would heal with as much scarring as possible, left her with a permanent limp and so many deep, dark bruises to press fingertips into later. He understood very well that she would call for her brother's help, and he would make her watch as he tore him apart. To his surprise and outrage, Slovir killed him instead.
The actual worst.
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oolathurman · 6 years
Things on OC instagram/social media accounts bc why not
(It’s bc I was listening to my sib talk about this one wannabe “socialite” who basically scammed everyone and their mother, but it got me thinking about instagram anyway???)
Also this got SUPER LONG so I’m throwing it under a cut. OCs included in this post:
Azukni, mention of her kids, her giant pet bird Lt. Green has his own social media account, her brother doesn’t really. Rakheshi, Xyraan, Fauli, Arif, Nalakii, Slovir, Lei’ti, Drelan, his AI child ALIS, Howlite, Davi, Wanwo, Ying Zii, Kara Wren.
Kara definitely runs warriormando.
Azukni - nearly entirely motivational quotes, along with family photos. She’s one of those Instagram mommies who puts her kids in super cute outfits and gets pictures of them grinning and laughing, and eventually she gets enough followers where she’s instafamous enough to get sponsorships from companies who want to sell their kids’ fashion line.
(bonus: her kids go on space neopets. Elanii is somehow ridiculously competitive about it, but Kadryd is just there to get infinite omelette and jelly and play mini games.)
Lt. Green - has already had a space twitter account in the past, when I still used twitter to any extent. Content wise, it reads something like probirdrights and hungry_birds back when it was nothing but unintelligible keysmashing. Which means ridiculous and without any sense of grammar or spelling.
Coshbyss - has made one (1) on his twitter account that hasn’t been active for years at this point. It’s hard to tell why it hasn’t been deactivated/labelled inactive at this point, and it’s very likely he lost the password too.
Rakheshi - runs a tumblr blog that’s JUST horrid puns and dad jokes all the time. Most of the time he creates his jokes + stories, he does reblog a lot of dad puns + dad jokes as well, and he has definitely made posts that generally started out with, “back in my day...” But he uses it to like. Not berate the younger generations, but serve as a warning? Like a “learn from my mistakes” sort of thing.
Xyraan - instafamous fashionista, model, socialite. Has ridiculously perfect photos all the time. Does she even have a bad angle? (The answer is no.) Photos include lots of outfits of the day, even if it’s definitely far too extra to be considered everyday wear, perfect matte nails holding something expensive, gifts that she’s gotten, selfies with friends that are ALSO perfect. Occasionally has a selfie with whoever she’s seeing at the moment. Maybe a few make up vids.
Fauli - don’t really talk about her anymore but she definitely has something (maybe twitter?) where she posts pics of her adorable service exoboar and occasionally mental health PSAs from the POV of a doctor. Actually, I think she’d have a youtube account.
Arif - doesn’t have one, or if he does, he doesn’t post on it and it’s probably one of those accounts that are barely active enough to be considered an active account, and no one can trace where it was sent from.
Nalakii - I... can’t imagine her having any sort of social media. Maybe she collects receipts for call outs on other Sith, but she would do so very privately so she can prove it without a doubt that Lord Whats-Their-Face isn’t actually working for the Empire. Or something like that. Anything that would help crumble whatever system exists.
Slovir - Also one of the toons I can’t imagine having a social media account. Or maybe he’s got this obscure myspace account that he hasn’t touched in forever.
Lei’ti - Space twitter, social activism based. Might have a youtube and have mini-lectures about activism as well.
Drelan - Github account where he helps people with their coding and also uploads tutorials in the most popular coding languages that exist in Star Wars. Is actually really good at teaching too, cuz he’s used to explaining things in layman’s terms. Probably fairly well known when it comes to the techie/coding side of the galaxy, but otherwise... Who’s Drelan????
ALIS - is a more sophisticated version of aiweirdness - aka that blog that gets an AI to name things like guinea pigs, paint colors, etc. Is actually run by an AI.
Howlite - Youtube chef. Channel consists solely of cooking foodporn and reviews on certain food brands, kitchen utensils, appliances. Specializes in Chiss fusion food. I’m kind of imagining it like those Korean food fusion trucks, except more refined since he works for himself and doesn’t run a food truck. But lots of spicy fusion foods :D
Davi - Also has an instagram account, though this one is less lux and more neon and outlandish. Definitely not sophisticated/elegant compared to their best fwb Xyraan. Probably has two accounts - a personal and a work one.
Personal one has lots of clubbing pix and videos, selfies with the bartenders at the bar they always go to (loud, proud, get used to it). Occasionally has pix of fistfight aftermath. Definitely uses lots of capslock in their captions and way too many hashtags.
Work one is their informal portfolio - pix of their work after they finish a piece, also designs for clients who want a very specific tattoo, etc.
Wanwo - Twitter account where he just liveblogs his life pretty much. He does use discretion when it comes to more classified things - eg most of his time as Outlander. Definitely takes pix of when he goes camping with friends and/or family, and honestly, those pix are so aesthetically pleasing, it’d make my city-born-and-raised ass want to camp.
Ying Zii - He might be a photographer as a hobby, now I think about it? And would focus on nature based photos - capturing moments that are otherwise unseen or unnoticed or that pass by too quickly.
Kara Wren - Definitely runs the warriormando blog on space tumblr. The grammar structures they use would definitely sound better in Mando’a, but the point isn’t the grammar structures but the message. Whether they run the blog seriously or ironically, is not clear. Probably a mix of both.
Otherwise, they’d maybe run a camping/nature aesthetic blog/instagram.
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oolathurman · 7 years
1-12 for your toons! :D
oc rivals ask meme
ahhh ty for sending a bunch in!!!
For each first mention of an OC, I’ll add their tag so that it’s easy to check out their stuff~ My main OC page is here, though it’s still undergoing renovations as I very slowly but surely add everyone’s profile images :’D
#long post ahoy!
Meanest VS Kindest
Meanest: Out of the living ones, Nalakii or Ming Long. Nalakii is intentionally mean for legitimate reasons, but Ming Long (one of maybe... two? movie era OCs I have?) is mean for stupid reasons or out of ignorance. If you include the dead one, then Xyrus is like. literally the most evil OC I have. Luckily he’s dead. (I don’t actually think I’ll talk about him for the rest of this meme just cuz like. He’s the Worst TM)
Kindest: Azukni. Undoubtedly, Azukni. She’s the mom friend and she is the best mom friend. She will research to the ends of the earth to make sure you get your vitamins, your sleep, your meds, and considering she’s like, a certified metal health therapist? She can make sure your mental health is good too. She also will cook for you (even if she isn’t the best) if you’re sick.
Tallest VS Shortest
Tallest: At one point, this might have been a tie between Coshbyss (6′3″) and Xyraan (6′1″), the latter who is almost always wearing heels that are at least 4″ tall. But now? Sorry you two, Tallest goes to Wanwo, who is literally so tall that he didn’t fit completely on screen in a cut scene at one point.
Shortest: Lei’ti and Athenyia are 5′2″ and 5′1″ respectively! I had forgotten that Athenyia was so short tbh until I checked out the heights I have listed on my page lmao.
Most humble VS Most arrogant
Humble: Well, this is where it gets hard. I have a number of OCs who are pretty self deprecating to the point of verbally hurting themselves? Though I don’t think that counts as humility. Either way, I think the winner of this category goes to either Coshbyss or his sister Azukni. Coshbyss is the self-deprecating one, but Azukni at least seems to recognize enough of her own self worth to not be verbally hurting themselves all the time.
Arrogant: If I hadn’t already said that I wasn’t going to count Xyrus, he’d be the most arrogant one. Arrogance, I personally define as “putting more worth in yourself, and bragging about it, than what actually exists.” A lot of my OCs act arrogant, but know their limits. Wanwo, Davi, Rakheshi, even Azukni’s daughter Elanii to name a few. Still, if I were to point out another arrogant character, it might fall to Nalakii. She’s the one where you kind of need to actually beat her in something before she believes she isn’t strong enough for said something.
Coldest VS Most emotional
Coldest: Xyrus again lbr Uhhhhh that category belongs either to Arif or Alis. As a spy character, Arif is definitely trained to not become too emotionally attached to whoever or whatever task is set before him. Alis, a literal robot, wasn’t programmed to have any sort of emotion based modules at first, though later they sort of learn what it’s like to express or show appreciation, at the very least, to their father figure creator Drelan.
Most emotional: ngl a lot of my characters are very emotional, and always express it. :’D Ummm, hmm. If we’re judging emotion based on how immediately someone explodes? Probably Wanwo. That’s what happens when you’re forced to be Sith as an alien in the Empire I guess???? :’D
Most chaste VS Most lustful
Most chaste: Here comes another movie-era OC! Roskah, whose FC was Donnie Yen before Donnie Yen was cast as Chirrut, is Super Fucking Asexual. Asexual, Aromantic, Sex-repulsed, everything. They just focus on making their lightsabers in peace lmao. 
Most lustful: Probably Xyraan this time! Davi might’ve tied with her at one point, but ever since Davi decided to become a full-time tattoo artist and ever since Xyraan decided to do her modelling/socialite-ing/sugaring full time, Xyraan wins this round. Her Sith!AU version has literally fucked her way up the Imperial Social Ladder, while her usual version still fucks her way up the social ladder, just not as aggressively. Well, constantly. If you’re into aggressive, she’ll do that, if you give her enough reason to. (Reasons, in this case, being social status, money, and clothes. :’D)
Most serious VS Silliest
Most serious: Probably Alis? They do slowly go from “complete stoic robot” to a sort of Captain Holt style “complete stoic robot that is sarcastic.”
Silliest: Rakheshi, undoubtedly. Even when he was Sith, he’d constantly be joking around to make himself seem like less of an important target in the Sith Empire. And then don’t even get me started on those dad jokes. Good fucking lord.
“Sleep is for the weak!” VS “Sleep for a week”
Sleep is for the weak: Davi Mingxin
Sleep for a week: Davi Mingxin
Listen, Davi is the person who will over exert themselves ten times over before crashing and not waking up for 72hrs straight. :’D Just in general, they’re usually a very extreme person lmao.
Happiest VS Saddest
Happiest: Azukni! Coshbyss’ sister!
Saddest: Coshbyss! Azukni’s brother!
This one’s interesting, bc it kind of shows the dynamic of how two similar characters can be completely different if you put them in different settings. I have no doubt that Azukni would be my saddest character if she were put in Coshbyss’ place, but she wasn’t. She was fortunate to have lived in a part of the galaxy where she’s accepted for the horns that crown her head, the tattoos that adorn her skin. Coshbyss wasn’t, though he remembers what that was like.
Darkest backstory VS Lightest Backstory
Darkest: Excluding Xyrus (again), it’d still have to be one of my Siths’ backstories. Though Rakheshi grew up in the Empire, Wanwo and Coshbyss didn’t. The two latter ones remember what not being discriminated as an alien was like. At least Wanwo remembered his sibling’s name though. Coshbyss didn’t, couldn’t, after being thrown into hard manual labor and various other tasks that was no good to his sense of self worth or his memory of Azukni’s name. I guess this might go to Coshbyss again, then.
Lightest: It’d probably fall to Davi or Drelan or maybe even Azukni this time. Davi honestly just wanted to get off Zeltros, same with Drelan with Glee Anselm. But Azukni is generally the happiest, and maintains that happiness, and is also a much more complex character than Davi “Hey let’s get smashed and have a three-way with the future Wrath because he has a big dick” Mingxin
Biggest eater VS Lightest eater
Biggest eater: Davi probably, again. They like indulging and frankly, with all the back alley fist fights and bar fights and everything else they purposely fight, they can keep all the weight off. Helps that they have that Zeltron liver for all the alcohol consumption.
Lightest eater: Considering she’s the most traditional Jedi I have, probably Azukni. It’s not that Jedi don’t put flavor in their food, but she was still brought up to eat fairly lean foods that suits her dietary requirements as a Zabrak. 
Most ticklish VS Cruelest tickler
Most ticklish: This will be someone I have yet to mention, but it’s prolly going to be doctor Fauli! She’s a chiss who, though grew up in the Ascendancy, was handed off to the Empire partially because they didn’t want to deal with her anymore. (She’s far too emotional and cheery to act like a normal Chiss. Why would anyone want to deal her? Though it looks like the Empire could use some help taking care of their Chiss allies stationed in their part of space... Maybe we can dump her into their very capable hands.)
Cruelest tickler: This will be someone I haven’t mentioned as well, and it’s Howlite! Howlite’s a Chiss dude who grew up in the Republic for various reasons. He’s hella fucking bad at expressing affection but apparently, tickling is one way he’ll do that. Maybe he likes teasing his loved ones????
Brainiest VS Brawniest
Brainiest: Well, this depends on your definition of brainy. Book smarts would definitely fall to Azukni, even if she has ADHD worse than I do. She’s both got attention deficit and hyperactive disorder, but she absolutely loves to learn. When she can manage, she’ll happily sit in a sunny corner and read for the entire day. And probably forget to eat because it’s such a good read! Lei, I’m learning about the history of the Jedi, it’s interest- babe, don’t laugh at me! Learning’s fun-- hey!
Brawniest: If we’re talking about pure, physical strength, probably Wanwo. He’s built like a strongman and with the Force, could probably pull more than twice his (and Vette’s and Theron’s) weight. Kara Wren, another Togruta of mine, is probably a more capable fighter though, since they grew up with Mandalorian training and later went to the Jedi to learn to channel their powers better. Davi, however, is always the most ready to fight. That includes battling with tongues for dominance. :’D
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oolathurman · 8 years
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Mah girls vs mah boys. you can do one of these over [here].
slovir is so short tho omf. he’s my second shortest, his older sister comes in first.
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oolathurman · 8 years
Art school AU? (i figure since you're in one it'd be easier to think up something)
3 sentence AU fic
y’know, surprisingly, none of my characters are really artists. specifically because i go to art school (and i don’t want to have a character seem like too much of a self insert.) (plus idk much about other majors)
not a pair so much as ‘a couple OCs derping around in art school’
Xyraan pulled back from her tablet, staring at the pattern with great stubbornness. “Lei’ti, how the hell do you come up with ideas?”
“By ripping up the canvas with my bare hands,” she retorted.
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oolathurman · 8 years
So guild has been completely revamped now, and there’s a new plot we’re following. Well, idea we’re following. Basically, we have a swoop gang now. Anyway I’m just trying to figure out how my characters fit in, so here we go!
Honestly though, most of my characters don’t fit in. A lot of them are leftover from what Vertical City used to be, a more Republic government based guild, so this is really different for me. Currently, only a handful of characters COULD fit in:
and, in extension, Alis
And as for the reasons they might fit in...
Nalakii would because she’s just a (mostly) independent Sith (apprentice until the start of KOTFE, but whatever) who doesn’t know what she wants to do, except for free slaves (because of her history as one) and crush the Empire. She’d join in mostly for those reasons, to finish off what’s left of the Empire and to get out as many aliens as possible. (Humans, she’s more ambivalent about.) I think her main issue in the gang would be that she wants power, a lot of it, and she’d probably always be fighting with the heads of the gang about it, unless she gets what she wants.
Slovir would fit in because he just kinda wanders around after the start of KOTFE. Considering that this specific swoop gang may be considering doing good acts for the community (e.g.; those biker gangs that protect the abused, that fosters animals, that hold back protesters at whatever events), I feel like he’d use that as justification for joining a gang. Since he’s force-sensitive (even if just mildly so), he’s likely going to be some sort of asset for the gang.
Lei’ti tags along because she needs to make sure Slovir doesn’t get himself into TOO much trouble. Where Slovir may be the brawn and poster child of whatever operation, she’s the one who’s actually behind it all. She’s the smarter, more cunning of the two siblings, and can see much further ahead than he can.
Athenyia doesn’t have much of a purpose other than “Leave me the hell alone” and “Let me hunt my big game.” I believe that she can hold a strong place in the gang, as long as she can stay mostly by herself or stay on a mostly uninhabited planet. Like Tatooine, which happens to be where the guild stronghold is lol. I don’t know how much of a hand she has for being a leader, though. We’ll have to see...
Drelan would be a great asset to the gang, since he’s a mechanic. He’s the one able to fix all the swoop bikes, the droids, etc. He still prefers to work on droids, though years of working in the Duros Sector and DEALING with swoop gangs for most of his adult life, he’s become very fluent in how bikes work. 
ALIS might end up in some sort of administrative position, as long as it were like, keeping papers in order, etc. As a droid, she’d be able to keep records straight. I don’t know if Drelan would want her in a defensive droid position, like what he originally programmed her to be, mostly because he loves her as his own child. 
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oolathurman · 9 years
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Game Typography Challenge
Day 13: Use your favorite color in a graphic
I like to keep my issues drawn It's always darkest before the dawn
I don’t have a favorite color, so I just went with a nice one for the font. And color coordinated everything else.
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goodthinker · 11 years
kingmonstrov replied to your photo “Lei’ti! :D I’m glad the name was still available, even after I deleted...”
Harbinger, where all the other characters of her story are uvu
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goodthinker · 11 years
"You idiot!" she cries out, blood leaking from her lips and tattered grubby hands grabbing at his sleeve. The larger Twi'lek stares at his sister, dumbfounded. He quite literally just killed her Sith master- one that had shoved her to the ground moments before- and she was calling him a fool? "You can't leave just yet! There's someone else here!" Lei'ti cries out in rage, pulling him with all her might back into the apartment. "You have to save him, too!"
Slovir follows his older sister down the hallway, now with his warm coat over her originally bare shoulders. "C'mon, hurry! He's gonna die or something, if you don't pick up your feet!" She's practically running down the hall, and he follows this sister he never knew existed until a few years ago. A few years ago was when he first came in contact with Xyrus. That was when he thought himself good enough to best the Sith, strong enough to overcome all the power in his thin, wiry frame. 
He wasn't, of course. His punishment? To stay the Sith's prisoner, a pretty face to add to his collection of toys. It so happened to be that one of the other pretty faces in his toy collection was a long lost sister who recognized his name, and it was his sister that was fiery and courageous enough to free him. She gained many scars that day, most of them visible across her abdomen. She was forced to see those dark streaks across her stomach every day, just as he had to face the scarred tissue in his facial features each morning.
Now, he followed that same woman through a doorway, to a human male floating in the air, an electric field of dark Force energy pinning him in place. "Stars," he breathed, "How long has he been here?"
"You really think that matters right now?" she hissed, cursing in Huttese. "Get him down! Xyrus put him up, now get him down!"
"Kriff, give me a moment, please!" He sighed, closing his eyes, inhaling sharply. He was relatively weak in the Force- He sat between the Jedi's average Force-sensitive and what the Jedi would consider Force-blind. Now, he had to call on that connection to peel away the stasis that Xyrus put up. Slowly, gently, carefully he pulls the man away from his stasis, because one wrong move can mean killing him. When Slovir succeeded, the human collapsed on the floor, sobbing.
Lei'ti was at his side instantaneously; Slovir took a moment longer. He looked up at his sister. All her brashness, and the hard, sharp edges she showed earlier, had completely disappeared- he wondered if he was looking at the same girl. "Y'ael!" she whispered, gripping the human's shoulder tightly. "Y'ael, are you okay?"
He said something in between choked sobs, but Slovir couldn't make out what it was. "Take me with you," he cried, "Please, please take me with you. Get me out of here..."
Slovir nearly scoffed, turning his attention back at his sister. "He's not joking, is he?" he asked, incredulous. She only glared at him.
"He's been under Xyrus'... 'care,' longer than I have been- by years, at least. I think Xyrus liked Y'ael more than he liked me, but that doesn't mean he was abused any less." Her hand ran through the pale head of hair that laid on her lap. "Any time he had a bad day?" she murmured so that only her brother could hear, "Either one of us took the heat. I... I was better at hiding. Comes with being a slave, I guess. Y'ael, part of his shtick from Imp Intel is that he has to put up with whatever his handler dishes out." She paused, glancing back at the sobbing human curled up in her lap. "I think you can guess what happened from there."
"Lei'ti, look. As much as I'd love to take him with us back to Coruscant, my ship doesn't have enough room as is- There's you, me, my padawan--" Slovir was cut off again, this time by a slap.
"You've got to be kidding me. Is this what they train the Jedi to be? To be worried more about their damn ship instead of someone's life?" Again, she cursed at him in Huttese, then something he wasn't sure where it came from. "No- I don't care. You worry about your stupid ship, fine. Get Y'ael out of here instead, leave me behind."
"I'm serious! We both know on a first hand basis how dangerous Xyrus was. Now imagine what we had to go through, except every day, for, oh let's just pretend five years." She let the image hang in his mind for a moment before continuing. "I know this guy who runs a droid shop here on Narsh. Get Y'ael out to safe space, wherever the kriff that may be, and find someone to heal him, or whatever you're supposed to do. He's been through more hell than I have."
Slovir sighed quietly, turning his gaze back towards the human. "Please," Y'ael pleaded, head still bowed and shoulders still hunched, tears still falling into the Twi'lek female's lap.
"... In all the time since we last met, I thought I grew as a Jedi. Figured I was better now, as cautious and as compassionate as I was supposed to be. Obviously, I still have a long way to go." Slovir inhaled and shook his head, shrugging. "Pack your things, or whatever else you need. I need to get us all off-world by nightfall."
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goodthinker · 12 years
There's this really odd relationship between Lei'ti (Slovir's sister and Xyrus's slave) and Xyrus. For the most part, she hates him completely- he's far too rough, doesn't really listen when she says the safeword during intercourse unless it suits him, he guilts her into far too many things and is generally abusive to her in just about every aspect of their relationship. But when Xyrus's looks start getting affected by dark side corruption (and therefore "hideous", which troubles him greatly because he's always been proud of his looks), he starts getting /extremely/ depressed and to some extent, even mellows out. At this point, she still hates him, but she starts using his depression to his advantage. She spends more than her (tiny) allowance buying nicer things for herself, roams around the place more freely, even gets away with going into forbidden rooms without him noticing. She'd probably even plan an escape to Nar Shaddaa, where she can hide out with Drelan until they have the money to go to Coruscant or find out where Slovir is, whichever comes first. At this point, I'm not sure if I want Slovir successfully killing Xyrus, or if I want Xyrus to commit suicide. If Slovir does it, there's a good ending/wrapping up of his entire ordeal with Xyrus, on the other hand if Xyrus commits suicide then it's like his own corruption killed him - though indirectly, I suppose.
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goodthinker · 12 years
lei'ti's fc is fan bingbing it's settled what a cutie i mean really now
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