#legit can't remember if i wrote this before or after day 4 teasers etc
mosaickiwi · 24 hours
(sorry for mistakes, English is not my native language) Hello, please forgive me if my request sounds stupid, but can I ask for a fic about a beach day with Angel, who spent a long time in a closed hospital far from REDACTED and is now almost glued to him, not stopping to hug and caress even for 10 minutes (I ended up in a closed hospital and still can’t go outside or meet anyone myeh( ̄へ ̄)). Please forgive me>_<
Hii I hope you're getting better and/or doing okay! And ofc take your time recuperating if so 💖💖
This is longer than usual since a little part of your other request is mixed in!! 🤫 ⚠ DAY 4 SPOILERS if you squint perhaps?? Go play that first just in case.
Beach "Date"
The afternoon sun was beating down on the beach, but you didn't mind it at all. You were cool and content to relax under a wide umbrella. And of course, your dark haired hacker sat with you—as if he could ever leave your side. Their arms were secure around your form to keep you close. Both of you were happy to finally be reunited, far too absorbed in your own little world.
“If I have… another second of this—” you could barely hear Teo mutter something. The waves crashing on the shore were too loud to make out whatever he was saying clearly.
“Mate, switch sides with me already,” Leon sighed.
You happened to bump into the guys on a secluded area of the shore, and your oldest friend was keen on offering an impromptu hangout. He knew you didn’t feel well enough to do too much physically yet, so was content just to see your face. 
Teo and Leon were bouncing a volleyball back and forth with idle chatter—Jae occasionally chimed in from where Maple had buried his legs in the sand—while you watched from the sidelines. Unfortunately for Teo, he had a perfect view of you and [REDACTED] cuddling on a beach towel. 
Completely unaware of your annoyed audience, you laughed as your partner placed a slightly too loud kiss on your cheek. 
“‘Missed you a lot, Angel.” His hair tickled as he pressed his lips again and again to any patch of your bare skin.
You had to roll your eyes at his over the top affections. “Really? I think I missed you way more,” you teased him back. Turning in their embrace, you decided to smother them with a few chaste pecks of your own.
Their cool hands gently pulled you even closer, until you were perched in their lap with no chance of escape. He whispered something that had you on the verge of embarrassment, and you lightly smacked his chest in response. You moved to stand up. 
"We'll be back in a bit," you said as you led your partner away by the hand.
"Sure, darl'. Be careful," Leon shouted in response, more concentrated on the ball sailing towards him. Instead of sending it back, he caught it with a surprised grunt and frowned in Teo's direction.
The taller man mumbled something else to your childhood friend as you left.
Fifteen minutes later, after wading in shallow waters to splash a certain someone for his comments, you made your way back to shore to find all three of the guys playing, Maple running between them as the ball flew overhead.
[REDACTED] hurriedly bundled you up in a towel without a moment of concern for himself. His wet hair dripped over their shoulders and chest as he sat back down under the umbrella. Their bangs were practically glued over their eyes like a curtain.
You didn't even wait for him to settle in before claiming your place in his lap again. Despite their appearance—he may as well have been dunked in a tank from how much you splashed him—it felt cozy in his arms with the fluffy towel. He looked a little silly.
"You're like a wet cat," you hummed.
"Yeah? Whose fault is that?" Before you could answer, he shook his head, flinging droplets on you as you playfully yelled in surprise. Their scarred hand brushed through the black mop of their hair to push it out of his eyes. 
Your amused frown did nothing to deter him from leaning forward to rest his forehead against yours. Well aware of the way his fingers drew familiar, soothing circles on your thigh, you kissed the corner of his mouth, then his lips for a long moment. Your cheeks felt warm from the adoring smile he held once you pulled back.
“Woah!” Jae’s sudden yell forced you to turn away, though you still clung to the man holding you. A ball and a golden yellow blur skidded past, kicking up sand right beside your umbrella.
The hacker quickly shielded you, though the towel kept most of it from even touching your skin. He dusted off what little sand was stuck to your still wet legs then looked up, eyes narrowing at whoever caused the commotion.
Teo stared back with an oddly smug expression while Jae ran after Maple. “Sorry, I can’t see much with the sun directly in front of me. My aim is pretty shit, too.”
“So’s your temper,” [REDACTED] muttered under their breath.
“What was that, buttercup?” Teo asked sarcastically. He rolled a shoulder and you realized all too late that he’d spiked the ball near you on purpose. You couldn't place why, exactly. It wasn't as if either of them had exchanged a word since you'd arrived.
“Y'got sand in your ears? I'll be glad t’come over there and say it again,” [REDACTED] almost stood up as they spoke, but holding onto you was more important to them. Teo still walked closer.
Leon got between them as fast as he could. “Hey, easy! No one got hurt, right?” he almost shouted. His gaze shifted between them before landing on you. “You okay, darl’? …Ren?”
“I'm fine,” you piped up, still surprised. It was a little shocking to hear your childhood friend voice concern for Ren as well. None of them had really warmed up to your partner yet.
You had to nudge him as a reminder to play nice.
“Great,” [REDACTED] answered, not even bothering to spare either of them a second glance. You put a hand on his back for good measure, and you could feel the tension in him already melting away from your touch.
Jae finally came back with Maple in tow, the ball in his hands and a large piece of driftwood in the retriever’s mouth as she pranced along. He broke the tension with ease. “Okayyy!! Maple kicked a lot of sand in my mouth digging up that stick. Sooo a quick break for drinks?”
The displeasure in Teo’s face didn't fade, but he still let the younger man drag him away to the pier. You could tell from the way Teo kicked up even more sand with each step that they’d take longer than a ‘quick break.’ 
Leon gave you an awkward, half-hearted smile in apology before jogging after the other two.
Once they were far enough away, you made a face at [REDACTED] as he played innocent with a shrug. There was no doubt in your mind now that he'd been trying to push Teo’s buttons. It was pointless to mention. 
He'd fawn all over you whether there was anyone around or not. He might’ve been a tiny bit less obnoxious about it, though.
You chose to take advantage of your newfound time alone and wrapped your arms around their neck. His blue eyes drew towards your friends far off on the pier for a moment, but you paid it no mind. There was a smirk on his lips just before he cupped your cheeks for another blatant display of affection.
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