#legendswap au
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sincerely-sofie · 6 months ago
roleswap travailshipping/just a roleswap between Twig and Ark in general got me curious, what kind of pokemon do you see the two being in that type of au scenario? I know it would probably make some sense to just make Ark a charmeleon and Twig a darkrai so it stays consistent with the spirit of TPiaG, but I wanna know what you had in mind nonetheless!
(Referencing this post)
The roleswap idea I had in mind was specifically a swap of who’s a Legend in the story as opposed to a traditional roleswap!
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Twig would replace Victini, while Ark would be a grumpy Noivern. Cresselia would be a Clefable trying to get back in contact with her estranged brother after they had a falling out as apprentices in Wigglytuff’s Guild. Twig would be searching for a champion to save the world, and ultimately have to settle for Ark, who is a selfish and bitter individual, out of desperation after she ran out of time to select her champion.
I’m uncertain about the rest of the gang, but Grovyle would be a zarude that raised Twig and Kip would be a manaphy she bonded with as a young Legend!
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thepalladium1 · 21 days ago
What if the Beasts and Ancients swapped?
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Once the beloved Hero who brought upon the gift of Knowledge to all Cookiekind, Blighted Orchid Cookie sought knowledge never meant for the minds of those baked by the Witches, succumbing to madness after learning what should have been left unknown. Now, the Beast of Revelation seeks to undo what he's started, blessing cookies with peaceful, ignorant bliss, forever unknowing.
Born of a thirst for knowledge, Luminous Cream Cookie dances on the edge of the foreign and the familiar, a storyteller draped in silks and half-truths. As the Light of Wonder, he does not seek to know all- rather, he delights in the unknown, weaving tales that inspire and questions that linger.
--- so im starting a new au LMAO
it's called LegendSwap, and the basic premise is that i take the beasts and the ancients and flip the script :) if this gets enough traction i might do more with them, but we'll see (thinking of doing an ask blog perchance)
next up: VOLITION
(blighted orchid redesign because i hate this one)
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ask-crk-legendswap · 2 days ago
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blog run by @thepalladium1, ill try and post at least one art a day lmao
Masterlist + Introductory Post
. . ?
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helen-birb · 2 days ago
I love @thepalladium1 legend swap au sm, and since they have a more humanized style, I wanted to see what these designs would look like in the cookie style
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Separate under cut
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thepalladium1 · 12 days ago
Part 1: "Overture"
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is it done? yeah. was this worth spending all of yesterday doing?
no probably not
Prologue // Next
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thepalladium1 · 13 days ago
Meet the LegendSwap Protagonists!
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These three will be swapping with Gingerbrave, Wizard and Strawberry in the events of LegendSwap :)
what about the chili pepper and custard? well. don't you worry, they'll come around eventually
some fun facts!
black diamond and crisp apple are biological siblings! im currently debating on whether they'd be full or half-siblings, though
fluffy haetae takes the place of gingerbrave, black diamond takes wizard's place, and crisp apple strawberry's :)
i added some personal touches to fluffy haetae to look more like a haetae from what i googled
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thepalladium1 · 6 days ago
Part 2: "Winding, Twisting Paths"
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Prologue // Previous // Next
a new challenger approaches
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thepalladium1 · 4 days ago
Swap Designs:
Happiness (TBD)
Solidarity (TBD)
The Main Gang
EF and DE
Red Velvet and Mercurial Knight
more coming soon
doodles 1
more coming soon
ask blog link coming. uh. soon, maybe ???
"What is CRK LegendSwap? legendswap started out as a little AU where i swapped the beasts and ancients but still kept their respective personalities, but it sort of spiraled into .. more than that. now its a swap au following the events of beast-yeast, just... you know. swapped (it's more nuanced than that though i swear)
"When are the Happiness and Solidarity duos coming?" when i feel like it. just kidding, i plan to add them to the au when their respective storylines release and i know more about them since i don't want inaccuracies between their dynamics or personalities
"When is the next comic chapter coming out?" wouldn't you like to know, weather boy
Chapter 1, Part 1
Chapter 1, Part 2
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thepalladium1 · 10 days ago
gonna spend a bit fleshing out the story of legendswap before i go ahead and just bullshit my way through it all, so ill try and post still but i might accidentally drop off the face off the face of the earth for the next few days or so (shouldn't be longer than a week, hopefully)
also to anyone who actually checks my blog feel free to send in asks . im bored
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thepalladium1 · 14 days ago
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thepalladium1 · 2 days ago
okay so . hello folks, specifically those who have followed me specifically for the legendswap comics! big announcement that may be disappointing to hear, but;
i will be discontinuing the comics where luminous cream and the trio explore beast-yeast.
before you all freak out, i swear i have my reasonings, AND a better solution! my reasons are that i started legendswap as an au that i didn't put much thought into, and when i made the comics, it also sort of followed this process. my point being, legendswap doesn't have a fleshed out storyline, only bits and bobs of various ideas floating around in a less-than-coherent jumble. following this, i've been thinking harder about where the comic's leading, and this made me realize that there's bound to be plotholes that i can't rework without retconning the already released pages. (e.g, since silent salt replaces white lily, how would i integrate him into the story this early on? what is white lily and dark enchantress(aka crescent faerie)'s ties to one another? how are the other ancients doing? what was the reason for luminous cream deciding to bring along the Trio on his trip to beast-yeast, considering they are just kids? etc etc, i could go on cause ive been thinking and yeah, it's just too much for me to reintegrate into the story as of now)
anyways, my solution! i polled recently as to whether i should make a legendswap ask blog or if it was simply unnecessary, and you guys have voted for yes! so that's what i will be doing to flesh out this au; i'll be making a part ask blog, part comic series where you can either ask me or the cookies directly questions that will, in turn, progress the plot and let you find out directly about the world itself :) im already working on getting the ask blog ready, and i hope to be able to have it out by tomorrow at the latest. (currently im just working on a banner, and... something else, but the latter is not important)
so! what does this mean for the comics so far? this means that, for now, they are no longer canon and should not be interpreted as such. you can see it as a short look into what i've planned for the dynamic between the cookies shown so far, though, as their personalities are still going to be depicted that way! im sorry to disappoint you all, i really am, but since im no longer flying in blind and have an idea for what i want for the au, i do think that this ask blog would work much better than a chronological order comic. (plus, it means you can see and interact with your favorite cookies sooner rather than having to wait months on end just to see them :) ) (the prologue is still accurate to what i have planned, though, so that can still be interpreted as canon)
i understand how disappointing this sounds, but this is genuinely what i feel is best to expand on the au moving forward. thank you all very much for your support for the au so far, and i hope to continue to make more legendswap content for you all for a long while!
- thepalladium
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thepalladium1 · 9 days ago
In your LegendSwap au, who replaces Elder Faerie?
hey, thank you for asking :) i plan for Dark Enchantress to replace Elder Faerie! Elder Faerie's name in this au is Twilight Archfey cookie, and DE's is Crescent Faerie cookie
(these names are possibly subject to change but they're what i got for now, im also trying to work out how the split soulstone thing between DE and white lily would even work, so it's still a work in progress lmao)
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thepalladium1 · 4 days ago
feel like i made a mistake turning the legendswap au into a chronological order comic when i think it'd be better to release it in doodles or spontaneous bursts, what do you guys think
or i might just make an ask blog. let me know what you prefer
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thepalladium1 · 2 days ago
I love your art and au aaaa it makes me wanna draw art for my own AU but I feel like it’s too far fetched. Keep up the awesome work!
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hey so like everyone should go check out this person's stuff it would be so cool and awesome and sick and if you guys do so ill release legendswap chili pepper and nutmeg tiger cookie's design so, you know. chopchop
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thepalladium1 · 6 days ago
I love your legendswap au sm! If I would to hypothetically draw your swap design would you be chill with that? hypothetically of course *wink*
ARE YOU KIDDING ME ??? YESYES that would be so amazing it would genuinely make my whole WEEEKKK
(going forward, anyone that wants to doesn't have to ask whatsoever, feel absolutely free to make fanart of my au !!)
hypothetically . of course :)
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thepalladium1 · 4 days ago
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blighted orchid redesign because i swear to god if i have to look at that first design garbage one more time im going to have an aneurysm
What if the Beasts and Ancients swapped?
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Once the beloved Hero who brought upon the gift of Knowledge to all Cookiekind, Blighted Orchid Cookie sought knowledge never meant for the minds of those baked by the Witches, succumbing to madness after learning what should have been left unknown. Now, the Beast of Revelation seeks to undo what he's started, blessing cookies with peaceful, ignorant bliss, forever unknowing.
Born of a thirst for knowledge, Luminous Cream Cookie dances on the edge of the foreign and the familiar, a storyteller draped in silks and half-truths. As the Light of Wonder, he does not seek to know all- rather, he delights in the unknown, weaving tales that inspire and questions that linger.
--- so im starting a new au LMAO
it's called LegendSwap, and the basic premise is that i take the beasts and the ancients and flip the script :) if this gets enough traction i might do more with them, but we'll see (thinking of doing an ask blog perchance)
next up: VOLITION
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