#legend of zelda box
31jindo · 9 days
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The Legend of Zelda. Always a popular choice. Walnut or cherry wood used on the box, it has been a long time. It has that puzzle piece design without being real dovetailing. Was asked just before I handed it over if it could have a Nintendo charging base added to it. I admit that the quickly added charge port could have been much cleaner.
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A copper coin with the Triforce cut out. The border lines are not even remotely close. It was a good idea, I just preformed it poorly.
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild journal. All I did was cut the logo from brass sheet metal and adhere it to a green journal.
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Other journals with anodized aluminum plate Ocarina and the Majoras Mask logos.
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Link leaping into action. Found the stencil on Pinterest. Put lime green plexi behind for contrast and cut the design from aluminum plate.
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Used my old Detail Saber Master IV pyrography set to burn this box. It has the prow of the King of Red Lions on it. Its the sailboat that Link uses in the Windwaker I think. I added Hylian script, but I don't remember what it was supposed to read.
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clowns0up-felix · 1 month
re: modern au stuff. this might be too Specific but theres a grocery store chain in northern europe called prisma and their logo looks like the triforce. and their uniforms are green. do with that what u will
(that said ur idea abt link being a cook is 🤌🤌🤌very good)
Thereee we go! More modern au stuff, I tried (I dont have an ounce of sense for fashion, don’t be mean pls aaaaaaa!!!!)
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I had never heard of that Prisma store before, but I really wanna visit one one day and take a pic! are there any in Sweden? I recently was there and didn’t see any,,, I didn’t draw any Links working there because I genuinely couldn’t think of one where I could see them working in a grocery store,, like wolf and time on a farm, wild as a chef, sky as maybe police or smth like that? Since he’s a knight?
also, Oot Link gives me fishing dad energy? Yk what I mean? I can see that
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limited-hero · 6 months
Did Time ever find his Navi 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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Time belongs to @linked-maze And NO. He did not find Navi yet.
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cheese-doorstop48 · 8 months
Doodles of fictional crushes...🧍‍♂️
I can't even explain some of these guys
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n64retro · 2 months
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The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
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saltycatfish · 11 months
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Made this for a wallpaper!
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thecrystalkid · 1 year
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sometimes self care is drawing that one scene in skyward sword
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amanitacurses · 1 month
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zoroshark · 1 year
In the drawing where Rauru and Sonia get in the pond or lake or w/e,
I have a quick question, how does Rauru dry off all that hair after??? Does Sonia just rewind time to before his hair was wet??? You have burdened me with questions and I must share them with the world
I have thought about ways Rauru can dry off of all that hair! The time suggestion is a good one, so here are doodles of Sonia helping out with her time powers!
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I have the other ideas drawn out, but I'll post them later. This will be part one of the ask!
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eliounora · 2 years
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in this light you’re mine
[Image ID: Fanart of Zelda and Midna from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Zelda and Midna are standing side by side against a dark background, Zelda with her back to the viewer and Midna facing the viewer. Their arms are linked and they are looking at each other intensely, their foreheads almost touching. Both of them look determined, Midna has a small smile on her face while Zelda looks serious. There are little light blue stars around their faces. /End ID.]
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[Image Description: A 8 paneled colored page for Linked Spirit Legend of Zelda AU. Panel 1: Sky stands in front of Glider, holding his hands together while Glider looks forward with a slight frown. "Sorry for him... I'm Link. Well... We all are. This spirit brought us here and-" Sky says. Panel 2: Hero's Spirit looks over Wolf Link's head, looking like Glider, nervous. Panel 3: Glider notices them, a flash background, eyes wide. Panel 4: A breath of the wild style dialouge option box reads "Is that me?" or "Goodbye". Goodbye is selected, and Glider waves, turning to walk down the pathway. Hope grins, "HA! Good riddence." Panel 5: Sky holds out a hand, eyes wide, "Wait!" Panel 6: Glider glares backward, and whistles, hands to his mouth. Panel 7: Wolf Link turns his head to look, brows furrowed. Hero's Spirit still holds onto him. Panel 8: Wolf "ARK" barks at Glider, who halts, looking down with furrowed brows. Hero looks on with wide eyes. End ID]
Anyway, happy EoW Day, I did not intentionally queue this for EoW Day but here we are!
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weepingtalecowboy · 22 days
Fanfic prompt inspired by a meme I made about windwaker link being capable of using light magic for some unknown reason :
The chain get overwhelmed by a bunch of monsters
They are already starting to use up their fire and ice arrows and legend even fired a light arrow already
By then Wind also joins in and they managed to make it out alive
Legend complains about how rare the arrows were and how much he wasted and asks wind how many he has left as well
Because Wind fired quite a few of them
Wind just hands him his completely normal arrows
Sets one on fire for example
And legend freaks out internally because that is just an arrow
There is no magic in it
And the fact that wind has to drink a magic stamina potion
Implies that it is his magic
And he can accept magic users on the chain considering that Hyrule has it
But why does Wind have light magic
It is usually a Zelda only ability
So does it mean that…
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linkbetweenlinksau · 11 months
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Some references and written descriptions of the lbl boys. I’ll update the rest later, but for now, take Sky, Minish, Time, Legend, Hyrule, and Twilight.
Please for the love of all things that are holy read the tags and don’t tag this as LU
Next one
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limited-hero · 8 months
I was wondering, how big would the Light Dragon be in comparison to Link's full dragon form.
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he tiny
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turbofanatic · 1 year
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The Hero Victim of Time
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la-sera · 8 months
Hi Sera!! I saw that you were looking for some new Downfall Duo content, so I wrote you a little something. It’s short but I hope it helps lift your spirits a bit <333
It’s a calm night, for once.
Hyrule gazes into the flickering flames, letting his brother’s voices drift around him like floating fairies. He is too tired to join in tonight. But merely listening is enough. Being here with them, being safe and full and warm, fills him with a happiness little else conjures.
It’s like the magic of his sisters — all softly sweet, precious, mysterious. Blink and you’ll miss it.
So, he keeps his heavy eyelids open. Because never in a million years did Hyrule think he would have something like this.
Off to the side, Wild and Twilight and Time bicker about something, even as they sit close. Their voices are light and teasing. Smiles rest on worn faces.
The two younger heroes have broken through the older hero’s quiet cautiousness. Their grins tell of their pride in doing so.
Wind and Warriors snuggle not far off. Warriors is telling a story and every so often, Wind breaks in with a question or exclamation.
Four is close by, pressed against Sky’s side, a book in his hand and his ears perked to hear the captain’s tale. The Skyloftian works quietly away at the block of wood in his hands.
Which leaves Legend.
As soon as they had finished setting up camp, the veteran had not-so-subtly situated himself beside Hyrule. And now, as if on cue, his head thunks softly against Hyrule’s shoulder.
He looks down, barely suppressing a giggle at the sight of the veteran propped against him. He had relaxed as soon as he had sat down, but in this moment he is practically asleep.
Eyes half-lidded, body relaxed, Legend watches their brothers with a lazy smile on his face.
Seeing him like this is a special thing not lost on the traveler.
He trusts you, something inside Hyrule whispers. A grin tugs at his lips.
“Don’ laugh,” Legend murmurs, just the barest tinge of irritation in his tone. “‘M tired after all that walking.”
“I wasn’t gonna laugh!” Hyrule retorts. Quickly, he shoves down the chuckles still pressing at his throat.
Legend is scowling now, though he looks no less sleepy for it.
…Or content. He cuddles in closer and Hyrule rests his head atop the veteran’s.
“Were too. I can see it on your face, Rulie. You find my exhaustion…comical.”
Hyrule’s grin grows. “Okay, maybe a little bit.”
Legend closes his eyes, a victorious smirk on his lips.
“Knew it.”
Hyrule doesn’t reply. He is growing sleepy now, and is more than content to merely let a comfortable silence blanket them.
A wisp of his magic drifts toward Legend without conscious thought. Gently, protectively, it wraps around him, like an embrace. The veteran relaxes further beneath its touch.
“Hey, Ledge,” Hyrule murmurs after a long thread of peaceful moments.
Legend shifts, slightly. “Hm?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever told you this but…” He sighs, a soft smile on his lips. “I’m glad that we got to meet.
“I’m glad that you’re my brother.”
There is a long, drawn out pause. Then, Legend replies in a voice thick with something other than sleep.
“Yeah…me too, Rule.” He moves once more, maneuvering into a more comfortable position. “Now, if you’re done with the mushy stuff, I’m goin’ to sleep.”
Hyrule grins, knowingly. “And you’re gonna use me as a pillow?”
“Seems that way.”
Rolling his eyes, Hyrule chuckles. “Fine.”
Really, though, being the veteran’s pillow isn’t so bad of a fate (yes, even now that Wind and Wild are creeping over to snap a few photos for future blackmail). Maybe, Legend will actually be able to sleep tonight.
And maybe, just maybe…so will he.
OH MY. Did you write this on purpose for me? Sorry for disturbing your time, you didn't have to do that. I really thank you, I like this. So much. I read it while lying down, and maybe I read it more than 5 times. I miss Downfall Duo.
I got the idea and immediately made a fanart from your fic. Hope you like it too.
Once again, thank you, I am happy with this fic you gave me. this gives me comfort.
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