#legally he was technically not allowed to be killed
bet-on-me-13 · 1 year
Danny is Diana's Big Brother (and annoys the hell out of her)
Danny decided to reveal himself to his Parents one day, and it didn't go well. Thankfully, Jazz managed to get him out of the Lab and they fled into the Ghost Zone, destroying the Portal behind them.
They seek refuge with some of their friends, and after a while they find a permanent home with Pandora in the Ancient Greek Sector. She found them while they were wandering the Zone in search of a place to sleep and happily took them in.
Danny also finds out that he is the new Ghost Prince after an incident where Fright Knight almost kills Skulker for "Daring to attack the Prince!"
So life is getting better for Danny. But he soon finds out that as the Ghost Prince, he needs a Parent to take over until he comes of Age. And he doesn't really have parents anymore.
He tries to set up Jazz as his Legal Guardian, but since she is his sister (and a newly forming Halfa, therefore also too young) she doesn't count.
Thankfully, he had the perfect candidate right there with Pandora! And she happily adopted them, she was basically already acting like their new Mom anyways, do it wasn't that much of a change. All she needs to do is keep the peace for a few decades until Danny reaches the Legal Ghost Age. (100 yrs old)
And of course, since he was adopted by Pandora he wants to learn about her Culture! So he asks her to take him on a trip to her Home Dimension and Home Country to learn about it.
So they head off to Themyscira.
And since Danny is technically Royalty, Not a Human Man, and the adopted son of Pandora (one of their greatest heroes of the past) he is tentatively allowed to visit the Island.
(Also, Danny can shapeshift, so it wouldn't be too big of a problem if he wanted to)
While there he meets Pandora's sister, Hippolyta, and her newly born Daughter, Diana.
Danny instantly decides that Diana is his new Little Sister.
And he also decides to indulge in all of the Big Brother Urges he has never been able to get away with with Ellie, and annoys the hell out of her in a way only big brothers can manage.
He teases her in front of her friends, pranks her occasionally, has play fights with her that end with a Forest being wiped off the map, and generally annoys the hell out of her.
But he also does all the good brother things like protect her from bullies, gives her wise advice, comfort her when she feels sad, and even helps comb her hair (she realized that he thrives on domestic stuff, since he never got to appreciate it when he was a kid)
He also introduces Diana to Jazz, and they get on like a house on fire! Unfortunately, Diana found out that Jazz can actually reign in Danny whenever he gets too overbearing and weaponizes this to great effect.
Ellie too, although they are hence banned from ever hanging out without supervision ever again (the observants couldn't walk right for a decade after that incident)
They go on like this for a few centuries, even after Danny takes up the Throne and has less time to hang out with her.
But Diana still loves her big brother, annoyances and all. Still, she will absolutely never let him know about the League. She wouldn't survive the embarrassment.
Wait, who did this Cult just say they were summoning?
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bella-goths-wife · 6 months
How the yandere Vs treat pet reader like an adult and child
Val, vox and velvette x platonic reader
Just a quick reminder that Vs pet died at the age of 18 and is technically an adult and has had adult experiences before she died but compared to everyone else in age shes much younger and they see her as a kid :)
Warnings: SA mentions, Vs sexualising pet reader, drugging, reader is uncomfortable, forced affection
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How they treat you like a child:
You may have been legally an adult when you died, but that does not stop the Vs from infantilising you at any opportunity
You will have extremely strict rules put in place once they become obsessed with you, even if they regularly defy the rules themselves
You have a curfew that you must abide by and be back on the tower for, unless of course one of the Vs sent you to do something
You are rarely allowed to leave the tower alone, if you are given permission it’s most likely because one of the Vs need something doing or you’ve asked them when they are in a good mood
Your diet is also highly controlled by them, they choose how much you eat and what you are banned from eating
You have a strict dating ban, if they see you as much as smile at a demon with slight adoration your eyes then they will be killed or fired
This includes casual hookups too, your barely allowed any contact with other demons so you could imagine their anger if they found out you were having sex with someone
Your clothing is always chosen the night before by velvette and has to be pre approved by vox to make sure it isn’t too revealing
Your very rarely allowed time to yourself and your always somehow monitored by the Vs so friendships are off the table
You are not allowed to drink or do drugs by your own choice, they say your too young for it
They ignore the fact that you were a rave girl when you were alive and that you regularly drank and did many different drugs
Vox is the one who mostly upholds your rules, since he is the one who sees you in more of a surrogate daughter way compared to how velvette sees you as a pet and Valentino sees you as a toy/therapist
But the others can be just as infantilising
Velvette constantly treats you like you know nothing because of your age and Valentino pretends to ‘shield’ you away from any friendships with his workers because your too ‘innocent’ for them
If any of them caught you pursuing something outside of them then there would be very severe consequences
Especially if it were something that allowed you to act like an independent adult
How they treat you like an adult:
Even if you have a strict curfew set by vox, velvette and Valentino will command you to defy that curfew to accompany them to events or nights out
They mostly just bring you for entertainment purposes for themselves but sometimes they just want to not have to fetch their own drinks for the night
This drives vox crazy but the other two don’t really care and will continue to drag you away at a moments notice
You may not be allowed to leave the tower alone at all, but you can go pretty much anywhere as long as one of the Vs are with you
They’ve dragged you to bars, deals, strip clubs, anywhere you can think of
They excuse this by saying that your needed at all times so if they drag you to places that they previously forbade you from entering, it’s okay because they’re with you
Even though they have all placed a ban on you dating or having sex, Valentino has offered to get a lover for the night from one of his workers
You’ve always refused but that doesn’t stop him from offering when he’s in a good mood
He even once offered to let star in one of his films and claimed that you’d be a real hit but you declined and told vox immediately, Valentino got a very harsh scolding and beating for that one
They also make you edit the sounds for Valentino’s movies with your abilities but claimed that your much to young to be allowed to have sexual relationships
They don’t even recognise their own hypocrisy sometimes
Even if your wardrobe is pre approved by vox, sometimes for her own fun velvette will make you wear something revealing just so she can make vox angry
You could be totally uncomfortable but you’d still have to about your day with her in an outfit that showed off your chest and curves
Vox always puts his jacket on you when he sees you and demands that you go change, he also threatens anyone he sees checking you out or making sexual comments towards you
You aren’t allowed to drink or do any drugs, but they are all guilty of drugging you
Valentino always offers you mushrooms, molly or edibles if he’s having one because he finds your reactions funny whenever your desperate enough to accept
You’ve got quite a high tolerance because of how you participated when you were alive, so unfortunately you remember most of what happens to you during these times
When velvette gets bored or just has a very hectic day that she doesn’t think you can handle efficiently, she has drugged you with coke in various ways
She’d receive scoldings from vox but she’d quickly bring up that he’s guilty of similar crimes
Sometimes when vox finds himself being soft and wanting to have some type of father daughter affection with you, he’ll give you an edible without your knowledge to make you more pliable to his affection
All of them have slipped sleeping pills into your drink before to make you stop being rebellious and just go to sleep
You don’t understand how they can treat you like you are an innocent kid at one moment and then acknowledge your age but use it as a weapon against you
The Vs crave the control that these rules bring, they want to know that they have the final say on every aspect of your existence
No matter how they view their obsessions over you, you are theirs to treat or mistreat how they choose
They don’t care about your feelings, they care about what you can give them
Your a possession to them, something to make them laugh or something to hold after a lonely day
You are not in control, and that’s what they like most about this arrangement
Sometimes you wonder which would be better
For them to never acknowledge that your an adult and treat you like a child, or for them to acknowledge your age and have the option to sexualise your or exploit you at any given moment
But all you can do is sit and bark on command, like the mutt they’ve trained you to be
Your body isn’t your own, your soul isn’t your own, your appearance isn’t your own and your mind isn’t your own
And that’s what terrifies you most and what they crave most of all.
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sexhaver · 8 months
a few nights ago i went to my city's town hall meeting because they were voting on a resolution to call for a ceasefire in Gaza (mostly symbolic but our rep is close to biden) and like. jesus fuck dude participating in democracy is so exhausting
dude at the pre-meeting rally/speech session was passing out flyers about Bob Avakian. i vaguely remembered that being a cult so i googled it and ended up accidentally downloading a 256-page pdf titled "Against Avakianism". i love leftist infighting so much
one of the council members said he would be abstaining from voting because he's technically in the army and doesn't want to piss them off even though it would technically be legal for him to do
another one (George Scarpelli) said he would be abstaining and then immediately followed that up by reading a bunch of letters that "concerned constituents" had sent in to him about this bill. every single constituent was a zionist saying that calling for a ceasefire would "sow division" (?). this was in a format where public commentary was limited to 2 minutes per person, but council members had unlimited time, so these zionists were also bypassing the time limit because they know a guy on the council. eventually the moderator told him to cut that shit out so we could actually start
someone in the audience yelled "read letters from palestinians" and he replied something to the effect of "i talked to them but none of them submitted comments to me" and i shouted "gee i wonder why" and then he got really visibly mad and then the moderator moved everything along
only three people out of 40+ during the public commentary spoke against it. all of them mentioned "sowing division" (???). two of these people called in via zoom but one was dumb/brave enough to do that in person and everyone just stared at him in silence as he went back to his seat
the moderator had to stop three different people during public commentary to tell them that they technically weren't allowed to "address comments directly at any one member of the board". all three of these people were mad at George Scarpelli
multiple Palestinian speakers literally older than Israel talking about their friends and family who were killed and running up against the two-minute time limit because there were so many of them to list
Scarpelli ended up voting against it even though he said he would abstain
it passed anyways
i just learned this now while googling his name for this post but Scarpelli is a democrat? jesus fucking christ
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deadsetobsessions · 8 months
Danny Phantom Writing Prompt:
When she comes to, a silver haired man with a matching goatee greets her. Kind of. He’s disappointed.
She’s surrounded in neon green and she is so, so, so confused.
Her name is-
Well. It was something else.
What matters is that Vlad doesn’t call her by anything other than “Danielle” and “you.”
She thinks if she wasn’t who she is- if Vlad hadn’t ripped her out of her own life, poured her tattered soul into this imperfect body- she’d believe the father like figure he’s poorly pretending to be. But she knows. This is a show she’s watched many times. Vlad, even if she hadn’t had years of actual life and the foreknowledge of Danny Phantom, she’d eventually clock him as a villain.
“You can do it, Danielle.” He says.
“Obey, or suffer the consequences,” she hears. She knows manipulation when she hears it. Vlad thinks it’ll work. After all, little pod baby Danielle would know no different than the confining walls of her room. But she does know, and the voices of her loved ones bolster her in this delicate balancing act.
So, she pretends to let him mold her. Let him shape little Danielle into a puppet he could pilot as he wishes.
To act like her body’s template, but to be obedient in ways Danny would never allow himself to be. To turn trusting blue eyes up towards the drawling billionaire and pretend to take his word as gospel.
In return, he gives her more freedom. He thinks it’s control, that she returns even when he gives her ample chances to leave. She knows it’s a test, and she’s always been good at those.
She collects evidence, slowly. Because Vlad might have overshadowed people and signed their companies over to him, but he was sloppy. He was sloppy and she was a paralegal.
Vlad gives her the mission she’s been waiting for. She goes to Danny with a neutral mask and acts like a person who knows nothing of normal social cues.
It’s what Vlad expects of her.
The time is not yet right.
So when the time comes, Danielle makes a decision. She was never the baby Dani. She will never be. When she punches Vlad, she tears into him with everything she has. She makes him bleed and she breaks him and she slaps the anti-ghost belt on him to lock his ability. And she breaks more, just to make sure he might not heal all the way, all the while Danny watches in horror.
And then she starts the process of legally beating him up. Danielle bankrupts Vlad in two months with legal fees, and she takes vicious pleasure in rendering him destitute.
Hah. Try creating clones of your one sided love now, you creepy motherfucker.
She’s melting. She makes a joke, because Danny looked terrified and she got attached. Well, it’s hard not to get attached, considering he risked his neck for her even after learning she was there to…
He saves her. She knew he would.
She’s whole again. Stable. But something in her breaks, because she knows, with a sense of unfathomable knowledge, that she will never rid herself of the name Danielle again. She’s bound to this world. The price for her life was an eternity of imprisonment in a realm where she will never see the people she loves again.
“I’m not… I wasn’t always Danielle.” She admits to Danny, Tucker, and Sam.
“What does that even mean?”
She sighed, leaning against the window sill.
“The reason I was stable and my… siblings weren’t was because Vlad ripped my soul out from my body and shoved it into the body of a clone. He killed me.”
Danny stuttered to a close. Grief. She smiles at him.
“Technically, I’m older than you and Jazz.”
“I’m sorry,” Sam says, head buried in her hands. Tucker just stares at her.
“Yeah. Me too. But you shouldn’t blame yourself, Danny.” Danielle knows that look on his face. “I hate him, yeah. But… I can’t change it now. So, I’ll see what this world has to offer.”
“I’m sorry,” Danny says to her.
“I get it.”
And she does. Because Danielle knows what it is to die, now. So does he.
So she flips off the window sill, enjoying her always novel powers of flight, and laughs.
“I’ll be Nellie. You can call me Nellie.”
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
-Runs back into the room from having been wrapped up in the Sub Shitshow- context PLEASE on what’s up with Putin!?
Lol okay buckle up:
Yevgeny Prighozin is (well, as of now) one of Putin's closest allies. He is Putin's former chef and now the CEO of Wagner Group, the Russian private army of mercenaries who have spent a decade plundering Africa and destroying Syria in the employ of various terrible local dictators. Since the invasion of Ukraine, Wagner has become one of the Russian army's mainstays, mostly because they're the only ones who seem able to actually do anything. Of course, it did still take them nine months to take Bakhmut, Ukraine's *checks notes* 53rd largest city with very little strategic value, but given what a shitshow the regular Russian army has been, that's good. Or something.
The Russian army is mostly good at destroying dams and bombing civilians, which are obviously terrible for many reasons, but not that useful in the military scheme of things.
However, Wagner are also -- I hasten to stress -- thoroughly terrible people. Aside from all the shit in Africa and Syria, they've done likewise in Ukraine and will continue to do so. Legally speaking, they technically "don't exist," which has allowed them to get around a lot of the usual rules and regulations that are supposed to "bind" (ha) the Russian army. They are obviously in Ukraine directly at Putin's behest and doing Putin's bidding, but it turns out that giving an ambitious and amoral psychopathic warlord his own private army of criminals, rapists, killers, and whoever else they can dredge out of Russia's prisons to throw at the front line and die en masse may not be a good idea?
Shocking, I know.
Anyway, Prigozhin has spent months ripping into the Russian Minister of Defense, Sergei Shoigu, for what a whole shitshow clusterfuck this whole stupid war patently is. (Not, however, that this has stopped him from continuing to eagerly carry it out, since he's just as much or indeed even more of a zealot as the rest of Putin's government.) This has included blaming Shoigu for equipment losses, underprovisioning of Wagner troops, general strategic numbnuttery, etc. Prigozhin has not, however -- again, until now -- attacked Putin directly, or backed off from getting his losers killed in Bakhmut and/or wherever else. One suspects that Putin has been perfectly happy to let Prigozhin scapegoat Shoigu for the war's failures, since this means Shoigu can always just conveniently fall out a window or something if it gets too necessary to make a public show of displeasure, and not Putin.
HOWEVER, things took a turn VERY FAST today, within about 12 hours. Prigozhin has, as noted, spent months tearing the Russian military leadership a new asshole -- not because he's a good guy (he's a fucking war criminal on like, 10 different levels), but because it is plainly obvious what a shitshow this is and even a war criminal has his limits as to how much totally pointless murderous bullshit he wants to go through, I guess. (That includes telling the truth about why the war started -- i.e. to steal Ukrainian stuff/land for the oligarchs, and not any of Putin's other stupid excuses.)
Today (June 23) Prigozhin accused the Russian Ministry of Defense of orchestrating a rocket attack on Wagner's camp in eastern Ukraine (near the Russian border) and causing massive casualties;
We don't have proof of this yet, or indeed much else of what Prigozhin is talking about, BUT he finally decided to put his Coup Hat On and get serious about "punishing" Russian military leadership, i.e. presumably Shoigu, declaring that "there are 25,000 of us [Wagner soldiers] and we're coming into Russia to sort out this chaos"
So -- again, according to Prigozhin, who is not the world's most reliable source on anything -- he turned his army of yoinks around, left Ukraine, and marched into the southwestern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, where the Russian military command in charge of the assault on Ukraine is headquartered;
For a while, there was nothing but Prigozhin's various unhinged rants on Telegram to prove any of this, but it's now early tomorrow morning in Russia and there are indeed a lot of videos of what DOES IN FACT LOOK like Wagner mercenaries rolling into Rostov and storming Ministry of Defense buildings;
Firm information on what is going on is almost nonexistent, even for Russia, but Putin is clearly taking this seriously; Moscow is shut down, there are armored vehicles on the streets, Google is down in Russia, and Russian newscasters are interrupting their broadcasts to insist Don't Look, Everything Is Fine Here, Totally Fine, Do You Hear Swan Lake? I Don't Hear Swan Lake!
Nobody can find Putin either, allegedly, but don't worry! He has been "briefed on the situation and everything is under control!"
The Russian FSB (successor to the KGB) has meanwhile issued a warrant for Prigozhin's arrest, said they'll charge/prosecute him for treason and armed rebellion against the state, and ordered him to stand down/his own men to arrest him
This, uh, does not appear to be working
ANYWAY, Putin's basically fucked no matter how this ends. Wagner literally just led an armed mutiny, he can't feel good about sending his ex-bestie Prigozhin back to Ukraine with any confidence that his orders will continue to be obeyed, it's Russian-on-Russian open war in the streets of Rostov and God knows where else, he's totally lost control of the narrative, the war, the domestic political situation, Wagner, probably good chunks of the Russian military command/elite establishment, etc., and we all know what happens to dictators in Russia who can no longer dictate
(And yet the Russian army is still finding time to lob some missiles at civilian buildings in Kyiv tonight, because they suck).
This is obviously a huge lucky break for Ukraine as well, since if the Russians are busy fighting each other, they can continue to push for a big breakthrough on their counteroffensive.
So yeah. Pride Month really wheeling out the big guns here, after Putin was the top option picked for Lady Karma to do her thing on in my poll a few weeks ago.
Stay tuned.
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tim-burton-bitch · 17 days
You know- another aspect of ratiorine rarely considered is simply the fact that- Veritas knows he cannot free Aventurine.
First off- chances are Ratio would need to buy Aventurine himself first in order to hold the right to free the man at all. By technicality Aventurine is still the IPC's slave. While he does get money that he can spend and all- he has to abide by what he is told to do. He has limited rights and freedoms. the IPC will always come first or Aventurine will face punishment that can be as bad as simply- being killed. For Ratio to FREE Aventurine he would either need to convince Diamond and the IPC to let Aventurine free themselves (extremely unlikely. They're greedy and powerful and corrupt-) OR he would have to BUY Aventurine himself. So now HE holds the rights over Aventurine and can then legally set him free and let Aventurine be his own person again.
But then we run into problem two- Aventurine is a VALUABLE asset to the IPC now. He is GOOD at his job and gets tasks done that had very low chance of success. Meaning even if Diamond WAS willing to give Aventurine up and sell him off to someone- Aventurine would be REALLY expensive now. And not ONLY because of all he has done for the IPC and how valuable he would be- but also because the IPC has an image. It would ALREADY look bad if they SOLD a stoneheart- but with Aventurine being Sigonian they MIGHT be able to spin it a way that minimizes the backlash. However if it came out that he was also bought CHEAP then that would throw into question the powerful position of stonehearts in general. Between wanting to keep public image and the value Aventurine would have to them- they would not let him off for any sum of money that Ratio would be likely to afford.
Now say- somehow- for some reason- Ratio COULD afford this price. This would all then come down to trust. Aventurine TRUSTS Ratio. Something that is not easily earned. And as much as Aventurine can possibly love Ratio and throw himself into trusting the doctor- his life experience will bring doubt into it all. For at LEAST many more years. If not forever (to a degree). If Aventurine got word that Ratio had BOUGHT him- he would likely panic. Perhaps not outwardly- no that would be a carefully controlled performance. Even if he lets the anger slip into it. But he WOULD panic. He would question if the Doctor has been seeking this outcome since they met. How much of their relationship was real? This would all come with the risk of Aventurine trying to run or leave before Ratio could explain. Ratio would have to either free him before he finds out what happened or tell him before hand. Telling him first though- if they are overheard then runs the risk of if he'd be allowed to buy.
Thus as of right now- Ratio has no choice but to watch the man he loves continue to be puppeteered about by the IPC. Watch as he risks his life, gambles on little chance and flirts with death. All while knowing that he cannot do much to stop it.
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agentrouka-blog · 20 days
While I don't think Dany is a hero in ASOIAF, it stills icks me when some of her Antis claim that Dany allowed Drogo to kill Viserys. I think Drogo killed Viserys because he threatened to kill Drogo unborn child and Dany in Vaes Dothrak. Dany didn't had a say in it. She already tried to protect Viserys before. I don't think in this situation Dany has any agency.
I agree. Viserys doomed himself and the only thing Dany did in that moment was quit trying to save him from his own self-destruction. There was nothing she could have done to save him, and he gave her every incentive to feel relief at his demise.
This moment isn't about Dany failing him. This moment is mainly interesting because what Dany takes mental refuge in during this traumatic display is the idea of the "true dragon", and it gives us a glimpse at what danger there is in a sense of personal invulnerability and exceptionality. Viserys feels safe to indulge in a deeply disrespectful tantrum, because of a legal technicality, because he is bitter and he has suffered, because the feelings of the distasteful business partners he has acquired don't matter to him. Because he has a story in mind for himself, and this is not it.
He is very wrong. And Dany only sees the dragon he isn't, the dragon she is. There is a lesson in there she will have failed to learn down the line.
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
oof that's a really good morally grey pwp idea... if darkwick tells mc her curse cannot be lifted but can be passed on to a child -> the new cure is for her to be impregnated by a ghoul (better chance of whatever makes them ghouls overpowering whatever makes mc cursed), give birth to that child and for darkwick to kill the newborn immediately... but to prevent any of the ghouls from forming a real attachment to the fetus and somehow busting into the delivery room to save it, they can't know who the father is -> cue a multichapter pwp fic (with the exception of rui)...
(sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, please delete if so!!)
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( • ̀ω•́ )✧ fufuufufufu no I don't mind this, I lack the technical skills to write it but yes that's a really good pwp idea. Poor Rui this might be enough to make him actually lose it, can you imagine being someone whose main character trait is being a whore, but being denied your godgiven right join the school sanctioned gangbang? They're even encouraging you to hit it raw fuck this stupid baka life he's done. I also like how you excluded Rui but not Zenji because that would make it even worse... the ghost gets to hit it but he doesn't? ED GETS TO HIT IT BUT NOT HIM?!?!?!!!!
I was thinking about smut when I typed that of course but I didn't really spend a lot of time thinking about the plot because I was too busy inventing new ethical questions. Would Taiga want to eat the baby? It is technically part anomaly... he doesn't want to eat Ed or Lyca so I would guess not but still. What about guys like Romeo, Ritsu, or Jin? Would they even agree to participate in something like this given how important children are to rich fussy families would they see making one like this extra wrong? Or would the horny kick in and they not want to allow the chance for MC's baby to be anyone other than theirs? Oh and on Ritsu, I feel like he'd be making a bunch of weird legal arguments trying to justify wanting to get the mc pregnant. He's just repressed, the arguments don't matter, but would he then try to make a bunch of arguments to keep the baby alive? Is there a legal standard of personhood in Japan and do I even want to research that-
Speaking of personhood, Lyca, Ed, and Zenji. I feel like Lyca wouldn't be able to let go of the idea of MC as his mate and that child as his baby. He wants to live with humans and be human, part of that seems to be him wanting a real family so if he was the baby daddy this would just be extra cruel. His instinct and desire is to love and protect, and even if he didn't have that he knows what Darkwick is like. Danger or not he doesn't want them killing you or the baby. Ed probably just wouldn't see what the problem is. Yes, his baby is an abomination from hell part vampire part Kyklos (so little human he doesn't need to mention that). No, he will not be letting Darkwick kill them and yes he will know if the baby is his, he has a sixth sense for these sorts of things. Now now don't cry, he might be an old man but he's not above taking responsibility, Japan was getting boring anyway. He can drop you off in whatever hole he crawled out of to can rest and recover while he watches the baby and shows them man made horrors beyond their comprehension (conspiracy youtube videos). I brought up Zenji just because the image of MC wanting to get dicked down by a ghost and conducting a dark ritual to let him do it. Also idk Zenji feels like another extra tragic because he also is someone who values family so I don't think he would want to see his child die, but also if it could save MC he'd really want to try and help.
Yuri would be very smug about this being a solution, volunteer to help, realize that everyone thinks he wants to fuck the MC, and then pass out from screaming denial and the mental image of her bare neck. I feel like he'd be one of the "worse" choices in Darkwick's mind because he would probably want to keep the baby to experiment on, but be completely unable to see them as anything other than his child and devolve into the same desperate search to cure them as he was on with MC. And he expects child support! He will not be a single father, MC get back here and take some responsibility for your actions!!! Jiro also feels like someone who would volunteer not realizing the method he was volunteering for but unlike Yuri he just rolls with it. He's so unashamed of nudity, yours or his, and what is sex if not nudity with some extra steps-
(My mind more went towards artificial insemination, so Rui wouldn't be excluded from the pool and there was no chance for the ghouls to form an emotional connection to either the MC or their potential baby. Oh I also don't think Darkwick would tell MC or the dad that the kid is going to be killed. They would probably lie about it and act like the child would be fine, just maybe an anomaly they would need to keep an eye on. And then they lie to MC and say the baby was still born but they just keep them in a little padded room and experiment on them their whole life, which just starts the Kyklos cycle anew except this time the monster is sentient and out for blood with intent.)
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submalevolentgrace · 2 months
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for pretty much my entire life we have been locking up refugees in UN-certified human-rights-violating "offshore detention" camps for the heinous crime of daring to try and flee from death and worse, often from wars-on-terror we've helped wage, and have very much done highly decorated war crimes in. we hold them in conditions so bad that war-fleeing refugees have sown their mouths shut, tried to starve themselves, even children trying to kill themselves to escape what we're doing to them. WE are doing. because in my boots on the ground activism days i tried to fight the government on this, and the fact is, the australian public on the whole doesn't give a shit about us torturing refugee kids, half the country is in support of it, so the government gets a free pass no matter which side is in power. from howard to rudd to gillard to rudd to abbott to turnbull to morison to albanese, we lock up and torture refugees. the UN anti-torture inspectors aren't allowed to visit. the camps are run by a private USA prison contractor now.
and it's not like we can't organise a protest! we'll barricade MP's offices because of something an ally-in-law country is doing that we condemn, but when the blood is on our hands we don't wanna know, don't wanna fight, don't wanna admit. and albanese gets up there and says those barricades have "crossed a line", "there's no place for violence like this in our democracy", he says. you know where there is an implicit place for violence, apparently? cops beating indigenous kids to death on camera, the australian people are fine with that apparently. happens all the time. better have a curfew so those kids don't get too rowdy about it!
oh and the CIA agents and US soldiers we welcomed here to supposedly defend us, they rape a bunch of women and children, mostly also indigenous? better get ASIO and the AFP to monitor the population for anti-american sentiment, local cops do it plenty too and we can't stand up to the USA, we're about to go to war with our biggest economic trading partner on their behalf, the troop buildup locations have already been announced! sweep it under the rug little aussies, scrub it from your memory, who cares about raped children anyway? not worth protesting, apparently.
we are right in the middle of the asia-pacific, with loosely speaking about a 5th of the population ethnically or culturally asian, and they are absolutely terrified of speaking out about how many hate crimes they suffer constantly, because the other 80% of the population is more culturally invested in american politics than the fact that labor considers pauline hanson an ally. i don't blame the 20% getting hatecrimed for being scared to speak up, i sure as fuck blame the rest of us for not protecting them, and for doing those hate crimes. "wE'rE a MuLtIcUlTuRaL sOcIeTy!! nO rAcIsM hErE!!", but we'll organise citywide marches in the middle of a pandemic if a black american kid gets killed over there, and then tell blak people they're spelling it wrong.
then we flood the region with our white-bleached propaganda and "culture", to control smaller governments and and lure the people of the region here for our economic benefit; the wealthy as fodder to fund the education complex, and the poor to work below-minimum-wage-slavery "jobs programs" on our great proud aussie battler family run farms.
it's all out in the open. the torture, the murder, the rape, the hate crimes, the technically-it's-legally-distinct-from-slavery, it's all known, all reported regularly on the news, endlessly, cyclically, every few months or years, for my whole life. fuck knows what else we're doing and i don't know about because pine gap prevents it from reaching english language news.
i know the internet zeitgeist really only cares about the single latest trending topic to happen, so you're wondering what that is to make me react enraged and ashamed; but it's everything. i haven't even scratched the surface, just ranting off the top of my head.
every day i carry the shame of what a disgusting violent colony nation this is; to the people who consider themselves australian, to the people here before the nation and their descendants, to the people surrounding us now. i carry the guilt of failure to stop it, and casual complicity of having given up the fight because i couldn't handle it. i think that's what most activists do here, give up in shame, because activists aren't fighting the government - we have one of the most free and open democracies in the world, and the spineless cowards in charge absolutely will do what the populace whims of them - activists here are fighting the cruel and apathetic average australian, who either don't care, or active condone it all. we have the blood of this country on our hands.
what has australia done now?
it's fucken wednesday, mates. nothing new.
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wolfsrainrules · 6 months
Me, Staring into the Night: Oh No
Discussed with @deepwithintheabyss on discord, and as a result:
I'm just Saying. I have been contemplating a Jurassic World in DC verse (with the understanding that I have not actually READ nor SEEN much DC content and am working off fandom.)
Jurassic World, as in, a JW that has done the work to hide and defend their island from super villains and various heroes poking their heads in. The full nine yards, everything they could possibly stop- and all that focus on "outside" threats? It's what allows the internal issues that result in the mess that is JW.
The thing though? Jurassic World still needs sponsors and Batfam has still been trying to get a look into that- because it should not be left unchecked. Legally they can't send a hero in. But Timothy Drake-Wayne, CEO of WE and potential sponsor and good word on JW? That they would allow. So if he gets a VIP access tour to 'tempt him into sponsoring Jurassic World" that's supposed to last a week or two...
They've already got the park operating on front of house, and they have a camp with six kids who got sent in. What's one more VIP who could get them a ton of money, and may sponsor their work and expand what they're doing? Thing is- VIP access means that technically, Tim isn't supposed to have any tech that operates inside without proper access. He knows it CAN be gotten, because there's a kid here- Brooklyn?- that is a very popular vlogger who is allowed to record and post things. He's also not here as a Bat, but as Timothy Drake-Wayne and that comes with some handicaps to what he's able to do int he open.
So he has to look like he doesn't have access to anything, can't be caught snooping around, and also is instinctively keeping an eye on the kids when he's in the same areas they are.
And then. And then the park goes down. Assets are out of containment. And we have this really shitty time, where Tim has to figure out how the hell to get them all off, when the protections from outside 'interference' mean that the heroes cannot set foot on Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, or anything within without causing a hell of an issue. Interference also means Tim can't get the emergency signal out. The only thing allowed out of JW is what's done on it's own network. He needs to find a way to hook into it, when the power is shot. Would it stop them? No. Especially not when people are dying, and definitely not the BatFam when Tim is on the island.
Problem? By all rights, the island was evacuated of all survivors. So far as anyone can determine, the others are dead, and the island is overrun with assets that got loose.
Tim didn't make it off.
And Tim doesn't have a functioning access to internet OR signal to get a call out, the white noise machines and everything else are blocking him from just yelling for evac. He technically doesn't have any BAT- grade tech or supplies for himself- this was Timothy Drake-Wayne that went in after all. He didn't bring anything big while he snooped. He had some things, yes, but not for this level of FUBAR.
The BatFam are losing their minds. The world is saying Tim died on the island, since he didn't get off. Tim is struggling to find a way to get a message out. BatFam refuses to accept that Tim is dead until it can be confirmed.
And then.
And then the kids and Tim get the generators back on. And everything has gone to hell, but the power means Tim has a way to get something out. A way to hook into the network finally
It's not perfect. It involves him making trips to the faculty, and a LOT of tech-work so he can get these things routed properly, that he's not even sure are WORKING. And he can't leave the kids either- this island has tried to kill them all over and over again, he's not willing to let them wander around alone.
So he sends something like video diaries out, careful to maintain that he is a civilian trying to reach his dad, with six other kids surviving with him.
Bruce absolutely FLIPS when he gets the first video. Tim is front and center, looking like literal hell, blood smeared on his face, dirt and mud, a ruined set of dress pants, a stolen set of boots (because Timothy would have been in dress shoes for something like this, so he hadn't had his good shoes with him) an absolutely stained, ripped, and ruined dress shirt, smeared face, just- looking like he's survived dinos, and kept kids alive doing it.
Bruce cries. That's his boy. He's not dead. He's not dead. Oh God.
So Bruce gets an update, Tim talking about what happened, that he's not dead, he's surviving with six kids- who all pop into frame and frantically try to cram as much "NOT DEAD HI MOM AND DAD AND SIBLINGS" into the video while Tim is still trying to update everything.
And then the video ends with Tim's head- and six children's as well- all snapping to the side while there's a large echoing clank and the shadow of a dino. And the last image is Tim reaching forward to send the video out, hoping it gets through.
He takes a tablet hooked intot he system, and uses that to film various updates around the park while surviving. A sneaky update on what exactly the park has done, as well as continuous updates on their survival for their families. He has to trek back to the generator room to actually post these out but he's sending them.
The systems aren't great. Sometimes the videos go through a little glitchy, sometimes they get sent out of order. The uploading speed is shit, and occasionally corrupted videos go out due to a sudden need to stop or a flicker in power or any other number of factors.
But Bruce recognizing the chance to use the videos as proof that his kid is still alive- as are six other family's children, and he can bring this forward to get to the island quicker and by leagal means.
It's a huge thing in Gotham, Bruce Wayne's kid on this island surviving, These six kids he's helping. Their families all coming to Gotham to back Bruce on their crusade to get their kids out. Public pressure building as more and more videos go out, more and more people watch what they're going through.
They don't have to get themselves off the island. Bruce Wayne, their families, and public pressure all combine to get a rescue sent out to them. And sure it takes a little bit to get put together, but Bruce Wayne is funding it, and he will not rest until his son is home, until all of these kids are home.
The families all bond over the trauma of their children being on a death trap of an island. And the work to get them off of it. The relief they're ALIVE. The horror of what they'd gone through. The terror of not knowing if they're STILL alive. The fear-terror-hope of waiting for the next video update, hoping it's one that actually WORKS, that isn't corrupted or cut off cause of some disaster. The trauma of seeing their children on these videos, seeing the changes, and the rough surviving, of thinking your kids were dead only to find out NOPE they're in a historical horror of predator species that would eat them instead.
And Bruce knows Tim is capable. He knows he is. He also knows Tim would do whatever was necessary to get the kids home alive and whole.
And that? That's terrifying for Bruce. Because he knows Tim would jump in front of those kids to save them. His mind is running every worse case scenario through. He knows the (official) list of dinos that are in the park. He can imagine exactly how wrong an encounter could go. And then he gets the video updates of Tim and the kids explaining hybrids and the horror of THAT. So he's not even sure what the hell the kids are running into, and THEY don't even know, because they're could absolutely be more, so many more and-
And then you have Tim's brothers. His brothers who get the news he's presumed dead after the park goes wild and there's late videos and all kinds of things going live as survivors get off the island and into range of posting again, without access to JW's network. His brothers who all wait, all scared, all worried, for him to step off a ferry. Only he doesnt. Only he's one of many names presumed dead. And oh they aren't willing to leave it at that. The hero community is pushing for their ability to look into the park and what went wrong, but by all accounts- Tim is supposed to be dead.
And while they keep hoping, thinking, not without a body, and even still- there's every chance there ISNT one on an island full of dinosaurs. There's plenty of videos from those who escaped of paradactyls flying off with people, of various dinosaurs outside containment and the chaos and panic of it. Of deaths caught on camera and everything else. They're trying. But they're not even sure if-
And then Bruce gets the video. And they are right there with him in using the proof to get to the island faster, to save him, and the kids he's with, and just-
And there's HOPE and horror. Because he's alive! He is. But he's lost weight, and he's so obviously working to keep these six other children alive, and surviving and all the horror of that, and just-
It's such a mess.
But they are all there, every family, when they go and get the survivors.
There's tears and fierce hugs. And every kid has to introduce themselves to everyone's families. And every parent has to thank Tim for being there for their kids, for saving them, for not abandoning them for FIGHTING for them- because they all have stories.
And Tim did his level best to be there for these kids, to lead, to save, to keep safe. His very, very best. And the parents are so so thankful for it.
And if Tim meets each of his kids parents from the arms of a different family member (Alfred, Bruce, Dick, Damian, Jason, Cass, Duke, Steph, Babs...) the kids are happy to see Tim getting the support they couldn't give him, no matter how much they tried.
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blues824 · 2 years
💐Imagine female douma being isekai'd in the the word of the remarried empress but douma reader became royalty.
🌈She became royalty after the empress and emprorr adopted her because of a high priest told them that her parents died (like in the comic douma's mother killed her husband and mistresses after finding out her cheated of her then ended herself ) and the high priest believed that she was a child giftd by God so allowing her to become anything lower than a lady would be a insult to the gods.
💐Her being a manipulatieve girl who doesn't know emotions until she met navier then she became happy for the first time.
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(This picture disribes douma pretty well)
💐(like they also grew up together with navier and sovieshu but had to wear a vail to cover up her face because the empress and emprorr believed she was a child giftd by God so she was only allowed to show her face after she became the empress but after a lot of asking navier was the only person who was alowd to see her face )
🌈Imagine after years she became a empress and was invited by navier to te new years party and navier and sovieshu seeing her after a long time and then rattrash trying to befriend her only to meet her worse nightmare a angry douma who hates mistresses because they are filthy and unworthy of her and navier.
💐(like the female douma was always being told she was a goddess but she knew it's not true but she just went with it and used it to her advantage )
🌈And burning the party where she tells navier she is alowd to take of her veil after the dress drama to get the negative attention away from navier because people get to see her face for the first time and after hearing rumours about her face and why she wore it now they understand why she got called a goddess.
💐(imagine navier and the douma reader dancing together 2 beautiful empress dancing together making people jealous about their beauty and status )
🌈Honestly douma's eyes are the most beautiful eyes and I know she can out drama rattrash because douma learnd to copy emotions she never had so imagine rattrash trying to use her crocodile tears again her but failing so hard because of douma's manipulatieve personality and her being able to figure out she was not really crying and because of sovieshu becoming a simp for douma him not beleving rattrash
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And navier trovi is the best qween I have ever.
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I showed my mom that picture and she said, “Oh hell no”.
As a preface, I’m changing up the request a bit. Reader was taken in by the High Priest, but since he is so busy the Imperial Family offered to raise her. She was raised alongside Sovieshu. We’re gonna forget that Krista exists and you were betrothed to King Wharton III (Heinrey’s brother).
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Sovieshu was technically your adopted brother. His parents took you in because the High Priest asked, and who wouldn’t want to get on his good side? Plus, he said that you were a gift of the gods. If the Imperial Family had the chance to care for a child of the gods, they were going to take it.
He always knew that you were apathetic, what with not crying at funerals or rejoicing at weddings. No. Sure, he couldn’t see your expressions because of your veil, but he can read your body language just fine. He somewhat admired your ability to fake emotion through your body.
At some point, he developed a crush on you. You weren’t related at all, and you weren’t legally his sibling. The sad realization that you both were going to marry other people hit him like a truck. Someone else would be able to gaze upon your face, and it wasn’t going to be him.
When Navier invited you to the New Year’s Party, Sovieshu was excited. Sure, a lot has happened since you last saw each other, but surely you would be happy for him? Wrong. You, in fact, called him ‘a piece of trash for treating Navier like his father treated his mother’. He couldn’t even see your face, but he could feel the disgusted look you were giving him.
Speaking of tea being spilled, Sovieshu saw how you gracefully made your way to the dance floor. That is where you finally revealed your face. The Emperor watched as his wife walked up to you and asked for a dance. He had to admit that he was incredibly jealous that it wasn’t himself dancing with you.
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Rashta has heard about you. It was hard not to. Your reputation precedes you as a ‘child of the gods’. Everyone knew about you, and everyone knew that you had never shown your face to the public. From the looks of it, you didn’t even show either the Emperor or Empress (the latter part wasn’t true, though).
She eavesdropped on one of Sovieshu’s and Navier’s supposed-to-be-private conversations and they were reminiscing about you. She was jealous because it seems as though the Emperor missed you the most. She quickly corrected herself because she didn’t want to offend the gods.
She asks around the palace to try and gather information about you. She is very curious, and most of the servants as well as visiting nobles seem to have good things to say about you. They really worshiped you as though you were a goddess yourself. 
When she finds out that Navier invited you to the New Year’s Party, she was excited. What she did not expect was for you to be introduced as the Queen of the Western Empire or for you to completely ignore her and Sovieshu and go straight to Navier. In fact, when you did get introduced to each other, your first statement was ‘I know who you are’. 
Rashta watched as you and Navier walked hand-in-hand to the dance floor. You both danced so beautifully. Then, the Empress gently lifted your veil. You smiled as everyone gasped. The young mistress was angry that all the attention was off of her and onto you. As you and Navier walked off the floor, you looked in Rashta’s direction, gave a little pout, and used a finger to signify a tear falling down your face. 
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Navier was introduced to you when she was handpicked by the Emperor to marry Sovieshu. Everyone has heard of the Imperial Family volunteering to care for the child that the High Priest deemed a ‘child of the gods’, so she was excited to meet you. 
The four of you (you, Navier, Sovieshu, and Kosair) became close as children. You were betrothed to the (then) Crowned Prince of the Western Kingdom, Prince Wharton III. As a child, Navier was saddened at the prospect of you having to move such a long distance away. In private, you took off your veil and showed her as a seal to the promise that you both would remain close no matter what.
She knew about Sovieshu’s and Kosair’s crushes on you. She harbored no romantic interest in Sovieshu, so she was completely fine with it. In fact, she tried to push either one into confessing. No dice. At least you both stayed true to your promise and you wrote to each other quite frequently.
She always invited you to every New Year’s Party, but every single time your husband was sickly and you couldn’t attend. However, when you wrote to her saying you would be able to come, she was delighted. She sent a servant to tell her husband about the news as she got prepared for the party.
During said party, you noticed that the dress drama was getting to Navier, so you had a suggestion. You both would dance and she would lift your veil to reveal your face. The floor was cleared for the two of you, and you both danced gracefully. In the middle, Navier gently removed your veil as you smiled. She was shocked to see how much you had grown, but so glad she could see your beautiful eyes again.
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Heinrey was your brother-in-law. You were betrothed to his older brother from a very young age, and when you both got married he noticed how you actually won the love of the people with hard work and dedication. You ruled with a stern fist, and he respected that about you. 
He was aware that the marriage between you and his brother was one of convenience, but not of union. You weren’t a child of the Eastern Empire, so you couldn’t unite the two countries. However, it was more of an act of goodwill, what with you being a child of the gods.
You treated him like a younger brother, but there was no emotion behind any of your actions. You did what made sense, what was most logical. You told him stories of your childhood in the Eastern Empire and of Navier, Sovieshu, and Kosair. It was then that he grew a fascination towards the Empress.
You were both invited to the New Year’s Party, but the invitations were a cause of laughter between you, your husband, and Heinrey. You were invited on Navier’s behalf, Heinrey was invited on Sovieshu’s behalf. Once arrived, the Crowned Prince of the Western Kingdom just awkwardly stood there (simping over Navier) while you gave the Empress a hug. You didn’t even bother to acknowledge the Emperor or his mistress.
Later on in the evening, the dance floor was emptied. Heinrey watched as you and Navier walked step-by-step towards each other until you met in the middle. The way you danced was as graceful as flowing water in a peaceful river. In the middle of the dance, she lifted your veil to reveal your face. It was the first time the Prince saw your face at all, let alone seeing pure joy being expressed by you. Did his Queen have the same effect on you?
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Bonus: Kosair was introduced to you when Navier was handpicked by the Emperor to marry Sovieshu. All the noble families knew how the Imperial Family took you in and volunteered to raise you in place of the High Priest. Even though he already hated the Prince, he had to admit that he was excited to meet you.
He never noticed your apathetic personality because you were really good at faking your emotions through your voice and your body language. He wasn’t permitted to see your face, so he wasn’t able to see your expressions. However, he probably wouldn’t have noticed the fake smile you always wore.
You were a marvel to him. Even without seeing your face, you made him fall in love with you. When the news came that you were betrothed to the Crowned Prince of the Western Kingdom, he was devastated. Navier had to hold him back from doing anything that could tarnish the family’s reputation.
After the Imperial Family’s New Year’s Party, you had written to Kosair saying that you were in-town and would love to see him before you had to go back home. Once he had received the letter, he was in the palace the next day. He asked to be led to your chambers and you gave him a hug upon seeing him. You spent the majority of the day just catching up.
It was then where he confessed the feelings he had harbored for you for years. You, not really feeling anything, faked your sadness. You explained that if you had known sooner, you would have fought all you could so that you could marry him instead of your actual husband. Great job, Y/N. You made him mentally beat himself up even more.
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Bonus: Grand Duke Kaufman was introduced to you formally while he visited the Western Kingdom. However, like everyone else, he has previously heard about you and your connection to the gods. It intrigued him, to say the least. It’s not like every Imperial Family raises a child for the High Priest.
He had also heard how you ruled your Kingdom with a string and firm hand, leading your subject with wisdom beyond your years. You often had to step in place of the King, and you did it well. When he visited to talk about negotiations between Luipt and the W.K., you knew his language. He was both shocked and not.
Your words were calculated and you evaluated every option and their consequences. You both had decided that it was smarter to wait and negotiate with the Eastern Empire than to make a decision presently. That was when the messenger came in with 3 invitations for you, Kaufman, and Heinrey to go to the New Year’s Party.
At said party, the Grand Duke was surprised at how you only paid attention to the Empress rather than greeting the Emperor. In fact, the latter was also shocked. You called both Sovieshu and his mistress the ‘lowest of the low’ and told them how they should be ashamed of themselves.
Later on in the evening, Kaufman noticed how everyone vacated the dance floor. The music changed to a nice waltz, and you and Navier were the only ones in the center of the room. As you both danced, the Empress gently lifted your veil. He had never seen someone so beautiful, and it made him a tinge jealous of your husband. No wonder you were said to be a deity.
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taki-yaki · 8 months
The Chains That Bind Us
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader/Tav Word Count:785 Part 2
After refusing the ascendant's gift of immortality, he seeks to keep you bound to him, even if a pact has to be made to do so. (Tw: Minor mention of blood, unwilling one-sided contract?)
As promised here is more in-depth writing about Tav becoming an undead warlock with A!Astarion as the patron.
For the Tav in this, they are already a warlock with an Archfey but you can insert whichever patron you see fit.
After you parted ways from the vampire ascend, after the defeat of the nether-brain, you thought that was the last you'd hear of him. You refused his "gift" of immortality in exchange for keeping your humanity.
Until one day you returned for a reunion party with your companions at Baldur's gate to be hosted by the vampire lord in his palace. 
5 years have passed since then, surely he wouldn't have any lingering feelings for you after so long, he said that he already had everything he wanted when you left him.
Upon arriving at the palace, Astarion takes you aside to discuss about some politics with you.
Accepting his offer naively thinking that you were nothing more than old comrades nowadays despite your past.
Entering the small office space, you see a large pile of papers sitting on the centre table, they give off a necrotic aura, and the quick glace makes you think it's a contract with Mephistopheles.
He points towards the papers, an offer, a way to be with him still, staying as a mortal and allowing you to still venture around Faerun. Be finally free from the mischief that your fey patron causes you in day-to-day life. Refuse and it will be the last you ever see of your companions.
A simple offer he's sure that you can't refuse and he knows. Either walk away now and betray your companions or accept being forced to give up your old contract and accept the whims of your new patron.
Frantically flicking through the pages of the contract, looking for any sort of technicality in the binding that can be used to your advantage is useless. Every single possible loophole or trick has been closed off to you. 
Devastation fills you, but you shouldn't feel surprised, after all, he was a magistrate over two centuries ago. Such legally binding faults must be accounted for at all costs.
 Leaving you with only one choice, you sign the contract, your name written in blood upon the rotting paper.
As you feel the last soft fey giggle in the distance fade away from you, the sudden emptiness is felt before the power of necrotic magic wraps around you, in body and soul, bound to your new patron as the contract demands.
He treats you well within his palace, a whole personal suite to yourself and serves only the finest food that the whole of Faerun has to offer. But why would a vampire ascendant want to make a pact with a mortal in the first place?
 A vampire lord can't start a war with another so easily, besides it just gives them a bad publicity image. So why not send the hero of Baldur's gate to kill them, no one would bother to think twice as much.
Most tasks given by him are either to scout on the local gossip of high nobles in the city or to destroy any minor uprisings against the vampire lord, whether it is a few monster hunters to stray vampire spawn, they must be rid of at any cost, in fear of what the punishment would be for disobeying.
The power that a vampire ascend can offer to a warlock is far greater than that of a lord.
Manifesting the ascendant's dreadful power through your form of dread, not only makes you immune to being frightened so easily but changes slight parts of your physical body undergoes temporary transformation. Once dull canines now sharp enough to bite your tongue out, nails that could claw through any foe, sharp and ready to strike. You swear that your eyes glow in a deep shade of red.
Although this transformation makes you wince in pain the first few times, after a while you adjust to it reluctantly.
As your pact grows stronger with him, you start to notice small changes on your body. 
The touch of the sun is no longer a gentle glow that rests on your skin, but now carries a light sting on your flesh. It never leaves a mark but the pain lingers. 
The slight of blood makes your mouth water, thoughts running wild of what type of flavour each one would bring, but never giving in to the impulsion.
Glances of your reflection in the mirror would never be solid, always dancing between the fine lines of translucently.
You know keep down that you can't kill him yourself, as the contract stated "Should thou harm thou pact owner, shall be made into spawn". As if the bond isn't having that effect on you already. A slow but manageable pain.
All you can hope is that one day someone will rise up and finally free you from these chains.
Hope you guys liked this, I still have a few extra ideas that I couldn't put here cause this post would be a lot longer. But if you guys want a part 2, I'll be happy to serve.
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vampirevatican · 6 months
Milgram and The Court of Public Opinion.
this analysis will be about milgram's voting system, nuance and a whole lot of my own opinions mixed with eng fandoms translations, theories, and observations.
t1 = trial one / t2 = trial two
mv = music video
vd = video drama
voting and verdicts:
voting forgiven/unforgiven or innocent/guilty from the standards milgram sets for us (including es) isn't enough or easy.
being that milgram is set towards the court of public opinion and judgement can come from:
"sensibility, morality, ethics, legality, preference, taste, or sexual inclination..."
we end up arguing semantics, trying to find specifics in the crimes and making the best judgement possible. although in doing that the only conclusion anyone can come to is innocent when all is considered.
if we were doing it based on guilty and innocent then 5 are guilty, 2 are guilty on technicality and 3 are innocent
just in case you're curious, in guilty to innocent order as i just stated.
haruka, muu, amane, mikoto, kotoko, shido, fuuta, kazui, mahiru and yuno
it'd be over so quickly. but this... is milgram.
nuance/the grey area:
as the undercover song says, can you really judge them?
001. haruka did it for attention. with how he's coded - intellectual disability - and his mother being extremely neglectful after a certain age which prevented the possibility of his growth in intellect (understanding cause and effect/actions and consequences, along with many other things) it's easier to claim he's innocent. even more easier to forgive him due to this and extremely so if looking at it from his view point, albeit flawed. killing = attention = "affection", even if that attention/"affection" is negative it what he wanted. for someone, anyone to acknowledge him. he's innocent/forgiven because of his circumstances but if he's forgiven then he's being told it was his only option, and he was right, when the fault is on his mother.
002. yuno, as for now, doesn't have a reason. ofc in western (american specifically) public opinion or at least those who view abortion as a choice. she's been innocent from the start. this is her autonomy, her choice, even if she's 18. i won't deny she is so young to be doing sex work, or more specifically compensated dating, and yes it may be common in japan but that doesn't take away the age being factored into what she decided to do. it wasn't for money and she has a good home life. with how analytical and cold she can be, im assuming her desire to be loved in this way comes from somewhere and she's become jaded towards actual relationships. opting for the material and superficial. even without pitying her, she'd still be forgiven/innocent since t1.
003. fuuta was only trying to call out liars and scumbags. he is well versed in the court of public opinion, but he has never seen or experienced a result that lead to someone's death. looking at the undercover mv, then we can see he possibly doxxed his victim. if we take a nuanced approach here then we'd be looking at how he feels after the fact. he remembers the victims name, the fear in his eyes in his t1 and t2 mv, his voice drama after the first trial, him not approving of violence as a solution are all evidence of him feeling horrible. if he could go back, if he would've known. sure he did question why he's there instead of the people who actually killed the victim, but he also recognizes that he lead the charge. his innocence/forgiveness comes in the form of recognizing his actions were wrong. him being guilty/unforgiven is the action in itself.
004. muu is a love/attention reason. she's always been adored, admired, and cherished. she's always had her way. she also has never had to face heavy adversity. sure she was a bully, the queen bee, and a drama queen but didn't her school's culture allow her that? infact with us/es forgiving her, in the second trial song she claims as such, she'll always be queen. and for the t1 mv she says, "my 'im sorry' spells aren't working anymore." which leads me to believe that she's cried and apologized so many times that her old friends couldn't believe her. not forgiving her affirms to her that "two wrongs don't make a right" but forgiving her says the opposite to her. if she's to be forgiven/innocent the blame is tossed to the school, not her, but she won't see it that way.
005. shido is a love case, but for family. im thinking son because of a theory i saw, but either way when looking at it with nuance it gets heavier here. is taking from brain dead patients to save someone wrong? are the brain dead really dead? in my opinion yes, but that's the crux of the situation right? same goes for all the other inmates in this court of public opinion. he can be innocent from the view point that brain dead patients are already dead, and forgiven for his motive.
006. mahiru is another love case, romantic, and in a roundabout way she never committed a crime in the first place. from the voice drama and interrogation q&a slips, we find out that she's a sheltered girl and loves/idolizes soap opera and shoujo mangas. from her mv's we see she romanticizes everything, especially with her t1 mv. she's innocent because of not actually committing murder and forgiven because this is her first love, she wouldn't have known that it was toxic and messed up.
007. kazui did it in hopes of a dream, righting a mistake, being free. although he deeply regrets it, although he says he loves his wife? that love is mainly platonic. from his second trial mv, we see that he met her through his job - most likely police officer - so they had some kind of amicable relationship through their job. he only married her out of societal obligation, and noticing she liked him. not to mention in his t1 mv he says he messed up from the beginning. he is innocent because his crime is indirect, and forgiven because being gay isn't a crime and the regret he feels shows he never had negative intentions.
008. amane did it out of obligation. now, listen to me. i know she's literally 12 and was raised in a cult but notice how im stating the motive of each of these as they are from being stated in vd or pure observations from the mv's. now to any grown up it's self defense, but also imagine having gone through the worst hell imaginable all because you did something "wrong" stated by the adults around you. wouldn't the revenge be sweet? justice in its purest form. now take that and double it down with what you were taught. amane is not only forgiven/innocent because she was just a child, but because of the circumstances surrounding the murder.
009. mikoto (miko from here on) did it out of pent up stress an emotions, in turn creating john (koto from here on). miko is innocent without a doubt, and no i am not taking on the theory he actually did it til we get trial three. if koto was supposed to be his protector, and if he was born from a sudden explosion of pent up anger then (at least to me) it makes sense that he reacted the way he did. imagine being a corporate slave - no actually double it down, again, with growing up always trying to keep the peace. miko has a habit of laughing when he's upset. he laughs it off in hopes that things get better, his vd affirms this and even his mv after that. miko's smile that shifts to an extremely tired expression right before koto is born and a mirror shatters, right at the start. an intolerable stress from working so hard he grew grey hairs, cried himself to sleep, and yet continued to work, hold it in, and endure. the fault isn't on him or on koto. it's japan's work culture and the endure it mentality. koto is innocent/forgiven in the sense of motive. miko is innocent/forgiven because he's never killed to begin with.
010. kotoko did it to save the innocent. though she doesn't deal in nuance, much like fuuta. a key difference between the two is kotoko chooses violence because the justice system failed her. infact she's been hunting down the awful criminals of the world so much that she even has a covered bulletin board with pinned strings on it. on top of that, from the interrogation cards, we find out she dropped out of college and she was studying law. she'd be innocent for what she was seeking to do, in the court of public opinion, many would agree that awful people deserve a murderous punishment and she'd be even forgiven with that same reason. the nuance appears when considering the criminal, the crime and the reason. factoring those in then she can easily become guilty and unforgiven in the eyes of many, see the results after t1.
when it's all said and done:
they all had their reason, it all has a reason. who are we to say their crimes weren't just or fair? we're the judge, the jury, the executioner, and warden. in milgram whatever we says goes.
i'd love to see them all innocent, but at the same time do each of them deserve that? are their ideas being affirmed a detriment to them or their saving grace?? will they kill again?? will some of them be able to get the therapy and treatment they desperately need??? will they go back into society with an improved outlook on life or will they remain the same?
ofc i already have who i'd like to see forgiven and have already forgiven them myself, same as you reading this and those in the jpn fandom (where it originates)
anyway. moving forward please vote with this in mind, and check out the audio dramas i beg you all. i hope that there are nuance voters and voters with sympathy but with how amane was guilty in t1, i have a strong feeling it's not gonna end well. but if it does, you'll see me rejoice.
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the-roadtrip-system · 30 days
OH WAIT HEY YOU'RE INTO PRESSURE. What is Pressure? Who is Sebastian Solace? All I know is that he's a fish.
its a roblox horror game inspired by doors (another roblox game), iron lung, ultrakill (apparently?) and scp: containment breach!!
from a gameplay standpoint, its got a similar premise to spooky's jumpscare mansion. you go through a certian amount of rooms while trying to survive monsters! except instead of 1000 rooms, its only about 100-something.
from a lore standpoint this is where it gets fun. you are a prisoner, sentanced to death. a company called urbanshade shows up to the prison you're at, promising a chance at a new life. but its not easy. you're not expected to return from this expedition at all. you are expendable. nothing more.
you have to go into the hadal blacksite, a facility at the depths of the ocean, and retrive the crystal that powers the whole place. the blacksite is on lockdown due to the actions of Z-13, one of the experiments. everything previously contained is now loose, and the building is practically caving in on itself. if you survive and retrieve the crystal, your criminal record is wiped clean, and you are given financial compensation to start your life anew.
oh also your prisoner diving gear has a shotgun shell pointed directly at your neck at all times and it can be remotely set off killing you instantly. attempting to leave the blacksite or remove your diving gear will result in your head getting exploded. so thats fun!
also also, you know how the deeper you go in the ocean the higher the pressure (haha) gets? well in the lore, if you go even deeper, you enter whats called the let-vand zone. where the pressure restabilizes to a level that is safe for humans to swim in! the dramatic pressure change keeps everything in the let-vand zone in, and everything else out. urbanshade has special submarines that can go through in and out without it and its passengers imploding :)
sebastian solace, voiced by gianni matragrano, is your only friend in the blacksite. when you get to roughly door 50 (its been anywhere from 47 to 53 in my experience), you find him and his shop! (its his tail. the shop is his tail.) throughout the game you can collect usb drives, classified files, and dna viles, all adding up to a point score visible in the top right of the screen, and you can use these points to buy items for yourself! light sources, medkits, code breachers (basically a keycard for the keycard doors when you cant find the keycard), and batteries for whatever you already have! just dont let your guard down too much around him. he very easily can kill you if you mess with him too much (ie: flash him with the really bright flash beacon)
(also side note: theres so many light sources in this game. theres flashlights, lanterns, flash beacons, hand crank flashlights, blacklights and gummy flashlights, and you can find multiple of the same one in the same room its ridiculous.)
OH I ALMOST FORGOT every time you die to something you get shown the classified file that urbanshade has about it! but most of the words are redacted. the more times you die to something, the more gets revealed! (i have everything unlocked for all hazards atm except for one thing ive only ever gotten once and survived so idek what that ones called)
so yeah thats pressure :) i think its fun :) i have 99 deaths and 7 wins :)
(theres more about sebastians lore i want to say but thats technically spoilers so im putting it under the cut)
the experiment Z-13 that caused the lockdown and made everything go to shit? thats sebastian! he was falsely accused of murdering 9 people back in 2012 and was sentenced to the death penalty (electric chair specifically iirc) but he got swooped up by urbanshade instead. they made a fake report that he did die so legally he is deceased. in 2015, he was the first subject for an experiment to give humans gills to allow them to breath underwater, so they gave him a shit load of aquatic animal dna to basically see what worked and what didnt. (blue whale, something redacted, great white shark, sea snake, female anglerfish (since males are basically nothing more than a parasitic ballsack), silver spinyfin, and mantis shrimp) [you're wrong when you say he's a fish. he's several fish. /silly] the glaring physical aspects of the experiment were ironed out in future versions of testing. he faked the affects of anesthetic and killed a high ranking guard, took his keycard, and let as many things loose at he possibly could. the reason he wants the data you find around the place is because he's trying to get as much information on urbanshade as he can, to give to a rival corporation in hopes of getting out of the blacksite.
oh and fun fact! this game takes place in 2025. sebastian has been a mutant fish man stuck in a facility at the bottom of the ocean for around 10 years! :D
all of this is found in his file that you can buy in his shop for 1000 points :)
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moiraimyths · 2 months
Did Lugaid codify any laws before he died or are the Unseelie just going by vibes? I feel confident in them going by vibes. That sounds like a confident system of government
The law in a "by the book" sense is the same between the Seelie and Unseelie sides, since both typically follow the judicial precedents set by the druidic Order. Lugaid in particular also had a great respect for the druids; his revolutionary partner was a druid, after all. He had little quarrel with the laws as established per se, but rather with the regional lords who (among other things) often disregarded the law to suppress dissidents (example: allowing for sham trials without a druid presiding in order to protect corrupt guards), and were generally shoddy rulers over their constituents, whether free or unfree.
That said, there are some notable distinctions between the Seelie and Unseelie sides from a class divide perspective, but that's less to do with Lugaid codifying new laws, and more... A defacto new reality whose consequences are not yet fully realized. For one thing, unfree members of a túath (a legal territory belonging to a noble/flaith) are not typically permitted free movement from that túath because, as unfree, they belong to the land. However, many unfree took up arms for Lugaid during the rebellion and subsequently settled into new túatha, and many of their original lords were killed/replaced. Taking up arms as an unfree person is, also, not technically legal...but that doesn't really stop the Unseelie unfree from having them! Between the recently ended war and the uptick in criminality, it's necessary for self defense. But if/when things are more settled, what does that mean for the unfree who currently have weapons? Should they be seized? Will they let that happen? Are they simply made free? Will all unfree wish to be freed? How will that effect commerce, or the production of food? Usually, farmers are unfree, and the Unseelie need to keep on top of their farming given the lack of trade with the Seelie...
This is all to say: Good luck, Flannán!
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
working on one of my dao fics atm and i'm actually SO obsessed over the obvious conflict brewing between the chantry and the wardens in dao & da2 (and a proper resolution to it ofc instead of just getting dai to bonk us over the head with "wardens evil because ~*blood magic*~")
like it is so SO fascinating to me. ok. with the exception of the dwarven origins (specifically because of the lack of chantry & standing of the wardens in orzammar which! could even be CONNECTED couldn't it, fuck!!!!) and the dalish elf origin, the way the wardens are introduced is so fascinating.
in the magi origin, the conflict between the grey wardens and the chantry is already there in duncan's very INTRODUCTION. from the get go, you're immediately alerted to the fact that greagoir is aggravated by duncan's presence, because duncan is recruiting mages for the grey wardens and he cannot deny duncan a recruit. duncan then conscript amell/surana right out from the circle, before they can be punished as per chantry law, and there's nothing greagoir can do about it. even when amell/surana returns to the tower during the events of broken circle, even once you've resolved the issues in the tower, greagoir does not just drag you back to the circle, despite you technically being an apostate because you are a grey warden before you are a mage.
in the city elf origin (i've only ever played f!tabris tho), duncan's the one who gives nelaros and soris the weapons they need to get the elves back from the castle. carrying those weapons is a crime -- presumably, then, supplying weapons to elves is also a crime. the chantry mother that attends tabris' wedding does absolutely NOTHING to stop vaughn (she lit even steps aside PHYSICALLY to allow him to approach the elves) but duncan, the commander of the grey wardens, straight up gives you a weapon and then conscripts you to get you out of being punished for killing a bunch of humans INCLUDING the arl's son. AND THERE'S NOTHING ANY OF THEM CAN DO ABOUT IT.
BUT... in the human noble origin, it's really emphasised how strong of a hold the chantry and andrastianism has on the couslands. as you're wandering about the castle, there's almost a whole segment that's just making it explicit that you were raised Very Andrastian, in the interactions with the chantry mother there. and duncan is painted in the worst light here, being willing to let cousland die in the castle if they dont agree to the conscription. when you get to ostagar and try talk to the king about it, duncan makes it clear you're a grey warden before you're a cousland and that's now a bad thing. you don't get vengeance for your family -- you can't, because your duty to the wardens trumps everything else. cousland has a lot to be bitter about when it comes to duncan. becoming a grey warden is framed in the worst possible way in the cousland origin -- the most strongest origin in terms of andrastian faith -- and i don't think that's a coincidence. that's SO fascinating to me.
then you get to ostagar and you're introduced to alistair, and his entire character background hinges on what is. ostensibly. a pissing contest between the chantry and the wardens over him -- the chantry, who got him from arl eamon, and put him through templar training vs the wardens who can legally just take him from them and there's nothing the chantry can do about it. he's literally an escaped templar and it's clear the chantry despises that as much as they would despise an escaped mage.
and this is all before ostagar!!!! like?!?!?!?! you can SEE the chantry and the wardens' power struggle, and the chantry is losing
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