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With all the misinformation out there please remember that sex trafficking and child sex trafficking are not conspiracy theories. They’re billion dollar businesses. Stop all slavery and sex trafficking. Legalize sex work. Make it safe. Keeping it illegal and unprotected creates this dangerous criminal industry. Raise the age of consent to the voting age so minors can have a say in what adults are allowed to do to them. Let’s be the generation that ends sex trafficking, slavery, and pedophilia. #HumanTrafficking #SexTrafficking #LegalizeSexWork #ProtectSexWorkers #StopPedophilia #EndSlavery #EndHumanTrafficking #PeopleAreNotForSale https://www.instagram.com/p/CDeq4wBFeSGU2CMSvGY-YXEstUQOR-pw8fzrVU0/?igshid=1kft5qhkqjg49
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How can we as a nation shout messages of freedom when we criminalize what people are pushed to do with their bodies to survive? #LegalizeSexWork
We think imposing penalties for prostitution will prevent it from happening, but we can historically this has never proven true. Evidence of sex work can be seen as far as 2400 BCE and there are an estimated one million sex workers who engage in prostitution in the U.S. By criminalizing sex work we are forcing sex workers to live in the shadows which puts them at much higher risk of violence, increases health issues, promotes police profiling, increases incarnation rates and causes negative impacts on already disadvantaged communities.
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Just donated to @swopusa @swopbehindbars. Support a cause you believe in for #givingtuesday ❤️✌️ #supportsexworkers #legalizesexwork https://www.instagram.com/p/Bqs2ZBbgD3dK9oVPJr_TRtlZh9i9d6t9FA0HuU0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1izsxepce7ws2
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If she got your money bro...she is a brain. #legalizesexwork (at Porto, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNZT-1BMdsa/?igshid=1w2hw5c12fbv7
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We should learn from prohibition. Making something illegal for moral reasons doesn’t make the issue disappear - it just drives it underground and allows organized crime to flourish. Not to mention you’re forcing an entire country to adhere to one moral code that isn’t shared by the majority of people. @andrewyang2020 #andrewyang #yanggang #supportsexworkers #supportsexwork #legalizesexwork #crime #moral #morality #morals #values #trafficking #humantrafficking #decriminalize #decriminalizesexwork #victim #victims #protectsexworkers #protectsexworkersrights #math https://www.instagram.com/p/B6aotiwA0HM/?igshid=dun1k1eaiq9t
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You’re hot af, you should make an only fans.
I am legit honored. Thank you, stranger! I could never make an only fans tho, really think that should be kept with the professionals. But, as always, #SupportSexWorkers #LegalizeSexWork
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Still not dead. Yay. Still horrified by the course of history. Not so yay. Although I recognize that the odds are overwhelmingly in favor of me surviving this mess regardless of what goes on outside, I find the suggestion that old people should totally be okay with drowning in their own frothy lung fluid as long as it keeps the money flowing abhorrent. Do they know they're saying this out loud? Do they understand that the main mass voter base that put them in power to begin with is angry that gun stores are "non-essential" businesses because they're running on a paranoid survival instinct? Has it not registered that they, too, will run out of toilet paper (or food, or clean water and sanitation) if the proletariat just sits the fuck own and refuses to work under these conditions? On my part, I've been home for the past two weeks. I have an anxiety disorder that tells me to avoid all human interaction when I'm over-stressed, and just this once it's fucking right. Literally all my non-blogging work does not exist right now, and I'm trying to figure out how to compensate. Soft-core porn looks like the winner. Trying to figure out whether there's a market of course there's a market, this is the internet, for me on a webcam talking about intelligent things (that are NOT CORONAVIRUS) with my tits out. My cam/mic setup sucks, but titties generally trump production quality. I would also release an audio-only version on my blog-related Patreon, for anyone who wants to throw money at #freethenipple or #legalizesexwork or whatever, but has no personal interest in my boobs. If this makes you squeamish, 1) reality sucks so deal with it, 2) I'm also going to start streaming some charming point-and-click retrogames on Twitch, which I think has an option for tipping the streamer somehow. Not sure how it works, but Twitch bans adult content, so I'll have the cam off, or at least my shirt on. Choices for first up are:
The Secret of Monkey Island
Day of the Tentacle
Sam & Max: Freelance Police
so if you have a favorite just give me a holler.
I camped Amazon Fresh until they opened a delivery slot for some poor still-employed driver to bring me a bunch of shit I kind of want, but not enough to get breathed on by a stranger. I got about half my order (not the useful half), but that did include more dry pasta for the rats. I ordered a bunch of things I didn't need so immediately through Amazon Prime, which is giving a $3 credit per batch for stuff you're willing to let them delay delivery on. It's good for movies and e-books, which is the thing I'm going to want anyway. Also the rats could use some more cardboard boxes. The critters are still blissfully ignorant of everything. The last time I dared go grocery shopping, the store was out of all the bagged loose frozen veggies, so I bought several ears of corn instead. They've been a half-ear each for the day, and happy munching noises fill the room. I took some follow-up photos for the vet when they quit scratching themselves to death, so have Durnik, cuddled up in his bedding with all his fur grown back in:
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2WE7YE2 via IFTTT -------------------- Enjoy my writing? Consider becoming a Patron, subscribing via Kindle, or just toss a little something in my tip jar. Thanks!
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Irene and I attended the opening of their exhibition for SWEAT, the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Trust last night at the Iziko Slave Lodge museum in Cape Town. It consists of 9 Portrait taken by us paired with some photos taken by the participants after a two day workshop on photography. It is spaced over three rooms and includes an hour long documentary made by us where different sex workers describe their daily routines and the places they inhabit. Make sure you sign one of the free postcards available in the third room in aid of decriminalizing sex work in South Africa. #portraitphotography #portrait #iziko #slavelodge #sweat #legalizesexwork (at Slave Lodge, Cape Town)
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I have many doubts that our government cares about our wellbeing or what we think. I have doubts that other citizens care about each other. But I want to show my anti-support of FOSTA, a bill that will be voted on by the house very soon. Another attack on the wellbeing of a marginalized group. I am not exactly a 'sexworker' although my work partly depends on sex appeal and arousal, and I have & still do pro-dom work occasionally. I believe in total legalization of the business. Sex isn't wrong. Selling isn't wrong. Selling sex isn't wrong. If you can marry for a dowry you should be allowed to shave off the sugarcoating and paperwork & fuck for one. So it is even more important that I stand up against it and refuse to treat sexworkers and trafficking victims as nonhuman trash. This bill does not help them. It only makes their conditions more dangerous. Pimps will just send them out on the street and force them to take any client to make ends meet since they cannot advertise online. Police will not 'save them' there. We have a long way to go for sexworkers rights, but please, especially if you are not a sexworker, make a call and take some time right now to learn aout this bill. #sexwork #fosta #againstfosta #callyourrepresentative #trafficking #humantrafficking #legalizesexwork #legalizeprostitution #survivorsagainstfosta
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Sex Lives Matter
Sex Workers Matter, That's it point blank period. There's nothing wrong with sex work if the sex worker is a consenting adult who chose to do sex work. Why do we (as americans) have such a bad view on sex workers? Why do we teach and allow our children to go around calling women sluts and whores? We need to focus on teaching our kids to respect all individuals regardless of their profession or life choices, If the person respects you then you respect them in return, This isn't a foreign concept. This is why I believe religion is toxic, It shames sex work. Lets be honest if it wasn't for porn or other forms of adult entertainment the rape epidemic would be more wide spread because people as a whole would have less to release their frustrations and their urges. Women can be sexual predators Men can be raped Not all Trans-Women do sex work Sex Workers lives DO matter #Legalizesexwork
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Irene and I attended the opening of their exhibition for SWEAT, the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Trust last night at the Iziko Slave Lodge museum in Cape Town. It consists of 9 Portrait taken by us paired with some photos taken by the participants after a two day workshop on photography. It is spaced over three rooms and includes an hour long documentary made by us where different sex workers describe their daily routines and the places they inhabit. Make sure you sign one of the free postcards available in the third room in aid of decriminalizing sex work in South Africa. #portraitphotography #portrait #iziko #slavelodge #sweat #legalizesexwork (at Slave Lodge, Cape Town)
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