#legal translation services online
transcriptioncity · 3 months
Transcription Services for Accessibility and Inclusion
The Importance of Transcription Services for Accessibility and Inclusion In the digital age, 15% of the global population experiences some form of disability. This significant statistic underscores the critical need for accessibility. Transcription services play a pivotal role in enhancing accessibility and inclusion. This article delves into how transcription services help make digital content…
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miniwritesworld · 2 years
Machine To Human: Transcription & Data Processing
Transcription is a task that is easy on the outside but difficult on the inside. It looks like a very simple and not-so-useful approach for business, but you will be amazed at its benefits.  By definition – transcription is the process of voice-to-text conversion. But there is certainly a lot more to it. It is estimated that a person can speak approximately 150–170 words per minute. Most of us…
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Oh no, I have been mildly inconvenienced by the death of my favourite anime streaming site. Whatever will I do? Go pay a three-digit sum to various enshittified services so I can watch my stuff "legally" with larger delays, lower image quality, and less accurate translations?
Or just find at least four new sites within five minutes of going through the comment section of a meme related to the takedown?
I wonder what delusional dinosaur would think a mass-site takedown would end online piracy? That did not even work in the 00s when servers were build with spit and duct-tape by literal teenagers - and it would especially not work on the international anime community that EXISTS because of decades of piracy and that has it as the very foundational bedrock of its subculture. I'd rather not think of all the money and manpower that was involved with this sort of takedown... wasted, all of it. And for what? A mild inconvenience. Truly absurd.
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cosmicpuzzle · 5 months
Occupations Signified by each Planet 👩🏻‍💻💼💰💸
Sun: Politics, entertainers, military and army commanders, directors, Government officials, public servants, ministers, Prime Ministers, Presidents, Governors.
Moon: Nursing, babysitters, chefs, coast guard, navy, real estate agents, kindergarten teachers, import export, restaurants, clothing, grocery shop.
Mars: Dentist, surgeon, butcher, real estate builders, mechanical/civil engineers, cooks, bodyguards, army, military, airforce, chemists, mechanics, hair cutters, fabrication, marital arts, firefighters, masseuses.
Mercury: Accountants, bookkeepers, data analyst, all types of data work, teachers (especially school), consultants, writers, businessmen, traders, astrologers, speech therapist, language translators, bankers, media personnel, journalist, social media manager, mathematicians, computer operators, customer support, lawyers, coders, programmers, minister.
Jupiter: Lawyers, judge, priest, mentors, advisors, coach, sports coaches, teachers, professors (college level), financial consultants, legal counsel, travel agent, preachers, spiritual teachers, Gurus.
Venus: Artist, movie stars, celebrity, musicians, dancers, singers, jewelers, luxury car dealers, sweet shops, marriage counselor, interior designers, fashion designers, textiles, perfume dealers, air hostess, sex workers, makeup artist, brokers, painters, designers, holiday or vacation agents, ambassadors.
Saturn: Manual jobs, masonry, carpenter, iron or steel worker, geologist, servants, oil and gas worker, executioner, mortician, social service, gardener.
Rahu: Technology, programmers, scientist, nuclear management, toxic chemicals, anesthesia, visa agents, advertising, online jobs, online marketing, drug specialists, alcolol dealers, smartphone service.
Ketu: Astrologers, psychics, monks, nuns, medical workers, doctors, pin hole surgeons, charity, social service, mathematicians, clock and watch makers, black magicians.
For Readings DM
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shout-it-out13 · 2 months
This fandom I swear
So I know I’m basically screaming into the void here but I have seen some seriously alarming tendencies of both parasocial behaviour and now downright infantalisation regarding Yoongi’s DUI incident
Now I’m a big fan of Yoongi, and I’m just as fond of the “lil meow meow” memes about him as anybody else, but it just doesn’t apply in this case.
Let me spell out the obvious (because then takes I’m seeing is downright worrying):
1. Min Yoongi is a 31 year old man. Not a baby or a teen, a whole ass adult, in his 30s. Thus him being of legal age, makes him as fully subject to the law, as any other legal adult of legal age (or even those of minor age, persecution of underage people is very much a thing, and even if he wasn’t an adult, he would still have received criminal punishment).
2. Him and the company appears to not have worded the translation properly, it was on a proper scooter, not on of those electrical scooters. And even if it was, it still probably would have counted, operating anything from a plane, car, boat, tractor, scooters etc counts as a DUI.
3. A DUI is a serious offense, no matter what the outcome is. It’s fortunate that this situation was so mild, nobody got hurt nor no personal damages, it still is a serious offense and should have be treated as such. Yes, we shouldn’t be treating this situation as if he hit and killed somebody, but he still could have, and this needs to be taken seriously.
Min Yoongi, a man in his 30s (a grown ass man of legal age, whom I’m seeing getting his criminal offense downplayed like nothing happened by those both of legal age and those not), committed a crime, as mild as the situation was, is a serious situation and for that break of the law, he deserves to be punished for it. And the fact that there are people treating like he did nothing wrong is just idiotic.
The amount of parasocial behaviour (friendly reminder, you will never truly know any idol, youtuber, celebrity, actor etc if you don’t personally know them (no meeting them multiple times and borderline stalking them and learning evrry single detail you can about them online doesn’t count) and infantilisation in this fandom is insane.
Stop putting people you look up to on such a high pedestal until the point where you think they can do nothing wrong (like some armys are doing right now, with a man in his 30s)
I love Yoongi, I still look up to him even after this, I’m glad that he wasn’t hurt and that this doesn’t hurt his military service. I hope he learns from this, faces whatever legal punishment they give him, and hope that he can regain his license again in the future.
I hope he, the company and most importantly the fandom, recognises how serious this situation is and stops going “poor little meow meow” or “I’m in love with a criminal” (no you don’t, nobody in the fandom knows who and how BTS are in their private lives (private lives whom they are fully entitled to keep hidden from overobsessive fangirls who thinks stalking people counts as knowing them. They’re people, not objects nor saints, please treat them as such) over a man who commuted a criminal offense, aka broke the law and now needs to face said punishment.
I know I have been repeating myself over and over, but with the amount of braindead takes seen in this fandom regarding theses legal grown men, is just painful.
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spectrumgarden · 7 months
how do you know if you have medium support needs?
Gonna go on a bit of a long winded support needs rant here.
Frankly theres no hard lines between the terms low medium and high support needs. Medium support needs specifically is a community term, meaning it was made by autistic people instead of medical professionals. There are also many people who consider themselves right between two categories, so they'll say they are low-medium or medium-high, which honestly turns it into more of a 5 options system than 3 if you're being pedantic. And then theres also the option of describing the category further, for example like saying you are on the high end of low support needs, or the low end of medium support needs.
( slight tangent: depending on where you live there might be actual legal categories with strict definitions, based on how much support someone needs, seperate from the specific terms of LSN MSN and HSN. In germany where I live there are Pflegegrade, translating to "care degree", which has 5 levels. I am right under the point cut off for level 3, so I'm a high level 2, described as "substantial limitation of indepence and skill". (Which I think also fits well with me considering myself on the low end of MSN.) This care level translates to funding for my care by my insurance and (alongside my disability ID score and markers) is often used in services for disabled people to "prove" that I need them to begin with before the question of funding even comes up. )
When it comes to assessing these support needs, whether legally defined or community coined, you can not really get around ADLs, activities of daily living. There are bADLs and iADLs, and most lists online will be fairly similar in what they include. ADLs are used in assessing disabled peoples need for care no matter their type of disability. It's what was used for my grandmother with alzheimers the same way it's used for me or my neighbor with mobility issues.
Since there are no strict "you need to hit exactly these many of the bADLs and these many of the iADLs that you need help with in this way" rules to qualify for, anything past this point will be my subjective opinion that I formed after looking at tons of peoples self reported and caregiver reported support needs label and what they need help with, and in what capacity. Others might define this (slightly) differently.
Support basically starts at reminders and ends in someone else completely doing it for you (sometimes done as hand over hand to hopefully build motor memory so you might be able to start doing them a bit more independently in the future). Theres also the detail of "how do you define needing care" and in general disability circles, not necessarily autism specific circles, I've often seen the phrase "can you do it reliably and safely" to assess if you need help with something. So if you can only get yourself to shower once a month for example even with reminders, that would still count as requiring care of some level for it to be done reliably. Or if you can use an oven to heat up / make food but you sometimes get burns that go beyond regular "clumsiness" that also means you probably need additional support to use it safely.
From what I've seen in the community over the last few years I honestly consider bADLs to be a large deciding factor for your support needs. If I did not need help with bADLs beyond reminders I could for example probably get away with only having a few hours of support a week for things like assisted grocery shopping or driving me to a doctor's appointment or helping me write an email or make a phone call or helping me deep clean the bathroom or kitchen, while spending my day to day completely by myself. I would still have to accommodate myself the rest of the time, such as mostly relying on instant and generally low effort food, my apartment would probably never be super tidy (but also like. Majority of peoples apartments get messy on the regular, I should know from my friends that are all 100% abled), and relying on a schedule, for example an app or physical list on the wall, for bathing, dressing and grooming.
But because I need prompting for my bADLs to be done reliably in any way or form I suddenly need a lot more care, so this small detail made it go from 1-2 days a week to daily.
with bADLs (and similarly iADLs but that's not the focus right now) it starts with people who need no help with them, then people directly below me who need reminders for (some) of them, people like me who need prompting and on bad days hands on help with some. And over that are people who need prompting for most if not all of them, and ending in people who need hands on help for all of them. And if you crammed that entire experience all into high support needs and left low to medium support needs open for people who only need help with iADLs it would be way too much for the HSN category alone I think. But if you extended it into low support needs it would also make low support needs basically useless as a term. Which to me means it makes the most sense to consider needing some help with bADLs beyond reminders the thing that sort of starts the category of medium support needs applying. Because frankly speaking reminders dont take up a lot of time, often can be done virtually or without the need for another person via reminders and checklists etc. Which is a stark contrast to someone who needs to be walked through a task from beginning to end by someone by their side at all times. So you can need help with most/all of your iADLs, which means you still need a relatively high amount of care if you look at it from an abled perspective ( i.e. someone to control your finances for you, and organize your transportation, and help you keep your environment clean, ...) and maybe rely on a phone app that reminds you to brush your teeth and shower, and still be low support needs, because you're putting it in the perspective of the large variety that is disabled experiences.
Lastly I do think the ADLs are not perfect, for example at least older definitions usually do not include things like if you can engage in fun activities by yourself such as watching media or reading or drawing, whatever you enjoy, or how effectively you can communicate in daily life even though that is in itself important to your quality of life and will affect how much time needs to be spend on your care. However they are the best we have currently and make a lot of sense.
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cnovelartreblogs · 6 months
this may not be the place for it - feel free to ignore! but do you know of any good guides for ordering English edition rosmei books in the USA? I've reached out to one group order place but I'm find everything about rosmei to be deeply confusing lol
So as far as I know, the only way to do it (the way I'm doing it) is to join a group order/buy from a place that has partnered with Rosmei. There's a list of those places (all over the world) here: https://shop-b24ce1da57f643b5f45af2da645ab4c4.myallvalue.com/pages/partners
As far as I know, the only one in the US is Yiggybean:
What's been happening is, Rosmei announced that pre-orders are opening, and then Yiggybeans opens a pre-order listing. Those seem to run 2 to 4 weeks. They're only a first payment; there'll be a second for shipping. The books have been running $25 to $35 per book, and by pre-ordering they come with extras. They also charge the domestic part of the shipping, which is another $5 to $10. I'm expecting the second payments to be $20 to $30 per book but I don't know for sure yet because none of them have shipped.
How to Survive as a Villain vol. 1 had pre-orders open in January.
Nanchan and Don't You Like Me? The pre-orders for each vol. 1 ended about a week ago.
I found out about the more recent ones after the order had already ended, and I emailed Yiggybean to ask what could be done. They were very prompt and polite answering me, and they told me they'd pre-ordered a few extra and were able to sell me one of each of those, it was all settled very quickly and easily and I was impressed by their customer service.
I also asked if there was a way to get notification of when the next pre-orders go live; they said not yet but they were working on putting together an email blast for it, so I'm hoping for that so I don't accidentally miss any others.
I haven't actually received anything yet, so I can't speak to quality of the Rosmei editions, translation fidelity, shipping, etc., but the above is everything I do know. The tl:dr is the only way I've found to order the books from the US, legally and without like, knowing someone in Singapore, is through Yiggybean, and buying there is as easy as adding the pre-order to your cart and checking out like in any other online store.
A friend has also pre-order one through the place in Poland, so for European folks I may be able to report back on how that goes, too.
Hope this helps!
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rainofaugustsith · 24 days
So the Open Library decision came down, and there's already a lot of hand wringing about it. Before you start waving torches about how this is all moneygrubbing Big Publishing flexing its muscle, I'd beg you to actually read the facts of the case. From the decision:
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This appeal presents the following question: is it "fair use" for a nonprofit organization to scan copyright-protected print books in their entirety, and distribute digital copies online in full, for free, subject to a one-to-one-loaned ratio between its print copies and the digital copies it makes available at any given time, all without authorization from the copyright-holding publishers or authors? Applying the relevant privisions of the Copyright Act as well as binding Supreme Court and Second Circuit precedent, we conclude the answer is no. We therefore AFFIRM. (the previous decision). 1. This has never been about the Wayback Machine, Archive.org's historical collections, or out of print books. NOTHING in the court decisions prevent them from continuing that work. 2. This has never been about "libraries being able to have and lend books." 3. Yes. libraries do have ebooks and lend them out. They pay for the ebooks. There are licensing terms. 4. Open Library did not pay licenses. They rebuffed publishers when they were approached about it. They therefore want to claim they are a library without acting like a library.
Oh, and they were marketing this as a positive to other libraries: "get books for free! Don't pay! 5. The issue specifically is about new books, not the out of print stuff.
Here's the thing about that. Unless it ends up being a new timeless classic, most books make most of their money in their first year or so. If sales aren't good, it can impact future book contracts.
Here's the other thing about that. Most authors earn four figures or less annually for their writing, even if they are publishing with a major house. They almost always have to have at least one other job, and often several. I know so many writers who have several jobs just to make rent every month. Often, the money they get for a advance is the only money they ever see from the book - if they even get an advance, which is increasingly rare these days.
Thus, if that license is not purchased, it does hurt them - directly.
"But it's one license at one library!" Cool cool, can we just take a week of your salary and tell you "it's just one week, you won't miss it?" 6. Big Publishing! Money Grubbing Fiends!
Yeah, the big publishers did mount this lawsuit. Do you honestly fucking think that independent midlist writers making four figures a year had the money to hire attorneys to do it? They had the money, they did what the authors alone could not. 7. But people couldn't get the book otherwise.
Okay. Some of those books are like $2 as ebooks or used paper copies. If you can't afford that, there's this wonderful thing called the public library, where you can get a free library card and access to books online for free. Books that have been paid for. If you don't have access to a library in another country - I'm sorry. But this isn't the answer. Maybe when it comes to media you don't always get everything you want all the time. You know, like in the real world with grownups. I'd also add that you can keep using Archive.org's other services that were not questioned here which give you access to lots of other media, with older out of print books, magazines, etc. There are other websites like Issu which offer publications online for free, LEGALLY. This decision isn't the Last Chance Saloon for media access.
I know that a lot of you think authors and other creatives apparently are not entitled to get paid for their work like everyone else, or at least don't translate pirating to "the writer's not getting paid for this." Apparently they're supposed to work for free "for the love of it!" don't need to pay for food, healthcare and housing, and should smile whenever their stuff is pirated. So maybe it truly doesn't matter to you that the big issue here is authors not getting paid, I don't know. That's what it's about, though.
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omgharrythings · 5 days
How to Create an Online Power of Attorney in the UAE with UAE Online POA
How to Create an Online Power of Attorney in the UAE with UAE Online POA
Creating a Power of Attorney (POA) in the UAE is a critical legal process for both businesses and individuals. Whether you need to delegate legal, financial, or personal responsibilities, a Power of Attorney gives you the ability to authorize someone to act on your behalf. The good news is that with UAE Online POA, the process of creating a Power of Attorney has never been easier. We offer a fully digital service that allows you to create, notarize, and submit your POA online without the need for extensive paperwork or in-person visits.
In this guide, we’ll explain how you can quickly and easily create an Online Power of Attorney in the UAE with UAE Online POA. We’ll cover everything from the types of POA available to the steps you need to follow, and the importance of legal translation and notarization for your documents.
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What is an Online Power of Attorney?
An Online Power of Attorney is a legally binding document that allows you to delegate authority to another person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) to handle specific tasks on your behalf. With UAE Online POA, you can create a Power of Attorney online, which is then legally recognized by the UAE courts once it’s notarized.
This process saves you time and effort, especially if you're located outside the UAE or are managing complex legal matters from a distance.
Types of Power of Attorney Available
General Power of AttorneyA General Power of Attorney grants broad authority to the agent, allowing them to handle a wide range of legal, financial, and business matters on behalf of the principal. This is particularly useful for those living abroad who need someone to manage their UAE-based affairs.
Special Power of AttorneyA Special Power of Attorney limits the agent's authority to specific tasks, such as selling property, signing contracts, or representing the principal in legal matters. It’s commonly used for one-time transactions like a car power of attorney or property transfer power of attorney.
Car Power of AttorneyIf you need someone to buy or sell a vehicle on your behalf, a Car Power of Attorney gives them the legal right to handle all vehicle-related transactions in the UAE.
Property Transfer Power of AttorneyA Property Transfer Power of Attorney is essential for property transactions, whether you're buying, selling, or transferring ownership. The agent is empowered to handle the entire process, from signing contracts to dealing with government authorities.
Company Power of AttorneyFor businesses, a Company Power of Attorney allows a designated agent to represent the company in legal and financial matters. This is critical for businesses in Dubai looking to streamline their operations and ensure smooth transactions.
Steps to Create an Online Power of Attorney with UAE Online POA
Creating an Online Power of Attorney with UAE Online POA is simple, quick, and entirely digital. Here’s how the process works:
1. Choose the Type of POA You Need
The first step is to identify the type of Power of Attorney you require. Whether it’s a general POA or a special POA, UAE Online POA offers tailored solutions for every need. Depending on your requirements, you can opt for a car power of attorney, property transfer power of attorney, or company power of attorney.
2. Fill Out the Online POA Form
Once you’ve selected the type of POA, you can start filling out the online form on our website. Our easy-to-use interface ensures that all the necessary legal information is captured, from the principal's details to the agent’s responsibilities. If you're unsure about any part of the form, our team is available to guide you.
3. Legal Translation (If Needed)
In the UAE, all Power of Attorney documents must be in Arabic or accompanied by a certified legal translation. If your POA is drafted in another language, UAE Online POA provides legal translation services in Dubai to ensure your documents are valid and accepted by local authorities.
4. Notarization by a Dubai Notary
Once your POA is drafted and translated, it must be notarized by a certified Dubai notary. Notarization ensures that the document is legally recognized in the UAE and that the agent can act on your behalf without legal challenges. UAE Online POA facilitates this step by connecting you with authorized notary services for POA in UAE.
5. Receive Your Online Power of Attorney
After the notarization is complete, you will receive your official Power of Attorney document, ready for use in legal, business, or personal matters. You can download the document directly from our platform and use it as needed.
Why Legal Translation is Essential
For any Power of Attorney to be legally recognized in the UAE, it must be in Arabic or have a certified translation. UAE Online POA offers comprehensive legal translation services, ensuring that your POA is compliant with UAE laws. Whether you need a general POA or a property transfer POA, accurate translation is crucial to avoid legal disputes or delays in processing.
Benefits of Using UAE Online POA for Your Power of Attorney Needs
Convenience: With our fully digital platform, you can create, translate, and notarize your POA without ever visiting an office. This saves you time and eliminates the need for in-person visits to notary offices.
Certified Legal Translation: Our legal translation services in Dubai ensure that your POA is legally valid and recognized by the courts.
Speed and Efficiency: We understand the urgency of legal matters, which is why our online process is designed to deliver quick results. From drafting to notarization, we streamline the process so that you can get your POA in hand as quickly as possible.
Expert Legal Support: Our team of legal experts and translators is well-versed in UAE law, ensuring that your POA is properly drafted and compliant with all legal requirements.
Affordable Pricing: At UAE Online POA, we offer competitive pricing for all of our services, making it easy to get a Power of Attorney without breaking the bank.
Creating an Online Power of Attorney in the UAE has never been easier, thanks to UAE Online POA. Whether you need a general POA, special POA, or company POA, our digital platform simplifies the entire process, from drafting to notarization. With certified legal translation services and a seamless online experience, we ensure that your POA is legally recognized and ready for use in the UAE.
Don’t let the complexities of legal documents slow you down—trust UAE Online POA for all your Power of Attorney needs.
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transcriptioncity · 4 months
The History of Subtitling and Accessibility Services
The History of Subtitling and Accessibility Services The history of subtitling is deeply intertwined with the evolution of cinema itself. It all began with early silent films, which relied on intertitles to convey dialogue and narrative details. These intertitles were text cards inserted between scenes, and the precursors to modern subtitles. Filmmakers soon recognized the potential of these…
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binxysimsfinds · 4 months
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My Wedding Mod by @caradriel
My Wedding Mod | Patreon
The mod will unlock once your sim is engaged. After the engagement, you will find it by clicking on a Sim you control. Look for the My Wedding menu. From there you can start preparing the wedding.
Part 1- Engagement
In the Wedding planner menu, you will be able to go alone or with a partner (by clicking the partner menu) when it comes to joint decisions on the wedding.
You will also find specific social interactions for the couple only. These interactions change when the Sims are married.
From Legal Documents (Partner menu) you may also: Sign Prenuptial Agreement or Talk About Marriage Contract.
Wedding App
The Wedding Reservation (Wedding App menu on your Sim) can be used for Call and Book reservation. The services are different which Sim you are using.
SimBook Service
You can now Create a SimBook account on a computer (Discuss Menu). With this account you will be able to Create and Publish the Wedding List (when the couple is married you will be able to close the list and receive a random amount of money). You can also consult Simbook groups, pages, and manage your own page.
By clicking on the Sim you control and on the Wedding App menu, go to the SimBook menu. You can take photos and upload them to your personal SimBook page.
⚠️ If you cannot find the SimBook or Honeymoon menus on your computer, try changing to another basegame computer.
Wedding Invitations
From the Wedding Online Shopping menu you can buy decorations, flowers and invitations for the wedding. You can order invitations and send them from your Sims’ inventory.
(This menu will be different once married)
Social Interactions
The Wedding Social menu will be used by your Sims to chat with friends about the future wedding, you can also officially Announce the wedding date.
(Social interactions will be different for the couple)
Other Social Interactions
Some interactions will be available only for NPC Sims or friends, and can be found in the different categories of dialogue (funny, mean, mischief, friendly). Beware don’t cause drama in your relationships, don't say I didn't warn you!
Part 2. After Wedding
Keep in mind that after the wedding the mod menus will change, some features will no longer be available and will be replaced by new ones.
Marriage Certificate
When you click on your Sim, you can now order a Wedding Certificate. This can be hung on a wall if you wish.
You can go on Honeymoon at any time! For a luxury Honeymon, you must first have a plane ticket, which you can buy from the computer (Web menu), the Budget-friendly is a simple Social Event.
You have the possibility to buy a Wedding Photo Album and Travel Guides by looking for Travel Information on a computer about each place (Selvadorada, Komorebi, Granite falls… etc)
When you buy your plane ticket, a few minutes later the Del Sol Valley Company will call you on your phone to sell a luggage insurance. You can buy it or not, as you wish!
Sulani Rental (optional)
As for the Wedding Party Place Lot, there is a created Rental Lot (No CC) for a Honeymoon in Sulani.
You can download it on the gallery: Caradriels or follow this link.
You can find other Rental Lots from MissyHissy’s here.
🔹 Mod requirement 🔹
-Base game compatible
Language options
Available in English and French- other translations were made (can only link one - apologies for that)
Spanish - Mod: Mi Boda (Creado por Caradriel) | Simlish 4 (Credit to Simlish 4)
Brazilian Portuguese - (Credit to @nathansimss)
Russian - (Credit to DawnWarden)
Dutch - (Credit to Gothique Simmer)
Polish - (Credit to Venedie)
German - (Credit to Never_see_the_stars)
Before downloading
Check the mod status - Index & Mod Status - Caradriel
Read Terms Of Use (T.O.U) Term of Use & License - Caradriel
⚠️I do not claim this mod as my own - all credit goes to @caradriel
My Wedding Mod | Patreon
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the-lonelybarricade · 4 months
TheLonelyBarricade FAQ
I saw @whatishowedyouinthedark make one of these and have been debating making my own ever since! 💕
Do you have a posting schedule?
No. Currently none of my projects are pre-written, meaning I write each chapter from scratch before it gets posted. The frequency of my updates relies entirely on my available free time and mental capacity.
When will you update A Court of Faded Dreams?
I don't know! Each time I'm asked, my motiviation to do so curls and shrivels up just a little bit more.
Are you still working on A Court of Faded Dreams?
Yes! Contrary to some of the comments I've recieved, ACoFD is NOT abandoned. But wrapping up that project is a massive undertaking. Please, please be patient with me.
When will you update x fic?
Whenever my motiviation perfectly aligns with the emotional, mental, and physical contraints of the outside world
Do you accept prompts?
You're welcome to send me prompts, but please don't do so with the expecation that they'll always get fulfilled.
Why haven't you responded to my ask/message/comment?
I promise it's not personal! I'm just a girl with ADHD who can feel a little overwhelmed about answering a lot of messages (and who can be very forgetful). I'm so appreciative of all the messages I get in their various forms, and I wish I had the emotional capacity to answer all of them. In my head, I'm kissing anyone who's ever said something nice to me very tenderly right on their forehead.
As for my ask box, I encourage you to treat it like casting a letter in a bottle into the ocean. Half the fun is wondering if you'll ever get a response!
Are people allowed to translate your fics?
Not without my explicit permission.
Are you okay with people binding your fics?
I will only consent to my fics being bound BY HAND for personal use. That means I do not condone for any money to be exchanged in order to produce a bound copy of my fics. That includes online binding services like lulu as well as Etsy binders who claim to only charge 'for materials', both of which are infringements on SJM's copyright.
I've talked more about this here.
Are you okay with people making or comissioning fanart of your fics?
Yes, but there's one stipulation: if you do this, I'll have no choice but to marry you
What are your favorite acotar fics/authors/blogs?
I'm so glad you asked! I have a recommendation list here.
Where does your username come from?
It's a reference to Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Miserables!
What are your pronouns?
What sexuality do you identify as?
Alexa, play "Sweater Weather"
Are you and @separatist-apologist actually married?
Yes. In fact, my profile picture is from our wedding 😌 (but for legal purposes: no)
How did you and MB become friends?
it's a very emotional story that all started with a penis
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What is animanga Before Crunchyroll
This is a period in time roughly from 2005-2014 when the world is fully post-internet and Japanese anime and manga was already fully integrated into international youth culture and readily available to people outside of Japan.
Animanga fans had access via legal offline channels such as: television, home video, libraries, and bookstores. And illegal online channels such as: Youtube, pirate streaming sites, and torrenting. It is also a period with a sudden change in our general media viewing and reading habits impacted by events and technological innovations like the 2008 financial crisis, the introduction of social media as a primary way to be online, smartphones, and the slow death of live TV
Why start this period in 2005?
This page will be primarily dedicated to the English language distribution and fandom around anime and manga. By this point in time we are well beyond the stage of “evangelizing” animanga as mediums and a canon of “must watch/read” series has already been established.
The above mentioned channels were well established and readily accessible. Depending on where you lived you had a higher chance of being able to go to the bookstore and read the latest Fruits Basket volume, go to anime conventions, watch anime on TV, or join your school’s anime club, than in say 1996. The media industry in several countries outside Japan has or will soon start investing in the distribution of translated animanga for the first time ever. The US manga bubble spearheaded by Tokyopop is also still a few years from bursting.
From this point on online fan communities dedicated to anime and manga also steadily expanded via forums, database sites, to eventually meme aggregator sites, or facebook groups around 2010. In 2005 Geocities pages dedicated to sharing information are mostly dead and platforms such as Livejournal become the new place to engage in fan activities and access unofficial translations until the site was en masse abandoned following its 2009 acquisition by SUP Media
Why end this period in 2014?
Short version: 2014 is when the Naruto manga ended a mere 2 years after the Bleach anime ended its Japanese broadcast. Marking the end of the chapter on a seemingly endless period where every week without fail you could expect not just a new chapter of the manga, but a new episode of the anime version for the mega hits Naruto, One Piece, and Bleach. Kids today will thankfully never know what it was like for years have all of these series as a constant presence in 2 mediums simultaneously. This trio was controversially called the “Big 3” by fans. I could also easily leave it to the fact that of course after 9 years fans have obviously grown up and moved on and the face of the industry itself is completely different. But was just the medium that changed? What about the way international fans interacted with it? I will now present my case on why we can use the popularity of Crunchyroll as a service to make a pre- and post- era in the way international fans consumed animanga.
When the US manga bubble burst after the 2008 financial crisis there was a massive shift in which manga was licensed. The publishers that survived the collapse had to downscale their output leading series to be cancelled or go out of print for several years. The cost of manga also went up turning translated print manga into bigger investments for consumers. Another major shift is online fan translations (scanlations) becoming more prominent and accessible, with new aggregator sites appearing one by one. Not only could you read as much manga as you wanted for free with unedited art and a translation that felt more “authentic”. The high output from the fan translators revealed not just how much manga was not being licensed; the international publishers were often really far behind and much slower than the original Japanese serial.
The popularity of scanlations has always caused obvious tension to the decisions on what US publisher would license as companies like Viz Media and Vertical inc repeatedly expressed the belief that fans would never buy a title they already read for free online. It isn’t an exaggeration to say that as the fansubbers of the 1990s proved, unpaid fan translators were and still are the most significant tastemakers and gatekeepers of Japanese media for an international audience.
This sets the stage for what i personally believe forever changed the way international fans watch anime (and in turn read manga): social media and the premiere of Kill la Kill and Attack on Titan. Prior to this the average international animanga fans experienced anime rather delayed. There is little awareness of what was actually new in Japan and to the average fan watching anime recommended in online or offline communities may have been enough. But how many official channels like TV, video rentals, and home video sales were actually available as distributors went out of business or lost their licenses how was a fan supposed to watch the series they wanted to see? And what if you didn’t even live in a country with any of these official channels? Fansubs or DVD rips uploaded to Youtube, torrenting sites, or other unauthorized streaming aggregators successfully democratized access to anime for anyone with a stable internet connection. The high output of fansubbers just like scanlators also revealed again just how far behind the official channels were. Why wait for the right to purchase something when you know you want it and can just get it for free online?
Enter Crunchyroll: the site was founded in 2006 as a for-profit media hosting site for east asian media. A lot of the media hosted was unauthorized and illegal but some distributors chose to look the other way. This was until Crunchyroll started securing more and more funding in turn letting them enter legal partnerships and distribution deals. Eventually striking gold with partnership with Studio Gonzo and the acquisition of the Naruto Shippuden anime rights. Eventually all unauthorized media was removed from the site as they built a catalogue of anime for consumers to legally stream, at a price. In parallel to this, by 2012 fansubbers could and were expected to keep up with just about every new anime airing in Japan.
Another change happened in our daily lives: smartphones became a piece of technology most people owned. And the abrupt consumer shift from live TV to streaming was right around the corner.
A gradually acquired awareness of just how far behind and slow official “legal” channels were was already completely reshaping the way the most avid fans viewed anime. So was our new phones. The smartphone wasn’t just good for watching anime while you were away from home it also made reading manga online an even easier experience. How were the official distributors supposed to compete with this?
Unfortunately most pirate streaming sites were slow to implement players that functioned on smartphones, Youtube was also not far from implementing an aggressive DMCA strike system preventing new anime uploads. A service like Crunchyroll became more and more attractive as it was available in almost any region outside of Asia. With a big catalogue of titles that put Netflix and hulu to shame and a smartphone app that worked smoothly, it didn’t seem like a bad deal for people who wanted to watch anime on their phones or other devices, not to mention the premium gave you HD quality. A luxury the illegal sites couldn’t always grant. And it offered what previously only fansubbers could: you got to see brand new episodes of subtitled anime only an hour after it aired in Japan. It’s second major selling point to younger and less financially free individuals was that free users could watch as much as they wanted as long as they sat through ads, were fine with SD quality, and being 1 week behind on brand new anime.
Socially the immediacy and size of large scale social media like Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter cultivated bigger and bigger and more public communities. It became more and more commonplace to not just watch and read whatever was recommended to you but to keep up as well as finding the next cool thing before anyone else. So what channels would keep you updated on everything new? Trustworthy sources were for many still difficult to discern. More and more fans were watching new anime at the same time as Japanese viewers via illegal and legal channels, but what would it even look like if everyone watched the same show the same time as Japanese viewers?
When Attack on Titan premiered in April of 2013 we learned. Its immediate success was unprecedented and shocking. In a matter of weeks previously unprecedented changes happened within the official channels. Not only could the US industry observe how overnight every online community was discussing this new series, Crunchyroll who streamed the series from episode 1 could provide them the actual numbers proving its success. For the first time the dub specialists Funimation would offer an unsubtitled and ongoing series for sale on iTunes. Kodansha America as well had lucked out by licensing the manga over a year prior giving the US industry another rare example of how a successful anime can give a previously niche series an unprecedented boost in sales. For fansubbers and anime and manga aggregators to keep up if a hit like this was to occur again they had to somehow work faster than Crunchyroll, or just steal from them.
Attack on Titan i think was the first time such a huge group of people all at once learned and experienced how to keep up with a brand new anime and still ongoing manga. October the same year Kill la Kill, an original story and the first work by Studio Trigger directed by the already acclaimed Hiroyuki Imaishi premiered. Once again there was an unprecedented amount of attention from international fans given to a series that was still airing in Japan. This new desire to be part of a series as it was happening was not just significant to the way international fans started viewing and evaluating anime and manga but also new opportunities for the industry to make a profit by investing more and more into “simultaneous” streaming
I didn’t read all that, sorry
Fans come to expect instant access to brand new anime and manga -> Crunchyroll is the only service able to fulfill that expectation and can do it faster than a fansubber -> in 2013 an unprecedented hit opens the eyes of the industry and anime fans alike -> now discussions and trends among international fans of anime and manga is more than ever centered around what’s “new”, a huge shift from when awareness around “newness” was vague or less relevant to how international fans interacted with animanga
How will you qualify an anime or manga as B.C. (Before Crunchyroll)
This blog and its polls will be primarily centered on the offline and online English speaking fan communities. English Second Language speakers are included in this.
Any survey will include works that received translations (official as well as unofficial) into the English language. And with consideration of these criteria
If anime: did it air on TV in the US, Canada, UK, or Australia? If so when and through which channels. Because the aforementioned delays in distribution this will matter more than when it first aired in Japan. I will continue to make 2005 my start point but exceptions might be made for series that were in some way rereleased or put in long term syndication. 2014 is the end point because of the above mentioned changes in how a lot of us watched anime was completely changed by this point in time.
Did it receive a fansub? When and by which group(s)? Identifying the groups also allows us to map out who were the tastemakers and what they wanted to make accessible to other fans. This is very key for anime that sustained popularity despite not being accessible through official channels for extended periods in the years 2005-2014. Also if you don’t live in the countries listed above it was most likely the only way you watched anime.
How often did it appear in “Anime is life” collages? (VERY IMPORTANT DATA!! how else are we supposed to quantify its cultural impact)
If manga: was it licensed by a US publisher? If so when and by who? This also matters more than when it was serialized in Japan. Viz Media’s Shojo Beat and Shonen Jump, and Tokyopop’s catalogue are very defining of the first half of this era and shaped our manga starter pack years after they stopped existing.
Did it receive a scanlation? When and which group(s)? Once again key to identifying the true tastemakers starting around 2010. Scanlations were not just key in bringing fans brand new manga hot off the Japanese presses faster than a US publisher could, but was very important in making manga that were neglected by publishers accessible in English.
Any criteria you want to suggest or already use yourself to determine eras of animanga? Or perhaps your own memories of this time? Feel free to share!!
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rolotouto · 1 year
Hokenshitsu to omukae
Finally, here's the translation of the 3-minute long track "Hokenshitsu to Omukae" (something like "The Infirmary and Picking Up [Someone]”, that “someone” being Rolo) from the 1st volume of the Student Council WAVE drama CDs! However, I share only the text and not the audio file at this time. The CD was recently released, and I feel it’s not right for me to upload any part of its contents online... at least until the CD becomes impossible to acquire through legal means. This track exclusively features the voices of Lelouch and Rolo, although there is an inaudible nurse present with them (which you'll notice they occasionally address during their conversation): Lelouch: Nurse, I heard Rolo has been taken to the infirmary!! Is Rolo okay?! What is his condition?! Have you contacted emergency services?!?! ... No, you might tell me to calm down, but my precious little brother is in the infirmary!! How could I not panic?! More importantly, where is Rolo?! Rolo: I’m here, brother. Lelouch: Rolo! ... Thank goodness. Just what happened? Rolo: It’s nothing major. I just tripped during P.E.. But everyone in class made a big deal out of it, so I was brought to the infirmary. Lelouch: I see... I was so sure something was wrong with your health. The other day you were clutching your chest too, remember...? Rolo: Ah... that was... I told you that was nothing, right...? Haha. You are such a worrywart, Brother... Lelouch: That’s not how it is! You are my only little brother, you know? Of course I worry! So, did you receive treatment? Rolo: Yeah, the nurse treated me a while ago, so I'm fine. Look! Lelouch: That’s good then. Nurse, I apologize for losing my composure earlier. When it comes to my little brother, I tend to get anxious... You say I’m "caring towards my little brother"? (TN: 弟想い) It’s not like that. It’s just that we live far away from our parents, who are in our home country, and I feel that I must take care of him. ... Oh. So that is what you mean by "caring towards my little brother". Well, it comes naturally to me, though. Rolo: Brother, you are too overprotective... Lelouch: I do not think of myself as “overprotective”. I mean, you used to have fever and stay in bed so often. Rolo: Those are stories from when I was little, right? Lelouch: What are you saying? Just the other day you caught a cold and had a fever. Rolo: T-That’s... well... Lelouch: Eh? You ask what happened? Ahaha. The truth is, the other day we washed the bedsheets together. As we were doing so, we splashed water on each other for fun, but since this guy got too cocky and stayed wet, he ended up catching a cold. Rolo: That’s mean, Brother! You didn’t need to tell the nurse! Lelouch: Haha! Sorry, sorry. But it's the truth, isn’t it? Rolo: Well... it is. Lelouch: Eh? What about me, you say? I did change my clothes, so... Ah, you are not talking about that, but about my health? I’m alright. Do I look that unhealthy? It’s fine. I eat enough, really. Rolo: He’s lying. He leaves the dormitory food uneaten too, you know. Lelouch: Hey, Rolo! Is this payback for what I said before? No, I truly am fine, seriously! I eat properly. You don't have to go as far as handling nutrition management and doing the work of a public health doctor. *Bell sound* Ah, time to leave school? Nurse, that’s the bell signaling the end of school hours. We have to return to the clubhouse now. Rolo: Oh. He ran away. Lelouch: I didn’t! More importantly, is your injured leg okay, Rolo? Do you think you can walk? Rolo: Yeah, no problem! I’m fine. Lelouch: Well then, nurse. Thank you for taking care of Rolo. ... Regarding the nutrition management matter? I will consider it. Well then, see you. --- Rolo clutching his chest... 😭 but I'm glad that Lelouch's anxiety was triggered by noticing something unique to Rolo, rather than projecting Nunnally's characteristics onto him. And when he mentioned the bedsheets, I thought for a moment Lelouch was going to reveal the mystery behind Pink Sheets™, but he talks about water, so I assume the memory mentioned here refers to a different day. Still, how clumsy is a trained assassin with ±10 years of killing experience that he allows himself to get a fever from consciously not taking care of himself?! Well, it’s good to see that he has relaxed that much! Speaking of which, I’m doing a lot of assuming here, but I assume Rolo picked up the phrase “You are so overprotective~” from hearing Milly say it (she calls Lelouch that on this CD as well), since I can’t imagine he had the chance to learn how playful teasing works at the Order. There’s more. The CD came with a booklet which includes the "Health Room Usage Record," detailing Rolo’s health:
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Very interesting points here: ・“Fell during physical education class and scraped knee“. Nonetheless, the reason he was taken to the infirmary wasn’t just because of that injury, but because he presented “mild palpitations and dizziness”! ・The file states that “regarding palpitations and dizziness, they are related to a preexisting medical condition of his,” which Rolo himself, Lelouch (referred to as “his guardian”) and his homeroom teacher were already aware of, and which “does not affect his everyday life”. Meaning!! That when Rolo told Lelouch about his weakness during Turn 5, only the “so I can’t use my Geass for long” part was news to Lelouch. He already knew about Rolo’s heart being fragile, and Rolo knew that he knew (I wonder if, in those moments when Rolo clutched his chest after Lelouch's real memories returned, Lelouch instinctively remembered the anxiety he used to feel when Rolo did the same in the past...). ・ Rolo has no allergies.
Vol. 2 of WAVE was also released a few days ago, but I haven't come across any information regarding the extent of Rolo's presence in it. (EDIT: Asked over at the Lost Stories guild and was told “Rolo didn’t appear much this time”). Unfortunately, I think it will be hard for me to buy the rest of the Volumes, though... unless the Rolo content is so important that I’m compeled to, like in the case of Vol. 1, haha.
By the way, Rolo is also depicted in the illustrations of Volume 5, looking exasperated as Sayoko flirts with none other than MaiHani:
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To end this post, I just want to mention that you can watch the Lost Stories 1st anniversary special program here. During the ending sequence, from 2:08:04 to 2:08:07, the focus is on Lelouch’s memories with Rolo, including Lelouch placing Rolo’s locket on his hand when he dies. Less than half a minute later, Vincent is shown together with the other most important KMFs, therefore so far I’m confident that Lost Stories will treat Rolo as a prominent character and not make him casually shoot Lelouch and be okay with it afterwards.
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scalamore · 8 months
Social FYI post: Kakaopage
So I see on various social media spaces the immense hatred of KKP lately, because their anti-piracy task force, P.cok is going around and throwing DMCAs at scanlation and translation groups. There's been more anger towards them lately because every time a series is axed or unexpectedly cancelled, western readers have a tendency to blame everything on kakaopage.
So this is an information post!
Misinformation: KKP axes series Answer: The publisher axes series Kakaopage is an online distributor, not a publisher (although they do have some shares/involvement in some series) and are for the most part, an online platform to share content. They're a platform that allows anyone, from novices to big publishing houses to post their content in an easy and accessible way. Other such platforms include Naver or Ridi.
To give an example, Kakaopage is like Amazon, or Barnes and Nobles (USA bookstore), or even wattpad. They host a ton of stuff, but don't necessarily own it. Back in 2017, it was reported that for all content sold, the revenue is shared between Google Play (30 %), Kakao (20 %), and the publisher (50 %). The publisher then distributes those profits to the manhwa teams.
As part of their agreements with various publishers, the p.cok anti-piracy task force was created to stop piracy and illegal distribution. Their intent is purely to keep things to the official sources, to make sure the publishers (like DAON, D&C, Carrotoon etc) get paid to pass on to the manhwa teams.
As such, over the past few years, Kakaopage has invested tremendously in legal ways to read their stories in various countries:
China (Podo, Lehzin)
USA or "english speaking countries" (Tapas, Tappytoon, Radish, Webtoon, manta etc)
Indonesia (KKP indonesia)
Japan (Piccoma)
Tappy France
Tappy Germany
etc Misinformation: Kakaopage doesn't care about your language/country Answer: Slight truth, but the more accurate answer is "the publishers don't care about your language/country" As one might notice, this isn't a very comprehensive list of countries. That's the point. Kakaopage and the Korean publishers don't care about their readers in low-readership countries (or continents) like South America, Africa, the middle east, India, Vietnam, or the Phillipines. Because simply, it's too much to invest in countries/languages that won't have high enough readership. So they focus on the "richer" countries to invest in, with translations and localization. They literally do not care about readers not in their list of localization/countries, as these readers would not pay for their services in the first place. Capitalist societies do not want their products out there for free, and that's what piracy is - people reading for free when they could be paying to support the original authors. Misinformation: Supporting officially is expensive!! Answer: Not really When you break it down, not really. on the KKP app, if you want to rent a chapter for 72 hrs, it's 200 coins. If you want to permanently buy a chapter "collect", it's 500 coins. 5000 coins = $4 on the app store 10000 coins = $9 on the app store, etc. Basically, if you want to collect a chapter, with the lowest tier = 5000 coins = 10 chapters = $4 ----> 25 cents per chapter. If you purchase on Tappytoon, I believe it comes out to about 35 cents per chapter If you purchase on Tapas, I heard it's around 30-40 cents per chapter? back to KKP: Now, as each chapter is 25 cents, imagine how that's distributed: 12.5 cents to the publisher, and 5 cents to KKP to host it. For each YM chapter purchased on KKP, which costs a reader 25 cents, DAON Entertainment gets 12.5 cents to split amongst Hayeonnim, Hyeyongnim, and the other staff. Yikes. For a 100 chapter series --> $25 to read it on kakaopage --> $12.5 goes to DAON to distribute to the manhwa team. That's not much per person. If we're lucky to get a physical release, I believe it's about $10 USD for 12 chapters for the YM physicals in KR. For Villains are Destined to Die, or Stepmothers Marchen, who have physical ENG releases, someone told me it's about $15 for 6-8 chapters (needs verification) Back to the webtoons: imagine, 100 people read 100 chapters on aggregate sites instead of one of the official routes: Hayeonnim and Hyeyongnim have already lost $1,250 in royalties/income from the series. from bato alone i see a chapter can have about 55K views. I'm not sure how to translate "views" to "readers", so lets arbitrarily say each chapter is read by 10,000 people internationally who for whatever reason, don't read officially. So 10,000 readers x 100 chapters at 0.12 cents each = loss of $125,000 of income for the manhwa teams for a series with 3 seasons released. Bottom line is, if you can support and want to support, it would be a good idea to. No one's forcing you to, but think of your favorite authors and artists ---!
Sources: https://www.techinasia.com/kakaotalk-launches-kakaopage-digital-content-marketplace
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blackhillverse · 1 year
going a little personal on this blog but i need to make an update regarding abortion situation in poland.
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link to the interview with joanna (in polish): https://fakty.tvn24.pl/zobacz-fakty/pani-joanna-zazyla-tabletke-poronna-do-szpitala-przyjechali-policjanci-zabrali-jej-laptop-i-telefon-7245233
here’s a short recap of abortion situation in poland if you missed it: prior to 2020, poland had one of the strictest abortion laws in europe, allowing the procedure only in cases of severe fetal abnormalities, threats to the woman's life, or pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. however, in october 2020, the polish constitutional tribunal ruled that performing abortions due to fetal abnormalities was unconstitutional, effectively banning the procedure in most cases. following the ruling, abortion is now legally permitted in poland only in cases where the woman's life or health is at risk, or when the pregnancy is the result of a criminal act. this has made access to safe and legal abortions extremely limited for polish women, leading many to seek abortions abroad or perform it on their own with the help of a polish abortion rights group “aborcyjny dream team”.
now, onto the newest situation that has sparked national outrage. all of the information i used to write this post come from various polish news sources which i tried to translate into english. on tuesday (july 18th 2023) , "fakty tvn" (a polish television news program known for reporting current events and news stories) aired a segment that revealed the controversial intervention of the police in the case of joanna that had happened 3 months ago. in an interview with a journalist, joanna explained that she decided to take abortion pills due to health risks. when she started feeling unwell, she immediately informed her doctor who informed the emergency services. upon the arrival of the police at her apartment, joanna was taken by an ambulance to the hospital, accompanied by a police car.
a doctor from the emergency department described the situation surrounding joanna's case. he mentioned that four men were guarding the frightened woman, creating a barrier that hindered the work of the medical staff. the doctor did not receive a clear answer as to why the police were detaining the patient. joanna recalled that the word "crime" was repeatedly mentioned. at one point, she noticed that her laptop had disappeared. in a recording provided by an employee of the emergency department, the doctor can be heard intervening regarding joanna's computer. the police officer stated that it had been "secured for evidence" and requested not to interfere with their actions. the doctor considered calling the police, but one of the officers pointed out that an unjustified call to the police is an offense. joanna emphasized that the doctors at the emergency department stood up for her, stating that there was no need for the police to continue their involvement as she posed no threat. however, she continued to be questioned about her phone and laptop, which left her terrified and constantly in tears.
the police ran a make on the present doctors, and joanna was transported with police escort to another hospital with a gynecological department. another patrol was already present there, and an additional one was called. joanna was also forced to hand over her phone. she repeatedly told the police that no one helped her in performing abortion and that she had ordered the pills online. she said, "the word 'abortion' triggered almost a manhunt."
joanna also described what happened after she was referred to the second hospital. she explained that she was transported to the gynecological ward in an ambulance with sirens on. she didn't understand why she was taken to the gynecological department since the medical abortion she had performed did not pose a threat to her health and did not require that level of care.
she also confirmed that two policewomen appeared on the scene and ordered her to undress, do squats, and cough. this was the most difficult and humiliating moment for her, as she felt completely unprotected and stripped of her dignity. she complained that she could no longer count on the privacy protection from the doctors.
she recounted, "i undressed, except for my underwear because i was still bleeding, and it would have been too humiliating for me. they then told me to remove my underwear as well. that's when i shouted at them, 'what do you want from me? i was just examined by a gynecologist.'"
the spokesperson for the małopolska (province in southeastern poland) police, inspector sebastian gleń, stated that they received a report from a psychiatrist who informed them that their patient had undergone an abortion and expressed suicidal intentions. they provided the woman's address, leading to the dispatch of an ambulance and a police patrol.
joanna admitted that her call to the doctor may have sounded dramatic, but she assured them that she had no intention of harming herself. the doctor from the emergency department she was admitted to stated that a mere drop in mood is not a reason to call the police. according to him, if that were the case, half the country would require police assistance.
the police admitted that their intervention was based on article 152, not to protect joanna from suicide but on the assumption that someone must have helped her with the abortion. (article 152 of the polish penal code relates to the criminalization of assisting in the termination of pregnancy)
joanna did not break the law since, as ruled by the court, self-induced abortion is not prohibited in poland. she assured the police that she ordered, paid for, and took the abortion pills on her own, but her explanations were not taken into account. the doctor from the emergency department, where joanna was treated, stated, "she was in a rather difficult psychological situation, and when leaving our department she was in an even worse state."
professor adam bodnar, former polish commissioner for human rights, commented on the situation, saying: "it is extremely shocking that a doctor who found himself in this situation says, 'i have a patient, and you are taking away her phone and laptop.' he accuses the police officers themselves of violating the law, and they respond, 'and what can you do to us?' this shows the reality we live in." according to him, the police abused their authority.
terminating a pregnancy is not a crime in poland, and the police had no grounds to confiscate the computer and phone. currently, there is an ongoing investigation in the prosecutor's office regarding aiding abortion, but for three months since the dramatic incident, no charges have been filed against anyone.
the court, while considering the complaint about the confiscation of the phone and ordering its return, reminded the police that joanna was neither a suspect nor was there any basis to press charges against her. in poland, women are not penalized for having an abortion. the law does not punish women. joanna concluded her statement by saying, "this police intervention completely broke me. it destroyed me." the commissioner for civil rights also took up the case.
“i fight for my rights for myself, for restoring a sense of justice, but i make all of this public for other women” says joanna.
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