#lefterstein talks
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leftersteindraws · 4 months ago
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Hi anon, hopefully you'll see this post.
I'm choosing to answer this ask indirectly since I can't answer anonymous questions privately, and I do not want to unintentionally spoil anything for anyone else.
No, I do not know how the Shinrei Tantei Yakumo volume 12 ends. Not because I can't find out yet, I'm simply not in a hurry to. I try to never read too far ahead of my side project, especially with numbered volumes. Frankly, if I do so I might risk losing my motivation to continue the project entirely, and I'd rather not have that happen.
As such, I'd also appreciate if you'd take spoilered discussions off my blog(s) 🙏
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lefterstein · 7 years ago
so kaminaga-sensei had just announced that shinrei tantei yakumo 11 is coming soon and ? let me just fly away i dont even have a clue what happened in vol 10 yet
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silent-rabid-writer · 6 years ago
hello!! thank you for sending one of those in. 
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
I’m impressed, you’ve managed to pick the one, that is the most difficult for me to answer. I don’t consider myself very strong at writing dialogs, so it’s really hard for me to pick one, that I’m really proud of. I usually feel stronger about parts of my writing that are not dialog.
I think from the fics I’ve posted so far, this might be my favorite.
“Will you come back?” It’s a stupid question but there is some warped genuineness in Dazai’s voice, a possessive glint in his eyes and he’s entranced again. Wordlessly he buries his head in the crook of Dazai’s neck, breathing in his scent. “I will come back until you kill me.” It’s not even a promise, it’s only a fact he’s finally accepting, finally admitting. He could never quit Dazai.
I think this captures pretty well the essence of this ship and the reason I love it so much. 
But, if I’m honest, my favorite dialog is from something I haven’t posted so far. It’s actually just a scene that’s sitting around on my computer and is waiting for the time I actually find a setting for it. It’s one of the few times, where I’m actually in love with my own writing and my dialog. I love this scene for similar reasons that the other one. It captures the way I like to write Dazai/Akutagawa in around 200 words and it manages to portray something that is still somewhat one-sided but has a certain co-dependency. It shows how unhealthy those two are while keeping it soft? Well, at least that’s what I think about it haha
(this is just a draft, not beta’d or anything)
It’s hard to hear anything over the loud pounding of his own heart. Frozen in place, he waits tensely for a reaction. A soft touch to his head makes him flinch, but Dazai only starts stroking the dark strands softly. Akutagawa lets out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding in. 
Still, he waits for slap, a kick or –  “You know I always disliked dogs” – or words that cut deeper than any knife. His breath is shallow, his heart fluttering in what might be fear and yet..yet he leans into the touch like he can’t quite control his own movements. “You know why?” It’s a rhetorical question but Akutagawa still shakes his head. “They are loyal to the point of stupidity. Once they decide to follow you, nothing you do can turn them away anymore. No matter how scared they are, they come running at the tiniest scrap of affection.” He keeps petting Akutagawa’s hair and they both know he’s not talking about dogs anymore.
“They don’t question if the owner they choose is worth their loyalty at all. Isn’t that stupid, Akutagawa-kun?” The weird edge is back in Dazai’s voice and Akutagawa can’t stand the feeling it leaves in his chest. Softly he drops his head onto Dazai’s bony shoulder. “Woof.” The soft sound startles a laugh out of Dazai and Akutagawa did never cared all that much about his pride.
Soo, this was probably a lot more rambling than you expected, so I’ll leave it at that. I hope you have a good day and everything’s going well!
FanFic Ask Game
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shinkanedoodles · 6 years ago
a message
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So, this somewhat half dead blog somehow hit 1.8k follows recently, to my surprise. so first of all, I just wanted to thank everyone who is still (or had been) supporting it! ;w;
Secondly, I know unfortunately a lot of people are migrating away from Tumblr as of now. I have no plans to rebuild this blog elsewhere since I don’t plan on posting as regularly as I did back then, so I’m keeping it as it is.
In case anyone wants to talk/find me, along with my other art tumblr @leftersteindraws, I’ll be active on my Twitter . I don’t have an account yet but I’m also waiting for my Pillowfort key, and once I do you can find me there as Lefterstein.
Thirdly, I am aware I’ve been pretty much silent amidst of all the hype on the updates we get for PPSS recently. I guess to put it frankly, I needed some time after discovering that Akane isn’t going to be in the 3rd movie, thus pretty much diminishing most of my leftover hope that we are getting some more shinkane interaction.
Ship aside, the Psycho-Pass series itself is still something I hold dear. But my love for this ship is also a major driving force, I suppose, so I couldn’t help but be a little shaken. I still very much want to be looking forward to PPSS, it simply took me some time to accept that PP /might/ end without anymore closure regarding the ship. Either way, I think I’m good now, so, yeah.
Honestly depending on how much of the PP fandom is left after people leave, I don’t have much plans for the blog although I do hope I can post something once in a while. If the time allows, I’m also hoping to participate in the upcoming Psycho Pass Week. If the event still proceed, that is.
If you read this till the end, thank you so much! I hope you enjoyed the little doodle of Kou and Akane that comes along with this message too, because that’s basically what this blog is all about!
Thanks again and see you guys around!
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cleverwolfpoetry · 7 years ago
PSYCHO PASS Questionnaire
First of all, thank you @white-queen-lacus (and @whatsyourcolor) for tagging me. Sorry if I answer so late but work has been really demanding and season 3 announcement has been the last straw to my gastritis, so I’ve been out of myself for more than a week.
Anyway, this has given me the chance to read all of your interesting opinions and I must say that I share a good part of them. Soooo, here we go!
Top Three Favourite Characters:
Kougami Shinya & Tsunemori Akane (I like each one of them at the same level for different reasons, but they always come together for me)
NO ONE. If there are two people on the top, the second place is empty.
Karanomori Shion, Kagari Shusei and Sasayama (btw, Kagari and Sasayama are on the top of my “You shouldn’t have died” list, even if, Sasayamakun, I’m sorry but your death gave start to Psycho-pass so it’s unavoidable)
And here I am, breaking the rules, because the title said 3 fav characters. 3 is reductive when speaking of Psycho pass.
Three Least Favourite Characters:
Chief Kasei
Touma Kouzaburou
Five Favourite Ships (Canon or Not):
Shinkane, there’s no doubt about it. They are perfect together, in every possible way, in every possible feature, in every possible direction you look at them.
Kunikara     (Shion x Yayoi)..and same as shinkane for the reason. They are that kind of couple with different temper/physical appearance/ behavior that makes them just perfect together.
Gino X Risa. The ship that never sailed. I didn’t have the time to wink and say….hey 😉😉😉, what’s going on here? That the poor Risa was already blood spray on the floor. Dramatic!
No other couples…I’m not a shipper of non canon couples, I only ship couples     where I sense love.
If BROTP counts, I would ship Kougami x Sasayama, the best BROTP, and Gino x Sugou.
Character I find Most Attractive:
Ok, no game for anyone here. Kougami is the male most attractive character of the series, even if Gino, jealous of that title, must have ordered that new cool ponytail cut to the hairdresser. And Sugou, he is something for sure (and so sweet!!! 😆😆)
And for the girls, even if Shion is explosive and Yayoi is the ice princess, Akane is and will always be my queen. That short haircut, the slender neck that neither a swan would rival, the chocolate eyes, her beautiful face, the slim figure…in a word, the grace personified. There’s only one way we can call her: A GLAMOUROUS WOMAN. Does this recall you something???? 😉😉😉
Character I Would Marry: No comment here. I already have a wedding ring on my finger.
Character I Would Be Best Friends With: 
Akane and Kagari. Great cooking/drinking time and a lot of videogames.
A Random Thought:  All my thoughts are projected to the next year. But if we want to talk about the past….when I saw the images of the first episode in season two, the one with the bomber, seeing his blue eyes, I  thought it was Kougami come back to challenge Sibyl (and I have to admit my idea had been influenced by a fic I was reading at that time). That was obviously my inconscious-not-too-inconscious me who wanted to see Kougami again and was worried about him for all the second season. Every episode I was like…where is Kougami? Why he isn’t here? Why hasn’t he come back? Has something happened to him? Nooo, Tougane!!! Stay away from Akane (this wame while watching the gym scene. The damned authors used the same flirty music they used in season one gym scene)
An unpopular opinion:
I know that many like to ship Kou with Sasayama, but there wasn’t anything like that between them (you should read pp zero to see it), Sasayama was like a big bro to Kougami and vice, this makes them a perfect BROTP for me.
About unpopular opinions… @lefterstein like your theory very much. I take the liberty of quoting it here:
“I used to theorize about how we perceive Shinkane as not canon bc we haven’t seen them do stuff, but that for all we (don’t) know they might’ve been secretly doing stuff hahaha like I wouldn’t be too surprised if it were to be revealed that they have done stuff all along. hence my answer for the next 2 questions”
God knows if they did something or not, anyway, despite people treating Akane as a pure and innocent kid, she was WELL AWARE of Kougami’s physique, like we openly saw in the gym episode and we read in the final part of the psycho pass book, when she looks sleeping Kougami and the author indulges on his look described by Akane’s memory. I’m stills screaming inside.
My Canon OTP:
My Non-Canon OTP:
A Pairing I’m Not A Fan Of: All the invented pairings, but the most illogical is Kougami x Makishima. Kougami moved earth and hell to be able to kill him and threw away ALL that he kept as precious and someone still ships them? Mm, ok….(I’m turning my head away)
A character that is screwed up: I partially share @whatsyourcolor idea that all people in PP are screwed up except Akane. Though I would say that all the inspectors and enforcers are screwed up in PP. Considering what enforcers went through before taking their place in MWPSB and the pressure the inspectors have to face to keep the enforcers at their place, resolve cases, etc. none of them is fully sane mentally. Even Akane, she hallucinates about Kou, she smokes just to keep Kou’s scent on her, she talks with the dead images of Yuki, Masaoka, Kagari and Makishima. None is safe, only the happy, unaware citizen with a healthy PP.  
Favourite Friendship: Akane and Kagari. They were so sweet to look.
That’s all, I think. As usual I wrote a poem…shortness is not one of my merits.
I tag anyone who wants to do it, because the people I would have tagged have been already tagged.
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leftersteindraws · 1 year ago
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Another year it has been, huh?
Looking back, 2023 was probably the first year in which I felt for the first time in a while that I'm truly glad that I stuck around this far, that it allowed me to experience things I never thought I'd ever had the chance to.
While I doubt that my outlook will ever become truly positive especially with the state of everything that's happening right now, I now find there's still some worth seeing what the future has to offer.
Thank you for staying around, too.
Here's to a more hopeful, if not promising, 2024.
See you next year!
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leftersteindraws · 3 years ago
alright so the official staff’s Shinrei Tantei Yakumo illustration contest has officially begun, which means i’m officially losing my shit and panicking i’ll have to somewhat set aside my side project for a while until the submission period is over (june 30). sorry for those who are waiting for the next part of the project but i’m gonna have to pour all my blood and sweat over this one (wish me luck)
competition details here if you’re interested
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leftersteindraws · 3 years ago
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2021 was a year of self discovery for me. Amidst a lot of fear and uncertainty of what's to come that it caused, it also left me feeling a little more hopeful for the future, and I find comfort in knowing I won't have to face them alone.
Thank you everyone for all the memories, and especially for supporting my art throughout 2021.
See you next year!
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leftersteindraws · 4 years ago
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before the year ends, i'd like to thank everyone for supporting my work throughout 2020, and especially those who have stuck with me for years now.
it has been a rough year all around, but i am also glad that i got to find new friends and discover new fandoms. i don’t talk about it much, but i have been worse off mentally for a good while now that i have forgotten how it feels like not to struggle with anything and everything. i'm genuinely surprised i went through 2020 at all.
i don’t even know if 'happy' new year is the way to say it, but if not happy then let it be hopeful at the very least.
may 2021 be kinder to you all.
see you next year.
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leftersteindraws · 6 years ago
I love you and your beautiful art (especially the Dazaku)! You're amazing and very strong, and as someone who struggles with mental health also you're inspiring to me. 💜
hi! Sorry for the late reply. i know i have left this message sitting for a while in my inbox unfortunately as my mind wonders for a long time and disagrees with it.  but thank you for your kind words nonetheless, and for supporting my work.
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leftersteindraws · 4 years ago
Hi! I love your profil and i'm Glad to see another person Who like shinrei tantei Yakumo❤️ The Fandom is not big bcs of the ending of the novels 😔 and i would like to if you know a group (discord , twitter ect... ) for shinrei tantei Yakumo Fandom?
i really want to talk with other people who love STY.
Hey anon! 
I honestly wouldn't call myself a part the fandom either? 
Firstly because the lack of one outside of Japan as you have mentioned... I don't actively sought it myself either, so I can't help you about whether a space/community like a discord still exists. Secondly because with STY I'm mostly doing my own thing in my own little bubble (which oftentimes only caters to my personal interest so idk how others who follow the series feels about it).
Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter (@Lefterstein) if you want to talk to me about STY though. I'm more active there than here because that's also where I keep track of any official updates on STY.
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lefterstein · 9 years ago
to give a shit...or not to give a shit. the all time dilemma
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lefterstein · 9 years ago
fun fact: reblogging my PP artworks not only makes me happy but gives me a chance to check over your blog as well since I will click on your reblog to stalk for tags I love tags even if I'm too lazy to do them myself
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shinkanedoodles · 9 years ago
a little announcement
I recently made a new twitter account,where I will be posting my future blog posts over there as well, along with WIPs and other arts! So feel free to talk to me over there.
find me at @Lefterstein 
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lefterstein · 9 years ago
nearly a year since started becoming a shinkane fanartist still dont get how kou's sidebangs work
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