#leevi and the leavings
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anarkistiope · 3 months ago
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maisseli · 7 months ago
Voisko tehä semmosen Leevi and the leavings laulujen hahmot fandomin?????
Ku niitä on nii paljon: Anneli Pohjois-Karjalasta, kaivattu Kyllikki, poika nimeltä Päivi, turkmenialainen tyttöystävä Ljeni, Teuvo maanteiden kuningas, Reino-boy, Laura Jenna Ellinoora Alexandra Camilla Jurvanen, Amalia joka kamalia tansseja tanssii ja niin edespäin
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kinuskikakku · 7 months ago
Päätin taannoin kuunnella läpi koko Leevi and the Leavingsin tuotannon koska eläkkeellä ikuisen vapaa-ajan kanssa pitää keksiä tekosyitä välttää oikeiden asioiden tekemistä.
Mut tälleen urakan päätteeksi oleellisin huomio on: Gösta Sundqvist oli erittäin, erittäin, ERITTÄIN kiimainen mies.
Toisekseen oli mielenkiintoista seurata miten nää biisien protagonistit muuttui ja biisien sävy itsessään kehittyi siinä yli 20 vuoden aikana. Kun alkupuolen tuotannossa nää säälittävät ja yksinäiset semialkoholistiset protagonistit oli selvästi kirjoitettu sympaattisiksi kun sit myöhemmässä kamassa mä ainakin aistin sellasen sävyn et ”joo no ehkä siihen on hyvä syy et oot yksin vitun urpo!”
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amatesura · 3 months ago
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Unelmia ja bändihommia (2023)
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asfaltti-ihottuma · 8 months ago
Kun Leevi and the leavings sano:
Elämä on elämää varten annettu/Ja se on ihanasti sanottu
I felt that
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iibislintu · 4 months ago
havaintoja Gösta Sundqvistin laululyriikasta, osa 386
"näin sattumalta kampaamossa tuulikin" antaa ymmärtää että minäkertojakin oli kampaamossa, (joka on hyvin tietyllä tavalla sukupuolittunut paikka)
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teal-skull · 10 months ago
Originally meant to add this to another post but I'm gonna make my own post for it instead.
For pride, enjoy this old 1985 finnish song by legendary, possibly the most finnish band there will ever be, Leevi and the Leavings: "Poika Nimeltä Päivi", or "A Boy named Päivi"
(Päivi is a female finnish given name)
In this song a fictional queer person sings about their experience with gender and how the world is not threating them kindly. This is maybe one of THE trans songs that exists in finnish music. It's significant because when it was released, it had been only 10 years since homosexual acts were decriminalized in Finland, and only four years after homosexuality was no longer considered an illness in 1981. Releasing this song was a brave move from the singer and songwriter Gösta Sundqvist.
Rough translation:
[verse 1]
I told everything already in my letter / If I don't leave I betray myself / I went to tour the world / The streets of a small town bring me anxiety
I was a boy named Päivi / and I didn't know if I was Romeo or Juliette / I was a boy named Päivi / I just wanted to kiss your painted lips
[Verse 2]
I couldn't get any sleep in the evening / I stared at the ceiling until morning / People told me so / "if you don't change you might end up in hell"
[Verse 3]
Let people stare / even if sometimes it is so hard / friendship unites us / distance aches in the soul
[chorus x2]
I was a boy named Päivi / and I didn't know if I was Romeo or Juliette / I was a boy named Päivi / I just wanted to kiss your painted lips
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dykesapphics · 1 year ago
Shoutout kaikille syntisen kauniille miehille ja pojille nimeltä Päivi
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romanttinen-rotankolo · 2 months ago
Rakkauden Rin Tin Tin
me paistetaan lettuja
leevi and the leavingsia
olet pitkä söpö herttainen
kumarrut alas
göstä laulaa onnellisista
me ollaan kai sellaisia
pienen hetken
lumi narskuu jalkojen alla
lainaat mulle lapasia
on marraskuu
kylmä ja pimeä
iho huutaa toisen kosketusta
syli syliä
it's a cuddling season baby
sä et ole syntisen kaunis mies
sä olet syntisen epävarma mies
liian lähellä
liikaa liikaa liikaa
vaiko sittenkin tarpeeksi?
kuitenkin sittenkin liian vähän
en halua rikkoa sua
ansaitset jonkun joka haluaa sut
niin paljon että haluaa kaivautua
sun rintalastan alle
suoraan sydämeen
mä haluaisin haluta
ehkä haluankin
mä olen kuitenkin hukassa
susta voisi löytää jotain
mua pelottaa
jätän sut lumen peittämään kylään
lämpimään sänkyyn
myöhemmin yöllä kaivaudun toisen pojan
rintalastan alle
käperryn alastomaan syliin
tulen yhdeksi lihaksi
mulla on huono omatunto
sen syli tuntuu tutummalta
silittävä käsi pehmeämmältä
katse silmissä upottavammalta
kehon paino päällä juuri oikealta
huulet sopivat toisiinsa kuin palapelin palat
niin sinun ja minunkin
mutta eri tavalla
mä olen miehen rintalastan alla
joka ei halua kaivautua minuun
kuten sinä haluaisit
jos antaisin luvan
tunnen puristuksesi sydämessäni
voi hyvä jumala
anna minun rakastua sinuun
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suomalainenkala · 7 months ago
Amalia-Leevi and the leavings on Sirkka Kariluoto anthem
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tears-of-boredom · 2 years ago
yeah but did your retro band make a song of a non-binary boy that just wants to kiss a person?
didnt think so
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maisseli · 7 months ago
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rosgakori · 4 months ago
The song #6 is haunting me, and has haunted me since I first heard it.
I recently learned that Göstä Sundqvist, the singer-songwriter of Leevi and the Leavings, used to dress in skirts, teased hair and makeup while in school, and by all implications, stopped doing that after becoming too lonely. "When I went to school in Espoo ten years ago, I had teased hair, makeup, and women's dresses on. The gym teachers thought I was mad, and I had to get some treatment. I was truly alone. None of my friends wanted to hang out with me, even though they were the toughest guys. Jesus, I was so alone, but I survived." - Interview done in 1984 for Soundi Music magazine.
He died in 2003. I wonder what he would have thought about the present.
Songs by the band Leevi and the Leavings, in no specific order:
Man getting drunk alone makes an unwelcome midnight phone call to a woman he hasn't seen for years/decades. She still doesn't want him.
I have purchased a new pair of fancy fashionable trousers and now everyone can see how fashionable I am.
Country boy fell in love with a city girl, and rides to the city to try to find her. People are laughing at his horse.
This sweet, adorable little baby girl looks remarkably like the man living in the apartment downstairs but let's ignore that for now.
No time for romance, look at how many cool home appliances we have now.
1980s rural LGBT youth who has no words for who and what they are, and is only painfully aware of their own ambiguous, undefined queerness, can no longer stand the oppressive, small-minded judgement of their hometown and must leave it all behind.
I am drunk on Christmas.
Everyone in this office wants me carnally.
Big muscle mommy does whatever she wants with me.
A couple buys the house of their dreams, only to discover that the house is rotting and there are no jobs around, and their dream life is devoured in the grinding jaws of poverty.
I am going back to North Karelia, to drink beer in sweatpants while watching the sun rise.
This dude keeps crashing his car because he wants to be a rally driver.
Overcome by hopelessness of their financial situation, a married couple decides to commit double-suicide and take their kids with them.
I am a normal man who wears normal pants.
I regret not telling that spectacularly fat woman how badly I wanted to fuck her.
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dick-chugger · 7 months ago
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On tullu kuunneltua musiikkia
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amatesura · 1 year ago
Leevi and The Leavings - Elämä ikkunan takana
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ruttotohtori · 3 months ago
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