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kas-surfart · 1 year ago
Lion / Purple and orange mane
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Lion with purple and orange mane. Size 130 x 200 cm Hand painted using acrylic paints on canvas. The canvas will be rolled and shipped in a tube.
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rausule · 1 year ago
Leeu , Tau in lt.
In die ikonografie is die l. verteenwoordig 'n zoomorfiese motief so oud as wat dit kompleks is, wat 'n besonder belangrike plek in die Middeleeuse simboliese heelal inneem Embleem van a. Mark die Evangelis, die l. in Johannes se apokaliptiese visioen (Ap. 5, 5), wat so 'n groot rol in die Middeleeuse ikonografie gespeel het, verskyn langs die troon wat die teenwoordigheid van Christus oproep, links onder, die kant van die uitverkorenes op die dag van die universele Oordeel, en is die enigste een, behalwe die Lam, wat die voorreg gegun word om die boek oop te maak en die sewe seëls te breek. Sagmoedige metgesel van St. Girolamo het volgens die hagiografiese tradisie die l. dit is ook die nekropompeuse dier, wat genadiglik voorsiening maak vir begrafnis in die woestyn van s. Antonio Abate en van s. Maria Egiziaca.Behalwe die bekendste aspekte, is die l. in Christelike ikonografie het dit soms teenstrydige semantiese waardes aangeneem, as gevolg van die voortdurende ossillasie tussen positiewe en negatiewe waardes, hoe gevarieerd en kompleks ook al, as gevolg van die nuanses wat van tyd tot tyd aangeleer word, soveel so dat dit nie tot te rigiede interpretatief gereduseer kon word nie. skemas. Eintlik, in die simbool van die l. verskillende betekenisse is bygevoeg en saamgevat en bydraes uit verskillende en verre kulture is gestratifiseer In antieke Egipte is die l. verteenwoordig die soewerein en die son, waaruit werklike krag spruit: die sfinks, embleem van koninklikes, het 'n leoniese liggaam, terwyl twee l. teen mekaar leun, oos en wes in die gesig staar, dui hulle op die daaglikse pad van die son en dus die siklus van dood en wedergeboorte. In die Mesopotamiese tradisie het die l. dit het eerder die instinktiewe en chaotiese kragte van die natuur verteenwoordig wat deur die held of heerser in orde gebring is. Uit die ikonografiese motief van die mitiese Gilgamesj wat twee l. vasgryp, so gereeld in Mesopotamiese glytici, het die beeld van die Bybelse held Daniël afgelei, wat in vroeë Christelike sarkofage, in Koptiese materiaal en in Romaanse kuns voorkom.
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thedarkcoven · 2 years ago
*I knock on Rayvins door. My shard blade in my hand*
Come in! *I am organizing some things I have for the babies*
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loupy-mongoose · 2 years ago
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I feel like this is probably more of a TC face expression but....
That's not a cat, that's a Mewtwo :U
Kidding, kidding! That's a cute cat in a cute hat~
This'll be the last cat for now, but I'll schedule a cat-dump/train later. X3
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milliebeeweasel · 1 year ago
Oh yeah that's definitely impulsive thoughts! They're like intrusive thoughts, but where an intrusive thought is really upsetting and keeps repeating, impulsive thoughts sort of ... pop in and make you screech to a halt like, "WAIT WHAT?"
Every night when I wash the dishes I get an impulsive thought that I want to throw a wine glass against the wall. I also once wanted to hit the power button on Robyn's automatic car while we were on the motorway. 😬
Brains are weird but it's nothing to worry about. 😂
Anyone else look at all the hard work they've put into stuff and go "Maybe I should delete this" in the same way that when they look at a body of water they think "I should throw my phone in there"...
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iamastick · 2 years ago
Can you become a sword?
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i am a stick D:
(screenshot from geothebio who is still hilarious. also no. yughhhhhhh.)
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mewtwoandme · 2 years ago
Maybe Rosilee could be one of the triplets 🙏
Alas, I already have the triplets' designs made. Rosilee was just for fun.
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priceofreedom · 2 years ago
Why am I just not hyped about the trailer... I want to be but I'm just like meh. 😭 Am I broken??
mmm maybe you expected something entirely different? or you're just not in the mood rn for all the hype. either way it's okay, there's so much we don't know about this game, you'll probably be more hyped when it actually comes out :3
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buttercupdemon · 1 year ago
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Hihiii sorry for the last of post recently, I didn't have internet yesterday! As an apology, OC reveal? His name is Leo say hi
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leeus-writing · 2 years ago
Have a look at my RULES page to see who I wrote for.
make 'em swoon
eyes meeting from across the room
reaching out, grabbing their hand
a subtle wink
licking their lips
a hug that gets deeper
"hi" *raspy voice*
falling asleep on each other
coming back for another kiss
pressing their foreheads together
smile that makes their eyes soften
brushing away their hair
putting their hand on the other's neck
holding them close by their hips
pulling them on their lap
smirking in a way that suggests more
drawing with their fingertips on their skin
hugging them from behind
a kiss pressed to the neck
lips brushing against their ear
whispering to them like they're alone in the world
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rbolick · 5 months ago
Books On Books Collection - Helen Siegl
Herball from The Dialogues of Creatures Moralised Applicable and edifying to every merry and jocund matter, and right profitable to the governance of men. [Ascribed to Nicolaus Pergamenus and Mayno de’ Mayneri. First printed in Latin by Gerard Leeu in Gouda in 1480 & in English in 1535.] (1979) Helen Siegl Hardcover in mustard colored cloth with a paper label to the spine; with 11 woodcut…
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finalsegamangalover · 1 year ago
Where would you live if you lived in the FF7 world
That's tough actually 😅 toss up between icicle village (I love the snow okay it's beautiful 😍) oooor Wutai. Costal del Sol is nice because of the beaches and such but feel like a lot of people say that's their favorite.
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thedarkcoven · 1 year ago
*A letter lands on your desk 6 months after Hoid, myself and I have vanished*
-Rayvin I hope you and the twins are well. I miss you all very much. I am writing to request that you come to me. War is happening again here and it is making it hard to leave especially seen as space travelling engineering has not been created. It would be best to hide your own ships when you arrive. Getting this letter to you was hard enough. Hoid is here... But he is going by the name Wit. He has not spoken to me and will not look at me.
I'll wait for you every day in the main market at Urathiru... Your friend and sister Lea -
*After reading it I call for @masterkylo and gives him the letter, unsure of what he would want to do since we have the children now and if I do go should I take Hux with me since I'm not entirely sure Kylo wants to leave with me because of the twins*
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thedarkcoven · 2 years ago
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*I go to walk in humming Duel of Fates but freezes, my eyes going wide when I see Poe, Kylo, Leeu, and the Troopers. Poe smarting off like usual* Ah shit *I say to myself as I turn to leave the room*
Kylo... I bring you Poe *steps to one side as a man slowly floats past* I hope I have proven myself of worth?
Also... I'm sorry I nearly destroyed the hanger... And Hux's ship is in two bits at the bottom of a mountain range. *Scratches back of head*
Oh you most definitely have Leeu. You have my gratitude and you will be paid for your work.
*slowly walks towards the man*
Ahhh so we finally meet, Poe! There is no need to struggle. It's useless to try to fight me. You are nothing Poe. Nothing but a worthless pilot for the resistance. And now you are MINE!
*turns to you and nods*
Thank you again bounty hunter. How would you like to work for me as one of my Knights?
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leeus-writing · 11 months ago
Quick personal update.
Sorry I haven't been around. There's a reason for this. I've been pretty tired of late as I am pregnant with my second. I've actually lost weight this time 🤔
Due in August 😬
I hope to get back to writing again soon as I'm feeling better.
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dailycharacteroption · 2 years ago
Flamesinger (Bard Archetype)
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(art by Naiden Romanov on Artstation)
 The motion and light of a flame are fascinating to watch, so it only makes sense that some bards and performers seek to utilize or implement it into their performances.
A long time ago we covered the Flame Dancer archetype for bards here on the blog, but now we look into another fire-themed bard, this one focused on emulating the crackle and sway of flame in their voices, rather than their bodies.
This goes beyond mere metaphor, though, as these mystical musicians utilize their music to channel flame as well. It’s possible that the secrets of this fiery power was originally a creation of either the efreeti genies or a mortal nation with a lot of contact with such beings.
Regardless of the origins of the technique, these bardic pyromancers add the flicker of flame to their performances to enhance them visually or unleash fiery devastation upon their foes.
 It should come as no surprise that these bards learn the fire music technique, letting them infuse their damaging spells with fire to harm foes, and their summons to give them a minor fiery alignment. What’s more, they gain summoning spells automatically as part of their training.
With a special performance, they can also infuse fire into the weapons of allies or enhance already present flame, giving them an edge in combat.
Emulating the speed of spreading flame, flamesingers are also supernaturally fast, zipping about the battlefield.
Interested in taking the fire music feat as a bard, but kicking it up a notch? This archetype may appeal to you. Bolstering the weapons of allies, as well as your spells and summons with fire damage can be useful for damage type coverage, but remember that fire damage is the most common, and commonly resisted damage types in the game. If that doesn’t bother you, I recommend a mixed close combat and support bard, one that buffs nearby allies while also being unafraid to wade into combat themselves.
 I’d recommend doing research into middle eastern musical styles if you’re interested in this archetype. It could give you some ideas of how their music sounds. Of course, you could always defy those expectations as well.
  On the first full moon of summer, the city of Sheeru Taj holds the annual Fire Night celebration, where strong drink is shared alongside fiery performances both metaphorical and literal all night long. There, you can witness musicians blending magical flame into their songs, making the hot night all the more sweltering.
 Despite being a mere mortal, Leeu is determined to master the art of the fire song, joining the ifrit-dominated bardic college to master the art. Though many ridicule her, others are very interested in the potential she offers.
 Though typically associated with sand and sun, the art of flamesinging can be found anywhere, even in the lightless depths. Indeed, some urdefhan battle chanters develop a pyromantic streak to bolster their bloodthirsty allies. However, Gakkik is an exception, using his mastery of flame not for his people, but against them, having grown tired of serving nihilistic fiends.
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