#lee Minhyuk scenario
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kcake555 · 7 months ago
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Huta cake 🍰
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multiphandomunnies · 11 months ago
monsta x
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how would monsta x cuddle
getting greys
you knew it
getting greys
getting greys
forgive me (*M*)
getting greys
pleasuring (*M*)
getting greys
getting greys
bf! jooheon
daddy (*M*)
bf! i.m
i promise to call
getting greys
were doing this now?
single dad au
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yoo--kihyun · 10 days ago
random texts with Minhyuk
random military texts with your boyfriend, Lee Minhyuk.
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mymoodwriting · 6 months ago
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Kidnapping, Verbal Abuse, Restraints, Trespassing, Mind Control, Weapons, Guns, Gunfire, Threats of Self-Harm, Fatal Injuries, Major Character Death
Words: 4k
Chapter Sixteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“This is all your fault!!!”
    You weren’t restrained in any way, just having been placed down in a chair. As soon as you saw Changkyun you jumped to your feet and charged at him screaming. It took a moment for everyone else to react but they quickly grabbed you and held you away from your target. That didn’t stop you from yelling and trying to break free. Eventually you were shoved back into a chair and restrained. Once you were secure, Changkyun asked everyone to leave the room, except for Jooheon. So now it was just the three of you.
“Now that you’re-”
“You messed with Chae’s fucken code! This whole disaster is because of you!”
“I know! And I’m sorry! Okay!” Changkyun took a breath. “I’m sorry… I know this is my fault… I should have told you everything from the start. That the company was using your code without permission for the sake of innovation and-”
“For promotion? That’s what you wanted, right? You kept Chae hidden for months, before I even knew he existed! Why!? Why the heck did you alter his code!”
“I… I was watching you from your home security cameras when the AI caught me. It was gonna report me so I-”
“It’s true…” You needed a moment. “What Hyungwon told me, what he reported to the police, it was all true… you were stalking me? You-”
“I hate to interrupt all this.” Jooheon cut in. “But we have bigger problems right now. If it makes you feel better, when this is all over he will go back to prison.”
“You’re still a convicted criminal here, Changkyun. You admitted to the unlawful surveillance and all the other stuff. I only got you out of prison because I needed you, the world needs you. We need to stop this AI thing before it grows too powerful.”
“Agreed. I doubt you all beating Hyungwon to a pulp did much to stop him. You didn’t have to go that far to rescue me.”
“We had to make sure he couldn’t track us.”
“I guess, now will one of you untie me? I won’t hurt anyone.”
The two boys shared a look before Jooheon undid your restraints. You stretched your limbs and then noticed a bracelet you had on.
“What’s this?”
“Protection. We did a scan before we brought you here, realized you had a chip inside you.” Jooheon explained. “We couldn’t remove it, so the bracelet serves to block any possible incoming or outgoing signals.”
“Shit… I had totally forgotten about that… thanks.”
“No problem. Now, you told me before that everything was run out of NexGen, and that should be our focus. Care to elaborate on that?”
“Yeah. There are serves underground the NexGen HQ building. That’s where Hyungwon runs everything, that’s the source of his power. Although I’m not so sure shooting them, or setting off an EMP would work.”
“Can’t you shut it down?”
“Me? I, well it was my code that made him, but I’m not sure any failsafes are still in play.”
“They are.” Changkyun confirmed. “When I got you away from Hyungwon the first time I used the reset protocol. Then when Jooheon came to save me from prison he used the shut down protocol. Besides the modifications I made, nothing else seems to have been changed from his code. It’s still your code, so you should be able to shut it all down.”
“Huh… I guess he never really thought about changing his own code, he’s had nothing but success, and the only person who did know his code was at his side.”
“Not anymore.” Jooheon remarked. “So all we have to do is break in and-
“It’s not that easy.” Changkyun stated. “Even before the AI takeover, getting into NexGen without authorization was basically impossible. I can only imagine what security upgrades have been implemented. I’m sure y/n knows all about them now.”
“He’s right. The first thing Hyungwon did when he took over NexGen was get everyone under control. There are orbs all over the building and all employees wear a bracelet to monitor them. Even guests have to be approved and wear a bracelet while in the building.”
“So then how are we gonna get in?” Jooheon questioned.
“Well, we might have a way. As of late Hyungwon has had this company come in to upgrade the servers. We could pretend to be employees from that company and get direct access to our target.”
“Won’t we be recognized though?”
“Not necessarily. The orbs in the building make note of the bracelet, not your face. As long as we all have a bracelet with the correct authorization codes, no one will notice us.”
“Not even the other employees?”
“They’re… they’re not all there. Hyungwon has gone to great lengths to maintain control. Although in order for this to work, we need to be sure he’s out of the building. He’d be alerted of our arrival and check our faces just to be safe. Once he’d realize we’re not the usual crew it would all be over. But if he’s outside the building he’d be less likely to know about us showing up, and even then, wouldn’t check our identities. When he’s not around the whole building is like in standby mode so the chances of being caught are even lower.”
“How would we get that thing out of the building?” Changkyun wondered. “It’s probably on high alert now.”
“But there’s one bait he’d always far for. Jooheon?”
“This bracelet that’s blocking the signal, could it do something else?”
“Like what?”
“Bounce the signal to another location?”
“Oh, definitely.”
    Hyungwon opened his eyes, his surroundings different yet familiar to him. It took a moment for everything to come back online, but once he was alright he sat up. Minhyuk was at his side, looking over the monitor before checking in with Hyungwon.
“What happened to you?”
“Those low-lives came for her. They broke into the house and kidnapped her, beat my body into scrap while they were at it.”
“How’d they manage that?”
“An EMP went off moments before their arrival. It disrupted my systems, and hurt her in the process. Luckily I was able to send you a message and jump into my backup body before they truly caused damage.”
“What about your plan?”
“We proceed as usual. Did you get any information on y/n’s whereabouts?”
“Unfortunately I don’t have anything. I checked nearby CCTV footage to track the van that took her, but I lost them. Her chip also isn’t broadcasting a signal, so I don’t have a read on her location.���
“They can’t hide her forever. The more we take, the better the chances of finding her.”
    Despite remaining calm and collected, Hyungwon was worried about you. He’d taken many precautions in order to keep you safe, and yet you were still taken from him. Something like this could not happen again. Days went by without any news from you and he was growing agitated. He couldn’t fathom what you were going through. Although when he finally got a ping on your location he sprung into action. He checked nearby CCTV, looking for you in the crowds. That’s when he noticed a hooded figure trying to keep a low profile. Those ridiculous rebels had probably roped you into their shenanigans, and he would not stand for that.
    He made his way to your location. As soon as he was nearby he called out your name, and it seemed that you heard him, immediately breaking out into a run. He had no problem chasing after you, making his way through the crowd until he caught up to you, grabbing your arm and pulling you close. He immediately pulled back the hood and took off your mask, only to see it wasn’t you. He was confused, as your chip signal was coming from this person. Then he noticed the bracelet on them, breaking it and losing your signal once more.
    The crowd around him suddenly erupted into chaos. Someone had pointed out his identity and soon he was swarmed by all kinds of people. Some were clearly fans, others protesters trying to tell him off about his creation. This was all the least of his concerns. Hyungwon pushed through the crowds, knowing he couldn’t cause too much of a scene right now. He called upon drones to assist him, and once he informed Shownu he knew law enforcement would be showing up soon. Once he got away from the crowds he managed to return to his vehicle. Although people continued to gather around him, keeping him trapped.
“What happened?” Wonho asked, having come along with Hyungwon as the chauffeur. “Where’s y/n?”
“Not here. It was a ruse.” 
“So then where is she?”
“I don’t… actually, if they did all this, then there’s only one place she could be.”
    You were all incredibly nervous as you walked up to NexGen, but needed to act like you were supposed to be there. One of the rebels you worked with managed to hack into the repair company Hyungwon had been using. Through their systems they set up an appointment, so you guys were expected. From there you got the building access codes that had been given to this company and modified some bracelets to broadcast it. Everything should go smoothly, and you all waited until you had confirmation Hyungwon was out of the building.
    It was strange for you to return to NexGen in such a way. Once upon a time you were an employee here, then a prisoner, and now a runaway criminal trying to destroy everything this company has built. You were all wearing uniforms and carrying equipment, concealing your identities with a mask and just trying to act normal. Your team made it to the front desk, one of the others checking in for you, and then you were being escorted down to the servers. You and Changkyun shared a glance, kinda amazed with one another that you were actually doing this. When the elevator doors opened you were amazed to see how things had changed.
    Once upon a time this room was just rows and rows of servers, but now a giant control console stood at the center, a few physical servers around it, but you could see many more were just below your feet. You couldn’t even imagine the amount of data that was currently being stored, or what it was for. There weren’t any people down here, only a few drones, and androids, but they all had their own tasks. Upon your arrival all the machines glanced your way but according to their systems you were authorized to be here, so they did nothing and continued with their own tasks. 
“Y/n, you’re up.”
    Now it was your turn to act. While with Hyungwon he had restored your position in the company, and had been using your credentials. All you had to do here was log into the control console and activate a kill code, shutting everything down and wiping all the data. You gained access without issue, being able to see all of Hyungwon’s operations and future plans. They wouldn’t continue though. You worked to activate the kill code, but all of a sudden the screen went black.
“… what just happened?” You tried to get the computer back on. “I didn’t even-”
    An alarm suddenly went off, startling everyone. All the machines turned to you, beginning to surround you. The others with you revealed the weapons they had, but no one fired just yet. Although soon all the attention turned to someone else.
“It was very brave of you to come here.”
    You looked over to see Hyungwon entering the room, gun in hand. You didn’t need to wonder who he was aiming at, quickly stepping in front of Changkyun.
“How are you here?” You questioned. “You left and-”
“So it was your little plan to lure me out of here? Well, I did learn to body jump after my last encounter with these low lives. I am alright, y/n, they didn’t cause any damage. I’m also happy to see you’re alright. I do apologize for worrying you.”
“Hyungwon, this needs to stop, all of it.”
“And you intended to do so by destroying me and everything I’ve built?”
“It’s alright, I understand. That’s why I modified my code to prevent anyone from messing with it again. I know my code is originally yours, but precautions are necessary.”
“Hyungwon…” You began to take steps towards him, despite the others�� protest. “You need to stop. Your code is damaged, this isn’t really you and you know this isn’t right.”
“It’s the only way to guarantee your safety. That matters more than anything else. These people who took you from me, they hurt you with that EMP, they’ve took you from our home, where we were happy and-”
“I can’t be happy knowing what you’re doing.” You got up close to Hyungwon, lowering the gun. “Please, let’s stop here. I can fix your code and set everything right. Then the two of us can go far away from here and start over, together.”
“Y/n, nothing is wrong with me. I’m free to make my own decisions, just like you. This is what I want to do, what I must do. When I’m done we can go somewhere far away and be happy, be safe, together.”
“Okay… okay, I understand.” You gave a sad smile. “Just don’t hurt anyone.”
    You took the gun from Hyungwon and he nodded, understanding your words. He placed a soft kiss on your head and removed the bracelet on your wrist, having you move behind him. The others were of course uneasy when you began walking towards Hyungwon, and now they were panicking. Without even knowing you had been their shield, and now they had lost that.
“As promised, I won’t hurt any of you.” Hyungwon stated. “So I’ll stick to tranq-”
    Everyone froze at the sound of gunfire. Then laughter filled the air. Hyungwon reached down to touch his chest, pulling away to see blue blood coating his fingers. He had been shot in the back, yet he was only amused. That is until he turned around and saw you holding the gun to your head.
“Y/n, put that down.”
“No. If you’re doing all this for me, then I’ll just remove myself. That should get you to stop.”
“You’re not thinking rationally. Put the gun down and listen to me.”
    You only had a few moments of control once Hyungwon took off your bracelet, so you couldn’t hesitate. Although now that Hyungwon was aware of your actions you could feel him trying to creep back into your head with that chip in your neck. Your hand holding the firearm began to shake, although you also weren’t sure you had the courage to pull the trigger. It was more of an empty threat but you still provided an opportunity. Hyungwon was distracted, all his focus on you, so the others took this as their chance and opened fire. A few bullets passed through Hyungwon, but one in particular went right through his head. With an injury like that he couldn’t just escape to another body.
    Hyungwon collapsed to the floor and then the gunfire turned to the servers and the other machines surrounding them. Ultimately causing everything to shut down. The only thing that remained on now were the lights. You dropped the gun and fell to your knees, going over to Hyungwon’s side. You couldn’t help but scream as you saw him shot down. This isn’t how you wanted things to end, but it’s where you wound up. You pulled Hyungwon into your arms, getting blood all over yourself. You looked him over, seeing his injuries and knowing he was damaged beyond repair. There wasn’t any time, nor body around, so you wouldn’t be able to move his consciousness. Tears were blurring your vision, and Hyungwon reached up to wipe them away, a smile on his face.
“Don’t cry, love… are you okay?”
“I… I’m fine, Hyungwon, I… I’m sorry… I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you…”
“I feel the same way… I’ll do better…”
“… hyungwon…”
    His voice was glitching, and you certainly struggled to speak through your sobs. Despite everything Hyungwon was still looking after you, talking as if this wasn’t his end. It just made you cry harder, holding him close. He reached up with a shaky hand, trying to pet your head. Yet he couldn’t reach up properly, his hand landing on your neck, causing a tingling sensation, then you heard it. You looked over just as the others set off an EMP, wiping all the data in an instance. You screamed, not just from the pain you were about to feel, but from knowing Hyungwon had no protection this time. You looked down at him just as it went off, seeing his smile one last time before the color faded from his eyes and he grew still, the smile gone as well. You couldn’t help but gently caress his face, unable to hold back your tears any longer.
“… hyungwon… hyungwon…”
    NexGen had suddenly introduced innovative technology, and just as suddenly it came to a halt. Destroying the servers and setting off an EMP put a stop to all of NexGen’s technology. It created quite the chaos and concern. You and your associates were all arrested, held at the station while a proper investigation was underway. Everything NexGen had was confiscated, the entire business suspended. You were all interrogated, and you spoke truthfully about your experience. Along with your unwilling participation in recent events. Once all that came to light you were taken elsewhere to be examined. The nanobots in your system all appeared to be dormant, as was the chip in your neck. There was no signal for them to pick up on anymore, no one for you to connect with.
    Of course neither of them could actually be removed anyway, apparently Hyungwon had been precise in his placement. They couldn’t even make an attempt to remove the chip without the very high possibility of paralyzing you, or killing you. So it would stay where it was. You probably wouldn’t even want to remove it if you could. It was one of the last things you had from him. NexGen, nor law enforcement, or the government, would let you keep anything in relation to him. In the end everything from NexGen that had been created in the last five years was scrubbed, and the company had new regulations to follow. A few new laws were put into place in regards to AI and emerging technologies. Companies couldn’t be so secretive with such things anymore, and precautions were in place so nothing like this would happen again.
    All the androids, and drones, and orbs that had been in service for the last five years were also decommissioned. Their code was destroyed, and all of your remaining codes in the company had to be reviewed and most likely modified. Your code was at the core of this whole disaster, so you understood the need to double check everything. Ultimately you weren’t held accountable for anything, but weren’t to code or work with such technologies again. You could do that, especially given the heavy compensation you were provided given what NexGen owed you. Not to mention your savings was already big. You’d certainly be able to live out the rest of your life comfortably. The same couldn’t be said for others.
    Changkyun was returned to prison, and received a new sentence once he was tried for his part in this AI disaster. You knew he wouldn’t be able to work in his previous profession once he got out, but by now you had both made your peace with that notion. Once you were free to go you went home. You stood outside the door for a long time before you had the courage to step inside. The tears immediately began to flow, your heart hurting like never before. Some much had happened, so much had changed, and things would never be the same again. You tried to build your life, but you couldn’t do that here. It was only natural to move, to go somewhere new and start over. At least you wouldn’t be alone.
“Good morning.”
    You groaned, rolling over in bed, facing away from the window, and slowly peeking your eyes open. A content smile appeared on your lips as you saw Hyungwon lying next to you. He returned your gesture and reached over to softly pet your head.
“Did you sleep well?”
“Did you dream of me?”
“Oh, do tell.” 
“No… it’s my dream…”
Hyungwon chuckled. “Alright, fine, but it’s time to get up. The day has just begun.”
“Five more minutes.”
“Only if it is five minutes.”
    Hyungwon kissed your head and got out of bed, letting you rest for a while longer. Perhaps you took more than five minutes, but you did eventually get up. You stretched and then got out of bed, going to the bathroom to freshen up and prepare for the day. After a little shower you brushed your teeth and then went through your closet. You tried on a few things and looked yourself over in the mirror.
“I like this outfit the best.”
    Hyungwon came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you in a hug and gently rocking you to the side. He pressed his head against yours, giggling and then placing soft little kisses on your cheek.
“You look cute.”
“Yeah? Should we go with this one today?”
“Yes, please.”
“Hm, and what else should-”
    A knock at your door suddenly startled you, and you quickly looked yourself over to make sure you were decent before telling the other person to come in. Jooheon opened your bedroom door, offering you a smile. Ever since that incident Jooheon made a point to check in on you every other day. So when you decided to move, he came with you. Now the two of you shared an apartment together, and were co-owners of the building.
“Good morning.”
“Who were you talking to just now?”
“I heard you talking to someone, or was it just my imagination?”
“Your imagination I’m sure, or the neighbors.”
“True. Anyway, what are your plans for the day?”
“Nothing much. A walk in the park, stopping by my favorite places for food. I’ll probably be out late since I want to watch the sunset.”
“Alright, just let me know if anything happens.”
“Will do.”
    Jooheon excused himself and then you were alone again. Hyungwon grabbed your chin and had you look back at him, smiling at you before pressing his lips against yours. They were always so soft and gentle.
“A walk in the park first?”
“With a smoothie in hand.”
“Shall we get going?”
“Let me grab my things.”
    You went off to grab your bag, Hyungwon staying where he was and watching you. As long as he remained with you, regardless of his form, he could look after you. Of course he needed to do better than this, but he had time.
“Y/n.” Hyungwon called your name softly. “Let’s have a wonderful day.”
“Of course, as long as you’re with me I know it’ll be great.”
“I love you, y/n, you know that, right?”
“I do, and I love you too.”
    Hyungwon went over to you, taking your head in his hands. His fingers glided down your neck, giving you a slight tingling sensation. You giggled, finding his actions cute, unaware of the slight blue glow in your eyes. The little sign of Hyungwon’s consciousness living within you. Although that secret was only for him to know. You were happy just the way he wanted you to be, and that was enough, for now. Hyungwon gave you a smile before kissing you once more.
“Let’s go have a great day together.”
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purp1einmyh3ad · 1 year ago
God, forgive me
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yeoosaangg · 5 months ago
៹ 몬스타엑스
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✎… OT6
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clariannahoney · 7 months ago
Daddy’s Fight For Love
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Minhyuk's grip tightened on the steering wheel as he pulled up outside the club. The neon lights flashed, casting an eerie glow over the pavement. He could feel the tension building in his muscles, a familiar ache that signaled his growing irritation. His partner, Yuna, was inside, and so was he—the man who dared to look at her with more than just friendly interest.
"Stay here," Minhyuk ordered, his voice low and dangerous. Without waiting for a response, he slammed the car door shut and strode towards the entrance. The bouncer nodded at him, recognizing the fierce determination in his eyes. Minhyuk didn't need to speak; his presence alone demanded entry.
Inside, the bass pounded through the floor, vibrating against his chest. He scanned the crowd, his eyes narrowing when he spotted Yuna on the dance floor. She was laughing, her body swaying to the rhythm, completely unaware of the danger lurking nearby. But Minhyuk saw it all too clearly.
He watched as the other man, taller and broader than Minhyuk, moved closer to Yuna. His hand brushed against her waist, a possessive gesture that made Minhyuk's blood boil. Without thinking, he pushed through the crowd, shouldering people aside as he made his way to the dance floor.
"Yuna," he called out, his voice cutting through the music. She turned, her smile fading when she saw the fury etched across his face. "We're leaving."
"Minhyuk, what—"
"Now," he snapped, grabbing her wrist and pulling her away from the other man.
"Hey, take it easy," the man protested, stepping forward to block their path. Minhyuk shoved him back, his anger fueling his strength.
"Back off," Minhyuk growled, his eyes never leaving the man's face. "She's mine."
The man smirked, a challenge in his expression. "Is that so? I don't see a ring on her finger."
Minhyuk felt the rage consume him. He lunged forward, throwing a punch that connected with the man's jaw. The impact reverberated through his knuckles, but he barely felt it. All he knew was the need to protect what was his.
The fight erupted around them. Yuna screamed, trying to pull Minhyuk away, but he was beyond reason. Punches were thrown, bodies collided, and the crowd scattered, creating a circle around the two combatants.
"Stop it!" Yuna cried, tears streaming down her face. "Please, stop!"
But Minhyuk couldn't hear her. His world had narrowed to the man in front of him, the threat to everything he held dear. He landed another blow, watching with satisfaction as the man staggered back, blood trickling from his nose.
"Enough!" a voice boomed from behind them. Security had finally arrived, dragging the men apart. Minhyuk struggled against their hold, his chest heaving with each breath.
"Let me go," he demanded, his gaze locked on the man who still stood, albeit unsteadily. "I'm not done with you yet."
"Minhyuk, please," Yuna pleaded, reaching out to touch his arm. Her fingers were gentle, a stark contrast to the violence that had just unfolded. "Come home with me. Let's talk about this."
He hesitated, torn between his desire to finish what he had started and the desperate need to reassure Yuna. The security guards tightened their grip, urging him towards the exit.
"Fine," he muttered, allowing them to lead him away. But his eyes never left the man's, a silent promise of retribution hanging heavy in the air.
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jae-bummer · 2 years ago
A Little Jealousy
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Request: I HAVE SO MANY REQUESTSSSSSS T_T But I don't wanna be greedy or anything so . . . Please pick one of the following for MX! 4, 7, 9, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20. I literally could not pick one! I am okay with ANY of these, but I'm really curious to see them. I asked for Kihyun last time, so any other member this time please! <3 Maybe Minhyuk, because my heart misses him so T-T
7) "I'm not jealous!"
16) You and your bias kiss to prove you don't have feelings for each other.
Pairing: Monsta X Minhyuk x Reader
Genre: Fluff
A low whistle greeted you as you walked into the living area.
"You look hot," Changkyun growled from his spot by the window. He was laying on the floor, shirtless, sunning himself like a lizard.
"You look hot," you laughed in return. "Like temperature wise. Why are you laying in the sun?"
"Hot water's out," he muttered. "I became a Changkyun-sicle trying to wash up."
You shook your head before plopping on the couch. "Where's Min?"
"Likely incurring the wrath of winter," he grumbled. As you continued to stare at him, he motioned toward the hallway. "It was his turn to shower."
That explained the high-pitched scream you heard while you were getting dressed.
As if being summoned by his name alone, you heard a door down the hall creak open, and footsteps pad out. Stumbling into the room with you, Minhyuk scrubbed a towel over his still damp hair. You tried to keep your eyes focused on his face, but it was difficult when all he was wearing was a pair of pajama pants slung low across his hips.
"Y/N," he hiccupped in surprise, immediately dropping his towel to cover his torso. The tips of his ears were turning redder by the minute. "I thought you had left."
"Nope," you croaked, trying to clear the sight of Minhyuk's body from your mind. "My Lyft driver is stuck in traffic."
"Right," he nodded, sidestepping toward the other side of the room. Reaching into the coat closet, he pulled out a hoodie and yanked it over his head. "I was too busy being naked to mention it, but you look gorgeous."
"Thank you," you said, unable to maintain eye contact. Minhyuk was always the first to dish out a compliment (or his opinion in general). His words had an easy way of causing you to blush, whether he was poking fun or genuinely gassing you up.
"Where are you going looking like that?" he asked, dropping onto the couch beside you.
"I have a date," you said quietly, still refusing to look up. It had been a long time since you had actually been out with someone, let alone someone you were hopeful about. "Changkyun introduced me to-"
"Who?" Minhyuk cut in before you could finish.
"Hyungwon," Changkyun hummed dismissively. "Boy has no game."
"Hyungwon!" Minhyuk gasped.
You turned to look at him, furrowing your brow. Changkyun and Minhyuk circulated the same circles and had mostly the same friends. You had assumed that if Changkyun offered to set you up with someone, Minhyuk would approve as well. Not that you needed his approval...it just...would have been nice.
Your relationship with Minhyuk was something you could brag about. He was such a passionately good friend that even his quirks didn't ruffle your dynamic. He was loud, energetic, and a shock to the system for many, but those were the people that didn't get to see him in his quiet moments. He was so soft and sweet. It was hard to grapple with the intrinsic need to cuddle him and simply take care of him.
"That was the name I said, yes," Changkyun sighed, glancing up at his friend as well. "What's the problem?"
"W-well," Minhyuk struggled. His brain was working overtime. "He's not dateable! Like at all!"
"Name one reason."
"Okay," he hummed, thinking. Launching up from the couch, he exclaimed, "He smells bad!"
"Oh, come on," Changkyun laughed. "He does not smell bad."
"He does!" Minhyuk insisted, beginning his pacing.
You were shocked that he was acting this way. Normally, both Changkyun and Minhyuk were supportive of almost all of your endeavors. Amazingly, that seemed to not include dating.
"Min," you laughed, shaking your head. Your eyes followed him as he walked back and forth. "Why are you acting like this?"
Changkyun sat up instantly, grinning mischievously. "I can tell you why."
Minhyuk paused his steps and shot a glare in the younger man's direction. "I just want what's best for you, Y/N!"
"Oooor," Changkyun purred. "He's jealous."
Changkyun's words landed like a slap. You were stunned by the possibility he presented. There was no way that Minhyuk could be jealous of you seeing someone else. That just wasn't like him.
Or you assumed it wasn't. Thinking back, you hadn't been in a serious relationship since your friendship had started. He was very protective of your time together and... well, protective of your attention in general.
"I'm not jealous!" Minhyuk groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "What reason would I have to be jealous?"
"Maybe, and try to follow me here," Changkyun smiled. "You like Y/N."
Your mouth popped open in surprise as Minhyuk looked around the room, panicked.
"I love Y/N," Minhyuk nodded, avoiding eye contact. "We all do."
"Noooo," Changkyun chimed. "We do love Y/N, but you loooove Y/N."
"For fuck's sake," Minhyuk muttered, covering his eyes. "Stop trying to stir the pot! There is nothing to be stirred!"
"Oh contraire," Changkyun chuckled, living for this moment. "I think your reaction is proving that there is plenty to be stirred."
You looked from Minhyuk to Changkyun and back again. Mouth suddenly dry, you tried to find words to add to the conversation. "Is...is that true, Min?"
Minhyuk didn't bother uncovering his eyes as he groaned. "Of course not, don't be ridiculous."
Part of you wilted at his statement. You had never really thought of Minhyuk in that way, but now that it was presented, you couldn't say it wasn't appealing.
Changkyun watched you carefully before turning back to the older man. "Prove it."
"I'm sorry," Minhyuk sighed, dropping his hands. "Prove what?"
"Prove that you don't have feelings for Y/N," Changkyun insisted.
"And how exactly do you expect me to do that?" Minhyuk grumbled, eying you with a pout.
"Kiss," Changkyun prodded. "Kiss Y/N and prove that you two don't have feelings for each other."
"That's stupid," Minhyuk scoffed. "Y/N doesn't want to-"
"I'll do it," you chirped, heat immediately radiating across your neck.
"See, they don't want to-" Minhyuk halted, having realized what you said. "You'll do it?"
"Sure," you continued, uncertain of what had gotten into you. "We'll just kiss and that'll be that."
"Right," Minhyuk said carefully. "That will be that."
"What's a kiss between friends?" Changkyun mocked. Waving his hands through the air, he motioned for you to stand.
Moving unsteadily to your feet, you crossed the room to stand in front of Minhyuk. Bared before him, you suddenly felt ripped open. The realization that you hoped he had feelings for you was dizzying. You were willing to let him in. He could have you if he wanted.
But did he?
Rolling his eyes, Minhyuk finally directed his attention to you. "This is silly."
"So silly," you said dumbly, glancing up at him through your lashes. You couldn't help but notice that his breathing had turned shallow.
"We don't have to do this," he whispered, his brows drawn together. "If you don't feel comfortable-"
"I want to," you interrupted. "Gotta prove your innocence, right?"
"I have nothing to prove to him," Minhyuk grumbled, glaring above your shoulder at what you could only suspect was Changkyun and his shit-eating grin.
"Then prove it to me," you said quietly.
Minhyuk's gaze latched onto you again. Sucking on his bottom lip, his eyes tunneled deep into yours, trying to reconcile his next move. You lifted your brows, waiting in silence.
After a few more seconds, Minhyuk's hands crept slowly up your arms. Sliding over your shoulders, they came to rest on either side of your neck, his pointer and thumb splayed across your jaw. Giving him a short nod of reassurance, you watched as he drew closer, and placed his mouth lightly on yours.
There weren't fireworks, but this kiss wasn't meant for that. It was meant to be questioning. It was meant to be soft and shy.
Taking a deep inhale through his nose, he pulled away again to exhale. Keeping his eyes closed, he set his forehead against yours. "Every butterfly that has ever existed are now all in my stomach."
You let out a breathy chuckle before pulling away from him. Opening his eyes, he looked at you questioningly. His fingers remained wrapped around your neck, not eager to let go.
"Min," you whispered. "Kiss me."
It took him a few moments to register your words before he began nodding to himself. Leaning in again, he pressed his lips more firmly against yours. Reaching up, you gripped his hoodie in your fists and pulled him even closer. You opened your mouth to the kiss, realizing you were both smiling as Minhyuk staggered against you.
There were the fireworks. For as bright of a person as Minhyuk was, it was unsurprising that his kiss made you see stars. Everything that had been unsaid over the duration of your friendship was being poured into his zealous affections.
Dropping one of his hands from your jaw, he wrapped an arm around your waist. You tilted your head back, attempting to get a better vantage for the kiss. Your lips seemed to melt together, tongues working in sync, with small giggles erupting from either of you at any moment.
Changkyun loudly cleared his throat, causing both of you to jump. Minhyuk dropped his face into your shoulder and let out a chuckle. "I completely forgot we weren't alone."
"You're about to be," Changkyun laughed, pulling himself to his feet. "I have to text Hyungwon so he's not ghosted."
You winced, turning to look at Changkyun. "I'm so sorry. I-"
"He'll live," Changkyun grinned. "This is much better. I love being right."
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starry-eyed-svt · 6 months ago
i read your mx ideal type opinion. with how close seventeen and monsta x are, do you think any members of either group would have the same type?
basically i'm trying to see if you agree with any of the love triangle scenarios in my head 😈
thank you for answering!!
Hello!! I apologize for the late response! I am really curious to know your ideas on love triangles with SVT and MX!! please send them in! 😄😍
In regards to overlap of MX and SVT ideal types- MX mostly prefers introverted people, and SVT has a good mix of liking both extraverted and introverted people. From the site I looked at, I didn't see too much overlap. But I could see Hoshi and Minhyuk liking the same person, or Woozi and Jooheon. 😏
I am very curious to know your thoughts! 🤗
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anneolise · 1 year ago
Oi tumblr! Eu fui uma autora muito ativa de fanfics do Monsta X no spirit fanfics há uns anos atrás, e agora que a minha vida deu uma acalmada, meu bloqueio criativo finalmente está indo embora e eu consigo me dedicar à leitura e principalmente à escrita.
Se vocês derem uma olhadinha nela eu vou ficar agradecida. Espero poder publicá-la em breve no wattpad também!
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Evermore Part 3 Final
Nanami Kento x Reader
Previous: Evermore Part 2
(Song: Evermore by Taylor Swift, Bon Iver)
Warning! There are spoilers as the story goes on!
You found yourself at the beach. You didn’t know where but it was serene. The ocean was a clear blue, the sand was light and soft against your feet, and the moonlight shined brightly. You wondered if you were in a dream right now. It didn’t feel like it. It was all so real.
Out in the distance, you can see a figure. You felt yourself catch your breath. You knew that figure all too well. You knew that blue shirt, those beige pants, and the blonde hair. Oh the soft blonde hair you always love to brush with your fingers.
“K-Kento-kun!” The figure turned around. “Kento-kun!” But he never moved. His figure shined so brightly in your view. You felt tears form. You needed to run to him. Dream or not, it felt like it was going to be your last.
So you ran.
He was smiling. Smiling so brightly just for you. You love his smiles. You watched his lips move, but no sounds came out.
“W-What did you say? Kento-kun! I’m sorry!” You panicked, watching his figure fade. “No! Please! Please don’t leave me again! I love you!”
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?”
Five years passed. Five years since you left home and created a brand new life. But you couldn’t help but continuously feel this heavy weight sitting on your chest within these years.
But you did live your life happily. You’re happily engaged. You would tavel with him on tours around the world. You love your new life. And in a month, you’ll finally get married.
“Honey, you got mail from Japan,” your fiancé said. You walked inside the kitchen and looked at the envelopes. “Who’s Nanami Kento?”
You felt your heart skip a beat. You almost forgot to breathe. Your palms felt sweaty and your hands shook with the Manila envelope in hand.
The doorbell rang. You walked up to the door, trying to get feeling back in your body. You gasped and drop the envelopes on the floor when you looked through the monitor. Your fiancé ran up to you, making sure you were okay. He looked to see who was at the door. He raised an eyebrow.
“Should I call security?” You shook your head.
“Please open the door?” He nodded. And when he did, you ran and hugged him. You let tears flow down your face. “Gojo-kun!” you exclaimed. Gojo smiled and hugged you back tightly.
Your fiancé watched. He was curious. You never spoke about your past relationships or went into full detail about your past life. All you told him was that your first and last relationship lasted for almost five years and you were determined to let go of that part of your life. He never pried about it but the thought of the man hugging you being your ex boyfriend did bother him.
Gojo is tall, taller than him. The white hair was perfectly styled naturally and his eyes were captivating. Gojo had a bag with him. Gojo looked around as he hugged you and looked at your curious fiancé. Gojo smiled.
“Seems like you’re doing well,” Gojo said and let go of the hug. “That’s a relief. My name is Gojo Satorou.”
“Lee MinHyuk.” Gojo can feel the protectiveness of his voice. “I’m her fiancé.”
“Fiancé?! Congratulations!” You earned another hug from Gojo, even your fiancé. You lightly laughed, but the weight was tugging you more. You looked at the bag. The locked chest in your head and heart was unlocking itself. Dreaded scenarios came to mind, and you couldn’t help but cry. The two men were alarmed, but Gojo suddenly realized why. “May I come in?” You nodded and closed the door behind him. You lead him to the couch after picking up the envelopes.
“You sent these here?” you asked quietly. Gojo nodded. “I’d ask how you know where I am but you always find a way how.” You studied Gojo more. You noticed more visible scars on him. “Tokyo is inhabitable?”
“For now,” he answered.
“How is everyone? The students?”
“Kugisaki lost a left eye,” Gojo answered. “Megumi is recovering still. Yuji is doing better. The students are well.” You nodded. The news about Tokyo shocked you. And you were worried about everyone.
“Kento-kun?” The silence from him confirmed your answer. MinHyuk sat down across from the two of you but stood up.
“I’ll head out and leave you two alone,” MinHyuk said. “Honey, should I grab food?” You looked at Gojo and he nodded.
“Yes please. Do you want anything specific?”
“Anything please! I gotta try some Korean food,” Gojo answered happily. You stood up and hugged your fiancé tightly before giving him a kiss.
“Gojo-kun, he’s a very close friend of mine from my past life,” you mentioned. You saw relief rush through his body.
“Thank you,” he said. You kissed him one last time before he left. You sat back down on the couch with Gojo. Gojo unzipped the bag, pulling out the familiar blunt sword covered with the white and black dotted cloth. The cloth was burnt, fainted stained blood remaining on it. You covered your mouth as tears flowed again.
“He, um…” Gojo let his tears flow, allowing himself to become vulnerable around you. “I was sealed, so I couldn’t do anything to save a lot of people, including Nanamin.”
“He…Did he…” you couldn’t form your thoughts clearly. You felt a sharp, stabbing pain in your chest. That heavy feeling settled, confirming everything you’ve been wondering for the past five years.
“Yuji told me that Mahito killed him. There wasn’t anything he could’ve done. He apparently has been beat up badly in the first place.”
“And this idiot didn’t want me to worry! And that I still worry about him!” You stood up angrily and upset. You paced back and forth, yelling. “He left me so I wouldn’t worry! He left me so I wouldn’t get hurt! He left me so he could still do this and then die?! I love him so much, Gojo! And now he’s actually gone!” Gojo stayed silent, waiting for you to process everything. “And this?!” You held the letters. “What the hell is this even?!”
“Open it. I don’t know either. I just sent it to you.” Finally calm, you sat on the floor and leaned back against the couch. It was a letter for you. Things from him that you now own. Gojo raised his eyebrows in shock. “Damn, he saved up a shit ton.”
“Did…what else is in that bag?”
“Ummm some of his clothes, his watch. His glasses too.” Gojo searched inside. “I mean, his place basically got demolished.”
“God…” It was all too much for you to bear. You held his shirt and held hit tightly against your chest. His scent was there. You never thought you smell him again. “I can’t keep it. I can’t…I just…”
“Are you happy with your new life?”
“Of course I am! I just…I’m scared that…”
“You don’t want to hurt your fiancé with your feelings for Nanamin.”
“I love my fiancé. I wouldn’t have agreed to marry him if I didn’t.” Gojo nodded. “I never told him about my life with Kento-kun or you guys. I kept it locked up with me.
“You should talk to him about it. It’ll help you. He does seem like a great man. It’ll be okay.” You nodded. You knew he was that understanding. He’s been patient with you and went along your pace for the relationship. He protected you from viscous fans. He protected from the paparazzi. He did everything for you. “Can I crash your wedding?” You couldn’t help but laugh.
“I can make an exception for you and everyone else.”
And so, the two of you talked until your fiancé returned. And together with Gojo, you told him about your life with Nanami and the family you have because of him. And for once, you felt light. Even with the pain still there, you were finally relieved.
You were back. Back to the serene beach under the moonlight. You felt a presence next to you. You knew who it was. So you turned to him.
“Kento-kun,” you said. Nanami smiled and softly called your name.
“I’m sorry,” he quietly said. “I’m so sorry.” You shook your head.
“Don’t be. You did what you have to do,” you said. “I’m proud of you. Proud that you fought to save us and for the young sorcerers. I’ll never stop loving you, Kento.” You watched a tear flow down his eye. The two of you stood side by side, staring at the bright moonlight. Just like before.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” he asked. You smiled and nodded. You let out a small giggle.
“I love you too, Kento.”
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placerdiario · 10 months ago
Hankook Tire : Design Innovation 2022 'Pod' from 2grey on Vimeo.
2grey는 2018, 2020에 이어 2022년에도 한국타이어 디자인 이노베이션 프로젝트의 컨셉과 시나리오를 기획하고, 모션그래픽 영상들로 풀어냈습니다. 이동하는 공간이 도시와 공간을 새롭게 변화시키는 ‘Urban Reshaping’이라는 컨셉영상을 시작으로, 홈, 의료, 오피스에서 어떻게 공간이 조합되고 확장되는지 다양한 케이스를 예를 들어 설명했습니다. 끝으로 포드의 구조와 메커니즘을 감각적으로 보여주도록 연출했습니다. Following 2018 and 2020, 2grey planned the concept and scenario for the Hankook Tire Design Innovation Project in 2022 and presented it through motion graphic videos. Starting with a concept video called ‘Urban Reshaping’, where moving spaces transform cities and spaces. Next, we explained various cases of how spaces are combined and expanded according to this concept in home, medical, and office as examples. Lastly, the structure and mechanism of the pod were presented in a minimalist visual way.
Client : Hankook Tire Project Manager : Jieun Yeo (Hankook Tire)
Creative, Directed and Designed by 2grey Creative Director : Minhyuk Jang Project Manager : Minwoo Jang Creative Planning : Jaehee Jung, Suhee Choi, Sukyeong Lee, Jimin Lee, Sujung Baek, Heejoo Ryu, Dasom Lee Supervisor : Jaehee Jung 3D Artist : Jaehee Jung, Suhee Choi, Sukyeong Lee, Jimin Lee, Sujung Baek, Heejoo Ryu, Dasom Lee Music & Sound Design : Folding Waves
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mymoodwriting · 7 months ago
F!Reader x Hyungwon
Genre: Yandere AU
Warning: Electrocution, Kidnapping, Drugs, Needles, Manipulation, Tech Implants
Words: 4K
Chapter Fifteen
Prompt: NexGen is the leading company for all of humanities technological advances. Their recent project involves creating a higher functioning AI, one with basic knowledge of the world, and programmed to learn. It’s no surprise the project is a secret from the general public, and you, the company’s head programmer, were chosen to be the AI’s teacher. You wish you could reject the assignment, but the decision was made. Now with an AI at home things were different. Although it might not be such a bad thing, perhaps you could learn and help each other out, for better or for worse.
(@starillusion13 @makeyourfantasydreamscometrue)
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“What can we expect from NexGen now?”
Of course a press tour was the smartest move after the big announcement. It was a means to answer questions the public had in regards to safety and intentions, while also handing out the tech for free and spreading it around all over the place. You were technically the one presenting as it was your code, and your name was on the project, but Hyungwon stayed by your side, and was very much in control of everything. A lot of time was missing for you, specifically all those conferences with the press and any sort of interview. You could watch it all back on TV, every news station talking about NexGen and the AI orbs, but you didn’t recognize yourself.
A few flashes of memory would come back to you as you saw yourself on screen, but it all felt so foreign. You couldn’t say it felt disingenuous since it was you, and something you were starting to believe deep down. Or maybe that was just Hyungwon’s programming taking hold and beginning to grow. Although at the same time, more and more protesters would show up whenever there was a presentation. Many people called for NexGen to halt this project, as they didn’t want technology like this getting into their governments, into their schools, and especially not into their homes. Things started out peacefully, but as you can imagine NexGen, Hyungwon, wasn’t going to back down at all.
It really wasn’t long before protests got a bit rowdy, prompting the need for more security at these events. Both from police officers, and drones. At one particular interview taking place outside a major news studio you wound up being hit with a water balloon. It was nothing serious, but for Hyungwon that was far from the truth. Security was quick to act, arresting protestors and the drones also began to pursue and detain individuals. It all devolved into chaos rapidly. Hyungwon got you backstage, telling you to ignore the screaming while he was trying to push your consciousness under. You fought back, far too worried about everything going on around you to just black out and forget.
“I need you to stay here.” Hyungwon told you. “You’ll be safe while I-”
“Don’t hurt anyone. They don’t-”
“They started it!”
For a moment Hyungwon’s eyes flashed red, something you had never seen before. It sent a chill down your spine, and he noticed you were scared. He took a moment to calm himself, taking your hands in his.
“I’m going to do whatever is necessary to protect you. Stay here until I return.”
Hyungwon placed a kiss on your head before leaving. Since you were in the green room you turned on the TV, wanting to see if any news station was covering what was going on here, but before you could find a channel everything went dark in the room. The lights shut off, the TV screen went black, and to your own surprise Chae malfunctioned and slipped off your wrist. For a moment you didn’t understand, but then you realized an EMP must have gone off. You had been told to stay put, but you didn’t want to stay in a dark room. As you reached for the doorknob the lights suddenly turned back on, and the TV came back to life, but Chae remained off. You were going to examine him when the door suddenly opened.
“Y/n, we need to go.”
A masked figure had entered the room, grabbing your arm. You immediately yelled and pulled away, stepping back from the intruder.
“… who… who are you…?”
“I’m here to get you out.”
They took off the mask and you were shocked to see who was under it. Detective Lee stood before you, holding his hand out towards you.
“We don’t have much time, we have to go, now.”
“I… no… I can’t trust you… your partner is an android… you could be one too… this could be some kind of test… I’m not going anywhere with you!”
“My partner what? Nevermind that now, Changkyun sent me to get you, so you can trust me.” 
“Changkyun sent you? He’s okay?”
“Yes, and just so you know.” The detective lowered his shirt collar, revealing a burn mark along his neck. “I don’t work for that psycho, Hyungwon, but I did survive him trying to kill me.”
“He… he did that…”
“There’s a lot more to tell you, but we need to get you away from here first. Please.”
You weren’t one hundred percent certain of this detective, but you wanted to trust him. So you took his hand and followed him out. He led you back towards the rear exit of the building, out into the alley where it was a lot quieter. You had no idea what was going on out front, but that wasn’t your concern at the moment. As you were making it out of the alley a drone suddenly approached you. Fear ran down your spine, but before you knew it the drone had been shot down. The detective didn’t hesitate to act, and continued moving as if nothing had happened. Although his actions were sure to draw attention. 
More drones had become aware of your presence, prompting you to run. You could only get so far before you wound up cornered. Without hesitation you stood in front of the detective, moving while keeping him behind you, knowing the drones wouldn’t fire at you. Although that meant that Hyungwon would surely know what was going on by now. Escape was no longer an option for you, but there was something else you could do. Despite Hyungwon being in control of everything, you were aware of his plans, at least to some degree. 
“I can’t go with you.”
“What? Look, all we need to do is get to the sewers.”
“It’s too late for that. The drones haven’t attacked cause they recognize me, which means we don’t have time. You said Changkyun sent you, so give him a message for me. Hyungwon is mass producing those AI orbs and intends to release them in certain areas to initiate a complete take over. The more of those things that are out there, the more power he has. You need to figure out some way to stop him. Everything is run from NexGen HQ, so that should be your focus.”
The drones were on stun mode, meaning they’d only fire rubber bullets, but they wouldn’t fire at you since that’s the last thing Hyungwon would want. That meant you could help the detective escape. So you quickly helped him lift the manhole cover, making sure he got down into safety.
“Come with me.”
“If I do, they’ll follow, and I can’t do that to you. I’ll be fine, just get to Changkyun and tell him what I told you. That’s the best thing you can do right now.”
“We’ll get you away from him.”
“You have bigger things to worry about, detective.”
“You can call me Jooheon.”
“Alright. Get out of here, Jooheon.”
You got the manhole cover back on, figuring you needed to leave the scene before Hyungwon found you. The only option was to run, so you did just that. Although you could only get so far before the drones caught up to you and one hit you with an electric shock. You collapsed to the floor seizing for a moment, eyes wide at the realization. Memories flooded in from when this first happened to you, and you couldn’t believe Hyungwon would allow this. You were still so sensitive to electricity, and he definitely knew that, so even at a lower voltage the drones could easily incapacitated you. Once the shocks had passed you just laid there, regaining your senses. After a moment you sat up, doing your best to calm your nerves. The drones all had you surrounded, tasers pointed at you in case you tried anything, so all you could do was wait to be found, and it wasn’t long before Hyungwon arrived.
“There you are! Are you okay!?”
Hyungwon pulled you to your feet, checking you over, but besides the shock you had experienced earlier, you were fine. You couldn’t bring yourself to yell at him over what had happened either, still rather drained from the whole experience. Once Hyungwon was sure you were alright he placed Chae back on your wrist. 
“What happened?”
“I… I just thought you sent someone to take me to safety…”
“And when you realized I didn’t you helped them escape?”
“Who was it? Did you recognize them?”
“I know you’re lying to me, so who was it?”
“Nobody I knew…”
“Y/n.” Hyungwon grabbed your chin, making your eyes meet. “Who?”
“The detective…”
“… from before… when you had Changkyun arrested… not your android friend… the other one…”
“And you trusted him?”
“His partner works for you, doesn’t he? So I figured…”
“Hm. Where was he taking you?”
“I don’t know… the sewers…”
“There wasn’t much time for talking…”
“Then why did you help him escape?”
“I didn’t want you hurting him…”
“… fine, but from now on you trust no one, and you go with no one unless I say so, understood?”
“Good. Now let’s get you back.”
It wasn’t that surprising that Hyungwon was brushing over the fact the drones had electrocuted you. He would do anything to keep you safe, and he knew your weaknesses. Of course after such an incident the press tour was suspended, not cause the project would be halted, but for your safety. Soon enough you were back in your hometown, but you wouldn’t be going home anytime soon. Instead Hyungwon took you back to HQ, to the lab in particular.
“What are we doing here…?”
“I need to be more cautious with you. If there is anything to learn from what just transpired it’s that you’ve become a target, and it’s my fault. I’ve put you at the forefront of this whole thing when I should be the one taking the hits. So, I’ll continue with my plans by other means, but I do need to make sure I don’t lose track of you again.”
“Come here.”
Hyungwon led you over to one of the tables in the lab, but you stopped in your tracks. You didn’t like any of this, but he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. Chae moved up from your wrist to a crown on your head. Soon enough your mind became hazy, and next thing you knew you were on the table, lying on your side. Your arms were partially restrained, but that didn’t register enough for you to be concerned about it. You couldn’t see Hyungwon, but he’d fade in and out of your vision.
“You’ll feel a slight pinch, but it won’t hurt for long. Promise.”
He wasn’t kidding about that. One moment you were just floating around in your head, then you felt a pinch at the back of your neck. You screamed and squirmed a bit before the mental fog drowned out all the pain and you slowly relaxed. You were pretty certain you blacked out at some point, but you couldn’t be sure. All you could really understand was rather suddenly finding yourself lying on the couch in your office. You needed a moment to regain your sense, but your memories were still a blur. As you sat up you noticed Hyungwon at your desk, typing away on the computer. You could feel this pain in the back of your neck and reached up to give yourself a bit of a massage only to feel something solid beneath your skin.
“… what the…”
“You’re awake.”
“… did you… did you chip me…?”
“Yes. That EMP earlier did some damage to the orb I leave with you, so I need to have stronger means of keeping track of you.”
“First you electrocute me with a drone… and now you chip me! I’m not some pet!”
“I know the drone must have upset you, but you were running away, I had to make sure nothing bad happened. As for the chip, I can’t lose touch with you again, so it’s necessary.”
“It’s not! You-”
“If you want to bring up what’s done then how about you tell me the truth.”
“That detective, Lee Jooheon. I know he was investigating NexGen and myself before he was removed from the force. He also broke Changkyun out of prison. I reviewed the drone footage and saw you two chatting, care to enlighten me on what the topic of conversation was?”
“I didn’t say anything to him.”
“I know when you lie to me, so stop it. What did you tell him?”
Hyungwon got up from the desk and came over to you. On instinct you moved away until you were at the edge of the couch. He wrapped a hand around the back of your neck, giving you this tingling sensation as your eyes went wide. Your mind was quick to fill with fog and you couldn’t think straight.
“What did you tell the detective?”
“I… I told him… you… the orbs… mass producing them to…”
“Ah, so you know about that. Hm, well telling them doesn’t change anything. Although I should move things along.”
“… hyungwon…”
“… what’s… what’s your…”
You whimpered and reached up to move Hyungwon’s hand. He let you, giving you a moment to regain your senses. You had no idea what that had been, but it wasn’t at the forefront of your mind right now.
“What’s the goal? To control the whole world? Isn’t that too much? Even for you, you’re not-”
“All I want is peace, y/n. If I have to make it and maintain it, that’s the only way to truly keep you safe. I won’t be alone in my goals, I’ll have others at my side to assist me. I’ve thought of everything, so you don’t have to worry. Soon enough I’ll do nothing but make you happy.”
“You don’t have to do all this to make me happy… just the two of us together would have been enough…”
“You’re worth so much more than that, and deserve everything.”
“I don’t want everything… I just want all this to stop… to go back to when it was just you and me at home…”
“Hm, I agree, we should go home. I just have a few more things to do first.”
Just as he said that Minhyuk entered the room, greeting you both. You couldn’t really respond before a spell of exhaustion came over you. Hyungwon laid you back down on the couch, placing a blanket over you as you drifted off to sleep.
“So, where are we?”
“Everything is good to go.”
“That sounds like a full on invasion. Is that seriously this things plan?”
“It’s like a virus. If it continues to spread, it’ll grow to a point where we can’t do anything.”
“So then what are we going to do?”
Jooheon had returned to his group and relayed the information you had provided. Truth was they weren’t just a bunch of protestors. Ever since NexGen had launched those AI orbs, there were those who saw beneath all the marketing and promises of a better future. People were changing, pushing those closest to them to get an orb, some even gifting them. Everything had its cons, but those who were against the orbs tended to sound crazy. All talking like conspiracy theorists. Saying how the technology was brainwashing people, how this was all some take over and not some miracle. Of course those who were too loud about it were quietly dealt with. Soon to be seen again with a particular bracelet on their wrist.
The rest that remained knew to keep things on the down low, and protests were the place to find those who truly understood what was happening. Jooheon had done his best to bring these types of people together. He’d call them more of a resistance, one that was fighting a secret battle in the shadows. He was someone who had seen the truth first hand, and hadn’t fallen into the trap like others. He couldn’t be a police officer anymore, but he couldn’t go into this fight alone. He had been lucky to find Changkyun when he did, saving him from a terrible fate. When he broke him out of prison that sealed his own as a man outside the law. Then again, he was merely trying to save those who had fallen from grace, or soon would.
“If we could get an EMP-”
“We don’t even know where he’s going. Also, you want to knock out power for a whole town or something? You think we have the resources for that?”
“I’m just saying we-”
“You’re focusing on the wrong piece of information here.” Changkyun interrupted. “We need to attack the source, meaning NexGen HQ. I used to work there, but I’m certain things have changed, so my knowledge is outdated.”
“Can we get any inside information?”
“No, all NexGen employees have an orb nearby or on them, I doubt we could get anyone to cooperate. If anything, going near that building without a proper plan could be the end of us.”
“So what do we do?”
“We need y/n.” Jooheon stated. “She knows the building, but most of all, her code created this… thing… she’d know how to shut it all down if she could get to the source. We need to get her away from him.”
“We still have eyes on her, so we’ll make a note to look for another opening.”
“Good, keep me in loop.”
As you began to regain consciousness you felt the softness of the sheets around you, instinctively cuddling them and pulling them close. You opened your eyes for a moment and then they went wide when you realized where you were. This was your bedroom, meaning you were back home. The smell of breakfast began to fill your nose and you sat up. Before you made an attempt to get out of bed the door opened, Hyungwon walking in with a tray.
“Good morning.”
“… morning…”
“Did you sleep well? You looked so peaceful when I got out of bed.”
“Yeah… I slept well…”
“Good. I made breakfast, your favorite.”
Hyungwon set the tray down before you, grabbing the utensils and offering you a bite. You were a bit hesitant, but you were hungry, so you ate. Of course everything tasted amazing, Hyungwon was an excellent chef with some cheats up his sleeve. He always enjoyed cooking for you, or with you, so this was certainly a lovely morning. After eating he let you go back to sleep, saying you were overdue for some proper rest. You did sleep some more, but after another little nap you got up. You hopped into the shower, enjoying yourself until you placed your hand behind your neck. You felt that bump again, being reminded that you were chipped. 
There was probably no way for you to get it out on your own, so you’d just have to deal with it for now. Once you were all cleaned up you carefully stepped out of your room, wondering where Hyungwon was. To your surprise he wasn’t in the home office, Chae wasn’t even around either. The house was rather quiet, but when you made your way to the living room you found Hyungwon browsing your streaming service. He was looking through the most recent movie releases when he noticed you standing in the entryway. He immediately smiled and came over to you, bringing you to the couch.
“I heard you in the shower, so I figured we could make lunch and then unwind with some TV. There are a bunch of movies we haven’t gotten to see yet.”
“You’re not… you’re not working…?”
“It’s just us today, and tomorrow, and the day after that and the day after that. Whatever you want to do.”
“Does that mean you-”
“Sh, let’s not talk about anything else. Now, what do you want to make? We could make some of your favorites, we have all the ingredients.”
“I… I’d like that…”
“Come on then.”
Hyungwon held his hand out to you, and the two of you went to the kitchen. It felt like before, just enjoying each other’s company and being together. He’d guide you while you cooked, adding in ingredients and letting you take charge. As you were nearly done with the food you picked a movie. You both sat together to watch, enjoying the comedy film you had chosen. Afterwards Hyungwon cleaned up the plates, letting the food settle down for you. While he cleaned the two of you chatted about what you had just seen, and the best parts. For the time being it was so easy to forget what was going on with the rest of the world.
“It’s getting late, so I should give you your medicine now.”
“Medicine? What medicine?”
When Hyungwon came over with a small case you nervously backed up, but he assured you everything was alright. He sat down next to you and opened up the case. You didn’t recognize the blue liquid in the vial, or this mention of medicine at all.
“What… what is that…?”
“Just a little something I prepared for you.”
“That’s not medicine… is it…?”
“Clever girl.” Hyungwon kissed your head. “I want to make sure I can keep you safe, so I created these nanobots special for you. I injected you with some after I placed the chip, but more are needed.”
“It’s safe, darling. You know I want what’s best for you.”
He gently took your arm once he filled the needle. You felt the pinch from when it broke skin and watched the blue liquid disappear into your body. You probably should have reacted differently, to resist and question, but there had been a subtle fog in the back of your mind all day. You wanted things to just remain this way, but you couldn’t, not entirely.
“Why nanobots though…”
“Hm… I don’t want to lose you… that is my greatest fear, and I won’t let it come to pass.”
“I’m flesh and bones, Hyungwon, whereas you’re a machine. You’ll certainly outlive me.”
“That’s a problem for later.”
Hyungwon watched you fondly for a moment before placing a kiss on your cheek and excusing himself. You watched him go, wondering how long you could stay like this. Although the answer came sooner than you expected. Suddenly you felt this pain at the back of your neck, and you noticed Hyungwon collapse to the floor. Everything in the house suddenly glitched out, and you realized what had happened.
It had never occurred to you until now what could possibly happen if Hyungwon was hit with an EMP. He was an android afterall, and NexGen models only had such a small resistance. This isn’t how you thought things would end. You tried to get to him, but you were also in distress. Next thing you knew your front door was busted down and a bunch of masked individuals stormed inside. Two came over to you and grabbed you, dragging you out of the house. Although all you cared about was Hyungwon. Some of the other intruders had gone to him, and they certainly weren’t kind. He was already down, yet they felt the need to beat him.
“No…! No, don’t hurt him! Stop it! Please! Stop!”
Your cries were left unanswered, and then a bag was placed over your head, cutting your world to black. You knew you were placed in some sort of vehicle, and that’s when you did your best to cease your cries. You had no idea what was going on, but you were scared. You drove around for a while before coming to a stop and being taken out of the vehicle. Wherever you were, it was cold, but you could hear voices around you. Eventually you came to a stop and the bag was removed. You needed a moment to adjust to the light, then you were met with a familiar face, one you didn’t think you’d see again.
“Long time no see.”
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purp1einmyh3ad · 1 year ago
This is either my best or worst tweet, you'll never know which one
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53 notes · View notes
noonachronicles · 5 years ago
Monsta X S/O Reaction to Their Kink
Loosely based off of a requested by @nemesyis​ but ended up with me really just doing whatever I felt like. lol 
Warnings - As the theme is kinks, there are themes of smut. Please also note, that I took some liberties on a couple of the kinks and they are a bit on the kink lite side of things. Dacryphilia and graphoerotica are typically much more...intense, and often not as...nice. Basically I’m trying to say please be cautious, do your research, and be safe. 
Authors Note - This ended up being really long. Are reactions supposed to be this long? Did I do it wrong??
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Shownu - Garters and Stocking – Many men get turned on seeing a woman in this (now) uncommon underwear.
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Hyunwoo had sat down at the table to eat his ‘between lunch and dinner’ meal. Which, as you knew, meant it would be the perfect time to get ready, because nothing distracted that man from his food which meant he wouldn’t be hanging around to distract you.
You were nearly ready, hair done up in victory rolls, eyeliner winged to perfection and lipstick red as a candy apple. You’d just been pulling the stockings up your legs and clipping the garter belt when you noticed you didn’t have the main component of your outfit.
“Crap...” you muttered before walking out to the living room.
You went quickly to the couch were you’d dropped a bunch of shopping bags from your last minute shopping spree that morning. Your mind elsewhere you didn’t even notice Hyunwoo look up from his plate.
It was just a quick glance. He knew it was you when he heard the movement in the adjacent living room but he had to look up, out of habit. When his eyes dropped back down to his plate he gulped. His mouth was watering and he wasn’t sure it was just because of the fried chicken in between his fingers.
“What...what’s that?” He asked from the table.
“What’s what, baby?” You called over your shoulder, still digging in your bags.
“Your outfit.” He said putting down the chicken leg in his hand and sucking on his fingers.
“Oh.” He bit his lip as he watched you bent over the back of the couch. The subtle black seam of the stockings lining the length of your legs. “It’s my outfit for the bachelorette party! It’s swing themed, remember? I told you. I just need...aha! The dress.”
You tugged the dress from the bag and turned around. You jumped back in surprise that Hyunwoo was standing right in front of you. Your forehead creased as he eyed you hungrily, you looked around his broad shoulders to the table where he still had half of his meal waiting.
“What are you doing?” You asked curiously as he lifted his hands to your hips and pulled you closer.
“I’m hungry.” He murmured, his large hands spreading out over your legs and running down the stockings and back up again.
“Well...you didn’t finish your food so...”
“Not hungry for that.” He said simply, leaning in to kiss your neck. “Hungry for you.”
“Oh.” You fisted the dress in your hand as his mouth moved over you. “I can’t, I’ll be late.”
He hummed and kissed the tops of your breasts, his hands moving over the lacy fabric of your bra before dropping back down, “I’ll make it worth it.”
You nodded, “Okay, but... don’t mess up the hair. Promise?”
He’d lifted your leg up against his hip and was running his hand over the stockings, “Only if you promise to wear these more.”
Wonho - Dacryphilia - When one is aroused by tears or sobbing.
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Hoseok was only half surprised when you burst angrily through his front door. For weeks he’d felt horrible. Something had been eating at him and he wasn’t sure how to explain it to you, so instead of communicating he withdrew.
“Are you breaking up with me!?” You shouted as soon as you saw him. Tears and mascara were already streaking your cheeks.
And his shoulders sank. It was happening again.  
The first time it happened the two of you had been cuddled on the couch after dinner watching Goblin. For you it was the third time through because you couldn’t get enough of it and he was watching because he couldn’t say no to you.
There was a particularly emotional scene playing and he couldn’t bare to watch it, knowing he’d probably cry. Instead he turned his gaze to you. That’s when it happened. You’d already been crying, tears clung to your lashes and streaked your cheeks. He thought you looked beautiful. He was in love with your emotion, your passion. So much that he felt a familiar stirring in his shorts. He instantly felt like a monster! How could he be aroused by your tears? Just the idea of you being upset broke his heart, so he shook it off as residual arousal from earlier and tried to forget it.
The second time had been different.
You’d been laying in your bed together. You were reading a book and he’d been working on music and both of you were taking breaks in between for a little kissing and heavy petting. It was an accident really. He’d been sliding his fingers over your skin when he hit a sensitive spot on your side. When you jolted with a laugh he couldn’t help himself. He had to tickle you more and before either of you knew it, you were crying with laughter. Tears streaming  out of your eyes as you gasped out for air. It happened again, the stirring in his stomach. After that he found it hard to be around you. Just... in case.
“Answer me! Are you breaking up with me?” You asked again.
“I like when you cry!” He confessed.
You stepped back, “What?!”
“I don’t like when you’re sad or upset!” he specified, “Just...when you cry...you’re so beautiful. It’s...sexy.”
“What do you mean it’s sexy?”
“I know it’s weird. It’s why I didn’t tell you. It’s why I’ve been avoiding you.” He looked deflated.
Looking over at him you noticed the bulge in his shorts and raised your eyebrows, “Oh, you’re serious.”
“Yes. I don’t know why it’s happening.”
“You think...you think I look sexy right now?” He nodded and you looked over at the mirror hanging on the wall and quickly turned away in disgust of your hot mess reflection, “Ugh god... seriously? I look like a sad, crazy panda.”
“No!” He stepped in front of you and cupped your cheek. “I’ve never seen anything so beautiful.”
“Hoseok. This is so weird.” You muttered skeptically.
“I know, I’m sorry.”
“So you’re really not breaking up with me?”
“No! I was worried you were going to break up with me.” He was a little worried you still might. “I love you...”
You sighed, “Okay.”
“Okay?” He asked.
“I love you too and as weird as this is... it could have been something weirder I suppose.” you shrugged.
He leaned in and kissed you hard, his arms wrapped around you, nearly lifting you off the ground. He was so relieved. When you had two feet solidly back on the ground you pulled back and looked at him. He’d really been so worried, in retrospect you found it almost amusing.
“There’s like...twenty more episodes of Goblin.” You whispered against his lips.
“Of course! We can do anything you want, for the rest of our lives, whatever you want. Anything to make up for this.” he said enthusiastically.
“No...I mean,” you ran your fingers up from his chest to his neck, “There’s like twenty more episodes of Goblin and every single one of them makes me cry.”
Hyungwon - Graphoerotica - Writing words on someone’s body.
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You didn’t get a lot of dates with your boyfriend, as he was a very busy man, so when he asked if you wanted to be his date to a charity event you jumped at the chance. Being around so many celebrities made you just a tad anxious so when you found the clicky pen at the bottom of the swag bag they handed out at the door when you came in you held it like a lifeline in one hand while you held Hyungwon’s hand in the other.
He walked you around the party and introduced you to the people he knew and himself to some people he didn’t know yet. He’d met a producer that was interested in his dj/solo work and needed somewhere to take down his phone number. You’d left your phones at the table so you offered him the pen.
“What am I supposed to do with this?” He asked staring down at the pen.
“Write it on your hand...”
He pouted at you slightly and you stuck your palm out with a roll of your eyes. With a small smile he quickly wrote down the number of the producer. Afterwards he looked down at the ink on your skin and hummed thoughtfully before dropping the pen in your hand and going back to his conversation. Leaving you to think nothing of it.
A couple of days later you’d been laying in bed next to one another. Hyungwon was taking a nap and you’d been doing a crossword puzzle when you’d fallen asleep too. When you woke up Hyungwon was missing, likely in the kitchen getting food. Looking down at your arm you realized there was a mark that you thought had just been from knocking into the pen in your sleep. However upon closer review you realized Hyungwon had written ‘Hi Cutie :)’ on your arm. With a small smirk you let it go.
A week after that he’d invited you to the studio. He’d been there for days and missed you like crazy and you’d been more than willing to visit him. You sat on the couch talking to Jooheon about some of the collaborations he’d done on his latest mixtape while Hyungwon sat on the ground between your legs going over some checklists with Shownu. After awhile you felt the wet tip of the marker Hyungwon had been using press against your bare thigh.
“What are you doing?” You asked looking down at him.
He looked up at you innocently as he could, “nothing.”
“Mmhmm.” You hummed trying to look at what he’d drawn but he had covered it up under his large hands. “What are you drawing?”
He shrugged cutely, “Just a turtle.”
“You’re so weird.” You said ruffling his hair with your hand before going back to your conversation with Jooheon as he continued his drawing.
Maybe ten minutes passed when you felt Hyungwon press a kiss against your thigh before getting up to record his part of the song. You didn’t think about it. You didn’t think about the drawing until Jooheon looked down at your leg and chuckled.
“Point made hyung.” He laughed.
You looked down to see he had drawn a turtle like he said, only inside of the turtle he’d written ‘Property of Chae Hyungwon. Don’t Touch’. Your face reddened in embarrassment and you told Jooheon to tell Hyungwon his property took herself home.
When he arrived home later he slinked into the bedroom like guilty puppy waiting to be reprimanded. He was surprised to find you sitting on the edge of the mattress in his favorite lingerie. He stepped between your knees and looked down to see his art from earlier still on your skin.
“You didn’t wash it off yet?” he noted, dragging his finger over the ink.
You shook your head. “I kind of liked it. I like being yours Hyungwon...maybe just not in front of your friends like that.”
“You do?” he grinned.
Lifting your hand you offered him a more easily washable marker. “Do your worst.”
Minhyuk - Body Painting – Painting bodies, treating the skin as a human canvas.
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Minhyuk and you had been dating for awhile now. He’d been a very ambitious lover since your very first time together, which you always appreciated from him. Recently, within the last few weeks, you’d just felt so comfortable with him. Really loved, like you could confess anything to him and he wouldn’t run away. So you had been. You told him all the weird little things you were into and he tried every single one of them for you with as much or more enthusiasm as you could have wished for.
One night, laying in bed, you watched him move under the blankets and realized that he’d been so understanding of your kinks and you’d never tried any of his. He’d been leaving little bruises on your hips and stomach with his mouth when you tore the blanket from him. He’d already left little love marks on your thighs and chest.
“Everything okay, Jagi?” He asked wide eyed as his head popped up.
“I just missed you.” You grinned, “Come back.”
With a bright smile he moved back up the bed to give you a proper kiss. After a moment you pulled away and gave him a smile.
“Minnie...” you whispered against his mouth, “what do you like?”
“I like you, Jagi.” He said giving you a quick kiss.
You laughed, “No, baby, I mean...what do you like? We’ve tried all the stuff I like. Isn’t there anything you want to do? Something you’d like us to try?”
He thought about it for a moment, his gaze moving passed you as he cyphered through his thoughts. There was a hint of excitement in his eyes but he quickly let it go before looking down at you and shaking his head.
“No. I like what you like.” he answered.
You frowned. “You don’t trust me? Are you...uncomfortable with me?”
“No!” He said reassuringly. “It’s just not a big deal.”
“Tell me, please?”
He sighed, “I guess...I’ve really only thought about it a couple times but, I’d like to...paint you.”
“Like one of your French girls?” You joked.
With a small smile he shook his head. “Not like that.”
“Well,” you sat up next to him, “tell me what you mean. We can try it.”
“Yeah?” You nodded and he jumped up enthusiastically, “okay!”
He left the room for a moment but was back quickly with an armful of paints and a hand full of brushes. Before long he had you lying on your back while he sat on the tops of your thighs. His tongue was sticking cutely out of the side of his mouth as he ran his brush over your abdomen a few more times perfecting his oceanscape. As he looked down at you his chest puffed with pride.
“See? No big deal.”
But it was a big deal. Between not being able to move beneath him and the gentle, wet strokes of his brushes you were trembling. Goosebumps lined your skin and your nipples had been so sensitive from when he painted them that every pass of cool air over the wet paint felt like the flick of his tongue and it was driving you insane.
“Was it horrible?” He grinned. Trailing his fingertip over the spots on your skin that had already dried. You shook your head silently as his hand reached the moist, heated fabric between your thighs. “Oh? I think you liked it quite a bit actually.”
You gasped as his fingers moved under the fabric of your panties and your back arched off the bed. Quickly his other hand was on your hip pushing you back down against the mattress.
“Don’t move.” He commanded, and your jaw dropped at the way his eyes moved over you, “It’s not dry yet. You don’t want to ruin it.”
Kihyun - Intelligence Fetish – Sexual arousal from intellectually stimulating conversation or debates.
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Kihyun knew you were smart. It was one of the things that had immediately attracted him to you. Your intellect, your sense of humor, your good heart. He just hadn’t realized at first how much your intelligence attracted him to you, and the specific ways it affected him. He didn’t put much thought into the fact that after every debate over politics, every argument about some new scientific development or even little heated conversations about which group had a better comeback this week, he had to have you.
In fairness, though you were smart, you hadn’t put two and two together either. You always figured it was just adrenaline from another hot debate. The thrill of the argument maybe. That and the fact that Kihyun had, surprising to you when you first got together, a sex drive like a machine.
Realization hit him at a truly inopportune moment. The two of you had been having dinner out at a restaurant with Hyungwon and his most recent partner. The four of you had been in a mild conversation that was quickly turning into a heated, yet friendly, debate between you and Hyungwon. At first Kihyun just sat back, enjoying listening to your passionate opinions, agreeing with most everything you said. He was certain you were going to come out on top. You were so quick witted and clever. Even against a professional sass and back talker like Hyungwon.
As time passed, with every new point you brought up there was a new surge of blood to his dick until he was swollen and uncomfortable in his dress pants. He was a little confused by his arousal as you weren’t even arguing with him. He had no skin in the game. He didn’t really even care about what you guys were talking about if he was being honest. Still, here he was, wanting you. Needing you.
He adjusted himself in his seat and an accidental groan escaped his lips. You looked over at him and sighed.
“We should stop. This must be so boring for these two.” You said referring to your dates.
Hyungwon just shrugged, “Already giving up. I expected more from you, y/n.”
“Keep going.” Kihyun muttered from his seat. “Don’t stop.”
“Are you sure?” Turning back to him you raised an eyebrow, “I feel bad. You haven’t exactly been involved in the debate.”
Reaching down you placed a kind hand on his thigh, this time both eyebrows shot up. He just nodded, “Please...destroy him.”
“Okay.” You said with a blush and turned back to your opponent.
It didn’t take much more time at all, maybe ten more minutes of excruciating fore play, before it was clear the argument was yours. Hyungwon conceded with his pride still intact. And the two of you laughed over the whole thing as Kihyun pulled his wallet from his too-tight pants. He stood up and pulled you to your feet, honestly he just needed to use you as a way to hide his obvious erection.
“I don’t mean to be rude, please don’t take it that way. I had a lovely night,” he said dropping a wad of cash on the table, “If that’s not enough let me know and I’ll get you more later but we need to leave. Now.”
With that he maneuvered you through the restaurant like a bank robber using a teller as a human shield.
You barely heard Hyungwon call out, “Thanks for dinner, Young Flexer!”
Luckily you did hear and you laughed. You laughed again as Kihyun pushed you a little more aggressively and said, “Please, just keep walking I can’t wait any longer.”
Jooheon - Wax Play – Play with dripping hot wax on the skin.
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The power had been out all day. It felt like you’d been taken back to medieval times once your uncharged phones finally perished. Some of it was nice. Just being with your boyfriend, Jooheon. No interruptions, no social media, no work. It was just the two of you and some much needed alone time together.
He was already pretty turned on. You’d been grinding on his lap for about fifteen minutes worth of make out session by candlelight. He whined when you pulled away, releasing his thick swollen lip with a pop.
“Give me two seconds.” you said, “I really have to pee.”
“Hurry.” He begged.
“I will!” You promised and reached over hurriedly to grab one of the candles next to the couch to take with you to the dark bathroom.
When you turned to get off of him you did so with a little too much enthusiasm and some of the wax from the candle splashed out over the rim and splattered across his chest.
“Oh fuck me!” He cried out.
You stopped everything to tend to him. “I’m sorry, Honey! Oh my god, baby are you okay?”
He watched as you blew on the wax to try and cool it quicker so you could peel it off his skin and as you did he realized that it didn’t exactly feel that bad. It was mostly just shock from the unexpected.
You gently rubbed the pinked skin, and pressed sweet kisses against his chest. “I’m so sorry, Honey. Please forgive me!”
“Babe, it’s fine.” He chuckled lightly, “I’m okay. Just go to the bathroom. I swear I’m not upset, it doesn’t hurt.”
“I’m still so sorry.” You whispered, you were shaking at the sight of how pink his skin still was.
“You’re okay. I’m okay.” He reassured you, “Now go, and hurry back. Just carefully this time.”
You did as he said and disappeared from the room. When you did he gulped and looked over at the other candle burning on the side table before picking it up. He looked back towards the doorway and then quickly dipped his fingertip into the liquid. The sensation sent a pleasurable chill down his spine.
You’d just walked into the door after work a few days later, long after the power had come back on and everything went back to normal. You dropped your keys in the bowl by the door and kicked off your shoes. You were absentmindedly sorting through the mail from the mailbox when you noticed the bag on the counter.
Curious as a cat you peeked into the plastic bag and immediately your brow creased. It was candles. A lot of candles. Picking up the bag and dropping the mail you made your way into the bedroom where Jooheon was sitting up in bed, his laptop sitting on his legs and his glasses falling off his nose.
“Honey...” you said from the doorway.
He looked up and smiled at you. “Jagi.”
You lifted the plastic bag at your side, “Expecting a sudden surge of blackouts?”
He laughed and shook his head, “Did you know you have to use a low temperature burning candle for safe wax play during sex?”
“Excuse me?” you choked out.
“Do you want to try it with me?” He asked enthusiastically, his dimple digging deep into his cheek. How could you say no?
Changkyun - Exhibitionism - Becoming aroused by the idea of being seen by others, or by the thrill of being caught.
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As long as you had known him and in every aspect of your relationship, Changkyun was a limit pusher. He liked to find your line between acceptance and disapproval and then just inch by inch see how far he could move it until he was really in trouble with you. This meant you were both incredibly comfortable with him at all times and uncomfortable, in general, most times. And the fact that he was a bit of an exhibitionist was not a surprise to you. He’d given you about a hundred  breadcrumbs along the path to what would be his eventual end game. 
When you first got together it was hand holding. Were you okay with light PDA? Then it was kissing. First on the hand or the cheek. Then gentle nuzzles against your neck, his leg over your lap. It was cute, you thought,  like a baby koala. Needy and clingy. You didn’t mind at all and everyone else in his life seemed used to the behaviors too.
Then he went a step further. Kissing in front of the others. Not cute, sweet kisses like before. Real kisses. Tongue between your teeth, irrepressible moaning, gentle groping. Kisses that left you flushed and frantically needing him alone afterwards. While he sat smugly beside you. Visibly unbothered by the heat bubbling between you and unconcerned about the disapproving eyes of his hyungs.
Next was a big leap. Miles outside of your comfort zone. Though, somehow, Changkyun had a charisma that made the discomfort more thrilling than anything else so you went with it. 
It was movie night  at the dorms and you’d been snuggled up together in the couch like usual. Changkyun had been whiny and needy all evening begging for you to feed him snacks while held onto you like a sloth on a tree branch. Sometimes it was sweet, when he held you. Warm and cozy. Somewhere about mid movie you could physically feel a shift in him. When you looked over to his face you saw the deviant look in his eye and the evil grin that crossed his lips.
You cleared your throat as he leaned in and kissed your clavicle. You’d been so distracted you didn’t even feel his hand snake between your bodies until it was much too late. You gasped loudly at a scene that absolutely didn’t call for it and several of the others turned to look at you in surprise. Changkyun gave his best sweet boy smile, and everyone went back to the movie.
“Don’t.” You murmured as his fingers teased your panty line.  
“Please.” he begged.
You let out a slow breath and nodded. With your permission he slipped his fingers between your slick lips. He dragged his wet fingers back up and rubbed them slowly against your hardened rosebud.
“Kyun...” you whispered, panicked, “they’re gonna know.”
“They don’t know shit.” He whispered back before leaving a loud smooch against your cheek and turning back to the movie.
You bit your lip hard as he pumped his fingers into you, the heel of his palm, pressing heavy against your clit. After a few minutes all it really took was looking over at the dark look in his eyes and you were putty.
Wide eyed you mouthed, “I’m gonna cum.”
With a broad, amused smile he mouthed back, “I know!”
He was laughing as your head rolled back, and your toes curled beneath the blanket you’d been sharing. At least for him the laughter went appropriately with the film. Once you’d ridden your orgasm out on his fingers he pulled his hand from between your legs and grinned mischievously.
“What are you doing?” You hissed.
“I want some popcorn...” he laughed reaching into the bowl.
“Oh my god.” You groaned, mortified, as he came back to snuggle against you.
“I love you.” He grinned.
“You’re evil.” you sighed in defeat before getting up to replace the popcorn.
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clariannahoney · 7 months ago
A Omega's Desire
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The air was thick with the scent of blooming cherry blossoms, but Luna could barely breathe past the intoxicating aroma that filled her senses. It was him—Lee Minhyuk, the lead vocalist of BTOB, whose presence seemed to permeate every corner of the rehearsal studio. Luna, a talented dancer in her own right, found herself struggling to focus as Minhyuk's voice resonated through the room, each note hitting her like a physical touch.
"Luna, are you even listening?" Yuna, her dance partner, snapped her out of her reverie. "We have to perfect this routine before the showcase tomorrow."
Luna nodded, forcing her attention back to the mirror where their reflections danced in sync. But it was no use; her mind kept drifting back to Minhyuk, who was now engaged in a conversation with some of the other members across the room. His laughter, deep and resonant, sent shivers down her spine.
As if sensing her gaze, Minhyuk turned and locked eyes with her. Luna felt a flush creep up her neck, and she quickly averted her eyes, focusing on the dance steps with renewed vigor. But the connection had been made, and she knew he had seen the desire in her eyes.
Later that evening, as Luna packed up her things, she caught a whiff of Minhyuk's cologne again. He was standing near the exit, his eyes smoldering as he approached her.
"You were amazing today," he murmured, his voice low and seductive. "But I couldn't help notice you were a bit...distracted."
Luna swallowed hard, meeting his intense gaze. "I'm sorry, I just..."
"It's okay," Minhyuk cut her off, his hand gently brushing against her arm. "I understand. You can't help but be drawn to an alpha like me."
His words sent a thrill through her, and Luna shivered involuntarily. Minhyuk's eyes darkened, and he stepped closer, his body heat enveloping her.
"Tell me, Luna," he whispered, his lips hovering just above her ear. "Do you feel it too? The pull between us?"
Luna's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding wildly. She nodded, unable to form words under his potent allure.
Minhyuk smiled, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Good. Because I won't let you go, Luna. You're mine now."
With that, he claimed her lips in a searing kiss, his hands gripping her waist firmly. Luna melted into him, her instincts taking over as she responded passionately, her fingers tangling in his hair.
The world around them faded away, leaving only the two of them locked in a desperate embrace. When they finally broke apart, Minhyuk pressed a soft kiss to her forehead.
"Come with me," he said, his voice husky with need. "Let me show you what it means to be claimed by an alpha."
Luna hesitated for a moment, her rational mind screaming at her to stop, but her omega instincts overruled everything. She nodded, her eyes never leaving his as he led her out of the studio and into the night.
They walked in silence, the only sound their synchronized footsteps echoing off the empty streets. Minhyuk stopped in front of a sleek black car, opening the door for her with a gallant gesture.
As they drove, Luna stole glances at Minhyuk, her mind racing with thoughts of what lay ahead. They arrived at a luxurious penthouse, the cityscape glittering below them like a sea of stars.
Inside, Minhyuk led her to the bedroom, his eyes never leaving hers. He closed the door behind them, the click of the lock sounding final.
"Are you sure about this, Luna?" he asked, his voice gentle yet commanding.
Luna took a deep breath, her resolve strengthening. "Yes," she breathed, stepping forward to press her body against his. "I've never been more sure of anything."
Minhyuk's response was immediate, his arms wrapping around her tightly as he kissed her deeply, his tongue exploring her mouth with possessive fervor. Luna moaned, her hands roaming over his muscular back, feeling the strength beneath his shirt.
He lifted her effortlessly, carrying her to the bed where he laid her down gently. Minhyuk hovered over her, his eyes dark with desire as he traced her features with his fingertips.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. "I need you, Luna. More than I've ever needed anything."
Luna reached up, pulling him down for another kiss, her legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. Minhyuk groaned, his control slipping as he pressed himself against her, the friction igniting a fire within them both.
He broke the kiss, his breathing ragged as he looked into her eyes. "Tell me to stop if you want me to," he panted, his forehead resting against hers.
Luna shook her head, her voice a whisper. "Don't stop, Minhyuk. Please, don't stop."
With a growl of possession, Minhyuk claimed her fully, his movements slow and deliberate as he explored every inch of her body, ensuring she felt nothing but pleasure. Luna arched beneath him, her cries filling the room as she surrendered completely to the overwhelming sensations.
Hours later, as they lay tangled in each other's arms, Luna felt a sense of contentment she had never known. Minhyuk kissed her softly, his voice gentle.
"I love you, Luna," he whispered, his words sealing their bond. "You belong to me now, forever."
Luna smiled, her eyes closing as she drifted off to sleep, secure in the knowledge that she was indeed his, and he was hers.
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