A little place where my sims run free. p.s sometimes i reblog un-sim-related posts because I do have other interests. xo
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

Sim Download: Dominique 🦋
If anything is missing or you have any questions please send me a message so I can fix it asap.
Download her here:
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🔹 Another important replacement for the standard EA knife, you can't look at the game knife without crying 🔹There are 2 versions with different resolutions (❗ choose only one❗) -32х128 -512х1024
👉Download: boosty https://boosty.to/ser_kisyan/posts/2d4539bf-113a-429f-9cd0-9a20dacb585d?share=post_link
👉Download: Patreon https://www.patreon.com/posts/78273799?pr=true
@simmi-kenninni @sierrathesimmeresimmer @jaylanslife @jojolovesims1 @mysims4cc22525 @sweethoneybeesim @classisimsms @serkisyankisyan @s4library @sssvitlanzz @mmfinds @ts4-ccfinddsds @emilyccfinds @sabrina1catat @nikki1234566 @caprlcuntt @c12ccfindscfinds
Thank you very much for the reblogs 💙
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Better Together: A base game compatible The Sims 4 save file created by 160+ simmers
Let me present to you the greatest The Sims 4 save file of all times: The Better Together Save File.
160+ talented builders put their blood, sweat and tears into rebuilding every single lot in the game, including apartments and holiday worlds. Completely base game compatible and functional.
Check out #TS4BetterTogether on all social platforms and the EA gallery to see every build and creator. This collab was created and hosted by sofythesim, simmerkhai and plummysims.
What's included in the save file? • 197 completely new residential, apartment and rental builds. • 71 community lots with a bunch of fun stuff and activities for your sims. • Builds on hidden lots like Sylvan Glade and the top of Mount Komorebi. • And a few new households for you to play with.
You don’t need any expansion pack at all to use this save file! It’s 100% free to play. You can download The Sims 4 for no cost on their official website.
To install this save file, click here (SFS). Or continue to read. (Psst. Here's a guide on how to install a save file)
Every The Sims 4 world and creator
Willow Creek
Content: • 16 residential lots • 1 park • 1 museum • 1 nightclub • 1 gym • 1 library • 1 hidden lot
Creators: simsomally, simmarysims, Theseptembersim, Sims_plumbob92, sim_dora, honeymaysims, SimBuildsByK, pandora.sims4, stephanyed_, mellowbegames, simmerkhai, aibuilder, Theseptembersim, simsimoye, natgamingxo, MaggieLaughs, ilyamberlyn09, itsKujaKat, pickapeachh, playsimswithdee, maysbat_
Oasis Springs
Content: • 17 residential lots • 1 park • 1 pool • 1 gym • 1 bar • 1 hidden lot
Creators: inspired.simmer, lhonna_sims, simlore4, ivorymyt, sulsulmelli, DaisyDreamingSims, yohanna_sims, pandora.sims4, KevTheBuildr, Faymoonbuilds, gamesimms, axiisims, makaylaallaboutmeking_, simplysimhome, builtbyrafi, sellidionnesims, simpandas, tattooedsimmer, sims4ideasyt
Content: • 12 residential lots • 1 park • 1 library
Creators: simsopat, XOmiSimmer_, kaarysims, xocreatesims, Coki.Creative, simpleetierra, builtbyrafi, laursimming, inspired.simmer, Mahareette, Sims_plumbob92, simpleetierra, sim_dora, mayan.22
Magnolia Promenade
Content: • 4 retail lots
Creators: grenesims, _simnematography_gj_, JenBuilding24, Simster_Femke, TheSimsCreatives
Content: • 16 residential lots • 3 Windenburg specific lots • 3 cafés • 1 rental lot • 1 library • 1 pool • 1 museum
Creators: simsbyme_, m0ssysim, Its_trose, shannonbuilds_, Sims_plumbob92, simspiration, micahs.moon, pugglesimmer, irrelephantsims, thesimsweekendbuilder, pandora.sims4, fantasiassims, Annarx, luplayssims, Samitbuilds, sims4ideasyt, dannaidasim, poppy.simmer, brokenplumbob, micahs.moon, Mademoiselle.Sim, myaschmya, modifyincas, simmerkhai, Faymoonbuilds
San Myshuno
Content: • 21 apartments • 2 residential lots • 2 lounges • 1 karaoke bar • 1 bar • 1 gym • 1 park
Creators: annathisims, maysbat_, colorandspace_, ktnuki.sims, pyuppy.online, simspiration.iv, Samitbuilds, goebugyourself, NeuralNe22a, maysbat_, WoMinion18, sellidionnesims, llamasimsbuilder, pugglesimmer, itsKujaKat, claudiafox.simbuilds, megbuildsxx, simsbuild_inspiration, Cozy_Simmer, waaavysims, muhebuilds, starstruck.builds, Faymoonbuilds, sims4ideasyt, sosimspired, vix.sims, eryn_witha_y_, thejellybzcut, simsimoye, gaiena_sims
Forgotten Hollow
Content: • 5 residential lots
Creators: siranwitch_gaming, _king_lamb_, sims.erezkigal, simsworldbuilding, Luna_Sheepford
Brindleton Bay
Content: • 10 residential lots • 1 vet clinic • 1 park • 1 lounge • 1 bar • 1 generic lot
Creators: itsjulesthedane, bored.builder, simsssp, sulsulmelli, aibuilder, hylian_simmer, WoMinion18, simsomally, sim.smyrna, Gardenova_sims, plumlu_, starstruck.builds, plummysims, thejellybzcut, stassijsims4, marilyn_sims4
Del Sol Valley
Content: • 7 residential lots • 2 museums • 1 park • 1 lounge
Creators: vix.sims, waaavysims, kaarysims, Mademoiselle.sim, gardenova_sims, tattooedsimmer, arcangelofsims, sim.smyrna, Simster_Femke, kqhartx, plumbecki
Content: • 9 residential lots • 1 bar • 1 library
Creators: natgamingxo, irrelephantsims, amanduhh.simstagram, simsworldbuilding, plumbecki, fantasiassims, CrackedKyber, m0ssysim, world_in_sims, RachelPedd, Symtherin
Content: • 11 residential lots • 1 beach • 1 bar • 1 rental lot
Creators: housesforsims, mellowbegames, MaggieLaughs, kikoibuilds, sims4ideasyt, maysbat_, DaisyDreamingSims, Mini Simmer, its_trose, bb.sims4, nesimsie, Gabi_Simdesign, jack__sims4, catnyxcreations
Content: • 4 residential lots • 1 bar • 1 hidden lot
Creators: sofythesim, gameswithphilly, eryn_witha_y_, kindaaanime, BeccaTownSims, gaiena_sims
Content: • 6 university housings • 2 Foxbury/Ubrite commons • 2 residential lots • 1 library • 1 bar
Creators: aibuilder, witchingmermaid, michaelasimsyt, DaisyDreamingSims, Coki.Creative, mahareette, llamasimsbuilder, MissSimReno, bb.sims4, andyandysims, bored.builder, witchingmermaid, CrackedKyber
Evergreen Harbor
Content: • 7 residential lots • 4 apartments • 3 community spaces • 1 bar
Creators: ktnuki.sims, spice.n.sprinkles, itsjulesthedane, Cozy_Simmer, littlemotherlode, dannaidasim, plummysims, sims.erezkigal, poppy.simmer, witchingmermaid, sulsulsimsies, lazysimie, plumarisims, michaelasimsyt
Mt Komorebi
Content: • 7 residential lots • 4 rental lots • 2 hidden lots • 1 onsen bathhouse • 1 bar • 1 generic lot
Creators: pickapeachh, littlemotherlode, Simstanie, VirtualFairytales, lhonna_sims, KiwiSimsKate, sims_plumbob92, LunaJoy_Builds, Seaofsakura, playsimswithdee, Palakoslip, HutchPlays, owSimsters, simmer_indi, _simnematography_gj_, mini.simmer
Content: • 8 residential lots • 1 rental lot • 1 park • 1 bar • 1 lounge
Creators: Lizzybuildssims, Annarx, plantsimgirl, sellidionnesims, _simnematography_gj_, thesimscrolls, goebugyourself, sarina_sims, tattooedsimmer, arcangelofsims, aceroladagamer, Jasly247_yt
Content: • 6 residential lots • 2 wedding venues • 1 rental lot
Creators: gaiena_sims, sofythesim, sims4ideasyt, MaggieLaughs, yohanna_sims, claudiafox.simbuilds, kaarysims, Sims_plumbob92
Moonwood Mill
Content: • 3 residential lots • 1 library • 1 bar
Creators: MelanieDrake_YT, simplysimhome, JenBuilding24, pugglesimmer, xogerardinesims
Content: • 6 residential lots • 2 libraries • 1 highschool • 1 auditorium • 1 thrift and bubble tea store • 1 park
Creators: XOmiSimmer_, megbuildsxx, ninaschmidtyt, simsaga_, plumbecki, create4sims, sarenades, pyuppy.online, honeymaysims, sofythesim, simsbylinea, sims4ideasyt
Granite Falls
Content: • 6 rental lots • 1 hidden lot
Creators: Simsathon_, tattooedsimmer, sellidionnesims, simsaga_, amanduhh.simstagram, simlore4, sarenades
Content: • 4 rental lots • 1 park • 1 museum • 1 bar
Creators: TragicPlumbob, mayan.22, SimMojii, luplayssims, gloomydahlia, simpolcheeks, Claeriel
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P E A C H I E S A V E F I L E (V2.3)
This is an edited version of the Simlicy save with buildings/ more sims from creators from the gallery to fill area!
Just updated it for the new High School Years expansion!
I know I am not the only one looking for new sims to interact with and another world!
ALL packs were freely used for this save. No CC!
Updated Editions:
New Brichester Commons
Mt. Komorebi Redesigned
Newcrest Shopping Street Updated (where you can actually BUY STUFF)
Coffee Shop/Bookstore added in San Myshuno (acts as a Cafe & Library at once)
Benali was replaced with Akil (sorry Benali ;-;)
Credit to Simlicy, SimmarySims, SimmerKhai, Lilsimsie, HutchPlays, TinySimBee, Paletterose, LoveSimplySim, SquishedPies, JordyClause65, AvelineYT, Elfathiera, Ornilia, ChrissieYT, WoolDrop, NolanaSims, KateEmerald, SadKat, WildHippieChick, Gryphi, Amitaliri, RachelPedd, XSugaryCarnival, TheRealSkoog, PlumbobKingdom, PugOwned, Veleda99, Mamutcreativo, TheyluvScarletta, Schnuck01, JessicaPieYT, XMagicalGirl, Sixamart, Bettlemp3, & Paszerine
Thank you so much!
📁patreon (free)
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Bad Girls Club Mansion | The Sims 4 Build
My version of The Bad Girls Club 10 Inspired Mansion. Great for a BGC storyline.
Lot Size 64x64
Bad Girl Sign Created by @scodeeyodee
Bad Girls available for download here x
Full Tour Below
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Hey Guys!!! I’m Back😊
I took a little break from making cc and just posting any type of content in general, but I’m back. This collection was supposed to be up a couple days ago, but I haven’t been able to upload to sim file share until today, so here it is. I’ve been trying to improve my cc making skills, and overall just up the quality of the things I make. I hope you guys enjoy this collection, and I can’t wait to see these pieces on y’alls sims. (please tag me if you do use them <3)
Mesh made 100% by me
Some textures were made by me others I got from the internet
Category: Outfits
Custom Thumbnails
All LOD’s
Female (Teen-Elder)
Do Not Steal Mesh
You can recolor just link back to the original mesh
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I’ve been trying to make her for the longest time & today was the final day to make her ... she is my biggest inspiration after Ariana & what do u guys think about her ? love u 
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Male Skin - 8 color+color wheel (skin detail, male only)
Male Skin Overlay - 3 shade (skin detail, male only)
Nose Wound - 4 color+color wheel (face mask, unisex)
Nose Blush - 4 color+color wheel (eyeliner, unisex)
Eyes Bruise - 4 color+color wheel (eye shadow, unisex)
Beard 01 - 12 color+color wheel (facial hair, male only)
Beard 02 - 12 color+color wheel (facial hair, male only)
All Compatible with HQ mod
→DL (Early access at patreon) You can also get 8k diffuse texture for personal project →Exclusive at patreon
Thank you for your support, hope you like it!
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Valentine’s Day Gift
Nicki Minaj’s Beverly Hills Inspired House
See All Pics
SPA Day (10 Items used)
Get Together (7 Items Used)
Get To Work (3 Items Used)
City Living (7 Items Used)
Cool Kitchen (2 Items Used)
Outdoor Retreat (1 Item Used)
Patio Stuff (1 Item Used)
Dine Out (3 Items Used)
There Is Many CC (All Inclued in the file)
Put The Items who’s in House file in Tray File
and the rest in mods File
Big Thank’s to all the cc Creators
Download and Happy Valentine’s Day
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duality sheets x bed frame
recolors; two files, one for the frame and the other for the sheets and pillows <3 meshes are NOT included, plz download here (in a zip) !!!
✩ sheets & pillows: 16 swatches
✩ bed frame: 18 swatches
✩ pls tag me if you use <33
✩ custom thumbnails & download below

please do not reupload or claim as yours, tyy
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Kitty Cat Set 😺
Require Cats & Dogs EP for pet objects and GTW for Polaroid
BGC only for deco items
7 new cc | object images taken in game
2k Texture Map
Meshes and textures by me
polycount ranges from 1k to 8k polycount
Available for Sims 3 and Sims 4
download on patreon ♡ (early access)
download kitty cat extra set ♥
♥ Socials ♥ Instagram | Pinterest | Sketchfab
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Despite releasing 70 years ago, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes remains an iconic staple of Golden Age Hollywood. Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell delivered timeless, hilarious performances that were empathized by William Travilla's exquisite costuming. Monroe's shocking pink dress has had a huge impact on popular culture, having been referenced by Madonna, Megan Thee Stallion, Normani, and Kylie Jenner. I hope you enjoy it!
Four items (Three evening gowns, one pair of gloves)
Teen to Elder
Base game compatible
All maps and LODS
Custom thumbnails + disabled for random
While my CC will always remain free, please consider tipping me on Patreon or buying me a Ko-fi ✨
📌cc credits verona hair - @okruee, elegant wavy hair - @rustys-cc, candle light earrings + le jardin deluxe necklace + antique jewels - @mssims (exclusive creator), extra long ballerina nails - @joliebean, fur scarf - @shushilda, makeup + skin details @pralinesims
@sssvitlanz | @itsjessicaccfinds | @mmoutfitters | @alwaysfreecc | @public-ccfinds | @mmfinds
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Château de Bon-Hôtel (Ligny-le-Ribault)

I discovered this château through an Instagram post about abandoned residences and immediately fell in love. I wanted to build it for a long time, but the rush of life stopped me. I finally did it! Hope you like it! Georges Dupré de Saint Maur, general councilor of the canton of La Ferté-Saint-Aubin and mayor of Ligny-le-Ribault, had the château built between 1875 and 1882. The building was initially designed to be a place for social receptions and more particularly a hunting meeting place. In 1923, the château, which at that time belonged to the Poniatowski family, was acquired by the Swiss industrialist Henry Burrus to indulge his passion for horse riding. The château has been listed in the inventory of historical monuments since 1991, but is currently abandoned (unfortunately).
Note: special thanks to @labuenosairesfrancaise who taught me how to make symmetrical curved paths. :)
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Keenan Face Mask N105
Cute male face in 6 skin color variations - HQ Compatible.
Keenan Eyebrows N345
Natural male brows in 13 colors - HQ Compatible.
Keenan Eyes N229
Dark shiny eyes for males and females in 14 colors - HQ Compatible.
Download (Patreon EA)
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I wasn’t gonna update ‘til the big pack update, but this might’ve convinced me.

You can see all the other details about today’s update below, including DX11 enhancements, and the big BG object swatch dump.
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