#lee taekwoon scenarios
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I'm really sad that they don't write for VIXX anymore...I mean there's no new VIXX scenarios on Tumblr and it disappoints me very much.
Like, Tumblr users who wrote for VIXX are either inactive for a very long time while others deactivated their accounts.
#vixx#vixx scenarios#n#leo#ken#ravi#hongbin#hyuk#vixx fluff#vixx smut#vixx angst#cha hakyeon#hakyeon#jung taekwoon#taekwoon#lee jaehwan#jaehwan#kim wonshik#wonsik#kim wonsik#wonshik#lee hongbin#han sanghyuk#sanhyuk
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Jacket Hugs (Leo x Reader)
Rating: PG
(A/N) This is an uber fluffy one-shot for my beloved Leo anon, @a-glass-maiden! Taekwoon’s literally a dream, bless his beautiful little soul.
Walking to class among the same old buildings you saw everyday week, the snow fell quietly despite the many loud exclamations and gleeful screams of the students around you. You shouldered your backpack more securely, shivering slightly as you saw you breath escape your lips and melt into the air. You should've worn a bigger jacket today.
Tugging the sleeves of your woolen sweater down to cover your frosty fingers, you hurried along past a group of boys in your grade who were always up to no good. Despite their infamous reputation, they were still the friends you'd had grown up with since your early school days. It was sad to say you were more comfortable with their rambunctiousness than with the other girls in your class you tried to befriend. It was also a tragedy that you were nothing more than 'one of the guys,' or so that's how you cynically looked at it. Seeing as you were running a little behind on your way to class, you tried to scoot past the six guys without notifying them of your presence.
You saw the faded blue door to the building your next class was in, speeding up slightly to grasp the handle before a shoulder knocked it out of your grip, slamming the metal door effectively shut with a bang. "_________, weren't you even going to say 'hey'?"
You glanced up and saw the slightly babyish face of Hyuk, who, despite his obnoxiously large frame and height, was an underclass man to you. He wore a smirk on his face, like he knew he was holding you up from the nervous way you nibbled your bottom lip, "Well?"
"Uh, hey...?," you offered uncertainly, fingers still holding the silver of the handle as you tried to tug it open again. Hyuk's weight was completely thrown against the door though, leaving you trapped outside in the cold until he tormented you to his satisfaction. You felt goosebumps race up your legs, making you shift on your feet at the sudden chill. If you didn't die from being late to your class, you would certainly freeze to an early grave out here with the way your friend was teasing you. Sighing, you looked up at him with big tired eyes, hoping to charm him in some manner. "Please, Hyuk?"
He smiled pleasantly, rolling his eyes in a resigned manner, "Fine, go ahead." He leaned off of the door, allowing you to open it with a smirk before he slammed his shoulder back against it a moment later. "Ha, psyche."
"Hyuk!" You cried out in exasperation smacking his broad shoulders with a tiny fist, about this close to give him an earful when a more quiet, controlled voice was heard over your shoulder, making you spin around to see the source.
"Sanghyuk, let her go."
Taekwoon stood casually with his hands stuffed into his uniform pockets, dark eyes level and almost hidden by a curtain of silky dark hair. You felt your heart throb expectantly in your chest, making your cheeks flush, hoping it looked like you were simply cold. Ever since you could remember, maybe all the way back to preschool, you'd had the fattest crush on Taekwoon. He was your senior by a grade, but since you were especially gifted in writing and literature, you were put into accelerated classes taken by upper classmen. The next class you were going to was actually the one you had with Taekwoon.
"Stop trying to act all high and mighty, Taekwoon," Hyuk groaned, but reluctantly gifted control of the door back to you as he held it open. You stepped through gingerly, hoping Hyuk wouldn't slam it in your face when you stood in the threshold. Turning back again, you smiled in thanks to Taekwoon, a blushy silent gratitude that made a rare upturn of his lips appear.
You hurried away, grinning to yourself like a fool as you pulled your skirt down happily to adjust it. He just seemed too cool for someone nerdy like you, and it made you giddy when he made conversation or did little things like that. Besides that, girls all over the school, in all grades, pined after him like a pack of lovesick puppies. While you were hardly better than them in that aspect, at least you didn't stalk his locker or watch him from across the classroom at lunch. Despite all of this, you knew you were still nothing but a good friend and maybe even a little sister to him, stuck in the purgatory that was the friend zone.
The bell rang just as you scurried into your class, eyes cast down respectively as you felt the same old stares from the upper classmen. You were like some strange anomaly, their junior by over a year and yet here you were, top of the entire class. Some of them even occasionally asked you for help on homework or wanted to study together, it made you flush with pride. Others made it their life's work to torment you as much as they possibly could, teasing you out of obvious jealousy. You didn't really mind that much either, you weren't one to take insults to heart at all.
A few seconds later, Taekwoon walked casually in at his usual ambling pace, long legs striding gracefully as he took his usual seat next to you, your spine stiffening as he sat down. The teacher didn't seem to mind that he came in late, Taekwoon just seemed to get away with a lot of things just by being himself and it always blew your mind. Must be nice being perfect and beautiful, you mused sarcastically as roll was taken with names being called out, you watched the dark haired boy pull out his notebook and pencil, so hypnotized by his deliberate movements that you missed your name being called.
"_________!" Your teacher called out sharply, clicking the pen on the lectern impatiently.
"H-here!" You answered hurriedly, cheeks turning red as several people snickered. You sunk down in your seat in embarrassment, feeling your leg accidentally brush Taekwoon's. You flinched and put a respectable distance between your bodies, but the older boy hardly moved a muscle, his eyebrow raising in question as you smiled dismissively. The rest of class seemed to drone on and on, making you sink into a kind of note taking trance before the teacher once again snapped you from it.
"Alright class, pair up with the person next to you. I want good, appropriate discussion on this chapter of the book, understand?"
All the students nodded in accord, already whispering with smirks among themselves at the sexual nature of the chapter they had just read. You swallowed before turning to Taekwoon, who was rereading a particular passage diligently with his ebony shaded eyes. You allowed him to finish, scanning your own book but not really reading as you watched his tongue dart to wet his soft pink lips. You held your breath at the gesture, blinking your doe eyes as he glanced up at you, his voice soft, "So, what do you make of all of this?"
You blushed, fidgeting with the pages of your own copy of the book, "Well, that's...a really good question." You said lamely, wanting nothing more than for a dark chasm to open up under your chair and swallow you into the abyss. 'That's a good question?' Really?
To your surprise, Leo let out a short laugh, covering his mouth shyly with his hand, his eyes were the only indication he was truly amused as he glanced over at you. He stifled his chuckle with a cough, turning his broad shoulders toward you as he casually moved his hand to rest neatly on the back of your chair. His tone was challenging, a playful smirk on his lips, "Then, can you give me a good answer?"
"O-oh, well. I thought that the author wrote the explicitness of each detail in this chapter because they wished to evoke almost an uncomfortable feeling from the reader, like they're watching something they shouldn't," you explained thoroughly while flopping your hands to emphasize your words, a strange little habit of yours. Taekwoon nodded along, his eyes thoughtful as he listened attentively. You really appreciated that aspect of him.
You stopped mid-sentence, eye brows jumping up like they wanted to escape your forehead completely. Was he flirting with you? Your brain scrambled for excuses and all of them led to a scenario that made little to no sense at all. Maybe your heart was playing tricks, fooling your brain? But in the end it seemed too real to be made up.
"_________...?," Taekwoon murmured with a small smile, flicking your forehead gently until you blinked owlishly in recognition.
"Sorry! I'm just really...out of it today," you mumbled lamely, fiddling with your mechanical pencil as you let your paperback book spring close. You sometimes completely loathed the affect he had on you, making you jumble your words, sweat profusely, and blink five times more than abnormal person.
"Do you want to talk about it later?" He asked gently, smile dropping slightly into a more worried curve. "Or we can just have lunch together?" You noticed him chew on his bottom lip worriedly, a quirk you only noticed when he was taking a test. What was he so concerned about? Certainly not you, that's for sure; he was only being a nice friend.
"I'd love that," you said quickly, too quickly. You retracted the eagerness in your voice slightly by rearranging your words. "I mean, I'd like that a lot!" Nice job, doofus, you groaned internally.
"Cool," Taekwoon nodded, reverting back to his much calmer demeanor, looking much more sure of himself again as he pointed out another passage to you. The rest of class trudged on in a relatively normal fashion, though you didn't want the close proximity between you and Taekwoon to end. At least you would get to have lunch with him though, you thought to yourself while you packed up your things. The older boy was already ready to go, his dark eyes hidden under the mysterious curtain of hair that seemed to always obscure them.
Taekwoon certainly seemed set on going somewhere as he barely waited for you and your much shorter stride. He had an aura of impatience, and if he had ears like a cat, they'd be swiveling this way and that as if on alert for some unforeseen force. Said force was quick to reveal itself in the tall forms of your friends Hyuk and Wonshik, making Taekwoon suddenly tense and spring into action.
In the middle of the busy hallway, he grabbed your hand, tugging you swiftly into his chest as he squeezed into a small alcove next to a trash bin. If anyone happened to glance in your direction, it would appear like a boy fiercely set on having some alone time with his girl. You blushed at your closeness, holding your breath to prevent your breasts from brushing against his chest with each inhale and exhale. It was literally impossible though because Taekwoon stepped closer when Hyuk and Wonshik passed by your position. His forearm caged you against the wall as he leaned in, obscuring both of your faces so the two rambunctious underclassmen wouldn't recognize you, for what reason that was, you didn't know.
You raised your eyebrows in question at Taekwoon, who to your surprise, was blushing the deepest shade of red. That's when you became hyper aware of all the parts on your body that were pressed to his. His broad chest was smooshed against you, a thigh pressing deep between yours that, with the slightest of movements, made you see stars. His face was so close that if you tilted your head just so, your lips would collide and your world would collapse. A braver part of you, deep down inside, kept whispering to just do it, just make that one small move. But before you could make up your mind, Taekwoon extricated himself from the alcove, careful of you as he moved back into the now much quieter hallway. He patted the front of his uniform slacks down, trying to appear much calmer than you knew he was, "That was close, shall we go?"
You nodded quietly, unsure as to how you now felt about this whole situation. You knew Taekwoon probably wanted to avoid the terrors that were Hyuk and Wonshik for both of your sake, but did he really have to do all of that? You just didn't know as you found yourself outside in the chilly cold, the older boy leading you over to a park bench secluded by a few snowy trees that provided cover from prying eyes. You'd never even knew that this spot on campus existed until now, and you made sure to remind yourself to use it next time you were being harassed by Hyuk and your other goofball friends.
"This is so amazing, Taekwoon," you murmured as you pulled out your lunch, dazzled by the icy crystals that froze to the evergreen bushes beside you. "I know," he said a little smugly, a small smile on his face as he watched you cutely touch a tiny icicle with your pinky. "Feel free to use it whenever you want, it's not like I own it. No one just ever knows it's here." He felt the warmth of pride from how impressed you were by such a simple thing as a quiet place to have lunch or study, but he also realized how badly he was rambling. Luckily, you didn't seem to notice as he let out a subtle sigh to relieve the tension in his shoulders.
You nibbled on your peanut butter and jelly sandwich, watching as the snow littered Taekwoon's black hair with little white flakes, "I will! I bet it's even prettier here in the spring though." The thought of a much warmer time made you shiver, and Taekwoon was quick to notice that.
"Hey, are you cold? We can go inside if you want, I didn't even notice you didn't have a jacket." He offered quietly, already tucking away his own lunch into his bag until you grabbed his hand panicked, shocking both him and yourself as you stared at your joined hands.
"Wait, no! I want to stay here for just a little longer, I'm not that cold," you lied, putting on a brave face for him even though your poor fingers and toes were probably going through the first stages of frost bite. You just liked spending this intimate alone time with Taekwoon to give it up so soon.
You saw him shiver from where your icy hand grasped his, retracting it sheepishly before he grabbed it again much to your surprise. "You're hands are going to freeze off if we don't, _________," Taekwoon said worriedly before cupping your hand between his and bringing it up to his lips, blowing his warm air on your frosty fingertips.
You felt your cheeks warm from the sensation, watching as his eyes slid close in concentration as he blew waves of hot air on your hand. He didn't make a move to let go of your hand anytime soon, opting to hold it from across the table. He didn't seem fazed by what he was doing, in fact, he looked right about as pleased as can be. You smiled sweetly to yourself, enjoying the feeling of how just holding his hand and sitting in such a mundane place made everything so much more magical. Not much was said between the two of you, but a lot more was said than words could describe through stolen glances and blushing smiles. Could you and Taekwoon really be just friends after all of this? It seemed like a silly question, but you'd never seen this much emotion from Taekwoon since he was a hyperactive toddler.
As the lunch hour ended and you both prepared to head to different classes, you couldn't help feeling sad. Walking back to the building, Taekwoon noticed the sudden drop in your mood, but his hands stuffed deep inside his goose feather jacket gave him an idea.
"__________," he called your name, quiet as can be. You had been walking ahead of him and tracing the snow prints of countless students before turning back to him, trying to look as disappointed as you felt.
"Come here," he said, gesturing you closer with a gentle jerk of his head, he had the smallest of smirks and it made you suspicious of him.
Shuffling closer, you weren't ready for the full fledged attack of being enveloped completely into his jacket, pressed securely against him. You squeaked in surprise, face buried shyly into the crook of his neck as the heat from his body radiated into your chilled bones. He rocked your bodies softly from side to side, almost waiting for the moment when you decided to wrap your arms around him from the inside of his jacket before stopping his movements. You heard him sigh contently before nuzzling into the side of your head, his eyes closed peacefully as you felt his heart beat knock against his ribs and into yours.
"Taekwoon...?," you asked softly, inhaling the comforting scent of clean laundry and his home smell that made you want to snuggle close to him for the rest of winter.
"Can we stay like this for a while longer?"
"Yeah," he murmured gently into your hair, his arms tightening around you as the snow continued to fall silently to the earth. Taekwoon thought to himself how easy everything seemed right now, how peaceful you looked buried into his winter coat. Seeing that, Taekwoon realized that soon that would be his world fit snugly inside of his arms.
You just didn't know it yet.
#leo#lee taekwoon#vixx leo#vixx taekwoon#vixx lee taekwoon#vixx#leo scenarios#leo scenario#leo fluff#leo fluff scenario#leo fluff scenarios#lee taekwoon scenario#lee taekwoon scenarios#lee taekwoon fluff#lee taekwoon fluff scenario#vixx leo scenario#vixx leo scenarios#vixx leo fluff#vixx leo fluff scenarios#vixx leo fluff scenario#vixx taekwoon scenario#vixx taekwoon scenarios#vixx taekwoon fluff#vixx taekwoon fluff scenarios#vixx leo taekwoon scenario#vixx lee taekwoon scenario#vixx lee taekwoon fluff#vixx scenario#vixx scenarios#vixx fluff
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Vixxtober 2022
This will be my first time participating in something like this + bc of circumstances I am starting later than most folks in other fandoms & doing things a bit differently! Translation: I apologize in advance for the person I am about to become & the mess that will ensue as I attempt to pull this off. I have a plan but I also have a life, so if you notice that I skip around or anything, no you don’t <3
Most of these works will contain smut. Please read the content warnings!
Pairings will basically be announced on an update-to-update basis. I’m not really the plan in advance type (I usually write whatever I’m in the mood for when it comes to shorter works) + if anyone else decides to do this they too can pick whatever pairings they want!
Works will be posted on my ao3 + tagged on this post ·ᴗ·
❦ Week One (10/1-10/8)
— Overstimulation ❧ Ken, Leo, Hyuk (explicit)
— “Tuck in your shirt” ❧ Neo (general)
❦ Week Two (10/9-10/15)
— Aftercare ❧ Chabin (general)
— Creature scenario ❧ Chabin (explicit)
— “Come to bed” ❧ Kenvi (general)
— “Spread your legs, sweet thing” ❧ Chasang (explicit)
— “You have the sweetest smile I’ve ever seen” ❧ Hyuken (general)
❦ Week Three (10/16-10/22)
— Spanking ❧ Sanghyuk solo* (explicit)
— Shower sex ❧ Luck (explicit)
— “Hey, kiss me?” “You’re bleeding on my carpet” ❧ Hyuken (general)
— “Sounds like a you problem” ❧ Hyukbin (general)
❦ Week Four (10/23-10/29)
— Lingerie ❧ Keo (explicit)
— Creampie ❧ Chaken (explicit)
— Morning sex ❧
— “You know I’m not real…don’t you?” ❧
— “What are you doing to me?” ❧ Kenbin (explicit)
❦ Week Five (10/30-10/31)
— ot6; Hongbin-centric ❧ Hongbin solo* (explicit)
— “Do you believe everything you read?” ❧ Chabin (general)
#vixx#vixxtober#vixx smut#vixx scenarios#vixx fanfiction#vixx imagines#vixx n#cha hakyeon#vixx leo#jung taekwoon#vixx ken#lee jaehwan#vixx ravi#kim wonshik#vixx hongbin#lee hongbin#vixx hyuk#han sanghyuk#n#leo#ken#ravi#hongbin#hyuk#vixx masterlist#archive of our own#kpop fanfiction#kinktober 2022#moon writes#<3
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You guys had been dating for a couple of months now, but you were still getting to know each other better. You guys were out on a date when he asked you “Y/N when did you say your birthday was?”
“February 29” You smiled. You could see his mind working on the new information you had just dropped. “Wait... the means... your a leap baby?” You just nodded in response then he smiled so big and said “Ohh that means your still a baby!! I’m dating a minor!” You playfully hit his arm and both of you laughed
“I’m actually a leap baby” you said a little nervous. Leo looked at you and smile faintly. “So when do you celebrate on regular years?” “I usually let it pass, but my family and friends congratulate me on March 1”. He hold your hand and said “Then we will celebrate it on March 1”
“Well it's kind of unique you know” you said teasingly “Jagi everyone's birthday is unique and special” he said sticking out his tongue. “Yeah but mine is only celebrated every four years... so that makes it even more special” “Ottokaji!! My baby is actually a baby!!” all you could do was laugh at his cuteness
“It’s actually on February 29” “Oh that’s something I wasn’t expecting” You laugh at his confuse face “So like can we celebrate both on February 28 and march 1? ... of course when it isn’t a leap year” “Well if you're ok with it sure why not” “Great!!” You could believe how happy he was for being able to celebrate twice your birthday.
“Oh, I’m a leap baby” “A what?” “A leap baby, I was born on Feb. 29” you could see how he was so confused yet he still asked “So does that mean you are like five?” ok that's it you couldn't contain you laugh anymore “Well not really but if you're into that” “HEY!! I’m not like that, I was just asking to be sure I’m not doing anything illegal” “JAJAJA relax Bin I’m legal” You could se a faint blush creeping up his cheeks “Good” he said.
“It doesn't matter” “What? Of course it matters!” to be honest you were a year older than Hyuk but you knew the moment you told him you were born on Feb. 29 he was going to tease you “Hyuk it doesn't matter" "Oh no you better tell me, or I’ll still figure it out if you don’t” you sighted, it was true he would find out one way or another “February 29” you whispered “WAIT!! FEBRUARY 29!!” here it was, you knew he was going to make a big deal out of it “YAHH!! YOU MADE ME CALL YOU NOONA WHEN WE MET!!” “Well I’m still a year older than you so that was right” “No it WASN'T!! You are still a baby!! YOU should call ME oppa!!” you rolled your eyes “keep dreaming baby”
#vixx reactions#vixx scenarios#vixx imagine#vixx reaction#vixx#vixx scenario#vixx as#N#hakyeon#Leo#taekwoon#Ken#lee jaehwan#ravi#wonshik#hongbin#hyuk
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Making out with Vixx
this request was in unexpected- i love my babies :(
request: What about making out with Vixx? Your A C.E made me go have a cold shower
his sex drive can vary sometimes
even when hes like just making out with you
he'll act very horny
but he aint
sO youre like "w t f?!"
BuT vixx are known as the kink-dols
sO like he's gonna restrict you in some ways
blindfolding you
gonna tie up your hands
who knows
"dont fight against it or i wont carry on"
he says shit like that to tease your ass
when its yours and Leo's first time he's very caring
like he caresses your body alot
strokes his hand through your hair etc
but when you guys started to make out more often
he got more rough
very sloppy
like if you two make out in his room while the members are there, they'll be able to hear you two-
he has you gripping onto everything near you
he can get very horny very quickly
loves biting onto your lips
"fuck, you belong to me don't forget it"
so smily first time you two kiss
he smiles into the kiss
so like it aint weird?
but he's the kind of guy to grab your jaw to deepen the kiss
you can get him horny in many different ways
he's a massive switch in my eyes
loves kissing you when youre not aware
hold you by your waist
wants you to straddle him
loves having you on top some days
if you bite his lip he whines and moans very sexually
fuckin good luck
very rough
then slows down to tease you
very touchy
your hands in his hair is a must
his hands on your thighs are a must
when he wants to deepen the kiss he holds your chin or chokes you
depending on his mood at that moment
loves dirty talking you
"you want more princess"
"come on you slut, do you job and grind
(im sorry i love hongbin sm)
loves eye contact before you eat eachothers faces
holds your face between his hands
whispers little i love you's between each kiss
until he takes full control
he has you under him
hands next to your head
"come on princess"
loves when you go on top and control him
hickiEs, if he's turned on enough
OMg my babie im sorry if hyuk has more then the others
like ken he smiles into the kiss
when its starting off
hands on your waist
very giggly at first
i can see him telling jokes at the start
"can i tell you a joke?"
you end up giving up and smiling at him
but BUT
when he comes home after a stressful day
like all them ff's say
gonna haVe angry sex
but with hyuk he doesnt like angry sex alot cause he thinks he might hurt you so he justs wanna make out or maybe a blowjob from you to calm him
it involves alot of dirty talk
"fuck, my little whore, kiss me or put your lips to good use"
grips your hair
bites your lip
hickeys are a must with hyuk
wants to show them off to his members (HEHEHEEHE)
grabs your jaw when he wants to deepen the kiss
Also like N he might blindfold u depends on how he's feeling
handcuffs aswell
#vixx#vixx scenarios#vixx sanghyuk#vixx hyuk#vixx smut#vixx n#vixx imagines#vixx leo#vixx cha hakyeon#vixx drabbles#vixx hongbin#vixx hakyeon#vixx jaehwan#vixx kpop#vixx ken#vixx lee hongbin#vixx lr#vixx ravi#vixx taekwoon#vixx wonshik#vixx x reader
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History Walls

Genre: just a friendly scenario with a very slightly friends-to-lovers.
Pairing: Kim Wonsik/Ravi x Reader (female).
Warnings: none.
Word count: 1.371.
There’s this literature project counting as the major grade and your friends couldn’t think about any person that wasn’t you to work with.
"What I'm saying is that doesn't matter what you're reading, because any kind of literature is a literature! Anything that makes you read is interesting because it can develop your creativity and vocabulary." Hanging out in a bookstore wasn't how you planned to spend your saturday. Not with the guys, actually, because you love a good bookstore, but being the one who got invited was a little different. Since you were a good student, with the higher grades in class and the most well developed assignments, you were the first thought of the guys. Not that they only wanted to work with you because of that. It's just easier to work with friends, and if they're smart, it's a plus. "Do you really think that?" Taekwoon was looking at you but his face was hard to describe. He could be genuinely curious about your opinion or preparing himself to end all your arguments. "Yes, I do. What do you think?" "I think a good literature is the better option to extend your intelectual atributes." "But what's a good literature?" "Oh, here we go again..." You could only chuckle at Hongbin's statement. Any topic could get kinda phylosifical in seconds when you were talking, which was a little boring but an amusement to them at the same time. Hearing you talk all your points of view was nice, not only because you helped them to get another vision about certain topics, but also because your excitement was interesting to watch. "A good literature is that one that makes me travel around the theme, like I'm floating in the author's ideas." "That's a good point, really. I think it's important to feel conected with the material you're reading, to take that to yourself. But as you said, a good literature is the one that makes you feel it. And this can be anything. It can be a thick book about a country's history, a cute and tragic romance, a fashion magazine or even the shampoo bottle. It can work differently for every person." "Even a shampoo bottle? How's that could work?" "Imagine that you're a chemical student, learning how to compose something. Don't you think the specified rotule would make you wonder how to work with that? Which combination is the better one? To whom that product can work well?" "Oh, that makes a lot of sense. So, that's how bedtime stories works for kids at night? I mean, it can stimulate their thoughts and affect their dreams?" You nodded. It was good they were catching your point. Hakyeon started to look at you proudly, his words dancing at his expression. He didn't needed to talk it out loud, but you knew that he was thinking you would be amazing as a teacher - which was the main point of your academical career. "Do you think it's problematic for an adult to like stories made for kids?" Jaehwan looked really curious, subtly. Which was kinda normal. You were used to his comportment that can change in seconds from playful to serious. "Of course not! I understand that some people may joke around and tell to this person to grow up, but they're doing it! Just like everybody. It's something to read, and as long as the person enjoy the topic, it's valid. Nobody should say otherwise." Humming in agreement, they started to work on the summary of the literature assignment. Actually, it was something to present, with slides, point of views and lots of topics related to the main point. That's the reason requiring a whole 7 members group. The teacher has given almost two months to prepare it, since it was a final project for the semester, so there was a lot of time to do it, and it wasn't that hard. But being an applied student, you always liked to do your assignments as soon as possible, and your friends knew it, even not being the same way. It would be kinda hard to everyone thinks exactly the same way, and that's why some discussions happened along the day. "I don't think it's healthy for a kid, for example, to read adult things." "That's why there's age recommendation, Taek." "But there are things that doesn't have it. Like those shampoo bottles you said earlier." "I don't think a kid would read that these days, but it's not forbidden. Maybe they can be a chemical engineer in the future, right? Is that bad?" Taekwoon just looked at you and returned to the book while thinking about it. Wonsik was the one who was strangely quiet that day. No one seemed to notice when he left the table to disappear between those big book walls. But that did bother you. If he wasn't feeling ok, you'd like to help. His face looked puzzled, almost lost in thoughts, and the way his eyebrows furrowed a little trying to read the book title on his hand was very cute. "Do you need some help, Wonsik?" He then looked at you, nodding. "I'm starting to think that this book isn't even in english." The thick and brown cover, with golden letters, and a thin dust layer, was actually in german. "It's not. But I can find a english version of it, if you want it. Or a korean." Wonsik smiled at you, showing off his perfect teeth, resembling a little like a cute bunny, but also big. While you showed him the way to the library part where would had be the book in his elected language, you grow up some curiosity. "May I ask you why do you wanna read this book? It's quite sad. Are you alright?" "I'm okay, yeah. I'm just curious, and trying to expand my known list of books. I wanna be smart." "You already are. But it's great to know more, also because you're getting to know another type of writing. If you feel too sad to finish, you can just call me and I'll resume to you." "Did you read it?" Nodding, you grabbed the book and gave it to Wonsik. "Can I call you if I have some doubt?" "Sure. I'll be glad to help." Then, the silence came. Being around Wonsik was nice, but along with the others. Alone, it was weird because he seemed uncomfortable in your presence. You didn't knew why; there wasn't any memorable thing that happened that may have hurted him or anything. So it was just weird. And turned your cheekies into a red color because of your shyness. But also his, which you didn't knew the reason. "Maybe... Can I just call you...?" "What do you mean? We're friends, right? You can call me." That was unexpected. But you weren't denying an approximation. Maybe things could get better. "No, I mean, like, not a friendly relationship." "Oh, so like... strangers?" "What? No, not like that too." You weren't following his idea. The question mark was almost tattooed in your forehead. "In a getting-to-know kind of relationship." He seemed nervous about the topic. "I thought we were already doing... Oh." Then something clicked in your head. And your cheekies burned even more. Specially because Sanghyuk appeared in the hallway looking for both of you. "Are you done with this weird dating thing? We're needing some help." Before you could explain the situation, he disappeared. Wonsik nodded and smiled weirdly at you and returned to the table. Was he developing some kind of crush on you? He was like the main crush of the entire class. It wouldn't be bad, but it didn't make sense at all, specially because he had never said anything. Maybe you'd have to figure it out. Returning to the table, you saw a thoughtful Wonsik and other five hardworking men. Sitting on your spot, you quickly wrote a simple "yes :)" on a post-it and passed to the man on your side, almost like a secret mission. You could sense him trying not to break into a wide grin, and you felt related. It's a little weird how things work, but it can be good. Turning your attention to the paperwork, the boys seemed a little lost, just how Sanghyuk has said. "What do you need me for?"
#kpop#kpop scenarios#kpop fanfics#vixx#vixx scenarios#vixx fanfics#cha hakyeon#n#jung taekwoon#leo#lee jaehwan#ken#kim wonsik#ravi#lee hongbin#hongbin#han sanghyuk#hyuk
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CRI: 1

Genre: heir! hyuk (han sanghyuk)
Pairing: han sanghyuk x female oc
Summary: Han Sanghyuk goes by many titles in his life; he’s a son, a brother, a child, a teenager, VIXX’s maknae Hyuk or the heir of the multi-billion company HGOC, or maybe Han Sanghyuk, next head of the Han household.He was set to take the position as soon as he would be able to release a heir from the arranged marriage, but when things turn for the worst the household and company have no else to rely on but him. It was either the death of the company his forefathers have spent their lives on to build or ruin his group’s career.Some say being a crazy rich asian was interesting, but being a crazy rich idol can’t help but peek our interest.
Words: 1.5k
Chapters: 2

1: The Han Family
Some call them aristocratic, some called them bourgeois and others called them elites, the selected few of a society. Those words— none of them could deny, but they didn’t wake up one day to all the wealth they have, it has been generations of blood, sweat and tears. The Han was famous for many things, they were famous for their hotels and restaurants, hospitals, and export of Korean products. The increase of the Hallyu wave brought them even larger incomes, soon enough they became the biggest exporters of Kpop albums and merchandise. However, they were famous for another thing, it was a grand land only for the household members. THe lots were filled with mansions big, wide and expensive. The lot, big enough to house a neighborhood in Seoul, was called The Villas.
At the center of the villas was a house bigger and more grandouise than any other house found in the area. It stood in its yellowish white glory. The pillars were big and broad, the rooms were palace-like, each individual room was huge enough to be called a master’s suite.
In this house stayed the head of the family, the CEO of the company and owner of the huge enterprise. The position has been passed down to the male heirs who carry the Han last name in order to honor the name Han group of companies. Likewise, the current head was named Han Sungjin, a man in his early 40’s that was not only the head of this company, but is considered as the richest man in Korea. A man both adored and feared for his work style, he was a monster— a monster tycoon.
“Opening an airline isn’t a trip to the park, you do realize that?” Sungjin’s hands were stuck together as he straightened his back as all the board members were sitting in the conference room of the HGOC headquarters.
“We never said it was easy, we’re saying it’s a smart move!” a woman whose hair was slowly turning gray day by day gives the younger man a glare. She wasn’t the CEO, but she was held just as highly as he was, her name was Han Hyebin, Sungjin’s older sister.
“It is the most logical step after the success with our overseas shipping company, sir.” The man roughly 30 years old still regarded Sungjin with respect even if he grew up running inside the main house with him. The man then pulls up his sleeves as he gently bows his head, the light brown hair falls to his face. Yoo Jiho had the exact same hair color as his mother’s. Han Hyebin.
“I want to hear your opinion” Sungjin turns towards the barely young adult beside him. He was quietly tilting his head from side to side as he listened to the elders banter amongst themselves. His eyes grow wide in shock, he tries to open his mouth a few times before taking a deep breath.
“If we are to continue to venture into the market, what kind of services will we offer, will we be like Emirates where they offer luxury or would it be budget? Which of the two is more likely to gain our expenses and by how much?” he turns to look at the presenter. The presenter was a non-Han member, he wanted to create another company under Han in order for him to lead the company under the financial help of Han.
The presenter stays quiet, he fidgets around his papers trying to look for the non-existent data that he needed. “Another question, why should we open our own airline when we could just buy one that’s already existing?” the young adult sits up straight while his expression remains stoic.
The presenter’s eyes went shaky and Sungjin immediately noticed this. “If you aren’t prepared to answer these questions we should end this meeting right now, I don’t want to waste my time,” Sungjin was cruel when it came to time and he wasn’t enjoying the fact that he was wasting it with a presenter who did not do his research at all.
Once Sungjin stood up, all the members of the family followed suit. It was an unspoken rule that when one of the heads of the company leaves, especially the CEO, the executive committee meeting is over. People could only bow their heads as they all walked past, they were cold, but commendable people. Their eyes stabbed daggers, but they would never turn their backs on someone who needs their help.
“Sanghyuk!” Jiho runs to walk beside his younger cousin. Sanghyuk, who often had a stoic face in the office, gives his cousin a small smile.
“You really resemble your father sometimes,” Jiho couldn’t believe that what had happened was Sanghyuk’s first executive committee meeting. The young boy could only shyly smile, the hours he spent listening to his father’s lectures and teaching him what was needed for a business venture to succeed all boiled down to this opportunity. “You really are next to succeed that throne huh?”
Sanghyuk slightly flinched at the way he called it. There was truth in the way Jiho called it out, they were more like an empire rather than a business, CEOs were already assigned even before they were born. They were like royalties with an elaborate system that they were not allowed to defer from; a prison dressed in luxury.
“However, the next CEO can not be dilly dallying with some idol stuff,” Hyebin was not the type of person to show her disappointment towards the next heir.
“Noona!” The way Sungjin glared at his older sister made the whole group shut up.
Hyebin raised her head higher and quickened her walking pace, until she was the first inside the elevator and out of Han headquarters. Sungjin turned the corner and entered his room, his son followed behind closely. The several other members of Han proceeded to return to their own offices.
“I’m guessing you have to leave” Sungjin hasn’t even sat down when he addressed his son whose table sat in his office.
Sanghyuk only bowed his head. “I have practices today. The concert that I’ve mentioned, I’ll be preparing for it,” he looks up to his father, who is now sitting down on his office chair.
“Alright!” Sungjin takes a deep breath. “Make sure you give it everything you’ve got, your sister and I will be watching.” Sungjin gives his son a small smile before sending him off.
Sanghyuk leaves Han headquarters that sat in Seoul’s business district down to his company agency. The small scale building stood nowhere in comparison to Han headquarters, it was a small building with the number of employees being somewhere around a thousand, only. It was a small business compared to what he ran, but due to circumstances, he has not revealed his identity except for their CEO who recognized him as soon as he auditioned for the company.
The small building, although nothing like the one’s his family owned, felt like a place where he could be himself, an escape from his prison cell. As soon as he opened the door to the practice room everyone was heavily breathing, a thin fog was beginning to form on the mirrors even with an air conditioner running.
“He’s here!” the dance teacher calls out and every person turns their heads towards him.
It wasn’t uncommon for Sanghyuk to arrive later than everyone else. The eighteen year old was in his last year of high school, thus he always came late for practice. However, little is known about where he goes to school. The members have never seen Sanghyuk wearing his uniform. He would leave the dorms extra early to return to his family home and wear his uniform there. He said that it was because his family home was much closer to where his school was, which was not entirely a lie.
“How was school?” Ken, one of his members, approached the youngest member.
“It was the same, you know, they teach; you sleep,” Sanghyuk puts his bag down before taking off the sweater he had on. The room was too humid and hot to be wearing something that thick inside.
“Well get your body warmed up and then join us when you’re ready!” The leader, Hakyeon instructs the youngest members.
It was a bit later that Sanghyuk joined the group. The amount of choreography he had to master and lyrics he has to remember was greater than his members, this was the price of being late. He was a boy smarter than people his age, but he lacked in terms of what he was passionate for. He wasn’t exactly the perfect idol material, unlike his members, he wasn’t as talented as they were in singing and he wasn’t as great as a dancer his members were. However, he was persistent. His persistence is a result of the constant reminder that his ancestors built their empire on pure blood, sweat, tears and luck. Since he was old enough to remember, his grandfather, the late Han Juyeon, told him stories of how his grandfather, Sihyuk, the founder of Han group of companies, suffered in poverty. The war stricken nation and his family not being of any power, every head and heir carried that image of hardship that their ancestors went through.

Chapters: 2
#vixx hyuk#vixx#vixx fanfic#hyuk fanfic#han sanghyuk#vixx imagines#vixx scenarios#vixx maknae#n#leo#ken#ravi#hongbin#i miss you#cha hakyeon#jung taekwoon#kim wonshik#lee hongbin#re: crazy rich idol
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When you sneak out the morning after (Hakyeon, Taekwoon, Jaehwan)
requested by: anon
Can i request how vixx would react to you sneaking out after you guys were intimate & they saw the next day 🌸
(So... these have been in my drafts for literally a year, and I don’t even have the original request ask anymore, oops.)
#vixx fic#vixx reactions#vixx fanfiction#vixx imagines#vixx n#vixx leo#vixx ken#cha hakyeon#jung taekwoon#lee jaehwan#vixx fluff#vixx scenarios#vixx au#kpop fake texts#kpop fluff#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines#kpop fanfiction#mine: vixx fake texts
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Vixx Reaction to their best friend/crush moaning for them when masturbating
- Requested -
Hakyeon: The second his name left your lips, he wouldn’t be able to control himself. As much as he wants to hear you get off to the idea of him, he thinks helping you is a much better option.
“Y'know.” He said from the doorway. “If you just asked, I wouldn’t really mind helping you out.”
Taekwoon: Doesn’t really know if he should walk into your room or not because you obviously didn’t plan on him knowing about this. He’d most likely cave and step in if you sounded needy enough, though.
“Fuck.” He thought to himself, licking his lips. “Should I go in? Would she be upset?” “She sounds so hot though.”
Jaehwan: Smirks to himself and just listens, because you sound too good for him to interrupt. He’ll wait until you’re done to walk in, because now that he’s imagined it, he wants to see it up close.
“Do you know how hard it was to just listen?” He cocked a brow as he walked in. “Especially when you’re whining my name like that.”
Wonsik: Doesn’t hesitate to walk in. There’s nothing holding him back from making the first move because after hearing his name, he knows that you want him just as much as he wants you.
“Although my name sounds amazing when you say it like that,” He paused, licking his lips. “I wanna hear you scream it.”
Hongbin: Listens and enjoys the show, not wanting to interrupt you. He loves the fact that you’re that weak to just the thought of him and wants to wait until you’re finished to walk in.
“Do you have any idea how long I’ve been wanting to hear you moan my name?” He smirked. “And I didn’t even have to touch you.”
Sanghyuk: Would debate on whether or not to walk in because he wants to hear just how much he effects you, but he also wants to make whatever fantasy you have come true.
“Do I have that much of an effect on you?” He licked his lips as he walked in. “Had I known, I might’ve done something about it.”
#vixx#vixx smut#vixx reactions#vixx scenarios#vixx n#vixx leo#vixx ken#vixx ravi#vixx hongbin#vixx hyuk#cha hakyeon#jung taekwoon#lee jaehwan#kim wonsik#lee hongbin#han sanghyuk#hakyeon smut#taekwoon smut#jaehwan smut#wonsik smut#hongbin smut#sanghyuk smut#kpop#kpop reactions#kpop smut#mine
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1st Picture: April 11, 2023: "And that's how everything's turning red all over the place after I saw this heart shattering news that it became my lifetime traumatic nightmare finally came true that as I felt the cracking pain into my heart and tears streaming down right onto my eyes and face that I could imagine myself that I was captured and trapped into a dark black void filled with red threads like blood, signaling that my life will never ever be the same again. Scarlet red to be exact.
And that's when I gave this lifetime trauma dream a special name. A special name of a lifetime trauma dream that it could turned everything scarlet red all over the place as my life will never ever be the same again.
I called this lifetime trauma dream that turns everything scarlet red as...
Scarlet Dreams."
Second Picture: March 11, 2024: "I'm the Scarlet Dream Girl who lived in a Scarlet Dream World.
I faced two Scarlet Dreams that it took a toll of my entire life...and it caused to be completely lost that's being a part of me.
And I faced too many heartaches and heartbreaks, tragedies, conflicts, unhappy endings, shattered memories and never ending nightmares that it made me think how the world today has lost its hope and humanity.
One more moment that's about taking away all the happy things from me, I'm going to broke myself into tears, tear my heart out, and my life will never EVER be the same again.
Because why...? I'm already traumatized enough...ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!"
Today, April 11, 2024, marks the 1st Anniversary of Scarlet Dreams aka the day Ravi's departure from VIXX due to the "scandal" that he didn't deserve the hate he has been giving last April 11, 2023.
#vixx#ravi#kim wonshik#kim wonsik#wonshik#wonsik#n#leo#ken#hongbin#hyuk#cha hakyeon#jung taekwoon#lee jaehwan#lee hongbin#han sanghyuk#kpop scenarios#kpop#kpop fluff#kpop smut#kpop angst#vixx scenarios#kpop reactions#vixx reactions#vixx fluff#vixx smut#vixx angst#kpop stories#kpop news#vixx news
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The Greatest Nightmare
Pairing: None.
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 1K
Summary: Who ever thought that a nightmare can be that nice that you would make you wait all day just to go back to bed again and look forward to have it again? Sounds insane, am I right? She left Ravi, and he is alone and broken, wanting to have her in his arms again and his only way to have her again is to have a nightmare about her starting everything from the beginning with him all over again
Based On The Song & MV: Eternity
Have you ever felt good when you are having a nightmare?
Have you ever wanted to go back to sleep to continue that nightmare?
Because I have, and not once or not twice;
Does it seems weird to you?
Does it seems unreal to you?
Please, let me explain myself.
That’s all I’ve been having lately.
But unlike other people, I like it.
Every day I am looking forward to go back to sleep just to see her looking at me at the way she used to.
How her eyes shined when she saw me coming back home from work, opening my arms to get a hug from her as she running, wrapping her arms around me tightly and placing her head against my chest, so happy and excited.
Slowly, both of us moving to sit on our sofa.
I miss how my arms were wrapped around her, wanting her to hear my heart beat beating just for her.
We used to go out very often as well.
Walking outside, hand in hand, sharing smiles and appreciating the beautiful moments we used to share. I loved to see her getting excited over the smallest little things and how her eyes lighted up. Every single person that saw us immediately smiled.
Every time she had a time off work, I used to wake up early to make her breakfast to bed and she used to do the same for me.
Let’s say we had that kind of relationship that people always dreaming about.
We were happy and in love.
But suddenly, as days passed by, her mood and expressions started to change.
I was talking to her but a short response came out of her mouth and my face went blank.
I want to kiss her lips, but I felt her cheek instead, thinking she may be teasing but I still haven’t got that kiss I’ve been asking for until now. I wanted a hug but got refused.
But I ignored it, maybe I’m imagining it.
I love every single thing about her and I accept her exactly the way she is.
I was sure we are gonna be together forever.
But then..
It all was gone.
Everything shattered.
She found someone better.
Someone whom she can share better memories with.
Someone who can give her more than I could ever had.
It feels like she didn’t even cared about my beating heart; she just stepped on it and moved on.
I am standing in the empty room by myself.
Looking at the sofa we used to sit on and have all of our conversation; deepest, happiest, saddest, and the most romantic ones.
I looked at the CDs of the slow music we used to dance to and share our admiration for each other.
Right now, at this moment, all I want to do is to scream...
But I didn’t.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
I went to the sofa.
I set down and closed my eyes.
A vision of her came up in my mind and I can swear I felt her next to me. I slowly wrapped my arm around her just like before while my eyes are still closed.
In my mind, she is here, I can feel the tips of her hair touching my arms as she turns her head to look at me and I can hear her laugh filling up the empty room.
I believe she is here.
I got up from the sofa and asked for her hand.
She placed her hand in my hand gently as we moved slowly to the small dance floor we had.
I wrapped my right arm around her waist while her left arm is on my shoulder.
With my left hand, I slowly took her right hand and held it. I moved with her slowly to the sound of the slow rhythm; Sharing smiles and embarrassment but yet, so much love.
My eyes looking at her hand that I’m holding, slowly moving to look into her eyes.
Admiring every single detail about her;
Her shiny eyes that looked back at me, her adorable nose and her soft and kissable lips.
I am in love with her.
The music stopped as we slowly moved into the sofa once again.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder again as she’s looking at me, and I started leaning closer and closer to her face,my second hand caressing her cheek gently, wanting to look at her, wanting to kiss her.
I finally opened my eyes.
She’s not here.
She’s gone.
And I can’t move.
Only my eyes are wandering around the room.
“Maybe she’s hiding” my mind started playing tricks on me.
Not even 10 second passed and I cover my face and started crying.
I let all my stress out, wanting it to be a night again.
I want to see her again.
I want to feel her again.
I want her to be mine again.
She will never feel the way I felt at the moment she left. I hate to look at the clock and see that stupid number of the time she left.
6:20 ; is the time the magic ended.
I remember her turning away and I immediately took a grip on her arm, not letting her go. She looked at me and her eyes were on fire. She refused the grip of my hand and didn’t wanted to hear me as she stepped out of the door and never turned back.
I wake up every day in that exact hour as if she’s calling me back to her.
But she doesn’t and she never will.
All I want to do right now is close my eyes and have a nightmare. Many nightmares.
More nightmares of her dancing with me in our small dance floor with the slow music at the background. More nightmare of us sitting on our sofa that was waiting for us.
I want to live in my nightmare, and never wake up ever again.
VIXX PARALLEL Collaboration Masterlist
#vixx scenarios#vixx#cha hakyeon#jung taekwoon#lee jaehwan#kim wonshik#lee hongbin#han sanghyuk#n#leo#ken#ravi#hongbin#hyuk#hakyeon#taekwoon#jaehwan#wonshik#wonsik#sanghyuk#vixx n#vixx leo#vixx ken#vixx ravi#vixx hongbin#vixx hyuk#vixx imagine#kpop scenarios#kpop sad#kpop
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Vixx Masterpost
❧ My AO3
❧ My Carrd
❧ Requests are open! You can submit requests here, or on curiouscat, and I'll get to them when I can. Please try to be as clear as possible about what you're looking for and be patient while I work on it xoxo
❧ Adore you | Multi | Ongoing
tags: polyamory, complicated relationships
Jaehwan had always been a bit theatrical. It was the Aries fire in him that craved first place in everything, to consume and be consumed at the same moment, to act first and think later. It was the fire in his eyes that kept him in trouble. The one where Jaehwan kind of fucks everything up and has to learn how to be honest with the people he loves.
❧ Bloom | Multi | Ongoing
tags: safe sane and consensual, mutual pining
The unknown excites him, even now. Hongbin has never been in a relationship. There was never enough time and he hated the idea, but he finally feels ready to grow and explore alongside someone. He convinces himself that he only has to find his partner and everything else will work out. Love is a little more complicated than that.
❧ Celestial | Hyuken | Complete
tags: rough sex, asphyxiation
Celestial (Latin): a divine or mythical being. Jaehwan had encountered thousands of creatures—angels, demons and more—during his existence, and not a single one could compare to Sanghyuk. He was so breathtaking, so entrancing without even trying that it made his heart hurt sometimes, even though they belonged to each other. Sanghyuk was mortal, but he put the moon itself to shame.
❧ Delicate | Chasangbin | Complete
tags: fluff and humor, open relationships
They could get used to this. Sanghyuk invites Hongbin to dinner at Hakyeon's apartment. The night takes an unexpected turn.
❧ Jamais Vu/Luna | Wontaek | Complete
tags: worldbuilding, human/monster romance
Taekwoon has been here before. Once upon a time, Taekwoon believed he and Wonshik were the only creature and human in a relationship. Hakyeon and Hongbin prove him wrong tenfold, and the weight of his past and reality begin to catch up with him.
❧ Makeup Drawer | Chaken | Inactive
tags: tooth-rotting fluff, secret crush
Hakyeon wondered if Jaehwan would hate him for it, for wanting to kiss him until their lips were bruised, for being unable to control himself as if he were a teenager, for having urges towards him in the first place. They were so close and yet... Hakyeon has a crush on Jaehwan. He doesn't know how to tell him because he's a little busy attempting to deny it.
❧ Moonlight Sunrise | Chabin | Complete
tags: succubi & incubi, developing relationship
Hongbin held his breath as the demon approached him, and his heart danced wildly behind his ribcage as the distance between them disappeared. His lover grabbed his waist, pulled him close, and bent down slightly to press their lips together, and Hongbin felt himself explode into a million little pieces of stardust. This was what he wanted. This was what he had been waiting all day for: an opportunity to get close to him, to stare into his moonlit eyes, to feel the rush of desire that frequently accompanied his touch, to kiss him back harder, harder, harder until he understood how much he wanted him, how much he would always want him, no matter what.
❧ Naked | Leohyuk | Complete
tags: emotional porn, established relationship
"You don’t need to apologize for your body. Anyone who cares for you will love and respect however it looks and feels." Taekwoon and Sanghyuk finally get the time alone they deserve.
❧ New Year's Day | Chasangbin | Complete
tags: holidays, fluff and smut
Hongbin feels like they have found a family where they belong, and they couldn’t be happier. The one where the holidays are better than everyone expected.
❧ Nocturne | Chabin | Complete
tags: demon & human interactions, monster fucker lee hongbin
Nocturne (Latin): a person, concept, or artwork that embodies the energy of the night, shadows, and dreams.
Hongbin didn’t know or care how many other creatures Hakyeon had brought home—he just wanted to be the one that he remembered.
❧ Strawberry | Hyuken | Complete
tags: summer romance, semi-public sex
There was one thing Jaehwan loved more than strawberries, and that was Sanghyuk. Jaehwan plans a sweet surprise for his boyfriend.
❧ Stardust | Kenbin| Ongoing
tags: fae & fairies, soulmates
"None of this is a coincidence. Since the creation of the universe, this was our destiny." Hongbin makes a wish that changes his world forever.
❧ the place i've been searching for is you | Hyuk-centric | Ongoing
tags: inspired by shangri-la (vixx), promiscuity
"the empty space inside me fills the color of you is faint and dazzling beautiful, warm, mysterious" Sanghyuk x everyone because it's what the doctor ordered!
❧ Ultraviolet | Chabin | Complete
tags: creature vixx, shameless smut
“Must have just been my imagination...” Hongbin speaks to the second full moon of the month. “My my my, little kitten, what a wild imagination you have,” Hakyeon whispers in the dark. Hakyeon interrupts Hongbin's study session in favor of a more hands-on activity.
Collections + Series
❧ Midnight (2023+2024 Prompt Collection) | Multi | Ongoing
(Yet another) strange and lovely collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
❧ Prequel | Chabin, Wontaek | Ongoing
A mini creature series leading up to my largest concept ever
❧ after all the tears, you're all i need | Chabin | Ongoing
Hongbin is a mortal, and Hakyeon is a succubus. These are the tales of how their fates intertwine
❧ Vixxtober 2022 | Multi | Complete
A Vixx version of Kinktober
❧ 2022 Prompt Collection | Multi | Complete
(Another) strange and lovely collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
❧ 2021 Prompt Collection | Multi | Complete
A collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
#vixx#vixx smut#vixx scenarios#vixx fanfiction#vixx imagines#vixx hakyeon#vixx n#vixx taekwoon#vixx leo#vixx jaehwan#vixx ken#vixx wonshik#vixx ravi#vixx hongbin#vixx sanghyuk#vixx hyuk#cha hakyeon#jung taekwoon#lee jaehwan#kim wonshik#lee hongbin#han sanghyuk#n#leo#ken#ravi#hongbin#hyuk#vixx masterlist#archive of our own
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Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Angst, Smut (eventually), Adventure Pairing: OT6 x fem!reader | Leo x fem!reader Rating: M Plot: Dark Fae!VIXX. There are rumors surrounding the forest. We’re taught to never step foot in there unless we want to be eaten alive by the man-hating faeries. But when winter comes and firewood is scarce, I have no choice but to chop down a tree in the forest to save my family from freezing to death. Little do I know, I hold the key to waking the six darkest (and most dangerous) fae to ever roam the earth. Word Count: 2.3K Author Notes: This is unedited, so please excuse any mistakes! I hope you like it, though, because I’m having a lot of fun writing it!
Into the Dark — Chapter One
I watched my family shiver. I watched them huddle near the dying fire in our tiny hut and desperately try to get warm with the few logs we managed to get our hands on. I watched their lips and the tips of their fingers turn blue and I knew I had to do something. I couldn’t sit here while my sisters shivered, while my mother huddled everyone together for warmth. I knew my father hated himself for being crippled and not being able to help us, but as the eldest, I would take over that position.
“Y/N, where are you going?” my mother asked when she saw me packing on the layers.
I slipped my worn boots on and searched the pile of wet gloves for mine. “To get us more firewood,” I said. “Maybe find a rabbit or something along the way if I’m lucky.”
“You can’t!” my youngest sister, Alice, said, immediately standing up and separating herself from the pack. “The only other firewood is in the forest and you can’t go there. You’ll be eaten by the faeries. Humans are their favorite snack,” she said with a shudder. “Don’t you remember any of Grandma’s warnings?”
Of course I did. I remembered every horror story she told, every tale about the fae. I remembered how she looked at us with her one good eye and said that if we went into the forest like she did when she was a curious, stupid child, we’d get a chunk of our faces chomped off as well.
But it was a risk I was going to have to take. My family was here dying and I could be doing something about it! I had to, whether they approved or not. Whether I got eaten or not, I had to try.
“I’m sorry,” I said and I saw my father’s back tense. My mouth went dry. I knew how this must have made him feel. He always wanted to be the one to provide for his family, but he could barely walk and I was old enough to make my own decisions. Technically an adult, but not technically ready to marry some village boy and start a family of my own no matter how much my mother wanted me to. I’d rather be a spinster than marry one of the few guys here. I’d known them all since I was in diapers and let’s just say that none of them was even the slightest bit intriguing.
I was about to make my way out the door when my father stood up and made his way over to me, relying entirely on the cane my mother made for him out of a sturdy stick that rolled into our village from the forest one windy night.
“Papa, I—”
��You’ll need this,” he said, reaching behind me and pulling his most prized possession (a bow and a set of arrows) off the wall. He mounted it there not long after Alice was born—when he first got hurt. He always used that to hunt, but he hadn’t touched it in years. It was caked in a layer of dust thick enough to coat my fingers when he handed it to me. “Use it well,” he said, then he went back to his spot in front of the fire.
I swallowed the lump in my throat as I studied the bow. It was almost as big as I was and the arrows were sharp enough to make me bleed with just one wrong movement of my arm.
“Promise you’ll come back.”
I hadn’t realized Alice walked up to me, her big brown eyes wide and innocent and losing their sparkle with each passing second without food or warmth. I let out a breath through my nose and put my hand on her shoulder, giving it a small squeeze. “I promise,” I said and she smiled.
And with one last look at my family, I clutched the bow and arrows tightly and made me way out into the tundra after grabbing the axe Papa always left next to the door.
The snow was like white white-hot knives against my cheeks. I could barely see five feet in front of me and my teeth chattered loudly, the sound echoing in my ears. I had to press on. If I didn’t, everyone I loved would die.
As soon as I reached the forest, the falling snow lessened, mostly because I was being shielded by the tall trees that looked like they went all the way up to the clouds. I kept a cloth around my mouth, though, just in case, the bow and arrows tied to my back. The axe was in my right hand, my knuckles white as ghosts as I gripped it, my hand shaking.
Firewood. I had to find firewood.
I didn’t even know if I was strong enough to chop down a tree. I probably wasn’t, but I had to try. I thought of my family huddled together back at home and pressed on, more determined than ever. I’d return with firewood and a rabbit to cook over a spit. My family wouldn’t go to sleep hungry—not if I could do anything about it.
The farther into the forest I walked, the denser it got. But I didn’t see a faerie. True, I didn’t know what the faeries looked like, but still. I was alone in this forest. Not even a squirrel hopped from tree to tree in search of food. It was quiet. Eerily quiet. And it was dark. The farther I walked, the darker it seemed to get. It was daytime when I got here, but now it looked like it was closer to nighttime. Was it just an illusion or was I really losing track of time? I couldn’t tell.
Taking a deep, shaky breath, I turned a corner. I was about to make my way through a large bush when my finger got caught on something. I hissed, pulling my hand closer to my face only to see a droplet of blood making its way down my finger and gathering in my palm. It must have been a thorn of some sort.
“Damn it,” I whispered, putting my finger in my mouth and sucking on the blood to make it stop. I tried to ignore the throbbing in my finger and stopped in front of a rather thin-looking tree. It was tall, yes, but it was thin and I was sure I could cut it down easily. “Here we go.”
I swung the axe.
And again.
And I was about to swing it for a third time when a voice sounded in my ear and I jumped fifty feet into the air, almost dropping the axe right on my foot. “What do you think you’re doing to our home?”
I spun around, heart in my throat, eyes wide as I came face-to-face with six rather tall men. But they weren’t just men. They were ethereal, their beauty nothing like I’d ever seen before. Their hair was black as night, their eyes brown as the trees surrounding us. And their ears … Their ears were pointed—sharp.
Were they—?
“Do you not know how to speak?” the one in the middle asked, cocking an eyebrow. His skin was tanned—beautiful. I couldn’t find a flaw on a single one of them. And none of them looked cold despite what they were wearing: black pants and a black shirt. Everything about them screamed darkness and they were all looking right at me. Well, all except one. There was one in the back who was looking at the ground, looking completely disinterested in everything that was happening.
“I-I know how to speak,” I stammered, the bravado completely gone from my voice.
“Good,” the one in the middle said. He smiled and damn he had perfect teeth, too. Was there anything wrong with him? Was there anything wrong with any of them?
The answer was no.
Faeries. They had to be faeries because they certainly weren’t human.
“I don’t want any trouble,” I said, backing up until my back hit the tree I was just trying to cut down.
“You say that, but you’re defacing our home,” the one in the middle said, looking at the others who nodded in agreement. “I know I should be thanking you for waking us up, but,” he said, trailing off with a shrug.
“Waking you up?” I asked, looking between them.
“Yeah. When you pricked your pretty little finger,” the one on the far left said. I looked at him and sucked in a breath. It was like looking at perfection. Was this why faeries were able to lure humans into their beds so easily, take advantage of them, and then eat them?
“I don’t know what it is about your blood,” the one in the middle said. “But you do have our gratitude. You can call me N,” he said. “And, no, you can’t know my real name. Our real and full names are our weaknesses, so forgive us for keeping them a secret.” Then he pointed to the one on the far left. “That’s Hongbin. And behind him is little Hyukie. Then you’ve got Ravi and Ken. And the one sulking in the back is Leo.”
How was I supposed to remember all those names? I just nodded, my mouth dry as a desert. For a second, I was tempted to eat the snow to hydrate myself again.
“You’re … You’re the six dark fae I’ve heard about. My grandma told me about you. I … You were put to sleep by a witch centuries ago.”
“Yeah,” the one called N said, stretching his neck. “We’re pretty sore thanks to that. But thanks to you, we can get our strength back.”
I shook my head, heart pounding. “No. No, you can’t,” I said because I remembered what my grandma said. She said that they were powerful enough to destroy the human world altogether. “I didn’t mean to wake you up. I-I didn’t do anything!”
“But you did,” Hongbin said and he smiled at me and I mentally cursed him for having such a beautiful smile. “I remember the witch saying there was one way to break the spell, but I didn’t think the way would be such a cute girl.”
I frowned.
“Oh, that’s not a very cute face,” Hongbin said, pouting.
I pushed myself off the tree and tried to run away from them, but no matter where I ran, one of them popped up in front of me until I was running in circles like a dog chasing its tail.
“Do you really think we’re going to let you get away after you did us such a wonderful favor?” the one called Ken said, his lips twisted up into a grin.
I yelped and ran in the opposite direction. I got decently far before one of them popped up in front of me as if materializing out of thin air. It was the quiet one N called Leo. I looked up at him with wide eyes and he stared back at me, not saying a word but still making me feel tiny and terrified. My heart jumped around in my chest, my face turning a bright shade of crimson. He folded his arms over his chest and took a step closer to me. I took a step back and rammed right into something hard. A tree? No, not a tree. A person.
I looked up and saw Hyuk smiling down at me.
I screamed, but Hyuk grabbed my shoulders, holding me in place. No matter how much I wiggled and squirmed, I couldn’t free myself from his grip.
“What’s your name?”
I was breathing heavily by the time the other four arrived, my hair falling over my face, my bow and arrows burning holes in my back. I should have used them when I had the chance. They may have looked like people, but they weren’t people. No, they were faeries and they were probably going to eat me and—
“I said … what’s your name?” N asked again, more slowly this time.
I spit on him instead of answering.
N chuckled and cleaned his face with his hand, his smile twisting into an evil sort of grin. “Feisty. I like it.”
“Go to hell,” I spat.
“Come on now. I told you our names. It’s only right that you tell us yours,” he said. “Unless humans changed in the last millennia, names aren’t a weakness for you. Neither is iron. Very annoying when humans eat food with iron, though. Not good on our stomachs.”
I squirmed against Hyuk’s grip again, but it tightened. I huffed, narrowing my eyes at N, who seemed to be their leader. “Y/N,” I said. “My name is Y/N.”
“Pretty name for a pretty girl,” he said, grinning triumphantly. Then he looked at Hyuk and nodded his head to the left. “Bring her back to our castle. If her blood woke us up, imagine what else she can do for us.”
“No!” I screamed, eyes wide as saucers. “No, you can’t take me there! I have to go back home. Please! My family—”
“You left your family behind as soon as you stepped foot in our lands,” N said, grabbing my chin and making me look at him. He had a kind face, but his tone was anything but. “Now take her back. And make sure she doesn’t try to escape. She seems like a slippery one,” he said, looking at Hyuk again. “You should have listened to your grandma, sweetheart. Sounds like she knew what she was talking about. You should have known that once you step foot on faerie territory, you’re as good as dead.”
#vixx#vixx fanfiction#kpop fanfiction#kpop fanfic#kpop scenario#kpop#story: into the dark#cha hakyeon#jung taekwoon#lee jaehwan#kim wonshik#lee hongbin#han sanghyuk
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Game Over (7/?)
Author’s note: This is a collab with @starlighttaek8. @babybee05 @tanithrea @squeallyeel22 and @chitaprrrrrrr thank you guys for liking this series and wanting up be notified when updated <3.
Word Count: 1538
381. The numbers seemingly glared at him from their place on the door.
He stared back, too nervous to knock, yet, in the back of his mind, he knew he had to go through with this.
His hands grew clammy, lip bitten from his own teeth that he had been gnawing on in nervousness. Just as he rose his hand to the door, he spoke. "I can't do this." “I don't care. You are doing it anyway.” Hyuk rolled his eyes as he leaned against the wall. “Fine. But, do you really have to be here?” “Yes, Leo-Hyung, this is the fourth time you've almost backed out. If I wasn't here, you wouldn't be here either." Leo could only stay quiet. “If you actually knock and she opens, then I will leave. You guys will have privacy then." He stared at the door again. But he was still intimidated, after all this time, he thought he was trying to be close to you with the sarcasm and only now did he realize that he had only hurt you. After a few minutes Hyuk's arms appeared and knocked obnoxiously. This startled Leo out of his thoughts and he hissed at Hyuk. "Dude! Why?" “Because you don't have the guts to do it yourself!" Hyuk didn't even bother to whisper. In 3 seconds the door opened and one of the backup dancers appeared. “Oh Leo! What's up?” Jieun asked politely, a bit of sleep in her eyes. “Um Hi.” Leo mumbled. “ I uh... I am just here to …” He stammered, trying to get the words out but failing. “We need to talk to y/n." Hyuk finished, absolutely done with Leo's nervousness. "Sure, I'll get her!” Jieun left. Jieun calls out your name, and when Jieun told you who was there, your eyes widen from shock. You shook your head no, as a signal that you didn't want to talk.
A few seconds passed and from the doorway, Leo and Hyuk could only make out a few whispers from the girl's room. It was a long moment before Jieun came back to the door with a frown on her face. “Y/n doesn't want to talk to you guys.” She said with a harsh tone.
That was not the answer Hyuk wanted.
“Excuse me.” He said to Jieun as he gently moved her to the side and walked in. “I said she doesn't want to talk yo you!” She shouted after him. Suddenly Leo could hear a fight starting in the room. There was an orchestra of angry female voices all yelling at Hyuk. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”
“SHE SAID PUT HER DOWN!” Hyuk appeared at the door with you in his arms. You were trying to get out of his hold and you were in a complete frenzy, trying to kick him and struggle. Even with a small army of girls trying to help you, you were hopeless as Hyuk was persistent in getting you out of the room. “Y/n and I really need to talk!” was his only response.
Hyuk exited the room and put you down, but held your wrist so you wouldn't run back inside.
Leo's stomach was in knots as his eyes landed on you. He could feel the sweat gathering on his forehead, his palms getting clammy, his heart racing, and his stomach doing gymnastics. You had a dead look in your eyes as you peeked at him. You glared at Hyuk, knowing full well that it was his idea. But, as you glared, Leo could see just how much his words had affected you. Your eyes were red, your cheeks had the faint reminiscence of tear stains from trying to clean them off. He couldn't say a word as you snatched your wrist out of Hyuk’s grasp and grabbed the door and shut it in their faces. However, just before it shut, Hyuk’s foot blocked it. You attempted another close, but it only smashed Hyuk's toes. “Hyuk, stop," you sighed, "I don't want to talk right now."
“Nope!” Hyuk said stepping up to you and suddenly grabbing your wrist and pulling you out of your room. “Hyuk let go!” You hissed. “Nope! We are gonna clear the air here. I've had enough of the awkwardness and tension, we are taking care of this now!"
“Y/n, you don't have to stay out here.” Jieun said from the side with her army of girls.
“Guys, it's fine.” You sighed. “Could you just give us a minute?”
“... Sure.” she said with understanding before she closed the door.
You glared at Hyuk, eyes piercing like daggers. "What is this about?" You spat.
“Well” Hyuk began. “I wanted to apologize for the dare.” He stood with his head down and voice low. The tone in his voice was sincere. “It was stupid to give that dare. I'm sorry that I made you, and you too Leo, I'm sorry that I made you uncomfortable and I'm sorry for ruining the night.” Hyuk was always the type to be so formal with apologies. It made it hard to be mad at him. You couldn't help but accept. “Ok…” you mumbled, still feeling a bit petty over everything that happened. There was an awkward silence. The vibe was weird because all Leo did was stand there with a stoic look on his face the entire time. Hyuk looked over at Leo. “Hyung, do you have something to add to this?” Instinctively he shook his head. Hyuk only frowned at him. “You know what y/n, Sorry about that. Nevermind-” Hearing Hyuk suddenly back out scared Leo, This was his only chance to make things right, he knew he couldn’t waste it. “I'm sorry you took everything the wrong way!” Leo blurted out. You were shocked. How dare he? “Excuse me?!? What did you just say?!?” “Dude.” Hyuk huffed under his breath. Realizing what he said, Leo couldn't help but think that every time he was in front of you the things he said always came out wrong. The silence was becoming deafening, and looks of pure disapproval and hurt glistened in your eyes. "I-um- I swear- I- I didn't mean it like that it's just-it's just I get so nervous and-and it only happens really when I'm in front of you and I just speak without thinking and what I really meant is that I'm sorry and what Hyuk said about me liking you is true and I really like you and I am really sorry I came off as so mean!" After Taekwoon's rant, silence hung in the still air of the hallway.
A moment passes.
Two moments pass.
Leo's nerves shook on high alert and really, all he could do was slowly open his eyes and peek at you. He hadn't realized that he had his eyes closed during his entire rant.
Leo's words sunk in to your very core. He, gets nervous over YOU? He LIKES YOU?? Of all the things that have happened so far this is the one that took you most by surprise. His eyes, still casted downward, peeked over at Hyuk. He was the one who that got him in this mess, but at this point, there really wasn't a way out. Hyuk smiled, and then soon started giggling. “What?!?” Leo finally snapped, breaking the silence and glaring at Hyuk, who was in uncontrollable laughter and leaning on the wall for support. “You what?” you said, unsure of why Hyuk was laughing so hard, and also in disbelief at the rapid confession Leo just made. “HAHAHAHHAHA I never told her you liked her! You just confessed!” Hyuk said with a fit of giggles erupting as soon as he finished his sentence. “I told you he didn't hate you!” Hyuk smiled, giving you a nudge. “You like me?” Your words were still so small but it was enough to break through Hyuk’s laugh “...Y-yes.” He could feel the heat in his cheeks as he looked away, the red color staining them as if he had just consumed several shots of soju. “And Y/n likes you too! Don't you, Y/n” Hyuk had started to facilitate the conversation when a silence fell again. “Um...yeah... I guess” you mumbled quietly, your own cheeks brightening to match Leo's. “Alright! We are getting somewhere! The love is mutual. What now?” You looked up at Leo. He looked at you. As soon as you locked eyes you both shifted your gazes back down to the floor. “...Why don't I leave you guys to talk?” Hyuk said with a smile. He walked away making the whole thing worse, most likely commending himself on what a good matchmaker he is, regardless of his initial objections. “So” Leo choked after what felt like an eternity. “Sooo” you repeated, voice higher than usual. “Uh… i-is it like um.. Can I have a do-over?” “What do you mean?" “I didn't give the best impression… I was hoping that...um... you know.. we can at least start over. And be friends and stuff…” Instantly, your face broke out into a small smile. “Um… sure… We can do that.”
-Admin Boat
#vixx#kpop scenarios#kpop reactions#kpop texts#vixx scenarios#vixx reactions#vixx texts#leo#hyuk#n#ravi#ken#hongbin#kpop#Lee Hongbin#Cha Hakyeon#jung taekwoon#lee jaehwan#kim wonshik#Han Sanghyuk#fluff#kpop fluff#vixx fluff#leo fluff#kpop fanfic#vixx fanfic
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Writings - VIXX
- VIXX -
VIXX as flowers
History Walls
- Cha Hakyeon/N -
- Jung Taekwoon/Leo -
none yet
- Lee Jaehwan/Ken -
none yet
- Kim Wonsik/Ravi -
Best Birthday Ever
- Lee Hongbin -
- Han Sanghyuk -
none yet
#masterlist#vixx#cha hakyeon#n#jung taekwoon#leo#lee jaehwan#ken#kim wonsik#ravi#lee hongbin#han sanghyuk#vixx scenarios#vixx fanfic#vixx smut#vixx fluffy#vixx angst
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CRI: 2

Genre: heir! hyuk (han sanghyuk)
Pairing: han sanghyuk x female oc
Summary: Han Sanghyuk goes by many titles in his life; he’s a son, a brother, a child, a teenager, VIXX’s maknae Hyuk or the heir of the multi-billion company HGOC, or maybe Han Sanghyuk, next head of the Han household.He was set to take the position as soon as he would be able to release a heir from the arranged marriage, but when things turn for the worst the household and company have no else to rely on but him. It was either the death of the company his forefathers have spent their lives on to build or ruin his group’s career.Some say being a crazy rich asian was interesting, but being a crazy rich idol can’t help but peek our interest.
Words: 1.4k
Chapters: 1

2: VIXX’s Maknae, Hyuk
Just as it was everyday, Sanghyuk would get woken up by the soft chirping of his other members screaming in the living room of their shared apartment or dormitory. The place wasn’t exactly big, the living room was big enough to place a couch and the racks of their clothes that came fresh from the dryer. At the other side of the place was a small kitchen with almost nothing inside its refrigerator. The place had three rooms with two beds, beds they were thankful for. During their debut the dormitory they shared was a three bedroom apartment with one room for their manager, thus five members shared a room and one stayed in the other.
It was usually very quiet in the mornings, he would be the first one awake, in order to get ready for school, but today was a weekend and he overslept-- a luxury he does not take for granted.
“What’s with all this chaos?” Hyuk walks out of his room as soon as he realizes his roommate, Ravi, is gone.
“Look!” Hongbin motions for Hyuk to get closer to the package they were huddled around. Where Hyuk was standing his members looked like five gollum's trying to protect their rings, their legs were against their chest as they sat in what most westerners would call an ‘Asian squat’.
In the middle was a box with an emblem he was far too familiar. The way it was engraved into the box, the big fancy letter ‘H’ with the motto ‘in service of the people’. Hyuk pauses, his fingers go numb and his mind goes absolutely blank. He slowly bends his knees and sits among his elder members.
“Why would the CEO of HGOC send us a package?” Ken reads the name and address from where it came.
Why does he have to be so extra? If only he could audibly sigh without making his other members notice.
“Come on, maybe Hyuk’s related to them, right?” Ravi jokes and the group laughs, everyone laughed except for the boy whose name was called. He wasn’t exactly sure if he could bring himself to tell them that they were right.
The laughter dies down when they notice that Hyuk wasn’t laughing along with them. Their heads slowly turn to give him a look and as-- not--- discreetly as they can, they give each other looks. The two eldest members had their eyes moving back and forth, sometimes their heads would move with the movement of their eyes as they converse without a spoken word.
Hyuk’s head goes into circles as he tries to find an explanation for this situation. He’s thought of saying that he was someone his family was related to the infamous Han, but that would mean he was considered a Han as well. As the members turned quiet he realized that he was running out of time.
So he did the only thing he could do, he stood up and picked up the box as his elder members gave him weird stares. He turns around and heads straight into the room he shared with Ravi. The sound of the lock echoes in the dormitory. There was something odd about this situation.
As the following day came the suspicion grew even more. The practice room was silent, the five members were doing stretching as they stared at Sanghyuk while he stretched as well.
“So, could he possibly be a member of you know what?” Ken softly whispers between the five of them as his body transfers from one leg to another.
“There’s a number of people with Han as their last name.” Hongbin stretches his arms as he whispers to the group who were huddling together. “He might be related to them, but he might not be direct-- you know, related to that household.”
“How huge of coincidence is Hyuk receiving a care package? Small, almost none existent if they aren’t you know…” Ravi turns his eyes upward as if the other members could already fill in the next part of his sentence.
“Part of Han?” Ken wasn’t as discreet as his members with this mention. He immediately gets shushed by the members, but with four people shushing him at the same time Sanghyuk’s head turns towards them as well.
Sanghyuk stood straight and decided that he would stretch alongside his members. But he hears what Ken said loud and clear. His whole body tenses up as he stood there facing his members absolutely frozen solid. The growing suspicion of the members towards his family was beginning to weigh over his shoulders. He knew that once he admits that he’s going to turn into a ticking time bomb to his members. Once everything he’s ever hidden, kept and dug away from his ‘Hyuk’ personality gets exposed his members would suffer just as great as he would, if not, even worse.
“I-I need to go to the bathroom.” Hyuk’s voice was a mere whisper but his shaking hands and paling features were not easy to hide in front of his suspicious members.
The five of them watched as Hyuk walked out of the dance room. Even as he was gone his members still stared at the door. Their suspicion was growing clear— it was no longer suspicion but confirmation.
“He really is… you know…” Hongbin stands up straight from his stretching postion.
Hakyeon stands up as well. As his eyes linger at the shadow of the youngest member with guilt eating him up. He took a long stare at the mirror before coming up with an answer himself. “Let’s start the practice!” N calls out towards his members.
“Without Hyuk?” Ravi’s head snapped towards the leader who was already headed towards his position.
“If he wants to hide it from us, we’ll act like we have no idea and then we’ll wait for him to give us the answers we want. Okay?” N’s smile was plastered on his face, but his eyes were scary. He was staring at the members one at a time his aura made you feel like you couldn’t exactly say ‘no’.
On the other hand the boy whose hands were shaking was now gripping tightly on the edge of the sink making his hands feel grounded. His breathing was quick, his face was going pale. In his ears the only thing he could hear was the echo of his rapidly beating heart. The mirror on the bathroom wall felt cursed, seeing himself felt like a curse. He washes his shaking hands, but the thought remains. I’m a ticking time bomb to my members, an explosion waiting to happen and ruin everything for them.
Just as he doesn’t need more reminders of his curse, his phone began to ring. He wipes his hands against his shirt as he takes his phone out of his pocket. Father.
“Hello?” There was a certain huskiness in his voice.
“Are you okay, Sanghyuk?”
“I’m fine, dad.” He lies.
“Well, since you’re fine today, how about dinner with your old man?”
“Dad, I’m literally busy practicing right now.” Sanghyuk turns around to lean his body weight on the counter of the bathroom sink. “And not to mention you sent me a package! With the Han crest on it! Really?”
“I just thought your members would like some of our products.” Sungjin apologizes quickly after. “I’m sure you have some time for your father, we’ll just eat dinner together. Please?” There was his baby tone, a habit Sungjin had since he was a child, he found it to be very useful to his parents growing up.
“Fine.” Sanghyuk puffs out air.
“Yay! I’ll send you the details! Wear something nice, okay?” Anyone could tell how excited Sungjin was to have dinner with his son. “I’ll see you later, Sanghyuk!” Then the line ends.
Sanghyuk stops and stares at his phone. His father had a knack for when to call him, it was like Sungjin knew whenever he was having a bad day. Even when he was younger, whenever he was having a hard day Sungjin would come home with his favorite food. Maybe because his late mother always told her father or maybe he does have superhuman powers connected to his children, but he was a great father even before he turned into the great man everyone praises him as.
“I guess I have no choice!” Sanghyuk stands on both his feet as he opens the door to the bathroom and returns to the practice room.
When he opens the door he sees the other members already beginning to practice. It was as if what he heard earlier and the feeling of isolation was gone. He stood there trying to take it in, until N called him out, “Hyuk! Go to your position!”.

Chapters: 1
#hyuk#vixx hyuk#vixx fanfic#hyuk fanfic#vixx scenarios#n#leo#ken#ravi#hongbin#han sanghyuk#cha hakyeon#jung taekwoon#lee jaehwan#kim wonshik#lee hongbin#re: crazy rich idol#hello hyuk has a new web drama that where he plays like a ceo
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