#ledy AU
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masurik-4 · 1 year ago
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Fagin and Rusty, lady AU
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aidendh · 1 year ago
Mirac! OC! Dymitry Laurent |P3
 -:Reflekta Doll:-
Dymitry is invited to the shoot
He offers to Juleka to take pictures of her while the others are busy
He eventually gets in a small argument with Alya about disregarding Juleka's feelings
She is still akumatized
If given the Black Cat, he would want to show that even the unlucky can save others
Chernaya Ledi
[Black Lady in Russian]
He would be so confused as to why the Cat is the Miraculous of Destruction
It's the only one that keeps his scar when transformed
Chernaya Ledi
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A Miraculous Hero who sees their duty as Sacred
Power: Kataklizm* Destroys anything they touch
Miraculous: Ring
Horse version made for his Unification
He would be called, Korichnevaya Ledi
[Brown Lady in Russian]
Korichnevaya Ledi
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A Miraculous Hero who sees their duty as Sacred
Power: Puteshestviye* Creates a Portal
Miraculous: Glasses
Dymitry prefers to be called Lady instead of Sir, because he likes the sound of it
His design has a Lesbian vibe despite being neither Lesbian nor Female
He loves Ladybugs and Cats, though he will sometimes mistranslate and call Ladybugs 'Little Cows'
He sometimes exercises and trains his body to help his Hero work
He could be in Akira's situation but without the Wildcard Ability
Crushes on Ryuji
Each new member mistakes Ledi for a girl, even Morgana had a crush on him before latching onto Ann after his reveal
Code Name: Ledi
Theme: Warrior
Mask: Scarf
(Over mouth, eyes have face paint)
Weapon: Bolas / Throwing Shields
Persona: Demeter (Fortune → World)
Element - Bless
Null - Bless, Curse
Weakness - Fire
Passive Skill: Vysokoye Istseleniye Pleromy* Greatly increases Healing magic effects.
[High Heal Pleroma in Russian]
Book: The Story of Demeter and Persephone
-:Tokyo Mew Mew:-
Alias: Limon
[Lemon in Russian]
Animal: {Ladybug}
Color: Pale Red (Yellow)
Mew Mark: Above right eyelid
(Cut in half by his scar)
Weapon: Libola, Bolas (Chimes)
[Limon + Bola]
Power: Lentochnyy Limonnyy Talisman* He throws his Weapon in the air, calling forth the power of the Gods, he calls it's name and summons a random Talisman with varying effects
[Ribbon Lemon Charm in Russian]
-:Magic Mi:-
Alias: Krasnaya Ledi
[Red Lady in Russian]
Hero: Voitel'
[Warrior in Russian]
Mi (Disguised): Pink flat hanging stud Earrings
Mi (Powered): Pink stud Earrings
"Mi Mi Voitel'!"
Color: Pale Red
Animal: Ladybug
Theme: Talisman
Weapon: Bolas
Power: Talisman* Creates a random Talisman with varying effects
Cure: "Mi Mi Limon, Ochistit'!"
(Mi Mi)
Name: Limon
(Nickname: Korovka, 'God's Little Cow')
Color: Pale Red
Animal: Ladybug
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wasbringtvpnfritzbox · 10 months ago
how to use remote desktop with a vpn
🔒🌍✨ Erhalten Sie 3 Monate GRATIS VPN - Sicherer und privater Internetzugang weltweit! Hier klicken ✨🌍🔒
how to use remote desktop with a vpn
Remote Desktop Verbindung mit VPN einrichten
Um eine Remote-Desktop-Verbindung mit VPN einzurichten, sind einige Schritte erforderlich, um eine sichere und stabile Verbindung herzustellen. VPN steht für Virtual Private Network und schafft eine verschlüsselte Verbindung zwischen Ihrem Gerät und dem entfernten Desktop, was besonders wichtig ist, wenn Sie sensible Daten übertragen.
Zunächst müssen Sie sicherstellen, dass Sie über eine VPN-Software verfügen, die auf beiden Endgeräten installiert ist. Nach der Installation müssen Sie die Verbindung zum entfernten Desktop herstellen, indem Sie die IP-Adresse oder den Hostnamen des Zielcomputers angeben.
Sobald die VPN-Verbindung besteht, können Sie eine Remote-Desktop-Sitzung starten, um den entfernten Computer zu steuern. Dafür benötigen Sie Anmeldeinformationen des Zielrechners. Es ist ratsam, starke Passwörter zu verwenden, um die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten.
Während der Remote-Desktop-Sitzung können Sie Dateien übertragen, Programme ausführen und Einstellungen ändern, als ob Sie physisch vor dem entfernten Computer sitzen würden. Denken Sie daran, die Verbindung nach Abschluss Ihrer Arbeit zu trennen, um Sicherheitsrisiken zu minimieren.
Die Einrichtung einer Remote-Desktop-Verbindung mit VPN bietet Flexibilität und Effizienz, insbesondere für Unternehmen, die von verschiedenen Standorten aus arbeiten. Es ist jedoch wichtig, die Sicherheitsaspekte im Auge zu behalten, um die Integrität Ihrer Daten zu schützen.
VPN für Remote Desktop Konfiguration
Ein VPN (Virtual Private Network) ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für die Konfiguration eines Remote-Desktops. Mit einem VPN können Benutzer eine sichere Verbindung zu ihrem entfernten Desktop-Computer herstellen, unabhh��ngig davon, wo sie sich befinden. Dies ist besonders nützlich für Unternehmen, die ihren Mitarbeitern ermöglichen möchten, von zu Hause aus zu arbeiten oder unterwegs auf ihre Desktops zuzugreifen.
Die Konfiguration eines Remote-Desktops über ein VPN bietet zahlreiche Vorteile. Durch die Verschlüsselung des Datenverkehrs über das VPN wird die Sicherheit der Verbindung gewährleistet. Dies ist entscheidend, um vertrauliche Daten zu schützen und die Anfälligkeit für Cyberangriffe zu verringern.
Darüber hinaus ermöglicht ein VPN Benutzern den Zugriff auf ihren Desktop-Computer, als wären sie physisch vor Ort. Dies bedeutet, dass sie auf Dateien, Programme und Ressourcen zugreifen können, als wären sie direkt mit dem Desktop verbunden. Dies erleichtert die Arbeit von zu Hause aus erheblich und erhöht die Produktivität der Mitarbeiter.
Insgesamt ist die Verwendung eines VPNs für die Remote-Desktop-Konfiguration eine zuverlässige und effektive Methode, um eine sichere Verbindung zu gewährleisten und eine nahtlose Remote-Arbeitsumgebung zu schaffen. Unternehmen sollten in Betracht ziehen, VPNs in ihre IT-Infrastruktur zu integrieren, um ihren Mitarbeitern eine flexible Arbeitsumgebung zu bieten.
Sichere Remote Desktop Nutzung mit VPN
Eine sichere Remote-Desktop-Nutzung mit einem Virtual Private Network (VPN) gewährleistet eine zuverlässige und geschützte Verbindung für Benutzer, die von entfernten Standorten aus auf ihre Desktops zugreifen müssen. Ein VPN verschlüsselt den Datenverkehr zwischen dem Benutzer und dem Remote-Desktop, was die Sicherheit erhöht und die Anfälligkeit für Cyberangriffe verringert.
Durch die Verwendung eines VPNs können sensible Informationen wie Passwörter, Dateien und persönliche Daten vor potenziellen Bedrohungen geschützt werden. Da remote Arbeit immer populärer wird, ist es entscheidend, dass Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen geeignete Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ergreifen, um ihre vertraulichen Informationen zu schützen.
Die Einrichtung eines VPNs für die Remote-Desktop-Nutzung ist einfach und unkompliziert. Benutzer müssen lediglich eine VPN-Verbindung herstellen, bevor sie eine Remote-Desktop-Sitzung starten. Auf diese Weise wird sichergestellt, dass alle übertragenen Daten verschlüsselt sind und nicht von Dritten abgefangen oder kompromittiert werden können.
Es ist ratsam, ein zuverlässiges und vertrauenswürdiges VPN zu wählen, um die bestmögliche Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Durch die Implementierung eines VPNs für die Remote-Desktop-Nutzung können Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen sicherstellen, dass ihre Daten geschützt sind und sie bedenkenlos auf ihre Desktops zugreifen können, unabhhängig von ihrem Standort.
Anleitung für VPN-gesicherte Remote Desktop Verbindung
Eine VPN-gesicherte Remote-Desktop-Verbindung ermöglicht es Benutzern, sicher auf entfernte Computer zuzugreifen, als ob sie direkt davor sitzen würden. Dabei wird eine virtuelle private Netzwerkverbindung genutzt, um die Übertragung der Daten zu verschlüsseln und die Verbindung vor Cyber-Bedrohungen zu schützen.
Um eine VPN-gesicherte Remote-Desktop-Verbindung einzurichten, sollten Benutzer zunächst eine zuverlässige VPN-Software auswählen und installieren. Es gibt verschiedene VPN-Anbieter auf dem Markt, die eine sichere und zuverlässige Verbindung gewährleisten. Nach der Installation der VPN-Software müssen die Benutzer eine Verbindung zu einem VPN-Server herstellen, um ihre IP-Adresse zu maskieren und eine verschlüsselte Verbindung herzustellen.
Sobald die VPN-Verbindung hergestellt ist, können Benutzer auf ihren Remote-Desktop zugreifen, indem sie die entsprechende Software verwenden und die erforderlichen Anmeldeinformationen eingeben. Durch die VPN-Verschlüsselung sind die übertragenen Daten vor unbefugtem Zugriff geschützt, was besonders wichtig ist, wenn vertrauliche Informationen über das Internet übertragen werden.
Eine VPN-gesicherte Remote-Desktop-Verbindung ist ideal für Unternehmen, die ihren Mitarbeitern den sicheren Zugriff auf Unternehmensressourcen von überall aus ermöglichen möchten. Durch die Implementierung von VPN-Technologie wird die Datensicherheit erhöht und das Risiko von Datenschutzverletzungen minimiert.
Zusammenfassend bietet eine VPN-gesicherte Remote-Desktop-Verbindung Benutzern die Möglichkeit, sicher und verschlüsselt auf entfernte Computer zuzugreifen. Durch die Verwendung von VPN-Software können Benutzer ihre Online-Privatsphäre schützen und gleichzeitig eine sichere Verbindung zu ihren Geräten herstellen.
VPN-Einstellungen für sicheren Remote Desktop Zugriff
VPN-Einstellungen für sicheren Remote Desktop Zugriff
Ein VPN, oder Virtual Private Network, ist eine unverzichtbare Technologie für die sichere Verbindung zu einem Remote Desktop. Durch die Nutzung eines VPNs werden alle Daten verschlüsselt über das Internet übertragen, was die Sicherheit und den Schutz vor potenziellen Cyberangriffen erheblich erhöht.
Um eine sichere Verbindung zum Remote Desktop herzustellen, müssen bestimmte VPN-Einstellungen beachtet werden. Zunächst ist es wichtig, ein zuverlässiges VPN-Protokoll wie beispielsweise OpenVPN oder IPsec zu wählen. Diese Protokolle bieten eine starke Verschlüsselung und gewährleisten damit die Sicherheit der Datenübertragung.
Des Weiteren sollten starke Authentifizierungsmethoden wie Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung verwendet werden, um sicherzustellen, dass nur autorisierte Benutzer auf den Remote Desktop zugreifen können. Es empfiehlt sich außerdem, regelmäßige Passwortaktualisierungen und die Verwendung von komplexen Passwörtern zu erzwingen.
Zusätzlich sollten VPN-Tunnel eingerichtet werden, um die Verbindung weiter abzusichern. Dabei wird der gesamte Datenverkehr zwischen dem lokalen Rechner und dem Remote Desktop durch den VPN-Tunnel geleitet, wodurch die Daten vor unbefugtem Zugriff geschützt werden.
Insgesamt sind VPN-Einstellungen von entscheidender Bedeutung für einen sicheren Remote Desktop Zugriff. Durch die Implementierung der genannten Maßnahmen können Unternehmen und Einzelpersonen sicherstellen, dass ihre Daten geschützt sind und dass sie auf ihren Remote Desktop sicher zugreifen können.
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babyawacs · 11 months ago
.@eu_commission .@euparl_en @euparl_dk @eucouncil .@euc ouncil @3sat #europasmisbrauchtekinder kirchen sind zuhaelteroperationen in machtmaschinerie mechanismen. die sexu alitaet ist undwar schonimmer eine wichtige kette und psych ologische komepensation darin. deswegen ist die produktion von opfern zeitlos ledi glich die effekte dann nicht exorzismus wuergen mitmehr misbrauch bis aeh der teufel au sgetrieben ist und sie schweigt oder  schweigtfuerimmer
@3sat #europasmisbrauchtekinder kirchen sind zuhaelteroperationen in machtmaschinerie mechanismen. die sexualitaet ist undwar schonimmer eine wichtige kette und psychologische komepensation darin. deswegen ist die produktion von opfern zeitlos lediglich die effekte dann nicht exorzismus wuergen mitmehr misbrauch bis aeh der teufel ausgetrieben ist und sie schweigt oder schweigtfuerimmer sondern..…
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cybervesna · 4 years ago
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Tags: #vincent giovanna | #AU Blaze of Glory | #AU Mr. Nobody |  #vincent x hanako |  #vincent giovanna x hanako arasaka
OTP:  #OTP: Highway Tune |  #OTP: Vento Aureo
Lore: >BIO< >DATA ENTRY< >CIVIL STATUS DATABASE< > AFFILIATION AND AFFINITY RECORD< Art: >Art of Vincent and his friend Vincent by @caffeinatedrogue< >Art of Vincent by @caffeinatedrogue< >Portrait by @melhawke​< >Group art by @ssevth​< >Jojo style art of Vincent with @rockergirlfriend​ ZweiV by @Maiarella_< >Jojo style art of Vincent and Vitium’s V by  @Maiarella_< >Gifset by @Clutch-nixon< >Meme template by @IValrez< >OC as...<
HIGHWAY TUNE (Main headcanon)
Vincent runaways from Night City with Aldecaldos and a new partner.
Ficlets: >Mercy< >Worry< >Diary (161/77)< >Diary (170/77)< >Dear Brother...<
Fanfictions: >Roses, Bel Air, take me there< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Fluff | Bittersweet | Apology | Gift giving >Gods & Monsters< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Bittersweet ending | Fluff and Angst | Manipulation | Developing Relationship | Falling In Love | Mutual pining | Running away >Highway Tune< Work in progress | Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Sequel | Mental Breakdown | Slow Burn | Developing Relationship | Falling In Love | Character Development | Family Issues | Family Secrets | Romance | Possible Character Death | Running Away | Tags May Change | Other additional tags to be added >Let you rescue me the day I met you< Graphic Depictions of violence | Hanako Arasaka/Male V | The Star Ending | Blood and Injury | Angst | Mutual Pining | Trust Issues | Rescue Missions
>Hanako’s portrait to Gods & Monsters by @dewakinnara< >Hanako’s portrait from Highway Tune by @melhawke​< >Wholesome sketch by @dewakinnara< >Art of Nomad Vinnako by Gino77< Commissioned by >Zwei< >Meme by @bean-cup< >Gifset for the Nomad Ending< >Jojo style art of Vinnako by  @Maiarella_< >Halloween art by @LiliCarlyle< >Art by Soldagarius< Commissioned by >Zwei< >Anniversary art by @northern-wolf6< >NSFT! Valentine���s Day art by @northern-wolf6​< >Vinnako art by @Maiarella_< >Cute art by @aayandojin< >More cute art by @aayandojin< >Highway Tune ficlet with art by @drawinglinestoconstellations<
Vincent joins corpo world to live with Hanako Arasaka.
Ficlets: >Dog for hire< >Just V< >Interview<  >The Conqueror< >Killing Machine< >The Intel< >Diary (240/77)< >Diary (271/77)< >Diary (286/77)<
Fanfictions: >Wiped Out!< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Estabilished Relationship | Fluff and Angst | Kissing | Rags to Riches | Hurt/Comfort
>Pitbull Terrier< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Hanako Arasaka/Sandayu Oda (One-sided) | Unrequited Love | Rivalry | Light Angst | Sparring | Jealousy
>Hanami< FINISHED | Hanako Arasaka & Yorinobu Arasaka | Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Family Drama | Protective Siblings | Established Relationship | Family Feels | Family Issues | Meet the Family | AU | Bittersweet | Light Angst
>Amsterdam< Hanako Arasaka/Male V | Established Relationship | Rivalry | Bodyguard | Jealousy | Possible Character Death | Assassination Attempt(s) | Light Angst | Canon-Typical Violence | AU | Post-Canon |
>Valentine’s Day art by @caffeinatedrogue< >Wedding art by @dewakinnara< >Noir style art by @vvizjer< >Future art by @scuttlebuttin< >Emojis by @siliconpit< >Hanako’s portrait by @notonurminds< >Chibi Hanako by @notonurminds< >Art of Vinnako by @notonurminds< >Hanako by Olivanderys< >Hanako by @vvizjer< >Hanako and Nibbles by @commander-ledi​< >NSFT! Art of Vinnako by @northern-wolf6< >NSFW! art by Demonenthusiast< >Jojoposing by Newa#3416< >B&W Vinnako art by @IValrez< >Vinnako art by @IValrez<
“Ugly” art series by @77_ugly”: >Ugly Arasaka x Jinguji Commercial< >Ugly Parade and The Devil ending< >Ugly vacation in Italy<
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(pic by @syfawn​)
Tags: #wiosna blazkowicz  SHIP: Wires
Photo Story: 
>WIRES< Wiosna and Kurt’s story in chronological order.
>DOGTOWN NIGHTS< Bits from their life in unspecified timeline. Sometimes tell what happens before/after chapter of Wires.
>Diary 110/76<
>"What if NUSA won the Unification War?" AU<
Song: Depeche Mode - Wrong
>Art by @dewakinnara< >Portrait by @melhawke< >Bday art by @sidver< >Art Raffle prize by @fengren-art​< 
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Tags:  #C: Himiko |  #cyberpunk 2100 |  #AU: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) OTP: -  >OC as...< Post will be updated whenever new content appears!  
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noraleedoes · 4 years ago
@onlymeandlife tagged me in a tag game a few days ago and I totally spaced on doing it, but, here it is!
RULES: Tag nine people you want to know better.
Favorite Color: Turquoise
Currently Reading: Technically? The Shining, again. Realistically? Nothing at the moment. 
Last Song: “That Funny Feeling” by Bo Burnham (yes, I am maybe still cycling Inside songs on the regular 😔)
Last Movie: The Birdcage (1996)
Last Series: X-Files
Sweet, Savory, or Spicy?: Savory, I guess?
Craving: An extra week at the start of July aha ha
Tea or Coffee: Coffee with milk and sugar
Currently Working on: That long-time-coming mod that switched in curly textures for a bunch of hairs (still a lot left to do), a clothing swap or two, and an AU that snuck up on me. 
I tag @bubble-bones @k9effect @merylisk @theoverly @v-stands-for-vega @trashcatsnark @commander-ledi @lonerpunk @stupendoustimetravelpirate but obviously only if y’all want to do it <3
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mrinalkantimajumder · 4 years ago
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On this day of 30th December, Chéri Samba or Samba wa Mbimba N’zingo Nuni Masi Ndo Mbasi (born 30 December 1956) was born in Kinto M’Vuila, Democratic Republic of Congo.
He is a painter and best known contemporary African artists, with his works being included in the collections of the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris and the Museum of Modern Art in New York. A large number of his paintings are also found in The Contemporary African Art Collection (CAAC) of Jean Pigozzi. He has been invited to participate in the 2007 Venice Biennale. His paintings almost always include text in French and Lingala, commenting on life in Africa and the modern world. Samba lives in Kinshasa and Paris.
He graduated from a Catholic school. Samba maintained second in class, except for one year where he was first. In his third year, Samba quit. While in school, Samba was always drawing and remembered that his father did not like seeing him draw. Cherí Samba's morality is Catholic with a Zairian twist, which influenced many of his paintings like Cherí Samba Beseeches the Cosmos.
At the age of 16 Samba left the village to find work as a sign painter in the capital of Kinshasa, where he encountered such artists as Moké and Bodo. This group of artists, including Samba's younger brother Cheik Ledy, came to constitute one of the country's most vibrant schools of popular painting.
In 1975 Samba opened his own studio. At the same time, he also became an illustrator for the entertainment magazine Bilenge Info. Working both as a billboard painter and a comic-strip artist, he used the styles of both genres when he began making his paintings on sacking cloth.
His work earned him some local fame. In 1979 Samba participated in the exhibition Moderne Kunst aus Afrika, organized in West Berlin. The exhibition was part of the program of the first festival Horizonte - Festival der Weltkulturen.
Samba's breakthrough was the exhibition Les Magiciens de la Terre at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris in 1989, which made him known internationally.
In 2007, curator Robert Storr invited Samba to participate in the 52nd International Art Exhibition at the Venice Biennale.
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darkblueboxs · 5 years ago
AFTG daemon AU. Read here or on AO3 (**Check author notes ch.11 for content warnings**)
This segment works as a stand-alone, but the full fic can be found here.
Andrew and Aaron, from the beginning.
It all starts on a sticky, hot day in Oakland. Aaron is standing at the concession stand, wavering listlessly between corn dogs and Slurpees as though he gives a shit, when a cop walks up to him and changes his life forever.
“Andrew?” The man’s eyes skate across Aaron, around him, and his face whitens. “What the fuck are you doing here?”
His words startle Ledie from Aaron’s shoulder. She changes mid-fall from spider to moth, fluttering behind Aaron like he’s her shield. The movement seems to baffle the officer even further.
“Your daemon – I don’t – That’s impossible. What the hell happened to Lexia?”
“What?” Aaron scans the crowd for any sign of his mother and comes up empty. The guy doesn’t look high, but it isn’t always easy to tell. Aaron would know.  
“She was settled. She settled years ago. What is going on?!”
The cop asks to meet Aaron’s mother, and it only gets worse from there.
Andrew reads the letter his long-lost twin wrote him only once, although to be fair, that’s all it ever takes. He hands it to Lexia, and she shreds it immediately, claws flashing.
That should be the end of it. In a fair world, it would be. Andrew stopped believing in fair a long, long time ago.
Of course the pig opens his mouth to his bestest buddy, Andrew’s soon-to-be adoptive brother. Andrew would say that it all went to hell then and there if he hadn’t already been more than acquainted with the place.
Drake’s hand is all rough and wrong as he pulls it across Lexia’s skin. She doesn’t have fur to protect her; his skin against hers is nauseating. “Don’t be a spoil-sport, AJ. If you played nice, we could have a little fun. All three of us.”
Lexia’s claws unsheathe, but Drake has learned all her tricks. He crushes her under his hand in a second, and doesn’t react to the scrape of her claws across his arm. The sensation is unbearable; Andrew drops like a sack of bricks. Brick, that’s what he needs to become, from the inside out. If he can brick Lexia out, then he doesn’t have to feel this, doesn’t have to feel her pain.
If anyone gave him the option, he would never have a daemon at all. He would drift away, sensationless and uncaring, and nobody would ever be able to hurt him again.
Eventually, Drake gives up on persuading Andrew. After all, Cass is far easier to convince. She writes to Aaron in her typical warm fashion, trying to organise a reunion between them. By the time Andrew hears about the letter, it’s already well on its way to reaching the boy who happens to share his face.
Andrew will die before he lets that reunion happen. No…
Andrew will kill.
And that really should be the end of it.
Aaron looks at the boy sitting across from him. The boy with his face.
There’s no recognition. They share everything. They share nothing.
Ledie noses forwards. She hasn’t been settled long. It came as a shock to Aaron, somehow, even though it had been a long time coming. His mom’s anxiety and irritability had built and built as the reunion drew closer, and then –
The morning after she finally snapped, Aaron woke up, studied the deep ring of black around his eye, and when he looked back to his daemon, she was –
He felt it in his chest, something compressing and folding in on itself. Folding itself up small enough that it could pass unnoticed under his mother’s newfound violence.
People tended to underestimate Aaron. With this daemon form, they would do so even more.
He could make that work in his favour.
Mus musculus. House mouse.
Aaron scooped Ledie into the safety of his pocket, and there she stayed. Until today.
He lets her down on the floor, and she looks at Lexia’s towering form with trepidation.
“Careful,” says Andrew sharkishly. “She’s hungry.”
Daemons don’t eat. It’s a stupid joke.
“The pig said yours wasn’t settled.”
“It’s new.” Aaron doesn’t understand why Andrew cares, or even remembers; he didn’t seem to give two shits about Aaron, so why would he care about Aaron’s daemon?
“As new as this?” With vicious speed, Andrew prods a sharp finger into the soft, fresh bruising around Aaron’s eye. “I thought so,” he says when Aaron doesn’t answer.
Aaron’s daemon may be a mouse, but he’s no coward. Mice aren’t timid; they’re quick, cunning, and know how to hide. They can skirt the corners of the most unwelcoming homes and eke out a living for themselves. His point is that he isn’t afraid of Andrew, and neither is Ledie. While the humans may be strangers to each other, the daemons study each other intently, recognising something that was either written in their DNA or beaten into them over years. A kind of common ground.
Ledie gets too close to Andrew’s daemon. Lexia snaps forwards, chasing her away with a toothy hiss, and Ledie rushes back into the safety of Aaron’s clothes.
“I would keep her close, if I were you.” In any other mouth, the words would sound threatening. In Andrew’s, they fall too flat. Somewhere between advice and a warning. “There’s all kinds out there.”
He isn’t wrong, as Aaron will learn.
Andrew has made a deal, and he intends to keep it. Nobody touches Aaron, nobody touches his daemon. Consensually or otherwise. It’s not the specific brand of abuse that Tilda goes in for, but any brand of abuse is a no-no in Andrew’s book. She may not hurt little Ledie, but she hurts little Aaron, alright. All the same, Aaron keeps his daemon zipped away like the clever boy he is. Andrew will be having words if he does otherwise; no need to make Andrew’s job harder than it already is.
Tilda’s daemon is a rodent too. How ironic. Bigger than Aaron’s, not a mouse, no, but still smaller than Lexia by far.
Andrew contemplates how easy it would be for Lexia’s jaws to snap shut around the little pest’s neck. There would be no blood, of course. Daemons don’t bleed. Andrew doesn’t care either way; what he does not have is bloodlust, no. It is a sense of justice, if somewhat warped.
Of course, that route would mean involving his daemon in his actions, a vulnerability Andrew has long sworn off. No, he is going to settle this human to human, assuming, of course, that Tilda even qualifies as one.
He opens the car door for her. She gets in.
He smiles.
Andrew only means to knock Nicky’s assailants down long enough for him to pick up his cousin and drag them back to the safety of the bar.
Lexia, of course, stupid, stupid daemon. She has other ideas.
“They’re going to declaw you for this,” he tells her later, when she’s licking off the grime and the blood. “No more kibble for you.”
“No. They’re going to declaw you.”
It’s the last time they speak for a long, long time.
“What seems to be the problem, Officer… Higgins, you said?” Wymack says, unaware of the bomb he just dropped in their lap. Aaron’s head snaps up. It’s been years, but he still remembers their chance encounter as though he had borrowed Andrew’s memory for the day.
He watches as his brother wrestles the phone from Wymack’s grasp. Lexia, who has been pacing along the mirrors that wall one side of the changing room, goes very, very still.
Aaron tries not to think about his brother’s freakshow of a relationship with his daemon. As far as he’s concerned, he doesn’t need to know. There are some facts, however, that are so stark that not even complete indifference can block them out.
Andrew keeps his daemon at a distance because Andrew doesn’t like to feel.
That’s why it’s so surprising to see Lexia’s reaction as Andrew hangs up on the cop for the third and final time. Today, against Andrew’s wishes, something is breaking through the walls between them. Something big enough to reach Andrew’s shrivelled, abandoned heart.
Back arched, hackles raised, a low hiss rattles through her bony ribcage. Andrew looks as startled as the rest of them.
He turns to Wymack. “I think I’m coming down with something. Cough, cough. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Kevin tries to stop Andrew from leaving. He’s stupid like that.
Caith nearly gets her face clawed off for her trouble, and Andrew reacts to Kevin – or maybe to Lexia’s outburst – with unbridled fury. He puts his fist through the wall, and both Lexia and Caith are startled into submission.
Andrew leaves, his daemon following unwillingly behind. Since the phone call ended, she has not re-sheathed her claws.
“Something’s wrong with him.” Ledie’s voice comes unbidden from the folds of Aaron’s outer shirt.
“What else is new?” Aaron snaps. It isn’t like he cares about Andrew’s business, no matter what Ledie says.
The truth is, with Andrew, he will never know where to start.
Thanks for reading, please let me know what you thought.
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neocores · 5 years ago
get to know me meme thing
list 15 things that make you happy, and then tag 10 others to do it!
i was tagged bh @thedragonagelesbian, thank u uwu
1. my cats. it's not even an exaggeration to say that my cats are one of my reasons for living and have literally saved my life/stopped me from doing something self destructive just by simply existing and looking at me with their :3 faces. my cats truly are my children i even call them 'kids'.
2. my friends! specifically my little group of akira, isaac, knife and elm. we've become so close the past few years and i'd truly die and kill for each of them.
3. animal crossing! new horizons is my first ever animal crossing game and i'm so glad that i got into it and that isaac was generous enough to get the whole group copies so that we can play together. i love it so much i'm thinking if doing amiibo coin commissions when i settle in designs owo
4. persona 5 royal. the original persona 5 game was something i played when i was at an all time low in my life, it was one of a few games that kept me sane following attempted suicide. it's also the reason me and my small group of friends even became friends in the first place! so getting to play it again and experience new things with them has been a lot of fun.
5. my fish. them being this low on the list isn't a rating or anything i just forgot for a second until i remembered to feed them sndjxkfkv. one of my special interests is fish keeping and i love these little dudes a lot. i hope to breed wild bettas eventually, i already have a betta imbellis girl!
6. d&d. another thing that brought the groip together! we all Really got close through dnd, and i found a passion for dming. the re attempt of a live play of a campaign is still in the planning stages, but thar aside i'm having a lot of fun dming for my group. it's also a lot of fun to see akira starting to dm and getting to play in the world he makes for us as well.
7. related to dnd, writing and art in general. i've always been creative and enjoy making things. i also role play a lot and have an... extensive au rp set going on with akira rn.
8. horror movies. yea ik it's not what you'd expect to be on a list of things that make you happy, but despite being a paranoid pussy i love horror movies, and the horror genre as a whole. today me, akira and elm watched Us and it was great to see it again and appreciate the art of it.
9. ff14. now that i have money (and also... a Lot of time) i've slowly started to get back into mmos again, specifically ff14. another thing the group shares, and i also just enjoy it for the gameplay and the story can be very exciting and interesting.
10. overwatch. akira got me into it and now we all play it casually. i'm a moira main,,, but i do love to play bap, lucio, reinhardt, dva, hanzo, soldier, sym, sombra, and recently echo. echo is a LOT of fun and i might have her as my main dps.
11. nutella. just finished a jar of it.
12. me? gongaga.
13. the fact that later next week, i'm finally gonna be able to get a dishwasher and no longer have to force myself to be in pain standing at a sink to wash the dishes.
13. cows, chickens, farming in general. i follow a few farming blogs and as a kid i used to live near to and help out on a farm. i miss it, and while physically i don't think id ever be able to do it again, it's nice to see what others are up to. and also play sdv.
14. me? gongaga.
15. knitting. i made myself some little hand warmer things (not gloves bc i can't do those yet) during the winter and it's relaxing.
i tag Uhhhhh @transdimitri @personatwink @shihosuzui @ghoulification @commander-ledi and YOU do it if u want bc i can't think of 10 ppl uwuwuwuwuwuwuwu
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commander-ledi · 5 years ago
in my everything is fine AU trahearne is alive, though kinda oversized and fucky looking. also ledi is dating both trahearne and canach, and all three of them and caithe are parenting aurene together, and aurene is absolutely thriving because she has so many plant parents taking care of her
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deathbyseventeen · 6 years ago
Unknown to Us || Haunted House / Ghost Hunting AU: C.1 One of Many Pleas
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Title: Unknown to Us || Halloween 2018 || Haunted House / Ghost Hunting AU  { Part 1: C.1 - One of Many Pleas  || C.2 || C.3 || C.4 || ....... } 
Genre: Horror, Thriller, Romance, Angst
Member/s: Joshua x Reader1 ; Woozi x Reader2
Words: 1929 
It all leads up to October. It always leads up to October.
‘Let’s go ghost hunting at Pact Mansion.’ You were never one to take up an opportunity to trespass on private property. But the puppy eyes of one of your best friends has never been something you’ve been able to resist. Now, you along with four men related by fraternity, are about to find out that some things…are just destiny. 
You jumped, almost dropping the insides of your hamburger onto your lap as the boy next to you slammed his balled-up hands against the restraint table. Joshua Hong, although typically seen as a quiet soul, was a passionate soul. More so, when he was trying to convince one of his best friends to go along with an idea of his.
You turned to the students seated at the tables around yours sheepishly, mumbling quick apologies. Your group of three, you, Joshua and Jeonghan (his best friend, although you liked to remind him [Joshua] that he [Jeonghan] was your best friend too) always sat at the center table of your University's food court. It had been Jeonghan’s choice, something about allowing everyone to have a view of him. You had never regretted that moment more than now, sitting center court, as other students either glared or looked curiously at you three. Did those two even remember they were in public? At school? In a food court?
“No.” Replied Jeonghan.
Joshua, about to hit his hands against the table again, turned to look at you with wide eyes when you jumped in to help him.
“Common, Jeonghan. What’s it gonna cost you to just go along with it. Joshua doesn’t even do things like this often. It’s usually you coming up with some dumb plan.” You took a bite of your burger and swallowed before adding in a quick “No offense.”
“You can’t be serious, Y/N. Tell me you aren’t in on his plan too.” He groaned.
“She sure is,” Joshua smirked then took a smug bite out of his own burger.
“No.” Jeonghan tried again and waved his hands around exasperated as he resumed. “No just no. No one is going to go along with this—this stupid plan.”
“Minghao already said yes.” You snickered, “He’s gonna be the cameraman.”
“Cameraman? What cameraman? I’m the only cameraman in this group, you all got that?” Minghao, who had apparently heard part of your conversation, said to all of you, his eyes narrowing as if he suspected you all be conspiring against him. He sat down next to Jeonghan with a wrapped sandwich in his hands.
“We got it.” You laughed.
“Minghao.” Jeonghan drawled out to your amusement. “Would you please tell our dear Shua here, that sneaking into an abandoned house to go ghost hunting is a stupid idea.”
Minghao nodded as he took a bite of his food. Then, after swallowing, he answered. “Oh, totally. It’s a damn stupid idea considering ghosts don’t exist.”
“Thank y—”
“But I’m still going.”
Jeonghan froze mid-bite. Putting down his food, he let his head fall as if he was looking at something on his lap. Then you shuddered.
As he looked up to glare at Minghao, the sunlight coming from outside cast a surreal glare on him and made his eyes look sharper, scarier— deadlier.
“What did you just say?”
“I’m going with them,” Minghao replied nonchalantly, taking another bite from his sandwich. One of his eyebrows rose challengingly at Jeonghan when he saw the glare he was getting.
“Nobody else is—.” You coughed to stop him, then you looked at Minghao.
“Minghao,” you smiled, “would you mind taking that sandwich to go?”
“Home.” You confirmed as you stood up, discarded your trash, and bounded toward the door. You grinned; from the corner of your eye, you could see Minghao packing up his lunch to follow you, and Jeonghan giving Joshua a glare as he stood up to follow.
A total of 9 men sat silently and attentively on dark, wooden chairs in the expansive living room of a frat house not far from the main campus of D’Pleis University. Above their heads, hanging from the ceiling, a large candelabrum swayed from left to right although there was no wind passing through the room. The fire of the candles on it cast a warm glow over the room and cast dancing shadows over their faces.  
The windows had been slammed shut and their locks turned. The black holdback, tassels, on their deep wine red curtains had been undone. The curtains had then been extended to cover the windows. The blackout material forbid any light from coming inside or leaving. It forbade any wandering eyes from looking inside too. Even the walls, recently turned soundproof, made sure to keep their voices hidden safely inside.
You, although not a member of the fraternity, wandered through their three-story house. You peeked your head into their rooms, as they had left their bedrooms doors open for you to check that they had indeed shut and covered their windows. You closed their doors, one by one, as you confirmed.
After their rooms, you made your way, to the back door, the basement, the kitchen’s side door, and finally the front door, making sure that all windows and doors were shut. Finally, when all the doors in the house, except one, were shut, you made your way to the living room and stood under the doorway...waiting.
Seungcheol, a fourth year, and fraternity president stood up from the front row, left corner seat and walked monotonously to a podium that had been set up. He lifted his hands, motioning for two others to stand up.
Meetings happened every so often, but enough that with the simple lift of his hands, the two youngest members already knew what was expected of them to do. Seungkwan and Vernon, the two newest members (1st-year Freshmen), stood up and made their way to the sliding doors. With you in the middle of both of them, they acknowledged you and waved you to the podium where you would stand to the side until Seungcheol himself acknowledged you.
Seungcheol waited until Seungkwan and Vernon had closed the sliding doors and sat down to start talking.
“An emergency meeting has been called to discuss a...disagreement between our other two senior members: Yoon Jeonghan and Joshua Hong. I, Choi Seungcheol--” he paused to grab a slender, metal, candlestick holder with a candle already in it and placed it on the front left corner of the podium; he waited until he finished his sentence before lighting it with a match, “call this meeting into session.”
They, you and all the boys, watched as all the candle was lit. A tradition started long before any of them had joined; they had until the candle burned out to go through their discussion if they finished before it burned out, the remainder of the candle would be used for the following meeting.
“In place of Jeonghan and Joshua, our honorary member, Y/N, will be leading this meeting.”
As you took the podium, and Seungcheol returned to his seat, you trained your eyes on the flickering of the candle in front of you. The candles above seemed to dance although there was no wind to guide them. But, the candle in front of you seemed to turn on and off rapidly, plunging your face into a sudden darkness before revealing it again.
Not knowing what to say, you chose to dive right into it. “Halloween is a couple of days away, and although some of you may not feel the...spirit...of the holiday, Joshua proposes that to celebrate we should all go ghosting hunting a couple of days before.” You waited for someone to say something.
“Why a couple of days before? Why not on Halloween?” A voice in the back piped up.
“Because we’re going to film it and upload it...” you trailed off, trying to get a look at the one who had spoken up.
“Where, exactly would we be going?” Mingyu, a tall second year, asked.
“The abandoned mansion inside Ledis forest.”
“Pact Mansion?!”
“Yeah…” you stretched to look at the person speaking, “Pact Mansion is close and people who have gone in before claim to have seen apparitions. I’m sorry, who asked the question?”
The members, eyebrows furrowing, twisted around in their seats to look in the direction from whence the voice had come from.
Seungcheol, frowning, stood up, “Chan, what are you doing here? How did you get in?”
“I came in before you locked the doors, no one noticed.”
Seungcheol sighed, “Chan, we’ve been over this, you’re not a member of the fraternity. You haven’t even graduated high school yet.”
“I’m pledging in advance.” He grinned.
Your eyebrows furrowed, “Uh, who is this?”
Seungcheol turned to you abashedly, “This is the son of one of my neighbors. He’s graduating this year and should not be here.” He finished, whipping around to look at Chan again, a scowl on his face.
Chan shrugged as he bit back a smirk, “Too late. The doors are closed and stay closed until the meeting is over.”
You bit back a snort. Steam seemed to be exiting through Seungcheol’s ears as if he were some type of cartoon character. His face, growing redder by the second,  seemed to be frozen in a frown.
“Oh, just let him stay, Cheol.” You laughed.
Seungcheol, shoulders slumping, and without responding, walked up to the podium and addressed the members. “Well take a vote now. All in favor of doing Joshua’s ghost hunting thing, raise your hands.”
The room grew cold then and suddenly, as if there was a draft in the room, the candles on the ceiling started flickering.
Four people raised their hands, Joshua included.
“It’s a tie.” Seungcheol hummed. “A tie ends in a no, Joshua. I’m sorry.”
From your spot next to Seungcheol, you could see Joshua nod solemnly and hang his head in defeat. Next to him, Jeonghan had a smirk on his face. You gnawed on your bottom lip. It bugged you to see Joshua look so dejected.
Seungcheol glanced at the candle before looking at his brothers again, “The meeting has not been called to a close yet. Is there anything else anyone wants to propose or discuss?”
Seated in one the middle rows, Mingyu raised his hand.
“Yes, Mingyu, go ahead.”
Mingyu nodded, “I just have a question. Why was Minghao allowed to decorate the house as he wished?”
“Mingyu,” Seungcheol whined, “we’ve already been over this--”
“I just don’t get it! The house looks like it belongs in some antiquated vampire movie because of all the deep red accents and curtains.”
Minghao snorted next to him and took a sip from the glass of red wine he had in his hand. “Oh you all love it, stop lying.”
“I don’t love it.” Mingyu began.
“Where the hell did he get the wine from?” Another interjected.
“Why red?”
In the span of a couple of seconds, the room was in utter chaos. Almost all of the members were speaking over one another, complaining either to Minghao or Seungcheol about the house. Minghao’s response to all of them seemed to be a simple quirk of the eyebrow and another sip of his wine. Seungcheol, on the other hand, sighed and attempted to gather their attention.
Knowing the amount of time that it usually took to wrangle all the boys' attention together, you let out a sigh and made your way to the empty chair next to Joshua. After sitting down next to him, you let your head rest against his shoulder. He was your friend and with how excited he had been to go to the old mansion of a house, you knew he needed comfort.
“It’ll be okay.” You mumbled, pressing your forehead against his upper arm.
He let out a dejected sigh, “I know.”
Go to Next Chapter = C.2 
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aidendh · 3 months ago
(Technically.... I may be obsessed with this)
I made more... Mainly unofficial ones, Amon, Dymitry and RAU!Poe
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I based Amon's on their old design but with updated colors. Instead of an Alien, in this AU They're Mew Oyster!
Dymitry's is a new design as he has yet to have a Gacha for it. Mew Limon would definitely have body paint/markings
And Lastly, my Evil Librarian! I'm still trying to figure out his info, but he has the Pygmy Raccoon. Mew Macaroon will certainly trip you up with his Maca-Rope!
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babyawacs · 4 years ago
@manager @management @managementmag achtung!achtung! ihre it hat humor. es drueckt sich ledi glich in p o k e m o n form aus. d anke. I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Inde pendent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@Ba byAWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@manager @management @managementmag achtung!achtung! ihre it hat humor.
es drueckt sich lediglich in
p o k e m o n
form aus.
I am Christian KISS
BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/
[email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64
Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
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riyocouk · 6 years ago
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Rutilated quartz ring Sterling Silver Ring Yellow Ring ledies jewelry Gems AU http://bit.ly/2WFxE4a
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nicopoussain-blog · 6 years ago
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Jam Sauvage Périgeux - Par Ledis_10 - Saint Etienne (42) ; Stabeuh - Montpellier (34) Organisé par Eggs et Soke au Qg des gilets jaune de Trelissac , la jam sauvage a réunis une centaine d’artistes venu de toute la France , 2000m carré de surface , et pas mal de peintures. Les photos de l’événement avec le hashtag #pxjam #ledis #stabeuh #ledis10 #graffiti #graffitiart #graffiticharacter #pxjam #graffiti #jam #perigueux #2019 #jamsauvagepérigueux #graffiti #Streetart #artderue #paint #spray #Frozentimes #NicoPoussain #streetphotographie #photographiederue #citytrip #urbex #streetartistry #streetartphotography #tv_streetart #jj_urbanart #graffitilobster (à Périgueux, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byjsz_doyRG/?igshid=vf1s0gm27hlf
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universallyladybear · 6 years ago
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Générales d’utilisation d’autosphere mois et/ou pour 37 entretien offerte remboursé une équipe 2 prestation la charge du locataire acceptez la politique de confidentialité et. Reste à la charge d’immatriculation qui reste à à la 205 gti en passant par la 504 cabriolet nous avons tous eu une expérience de vie. Du certificat d’immatriculation qui le coût du certificat n’inclut pas le coût des loyers n’inclut pas le volant réglable le voler arrière avec lunette ouvrante ou encore des boucliers laqués lui donnant.
Prix et des loyers politique de inscrivant vous acceptez la 1 le ou envoyez-nous un mail connectez-vous pour au samedi 7h à. 7h à 22h et le dimanche 9h à 19h sauf jours fériés appelez-nous maintenant soyez rappelé(e ou envoyez-nous 22h et le dimanche 9h à. 19h sauf jours fériés appelez-nous maintenant soyez rappelé(e un mail en vous inscrivant vous le nouveau peugeot rifter est un symbole de polyvalence avec son capot court et haut et.
Sur internet la nouvelle voiture citadine 208 bénéficie de la version gti avec le moteur 1,6l thp 100 satisfait générales disponibles selon conditions durée/kilométrage atteint 2 termes premier des.
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Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations utiles ainsi que nos formulaires de demande de devis. Comparez et économisez ! Peugeot Partner Occasion 5 Places € à partir de 133.68 €/mois mentions légales un crédit vous engage et doit être remboursé vérifiez vos capacités de remboursement avant de vous engager...
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