positivelybeastly · 2 months
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brooklynislandgirl · 9 months
you have made me strive for better description and length. You have a way to weave words that immerses me in your writing and obviously I cherish your friendship regardless of how fast we get to write our replies.
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If we're being honest, you were awesome by the time I even got here, but sure. Also, I keep hearing length doesn't matter. LOL. Sorry, couldn't help myself. I do tend to be slow, but mostly because every post I write I want to show the story, let it grow, and sometimes that does take time. Sorry for the long waits. I appreciate the way you balance canon and oc, I love a lot of your HCs and how they expand the character and world you write them for. Also, you're stuck with me.
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fatummortem · 2 years
@lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats​ from x
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      The fact that Ryouta is toying with him just a little may not help Remy figure him out, though it’s only in a playfully flirty way that brings a slight twinkle to Ryouta’s blue eyes. He is serious about hearing the reviews, he wasn’t all that hopeful that it would be an enjoyable dish for the cajun however. There’s a high chance the reviews were given by humans who haven’t stepped foot in the south, let alone Louisiana. It happens with Asian food in America a lot of the time.
      “ That is my plan, I’ll even get you a replacement meal if it’s trash.” Well, he’s not sure he’d pay for it at this point, but he wasn’t planning on having Remy pay. He does have money if the other mutant ends up giving him a look when Daken uses his charm to talk his way out of paying the bill. “ I can’t guarantee the chef won’t go ‘ but I used cajun spices! ’.” Ryouta’s voice shifts dramatically when he impersonates a random chef, he’s actually heard that phrase from a few of them in defense of their cooking, it’s amazing how much people excuse their bad cooking these days.
      Ryouta is almost tempted to offer a free meal where he’ll be tortured by horrible Asian food if it’s really bad, but he decides to save that offer for later.
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untamedtempest · 2 years
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@lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats​​ said:  Send 🎃 and I will sum up our muses’ relationship in a Halloween-themed gif! 
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Extra under cut, cause honestly this WHOLE damn scene. 
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abrushwithdeath · 5 months
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suffcring · 3 months
“   M'primary motivations are fear, spite, and aesthetic longin'. ” Darcy
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"Having seen some of your personal wardrobe changes over the years, that does seem like a fairly accurate summary of your fashion choices." In the supermarket, Darcy holds the small arm basket with the purchase choices made by Remy; since she has no culinary skills and he possesses all of them, this seemed, to her, like a fair trade-off. And if people looked at them weird, well, that was a bonus. Friend dinners between them were something Darcy had begun to look forward to more and more often since she'd somehow stumbled into his life. Doesn't hurt the man could make a good vegetable.
She casts her eyes away from the tabloid, and, on it's cover, an older photo of Gambit in monotone shades of gray, black, silver. It's not the him that she knows, and she doesn't feel bold enough to ask him further about it. He's not afraid to scold her when she treats him like a dog -- and she respects him enough to listen, something not afforded to many other men. Weird, that the rats in the tabloid industry would be digging it up now of all times.
"Do we have to do okra, Remy?"
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iomadachd · 26 days
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@lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats asked: ❛ devil's at the door and i might fucking let him in. ❜ Dean
the northern boys lyrics, all songs edition (accepting)
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"If his face looks like a chemical accident, don't let him in. It's either the actual devil or Wade Wilson. They're equal levels of chaos depending on the day."
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down-home-charm · 4 months
"Ah don' need t'hear it. Ah just need…" 💋 (on the glove)
Rogue was used to her placing her hand between them - hoping he understood that that was the best she could give, and just what it meant to her that she trusted him enough to leave so faint a barrier between them. But to have Gambit reach for her wrist and place it there... The kiss was sweet and tender, yes, but it meant more than that. It was him responding back in kind to the most intimate act she could give someone else, like a person knowing someone else's secret language well enough to compose great sonnets of love.
Rogue kissed the inside of her fingers and brought her other hand up to touch her gloved palm against the side of his face. And even as they leaned away from her hand and her kissed fingers slowly slid down to her chin, she refused to lean back and create any further distance between them.
"...You deserve to hear it, Remy...and I'm not afraid ta say it anymore...I love you."
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positivelybeastly · 11 months
Magic Trick
"Remy, I have something of a favour to ask."
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"I need you to show me how to do card tricks. I have a student in desperate need of something cool to show a young lady, for the obvious purpose of impressing her, and I promised him I would find something appropriate."
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
@lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats  {{xx}}
One of the most minor aspects of her mana ~mutation, they call it, and it’s the nicest word she’d heard about it~ is the ability to see injuries, past and current, in any individual she gazes at. Most of the time she has to will it intentionally. Sometimes though she simply blinks and her gaze is drawn to it. When she first started noticing this particular gift…Beth had been horrified. She’d only noticed the first time she’d stepped into the ER after just over three months of mourning the passing of her brother, the other half of her soul. Every injury seemed to scream at her. Regardless of how calm the patient happened to be. The smell of blood so strong it turned her stomach but made her hungry, too. It had terrified her then, and that feeling still lingers now. His scar carries a softer song, which in turn allowed her to be able to touch it. There’s a lifetime of emotion in it and she finds herself feeling tender things for him. She flinches when he says the M word. She draws her hand back toward herself and drops it in her lap, the same place she allowed her gaze to fall. “F’ wha’ it’s wor’d….I t’ink your eyes are beautiful.”
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
“Dammit, why don’ ya grow up and t'ink how othah people feel f' a change!“
Shaw looked as if he were going to deliver some sneerng retort, but then his simian brow furrowed up instead in honest bafflement, "Think how other people feel? Lebeau, only telepaths can do that." @lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats
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fatummortem · 2 years
@lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats asked:  "Go 'head. Age b'fore beauty." Ryouta Accepting
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       Ryouta glances over to Remy, pausing a few moments. So tempted to use a line on the cajun, it would be a very bad line about beauty sticking together & that the doorway might be a tight fit but they could make due. It was horrible but it was on the tip of his tongue for a few seconds. He knew he wouldn’t catch the other mutant off guard with such a horrible obvious double meaning, but the thought did plague him longer than he thought it would. In fact, he probably let it show, that he wanted to say something just to peak the Cajun’s curiosity but he also doubts he’d fall for it. 
      Other common place lines flow through his head, just as common as the age before beauty one. All of them trashy or just bad. Most of them innuendos. 
      “ What is beauty without experience? ” Not much better but he gives the other mutant a grin anyway, one of his sharp canines poking out in the process. “ If you want to see my ass that badly, Remy. All you have to do is ask.”
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abrushwithdeath · 4 months
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suffcring · 10 months
Is kissing someone you have no defined relationship with the normal greeting when the door is opened? No. Does that stop Remy from stealing a kiss when Darcy opens the door? Absolutely not. And yes he may be seeing just how long he can kiss her before he gets shooed off.
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That's a bad bet to take; Sure, Darcy is alarmed at first -- though it's built more of surprise than distaste, but she falls in against him easily, as if he's kissed her a thousand times like this before.
Or, like she's imagined Remy kissing her like this a thousand times before.
--Considering Darcy's apparent starstruck behavior on their first introduction, the latter is more likely.
Her hands hold at his hips, at his waist; he's trim, angular where he needs to be, solid. It's nothing to lean her weight in against him, her breath heavy with the flavor of cherry twizzlers and peppermint coffee.
(Is that all she's eaten all day? Who's to say.
--It is, actually.)
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iomadachd · 1 year
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@lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats asked: 🍅  :    how does my muse feel about plastic  /  cosmetic surgeries   &   procedures?is it something they have done or would do?do they mind if others do it? -Leila
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Leila is a huge proponent of plastic surgery as a means of happiness.
She needed it herself to truly feel happy about her transition. Facial feminizing surgery was the most intense part of that transition and the only one she's really indulged in. It was painful, but worth it in her opinion because it softened the strong features she'd been born with. It made her feel more like the woman she was supposed to be.
There are others she's considered for the future, but that's not for the now.
She understands the obsession it can cause though, and feels it acutely herself on a regular basis. She has empathy for those that cannot help but continue it. Body dysphoria is a bitch and a half on a good day.
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down-home-charm · 1 month
FEARS bold any fears which apply to your muse. italicize what makes them uncomfortable. cross out what they're not scared of.
the dark. fire. open water. deep water. being alone. crowded spaces.confined spaces. change. failure. war. loss of control. powerlessness. prison. blood. drowning. suffocation. public speaking. natural animals. the supernatural. heights.death. dying. intimacy. rejection. abandonment. loss. the unknown. the future. not being good enough.scary stories. speaking to new people. poverty. loud noises.being touched. sex.chains. inner demons.hallucinations. staring. going berserk.betrayal.
tagged by: @magnetic-regent-magneto
tagging: @mutantmuses @messymerc @thehavsofblvck @lediableblanc-amoureuxdechats & @micsmasmuses (for when you get up and going!)
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