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buttonart · 11 months ago
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2019, geiselgasteig
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sizzledad · 3 months ago
Wiesn Leberkäs Semmel - Oktoberfest Rezept vom Saupreiß für Saupreissen 2 - DADs BBQ Leberkäse
Auch in diesem Jahr werde ich euch zeigen, das man keine bayrischen Gene besitzen muss, um ein leckeres Wiesn Gericht zuzubereiten. Ich zeige euch, wie einfach Leberkäse selbst gemacht werden kann, verrate euch, wie es auch ohne Fleischwolf funktioniert und ohne Hochleistungsmixer. Natürlich gibt es auch den Leberkäs Semmel und dazu einen leckeren Rettich Coleslaw. All das gibt es im 2. Teil der Oktoberfestrezepte vom Saupreiß.
Das Rezept zu den Leberkäse und Leberkäs Semmel findest Du hier: https://barbecue-rezepte.de/recipe/leberkaese-selber-machen-wiesn-leberkaes-semmel/
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sachermorte · 1 month ago
schild das sagt "jesus ist das brot des lebens"
brudi was für ein sandwich kann ich aus ihm machen
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project-catgirlpillar · 1 year ago
Seething with rage that one would insult my beloved Leberkäs Like that. Not even cause they don't Like it but cause the reasons they dislike it are Just complete bullshit?
1: all the spices are Put inside the Leberkäs before Banking. It might be White people spiced but it's Not unspiced
2: i have No Idea where they get the No condiments bullshit from. Put some mustard on that beast
3: If regular leberkäs is too boring for you there are variants Like kasleberkas which add cheese (very good imo) or pizzaleberkäse (i don't think i've ever actually eaten it but i have Seen it around a Lot)
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ynwa4eva · 1 year ago
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I actually went on the huge chain carousel btw i obvi didnt take pictures, ate my traditional chocolate strawberry and waited 53 minutes for my friends to queue for a ride <3 cannot wait for 11 months of peace and quiet but i had fun!
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Happy oktoberfest or whatever btw....
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myrinthinks · 5 months ago
7 and 20 for the ask! (Grocery theme!!)
(In reference to this ask meme.)
7. Any groceries you’ve been getting into lately?
Aaaah, I don't think so, honestly. I mean, I've started to buy ice cream in tubs from time to time which isn't something I used to do but it's both irregular and not exceptional enough to warrant calling "getting into", I'm afraid.
20. What’s in your freezer right now? Oh, I can answer that easily and exactly because I actually have a list because I keep forgetting things are in there somewhere in the back and then I buy them again (and again. And again.). Be warned that this is a very German list and I'm not sure how well I'll be able to translate it, both literally and figuratively (in what it conveys). Let's see:
The mentioned tub of ice cream. It's walnut even though I usually get vanilla and am not actually a big walnut fan. Don't ask me why I got it, then. Half eaten.
Red cabbage, leftover from the last time I made pork roast.
A few bread dumplings, also leftovers from the last time I made pork roast.
A red bell pepper, cut into strips.
10 gyoza wrappers. I make like two too many with every batch and now I'm almost at the point where they'll make a whole batch by themselves!
A salmon fillet.
Half a loaf of kashkaval cheese, cut.
Lemon juice, tomato paste, and garlic paste made in an ice cube tray.
Two small containers of chopped dill, one of chopped thyme.
A bag of chopped parsley.
Four raw gyoza.
A small container of leftover... stew? I don't really know what you'd call this in English. It was originally (like, fifteen years ago) this recipe but I've changed it to my family's taste and it's been a staple ever since. I only make it rarely for myself but since it's very filling, even small amounts can make a satisfying lunch!
Brown mushrooms, chopped.
Grated parmesan.
A chicken breast.
A bunch of... sausage? This was the part I was thinking of mostly when I wrote the introductory paragraph. There is weirdly no real way to translate this into English because I don't think you guys really have this? At least not in the way you can get it at the butcher's? My dictionary is giving me "lunch meat", "cold meat", and "cold cuts"?? Is that what it's called? It's like this. I get a few different types at once so that I can freeze and then thaw them as I need them.
Two ends of Leberkas, which my dictionary helpfully calls "type of meat loaf found in Austria and parts of Germany and Switzerland". Contrary to my sister, I don't actually like the end parts ("Scherzerl") but I still get them whenever the butcher has them because I like putting them, diced, into pasta salads. And sometimes they're big enough to cut them into two pieces, one of which doesn't have the actual end part, and then I bake that and put it on a bread roll.
A piece of butter I rescued from going bad when I last knew I would be gone for two weeks. It's been living here for quite some time now because somehow there's never the right opportunity to take it out.
Three horsemeat sausages.
Two Bratwürste (and I HATE that you guys don't have a translation for that), a special blend the local butcher makes only in the summer which is SO GOOD. It's a bit spicy and I basically can't tolerate spice at all so I was really surprised by how much I like them when I first tried them. They're thin and an orange-y red and shed a lot of oil when you fry them but they're divine.
A bag of scallions. Just like with the celery stick video I reblogged recently, I should be allowed to buy one or two scallions, not a whole bunch of them! My freezer is never free of scallions because of this.
Four bread rolls. The bakery is just around the corner from my flat but I still don't feel like going every other day so I get a bunch of bread and rolls once a week or so and then freeze them for later use.
Two bags of pancake strips. I made way too many pancakes on Saturday and since in broth is the best way to eat them anyway I cut the leftover ones up and froze them in batches so that I get to enjoy my favourite type of soup whenever I want.
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piratefishmama · 8 months ago
Sooo we in Bavaria have a typical food called Leberkas. Idk how to describe it to you, it's kinda like a meatloaf but with sausage consistency. Sounds weird, i know.
However, you can eat it in many ways, one of them being on a slice of bread with a sunny side up egg. And it is delicious. It's the perfect combination and I hope to find a veggie Leberkas alternative soon to have it again :)
Moral of the story: Egg makes almost everything even better.
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test-blog-plz-ignore · 2 years ago
Bacon ipsum dolor amet spare ribs kevin ut ipsum laborum. Boudin rump corned beef consequat officia kielbasa dolor turducken dolore picanha magna aliqua non. Bacon ullamco sed, sirloin flank velit cillum in turkey labore qui ground round prosciutto minim laboris. Eu ham hock pork belly qui anim bresaola, nisi tri-tip pariatur culpa rump. Filet mignon fugiat doner nulla tail flank burgdoggen consectetur pastrami beef ribs in ut ipsum. Chicken andouille aute, biltong ad commodo porchetta doner. Tempor swine biltong nostrud, prosciutto laborum duis cupim pork chop pariatur shoulder ut landjaeger.
Quis excepteur frankfurter enim. Landjaeger duis pancetta fatback beef, reprehenderit tempor shoulder cupim nostrud picanha capicola quis commodo anim. Bacon irure chislic veniam magna, andouille labore ground round buffalo. Culpa ball tip adipisicing t-bone laborum jerky reprehenderit buffalo et. Commodo pork chop id tenderloin, rump tri-tip ham ut pastrami deserunt. Officia ut commodo ham et strip steak beef prosciutto shank leberkas aliqua cupidatat chicken consectetur sint.
Ut beef proident landjaeger meatball capicola ea sed. Filet mignon dolor dolore nisi. Ground round sirloin sint ut shoulder consectetur excepteur pariatur ball tip porchetta veniam anim aliquip. Turducken cillum frankfurter, tenderloin nulla filet mignon venison dolore.
Hamburger esse pork nisi chicken strip steak ea venison in nostrud ut irure ipsum sint. Capicola pork pork loin spare ribs, dolore andouille ut pancetta tempor consequat alcatra in. Chuck alcatra excepteur in short ribs ut flank. Tongue sunt filet mignon meatloaf chuck do pig. Pork belly aliquip turkey sed pork chop. Non ad ut ham hock in reprehenderit short loin turducken landjaeger quis adipisicing. Mollit corned beef shank irure, excepteur consectetur meatball ut turducken eu bacon nostrud filet mignon.
Nulla cow pork chop in drumstick strip steak prosciutto chicken. Ullamco tempor enim elit pariatur. Strip steak quis beef ribs, bresaola velit esse pork chop pancetta tenderloin beef aliqua picanha. In excepteur reprehenderit burgdoggen deserunt spare ribs alcatra pork belly lorem ham hock short ribs turducken sed shoulder. Laborum aute consectetur do, sirloin tempor dolore eiusmod velit dolore short ribs rump shoulder. Id sint sausage, qui cillum lorem sirloin aliquip veniam in cupim capicola.
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buttonart · 10 months ago
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3.2.24, hans mielich
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tobiskueche · 1 month ago
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Bayerisches Mittwochsdinner – Leberkäs, Kartoffelsalat & Doppeltes Glück
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1234567ttttttttttt · 2 months ago
Łodzianizmy, gwara łódzka | migawka krańcówka leberka i zalewajka | Czar...
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502towing · 5 months ago
Cow salami hamburger biltong, meatball tongue leberkas fatback pig pork capicola pastrami ribeye. Chuck pork chop salami kielbasa, venison meatball fatback t-bone shankle. Kielbasa capicola chicken ground round leberkas. Jennie Graves Manager
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korrektheiten · 7 months ago
Krabbenpulen oder doch lieber Leberkas?
Tichy:»Es gibt Feinschmecker, die halten den Hamburger Isemarkt für einen der schönsten Märkte der Welt. Ich möchte mich da nicht zu weit aus dem Fenster lehnen. Sicher dürfte sein, dass der Isemarkt der größte und vielfältigste der Republik ist. Und der am originellsten gelegene. Mit seinen rund 200 Händlern schlängelt sich der Isemarkt etwa 600 Der Beitrag Krabbenpulen oder doch lieber Leberkas? erschien zuerst auf Tichys Einblick. http://dlvr.it/T6mnFm «
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silverhand · 1 year ago
All of these so-called "AI" generators are Bacon Ipsum with delusions of grandeur.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet burgdoggen flank jowl chislic ham hock fatback strip steak pork belly tri-tip spare ribs swine pig bacon. Short ribs bresaola fatback jerky chuck doner boudin ground round. Biltong ball tip alcatra bresaola bacon pork chop ham shank ham hock chuck spare ribs meatloaf rump. Ground round spare ribs venison, short loin short ribs ham turkey cupim cow tenderloin chuck andouille t-bone boudin pork chop. Fatback pig flank bresaola, corned beef pork belly pork loin tail andouille kielbasa sirloin cupim sausage porchetta leberkas.
It's just easier to tell that Bacon Ipsum is nonsense.
Hey... so there now appear to be AI-generated science articles on .org websites that are giving biologically incorrect "facts" on basic, for-children topics
The title is "Are There Freshwater Octopus Species?" which should be an incredibly straightforward thing to answer: No.
The article starts out decent:
"Despite their many fascinating features, there is no evidence to suggest that octopuses can survive in freshwater environments."
Cool. Okay. Next section.
"While most people associate octopuses with the ocean, there are some species that can survive in freshwater environments."
Wait. What?
"Freshwater octopuses belong to the genus Amphioctopus, which includes several species that are found in brackish water and estuaries. These cephalopods have adapted to life in freshwater environments and have been observed in rivers, streams, and even hydrothermal vents."
One species of freshwater octopus is Amphioctopus aegina...Another species, Amphioctopus marginatus...
THESE GUYS LIVE IN THE OCEAN. [Scrolls 2 more sections]
Freshwater octopuses are still a topic of debate among scientists. While some researchers claim that they do exist, others argue that there is not enough literature to support their existence.
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Paszteciki z pasztetowej i ciasta francuskiego szybkie i proste
Paszteciki z pasztetowej i ciasta francuskiego szybkie i proste
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Paszteciki w kształcie ślimaczków z kminkiem.
Potrzebne Składniki : ---------------------------- Pół pasztetowej 1 opakowanie gotowego ciasta francuskiego jakie mamy w domu ja miałam okrągłe Pâte brisée lepsze prostokątne ulubione zioła np. : zielona cebulka, pietruszka, zioła prowansalskie, koperek pieprz świeżo mielony papryka mielona ostra może być też łagodna albo wędzona kminek do posypania w całości 2 łyżki mleka do posmarowania lub rozmącone jajko
Sposób przygotowania : ----------------------------- Pasztetową wyciągamy z kiszki i przekładamy do miseczki. Dodajemy zioła i przyprawy wszystko mieszamy. Rozwijamy ciasto smarujemy po dłuższym boku ciasto masą z pasztetowej jak mamy okrągłe ciasto to obojętne zostawiając koniec nie posmarowany żeby zakleić ciasto jak będziemy je zwijać. Zwinięte ciasto smarujemy mlekiem ewentualnie jajkiem i posypujemy kminkiem. Wsadzamy do nagrzanego piekarnika do 180 °C i pieczemy około 25 minut. Świetnie smakują paszteciki z barszczem do picia tak jak barszcz z krokietem to takie kulinarne papużki nierozłączki.
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Składniki : Ciasto francuskie, pasztetowa, zioła, kminek, mleko do posmarowania i pieprz
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Pasztetową mieszamy z przyprawami i ziołami
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Smarujemy ciasto zostawiając kawałek nie posmarowany by się dobrze skleił.
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Zwijamy ciasto, lepiej jak jest prostokątne, a nie okrągłe
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Zwinięte ciasto smarujemy mlekiem lub jajkiem by przekleił się kminek
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Zrolowane ciasto kroimy na wąskie paski
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Układamy na blasze wyłożonej papierem do pieczenia
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Albo klasycznie robimy jest trochę więcej pracy, dzielimy ciasto na 3 części i smarujemy smarujemy mięsem w środku z mięsa robi się też wałek z mięsa i układa w środku
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I wtedy powstają nam wałeczki ze szwem, ciasto z mięsem tniemy na mniejsze kawałki takie żeby łatwo wziąć do ręki.
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Układamy na blasze, szwem do dołu, smarujemy mlekiem, jajkiem tym co mamy i posypujemy kminkiem, makiem lub sezamem kto co lubi
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Pieczemy w piekarniku nagrzanym do 180 °C -190 °C i pieczemy około 25
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Podajemy z barszczem i z surówką
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Paszteciki z pasztetowej i ciasta francuskiego, szybkie i smaczne
♥ Smacznego Bon appétit ♥
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Paszteciki obsypane kminkiem
CIEKAWOSTKI: ----------------------------- Pasztetowa albo też inaczej wątrobianka jest kiełbasą gotowaną z podrobów i tłuszczu z przyprawami często z cebulą. Pasztetowa jest źródłem żelaza Fe, zawiera witaminy z grupy B oraz minerały wapń Ca i magnez Mg, które to minerały wzmacniają serce, kości i mięśnie, W Wiedźminie Andrzej Sapokowski opisywał biesiady po świniobiciu gdzie podawane były czeskie jitrnice (na Morawach nazywane jaternice, leberwurst w Niemczech, a w Polsce wątrobianka czyli pasztetowa, Rumunia to lebar, Holandia - leverworst. Spotykane nazwy pasztetowej to : kiszka pasztetowa, kiszka podgardlana, pasztetówka, kiszka wątrobiana, wątrobianka, reg. leberka, lebera, leberwurst, leberwurszt.
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Pasztet i jego pochodne często jest stosowany w slangu:
*Pasztetówa/pasztetuwa w slangu oznacza to samo co spoko, luźno, ekstra, zajebiście, no i fajnie, koks, w porzo. Np : -Idziemy dziś coś zjeść na miasto ? -A co ? -Hmm chodżmy na pizzę, może być ? -No i pasztetówa *Pasztet / Paszczak / Paszczur to w slangu określenie osoby brzydkiej, nieurodziwej dziewczyny. Np. Patrz ale pasztet siedzi na ławce. *Pasztet i Pasztetowa to obraźliwe o nieurodziwej parze mężczyzna i kobieta. Patrz Iksińscy idą, ale oni brzydcy jak Pasztet i Pasztetowa. *Paszteciara to grubaska *Paszczo to słowo wyrażające akceptację np. dobrze, elegancko, super np.: -Dobrze powiesiłem ten obrazek na ścianie ? -Paszczo! -Przyniosłam ciasto. -Paszczo!
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Paszteciki z pasztetowej i gotowego ciasta francuskiego i przyprawami można też dodać podsmażona cebulkę.
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Paszteciki z pasztetowej i ciasta francuskiego posypane makiem i sezamem
THE END <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
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mihau-travel-exp · 2 years ago
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Werbung 💙🤍💙 Alternative traditionell-bayrische Produkte sind einfach nur geil! Nachdem ich Euch vor einiger Zeit den veganen Leberkas gezeigt habe kommt heute der No-Batzda von @popp_feinkost und @brandnooz ! 🤍💙🤍 Die Konsistenz und der Geschmack sind sehr ähnlich dem Original-Produkt und hat mir und meinen Spezis guad gschmeckt💙 . . . #abendbrotmomente #poppveganbrandnooz #popp #esstzusammenabendbrot #brandnooz #brandnoozprodukttest #vegan #veganerezepte #veganfood #bayern #bayernfokus #obatzda #nobatzda (hier: Aich) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQRhHBNUtk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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