#leave him alone you freaks. stop projecting your male fantasies onto him
openly boycotting star trek strange new worlds. i hate that show
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lillupon · 3 years
I was thinking about the AEV school trip imagines and thought about what if instead of an overnight trip they would do a day-trip with activities, like those kind of 'teambuilding' activity days we had in high school (I don't know if it's a universal thing but in my high school we had those at least once a year). Usually the teachers ended up joining the games, especially the younger teachers, so I was thinking about Wonwoo letting himself be convinced by his students into joining some games. And then at some point they end up doing one of those shrinking island games (I don't know what the exact name is but it's that game where a group of people have to stand within a limited space, usually played with a large piece of paper). Considering they would play it with the entire group outside, they would use a blanket as 'island'. And of course Wonwoo ends up playing it with Mingyu's group. As the blanket becomes smaller and smaller, Mingyu offers to carry Wonwoo, because all the other male students are already carrying a female student and considering Wonwoo is still alone (it would be inappropriate for him to carry one of his students) and Mingyu is strong enough he says he should carry Wonwoo. When Mingyu first offers, Wonwoo panics and says he really shouldn't do it, and starts making excuses like he weighs too much (even though he already knows Mingyu can carry him without any problems lol) but all the other students cheer them on so they can win the game. Eventually Wonwoo starts feeling guilty that they might lose the game because of him, so he allows Mingyu to carry him. Mingyu can't suppress his smile when he takes Wonwoo into his arms (in a princess carry) and sees the tip of Wonwoo's ears turn red. Wonwoo avoids eye contact because he's internally freaking out, and he curses himself for letting himself be convinced into playing games with his students as he feels Mingyu's arms wrapped around him.
OoOOoOooOo, I like this idea! My school never did anything like that, but maybe it's because I didn't take the right classes, or wasn't in the right clubs. I've never played this game before, but let me try to expand on it anyway:
Wonwoo's stomach swooped as Mingyu scooped him up, as though he weighed hardly more than a feather. His hand instinctively went to Mingyu's shoulder to steady himself.
Their teammates cheered. Wonwoo's face was so hot he swore that steam was rolling off his cheeks. He covered his face with both hands, hiding. His heart was going crazy in his chest, ricocheting off his ribs. It was so risky, putting themselves in this position. Yet he couldn't deny that it was exhilarating, too. This was as close as they could get to showing their affection in public. As close as Wonwoo could get to announcing, Yes, this alpha is mine.
With Wonwoo in his arms, Mingyu squeezed himself into the space between two other students. In the process, Wonwoo's dangling leg whacked someone in the side, eliciting a yelp.
"Sorry," Wonwoo said, shrinking into himself. He pressed a little closer to Mingyu's warm and solid chest. Hesitantly, he rested his head against Mingyu's collarbones. He was just trying to make himself as small as possible, so they could win this game. That was how he justified it to himself, anyway. Besides, no one would think twice about it, not when pairs were in equally intimate positions.
"You're so red. It's cute..." Mingyu whispered, low enough so that only Wonwoo could hear.
Okay, now imagine Mingyu and Wonwoo playing this game before they've gotten together. This takes place earlier on in the school year:
Their blanket-island was folded in half. Students groaned and cursed and laughed as they struggled to fit themselves on the shrunken island. Seungcheol had somehow climbed onto Junhui's shoulders and was sitting atop them. A wide and happy grin stretched across his face. Junhui looked less pleased by the position, but bore the weight. Some students were standing on their friends' feet. Others had clambered onto their friends backs. How anyone thought this game was appropriate to play with hormonal teenagers who just presented, Wonwoo would never know.
Everyone was paired up and pressed close to each other. Even then, it was a tight squeeze, and it left no room for Wonwoo, who had been too slow to claim a place on the island. Wonwoo was left treading shark-infested waters. He had the strange feeling of being thrown back to his high school days, when he had struggled to find a place where he belonged. When he had been the last to be chosen for a team. When he had to go up to the teacher and admit that he couldn't find a partner for a project. Always on the outside, looking in.
"Get on, Mr. Jeon!" a student cried.
"Um, I don't--" Wonwoo fumbled with his fingers as he circled the perimeter of the island, searching for a space he could fit himself into. It wasn't appropriate for him to partner up with a student, but maybe he could squeeze in against some teachers. He spotted Jeonghan and Joshua, but they were already paired up and had their arms wrapped around each other.
"Here, Mr. Jeon," Mingyu said, beckoning him over.
Given Mingyu's popularity among girls, Wonwoo wasn't sure how he had escaped their clutches, but he had.
Wonwoo stopped in front of Mingyu. He shifted his weight from foot to foot. They weren't even touching yet, and already, heat was starting to climb up his cheeks. The thought of their bodies pushed up against each other had his heart racing. He had imagined it often--shamefully--what it might feel like to touch Mingyu, or to have Mingyu touch him.
But he was happy leaving it as just that: a fantasy.
"You can get on my back," Mingyu said.
"I don't know. I'm pretty heavy..." Wonwoo said.
Mingyu snorted. "You're tiny. Pretty sure I could pick you up with one arm."
"There probably isn't enough room for Mr. Jeon to get on your back," Minghao said. "Maybe he can stand on your toes instead?"
"Yeah, sure," Mingyu agreed easily. "Whatever works."
Wonwoo demurred. "I don't know if that's a good idea. I mean, it's not..." It wasn't really appropriate, was it?
"Come on, Mr. Jeon!" Seungcheol said. "Don't you want a free lunch?"
Everybody loved a free lunch, Wonwoo supposed, even teenagers who could blow a hundred dollars on a meal without batting an eye.
When Wonwoo didn't move, other students joined in, goading him on.
It would have been different if he were a female teacher. They wouldn't urge him to do this. But no one suspected that a male teacher could have a crush on an alpha student.
Wonwoo wrestled with himself. If they lost, it would be because of him. This was his only opportunity to touch Mingyu. But he shouldn't tempt himself. This was a line he shouldn't cross.
"Mr. Jeon, please, just get on," Junhui said, red-faced between Seuncheol's thighs. "I'm dying here."
Wonwoo relented, the guilt of letting his teammates down winning over. "Okay, okay." He shuffled a little closer to Mingyu. "Um, how should we do this?"
"I think Minghao's right. You should probably stand on my toes."
Wonwoo bent down to undo his laces.
"Oh, you don't have to do that. Just leave them on."
"I don't want to get your shoes dirty." Wonwoo slipped his shoes off. He took his time with the action, debating how to best stand on Mingyu's toes. Chest to chest? Front to back? Both options seemed dangerous. His throat went dry at the thought of Mingyu's pelvis pressed up against his ass. Was that better or worse than risking having their crotches brush together?
Chest to chest, he decided, since that was what most people had opted for.
"Excuse me," he mumbled. He put an hand on Mingyu's bicep, fingers curling into the sleeve. Gingerly, he stepped onto Mingyu's toes. The uneven arch of Mingyu's feet made him sway.
Mingyu's hands settled on his waist to steady him. The effect was instantenous. Heat flooded through Wonwoo's body; he could feel it pooling all the way at the tips of his ears. He ducked his head to hide the colour on his cheeks.
Wonwoo had never been the partying type back in high school, which was good, since he had never been invited to any. So he had missed out on the party games experience. No Spin the Bottle, no Truth or Dare, no Seven Minutes in Heaven. Being forced into close contact with a person you find attractive must feel something like this. He was torn between fear and nervousness and pleasure.
The number of points of contact was minimal: his hand on Mingyu's arm, Mingyu's hold on his hips. Proximity alone was enough to have Wonwoo's skin tingling all over. The front of their shirts brushed together. It sent a shiver down his spine.
The group had to hold the position for ten seconds in order to survive the round. Those ten seconds seemed to stretch into minutes. Wonwoo held himself stock-still, not daring to breathe. He couldn't detect Mingyu's pheromones because he was on blockers--thank God for small mercies--but the scent of his cologne still made Wonwoo's gut tighten with desire.
Then he made the terrible mistake of peeking up.
Mingyu was already gazing down at him with heavy eyelids and a slight part to his lips. When their eyes met, Mingyu's fingers tightened on his hips.
"That's ten seconds!" someone said.
Heart thudding in his chest, Wonwoo stumbled off Mingyu. He nearly tripped over his feet as he fled to Jeonghan and Joshua's side. He'd stick close to them this next round. He cupped the back of his neck. Felt how hot his skin was under his palm. Mingyu's expression was seared into his mind.
He must have been imagining it, he told himself. But Mingyu had looked at him like... Like he wanted Wonwoo.
Omg I'm crying thinking about how much Mingyu probably wanted to kiss Mr. Jeon in that moment ( ╥ω╥ ) The delicate and reddened tips of Mr. Jeon's ears, the way Mr. Jeon peered up at him, a little scared. Holy shit, it probably made the alpha inside Mingyu go wild. It was a good thing Mr. Jeon moved away when he did, because Mingyu might not have been able to resist!
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saxxxology · 6 years
What Turns You On?
Ruby’s gone for a few days, and Sam takes advantage of the alone-time with you to get to know you a little better.
PAIRING: Sam Winchester x Demon!Reader (x Ruby)
WARNINGS: cardiophilia, smut, dom!reader/sub!sam, demon powers, choking kink, unprotected sex,
NOTE: So both @oneshoeshort and I are Sam whores and decided to collaborate on this. Please heed the warnings and enjoy!
Buy Sam’s scent from my Etsy shop
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“What turns you on, Y/N?”
You looked up at Sam Winchester from the comfort of his lap. The two of you were sitting in the motel room’s desk chair. It was a boring Sunday afternoon and Ruby had run off to do God knows what, leaving the two of you alone. Ruby never left you two alone, so whatever she was doing must’ve been important. Sam had a book in his hands and you were mindlessly messing with your phone.
His question to you came out of the blue.
“Excuse me?” You inquired, setting your phone down.
“What’s one thing that, no matter what you’re doing or where you are, it never fails to turn you on?” Sam ebalorated, a glint of lust filling his hazel eyes. “Just wanna know.”
“Sam, you have a very unusual way of asking for sex,” you mused.
Sam’s full-bodied laugh filled the airspace of the room, but when he looked back down at you, his eyes were unchanged. He was essentially asking you what your kinks were.
You bit the inside of your cheek, debating whether or not to be honest with him. Demons were known to lie, but like Ruby, you weren’t like the rest of your kind. True, Ruby was on a Lilith-driven mission and you were to be her partner-in-crime, but you didn’t care one way or another whether or not Lucifer was released from his Hellbound prison.
You just wanted to be free. And now you were hanging around one of the most dangerous hunters known to mankind.
You decided it was time to give Sam that honesty. He’d never had a reason to lie to you, so why should you not return the courtesy? But you’d always felt your kink to be too weird or strange to say aloud. Thinking about it when you were in the mood even felt awkward. But Sam, being the honest, loving, caring soul that he was, would never betray your trust and would keep your secret close to his heart.
Which, ironically, was where your fantasy lay.
You were a closeted cardiophile—someone obsessed with the sound and feel of a beating human heart. But for you, it brought on a sexual stimulation. Being a demon made that drive more intense than if you were human. It gave you a feeling control that you lacked in your human life, hundreds of years before. You got off on knowing that you could listen as your victims’ hearts expired at your hands or that you could know if someone was about to wet themselves from terror just from the sound of a frantically beating heart.
But it was also something that had scared away previous partners you had been with, both human and demon alike. You didn’t want to lose Sam; at this point, you couldn’t lose him, given what was at stake. But again, you weren’t like the other demons.
Sam had seen some shit. He wasn’t going to scare that easily.
You slowly brought your hand to place over the left side of his chest. His heart thumped steadily against your palm.
An electric spark of arousal raced up your core, and only intensified with each heartbeat felt. You half closed your eyes at the sensation, and your mind wandered. The things you could do to Sam to make his heart race; the ways you could ride him, suck him dry til he was left sterile, it only caused your own heart to beat faster with pure ecstasy.
Sam didn’t have to say anything; he already suspected. And he was more or less in the same boat. It was why he kept a stethoscope in his drawers. Not for his own use, but in the hopes you or Ruby would notice and want to do something about it.
On instinct, he laid his own large hand over your own, pressing it closer into his chest.
“It’s strong, isn’t it?” Sam cooed, and your core only increased its oozing. “You don’t even have to press hard, right?”
All you could do was nod. Did he know? Your internal worries intensified; on the one hand, you were certain Ruby would make fun of you for being a freak (your demonic girlfriend already teased you enough), but on the other hand, it only reinforced that you and Sam were meant to be together. If the two of you had the same kink, your sex lives would never be the same. Ruby’s opinion be just as damned as you and herself.
“The things I could do to your heart, Sam,” you drawled as you slowly started to straddle him, and you could’ve sworn you could feel a synced pulse throbbing in his pants. “The ways I could make it race...” you leaned in close, allowing your lips to graze over his jaw until you reached his ear. “I could make you cum so hard, it stops beating. I could even...” you nipped at his earlobe, making him tense, “...rip it right out of your chest and eat it while you’re still alive and watching.”
Sam didn’t say anything. He just acted.
He grabbed you with such force it caused you to squeal, lifting you up easily and wrapping your legs around his waist. Book and cell phone long forgotten, Sam carried you as swiftly as he could to his bedroom. He threw you on the bed and stripped off his shirt and flannel, discarding them carelessly on the floor. He rolled his shoulders back, puffing out his chest.
“Can you see it?” Sam’s voice was as lusty as ever. “Can you see my heart beating?”
You studied his chest, even going as far as to squint, but you knew he was just putting on a show. Not that you complained; you planned to take full advantage of his body if he allowed it.
He, in turn, studied your own body and determined you were wearing too much. When you didn’t answer, he grabbed your ankles, dragging you down towards the edge of the bed and reaching up to grab the waistband of your leggings. He pulled them off in one go, bringing your panties with them as you pushed your shirt up over your head.
“I asked you,” Sam growled, “a question.” The seductive tone of his voice made your insides churn with lust and desire.
You scrambled up onto your knees, reached up, and ran your fingers over the left side of his chest. Your thumb teased his nipple. He stiffened, and you watched his pupils dilate. The muscle of his pec was too thick for you to see the rhythm of his heart, but when you leaned in, you could just barely hear the strong, pulsing beat.
Sam’s eyes fluttered closed when you dragged your tongue over his nipple. His heartbeat stuttered, then quickened, and you watched his pink lips part when you sucked his nipple into your mouth.
“Oh, fuck,” he muttered, “baby, that feels so good…”
You hummed before pulling back, teasing him as a soft line of spit connected your lower lip to the dark pink skin. “I can make it feel even better, baby.”
Sam inhaled sharply when you tugged his jeans open, popping the top button and allowing the bulge there to press the zipper open. You hooked your fingers in his boxers, tugging them down and allowing his cock to spring free.
Of all the mortal men you’d fucked, Sam Winchester had the greatest cock of them all. He was long and thick, big enough to make you feel like he was gonna split you in half. But once he got going, and given the right amount of go-juice from either you or Ruby, he could go all night long.
You sank your nails into his chest, listened to him grunt, and smiled as his cock bobbed receptively. Sam could scream and yell all he wanted, but you knew that deep down, he loved every ounce of pain you delivered.
When you sucked the shiny pink crown of his dick between your lips, Sam let out a soft moan that he tried to mask as manly. The sound was slightly high-pitched, and you inwardly smiled at the sounds you could make him emit. On the outside, Sam was the typical big, strong, Alpha male… but on the inside, he craved female dominance, and aside from Ruby, you were the only one who could satisfy that particular need.
“Feel good, baby?” you asked, cupping his balls in your fingers. Sam shivered and nodded, his eyes still closed. You bent your head and took him back into your mouth, tasting the salty blurt of precum that landed on your tongue.
“Shit.” Sam couldn’t help himself as he wound his fingers in your hair. “God, yes, baby… keep sucking.”
You moaned girlishly and pressed your nails deeper into his skin. You could practically feel his heartbeat against the palm of your hand, and you exercised your demonic abilities just enough so that the pulsations were just a little louder to your ears.
Sam only pulled your mouth off of him when he felt himself getting too close for comfort. You leaned up on your knees, intentionally swiping your tongue over your lower lip as you retracted your nails from his skin. The cuts healed almost instantly, and Sam claimed your lips in a wet, sloppy kiss that made heat pool between your thighs.
“Wanna fuck you,” he growled, his dominance resurfacing from it’s brief time under your power. He crawled on top of you, pushing you back on the bed and snarling like a wild animal as he prepared to ravish you.
“Not so fast.” With a snap of your fingers, he was on his back, his legs and torso restrained by the invisible force you projected. You slid a leg over his thighs and watched him growl, his upper lip curling. “You’re mine tonight, Sammy…”
The growl he emitted should have scared the shit out of you. But, unfortunately for Sam, it only turned you on even more. You swirled your hips, trapping his dick between your pussy and his stomach. Sam’s eyes practically rolled back in his skull, and you bit your lip, watching him inhale a choked breath. You could hear his heart beating faster with each breath he attempted to take.
“You wanna be in my pussy, Sam?”
He groaned, his words barely audible. “Wanna be in your fuckin’ pussy…”
You giggled and reached down, notching his cock at your opening. “How much?”
Sam’s mouth opened when you teased him with a soft roll of your hips. “All the way, baby… wanna fuck you so hard you can’t even scream.”
The look in his eyes was both terrifying and pitiful. On one hand, he looked as if he wanted to shove you onto your back and ravish you until you were passed out, but you also thought that if he wasn’t satiated, he might grow even more desperate and start the teary-eyed, whimpery begging that you and Ruby loved so much.
You sank down on his length with a pornographic moan. Sam’s eyes nearly rolled back in his head, and you felt him throb excitedly inside you, already desperate to cum.
“Yeah,” you sighed, running your palms up and down his chest as you situated yourself over him. “Good boy, Sam…”
His heart skipped another beat before speeding up. The sound reverberated in your ears, and Sam groaned loudly when your pussy clenched in response.
“You filthy little whore,” he snarled, “and I thought Ruby was a freak.”
Your fingers wrapped around his neck as you set a pace, rolling your hips in time with the thudding of his heart. “I wouldn’t use names like that,” you warned breathlessly, “I can still kill you if I want to.”
Sam dug his fingers into your waist, still unable to move his body from the mattress. He tried to speak and couldn’t; your grip on his airway was deliciously tight, and you rode him even harder when his cheeks began to flush with the lack of oxygen.
It wasn’t the first time you’d choked Sam like this. More than once you’d elected to use the method when he showed signs of growing too dominant, when you had to remind him who was in charge. He loved the deprivation, and you loved the sound of his heart attempting to circulate as he faded almost into unconsciousness.
“You’re gonna be a good boy and cum when I let you go?” You watched him jerk his head, his cock twitching like mad inside you.
“Gon-na… c-cum—” Sam gasped for air, his fingers curling into the sheets.
The sound he made when you released him was like music to your ears. His orgasm was a hot rush inside you that dripped down the sides of his cock, and inside his chest, his heart took off, beating with renewed vigor, and you threw your head back, letting out a soft cry as you followed him over the edge.
You rolled off to the side before Sam was done, and you ran your finger up the slick, messy underside of his cock, watching him shoot small spurts of cum onto his stomach. You’d relinquished all of your powers, but Sam was too strung-out on his high to move.
“You’re so messy,” you praised, resting your head on his chest and snapping your fingers. The mess vanished instantly, and Sam shifted contentedly, his cock still twitching with interest as he regained his breath.
“You’re the one who doesn’t make me use a condom,” he replied, taking a breath that made him arch up off the bed. “And you like it.”
You giggled, closing your eyes. His heartbeat was steadily returning to normal, and you felt him loop an arm around your shoulders. “I don’t know when Ruby’s comin’ back,” you said quietly, “she could be another couple of days.”
Sam chuckled and rolled on top of you, sweeping your thighs apart with his knees. “Then I guess you and I have nothin’ to do but hole up in here until she comes back.”
If you liked this, reblog and leave a comment! Feedback is my fuel!
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Forever tags: @atc74 @becaamm @bamby0304 @crispychrissy @crashdevlin @curly-haired-disaster @emoryhemsworth @emilyshurley @ellen-reincarnated1967 @kittenofdoomage @kayteonline @kickingitwithkirk @kdfrqqg @littlegreenplasticsoldier @lunarsaturn88 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @manawhaat @mrswhozeewhatsis @meganwinchester1999 @oneshoeshort @percussiongirl2017 @rainbowkisses31 @serpentbaby @spnwoman @smallgirlbigpersonality @shaelyn102 @thelittleredwhocould @winchestersaltandgun @winchesterprincessbride @winecatsandpizza @zombiewerewolfqueen @67-chevy-baby @85natalie
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Lost In a Fantasy
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Genre - Fluff, Angst
Word Count - 2050
Length - One shot most probably
Ten is stuck in his own made up world 
I swear it is better then the summary.
Rosy pink tinted his cheeks as he laughed, head tilting back, his hair bouncing as he nods to every word that come out of her plump lips. He stared at the way rays of light shone through the windows illuminating her face, how her doe eyes stare right back into his, as she tells him how her day went, Ten felt like he had heard the story a thousand times but he brushed it off as her voice continue to fill his ears. She sounds like Ten’s favourite song no matter how much it’s placed on repeat he would never feel like it is overplayed.
Brown locks fall covering her face like curtains as she flails around with a stupid grin etched on her face. She laughed and giggled as she tells Ten about her day, hand gestures accompanying her story. Ten mentally noted about how cute she looks as she scrunches up her nose when she talks about something she disliked, how her eyes shimmer and the corner of her eyes crinkle when she starts talking about her dance class so zealously. Every minute that has passed felt like eternity as Ten try to engulf the sight of the beauty in front of him.
In the middle of the conversation she looked at her wrist and a look of shock painted her face as she hurriedly stood and engulf Ten into a quick hug telling her goodbyes as she has elsewhere to be, not specifying where she is going, she has never specify where she heads to leaving a bewildered Ten alone at his apartment, he never wants to pry. If she doesn’t tell Ten where she go, then that would mean that there is no need for Ten to know, he believe in the trust that they have established over the years is enough and she’s going to tell Ten one day.
The empty space left on the beige couch however is now taken up by a giraffe who is staring blankly at the petite boy waving his long limbs around as he try to wake Ten up from the intense staring contest he is having with the white walls across the room. The taller male stop his weird antics as he see Ten come back to his senses, a cheeky grin displayed on his face as he shoves 2 brown paper bags into Ten’s face. The smell of grease soon spread around the room as Johnny went to the kitchen and took the fast food out and plated them. Greeted by a whiny Ten that insist he must maintain his weight for the upcoming dance competition he has, however in contrast to his words he grabbed the oily mess that we call chicken wing and look a large bite out of it.
The smaller cling onto Johnny as an abrupt slam of the door alerted the pair, come in a man that seems so familiar yet Ten could not place his fingers on who he was, the man is well dressed and bringing in a briefcase he sat at the couch across from Ten as the taller has filled all of the space on the couch for his “legs”, Ten thought silently that Johnny should share some of that genes so he can grow a bit more. Chuckling at the thought he momentarily forgot about the random suspicious man sat across of him, that got into his apartment with ease meaning he knows the passcode to Ten’s apartment door.
The man had a stern face but Ten would say that this man is scary indeed, Ten grasp tighter at Johnny’s clothes bundling it up around his small hands. The man’s presence was intimidating to say the least, however as the man’s stone face slowly turn into a small smile, Ten starts to ease up, maybe he is isn’t that bad after all Ten thought, he was always been the type to easily trust to someone.
Shock is not a big enough word to explain how Ten is feeling right now, he felt like his whole world was crumbling down before him like an overcooked crust of an apple pie, the crumbs left on the floor. He refuses to take the words of this random man into consideration, this man is nothing all Ten could know this man could be a serial killer feeding Ten lies to try and kill him fro his enjoyment. That must be it Ten thought, even the idea of a serial killer seated in front of him is better then thinking about the slightest chance of both his best friend no longer walking on the face of the earth as he knows it. Shaking his head in refusal he pushed the unwelcomed man out of his apartment, but with his frame the man won’t even move an inch out of his seat, the man started to speak in a soothing tone Ten feel like he knows too well, he first asked Ten to sit back down onto the seat he sat before. Shaking in fury Ten exclaimed a loud no saying that the nonsense this random man is spurting out are just lies and the Johnny this man had described about is there right in front of his eyes sitting on the couch-, that’s when Ten turned his head back to look and that Johnny is nowhere to be found, even the couch Johnny was seated on is now replaced by dark blue chair fit only for one.
Soon Ten’s whole vision of sight blurred up, as the whole room seem to have changed in color, decoration and even size. The beige walls was gone now replaced by grim looking white walls and the table that had his chicken wing is now replaced by a metallic tray with food that looks like stale mush, the room was white from top to bottom, with mostly all the decorations in white except the blue chair that is in the middle of the room that he must’ve sat on, and the man across from it calmly sitting on his high chair writing down notes on his notepad. The man looked up at Ten and said “I’m guessing you are now back into the reality Mr.Lee? This would always happen every time I come back. You have not been showing any progress at all, how could I help you if you yourself can’t even get out of that imaginary reality you try to live in it always seem like you are getting better however every time we are at the brink of your recovery you always set yourself back to your original state.”
Tear start to flow down Ten’s face as sobs muffled sobs came out from his pale lips as he hiccups, slowly losing his composure, dropping fast onto the hard ground as the idea of losing both y/n and Johnny come across his mind. 
“Chittaphon I am trying my best to help you get out of this trauma you have but first you need to let the fact set in that y/n and Johnny is no longer here, they are long gone and I assume that they would hate seeing you like this, trapped in a made up bubble made by your imagination cause you can’t let them go I know that they play a big part in you life but Chittaphon I beg you, you need to try and let them go you wouldn’t want to lose another important person in your life right?”
The memories soon flew into his mind as the image of y/n pale face project itself, there she laid on a hospital bed in the mint gown that every patient wore however she still looked pretty as ever even to her last breath, however no matter how much time and preparation Ten had, the moment her hand grew cold and lifeless in his all the mental preparation he had went out the window and he fell into a deep depression, secluding himself from any activity only staying in his dark apartment, with barely any light able to seep in, he was a mess and he knows it.
Ten couldn’t cope with the pain of his best friend, his crush, the love if his life leaving him, regretting not spending enough time with her, it killed him to think that the person who made him smile was gone, and he couldn’t even make y/n feel the same way she does when he’s around her. He had been such a coward even to her last breath he still could not stir up his courage to fess up his undying love for her. Ten didn’t want to feel this pain he feels and slowly he had trapped himself in a figment of unrealistic imagination to deal with the pain it all first started with the thought of what if y/n was still alive, how Ten would get out of his way to make the biggest confession he can muster and slowly he has fallen deep into the delusions he has set up for himself.
Johnny is his closest friend, he probably knows Ten more then Ten knows about himself, and Johnny knows how hard this must be for Ten, distancing himself from Ten for a couple of days to give space and time for Ten to grieve, after a few days however Johnny was too impatient and would also like to comfort his friend Johnny had found himself at the doorstep of the younger’s home. The sight displayed in front of Johnny was a look of utter shock however when he was greeted by a cheerful looking Ten and not a forced-smile look however a full out this-is-the-happiest-day-of-my-life smile, Johnny was shocked to say the least when Ten was back to his happy-go-lucky self, Johnny felt a mix of emotion wash over him, happy that his friend is not in a all time low, yet freaked out as the younger is way to happy to be someone that have lost someone so precious to him. Johnny soon found out that Ten have deluded himself in a made up fantasy world where y/n was still alive when Ten started to have one of his rants about how y/n said yes to his confession, when Johnny said y/n was no longer here ten just laughed it off saying it’s not a funny joke and pointed at the black couch saying that y/n is right there. Johnny had a blank expression all through the ride where he brought Ten to the psychiatric wart, unable to believe that his friend is not in the right state if mind, he knows that this could take a toll on Ten but never this much. The moment Ten was taken away was an heartbreaking moment Johnny couldn’t let his Ten go, Ten is almost like a brother to him but Ten needed help and Johnny knows this would make him better. Johnny visits Ten once every 2 days and would always find something new to bring for Ten to try and help Ten be not as bored at the place, cause even spending a few hours there Johnny can feel boredom etch in his bones he can’t imagine Ten needing to go through that everyday, but this would help Ten, Johnny is wiling to try anything.
However nothing seems to want to go Ten’s way when one day Johnny has not come to visit him, Ten was just getting better and was almost at full recovery. The news that greeted him the next day was not so pleasant to hear though, as he has come to find out that the person that have stayed by his side to get him to recover had died in a car crash, Ten have spent the next  few hours cursing at the drunk driver of which he doesn’t even know the name of, and Ten has slowly but surely come back to his delusions, Ten has relapse.
This has happened continuously for several times over the course of a few years now every time Ten has been seeming like he is about to reach full recovery he has relapse back and clouded his mind with these delusions, Engulfing himself and living in his memories, and wanting to have something that now no longer exist
|| Author’s note - This is my first ever written story that i have published i hope you enjoyed it as much as i enjoy writing it. The plot line is that Ten is stuck in his made up delusions that his best friend which is y/n is still alive, Johnny tried his hardest to snap him out of this made up world. The rest was up to me and Ren to decide, so this is how I interpreted the story and Ren interpreted it in a more cheerful tone. I hope you would support both my and Ren’s work. Thats all for this pretty long authors note, thanks for reading ^^
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