#learn N earn company reviews
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learnandearncompanyfeedback · 9 months ago
Learn N Earn Company A Closer Look at Customer Reviews and Testimonials
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Learn and Earn companies offer flexible online learning opportunities that allow individuals to acquire skills and generate income. They provide accessible education through diverse course offerings that can be completed at one's own pace. These companies equip learners with practical skills sought by employers and give opportunities to monetize new skills through freelancing, affiliate marketing, or selling digital products. By combining learning and income generation, Learn and Earn companies empower individuals for personal and professional growth.
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learnnearn669878 · 9 months ago
Why Skill Development Important to the Employee and Organization
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Skill development is essential for any organization that wants to thrive. The "Learn N Earn" philosophy shows that continuous learning benefits employees and the company. By improving performance, organizations can ensure long-term success. Investing in skill development is investing in the future of both the employees and the organization. Take the next step in your career journey with Learn N Earn and unlock your full potential
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learnnearn12 · 1 year ago
Empower Your Career Journey: Skill Enhancement with Learn N Earn
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Learn N Earn emerges as a transformative force, empowering your career journey through skill enhancement. By providing tailored learning paths, emphasizing practical application, offering industry-relevant courses, promoting mentorship, and introducing the concept of earning while learning, Learn N Earn sets the stage for a new era of career development. It's not just about acquiring skills; it's about embarking on a journey that leads to a fulfilling and successful professional life. Visit Learn N Earn to explore resources and courses that can guide you on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.
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spookwriter-xo · 3 months ago
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Chapter 10 - The King
Chapter Summary - Hongjoong and Y/N have some much needed bonding time.
warnings: mentions of child death, grief, Hongjoong is infuriating, smut
Series Masterlist
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The documents I found in the library were full of knowledge that had never been printed for the public eye. Aurora had gotten so close, even having a list of suspects that she'd narrowed down to five people. I'd reviewed the documents secretly, keeping the papers under my bed the nights Jongho or Mingi would spend with me.
Seonghwa had started spending time with me during the day, even letting me teach him some of the ballet duets I'd learned over the years. I could really tell he was a fan in those moments, his eyes lighting up with the slightest bit of excitement.
I hadn't forgiven him, nor had I worn the ring yet. I don't think they deserved to see that yet.
On the nights Mingi or Jongho wouldn't stay with me, I'd stay up late working through the work that Aurora had left. Now that we were nearing the final show day for Coppélia I had more nights off during the week, only performing Thursdays through to Saturdays, which left me plenty of time.
Aurora had discovered another tell aside from poison. All of The Cobra's victims were 100% targeted. Not just random killings of the rich, no, it was calculated. She'd highlighted potential reasons why they would be targeted and who would be the killer for those reasons.
It made me wonder how many I knew now who had targets on their backs or still do. Did ATZ have one? Is that why Aurora was so stubborn in investigating?
One night I had gone downstairs for a glass of water. It was colder than usual tonight, I figured it would start snowing soon since the holidays were right around the corner.
As I climbed back up the stairs to go back to bed, I noticed the light under Hongjoong's office door was on. It wasn't unusual, I knew he'd stay up late most nights to work. However, it didn't stop my feet from carrying me towards the door. I had so many questions, and for some reason, I believed they could be answered by the most infuriating man I have ever made conversations with.
I stop at the door, I can't hear anyone inside, but I know he's in there. He's probably still in his work clothes, his hair messy with a stern yet concentrated look on his face. I softly knock on the door, hearing a groan from the otherside.
"Seonghwa, don't lecture me again." Hongjoong grumbles from the other side. Ny hand finds the handle, and I turn it, the door clicking softly as I push it open. "Seriously, I'm almost-" He finally looks up, realising it's me. "Oh."
"Hi." I say, stepping inside and shutting the door behind me.
"Why are you awake?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowed in suspicion.
"I could ask you the same thing." I respond, earning a quirk of amusement on his features.
"I'm working." He answers simply. "Couldn't sleep?" He asks.
"Yea." I answer, taking a seat in the plush chair across from his desk, one that wasn't there the last time I was in here. The place was tidier. Maybe he cleaned it thinking I'd come back inside.
I always had trouble sleeping around the holidays. Everything that could have happened back home happened around this time. And I mean everything. It was like a higher being had purposely put a curse on my family out of spite.
"You and I have that in common." Hongjoong smirks, placing his pen down probably for the first time in hours. "However I don't think you enioy my company much."
"I don't." I confirm
"Then why are you here?"
I hesitate for a moment. Would he react badly if I started asking questions? I made a promise to them over dinner that I wouldn't investigate anything, that I was just curious and wanted to know as much as I could. Eventually, I did let it slip to them about what I thought had happened to Chalita, before Hongjoong had told me she was alive, and I think the understanding was met.
"I want to ask questions." I say finally.
He nods slowly. "Go ahead."
"How much did you know about The Cobra?" I ask. He leans back in his seat, his right hand coming to hold up his head as he thinks for a moment.
"I know enough." He answers. "He tortured our world for years, killing those who he believed deserved it."
"Aurora thinks that his killings were targeted." I say, his face gave me no tell of how he was feeling in that moment.
"She'd be right, I suppose. It makes sense." Hongjoong says, standing up from his seat. His suit was a little crinkled, and his tie was loose, probably from fiddling with it. "He was an intelligent killer. I found it hard to believe that he just killed for sport, it would be a waste."
"And how he killed them... All their deaths were so specific." I say, sitting up in my seat. "Like Mr Sun. He has his face burnt off right after his modelling company sky rocketed through the market." He looks back at me, a tinge of interest in his eyes.
He hums in agreement, connecting the dots in his head. "It's a long shot."
"A long shot?" I scoff, standing up. "Are you kidding me?"
"Well, what do you want me to say? That I agree with you? So you'll run off and do the exact same thing Aurora did and get yourself killed?" He snaps. He'd never raised his voice at me, not yet anyway. I got the impression he was more of the teasing type.
"It would be nice, yknow. Considering you've done nothing but tease me since I arrived." I argue back.
"I thought you liked it?" He laughs.
"Well I don't! It's infuriating- You're infuriating!" I groan, throwing my hands up.
"Alright then princess." Hongjoong says, leaning against one of the bookshelves. "Keep ranting. What else do you hate about me?"
"It's not just you! It's everything about this place." I exclaim. "Only two of you talk to me and actually treat me like they want me here. Hell, Seonghwa is the one who invited me here, and he treats me like I'm some innocent doll for him to play with. And you -" I point my index finger at him, which makes him raise his eyebrow. "- You are one of the most immature men I have ever had to displeasure of knowing. Do you never take anything seriously? And when you do, do you always expect everyone to agree with you because guess what, they don't!"
He watches me, his expression showing a hint of pride at my outburst. He lets me rant for a while longer, about the other boys, that stupid ring Seonghwa gave me, and his stupid apology, the rules, and keeping me in the dark. Eventually, when I stopped, he grins widely, a laugh escaping his lips.
"You continue to surprise me." He cackles, shaking his head as he looks out the window.
"This is what I'm talking about!" I say, frustrated. "I tell you how I feel, that I'm upset, and you laugh at me!"
Hongjoong stops laughing, looking back at me. "You're really upset?" He says, scanning me for a moment.
"Yes! I've been saying that for weeks." I says, feeling my eyes burn.
He stands there for a moment. The amusement on his face vanished now.
"It's been a while since I've had someone voice their feelings so openly." He says, moving around to sit back in his seat. "When you spend so much time with someone, you just get the feeling that somethings wrong."
I stand there, my arms crossed.
"I should have listened." He says softly, looking me directly in the eye. "Please. Sit." He says.
I sit down, my arms still crossed over my chest.
"Aurora and I met through a business exchange." He says. "Before my parents passed, her and I were betrothed to one another." I look at him in surprise.
"As we got older, we grew to love each other. The others loved her too, and she loved them.. It was -" He stops finally looking into my eyes. "I want that with you." He whispers, leaning forward in his seat.
Something flutters in my stomach, and I break away from his gaze. I wanted it, I really did. To be loved so fully, that material goods wouldn't make me feel the same type of happiness.
"The Cobra isn't gone, Hongjoong." I say softly. "He could have a target on any one of you."
He nods. "I know, but the safety of you and them comes first." He says, pointing towards the door. "One wrong move and everything that I've ever loved disappears."
I shut my mouth, my eyes lowering in understanding.
"I know. But I've lost everything." I whisper. "He took everything from me."
"What happened in that house, Princess?" He asks gently, standing up and moving around the desk to lean against the front of it, in front of me. "Talk to me. I'll listen this time."
I look up at him as he leans back, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I thought Chalita was dead. You all know that now." I start. "I had another sister, Chaluai, she died at only 12 years old." His eyes soften as he listens. "I wasn't there when she passed... I had already run away, but I saw it on the news."
"5 years ago. I remember." He says softly. "They said she died in her sleep."
"It's a lie." I say. "She had been sick for months beforehand, the doctor found poison in her system around a month in, and my mother had everyone in the house fired."
"Poison?" Hongjoong raises an eyebrow.
"I can't remember the type, but yes."
"That sounds..."
"Like The Cobra?"
He nods at my words. "It seems like your family had a target on it's back." He says, his voice grim. "Maybe it was a good thing you ran away."
"I should have left sooner and taken her with me." I say, fiddling with my fingers.
"You should never blame yourself for things you had no control over." He says, moving to kneel in front of me. "You were a child too."
I watch him carefully as he takes my hands in his, his eyes never leaving mine. I liked this side of him, how he'd listen intently to every detail I said.
"Believe me when I say it's not your fault." He whispers. My eyes start to burn as tears threaten to spill, and he reaches up to cup my cheek.
"So you do know how to comfort people." I joke, fighting back the tears. He chuckles softly, standing to kiss my forhead before taking the seat beside me.
"I get it from my mother." He says.
"Tell me about them. Your parents." I say softly. our hands still holding tightly to one anothers.
"They were good people, didn't deserve what happened to them. Same with my brother." He says, looking down at our hands. "I was happy, we were happy. Then it all just got stripped away."
"It's hard... Losing your family." I say softly, squeezing his hand.
"It's strange how we all lost our families, yet all found each other." He says with a small smile.
"No one has a family?" I ask, I knew Jongho had lost his, but the others?
"Pretty much, everyone. San still talks to his sister." Hongjoong says. "Our parents however, are either dead or want nothing to do with us."
I felt a pang in my chest, maybe we weren't so different.
"Something on your mind, Princess?" He asks softly.
"A lot of things." I whisper. "I think a lot."
"I can tell." He chuckles. "I find it endearing."
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I woke the next morning in my own bed. Hongjoong and I had talked for hours, and I must have drifted off not long after he started showing me some of his work. Funny.
I get out of bed and get ready for the day, I can hear them all downstairs already. Their lovely voices ricocheting up the stairs. I smile as I follow the noise. It had been a while since it was like this.
"Good morning!" Wooyoung chirps as I enter the dining room, the seat next to him open. I sit down, saying good morning to them all as I look out on the food before me.
"Pretty girl, can you pass me that?" Jongho asks, sitting across from me. I feel my cheeks burn at the nickname and hand him a butter knife.
"Sleep well?" Hongjoong asks from the head of the table. I give him a knowing look and nod, earning a wink from him.
The boys continue to chatter, their voices mingling as I try to listen to everyone at once. Even Yunho was chatty, his laugh boisterous as Mingi cracks a joke mid-conversation.
I wanted this. This is the life I wanted with them. I wanted to be in their circle, I wanted to love them and to be loved. It felt weird to finally admit it even to myself. It had been months now, and such little progress had been made. Maybe they were waiting for me to make a move this whole time?
"I have my final show next week." I finally speak up when their conversations die down. "I want you all to come."
Seonghwa smiles brightly. "The final show already? It feels like it only started a few weeks ago."
"You really want us there?" San asks, his eyes watching me curiously.
"I do." I say softly, glancing at Hongjoong.
"We'll come." Hongjoong says, taking a sip of whatever was in his mug, and I'm fairly sure it was alcoholic.
I smile widely at his answer. A few of them smile back, while the others turn their attention back to their meals.
After breakfast, Hongjoong asks me into his office. He takes my hand when we're out of sight and leads me back up the stairs.
He twirls me as we enter his private space, closing the door behind him with a soft click and locking it. He strides towards me next, pinning me against the front of his desk.
"You forgot something last night." He says, his gaze sending shivers down my spine.
"And what would that be?" I ask, my voice barely above a whisper.
He grins before leaning in, sealing my lips in a kiss. He pulls away briefly, his grin widening even more when I chase him before pushing forward again.
His hands grip my hips as he deepens the kiss, letting out soft breaths as our tongues collide.
When we finally pull away, he rests our forheads together, catching his breath.
"You're perfect." He whispers before leaning back in.
His hand travels under the hem of my dress, his fingers dancing lightly across my skin. I jump up to sit on the desk, the dress bunching up around my hips as he stands between my legs. Our lips never break apart, like it was the only thing keeping us alive.
"Can I have you?" He whispers, his lips pressing sloppy and desperate kisses to my jaw and neck.
"Yes." I respond softly.
He brings his hands up and starts to unbutton his white button-up, slowly shrugging it off of his shoulders. I noticed a scar on his abdomen but decided to ask about it later. He groans as I reach forward to palm him through his trousers.
"I need you so bad." He says, his voice almost pleading. I had the leader of one of the most notorious mafia gangs begging for me.
His fingers push my panties to the side, one finding my core and slowly pushing in. He watches my face as my mouth hangs open in pleasure.
"Hongjoong.." I moan softly, my hands gripping his biceps. He shudders at the sound of his name on my lips.
"You're soaked, and I've barely touched you." He chuckles, pumping his finger in and out of me at a steady pace.
"Can I ride you?" I ask, surprising myself.
"Absolutely." He says, quickly removing his finger and hustling to undress himself further. I do the same, hopping off the desk and pulling my clothes off one by one as I follow him arlund to his desk chair.
He sits down, his hair a mess, and his erection is standing proud. I straddle him, his hands instantly finding my waist as I do so. He reaches a hand down between us as I brace myself on his shoulders to guide himself to my entrance.
His head rolls back as I slowly sink down onto him, a low moan escaping his lips. His hands gently massage my waist as I adjust to the position, his eyes on me as I started to move.
I rode him with expert skill, my moans lingering with his as we both chased our pleasure. His hands guided my movements, whispering soft praises into my ear.
"Good girl.." He says with a happy sigh. "Doing so well for me."
I whine softly as he bucks his hips up. "Can you go a little faster?" Hongjoong asks, almost sweetly. I nod, bracing myself again as I start to move faster. He bucks up into him, timing our movements perfectly that made me see stars.
"Perfect." Hongjoong grunts, his release rapidly approaching.
I could feel my orgasm slowly reaching its peak. My thighs burnt, and I'm sure Hongjoongs shoulders were in pain from my nails digging into his skin, but he didn't care. He was too focused on me, just me. His eyes never left my face, my body sonce we started. He wanted me.
"Gonna cum?" He questions, feeling me clench around him. "Cum for me." He says, his voice low but desperate. The encouragement was all I needed to push me over the edge, my orgasm triggering his own.
I relax on top of him, his arms wrapped around me in a comforting embrace. On hand, rest behind my head as he presses kisses to my forhead, the other rubbing my back.
"You okay?" He asks softly, his fingers gently tangling inbmy hair.
"Yea.." I whisper, my head resting on his shoulder.
We sit in comfortable silence, neither of us wanting to move away from the others' embrace. For the first time ever, I felt safe with Hongjoong, and I knew the others would be the same.
I just got to give them a chance.
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@bellaptv @arilevenatz @my-atiny-kookie-rkive @hecateslittlewitchling @starhwacore
@neuviloved @monstacheol @latisthegenderfluidwannabealone
@vtyb23 @bigbabygremlin @professormingisglasses
@pinuspot @astral-trashcan @ateezswonderland @joonhasjiminsjams @atzlordz @lightwxodd
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kokinu09 · 1 year ago
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Let Go of the Reins || CHAPTER 1
pairing seungmin x fem!reader
genre strangers to lovers, romance, fluff, slight angst later, happy ending, social media, not meant to be, someday
summary Australia is considered home for two of the eight members. When two tour dates are scheduled for the land down under, the boys can’t help but want to spend a bit more time there to visit family and do a little sightseeing. So how do they convince the company that they need to stay a couple weeks? Filming some SKZ Code episodes.
A local riding school just outside the city with amazing reviews for their skilled instructors and beautiful horses is hosting a very popular kpop group to film their experiences. Y/N knows the group well and she just so happens to be their star working student.
status ongoing
taglist OPEN
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The drive to their destination isn’t too bad. It’s actually very beautiful. The transition from the city to the more rural areas into the natural Australian landscape. Vast grassy fields, rolling hills, and lush, green forests all brimming with wildlife and gorgeous views.
They’re heading to a small riding school about an hour out of the city. Chan had told them about it vaguely in the chat earlier. Seungmin is sure he didn’t even know much about it other than what they’re doing and where they’re going.
As the vans pull up, he takes note of how big the place seems to be. They’re only at the entrance and the sheer amount of grounds they’ll be covering is already making him feel exhausted.
He looks around at the others when they’ve all filed out. Of course Chan is over talking to one of the staff, pointing in all different directions he assumes is him getting as much information as possible. Minho is hung back near Han in their little introverted huddle waiting for instructions. Felix’s bright eyed smile as he looks around makes him chuckle from the blatant contrast between his own dread and the older’s excitement. And the other three were currently bickering and placing bets on who they think will get bucked off.
“Mm, I don’t think Hannie-hyung would. He’d just let the horse take over before disagreeing with it.” Jeongin decides. Hyunjin hums in agreement beside him.
“You’re right. It will definitely be Changbin-hyung before anyone else.” He adds.
“HEY!” The older boy shouts indignantly. “The horses are going to love me! What are you talking about?!” Changbin continues to loudly defend himself for about a minute before Chan appears to intervene, gathering all of the boys closer.
“Ok, it’s almost time for the host to come get us for instruction. Today will mostly be us getting to look around and learn the do’s and dont’s.” Chan explains before turning to look pointedly at Changbin. “But let’s try not to startle the horses with too much yelling, yeah?”
Changbin gawks but is ultimately left speechless without an argument to stand on. The other two boys that had placed bets snicker. “See?” Hyunjin laughs, earning an elbow from his elder.
What was surprising was the lack of cameras following them around. Seungmin had first noticed when they were led to the entrance of the main barn to meet the inspector but he didn’t say anything.
Now that they are fully inside and being taught about the equipment they’d be using, it feels strange. They’re so used to seemingly being recorded at all times that the moments when they’re not, they automatically are just waiting for the cameras to show.
“I thought we were recording SKZ Codes. Where’s the camera crew?” He whispers the question to Chan.
The leader’s eyes flicker over to him then back towards the instructor. “We are but the host’s insisted that the first day be used solely for institutional purposes for our safety. Tomorrow will be more fun, I promise.” He offers a smile of reassurance.
Seungmin hums in understanding and pretends to tune back into listening, even though all of this is incredibly boring to him.
“Minho, look!” Han alerts in excitement, completely interrupting the poor woman talking and all eyes turn to where he is pointing further down the barn.
A mother cat lounges about as her three small kittens pounce and play nearby. A chorus of delighted and amused sounds erupt from their group. A few of the members, Minho included, abandon their seats all together in favor of playing with the kittens.
Seungmin even got up in favor of distracting from the monotonous lesson about horse equipment.
“Oh, you’ve found little Miss Cali and her babies!” The woman says lightly. Minho already has all three kittens circling his crouched legs as he scratches their mother’s head. “And it seems they really like you!” She laughs.
“I would hope so! He’s our resident cat whisperer!” Han teases as he coaxes one of the kittens to come his way instead.
“Don’t be dramatic,” Minho scoffs. “I just treat them with respect and they appreciate that.” Then he smirks. “They’re not like dogs just desperate for attention.”
“Hey!” Seungmin gawks in offense. But he gets brushed off with a wave of Minho’s hand as if he hadn’t meant it towards him, even though he definitely did. The younger just clicks his tongue in annoyance.
Chan is too busy apologizing to the nice lady for the interruption and giving her a vague translation of what the members were saying to notice when Seungmin slips further from the members and the cats. And neither had the rest of them.
He didn’t stray far at first. Just slipping further into the barn to see some of the horses still in their stalls. Even getting to pet a few of them on the nose if they were close enough to the door. He smiles to himself at the peaceful moments he gets to share with these gentle giants on his own for once.
Not that he doesn’t enjoy experiencing things with the members. Because he does! It’s just rare to have a moment alone even when they aren’t filming. Lucky for him, his fellow members are easily distracted and, without the cameras watching their every move, he could enjoy one of these seldom quiet instances.
The further from the group he got, the more his curiosity peaks at the sounds coming from outside. The distant neigh of excited horses and the almost rhythmic pounding of against the dirt. What would it hurt if he explores just a little more?
So he glances over his shoulder, to make sure no one has missed him yet, then continues to wander out of the barn.
The air outside is refreshing, even with the humid heat. It’s better than inside the stuffy barn. Someone must have cut the grass recently because he can smell it mixing with the kicked up dirt. A light breeze hits his face as he takes in a deep breath and keeps walking further from the confines of the barn.
“Arena?” He wonders aloud when he reads a sign nailed to a pretty white fence. The only arenas he’s ever been to were for concerts or sports. What could an arena be for at this riding school?
The fenced area is surrounded by trees and greenery, almost as if they are trying to keep it hidden from the general attendees for their services. His interest peeks again, curious what they could be hiding.
He pushes on, the grass under his feet turning to dirt as soon as he crosses the fence’s threshold. The vast space seems filled with obstacles; red and white horizontal bars held up by sturdy posts, barrels strategically placed exact distances apart, and even a couple weird standing curtain-like fixtures.
“Oh, some kind of training arena,” he murmurs to himself, walking up to the closest jump obstacle just to look at it. He hasn’t seen these kinds of things in person after all. It’s much bigger than what he imagined watching it on a little phone screen. But the horses also seem bigger, so he guesses he just isn’t used to all this yet.
Suddenly, he hears the fast approaching sound of hooves pounding against the ground. “Oh shit,” Seungmin curses, his eyes go wide with panic as he bolts upright and pushes himself backwards as quickly as he can. If he trips over his own two feet just as the horse clears the jump and he’s face-to-face with a huge animal that could crush him in an instant, then that’s between him and the dirt under his ass.
But the massive creature skids to a stop before he can be trampled and the panicked voice of the rider drifts over the irritant neighs.
“Oh my god! Are you ok?”
He looks up and thinks he might be dreaming. An angel atop her white stead, the Australian sun casting a halo around her silhouette as she watches over him. Maybe he did die and go to heaven.
It’s a miracle that you stopped in time. Your heart thrumming in your chest with panic that you’d almost accidentally run someone over and worry that this not-just-a-somebody but Korean fucking idol is actually hurt because of you.
“I’m so so so sorry!” The words coming out without even a breath in between as you hop out of the saddle, rushing to help him up off the ground and back onto his feet.
Seungmin still hasn’t found his voice even as you frantically check him over for anything visible, all the while the word sorry becoming your new catchphrase. But his silence almost makes you worry even worse than if he was scolding you.
With a huff you finally straighten to look him in the face, eyes big and round and scared. “Please tell me you’re alright.”
It was only then that you realize just how scared he must have been; his eyes wide and almost sparkling (what you could only assume is from unshed tears because why else would his eyes be so big and beautiful), face flushed (maybe he’s embarrassed that you’re seeing him so vulnerable?), and lips slightly agape (the shock seeming to still have a tight grip on his tongue). That has to be the only explanation as to why he is looking at you like this.
He finally blinks a few times as he breathes out a laugh at how much fuss you’re making over this. “I’m fine, don’t worry,” he assures, brushing off the dust from his pants.
“Oh thank god!” You dramatically sigh. “Your company would kill me if anything happened to you!”
“Ha! Gee thanks!” Seungmin laughs humorously.
“Wha—? Wait! No! Not like that!” You laugh along, relieved that he’s able to joke about the situation. But that’s kinda the problem here though, isn’t it? Your features shift from a lighthearted smile to very serious in a matter of seconds. Your lips pressing into a hard line. “What are you doing in the arena? You could have really gotten hurt!”
“Don’t be dramatic. I was only looking around.” Then he smirks. “And besides, nothing bad actually happened.”
You huff out an annoyed breath. “Yeah! ‘Cause my horse and I have been working together for a very long time.”
“My hero~!” He coos teasingly.
“Shut up,” you glare but the blush heating your cheeks doesn’t go unnoticed. “Anyone less experienced as a rider might not have stopped in time and you would have been trampled!” The scold coming out much more concerned than you intended.
“But again, I wasn’t and everything is fine,” he brushes it off and your cheeks heat up for a completely different reason.
“Where are the rest of the boys. We are having a safety meeting before anything else.” You demand, grabbing his wrist as you stomp towards the barn. Maybe dropping your hold when he catches his footing and is able to keep pace with you. (Or maybe it was out of embarrassment, you’ll never admit the truth.)
“Hey, w-wait!” It’s his turn to grip onto your wrist to stop you. “You obviously know who I am,” you snort as if to say ‘yeah no shit’, which makes him chuckle but he has to know. “But I didn’t catch your name.”
You’re sure the look on your face is so dumb because you just stare at him as if he’s joking for a few long seconds. Why on earth could he want to know your name? You’re just some girl who teaches riding lessons. A glorified stable hand. Nothing special. But he is patient as he waits for your response, an eagerness clearly bubbling just beneath the surface.
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@kangaracha @rainfallingfromthesky @puppysmileseungmin @keepswingin
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readingforsanity · 3 months ago
The Heiress | Rachel Hawkins | Published 2024
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When Ruby McTavish Callahan Woodward Miller Kenmore dies, she's not only North Carolina's richest woman, she's also its most notorious. The victim of a famous kidnapping as a child and a widow four times over, Ruby ruled the tiny town of Tavistock from Ashby House, her family's estate high in the Blue Ridge mountains. In the aftermath of her death, the estate - along with a nine-figure fortune and the complicated legacy of being a McTavish - pass to her adopted son, Camden.
But to everyone's surprise, Cam wants little to do with the house or the money - and even less to do with the surviving McTavishes. Instead, he rejects his inheritance, settling into a normal life as an English teaher in Colorado and marrying Jules, a woman just as eager to escape her own messy past.
Ten years later, Camden is a McTavish in name only, but a summons in the wake of his uncle's death brings him and Jules back into the family fold at Ashby House. Its views are just as stunning as ever, its rooms just as elegant, but coming home reminds Cam why he was so quick to leave in the first place.
Jules, however, has other plans, and the more she learns about Cam's estranged family - and the twisted secrets they keep - the more determined she is for her husband to claim everything Ruby once intended for him to have.
But Ruby's plans were always more complicated than they appear. As Ashby House tightens its grip on Jules and Camden, questions about the infamous heiress come to light. Was there any truth to the persistent rumors following her disappearance as a girl? What really happened to those four husbands, who all died under mysterious circumstances? And why did she adopt Cam in the first place? Soon, Jules and Cam realize than an inheritance can entail far more than what's written in a will - and that bonds of family stretch far beyond the grave.
Camden McTavish is returning to Tavistock, North Carolina for the first time in 10 years, along with his wife, Jules. He was adopted at the tender age of 3 by the richest woman n North Carolina at the time, Ruby McTavish. The family had a well known estate, called Ashby House, in the mountains surrounding the quaint town. When Ruby had been just 3 years old, she had been kidnapped by the Darnell family, lived with them for several months before being reunited with her family less than a year later, going by the name of Dora Darnell.
Now that Cam's uncle Howell had killed himself during a drunk driving incident, his cousin explains that it is time for him to come home to discuss the family finances, and that Ashby House is in near ruins and since Cam has access to all of the McTavish family fortune, he is needed. Jules is thrilled to be getting a slice of the life he had left behind, and soon finds herself falling in love with Ashby House and the woods surrounding it.
For Cam, it's like coming back to a haunted home. Ruby had died 10 years previously, and his remaining family have never been much of a family to him, never quite accepting him since he wasn't a born McTavish. We quickly learn that Jules has nefarious ideas and why she pushed Cam to return to the home he once left behind in the review mirror. She has been conspiring with Cam's cousin Ben, that if she could get him to return to North Carolina, she would help ensure that the family would have access to the money without issue.
Sparsed throughout the story is Ruby's confessions. Having been married and widowed four times over the course of her 73 years, earning the nickname "Mrs. Kill-More" because they ultimately died under mysterious circumstances, she wrote letters to whom is assumed to be Cam confessing everything.
At 21, she met and married a man named Duke, a wealthy heir to a tobacco company fortune. However, shortly after their idyllic wedding, Duke begins beating her. After coming back from a night of gambling with old school buddies with a rifle, Ruby took the gun and shot him, later telling the police he had been shot in a robbing gone wrong.
Now widowed and without a man, her father began to take more interest in her younger, more bitter sister Nelle, who had given him a grandson. In the end, she made the decision to marry her second husband, who worked for her father. She realized quickly that this was a mistake simply because he was boring and she wanted out of it. She concocted a story of the barn on the property of the house, claiming she wanted it renovated, knowing that the barn had electric problems, and thus, she became a widow a second time over.
Her third husband was the only one she truly loved. Andrew was a painter, and they spent a lovely 10 years together. She felt so comfortable with him that she confessed to the murders of her first two husbands to Andrew. Although he was thrown by this knowledge, he doesn't leave though his feelings for Ruby had clearly changed. Unable to get the dark thoughts out of her mind, she begins to poison him, slowly at first, and less than a year later, he was gone.
Her final husband was almost an afterthought. A much younger man, 20 plus years younger than her, he was a partier and even got Ruby involved in drugs and alcohol. But, the dark thoughts returned and she pushed him over the side of the yacht he had purchased, claiming he had been drunk and high, and he had simply fallen overboard. This final death is the one that had earned her the horrible nickname.
While Cam is battling with his family, we also learn another truth. Ruby wasn't Ruby at all, but was in fact, Dora Darnell. In her letters, she explained that she had found out after locating her true sister and niece. It was told to her that their father and mother had sold her to the McTavish family for a lot of money because they had at the time been unable to afford their two children. The real Ruby had gone missing, and her body or whereabouts had never been located.
The remaining McTavish family members had found this out through a DNA test, but Cam is already aware. Ruby had told him after performing her own DNA test using hair from her supposed sister, Nelle, and that she had given everything to her one remaining heir as a final fuck you to her family.
Cam and Jules agree to leave, but in the end, we learn that the nefarious thoughts Jules were having was because Ruby had arranged hers and Cam's meeting from the very beginning. Jules was actually her great-niece, born to her niece Linda, whom she had met as a child after locating her little sister. Wanting to ensure that her money would go to a person who truly deserved it, she arranged for Jules to find him, and what they didn't plan for is that Cam and Jules would fall in love with each other.
In the end, Jules sets the house on fire with both Ben and his sister inside, kiling them, and Jules and Cam settle in South Carolina, expecting their first child in just a few short months.
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dwcrypto · 4 months ago
Learn How to Start Mining BTC and Maximize Your Profits
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How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?
Bitcoin mining is the process of verifying and adding transactions to the Bitcoin blockchain. Miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical puzzles, competing to validate blocks and earn Bitcoin rewards. This system, known as Proof of Work (PoW), ensures network security and decentralization. If you’re looking to get started with mining, platforms like GCB Exchange provide resources and tools to support your mining operations.
The History of Bitcoin Mining
Bitcoin mining began in 2009 with Satoshi Nakamoto, who mined the first block, known as the Genesis Block. Early miners used regular CPUs, but as Bitcoin gained popularity, mining shifted to more efficient GPUs and specialized hardware like ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits). Today, mining is a highly competitive industry requiring significant computational power. To stay updated on the latest mining trends, visit GCB Exchange.
The Different Methods of Bitcoin Mining
Solo MiningMining independently, where you keep all rewards. However, it requires substantial investment in hardware and electricity.
Pool MiningJoining a mining pool allows miners to combine resources and share rewards proportionally. It’s ideal for those with limited computing power. GCB Exchange offers mining pool options and guidance for both beginners and advanced users.
Cloud MiningRent mining equipment hosted remotely by a provider. This method eliminates the need for owning hardware but comes with ongoing fees and lower control. For a reliable cloud mining provider, check out GCB Exchange.
Choosing the Right Hardware for Bitcoin Mining
The choice of mining hardware significantly impacts your profitability. Key considerations include:
ASIC Miners: Most efficient for Bitcoin mining. Models like the Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro offer high hash rates. For ASIC mining hardware, check out reviews and recommendations from GCB Exchange.
Energy Efficiency: Select hardware with a balance between hash rate and power consumption. Companies like GCB Exchange provide insights into energy-efficient mining hardware.
Setting Up a Bitcoin Mining Rig
Once you’ve chosen your hardware, follow these steps to set up your mining rig:
Secure a Reliable Power Source: Mining rigs consume significant electricity.
Install Mining Software: Popular options include CGMiner, BFGMiner, and EasyMiner. For more details, visit GCB Exchange.
Connect to a Mining Pool: Improve your chances of earning consistent rewards by connecting to a reputable mining pool, like the ones available on GCB Exchange.
Joining a Mining Pool
Mining pools like Slush Pool, F2Pool, or AntPool allow miners to pool resources and share rewards based on contribution. When choosing a pool, consider:
Pool fees: Typically range from 1% to 3%.
Reputation and reliability.
Payment methods: Some pools offer Pay-Per-Share (PPS) while others use Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares (PPLNS). For more information about mining pools, visit GCB Exchange.
Maximizing Your Profits Through Efficient Mining Strategies
Optimize Energy Consumption: Choose energy-efficient hardware and operate in regions with low electricity costs.
Monitor Market Trends: Bitcoin’s price fluctuations directly impact profitability. Follow real-time market data on GCB Exchange.
Upgrade Hardware Regularly: Stay competitive by using the latest mining technology.
Diversify Mining Activities: Consider mining alternative cryptocurrencies during Bitcoin’s low-profit periods. For multi-cryptocurrency mining options, check out GCB Exchange.
Common Challenges and Troubleshooting in Bitcoin Mining
High Initial Costs: Hardware and electricity expenses can be significant.
Overheating Issues: Use cooling systems to prevent hardware damage.
Difficulty Adjustments: As more miners join, the network adjusts the difficulty, making mining more competitive.
Conclusion and Future Prospects of Bitcoin Mining
Bitcoin mining remains a viable venture for those willing to invest in the right resources and strategies. As the network continues to evolve, miners must adapt to new challenges, including regulatory changes and technological advancements. By staying informed and proactive, you can unlock the full earning potential of Bitcoin mining. To stay up-to-date on industry news and changes in mining regulations, visit GCB Exchange.
Learn How to Start Mining BTC and Maximize Your Profits
Bitcoin mining has emerged as a lucrative venture for many crypto enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned miner looking to optimize your earnings, understanding the ins and outs of Bitcoin mining is essential. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know about starting your Bitcoin mining journey, from understanding the process to maximizing your profits.
How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?
Bitcoin mining is the process of verifying and adding transactions to the Bitcoin blockchain. Miners use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical puzzles, competing to validate blocks and earn Bitcoin rewards. This system, known as Proof of Work (PoW), ensures network security and decentralization. If you’re looking to get started with mining, platforms like GCB Exchange provide resources and tools to support your mining operations.
The History of Bitcoin Mining
Bitcoin mining began in 2009 with Satoshi Nakamoto, who mined the first block, known as the Genesis Block. Early miners used regular CPUs, but as Bitcoin gained popularity, mining shifted to more efficient GPUs and specialized hardware like ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuits). Today, mining is a highly competitive industry requiring significant computational power. To stay updated on the latest mining trends, visit GCB Exchange.
The Different Methods of Bitcoin Mining
Solo MiningMining independently, where you keep all rewards. However, it requires substantial investment in hardware and electricity.
Pool MiningJoining a mining pool allows miners to combine resources and share rewards proportionally. It’s ideal for those with limited computing power. GCB Exchange offers mining pool options and guidance for both beginners and advanced users.
Cloud MiningRent mining equipment hosted remotely by a provider. This method eliminates the need for owning hardware but comes with ongoing fees and lower control. For a reliable cloud mining provider, check out GCB Exchange.
Choosing the Right Hardware for Bitcoin Mining
The choice of mining hardware significantly impacts your profitability. Key considerations include:
ASIC Miners: Most efficient for Bitcoin mining. Models like the Bitmain Antminer S19 Pro offer high hash rates. For ASIC mining hardware, check out reviews and recommendations from GCB Exchange.
Energy Efficiency: Select hardware with a balance between hash rate and power consumption. Companies like GCB Exchange provide insights into energy-efficient mining hardware.
Setting Up a Bitcoin Mining Rig
Once you’ve chosen your hardware, follow these steps to set up your mining rig:
Secure a Reliable Power Source: Mining rigs consume significant electricity.
Install Mining Software: Popular options include CGMiner, BFGMiner, and EasyMiner. For more details, visit GCB Exchange.
Connect to a Mining Pool: Improve your chances of earning consistent rewards by connecting to a reputable mining pool, like the ones available on GCB Exchange.
Joining a Mining Pool
Mining pools like Slush Pool, F2Pool, or AntPool allow miners to pool resources and share rewards based on contribution. When choosing a pool, consider:
Pool fees: Typically range from 1% to 3%.
Reputation and reliability.
Payment methods: Some pools offer Pay-Per-Share (PPS) while others use Pay-Per-Last-N-Shares (PPLNS). For more information about mining pools, visit GCB Exchange.
Maximizing Your Profits Through Efficient Mining Strategies
Optimize Energy Consumption: Choose energy-efficient hardware and operate in regions with low electricity costs.
Monitor Market Trends: Bitcoin’s price fluctuations directly impact profitability. Follow real-time market data on GCB Exchange.
Upgrade Hardware Regularly: Stay competitive by using the latest mining technology.
Diversify Mining Activities: Consider mining alternative cryptocurrencies during Bitcoin’s low-profit periods. For multi-cryptocurrency mining options, check out GCB Exchange.
Common Challenges and Troubleshooting in Bitcoin Mining
High Initial Costs: Hardware and electricity expenses can be significant.
Overheating Issues: Use cooling systems to prevent hardware damage.
Difficulty Adjustments: As more miners join, the network adjusts the difficulty, making mining more competitive.
Conclusion and Future Prospects of Bitcoin Mining
Bitcoin mining remains a viable venture for those willing to invest in the right resources and strategies. As the network continues to evolve, miners must adapt to new challenges, including regulatory changes and technological advancements. By staying informed and proactive, you can unlock the full earning potential of Bitcoin mining. To stay up-to-date on industry news and changes in mining regulations, visit GCB Exchange
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mahamid110 · 1 year ago
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There are NO monthly fees to use it during the launch period. During this period, you pay once and never again. We always believe in providing complete value for your money. However, there are upgrades as upsell which requires monthly payment but its 100% optional & not mandatory to work with CloudStudio. Those are recommended if you want to multiply your benefits.
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As a nature of SAAS, we claim to provide services for the next 60 months. After this period gets over, be rest assured as our support team will renew your services for another 60 months for free and henceforth. We're giving it as complimentary renewal to our founder members for buying from us early.
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First, thanks for buying CloudStudio early. As you are a founder member of Oppyo, we are giving CloudStudio for FREE as BIG feature upgrade so no need to pay anything extra. Your account will be automatically upgraded to 2.0 and all features will be added. Still have any query, you always can contact support on live chat.
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cloudminergpt · 1 year ago
How To Join BTC Cloud Mining Step-by-by Guide
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Before learning how to join BTC cloud mining, it is important to know why we should do so. The motivation comes from the fact that those interested in the cryptocurrency business have a spectrum of choices here. Its affordability is highlighted by cloud mining’s attribute which relieves the investor from buying expensive equipment and maintaining it or footing massive electricity bills. Now that you are convinced that cloud mining is the best bet, let’s learn the nuances of joining the cloud crypto mining process.
Choose A Reputable Company
The first step towards cloud mining starts with intensive research with the hope of finding a reputable and reliable cloud mining provider. Collect reviews, testimonials and user experiences of the best cloud mining in Chennai from friends, colleagues and relatives. Analyze the transparency of the provider by the extent to which they reveal their mining facilities and team besides sharing the risk involved.
Pay attention to the mining contracts, maintenance fees and pricing structure and ensure that it aligns with your budget and investment goals. Identify the mining algorithms that the cryptocurrencies offered would support and study the scope for diversification.
Finalize A Mining Package
After finalizing your provider move over to the mining packages and start by deciding the length of the contracts. These contracts may extend from a few months to a few years and the longer ones come with better pricing yet longer commitment. Determine your budget which would automatically lead you to a suitable mining package and its size.
From the range of packages offered by the cloud mining platform with varying hashing power choose the one you can afford with a potential to earn. Read the terms and conditions carefully and bring your risk tolerance to the picture and make your plunge.
Select A Mining Pool
Enhance your chances of earning bitcoins by joining the right mining pools based on factors like size, payout structure, fees, reliability and user interface. Mining hardware like graphics processing units and central processing units are limited in their profitability and need more time and energy to mine, while application-specific integrated circuits have better computational power than the former ones.
Look for the cloud mining services mining pool’s transparency which is asserted through its real-time dashboards. Observe the pool payout schemes which may be pay-per-share and pay-per-last-n-shares. Study the mining pool’s stability by analyzing factors such as downtimes which depend on the connection which may be secure or open, vulnerability to DDoS attacks which increase with increased pooling activities and the pool’s ability to repel such attacks.
Pay For The Service And Deposit Funds
Start by creating an account on the website of the chosen cloud mining service which requires an email address and an extremely secure password setup. Use appropriate credentials to cloud mining login to enter your newly created account and choose a mining package that is both affordable and suitable.
Buy mining contract in terms of contract duration, maintenance fees, hashing power and total cost and add the chosen mining package to your cart. Click the ‘Proceed to payment’ or ‘Check-out’ button to initiate the payment process and through cryptocurrencies or traditional methods like credit cards. Enter payment details by confirming and making payments and depositing funds in your account.
Start Mining
Now that your account is funded, purchase the hashing power to start mining. Rent a part of the cloud mining service’s mining equipment through which you earn rewards based on your share of the total hashing power used. Employ your account dashboard to assess the performance of your mining package and other statistics like daily earnings and total BTC earned and tracking these metrics evince the progress of your investment.
Anticipate the risks and challenges on which your profitability depends and invest only what you can afford to lose. Review your investment strategy constantly and adapt to the market conditions for the best results.
Monitor And Withdraw Earnings
While you track your earnings through your crypto cloud mining account’s dashboard, be aware of the bitcoin’s price, mining difficulty and mining plan’s fees when making expectations. Use email or mobile phone notification settings to stay informed about your earnings and mining activities. Use the performance graphs that your cloud mining service may provide to understand trends and periods of high or low profits.
After accumulating a sufficient amount of cryptocurrency, withdraw to your wallet in a procedure prescribed by the cloud mining provider. Understand the threshold and schedules of your provider while making such withdrawals.
Stay Informed And Research
An investment market as volatile as cryptocurrency needs constant tracking, owing to its fluctuating profitability. Along with the fluctuations in bitcoin prices and mining difficulty, it is advised to track the service provider’s legitimacy periodically. Stay informed about the tax obligations regarding your cryptocurrency returns in your jurisdiction and have documents in place to fulfill such requirements.
Employ sources like cryptocurrency news, social media, market analysis from reputable sources, forums and podcasts to stay informed about the best mining practices. Understand mining basics, calculate returns on investments and ensure the responsiveness of the provider’s customer support and their regulatory status in your region before executing your operations.
Execute Security Measures
Focus on encryption and two-factor authentication to secure your earnings and use strong and unique passwords. Beware of phishing attempts and review account activity for any suspicious behaviour. Also, study the security measures practiced by the cloud mining service provider to secure their mining farms along with the accounts of their customers.
Though cloud mining is not as profitable as self-hosted mining with dedicated software, it is an excellent way to start with humble means. However, it is advisable that the investor is alert and makes informed decisions and evaluates costs, returns and risks involved before committing money to the cloud mining company. Make sure to embrace the volatility of the cryptocurrency market and have a strategy-based exit plan before you make an entry.
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learnandearncompanyfeedback · 9 months ago
Learn N Earn Company
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Welcome to Learn N Earn, your companion in lifelong learning and professional evolution. At Learn N Earn, we believe education is the cornerstone of success and the gateway to unleashing your full potential which is why we’ve built a platform offering accessible, affordable, and high-quality learning experiences for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Our comprehensive range of courses includes Personality Development Skills, Basic Computer, and Spoken English Course. With expert instructors and flexible study options, Learn N Earn empowers individuals to pursue their passions, achieve their goals, and thrive in today’s dynamic world. Join Learn N Earn Academy for discovery, growth, and success
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learnnearn669878 · 10 months ago
The Importance of Skill Development With Learn N Earn
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Skill development with Learn N Earn is not just beneficial; it’s essential in today’s fast-paced and competitive world. Whether you’re looking to advance your career, increase your employability, boost productivity, experience personal growth, or future-proof your career, Learn N Earn provides the tools, resources, and opportunities you need to succeed. Invest in your skills today and unlock a world of possibilities with Learn N Earn.
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learnnearn12 · 1 year ago
Learn N Earn Company A Closer Look at Customer Reviews and Testimonials (1).pdf
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Learn and Earn companies have transformed the way we approach education and income generation. By combining the power of learning with the opportunity to earn, these companies provide individuals with a unique pathway to personal and professional growth. Embrace the opportunities offered by Learn and Earn companies, and embark on a journey towards acquiring new skills, expanding your horizons, and achieving financial prosperity. With dedication, perseverance, and the support of these innovative platforms, you can unlock a world of possibilities and shape your own path to success.
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tobesolonely · 2 years ago
i hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think!
harry is y/n's boss, and he's also a super rich ceo :)
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Y/N never planned on becoming a personal assistant.
In fact, she wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with her life. College was enlightening because she was having a good time learning a little bit of everything, but it was almost…too much. How was she supposed to settle on just one career when the world was filled with so many different  opportunities? 
So while working as a personal assistant was never a part of her life’s plans, the older Y/N got the more she realized that life is funny sometimes and try as she might, it’s impossible to plan for everything. Besides, working as a personal assistant for an extremely successful (and surprisingly kind) CEO did have its perks. The pay, for starters, was better than anything she would’ve earned anywhere else working three times as hard, and not to mention the flexibility he allowed her was unheard of.
Thus, Y/N earned extra money working for Mr. Harry Styles when she wasn’t busy with class or school work, and in return, he paid her fairly and treated her with graciousness - he even bought her dinner sometimes and ate it with her late at night in his office when they were spending time combing through files and reviewing reports. He was a fair boss and always understanding whenever she told him she had more work than anticipated and wouldn’t be able to go in to help that day. According to Harry, she was a student first, and an assistant second, so he never pressured her to put the company above her studies. 
Being Mr. Styles' personal assistant involved lots of calls, setting up meetings, and checking his spreadsheets and productivity reports. Occasionally she'd do the whole “run-and-get-his-coffee” thing, but that didn't happen often - and when he did, he always made sure to buy for Y/N as well. 
“Miss Y/L/N? Could you come to my office when you get a free moment, please?”
The sound of Harry’s voice crackles through the intercom in Y/N’s tiny space, a room adjoining his own office. Additionally, it functioned as a waiting room of sorts when people were meeting with the boss. Y/N enjoyed surveying the expressions on her co-workers' faces whenever they met with Mr. Styles. Everyone always seemed so nervous and Y/N couldn’t figure out why. Was he not as nice to everyone else as he was to her? 
“Sure thing,” she holds down on the button beside the speaker as she relays her response. “Is there anything I can bring you beforehand?” The button is released as she awaits his answer. It comes immediately.
“That’s alright, Y/N. I just need your help reviewing something. Won’t take long.”
Y/N ignores the flutter she feels in her tummy when Harry calls her by her first name. He didn’t do it often but sometimes he did, and she couldn’t deny she liked the way it sounded rolling off his tongue. 
“Be right there, Mr. Styles.”
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
“Do these numbers look…odd to you?”
Y/N leans forward in her seat across from Harry as he turns his large monitor screen to face her. She’s faced with a busy spreadsheet filled with numbers, and a confused expression quickly overcomes her features. 
“What numbers am I looking at, sir?” Y/N can’t help the heat that begins to flood her face. “‘M not too familiar with Excel…know I probably should be seeing that I’m an assistant and all that but-”
“It’s fine,” Harry cuts her off with a small smile on his face. “It’s a busy document. I could’ve been more clear - I was referring to the bolded numbers. They’re smaller than last month’s, do you agree?”
With her attention now directed to the right part of the document, Y/N examines the numbers as she tries to think back to last month’s revenue. While it differed, she didn’t think it was significant. Then again, she wasn’t the one running a multimillion-dollar company.
“I see how there’s a bit of discrepancy. I can double-check and look through all of the documents to ensure everything has been accounted for if you’d like, sir.” Y/N watches as her boss’s shoulders noticeably slump in relief.
“Could you do that?” His tone is hopeful, eager. “I mean, do you have the time? I’m already running late to a meeting that I sent the Zoom link for, gotta hop on and get a handle on that…”
For the first time since Y/N began working for Mr. Styles, she senses that he’s overwhelmed. He’s usually so calm and carefree, much more carefree than she imagines she would be with such big responsibilities, but right now he seems…tense. Upset.
“I just need to get a confirmation for that event you’re speaking at next week and then I can do it.”
“I owe you dinner. Thank you, Miss Y/L/N,” he gives her a pointed look. “I’ll share the spreadsheet and documents from the previous and current months with you, and you can let me know if I missed anything.”
Even though Harry’s bought her dinner more times than she can even count before, something feels different about the way he says it this time. She has to look down so he doesn’t see the sheepish look on her face. 
“I’ll be right next door if you need me.”
Harry grins. “I know.”
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
As it turns out, Harry did make a mistake.
It wasn’t a big deal and easily fixable but man was he grateful to her.  No one made Y/N feel smarter and more appreciative of her being there than Mr. Styles. 
“That’s great, really,” Harry tells her for at least the third time in ten minutes. “I would’ve never caught that. Never! ‘M not ashamed to admit a second set of eyes is always helpful - at least for me.”
Y/N looks down to hide her timidness. She loves praise, but it still makes her shy! “Well, thank you, Mr. Styles. I know you have like, actual people for this…” she pauses as she shifts from foot to foot. “But if you ever just want me to take a quick peek ‘cause I’m right next door, I don’t mind.”
Harry gives Y/N a look she can't quite discern before speaking again. “I think I'll be taking you up on that. Why don't you take the rest of the day off? Already helped me out so much today, don't you still have that project you need to finish up for your class?”
“Are you sure?” She gives her boss a puzzled look. “I have, like, a ton of work left to do here.” 
“Someone else can do it,” he flashes her a warm, dimpled smile. “It's fine, Miss Y/L/N. School first, remember what I always say.” 
Y/N ignores the sensation she feels in her belly from Harry’s stern tone of voice. “Yes sir. I….thank you. I appreciate it. I can make up the time and stay later tomorrow-”
“That won’t be necessary,” Harry straightens a stack of papers on his desk. “Same time tomorrow, or will you be coming in a bit later?” 
“Can I let you know tomorrow? It depends on how much of my project I finish tonight.”
“That works. Please get home safe, Miss Y/L/N. Try and enjoy the rest of your day.” 
“Thank you,” Y/N quietly responds.  When she turns to exit his office, she hesitates before turning back to him. “Are you gonna leave soon too?” She hoped she wasn't overstepping by asking. 
Harry lets out a quiet laugh. “Hopefully. I have one more meeting, and have to make sure everything is ready for a deal we're closing on tomorrow.” 
“Okay…well, see you tomorrow,” she pauses before quickly adding. “I hope your night doesn't run too late.” 
“Me too. Thanks, Y/N.” 
Harry looks back down at his work, and Y/N takes that as her cue to leave. She gently shuts the door behind her and lets out a breath she didn't even realize she was holding once back in the privacy of her own office. Y/N felt so flustered! The fact that Harry was allowing her to leave early so she could finish her homework didn't surprise her - it wasn't the first time he did it, and it wouldn't be the last. She was mainly just surprised Harry even remembered she had a project! Y/N mentioned it to him once briefly last week when she first had assigned it and said nothing else about it. To know that he remembered and was concerned about her finishing it on time made her feel…cared for. 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Y/N is drowning.
As it would turn out, her project was turning out to be a lot more time-consuming than she initially anticipated. She had to write a research essay and create an infographic to supplement it, and she was still stuck on the research part! She’d been working on it for hours– ever since she finished class at 10 am, but now the time was after 1 pm and she needed to be to work in an hour. Even though Harry always told her school came first, she wanted to be a good employee for him! She already left work early yesterday - she couldn’t skip out on her shift. Y/N realized she was an…untraditional employee, and she didn’t want to be fired so Harry could have an assistant with more availability. He always told her he appreciated her help whenever she gave it, but she still couldn’t help feeling like she didn’t do enough. She flings those thoughts to the side as she refocuses her attention on her work. 
Y/N falls so deep down the Google rabbit hole that she doesn’t realize the amount of time that’s passed until her phone is ringing. The name “MR. STYLES” lights up her phone and she curses under her breath as she realizes she was supposed to be at the office nearly 30 minutes ago. She picks up and immediately begins apologizing. 
“Mr. Styles! I’m so sorry, I lost track of time because I’m just so overwhelmed with this project and it’s not really going that well but I can be there in twenty minutes, I promise!”
There’s a small pause on the line before Harry replies. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
His answer takes Y/N aback. The last thing she was expecting was for her busy boss to offer up his assistance with a trivial college research project. “But…don’t you have, like, work to do?”
“I always have work to do, Miss Y/L/N,” he answers nonchalantly. “It can wait. I am the boss, after all. Why don’t you come in and let me take a look?”
Y/N’s hesitant, not wanting to bother Harry with something he was so far removed from such as her college assignments, but he was offering, and well…two heads were better than one. So Y/N tells him she’ll be there shortly, thanks him again profusely, and ends the call. She sits unmoving on her couch for a second after hanging up, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling in her tummy. Mr. Styles wanted to help her! With school work! It made her dizzy to think about it for too long. She finally stands to gather her things, trying to stick to her promise of arriving as quickly as possible–Y/N figures she’s already kept him waiting long enough.
She makes it to the office fairly quickly, greeting the front desk staff as she walks through the lobby. Harry’s corner office was located on the very top floor of the 20-story building. It was quite the view. Y/N sets her tote bag down on her desk before taking out her laptop and notebook filled with information pertaining to her project. She takes a deep breath before knocking on the door connecting her office with Harry’s. He lets out a quick, “Come in!” to which Y/N complies, letting herself in.
Harry looks up from his computer once she enters the room, his hard gaze immediately softening. “Oh, Y/N. You look so tense. Come sit, let me see what we’re working with.”
“I’ve got a bulk of the research done,” Y/N mutters quietly as she pulls back the chair from his desk. “I’m just having a tricky time organizing my thoughts.” She slides her open notebook across the table at him, watching anxiously as he reads over her tiny scrawl. After reading over her work in silence for a couple of minutes, he clears his throat and speaks.
“Is it just me, or have school assignments become enormously mundane?” his brow furrows in confusion. “A research paper and an infographic? Bit of an overkill, hm?”
“That’s what I said,” Y/N shakes her head in disgust. “Everything on my infographic is coming straight from my paper, anyway!”
“How about I start making an outline for your paper?” He looks down at the notebook again. “I think I can see where you're going with this. ‘M not very creative though, maybe you can get started on your infographic.”
“You could do that for me?” 
“After all you've done for me?” Harry sucks his teeth. “C’mon. I'm no monster, Y/N.” He flashes her a dimpled grin. 
“Thank you,” Y/N says for what had to be the hundredth time that day. “Anything helps, Mr. Styles. I owe you one.”
Harry waves his hand dismissively. “None of that. Would you like to work here, or are you going back to your office?”
Y/N looks down at her clammy hands folded in her lap. “If you don't mind, can I stay here? Just so you can ask me questions about my work if you have any?”
“I think that's a wonderful idea,” he tilts his head curiously at her. “Have you eaten today? I was thinking of ordering something. Does Thai sound good?” 
“Oh, I had banana pancakes this morning before class,” she bites her lip. “I'm okay.” 
“Nonsense. It's already past three,” he opens his desk drawer and pulls out a take-out menu. “This place is great - I'm a regular. Let me know what you'd like. I always get the basil stir fry.”
Y/N wordlessly takes the menu and reviews it for a few moments before settling on a crispy tofu dish. Once their order is called in, Harry locks his phone and places his attention back on Y/N.
“Someone will bring that up to us when it gets here. Let's get started, shall we?”
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Harry’s the first one to break their comfortable silence. 
He pushes his glasses up on his nose, clearing his throat. “What do you think about this, Y/N?” He turns his monitor toward Y/N so she can see what he’s doing. He has a neatly organized outline, bullet pointed and everything.
“I think it looks really good,” Y/N says with a nod of her head. “The bullet points look like they’ll be easy to follow. Thank you for your help."
“I like helping you. You help me all the time.” Harry says this so matter-of-fact, as if he were stating the sky was blue. He wordlessly turns back to the document he has open, beginning to type again. They’re interrupted twenty short minutes later by a knock on the door.
“Come in.” Harry calls out curtly. The door opens and in walks someone Y/N recognizes from the accounting department.
“Mr. Styles, I have those reports you needed finished. Would you like to review them?”
“Not now,” he responds immediately. “I’m busy.”
The accountant has a look of what she assumes to be slight annoyance on his face. She wonders if Harry catches it. “I’ve been trying to go over these things with you for nearly a week, sir...it needs to be signed off on and submitted.”
“It’ll have to wait, Mitch.”
Harry’s answers are short, and it’s obvious he’s not in the mood to talk about work. The accountant opens his mouth like he wants to say something else, but stops himself, turning to leave instead. Harry doesn’t seem perturbed at all, but Y/N feels bad! Was Mr. Styles putting off work to help her?
“Okay, sir,” the accountant turns to place his hand on the doorknob. “Perhaps we can review tomorrow?”
The accountant opens his mouth as if he’s going to say something but he decides against it, deciding to just leave instead. After a somewhat awkward silence, Y/N breaks it.
“Thank you for helping me again. I know I keep saying that, but I know you’re really, really busy.”
“Again, I like helping you," he pauses. “Why don’t we call it a night now? I’m sure you’ll do more work when you get home anyway.”
Y/N nods at this and grabs her notebook from in front of Harry, shutting her laptop. "Thank you again."
"Let me walk you out. I'm going that way too."
Y/N walks through the door to her own office and gathers her bag, slipping her laptop inside. She turns around to find Harry standing in the doorway giving her an expectant look.
They enter the elevator together and Harry presses the first floor button, pressing his back against the wall. Y/N does the same. As the elevator descends to the first floor, Y/N feels Harry’s eyes on her but she doesn’t turn to look at him. Once the elevators open, they exit the elevator and make their way towards the parking lot.
“My car’s on this level,” Y/N tells Harry, exiting the elevator. “Thank you for walking me with me, Mr. Styles.”
“Of course. Same time tomorrow?”
“I’d like that,” Y/N gives Harry a bashful smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Styles.”
With that, Harry gives her a small grin as the elevator doors are closing. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
Please let me know what you think! Part 2 soon :)
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bokuroar · 3 years ago
haikyuu!! characters when you’re stressed in uni
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characters: m. osamu, k. kenma, b. kōtarō, k. tetsurō x gn!reader (separate)
song suggestions: 1 2 3 4
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❀ OSAMU is the one that keeps you sane. he gives you the personal space you need to be able to work but he checks up on you at least once every hour. if he’s at home, he’d always sneak in a cup of cold water before leaving a kiss on your forehead and a “you’ve got this, baby.” if he’s at work, he sends in texts from time to time remind you that it’s lunchtime and it’s time to eat the food he has already prepared in the morning when he found out it’s going to be a busy day for you. osamu makes sure you never skip on healthy meals and you get enough sleep to function well. sometimes, it boils down to osamu carrying you from your desk to trap cuddle you in bed so you could lie down and relax. for him, taking care of you and your needs is the least he could do while you chase your dreams.
❀ staying up until the wee hours of daylight is less lonelier with a company like KENMA. discord is the third party in your relationship and you have no idea how many screenshots kenma has on his computer from your calls. since high school, he has grown accustomed to pulling an all nighter albeit for non-academic reasons. he doesn’t mind staying up for games before but now there’s you, he actually began to love it. there’s just a comfort and a sense of security in knowing that you are both awake at the same time. hearing kenma’s soft hums to familiar tunes and the random conversations during your short breaks are the absolute best breathers you can ask for. as the world succumbs to slumber, you are shaken awake by love in the form of quality time with kenma.
❀ TETSURŌ goes out of his way to give his support. even before getting together, he has always been your go-to for academic advices because he is as huge of a nerd as he is an athlete; he makes learning fun more than it really is. from color-coded reviewers to flash cards that will earn you a kiss when you get an answer right which escalates into more sometimes, kuroo just never just runs out of ideas. and he always has time for you, too. once kuroo figures out you need extra help, he’d drop everything and rush to you. you are his priority. you don’t have just a boyfriend, what you got is a partner who inspires and helps you to be the best version of yourself, all while holding your hand.
❀ you could always count on KŌTARŌ to be your sunshine. you don’t know how he does it but a bad day is no match for bokuto’s smiles. failure is inevitable, you both know that much—him on his games, yours on your exams. although failing doesn’t completely hinder success, it hurts just the same, a familar feeling to bokuto hence he knows just what to say and what to do. the last thing you see before you leave the house is his encouraging smile and two thumbs up cheering you on. as you get home, the second he sees your tired face, he pulls you into a hug without saying a word, gently swaying you and rubbing your back, easing all the burden you feel on your shoulders. there are times too when he knows you need some space to cope with it, so he lets you know he’s there for you when you need him by leaving sticky notes on your desk that says, “i love you and i’m proud of you! im just outside waiting with a hug ok! :D” you’re not the best 100% of the time, it’s true, but bokuto proves you don’t have to be to deserve the things that make you happy.
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feedback is always appreciated (ꈍᴗꈍ)♡
a/n: i literally just finished my preliminary exams n im sO tired i think i could’ve performed so much better but i don’t really wanna sulk over it,, but anw this is my coping mechanism disguised as headcanons lmao i hope u enjoy ! 🌸
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izicodes · 3 years ago
could you please tell us more about what SheCodes is?? Maybe you could answer this ask later once you’ve had time to really get familiar with it if you don’t know much yourself right now :))
i’m just suuper curious about it, is it free and what stuff do they teach you, will you share your progress from it?
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SheCodes (L I N K) is an online coding Bootcamp that is more targeted toward women. SheCodes helps bridge the gender gap in the tech programming industry by training more women to join tech roles as women currently hold 25% of coding jobs and earn 30% less money than men. SheCodes' mission is to change all of that.
They offer to train you through 3 steps:
Product Development: How the Internet works, Frontend development & basic coding practices
Product Design: Basics of UX and UI
Product Management: How to validate an idea, the tools to manage a project and how to have conversations with developers
SheCodes is self-paced so you can study very quickly if you have lots of time on your hands but, for people like me, who have school and work, you can do little at a time and complete in your own time. There is no rush, it's up to you.
Companies like Google, Facebook, IKEA, and Zara highly recommend SheCodes and SheCodes has been the ‘Best Coding Bootcamp of the Year’ in 2020 and 2021, so they are one of the best!
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SheCodes Express
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This workshop is completely free and it’s 60 minutes long. It's online and live. You’ll have to reserve your spot as it’s very popular but they talk about:
◎ Learn about popular coding languages and technologies today
◎ Discover some trends in the industry
◎ Learn how coding knowledge can be useful for you
◎ Get some of your coding questions answered
◎ Find out more about SheCodes Workshops
→  → link to the workshop ← ←
SheCodes Basics
△ £79 one-time payment (check in your currency)
△ 3 weeks with 5 hours of work (Part-Time) or 1 week with 20 hours of work (Full-Time)
△ Perks: Homework and project review, Live chat support, Weekly deadline, Lifetime access
△ Technology learnt: 
→ ◎ HTML5
→ ◎ CSS3
→ ◎ JavaScript
→ ◎ Code Editor
△ Produce 1 real-life project
△ Get a verified certificate at the end
→  → link to the workshop ← ←
SheCodes Plus
△ £599 OR £249 per month for 3 months (check in your currency)
△ 12 weeks with 5 hours of work a week (Part-Time) or 4 weeks with 20 hours of work a week  (Full-Time)
△ Perks: Homework and project review, Live chat support, Weekly deadline, Lifetime access
△ Technology learnt: 
→ ◎ HTML5
→ ◎ CSS3
→ ◎ Advanced JavaScript
→ ◎ Code Editor
→ ◎ API
→ ◎ GitHub
→ ◎ Bootstrap
→ ◎ Hosting
△ Produce 2 real-life project
△ Get a verified certificate at the end
→  → link to the workshop ← ←
SheCodes Plus React
△ £790 OR £249 per month for 4 months (check in your currency)
△ 8 weeks with 5 hours of work a week (Part-Time) or 3 weeks with 20 hours of work a week  (Full-Time)
△ Perks: Homework and project review, Live chat support, Weekly deadline, Lifetime access
△ Technology learnt: 
→ ◎ HTML5
→ ◎ CSS3
→ ◎ Advanced JavaScript
→ ◎ Code Editor
→ ◎ API
→ ◎ GitHub
→ ◎ Bootstrap
→ ◎ Hosting
→ ◎ React
△ Produce 2 real-life project
△ Get 3 verified certificates at the end
→  → link to the workshop ← ←
SheCodes Pro
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This is a new and the most expensive workshop they have - not included in the image above because it has its own tab in the navigation bar. This is the workshop I chose and will be starting next week.
△ £990 OR £199 per month for 6 months (check in your currency)
△ 6 months with 5 hours of work a week (Part-Time) or 8 weeks with 20 hours of work a week  (Full-Time)
△ Includes all of the other workshops combined
△ Perks: Homework and project review, Live chat support, Weekly deadline, Lifetime access
△ Technology learnt: 
→ ◎ HTML5
→ ◎ CSS3
→ ◎ Basic and Advanced JavaScript
→ ◎ Code Editor
→ ◎ API
→ ◎ GitHub
→ ◎ Bootstrap
→ ◎ Hosting
→ ◎ React
→ ◎ Flexbox
→ ◎ SEO
→ ◎ Responsive
△ Produce 4 real-life project
△ Get 4 verified certificates at the end
→  → link to the workshop ← ←
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There are discounts available if you are a student or unemployed. They tend to be up to 30% off which is nice! The discounts apply to all of the workshops.
Other discounts come from people who are in partnerships with SheCodes such as influencers in the tech community or just students/ex-students of SheCodes like Mili.Codes (link) who has given out a 20% discount for all of the workshops (link) I used her discount on the SheCodes Pro and I don't have to pay £199 but instead £159 which is nice!
The SheCodesFoundation (link) is available for women who are refugees and they can apply and get all of the workshops for free. This gives the opportunity to those who don't have the luxury to succeed as well. Every time someone buys any of the workshops, 10% of that goes right to the foundation which is very smart and sweet.
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I just signed up last night and my class starts on Mon 29th Aug. I am very excited. The classes are pre-recorded so it is very much self-paced. You have to submit homework every Monday. I haven't read my pre-class to-do list yet, as I was slowly falling asleep, the website is easy to use and you get connected with other students as well!
I will definitely post more on this to track myself! I think I will do most of the work on the weekends (Fri-Sun) as I still have my apprenticeship to do!
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mountswhore · 3 years ago
hey! see u were taking requests so i wanted one with mason related to "london boy" by taylor swift? maybe reader is a singer or something like that?
one of the best taylor swift songs imo, so of course!
𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲 — mason mount
summary: mason shows you around london during your break, and now you don't think you can ever go back
notes: requests are open again! my asks are open.
Leaving your hometown in New York to visit the world was one of the hardest things you had to do. But you had your dream job, now it was time to follow it. Your recent album was a success, pouring your heart into it as you recovered from your breakup. Your fans had watched your relationship build, and then break apart. Hearing your side of things through 14 songs. Awards, interviews, and traction had come from it, earning you a world tour. It was a scary thing to do, considering it was your first international tour.
“I just want to come back to New York already, I’ve not been on this tour long.” You complained to your sister, curled up in a hotel bed in London. Your first destination was the UK, and there was nothing worse than being homesick.
“Quit being a baby, the UK is so nice.” Your sister replied, chuckling shortly afterwards. “Me and dad visited Manchester, I think? Very nice looking, at least where we stayed.” You sighed, knowing that didn’t make it any easier. You loved your cosy apartment in New York, you were even starting to miss the constant traffic sounds and arguing in the early hours of the morning.
“I guess, and I know London is nice, at least. I think I’m gonna interact with some fans,” you decided, pulling the duvet further up your body, “speak tomorrow at sound check.” You ended the call, liking some tweets and replying to a few things, eventually tweeting something of your own.
“Happy to see a lot of my UK fans tomorrow, can’t wait to scream my feelings out with you,” Declan read out, giving Mason a cheeky look. The pair of them were in Mason’s living room, enjoying their evening of FIFA. The boys had spoken about you plenty of times, in interviews too, Mason declaring you as his celebrity crush.
“Shut up already, she probably doesn’t even know who I am.” Mason stated, resting his arm over his eyes to conceal the blush on his face. Him, Declan and a few other boys were going to your concert tomorrow night, some of the WAGs suggested it as they loved your music.
“You think she’s not going to notice a blue tick in her dm’s? It’s worth a shot.” Declan encouraged his friend to shoot his shot, close to grabbing his phone and doing it himself, but instead he was watching Mason bashfully scroll through your twitter replies. “Do it, or I will.”
Mason sighed, clicking the reply button and typing out a reply, handing the phone to Declan to review. ‘Can’t wait, wanna see you.’
“Perfect,” Declan mumbled, pressing the reply button for him. He knew Mason never would, he just saved him 20 minutes of back and forth debate. Handing Mason his phone back, Declan smirked as he watched his friend's face change from fairly embarrassed, to shocked.
“There’s no fucking way you sent that.” Mason remarked, refreshing his phone to see his tweet attract likes. “You dick.”
Declan just laughed as Mason had turned completely red, watching the likes and replies collect under his tweet. Moments later, you’d appeared in his dm’s.
‘I recognise you.’
It was an ominous message from you, one that had you pacing and replaying the creepy message over and over again. But Mason smiled at the message, all ounces of worry leaving his body as he replied to you.
‘Oh yeah? From where?’
‘Actually, I think I recognise your teammate, Pulisic. He’s all my brother talks about sometimes. But all I know is that he plays for a soccer team.’
He laughed at your reply, Declan watching over in pure disbelief.
‘You have a lot to learn about the UK, and luckily I know all about it.’
‘I’ll hold you to that, come backstage after the show, bring whoever you’re with. I’m in London for the next few days before my next show, maybe you can show me around.’
“There’s no way you’re flirting with Y/N Y/L/N within two minutes of replying to her tweet.” Declan stated, Mason smirking at his best friend before sending another reply.
Your show was now over and you were anxiously waiting for the boys to be escorted back stage. You didn't know much about football, especially over here, but you knew the boys that were coming back stage were professionals. You'd learnt their names, Declan, Jack, and Mason. Jack and Declan brought their girlfriends along, but Mason was 'painfully single', as he put it.
Finally, as you sat down in your chair to relax, you heard a knock at the door. It was them. They had all filed in, the two girls in shock that they were meeting you. You'd given them all a hug, and gotten to Mason. He looked down at you as you pulled him in, squeezing you tightly before letting you go again.
"Did you guys enjoy it?" You asked, ushering them to the couch for them to sit down. You wanted them to feel as comfortable as possible, rushing over to your dressing room fridge and pulling out some drinks.
"It was amazing," Sasha gawked, still in awe over seeing you for the first time, "we saw you have one in Birmingham in a few weeks, so we're going to that one too." You blushed, returning to your seat opposite the couch.
"That's so sweet! I'm sure I can get you some good tickets, I'll dm you on Instagram or something." You suggested to her, Sasha eagerly nodding her head. You conversed with the group of five, Mason giving you a particular look that you had mirrored back to him. You planned on getting his number, and making sure he showed you around London.
Soon enough, the group was heading back to wherever they were staying, as it was beginning to get quite late. "Thank you guys for coming, and I'm so glad I met you."
Mason stayed behind, folding his arms and sharing a smirk with you as his friends voices trailed down the hallway. "So, about this bet."
"Yeah," you replied casually, grabbing your water bottle from the table and taking a sip, being in the presence of an attractive man again was giving you quite the nerves, "I'll take your number, because I'd love to get to know London." He nodded, grabbing his phone from his jacket pocket and handing it to you.
"Perfect. See you."
You and Mason had planned your first meeting in a pub. It wasn't the classiest of places, but your plan was to get to know the UK. Mason had ordered you both a drink, guessing what you like and nailing it when you went in for a second sip and shoved a thumb up.
"So," he began, fiddling with the coaster his beer sat on, "how long are you in London for?"
"Just until Thursday, Friday morning I'm heading to Manchester." You stated, realising you only had four days with Mason, including today.
"Well, we better make the days count then." Mason declared. The pair of you spoke about his career as well as yours, talking about how different school was for the pair of you. Mason had stood up, holding his hand out for you to take, and you'd accepted it without complaint. He led you out of the pub and through the town center, gazing at the stalls set up around you. The weather wasn't so different to New York, both constantly dreary, but you were liking London so far.
On your second day together, you'd taken a cab to another town, this time to just experience the busy streets. To Mason, this was normal. For you, it was only familiar. New York was one of the busiest cities in the world, but London was different, better in every other way. You'd finished your day together, stomachs full of pub food, and in the back of a cab, rain pattering on the windows. You'd shuffled closer to Mason, placing your hand on his and squeezing. He looked at you briefly, smiling his usual smile, before quickly looking out at the street in an effort to hide his tinged cheeks.
Day three, the weather was too bad to do anything. But Mason kept you company in your hotel room. He'd taught you a bunch of British slang, laughing as your accent completely butchered them all. You'd shown him a snippet of your new song before room service had arrived. And the night ended with the pair of you collapsed in your bed, tv playing in the back ground, but your eyes on each other. It was like pure magic, the long-awaited feeling of his lips on yours. You'd been thinking about it all day, missing every opportunity until now.
Your final day was the worst. You both knew it was coming, you wouldn't see him until you had a break, and he had one too. You both had stupidly busy schedules, as well as living in different countries. Maybe one day you could bring him to New York, show him your side of life. And maybe one day you'll branch out and move here.
Mason had helped you carry your things out of your hotel room, which was taking you to Manchester. Your manager had texted you to be in the car before 3, which meant you had just 10 minutes until you had to say goodbye to Mason for a while.
You were stood in the foyer of the hotel, waiting for the car to arrive. You'd secretly hoped it didn't, you wanted to stay with Mason for a while longer, but you couldn't. Duty called.
"Thank you for showing me around London," you spoke, looking up at Mason, who was hiding his deflated feelings, "I really enjoyed it, I might even prefer it to New York."
"That's a given. I'm here." He joked, in an obvious attempt to lighten the mood. These four days had been immense fun for him, different to how he usually spent his days. Different than night at home alone, different than a night on the town. Was it too soon to say he missed you?
Mason looked down at you as you clung to his side, hoping he felt the same way you did. And he did, you just didn’t know that. His fingers slid across your jaw slowly, pulling your chin up to look at him. It was an intense moment, so many different emotions. He’d leaned in and kissed you, it was his parting gift. To say that he’d see you soon enough.
“Enjoy Manchester, I’m sure I can fit another show in somehow.” Mason spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.” You spoke, the car pulling up outside. He’d dragged your suitcases out to the car, popping them in the boot for you. Finally, he stared at you through the window, which you quickly rolled down. “I fancy you, is that the right term?”
Mason laughed, head tipping back slightly. “Yeah, it is. And I fancy you too.”
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