#leah girl you were right and your are smart enough to solve the conspiracy
dodecademons · 2 years
Damn all those annoying people that were mad at the boys for existing got what they wanted in the end. No more boys. And now no more the wilds. "But it wasn't the whole fandom just a few loud ones" thats literally all it takes sometimes babe. If you search the wilds and all that comes up are a few mouth breathers hating on the show for adding boys (when that is literally the reason for the show. To compare the girls and boys) then how is that in anyway good for new fans coming in? Good for marketing? It isn't. I'm sure that's not the only reason, but it is a big one whether they mention it or not. Also a lot of you openingly admit to skipping the boys scenes. Congrats, you did it. You got the boys out of the show.
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