#leaf boehm
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pathofregeneration · 2 years ago
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Bruce Harman, Water of Life
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The Teachings of the Adepts, part III
“They are not to be confounded with speculative philosophy, that reasons from the known to that which it cannot know, trying by the flickering light of logic to grope its way into the darkness, and to feel the objects which it cannot see. These doctrines were taught by the children of light who possessed the power to see. Such men were the great religious reformers of all ages, from Confucius and Zoroaster down to Jacob Boehme and Eckartshausen, and their teachings have been verified by every one whose purity of mind and whose power of intellect have enabled him to see and to understand the things of the spirit.
Some of their doctrines refer to morals and ethics, others are of a purely scientific character; but both aspects of their teachings are intimately connected together, because beauty cannot be separated from truth. They both form the two pages of a leaf in the book of universal Nature, whose understanding confers upon the reader not merely opinions but knowledge, and renders him not only learned but illuminated with wisdom.
Among those who have taught the moral aspect of the secret doctrine there are none greater than Buddha, Plato, and Jesus of Nazareth; of those who have taught its scientific aspect there have been none more profound than Hermes Trismegistus, Pythagoras, and Paracelsus. They obtained their knowledge not merely from following the prescribed methods of learning, or by accepting the opinions of the ‘recognised authorities’ of their times, but they studied Nature by her own light, and they became lights themselves, whose rays illuminate the world of mind.”
— Franz Hartmann, The Life of Paracelsus
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readablenoise · 6 years ago
Punk In The New Age: A Conversation with Ghostflower
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The Miami act offer a quick glimpse into their creative process and their glittering, post-punk sound.
West Palm Beach- The lights are low.
In the small, humble upstairs music loft that is Voltaire in West Palm Beach, there’s a veritable buzz going in the air. Rain is splashing lightly against the aged windows and if you blink, the room might be in monochrome.
There isn’t a more fitting place for Ghostflower to be performing tonight, and it’s because they make it so. The darkwave trio, led by Leaf Boehm (Lead Vocals/Synth), Andrey Ducuara (Guitar/Synth/Vocals) and Jake Lara (Bass/Synth/Vocals) seem to bring this haunting air with them, wherever they perform. Whether it be at last year’s esteemed iii Points music festival in Miami, or various venues around the state, it still remains. This intense build-up to a great thing, something that feels as palpable as Siouxsie and the Banshees at a London club, or Savages at Glastonbury. As Boehm walks over to the sound/lighting engineer just before the set and asks for the ambient lights to be gently turned down for their flood stage lights, you can see the care in the craft and it’s a part of what makes all the difference.
Ghostflower are part of the new wave, both in genre and literally, for the Florida music scene. Not just due to their sound, or their veritable power, but their humble and intense nature.We were able to send the trio a few questions, offering a glimpse into their creative process, and a temptation to view the band....
Your live performance is incredible, with a distinctive effort to not replicate but breathe life into that raw 1970's live edge. Do you perform with that in mind, or is it a by-product of the chemistry you all have?
Leaf Boehm- Definitely a result of our chemistry. We are all in love.
When was the band formed and was this sound always something you guys had in mind?
Jake Lara- The band as a concept was formed around 2016. We started playing out in late 2017.
Leaf- Andrey and I started with a general idea of what we wanted our sound to be. We were hoping to not be restricted to any genre. 
How long have you all been playing music?
Leaf- We all grabbed guitars in our teen years but got more serious about it in our twenties. 
What are some of the most major influences you all have, individually?
Jake- Animal Collective, John Maus, Broadcast
Andrey Ducuara- The rawness of Bob Dylan and early folk are what made me pick up a guitar. Post-Ok Computer Radiohead revolutionized my ideas of how organic sounding music can be made.
Leaf- Early Pink Floyd/ Syd Barrett inspired Jake and I early on. Post-bends Radiohead was another band that got me started as a creative. Early electronica like, Throbbing Gristle and Delia Derbyshire helped Andrey and I formulate a concept for Ghostflower. More individually, Swans, Jonny Greenwood, Lizzy Mercier Descloux, Arto Lindsay, Bjork, Sonic Youth.
What are some of the more eclectic inspirations that might surprise some listeners?
Leaf- Justin Bieber 800% slower. I don't know if this is eclectic really but we listen to a lot of blues and folk, like, Skip James, Carter Family, Nick Drake
What feeling do you want people to feel after listening to your music?
Jake- I want the listener to forget that they are where they are
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Though Southern Florida is a large region, it still has an almost small town feel in each city. To bands in small towns, either in the US or other reaches of the world where resources might be scarce, what advice would you have for them?
Andrey- Branch out
Should the visual aspect of live performance be as important a component as the art of the performance itself?
Jake- Yes
Any plans for a new EP coming out and if so, can you say any details?
Leaf- Yes
Last question, we like to wrap it up with a bit of a challenging one. If you could use any lyric to describe yourselves individually, be it your own or another band's, what would it be?
Andrey- “Like a drunk in a midnight choir, I have tried in my way to be free”
Jake- “Your pets are gonna die”
Leaf- “If you close the door, the night could last forever” 
-Jenelle DeGuzman
More info on Ghostflower can be found here
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loneberry · 2 years ago
death and desiccated leaves
I know what Susan Howe means when she describes how, when the intensity of your reading life reaches a fever pitch, you can experience a profound telepathy between all things. Scraps of language are brought into spontaneous relation by a compulsively constellating mind. I described such experiences to my new analyst, who replied that these thoughts were "psychotic"--yet, as though he wanted to soften the blow of using such a loaded word to describe the way I make meaning out of the dross of life--he added that they also seemed somehow "real." (To be fair, the part he probably thought was psychotic was the way I turn these intuitions into prophecies, that the signs seem to be gesturing towards some hidden design that one could call fate.)
Case study. One night, not long after C's suicide, when the air was still vibrating with her absence, I heard a leaf outside my window slowly being dragged across the pavement by the wind. And the sound it made, like a shrill hiss, was her voice, the voice of the dead no longer capable of making their utterances cohere into semantic meaning--all she can do is cry and groan (as she was wont to do when alive and in despair). She is that dead leaf, I thought.
After that experience, the desiccated leaf appeared to me everywhere. I was reading the correspondence between the poets Ingeborg Bachmann and Paul Celan, which led me to revisit Bachmann's Malina. When Bachmann and Celan first met in Vienna, Celan gave her a leaf. In one letter, he accused her of losing the leaf. The gifted leaf became a motif in their writings. In Bachmann's poem "The Storm of Roses" she writes, “a leaf that met us drifts after us on the waves.” 
Toward the end of the novel Malina, there is a fevered dream sequence in which Bachmann writes, I’m still deathly afraid since it’s starting once again, since I’m going crazy, he says: Just stay calm, think about the Stadtpark, think about the leaf, think about the garden in Vienna, about our tree, the princess tree is blooming.
It's quite unfortunate that Philip Boehm chose to translate "die Paulownia" as "the princess tree" (as Paulownia's are sometimes called), for English readers would completely miss that the desiccated leaf of the Paulownia tree contains the dead lover’s name: Paul [Celan]. The Paulownia was one of Celan's favorite trees; it grew in the Place de la Contrescarpe in the Fifth Arrondissement of Paris, were Celan lived. The Paulownia was even memorialized in Jean Daive's memoir of his walks with Celan, Under the Dome. As Robert Kaufman and Philip Gerard note in the intro to the book: The “dome” of the book’s title refers in the first place to the shade-shelter formed by the trees’ foliage, the “foliage” that, in French and German, among other languages, yields terms that can signify “leaf” or “page”: feuille; Blatt.
Back to Malina. Soon after the protagonist is told to stay calm by thinking about the leaf, the death of her first love is announced: May I speak with you, madam, for a moment? asks a gentleman, I have some news for you. 
 I snap at him: Do not pronounce this name, ever. Don’t tell me a thing! But he shows me a desiccated leaf, and I know he has spoken the truth. My life is over, for during the transport he has drowned in the river, he was my life. I loved him more than my life.
[How terribly I wept, pondering those last two sentences, for they seemed to describe exactly how I felt in that moment.]
In Sites of the Uncanny, Eric Kligerman writes: the Blatt [leaf] returns at the end of the dream as a “vertrocknetes Blatt” (desiccated leaf/piece of paper) pulled from a river. A messenger, a Hermes-like figure, arrives from the “Totenreich” (realm of the dead) with the Blatt for the narrator. The message informs her of the stranger’s death by drowning, and thus Bachmann links the events of the Holocaust to the poet’s suicide. 
Now you see where the invisible skein of my reading had taken me. Gossamer threads seemed to link everything. Like Paul Celan, the person, C.,--whose soul I imagined was contained in the leaf--died by jumping into a river.
I re-read Virginia Woolf's The Waves, perhaps unconscious to the fact that Woolf was another river suicide--some part of me must want to understand that fatal call of water. C--she's the character Rhoda, isn't she? The principle of watery being, without defense against dissolution. Re-reading the book enables me to appreciate the exquisite structure of Woolf's text: the six friends as a hexagonal flower, but also the mirroring of the lives of the friends reflected in the italicized nature interludes.
I am gobsmacked, for the leaf appears again, this time, to foreshadow the suicide of Rhoda:
Some petals had fallen in the garden. They lay shell-shaped on the earth. The dead leaf no longer stood upon its edge, but had been blown, now running, now pausing, against some stalk.
Then, in the last interlude before Bernard's heartbreaking soliloquy, leaves appear to foreshadow the death of all the characters:
The tree shook its branches and a scattering of leaves fell to the ground. There they settled with perfect composure on the precise spot where they would await dissolution.
Every person has a phantom that lives in the world of metaphors. What is it about the desiccated leaf that makes us think of the dead? The leaf-page develops a peculiar translucency. We see beyond its surface into the frailty of human life, how we pass, how we are discarded, with the same cold anonymity of the leaves that are blown from the tree.
This morning, when I was reading Geoffrey Brock's translation of Giuseppe Ungaretti's Allegria, I noticed that Ungaretti used the image of falling leaves to describe those who perish in war.
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I was reminded of one of my favorite stanza's from Alice Oswald's Memorial, which also uses the image of desiccated leaves to index dead soldiers; in her case, the war-dead of Homer's Iliad:
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We are no more than leaves.
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loveinquotesposts · 5 years ago
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Naturally she knew of him. She had her own copies of these works in the White Acre library. She had read Boehme, though she never admired him. Jacob Boehme was a sixteenth-century cobbler from Germany who had mystical visions about plants. Many people considered him an early botanist. Alma’s mother, on the other hand, had considered him a cesspool of residual medieval superstition. So there was considerable conflict of opinion surrounding Jacob Boehme. The old cobbler had believed in something he called the signature of all things—namely, that God had hidden clues for humanity’s betterment inside the design of every flower, leaf, fruit, and tree on earth. All the natural world was a divine code, Boehme claimed, containing proof of our Creator’s love. ― Elizabeth Gilbert, The Signature of All Things
#ElizabethGilbert, #ElizabethGilbertElizabethGilbertLoveQuotes, #ElizabethGilbertLoveQuotes, #ElizabethGilbertQuotes, #TheSignatureOfAllThings, #TheSignatureOfAllThingsQuotes
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doomedandstoned · 5 years ago
Rage of Samedi Keep It Slow, Heavy, and Evil in New Video
~By Mel Lie~
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I can say with certainty that these five German raging "PfĂ€lzern devils" are even more on fire at the moment than usual...or in other words they are burning like hell and I’m absolutely with them!
The South German Voodoo-Barons RAGE Of SAMEDI have shouted out the news, that they will bring us to our knees with their new album 'Blood Ritual' (2020) on January 17th, released by Argonauta Records (pre-order here)
Rage of Samedi is based in ZweibrĂŒcken/Rhineland Palatinate, Germany, and originally founded in 2012 as a side-project, which relatively quickly turned out to be a main project. The band mates of this hellbent voodoo chamber, Lou Cifer (voice), Sam D. Durango (guitar/backing vox), DixieKing Boehme I (guitar), Nick "Scrios" Perkele (bass) and Ian O‘Field (drums) have underpinned their scene presence in the last year with impressive work and have thus acquired a cult fan base.
So whilst we pawed our hooves for almost three years, hungering for new stuff, Rage of Samedi stepped on the gas! They milled over a huge load of live stages, by supporting bands like Eyehategod, High Fighter, Mantar, Monolord, King Witch, Ten Ton Slug, raged down the Malta Doom Fest in 2017 as well the Freak Valley Festival in 2018 and used this time intensively honing on their musical authenticity.
This does not in any way mean that they wanted to reinvent themselves but they worked on topping off their typical monstrous and raw Rage of Samedi sound.
If you take a look at the new work 'Blood Ritual' (2020), you will unmistakably notice that they have succeeded in doing so damn well! Their sound, inspired but not imitated by the spirit of the ancient Doom Gods of the '70s and '80s, compared with a good deal of furious sludge, a stunning raging (core) voice and occasional strolling on musical side-paths of similar genres is and remains edgy and angular but nevertheless a finely well-rounded masterpiece.
By signing a worldwide deal as first German band on Argonauta Record’s growing roster, they hit another big goal on their path.
I caught these Barons of Samedi for an awesome voodoo-session on behalf of Doomed & Stoned and if you can spare some time, follow me in the interview and take a look behind the scenes of Rage of Samedi. Check it out as you take in the world premiere of the music video "I Spit Hate"!
An Interview With Rage of Samedi
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Hey guys! I‘m thrilled as punch to meet up with you here! How do you feel, with the knowledge in the back of your mind that in a few days, your new baby will see the light of day? I reckon you're about to catch fire, don't you? (laughs)
Yeah! Nice to meet you, too. Thanks for giving us the chance for that interview. Indeed, we’re really burning to bring out that record!! It’s been a while since the last one and it’s cool that we have Gero and his Argonauta Records as a label in the background that gave us all the freedom and time to write Blood Ritual.
What is the background of your new album in connection with the overall progress of the band?
Sam: Blood Ritual is the first album where Nicolas and Thorsten were actively parted in the songwriting process. That’s a big development how the songs are sounding and the guitars are working together. We stayed on that point that we’d like to bring in all our influences in our writing process and Nicolas and Thorsten are a big step forward in the quality of the songs.
What distinguishes 'Blood Ritual' (2020) from your last album 'Children Of The Black Sun' (2016)? Are there differences, and if so, which ones and why?
Sam: We recorded the guitars on "Children Of The Black Sun" completely live together. For the new album we got back to tracking the stuff one after the other again, 'cuz the live recordings brought so many problems in the mixing process and we were already a bit under pressure with the release date for C.O.T.B.S. so we couldn’t start again. C.O.T.B.S. was a torture to mix and master. We all thought we have to be parted in the mixing process. And I think we threw the shit away for about ten times! (laughs).
Blood Ritual is completely produced and mixed by our bass player Nicolas Perrault. At the beginning it was hard to follow all his instructions, for example changing my complete guitar sound and all that stuff, but damn, listen to that record!! I’d never do it another way anymore. I mean, Nicolas took that stuff, closed the door, worked for two weeks around the clock and came to rehearsals with that awesome mix. The first time we all are 100% happy with it. BOOM!
The mastering we gave to Collin Jordan at Boiler Rooms, Chicago. He already worked with bands like â€ȘEyeHateGod‬ and Lord Dying, so he knew exactly what to do with our stuff.
Can you please tell us all you have in mind about the meaning of "I Spit Hate", the appetizer we got as an exclusive release, for our listeners?
Lou: "I Spit Hate" is ment as a "Nazi Scum, Fuck Off" song. We write a lot of social and political critical stuff and we’re always using drastic words, that’s how "I Spit Hate" came to be. Easy as that.
Which of you is responsible for the lyrics? And what are the main themes they deal with and what inspires you?
Lou: I’m the one who is writing all the lyrics. I’m something like an old punk rocker (laugs). Maybe the reason why we always criticize society. (Laughs) Most time the guys working on our songs, I’m with them at rehearsals and the writing process inspires me. Sometimes the other guys give me some inspiration with one or two lines of text or some poems or what else and I work the stuff out or fill them in in my own lyrics.
As most of the big bands in the scene we also can say that we're getting a lot of inspiration from authors like Lovecraft, King and all the others. So some of our lyrics don't have that biggest meaning, just are telling a fantastic story.
Please tell us the story of how you came together as a band.
Sam: We knew each other before the band, but just from seeing each other at some gigs and stuff. Then end 2011, I played a hometown show with my former band where I was on vocals and guitar. Lou and Ian opened up with their acoustic project Leaf&Booze that evening for us. Ian on guitar that evening. A few weeks later Lou and me talked about that I wanted to start a project where I just can play guitar and I asked him to go on the mic there. He told me that Ian is normally a drummer and he asked our former bass player Paul McKay to be with us. So we started. After a few rehearsals we knew this will be more than just that planned side project.
After the first album 'Sign' (2014), Dixie King came to the band as 2nd guitar player, ‚cuz with two guitars we had a lot more possibilities in writing riffs and working them out. Shortly after Paul left the band for some personal reasons. Nicolas said he could help us for some live shows. He already helps us for nearly five years.
When Dixie left in case of his job and all the stuff around we asked Thorsten who we all know for a lot of years before. We hoped he will join because he was everyones absolutely first choice and he did. At the moment it couldn’t be better!
I know, you guys have shared the stage with some awesome band mates, right?
We had the luck to share the stage with a lot of cool bands, also some of our biggest idols who inspired us for doing what we do. Coolest thing is that we became close friends to some of them, as there are Lord Vicar. When you can say that Kimi KĂ€rki and Chritus Linderson played your EPRelease Party with you, can it get any better? They are some of the nicest people we have ever met on the road! Also the irish sludgers in Ten Ton Slug became best buddies. We love you guys!
For example, our third show ever we played with Karma To Burn, followed by shows with the almighty Crowbar, Dopethrone, Mammoth Mammoth, Toner Low, High Fighter, and King Witch we met when we played the Malta Doom Festival in 2017, and organized some shows with them in Germany after that.
To name some others: Sasquatch, Monolord, Eyehategod, Mantar, and so many many more. In '18 we played the legendary Freak Valley Music Festival here in Germany. A planned show with The Obsessed' had to be cancelled in case of WINOs visa problems for the EU, but we hope we can catch this up in the near future.
I am curious, is there a special band story? A special experience that you had together as a band? Maybe a funny story that you still laugh about today?
Ian: Oh my god! There are a lot!! (laughs). We’re on the road as much as we can and there are happening some weird and strange (drunken) stuff. One time Dixie was so fuckin’ drunk before the show, that he played just another gig. He was on stage with us, but just played different songs for the whole show! Further on just a few tags like running naked through London and pissing all over a $250,000 car. We should be ashamed!
Let's have a quick look at the choice of your band name! If I informed right, is Baron of Samedi a creature from the haitian voodoo cult, right? What inspired you to choose this name?
Ian: We liked to choose something that seems to be dark and creates a kind of mystery, but also something with a positive meaning. Baron Samedi was the perfect option for this. He is a so called LOA, which means he’s like a mate to the venerated Voodoo god and the protector of the dead.
You are impressive, hard-working guys and also very present for your fan community. How do you balance this with your daily life? So what do you do in your life if you are not Rage Of Samedi? Maybe the two of you would like to tell a little bit about their private life? - My name is... and my hobbies are... (laughs)
Sam: Yeah. It’s nearly a full time job if you wanna do it right. I’m doing most stuff around the managing and booking. But I wouldn’t do it if it wouldn’t be fun and the band and my dudes are worth every minute of it. Two of us are working in the social area. Ian is a computer scientist, but you could have guessed by yourself. Look how pale his skin is and how red his eyes are!! He always sits in darkened rooms and hates the sun! (laughs)
Nicolas: I’m what you call a full time musician and tattoo artist. Check out my ‚All That Jazz‘ Tattoo! Best in handpoked stuff! (smiles)
Lou: It's nice to have a tattoo artist in the band, and with Phil one in the roadcrew.
Nicolas: Beside Rage Of Samedi, I’m doing my solo stuff as kind of Singer/Songwriter, but I hate this as description. I’m more doom and experimental then what you await from a typical singer/songwriter.
Thorsten: My job is the most important!! I’m working at a very famous brewery!
What are the things that have carved out of you the person that you are?
Life and Booze!
Sam: Letting the fun beside, I can tell that my family and my band/music are the most important things in my life. My wife and my son are my greatest and biggest supporters and made me who I am today! I love you!
I really like your cover artwork! Who designed it and is there a special meaning to it?
Sam: The cover artwork is made by Xavier Gonzalez at ‚No Master Studio‘. It’s completely hand painted (outside and inlay). He just got some tags from us like Voodoo Cult, Blood Ritual as album title. Then we gave him free hand in doing it, and we were smashed when we saw it and it was clear that we take it 1:1. Drastically and in small words it shows todays change of society who is praying to their false idols and dying after an unnecessary life!
Lou: And we wanted naked butt cheeks and a penis on it (laughs) and a beheaded guy!
Sam: He said "penis"! You're going into Facebook-Jail for this, Lou!
Are there any other music projects you are involved in?
Nicolas: I‘m doing my solo stuff, also playing at A Million Tiny Suns (alternative metal) and 114 (German rap).
Lou: Ian and I still have Leaf&Booze as an acoustic project.
Thorsten: I‘m part of Ampersphere, an alternative rock band where I‘m also on guitar and I play bass guitar at Zoahr. This is a psychedelic rock band and I proudly can say that we made it to the Doom Charts last month with our 1st album 'Axis'
Thank you guys for this thrilling voodoo-session, it was a great pleasure to meet you here! Do you have any last words for our listeners that are burning on your soul and that you want to get rid of?
We’d like to thank you, Mel. Just a big shout out to ALL our supporters who are with us, all the bands we met on the road and became friends!!!! We appreciate that so much. Special shout out to our roadcrew and buddies Ducky and Phil. Without you we’re nothing! Metal, Love & Peace!
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raboeart · 6 years ago
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Ramona Boehme Concept Artist, Illustrator & Fine Artist Web: www.raboeart.com EMail: [email protected] Artstation: https://raboeart.artstation.com/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raboeart/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raboeart/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/raboeart/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/raboeart/ Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/raboeart/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/raboeart/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpS6dWg5wXFezjpABn2UuUA General Shop: http://shop.raboeart.com Etsy Shop: http://etsy.raboeart.com Pixels Shop: http://pixels.raboeart.com #oilpainting #oiloncanvas #skull #face #woman #skin #leaf #workinprogress #wip #teeth #bone #metalpigments https://www.instagram.com/p/BRWzdtzhrOJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kkar4s0vvmvl
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transasylumsupport · 4 years ago
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This Saturday!! Don’t forget to register to get a link to Mariposx Cabaret : A Queer Mutual Aid Show
register link is in linktr.ee/transasylumsupport
First slide: Pink and purple background with white bold headline that reads, Mariposx Cabaret. Black subheader text which reads, A Queer Mutual Aid Show. Above the header, in black text: RSVP for the Zoom info, link in bio. Saturday March 13th 8PM EST. On the right: An illustration of a magnificent butterfly in heels, holding a walking stick. On the left, black text which reads: Sliding scale tickets! Venmo @mhdalz, Cashapp $Lielg. Artists, Jenn & Dennis of Donzii, Karla Croqueta, Kolor, Leaf Boehm, Melika, Mzlvu, NawghtyGOD, Opal Am Rah, Turtle Grenade, Yoko Oso. Footer in black text: 100% of the proceeds go directly to Mariana and Barbara, two queer asylum seekers.
Second slide (spanish/ espanol): Fondo rosado y morado con letras negras que dice: Mariposx Cabaret. Subtitulo en letra negra que dice: Un Show Queer De Apoyo Mutuo. Encima del titulo, en letra negra: RSVP para la info de Zoom, link en el perfil. Sabado 13 de marzo 8PM hora del este. A la derecha: Una ilustración de mariposa con tacones, sosteniendo un baston. A la izquierda: letra negra que dice: Dona lo que puedes! Venmo @mhdalz, Cashapp $Lielg. Artistas, Jenn & Dennis of Donzii, Karla Croqueta, Kolor, Leaf Boehm, Melika, Mzlvu, NawghtyGOD, Opal Am Rah, Turtle Grenade, Yoko Oso. Pie de pagina en letra negra: 100% del dinero recaudado ira a Mariana y Barbara dos chicas queer y solicitante de asilo
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kimludcom · 6 years ago
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Best Street-Style Photos From the Fall ’19 Couture Shows in Paris
Eva Geraldine Fontanelli
Susie Lau in Dior and Chloé sunglasse
Christine Centenera
Julia von Boehm in Balenciaga shoes
Xenia Adonts in Miu Miu
In a Dundas dress
Michelle Elie in a Bernhard Willhelm dress with a Marni bag
Leaf Greener in a Paco Rabanne top
Camila Coelho in Dior
Shiona Turini in Chanel
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thornburgrealty · 7 years ago
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luxmentis · 7 years ago
To continue with our short list series, here are a few strange and unusual items bound to be loved by someone.
We will have more to come, including a vernacular photography catalog before the Boston ABAA fair and of course, the Boston show list.  Featuring new and exciting things!
With that in mind, our next fair is the 41st Annual Boston International Antiquarian Book Fair, November 10-12, 2017. We’ll keep you posted for passes for the Friday night opener!
Countess of Caithness, Duchesse de Pomar [Marie (Mariategui) Sinclair]. A Midnight Visit to Holyrood. London: C.L.H. Wallace, Philanthropic Reform Publishers, Oxford Mansion, 1887. Limited Edition. Originally printed for private circulation, but published on the three hundredth anniversary of the execution of Mary Stuart, February 8th, 1887. Slight foxing on the frontispiece and portrait of Mary Stuart, and a strange series of period puncture wounds to front cover penetrating text to stab portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots on page 45. Else, tight, bright, and a scarce and odd book. Original dark green cloth, lettering and pictorial device on front and back covers, edge, in gilt, black coated endpapers. Frontispiece with tissue guard and one portrait. 103 pages, 2 unnumbered leaves of plates, illustrations, Very Good+. Hardcover.
Recollection of the communication between Marie Countess of Caithness and the ghost of Mary Queen of Scots from Holyrood House in Edinburgh.  Marie used to visit Holyrood House near midnight and claimed to listen to the dead queen’s spirit voice. The work was originally published for private circulation only, and it is likely that the Countess gave copies to her friend exclusively. This edition, printed by C.H.L. Wallace appears to be limited.
The Countess was increasing influenced by theosophy and universial In 1876, and joined the Theosophical Society founded by known occultists Madame Blavatsky and Colonel Olcott in New York. In 1884, during their stay in Paris with Lady Caithness, Blavatsky approved the creation of the “Theosophical Society of the East and West,” the French branch of the Theosophical Society. Lady Caithness’s theosophy was marked by esoteric Christianity influenced by Jakob Boehme and Swedenborg. She held a spiritualist salon in her Parisian mansion, every Wednesday from spring to autumn in the early 1890s. As to the damage inflicted on the book itself, a few theories arise: it is possible it is just book vandalism. A more compelling and fascinating theory is the book was part of hysteria or ritual to evoke the spirit of Mary Queen of Scots. The book is inscribed to “Miss Blackwell” of which there are two well-known spiritualists in London and Paris; Anna Blackwell and Elizabeth Blackwell. Anna was a prolific writer and participated in the spirit communities during the late 19th century in London and Paris. It is also recorded she was a medium and was said, at times, to be tormented by the ghosts and spirits that threatened her. (#9384) $350.00
#gallery-0-16 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-16 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-16 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
  Fleischauer, Louis ; Aesthetic Meat Foundation. Flesh Art Book. Berlin: Aesthetic Meat Front/AMF, 2014. Limited Edition. Tight, bright, and unmarred. Cased in leather ‘corset’ (see below). 44pp. Illus. (color and b/w plates). Fine in Fine Case. Hardcover.
Limited first edition of 36, this edition is 1/36, with the trade edition cased in a custom leather ‘corset’ cover binding, secured by metal grommets and two leather strap loops. Leather still bears a hide scent and features a painted patina, a fire burnt treated, manipulated, and animal-like with elements cut into tails. The AMF logo is carved into the leather at the top of the cover, as well as the edition number: 1/36 on the back. Text printed on high quality matte clay coated medium weight paper. Signed by Louis Fleischauer, “Pure Kaos Against Total Control” 2016, on the opposite end papers. Includes a small archive of performance fliers for AMF [2002-2015], AMF Korsets / Fleischauer Creations marketing cards and a DVD-R of live performances, signed with a fingerprint impression and numbered 1/36. Edition is divided into several sections: Flesh Art Manifesto, Sculpted Skin (Wearable Art/AMF Korset), Rituals of Transformation, Human Instruments, Aesthetic Meat Front (Rituals + Actionism), Transformed Flesh, Interviews + Random Thoughts. Scarce copy, most editions are with private collectors, this is the last acquired copy from AMF with the leather casing and performance inclusions and also is the first numbered and sculpted edition, as well.
This book is a retrospective of Aesthetic Meat Foundation, (Aesthetic Meat Front is the performance collective of the entire art and creative project of Aesthetic Meat Foundation), featuring a mix of ritual, sculpture, and wearable art. AMF performances in the United States are generally rare, but emulate the same power as Ron Athey and EinstĂŒrzende Neubauten fused with an anti-industrial complex manifesto. “Louis Fleischauer, is a sculptor, and body-artist using organic materials such as animal hides, bones, flowers, blood and his own skin. In his public rituals he turns humans into living sculptures and instruments, including his own body. Through a mix of agony and euphoria Louis falls into a state of trance. His sculptures are a reflection of this experience.” – from the AMF biography. (#9084) $550.00
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Flesh Art Book, AMF
  Sprinkle, Annie. Annie Sprinkle Self-portrait [MSS Notations]. [No Place], 1981. Unique. Signed by Sprinkle with numerous notations all over the image, notation at rear, else bright and clean. 16x24cm. b/w photograph. Signed by the artist. Fine. Photograph.
“Original self-portrait photograph of sexologist Annie Sprinkle. Sprinkle is known as the “prostitute and porn star turned sex educator and artist.” Annie Sprinkle began working at the ticket booth at Tucson’s Plaza Cinema at 18, when Deep Throat was playing. The film was busted, and when Sprinkle had to appear in court as a witness, she met and fell in love with Deep Throat’s director, Gerard Damiano, and became his mistress, following him to New York City where she lived for twenty years. Annie’s first porn movie was Teenage Deviate, which was released in 1975. Perhaps her best known mainstream porn featured role was in ‘Deep Inside Annie Sprinkle’ (co-directed by Sprinkle and sexploitation veteran Joseph W. Sarno) which was the #2 grossing porn film of 1981.
She is considered a role model for a new generation of feminists, she challenges old conceptions and established role models of sexuality and was a pivotal player in the 80’s “sex positive feminist movement” and has long championed sex worker rights and health care. The photograph is heavily annotated with a detailed analysis of the image.The verso contains the anotation p.4 102% suggesting that the image was published although we have been unable to trace the publication. A fantastic image of a true sex goddess.”
Together with Annie’s “Post-Porn Modernist: My 25 Years as a Multimedia Whore”, which includes a ‘clean’ version of the image with the caption, “It was this latex ensemble, which I had brought back from Europe, that started America’s latex trend (or so it seemed to me). It made quite a splash at the HFC [Hell Fire Club]. Or should I say quite a splash was made on it.” (#8115) $1,250.00
  Pell, Sara C. In Dillafluff Land. New Jersey: Standard Publishing Concern, Publishers, 1910. First Edition. Light shelf/edge wear, front boards loose with light toning, few page tears, one leaf loose but present, American Red Cross stamp, else bright and unmarred. Oblong 8vo. Approx. 58pp. Illus. (b/w plates). Good+ in Wraps. Hardcover.
“Esther from Aunt Ann, Xmas 1910”. The black and white Illustrations are by A.G. Learned. Extremely scarce, no known copies. Odd, children’s nonsense nursery rhymes with accompanying anthropomorphic figures very similar to Dr. Seuss’ characters created much later, and similarly, the rhyming is reminiscent of Edward Lear. The book was marketed and reviewed in major publications, but little is known about the author or other published books. The characters were affectionately described as “freakish” and “queer” in reviews. (#9118) $150.00
Woven paper undergarments, Diane Jacobs
Jacobs, Diane. Woven Paper Undergarments [Bra and Panties]. Portland, OR: Scantron Press, 2010. Limited Edition. Bright and unmarred. Woven paper strips, letterpress printed, sculptural. 11x23x3″ np. Fine.
“In this body of work I intend to expose the tenacious, white, patriarchal power structure by using language as my witness. Over a three-year period I collected slang and derogatory words that exploit women. The exhaustive list came from friends, family, and several dictionaries on slang. Strangers also contributed by writing on anonymous pink and blue cards their answer to the question what are the worst names you have ever been called? In my first projects, I sculpted hats, bras, and underwear made of letterpress-printed woven paper. This series of work makes feminist references to craft, the body, and a misogynist culture.” (#8766) $2,000.00
Greer, John Michael. The Weird of Hali: Innsmouth. Oregon: Arcane Wisdom Press, 2016. Limited Edition. Tigh, bright, and unmarred. Custom bound in green faux alligator laminate cloth boards with gold foil inlay embossed Lovecraft image, smythe sewn, and signed, hand-numbered by author with hand-printed ink stamp image of H.P. Lovecraft. Colored endpapers with image of Old Ones and include high gloss print insert of Lovecraft inspired artwork. 9.5×6.25”. 276pp. Limited edition of 500 copies. Fine. No DJ, as Issued. Hardcover.
Cover art by Caniglia and book design by Larry Roberts. “Like every other grad student at Miskatonic University, Owen Merrill knows about the Great Old Ones, the nightmare beings out of ancient legend that H.P. Lovecraft unearthed from archaic texts and turned into icons of modern fantasy fiction. Then a chance discovery—a lost letter written by Lovecraft to fellow Weird Tales author Robert Blake—offers a glimpse into the frightful reality behind the legends, and sends Owen on a desperate quest for answers that shatters his familiar world forever.
As he flees across the witch-haunted Massachusetts landscape toward the mysterious seaside town of Innsmouth, Owen finds himself caught up in a secret war between the servants of the Great Old Ones and their ancient enemies, a war in which yesterday’s friend may be tomorrow’s foe and nothing is as it seems. The history of the world is not what he has been taught—and the tentacles reaching out for him from the shadows of a forbidden past may hold not only his one chance of escape from the terrifying forces closing around him, but the last hope of life on Earth
”(publisher’s note) (#9096) $75.00
Greer, Michael. Weird Hali of Innsmouth
Bizarre Female Domination [Personal Scrapbook]. unknown, nd [circa 1970s]. Unique. Light shelf/edge wear, two leaf loose, very slightly musty, else tight, bright, and unmarred. Brown paper wrappers, mounted images/text at front and read. 4to. np. Illus. (color and b/w plates). Very Good. Original Wraps.
A very thorough and engaging collection of imagery and text involved, as the name implies, around the area of the BDSM scene from a Domme female/submissive male perspective. Neatly tape mounted images on lined white paper, the color and b/w images range from relatively small (approx. 2â€Č square) to full page (cut from magazines and original photographs). There are also some short text elements around the subject matter, too. Most interestingly, interspersed throughout are full page collections of ‘want ads’ from around the country and Canada
the shared qualities of most reflect either specific interest or, perhaps, that he ‘knew’ them. Overall, an eccentric stimulating collage of pre-internet collection of bondage erotica. (#8389) $450.00
#gallery-0-18 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-18 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 50%; } #gallery-0-18 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-18 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Anon. Sumatran Batak divination book [pustaha]. Indonesia, Early 20th century. Unique. Twelve (two-sided) panel concertina fold; fastened on handcarved alim (or agarwood) tree-bark original boards; inscribed and drawn on smoothed and pressed alim tree-bark; 4.75 x 39″ (unfolded); illus. Handwritten in red and black ink pigments. Boards stained with natural pigments, in remarkable condition, less one split in bark panel. An exceptional and critical book for Indonesia history and culture. Very Good. Hardcover.
The ‘pustaha’ [named by the Batak people of interior province of northern Sumatra, Indonesia] are manuscript books constructed and composed by their “datu” or magicians and healers. Origins of the pustaha remain somewhat clouded to non-indigenious research, although, records of provenance date to the 18th century. The Batak people settled mainly in the Lake Toba region of North Sumatra, and included three dominant dialects: Toba, Angkola, and Mandailing.
The books themselves are frequently made with alim tree-bark; written and illustrated with other natural ink pigments. The pustaha is significant for the Batak, as the texts are idiosyncratic to the datu, meaning they are didactic tools for apprentices, but also for members of the community to interpret important decisions and advise on community issues, as reconciled by the datu. The books are often written in note-like script. The script is almost illegible for most members of the community, and indecipherable to Western scholars, however the syllabe script is thought to be derived from East Indian Sanskrit or to some scholars, Indian Palava script. Many contemporary pustaha were made and sold to tourists of the region, as well. The content of the books vary, but generally are divination books, including diagnosis of illness, protective/destructive magic, and acts of cult. Many of the books are also astrological in nature and contain solar and lunar charts and tables, and in the case of this particular pustaha, which contains animistic figures. This book features four carved lizards in low relief on one of the boards, which is associated with fertility and fertility rites. The verso has a carved image of star or a floral symbol. Many of the figurative llustrations in the book [a child] [a goddess figure with serpents] [star], also allude to creation myth, as the ‘tendi’ manifestation of ‘life’ and ‘death’ represented these symbols. The text is inscribed and illustrated on both sides of the bark. Although colonized by the Dutch government in the 19th century, many Batak people retain indigenious treligious beliefs, although increasingly marginalized.
Voorhoeve, P. “Batak Bark Books,” Conservator, University of Leiden, John Rylands Library and the Manchester University Press, 1951.
Teygeler, Rene. “Pustaha. A Study into the Production Process of the Batak Book,” 1993. (#9148) $1,200.00
  Sumatran pustaha
  [Count of Saint Germain (attributed)]; Koss, Nick [ed.]. Triangular Book of St. Germain. Seattle, WA: Ouroboros Press, 2015. Limited Edition. Triangular hand-bound and stitched in red and black letterpress wraps; 48 pp.; full color interior printing in English and French text; illus.; limited to 444 copies. As New. Original Wraps.
The edition of the ‘Triangular Book’ was deciphered, transcribed and translated by Nick Koss, who also executed the research and editing of the text. An excellent essay by Koss about the provenance of the manuscript is featured in “Clavis 3: Cipher & Stone.” The edition is limited to 500 copies in three editions. 26 special copies bound in full leather accompanied by a hand-wrought silver Longevity Talisman featured in the original manuscript. 26 copies in full leather and 444 copies bound in letterpress wraps. Design and typesetting by Joseph Uccello. – from the colophon. (#9180) $65.00
[Garcia, Fernando Aguayo; Queer Nation]. Proper Conduct / On October 6, 1989, Police Rioted in the Castro
 [Rally Poster]. [San Francisco]: [Queer Nation], 1991. First Printing. Bright and clean. Cyanotype poster. 12×35.5″ Illus. (mono plate). Near Fine.
Poster for a protest organized by Queer Nation in San Francisco to demand justice for victims of the 1989 Castro Sweep Police Riot, when more than 200 San Francisco police officers reacted to an ACT UP march by invading the gay Castro District, declaring the entire neighborhood an unlawful assembly and violently clearing the streets. The Queer Nation protest took place at the San Francisco Hall of Justice following a Police Commission finding that the police sweep of the Castro had constituted “proper conduct.” The poster was designed by gay Latino artist and activist Fernando Aguayo-Garcia and was produced in an extremely limited number of copies using the cyanotype process. (#9272) $350.00
Heart In Your Business: 14th National Motorcycle / Bicycle Show. New York, 1928. Unique. Excellent condition, bright and unmarred, heart shaped advertisement for the 14th Annual National Motorcycle and Bicycle show in New York City, Madison Square Garden. Very Good+.
The first National Auto Show was held in 1900. Apparently, as early as 1915, the two-wheel industry was expanding so the national show split from the automotive industry to have their own independent show. The newly built Madison Square Garden accommodated track racing as well. Rare piece of motorcycling and bicycle ephemera. (#9315) $45.00
    Brown, Frederic. ETAOIN SHRDLU. Portland, ME: Ivy Derderian/Wolfe Editions, 2009. Limited Edition. Tight, bright and unmarred. Unprinted tan cardstock wrappers; green textured heavy stock DJ, lettering and pictorial elements in black ink, advert endpages. 8vo. 13pp plus ads. Illus. (b/w plates). Numbered limited edition this being 6 of 40 copies. Fine in Wraps. Original Wraps.
The first solo project from Ivy Derderian, working at Wolfe Editions. Printed in Linotype Bonodi Book, created on an Intertype (the Linotype’s successor). From the prospectus:
“Frederic Brown’s entertaining short story about a sentient Linotype, titled Etaoin Shrdlu, was originally published in 1942 in the magazine Unknown Worlds. While Mr. Brown was well known for his science fiction short stories and novels as well as his award-winning detective fiction, it is clear that he knew his way around a Linotype and a print shop.
Ivy Derderian, with the help of Wolfe Editions, announces a new publication of Etaoin Shrdlu, designed in the manner of pulp magazines of the 1940s. The text type is Linotype Bodoni Book, titles were set in Ludlow Ultra Modern. Text is printed on acid free Dur-o-tone Aged Newsprint, cover is acid free St. Armand Colours. The two engravings used are from a 1923 issue of The Linotype Bulletin.”
Designed and printed to reflect its pulp heritage using Dur-o-tone Aged Newsprint (acid free) and cover wraps on St. Armand Colours. Illustrations from a 1923 issue of The Linotype Bulletin. A wonderful blending of content and design. (#7080) $225.00
  Harwood-Jones, Markus/Star . Confessions of A Teenage Transexual Whore [Complete in Ten Parts]. Toronto: Self, nd [circa 2010-2012]. First Thus. Tight, bright, and unmarred. Taped bindings over printed paper wraps, color inkjet reproductions. 8vo. Var. pag. Illus. Near Fine in Wraps. Original Wraps.
“A 10-part zine series telling Star’s short stories of survival sex work over the course of two years.” [From the author] (#9294) $145.00
  Eckels, Howard Samuel. Post Mortem Stains and Putty Color. Philadelphia: Press of H.S. Eckels & Co., 1922. First Edition. Minor shelf/edge wear, joint starting at staples, light/even toning to textblock, ownership signature and notation at front, else tight, bright, and unmarred. Navy cloth boards, printed label, fold-out map (in red) of circulatory system. 12mo. 53pp plus adverts. Illus. (color print). Very Good+. Hardcover.
Includes ‘modern’ book curse, “‘Notice’ / This book is the property of G. L. Dodds. / Read if you care to but do not mark, destroy, or carry out of back room. / G.L. Dodds / P.S. I weigh 157lb. Let this be a warning to you. / G.L.D. (#8966) $245.00
  Dwight, Thomas. Frozen Sections of a Child. New York: William Wood & Co, 1881. First Edition. Light even toning, tips through, wear at head and tail, ownership signature at first blank, moderate shelf/edge wear, else tight, bright, and unmarred. Black cloth boards. 8vo. Illus. (b/w plates). Good+ [Textblock Very Good]. Hardcover. Includes fifteen full-page drawings from nature by H.P. Quincy. A century or so before CAT scans and MRIs, this work offered detailed tomogrpahic images. Remarkably important (and one of the great titles in publishing). First edition of a classical work of great importance in pediatrics, and the first American group of serial sections. This work provided tomographic images a century before the CAT and MRI. Dwight was a Harvard medical school and, later in life, succeeded Oliver Wendell Holmes as the Parkman Professor of Anatomy.”A classical work of great importance in pediatrics, and the first American group of serial sections” (Choulant-Frank, p. 409). (#8962) $225.00
It’s not unusual
 to be loved by anyone To continue with our short list series, here are a few strange and unusual items bound to be loved by someone.
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deborah09061980-blog · 7 years ago
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La rosa Ú senza perché, fiorisce perché fiorisce, senza preoccuparsi di se stessa, senza desiderio di essere vista (Jacopo Boehme) #nature #red #rose #leafs #newflower #beautiful #sunnyday #summer17 #photography #photography #picoftheday #nofilter #huaweip10plus #instalike #instagood http://ift.tt/2vpEskS
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readablenoise · 5 years ago
Anti-Viral: How to Support Your Local Artists During the Plague of ‘20
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While the world gets ready to practice social distancing, now more than ever is the time to support sonic intimacy
Florida- The highways are quieter.
Groceries stores are emptying and there is a silent, piano wire discord at the mere sound of someone sneezing. Walking though vacant parking lots, and all the while a dark wind blows.
These past few weeks have seemingly felt like the interior of a post-rock song, with hills and valleys of gorgeous peaks and then near ocean floor lows. As the world spins amidst the chaos, there’s still beauty to be found.
In Italy, a makeshift choir from outstretched balconies sings songs from all genres, taking place of the closed concert halls. Artists are hosting live streams and intimate performances, and doing their best to keep calm in the storm.
In all times of tribulation; war, inequality, and the fear of what tomorrow may bring, great art has been made. And with Covid-19 forcing local businesses to close, so too have venues. And in these times where the music business and it’s creators has heavily relied on 90% of funds for their art, they are hurting more than ever to make that art.
Today, March 20th, Bandcamp has waived all revenue fees so 100% of the profits are directed to the artists who need them most. And so today, we want to send you our own version of a cure. Whether you choose to support them today, tomorrow or the next, we feel these acts deserve a spot on your COVID playlist, as they are some of the best semblances of calm in this whirlwind storm...
Tape Studies- “Demo Sessions”
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Link to purchase: https://tapestudies.bandcamp.com/releases
With the news of their debut album, “Kept Underneath” announced for release on May 8th, there’s no better time than now to get your schooling on the incredible Orlando post-rock trio. Their first release, “Demo Sessions” is an earnest example, and the smallest, most enticing of peeks, into what the act has to offer. With a live sound that rivals Mount Kilimanjaro, and the passion to keep those peaks, they are truly a sound that is to be respected and watched,
Song Recommendation: “Hearts Are Low”
In Motion- “Liedentity”
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Link to Purchase: https://inmotionfl.bandcamp.com/album/liedentity
One of the most highly underrated acts in Southern Florida, In Motion have not only rekindled a genre, but brought back an identity to it. In this case, angst filled and beautifully brutal sounds that rate anywhere from mosh prompting, to the frenetic dancing that comes with a tsunami of colored stage lights. The Hobe Sound trio are masters in the art of executing a perfect build-up, and one listen to the album, which is still a solid pick for one of the best of 2019, will have you feel this on the first try.
Song Recommendation: “Mood Indigo”
Ghostflower- “Groceries”
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Link to Purchase: https://ghostflower.bandcamp.com/
This is a track we recommend downloading. Then doing it again for your friend. And again for your family member. And then three more times, just for yourself. The Miami sound have slowly, beautifully and deservedly rised from the ranks with their own uniquely scintillating brand of hypnotic. Combining post-punk, electronic and a fierce live delivery from frontwoman Leaf Boehm  that rivals the famed UK act, Savages, they are the perfect narration to all of your nights and more,,,
Las Nubes / Palomino Blonde- “Split EP”
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Link to Purchase: https://lasnubes.bandcamp.com/album/split-ep
Great collaborations are rare nowadays. While unique mixes still arise, it is rare t to encounter a mesh of two equally potent forces, combining their respective galaxies to form a whole new world. “Split” is a perfect example of this. Taking Las Nubes perfected indie-esque Sonic Youth spirit, and Palomino Blonde’s riproaring rock fuel, it is the perfect album to zone out and enjoy the night to,,,
Song Recommendation: “Seventh Heaven”
Jaialai- “When I'm On The Run”
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Link to Purchase- https://jaialaiofficial.bandcamp.com/
The Miami act is the crown jewel of well done psych-rock. Painted tye-dye chemical against a celluloid projection, they can rock you into a perfect sway of their crescendos, or have you enter a twilight realm of chaotic guitars and still a perfect projection of power. They are the ocean made real and it’s here, we feel you’ll get lost in their waves.
Song Recommendation: “When I’m On The Run”
The Spoondogs- S/T
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Link to Purchase: https://spoondogs.bandcamp.com/
Picture if the 1970â€Čs renaissance era of post-punk made sweet, sweet love to The Rolling Stones and just a pinch of The White Stripes.
Good mix, right? This is The Spoondogs, and we are proud to introduce you to them. Embodying all those classic photographs of punk and rock icons, and turning them into sound, the Orlando based act are a true wonder to behold, and to lose yourself in the sound to.
Song Recommendation: “I Won’t”
Makoto- “Lavender Forest”
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Link to purchase: https://makoto.bandcamp.com/
An exercise in fast fingers, a draw to the end and a good kind of kinetic energy, the Southern Florida act is a truly an exciting whirlwind to listen to. A bit of jazz, a good dose of math rock and all the while, just enough fun to keep you smiling the whole way through.
Song Recommendation: “Just Keep Making Noise”
Kalistik- “Translucinator”
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Winter Haven’s best musical treasure, the band’s debut is one of the strongest we’ve ever heard from any international sound; it is unafraid to be itself, and that is one of it’s greatest strengths. Using a wall of sound that might intimate others, Kalistik are unafraid to climb it’s heights with psych/prog rock, metal and just a pinch of Deftones in it’s wake

Song Recommendation: “Ginger Cunt”
Death of a Deity- “Death Dealer”
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Link to Purchase: https://deathofadeity.bandcamp.com/music
While metal is a genre we are still new to, and with Florida being an epicenter for the genre itself, this West Palm Beach stand out amongst the rest. Not just due to their ambition, and well crafted compositions consisting of standout guitar riffs and heartbeat poundin’ drums, but the love they have for the genre and it’s community. It’s evident in their tracks, with something new to discover on every listen and we give it our stamp of approval for bedroom mosh worthy and car headbanging.
Song Recommendation: “Societal Woes”
Glass Body- “Apathy”
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Link to Purchase: https://glassbody.bandcamp.com/
The Miami trio ranks high on our list of albums to purchase, as they are not only one of the singularly best acts we have ever heard, but harbor a den of humble creativity that so naturally exudes from their pores. With a punk ferocity that has been missing from the genre itself, it is a necessary electricfying energy that will hit you right upon the moment you hit play
Song Recommendation: “Candida Cleanse”
Donzii- “Gladugly”
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Link to purchase: https://donzii.bandcamp.com/
Fresh on the heels of opening for Manchester legends and music heroes, New Order, during their historic first ever US residency, they earned the slot due to the unique, glittering and powerful statement upon every note. From frontwoman Jenna Balfe’s sincerely dazzling arthouse style performance alongside a Poly Styrene inspired style, to the Siouxsie and the Banshees meets the Miami act’s perfect blend of unique, they are a band to behold and support.
Song Recommendation: “Sand”
Now go forth, support your local artists and take care of each other out there
-Jenelle DeGuzman
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melindarowens · 8 years ago
Putin Tells Oliver Stone About His Days As A KGB Spy
Russia’s President Putin talked to Oliver Stone not only about politics and international affairs, but also about his family, childhood, and hobbies, as well as the time when he served as an under-cover KGB agent in Dresden in 1980s. These recollections are part of a book of full transcripts that includes material left out of the documentary series The Putin Interviews (which was panned last week by Rolling Stone in its “10 Most WTF Things We Learned From Oliver Stone’s Putin Interviews“).
Vladimir Putin said he joined the KGB, the Soviet Committee for State Security, in 1975, because he had “always wanted to.”
“I entered law school because I wanted to work for the KGB. And still when I was a pupil at school, I went to the KGB office in Leningrad (now St Petersburg) by myself. And I asked them what I had to do in order to work for the KGB. And the workers told me that I had to have a higher education and a better legal education.”
Putin said he did not have “any contact with the KGB” following the visit, so it was “quite unexpected that the KGB found me and offered a job” after he graduated from law school.
When asked by Stone, Putin acknowledged he watched many films about the agency and their intelligence work and was particularly inspired by a Soviet-era espionage thriller called Seventeen Moments of Spring, in which the main character played by famous actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov is a Soviet spy in Nazi Germany. The president admitted to romanticizing about getting a job at the KGB.
Putin served as an under-cover spy in Dresden from 1985 through 1990 and retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel when the USSR collapsed. In the late 1990s, he briefly served as the head of the FSB, the KGB’s successor.
* * *
While Putin’s walk down memory lane with Stone was rather limited, the BBC recently conducted an extensive look on Putin’s days in Dresden. Some excerpts below:
Putin had arrived in Dresden in the mid-1980s for his first foreign posting as a KGB agent. The German Democratic Republic or GDR – a communist state created out of the Soviet-occupied zone of post-Nazi Germany – was a highly significant outpost of Moscow’s power, up close to Western Europe, full of Soviet military and spies. Putin had wanted to join the KGB since he was a teenager, inspired by popular Soviet stories of secret service bravado in which, he recalled later, “One man’s effort could achieve what whole armies could not. One spy could decide the fate of thousands of people.”
Initially, though, much of his work in Dresden was humdrum. Among documents in the Stasi archives in Dresden is a letter from Putin asking for help from the Stasi boss with the installation of an informer’s phone.
And there are details too of Soviet-East German social gatherings Putin attended, to celebrate ties between the two countries. But if the spy work wasn’t that exciting, Putin and his young family could at least enjoy the East German good life. Putin’s then wife, Ludmila, later recalled that life in the GDR was very different from life in the USSR. “The streets were clean. They would wash their windows once a week,” she said in an interview published in 2000, as part of First Person, a book of interviews with Russia’s new and then little-known acting president.
The Putins lived in a special block of flats with KGB and Stasi families for neighbours, though Ludmila envied the fact that: “The GDR state security people got higher salaries than our guys, judging from how our German neighbours lived. Of course we tried to economise and save up enough to buy a car.”
A former KGB colleague, Vladimir Usoltsev, describes Putin spending hours leafing through Western mail-order catalogues, to keep up with fashions and trends. He also enjoyed the beer – securing a special weekly supply of the local brew, Radeberger – which left him looking rather less trim than he does in the bare-chested sporty images issued by Russian presidential PR today.
East Germany differed from the USSR in another way too – it had a number of separate political parties, even though it was still firmly under communist rule, or appeared to be.
“He enjoyed very much this little paradise for him,” says Boris Reitschuster. East Germany, he says, “is his model of politics especially. He rebuilt some kind of East Germany in Russia now.”
The block of flats nearby, where the Putins lived
But in autumn 1989 this paradise became a kind of KGB hell. On the streets of Dresden, Putin observed people power emerging in extraordinary ways. In early October hundreds of East Germans who had claimed political asylum at the West German embassy in Prague were allowed to travel to the West in sealed trains. As they passed through Dresden, huge crowds tried to break through a security cordon to try to board the trains, and make their own escape.
Wolfgang Berghofer, Dresden’s communist mayor at the time, says there was chaos as security forces began taking on almost the entire local population. Many assumed violence was inevitable.
“A Soviet tank army was stationed in our city,” he says. “And its generals said to me clearly: ‘If we get the order from Moscow, the tanks will roll.'”
After the Berlin Wall opened, on 9 November, the crowds became bolder everywhere – approaching the citadels of Stasi and KGB power in Dresden.
The former KGB headquarters in Dresden
Putin and his KGB colleagues frantically burned evidence of their intelligence work. “I personally burned a huge amount of material,” Putin recalled in First Person. “We burned so much stuff that the furnace burst.”
Two weeks later there was more trauma for Putin as West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl arrived in the city. He made a speech that left German reunification looking inevitable, and East Germany doomed. Kohl praised Gorbachev, the man in Moscow who’d refused to send in the tanks, and he used patriotic language – words like Vaterland, or fatherland – that had been largely taboo in Germany since the war.  Now they prompted an ecstatic response.
It’s not known whether Putin was in that crowd – but as a KGB agent in Dresden he’d certainly have known all about it. The implosion of East Germany in the following months marked a huge rupture in his and his family’s life.
“We had the horrible feeling that the country that had almost become our home would no longer exist,” said his wife Ludmila. “My neighbour, who was my friend, cried for a week. It was the collapse of everything – their lives, their careers.”
One of Putin’s key Stasi contacts, Maj Gen Horst Boehm – the man who had helped him install that precious telephone line for an informer – was humiliated by the demonstrating crowds, and committed suicide early in 1990. This warning about what can happen when people power becomes dominant was one Putin could now ponder on the long journey home.
“Their German friends give them a 20-year-old washing machine and with this they drive back to Leningrad,” says Putin biographer and critic Masha Gessen. “There’s a strong sense that he was serving his country and had nothing to show for it.”
He arrived back to a country that had been transformed under Mikhail Gorbachev and was itself on the verge of collapse.
“He found himself in a country that had changed in ways that he didn’t understand and didn’t want to accept,” as Gessen puts it.
His home city, Leningrad, was now becoming St Petersburg again. What would Putin do there? There was talk, briefly, of taxi-driving. But soon Putin realised he had acquired a much more valuable asset than a second-hand washing machine.
In Dresden he’d been part of a network of individuals who might have lost their Soviet roles, but were well placed to prosper personally and politically in the new Russia. In the Stasi archives in Dresden a picture survives of Putin during his Dresden years. He’s in a group of senior Soviet and East German military and security figures – a relatively junior figure, off to one side, but already networking among the elite.
Vladimir Putin is standing second from the left in the front row
Prof Karen Dawisha of Miami University, author of Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?, says there are people he met in Dresden “who have then gone on
 to be part of his inner core”.
They include Sergey Chemezov, who for years headed Russia’s arms export agency and now runs a state programme supporting technology, and Nikolai Tokarev head of the state pipeline company, Transneft. And it’s not only former Russian colleagues who’ve stayed close to Putin.
* * *
While Showtime has limited the distribution of “The Putin Interviews”, in the interview below Stone speaks to the FT’s Matthew Garrahan and explains why western world has Vladimir Putin all wrong.
source http://capitalisthq.com/putin-tells-oliver-stone-about-his-days-as-a-kgb-spy/ from CapitalistHQ http://capitalisthq.blogspot.com/2017/06/putin-tells-oliver-stone-about-his-days.html
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loveinquotesposts · 5 years ago
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When I was nineteen years old, I discovered a collection of books in the Harvard library written by Jacob Boehme. Do you know of him?"Naturally she knew of him. She had her own copies of these works in the White Acre library. She had read Boehme, though she never admired him. Jacob Boehme was a sixteenth-century cobbler from Germany who had mystical visions about plants. Many people considered him an early botanist. Alma's mother, on the other hand, had considered him a cesspool of residual medieval superstition. So there was considerable conflict of opinion surrounding Jacob Boehme.The old cobbler had believed in something he called "the signature of all things"- namely, that God had hidden clues for humanity's betterment inside the design of every flower, leaf, fruit, and tree on earth. All the natural world was a divine code, Boehme claimed, containing proof of our Creator's love. That is why so many medicinal plants resembled the diseases they were meant to cure, or the organs they were able to treat. Basil, with its liver-shaped leaves, is the obvious ministration for ailments of the liver. The celandine herb, which produces a yellow sap, can be used to treat the yellow discoloration brought on by jaundice. Walnuts, shaped like brains, are helpful for headaches. Coltsfoot, which grows near cold streams, can cure the coughs and chills brought on by immersion in ice water. 'Polygonum,' with its spattering of blood-red markings on the leaves, cures bleeding wounds of the flesh. ― Elizabeth Gilbert, The Signature of All Things
#ElizabethGilbert, #ElizabethGilbertElizabethGilbertLoveQuotes, #ElizabethGilbertLoveQuotes, #ElizabethGilbertQuotes, #TheSignatureOfAllThings, #TheSignatureOfAllThingsQuotes
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everettwilkinson · 8 years ago
Putin Tells Oliver Stone About His Days As A KGB Spy
Russia’s President Putin talked to Oliver Stone not only about politics and international affairs, but also about his family, childhood, and hobbies, as well as the time when he served as an under-cover KGB agent in Dresden in 1980s. These recollections are part of a book of full transcripts that includes material left out of the documentary series The Putin Interviews (which was panned last week by Rolling Stone in its “10 Most WTF Things We Learned From Oliver Stone’s Putin Interviews“).
Vladimir Putin said he joined the KGB, the Soviet Committee for State Security, in 1975, because he had “always wanted to.”
“I entered law school because I wanted to work for the KGB. And still when I was a pupil at school, I went to the KGB office in Leningrad (now St Petersburg) by myself. And I asked them what I had to do in order to work for the KGB. And the workers told me that I had to have a higher education and a better legal education.”
Putin said he did not have “any contact with the KGB” following the visit, so it was “quite unexpected that the KGB found me and offered a job” after he graduated from law school.
When asked by Stone, Putin acknowledged he watched many films about the agency and their intelligence work and was particularly inspired by a Soviet-era espionage thriller called Seventeen Moments of Spring, in which the main character played by famous actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov is a Soviet spy in Nazi Germany. The president admitted to romanticizing about getting a job at the KGB.
Putin served as an under-cover spy in Dresden from 1985 through 1990 and retired with the rank of lieutenant colonel when the USSR collapsed. In the late 1990s, he briefly served as the head of the FSB, the KGB’s successor.
* * *
While Putin’s walk down memory lane with Stone was rather limited, the BBC recently conducted an extensive look on Putin’s days in Dresden. Some excerpts below:
Putin had arrived in Dresden in the mid-1980s for his first foreign posting as a KGB agent. The German Democratic Republic or GDR – a communist state created out of the Soviet-occupied zone of post-Nazi Germany – was a highly significant outpost of Moscow’s power, up close to Western Europe, full of Soviet military and spies. Putin had wanted to join the KGB since he was a teenager, inspired by popular Soviet stories of secret service bravado in which, he recalled later, “One man’s effort could achieve what whole armies could not. One spy could decide the fate of thousands of people.”
Initially, though, much of his work in Dresden was humdrum. Among documents in the Stasi archives in Dresden is a letter from Putin asking for help from the Stasi boss with the installation of an informer’s phone.
And there are details too of Soviet-East German social gatherings Putin attended, to celebrate ties between the two countries. But if the spy work wasn’t that exciting, Putin and his young family could at least enjoy the East German good life. Putin’s then wife, Ludmila, later recalled that life in the GDR was very different from life in the USSR. “The streets were clean. They would wash their windows once a week,” she said in an interview published in 2000, as part of First Person, a book of interviews with Russia’s new and then little-known acting president.
The Putins lived in a special block of flats with KGB and Stasi families for neighbours, though Ludmila envied the fact that: “The GDR state security people got higher salaries than our guys, judging from how our German neighbours lived. Of course we tried to economise and save up enough to buy a car.”
A former KGB colleague, Vladimir Usoltsev, describes Putin spending hours leafing through Western mail-order catalogues, to keep up with fashions and trends. He also enjoyed the beer – securing a special weekly supply of the local brew, Radeberger – which left him looking rather less trim than he does in the bare-chested sporty images issued by Russian presidential PR today.
East Germany differed from the USSR in another way too – it had a number of separate political parties, even though it was still firmly under communist rule, or appeared to be.
“He enjoyed very much this little paradise for him,” says Boris Reitschuster. East Germany, he says, “is his model of politics especially. He rebuilt some kind of East Germany in Russia now.”
The block of flats nearby, where the Putins lived
But in autumn 1989 this paradise became a kind of KGB hell. On the streets of Dresden, Putin observed people power emerging in extraordinary ways. In early October hundreds of East Germans who had claimed political asylum at the West German embassy in Prague were allowed to travel to the West in sealed trains. As they passed through Dresden, huge crowds tried to break through a security cordon to try to board the trains, and make their own escape.
Wolfgang Berghofer, Dresden’s communist mayor at the time, says there was chaos as security forces began taking on almost the entire local population. Many assumed violence was inevitable.
“A Soviet tank army was stationed in our city,” he says. “And its generals said to me clearly: ‘If we get the order from Moscow, the tanks will roll.'”
After the Berlin Wall opened, on 9 November, the crowds became bolder everywhere – approaching the citadels of Stasi and KGB power in Dresden.
The former KGB headquarters in Dresden
Putin and his KGB colleagues frantically burned evidence of their intelligence work. “I personally burned a huge amount of material,” Putin recalled in First Person. “We burned so much stuff that the furnace burst.”
Two weeks later there was more trauma for Putin as West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl arrived in the city. He made a speech that left German reunification looking inevitable, and East Germany doomed. Kohl praised Gorbachev, the man in Moscow who’d refused to send in the tanks, and he used patriotic language – words like Vaterland, or fatherland – that had been largely taboo in Germany since the war.  Now they prompted an ecstatic response.
It’s not known whether Putin was in that crowd – but as a KGB agent in Dresden he’d certainly have known all about it. The implosion of East Germany in the following months marked a huge rupture in his and his family’s life.
“We had the horrible feeling that the country that had almost become our home would no longer exist,” said his wife Ludmila. “My neighbour, who was my friend, cried for a week. It was the collapse of everything – their lives, their careers.”
One of Putin’s key Stasi contacts, Maj Gen Horst Boehm – the man who had helped him install that precious telephone line for an informer – was humiliated by the demonstrating crowds, and committed suicide early in 1990. This warning about what can happen when people power becomes dominant was one Putin could now ponder on the long journey home.
“Their German friends give them a 20-year-old washing machine and with this they drive back to Leningrad,” says Putin biographer and critic Masha Gessen. “There’s a strong sense that he was serving his country and had nothing to show for it.”
He arrived back to a country that had been transformed under Mikhail Gorbachev and was itself on the verge of collapse.
“He found himself in a country that had changed in ways that he didn’t understand and didn’t want to accept,” as Gessen puts it.
His home city, Leningrad, was now becoming St Petersburg again. What would Putin do there? There was talk, briefly, of taxi-driving. But soon Putin realised he had acquired a much more valuable asset than a second-hand washing machine.
In Dresden he’d been part of a network of individuals who might have lost their Soviet roles, but were well placed to prosper personally and politically in the new Russia. In the Stasi archives in Dresden a picture survives of Putin during his Dresden years. He’s in a group of senior Soviet and East German military and security figures – a relatively junior figure, off to one side, but already networking among the elite.
Vladimir Putin is standing second from the left in the front row
Prof Karen Dawisha of Miami University, author of Putin’s Kleptocracy: Who Owns Russia?, says there are people he met in Dresden “who have then gone on
 to be part of his inner core”.
They include Sergey Chemezov, who for years headed Russia’s arms export agency and now runs a state programme supporting technology, and Nikolai Tokarev head of the state pipeline company, Transneft. And it’s not only former Russian colleagues who’ve stayed close to Putin.
* * *
While Showtime has limited the distribution of “The Putin Interviews”, in the interview below Stone speaks to the FT’s Matthew Garrahan and explains why western world has Vladimir Putin all wrong.
from CapitalistHQ.com http://capitalisthq.com/putin-tells-oliver-stone-about-his-days-as-a-kgb-spy/
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loveinquotesposts · 5 years ago
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The old cobbler had believed in something he called the signature of all things—namely, that God had hidden clues for humanity’s betterment inside the design of every flower, leaf, fruit, and tree on earth. All the natural world was a divine code, Boehme claimed, containing proof of our Creator’s love. ― Elizabeth Gilbert, The Signature of All Things
#ElizabethGilbert, #ElizabethGilbertElizabethGilbertLoveQuotes, #ElizabethGilbertLoveQuotes, #ElizabethGilbertQuotes, #TheSignatureOfAllThings, #TheSignatureOfAllThingsQuotes
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