#le prince | 🌹👑
a-chlolix-blog · 1 year
Scarabée and Kitty Claws AU
Mr Pigeon. An upset Bird Dad.
It's been a couple of days since Adrien's birthday and he happily posted about the many gifts from his new friends.
The rapid fangirls weren't very happy, but his classmates were quite happy for him.
What caught a few of them off guard was that Chloé Bourgeois of all people thought of something as nice and personal as a photo collage of the two of them.
💙Mari-Caroon🥐: Did you guys see what Chloé made Adrien?
❤Best Blogger📱: Oh please! She probably made Sabrina do ALL the work!
💥Alix the Awesome🥇: All that matters is that Mr. Sunshine had a happy birthday!
👑Princess Rose🌹: Yeah! And besides maybe Chloé's trying to change. She hasn't pulled any of her infamous pranks on us yet.
💜Priceless Jule💎: It's still quite early in the school year, Sweetie.
🎥Mylegend♻️: Who knows what she'll have planned....
Alix puts her phone away as she got ready for class.
Tikki: Is this Chloé girl REALLY that bad?
Alix: It's complicated Tikki... very complicated.
At Le Grand Paris, Chloé was still over the moon that Adrien loved her gift enough to post it on Instagram.
The two happily texted each other.
🐱Catty-Chlo💛: I'm so happy you loved your gift, Sunshine!
🌟Princely Sunshine☀️: It's beautiful, Chlo! I gotta repay on your birthday. How about I get Scarabée to make an appearance? It'll be tough without an Akuma Attack to find her, but I'll find a way!
Chloé couldn't help but blush as she read the text from Adrien.
🐱Catty-Chlo💛: Shut up and get ready for school!
🌟Princely Sunshine☀️: So mean! Let's hope Scarabée doesn't see this side of you!
Chloé rolls her eyes before putting her phone in her purse.
Chloé wasn't looking forward to her own birthday, but she was happy that Adrien had fun on his.
~~~~~At School~~~~~~
Mr. Damocles is in Miss Bustier's classroom, telling the students about a design competition being hosted at the school.
The objective of the competition is to design and create a derby hat, which will be judged by fashion designer Gabriel Agreste.
Marinette, Juleka with Rose, Mylène, and Alix decide to enter the competition.
The five of them were taking about the competition during lunch.
Alya: Ladies! How does it feel to have the opportunity to create something to be judged by Gabriel Agreste?
Marinette: Very nervous! I haven't made a derby hat before, but for my dream, I'll have to try.
Rose: I'm supporting Juleka. So I know for a fact she's gonna be great!
Juleka, blushing: Thanks...
Mylène: I decided to get outta my comfort zone. So I'm hoping to have fun.
The group then notices how quiet Alix has been.
Alix: Out of all of us, I know I'm the least likely to win, given my style. But it's been a while since I applied my artistic style to clothing. So I wanna have fun too!
Rose: I'm sure Mr. Agreste will LOVE your style!
Chloé and Sabrina could hear the two from their table (Gabriel makes Adrien eat lunch at home).
Chloé wasn't entering the competition and only Sabrina and Adrien knew why.
Chloé, internally: Although it's unlikely that she'll win. I bet Ally-Kins' hat will be incredible.
Little did they know, a certain someone was planning on coping their derby hat ideas!
And her name was Brigiette Alarie!
Brigiette, internally: Once I beautifully outdo every "talented and creative" girl in Adrien's class, Mr. Agreste will see me as the PERFECT daughter in-law!
So she followed the girls around and asks to about their hat ideas, to make sure "they don't copy her idea!"
~Juleka and Rose while they're walking to class~
Juleka: Well-
Rose: It's a surprise! But it'll be super cute! Just like my Juleka!
~Mylène after she closes her locker~
Mylène: Can't say! It's a surprise and I want everyone to be surprised.
~Alix during gym class~
Alix: Even if I were to tell you, I'm only entering for fun, not to win.
~Marinette before the final day of the day~
Marinette: Since I haven't designed a Derby Hat before, I don't know just yet...
After school, the girls when home to work on their derby hats.
Except for Marinette, who goes to the Trocadéro for inspiration (unaware that Brigiette decided to follow her).
Marinette sits outside at the Trocadéro with her sketchbook open on her lap.
She sketches various versions of derby hats before ripping them out and crumpling them beside her.
Brigiette watches from afar as she does this.
Brigiette, internally: Only the very best for Mr. Agreste and my dearest Adrien.
As she becomes more dejected, a man appears, moving his arms like wings and cooing to the pigeons.
Xavier Ramier sits on a bench and calls the pigeons to him with a whistle.
He then brings out a bag of bird food, tossing it to the pigeons.
Roger Raincomprix stalks over and yells at Xavier for feeding the pigeons, stating that, if he continues to feed them, they will crowd the park and leave their droppings everywhere.
Confiscating the bird food, Roger kicks Xavier out of the park. Marinette feels sorry for him.
After noticing the many pigeon feathers on the ground, Marinette becomes quite inspired and starts hurriedly sketching the idea.
Meanwhile, Xavier sits on a bench overlooking the Seine, dejected.
Hawk Moth senses Xavier's sorrow and sends an akuma to him, which enters his bird call.
Hawk Moth tells Xavier that the police and park keepers should not be allowed to stop him from taking care of his pigeons and offers him the chance to take revenge on them.
Xavier grins, turning into the villain, Mr. Pigeon.
He takes off, flapping his arms and cooing.
At the same time, Marinette finishes her sketch.
When she holds up her book to admire it in the light, Brigiette takes a picture of the sketch with her phone and hugs it to her chest.
Brigiette, whispering: Yes! Mr. Agreste's praise and Adrien's love are MINE!
At The Louvre, Alix was working on her own hat and was almost done.
She was able to sew in her signature street art style light blue and black A into the dark blue derby hat, but felt like something think was missing.
Alix, internally: Damnit, it needs one more thing. But what?
Tikki, giving Alix a pear: You can think of something, Alix!
Alim, knocking on the door: Alix? Are you still working on your hat? I could come back later.
Tikki: *quickly hides under Alix's pillow*
Alix: Come in, I'm just taking a quick break!
When he walks into the room holding a small box, Alim's quite impressed by Alix's derby hat.
Alim: Are you sure you aren't trying to wait, Sweetie? This hat looks incredible!
Alix: It'd be even more incredible if I found out what I was missing!
Alim: I had a feeling you'd get Artist's Block. So I got these. *puts the box on Alix's desk*
Alix: What's this? *opens the box and starts to tear up* Dad... are these...?
Alim: You and Jalil loved making these little feather swords with your mother and I when you were younger. Maybe they can help inspire you?
Alix: *hugs Alim tightly* Thanks dad!
Alim, hugging her back: No problem. Now pick one! I can't wait to see which one you pick for the hat!
Alix then picks up a cerulean feather sword and attaches it to the derby hat.
Alim: Just as I thought. Perfect.
Alix: I know right?
Alim leaves Alix's room with a smile before closing the door.
Alim, looking at his own feather sword: I know you're proud of them, Dalia...
Tikki, flying up to Alix: Since you're done, let's go great cookies to celebrate!
Alix: Of course you'd think of that as a way to celebrate. Guess I'll get some macaroons to go with the smoothie I wanna make. Let's go!
Just as Alix walks up to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery, Marinette runs out in a hurry.
Alix: Whoa Marinette! What's the hurry?
Marinette: I need a pigeon feather for my derby hat!
Alix: I'll help you find one. I finished my hat before coming here.
Marinette: Thanks!
The two run to the Eiffel Tower, disturbing the pigeons until Marinette grabs a feather.
Alix walks alongside Marinette, who happily skips before bumping into officer Roger.
Roger, however, goes on his merry way after Marinette apologizes.
The two then sees a dark cloud of birds hovering over him before taking him away.
Marinette: Did you see that?
Alix: Yeah... *thinks to herself* Guess those cookies and macaroons will have to wait. I gotta make sure Marinette gets home safe. Can't risk those birds carrying her away too.
Marinette: Scarabée and Kitty Claws will handle this.
Alix: Let's just get you home. Your place is close!
While Marinette and Alix are on the bus, Alix asks the driver why they can't go faster.
The driver says that they have a situation and tells the people to get off the bus.
Marinette and Alix sees that pigeons are causing the traffic jam, along with other problems all over Paris.
Nadja Chamack, on a nearby screen, reports on the pigeons and is then told that Mr. Pigeon will make an announcement: Paris belongs to the pigeons.
Alix: Marinette, run home now!
Marinette: What about you?!
Alix: You know I'll be fine. Go!
Once Marinette was out of sight, Alix quickly runs to the subway and quickly transforms into Scarabée.
Kitty Claws was on a roof top waiting for Scarabée.
Kitty Claws: I'm so happy I don't have Adrien's feather allergy. I hope he's doing okay... With all the pigeons outside and all the presents he got for his birthday, he was more than happy to stay home.
Scarabée runs along Paris' rooftops until she sees hordes of pigeons flying in the sky, all in the shape of airplanes.
She then notices Kitty Claws a few rooftops away and leaps over to her.
Scarabée: Got any info on this situation, KC?
Kitty Claws: Park Keepers are disappearing and there are pigeons everywhere? You wouldn't happen to be allergic to feathers, would you?
Scarabée: Nope! But I do know for a fact that pigeons are taking Police Officers and thanks to your info, Park Keepers.
Kitty Claws: Where Could they have taken them all?
Scarabée: Don't know, but I got a plan on how we could find out.
~~~~~~At the Place des Vosges ~~~~~~
Kitty Claws, dressed as a Park Keeper: Itty-Bitty, you should've told me you like a girl in uniform~
Scarabée, blushing while holding Kitty Claws' jacket: I told you to put on JUST the hat! The outfit was all you! Just act natural!!
Kitty Claws: I can't help that I'm naturally good looking~
A pigeon sees her and flies off to report to Mr. Pigeon.
Mr. Pigeon praises the pigeon for telling him. A flock of pigeons takes Mr. Pigeon away.
Scarabée: Where is he?
Kitty Claws: Do you think he'll show- *gets carried away by a cloud of pigeons*
Scarabée follows the cloud to the ceiling of the hotel Le Grand Paris.
Scarabée and a now freed Kitty Claws find themselves surrounded by pigeons as Mr. Pigeon reveals himself to the two while standing on a flock of pigeons.
The pigeons surround Scarabée and Kitty Claws, trapping them in a massive bird cage.
Mr. Pigeon, under Hawkmoth's command: Give up your Miraculouses or my pigeons will attack with their poop!
Scarabée and Kitty Claws: EWWWWWW!!!!
Kitty Claws: CATACLYSM!!!!
Kitty Claws quickly uses her cataclysm on the mental bar, quickly rusting them before they fell apart.
Freeing the two heroines, who stepped closer to Mr. Pigeon.
As soon as they come close to Mr. Pigeon, he escapes by walking off the side of the hotel, shouting, "Merry Christmas."
He sends the remaining pigeons to attack the two heroes.
Scarabée and Kitty Claws run inside, slamming the door shut on the pigeons.
They head downstairs, but Kitty Claws' ring beeps; she has 4 minutes left before her transformation deactivates.
They head to the ground floor finding Mayor André Bourgeois.
André: Scarabée! Kitty Claws! These pigeons are scaring all the tourists! Please tell me you'll be able to fix this?!
Scarabée: Of course, but we'll need-
Kitty Claws, bouncing up and down: An empty room and runny camembert please!
André: Of course Miss Class! Get her to the Royal Suite!
One of the hotel's servents got a plate of runny camembert cheese and walked Kitty Claws to the Royal Suite.
Kitty Claws, to Servent: No need to wait at the door! I'll be fine! *quickly closes the door before transforming back*
Plagg, exhausted: *laying on the pillow* You need to get some of these pillows for your room!
Chloé: Hurry up and eat the cheese! If I leave Scarabée alone with my dad for too long, he'll show her pictures of me at my ballet recital when I was eight!
Plagg, with his mouth full: How do you know?
Chloé: He does it with every important person he meets!
~~~With André and Scarabée~~~
André, picking up a big book: I hope my Chloé's okay! If you haven't noticed my daughter means the world to me.
Scarabée: As a girl with a loving dad, I'm sure you mean the world to her too.
André, caught off guard: Thank you... how about I show you some of her-
Kitty Claws, quickly running up to the two: COME ON, SCARABÉE! LET'S GO GET THIS AKUMA!!! *grabs Scarabée's hand and leaves*
Scarabée and Kitty Claws, at a higher vantage point, glances out a window and sees that the pigeons are flying in the same direction and they follow the pigeons.
They reach the Grand Palais and find the park keepers caged inside. They climb up to the roof to enter the Palais from a window.
The two make themselves known to Mr. Pigeon and their battle begins!
He attacks with his pigeons, sending Scarabée and Kitty Claws into the park keepers' cage's bars.
Scarabée uses her Lucky Charm, and a coin appears.
Using her lucky vision, Scarabée spots a support beam and a vending machine.
Scarabée runs toward Mr. Pigeon, sliding underneath him while her yo-yo wraps around his ankle.
She then jumps up to the support beam, swinging over it once, wrapping up her yo-yo's string.
Scarabée runs ahead, putting the coin into the vending machine and buying a small bag of popcorn.
She throws the bag in the air and Kitty Claws uses his staff to break it.
Most of the popcorn lands on Mr. Pigeon.
The pigeons surround Mr. Pigeon and eat the popcorn off of him.
As he is distracted, Scarabée yanks on her yo-yo, pulling Mr. Pigeon into the air.
The bird call slips from his neck, landing on the ground.
Scarabée, Kitty Claws, and Mr. Pigeon go after it.
They grab it simultaneously, Mr. Pigeon's hand directly on top of it, then Kitty Claws', then Scarabée's.
Scarabée grabs Kitty Claws' hand and smashes it down on Mr. Pigeon's hand, breaking the bird call. The akuma flies out from it.
Scarabée catches it, purifies it, and uses Miraculous Cure to return everything back to normal.
Mr. Pigeon turns back into Mr. Ramier. Hawk Moth swears revenge on Scarabée and pigeons.
Scarabée: Perfect job as usual, KC!
Kitty Claws: Thanks Itty-Bitty! *pulls her into a side hug and takes the picture with her baton*
After transform back Alix makes her way to the Dupain-Cheng Bakery to buy her macaroons and Tikki's cookies.
Marinette, running down the stairs: Alix! You're okay!
Alix: Sorry I didn't call, I was too busy dodging pigeon shit.
Marinette: EWWWW!!!
Alix: I know right? So, are you done with your hat?
Marinette: Yeah! It looks awesome! I can't wait for you all to see it!!
Alix: Knowing your skills, you're probably gonna win.
Marinette: Thanks.
Alix then buys her tasty treats and leaves.
~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~
At the school, the design competition is about to begin.
Nathalie introduces herself to Mr. Damocles, and he wonders where Gabriel Agreste is.
Nathalie shows that he is going to be judging via her tablet. Gabriel orders Adrien to take Nathalie around the school.
Chloé was there as well, but only to watch with Sabrina.
She rolled her eyes as Brigiette glared daggers at her though.
Brigiette, internally: SHE'S NOT EVEN COMPETING! WHY IS SHE HERE?! No matter, after Mr. Agreste sees MY derby hat, I'll be the only girl allowed in Adrien's life!
Marinette and the others weren't very happy to see that Brigiette copied her derby hat.
But they had a plan for her.
Gabriel only glanced at most of the hats for a brief second before moving on to the next one.
Alix's hat was before Marinette's and Brigiette's.
Gabriel had Nathalie face the tablet to her hat for a bit longer then the others before moving on.
Which confused Alix quite abit.
Once Gabriel commented on how Marinette and Brigiette's derby hats were the same, Brigiette puts her crocodile tears to work.
Brigiette, fake crying: I can't believe you Marinette! How could you copy ME!?
Marinette: Actually I didn't. I can prove the hat is my original design.
Gabriel: Go ahead.
Marinette: Everything is handmade. From the embroidery to the weaving of the band, to the stitching off the brim. All done by myself. There's a special design that only the designer knows about. *shows them her signature on the hat* I signed mine.
Adrien, remembering that his scarf had her signature on it as well: She's right father!
Brigiette, shocked that Adrien took Marinette's side: WHA-
Alix: Hey, did she ask anyone else about their ideas for the competition yesterday or just me?
Marinette, Mylène, Juleka, and Rose: YEAH!
Brigiette: *runs away actually crying*
Gabriel: Very exquisite creation. You definitely have the laboring hands of a hat maker, Miss...
Adrien: Marinette!
Gabriel: Congratulations on your demonstration, Miss Marinette. You are the winner.
The other girls cheered while Alix gave Marinette a big hug.
Chloé wasn't surprised one bit.
Adrien: Great job, Marinette.
Marinette: Thanks, Adrien.
When Adrien goes to put on the hat, he starts sneezing.
Adrien: Sorry, I'm allergic to feathers.
Marinette, panicking: No, I'm sorry! I'll get a fake one as soon as I can!
Adrien, caught off guard: T-thanks.
Chloé, muttering: You better replace that feather, Dupain-Cheng.
Sabrina: Are you ready to go now, Chloé?
Chloé: Yeah.
As the two walk towards the exit, Chloé couldn't help but admire Alix's derby hat abit more.
She then notices a rather familiar accessory.
Chloé, shocked: Is that...?
When Chloé got home, she immediately runs to her room and pulls a box from under her box.
Instead this box was pictures of Chloé and Alix when they were young, prize toys Alix won for her at kiddie games, and a small cerulean feather sword.
Chloé didn't know she was crying until her tears fell into the box.
"We made so many of these with Dalia..."
Inspired by: @emdoddles @princess-of-the-corner @muggle-born-princess @dcschart @justanotherpersonsuniverse @symphonic-scream
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logan-exe · 6 years
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Logan, you make my heart go “Yeehaw!”
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shining-seal · 3 years
Le Petit Prince ✨🌹👑
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christophe76460 · 3 years
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Merci pour ce message qui m'ouvre les yeux je suis moi même comme une petite fille toujours à chercher le prince alors qu il est à mes côtés ...il n'est pas le père de mes enfants ..excepté le petit dernier de 30'ans ..je suis une romantique une sentimentale ... .. je rêve encore d'amour ❤️ de fleurs 🌺 de 🌹 de princesse sur un cheval blanc ...ce fut mon rêve de vivre toujours aimé et toujours câlinée .. c est peut être pour cela que pour Moi l'Amour doit être à tout âge une priorité .. je vieillis même si on est bien joli sur une photo ..le corps ne peut plus suivre ..la cadence de notre jeunesses est loin ....je ne suis pas entourée d' amis encore moins de ma famille ..quand je dis famille c'est hélas mes parents partis trop tôt .. mais aucune nouvelle de mes soeurs et frères . Biologique ...deux belles soeurs présente par leur petits mots chaque jours et jnaimerais les honorer et leur dire " Merci de tout cœur " c est Annick et Josy .....mais J'ai le bonheur d'avoir des frères et soeurs tuben fais parti ... ..mais je voyage plutôt vers l étranger .. les îles et l'Afrique ou je rencontre de la bonté et de l'affection .. très peu de familles céleste en France 🇫🇷 se manifeste mais sincèrement cela n'a plus d importance mais elles se reconnaîtront.....mais je remercie le seigneur pour mes enfants et mes petits enfants ..qui sont très présents ..une grâce de notre père ..alors je regarde vers mon Mari même s il est gauche ..il est toujours à mes petits soins .. il essaie de faire de son mieux " je suis sûrement trop fleur bleu . "Mais il est toujours près de Moi " alors merci père ... tu me reprends avec l'Amour de ma sœur Anne Line Elle a touché mon coeur ....je suis une femme heureuse " il suffit d ouvrir mes yeux devant la lumière du seigneur ... ....mon Amour pour les Seigneur à tous les aspects il est ❤️ infini ...Éternel il est roi 👑 céleste ..donc je suis princesse .......alors oui partageons notre Amour les uns avec les autres et surtout Prions les uns pour les autres ❤️🔥❤️je vous embrasse affectueusement
Je vous aime 💕💕
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logan-exe · 6 years
"Snore snore. Go to sleep land."
— Roman
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logan-exe · 6 years
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logan-exe · 6 years
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- @onceuponaprincey
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logan-exe · 6 years
Logan.exe : corrupted file extension
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logan-exe · 6 years
I wish you were here so I can kiss you good morning.
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logan-exe · 6 years
I'm a bad noodle, Logan!
Roman ( @onceuponaprincey )
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logan-exe · 6 years
I'm here trying to be an adult and be productive with my life. So I made a small task list for tomorrow. Then Roman comes in with his additional tasks.
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logan-exe · 6 years
"I'm the famdom daddy now."
— @onceuponaprincey
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logan-exe · 6 years
Are you and that Roman blog RP blogs?
@onceuponaprincey . You tell me anon.
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logan-exe · 6 years
You crunchy boy. Can I crunch you?
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logan-exe · 6 years
"Ew- don't love me I don't know you!"
— Roman
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logan-exe · 6 years
@septicart-appreciation and @onceuponaprincey everyone give them a round of applause.
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