#le barroux
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beautifulfrenchhouses · 9 months ago
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525,000 €
140 m² / 1507 ft²
Le Barroux, Vaucluse, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France.
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poumpatate · 7 months ago
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F r o g s
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contradanzagranada · 1 year ago
Estas clases de 60' consisten en preparar el cuerpo para que este en buenas condiciones y sea apto para la práctica del polo exótico. Más allá de la intención competitiva, el acondicionamiento físico contribuye a mejorar la salud física, psíquica y el bienestar del alumno, así como se trabajarán algunas técnicas y elementos que se aplicarán posteriormente en las clases de EXOTIC. ¡Y porque no, con tacones! Nuestra profesora de baile Danza Urbana Hip-hop y heel technique, Yevgenia, tiene el conocimiento y la experiencia necesaria para saber qué necesita un buen bailarín y cómo formar a los futuros bailarines desde la base.
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Vendredi sur Mer — http://smarturl.it/VSM-MareeBasse
Profil de Face — http://smarturl.it/profildefacereleases
Réalisation : Alice Kong Avec : La Femme Bleue — Valentine Payen L'homme qui fume — Guillaume Barrau Le coiffeur — Jérémie Lacaume La femme chez le coiffeur — Laura Muller La femme au téléphone — Carole Fe La femme au bar — Sarah Boursin Les personnes dans le bar — Colette Coutris, Aleksi Richard, Julienne Itoua, Florent Mathon L'homme du bar — Frédéric Fix La youtubeuse — Clara Eon L'homme qui se peint le visage — Fabrice Robert La femme dans la chambre — Florie Vigneux L'homme dans la chambre — Arnaud Selve Producteur : Profil de Face Production : Voir Assistante de production : Sarah Lee-Laulhé Première assistante : Élise Amblard Chef opérateur : Jean-Thomas Miquelon Assistante caméra : Nathalie Dziedzic Chef électro : Cloé Chope, Fred le Joncour, Paul Morin Décorateurs : Rabeir Ourak et Hacine Brahimi Monteur : Christophe Barachet Etalonneur : Jade de Brito Décor : Ultra Moderne (Paris) et Le Café Curieux (Paris) Maquilleuse et coiffeuse : Audrey Vollais Assistantes maquilleuses : Apolline Barroux, Cindy Bellia Stylisme : Louise Follain et Louis Portejoie Merci à Estelle Marratche, Thomas Salva, Xavier Pruvot, Sylvain Dodane, Patrice Hazebaert, Jérôme Jehel, David Loignon et Lucilia Chenel Produit par Lewis OfMan http://facebook.com/lewisofman https://soundcloud.com/lewis-ofman Ⓟ & © Profil de Face https://profildeface.fr/
Facebook : http://bit.ly/1QoCxFC Soundcloud : http://bit.ly/1YfdkNi
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korrektheiten · 6 months ago
Eine Baustelle der Hoffnung
katholisches.info: Notre-Dame de la Garde, besser bekannt als „die gute Mutter“, überragt Marseille, die größte Stadt Frankreichs am Mittelmeer. Die altrituellen Benediktiner von Le Barroux in der Provence haben sie zur Patronin für ihre 2002 begonnene zweite Tochtergründung gewählt. Inzwischen ist daraus eine eigenständige altrituelle Abtei geworden und erlebt ein bezeichnendes Wachstum. Nachdem sich das Priorat ... http://dlvr.it/TB1Bj9
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sakrumverum · 1 year ago
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Benediktinerkloster Le Barroux: Die Pforte zum Himmel ➡️ https://www.die-tagespost.de/leben/reisen-lebensart/benediktinerkloster-le-barroux-die-pforte-zum-himmel-art-246460
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personal-reporter · 1 year ago
Portici di Carta 2023 a Torino
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Con due chilometri di libreria lungo i portici del centro e oltre 100 appuntamenti legati al libro, sabato 7 e domenica 8 ottobre torna Portici di Carta, la manifestazione che trasforma Torino in una straordinaria festa della comunità del libro, giunta alla sedicesima edizione. Quest’anno si propone al pubblico in un momento speciale in cui il Salone Internazionale del Libro di Torino illustrerà il progetto editoriale del triennio 2024-26 e annuncerà la lingua ospite dell’edizione 2024. Il centro di Torino e i suoi eleganti portici ospiteranno 63 librerie torinesi, fra indipendenti, di catena, remainders, antiquarie e bouquinistes, 68 case editrici e 49 espositori di Il libro ritrovato (libri antichi e fuori catalogo), pronti ad accogliere lettrici e lettori, oltre che turisti e visitatori in un percorso di lettura caratterizzato da sedici aree tematiche per ogni gusto e passione: dalla narrativa alla saggistica, dai gialli ai fumetti, dai viaggi alla spiritualità e cultura orientale, dalla poesia alla storia e società, dalla scienza alle storie di genere, dalle letture per bambini, bambine, ragazze e ragazzi ai gialli, dall’arte alle lingue, alla storia locale, ai racconti. Il programma coinvolgerà scrittori e scrittrici da tutta Italia, ma anche ospiti internazionali, bibliotecarie, bibliotecari, insegnanti e volontari per un calendario di appuntamenti caratterizzato da incontri, dialoghi, celebrazioni editoriali, dediche autoriali, passeggiate e degustazioni letterarie, laboratori per bambine e bambini, azioni pittoriche in piazza, letture ad alta voce. Tra gli ospiti ci saranno Viola Ardone, Annalena Benini, l’illustratore Barroux, Roberto Colajanni, Lorenza Gentile, Paolo Giordano, Keith Kahn-Harris (Inghilterra), Felicia Kingsley, Beniamìn Labatut (Cile), Michela Marzano, Giorgio Pinotti, Marco Rossari, Tiziano Scarpa, Walter Siti, Chiara Valerio ed Elena Varvello. I luoghi degli incontri saranno l’Oratorio e la Chiesta San Filippo Neri, le Gallerie d’Italia-Torino di Intesa Sanpaolo, Piazza San Carlo e alcuni Caffè storici, come Caffè San Carlo, Biraghi, Caffetteria Torino, Pasticceria Iginio Massari, Costadoro, Mokita, Sinatra e Stratta. Contraddistinta a ogni edizione da una dedica a una grande personalità del mondo letterario, Portici di Carta omaggerà Milan Kundera, scrittore ceco naturalizzato francese, scomparso l’11 luglio, autore di libri tradotti in tutto il mondo, come L'insostenibile leggerezza dell'essere, Lo scherzo, Il valzer degli addii e i racconti Amori ridicoli, pubblicati in Italia da Adelphi. Anche quest’anno gli editori ospiti presenti saranno due, rispettivamente Adelphi per l’editoria di narrativa e saggistica e Clichy per l’editoria dedicata all’infanzia. Sono stati confermati gli appuntamenti per i più piccoli con il programma Mini Portici, pensato per bambine e bambini, ragazze e ragazzi in collaborazione con le Biblioteche civiche torinesi e TorinoReteLibri Piemonte, Dipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli, oltre alle proposte all’insegna della consapevolezza green al Gazebo Sambuy, grazie a Il Giardino Forbito con il mercato della Biodiversità Googreen, e gli incontri letterari Il giro del mondo in 40 libri per confrontarsi sui temi della multiculturalità, migrazione e inclusione grazie al Centro Interculturale della Città di Torino. Una novità di quest’anno è la collaborazione con le Giornate della Legalità della Fondazione per la Cultura della Città di Torino e con Festival del Digitale Popolare. In occasione del centenario di Italo Calvino e come omaggio agli editori ospiti, i librai di Portici di Carta esporranno sui loro banchi il libro che più hanno amato di Calvino e i titoli di Adelphi e Clichy che hanno particolarmente piacere di condividere con lettrici e lettori. Portici di Carta si conferma così come la manifestazione di promozione del libro e della lettura,  perfetta per coinvolgere tutti i soggetti della filiera, dagli editori ai librai, dalle biblioteche alle scuole. Read the full article
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philoursmars · 3 years ago
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Je reprends mon projet de présenter la plupart de mes 52377 photos.
1999, vacances avec Nours et Patrick en location en Provence dans les Dentelles de Montmirail, à Suzette.
- les 3 premières : Malaucène
- les 3 suivantes : le Barroux
- les 2 dernières : Notre-Dame-d’Aubune
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jarrimimram · 8 years ago
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A travers les carreaux ... au château de Le Barroux.
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guillermoloren · 4 years ago
"Un cuento de Navidad para Le Barroux", de Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera
“Un cuento de Navidad para Le Barroux”, de Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera
«Un precioso cuento que recupera el corazón tradicional de la Navidad» “Escribí Un cuento de Navidad para Le Barroux para hablar de la fiesta de la Natividad, de su belleza sacramental, del profundo misterio que entraña y de la alegría que despierta, pero también de la perseverancia en la fe y sus dificultades, de lo que ocurre cuando la luz se apaga y parece que Dios se esconde, se queda…
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damonjuicyscock · 3 years ago
The New Singer-Epilogue (Dilf ! Damon Albarn X Reader)
Pairing: Dilf ! Damon Albarn X Reader
Warnings: Language, fluff as hell, a bit of smut (P in V sex), maybe a few spelling mistakes
Words: 954
Summary: Damon and Y/N go on a little holiday with their baby daughter before he leaves for tour. They go where Y/N grew up in France.
A/N: And here we are, this is the end of the Damon fan fic era... I really enjoyed writing these fan fics for you guys and I hope you liked it as well. My requests are still open for you because this is absolutely not the end of the Damon era (I'll say it end well... NEVER). A requested smut with him is coming later in the day. On friday, the first chapter of the 90's Liam will be published and I promise to work as hard as I did (this is my way of working anyway). Much love to you all !
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October 2021:
A little holiday, just us three, before Damon’s new album release and before him going back on tour.
Before me, going back to the studio.
Juliette was very calm. She wasn’t crying often. And when she was awake, she was curious, looking at the world around her.
This time, it was my turn to choose where we would be going. I Decided it was time for Damon to discover where I grew up in France. At least, for the memories I had from it because I never came back until this day. We didn’t only go to Avignon, we went around Le Mont Ventoux, as it is called.
Before going on the mountain, we visited a beautiful little town called Le Barroux. It has a wonderful medieval castle, a wonderful abbey, and a lake, where we stopped to have a picnic.
We ended up falling asleep a part of the afternoon with our lovely Juliette between us two.
When we woke up it was about 3pm. My daughter was looking at me.
Salut toi! (Hello you!) I said
She answered with one of her beautiful smiles. When growing up, Damon and I saw that she had his eyes, his nose and his smile, but she had my look and my lips.
It was time for her to have her meal.
My body created a shadow, which woke Damon up, as I was breastfeeding our daughter.
What time is it? He asked
3 pm sleepyhead.
I needed to sleep a bit.
Didn’t say anything. We’re tired new parents.
Damon laughed at my words.
We can say that.
While Juliette is still awake, we should take the opportunity to go to the llama farm. It’s not far.
Sure, let me put this away and we’ll go.
Let’s say Juliette was all smiling when seeing the fluffy animals. I took her little hand and helped her caress the side of one of the llamas.
Voilà, c’est comme ça qu’on fait ma puce. (That's how it's done, baby)
Vous parlez Français ? (You speak French?) The owner of the farm said
Oui, j’ai vécu dans le Vaucluse quand j’étais petite et aie vécu mes années lycées à Calais. (Yes, I lived in the Vaucluse when I was a child and spent my high school years in Calais.)
On croirait vraiment que vous êtes native d’ici, parce que vous n’avez aucun accent ! (One could really believe that you are a native speaker because you have no accent!)
Oh vous savez, avec de la pratique… (oh you know, with practice...)
C’est sûr que ça marche mieux effectivement ! (It certainly works better !)
It hadn’t snowed yet, but when on top, the air you breath is cooler. But it also was cold. Juliette was now asleep in the baby carrier. Damon and I we walked on the white rocks and ended up looking at the beautiful view. Views on another mountains, vineyards, also being above the clouds. A view on the Alps, covered in snow, and Damon who lifted his arms up in the air before saying:
I’m the king of the world!
Which made me laugh.
Well while on this mountain yes!
And you’re the queen.
Oh… I don’t know.
He came towards me and kissed me, before caressing our daughter’s head.
And she is the princess. It’s us three against the rest of the world. He added
Pants were filling the bedroom of our lodge, me on top of Damon. We were trying to be as quiet as possible, because Juliette was sleeping in her crib next to the bed.
I love you Y/N. Love you, love you, love you…
I was bouncing up and down on his hard member, his fingers digging in my hips. Damon had his head thrown back on the pillow, his Adam apple bobbing in his throat, both being on the verge of cumming.
As the heat invaded my body, I put my hand on my mouth to silence my incoming moans, and Damon groaned loudly, and I felt his release paint my insides.
Obviously, this woke Juliette up. Once we were done catching our breath, Damon got up and took her in his arms, because she started crying for once.
Shh, everything is fine my love. Stop crying.
I went to the bathroom, and soon, he joined with the baby.
It’s time for bath! He said
I agree.
Don’t put too much hot water, I don’t want Juliette’s skin to be burnt.
Thank you Damon, I know! I giggled
Once the bath was ready, Damon entered first and I handed Juliette to him. Then I entered second, and he gave her back to me. My head was laid on Damon’s torso, and our lovely daughter had her head on mine and was slowly falling back asleep.
I’m the happiest and luckiest man on earth. I mean, what more should I need?
That’s a good question.
Our little family… We just miss Missy.
Talking ‘bout that… She’s joining us tomorrow.
We will be complete then.
She told me she sewed something for her little sister.
I can’t wait to see that.
By the way… When we will come back home and before you go, I’ll need your help.
For what?
To write a ballad. For Juliette.
Back to where we started, huh?
In a way, yes. Back to when you met the new singer.
Damon smiled, kissed me, and held me tighter.
And I’m glad I met this new singer.
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Le Château du Barroux dans le Vaucluse
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lily-of-christ · 4 years ago
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Benedictine Gérard Calvet (later abbot of Le Barroux) blessing his mother, 1956.
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samatha1 · 4 years ago
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Le château du Barroux et son village, petite pépite provençale (à Le Barroux) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEkbvpDBKxXn5qY8nNvVhKpEX2TVOCkr124K740/?igshid=18pf3f4gzn0co
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earthanthem · 5 years ago
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(via Pinterest)
The picturesque village of Le Barroux, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France | by claudia@flickr, via Flickr
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academiachristiana · 6 years ago
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La chrétienté ce n’est pas le rêve de voir se soumettre les hommes à une institution ecclésiale , de voir se transformer les peuples enracinés en cornichons insexués abbreuvés d’une piété désincarnée. Non la chrétienté c’est le seule remède contre la tyrannie de l’argent, le seul moyen pour l’Europe de retrouver sa grandeur spirituelle, c’est une alliance du sol et du ciel ; un pacte, scellé par le sang des martyrs, entre la terre des hommes et le paradis de Dieu ; un jeu candide et sérieux, un humble commencement de la vie éternelle. #domgerard #barroux #patrie #chretien #europa #enracinement #identité #charnel #croix #santiago #academiachristiana https://www.instagram.com/p/Budl7C4gKkp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ftxwepqbwztu
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philoursmars · 5 years ago
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Une longue série sur les villages. Ici les confins de la Provençe :
- Suzette
- Moustiers-Sainte-Marie (on devine l’étoile suspendue par une chaîne au dessus de la gorge)
- La Roque-sur-Cèze
- Jausiers
- Le Barroux
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