worthyheir · 14 days
@lcerys / post gullet starter call X
Whether is was his near brush with death that finally spurned them to take King's Landing, or the knowledge that Aemond and Vhagar had departed the capital, he was not sure. His mother had been furious by his departure, particularly when she had explicitly ordered him to stay behind, to not fly to the Gullet in search of his youngest brother. A mission he had failed, regardless. She was no longer allowing him to attend the council meetings, even after he was healed enough to depart his bed (though he had done so far before being necessarily 'allowed'), and he was only being told the bare minimum of what they were planning. His anxiety, watching his mother and the others fly to King's Landing, knowing there was nothing he could do to help, was agonizing.
Now that he was in the Red Keep, his mother seated upon the Iron Throne, he was despondent about what his purpose here truly was. Nominally, he was still the Prince of Dragonstone, and heir to the Iron Throne after his mother, but he was not sure he was worthy of the title any longer. The distance he has put between himself and his family, since his failure in protecting his youngest brother, is vast. Even Luke, who had been his closest friend his entire life, he cannot find himself able to confide in now. His answers to his brothers, his mother, to Daemon, are all short, as brief and succinct as possible.
Even this day, he finds himself standing on the balcony of the council chambers, knowing that his mother sits the throne, and he ought to be standing her side, the heir to the throne preparing to take her place one day, staring at the city. They were not doing the best for the smallfolk, after taking the city, but he is not the person to bring those thoughts forward. His hands are behind his back when his brother approaches, and he knows that there is an explanation needed for his absence. "Were you sent to find me?" He asks, his eyes not looking over at his brother - he finds it difficult to look any of his family truly after failing to rescue their youngest member. "I can find my way to the throne room myself, if my presence is truly needed."
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halfyearsqueen · 10 days
Yet Princess Rhaenyra continued to sit at the foot of the Iron Throne when her father held court, and His Grace began bringing her to meetings of the small council as well.
Send me a quote/scene from my character’s canon, and I will explain (ic or ooc) what went through my character’s head during said quote/scene! | @lcerys
in the face of all of the questions about the great council of 101 with the birth of her half brother, there was a level of comfort to be found in the fact she was seemingly progressing. she wasn't stalled in place while people debated the matter of the merit of her claim and he was actually doing things to show them that he was serious about her as his successor and serious about his installation of her as the first princess of dragonstone, even now. she can handle the questions as long as he does that. as long as he keeps defending her claim and actually seeking to progress her education in politics and as his named successor. and that has a lot to do with her doing those things and sitting and observing the inner workings of court and actually bearing witness to how it works and how ruling works. and like she's ? nine. there's that racing heart giddy sort of feeling to be able to sit the iron throne at all, even if it is on the steps of it. and like as far as she's concerned she's already on it, all she needs to do is work to climb those steps and prove herself worthy of mounting those steps. and it feels like she's already off to a good start and it ? watching the court does interest her a lot.
and again, she's nine. she gets to spend time with her father, and feel special being in such a unique place for anyone much less a girl when there is a male successor but there's also, the burden of duty that comes along with it like. the weight of the importance settles on her shoulders when she's very young and very soon after she's named heir to the iron throne. like she does watch, she does pay attention, and she does absorb what she sees and the decisions that her father makes in the petitions that are placed before him and it's ? it's comforting to have him at her back, to have those swords surrounding her while the court lived and breathed around them. and moved on around them. it's a very secure feeling, which allows her to focus on what is ahead and not what's behind or to the side. and it's a very different ball field when he starts to take her to small council. this is the place she's never been when she was just his cupbearer, like she would pour their cups and be sent away, and that was routine, and not something she ever truly thought anything of.
she's about 11-12 when he starts bringing her to meetings of the small council and it's like ? these are the lords she needs to impress and not smallfolk that are treating with the king. these are the people she needs to have not just a good report with, these are the people who need to believe in her use and capabilities as their future queen enough so they're willing to ally themselves with her against the queen's party, and against the tradition and precedence that is backing her brother's claim to the throne and like it's ? her own inexperience really does work against her at first because like, no matter how she's learning and how much sense she might make when she's allowed to speak she's still a child, and a girl. so it's very difficult at first to be able to be heard without feeling as if they're merely indulging her for the king's sake. like it is very intimidating but it also represents a near insurmountable challenge that she needs to be able to overcome if she wants to stand any chance at all of having a valid position against the queen's party. i don't think she really feels comfortable opening her mouth at first because she's afraid she's going to get sent away, unless he asks her to speak, and it's ? because she's still so new to being there while the meetings are going on it's ? she wants to be able to observe enough she can understand what she's talking about when she talks about it infront of these men, and that's definitely what leads her to dig deeper into the archives and start researching into the reigns of king aegon, king aenys, and king jaehaerys.
she already had an interest in the histories but now there's ? a pointed reason to dig deeper because she's essentially being thrown into a political field she doesn't understand all that well with the only tool at her disposal being her own observational skill. her lessons with a maester do not prepare her completely for the realities of active rule and king jaehaerys was hailed as the one who made the seven kingdoms one, and aegon the conqueror, was aegon the conqueror. and with aenys there is a lot to be learned from his reign as king, even if he wasn't remembered as a successful one. she can build a defense off of the way they ruled and the laws they passed. she can fortify herself with knowledge, if nothing else. she can always be prepared for whatever argument comes her way by having that knowledge of their reigns and how they themselves ruled the seven kingdoms.
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vermaxs · 4 months
the rumble of vermax's call is a familiar thing, singing for jacaerys from where he lingers further up the grey stoned beach and away from the lapping shore that licks at the young prince's boots. in another life, arrax would return that call— but the broken pieces of him, the great beast that carried jacaerys' brother, had washed up on these very shores he treads now.
" gīda, vermax. " jace speaks the noble tongue of valyrian as he wanders further from the creatures side, and along the beach towards a row of shacks and homes that despite first glance, stand strong against the rolling storms that often affronted the area- pelted by rain and even hail. he doesn't expect to find any sign of his brother here, his remains likely swept to the bottom of the sea with the rest of arrax, but he can't help but hope—
if they could just find him. if they could burn him like they burned their ancestors and lay him to rest as a velaryon and a targaryen should, maybe their mother's heart might be put to an easier rest. maybe his own could be quelled of the growing rage that saw sleepless nights sowed in both past and present.
instead what he finds amidst the growing fog, rolling in from the sea with the scent of salt heavy in it's draft, is a figure— slight and small. a child. a familiar child that can't be more than a ghost ... a ghost of jacaerys' grief, sorrow, and desperation. for that child before him, dressed in clothes unbefit of his station, is his little brother.
is lucerys velaryon.
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" luke? "
@lcerys liked for a starter, from the starter call posted here.
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isefyres · 4 months
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@lcerys asked: ❝ you look well, but…tired. ❞ ( to viserys i )
He   laughs   at   that.   Tired,   aye,   he   had   been   tired   for   a   while   now.   His   body   slowly   betraying   him   and   sickness   seems   to   be   growing   more   with   the   years   despite   the   maesters   promising   he   would   live   long   and   prosper.   His   brother   once   said   to   never   trust   the   Maesters,   and   perhaps   he   was   right.   Perhaps   this   is   his   punishment   for   making   that   ill   advised   decision   for   his   son,   who   only   lived   a   few   hours   and   then   his   Aemma   was   gone.   "I   been   thinking   a   lot   these   days.   Wondering   if   this   is   how   Balerion   felt,   in   his   last   days."  
He   had   felt   blessed,   that   the   dragon   had   chosen   him   as   his   last   rider,   as   his   last   bonded   Valyrian.   The   beast   barely   flew   and   when   he   did,   it   was   short   and   sweet   and   he   spend   most   of   his   days   taking   care   of   his   dragon,   singing   to   him   until   he   passed   on,   in   peace.   "I   wonder   if   I   will   feel   as   peaceful   as   he   did,   when   I   die.   I   felt   it.   So   many   years,   he   was   ready   to   go."   But   is   he   ready?   Is   Rhaenyra   ready?   It   feels   that   a   fine   thread   holds   the   House   Targaryen   together   most   days.   
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myrc3lla-a · 11 months
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"Never   seen   a   dragon   so   up   close   before."   The   lady   speaks   with   ease,   a   smile   upon   her   features   as   she   hopes   she   can   ease   a   conversation   with   the   Prince.   Her   grandfather   might   be   all   too   keen   on   her   getting   close   to   any   of   the   princes   but   Prince   Lucerys   seems   more   than   anything,   sullen.   "Mother   is   against   it,   but   I   been   learning   some   Valyrian,   though   I   heard   they   only   listen   to   Targaryens.   Is   that   true,   my   Prince?"   If   that   was   the   case,   Myrcella   would   gladly   remain   at   a   safe   proper   distance   from   the   creatures.  
She   had   not   desire   to   burn   from   dragonfire   simply   because   she   was   too   reckless   to   think   the   creature   would   like   her.   Perhaps   it   would   think   of   her   as   a   good   hearted   girl,   or   perhaps,   it   would   know   her   family's   history   and   intentions   and   think   ill   of   her.   Either   way,   emerald   eyes   look   over,   as   her   hands   rest   at   the   crook   of   her   back.   "Do   they   have   friends   in   the   Pit?" @lcerys
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roseguided · 1 year
@lcerys ASKED, “ 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒆𝒍𝒍 𝒎𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈… 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕? ” (𝒕𝒐 𝒗𝒊𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒚𝒂)
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𝐖𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃 𝐈𝐓 𝐁𝐄 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐓𝐎 𝐔𝐍𝐁𝐔𝐑𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐋𝐅 onto her brother ? her brother who has grief of his own, anger of his own, regrets of his own. they’re all suffering this loss, they’re all feeling it, so why place more on his shoulders ? lucerys might argue that he’s her brother, it was his job, but visenya didn’t feel it was right. holding it is wasn’t either, but what other choice did she have ? ( it was her who wore the crown now. her who the realm looked toward for the future—a woman sitting the iron throne after a bloody civil war over the same thing. the only difference is there was no one else alive left to take it & she’d promised aegon follow her upon her death. ) body faces outward toward the ocean, a breeze ruffling her hair. for a moment she doesn’t turn, visenya can’t see the look in luke’s eyes yet. ; the need to appear strong, despite not being it in any way right now, pressed into the back of her mind . . she is the first ruling queen in her own name, she cannot be seen as weak for vultures would come for her ! ❛ what would you have me tell you, brother ? ❜ she asks, voice tired. turning, visenya faces him & eyes are just as tired. ❛ that i wish it had been me & not mother ? how i begged aegon to take me instead ? ❜ it will haunt her forever. jaw clenched: ❛ this crown should be mothers, not mine. i-i . . have to be strong now, i cannot be seen as weak. they would take any opportunity to kill me to put aegon in my stead. he is but a boy, not ready to be king. ❜ words run together a little as if the idea of aegon not having her, or any of them, was near panic inducing.
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forgaeven1 · 1 year
her head remains bowed.
if her brother had witnessed this, he would have shook himself with fury; he would have demanded, quite justly, of respect to be shown with which house martell deserves  — they are the folks who do not bend, after all. they are the unbowed, the unbroken. but he is not here. he has not been with her since neith had been sent to king's landing; the last memory neith had had of qoren martell was his fierce brown eyes, breaking apart as he holds her for the last time. he had spoken in their mixed language of rhoynar and common tongue, telling her to be careful. to call for him, for anything she may need.
she has, and yet dorne remains stubborn from siding with any faction as the rest of the seven kingdoms break, and burn, under targaryen's hefty thumbs. neith likes to believe she does not resent them, that she is not capable of unreasonable resentment, the sort she had seen her ancestors passed from one generation to the next. when she had arrived in king's landing, bright-eyed and young, years ago, she had naively thought that their houses could be joined; these children of the dragons and her, a daughter of the sand, could be friends. it would have been the beginning of a new teaching, of a new age.
the slaughter of prince jaehaerys changed that.
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she does not resent. she does not want to, but neith's eyes remain on the floor. her voice is mechanical, cold. she used to dance through these halls once; her queen helaena, then princess, had clapped along, joyous, despite the foreign beat and rhythm neith had represented. they were girls together, however briefly. those are gone now, as well, with her queen on spikes. ❛ — your side have won. will you spare the princess jaehaera ? ❜
@lcerys — starter call
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ladiestorms · 2 months
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"don't feel too disappointed with the outcome of this meeting. my father was not likely to change his mind and it seems it was already made up even before prince aemond arrived." while her grandfather had no complaints about a woman sitting on the iron throne, her father has always had much to say about it. no woman needs to be in such a powerful position, ellyn could almost hear him scoff. ironic, considering how he'd named her eldest sister his heir.
"i..." she starts, then abruptly stops herself. there was an apology on her tongue but letting it out would have been some sort of betrayal. house baratheon had chosen its side and that meant she did, too.
@lcerys ! starter call.
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isefyres-archive · 6 months
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@lcerys asked: And you, lady? Are you a woman of conscience or of ambition? (to larra)
She   almost   does   not   understand   him.   She   had   resisted   to   learn   the   common   tongue   of   Westeros   even   when   she   arrived   to   the   realm.   She   was   almost   forced   upon   it   when   Viserys   had   told   her   so,   but   still,   all   she   can   think   of   is   how   it   lacks   tact.   But   the   boy   surely   knows   Valyrian,   does   he   not?   So   instead,   she   decides   to   speak   in   that,   a   common   ground   having   found.  
"Conscience   does   not   exist   in   a   war,   Young   Prince.   Are   women   creatures   of   ambition   or   made   so   by   their   father's."   Lys   are different.   Women   have   more   freedom   but   here,   she   is   looked   like   a   wild   creature,   down   to   the   clothes   she   wears,   and   what   she   refuses   or   not   to   eat   and   listen   to.   If   she   had   decided,   perhaps   she   would   have   not   taken   Viserys   as   a   husband,   she   would've   taken   a   Lyseni   Prince   and   remain   home.   Her   family   had   other   ideas,   and   despite   herself,   the   title   of   future   Queen   does   not   bother   her.   "Conscience   makes   men   dead   when   war   is   waged.   Lyseni   men   know   this,   do   Westerosi?"   
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velcryons · 6 months
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@lcerys // sc
"Remember, keep your back straight and your breathing steady," Laenor said as he released the boy's shoulders, taking a short step away, a hand always at the ready. "When you think you're ready, let the arrow fly."
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mvndrvke · 2 months
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@lcerys gets a starter! ft. joffrey
Everything feels like it's escalated so quickly. Joffrey doesn't entirely understand what's going on, but he knows his brothers seem ready to jump on dragonback and leave Dragonstone without him. Joffrey hears some talk of it, that they're going to be messengers, not soldiers, but he gets chased off by one of his mother's ladies.
By the time he goes to Lucerys' room, he sees his brother is preparing his things.
"Take me with you," he implores quietly, walking into the room and sitting on Lucerys' bed, staring at him. "I want to come with you."
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zobriezalarys · 7 months
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“proper   training   is   key,   it   allows   one   to   accomplish   a   great   deal."   dark   sister   rest   by   his   front,   hands   resting   at   the   hilt   as   he   looks   down   at   his   stepson,   a   smile   forming   on   his   lips.   he   would   entrust   training   to   the   guards   and   knights   but   with   lucerys,   rhaenyra   had   suggested   a   more   personal   approach.   he   had   been   against   it,   aware   that   he   might   not   go   soft   on   the   young   man   but   perhaps   it   would   be   the   best.   "I   am   sure   you   would   prefer   not   to   draw   a   sword   at   all,   but   in   these   times,   one   can   never   be   to   sure,   or   simply   hope   arrax   is   around."
  a   short   pause   as   eyes   fall   on   the   hill   above   them,   caraxes'   atop   of   it   seems   interested   in   watching   the   change   while   arrax   remains   on   the   side   as   well.   "and,   the   stronger   you   get,   the   stronger   arrax   will   get   as   well.   the   bond   will   grow   stronger.   to   a   point   you   might   consider   yourself   a   dragon   at   times."   more   than   just   in   the   sense   of   their   blood   being   that   of   valyria.   when   he   is   injured,   caraxes   feels   it.   "have   you   noticed   how   when   your   mother   is   with   child   so   is   syrax?   that   deep   is   their   bond.   same   goes   with   strength." @lcerys
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halfyearsqueen · 9 months
How do you feel about the throne?
@lcerys : Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?" Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they'll have to answer honestly.
“ as far back as i can recall, it was a thing I never knew to hope for. there were some, who wanted me to be named heir over my uncle – yet many more, my father among them – who believed my mother yet might give the king a male heir. i was content as i was, before; a princess of the realm. it was enough, “ and then her mother had died, and baelon had followed a day later. ( the heir for a day. even now she can scarcely discern a reason for it. ) it had been that had led her father to do what he had done next. it had felt wrong at first, to accept - yet she had not had a choice but to do so. “ i have only ever sat upon it’s steps. ever gazing upward at the highest seat in the realm. only the conqueror queens have sat upon the throne, and only by leave of their king — when i, at last ascend those steps. it shall be in my own right. “ yet despite all of it, despite the years of work and political warring and the scrutiny that came with it. it was a hurdle she had yet to overcome; the realization that she would be the very first. that the queen who never was should have done so before she did, that rhaenys targaryen’s claim should not have been set aside wholesale in favor of her son’s.
“ it is both a great gift, and an insurmountable burden — to be the first. i’ve wondered many an hour what i have done to deserve this, that rhaenys did not. she too had worked all her life to be queen, good queen alysanne had supported her claim, did she not ? “ yet it was not even her claim, that was up for discussion. it had been her son’s. and the why was a reminder that was all too clear - though she had trained for it, a woman never sat the iron throne. and few were inclined to let one lest they must. “ it is only now i have realized it is not my doing. that though the good queen had supported her claim, jaehaerys had not. it is daunting, to think. that it is all truly a matter of the king’s favor. that all i have done will mean naught without it. i do not believe that my king father’s mind shall change, if it has not yet. “ teeth sink into her lower lip, contemplating, before her shoulders stiffen and resolve takes the place of uncertainty, “ yet the entirety of my lady mother’s life was devoted to giving my father a true successor. it is to me to show the realm that she did. that it matters not i am not male. that i am worthy to succeed him, and at last climb those steps.” she wondered if it would seem smaller, less imposing from the seat itself.
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nvrqn-a · 9 months
@lcerys, lucerys velaryon.
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" we all have our demons. it comes with dragon blood, i suppose. "
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darlingflight · 11 months
@lcerys liked for a starter
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——— ❛ I'M GOING TO STOW AWAY on one of those ships. ❜ she pointed out towards the harbor. her tone was playful, a jest, not serious about running away . . . mostly. ❛ only i've got to decide which one to take. that one there looks like it'd be the easiest to sneak on to, but it's only going to king's landing. but the one behind it is sailing to dorne and the other that's still loading cargo, that one's headed for braavos! only both of them have lots of people watching, so i don't know how i'd get on board. ❜
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roseguided · 7 months
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𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐎𝐍 𝐈𝐓 𝐆𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓, 𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐘𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒.  did her brother think the same, what were his last moments before it all went dark ?  for a moment, she questioned if this was really her brother standing beside her on the beach of their home or a version of him she wished to be here. if this was her afterlife then she knew he’d be here. . . just like her other siblings, her mother, but she’s seen none of them yet.  just lucerys.  visenya won't question it, she won’t will anything else into existence—not if that means him not being here. but, he is,  &  in this she finds some shred of peace.    (   maybe she sees only him in this moment because witnessing, feeling,  his death lead into everything else.  all of her anger, her grief, her killing that lead her to her death. all of it started with lucerys.   ) 
@lcerys said,  “ WERE YOU AFRAID ? “ 
It takes her a moment to respond. the way violet eyes stare off into the distance, water lapping against bare feet, makes her seem lost in thought.  sister takes in a deep breath, not looking over at her brother yet.  ❛ i was, at the end. ❜   the blood, the pain, the fear is all gone now. she’s whole  &  herself again here.   ❛ i tried to be brave like my father would’ve wanted me, to face death head on. ❜ visenya hadn’t cared if she died when she was consumed with so much feeling, but that she got a warriors death. that she died fighting.   ❛ but, in the end, all I wanted was my mother. ❜ tears well easily,  ❛ to hold my hand, to tell me it was going to be alright. ❜   where is she, is she here ? 
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