#lbgt members
hello-im-not-a-possum · 8 months
Thinking about the transgender allegories that come with being a halfa. (Needing to hide your identity from the world, the government not respecting your autonomy as a person, only trusting your ghost half identity with very close friends and other members of the community)
Thinking about how Spectra weaponizing Danny's identity against himself, Skulker hunting him down for being what he is, and Walker's rules being as strict as they are and giving nobody any chance to learn them all feels like LGBT+ Community infighting metaphors.
ESPECIALLY Walker, and especially when combined with the genius headcanon that he is Maddie's dead dad because in that situation, Walker is the homophobic/transphobic man who spent his life fighting against these 'strange others' and when discovering that he's not as cishet as he thought, starts policing the community as a moral authority who's strict to an unobtainable degree.
Thinking of Skulktech's existence in general.
Thinking about how despite being told Ember and Skulker are a couple in canon, we never see much (if any) of their chemistry together. In theory, them being a couple could lead to an episode about them hunting Phantom down as a band/team as Ember's trying to engage in Skulker's hunting interest and Skulker's reciprocating by trying to engage in Ember's music interest, but we don't get anything like that.
Thinking about how all the cute couple stuff between them comes from phanon and in the show their relationship is more of an obligation. At best they're mutually bearding (Ember gains scary dog privilege with him to spook off the creepy fans and Skulker gets free seats to the shows of the most popular rockstar in the ghost zone), and at worst they're in an unhappy forced hetero-normative relationship.
Thinking about how Danny's arc going from fighting ghosts to working with them and deciding to be the bridge between the human world and the ghost world could be an allegory for him learning to love himself for what he is.
Thinking about how those transgender allegories also apply to Vlad on the grounds he himself is one.
Thinking about how we never even see or hear about Vlad's biological family outside of an off-mention about a sister he might not even have. "If anyone asks, you're my sister's cat".
Thinking about how Vlad and Danny are thematic opposites despite being the (former) only two of their kind, how Vlad has everything but the family he wants so badly and how we're proven time and time again that when the chips are down and when it comes to it, Jack and Maddie always love and accept Danny and his ghost half.
Thinking... Did Vlad get disowned from his family for being what he is?
Also with all of these thoughts, Badger Cereal in a nutshell is 'trans teenager whose only experience with lgbt communities is toxic cesspools filled with infighting tries to cancel his pseudo-uncle/godfather on twitter because "he used anti-lbgt slurs" (to describe himself) and instead of being mature, Vlad retorts with "My transsexual whore ass was with both of your parents back in college, I'd recommend getting a DNA test before throwing stones Little Badger"🫶. Because he himself is also pretty toxic and petty.'
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chocohybrid · 5 months
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A discord server to talk all things Mad Max, share art and writing, discuss new content, and connect with other Mad Max fans!
Includes a space for Mad Max role-play for every era! Canons and OCs welcome!
- LBGT Friendly.
- Role-play area is opt-in, so non roleplayers don’t have to worry about notifications.
- Tupperbox and Pluralkit are available to use.
I hope to see you there! (AKA I’m on my hands and knees asking people to join.)
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toriaurorawriter15 · 29 days
I Can See You Chapter 5: Family Support
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Ture by Spandau Ballet enters Colin's ears when his navy blue eyes see her for the first time in years.
The only word he could use to describe Penelope Featherington is the Greek Goddess Venus.
Gah, Colin misses her red curls. Yet her eyes still alternate like the meditation ocean, with multiple shades of blue, constantly changing depending on her mood.
According to his two eldest brothers, Anothy and Benidenct, she has been Eloise's best friend since high school, but his sister warned everyone in the family that he isn't allowed to meet her.
Colin wasn't sure why they obliged his sister's request until the day after her 18th birthday.
He remembers it being a cold November morning when Eloise asked everyone to be present at our mother's dining room table. She had an important announcement to make.
All fifteen members of their extended family were sitting on the longest family heirloom, with our mother at the right end of the table.
She always had us eat breakfast at her home before attending Sunday Mass as a family.
It was the one request our mother had for her family, and everyone knew they couldn't miss it unless an emergency occurred.
Colin can still picture Eloise fidgeting in her seat in front of him.
His second youngest sister couldn't stay still until Daphan had enough and shouted, "For goodness sake, Eloise, just tell us what you need to say!" in frustration.
Simon was next to her with their son Auggie Hastings on his lap. He was feeding his first son while trying to get him to eat his breakfast.
Everyone at the table stopped what they were doing to pay attention to their outspoken sister.
"Alright!" Elooise began, "I just don't know how to start this conversation."
Benedict teases Eloise by asking his sister, "Does this have to do with your crush on Pen-el-ope?" emphasizing her best friend's name in a sing-a-long ton.
A blush crosses her face from the question, while Daphne, Francesca, Hyacinth, and Kate "aww" in adoration at their baby sister's reaction.
Eloise immediately looked down at her table setting before glazing at their mother while confessing, "I am bisexual."
Simon chuckled at her confession, but he recovered by coughing as his wife Daphne gave him a deadly glare.
Everyone then turned their heads away from Eloise and waited for their mother's reaction to her daughter's announcement.
Anyone who comes from a catholic family knows that coming out is like being exiled.
Some parents kick out their children.
Others shun them.
And then some push said feelings aside because it is a sin in our religion and accept their faith rather than accepting themselves.
It is why so many people from the LBGT community despise the Roman Catholic community. They do not understand how difficult it is to come out without accepting the aftermath of their confession.
It is harder to decipher when you are taught and raised to believe that some of your beliefs are sinful in the eyes of the Lord.
Many people would say, "We are a disappointed bunch of homophobics." but not all of us feel this way.
There is a small population of Catholics who support those who dare to come out.
After hearing Eloise's confession, our mother, Violet, smiled at Eloise with pride from coming out to them and stated, "I wish I could protect you from the hate people will send your way, my darling. However, you do not need to worry. We will be there for you."
"Exactly," Anthony pipes in, " We, the Bridgetons, support all types of love. Our mother raised us to accept and respect others. We are to embrace ourselves. For every human is unique."
Daphane was next to support our sister, "Our home is always opening, Eloise.". Simon nodded in agreement with his wife.
Eloise sighed with relief as everyone took turns supporting her.
As for Colin, he would do anything for his siblings to find their happiness.
Therefore, Colin knew he couldn't get in between his sister's feelings for her best friend.
He isn't sure if they are together or not. But he is guessing that Eloise hasn't told Pen about her feelings.
Nevertheless, Colin Bridgerton wasn't blind.
Penelope Featherington is gorgeous.
And-- that dam black dress!
It enhances all of her curves perfectly, which causes him to want to break his promise to his sister and see her as more than a forbidden.
To prevent himself from being near Penelope Featherington, Colin decided to walk out the door with one text message,
10:30 pm Eloise. Hey sis! I am here. I will be waiting outside next to our Uber. Please come quickly. Thanks, Colin
The thirty-three-year-old walks out the club's door with hopes and doubts of keeping his distance from her.
Yet, he would never admit it to anyone.
Colin Bridgerton can see Penelope Featherington.
Previous Chapter
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fancylala4 · 3 months
People will support abusers and pedos all over Hollywood but if actor shows support to the LBGT community for their family member, they will get hate for it.
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invisibleraven · 1 year
Oh no, she's hot
Reggie x Kayla x Julie (did we say that was Royal Purple?)
When Julie entered the LBGT Alliance at UCLA she never expected to find love. She had expected finding people who had similar life experiences, doing outreach, planning Pride events, and offering peer counselling when they could.
She never expected Reggie.
Reggie who was a year older and was openly bi, but confessed he'd only figured it out in the last year, so a few of his awful relatives teased him about going through a 'college phase'. Reggie who had a few dates with guys and girls, but confessed he was honestly looking for someone to connect with. Who was quiet about his family, but loud about his band. Who flirted with ease but no seriousness, just loving to make people blush and scoff at his over the top lines.
Reggie who Julie found herself falling for every meeting.
Then, to make matters worse, he came in one day, glowing and going on and on about his date the night before with Kayla. She was a dance major, openly queer, and apparently made brownies to die for.
"She has class right now, but if things keep going well, I'll bring her to the mixer next week," Reggie promised, blushing and grinning when the other members slapped his back and teased him about how smitten he already appeared.
Julie tried to be happy for him, really she did. Reggie was a great guy; he was sweet, talented, smart (Julie was relying on him to get her through entry level Calculus honestly), and he deserved to find someone who made him light up like Kayla did.
But she was also a little jealous, a little heartbroken, and resolved to either not go to the mixer or to get spectacularly drunk at it and throw herself at the first cute girl she saw.
The next Friday night, Julie decided, fuck it, she was putting on her favourite rainbow crop top and going to the mixer, broken heart be damned. She got herself a cheap drink, and started grooving on the floor of the bar the Alliance had rented out for the night.
She danced with Lilly, the adorable nonbinary person from her English class, twirled around with Mac, who was in his drag queen persona and looked fierce as fuck, and even did a turn or two with Justine who had been eyeing her since the fall but Julie had never given much thought to other than thinking she was super nice.
But then she saw Reggie walk in with a girl on his arm.
"Oh no, she's hot," Julie moaned. "Of course she's hot."
Kayla was indeed hot in her purple pastel wig, her shiny holo mini dress and mega watt smile. Reggie was looking at her like a man besotted, and Julie wondered if she could sneak off to the bar for another drink before he spotted her.
No such luck. She plastered a smile on her face instead. "Reggie!" she pulled him into a half hug. "Looking good as always."
"Not as good as you darlin'," he said, her blush rivalling his own. "This is Kayla."
"So you're the infamous Julie," Kayla smirked. "I swear this one won't shut up about you. Good thing I'm not the jealous type."
"You're poly, isn't that the antithesis of being jealous?" Reggie asked.
"Not always," Julie corrected. "I'm no stranger to the open relationship myself but I still get jealous all the time."
"Well Miss Molina, you wanna dance?" Kayla asked. "I would love to talk to someone who really gets it." She pointed at Reggie. "This one is trying, but he's new to it, so it's harder for him."
Dammit, she just had to be charming and nice too didn't she?" Julie thought. Plus the fact that she was poly... well Julie's blush wasn't fadig any time soon. "As long as Reggie doesn't mind."
"Oh yes, boo hoo, I have to watch my gorgeous girlfriend dance with one of the hottest girls here, whatever shall I do?" Reggie said sarcastically. "Go have fun, but you two better save a dance for me later."
"We just might!" Kayla called out before dragging Julie to the dance floor. The girl had moves too, and Julie found herself laughing and having a ball as Kayla twirled her around, the two of them getting along like a house on fire.
"I suppose we should go back to Reg before he starts to pout!" Kayla yelled over the music. "And see if he'll buy us both drinks!"
"I bet if we pouted back enough he would!" Julie giggled.
Of course Reggie bought them drinks, and Julie begged off the next dance to sip hers slowly. Watching Reggie and Kayla on the dance floor, she still felt that pang of jealousy. But this time it was to be out there with the both of them.
Only when her drink was finished, Reggie dragged her out with him, hamming it up while Kayla hit the bathroom. Then the next dance she was caught between them, and she was sure her heart would combust with how right it felt.
She had to get out, and when the dance finished, she thumbed towards the door. "Gotta get some fresh air!" She bolted, leaning against the brick facade outside, breathing in the cool breeze, and wondering if she should cut her losses, just go home.
She turned, and there was Kayla, flanked by Reggie. "You okay Jules?" he asked kindly.
"Drank too much, got kind of dizzy, think I need to call it a night," Julie lied.
"Well how about we take you home then?" Kayla offered.
"You guys can stay, have fun," Julie waved them off. "It's not far, I can get an Uber, or even walk."
"Julie all my drinks have been non-alcoholic, I'm good to drive," Reggie said.
"And we'd worry about you if we didn't make sure you got home safe," Kayla added.
Julie sighed, knowing there was no getting out of it. "Fine, let's go."
Reggie offered her his elbow, with Kayla gleefully taking the other, walking towards his truck. "Honestly I'm glad for the short night," he said. "The mixers aren't really my scene."
"Then why did you go?" Julie asked as she hopped up between them in the cab of the vehicle.
"I wanted you and Kayla to meet," Reggie replied, and started driving. "I figured you two would hit it off."
Kayla grinned. "And we did! Good thinking baby." She leaned in and pressed a sticky kiss to Julie's cheek. "At least I think so."
"Um I... yes, we did," Julie turned to Reggie. "Are you okay with that?"
He smiled. "I told you, I set it up. I like Kayla, I knew she'd like you, and well, you do. Win win."
"I like you too," Julie whispered.
"Told you so!" Kayla crowed. "You owe me five bucks!"
"Yeah yeah," Reggie grumbled, handing over the bill. "I like you too Julie. So maybe tomorrow we can sit down and figure out how this can work out for all of us?"
"Sounds good," Julie grinned.
They dropped her off soon after, and well, how good it would work was confirmed by the toe curling good night kisses Julie got before going inside.
And by the next mixer she could claim to have the hottest partners there, even if Reggie and Kayla liked to joke that they did too.
Unexpected? Sure, but Julie was so glad for it, because the unexpected led her to a love that was extraordinary, and that was better than any expectations she ever had.
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spooky-steamel · 2 years
So I've decided to make a review of all the dating sims and games where you can date characters I've played yet. (Okay that's a lie, all the dating sims I feel like talking about right now)
This is a review by a player for players so buckle up, I'm doing this for the people! And it’s only part 1 so more is coming when I feel like writing again
Remember that it's mostly from memory and that I'm not a God so I can be wrong, feel free to correct me if so! Ok let's start-
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Story: Downloading an app to 'chat with pretty guys' you get thrown into the chatroom of a charity organisation called the RFA by some hacker. The head of the organisation decides to make you their newest member to fill the role of their dead leader to start holding charity parties again. Will you be able to uncover the secret behind this hacker and why he wanted you in this chatroom?
Where to play: It's a mobile game and I was gonna say 'you might find some way to play on PC with an emulator' but with its game mechanics it's not worth it
Price: The game is free but you can buy stuff inside the app but it's not needed to advance the story, just a nice bonus. I played the game without needing to buy anything
Play Time: A route lasts 11 real life days, in real time or less if you get a bad ending so it's kinda difficult to measure a real play time for it
Love Interest(s): There's 7 love interests in total, including one girl. You can either date the gamer college student, the narcissist musical actor, the overworked secretary, the funny mysterious hacker, the cat-loving CEO, the selfless photographer or another hacker but make it a pretty boy.
Main Character: The MC is automatically a girl, with only your name customizable
LBGT Representation: We know some of those dude ain't straight but it's not actually CANON but who cares about canon? The girl route really romantic and more platonic than anything but she's just lying to herself. You can hook up with a girl in one of the bad ends? Not too much representation but it's not inexistent at least.
Game Mechanics: The app is like a real chatroom, opening between certain hours to progress the story. You don't HAVE to got into every chatroom, especially those at 3 am but be sure to not miss too many so that you don't get a bad end. You can receive calls and personal messages by the characters and even try to call them back. To get a good ending you have to bring as many guests as you can to the party so you have to answer mails correctly but don't worry you can always look up on internet the answers if you don't want to use you brain.
Fandom: Not as huge as back when it first came out but still a big fandom, lots of fanarts and fanfics you won't run out of content anytime soon
Personal Opinion: Yeah I started with one of the most famous one but it's famous for a reason. I love the story and the characters, the mechanics are new even if they could have NOT MADE 3 AM CHATS EVERY DAYS but I mean it's my fault for wanting to 100% the game. Great game, it's the one that got me into dating sims and was my whole personality in high-school. You can go back to it years later and it'll still be as good, absolutely recommend.
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Story: You're summoned into the Devildom to take part in an exchange program between angels, humans and demons by the ruler of demons. You have to spend an entire year down in Devildom going to school along with the representation of the 7 Deadly Sins who you live with. Will you survive the year, and will you attract the attention of one of them? (It's a dating sim, of course you will)
Where to play: Another mobile game
Price: Also free to play but since it's something that the people call a Gacha, trust me you'll be really tempted to buy currency to get the pretty cards of your newest blorbo. I personally didn't last long.
Play Time: There's like 40 chapters YET with each like 10 little stories in it so trust me, I've been playing for months and I'm still nowhere near the end of the game. There's also new side stories every three weeks or something so no chance of getting bored.
Love Interest(s): There's currently like 11 love interests, all guys. The 7 Deadly Sins, the dorky ruler of demons, his loyal butler, the beautiful angel and the shady sorcerer. They're all varied and not all of them are accessible from the start but you can date them all at the same time so it's a win for hoes everywhere. There's a pretty girl later on but you can't kiss her YET. There's no route just a main storyline where you kiss who you want.
Main Character: The MC is represented by a pretty pink sheep and I'm pretty sure the characters uses they/them to talk about us. You use your own name but not customize the MC further.
LBGT Representation: Gender Neutral MC = everyone is gay, I don't make the rules. The cast is pretty fruity but never outright said, except maybe for some allusions of the avatar of lust sleeping around.
Game Mechanics: To advance the game you got to use character cards to win dance battles to unlock the rest of the story. At some point you might get stuck because your cards are too weak so you gotta constantly upgrade those bad boys. That's like half of the game ngl
Fandom: Big fandom, not deteriorating anytime soon seeing as the game is constantly putting out new content. I take like an hour every morning to check every new post on tumblr
Personal Opinion: This game is addictive. I won't lie it has it's bad sides and the story is kinda progressively getting less well written but it's not a deal breaker for me. I like the characters and that I don't have to start all over again to get a certain character. The good thing about this game is that you can put down the game for months and then come back to it later when you need something to get fixated on again. Real good game for casual play, would recommend.
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Story: You're a witch that is suddenly visited by Countess in the middle of the night to find the murderer of her late husband to punish him. Will you actually find what happened 3 years ago and solve the circumstances of the Count's disappearance?
Where to play: Another mobile game! But unlike the others this one should be easy to use an emulator for
Price: Free to play but if you're bored easily beware cause the button to buy keys to progress the game is easy to find and oh so tempting, and if you do it once you will never stop. Also, you need game currency for the best (mostly horny) game options but you can get them for free in the game. Or not if you got the money.
Play Time: Took me like a week to finish one of the route without spending too much money, it all depends on how much if any money you want to spend on the game
Love Interest(s): There's 6 love interest, including 2 girls and one nonbinary person. You can romance either the pretty magician, the beautiful and smart Countess, the charming runaway supposed murderer, the cute servant, the quiet forest man or the ghost of the Count.
Main Character: You can choose your name and pronouns, this MC has no mentioned physical appearance so just go wild with your imagination
LBGT Representation: Everyone is bisexual! Canon gay couples in some routes and the nonbinary love interest uses he/him. Gay/10
Game Mechanics: The main story is just a visual novel. There's some mini-games on the side to get game currency or bonus scenes but it's mostly a visual novel.
Fandom: The fandom is not as huge as the other two but the tumblr tag is still getting fed everyday
Personal Opinion: The atmosphere of the game is amazing. Good story with good characters. Actual romantic female route??? I'm surprised, you don't get that often in games that aren't R18. There's a good ending and a bad ending for each love interest and they're both really good. I may have spent way too much money on it but it's not like I HAD to so it's kinda my fault. Good game!
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Story: You're a single dad moving to a new house with your teenage daughter who is pushing you to actually be social for once. Among your new neighbours there are several other single dads who might be looking for love? Who knows?
Where to play: I played when it first came out on my old PC but now you can also play on mobile, switch and PS4
Price: Ngl I have no clues what the free version does but I'm pretty sure the good stuff isn't free. It should be around 15$ on every platforms.
Play Time: From memory I don't think it's that long to play through it? Not a short game but I've definitely played way longer dating sims.
Love Interest(s): There's 7 dads to choose from. You can either have the cold bad guy dad, the Victorian vampire dad, your childhood bro dad, the suburban (not actually single??) dad, the dorky barista dad, the english teacher dad or the friendly competitive bear dad.
Main Character: First game on the list where you can personalise your MC! You can dress up your character sprite and change his appearance and full name. But you are a dad and that won't change.
LBGT Representation: It's a game about a dad seducing other dads, of course it's pretty gay. But apart from that, you can make your MC wear a binder and one of the love interest is implied to be transgender. You can also choose whether your daughter is biological or not, and the gender of your late spouse.
Game Mechanics: Another pure visual novel, I don't have much to add about this.
Fandom: There was a fandom back in the days but I'll be real with you, I don't think it survived so don't expect anything too big regarding new content.
Personal Opinion: It's a good game. Not life changing but it's really funny and the love interests are good characters. I mean I'm not the target audience at all but still an enjoyable game! If you're bored and have 15 bucks to spare go for it!
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Story: This is just a fake dating app, there's no real story tying the characters together, each love interest has their own little story.
Where to play: Another mobile app (I swear there are other platforms at the end of the list)
Price: Technically free to play but it's one of those game where you have to pay so much game currency to have a choice that doesn't suck, so you might get frustrated and spend money to see if it gets better
Play Time: There's no beginning or end to this game, but each character story should last like an hour or something
Love Interest(s): There's a lot of varied characters of all gender you can choose from, just like a real dating app. Except with furries.
Main Character: You can choose your name and sexual orientation and for a game like that I think that's already a lot
LBGT Representation: Like I said, you can find anyone on there so yeah it ain't a straight game
Game Mechanics: It's just a fake dating app with some 'real life' date parts. Nothing much to add.
Fandom: No real fandom as far as I've seen, but at least people are talking about it
Personal Opinion: If you're bored and horny (cause yeah this game is pretty horny) you can go do one or two stories but the wait for the currency makes you give up on the game pretty quickly but if you download this app you already know what to expect. If you're a fan of story-based visual novels like me this is not it honey
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Story: You're a monster going to high-school. You need a date to prom. Need I say more?
Where to play: You can get the game either on Steam or switch
Price: The base game is like 12$ but there's a bunch of dlc or sequels to the game if you want to spend more money
Play Time: The game says a full route takes around an hour but it's definitively less. Or not, don't look at me for answers.
Love Interest(s): I'm only talking about the base game so there's 6 love interest, including 3 girls. You can either pursue the typical bad guy demon, the himbo werewolf, the hipster vampire, the girlboss medusa, the life of the party ghost or the tyrannical princess mermaid.
Main Character: You can choose one of 4 characters to play: a Frankenstein gal, a zombie boy, a fire hottie or a dark humanoid blob. You can then choose their name and pronouns.
LBGT Representation: No set gender MC which means everyone is gay. There's also some space prince dude or something that hit on your love interests sometimes? And one of the DLCs includes a trans girl eldritch horror. Pretty gay game.
Game Mechanics: To get into a route, you gotta go to school to change your stats, each characters having necessary stats to romance them. You can also play this game with other people and race them to see who gets who first! Damn I wish I had friends
Fandom: The people know about this game but the fandom is not thriving as far as I've seen. Not a big fandom but it's existent at least
Personal Opinion: Ok real talk this game is absolutely hilarious. Everything is stupidly overdramatic and it's great! Ok there's barely any story but it's not a story driven game so it's good. If you have a few hours to spare to have a good laugh, buy this game. But if you're looking for a gut wrenching love story, this ain't it.
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Story: You're a hacker. You decide to hack another hacker who stole your first place. This loser hacker hacks you back and starts talking with you. You start to get feelings, oops
Where to play: On Steam and Itch.io
Price: This game is fully free yay
Play Time: Like, 2 hours? It's a rather short game
Love Interest(s): There's only one love interest here: Micah Yujin. He's a dorky little shit who's probably chronically online
Main Character: You can choose your name and pronouns, the MC doesn't have a mentioned appearance.
LBGT Representation: That dude ain't straight, and there's no other characters so congrats on the fully gay game
Game Mechanics: Works like a normal visual novel who doesn't look like a visual novel. There's some hacking hangman mini-games but it's not really important to win.
Fandom: Small fandom but for a 2 hours long dating sim by god they are here, I've seen medias with 10x the amount of official content have less fandom than that.
Personal Opinion: This game is funny, pretty and the voice acting is godly. Not a huge plot to it but that's alright, just a small feel good game and for free?? If you like dating sims you gotta play it, it's really great!
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scarfacemarston · 10 months
hi, i'm having a rough time right now and you said you could write to distract... how do you think abigail would react to a friend coming out as a lesbian? what if their family was not accepting, what would her reaction be to that?
I'm so sorry you're struggling. Dealing with family and just the whole holidays can be so rough. I hope you're doing better now. My inbox is always open. Now for your hc: I actually truly headcanon her as bisexual! And even without that hc, I think she would be an amazing ally. Abigail has always been a fighter for those who struggle. She knows how it feels to be alone and understands the pain of rejection. Heck, it was hard as an orphan and a sex worker, and now the gang doesn’t understand her after everything that has happened between she and John and now the situation with Jack. This has made her an incredibly protective person and one of the best friends you could ever have. (Link leads to more protective Abigail!) Abigail is likely way more familiar with LBGT+ people than many of the other gang members, as there were LGBT+ sex workers. She’d feel incredibly privileged that you shared that information with her. She realizes how terrifying, brave, and risky it would be for someone coming out. She is loyal to a fault, it would become one of her most valued secrets, If your anxiety is high, she’s ready for you with a shoulder to cry on, a hug, a cup of coffee, and ready to listen. If you want advice, she’s happy to give it, but won’t force it upon you. The gang knows how passionate Abigail can be, so if anyone gives you shit? Well, they will regret it. Now, it depends on the situation, as she doesn’t believe in causing a scene. She and John are another story. She’ll say some withering comment that is brutal because it’s usually insightful. However, she is more focused on taking care of you by removing you from the scene, acting as a barrier between the two of you, then she’ll focus on letting you vent or cry or whatever you need to do. If you mention that you’re interested in dating someone, she’ll help you find a safe down-low area to look, heck, if you give her permission, she’ll be your wingwoman. Essentially, Abigail is a fantastic friend to have since she cares so deeply and is incredibly loyal and protective.
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h3xa413a · 1 year
Please sign the petition! This act is clearly aimed at members of the LGBTQIA+ community and they are trying to, once again, prevent children from having access to a harmless community.
The worst part is that this act was made by republicans, and it specifically targets LBGT and other websites that could contain such content, ao3, tumblr, tiktok, wattpad, etc, could all be taken down for having said content.
You would have to use your government id to be able to use the internet, not only that but your parents would have complete access to everything you’re viewing on the internet. THERE WOULD NO LONGER BE LGBTQ+ SAFE SPACES
It’s promoted as an act that will protect kids online by keeping them from any inappropriate content, but in reality is a loophole that will allow censorship online and even lets them shut down sites.
This bill/act is backed by both democrats and republicans so there’s a HIGH CHANCE That it’ll be passed
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allen309 · 9 months
My nighttime meds decided not to work last night, so I spent part of my night revisiting my identity. It’s been about a year since I discovered myself. Dropping out of college and having my mental health being better-ish, I thought it was time to revisit. I found out that Gender Apathetic is also known as Apagender (which I have no idea how to pronounce at the moment).
This is more of a general ranting post (if that’s the right term). There’s only so much that I autistically can talk to myself about, especially when it’s the same conversation over the course of a year. I don’t have answers for everything and there’s only so much Reddit reading that I can do… I promise this isn’t my autistic hobby. I was doing research on the LGBT for my OC’s, and that’s how I discovered myself. Now that my characters are mostly developed, I have no use for all the research that I did except for being more aware of other gender identities and learning more about the LGBT community.
I’m closeted except for online and a few close friends. I don’t feel the need to come out to people that I personally know, since I don’t feel that my identity causes me any issues. I’ve been way more open about my identity with my closest friend (friends for about 8 years) and vice versa. Because my other two friends are straight and my friend of 8 years is still figuring themselves out; not my story to tell. But they’re the only other LGBT member that I know, and we’ve never interacted with members of the LBGT on a large scale, only close friends or family. My friend has a bit more exposure than me; I have no family that I know of who are LGBT.
I live and grew up in a small town that doesn’t have any LGBT groups. There are people from the LGBT community that exist in the small town, but you have to know them to find them.
Yeah, I was excited to finally meet and talk to another member of the LGBT who is from the city. YouTube is great and all, but being autistic it feels better to talk to someone in person or directly to someone in some way. Although, I didn’t initiate the conversation that was my friend because I wasn’t sure how to bring up the conversation without being too… abrasive. Tho I never brought this up with my friend, so I was actually very surprised when they brought up the conversation, but since the conversation it kinda feels like it never happened. It was only a few days ago, almost a week.
This individual is a member of the LGBT, but isn’t as active within the community. They’re just living their life and being openly LGBT when they want others to know. But if asked any questions regarding who they are, they are not afraid to answer and talk about who they are.
Being able to talk and connect with another member of the LGBT in person, especially outside of our small town, felt really nice. Tho I felt like I was being rude, bombarding them with so many questions, especially ones that I felt could be personal, but they were very polite and open and made sure that all of our questions were answered. They also enjoyed talking and asking me questions about what it is like being gender apathetic and what is pan aro/ace.
Like I mentioned above, my friend was also talking and asking questions, but that’s not my side to talk about. Just want to clarify that it was a conversation between three people and me and my friend’s identities are different... I wasn’t just being asked about my identity, my friend was also talking about theirs.
Honestly, I’m not sure why I’m making this post. Kinda just want to talk. Living in a small town can be tough, especially when I’m autistic and have mild social anxiety. I don’t feel like there’s enough people to just rant to.
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So normally I would not laugh at something like this, but people are big mad. Though if you don't want to read the article I'll lay out what's going on. People on Twitter, IE: Twitter freaks. Mostly probably "Antis" and Minors or just can never be happy LGBT activists, are mad about this photo someone made.
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Now. The reason I headed this off with laughter is actually two fold.
This game is made by a company in China. THE CHINESE hate the LBGT with a passion. And they are not shy about admitting that. Sure propaganda might say otherwise but that's all they tend to put out is propaganda. (The rest is western bait).
The same people mad about this are the same ones that get mad that there are not more platonic relationships between men and women. But the moment their "Waifu" isn't a lesbian woman and is instead FRIENDS with a woman, it's, "HOW DARE SHE NOT BE A LESBIAN!". Actually just sad.
So yeah. I'm laughing at everyone mad at this art work. Because I'm tired of a culture that makes EVERYTHING gay all the time. "Two guys are friends? OH NO! THEY AREN'T FRIENDS! ACTUALLY THEY ARE GAY CODED!"
Fuck off. I grew up in the 90's on Brotherhood and Sisterhood stuff. I saw movies like the Pokémon Celebii movie where this scene happened:
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This isn't gay coded. This is two guys who got along and became great friends. A lot like brothers if you will. However, if this movie came out now, the Twitter Freaks and Antis would be raging about how they are canon gay. And any movie after that could potentially erase that "Image" would have gotten the Pokémon company death threats. Imagine being so unhinged and so up in your own feelings that you send DEATH THREATS to a person because your favorite character ISN'T the sexuality you thought they were.
Which to be frank, is a YOU problem. If you can't like a character, or keep liking a character because of their sexuality, I'm sorry to tell you this but that kind of makes YOU the bigot. Not MOST other people. It's why I wince at shallow "LGBT Inclusion". Because it's done not as a character that was just "Supposed to be that way". It's cheap, shallow and the only thing it does is activate the "Woke" crowd to talk about how inclusive it is to sell more copies because they know most of the "I DEMAND REPRESENTATION" people will literally write article after article about how "Inclusive" it is. And all they have to do is put on GAY KISS into the franchise and you just bust your load.
Honestly it's pathetic if you think about it. And kinda of sad as well. Gay representation was in movies for years. But now all of it feels either forced or shallow. OR BOTH. And most of you need to get your heads out of your asses about this "coded" bullsh*t. Two people can exist and NOT be dating. A girl and REALLY get along with another girl and not be gay for one another. Get your heads out of your asses and stop harassing REAL LIFE PEOPLE because your fictional waifu isn't gay enough in every representation of them.
Besides the fact that given she's a character coming out of China, I can almost promise that she is NOT a lesbian. And frankly speaking? You give a middle finger to everyone living under the tyranny of the CCP when you pretend that a game is being "Representative" when the country as a whole is far from that. I wonder how many LGBT people are in China right now living in fear for THEIR LIVES and having to stay in the closet lest they be jailed, or worse.
Stop being stupid. And cope harder.
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
Oh citation needed on the MLK jr assassination, the king family don’t even believe the person the FBI accused of killing MLK.
Not to mention that MLK brother was suspiciously found dead in his pool shortly afterwards.
And it’s tragic how Anna Frank was killed, and I sure hope that antisemitism was never again on the rise and the mindsets that created the Holocaust isn’t being praised because they are going after different targets
Let me check Free Palestine, Feminists, and black Twitter
Also where this idea that you can’t find colored pictures of MLK and Anna Frank came from? Like the picture they used for MLK was in my 4th grade textbook
Yeah it was in living memory, but when you ask a white liberal, LBGT activist, rad fem, black activists, and other left wings people about white conservatives males or Israel. The new editions of Mein Kampf comes out
Now I gotta scroll and find that post, lol
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the king family don’t even believe the person the FBI accused of killing MLK.
I thought they'd shifted position on that, but today I learned.
Skipping to the end
A Different Gunman?
Coretta King’s specific belief in Ray’s innocence is a little tougher to explain. The King family started to publicly voice the opinion in 1997. That year, King’s son Dexter Scott King visited Ray in prison to draw attention to the family’s push to appeal his case. Even after Ray died in 1998 from complications caused by hepatitis C, the family continued to assert there was, as Coretta King said in 1999, “overwhelming evidence that identified someone else, not James Earl Ray, as the shooter, and that Mr. Ray was set up to take the blame.”
The King family’s belief in Ray’s innocence was partly influenced by the strange case of Loyd Jowers, who’d owned the restaurant below Ray’s rented room in Memphis. For the first 25 years after King’s death, Jowers did not claim any involvement in the murder. But after HBO conducted a televised mock trial about the assassination in 1993—in which Ray gave his first public testimony and was found not guilty—Jowers declared that he’d been part of a conspiracy to kill King, and that Ray had been set up to take to fall. The other people involved in this conspiracy, Jowers said, included Memphis police officers, a Mafia member and the infamous Raoul.
These claims led King’s estate to sue Jowers in 1999 for a symbolic $100 in a wrongful death civil action. During the four-week trial in Memphis, a 12-person jury heard testimony from over 70 witnesses; but not Jowers, who didn’t testify because there were no criminal charges at stake. The jury awarded the money to the estate, deciding that King’s assassination had likely been the result of a conspiracy that involved Jowers, not Ray, as well as ''others, including governmental agencies.''
The day after the trial ended, Coretta King held a press conference in Atlanta to praise the decision.
“I wholeheartedly applaud the verdict of the jury and I feel that justice has been well served in their deliberations,” she said. “The jury was clearly convinced by the extensive evidence that was presented during the trial that, in addition to Mr. Jowers, the conspiracy of the Mafia, local, state and federal government agencies, were deeply involved in the assassination of my husband.”
It’s important to note that this verdict was not a criminal conviction, as is sometimes erroneously implied when this case surfaces online. Between 1998 and 2000, the Department of Justice investigated Jower’s claims and the evidence in the civil trial, and concluded that Jowers’s claims weren’t credible. Among the evidence was a recording of Jowers in which he suggested he was interested in fabricating his story for financial gain.
So, are there are still remaining questions about how everything happened the day of King’s assassination? As with most cases, the answer is yes. But among legal and historical scholars, there is a broad consensus that James Earl Ray, though he may not have acted alone, is the gunman who shot Martin Luther King. __________________
I will agree that they don't believe Ray was the killer, the statement in the response to the post was 'shot in the head by a racist' which one way or the other I think it's fairly safe to say that whoever did it was racist.
nation of islam
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having Malcolm X murdered because he decided building bridges might be a better way than hate racist or kkk racist I couldn't say but the odds of his assassination being done by a racist are pretty high, so even if it wasn't ray he was still killed by a racist.
Also where this idea that you can’t find colored pictures of MLK and Anna Frank came from? Like the picture they used for MLK was in my 4th grade textbook.
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That or laziness or maybe trying to compound oppression points, remember there's people that piss and moan that a lot of the different sexual stuff was edited out of her diary because their heads are so far up their own asses they can't stop to think that it wouldn't have been published if that was in there.
Yeah it was in living memory, but when you ask a white liberal, LBGT activist, rad fem, black activists, and other left wings people about white conservatives males or Israel. The new editions of Mein Kampf comes out
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Funny you should say that.
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pyroisamaniac · 2 years
Don't mind me, I am just gonna lose my mind over these cookies I love so much I adore them and adore this game.
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I love this game to bits, it has cute character designs, great voice acting, and I love playing it every day. And MAN, when I started playing this game, I was not expecting all this CASUAL REPRESENTATION from a game about SENTIENT GINGERBREAD COOKIES. I WASN'T EVEN LOOKING FOR IT, I LOVE IT. There are freaking several canon Non binary cookies that go by they/them, and they just exist and live their best lives. And then Devsisters just drops this scene that confirmes one of their female cookies likes women and I'm just??? Aaaaaaah?????
Like, I already knew there was a lesbian cookie pairing that is Heavily Hinted at, those being Sea Fairy and Moonlight cookie, and I was already screaming happily at that. And they are both some of the MOST POWERFUL cookies in the WHOLE GAME, which is so EPIC?? Like dang, we love a power couple. And I appreciated how open and obvious their relationship was, even though it hasn't been explicitly stated (yet??). And I thought that they weren't explicitly stated because having explicitly LGBT characters can be dangerous for a company, so I was like "thank you Devsisters, I see you, you're doing the best with what you can do".
But NOW I am so happy, a CANON explicitly gay scene that confirms a cookie being queer???
Like, I know there are other games that have canonically queer characters, and I was happy when I see them too. But usually, if I know there's queer characters in games, I know about them because they are games that were made for a queer audience, or I researched beforehand for games that have queer characters.
It just makes me happy that a game I grew to love so much just happened to have canon lbgt characters, when in all honesty, they didn't even need to do that. They could have just had cartoon cookies have no romantic feelings. But they DID choose to have some cookies have relationships, and devsisters includes members of the LGBT community in such normal and casual ways, and it makes me feel so seen and happy. 😊
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meowmaids · 3 months
The pink washing of Biden and the broader US colonialism is not unprecedented but infuriating
Hearing family members say well "You'll be safer under Biden than Trump"
When literally the exact same ppl threatened to send me to conversion therapy or plain just kick me out of my home with no medical aid when I needed to see a neurologist every month under Obama
The willingness to excuse genocide in the name of "my safety" is putrid. The U.S. is supplying the bombs used against innocent Palestinians, the cells and shackles of black and brown people within the 'U.S,.' infringing on the sovereignty of Indigenous nations, and killing the people of global south to steal their resources.
We should not applaud the 'U.S.s' tepid endorsement of LBGT rights. We should ask how can we endorse a empire at the expense of every human life it ends
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valkyries-things · 7 months
“She is an First Nations (Ho-Chunk) attorney, former mixed martial artist and politician serving as the US representative from Kansas’ 3rd congressional district since 2019. She’s a member of the Democratic Party. She is the first openly LBGT Native American elected to US Congress, the first openly lesbian person elected to the US Congress from Kansas and one of the first two Native women elected to Congress.”
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archivlibrarianist · 10 months
From the article:
"Senate Bill 5 comes after a summertime conflict between the Department of Archives and History and several lawmakers, including bill sponsor Sen. Chris Elliott, R-Josephine, over a lunchtime lecture on the history of LBGT people in the state.
"Elliott and others questioned the appropriateness of the event. He said state agencies shouldn’t be talking about anyone’s sexuality or orientation."
Short version: a legislator got their shorts in a twist about an event that addressed the fact that queer people exist in Alabama, and therefore wants to punish the Department of Archives and History for that fact.
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rebelorange-blog · 1 year
John Crandall: An LGBT Activist in Syracuse, NY
From 2006-2012, I was actively involved in leading Syracuse University and University of Nevada Las Vegas in advancing multicultural and LGBT issues and fundraising for the nation’s major charities through programming, educational outreach and other venues.
As I age, I wanted to archive these things for future generations as I think the moment was particularly productive for LGBTQ issues and the folks Pride Union at Syracuse University impacted. I’ve organized where I was noted in stories by. This is just a partial list
The Daily Orange
“Demonstration eliminates silence of LBGT community“, 04/2006, https://dailyorange.com/2006/04/demonstration-eliminates-silence-of-lbgt-community/.
“A place of their own: LGBT youths find a safe space in local support center”, 03/2007, https://dailyorange.com/2007/03/a-place-of-their-own-lgbt-youths-find-a-safe-space-in-local-support-center/.
“Rainbow construction”, October, 2007, https://dailyorange.com/2007/10/rainbow-construction/.
“What A Drag!”, February, 2008, https://dailyorange.com/2008/02/what-a-drag/.
“Soul singer Price to play benefit show“, March, 2008, http://careers.dailyorange.com/2008/03/soul-singer-price-to-play-benefit-show/.
“Students to share ‘Coming Out’ stories with fellow LGBT community“, October, 2008, https://dailyorange.com/2008/10/students-to-share-coming-out-stories-with-fellow-lgbt-community/.
“SU announces 18th class of Remembrance Scholars“, May, 2009, https://dailyorange.com/2009/05/su-announces-18th-class-of-remembrance-scholars/.
“NY Senate still split on gay marriage“, September, 2009, https://dailyorange.com/2009/09/ny-senate-still-split-on-gay-marriage/.
“Coming Out in October”, 10/24/09, The Daily Orange, archived by The Newshouse at https://ww2.thenewshouse.com/story/coming-out-october.
“Students protest anti-gay demonstrators on Waverly Avenue“, November, 2009, http://www2.dailyorange.com/2009/11/students-protest-anti-gay-demonstrators-on-waverly-avenue/.
“Candlelight vigil to honor Haiti victims”, January, 2010, https://dailyorange.com/2010/01/candlelight-vigil-to-honor-haiti-victims/.
“Queen of Kings”, February, 2010, http://m.dailyorange.com/2010/02/queen-of-kings/.
“Students stage sit-in in library against tuition raises”, March, 2010, http://careers.dailyorange.com/2010/03/students-stage-sit-in-against-tuition-raises/.
“Students Protest Hate Speech Against Gays”, The Daily Orange, 04/06/2010, Page 2 and 7: https://issuu.com/dailyorange/docs/04_06_10/2.
“Students Protest Hate Speech Against LGBT Community”, The Daily Orange April, 2010, https://dailyorange.com/2010/04/students-protest-hate-speech-against-lgbt-community/.
“Students organize opposition: Group plans protest, petition against JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon”, April, 2010, https://dailyorange.com/2010/04/students-organize-opposition-group-plans-protest-petition-against-jpmorgan-ceo-jamie-dimon/.
Jerk Magazine
“Members of Central New York’s LGBT community find a safe haven in Paganism”, Jerk Magazine, 11/08/2009, https://jerkmagazine.net/9mfehhs6kt2vag7aqn19w0hd2b5dka/pagan-pride.
Syracuse Post-Standard 
“Henninger group reaches out to LGBT teens”, 02/19/2008, https://www.syracuse.com/voices/2008/02/henninger_organization_reaches.html.
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