alphadrg · 4 years
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i took some top tier caps with @lazhadeg
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doustadig · 4 years
          ♢ " Sometimes I wonder who calls you when I find you around here again. "      In the middle of a silent forest, having ventured in so far, one would assume the other lost inside the large maze of overgrowing trees and small glades offering solace and a space to rest. But no, he was not. Every time Aymeric would make to find his partner, would wander after his energy [ known to him like nothing else ], it seemed more likely that Estinien was entranced by something, by someone, by the forest itself calling its protector? 
     ♢ " You seem to be in thought, my dear. "      He would always call out to him before truly being there. Always reach him, for their bond was strong, their thoughts intertwined, even stronger, shining bright.      " I wonder what they tell you. "      Interested, but not pressuring to get to know whatever his dearest would not want to disclose in these quiet moments when the sounds of wind and leaves rustling could fill the ears of any bystander with beautiful white noise. 
     ♢ He is near now, watching carefully for any sign he would receive to come that slightest bit closer still, that tiny bit that seperates them whole. 
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    ♢ Mind is set on figuring out even the smallest details of this man that had charmed him even before he was brought to his lands by fate unforeseen. Oh, who would have thought? And who would have guessed that it was he who would become the guardian of the forest?      " Alas, I brought food and drink for us. You have been gone all evening~ "          @lazhadeg​ ♡~
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@lazhadeg​ was spotted!
Here is what Fleur knows; that she has been forced from her home, that she has been separated from those she has come to call family and that there is a cold fury building inside her each day she spends without knowing what happened to the other Scions.
It’s hardly a wonder then, that she finds herself in the Brume more often than not. She knows that others likely expect her to be in the Pillars. To be comfortable among the nobility that surrounds House Fortemps.
She isn’t, she finds the Brume more than welcoming. Finds the haggard faces that line the streets comforting in a sad way. They remind her of home, of Ul’dah.
If she’s come to make friends of the urchins and thieves that linger in the Brume it’s only because she routinely brings food.
(If she helps them hone their skills in pickpocketing and lying no one needs to know.) 
Still, with what little she knows of Estinien she doesn’t expect to find the Azure Dragoon lingering in the alleys of the Brume.
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“Of all the people I thought to meet here,” Fleur says dryly, “I didn’t think it would be you.”
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susurratiion · 5 years
chin prepped on one hand, the miqo’te watches the elezen for a while, his ears flickering a little - a sign that something seems to mildly irritate the so called hero. finally he raises the little chalkboard that he usually has tied to his side, waving his hand a little for the dragoon’s attention.
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“ɪ ᴡᴀɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ sᴀʏ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ɪ ᴀᴍ ᴛʜᴀɴᴋғᴜʟ ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴏᴏᴋᴇᴅ ᴀғᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪɴɢs ʜᴇʀᴇ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ ɪ ᴡᴀs ɢᴏɴᴇ” he seems to hesitate for a moment before continuing to write, his ears now hanging lower. “ʙᴜᴛ ᴛᴏ ɢᴏ ᴀs ғᴀʀ ᴀs ᴅɪʀᴇᴄᴛʟʏ ᴇɴᴛᴇʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ɪᴍᴘᴇʀɪᴀʟ ᴘᴀʟᴀᴄᴇ? ᴛʜᴀᴛ ᴡᴀs ʀᴇᴄᴋʟᴇss. ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ʙᴇᴇɴ ʜᴜʀᴛ.”
// @lazhadeg liked for a starter .
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lcvcillcur-a · 5 years
lazhadeg liked your post: Starter Call?
        “Ahh, forgive me. I... could not sleep.”
        Too many thoughts plagued her mind. The ability to rest was lost upon the young Elezen, and so she had taken to idly wandering. Such was how she found Estinien, and, instead of listening to reason and leaving him be, Alisaie chose to join him in insomnia.
        “Would you... care for a cup of cocoa? I was thinking to make some. Perhaps the warmth will... will work to ease the body whereas the mind cannot?”
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flamereign · 5 years
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     “ Y’ know, I was goin’ through my inventory the other day and it occurred to me I never actually returned this to its rightful owners,  “ there’s a hint of cheek in his expression as he holds out Moglin’s trumpet, despite the slightly melancholic tilt to his mouth.  It already feels like a lifetime ago that they’d set out, ragtag group of unlikely allies, to parlay with the Dravinians. “ Don’t suppose you’d like to make a second venture out of it, hmn? “  / @lazhadeg
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teaveined · 5 years
@lazhadeg joins to search for Blood Beads.
☽☾▐░▒ It was undeniable from what Mia has so far witnessed from the ( former ) Azure Dragoon of Ishgard. He was quite protective of the young Scion as much as she was. Was it mayhaps because Alphinaud being younger than her, made the Machinist think of NICOLA? Perhaps, Estinien has his reasons of being protective ( in fact a little more emotional than he would pass on when in front of the young Elezen ) towards the Arcanist.
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❝ —You are quite protective of Alphinaud. Not that I can blame you as we all know he is very young. Do you happen to have a younger sibling? ❞
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dayofazure · 5 years
This was the first time Seiza has seen Estinien since she was away from the Source. She simply locked eyes with her fellow Azure Dragoon and held her head. What was the Echo showing her now? A moment passed and normally the Hero would be scowling but instead, she busted out laughing. 
“Ha...HAHAHA...oh by the Kami, I wanted to see it.” She was holding her stomach, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. “The Great Azure Dragoon jumping all over Kugane to get away from two Lalafellin women.” 
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“Obviously I have been missing out.” 
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ofastrcmancy · 5 years
@lazhadeg because the ShB hype 8l
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✩▐░▒ ❝ —You have a rather troubled expression upon thy face. Pray tell me, has something happened in the source whilst we were away on the First? ❞ How unexpected to bump into the former Azure Dragoon of Ishgard in the Rising Stones. This was certainly not the first person the Astrologian would meet upon his return to The Source.
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aryalaenkha-a · 5 years
 >> "Memories are nice, but that’s all they are."
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The blonde looked at the Elezen for a moment as she listened to him speak. However, his last words left her with a certain bitterness. She had noticed over time that Estinien was the type of person who said things without handling with kid gloves, regardless of whether they hurt or not.
Aria closed her eyes, clenching her jaws and fist slightly. "All that they are?" she replied, keeping her composure. It was no use getting angry. Their point of view was only different. "Without them, we are nothing but a hollow shell. Whether they are good or bad, they forge us and make us what we are."
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sehyas · 5 years
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❝ sooo -- ❞ there’s a devious look upon the warrior’s face as she peers up at the elezen. it’s been some time since she’s seen him, but in knowing what their last encounter had been like, she knew she couldn’t just let what had transpired go without commentary.
           ❝ are you going to give in and tell me just how much you adore me as a friend? surely you’re always watching over me if you saved me against the prince. ❞ a hand covers her mouth as she lets out a little giggle. ❝ it’s like you’re my little guardian angel, hm, sweet estinien? ❞
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alphadrg · 4 years
‘ how did that happen ? ’
What Can I--- (accepting) / @lazhadeg
   Broken limbs, carved flesh, burns, scars. To be an adventurer meant to have a number of infliction upon them. More so if that one was renown, and a Warrior of Light. Some scars never did heal, even decades after it had happened, they still pierced his flesh. Distra never quite was bothered by them, being so happy to flaunt his own skin, bare chested or otherwise having a bit of skin out (it made him more comfortable, in some odd way). In such ways, it was obvious for others to tell when one was new or old. Especially when out of the confines of a snow covered hell where free flowing garments could be worn. 
   It never bothered him to tell the story behind them. He craned his neck to peer at one of the scars mentioned, across the shoulder sliding down towards his chest. Sometimes he wondered if Estinien counted them every one of them. Wondered what those eyes must be thinking of when they wandered too long upon Distra’s body. Was it because he knew? “This one was from...” he is given short pause.
   Even if most did not bother him. Some obviously did. “I had a skirmish with a dragon. From Naul’s sibling.” Fingers pressed against it. He hoped Estinien would be a fool to the lie. He knew a question when one knew the answer to that already. The corruption of Nidhogg was something Distra did not take lightly to, a fault of his own that Estinien needed to bear. To be kept in blissful ignorance of the blood squeezed from Distra’s body underneath the rage of revenge. Some stories were better left to never be told. 
   “I believe that dragon knew I had killed its sibling.” Distra touched his face. The scar everyone always saw first. “I killed it too, but not before it had inflicted its final vengeance.”
   A cumbersome lie, but with a sliver of truth. If it was to keep Estinien from knowing the truth of this scar, he would gladly carry the weight of this one too. 
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doustadig · 4 years
@lazhadeg:      ‘ i am not accustomed to love. this is a learning experience. ‘
     Love, as an idea, was such a fickle thing to understand. Stricken by grief, by anger, by pain, endlessly turning and tossing in storms that were [ and should not be? ] not theirs to fight. Yet thoughts and emotions blossom, grow stronger and become more and more, while it had festered over uncountable years, had found a root and grown into a sprout still shy and hidden in the shadows of the larger trees. Thus the words resound around him the moment his partner ushered ideas and thoughts [ he adores the fact that Estinien would not hold them back ] that set him to blink in confusion, pondering upon all the tiny little bits and pieces offered to him.
    He couldn’t help but smile about it then, a soft peal of laughter leaving his lips. How quaint.     “ I believe you learn very well. ”     Believes him to be capable. To be unneeding of these words of slight self-deriding nature, undermining all they had accomplished by now. That little sprout having grown, higher and higher, pushing itself beyond with every beam of light it would be able to catch. Slowly, ever so slowly, naturally - nothing that needed to be taught.     “ I believe you are perfect in this, the way you are. ”     How it falls so simple from his lips while he is quite so close, hearts beating in unison, and each just offering the perfect skip to keep them captivated, to keep them enraptured in their togetherness.
    He does not know why his thoughts spiral around giving reassurance as swiftly and simply as he does, barely a second passing before he raises a hand to brush over fine contours of his lover’s face. Always, always would he want to map them out and keep them in mind, would not want to lose them, would not want to forget them in only a blink of time, and all the more days they were apart.
    Sometimes, he thinks, he is quite a romantic fool: and knows well enough that, despite the faint reminders of a blush and embarrassment colouring Estinien’s cheeks, he would be chided for this thought alone.
    Cherished, wanted, enjoyed.
    With how pure and fine these instances between them were; in a world that was dark and haunting. One that hurt them both so much more than many others could imagine [ and yet? he knows well enough, Aymeric is aware that he had to fight on - for everybody ]. But still, he wanted to be selfish in these instances: weeks, sometimes months could keep them apart and always, every time, would he wait. Every waking hour [ and even in his dreams ] he knows his partner would return to him. Hearing his murmured wishes and prayers for his safety as every once in a while he should catch the Commander still up late. One would want to question his forbearance. And some had even done so with quiet whispers towards once another, never ceasing the incessant nagging that, one time after the other, the Speaker should turn and find himself someone that stayed. That remained.
    Truth be told, he could only smile about that. An adoration like his own? - with the person that had captivated heart years prior, when only a simple glance would have it beat that littlest bit faster, making the cold chill of the surrounding easily disappear - it was hard to come by, and was repaid in perfectly crafted fragility to be unfolded like the fine petals of a flower would.     ' Aymeric. '     This simple word that drawls from the Dragoon's mouth who had caught his wrist between careful fingers to guide it towards his lips to bestow the lightest of kisses against it.
    A pause. A few faint chimes of the clock behind his back, waiting and watching so attentively, not even a single sound may disturb him from current observation. He knows that Estinien wants to say something. Ask something. And waits patiently till the words are found.
    ’ But for how long will you allow me to learn? ’     Softened and lowered, as if anybody could hear them and judge him for this little bout of insecurity that was washed away by the most brilliant of smiles.
    " For all the time you need. ”
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lazhadeg replied to your post: *shakes ffxiv* no come on you cant leave it like...
the entire end of the patch was just *SCREAMS LOUDLY IN FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN*
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really, she will never get used to the ishgardian cold. she had always whined about gridania’s winter but there is nothing that had ever prepared her for ishgard - she could visit a thousand times, the wind blowing around the majestic city and even within its walls, would always take her breath away.
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the au ra snuggles herself into her coat before quickly hiding behind the dragoon’s back - taller races such as elezen do make for quite the great windshields. “so... alphinaud gets to stay inside while we run errands? perhaps we spoil the boy a bit too much.” 
// @lazhadeg ( s . c ).
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lcvcillcur-a · 5 years
lazhadeg replied to your photo
from what I gathered, it’s like Balmung, except Elezens instead of Lalafels...
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