#lazarus unit 0001 s
livastia-universe · 6 months
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Some various random sketches from the past week - sticker concept, perhaps? And some supplementary sketches that I still need to add to the House Sprites article
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aecholapis · 2 months
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Attack on @beetle3000-1 and her Livastasian A.I. Lazarus Unit L7-0001-S Sasaki
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Starting this month off feeling invigorated to do some character art!
Samudra for Dragonstorm
Caelum for <3Lagos,
Tibby for stpumpkinmuffin
and Lazarus Unit L7-0001-S Sasaki for beetle3000!
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slvaught-blog · 7 years
Week 1 - Research and Hypothesis
I have begun my research into the Adolescent Health data set (AddHealth). As a teacher in secondary education I was interested in the data they had collected on their academic ability and health factors that could have an association with success in school. After reviewing the codebook I found the section on academics and school and printed this section of the code book. I then began reviewing the rest of the codebook to see if there was something that sparked my interest.
I remember having a conversation with one of our therapists about a student that was struggling in my statistics class. He had been diagnosed with ADHD and it was causing his inattentiveness and distraction in class. She told me that when the student participated in marching band first semester she saw fewer of the symptoms of his ADHD because of his higher level of physical activity during this time.
This made me wonder if a level of physical activity would be associated with academic success? Also, if a level of physical activity would be associated with students’ level of attentiveness in class.
I was interested in the association between students’ academic success and physical activity on those diagnosed with ADHD but this information was not available in the Addhealth data set.
 I researched previous studies on these associations in google scholar. I found quite a few studies on the relationship between physical activity and academic achievement, but only a few on the relationship between physical activity and attentiveness. Here are my results.
 Search term: Association between physical activity and attention span in students
·         Effect of Physical Education and Activity Levels on Academic Achievement in Children DAWN PODULKA COE1 , JAMES M. PIVARNIK1,2, CHRISTOPHER J. WOMACK1 , MATHEW J. REEVES2 , and ROBERT M. MALINA3
 experiment – random assignment of children to physical education either first or second semester (no association)
Obs. Study – polled on physical activity outside of school
               Students who either performed some or met Healthy People 2010 guidelines for vigorous activity had significantly higher grades (P < 0.05) than students who performed no vigorous activity in both semesters.
o   CATERINO, M. C., and E. D. POLAK. Effects of two types of activity on the performance of second-, third-, and fourth-grade students on a test of concentration. Percept. Mot. Skills 89:245–248, 1999
o   CATERINO, M. C., and E. D. POLAK. Effects of two types of activity on the performance of second-, third-, and fourth-grade students on a test of concentration. Percept. Mot. Skills 89:245–248, 1999
o   DWYER, T., J. F. SALLIS, L. BLIZZARD, R. LAZARUS, and K. DEAN. Relationship of academic performance to physical activity and fitness in children. Pediatric Exercise Science 13:225–237, 2001.
o   KEAYS, J. J., and K. R. ALLISON. The effects of regular moderate to vigorous physical activity on student outcomes: a review. Can. J. Public Health 86:62–66, 1995.
o   MCNAUGHTEN, D., and C. GABBARD. Physical exertion and immediate mental performance in sixth-grade children. Percept. Mot. Skills 77:1155–1159, 1993
o   TREMBLAY, M. S., J. W. INMAN, and J. D. WILLMS. The relationship between physical activity, self-esteem, and academic achievement in 12-year-old children. Pediatric Exercise Science 12:312–323, 2000.
 ·         Children with attention deficits concentrate better after walk in the park A Faber Taylor, FE Kuo
Students diagnosed with ADHD walked in a park, downtown area, and neighborhood for 30 minutes (randomly assigned order) with 1 week between treatments. After each walk concentration was measured using Digit Span Backwards. Children with ADHD concentrated better after the walk in the park than after the downtown walk (p = .0229) or the neighborhood walk (p = .0072). 
Bibliography –
o   Fiore, T.A., Becker, E.A., & Nero, R.C. (1993). Interventions for students with attention deficits . Exceptional Children: Special Issue: Issues in Education of Children with Attention Deficit Disorder, 60(2), 163-173. Google Scholar
o   Hallowell, E., & Ratey, J. (1994). Driven to distraction: Recognizing and coping with attention deficit disorder from childhood through adulthood. New York: Pantheon. Google Scholar
 Search Term: Association between physical activity and academic success in students
·         Is There a Relationship Between Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement? Positive Results From Public School Children in the Northeastern United States: Virginia R. Chomitz PhD, Meghan M. Slining MS, MPH, Robert J. McGowan EdD, Suzanne E. Mitchell MD, MS, Glen F. Dawson MA, Karen A. Hacker MD, MPH
 This study judged academic success on the students passing the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) in Mathematics and English (grades four, six, and eight) and fitness achievement as the number of physical fitness tests the students passed in their physical education classes.
Multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the probability of passing the MCAS tests, controlling for students’ weight status (BMI z score), ethnicity, gender, grade, and socioeconomic status (school lunch enrollment).
The odds of passing both the MCAS Mathematics test and the MCAS English test increased as the number of fitness tests passed increased (p < .0001 and p < .05, respectively).
o   Takuro Higashiura, Keita Kamijo, Association of childhood fitness with academic achievement and cognitive function, Journal of Health Psychology Research, 2017, 29, Special_issue, 153
o   Kent A Lorenz, Michalis Stylianou, Shannon Moore, Pamela Hodges Kulinna, Does fitness make the grade? The relationship between elementary students’ physical fitness and academic grades, Health Education Journal, 2017, 76, 3, 302
o   Laura Chaddock-Heyman, Kirk I. Erickson, Michael A. Chappell, Curtis L. Johnson, Caitlin Kienzler, Anya Knecht, Eric S. Drollette, Lauren B. Raine, Mark R. Scudder, Shih-Chun Kao, Charles H. Hillman, Arthur F. Kramer, Aerobic fitness is associated with greater hippocampal cerebral blood flow in children, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2016, 20, 52
o   Joseph E. Donnelly, Charles H. Hillman, Darla Castelli, Jennifer L. Etnier, Sarah Lee, Phillip Tomporowski, Kate Lambourne, Amanda N. Szabo-Reed, Physical Activity, Fitness, Cognitive Function, and Academic Achievement in Children, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2016, 48, 6, 1197
o   C. C. A. Santana, L. B. Azevedo, M. T. Cattuzzo, J. O. Hill, L. P. Andrade, W. L. Prado, Physical fitness and academic performance in youth: A systematic review, Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 2016
 ·         Physical Fitness and Academic Achievement. Grissom JB - Journal of Exercise Physiology Online, 2005
 Scores on FITNESSGRAM (a physical fitness test) were compared to reading and mathematics scores on the Stanford Achievement Test in grades five, seven, and nine. Results indicate a consistent positive relationship between overall fitness and academic achievement. That is, as overall fitness scores improved, mean achievement scores also improved. This relationship between fitness and achievement appeared to be stronger for females than males and stronger for higher socioeconomic status (SES) than lower SES students
 o   Dwyer T., Sallis JF, Blizzard L, Lazarus R, Dean K. Relation of academic performance to physical activity in children. Ped Exerc Sci 2001;13:225-237.
o   Shepard LA, Flexer RJ, Hiebert EH, Marion SF, Mayfield V, Weston TJ. (Effects of introducing classroom performance assessments on student learning. Education Measurement: Issues and Practices 1996;15(3):7-18.
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livastia-universe · 3 months
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Before it's midnight here uh HAPPY TERRIBLE COMIC DAY- this is Lazarus being informed of the horrors mere moments after being placed into power
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livastia-universe · 1 year
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Big pearly whites! Graffi technically does know how to smile, but if you specifically ask him to, he's not gonna know to do a very good job.
House sprites are fun little guys - that is, until you let one have an avatar that stands 13ft tall at the shoulders and proves to be just a little irritable - Lazarus seems to manage just fine, though.
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livastia-universe · 1 year
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Moon, tell me if I could
Send up my heart to you?
So, when I die, which I must do
Could it shine down here with you?
Lazarus Sasaki, head ambassador of the Livastian Alliance and first X-Class artificial intelligence lies with his mother, co-founder of CoreAegis Technologies, Miyako Sasaki. Miyako was already in her 50s to early 60s when Lazarus was "born," so the time they had together was incredibly fleeting. This was only compounded by the fact that Lazarus would go on to live for hundreds of years in his service of the Livastian Alliance, even longer than the already vast lifespans of other LAI.
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livastia-universe · 2 years
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Lately I have been utterly abhorrent about going to sleep when I want to because I have been getting plagued with visions of art that I need to materialize mere moments before I fall asleep - and it SUCKS but also ITS BANGER
Lazarus is of course a reliable go-to for middle of the night drawings, he's such a polite man - and the second fella is a mind-plane that I drew with no references; I just needed to draw a softbody jet MAI flexing it's forward fuselage section to contort into the most comfy plane I've ever seen in my entire life. He's doing such a good job existing and I owe him everything.
Also oh shit this reminds me I need to make an article that explains that softbody jets are a thing that exist in Livastia OOPS
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livastia-universe · 2 years
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Doodles, so many doodles!
I started job training for my position as an aircraft test technician a few weeks back, and it's kinda brought back my thing for just aimlessly scribbling on pages since we've been doing lots of class type training. There's a few non-Livastian characters in the first pic - all of the planes there, OH and a wooper - but the rest are in-world fellas! Featured here in order of appearance are Lazarus Sasaki, Paris Amspoker, Graffi is the noodle neck lookin guy (who I drew more of in a post on @beetle3000-1 ), Kelly Segal, various E-20 canids, and some spacecraft that legally changed his name to GOD (in all caps!) because he thinks it's funny. His last name is probably something extremely generic, like Smith, or whatever.
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livastia-universe · 2 years
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In between some comm work and a lot of big life changes, (just got my associates degree in specialized technology!) I've been making a lot of quick little <30min doodles of ideas as they come to me, and also: WIP!
First picture is a lineup of some Livastian androids; from right to left because I probably should have drawn them in the opposite order - rightmost is a unit you most commonly see operating public transportation services: buses, trains, other rail services, etc. I have an unnamed character of one of these guys that's in the works who's a train operator!
Middle guy is a Pámeko model, which you'll mostly find in either law enforcement, corrective institutions, or health/personal care work. In this day and age that sounds like a pretty odd convergence of professions, but in Livastia's present day, the two fields are actually closely intertwined for the benefit of the individuals they serve. They often work in tandem with E-20 units in both fields.
The leftmost guy is actually an oc, whom is a self-modified unit, full name being Alexander Jonas Rose Cunningham II (nicknamed Wildcard because of his job). He works as a mechanic for one of the bigger casinos in the US out near Las Vegas, and probably uses half his salary spoiling his burmese cat named Pokerface - he loves that little guy.
The second doodle is of Kelly and Loon Segal; Loon is an experimental Russian bomber, that, upon activation, was selected as an in-vessel testbed for psychological experimentation with the East's newly acquired AI technology. Kelly, after the war, saved his life by rehabilitating him after his liberation from the test facility, and after years of being together, they fell for each other and eventually got married. (Gonna be working on an article sooner or later that discusses when MAI and LAI gained rights to legally do things such as this)
Third pic is an early work in progress of what I hope to make Lazarus's banner. Poor guy is long overdue for any formally written lore since he's easily one of the most important characters in the portion of history that I focus on for the world after WWIII and Livastia - hell, he's the one that founded the Livastian Alliance.
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