#laymewhereiamloved thoughts
liliallowed Β· 9 months
go to exp. don't do school kids.
honestly though? I feel like splitting their soul would inevitability be the climax of this story.
like, do they choose being soulless or just... filled with this bloodlust?
maybe the concept is wrong...
reader feels like they're in between the state of accepting this violence as their identity and rejecting the soul... so like I think dream knows that?
it's not too late.
but I feel like the stronger the soul gets it's harder to not want to give into it.
but I feel like even nightmare isn't really aware of what he's dealing with...
the soul will probably turn on nightmare. it may be just an exp hungry urge right now... but maybe if it kills enough it'll begin to seek it's OWN control over the situation...
it's an anamoly. the same kin as au CREATORS. I feel like nightmare is underestimating this unknown lil heartless soul.
like... wouldn't it be funny that at some point the soul is like: nah man I'm bored of your bs, I'm taking control of the operation.
idk I keep thinking through the biased lense of the anamoly being DUSTS anomaly.
so by that logic working UNDER nightmare isn't gonna sit well with someone formerly playing ring around the Rosie with time and space in a loop.
a megalomaniac. and nothing will ever be enough to satisfy their thirst for more power.
I FEEL like given the chance... the anomaly will betray nightmare and help dream... and then betray dream too.
they're a trickster and extremely mischievous.
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liliallowed Β· 11 months
laymewhereiamloved ch 11 and 12 spoilers!
fic by @nepherium
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dust: kys.
player: OMG HE'S SO HOT!
y/n thinking it's them: wtf is wrong with you brain. stop thinking nonesense.
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