#laya reads dragon age
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heck yeah warden lore
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shivunin · 7 months
1, 2, 11, 15 from the fandom asks! c:
Thank you Laya!! c:
(Love Your Fandom Asks)
1. list 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
Age of the fandom means there's plenty to read and plenty to look at!
Age of the fandom also means less pressure to make things right now
I have made so, so many friends in this fandom over time and there are so many genuinely kind people who love Dragon Age c:
2. a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
oooh this is tough to think about....I think the "everyone in Skyhold has placed bets on the Inquisitor's romantic situation" is a fun one because it's both a) versatile, could be about any romantic partner and b) somewhat supported by canon, via the pair of Orlesians who chat about your love life in the Great Hall.
11. if you're a writer or artist, what fic or piece of art are you proud of making?
I am going to answer this again and say Palimpsest! I still feel very clever over the name, but more than that I really like the rhythm of the prose in it and I think I captured what I want to capture of Fenris's mindset right before and after the Act 2 romance scene. It's something I'm really proud of--also one of those pieces that gripped me by the throat until I finished it.
15. the character that always makes you smile
Answering this again to say Cole. I love him so much. He's such a funky lil guy. The more ominous he gets, the more he makes me smile.
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HA they said it
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"or so the nobility feared" hate to tell you this buddy but that is exactly what the inquisition was, actually
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"Skyhold was, again, a problem" is such a funny way to phrase that lmao
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what are the logistics of Audric The Spirit being allowed to stay though? the body is still decaying, right? do they preserve him? do they let him decay and walk around as a skeleton Manfred Style?
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welp this story is really bumping up the mourn watch on the list of factions i wanna try
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eyyy emmrich mention! :)
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also audric is SUCH a nerd (very affectionate)
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enby lord of fortune of unknown race pov? 👀
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ancient dwarven murals depicting elves?? 👀👀
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dorian my best friend dorian!!! :D
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ok just one last thing about horror of hormok: that f-bomb took me tf out jsfdkdhdk. I know it was a really tense moment and there was not technically anything weird about it but it really caught me off guard
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Well okay that was terrifying! and also cool. and also terrifying. Looove fucked up chimera creatures. Also heck yeah the Ghilan'nain guess was correct >:]
So from what i understand this place was sealed up real good and only opened back up recently right? Which is why the place is still pristine (plus magic preservation shenanigans probably) and these creatures were only just starting to breach containment. If this shit is related to Ghilan'nain and to taint then it also makes sense that it would call to the Wardens/compel them to drink from it.
As for the crystal/general setup, it kinda makes me think of the lyrium wells from Amgarrak? And it makes sense to me that weird transformations like this would utilise plane shifts in some way because yknow, magic, and altering the physical state of things through the Fade etc etc
Also, what's up with the 12 mountains? Sounds like those are/were ritual sites for the Evanuris of some sort but there's only eight of them (nine if you count Solas), right? I'm not very good with Elven lore though so i might be missing something here.
In any case. This sounds totally safe and cool and not at all like it will become A Problem! 👍
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