aweebeastie · 3 years
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@catastrophewaitress666 @eflow-egiap @celestica-0 @infinitenightimestars @buttfuckingit-blog @through-a-silver-storm @flippinyourfins @ebombics-blog @madam-rosmerta @lightkitsume @frayofarrows @manhattaniswhereshegrew @happinessdefined @storiesshared-blog @oldlikeurmom @greenisms @laughlikeyoureallymeanit @itsalways-beenyou-blog @claytonscooltumblr @gypsy--light @theramblingdoctor @be-ur-own-kind-ofbeautiful-blog @trainerjackw @atouchmortal-blog @ghanaiankid-blog @yeahrandomfandoms @traacyward @frickster @historiasdelalma-blog @peoplein20words-blog @liloatmealcreampie @pancaakee @mandodiao-specialunit-blog @beachbumcrew @meampersandyou @r00s3v3lt-blog @dumbleswag @sohello-goodbye-blog @steviethesteer @changethecolors-blog @beforeiloveandleaveyou @baby-dont-sink @karrrose-blog @rcjakubjr-blog @escapevelocityx-blog @deirdremaynard-blog @jennycassidy-blog 
Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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cogbec · 7 years
Was Tagged
I was tagged by @folie-a-hayley!
Rules: Tag 20 blogs you’d like to get to know better. (I’m lazy, will tag a few at the end)
Nickname(s): Becca
Zodiac sign: Saggitarius (or I was until they moved it. dunno anymore)
Height: 5′8″
Last Thing You Googled: Nothing Else Matters little mix (I need music at work dammit)
Favourite music artist: Little Mix. LITTLE MIX. LITTLE. MIX. (but also Thousand Foot Krutch and Shinedown oops)
Song stuck in my head: see “Last Thing You Googled” - I wrote it down and BOOM there it is.
Last Movie you watched: Justice League vs. Teen Titans b/c my sister lied about it. (said it shipped raven/bb. DID NOT)
What are you wearing right now: Wookie Onesie. I’m hella fly.
Why did you choose your URL: cogbec was my original AOL IM name. And it’s unique so I can--and do--use it EVERYWHERE
Do you have any other blogs: nope
What Did Your Last Relationship Teach You: He’s still teaching me things all the time. So much of my character growth has been from dealing with him, and I’m sure he’d say the same about me.
Religious Or Spiritual: yep. so much.
Favourite Colour: blue
Average Hours Of Sleep: 7-9. It’s never enough
Lucky Number: don’t have one
Favorite characters: Katara - ATLA. Raven - Teen Titans. MULAN. Bucky Barnes. Katniss Everdeen - THG. Peeta Mellark - THG. JYN AND CASSIAN - Rogue One
How Many Blankets Do You Sleep With: As many as I can. I need the weight to be comfortable. At the moment, three (and flannel sheets b/c basements are COLD)
Dream Job: Translator - specifically I’d like to do books.
People I tag: @a-little-phantasy @laughlikeyoureallymeanit @smolmontygreen @mycrofts-spoons @perstephia @mrbroadwaydestined
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hungerpunch · 10 years
laughlikeyoureallymeanit replied to your post: broken-drums asked:hope you're ni...
LO u have pierced my nyquil/dayquil/whatever-quil daze with this adorable fic i am so thankful! my poor feverish body is practically glowing with good health from the sweetness. u are 2 good 2 us all with ur fics. many kisses love katie
BABYYY BEANNN i'm so sorry you're sick, sweetheart! *tucks u in* *makes u soup* i'm glad my little drabble could entertain you. please take care of yourself & feel better soon! :*
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attn world: laughlikesanta >> laughlikeyoureallymeanit
sorry i totally forgot to announce this!!! i am a terrible person. 
but christmas is over, so i'm back to my normal url. also i changed my icon so sorry about that. it's a portrait of me (well, me when i had longer hair) done by a dear friend. i am holding the french flag b/c i am a nerd.
okay the end psa over
ps. yes i'm still heartbroken over teen wolf don't talk to me abt it
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laughlikesanta · 11 years
christmas is over :(
laughlikesanta is just my christmastime codename - i'm back to laughlikeyoureallymeanit now!!
merry christmas and seeya next year :) :)
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aaronpauladeen · 12 years
please please please please please tag your doctor who spoilers?? i haven't seen the episode and i'm trying so hard not to be spoiled until i can see it in four days!! thanks :) (also gosh i love your blog i don't know if you've noticed but you post the most koala-tea stuff and it's great so yeah thank you for being awesome i guess is what i'm saying)
oh my gosh thank you!! that makes me so happy that you like it :))
and I'm so sorry, I just figured that I was the very last person on earth to have seen the episode but I'll make sure to tag any other stuff I might post! (just be prepared to cry omg I sobbed like a baby)
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hungerpunch · 10 years
tagged by crwthr! :* so here are five faxxx about me
i have to wear socks at all times, unless i'm bathing or on a beach. i can't fall asleep without socks on.
i'll eat anything cold. like, if it comes hot, that's great, but i never reheat left overs. the only thing i'll bother to reheat are french fries, which should obviously be covered in sea salt and then reheated slowly in the oven to crispy perfection.
2 tattoos, 3 piercings, looking to expand in the very near future.
currently working on art for 1DBB!
i'm going to houston, texas next wk for work and i'm super nervous about it ahhhh what is adulting???
tagging: geekboyzayn, pausebro, ziryani, laughlikeyoureallymeanit, dilutedbabe, & everyone else who reads this and has a min to kill.
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sorryimclosed · 10 years
my first impression = BRESSIE ALL THE TIME 24/7. now my impression = NIALL ALL THE TIME 24/7. and a total sweetheart who really likes pretty girls and niall's crotch grab (although who doesn't really??) and coffee and has great fashion sense and is a TOTAL BABE with the CUTEST ACCENT and is just basically amazing like omg ♥♥
OMG KATIE STAAAAAAAAHP. like seriously you always shower me with love and say THE nicest things to me I can’t believe you’re real and that we’re going to hang for a while really soon next Friday! ILY n__n
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apayneinthearse · 12 years
embrace it boo
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lanadelyeezus · 12 years
8, 11, 28, 47 :) p.s. you are HILARIOUS and i love your blog. the end.
rgihrigoregreirghrelgpier i am going to cry lets become best friends forever please okay here we go:
8: OTP?
Oh god so many uhm..
DW: Rose/10too
HP: Hermione/Fred
those are my top
11: Something you miss?
My red socks, I actually cried at the dinner table tonight when my mom said she spilled bleach on them
(did 28)
47: Last song you sang?
Had a shower concert of the Smiths and we sang This Charming Man
Thanks for asking (:
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hungerpunch · 10 years
reply box
laughlikeyoureallymeanit replied to your post “very personal life update beneath the cut. tl;dr, i might be a little...”
oh my god. lo. i am sending every scrap of positivity and strength and sheer stubbornness to your amazing best friend. is it weird to ask for a name for her, so when i send my vibes (or pray or whatever i'm calling it) i have a name to send it to?
liquidlaughing replied to your post “very personal life update beneath the cut. tl;dr, i might be a little...”
I'm sending my very best thoughts and prayers out for you and your friend Lo.
literallyfuckeveryone replied to your post “very personal life update beneath the cut. tl;dr, i might be a little...”
sending my very best thoughts out to your friend, lo, and to you <3
cyclogenesis replied to your post “very personal life update beneath the cut. tl;dr, i might be a little...”
honey :( i'm thinking of you and your friend, let me know if you need anything at all <3
corruptedziallfiles replied to your post “very personal life update beneath the cut. tl;dr, i might be a little...”
:-( praying for you and your friend
thank you all so much. i can't express what the support & love means to me, i really can't, but i feel so strengthened by it. thank you from the bottom of my heart. her name is rose. you're all the sweetest of peas.  ♥ ♥
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sorryimclosed · 10 years
11! passion or hobby (or passionate hobby??)?
fic writers meme
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hungerpunch · 10 years
laughlikeyoureallymeanit replied to your post: ʕ•͡•ʔ Read More →Read More Now!
LO omg you total BABE obviously you should wear that crop top ALWAYS. gah you’re so hot i can’t handle it
KATIE ahhhhh i am being swallowed by my blushing t-thank you so much aha you qt angel ; w ; i have yet to rock a crop top outside of my house for longer than 2 hours but let's put 7 days/wk crop topping on the goals list for 2k15. :D
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hungerpunch · 11 years
laughlikeyoureallymeanit replied to your post “it's been a long time, since you've made a star post. :(”
i think this anon means a * post :)
oh! oOHHH. thank you that is a distinct possibility! dear anon--if that's what you are talking about & if you are still hanging around--i just. idk. i had a really hateful anon stalking those posts, and i started to feel uncomfortable talking about it. and it's been something i've found hard to articulate about lately. i'm sorry. please always know if you want to come off-anon i will chat in private with you about anything. <333
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hungerpunch · 11 years
✎ are you still doing the handwriting thing?? who knows. i was gonna think of something super cool and interesting but i'm sleepy and feel sick and saw that you were writing nice things so that would be absolutely amazing... ok wait or you could write a short summary of your favorite children's book as a bedtime (or naptime since it's not even 4 in the afternoon here) story. whatever you want ♥♥
PSA: i would pretty much love to do this handwritten nice thing meme forever. like if anybody ever wants a nice thing. at any time. idc. just come to my inbox, i am happy to provide!!! if you don’t want it published, just specify :D
so here you go bb!
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hungerpunch · 11 years
laughlikeyoureallymeanit replied to your post “think of all the five star deluxe jacuzzi tubs niall has had access to...”
oh my god i KNOW RIGHT?? god i would be taking baths every freaking night if i were them. they're so stressed out too like it's just such a good idea?? like... what even niall james horan. what. even.
yo same baths are my JAM. my current apartment has a crap tub but i still make it work like baths are just so great. to be fair tho i was late to the bath game--i don't think i took a single bath between the ages of eight and twenty oops :( but w/ how much they do and how nonstop their life is you think someone would be cajoling them into stress relief baths nightly wtf 
lindybot replied to your post “think of all the five star deluxe jacuzzi tubs niall has had access to...”
Zayn finally convinced him of the restorative powers of a long soak, eh
LET'S HOPE. i can imagine niall limping around half-muttering about his knees after the show and zayn frowning like,  "once again, i rly think a bath would do you some good" and niall's like "that's gross not gonna sit there in dirty water" and zayn pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs heavily and is like "fine do whatever you want i'm going to have a bath." then like an hour later niall bursts into the bathroom for something and zayn is half-asleep in a tub with little continents of bubbles around him and some miguel playing off his ipod and niall double takes at him and is like "you do look quite comfy :\ " and zayn cracks open one sleepy eye and arches an eyebrow. after a moment he's like, "well get in, then." so niall abandons his original plan and plops into the warm bath with zayn and snuggles close and zayn rubs his back a little bit and they end up dozing there--which is kind of a safety hazard but nothing goes wrong so no harm. omg idk.
i can also see harry trying to convince him about the greatness of baths. with lots of flailing hand gestures. harry's like, "let me demonstrate." and he lights approximately 1000 scented candles around the tub and plays enya probably and applies a soothing cucumber face mask before getting into the tub, sinking into the mountains of perfumed bubbles with a sigh and niall's like, "you are too much diva, mate" and bails. but eventually harry ropes him in. I LOVE BATHS GOD. 
idctbqh replied to your post “think of all the five star deluxe jacuzzi tubs niall has had access to...”
IDK but bless whoever made him see the light
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