#latter-rain revival
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The following post came directly from the FFWPU and their research. That said, there’s a lot of interesting information on the formal connections between the early Unification Church and western Pentecostalism. The Apostolic Church International was known to have been affected by the William Branham-associated “Latter Rain Revival,” where a number of doctrines were pushed, including the British Israelism-influenced “serpent seed” doctrine (which claims the fall of Adam and Eve was sexual, and was also racialized). The early practices of the Unification Church were also much more openly pentecostal, with tongues and interpretation, prophecy, etc.
A Man with a Mission – Part 3
▲ Pictured: Pastor Joshua McCabe (seated, center) with True Father (left) and Young Oon Kim. Behind ar Church President Hyo Won Eu (light-colored suit) and Hyo Min Eu (hands on his belt), among others; Pastor McCabe recorded his impressions of Father and the early church in an article that was published in his own church’s magazine, and reproduced here.
In 1954, the year our church was formally registered in Seoul, David S. C. Kim traveled to Britain to study on a UN scholarship at the age of 38. Even though True Father did not personally assign him to do so at that time, David Kim took every opportunity to reach out to other churches and witness to the truth. The following account records a remarkable and little-known result of that investment. (click here if you wish to read Part 1 or Part 2)
David Sang Chul Kim’s Testimony:
Not long after the founding of HSA-UWC in Korea, I was selected by the Korean government to study in Britain for two years as a UN scholar, along with other under-developed nations’ representatives at Swansea College, University of Wales. Externally I was a UN scholar, but internally I had a mission to spread True Father’s message to Christians overseas and around the world.
While I was in Wales I never neglected my heavenly mission and duty. Whenever I had spare time, I visited many churches and small groups to look for people, and spoke many times at churches as a guest speaker. On those occasions I would introduce our Korean group and preach based on the contents of Divine Principle, which was available only as handwritten notes exchanged among the early members. Near the end of my stay in England, I succeeded in contacting a conservative Christian organization called the Apostolic Church International, which was holding a World Convention in South Wales at that time. I was allowed to speak for 30 minutes, appealing to 3,000 participants at the World Convention about the situation of Teacher Sun Myung Moon, our movement and the Korean government persecution.
In 1956, the Apostolic Church International’s Australian mission headquarters sent one Pastor Joshua McCabe to our group in Seoul, Korea. He studied the Principle for eighty days and helped with Professor Young Oon Kim’s English translation of Divine Principle. Seven hundred copies were completed and distributed throughout the world even before the Korean edition was published. Mrs. Won Pok Choi, Miss Young Oon Kim and I, as a trinity, worked together to teach the depth of Divine Principle and take care of Pastor McCabe as a special guest of the church.
From our own research into Pastor McCabe:
One day, after speaking to a group at a Baptist church in a small town thirty kilometers from Swansea, a couple who attended the Apostolic Church (a Pentecostal denomination) met and befriended David Kim. This led to his appearance at their annual church convention. In a letter to his flock that was read out in churches a few weeks later, then president of the Apostolic Church, Hugh Dawson, mentioned “a Korean brother by the name of Sang-chul Kim,” whom he said, “made a strong appeal to us in the Convention to send a missionary to his land.”
In June 1956, the Apostolic Church dispatched Pastor Joshua McCabe in response to David Kim’s expressions of affinity between our church and theirs. McCabe was a Scotsman who had been sent by his church to Australia in 1932. He had been at the convention in Wales and remembered that while there David Kim had “received the Gift of the Holy Spirit.” Pastor McCabe flew from Melbourne and arrived in Seoul, a city that “still had lots of buildings reduced to rubble.” He stayed for nearly eighty days, lodging in the home of a member. He interacted with the English- speaking members, especially David Kim (1915-2011), Choi Won-pok (1916–2006) and Kim Young-oon (1915–1989). And he met and conversed with True Father. It has to be said that over time, Pastor McCabe found that our beliefs did not coincide with those of the Apostolic Church – though there were interesting parallels. For example, the Apostolic Church had a strong tradition of revelation plus a firm belied in the reality of Satan. Pastor McCabe returned to Australia with an early English translation of at least some of what would later be published as an early version of Divine Principle. However, it appears that no further contact between the Apostolic Church organization and our church ensued.
▲ Pictured: The cover of the November 1956 edition of the Apostolic Herald in which Pastor McCabe’s testimony appeared, which pictures David S. C. Kim with Pastor McCabe
Although Pastor McCabe’s later letters indicate slightly more jaded memories of his experience, he was certainly the first foreign observer of our church, and he witnessed the early, spirit-filled services that we have heard testimony of by our own elders.
The following is the major portion of the article Pastor McCabe wrote for the Apostolic Church’s own magazine some two and a half weeks after his arrival in Korea in 1956 (printed some months later):
From the Apostolic Church’s magazine Apostolic Herald, November 1956 Edition
Many of you will remember meeting Mr. Sang Chul Kim, who studied at Swansea University as a United Nations student and attended the Ammanford1 Assembly of the Church, later coming to the Penygroes Convention in August 1955.2 He sent an invitation for a representative of the Church to go and visit the group of Christians to whom he was attached and the invitation was passed on to the Australian Missionary Advisory Board. At our Quadrennial Council at Easter I was chosen to make the journey of 8,000 miles from Headquarters in Melbourne, Australia, to Seoul in Korea. I arrived here on June 22nd after three days’ journey by air…
On the following Tuesday I was warmly welcomed at a representative party, when leaders of the group, Mr. Moon and Mr. Yoo [Church president Rev. Hyo Won Eu], together with others arranged a Korean welcome and meal in honor of their Western visitor. Among the members who attended were two college professors, two doctors of medicine and lecturers, an ex-Minister of Labor, a colonel of the Korean Air Force, and a number of businessmen who are all members of the group. Speeches of welcome from various members were delivered, and Mr. Kim made the speech of the evening in English. Others welcomed me in Korean, and I spoke on behalf of the Apostolic Church in the Motherland and Australia. The group of Christians to whom I have come are not Pentecostal or Apostolic as we know it, and yet the Spirit of the Lord is manifest among them, as some have visions, others have tongues and interpretations, while a spirit of prophecy is exercised by others in private….
The fervor and sincerity of the worship, the soul stirring preaching of Mr. Moon, a born orator who stirs his congregation to response both in praying and preaching is wonderful. Almost without exception the members are there because they longed for something deeper.… To this hall come between 300 and 400 people. There are no seats as in other churches; everyone sits on the floor. Half an hour before the service is due to begin we have a time of singing, and the place is packed. Many parts of Seoul are bomb damaged and there is not sufficient money to repair the city. The result is that accommodation is at a premium, and the group here is glad to have their hall.
It is a hive of spiritual activity. Mr. Yoo, the lecturer, gives lectures on the “Principles,” as they term their beliefs, for four to five hours a day. He covers their doctrine in two lectures, and this he does three times a week to enquirers who number as many as thirty to forty, and sometimes as few as five or six. At the end of each half year an examination is held. One hundred and thirteen from four different centers sat the examination on Sunday, 1st July. Of these twenty-eight passed with 80% or more marks. Seventeen diplomas and eleven certificates were presented to successful students who ranged from High School students to older people about fifty years of age, and including a professor from a college and a medical doctor. This week a lady doctor and a congressman attended the lectures. There are eight centers stretching over the three hundred miles from Seoul to Busan in the south, and the total membership is variously quoted at 600 to 1,200. There are always about 300 at the Seoul service on Wednesday and between 300 and 400 on Sundays.
Their doctrines are divergent from ours on several points. I am studying their principles, and though I have been here for eighteen days I have only given one address, due to having met with a slight accident when returning from the welcome party. I have now recovered and hope to give other talks on our teaching. One thing is evident—the condition for salvation is receiving Christ through faith in Him. Satan is a real foe who has to be fought and overcome. They do not baptize in water or break bread on the Lord’s Day as we do. I solicit prayers of all your readers and the Apostolic friends in Great Britain that the Lord’s purpose may be wrought out between our groups in Australia, Great Britain and Korea. The people here are very kind and gracious and the personal stories of how they were led to come to the church are wonderful. Like the Apostolic Church in Great Britain they are sacrificing to make the building of a meeting place possible. There are difficulties, but God specializes in the impossible, so remember to pray.
#joshua mccabe#christianity#early unification church#early church#unification church history#unification church in korea#unification church in the republic of korea#pentecostalism#apostolic church internationalism#latter-rain revival#david kim#young oon kim#theology#history#church history#Sang Chul Kim#Hyo Won Eu#william branham#pastor mccabe
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Maggie’s pendants and good omens
Yes, you’ve read it right. This post is going to deal with some literal good omens, not just title drop! But first things first, let’s take a closer look at the topic of this analysis.
A toucan
The top necklace is a lovely design involving a crowned toucan — believed to be a messenger of gods able to travel between the spiritual and the physical world, often associated with rain and rainbow (a Christian symbol of divine love, grace, and mercy, a reminder of the covenant between God and humanity to spare the latter from future trials like the Flood) — encircled by a gold band (a symbol of infinity, eternal love and promise) spun by a small butterfly (a symbol of transformation, hope, and rebirth). All three symbols combined seem to deliver a divine message of hope for rebirth, possibly resurrection, and the eternal life. Very fitting in the context of the Second Coming.
The fact that toucans were revered by the native South Americans as rainbringers strengthens the symbolic meaning of another type of bird we can spot on Maggie’s clothes in the very first episode, as her character introduction — a swallow. Swallows flying low are also believed to be harbingers of rain and bad weather. If you see one close to Earth or a building, it means that there’s a storm — or a certain biblical tempest — on the horizon.
In Ancient Greece and Rome swallows were representing Aphrodite, goddess of love. In Christianity they were considered to be of God and symbolized hope, awakening, and revival of life as messengers of spring and protectors from winter colds. Also helped Jesus on the Cross — according to a Christian legend, a group of swallows was supposed to take out the thorns from the Crown of Thorns and alleviate His Passion on the Cross. Humans banding together in the name of good have been a big theme in the series ever since The Them made an appearance, and from what we already know about the unpublished Good Omens sequel, we can assume that Jesus is going to take the spotlight in the upcoming season.
Maggie definitely attracts sudden inexplicable weather changes, like a thunderstorm with weirdly localized lightning strikes or a sudden downpour. And we’re still waiting for some vavooming (and the following happy ending) to happen in S3.
A heart with an eye
Now, the more nuanced clue hidden in the bottom necklace. I know that some of us were trying to tackle the concept of Maggie’s eye in a heart pendant suggesting her Masonic connotations, but this symbol (or the Eye of Providence in general) isn’t strictly Masonic, it isn’t even limited only to Judeo-Christian art. And while it is used a lot in Christian iconography, we should focus on a very specific example of it already referenced in the show.
Buckle up, we’re making a parachute dive into S1.
It seems like our old friend, Agnes Nutter, still has our backs.
Prophecy 4020:
Let the wheel of fate turne, let harts enjoin, there are othere fyres than mine; when the whirl wynd whirls, reach oute one to another.
If you look closely at the bottom right corner of this frame, you will see that as an illustration for the above prophecy the production team chose a 1611 engraving titled The Minde should have a fixed Eye On Objects, that are plac’d on High first found in Gabriel Rollenhagen’s Nucleus emblematum selectissimorum.
In 1635 it was published in A Collection of Emblemes, Ancient and Moderne Quickened With Metrical Illustrations, both Morall and Divine, Etc by George Wither with the accompanying hymn:
A Heart, which bore the figure of an Eye
Wide open to the Sunne; by some, was us'd,
When in an Emblem, they would signifie
A Minde, which on Celestiall Matters mus'd:
Implying, by the same, that there is nought
Which in this lower Orbe, our Eyes can see,
So fit an Object for a manly thought,
As those things, which in Heav'n above us be.
God, gave Mankinde (above all other Creatures)
A lovely Forme, and upward-looking Eye,
(Among the rest of his peculiar Features)
That he might lift his Countenance on high:
And (having view'd the Beauty, which appeares
Within the outward Sights circumference)
That he might elevate above the Sphæres,
The piercing Eye, of his Intelligence.
Then, higher, and still higher strive to raise
His Contemplations Eyes, till they ascend
To gaine a glimpse of those eternall Rayes,
To which all undepraved Spirits tend.
For, 'tis the proper nature of the Minde
(Till fleshly Thoughts corrupt it) to despise
Those Lusts whereto the Body stands inclin'd;
And labour alwayes, upward to arise.
Some, therefore, thought those Goblins which appeare
To haunt old Graves and Tombes, are Soules of such,
Who to these loathsome places doomed were,
Because, they doted on the Flesh too much.
But, sure we are, well-minded Men shall goe
To live above, when others bide below.
And hey, guess what 4020, i.e., the number of the prophecy, symbolizes in Strong’s Concordance? Periergazomai, a Greek word meaning “to waste one's labor about something” — to meddle, going beyond proper boundaries (where a person doesn't belong); to fixate on what others are doing, instead of doing what the person himself is supposed to do.
It appears only once in the Bible:
2 Thessalonians 3:11: We hear that some among you are idle and disruptive. They are not busy; they are busybodies. Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the food they eat. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.
To make things slightly more interesting, in the Hebrew version of Strong’s Concordance 4020 has another meaning — migbaloth, meaning “twisted things, i.e. cords”. Which doesn’t make much sense until we read the actual passage:
Exodus 28:24 and two chains of pure gold, twisted like cords; and you shall attach the corded chains to the settings.
And compare it to the most recent post on the topic published directly by Word of God:
What if all these clues didn’t apply to Maggie and Nina, but Aziraphale and Crowley instead? What if Maggie served as a messenger — consciously or not — just like the toucan, delivering the prophecy to those who need it most?
“When the tempest comes and darkness and great storms, and the dead will leave their graves and walk the Earth once more and there will be great lamentations for the end is near, don’t lose hope, hold hands and look up.”
Basically what Aziraphale and Crowley already did when they performed the 25 Lazarii miracle, only with no interference from Gabriel this time around.
And, if both Strong’s Concordance and Maggie’s personal addition to her second pendant are to be believed, with a wedding band somehow involved in the process.
#everything has a meaning#the invisible and unbreakable line that joins Crowley and Aziraphale#two chains of pure gold twisted like cords#never tire of doing what is good#don’t lose hope#hold hands and look up#the good omens crew is unhinged#good omens props#good omens costumes#the nice and accurate prophecies of agnes nutter#agnes nutter#good omens#maggie service#good omens meta#good omens analysis#strong’s concordance#yuri is doing her thing#ineffable husbands#wedding bands
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Hey Mutton, We're Home!
This is set in the Submit ending of MHE (the only ending that the bishops end up as followers) and is a year or so before Heket is revived out of Purgatory :)
"Starin' at the entrance won't make them come home any faster, dear," Salenette, a pink cow who was the Lamb's second ever follower and disciple, told her.
The lamb only narrowed her eyes at the entrance, not too unlike the time she tried to set a follower on fire with her mind because they were being a jerk (it was Throrlyn, to nobody's surprise).
"She's right, Sugar. C'mon, why don't we get somethin' to eat from the kitchen?" Faith, a white deer who was the Lamb's first ever follower and disciple, patted her back and nudged her away from her spot.
"Mmmmm but they're supposed to get home today! And today's almost over! Where are they!?" The lamb threw her arms out all exaggerated.
Leshy and Narinder had been sent out on a mission for a week by the former's request, Faith had sent the latter with him so that they could hopefully get along better---they only played nice around each other in front of the Lamb, when she looked away they'd immediately flip each other off and silently curse at the other---and because Leshy was blind and might need someone to look out for him (much to his disgruntlement).
Just as the lamb followed Faith's offer the pentagram at the top of the entrance's steps glowed a sparkling red, and two figured appeared laughing and punching each other in jest.
"You fu-" was all Leshy said before a small blur of pinkish red rammed into his stomach. He adjusted his grip on his walking stick and pat her head as she shoved her face into him. He chuckled fondly. "Hey Mutton Muffin, we're home!"
She merely bleated in response.
"Not even gonna say hi to me? How rude," Narinder commented as he set both of their backpacks down.
the lamb waved, not even looking at him.
"... Favoritism," he jokingly accused.
Once he grabbed out a clipboard with a log of what he and Leshy brought home to give to the disciples he noticed that Faith had been long gone, but Salenette was still there, so he handed it to her.
"I'm glad y'all made it home safe, Lord Narinder, Lord Leshy." She bowed as she took the clipboard.
"Me too! The rains weren't being all that nice to us a couple days ago," Leshy commented. "You've no idea how hard it is to sleep when this FXCK over here-" he pointed to his brother "-kept screaming when a raindrop hit him 'cause HE didn't close the tent properly!"
"HEY! That thing was finicky AT BEST and was a NIGHTMARE to get right!" Narinder retorted.
"All I'm hearing is SKILL ISSUE!" Leshy laughed
The lamb banged a fist on his chest and finally left him go, grabbing his free hand and then taking Narinder's hand and dragged them both to her hut.
Salenette sighed. "I'll take care of your bags, I guess."
#art stuffs#cotl lamb#cotl leshy#cotl narinder#cotl oc#writing!!!#y'know how when you leave a kid alone for a long while and you come back and they're like#“how dare you be gone for so long>:(”#that's what i was trying to convey here#cotl my happy ending au
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Working out the details for two more rain world ocs, so here's their rough sketch. These come in a 2 in 1 package, for Prince needs its Bodyguard to traverse the treacherous wastes of the northern part of the continent. To what destination their journey will guide them?
A bit more info about them below the cut!
The latter is a very old creation form the times when ancients were still around to do all the bioengineering, made in the image of guardians of the depths. Nearly useless in regular combat, Bodyguard compensates its weaknesses with the telekinetic abilities inherited from its titular inspirations, which it uses to slam down the foes until they die. Bodyguard themselves do not require sustenance, the food meter is substituted with that of Prince's, 5/2 food pip ratio. It also takes most of the aggro from the creatures, for Prince's good graces in this world belong to him alone. You can take him by the paw to ease the traversal, though.
Prince is mostly a regular adult slugcat, but they do have a keen eye and a lot of positive reputation with the creatures of the world due to his general peacefulness. However, as stated in the pic, vultures absolutely despise the guy and will prioritise him over anything else. Or maybe they find him especially tasty because he looks like a huge vulture grub, one of the two.
Prince must stay alive to progress. If he perishes (taken to the den or offscreen, is unable to be revived with the Revivify anymore, all that jazz), Bodyguard is compelled to return to the depths where it truly belongs, using any closest creature pipe to dip from the screen and trigger the game over state.
If Bodyguard is in any way incapacitated (note that it can't be taken offscreen by vultures, for they do not perceive it as a prey, so the slugcat generally stays in the area it's got taken out in), you can control Prince, who behaves like a Survivor-type slugcat with the similar stats and needs to free its protector. Who knows what happens if they are to fail(zero info rn. still workikg on it!)
So yeah. Rough idea I came up with tonight. Thanks for reading if you did! <3
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9th March >> Mass Readings (USA)
Saturday, Third Week of Lent
(optional commemoration of Saint Frances of Rome, Religious)
(Liturgical Colour: Violet: B (2))
First Reading Hosea 6:1-6 What I want is love, not sacrifice.
“Come, let us return to the LORD, it is he who has rent, but he will heal us; he has struck us, but he will bind our wounds. He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, to live in his presence. Let us know, let us strive to know the LORD; as certain as the dawn is his coming, and his judgment shines forth like the light of day! He will come to us like the rain, like spring rain that waters the earth.”
What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah? Your piety is like a morning cloud, like the dew that early passes away. For this reason I smote them through the prophets, I slew them by the words of my mouth; For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21ab
R/ It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.
Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me.
R/ It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.
For you are not pleased with sacrifices; should I offer a burnt offering, you would not accept it. My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.
R/ It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.
Be bountiful, O LORD, to Zion in your kindness by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem; Then shall you be pleased with due sacrifices, burnt offerings and holocausts.
R/ It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.
Gospel Acclamation Psalm 95:8
If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
Gospel Luke 18:9-14 The tax collector went home justified, not the Pharisee.
Jesus addressed this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness and despised everyone else. “Two people went up to the temple area to pray; one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity – greedy, dishonest, adulterous – or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.’ But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, ‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’ I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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“Ephraim is oppressed and broken in judgment, Because he willingly walked by human precept. Therefore I will be to Ephraim like a moth, And to the house of Judah like rottenness. “When Ephraim saw his sickness, And Judah saw his wound, Then Ephraim went to Assyria And sent to King Jareb; Yet he cannot cure you, Nor heal you of your wound. For I will be like a lion to Ephraim, And like a young lion to the house of Judah. I, even I, will tear them and go away; I will take them away, and no one shall rescue. I will return again to My place Till they acknowledge their offense. Then they will seek My face; In their affliction they will earnestly seek Me. Come, and let us return to the Lord; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. After two days He will revive us; On the third day He will raise us up, That we may live in His sight. Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth.” Hosea 5:11-6:3
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OnS Chapter 129
Tumblr making it hard to make a post also made me too lazy to make this. But I want and need to make this cause this is the only way I could do a "read back" of sorts for chapters no longer accessible in mangaplus. Ugh tumblr wtf stop with the stupid updates!
Anyways, title of this chapter is "The First Vampire". More lore stuff!
The others have now realized that their king might have done a very bad thing.
Shika Madu utters an apology to everyone as large, powerful bolts of light destroy the tower.
An angel appears to tell Shika Madu of God's disappointment at what has been done. Shika Madu pleads and ask he be the only one to suffer as the other had nothing to do with the ritual he was trying to do but the angel said Earth is also done for and with a snap of his fingers, what appears to be balls of fire started raining down.
Amon gets saved by another angel while someone else tells him to go to where their king is. Even after everything, they still see Shika Madu's safety as their top priority. Everyone else around Amon is dying from the rain of fire as he runs of to get to their king.
Shika Madu is angry at what's happening but he is told he could only blame himself for this. He still pleads for everyone else to be spared but it doesn't work as he's told that even their souls would be left to suffer in hell.
Oh, and one last cruel thing the angel does is leave Amon alive just to kill him in front of Shika Madu to show the latter how much he fucked up. When everyone else had finally been killed, the angel tells the others to focus their lightning solely on Shika Madu.
After everything he'd been through and while he's still being burned in lightning, Shika Madu asked to just be killed. Unfortunately, he's informed that he's now basically immortal so he could suffer alone for eternity.
With their jobs finished, the others leave for Paradise. Shika Madu has a message to be passed on to God but he's denied and told that as a sinner, his words would never reach God's ears.
And so Shika Madu was left to burn... and burn.
There's like two timeskips: one says a millenia has passed and another just said "more time...". Shika Madu thinks it's been tens of thousands of years. In the end he's just... sitting there burning until he finally accepted what he's done to deserve all this.
Something happened and he started to feel better and even used his power to shieled himself from the sunlight.
And homonculus Yuu is alive! He saw everything (he didn't show up until now though, wtf?). Shika Madu still plans on bringing everyone back from the dead but he now has no tower to collect the light he needed and even if he did, he's an undead now so he can't use the power of light anymore.
Homonculus Yuu also still has angel Mikaela in a coffin and it's revealed Shika Madu had some kind of backup plan: all the power he needed? Mikaela has them in the form of keys (the ones Ferid was collecting in the present time) but in order to use them, Mikaela has to be revived first.
He then decided to play God since it's the only way to collect the darkness he needed (like how God has the angels to collect light). Using homonculus Yuu, he created a human as he can't make angels.
I guess this would be the first "Yuu-chan"?
Mika and Yuu are here! I guess they weren't there the entire time (That'd have been boring to watch just one guy burn for a millenia). They're confused as well if the homonculus Yuu is Yuu-chan's first incarnation or if it's the newly created human.
Another one popped out and this one looks like a Mika except it's a girl it seems.
And then more were created.
Shika Madu uses his power so that the souls of the dead angels would occupy the new humans as he'd need them to collect darkness.
The new human Yuu sees angel Mikaela's coffin looks inside. He then starts to answer as if he's talking to someone. Mika and Yuu sees this and realized something but looking back, it seems Shika Madu himself hasn't noticed yet.
The new Yuu finds out that his new friend is dead and can't play with him.
Mika and Yuu are confused as to how the other two could converse. Mika thinks that since this is part of Yuu's memories, Yuu should know what the other two are talking about. Yuu is having trouble though and the newborn Yuu says something... unexpected.
It seems angel Mikaela told him to let himself get possessed or something and the newborn Yuu says yes without hesitation.
Once past Yuu gets possessed, current Yuu finally remembers: he's Mikaela.
Tumblr's new post editor is making things so difficult. I have trouble rearranging the images and coupled with a faulty mouse, I was about to lose my patience lol.
Okay, I felt bad for Shika Madu, not gonna lie. He did care a lot for his subjects and would've wanted to get punished on his own but of course, he's the king so everyone under him would get in trouble, too. That last one was also cruel with the other angel letting Amon get close enough for Shika Madu to watch him die.
Was the dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures die in that rain of fire? Is this how the lore of our planet went in this universe? lol
So he gets punished by being left an immortal who burns in the sun. It seems he's been continuously burning for years, too (I found the timeskip funny, I'm sorry. Also, did it never become nighttime at all where he is?). He finds a way to finally become immune for a bit (like a magic sunscreen) and so he's become a "vampire" in a way (no word on if he nees blood yet here).
He ends up creating humans as he's not permitted to create angels like God does. At first I thought this might mean he's the "God" of this world's humans but he knows what humans are before he made some so there are probably humans who already existed at this point and he just mass produced more for his own need.
There's multiple Yuus now. It'd be confusing if the next couple of chapters would still show the past so if it ever happens, I'm gonna have to use nicknames for them to differentiate. Also, I love how Mika and Yuu-chan (I'm just gonna call our Yuu this as it's his nickname anyways) seem to just accept how weird things are getting in their commentaries. I love their interactions.
Speaking of the new humans, they all seem to have their own personalities (or they were about to have them) but then Shika Madu had the souls of his dead angels occupy them and suddenly there's a change as shown when human Yuu (the new one) reacted when a soul entered his body.
Okay, so there were lots of angels in the angel city but there can't have been a really huge amount of them so I'm guessing the amount of new humans made also had a limit and was just enough to house each angel soul. Angel Mika seem to have his own stuck in his dead body since human Yuu got to "talk" to him. They already have a connection but since human Yuu talked to him after getting possessed by an angel already, is this connection with human Yuu himself or was it with the angel possessor and if it's the latter, which angel was it?
We can only see half of the convo since we could only see human Yuu's side but it feels like angel Mika isn't as hesitant to use others if needed. I mean he's asking for human Yuu's body to use when I think current Mika wouldn't want to do that to anyone. But human Yuu immediately agrees and so angel Mika does it (which means either there're now two angel souls in human Yuu or angel Mika's soul kicked out the previous one).
And finally, they're starting to explain the "Mikaela" thing. The new humans are capable of being possessed by angel Mika probably cause Shika Madu and homonculus Yuu made them. He wasn't paying attention so there's a chance Shika Madu didn't even know that at this point yet. The human Yuu is the first one to try and was the only one who could right now since unline the other new humans, he was the only one who could "hear" angel Mika. Anyways, I'm guessing that's why this memory seem to be a shared one between Yuu-chan and Mika's because it, in a way, is.
Theory that the souls of Shika Madu's precious subordinates are also compatible with new humans who are their look-alikes but it's not a prefect reincarnation where they are themselves from the past which is probably why Shika Madu doesn't care much for them.
That said, another Shika Madu-Guren parallel: they both want to do the ritual correctly in order to bring back their people: the angels for Shika Madu and the humans for Guren. It's probably why letting Mika live and having the keys would probably help revive the angels for Shika Madu while killing Mika and having the keys would let Guren revive the humans.
Well, that was long. I better read the next chapters before I get too lazy to make another post and the chapters get wiped by mangaplus.
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"When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place." - Acts 2:1
Pentecost happened at an appointed time, in an appointed place, with an appointed people.
God is still looking for a desperate people who are longing to meet with Him in surrender to His presence, so that He might fill us up with the power of His Spirit and send us out to advance His Kingdom in the earth, bearing fruit that remains.
"Suddenly a SOUND like the blowing of a violent wind came from Heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting." - Acts 2:2
At Pentecost, the sound of Heaven was released on earth with awe-inspiring effects; it must have been an awesome event to witness the wind and the fire from Heaven as it came in fulfilment of the promised gift of the Holy Spirit being given to the Church. We can never outdo God, and the "latter rains" of His glory will come as such a deluge that we will never be able to fully prepare for what is coming yet God expects us to be prepared for blessing and breakthrough by stoking faith, expectation, and exhibiting His love, presence, and power in our hearts.
They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each one of them. (Acts 2:3)
In this Pentecostal, pre-ordained moment of outpouring, everyone's spiritual eyes were opened to see what God wanted them to do. No one was in any doubt that God was on the move!
It is said of the Azusa Street Revival that fire was seen coming down from Heaven to touch the little warehouse where the revival meetings were held, and simultaneously, fire was seen rising up from the roof of the same building. When the fire of God was burning – everyone could see the fire!
The glory of God is sometimes visible as a cloud or mist (see Exodus 24:16-17). Jesus also spoke about wanting us to see His glory: "Father, I want those you have given Me to be with Me where I am, and to SEE My glory, the glory You have given Me because You loved Me before the creation of the world" (John 17:24).
"They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each one of them." - Acts 2:3
The fire of God that touched the Believers on the day of Pentecost was a personal encounter with the holy presence of God which gave them the assignment they were to start walking in to advance His Kingdom in the earth. We cannot remain the same when we have met with God in the inner chamber of His heart. His FIRE consecrates us and sets us apart for His work.
It is said of Messiah, "The mighty man will become tinder and his work a spark; both will burn together, with no one to quench the fire" (Isaiah 1:31).
Pentecost was God's fiery kiss of love, searing and sealing His Bride, which moved the pillar of fire from being with us to NOW BEING IN US.
We, too, are called to a baptism of the Holy Spirit – and FIRE, "I baptise you with water for repentance. But after me will come One whose sandals I am not fit to carry. He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and with fire" (Matthew 3:11).
Today, may we as God's people posture ourselves with the love of Jesus flowing into and through our hearts adoring Him with all that we are so that He might release a fresh wave of the Holy Spirit and glory FIRE upon – to and through us for the expansion of God's PURPOSE for our lives!
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full name: luciana emerson saad nicknames: goes prominately by everyone as luce , only her parents call her by her full name(: birthdate / zodiac sign : somewhere in august during leo season . sexual orientation: heterosexual place of birth: montreal , canada nationality: canadian / american ethnicity: mexican / lebanese pets : two year old malthese called goldie languages spoken: english , spanish , conversational lebanese love language : song writing aka words / actions . residences: los angeles , california ( main residence ) , montreal , canada ( brought a home for her parents where she frequently visits ) , saint lucia , caribbean ( vacation home ) + traits : magnetic , confident , hardworking , sensual & passionate . - traits: stubborn , abrasive , selfish , sarcastic & dramatic .
occupation: singer / songwriter / actress / businesswoman career claim: selena gomez ( career can be found HERE )
.* ◞ ╰ quick history .
born and raised by a middle class fam back in canada , she had a p much great childhood , surrounded by love , support and a healthy relationships which in truth , are a rarity in hollywood but she’s definitely an exception .
inspired by her mother , an amateur actress , luce tried out for a role on a children’s tv series barney & friends , & as a result , appeared regularly on the program from 2002 - 2004 .
after making her big - screen debut in the family movie spy kids 3 : game over ( 2003 ) , she auditioned for the disney channel , which eventually led her to have numerous guest appearances on tv ( suit of life , hannah montana ... ) until she was cast in wizards of waverly place . the show , for which she also sang the theme song , became an instant hit among the preteens & earned her global fame .
while continuing to star in her hit tv show , she also acted in various tv movies & later on blockbusters too .
she ventured into music as the front woman of luce & the scene , an electronic - influenced pop band that produced several dance hits . the group released albums kiss & tell ( 2009 ) , a year without rain ( 2010 ) & when the sun goes down ( 2011 ) .
she soon went solo , forging a solo career with her first studio album called stars dance ( 2013 ) . subsequent solo albums included revival ( 2015 ) & rare ( 2020 ) . the latter of which yielded the hit ballad “ lose you to love me “ .
luce’s also known for her philanthropic work , much of it accomplished through UNICEF , which in 2009 appointed her a goodwill ambassador .
in 2020 , she also launched her own makeup brand called rare beauty which arguably is one of the most successful celebrity makeup brands there is today .
also in 2022 , she launched her own cooking show called luce + chef , thinking it could be fun learn & improve her own skills along with her fans .
.* ◞ ╰ personality & dating life .
she’s v much still hardworking and humble , her parents still v much present at almost every show and music award ceremony . she knows where she comes from and isn’t afraid to show it (:
she’s also v much magnetic af that makes people incredibly drawn to her , not to mention the sensual vibes she’s throwing due to her mexican / lebanese roots .
incredibly loyal to her friends and family , has a small but decent group of friends in hollywood that she usually hangs with but her ultimate bff isn’t famous yet is a childhood friend from canada that now follows her around everywhere she goes as her “ assistant “ ( think lily from hannah montana hehe )
as far as her dating life goes , luce is a big romantic and wears her heart on her sleeve which explains why she dated a LOT of men in hollywood , most of whom eventually broke her heart , making her write killer banger songs about them and then moving onto the next romance ( v tswift of her tbh )
ok that’s it folks !!! i kept this short and sweet ((: also here’s a bit of inspo for the wcs i want bc u bet ur cute ass she wrote songs about her experiences hehehe .... :
NEW LOVE ;; someone who keeps toying with heart , and despite the fact she knows better she cannot help herself ?? she keeps on coming back , even though she knows better , knows she should drop them , but alas ... she cannot . this can be both a romantic connection or friendship !
BE THE ONE ;; someone she hurt ?? a friend or a lover , maybe she ran because feelings got too heavy too fast or maybe her busy scendule ultimately caused her to leave them behind ?? either way , this ode is for them , saying she’s wrong , and how she wishes to have them back and for them to give her another chance .
THINKING ABOUT YOU ;; a short lasting fling nobody she had . sneaking around , 3am calls , late night hotel rooms ....it’s something she can’t stop thinking about . he probably showed her the best time of her life and for whatever reason they decided to call it quits .
HOTTER THAN HELL ;; fwb . maybe it’s still going maybe it’s not either way she made a song about it hehehe .
BLOW YOUR MIND ;; someone she hates , someone that hates her , a friend a foe or a lover or maybe both ?? either way , they fight like cats and dogs bc they’re polar opposites and probably hate everything about each other ... especially the fact they’re insanely attracted to each other .
LOST IN YOUR LIGHT ;; a friend she likes . a lil will they won’t they that i love bc !!! ahhh . anyway this song is about how she feels about them :)) they probably don’t have a clue the song’s about them or maybe they assume u choose !
NEW RULES ;; the classic toxic ex trope . someone she still has a hard time shaking off bc she still cares about them so whenever they keep on knocking at her door in the middle of the night , despite her “ new rules “ to keep him away , she can’t help herself .
IDGAF ;; an ex lover who broke her heart , so she wrote a song about him hehehehe .
DON’T START NOW ;; yet another ex - lover song that turned out to be a massive bop hehehe .
PHYSICAL ;; something that started out as purely physical ... a fwb of a sort , but it’s ELECTRIC , unexplainable , and despite them not being exclusive , it’s almost an unwritten thing that they care and how they have each other’s backs .
LEVITATING ;; maybe someone she met on a vacation somewhere , they had one of the most amazing flings but it’s never been anything serious , but it still made an impression on her despite how short it was , so she wrote him a song too :)
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15 = 46 = 10 = 2026, THE END! May 15, 2026
God, who is the beginning and the end (Revelation 22:12,13), is the source and creator of all things, for not one thing came into being without Him.
JOHN 1:1, 3
(1) In the BEGINNING was the WORD, and the Word was with God, and THE WORD was GOD.
(3) ALL THINGS were MADE BY HIM; and WITHOUT HIM was NOT ANY THING MADE that was made.
Herein, God declared from the beginning the appointed time of the end (Isaiah 46:10).
In the Hebrew Tanakh, “ELOHIM” or “GODS” in Genesis 1:1 was mentioned 2,602 times, a flipped figure of 2026, the exact year of Christ’s return.
Thus, numbers, which are inherent to mathematics, already existed before man was created.
Moreover, God created numbers, but humans discovered and corrupted them.
God imparted wisdom unto men, for them not to be ignorant of the mystery underlying the set time of His return (1 Corinthians 2:7, 10).
However, Satan perverted the wisdom given by God (Ezekiel 28:15, 17), which borders on an extremely subtle pantheistic ideology.
“It is the error of those who have forgotten the PYTHAGOREAN (and Christian) precept, to “honor first the IMMORTAL GOD” – THEMSELVES NUMBERS…” (THE PYTHAGOREAN SOURCEBOOK AND LIBRARY, Kenneth Sylvan & David Fideler, 11)
God commanded His people to compute or calculate (Revelation 13:18 – Strong’s Greek #5585) the number of the beast in order to decrypt Satan’s code.
REVELATION 17:11 And the BEAST that was… he is the EIGHTH, and is of the SEVEN, and goeth into PERDITION.
8 + 7 = 15
“…say 15 Our Fathers and 15 Hail Mary’s…” (pg. 5)
“15 Promises of Mary to Christians who recite the rosary” (pg. 38)
“…pray the daily rosary in 15 minutes… and pray entire 15-decade rosary…” (pg. 40)
(PIETA, Prayer Booklet, St. Therese of the Child Jesus)
The sacred numbers of the pagan goddesses Ishtar and Sin are 15 and 30, which were associated with the 153 white roses in Mary’s crown. (THE SECRET OF THE ROSARY, St. Louis De Montfort, pg. 28) 1 x 5 x 3 = 15
God used the number of the enemies in revealing His appointed time to return their ways to their own heads (Obadiah 15).
REVELATION 13:18 Here is WISDOM… COUNT the NUMBER of the beast… his number is SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE AND SIX.
6 x 6 x 6 = 216 (21 + 6 = 27) Another Computation: 6 + 6 + 6 = 18
23 + 73 = 351 (flipped figure of 153) 1383 (1 + 512) = 513 (flipped figure of 153)
3 x 5 x 1 = 15 5 x 1 x 3 = 15
REVELATION 13:1-2 7 – SEVEN heads, 10 – TEN horns, 10 – TEN crowns (7 + 10 + 10 = 27)
2373 (8 + 343) = 351 (flipped figure of 153)
3 x 5 x 1 = 15
Hereby, number 15 is a hint for the exact year of Christ’s return.
PSALM 90:10, 12-13
(10) The days of our years are THREESCORE YEARS and TEN… by reason of strength they be FOURSCORE years…
(12) So teach us to NUMBER OUR DAYS, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
7 + 0 + 8 + 0 = 15
(2) Give a portion to SEVEN, and also to EIGHT…
(3) If the clouds be full of RAIN, they empty themselves upon the earth…
8 + 7 = 15
HOSEA 6:2, 3
(2) After TWO days will he REVIVE us: in the THIRD day he will RAISE US UP, and we shall LIVE in his sight.
(3) …HIS GOING FORTH is prepared… and he shall COME unto us as the RAIN, as the latter and former rain…
2 – TWO days, 3 – THREE days
2 + 3 = 5 (The triangular number of 5 is 15.)
The Roman numeral of number 15 is XV.
X – 24, V – 22
24 + 22 = 46 (4 + 6 =10)
Taking the cube of numbers 1-10 as per digit will give a sum of 2026, the exact year of Christ’s return.
God is not an essence pervading all nature but rather the Author and Creator of everything.
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Experiencing the Rain of Blessing: A Key to Spiritual Revival
As we journey through life, we often encounter seasons of spiritual dryness and barrenness. It's as if the flame of our passion and faith has dwindled, leaving us empty and unfulfilled. But what if we told you there's a way to break through this spiritual drought and experience a refreshing rain of blessing from God?
In Joel 2:23, the prophet declares, "Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you—The former rain, and the latter rain in the first month." This promise of the rain of blessing is not just a historical event but a present reality for those who seek God with humble hearts.
As we experience the rain of blessing, we can expect a supernatural refresh that will transform our lives. This rain is about personal revival, fruitfulness, and abundance. We can expect to see our efforts multiply and a harvest of blessings in our lives.
However, the rain of blessing is often preceded by a call to repentance. God wants us to turn away from sin and toward Him so that we may experience the fullness of His favor. As we humble ourselves and seek God's forgiveness, we can expect a fresh outpouring of His blessing.
So, how can we experience the rain of blessings in our lives? First, we must seek God with humble hearts, acknowledging our sin and our need for His forgiveness. Second, we must trust God's promise and persevere in faith, even in spiritual dryness. Finally, we must be willing to share the blessing with others so that they may experience the same transformation and fruitfulness.
As we experience the rain of blessing, let us remember that this is not just about personal gain but about being a catalyst for revival in our churches and communities. Let us pray for a fresh outpouring of God's Spirit so that we may see a renewed passion for evangelism, discipleship, and service.
The Scripture Collection A compilation of 20 uplifting music videos inspired by a different Bible scripture. First Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rv1XEZzrCvE Second Edition: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucV8yJIEsvc
Website: https://bwpub.net/
I've created the song "Autumn Showers" in three different genres from Joel 2:23.
afro-rock ambient dub https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70qyDuNjA2w japanese surf rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVFpWQiO8d0 afropiano blues rock https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBZY46B7DM4
#spiritual revival#rain of blessing#Joel 2:23#spiritual dryness#fruitfulness and abundance#repentance#faith#perseverance#sharing the blessing#revival in churches and communities
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Just thought I would bitch and moan and whine and complain while I relax to the sound of the wind outside. I guess we’re going to get some rain although not as much as last time.
Anyway, I had to take hydroxyzine for the first time in months. I don’t know if I’m more anxious or depressed. I guess a little of both. I asked him what I appeared to be more to him and he thought depressed. So we talked about getting me a new therapist under this new insurance plan and we’re going to look into that.
We get discounts for weight loss programs as well. I still hesitate to get into any kind of nutritionist or program because of my thyroid. Having to cut my waiting time a bit because the medication was building up in me has already bumped me back up a couple of pounds. You need a normal working metabolism in order to lose weight and there’s no getting around that. So I’d hate to invest in a program or some kind of nutritionist for nothing.
I swear I’m stuck in a forever case of Would You Rather! Would I rather lose weight and be anxious and overly warm? Or would I rather keep the weight and be calm and tired? I think I would definitely choose the latter. Feeling shitty emotionally is still a million times worse than feeling shitty physically. Yes, it gets frustrating to have physical ailments regularly but it still doesn’t compare to feeling anxious and depressed.
I just feel hopeless. I know I’m never going to get a lot of my old feelings back. I’m never again going to see life through my old eyes. I’m never going to have my old body, I’m never going to have my old mind, I’m never going to have much of my old anything.
If there is a God up there I hate it’s fucking guts for letting me suffer for this last decade and I could kick myself for being so stupid. I was stupid to think I’d beaten it and it was over just because I had a better year last year. Here we are not even halfway through the year and I’ve already had about a week’s worth of bad days. Thanks God, if you exist. Thanks a fucking lot.
Tom finally created a PayPal account and is on the waiting list to work on the site I work on. I stressed to him that there would be way more money there than on any of the other sites he’s been on. I think he could make even more money than me because he’s always on days and is good with numbers. I have to pass a lot of the ones that deal with money and math and I can’t always be available when most of the jobs come out. Hopefully, he’ll be able to start soon.
He gave plasma today and ended up exhausted. A nap helps revive him but a part of me wonders if he’s just gotten too old to be donating and it’s a bit much for him.
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John 1:4
DIVINE ORDER 72: God Seekers 1
Gen 4:26 And a son was also born to Seth, whom he named Enosh. AT THAT TIME PEOPLE BEGAN to worship the LORD. NET
The Divine Order here is to help us understand how God has set ORDER to all things in Life. From the creation of all elements and then Humans in the Natural Life, we’ve perused Gen 1 and then the Man, his wife and the beginning of LAW.
Now let’s move on.
Professional Relationship 1
Let’s look at the ORDER of the Relationship between God and Man, and please keep your finger on these points as we will make use of some of them again much later.
It started with God coming to Man. On a plain Professional note, it is not strange that a Manufacturer will often monitor and evaluate His “Machines” to affirm their productive capacity and viability.
Gen 2:19 And out of the ground Jehovah God formed every animal of the field and every fowl of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name. MKJV
It is also expected that the Manufacturer will - through regular Maintenance - work hard to keep His Machines steadily producing at ultimate capacity, while constructively imputing Updates and Upgrades in aim of enhancing productivity to meet up with future demands.
Isa 5:1-2 Let me make a song about my loved one, a song of love for his vine-garden. My loved one had A VINE-GARDEN ON A FERTILE HILL: And after working the earth of it with a spade, HE TOOK AWAY ITS STONES, AND PUT IN IT A VERY SPECIAL VINE; AND HE PUT UP A WATCHTOWER IN THE MIDDLE OF IT, hollowing out in the rock a place for the grape-crushing; and HE WAS HOPING THAT IT WOULD GIVE THE BEST GRAPES, but it gave common grapes. BBE
Productivity must be Generational, and so the Manufacturer must ensure continuity.
Mal 2:15 Didn't God make you one body and spirit with her? What was his purpose in this? IT WAS THAT YOU SHOULD HAVE CHILDREN WHO ARE TRULY GOD'S PEOPLE. So make sure that none of you breaks his promise to his wife. GNB
This is a Standard Professional Relationship every Manufacturer or Manager has with his Production Lines or Machinery.
This keeps the world going and will be till the end of days.
Jas 5:7 Meanwhile, brothers and sisters, we must be patient and filled with expectation as we wait for the appearing of the Lord. THINK ABOUT THE FARMER WHO HAS TO PATIENTLY WAIT FOR THE EARTH’S HARVEST AS IT RIPENS BECAUSE OF THE EARLY AND LATTER RAINS. TPT
However, if the Machinery deteriorates and Productivity is compromised, the Manufacturer has the prerogative of overhaul, outright replacement or substitution of Machinery.
Gen 6:5,7,18 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually…And the LORD said, I WILL DESTROY MAN WHOM I HAVE CREATED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; FOR IT REPENTETH ME THAT I HAVE MADE THEM…BUT WITH THEE WILL I ESTABLISH MY COVENANT; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. KJV
It is also in order that the Machinery depends ultimately on the Manufacturer for resources and can’t do without Him.
The Manufacturer has authority to start and shut down at will.
Even where some of the Machinery is unproductive but the Manufacturer has hope for it, there is yet provision made for it too, in expectation of its “Revival”.
So we see that there must [unavoidably] exist a Professional Relationship between God and Man.
Without such, humanity will cease to exist and everything will crumble.
God must have frequent, deliberate contact and connection with humanity.
May your connection to God be profoundly Productive and rewarding, IN JESUS NAME.
See you on Monday, as we proceed with this Subtopic.
Brother Prince
Friday, May 10, 2024
08055125517; 08023904307
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18th March >> Mass Readings (USA)
Saturday, Third Week of Lent
(optional commemoration of Saint Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop, Doctor)
(Liturgical Colour: Violet: A(1))
First Reading Hosea 6:1-6 What I want is love, not sacrifice.
“Come, let us return to the LORD, it is he who has rent, but he will heal us; he has struck us, but he will bind our wounds. He will revive us after two days; on the third day he will raise us up, to live in his presence. Let us know, let us strive to know the LORD; as certain as the dawn is his coming, and his judgment shines forth like the light of day! He will come to us like the rain, like spring rain that waters the earth.”
What can I do with you, Ephraim? What can I do with you, Judah? Your piety is like a morning cloud, like the dew that early passes away. For this reason I smote them through the prophets, I slew them by the words of my mouth; For it is love that I desire, not sacrifice, and knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.
The Word of the Lord
R/ Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm Psalm 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21ab
R/ It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.
Have mercy on me, O God, in your goodness; in the greatness of your compassion wipe out my offense. Thoroughly wash me from my guilt and of my sin cleanse me.
R/ It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.
For you are not pleased with sacrifices; should I offer a burnt offering, you would not accept it. My sacrifice, O God, is a contrite spirit; a heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.
R/ It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.
Be bountiful, O LORD, to Zion in your kindness by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem; Then shall you be pleased with due sacrifices, burnt offerings and holocausts.
R/ It is mercy I desire, and not sacrifice.
Gospel Acclamation Psalm 95:8
If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.
Gospel Luke 18:9-14 The tax collector went home justified, not the Pharisee.
Jesus addressed this parable to those who were convinced of their own righteousness and despised everyone else. “Two people went up to the temple area to pray; one was a Pharisee and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, ‘O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity – greedy, dishonest, adulterous – or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income.’ But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, ‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’ I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”
The Gospel of the Lord
R/ Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.
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