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lifelearningapps · 6 years ago
Wedding Catering
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anuragsingh032 · 5 years ago
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I really Like this video and got a new Ideas for blog and tips to grow my Instagram engagement. This video is so Informative and here is some tips by @digitaldhairya ( Ignore my English focus on content) 1. Use repost startegy. 2.Hook your audiance (use click baits). 3. Use long captions(as I am try to build a long caption for this post). And there is more tips which you can get on his video. Or You can check my tomorrow's blog which I am going to write when I will get time on this same topic using Digital Dhairya's tip. Ignore this: @digitalpratik #digitaldhairya #instagram @instagram @soravjain #followers #hook #longcaption #location #mumbai #Repost #engagement #growaccount #youtubevideos #digitalmarketing #entrepeneur #latesttips #tech2gaming (at Mumbai, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAvW_hHhwWC/?igshid=e1gp5lz9cjoz
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creativegurukul-blog · 7 years ago
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Tip of the day... Commandments of typography... . . . . #tipoftheday #commandments #typography #tips #latesttips #kerning#script #fonts #caps #italics #latestinfo #dailyupdates
for more info: www.pai-ils.com Contact Us: 020-48610799/899
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lifelearningapps · 6 years ago
Moodzie Loves Having a Stong Immune System
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lifelearningapps · 7 years ago
Moodzie Loves manifesting
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lifelearningapps · 7 years ago
Mood Tookbox: Moodzie's Tips for Mindfulness
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lifelearningapps · 7 years ago
Mood Tookbox: Moodzie's Tips For Creating
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lifelearningapps · 7 years ago
Baby Shower Games
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lifelearningapps · 7 years ago
Baby Shower Games
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lifelearningapps · 5 years ago
Moodzie Loves Rabbits
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Moodzie loves rabbits, as they are small furry mammals with nice long ears and little fluffy tails but also strong and very fast legs. Moodzie would like to share some interesting facts about rabbits that surely will influence anyone reading to also have some love for rabbits. Firstly, Rabbits can have multiple litters or babies each year, and they are able to give birth to up to a total of 9 litters at the same time, when babies are born within the wild they only spend a little bit of time with their mother, as mother rabbits avoid spending time with them as they do not wish to draw attention from other predators, however when the babies grow up they all do continue to live together as a family. An unfortunate fact about rabbits is that far too often they are killed, and killed so for their fur, as bunnies endure terrible abuse in certain parts of the world, such as Angola’s fur farms, where are kept in small cages and killed once their fur is required. Rabbits similarly to humans however also get very grumpy, especially once you invade their space, as rabbits like humans really like certain spaces where they wish to eat and sleep especially, and they prefer to have lots of the space, thus if one invades the space they will certainly get quite grumpy. Studies also show another fact about rabbits, that usually around the hours of sunset and sunrise, rabbits tend to be at their most active and functional. Rabbits and bunnies similarly to humans also happen to get bored quite easily, as if you trap them or put them within a cage, where they cannot do anything, if you are keeping your bunnies within a cage which Moodzie would advise against, certainly make sure that it is a sizeable cage where they can roll around and do other things, and also maybe give them some toys or hay or something to play with to help ease their boredom. A tip by Moodzie to those who have pet rabbits would be to never put them outdoors, as not is there a chance that other predatory animals like cats, dogs, or others can come and harm the rabbit, but also many times the lawn or grass has certain chemicals that do not suit the rabbit and it can kill them. Moodzie also believes it is very important to be together with the rabbit or bunny if you take them outside, as other animals can easily hurt them, as rabbits happen to be prey animals and not predatorial at all, thus those are some fun facts about rabbits and why Moodzie loves them. Moodzie loves these adorable creatures. Below are facts about rabbits and what impacts them: Characteristics: Rabbits are small, furry mammals with long ears, with strong, large, hind legs and short, fluffy tails. They have two pairs of sharp, incisor, front teeth, one pair on the top and one pair on the bottom. Using their powerful hind legs, rabbits move by hopping. They have four, long webbed toes on their hind feet to keep them from spreading apart as they jump. They also have five toes each on their front paws. Rabbits vary in size and color, ranging in weight from 2 to 16 pounds (1 to 7 kilograms), depending on their breed. Pet rabbits that have been well taken care of and spayed early in life, have a life expectancy of 8 to 12 years. Behavior: Rabbits are highly intelligent, potentially loving and loyal creatures, who can become a most delightful companion. They are shy, ground-loving creatures, who feel really insecure and frightened when cuddled, held, restrained and bathed. Although some rabbits tolerate handling quite well, many do not like to be picked up and carried. Like wild rabbits, if house rabbits are mishandled, they will nip, kick and scratch to protect themselves. Rabbits use their legs to thump and express how they are feeling. Legs are escape vehicles to flee from predators, weapons to defend their territory from other rabbits, or to protect their ears from fleas. Rabbits need daily monitoring. Problems that are relatively minor in some species, differ from other rabbits. (e.g. a day or two of not eating may be threatening to a rabbit) Diet: Rabbits are herbivores that feed by grazing on grass and leafy weeds in the wild. They re-ingest their own droppings to further digest their food and extract sufficient nutrients. A house rabbit’s diet should be made up of good quality pellets, fresh grass hay, oat hay, water and fresh, dark leafy or root vegetables. They can also be fed a variety of fruits in moderation, such as: apples, melons, berries, pears, oranges, plums, pineapple, papaya and peaches. Hay is essential to a rabbit’s excellent health, by providing roughage that reduces the danger of hairballs and other blockages. Apple tree twigs also provide good roughage. Absolutely NO pasta, breakfast cereals, chocolate (poisonous!), cookies, crackers, bread, yogurt drops or other ‘human treats” should be fed to rabbits. Special Features: Rabbits are fastidious groomers and shed their hair every three months. They will constantly lick themselves to stay clean, but are prone to hairballs. They are immaculately clean and once they have matured and are spayed/neutered, they go to great lengths not to soil their living quarters and will readily use a litterbox. Rabbits can breed from a young age. Some species can breed from 4 to 5 months old. Their teeth are specifically adapted for gnawing and grow continuously throughout their lives. Some species of rabbits can reach speeds of 35 to 45 miles (55 to 70 kilometers) per hour. Rabbits can become bored and depressed from isolation. Habitat: Wild rabbits are found in underground burrows in many habitats around the world, such as meadows, deserts, woods, forests, grasslands and wetlands. As a result of their appetite and the rate at which they breed, rabbits can be a risk to agriculture. In some countries or locations, measures are in place to manage wild populations. In some locations, having rabbits as pets is illegal. In locations that allow rabbits as pets, it is recommended that house rabbits live indoors, because rabbits kept in hutches outdoors have a lower lifespan. Make sure to supervise rabbits when they are outside, as there are many risks to their health. Rabbits must be trained and the house must be bunny-proofed or they will chew electrical cords, books, rugs and furniture. Impacts: (a) Breeding and abandonment In many countries, there is an overpopulation of domestic rabbits. Millions of adorable rabbits are killed in animal shelters every year. Unwanted rabbits are often abandoned in fields, parks or on city streets to fend for themselves, where they suffer from starvation, sickness and are easy prey to other animals or traffic accidents. Many of these rabbits will be sold as snake food, or as a pet for a small child who will soon “outgrow” the rabbit. (b) Breeding and abandonment Rabbits are bred world wide for the following purposes: Rabbit fur: The fur is used to make coats, collard, ear muffs and cat toys. Meat: Millions of rabbits are being raised and slaughtered in factory-like conditions, with very little government oversight, for human consumption every year. Product testing:  There is no need to test cosmetics, tooth paste and household products on live animals, yet a large number of rabbits give their lives to such testing. Please consider avoiding products that have been tested on animals.  (c) Easter Each year, thousands of baby rabbits, chicks and ducks are purchased as Easter gifts, only to be abandoned or left at shelters in the days, weeks and months that follow Easter. Some photography studios and businesses around the world offer photo sessions using a rabbit as a prop. The little bunny ends up neglected, abandoned or as a prize for a raffle. Please join us this Easter in encouraging people to buy a “chocolate bunny” and “stuffed toy” rather than a “live” bunny. (d) Health Many factors can adversely affect the health and life-span of rabbits, such as extremes of weather, poisonous plants, bacteria, ingested hairballs and diseases spread by fleas, ticks, flies and mosquitos. Rabbits insist on being clean and tidy and will lick themselves like cats, and like cats, they can get hairballs, if they ingest too much hair. Unlike cats, rabbits cannot vomit. If hairballs are allowed to form, they can become gigantic masses of tangled hair and food. This will block the stomach exit, causing the rabbit to starve to death while his stomach appears to be very fat. (e) Hunting Wild rabbits and hares (and sometimes domestic rabbits, who have gone feral) are subject to being killed for sport. (i.e. hunting, greyhound training and hair coursing) Government efforts to control wildlife occur in some locations, when rabbits or hares have found themselves living on land to be developed, farmed or when they have moved onto already developed properties, such as retirement homes or golf courses. (f) Predators If house rabbits are left outside in rural and urban areas, there is risk of predators. Rabbits can die of heart attacks from the very approach of a predator – even if the rabbit is not attacked or bitten. Predators include; dogs, feral cats, raccoons, foxes and coyotes; and more rarely, owls, hawks, opossums and weasels. 10 interesting facts about rabbits RSPCA, Victoria, Animal, Adoption, Donate, Ambassador, rabbit, bunny, feeding, vaccination, crepuscular, grooming, desexed, bun, hare, #bunnylove, thumper, bunnies, snuggle, pet, little, small, animal lover, fluffy, animals, adorable, cuteness, furry, pet, plush, toy, new pet, easter You'll Be Checking Sweater Tags Once You Find Out What Angora Is Rabbits can have multiple litters each year, giving birth to up to nine babies, known as "kittens," each time. In the wild, they're born helpless in a shallow hole lined with grass and their mamma's fur. Mother rabbits in the wild spend only a few moments each day with their babies in order to avoid drawing attention to them from predators. 20 Fascinating Facts about Rabbits | Care2 Causes Rabbits are intelligent, social, very clean - and definitely not starter pets, as some people believe them to be. Just in time for Easter, here are some interesting facts that you may not know about these "hoppy" little creatures. 1. Rabbits are not the same species as hares, which, among other characteristics, are larger and less social. Thanks to the House Rabbit Society for providing the factual information. House Rabbit Society Buy a Bunny a Little Time
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lifelearningapps · 5 years ago
Moodzie Loves Having a Stong Immune System
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Moodzie realizes that in this modern world we live in, diseases are far more prevalent, and dangerous than in the past. As various types of foods, and other products have harmful toxins and chemicals that may surely damage anyone’s health. Moodzie now will share some tips, to help improve your health, and keeping your family life in check. Moodzie realizes, that nowadays there are so many tasty artificial snack products out there, however Moodzie would encourage to avoid those products, as they really are all factory-made, and processed, eating to many of those can surely damage your immune system in the long-run and make one more prone to disease. As a matter of fact, Moodzie would encourage people to eat some form of veggies on a daily basis, as they are rich in micronutrients, and studies showcase how daily consumption of vegetables helps build up your immune system, which basically helps you from getting sick. If someone gets sick, most people will tell you stay away from junk food, if you have a sore throat you cannot be consuming products such as coke or chips, however once the sickness finishes most people start consuming those same products again. As eating junk foods, slowly but surely weakens your immune system, too many artificial foods, and your immune system will become so weak, that you might be getting sick all the time or very frequently at the least. Thus, avoiding junk food to most of your abilities is key, and many people also eat specific foods, that may help your immune system directly. As studies show consuming things such as honey, garlic, or Turmeric among many products help build up and improve your overall immune system to fight infections. Many people consume these products religiously simply for the sake of keeping their health in check, and improving their immune system. A lot of people however, dislike the taste or feel of many of these products, such as the taste of garlic certainly is not for everyone, Moodzie would recommend to those people to maybe became shakes of those same foods, and maybe add some honey or cinnamon or something, and it will help it taste much better, and liquids are always easier to consume. There are various types of antibiotic shakes out there, however if one can make one at home, it is also certainly a healthy alternative. Improving your health not only makes you feel better, and live longer, but also helps those around you, as when you are sick or unhealthy your family also suffers, they must take extra care of you, and they worry about you all the time, however when you are healthy, your family is also happy with you and do not have to worry about you all the time. Being healthy improves everything from your family-life, work, school, friends, or playing sports, and those are Moodzie’s tips to remain healthy and fight of the sickness.
Feeling stressed about keeping healthy all year round? Here are some tips to balance your health and family:
Tip 1: Watch this great video from Dr Oz
Are there foods that can fight off infections? | Immune System Too many people are taking too many antibiotics -- and that's helping to create drug-resistant bacteria. In this video, Dr. Oz reveals foods that can
Tip 2: Keep your immune system strong all year round with Plant Derived Minerals.
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Tip 3: Eat foods that fight infections
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Here are some important foods that fight infections:Coconut Cabbage Garlic Curd Ginger Lemon Onion Pineapple Tumeric Honey  
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Dr Graham Duck Health Practitioner
Tip 4: Drink Olive Leaf Extract for a Healthy Immune System.
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Paradise Nutrients Olive Leaf Extract is rich in Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Enzymes and is enhanced with 75+ Plant Derived Minerals and Probiotic formula. It will improve your immune system and it tastes great too! It is a well known fact that olive leaf extract has been used for many centuries as an aid to help with ailments and infections caused by viral, bacterial or other microbial agents. Olive leaf extract dates back to early Egyptian days, when the olive leaf was used in the mummification of kings. Of course, other cultures have used the olive leaf (as well as the tree and fruit) for nutritional and medical purposes, especially in Mediterranean cultures where it was used as a tonic for good health. Olive leaves contain a substance called Oleuropien, which has been proven to be effective against infectious microbial bacteria.
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Tip 5: Drink an Antibiotic Juice
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1 carrot 1 beetroot 2 spinach leaves 1 apples with skins on 1/2 cm horse radish root 1/2 cm ginger root 1 clove of garlic (optional) or 1/2 red onion 1/2 cup of watercress (optional) 1 tsp of Paradise Nutrients Liquid Minerals Method: Blend ingredients together in a high speed blender. Dilute with water or herbal tea if too strong. Reference: Dr Sandra Cabot. Tip 5: Drink an Antibiotic Juice Ingredients: 1 carrot 1 beetroot 2 spinach leaves 1 apples with skins on 1/2 cm horse radish root 1/2 cm ginger root 1 clove of garlic (optional) or 1/2 red onion 1/2 cup of watercress (optional) 1 tsp of Paradise Nutrients Liquid Minerals Method: Blend ingredients together in a high speed blender. Dilute with water or herbal tea if too strong. Reference: Dr Sandra Cabot. "Raw Juices can save your life". Check out the other great recipes in the book below: Raw Juices Can Save Your Life Raw Juices Can Save Your Life - Cabot Health
Tip 6: Gargle with Ec0-Virgin Tea Tree Oil or with PN Mouth Mist to reduce infections in the throat.
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Place 4 drops of eco-virgin tea tree oil with 1 cup of water or spray your mouth with PN Mouth Mist. It will help lessen the symptoms of a sore throat. Paradise Nutrients is proud to offer what could be called the worlds best Tea Tree Oil. Paradise Nutrients believe that Tea Tree Oil should be a product that every house has in their medicine cabinet. As with all products there are different qualities of products on the market. Paradise Nutrients prides itself with a criteria that all products must meet Australian and International standards. The Paradise Nutrients Tea Tree Oil is certified Eco-Virgin which is among the highest standards of certification. The indigenous Bundjalung people of eastern Australia use “tea trees” as a traditional medicine by inhaling the oils from the crushed leaves to treat coughs and colds. They also sprinkle leaves on wounds, after which a poultice is applied. In addition, tea tree leaves are soaked to make an infusion to treat sore throats or skin ailments. Benefits of Tea Tree Oil This pure Tea tree oil has been proven to be a powerful yet natural antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal medicine (essential oil). It is being used as a very effective first aid remedy against countless skin ailments, infections, cuts, scrapes, burns, insect bites and skin spots etc. Tea tree oil is effective against nail fungus, ringworm, athlete's foot, dandruff, acne, blackheads and many types of infestations including lice, mites, scabies and mosquitoes etc. Tea tree oil is not just soothing and disinfecting, it is capable of penetrating into the lower skin layers with its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic (pain-killing) and cicatrizant (wound-healing) qualities. It has a diaphoretic effect. .cp_style_20600 .cp-popup-content {font-family:Verdana;font-weight:Normal;}.cp_style_20600 .cp-popup-content{ border-style:solid;border-color:#81d742;border-width:5px 5px 5px 5px;border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;mobile-breakpoint:767;}.cp_style_20600 #panel-1-20600 .cp-target:hover { }.cp_style_20600 #panel-1-20600 { }.cp_style_20600 .cp-popup-content { width:550px;height:250px;background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.12);background-blend-mode: overlay;background-repeat :repeat;background-position :center;background-size :contain;}@media ( max-width: 767px ) {.cp_style_20600 .cp-popup-content{ border-style:solid;border-color:#81d742;border-width:5px 5px 5px 5px;border-radius:3px 3px 3px 3px;mobile-breakpoint:767;}.cp_style_20600 #panel-1-20600 .cp-target:hover { }.cp_style_20600 #panel-1-20600 { }.cp_style_20600 .cp-popup-content { width:320px;height:183px;background-color:#81d742;}}.cp_style_20600 .cp-popup .cpro-form .cp-form-input-field{ 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Tip 7: Try Immune Boosters to help your Immune System:
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* Reishi & Shitake Mushrooms * Beetroot (Blood tonic and immune boosting nutrients) * Dandelion (Support Liver Function) * Cabbage (Support Liver Function) * Ginger (Natural antibiotic properties) * Garlic  (Natural antibiotic properties) * Onion (Natural antibiotic properties) * Carrot (Beta carotene- strengthens mucous membranes) * Ginseng Root * Olive Leaf extract * Vitamin C and E * Selenium and zinc * Liquorice Root * Lemon Peel * Pau D’Arco Tea * Echineacia (Immune booster) * Kiwi Fruits * Broccoli * Tomatoes (Lycopene: anti cancer benefits) * Carrots * Mangoes * Peppers * Sweet Potatoes * Almonds * Pumpkin Seeds and Sunflower Kernels
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Dr Graham Duck Health Practitioner
Tip 8: Avoid the challenges!
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  The following are challenges to a strong immune system: *Stress *Germs and Allergens *Pollution and Toxins *Tiredness
*Over exertion *Hygiene: Too little or too much  Auto Immune conditions such as: * Addison’s disease (adrenal) * Autoimmune hepatitis (liver) * Coeliac disease (gastrointestinal tract) * Crohn’s disease (gastrointestinal tract) * Diabetes Mellitis Type 1a (pancreas) * Grave’s disease (thyroid) * Guillain-Barre syndrome (nervous system) * Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (thyroid) * Multiple Sclerosis (nervous system) * Pernicious anaemia (stomach) * Primary biliary cirrhosis (liver) * Sclerosing cholangitis (liver) * Myasthenia Gravis (nerves, muscles) * Ulcerative Colitis (gastrointestinal tract)
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Dr Graham Duck Health Practitioner
Tip 9: Take Immune Support Products to Protect Yourself
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Dr Graham Duck Health Practitioner
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lifelearningapps · 6 years ago
Moodzie Loves Turtles
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Moodzie loves turtles, these magnificent creatures come in all shapes and sizes and live in a number of different environments. They all belong to a group of reptiles called Testudines, which includes turtles, tortoises, and terrapins. From giant, slow-moving land-dwelling tortoises and snappy terrapins basking in their fresh-water lagoons, to the graceful strokes of a sea turtle gliding through our oceans. Moodzie now will share some fun and interesting facts about turtles. Turtles belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the world – beating snakes, crocodiles, and alligators! These creatures date back to the time of the dinosaurs, over 200 million years ago – Woah! Turtles are easily recognized by their bony, cartilaginous shell. This super-tough casing acts as a shield to protect them from predators – some turtles can even tuck their head up inside their shell for extra protection! Just like your bones, a turtle’s shell is actually part of its skeleton. It’s made up of over 50 bones which include the turtle’s rib cage and spine. Moodzie would also like to state that Contrary to popular belief, a turtle cannot come out of its shell. The turtle’s shell grows with them, so it’s impossible for them to grow too big for it! What a turtle eats depends on the environment it lives in. Land-dwelling turtles will munch on beetles, fruit and grass, whereas sea dwellers will gobble everything from algae to squid and jellyfish. Moodzie also believes it Is a fun fact that turtles are all unique, as some turtles are meat eaters purely, whereas others may be herbivores, and then some are like humans where they eat both meat and plant foods, which is unlike other animals for the most part. Turtles, also Moodzie would like to state are unique in the sense that they can reside both at land and inside water, most turtles prefer to mainly live on land, however many also do spend a good portion of their time within the water. Turtles also have a very long lifespan, in fact on average turtles live considerably longer than humans, as some turtles live up to near 200 years. Moodzie would, however, state that sadly, there a total of 300 types of turtles and nearly half of them at this point are in risk of being endangered whereas, many already are, simply because of the atmosphere and environment, and also the illegal pet trade that occurs. Moodzie just loves turtles. Below is some awesome information about turtles and why they are endangered. Together we can make a difference!
Physical Features
Green sea turtles are cold-blooded reptiles that get their own heat from the environment by basking in the sun. Adults can weigh over 500 pounds or 226 kilos, and can live up to fifty years of age. Their thick skin has scales and they have a bony outer shell that covers their dorsal (back) and ventral (belly) surfaces. Unlike land turtles, green sea turtles are unable to retract their heads. Behind each eye, the green sea turtle has a salt gland that allows them to shed tears of excess salt.
Special Abilities
Green sea turtles are incredibly adapted to their life in the ocean. With their flippers, they are graceful swimmers with the capacity to swim for long distances in short periods of time. Every few minutes, the turtles will rise to the surface to breathe, while swimming actively. Even though the green sea turtles breathe air, they can swim underwater for more than two hours without breathing, when sleeping or resting. As a result of being able to store oxygen in their muscles and blood, they use the oxygen more efficiently, and can gain higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in their blood. However, juvenile green sea turtles will sleep afloat on the water’s surface, until they develop this ability.
Green sea turtles get their color from their body fat, which is green from the algae and sea grass that they eat. On the other hand, juvenile green sea turtles tend to eat jellyfish and other invertebrates. They are often found on rocky shorelines and coral reefs, where sea grass is plentiful. Fish tend to feed off the algae, which grow on the turtles’ backs. Often, green sea turtles can migrate for over 800 miles or 128 kilometers in the search for food and to mate.
A female green sea turtle does not mate every year, but when she does, she comes to shore to make a nest in the sand to lay eggs. She will carve out a bottle-shaped burrow with her flippers, before she lays between 100 and 200 leathery-skinned eggs. She will then cover the nest with sand to protect it from predators, and maintain the moisture and warmth. Once her parenting job is complete, she returns to the sea and leaves her young to hatch by themselves in a couple of months and to fend for themselves.
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In some traditional cultures, turtles are hunted for their meat. Whereas in other cultures, turtles have been hunted for their shells to make jewellery and other ornaments. Their skin has been used to make leather goods. Turtle eggs and meat are also eaten and their fat used to make oil. Laws in many countries do not allow the hunting of turtles for commercial profit, however illegal poaching is still a concern. Turtle hunting is still allowed in some traditional cultures, but there is a continued risk to the survival of the species.
Marine Debris
Ingestion and entanglement can impact turtles in the wild. Damage can occur when turtles eat plastic bags and other rubbish. With a full belly, turtles can starve to death as they feel they are full. Swallowing rubbish can also lead to various digestion problems. In addition, entanglement can be a problem for turtles. If turtles get caught in lines, nets, ropes or plastic, it can restrict their movement. This can result in starvation,infection, amputation and drowning. Oil spills are also another cause for concern with sea turtles as oil and tar can be ingested. We believe that all people should stop creating rubbish, littering and toxic silt as this can end up in the ocean and waterways. All people can create less rubbish by using recyclable bags. Nontoxic products can be used in the home to prevent dangerous chemicals ending up in the ocean and waterways. We encourage you to tell your friends or family about the dangers to turtles from chemicals, littering and rubbish.
Many turtles have been entangled in commercial fishing nets. There are devices available that fishermen can use to keep turtles out of the nets.
Coastal Denigration and Development
Pollution and denigration of the environment can destroy the sea grass on which the turtles feed. As the coastal areas are developed, turtles may not have a familiar place to lay their eggs. Lights, noise and beach obstructions can threaten the turtles’ survival as they may not nest at all.
Predators and Other Animals
Tiger sharks can be predators of the green sea turtles by directly attacking them, causing injury or death. .embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; height:0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;}
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Wildlife Warriors and the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital - Global Conservation Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors was established in 2002 by Steve and Terri Irwin as a way to include and involve other caring people to support the protection of injured, threatened or endangered wildlife. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration U.S. Department of Commerce Wildlife & Environmental Conservation Organisation - WWF When you give generously today, you become a vital part of WWF-Australia's important conservation work. Your donation will be supporting WWF's work to protect our most precious threatened species and places. The challenges are huge, but with your support and our scientific know-how, the possibility of a better future becomes more achievable every day. Department of the Environment and Energy Green turtle Marine turtles have lived in the oceans for over 100 million years. They are an integral part of the traditional culture of many coastal indigenous peoples throughout the world. Marine turtles migrate long distances between their feeding grounds and nesting sites.
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lifelearningapps · 5 years ago
Moodzie Loves Abundance
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Many people say that having anything in abundance has no benefit, many would even go onto say that have things in abundance may even be harmful to many. Moodzie, however believes that abundance matters, and it can matter in the positive sense. As, of course there are many people once they have a large amount of wealth they may begin to change or grow into a different person, which a lot of the times can have a negative outcome. On the other end, there are many people who once they possess an abundant amount of wealth, they also change but do so in a positive manner, primarily by helping out others, lending a hand to those in need, whether it be close family or friends, or charity, these are the people who make a positive difference within society. Therefore, abundance certainly matters, now the only real question is whether you choose to make it positive or negative. Thus, Moodzie believes, that people should chase abundance whether it be of wealth, time, or health, as if you truly have an abundance of these things than you have no worry. Hence you can focus your time and efforts elsewhere and help out others. Moodzie’s tips to help people having anything in abundance whether it be wealth or health would be firstly to organize and manage yourself. As if you wish to have an abundant amount of money, you will need to of course work hard, however also manage your time efficiently, as time is always of the essence, and that is something you cannot waste. Thus, go out there, make a schedule, set specific times for specific activities, try to do things that may benefit your line of work, become more social and meet with people, who may help you in your line of work, and certainly become more creative, as you have to be open to new ideas, and hopefully be one of the pioneers for a new ideology. If you wish to have great health, cause health certainly matters, go out there and manage your diet, fix the issues with it, whether you are eating the wrong types of foods, not eating the right kind of foods, not drinking enough water, or not exercising, go out there and manage these things, as they will certainly help improve your overall health. For managing your wealth other things, you may do, are such as spending wisely either by shopping at places with sales, wholesale stores, looking for discounts, this in the long-run will save you tons of money, also go out there and maybe look for coupons of sorts, as it takes more effort, however in the long-run it will save you tons.
Moodzie believes that abundance matters! With abundance you can do more to help others.  Here are some ways to increase your abundance:
Tip 1: Manage you budget
Are you finding it difficult to manage your budget? Do you need help with budgeting?...and money tips for women! This is a great site to visit to help you improve your finances: www.moneysmart.gov.au/ Examine your attitude! Consider budgeting as a reward system, not a deprivation system. Try to always save 10% of what you earn, regardless of how much you earn!....then put the rest aside for expenses and for enjoyment! Home | ASIC's MoneySmart Calculators and tips to help you make better financial decisions from ASIC and the Australian Government. Free and impartial financial guidance and tools you can trust.
Tip 2: Rich dad or poor dad? You can choose!
Get a financial education at Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Company. Robert Kiyosaki, of Rich Dad Poor Dad, offers financial education content to help you learn about cash flow, real estate, investing, how to start a business, and more.
Tip 3: Thoughts become things so make them good!
TUT is a great website that can help you put the law of attraction into practice. Mike Dooley believes that everyone's special, that every life is meaningful, and that we're all here to learn that dreams do come true! Sign up for free to receive notes from the universe. These emails help you to stay on track. TUT :: Home TUT's mission is to remind others of life's fundamental truths: that life is magical, we are powerful, and dreams really do come true.
Tip 4: You can elevate your wealth by increasing your vibration!
Home of Abraham-Hicks Law of Attraction -- It All Started Here! The original source material for the current Law of Attraction wave that is sweeping the world, and it is the 21st century inspiration for thousands of books, essays and lectures that are responsible for the current paradigm shift in consciousness. Accurate clarification of the basics of Law of Attraction.
Tip 5: It is not a secret anymore!
The Book and DVD the SECRET by Rhonda Byrne has amazing strategies to attract great things into your life. The Secret | Feel Good. Change Your Life. OFFICIAL WEBSITE - Films, books, audio titles including The Secret, The Power of Henry's Imagination, Hero, The Magic, The Power, The Secret to Teen Power.
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lifelearningapps · 6 years ago
Baby Shower Games
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Moodzie realizes that a baby shower, is a significant event in the lives of most parents, and of course, most parents would like it to be a memorable event. Moodzie will share some tips, that can help the parents make the event more exciting, for both themselves and the guests attending. Moodzie believes, that every baby shower will be different, as parents have different preferences for what they would like to have within a baby shower, hence Moodzie’s tips will be diverse and uniquely catered to all types. Whether you wish to have a large-scale baby shower with a long list of guests, or a more intimate event with only close family and friends invited. One tip by that is both unique and universal, would be that of having games present at the event. As everyone loves games, both children and adults, however depending on the type of guests you have invited of course your games will be uniquely catered towards them. Moodzie’s reasons behind having a game(s) at the baby shower, is mainly because they can serve as an icebreaker when the guests are not mingling, a game can help break the ice and get people to know each other better. Games also may serve the purpose of providing structure at the party, as especially with a larger number of guests present, it can get hard to manage, however with interesting games planned, it will grab people’s attention and also keep things organized if done correctly. Moodzie will share a few examples of games that can be played at the baby shower, parents should only select one or two they like, and if the event goes on longer than expected then maybe have a backup game planned as well. First example would be bringing a baby book, basically ask each guest to bring their favourite children’s book, to be given to the baby, and when all the guests are seated around in a circle, then they should each give their book to the mother and explain why do they love that book. Another game one can play would be gene lottery, basically printing a list of different characteristics that the baby might get from each parent, and each guest gets a copy and writes dad or mum on the piece of paper, if the guests guess the correct traits then they win a prize of some sort. Another game one can play would be labelled “Taste test”, basically you will need five or six jars of baby food with no label, and you and your guests altogether will need to guess which food it is. Lastly, a game families can play would be “spit the dummy”, basically every participant will be given a dummy, and the contest would be to spit it as far as possible, and whoever throws it the farthest, wins a prize. Thus, these games are both unique and diverse, based on one’s preferences they can play whichever game they wish.
Tip 1: Download the PDF to support Boy or Girl Myth Game at your baby shower
Click below to discover where you can download: Boy or Girl
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.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; height:0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;}
Tip 2: Download the PDF to find great games to play at your baby shower
.embed-container { position: relative; padding-bottom:56.25%; height:0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; } .embed-container iframe, .embed-container object, .embed-container embed { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%;} 7 Best Baby Memory Book (Mom's Guide & Reviews) 2018 As a new parent, you think you have all the time in the world with your little one. However, you blink and they take their first steps. Blink again, and they are off to school. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Click here to add your own text Read the full article
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lifelearningapps · 6 years ago
Baby Shower Games
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Moodzie realizes that a baby shower, is a significant event in the lives of most parents, and of course, most parents would like it to be a memorable event. Moodzie will share some tips, that can help the parents make the event more exciting, for both themselves and the guests attending. Moodzie believes, that every baby shower will be different, as parents have different preferences for what they would like to have within a baby shower, hence Moodzie’s tips will be diverse and uniquely catered to all types. Whether you wish to have a large-scale baby shower with a long list of guests, or a more intimate event with only close family and friends invited. One tip by that is both unique and universal, would be that of having games present at the event. As everyone loves games, both children and adults, however depending on the type of guests you have invited of course your games will be uniquely catered towards them. Moodzie’s reasons behind having a game(s) at the baby shower, is mainly because they can serve as an icebreaker when the guests are not mingling, a game can help break the ice and get people to know each other better. Games also may serve the purpose of providing structure at the party, as especially with a larger number of guests present, it can get hard to manage, however with interesting games planned, it will grab people’s attention and also keep things organized if done correctly. Moodzie will share a few examples of games that can be played at the baby shower, parents should only select one or two they like, and if the event goes on longer than expected then maybe have a backup game planned as well. First example would be bringing a baby book, basically ask each guest to bring their favourite children’s book, to be given to the baby, and when all the guests are seated around in a circle, then they should each give their book to the mother and explain why do they love that book. Another game one can play would be gene lottery, basically printing a list of different characteristics that the baby might get from each parent, and each guest gets a copy and writes dad or mum on the piece of paper, if the guests guess the correct traits then they win a prize of some sort. Another game one can play would be labelled “Taste test”, basically you will need five or six jars of baby food with no label, and you and your guests altogether will need to guess which food it is. Lastly, a game families can play would be “spit the dummy”, basically every participant will be given a dummy, and the contest would be to spit it as far as possible, and whoever throws it the farthest, wins a prize. Thus, these games are both unique and diverse, based on one’s preferences they can play whichever game they wish.
Tip 1: Download the PDF to support Boy or Girl Myth Game at your baby shower
Click below to discover where you can download: Boy or Girl
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Click on the additional materials to play boy or girl games at your baby shower! (null) (null)
Tip 2: Download the PDF to find great games to play at your baby shower
(null) (null) 7 Best Baby Memory Book (Mom's Guide & Reviews) 2018 As a new parent, you think you have all the time in the world with your little one. However, you blink and they take their first steps. Blink again, and they are off to school. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Click here to add your own text Read the full article
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lifelearningapps · 6 years ago
Baby Shower Games
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Moodzie realizes that a baby shower, is a significant event in the lives of most parents, and of course, most parents would like it to be a memorable event. Moodzie will share some tips, that can help the parents make the event more exciting, for both themselves and the guests attending. Moodzie believes, that every baby shower will be different, as parents have different preferences for what they would like to have within a baby shower, hence Moodzie’s tips will be diverse and uniquely catered to all types. Whether you wish to have a large-scale baby shower with a long list of guests, or a more intimate event with only close family and friends invited. One tip by that is both unique and universal, would be that of having games present at the event. As everyone loves games, both children and adults, however depending on the type of guests you have invited of course your games will be uniquely catered towards them. Moodzie’s reasons behind having a game(s) at the baby shower, is mainly because they can serve as an icebreaker when the guests are not mingling, a game can help break the ice and get people to know each other better. Games also may serve the purpose of providing structure at the party, as especially with a larger number of guests present, it can get hard to manage, however with interesting games planned, it will grab people’s attention and also keep things organized if done correctly. Moodzie will share a few examples of games that can be played at the baby shower, parents should only select one or two they like, and if the event goes on longer than expected then maybe have a backup game planned as well. First example would be bringing a baby book, basically ask each guest to bring their favourite children’s book, to be given to the baby, and when all the guests are seated around in a circle, then they should each give their book to the mother and explain why do they love that book. Another game one can play would be gene lottery, basically printing a list of different characteristics that the baby might get from each parent, and each guest gets a copy and writes dad or mum on the piece of paper, if the guests guess the correct traits then they win a prize of some sort. Another game one can play would be labelled “Taste test”, basically you will need five or six jars of baby food with no label, and you and your guests altogether will need to guess which food it is. Lastly, a game families can play would be “spit the dummy”, basically every participant will be given a dummy, and the contest would be to spit it as far as possible, and whoever throws it the farthest, wins a prize. Thus, these games are both unique and diverse, based on one’s preferences they can play whichever game they wish.
Tip 1: Download the PDF to support Boy or Girl Myth Game at your baby shower
Click below to discover where you can download: Boy or Girl
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Click on the additional materials to play boy or girl games at your baby shower! (null) (null)
Tip 2: Download the PDF to find great games to play at your baby shower
(null) (null) 7 Best Baby Memory Book (Mom's Guide & Reviews) 2018 As a new parent, you think you have all the time in the world with your little one. However, you blink and they take their first steps. Blink again, and they are off to school. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Click here to add your own text Read the full article
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