#latest hum tv dramas
ahundredtimesover · 1 year
Belong (05: Post-Credits) | MYG
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Pairing: Yoongi x (f.) Reader
Genre/Tags: exes-to-lovers-to-exes-to-lovers; actress!OC x basketball coach!Yoongi; summer romance; “long” distance relationship; parallel timelines; angst, fluff, smut
Chapter (Series) Warnings: foul/explicit language; alcohol consumption & passing out, family drama, sport injury; dreams & moving away; allusion to depression; basketball and acting talk; 2014 and 2022 Yoongi; shy and nonchalant cocky whipped Yoongi; almost drowning, sexual content (kissing, oral, penetrative sex) (18+)
Chapter Word count: 5k
Series Masterlist
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Status: Complete
Series summary: Being an actor has always been your dream. Pursuing it meant many things - leaving the town where you grew up, distancing yourself from your family that had fallen apart, and saying goodbye to the man who made you feel what home was like. When you decide to finally return after being away for so long, you meet Min Yoongi again, and you’re reminded of the summer romance from 8 years ago with the college basketball superstar whose broken dream pushed you away. As you find yourself spending time with him, you’re left to wonder if love changes, if it gives second chances, or if it’s just another illusion that will hurt the both of you the second time around.
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A/N: Wrapping up this story and this world now, as I keep its meaning close to me, where this Yoongi was a source of comfort. Thank you to those who took a chance with this one. Please know that in the midst of deciding to stop writing, you told me I could keep going. 😌
It was nice to be able to write about a sport that I deeply love (yes, I am manifesting with the NBA game featured here 🤞🏽) and about a theme I’m personally experiencing. Yoongi told us to live in the present and that we can dream simple, gentle dreams, too. Let’s cheer each other on! 💜
Listen to: For All You Give (feat. Lucy Rose) by The Paper Kites || Playlist 🎶
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1.5 years later
You walk past the hallways to head outside the airport, large luggage in one hand and a small one on the other. 
Your phone rings and Jimin is on the other end, asking if your flight was alright and if the weather is good. You give him a lowdown of the past 18 hours, including your lovely encounter with a Korean-American family during your Minneapolis layover. Their 6-year old is apparently a fan of yours after you did a stint of hosting her favorite Korean variety TV show, and your heart soared when she told you that she wants to be funny and beautiful like you. You found it amusing that doing cute poses and laughing your way through every episode was entertaining enough for her. 
“That’s adorable,” Jimin chirps. “I love how your fanbase gets younger every year. You started with grandparents and now you’ve got 6-year olds under your spell.”
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?” You laugh. “I just hope these kids don’t watch my latest movie because it’s gonna terrify them.”
“Yeah, at least keep the variety shows to entertain the babies,” he chuckles. “I already told Hoseok that you want to guest-host again. There are a couple of shows that want you onboard.”
“Ah, that’s great,” you beam. “I need as much joy and laughter in my life after that last project. That took so much out of me.”
“It did, didn’t it?” Jimin hums. “But it’s got the media buzzing about you again. So much for that one so-called journalist who claimed that you’re one-dimensional and can’t do anything other than romance because you’re only good at being in love. Let me smack her face with all the good reviews about your latest role so she can shut her one-dimensional mouth.”
You giggle at Jimin’s words, his protective nature soothing you like it always does. You remember when that article about you came out after you starred in a mini-series, a project you had after the show you filmed in Paris, which did turn out to be your biggest break then. Your role in that drama had you falling in love with someone from a rival family, one of the show’s major plot points, and that journalist went off about your supposed versatility being premised on the emotions of being in love. You can’t really do much outside of it, she said, and it was that same day when you got the lead role for a psychological thriller, with the industry’s eyes on you to see if you’re able to handle a character that’s so different from what you’re used to. 
And well, it’s safe to say you blew their minds. Even you didn’t think you could do that well, but you pushed hard, not only to prove yourself to them but to challenge yourself, knowing that there’s more to learn and showcase even after 10 years of being in the industry. 
The reviews showed that you delivered. Critics praised your acting, saying how disturbed they felt during specific scenes, and that was a compliment for you, knowing that was the goal. The movie was even shown in a recent foreign Film Festival, and the praises are still coming; Jimin’s been the one sending you every article and post he could find, and he’s been nothing short of amazing when it comes to encouraging and praising you himself for another successful project. 
It wasn’t without its difficulties though, as getting into character meant you had to immerse yourself in its darkness, in the disturbing themes that ate away at you sometimes. It was Yoongi who’d been the one to bring you out to the light every time - sending you flowers while on set, giving you a bath after every filming so you’re not left in your own mind, holding you close whenever you slept, and driving you out during days off. It was hard but it was worth it, as you felt liberated from all the negative emotions once filming wrapped up. 
Yoongi was supportive all throughout - including all the promotions you had to do and the moments of doubt you’d have about your performance. He held your hand during the premiere and took you to the mountains for a weekend to escape it all for a while. Other than the amazing sex you had and the time away from everyone, you both spent those days  wrapped up in each other’s arms, easing back to your normal lives that didn’t include you randomly crying at night or losing sleep from your tiring schedule. 
You’d just wrapped up your promos for the film in Seoul and you’re also waiting for the next project while working on some endorsements and guesting on the side. But after the exhausting couple of months, you deserve a break, and you want nothing more than to focus on Yoongi, knowing he’s the one who’ll be needing your love and support this time. 
Jimin breaks through your thoughts and asks if the car he’d arranged has arrived.
“Not yet, but Yoongi messaged that he’s 5 minutes away,” you respond. “Thanks, by the way. I know you had to arrange all this in such short notice and had to work with Hoseok to push back all my other schedules. I know it was stressful for you, too.”
“And who said I ever minded?” Jimin replies. “I’ve spent enough time with Yoongi to know how much he takes care and supports you, and that also means I know just how much his career means to him. I’m sure you already know but nonchalant and cool he may be, he’s incredibly nervous. I just know having you there is gonna make all the difference.”
“I know,” you smile, feeling emotional at the thought. “I’m just so happy for him. He’s been sending me photos since he got here and I could just see his eyes sparkling. I’m so excited to see him in action.”
“Me, too, at least from here. We’ll be tuning in and I’ll just pretend I know shit about basketball and the NBA,” Jimin laughs. “I guess it’s weird to be cheering for the commentator and not the players but oh well. Just tell him we’re rooting for him; Jin’s gonna host watch parties in his house. We’ll invite Jungkook and Namjoon so there’ll be people who can actually explain to us what’s happening.”
You laugh at Jimin’s rambling. It’s touching to know just how much your friends have come to support Yoongi as well. You’ve to remind yourself that not long ago, they were all wary of him, given the 2 times he let you go. But they’ve seen in the past year and a half exactly what that love you treasure really looks like. You always said it was transformative for both of you in different ways, and they’ve come to witness that, too. 
They’ve seen how tough days for you were always made better whenever Yoongi was around, how negative voices were always drowned out by his gentleness and encouragement, how bouts of insecurities were easily mended by his belief in you. 
That love got you regularly going home to Daegu to see his dad and to be with yours, and to make an effort to heal the wounds with your sisters. 
That love also got Yoongi to be braver, to take chances and to make the most out of every opportunity he could find. It’s that love that supported him throughout the months that he wrote for that online sports magazine, until he became a regular guest at an online sports show. It’s what encouraged him to apply for a sports channel’s basketball analyst position; you remember the smile on his face when he got the job and the first time he appeared on TV to talk about the sport he’s loved for most of his life. It’s your shared love that got him to dream again - maybe coach a professional team in the future, perhaps become a household name in sports media. It doesn’t matter what form, you’d remind him, as long as it was in the world of basketball.
It’s that same love that’s going to hold his hand through the next 2 or so weeks, as Yoongi lives out a dream he didn’t think he’d have. As a 10-year old who’d imagined himself playing for the NBA too many times, he didn’t think that 20 years later, he’d be reporting on it as part of the South Korean media. He thinks it’s just as much a dream as any. This is the sport he loves, and he told you once that he can’t imagine his life without it. 
“Oh, I think that’s him!” You tell Jimin, as you spot the maroon car that Yoongi said he was in. “Thank you again.”
“Just call me for anything, okay?” He says on the other end. “And enjoy Boston!”
You bid him goodbye and rush to the car that stops not far from where you are. Yoongi exits and you hug him immediately, falling into the warmth that you’ve missed this past week. You were at a promotional event in Busan when he left Seoul for the US a few days ago so you didn’t get to say goodbye, but it appeased you that you could spend your break with him here. 
But more than anything, it’s the fact that you get to be part of his new world this time, and nothing makes you happier than being able to see that sparkle in his eyes that made you fall for him that first time all those years ago. There’s that confidence again, that drive. Yoongi is all kinds of beautiful everyday, but seeing him do something he loves has always been special. You’re glad you get to witness that again.
“I missed you, jagi,” he hums in your ear. How was your flight?”
“Good. I got a bit of rest,” you reply. “And I missed you, too.”
Yoongi smiles and gives your luggage to the chauffeur who loads them in the trunk. You both enter the car and sneak in a kiss for the seconds that you’re alone, and he smiles against your lips before turning to you. 
“You seem excited,” he states.
“Of course, baby. It’s the big day tomorrow. Aren’t you?”
“I’m terrified, actually,” he chuckles to mask the nervousness. “But Mr. Chan called earlier to ask how I’m feeling and he’s been so supportive, saying that his sprained ankle must’ve been a blessing in disguise if it meant I get to take his place. I did the reporting the other day during Media Day and he said I did really well, asking the players and coaches really good questions. He said if I sustain this during the entire championship series, I could be well on my way to reporting more big games even in other sports.”
“Baby, that’s huge!” You beam, turning to him to see his shy smile. “You could be reporting on the Olympics, who knows! But the NBA… this is huge for you. The fact that you’re who they thought to replace him is a big deal. It means they really see something in you.”
“I still think it’s a fluke,” he sighs. “If Mr. Chang hadn’t gotten injured, it would’ve been him. It just so happened that the other guys are either on leave or on another assignment and I was… there.”
“Then you just saved their asses! It means you get to show them how good you are, and I know you’re good. I wouldn’t be paying attention to basketball if you weren’t calling it.”
“You’re biased though,” he laughs. 
“Duh. Name one other sports commentator who knows his shit, is incredibly handsome, has such a soothing voice, and looks hot talking about people shooting balls?” You exclaim. “No one! Just you! Baby, you’re saving the industry!” 
Yoongi thinks you’re adorable when you go off like this. He always knew you didn’t actually pay attention to his games before because your eyes were only on him. Whenever you’d both watch on TV, you’re often curled into his arms, remarking that he does that same jumper smoothly or that the players are either boring or too cocky. You understand the sport, though. He knows you’re interested because you get basic terms and ask him questions. Sometimes he thinks you just want to hear him talk or analyze a play; sometimes you just giggle when he’s pulling his hair or yelling over a stupid call or when his team’s losing, but regardless of your level of appreciation for the sport, he knows you love it because he does, and that means more to him than you’ll ever know. 
He gives in though, knowing you feel strongly about his basketball commentary skills. 
“Thank you, jagi. I at least know that if I completely fail at this, you’d still think I’m hot.”
“Baby, I think you’re hot all the time. You could even model or act, you know? The industry will benefit from this pretty face,” you wink.
“Let’s say hypothetically, I do act. What happens if I have an intimate scene with someone? What would you do?” He asks, arching an eyebrow because he can almost predict what you’re gonna say. 
“I will cry,” you pout, causing him to laugh. 
It’s all hypothetical, but he can tell you’ll really be upset even if it’s something he has to live with all the time. It’s something he’s gotten used to, though. He did survive watching your scenes with Pablo where you both cuddled “naked” in bed, although he admits looking away so many times. He also made it through your mini-series where you had multiple sexually tense scenes with your co-star. He admits he likes it when you’re more clingy and affectionate after each filming and episode, and he won’t complain. 
But knowing how affected you’d be if the roles were reversed makes him a little soft. He remembers those summers years ago when you’d eye the girls who’d cheer for him during his games and how you always ran to him after to hold his hand and then kiss him intensely in the bathroom or his car. You would deny the jealous girlfriend allegations and he used to just laugh through it. It seems like nothing has changed.
“These lips are for me only,” you say, cupping his cheeks to hold him in place for a deep kiss.
“They are,” he smiles. “And I know at the end of the day, your lips are only for me, too.”
He kisses you again, no longer minding the chauffeur in the car who doesn’t seem to care that you’re being affectionate in his backseat. 
“They are,” you hum. “They’re for your neck, and your chest, and—” you palm his cock — “for this.”
“Jagi,” he laughs, already used to your antics. 
You’re usually like this after being away. You were apart for a few days and it’s been a while since you’ve been separated for longer than that. 
“I just miss you,” you sigh, hugging him now and liking the comfort of his touch as always. “No one would massage my feet after walking in heels for hours and have a bath with me, no one would make me cum to sleep or kiss me goodnight.”
“Nice to know that’s all you miss,” he teases, earning him another pout.
“You know what I mean.”
“I do, and I miss those, too,” he hums as he kisses your forehead. “Thanks though, for coming here. I know that Jimin and Hoseok had to push back some of your schedules.”
“No issue at all. I wanted to be here, babe. This is a big deal and I’m… I’m just so happy for you,” you say against his chest. 
“You know I wouldn’t have gotten here without you, right?” He replies, emotional now at how far he’s come. 
It’s been years but the memory of his injury and his subsequent fallout from the sport comes and goes sometimes, so was losing you in the process. And then losing you again. But he’s here now, with you, the night before an important moment of his young career as a sports analyst, and he’s never felt more secure in his life. 
“You’ve always been a fighter,” you look up at him. “And you’re here because of you.” You kiss him softly. “But I can also take credit, that’s fine,” you laugh. “But really, thank you for not giving up on your dream, babe. I hope you know that it gives me courage, too.”
That night, you climb into bed with Yoongi, the exhaustion from the long trip overtaking you. There’s warmth in his eyes when he looks at you, and he chuckles when you try to stay awake. It’s his soft lips against your forehead that bids you goodnight, and you fall into his arms, knowing that this is what you’ll be waking up to in the morning.
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The next evening, you walk inside TD Garden, Boston’s sports arena, where Game 1 of the NBA finals between the Celtics and Phoenix Suns are being held. The energy is insane, something you’ve never felt before, and it’s making you giddy and excited. You can only imagine what it’s like for Yoongi, and the thought makes your heart warm. 
You did see him taking long breaths earlier after he’d dressed up and prepared to leave, and much as you’d been so tired, you just had to hug him to calm him down and tell him that he’s gonna do great. He’s just excited, he claimed, but he’ll look for you in the arena; knowing you’re there with him will be enough to calm his racing heart. 
He had to go earlier to cover the press conference and film for their segment in Seoul’s morning news channel. It’s just him, Hee-soo, and a small production crew but it’s all they need. As commentators, they get to call the game but also interview the players and staff, report it, and then write about it. It’s tough and stressful but it’s the kind of buzz that Yoongi lives for now, you can tell, as you eye him in his designated analysts’ table, looking around and taking in the energy of the arena. His smile is priceless. There’s pride in it, there’s acceptance. It looks like the smile of someone who fought hard to have a new dream, and someone who worked to achieve it. 
Yoongi’s eyes go to you and you wave. You’re thankful for the connections you have that got you this ticket last minute, and even if you won’t pay attention to the game as much, being here to witness Yoongi call his first NBA match is too special to miss. You can’t imagine being anywhere else.
The game is an exciting one. You get into it with the crowd even if you don’t exactly have a team you’re rooting for but you cheer just the same. Your eyes constantly flit to Yoongi though, whose position isn’t far from where you’re seated. 
You listen through the online channel so you can hear what he’s saying, and the way he describes the energy inside is on-point. He narrates the plays effectively; you could be looking away from the court and still feel like you’re watching because of how good he is. His voice is calm and measured, except towards the end when the game is close and his pitch increases and he matches the excitement of what’s happening. It’s intense and exhilarating, and when the final buzzer sounds, you turn to him and see that smile on his face again. 
Tears form in your eyes as you feel overwhelming pride. Perhaps it’s similar to what he felt when he was with you during the recent Film Festival where your movie was shown and the audience gave your entry a standing ovation. He knew what you had to go through for that role and seeing your hard work paying off meant so much to him, as he got to hold your hand and tell you he was proud of you. 
That was special, he said. So many times in the past, he wanted to tell you all that, and that you did well, and that he’s looking forward to the next big thing you’ll do, but he never had the courage to. That’s why he’d send flowers, he told you. 
He also revealed how that came about - how he’d driven to Seoul for your first movie premiere with a bouquet of daisies but that he’d seen you with someone, and how he decided to leave it at the agency for you to receive. He almost took it back but you seemed to like it so he just continued with the tradition. You cried then, and he said he didn’t want you to feel guilty. But you were emotional because he still looked out for you and his care for you never wavered. The flowers gave you strength, and you’d told him you wanted to be like those daisies for him, too. 
Seeing him now gives you that sense of fulfillment, that not long from now, you’ll be able to hold his hand and tell him you’re proud of him, and the chance to do that for someone you love is special beyond words. You’re glad you can finally do that for each other now. 
Gentle dreams, you think. This life with him and all the simple things you do for each other and together are some of the biggest ones.
It’s quiet in the car on the way to your hotel, the fancier one you booked for both of you instead of the mid-range one they got for him. Yoongi is focused on his notebook, jotting down notes from his memory that he’ll have to write up later on. 
He’s then glued to his device once you get to your room, with him seated on the couch and agreeing to your orders for room service for your dinner. It seems he’s going through the messages of praise from his colleagues and his friends. A lot of people tune in to the channel’s coverage of the NBA, and other than you, no one’s prouder than his dad and his brother. 
You watch him from the bathroom door, appreciating the joy he exudes. It’s different from what you’d seen all those years ago. This is a man who went through various kinds of pain and had other people suffer because of it, something he still burdens himself with every once in a while. But he did the brave thing of dreaming again; sometimes you think that’s probably harder than when he gave up on the first one. 
Yoongi shows you everyday that courage takes different forms. Sometimes it’s letting something go, sometimes it’s fighting for them. Sometimes it’s loving someone from afar and sometimes it’s flying thousands of miles to a foreign country and asking for them back. 
But it’s always picking up your broken pieces and learning to love yourself despite and because of them. It’s finding something or someone you can’t live without and offering what you can, trusting that they’ll take you into their world because you deserve it. Courage is dreaming again, it’s loving again even with the possibility of getting hurt. It’s trusting yourself enough that you’re going to be okay if things don’t go your way. 
You hear him call your name. You realize you’ve been gazing at him for longer than you intended, and so you walk towards him as he looks at you questioningly.
“I was just admiring how happy you look,” you say. “It suits you, and I’m just so thankful I get to see it.”
His face softens and he reaches out his hand, one that he kisses and he doesn’t say anything else. He just looks at you tenderly and your heart races at the sight. 
You bend to capture his lips on yours, your movements gentle yet wanting. But it builds as time passes, until you feel him undoing the knot of your bathrobe, with him sighing in satisfaction when he feels you bare underneath. Your breath hitches when he cups your breast and you want nothing more than to have him right now. 
You pull away then remove your robe, liking the way his eyes roam around your naked form and how he gulps at the position you’re getting into, as you  get on your knees and spread his legs apart. His slacks get off first, and then his briefs. He removes the rest of his clothes as you take him in your mouth, his cock heavy and wanting as it reaches the edge of your throat. 
You take your time, wanting him to feel good after what he’d done tonight, but he’s the one who pulls away, wanting instead to bury himself inside you. It’s what he does, as he directs you on the couch, entering you from behind while his fingers do their magic on all parts of your body. But he lets you both come together, on the bed as he hovers over you, his head no longer buried in your neck, with his eyes looking straight into yours as you both come down from your highs. 
He kisses your lips tenderly as his I love you, and the way he holds you later that night says everything he can’t say. 
Loving you is what he wants to do in his life. Loving you is courage. 
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You didn’t realize just how tiring covering the NBA finals would be. Considering their small team, Yoongi and Hee-soo work double time to get all the information they need to cover the games and write about them within a short period of time. They also have to fly back and forth depending on where the game is and you’ve liked tagging along, enjoying the amenities of your hotel and exploring the nearby area. It’s what you do in Boston and then in Phoenix. 
And while a game 7 is great for the league and basketball fans, you can tell it’s taxing for Yoongi. He doesn’t complain though. It’s part of the experience; the first one tends to be very memorable, he says. 
Both of you find yourselves in Boston's public garden the afternoon after the final game of the series. It’s been a crazy 24 hours, as Yoongi and Hee-soo had to do interviews and then report and then write about the game. You stayed by Yoongi’s side, attending to his needs and helping whenever you can. 
It’s early morning in Korea by now and work can resume later, perhaps right before or during your early morning flight back home, but you’re both at what has become one of your favorite spots in the city. It’s nice and simple and quiet. The garden is also accessible. It reminds you of the park in Paris, the one where Yoongi had come to meet you, and you cried in his arms at the sight of the man you didn’t think you’d be able to be with again, but he braved through his fears to be with you. 
“I like it here,” you say, as you walk past one of the many statues. 
“It’s nice, isn’t it?” He hums. “The pond reminds me of Paris.”
You turn to him and smile, letting him know you were thinking the same. 
Yoongi watches you lovingly look at the flowers. Your head turns when you hear toddlers squealing on their parents’ shoulders. And you perk up at the dog that stops to sniff his leg. They’re all simple but they’re so unabashedly you - soft, charming, and everything he needs. 
He thinks about all the things he loves about you as you smile and laugh at your surroundings. He’s been thinking about a lot of things, actually, constantly pinching his arm to remind himself that this life he’s created with you isn’t just some dream he conjured in his mind to get over losing you twice. You’re actually, truly next to him, living his new dream with him, as he dreams your dream with you. He doesn’t think he can get any happier than everyday he gets to live like this. 
You told him a few times that he’s brave for dreaming a new dream. It’s scary to do that, you’d said, so are other things, like loving again and again, accepting the broken pieces of himself and loving every one of them. You’d said that he was brave for flying to see you and asking for you back, and while he agrees to some extent, he doesn’t think anyone can be braver than you. 
You love intensely and genuinely; you love so certainly. You love like you heal, and you love yourself and others so you could heal as well. The way you loved him all these years has been filled with courage - you loved when it hurt, when it didn’t feel like he wanted to fight for you, when it felt like your love wasn’t strong enough to carry his burden. You loved so hard that there would be nothing to regret if the world ended the next day, and your love is so transformative that it created a home in his aching heart so that it could be strong enough to love both you and him after everything. 
You turn to him and reach out for your hand as you head towards the exit, and he jogs to where you are and intertwines his fingers with yours - not loosely but securely; he wants you to know he’s never letting you go.
There’s no version of life that he’d let you go another time. And so when he gets a message from the jeweler that his order for a customized daisy ring is ready, Yoongi’s heart soars to know that he could at least give you - ask you - something that will let you know that he’ll choose this life over and over again as long as it’s the one where he gets to live the rest of it next to you. 
You’ll both go back to Seoul, in the home you both created, in each other’s arms where you both belong. 
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Series Masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @sherlynxx @di0rgguk @thequeen-kat @fan-ati--c  @cravingforhotchocolate @adoraminie @helenazbmrskai @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @gukssunshine @nch327 @kookxin @petuliii @yoursthv @libra04 @fancycollectormoon @twixxxpie @ignoretheskies @ohmydarlin-g @bids97 @minyoongiboongi @bangtansmauyeondan @bora-bae7 @investedreader @petalsofink @moonchild1 @jvngkooker @starbtslove @jungoomoles
Series Taglist: @wobblewobble822 @shydestinyyouth @nk01119888-blog @ktownshizzle @curryshesus​
192 notes · View notes
rreskk · 9 months
Mama's boy
Summary: How the tables have turned. Trevor learnt his lesson from having attitude.
TW: -Smut -Usage of drugs
Pairings: Fem!reader/Trevor Philips
Word count: 2976
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“ – Your mouttthhh, so hot… Your web; I’m caught. Your skin? So wet. Black lace – “ Sung Trevor who drifted out of his bedroom, shirtless and holding a cigarette bud close to his lips. He stomped over and slapped your thigh, gesturing you to move over so he could take a seat on the sofa as well.
The song “poison” by Alice Cooper continued to be lowly hummed as you recognised the melody. He manspreaded and gave you little to no space, your annoyance going unnoticed since the cig was the only thing he seemed to be focussing on. Trevor was cross-eyed as he’d stare down at the smoke fuming. You watched him attempt some tricks, but of course, it resulted in him growing impatient and burning the bud against the tiled floor. He then wiped his face with irritation before giving him a small pout.
“I’m bored.”
“You’ll find something.”
“Yeah, well, I haven’t right now.” He mumbled back, displeased with your remark. You felt his eyes burning Hell into the side of your head. Without any recommendation of ideas that would entertain him, you gave him an innocent shrug.
“You could always watch TV with me.”
Trevor gazed towards the TV with subtle curiosity, “What’s on?”
The channel was nothing special – by all means, it was broadcasting the latest cartoon that was inspired by celebrity drama. You weren’t interested but it was somewhat entertaining. The occasional comedy sketches made your belly chuckle, and when it did, you’d look over at Trevor to see him utterly disgusted. He scoffed a little bit and ruffled through his pockets to seek out – what you’d predict to be – another lighter. You could only imagine he was planning on getting high to defuse the boredom.
“It is a good show.” You tried to explain.
Trevor held a pipe and gave you a laugh, “No chance.” Then he began warming the glass with his lighter, the meth bubbling, making you feel uneasy.
His body relaxed when the substance spiralled into his system via oral consumption. He closed his eyes, feeling the buzz. You watched closely and when he went to breathe in another hit, you grasped his wrist tightly.
The grab caused Trevor to eruptively sit up. He looked between you and the hand with a confused grin. A few tugs wouldn’t fix it, and he was soon yanking around his arm to break your hold, but you weren’t budging. Nonetheless, the hand grew tighter – ensuring some bruises.
“The fuck?” He croaked out in confusion, holding the pipe in his other hand.
You remained speechless as to opposing a daring hand around his gruffy wrist. Although his tugs would send your body forwards and backwards, it seems as though he’s mistaken this as some roughhousing, chuckling lively at your challenging stare. He proceeded to misunderstand your irritation with playing until he was caught off-guard when you snatched his other wrist – restricting both mobility of his hands. And the pipe fell onto the floor.
Trevor’s gaze followed it and he wasn’t okay. He grunted, his fists clenching.
“[y/n], let go. My pipe.” He protested.
“Stop smoking that shit around me.” You finally vocalised.
His mouth twitched into a grumpy scowl. His face screamed his refusal, so your grip tightened.
“Let go – it ain’t funny anymore.”
“It never was.”
“[y/n].” Trevor warned.
“Just stop it, okay?”
“Let go of my fuckin’ wrists.”
“You are just gonna pick that pipe up and smoke it again.”
He laughed, “Talk about lack of faith.”
“Can you blame me?” Your words had struct him a bit, “I came over to spend time with you, not that thing you turn into when you smoke that crap.”
“That thing? Quit the shit-talk, [y/n]. I ain’t in the mood.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“Don’t be short with me.”
“Pardon?” You encouraged his temper with a smile.
“I said – “ Trevor paused before his face coiled into a cheeky smirk, “Oh… You’re good. You ain’t fooling me, sugar. How ‘bout you quit clowning around and let go of my wrist?” His face playful yet his tone serious.  
You slyly kicked the pipe further away and freed his hands. He immediately went to reach for the drug – but you came prepared – snatching his wrists again, earning yourself an angry man who was trying to squirm out of your entrapment.
“Fucks sake!”
His inability to learn had gave you a light bulb moment. If he wasn’t gashing at your hands, he’d notice the way your eyes enlightened with madness – but instead, he carried on causing a scene. Which was an unfortunate decision since you were beginning to enjoy this tantrum. It made him look pathetic, easy, addicted.
“[y/n]! Fuckin’ let me go! Fuck!”
Holding a grudge, despite the countless threats, it resulted in you practically spawning him down against the sofa. Trevor was trapped underneath as you’d pin his hands above his head, your body weight trapping mobility to his legs as well. He was purely outraged – daggers in his eyes. His energy fell and his yells turned into muffled cries and grunts. Thanks to his stamina, Trevor could only pant to express the pure anger. He’d pant out your name and attempt to detain the partial conviction of his hands.
“Lemme go, for Gods sake. I hear you, I hear you! Just cut the crap, Christ…” Now he had realised this wasn’t rough-housing. He defeatedly relaxed his body and just stared at you above, sweat slowly dripping down his forehead from the fighting and withdrawal of the pipe.
You hadn’t of said anything in this 20 minutes of pinning him down, and it was beginning to rile him up again. Trevor’s jaw clenched and he fiercely tugged on his legs, trying to lift you up with just his hips (as is it happened before), it didn’t exactly work due to his weakened, worn-out frame.
“Fuckin’ speak, [y/n]. You know I hate the silent treatment.” He urged.
“I know you do.”
He scoffed at your ignorant acknowledgement, “You enjoy fucking with me, babe? ‘Cause I don’t. Now do me a favo – “
“No, I don’t think I will.” You’d cheekily smile, holding his hands up higher that it outstretched his chest, causing him to muffle out sweet groans.
“[y/n]…” He had closed his eyes to avoid giving you the pleasures of seeing him riled up. However, his face says it all. The way you only pinned him down more, the gradual exposure of his arousal would become more and more obvious; flushed face, whiney voice, growing urge in his pants. He couldn’t hide that one.
“This was the only way to shut you up.”
Trevor pouted, “Surely not – “
“You know it.”
“But – “
“Don’t lie.” You continued to cut him off with a smirk, forcing him into this vulnerable state where he was getting more vocal with this new tension. Whenever you dominated the conversation, he’d relentlessly whinge and squirm (but in a sensual way).
“I’ve been bad,” He had finally admitted, “I’m a fuckin’… I’m a…”
“Go on.” You egged him.
“I’m a fuckin’ brat. Piece of shit, I deserve to be beaten – “
“Like a?”
“Like a naughty boy.” He whimpered.
“You wanna learn your lesson, baby?”
“Mmm – fuck, maybe I do. Fuck… Yes, please.”
“Are you sure?” You whispered in his ear.
His body trembled when your breath managed to tickle the side of his face. Trevor released a strained whine as he nodded his head frantically, an erection lurking just in front of your lap, occasionally touching your thigh.
“I want to hear you say it.”
“Beat me, hit me, shit! – Fuckin’ make me cry, ma!”
“Aren’t you precious?” You forced him to look up, “It wasn’t worth the trouble, hm? What do you have to say to me?”
“I’m sorry, ma…” Trevor lowly grumbled from the depths of his chest.
“That’s my boy. Keep your arms up for me, baby. Can you do that for me?”
“Good boy.” You let your hands fall as they fell to his face. Trevor tried his best not to abuse the sudden freedom, his arms jerking but he had the authority to restrain himself (for a while). Nonetheless, he was too distracted by the way you’d caress his cheeks and inspect his neck. He was getting used to this love before a hand striked his left cheek, a bellowing cry leaving his cracked lips.
“Fuck!” And it stung horrifically. His skin throbbed at the impact of your hand. Trevor wanted to question you, but after you had slapped him another time, the more he was beginning to praise your palm. The more he began to plead. The more he began to enjoy the burning pain it caused.
Then soon you were beating the living Hell out of his tortured face, throwing punches and slaps until his skin was threatening to bleed black and blue. You’d watch him laugh and moan, squirm and tear up. Trevor disobeyed your commands and lowered his hands, using them as pathetic self-defence to lure you in more. He loved when you broke the barrier between his arms and face, he loved making it a challenge. It brought him more punishment, therefore, more pain and bruises.
“Fuck, fuck… Yeah – “
“You’re enjoying this, huh?” You panted between slaps, “Should of known.”
“I love you so bad, ma… God, keep going, I deserve! Make me bleed, mama!”
Your fist reconnected with his cheek another, a streaming gush of blood seeping from his nose and staining his naked chest. You stopped for a minute but Trevor grabbed your wrists, giving you a begging face.
“Don’t stop, mommy.” He whimpered – extremely submissively.
You looked conflicted when seeing how much blood poured from his battered nose. It caked his mouth and neck, and when he spoke, it stained his teeth as well. Some spats would find themselves covering your hands and arms as well.
“Don’t stop.” He repeated.
In a matter of seconds, you sighed and raised your fist again. Trevor squeezed his eyes closed in preparation before you sent another punch to his cheek. He moaned, his head falling back against he sofa as he lifted his arms up again, sitting them above his head like you ordered him to before. You longingly leaned forward and pressed kisses against the skin you abused, ignoring how his blood would cover your lips.
Trevor tried to meet with you, his own lips desperate to feel yours. So you gave him the chance and you both grabbed each other’s heads, deepening the kiss with such hunger and aggression. He sat up from the sofa and crawled onto your lap, your arms holding him like a big baby. Trevor wrapped his arms around your shoulder as you were both mangled in this red, hot liquid. So much so that his hair was mattered, but it gave him this ugly charm.
“I love you –“ He murmured between hot kisses.
You both departed to gain some air as he’d lean in again but you held a hand to his chest, keeping some distance. Trevor gave you a panicked expression, his neediness overcoming the temptation. He tried to kiss you again and missed. He tried to kiss your neck, but was held back. He’d whine and bury his face in your chest, removing any original colouring of your shirt to be replaced with his messy blood.
So you stroked his hair and allowed him to mumble inaudible words into your temple. You made out sentences like “I need you” and “I wanna feel you, mama”, the usual pleads to get what he wants – the typical “mommy boy” manipulation.
“Trevor.” You recollected his attention and adjusted his body on your lap, your chests smothering each other.
“I wanna feel you, [y/n].”
“I know.”
“I wanna see you, real bad.”
“I know, baby.”
He groaned and pressed his forehead against yours, “I wanna see you.”
“Why should I let you?” You chuckled, your fingers massaging his sweaty scalp.
“Stop playing with me, ma… I really want you, so bad.”
“I’m not playing with you.”
“M’no, you are – “
“Trevor, baby,” You kissed his cheek, “I’m not playing with you. Sometimes you have to earn it. I’m not going to give everything to a naughty boy, hm?”
“But – “
“Do you understand?”
He refused to say anything as he licked his lips and stared down at your chest, ogling whatever he could find from under your shirt. This behaviour itself was affirming prejudice and you groped his ass, throwing him aside where he limped onto the sofa with a groan. You stood up before he eruptively lashed onto your legs, his hands begging for mercy upon your thighs.
“Babe!” Trevor cried out.
“Always begging, aren’t you?” You belittled when staring down at him on all fours.
His hair was being tugged brutally, small whimpers escaping, yet he maintained a serious face with glassy eyes. You forced him to his knees where he looked up with admiration. His eyes darted to your crotch area as you slowly undressed, revealing your wet pussy that had been enjoying Trevor’s submission from the course of the night.
He chewed his bottom lip and went to reach forward, but you snatched both of his hands and pinned them directly behind his headd. You kept your grip there, enforcing little to no chance he’d free himself.
“Take a good look, Trevor,” You opened your legs up as he was facing the glory, “You keep your hands behind your head while you eat my pussy good, you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good boy.”
Trevor’s lips quivered, leaning forward until he was breathing against your cunt. His knees were still dug into the floor, hands shaking behind his head (by your authority), and his tongue slowly extended to greet the utter wetness. He moaned when tasting you. A little tease turned into full desire as he dived into your sex and feasted upon your clit.
Justice was served to his own arousal since the define stench of your cunt on his tongue was enough to cause staggering pleasures in his own cock. You forced his head closer so he was merely suffocated, the muffling of his mouth feeding your sex the lust and neediness he portrayed from all that time struggling.
“Fuck, yes.” You praised when he was licking you savagely.
It was hard standing there when your legs were shaky with joy. You had used Trevor’s head as stability – whenever you felt a lunge in your legs, you weighted onto his pathetic figure that was praying your pussy. He, being a good boy, kept the promise and held his hands behind his head, even when he wanted to cuddle you during this heat. Trevor would moan, signalling this need of extra attention, but of course, you refused to gift him anymore (which secretly turned him on more and more and more).
“I’m gonna – “ He breathed against your cunt, “I’m gonna cum.”
“Aw… You’re such a cumslut, baby. I didn’t even have to touch you.”
“Such an easy little shit, aren’t you?”
Trevor panted, his tongue becoming sloppy. He enjoyed being undermined as it made him tremble.
“Let yourself cum, baby. Don’t slack.” You ordered when noticing his tiredness.
“It hurts – “
“I wanna touch myself – “
“Shhh. It’s okay. C’mon, I know you love it; not being able to touch yourself. It feels good, Trev?  I bet it does…”
He gained the motivation and took you into his mouth again, pestering a spot in which he began to thoroughly ignite. You gasped out a heavy moan, begging him to go faster as his tongue began working hard-labour to trigger a climax.
All while he experiences his own.
Trevor cruelly groaned when his cock squirted out semen from the overstimulation you had caused him. It evolved when his blood began to dry out on his skin, your pussy drenched on his tongue, your hands restraining his own, your dirty words – it blew him up, and he came. He came hard.
“Fuuuuuck!” Trevor murmured from inside your cunt.
You didn’t give him a moment to process the orgasm. You evilly pushed him further into you – mockingly.
“That’s right…” You’d whisper and examine the way his hands would shake as you hold them tightly against his damp hair.
“I love you, fuck – “
“Keep going.”
He slurped before it was clear that you were finishing soon. He grasped a safe momentum and eagerly slashed your pussy, his mouth inhaling every pleasure you felt until your legs were weak. Trevor finally sucked, and this was where you threw your head back and gasped.
Cum dripped onto his face, replacing the blood. Trevor smirked and invited your fluids into his mouth as you continued to orgasm swimmingly. He licked every last drop like a reward and leaned away to see you. There was a proud glimpse in his eye, cum running down his face, making him look ruined.
“You tasted to good, ma.” He whispered from his knees and begged to hear you again.
“Shit… Baby…”
“I love you. I love your taste, I love your voice, I want to marry you – “
“Trevor, shhh…” You pressed a finger to his lips, recovering from the intense orgasm, “Fuck.”
“Thank you for coming on my face.” He desperately tried to resist your attempt to silence him.
So with that, you rolled your eyes and embraced him into your arms. Trevor nuzzled his face into your neck and repeatedly asked for more cuddles as he’s “tired” from all the begging and fighting. He dragged you to the bedroom and lied on top of you like a kid. He rested his chin on your stomach and smiled cheekily.
“I like when you hit me – “
“I thought you were tired, baby?”
“Nuh uh… I just wanna hold you…”
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leviscrybaby · 1 year
Mother Tongue ¦ Satan x MC Minific
Just a dumb wee thing I dreamt up when I was making my own dinner and my partner startled me, so I swore at him in Welsh.
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It was your turn on dinner duty tonight, and for once your beloved demons were leaving you to it.
It was nice, no Levi rambling endlessly into your ear about something you were unable to keep up with, no Asmo showing off his latest co-ord, no Beel offering to taste test. You loved all of them so very dearly, but for fuck’s sake they could be grating.
Not this evening, though. This evening, you were free to get on with your meal prep, one headphone in, singing and dancing along as you worked. Until…
“I recognise that song.”
You jumped, just about managing to stifle a scream as you turned and faced the demon in the doorway. “Great green fuck on a stick, Satan, don’t do that!” you shrieked in your native tongue, clutching your chest.
“I’m sorry,” he replied, not quite managing to hide his chuckle. “That was certainly a unique turn of phrase.”
“Yeah, well you—” The words died on your tongue as it dawned on you that Satan had just replied in your language. “Wait,” you paused, raising an eyebrow, “you understood me?” you asked.
“Of course,” Satan smiled. “I’m a demon, MC. We’re fluent in all human languages. Even dead ones.” He walked further into the kitchen, taking the wooden spoon from your hand and stirring the pot on the stove. “My brother’s and I – and Lord Diavolo and Barbatos, I believe – are also fluent in Enochian and obviously Infernal.”
You hummed thoughtfully. “Yeah, that would make sense,” you rationalised. “Kinda hard to tempt humans into sin if there’s a language barrier.”
“Precisely.” Satan switched back to English. “Now, about that song?”
“Oh, right, um,” you picked up your D.D.D. and showed him the screen, displaying the song title and artist to him. “It was used in a TV drama from the human world, that’s probably where you heard it.”
Satan gave you a smile. His real smile. “You remembered that I liked dramas,” he stated.
“Of course,” you smiled back. “What, you think all I know about you is surface level shit like cats and books?”
“No,” he reached out to gently stroke his hand over your hair, “we’re much closer than that.”
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siriannatan · 2 months
Just Go With Your Feelings - Chapter 1
Manhwa inspired me once more, Tree Without Roots in this case (very non-con and I'm shocked I'm still sticking to reading it...) I'm not going that far here but there is some pushiness and lack of consent
Whip never expected he'd get involved in an accident with an old acquaintance from high school days.
Yet here he was, sitting in a hospital with minimal damage to him. Waiting for Scott S. Major, a man everyone had a crush on, literally the perfect guy you see in high school TV dramas, gets discharged from the hospital after they were involved in a traffic accident.
Jimmy was going to have a field day making fun of fWhip.
But it wasn't like it was his fault. Scott just suddenly ran into the road. If fWhip didn't react as fast as he did he'd be dead. But fWhip was planning to take responsibility anyway.
“How are you feeling?” He asked once he was allowed to sew Scott.
“Mentally or physically?” Scot joked dryly. “Both feel like shit, in case you're actually interested.”
fWhip pushed the urge to punch Scott down with force. He was injured. With a broken leg. “Doctors say you can leave today,” he said instead. “Need a ride?”
Scott laughed. “The guy who hit me with his car is offering to be my chauffeur? That's grand,” there was something in his eyes that made fWhip want to grab him and never let go.
“I'm… I'm just offering, no need to be an ass about it,” he sighed, pretending to look away. Actually, he was tracing where Scott was looking. 
The rooftop.
“You know what, just because I think it'll be funny, sure, why don't you drive me to my hotel,” Scott scoffed but froze as soon as the last word left his mouth. 
“Dickhead,” fWhip muttered under his breath. At least now Scott was looking at him and not the rooftop. “I'll wait outside while they do the last checkups and you change,” he said and left, hands deep in his pockets. 
Why was Scott staying in a hotel? Delay in house hunting? Didn't want to leave much hassle behind? Was avoiding someone? fWhip could not help but wonder. The first time in a long time that he regretted quitting smoking. He needed something in his mouth before he went crazy so he got some candy from the vending machine.
On second thought he got some for Scott too. Just to be funny or whatever.
“Sweets?” Scott blinked as fWhip offered him a handful of candy. 
“I was bored,” fWhip shrugged but the stick from the long-gone lollipop was still in his mouth. Maybe he shouldn't form a habit around them but it was quite relaxing.
Scott shrugged back and shoved the candy into the pocket of his cardigan. Why was he in a white suit before? Why did he have a change of clothes on him? 
fWhip made sure to walk slower than Scott could at the fastest. Couldn't have the injured overworking himself, no?
“You're as much of a jerk as you used to be, maybe more,” Scott scoffed once in fWhip's car.
“Must be stress from work getting to me,” fWhip chuckled. No way, he enjoyed destroying cases Jimmy built up so diligently. “You need a place to stay?”
“Wha… No? Why would I?” frustrated Scott had a weird feeling waking up deep inside fWhip.
“You told me to take you to a hotel,” fWhip deadpanned back, hoping it would kill it. “I'm barely home anyway,” he added with a shrug.
“And why exactly are you never home?” Scott asked cautiously. Good, he wasn't completely inside his head.
“I'm a lawyer, and the cops are trying really hard to bury my latest case, I'm trying my damndest to blow it open right back in their faces,” fWhip grinned, gripping the steering wheel tighter.
Scott hummed and stared ahead. “You're actually a pretty decent driver, aren't you?” He chuckled when they stopped outside his hotel. To his credit, it wasn't a bad hotel.
“So? Are you staying here or should I go up and help you pack? Or just my number in case you change your mind?” Or need someone to talk to, he didn't say that part out loud but hoped it was implied enough. He was pretty sure Scott would punch him if he did.
Scott blinked. “You weren't kidding? You know what, sure. But it probably won't be for long, I'm currently looking at houses in the area,” he shrugged. He was obviously lying. Probably hoping that fWhip was secretly a serial killer. 
Whatever. fWhip followed Scott inside and into his room and helped him pack his suitcase. He didn't comment, even when packing more personal items. Scott was content to just sit there.
“So law? I would never expect you'd end up as a lawyer,” he chuckled from the couch.
“I get to stick it to the lazy cops, it's pretty satisfying,” fWhip shrugged, not really caring he was packing Scott's underwear.
“So you're a top? Not at all surprising,” there was Scott's usual humour he remembered, just outright sexual comments and innuendos. Must have been feeling better
“Who knows, I don't like sharing a bed before a second date,” fWhip effortlessly tossed back. Two can play this game. Not like fWhip was ever interested in anyone. Be it a girl or a guy.
Scott shockingly didn't have much in his room for a guy who was in the middle of moving. He wasn't… Not a fWhip issue, so he wouldn't even think about it. “That's all?” He asked while scanning the room.
“I think so, if I'm forgetting anything it's probably not important,” Scott shrugged and with some struggled up to his feet. Stopping fWhip when he tried to help. “No second date yet,” he grinned once finally on his feet. 
fWhip just sighed and followed him out of the hotel. The staff were very nice to Scott from what he has overheard. Like nicer than they were to other guests. Well, Scott's family was pretty famous. 
The drive to fWhip's apartment was pretty uneventful aside from Scott's constant praising of his driving skills. Why was Scott so fixed on it? fWhip had no clue. “If you weren't such a good driver I probably wouldn't get away with some bruises and a broken leg,” Scott chuckled as he clambered out of the passenger seat once at fWhips building.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. Stop talking about me driving, it's creepy,” fWhip rolled his eyes. It was getting mildly annoying.
“Kill joy,” Scott pouted as he followed fWhip and his suitcase to the elevator.
Shockingly Scott behaved pretty nicely as fWhip prepared dinner. Sitting at the table as he was told, grimacing at his phone before shoving it into his pocket.
It was after dinner that problems started.
fWhip was cleaning the table. Just brought some dishes to the sink, and as he turned around suddenly he was crowded to the sink counter by Scott. His injured leg between fWhip's. Face dangerously close to his ear. 
“Were they true? The high school rumours about you?” Scott wondered, his voice tickling fWhip's ear, sending shivers down his spine.
“You remember that nonsense? Obviously, it's not,” fWhip scoffed. He refused to think about it. It was all in the past. It didn't matter anymore. 
So why were his hands shaking?
“No need to be shy,” Scott chuckled, his voice dangerously low. Why was fWhip blushing? He could see it pretty clearly in the window. “Want to know a secret? I was supposed to be married today. Yup. He ditched me though. Shame, if he didn't we'd be having sex and my leg would be fine,” Scott suddenly confessed, forehead resting on fWhip's shoulder.
“My condolences?” fWhip said, unable to control how much his voice was shaking. “I'm not into guys though so if you could step back and like… go shower while I finish cleaning?” He was rambling. It was distracting from the situation in his pants.
“Are you sure?” Scott chuckled, his knee pushing up slightly. 
fWhip had to bite his lips to stay quiet. “Absolutely,” he said, shocking himself with how steady his voice was. “I’ll forget this happened so don't worry about it,” he said, escaping the proximity of the counter as soon as Scott took a step back.
Scott was silent as he went to the bathroom. And fWhip could finally let out the breath he was holding in. What the hell? He thought looking down at the obvious problem in his slacks. He never got hard this fast or easily.
Bah. The few times he tried dating girls in college he couldn't get it up at all. And all Scott had to do was whisper seductively about his problems for it to go up? What… No way. fWhip refused to believe it had anything to do with his guest. It was just a while since he did anything remotely… yup. Had to be that and the frustration with Jimmy's antics.
With a few more deep breaths he finished cleaning and set the dishwasher going. He didn't wait for Scott to be done. He said himself he'd be fine to shower alone. So fWhip went to the master bathroom. 
Or tried but it would seem he lost time while thinking and the guest bathroom door opened just as he was about to walk past and out went Scott. With nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. Hair mostly dry. Lips curled up with a smirk when he spotted fWhip.
“Trying to jump me in the shower, Mr Lawyer?” It shouldn't have sounded as attractive as it did.
“No, merely passing by. And I told you to stop that,” fWhip protested, scowling at the mere thought.
“Okay okay, I'm sorry, but you know you're still…” Scott didn't sound sorry at all as he glanced at the obvious bulging in fWhip's pants.
“I'm aware, and it has nothing to do with you,” fWhip stopped him, maybe a bit too abruptly, and pushed past. He was too tired to wonder who the hell he offered his guest room to.
“There's nothing…” Scott started.
“I know, there's nothing wrong with being gay. But I'm not gay so drop it,” fWhip scowled. The thought of kicking Scott out crossed his mind but he'd feel like absolute crap if he did.
“Fine, I won't tell any you got hard because of a guy, or that it twitched when you saw me naked,” Scott sighed, raising his free of a crutch arm. A slight smirk was still tugging on his lips though.
“Good night,” fWhip mumbles just because he was raised to be nice and hid away in his bedroom. Glaring down at his crotch. He groaned as it twitched when the image of Scott shirtless crossed his mind against his will just because the guy whistled while passing his door.
Grumbling fWhip practically tore his suit off on his way to the master bathroom. Why did he need an apartment with two bathrooms? He didn't, he just liked the location.
He took an ice-cold shower. He hated cold showers. But he was not dealing with the issue at hand. Not with Scott in the apartment.  It with Scott being the reason behind it. He just had to wait and he'd be fine.
Scott woke up with a pained groan to the noise of his phone ringing. Maybe charging it wasn't a good idea. “It better be important,” he hissed after seeing Owen was the caller.
“Scott, really sorry I couldn't be there yesterday…”
“Don't bother, he ditched me. Why are you calling me at seven in the morning?” Scott cut him out. It was too early and fWhip left him with blue balls so he was a bit annoyed.
“I'm being accused of murder. And the prosecution is not buying your bachelorette as an alibi since my phone completely died, like all data gone…” Owen completely panicked.
“Calm down, I should have like a million on my phone. Who's the prosecutor in charge?”
“... Jimmy,” Owen barely whispered. Scott grinned.
“You got a lawyer?”
“fWhip? You know back from…”
“I know, I kind of accidentally walked under his car yesterday, don't worry I got away with a broken ankle and some bruising, I'll live. Tell him I'll come with photos but not my name, okay? Make it a surprise,” Scott's morning was getting a bit better.
He cut the call as Owen profusely thanked him. He had a couple more calls to make.
fWhip was shocked to see Scott up and ready when he was leaving. With no breakfast. His client had finally found someone to collaborate his alibi. “Awake already?”
“Would the police station be on your way to work?” Scott asked after greeting him.
“I'm actually going there. Why?” Was he thinking about reporting yesterday's accident? They had an amicable agreement after all.
“A friend of mine needs some support there,” Scott shrugged. There was no way… there absolutely was.
“Fine, but I have no time for breakfast,” fWhip sighed. He'd scream if Scott was the alibi.
“No problem, I'll eat after dealing with that,” Scott grinned mysteriously. fWhip groaned it was going to be a long day.
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maudus1 · 2 years
1/? Consider this: padawan anakin being absolutely (& surprisingly unashamedly) obsessed with holonovelas. (Everything he knows about love & romance he’s learnt from these shows... this is why he’s an abysmal flirt). also the image of sullen and sulky padawan anakin sighing dreamily over his silly tv shows is honestly so cute. Many a time Obi-wan has (unwillingly) been regaled with the latest OTT drama & treachery that has happened on ‘Lovesick on Lothal’ or ‘Rodian Romances’. However as anakin
2/2 gets closer to his knighthood (& it seems like theyre fighting more than they’re getting along) Obiwan often finds himself asking anakin for updates about his shows as this seems to be the only topic these days that doesn’t end up with anakin storming off to his room or Obi-wan left wondering where he went wrong as a master. Also it almost always guarantees getting a smile out of anakin (also a rare occurrence these days) and so Obiwan ends up being veryfond of these shows too as a result 😌
I love this 😂
It's so messy and so Anakin, I mean come on ofc he would live for romantic melodrama. (Also this gave me flashbacks to the telenovelas some of my friends made me watch as a kid 🤣)
He'd rant all through firstmeal about the prior night’s “secret twin tries to take over the life of the main character and steal their husband/wife” and “villain everyone thought was dead actually faked it and is back to bring down/take over the family dynasty” plot twists and sigh longingly over the angsty but sweet “they finally got together despite everything that stood in their way” slow burns.
Meanwhile Obi-Wan is sitting there, chin in his palm, sipping his tea and nodding idly. Giving a little hum here and there so it seems like he’s listening. He thinks it’s probably not the best idea to let Anakin get so carried away with these big romantic hero fantasies, but he’s young and surely he deserves to enjoy such an innocent pleasure as entertainment between training.
Eventually, he becomes subconsciously curious. Starts sitting with Anakin while he watches them. He's quiet most of the time, but every now and then can't help himself, asking Anakin to clarify a plot point or character motivation, or pointing out some logical flaw that itches a personal pet peeve. Anakin just smiles and goes along with it, amused that Obi-Wan is more interested than he wants to let on. Besides, he likes spending time together.
Over time, however, as Anakin approaches knighthood, they have less time for such things. The relationship is often tense and Anakin’s moods fickle. The distance grows. And it’s then that Obi-Wan realizes how much he misses listening to Anakin talk; he misses the enthusiasm with which he’d share those stories the evenings they spent watching them together. He subtly slips them into conversation, or puts them on and waits for Anakin to notice and join him. Even finds himself getting invested in the relationships and plots (he feels kinda foolish and embarrassed for it, but he’s hooked now, sooo—).
(ofc bonus if at some point one of those mirrors his and Anakin’s relationship and he has a big “Oh.” moment hahahahaha)
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hungama123 · 2 years
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lovealiahmadme-blog · 6 months
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34565436 · 1 year
Welcome to naagmani.net- Best Website for Watching Desi Serials
Welcome to naagmani.net- Best Website for Watching Desi Serials
1. Online streaming platforms: Many online streaming platforms like Hotstar, Voot, SonyLIV, Zee5, and MX Player offer a wide range of Hindi serials for free. You can create an account on these platforms and start watching your favorite shows.
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4. Free platforms: Overall, there are many options for watching Indian dramas but here we are discussing the most popular website for watching Hindi Serials Like Desirulez, Apne Tv, Desi Serial, and Yodesi..
Here You can Watch Online Hindi Shows for Free, Written Stories, Twists, Indian TV Serials, Arts and Entertainment Updates, written episodes, the latest news, fresh reviews, articles, synopsis, and much more on Desiserial.
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Hindi tv Serials
"Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai":
This long-running family drama revolves around the lives of Naira and Kartik and explores the dynamics of their extended families. It portrays the journey of relationships, love, and challenges faced by the characters.
"Kumkum Bhagya":
A highly popular serial, it follows the life of Pragya and Abhi, highlighting their love story amidst various trials and tribulations. The show is known for its dramatic twists and turns.
"Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah":
A light-hearted sitcom, it revolves around the residents of Gokuldham Society and their humorous interactions. The show addresses social issues in a comical way and promotes a positive outlook on life.
A supernatural fantasy drama, "Naagin" features shape-shifting serpent women who seek revenge and protect their kind. The show blends fantasy, drama, and romance to create an intriguing narrative.
This romantic drama focuses on the lives of the Oberoi brothers and their love interests. It explores themes of family, loyalty, and relationships while showcasing the opulent lifestyle of the characters.
"Diya Aur Baati Hum":
This serial revolves around the story of Sandhya, an aspiring IPS officer, and her supportive husband, Sooraj. It addresses social issues and challenges faced by women in conservative societies.
A psychological thriller, "Beyhadh" explores the dark side of love and obsession. It follows the story of Maya, who becomes obsessed with Arjun and goes to extreme lengths to possess him.
All Dramas List
"Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai"
"Kumkum Bhagya"
"Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah"
"Diya Aur Baati Hum"
"Kasautii Zindagii Kay"
"Saath Nibhaana Saathiya"
"Kundali Bhagya"
"Yeh Hai Mohabbatein"
"Bade Achhe Lagte Hain"
"Devon Ke Dev... Mahadev"
"Balika Vadhu"
"Sasural Simar Ka"
"Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma"
"Bigg Boss"
"Kasam Tere Pyaar Ki"
Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein
"Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein" is a popular Hindi television drama series that has captured the attention of audiences with its compelling storyline and emotional depth. The phrase translates to "Lost in someone's love" and serves as a reflection of the intense and sometimes tumultuous journey of love.https://www.naagmani.net/
The show revolves around the lives of three individuals: Virat, Sai, and Pakhi. It explores the complexities of their relationships, the conflicts that arise, and the sacrifices made in the name of love. "Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein" delves into themes of love, duty, loyalty, and the profound impact that relationships can have on individuals.
"Ghum Hai Kisi Ke Pyar Mein" portrays the conflicts and dilemmas faced by its characters, highlighting the clash between societal expectations and personal desires. It raises questions about sacrifice, selflessness, and the boundaries of love, as the characters grapple with their own ambitions and obligations towards one another.
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bananaaccess · 2 years
Satrangi sasural episode 80
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With different genres of shows like "Maharakshak Aryan", "Jamai Raja" and "Bandhan", Zee TV is trying to widen its target audience with "Satrangi Sasural". It's not like those particular daily soaps which are just for women. In it we are talking about the beauty of human relationships. "The story of the show resonates well with the core of our channel. Touted as a family show and not just for women, the soul and depth of the story will attract the men too, say the makers. But their lifestyle does relate them to the viewers," she added. I know it's pretty awkward that we have seven mothers in the show. "The show is going to relate with the daily life of people. And I have never thought that my role will be sidelined by other women in it," said Mugdha. I have never portrayed a role of 'Bahu' onscreen. It is pretty different from the roles that I have played in the past. It's too much similar to my personal life.
Zee Tv's Serial Satrangi Sasural-Watch Latest Episode-17 April 2015. Satrangi Sasural: Aarushi In Trouble, Watch Latest Episode 5th June 2015. "I felt in love with my character Aarushi. Satrangi Sasural: Aarushi Reveals About Big Drama, Watch Latest Episode 20th May 2015. The launch of the show witnessed a glimpse of age old "nok-jhok" between "saas and bahu", where Mugdha was seen asking suggestions from the journalists in order to win the hearts of her in-laws. Talking about the casting of seven mothers, Bhairavi Raichura, one of the producers of the show said: "The casting of characters was one of the difficult tasks for us because we had to search for seven mother-in-laws where everyone will be having different and unique personality from others". Also Read - Sanam-Aahil, Sid-Roshini and Aarushi-Vihaan get set for Holi – watch video! It will target the audience from each and every region with its unique and unavoidable sounding characters. "Satrangi Sasural" will produce a modern age melodrama. Also Read - Kumkum Bhagya's Pragya, Saath Nibhaana Saathiya's Gopi, Satrangi Sasural’s Aarushi- 5 female characters on TV who need to speak up for themselves! Inspired from Zee's popular Marathi show "Honaar Soon Mee Hyaa Gharchi", the story is centered on the journey of Aarushi and Vihaan, and their bonding with the seven mothers. Also Read - Manini Mishra’s mother passes away! Changing that stale old characterization and with some unique concept and ideology, Zee TV launched its new offering "Satrangi Sasural", here. But how much interesting it would be if a girl enters a house where she has to face seven mothers-in-law instead of one. Mothers-in-law are often seen portraying a devil role in daily soaps.
Satrangi … Satrangi Sasural 28 January …,Satrangi Sasural by Zee Tv 28th January 2016 Full Episode ,- Watch Today New India Tv Serial Drama Satrangi Sasural 28th January 2016 Full Zee Tv,All Episode Satrangi Sasural Complete Online By …,Satrangi Sasural 28 January 2016 Zee Tv Full Watch Online,Drama Serial Satrangi Sasural Full Today Episode, Drama Serial Satrangi Sasural Latest Episode, Zee Tv Full Drama 28 January …,Next: Satrangi Sasural 28 January 2016 Indian Zee TV Drama,Satrangi Sasural 28 January 2016 Zee TV Drama, Satrangi Sasural 28 January … Sasural 28 January 2016 full HD, Satrangi Sasural 28 January 2016 on Zee TV … Tere Baghair Episode 16 Hum TV Drama 27 January 2016.,Satrangi Sasural 28 January 2016 Full Episode Zee TV Online,- Satrangi Sasural 28 January 2016 Watch Online.Satrangi Sasural HD Video.Satrangi Sasural 28 January 2016 Zee TV Youtube …,- Satrangi Sasural 28 January 2016 Watch Online.Satrangi Sasural HD Video.The show will bring together Dekh Bhai Dekh duo, Farida Jalal and Bhavana Balsavar, after 20 years
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monbanana · 2 years
Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 23th october 2013
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#Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 23th october 2013 movie#
#Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 23th october 2013 full#
#Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 23th october 2013 tv#
In the coming episode Radhaji will be angry with Madhubala and RK will come to know about Madhubala.
Hey guys Telebuzz is here with the latest updates on Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon.
Crazy RK add another hostage, his mother to his emotional Atyachaar list, impresses Audience with superb Dialogue-baazi against his mother and Bhabhi, but fails to impress Madhubala.
#Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 23th october 2013 full#
Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 12th april 2013 full episode Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon Wednesday, April 24, Episode Discussion: 12th April Hostage Drama continues. However, all of the actors playing various characters in the family (Radha, Padmini, Deepali, Trishna, Bittuji, etc.) have done complete justice to their respective roles. The lead pair is of course the highlight of the show.
#Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 23th october 2013 movie#
Mezilabar 30 September 2020: titanic jack is back movie onlineĪkirr 7 July 2020: star wars episode 6 soundtrackĭill 22 December 2020: film peter pan download Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon has the perfect mix of excellent dialogues, great cast, amazing music and a captivating story. Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot. Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon 23rd October 2013 Part 1Madhubala,Ek,Ishq,Ek Junoon,Diya,Aur,Baati,Hum,23rd October 2013,Part,HD,Full,Episode,Hindi,Bollywood,Bad. Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot. a woman wont stop Madhu from leaving! Madhubala – Ek Ishq Ek Junoon (–) Episode List. Madhu asks if Radha wants her to accept all this? Radha says a woman cant see a woman like this. If Madhus Karwa Chauth drama in the show did bring in.
Madhubala 12th April Written Episode, Madhubala 12th April Written Update. Hey guys Telebuzz is back with some latest updates of your favorite show Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon.
They celebrated the feat showcasing romantic sequence. Hats off to the entire team of Madhubala for creating an Epic show like this.Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 12th april 2013 full episodeĭownload our mobile app for your tablet and mobile! Viacom 18 Media Pvt. Colors popular love story 'Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon' celebrated the journey of 300 episodes recently. The first episode itself gained a TRP of 2.8 which has not been achieved by any other fiction show in those years. I can guarantee you wont be disappointed at all. I recommend that anyone reading this review should go ahead and watch it (either on Youtube or on VOOT - the official Colors channel app). My entire family was hooked on to this show.
#Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 23th october 2013 tv#
I really wished it could've run longer on TV and I continue to hope that we can have a new season of MEIEJ with Vivian and Drashti. I personally enjoyed season 1 a little more than season 2 but I have to admit that the second season gave a beautiful closure to the story. However, all of the actors playing various characters in the family (Radha, Padmini, Deepali, Trishna, Bittuji, etc.) have done complete justice to their respective roles. Madhubala is a story of a girl who was born on a film set and has since then grown up in that environment. The lead pair is of course the highlight of the show. Madhubala ek ishq ek junoon 12th april 2013 full episode Madhubala Ek Ishq Ek Junoon Wednesday, April 24, Episode Discussion: 12th April Hostage Drama continues. Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon has the perfect mix of excellent dialogues, great cast, amazing music and a captivating story. The chemistry they share, in my opinion is magical and unbeatable. Drashti Dhami as Madhubala and Vivian Dsena as RK are a treat to watch. Watch Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon on Colors TV 23th October 2013Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon on Colors TV 23th October 2013 Online Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek Junoon on Colors TV 23th October 2013 Drama Episode Madhubala. That explains why I still went back and watched all the episodes possible and am here posting my review. Although it has long ended on screen, this show left a lasting imprint on many minds and hearts.
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veworsweet · 2 years
Amorosa the revenge movie online
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chakytron · 3 years
Raqeeb Se | Episode 2 | Eng Sub | Digitally Presented By Master Paints | HUM TV Drama | 27 Jan 2021
Raqeeb Se | Episode 2 | Eng Sub | Digitally Presented By Master Paints | HUM TV Drama | 27 Jan 2021
Raqeeb Se | Episode 2 | Eng Sub | Digitally Presented By Master Paints | HUM TV Drama | 27 Jan 2021 Category Entertainment Description: Raqeeb Se Episode 2 with English Subtitles HD Full Official video – 27 January 2021 at Hum TV official YouTube channel. Subscribe to stay updated with new … TopTrengingTV Hunting the most trend video of the moment, every hour every day 24/7. Youtube Video…
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pakistanidramas · 3 years
Juda Huay Kuch Is Tarah Episode 17 - Watch Hum Tv Dramas
Juda Huay Kuch Is Tarah Episode 17 – Watch Hum Tv Dramas
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ravixen · 2 years
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➔ synopsis: sequel to behind doors. in a surprise turn of events, professor jihoon of the music & dance department and professor y/n of the french language department are revealed to be…dating? wait, what?
➔ warnings: none || genre: fluff ➔ 2161 words || scenario || professor!au || not requested
➔ notes: it's finally here!! it took me over a year to sit down and actually write it, but when i got into the head space, it flowed so fast. i'm thinking of doing a part 3 based on @imagine-svt's imagine 👀 reblog if you liked this! also, for the uni people: i've called all of my professors by first name only (not even saying professor). my friends say that this is uncommon — is it that unusual??
Your toes curl beneath the blanket. This is it. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for. Leaning forward, you hold your breath until the main couple in your latest k-drama hold hands, and when they do, you have to restrain your excited screech of Finally! It’s been weeks of shy glances and fleeting touches.
Just as you feel a squeal build at the back of your throat, the bedroom door clicks open, and Jihoon emerges with a ruffle of his hair. You pause your show and take out your headphones to turn to your partner, amused.
“Rough class?” you ask, taking in his haggard expression.
“The roughest,” he murmurs. “They had so many questions about the upcoming project. Good thing I scheduled it early enough to push the deadlines back.”
“And your evaluation?”
“Went well enough.” He stifles a yawn. “Soonyoung was the observer, so we decided on checking in after dinner.”
You hum in contentment when he leans over the back of the couch and presses a kiss to your forehead, but then he pulls back with a frown, hands rubbing your arms.
“You're freezing,” he says, looking around the room. “Is it that cold out here?”
“Just a little,” you admit, but he's already shrugging out of his cardigan and draping it over your shoulders. “We should call the landlord about heating — it’s already been two days since they replied. If you want some food, I made spaghetti earlier and left a pot on the stove, but I start class in fifteen minutes.”
Ever since the switch to online learning, hiding your relationship became a little more complicated. More extensive planning and dancing around the apartment to avoid appearing in each other’s cameras. You’ve done well so far. You set up a makeshift office in the living room, desk angled away from the kitchen and any reflective surfaces so that Jihoon can come and go as needed. He works in the bedroom office, camera facing the wall so that you can access the closet with the occasional flirtatious wave that he ignores.
You’ve both declined your colleagues’ requests for house tours, cooing over their pets and children without revealing personal details of your own. There’s been a few close calls, but nothing you couldn’t improvise. As far as your students know, you cat sit for your cousin sometimes. Yes, the cat (Jihoon) likes fiddling with things in the kitchen. No, you can’t show him off; he’s much too shy for that. As far as Jihoon’s students know, he has a noisy neighbor who likes to watch TV while he’s teaching and gets way too excited about fight scenes. Should he file a noise complaint? Hm, he’ll think about it. They make him nice dinners once in a while.
Jihoon comes out of the kitchen with a plate of said nice dinner and a fork in his mouth.
“Your peer eval’s today, right?”
“Yeah, Jeonghan’s going to be sitting in for it. Do you mind eating in the bedroom for a bit? It should be half an hour shorter — I promised my kids that I’ll end class early so they can meet with their film partners.”
He gives you a funny look, already halfway through the door. “Like I have a choice?” he says, but there’s no bite to it. “When you’re done, we can finish that movie from the other night? Been dying to find out what happens next. I caught up on grading this morning.”
You shake your head. “I have too many assignments to grade.” You groan, pressing your palms to your eyes. Perhaps in a parallel universe, you’d be snuggled up to Jihoon’s side and finally finishing this movie you’ve pushed off for a week. “Which is my own doing. Still trying to find the balance between too many and too little deadlines. But I’ll make it up to you, okay?”
 “It’s fine. We have to pay rent, don’t we? Maybe I’ll get a head start on fixing up the class page, and when you’re done out here, we can work together.”
You shoot him a smile. That’s the nice part of having a partner who shares your job — he always understands exactly what you’re going through. Having a partner who works at the same institution, though…there’s a few things that can be worked out, especially when everyone but the payroll office and certain administrators think that you’re both still single. One colleague in particular keeps trying to set you up with someone in the history department, to Jihoon’s annoyance. (You realized long ago that jokes about Professor Joshua’s handsomeness aren’t perceived as funny.)
You open the Zoom meeting five minutes early, and as expected, Jeonghan’s already in your waiting room, excited to see your place before your students get in. He scans your background and pretends to pout at the ever-blank wall.
“No change in scenery today either?” he asks. “You’re so boring, professor. One of these days, I’ll get you to spill your address so I can send you hanging plants or a painting or something.”
Laughing as the students start logging in, you say, “That day is not today, Jeonghan.”
“You never change the angle of your room, either. Blink twice if you need me to get you out of there.”
You roll your eyes at him. Even though he’s no longer in the office across the hall from you, he still finds ways to brighten your day. With a final private message that says you’ll continue the conversation later, you begin your lesson to the little rectangles on screen, half of them with actual faces, some with a shaky view of the ceiling, and some not on at all. But you’re lucky; your students are always good about participation either through unmuting or by typing in the chat, and it doesn’t take long before the class discussion takes a life of its own as you sit back and facilitate.
You get too caught up in the debate. A glance at the clock makes you realize with a start that it’s already been 45 minutes.
“Alright, alright,” you say, waving your hand at the camera. Getting their attention is so much harder on Zoom. “I think next time, we’ll try break out rooms to let everyone have a chance to talk. If there’s any lingering comments or thoughts, post on our discussion board and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
“As I promised last class, you can have the last thirty minutes to talk with your partners either in a break out room or just log off and work something out with each other. Are there any questions?”
One student raises their hand. Sweet kid, if only a little mischievous. They always come to office hours for help on their essays, and if you remember correctly, they’re the one who suggested that you play nice with Jihoon. You call on them.
“I don’t know how to say this in French…”
“It’s fine,” you say, switching out of French. “We’re just wrapping up anyway. What’s your question? Formatting? I already posted—”
“No, well, it’s rather personal, professor.”
You raise your eyebrows at that, and so does Jeonghan right below the student’s camera. You have a sinking feeling about this, but you entertain them anyway.
“If it’s quick, sure, but if it’s long, come to my office hours this afternoon.”
“It’s just—” the student leans closer “—can you show me the left shoulder of your jacket?”
You turn to the side. It’s a pretty embroidered patch Jihoon got from a friend not too long ago. He usually kept it in the living room display, but when he needed something to cover up a hole in the cardigan’s sleeve, it seemed like a perfect fit.
The student grins.
“What a funny coincidence. I’m taking Professor Jihoon’s music production class this semester, and he has a cardigan with the same shoulder design.”
Ah. Your throat dries.
“I like this style,” you respond coolly. “I see that he and I have similar tastes. I wonder if we got it in the same place.”
“Professor, he said that the design was custom-made.” They pause for dramatic effect, though there’s no need. All of your students are on the edge of their seats now, and Jeonghan has the most triumphant look. “I also had class with him right before this. Professor Y/N, are you living with Professor Jihoon?”
There it is. There’s silent gasps on some cameras, and the chat scrolls by with key smashes. Your feisty dynamic with the music department’s resident grumpface is well-known, and this. This is breaking news worthy.  It doesn’t help that Jihoon chooses this exact moment to leave the bedroom to put his plate in the sink. It’s not his fault; you did tell him that you’d end early. He catches your deer-in-headlights look and freezes in the middle of the room, mouthing, Are you not done?
…is this how the lie finally unravels?
“Is that your cat?” Jeonghan jumps in now. “Does he finally want to say hi to the class?”
Your brain fires off excuses. We’re neighbors. We happened to see each other right before this. My apartment wi-fi is weak, so I teach in a public space that Jihoon happens to frequent, too. Actually, his washing machine is broken, so he’s over just to do laundry. But you know that the evidence is damning. You’re caught.
“Anyone who wants or needs to leave, feel free to,” you say before muting your mic. Only three names disappear from the list of participants. “Jihoon, they know.”
You don’t need to explain further. His eyes bug out. “They what? How?”
“One of my students is in your class. They recognized your cardigan.” You glance at your chat still asking you to confirm, though your reaction is basically a confirmation already. “They’re asking you to say hello.”
He gives you a worried look. “Are you okay with that? You can tell them to mind their own business and ignore it. Give them enough homework and they’ll forget about it.”
“I’m okay with it. If you are.”
He holds your gaze for a moment before shrugging. He puts his plate on the coffee table and then walks into frame. You unmute your mic.
“Well, everyone who’s interested,” you begin, waving to the newcomer behind your shoulder. “Meet my boyfriend. Some of you might know him.”
He ducks down, and when his face appears, the chat goes wild.
It’s really him!!
Wait, when did you start dating?????
ok but i lowkey called it…like, who fights so much srsly…
You push Jihoon out of the camera, fighting back an embarrassed chuckle. “Alright, if there’s no more questions about your upcoming assignment, go do your work,” you say. “You had your fun. I’m guessing you don’t need to stay, so no break out rooms while I sort this mess out.”
Some of them protest, trying to ask more questions about your sudden relationship, but Jeonghan steps in, saying that he needs to talk to you. That clears out the rest of them fairly quickly, leaving only you, Jeonghan, and Jihoon standing right out of view.
“So,” your colleague crows, “you and Professor Jihoon, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised. I always said there was something in the air. Will you be free for a debrief later as planned, or will you be preoccupied with doing damage control?”
“We can still meet as planned,” you manage.
“Perfect.” Jeonghan twiddles his fingers into the camera. “Tell Mr. Boyfriend I said bye.”
“Bye, Jeonghan.”
You end the room, and with a sigh that could probably lift a hot air balloon, you swivel your chair to face the so-called Mr. Boyfriend, who’s looking a lot calmer than you expected.
“Cat’s out of the bag,” you say, as if that wasn’t obvious already. “Guess we can’t pretend to fight in front of them anymore.”
He laughs. “That’s what you’re thinking about?”
You give him a half-shrug. “It was fun! Made for pretty entertaining days. Do you think the news will get around to everyone by tomorrow?”
“I bet it’ll get around to everyone by tonight,” he says. To prove his point, his phone buzzes incessantly in his back pocket, and he reads the message before showing you the screen. “See? Soonyoung’s already asking me about it.”
“Okay.” You smile. “Just making sure you’re not regretting having your name tied to mine. You know they’re not going to let this go for a long time.”
Professor Jihoon — standing in front of you with a day old black t-shirt, basketball shorts, and bright eyes that cameras can’t capture — leans down to cage you between his arms.
“Are you kidding me?” he murmurs, drawing even closer. “I finally get to publicly call you mine.”
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spooning - nolan patrick
****ya girl is back w another patty fic. this might be one of my favorite things I've written so let me know what you think! this is some tooth aching fluff with our favorite stoic boy.***** 
“Did you just throw a spoon at me?”
Okay maybe you were being a little over dramatic. But it was warranted, he said over and over that he would be done in 5 minutes yet, here he was, 45 minutes later, still in front of that damn TV. 
You knew the struggle of dating a hockey player and you were okay with them, most of the time anyways. Nolan was back on the ice this season and while you couldn’t be happier to see your boy back doing what he loves, he was driving you crazy. 
Nolan had this weird thought that he had something to prove to the team, to the fans, to the entire city. After missing a season due to injury, he felt that he had to come back 10x better than he already was. You told him over and over again that it was really unnecessary since the team had faith in him and he was already playing fantastic as usual and he didn't owe those loud mouth reporters shit. Yet, it went in on ear and out the other. He spent extra time at the rink after practice, working on his shot, his speed, his passes, anything and everything he possibly could. 
Which lead to right now. You had barely seen Nolan this week due to games, practices, and you working so tonight was supposed to be one night to spend time together. You were going to cook dinner and Nolan even agreed to help and cook with you. You were honestly pretty excited to spend some time together and actually have a conversation with him that wasn't “good morning” or “good night”. 
Except you were standing in the kitchen, alone, halfway done cooking dinner and Nolan was sitting on the couch watching tapes from the team’s game last season against the Islanders in preparation for this weeks game. You asked multiple times for him to pause it and he promised just 5 more minutes every time. 
So yes, you did throw a spoon at him. 
All you did was shrug when he asked and turned around to go back to cooking. 
“Babe? Did you just throw a spoon at me?”
“I have no idea what you're talking about.” If he wanted to lie about being done with the game, then you could lie about the spoon. It was obvious he didn’t believe you but you did hear him pause the TV and heard his feet shuffling around the floor. 
You faced the stove and stir the pot you had on the burners when you felt hands slide around your waist and rest on your hips. Nolan shoved his face into your neck and he nuzzled into your skin as he pressed his body flush against yours. 
He mumbled a “baby?” into your neck and you hummed in response. He pulled his head up a bit to rest his chin on your shoulder.
“Why did you throw a spoon at me?”
“Why am I cooking dinner alone?”
The crickets were awfully loud tonight.
“Okay, so it appears I may have forgotten that I promised to help you cook tonight.” He leaned up and starting repeated kisses to your cheek. “I’m sorry honey, I got dishes tonight and dinner tomorrow, I promise.”. You still had yet to answer him. It may have been a bit dramatic but you were kinda hurt, all you wanted was a bit of quality time with him. Nolan continued to kiss your cheeks, your forehead, your chin, and all the way down to your shoulder blade. You still gave him not reaction and focused on the stove in front of you. It wasn't until Nolan rubbed his beard into your neck and started tickling his finger against your side did you crack.
“Stop it, I’m mad at you! Couldn’t you figure that out when I chucked a spoon at your head?” you were half laughing, half trying to put up a serious front. 
“Yeah, the spoon flying at my head kinda gave that away. I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean to forget. I promise I’ll make it up to you.” He pouted at you, sliding his arms back around your waist. He pulled you flush against him once again and starts swaying side to side. 
“Nol, you don’t get it. I really missed you this week, we’ve barely seen each other. I was looking forward to actually spending some time together but noooooo you just had watch more stupid hockey tapes.” you grumbled out that last part and took a rather aggressive jab at the pan with the spatula you were holding. He sat quietly for a moment while still swaying you back and forth slowly. You felt him rub his nose against your neck before he pressed his lips softly against the side of your head for a brief moment. 
“You’re right. I got too caught up in being back and got lost in the hockey hype. I neglected you and our relationship. I’m sorry baby, I’ll try to not let it happen again. If it does, you have my full permission to throw more spoons at him.” he mumbled. You hummed in response, appreciating his words and knowing that he meant them. “Here, let me help.” he grabbed the spatula from your hands and bumped you out of your place in front of the stove with his hip. You stared at him in amusement as he started stiring the dinner in the pan. “Cmon, I got this. go pour some wine and put on your favorite song.” he smiled at your, nodding his head toward the bottle of wine sitting on the kitchen island. You sighed but did as he said anyway. You grabbed two glasses and poured you both some wine. You put on your “chill” playlist, a favorite of both you and Nolan, and made your way back over to the stove.
Placing the glasses on the counter, you wrapped your arms snuggly around his midsection and rested your head against his back. You rested against him for a minute and mumbled a soft “missed you” against his shirt. You watched as he lowed the flame on the stove and spun around to face you. His hands landed at your waist as he tugged you close to him. Your chin was on his chest as you stared up at him. He smiled down at you contently and bent down to press a soft kiss to your lips.
“Hi baby.” he said, pressing another soft kiss to your lips. He always had a way of making you feel like a giddy schoolgirl.
“Hi honey.” you smiled back at him, relishing on finally getting a moment with your boyfriend. He kissed you one last time before pulling away from your hold.
“C’mon you love this song.” He said as he grabbed your hands and pulled you into the middle of the kitchen. He spun you around by the hand and dramatically dipped you into his arms, which always made you laugh. Before long, the two of you were spinning each other around the kitchen, dramatically dipping each other. There’s a chance your attempt to dip Nolan failed majorly and he may have ended up on the floor while you cracked up but that was a story for another time.
The two of spun around the kitchen, smiling, laughing, and just enjoying the time you two had together for a couple songs until Nolan realized dinner needed to be finished. He returned to the stove, stirring food around in the pot, while you perched on the counter with your glass of wine. Nolan told you all about his practice and all the funny things the boys chirped at each other while you caught him up on all of the latest work drama and the conversation you had with his sister a few days before. 
You passed Nolan plates as he placed dinner on them and the two of you headed to the table. Dinner was lovely, the conversation flowing as smooth as always. Smiles were spread across both of your faces as both of you clearly loved having this time to catch up with each other. Nolan smiled extra softly at you as you told him how dinner with your friends went the other night and reached out to hold your hand across the table.
“You know,” he started as you finished your story, “this is all I want in life. I just want me and you, together like this, for the rest of my life.”
“I- you- what?” you stuttered as he caught you off guard. He chuckled at your surprise and kissed your hand.
“Babes, you can’t be surprised by that. We’ve legit talked about marriage and kids, why would I not want you for the rest of my life?” he asked you. Well he did have a point, we had talked often about your future together and have recent taken the step to move in together. 
“I don’t know, just caught me by surprise. It’s always nice to hear though, I want you forever too Nols. You’re it for me.” you said as you leaned over the table to kiss him.
“Thanks baby, you’re it for me too.” he replied back to you in his typical deep voice. He lifted the back the your hand that he was holding up to his lips, kissing it gently. Then, in true Nolan fashion, he casually changed the conversation to a story about the boys messing around and almost getting in trouble this morning after practice. 
The two of you ended the night by migrating to your bed, opting for a movie and some comfy clothes. You laid with your head on his shoulder and you two watched the next couple episodes of the newest show you had been binging. You rolled closer to him, resting your head in the curve of his neck and wrapping your arms around his shirtless torso. His hand fell into your hair and your eyes fell shut at the calming feeling. You felt yourself start to doze off but not before you felt Nolan pull you closer and press a kiss to the top of your hair. He mumbled a soft “love you” as you fell asleep, thankful that you decided to throw a spoon at him.
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