#latest current affairs questions and answers
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New SpaceTime out Wednesday
SpaceTime 20240814 Series 27 Episode 98
A hidden ocean on Uranus' moon Ariel
There’s growing speculation the Uranus’s moon Ariel may harbour a hidden sub surface ocean under its frozen crust.
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Webb sees the birth of stars in a new light
NASA’s Webb Space Telescope has captured the first ever direct images of a key phase of how new born stars are actually formed.
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What happens to the remains of neutron star mergers?
Scientists are resorting to some of the worlds most advanced super computers to try and figure out how quickly a stellar mass black hole is likely to form from the merger of a pair of neutron stars.
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The Science Report
A new study claims thinking too hard is unpleasant.
Just how clean is your microwave oven.
New study warns not to trust ChatGPT for answers to medical questions.
Alex on Tech Another Apple update.
SpaceTime covers the latest news in astronomy & space sciences.
The show is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple Podcasts (itunes), Stitcher, Google Podcast, Pocketcasts, SoundCloud, Bitez.com, YouTube, your favourite podcast download provider, and from www.spacetimewithstuartgary.com
SpaceTime is also broadcast through the National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio and on both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
SpaceTime daily news blog: http://spacetimewithstuartgary.tumblr.com/
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SpaceTime -- A brief history SpaceTime is Australia’s most popular and respected astronomy and space science news program – averaging over two million downloads every year. We’re also number five in the United States.  The show reports on the latest stories and discoveries making news in astronomy, space flight, and science.  SpaceTime features weekly interviews with leading Australian scientists about their research.  The show began life in 1995 as ‘StarStuff’ on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s (ABC) NewsRadio network.  Award winning investigative reporter Stuart Gary created the program during more than fifteen years as NewsRadio’s evening anchor and Science Editor.  Gary’s always loved science. He studied astronomy at university and was invited to undertake a PHD in astrophysics, but instead focused on his career in journalism and radio broadcasting. Gary’s radio career stretches back some 34 years including 26 at the ABC. He worked as an announcer and music DJ in commercial radio, before becoming a journalist and eventually joining ABC News and Current Affairs. He was part of the team that set up ABC NewsRadio and became one of its first on air presenters. When asked to put his science background to use, Gary developed StarStuff which he wrote, produced and hosted, consistently achieving 9 per cent of the national Australian radio audience based on the ABC’s Nielsen ratings survey figures for the five major Australian metro markets: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, and Perth.  The StarStuff podcast was published on line by ABC Science -- achieving over 1.3 million downloads annually.  However, after some 20 years, the show finally wrapped up in December 2015 following ABC funding cuts, and a redirection of available finances to increase sports and horse racing coverage.  Rather than continue with the ABC, Gary resigned so that he could keep the show going independently.  StarStuff was rebranded as “SpaceTime”, with the first episode being broadcast in February 2016.  Over the years, SpaceTime has grown, more than doubling its former ABC audience numbers and expanding to include new segments such as the Science Report -- which provides a wrap of general science news, weekly skeptical science features, special reports looking at the latest computer and technology news, and Skywatch – which provides a monthly guide to the night skies. The show is published three times weekly (every Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and available from the United States National Science Foundation on Science Zone Radio, and through both i-heart Radio and Tune-In Radio.
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mariacallous · 2 months
The Republican Party platform, released ahead of this week’s Republican National Convention, contained many capitalized words—“American Patriots,” “Migrant Invasion,” “God’s Good Grace”—but none of them were “Taiwan.” It was a striking departure from the party’s track record of support for the island and left many guessing where former U.S. President Donald Trump stands on Taiwan heading into a potential second term.
Trump filled in that blank on Tuesday with characteristically blunt comments published in an interview with Bloomberg Businessweek.
In the interview, conducted in late June, he cast doubt on future U.S. support for Taiwan. Asked whether the United States would come to Taiwan’s defense in the event of a Chinese attack, he answered rather elliptically, saying, “Taiwan. I know the people very well, respect them greatly.” He then added, “They did take about 100% of our chip business,” referring to high-end semiconductors, the vast majority of which are currently made in Taiwan. 
Trump went on to suggest that the answer would be conditioned on whether defending Taiwan would be a good deal economically for the United States. “Taiwan should pay us for defense. You know, we’re no different than an insurance company,” he said. “Taiwan doesn’t give us anything.”
Taipei’s representative office in Washington defended the island’s own efforts in a statement to Foreign Policy, saying, “As the threat of military coercion increases, Taiwan is doing its part by actively strengthening deterrence capabilities with the support of the United States under the Taiwan Relations Act.”
Trump’s comments undoubtedly set off new concerns in Taipei, but he has made statements in a similar vein over the past two years. 
In an interview with Fox News last summer, he said, “Taiwan did take all of our chip business,” when asked whether the United States would protect the island. And in several interviews in recent months, he has stuck closer to the traditional U.S. position of “strategic ambiguity” on defending Taiwan (unlike U.S. President Joe Biden, whose administration maintains an official policy of strategic ambiguity but who has personally said on numerous occasions that the United States would defend Taiwan). 
Like his recent comments, Trump has framed strategic ambiguity in transactional terms. In an April interview with Time, when posed the typical question about defending Taiwan, he said, “I wouldn’t want to give away any negotiating abilities by giving information like that to any reporter.”
While Trump’s latest remarks aren’t new per se, as his poll numbers climb higher and the November presidential election draws nearer, they highlight a critical open question: What might Trump’s approach to Taiwan look like in a second term? The answer hinges on whether Trump’s own America First mentality would dominate over the agenda of the China hawks in his national security orbit who are staunch defenders of Taiwan.
Looking back to his presidency offers some clues. Trump was inconsistent on Taiwan—he famously took a call from then-Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen as president-elect, breaking long-standing U.S. norms. But then he quickly tacked back to the typical U.S. talking points, recognizing the so-called “One China” policy in a subsequent call with Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Many of his top foreign-policy advisors were China hawks and Taiwan supporters, including Secretary of State Mike Pompeo; National Security Advisor John Bolton; Deputy National Security Advisor Matt Pottinger; Peter Navarro, the director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy; and Randall Schriver, the assistant secretary of defense for Indo-Pacific security affairs. During the course of his administration, they successfully pushed for more support for Taiwan, including the sale of F-16 fighter jets to the island, previously deemed to be too controversial. And at the very end of Trump’s presidency, Pompeo went as far as to cancel the rules barring direct communication with Taiwan.
“I think in the first term, you had a lot of people around Trump who were friendly with Taiwan [and] very skeptical about China,” said Zack Cooper, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. “It’s not clear, though, that that was Trump’s own personal view.”
Trump’s national security team in a second term would likely be more mixed on Taiwan, as several of those former key players have since distanced themselves from Trump, including Bolton and Pottinger. Voices such as Elbridge Colby, a principal at the Marathon Initiative and former Trump official who is thought to still be in Trump’s good graces, have called for a pivot from Ukraine to Taiwan, while others may fall closer in line with the Trump isolationist impulse. 
“I think that’s the core tension within the Trump circle,” Cooper said. Which direction the administration might swing depends on Trump himself and his level of involvement. Trump has already proposed launching a new trade war with China, and he is likely to be very involved in shaping economic policy toward China overall, but it is unclear how directly he would engage in Taiwan policymaking.
If Trump’s own views were to prevail in a second term, Taiwan would likely be in for a rocky four years trying to prove its worth to the president. “Contrary to what some analysts argue, there isn’t an Indo-Pacific exception in Trump’s version of ‘America first,’” Hal Brands, a political scientist at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, argued in a recent essay in Foreign Affairs.
Under the Trump-centric Taiwan foreign policy, several scenarios could unfold. On defense, Trump spoke critically of Taiwan treating the United States like an insurance company in his conversation with Businessweek, but his comment that Taiwan “should pay us for defense” suggests he may mostly be interested in securing a higher premium for U.S. support. 
What kind of payment would Trump be looking for? During his presidency, Trump called for South Korea and Japan to cover a much higher share of the costs for U.S. bases in both countries, but very few U.S. troops are stationed in Taiwan. Taipei already buys billions of dollars’ worth of weapons from Washington, but Trump might consider cutting off new foreign military aid to Taiwan approved under Biden. He would also likely push for Taiwan to increase its military spending, up from 2.6 percent of its GDP today, as his former National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien suggested recently. 
On chips, the Taiwanese government has pushed back on Trump’s claims of unfairness. In an interview with Foreign Policy this month, Alexander Yui, Taiwan’s representative to the United States, said, “Between Taiwan and the U.S., we’re partners in terms of that industry. … The United States is very good at chip design, and we’re very good at manufacturing.” He also referenced the three massive semiconductor factories that Taiwanese tech giant TSMC plans to build in Arizona.
However, Trump’s repeated comments begrudging Taiwan’s semiconductor dominance suggest that he is unsatisfied with the status quo and may push for more domestic chip manufacturing. “Trump has made it clear—he’s going after chips,” said Jason Hsu, a former Taiwanese legislator who is now an Edward Mason fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. “TSMC could bear the consequences of Trump’s political rhetoric.”
A final scenario that some experts say could unfold if Trump were to dominate Taiwan policy and take it in the most transactional direction is that he could trade Taiwan’s future away in some kind of grand economic bargain with China. The terms of such a deal and its likelihood are far from clear, but experts point to Trump’s past remarks in private diminishing Taiwan’s significance as a sign that such a scenario might be possible.
But Taiwan has some “aces up its sleeve” to head off worst-case scenarios under a Trump administration, argued Craig Singleton, the director of the China program at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. 
“Taiwan’s major semiconductor investments in important battleground states, like Arizona, and its substantial military hardware purchases highlight the island’s strategic importance,” Singleton said. “Taiwan also enjoys steadfast bipartisan backing on Capitol Hill, which could prove helpful in navigating choppy diplomatic waters.”
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brekkie-e · 1 year
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Was doing an Aggie with some friends and it got out of hand. But! Now I have a line up of my current BG3 custom party. Girl squad supremacy.
A divorcee, a house wife, and a bottle of pepto bismal walk into a bar…. Oop I mean wake up on a nautiloid.
OC info under the cut.
Anathema is a high elf wizard. Well, she will be. She’s only scraping by because Wizard 101 was a mandatory class during her secondary school years. She’s about 350 years old, just discovered her scumbag politician husband has been covering up his affairs by trading his mistresses souls to a devil in exchange for political influence. Naturally, she found a contract with her name on it as well. The poor thing was running away when the Mindflayer’s caught her.
She’s an archivist who keeps plants as a hobby. Deathly afraid of any and all animals. 10/10 stands on chairs when she sees a mouse. Naturally she’s romancing Halsin.
Epione is a grown up street rat. Unbeknownst to her, she’s a cambion born from Mephistophole’s latest plot to overthrow Azmodeus. He’s trying to collect a whole bunch of divine soul sorcerer’s for some nefarious reasons, and ended up making an elite force of off spring in the process. There are 7, naturally based off the seven deadly sins. Epi’s oldest brother decided he didn’t want to participate in his dad’s messed up plans anymore, so when he was sent to collect her after her mother died in child birth… he delivered her to an orphanage instead. Her wings were cropped by the headmistress there for better or worse. She ran away when she was about 7 and lived on the streets of Baldur’s Gate ever since. She doesn’t know much about where she came from, but she’s trying her best. This is an insanely condensed version of the story XD. Chaotic little cinnamon roll, wild magic sorcerer who’s going to eventually get a few levels of bard so that she can have vicious mockery and cutting word.
Epi is about 226. She’s intended to be the chaotic good that balances out Astarion’s chaotic bad.
Neriah is the answer to the question “what if Molly Weasley were a dnd character.” She’s happily married, the mother of 8 children, and a crochet connoisseur. Legally adopting all the companions. Being kidnapped by Mindflayers has provided her the first day off she’s had in 26 years. She began looking at it like a bit of a vacation. Up until she realized she’d have her hands full just as badly with the companions, if not worse considering she raised her children with manners. She’s a paladin, and I’ve yet to decide if she’s going to be oath of devotion (with the oath being focused on her returning to her children) or oath of vengeance (with it being focused on ripping off the heads of those who thought they could separate her from her kids.)
Neriah is a half elf, and she’s about 85.
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kmomof4 · 5 months
Krystal, I am so glad you reblogged this, because I loved this set of questions and wanted it to get circling. Apologies if I ask you several…
For the Bookish Asks: A, C, H, T, U, V, and Y
I’ll never forgive you for this, Marta 😜 kidding!! Thank you so much for the ask! This really did look fun so I’m thrilled to answer so many!!!
A Author You've Read The Most Books From
Probably Stephen King. I started reading him my freshman year in college and by the time our first was born in ‘97, I’d read pretty much everything he’d written up to that point.
C Currently Reading
Does fanfiction count? 😜 but seriously, I guess you could say I’m currently reading When He Was Wicked, Francesca Bridgerton’s book by Julia Quinn, since I’m adapting it to a CS fic…
H Hidden Gem Book
So, I went back to my homeschooling days for this one. In the Reign of Terror by G.A. Henty. We only read a few of his books when the kids were growing up and they were all wonderful, but this was our first one we read aloud and it was just phenomenal !!! All of his books followed a young person living during momentous times in human history. This one was set during, you guessed it, the French Revolution. HIGHLY recommend.
T Three Of Your All-Time Favorite Books
The first two are easy peasy… It and The Stand, both by Stephen King. From the first time I read them to when I started having kiddos and no time, I read them both at least once a year. It’s now been well over 2 decades since I read either one and I could probably give you a pretty detailed description of what happens in each and every chapter.
For the third, I really don’t know… but I’ll list several that I LOVE that jump immediately to mind.
The Horse and His Boy C.S. Lewis Chronicles of Narnia Book 3, takes place during the reign of the Pevensies in Narnia.
The Lord of the Rings J.R.R. Tolkien yes, it counts as 1 book, sorry, not sorry…
The Viscount that Loved Me and An Offer From a Gentleman by Julia Quinn. Anthony and Benedict Bridgerton’s stories, respectively.
And finally, Nora Roberts O’Hurley’s series, that, as you know, inspired my A Family Affair fic series. I read the series, except Trace’s story (the older brother), before I was married, and when I found the last book, it rekindled my love for the entire series and it held a very special place in my heart all these years.
U Unapologetic Fangirl For
Bridgerton series
V Very Excited For This Release More Than Any Other
If you’d asked me that about 9mos ago, my VERY LOUD and EXCITED answer would have been the Special Edition release of the Bridgerton series in hardback that Chris ordered for me for Christmas, which also answers your last question. But, since you didn’t ask me that 9mos ago 😜 and it’s been so long since I’ve bought any real-hold-in-your-hand-book, I don’t really have an answer for you. Sorry?
Y Your Latest Book Purchase
See above.
Thank you again for all these, Marta!!!
Send me a bookish ask
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forlix · 4 months
hiik! idk what to actually type but i just feel really bad after reading your reply to the latest ask, it’s like ‘when one of the nicest person gets mad’ like you were sooo right for doing that!! i don‘t blame you for actually getting mad! you are human after all, but it‘s just . . i‘ve been following you & your works for a couple of months & i‘ve never actually noticed you acting like that &! again, i ain‘t trying to say that you‘re wrong or anything!! you were very right & you handled it well!! but really, are you okay? idk – like i mentioned, i‘m just worried, this recent thing with skz has me disappointed & angered as well & i really like how vocal you are abt it! but stillllll! yeah, that‘s what i wanted to say & alsooo!! i love you & your energy sm!! <3 hope you‘ve a great day!! ❤️✨
fbsndhsjdj thank you so much for saying all of this. i was a little nervous about my answer in hindsight but i kept reminding myself i wanted to respond that way at the time and i should trust my instinct. regardless it feels so nice to receive a lil external validation too, so thank you :’) it was very frustrating to read that ask, especially bc so much information about the current state of affairs is available not only all over social media but also. on my literal blog
to answer your question tho, i am okay? sort of. i’m neurodivergent so i can never love things a normal amount and just the idea of my relationship with skz undergoing any sort of negative change has made the last week feel so dreary and dark. i’ve been in one of the worst headspaces in a long time 😞 i miss them and shit fucking sucks but i think i am slowly and surely resurfacing now that things are starting to quiet down. thank you for checking on me; i hope you’re doing okay as well, in spite of your disappointment and anger. you’re certainly not alone in your feelings 🤍
seriously, thank you for this ask hehe u have no idea how much of a weight your words have lifted off of me. i love you too! have an amazing rest of your sunday.
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thesc00p · 11 months
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Welcome to the Scoop
Hello, dear future followers, and welcome to The Scoop, your new favorite destination for news, knowledge, and all things informative. We're absolutely thrilled to have you embark on this exciting journey with us!
At The Scoop, we're all about keeping you informed and inspired. Whether it's the latest headlines, fascinating discoveries, cultural trends, or compelling stories, we've got it all right here. Our mission is to curate diverse and engaging news from across the spectrum, making sure you're always in the know.
But this platform isn't just about the headlines; it's about building a vibrant community of curious minds. We want to hear your thoughts, answer your questions, and spark meaningful discussions. So, let's connect, explore, and embrace the ever-evolving tapestry of our world together.
Stay tuned for a fantastic journey through the fascinating world of news and knowledge. Get ready for insightful posts, thought-provoking stories, and a lot more. We can't wait to share the latest updates with you and to hear your voices in the conversations to come. Welcome to The Scoop - where curiosity meets current affairs!
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f1 · 1 year
F1 NATION: Damon Hill answers your questions on Max Verstappen Lance Stroll Mercedes and more...
As the Formula 1 paddock pauses for a breather after a thrilling start to the 2023 season, it seemed an appropriate time to roll out a special episode of the F1 Nation podcast – with Damon Hill and Tom Clarkson on hand to answer your questions… Why is Max Verstappen so at one with his Red Bull? What can Lance Stroll achieve alongside Fernando Alonso at Aston Martin? How long will it take Mercedes to work through their current issues? And what’s the best venue to visit on the F1 calendar? BARRETTO: How Aston Martin surged up the F1 pecking order – and why there should be plenty more to come These are just some of the questions our listeners sent in, with 1996 world champion Hill and F1 Nation host Clarkson taking their time to answer all of them in detail. There’s also a moment to reflect on the first three races of the season in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Australia – the latter proving to be a particularly dramatic affair with edge-of-your-seat action, Safety Cars and red flags. Want to get your question answered by the F1 Nation gang on a future episode? Simply record it as a voice note and email it to [email protected]. UNDERDOG TALES: When Senna took the F1 paddock by storm with Toleman and made Monaco’s streets his own Tune into the latest episode of F1 Nation by hitting go on the audio player above – or by clicking here to listen via your preferred podcasting provider. via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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dramashii · 2 years
Love does not grow at a fixed rate; CW: The Interest of Love
I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to try and catch up with all the latest eps.
I initially attempted to see this on its premier week, but my friend called me in the middle of watching the second episode, and so I just lost focus. Now that I no longer have any currently watching Korean drama in my list, I decided to get back on this. I watched the first 8 episodes, and if I can describe my experience so far with one word, it would be frustrating. 
The Interest of Love is a Kdrama starring Yoo Yeon Seok and Moon Ga Young. It follows a messy love affair between 4 people in a workplace. 
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When I first heard the drama was set in a bank and the title was The Interest of Love, I thought to myself: “That actually makes perfect sense”. Interests and banks are often hand in hand with each other. We put money in banks, and the price of putting them there (or lending it) is called interest. It might seem corny or on the nose, but I think it’s a great nod to the setting and it perfectly summarizes the drama: the payment of love.
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For me it’s actually the recurring question in the drama: “How much are you willing to pay for love?” The drama shows the attempts of 4 people in a messy love square answering it. 
The drama is actually interesting to me. There’s so much symbolism involved which makes me analyze everything in different angles (maybe I’m just overthinking this whole drama lol). The main characters have a lot of layers in them which makes watching them intriguing. The drama largely talks about classism which is very prevalent in society. A lot of times, how people treat you depends on how much money you have. The drama portrays many different situations where this is the case. The characters involved in that love square depicts different social classes, and so you get to see how differently they react to common situations. 
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I do understand where the criticisms are coming from. Like I said in my first paragraph, this drama is frustrating. A lot of the problems in here could be solved if people would just sit down and talk. There are so many hesitations and assumptions between characters that as a viewer, just exasperates me. If the characters spent less time looking at each other from a far, and more at being honest they wouldn’t be in this knot in the first place. Not to mention that the drama also brushes on toxic working environments, there are a lot of characters to dislike here.
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I also don’t really see that much chemistry between the main leads for some reason, neither do I like their characters individually. I find myself rooting for the second male lead a lot. 
I’ll probably just continue to watch this just to see how far all of them will go. 
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kgsupsccourses · 1 day
Mastering Daily Current Affairs for UPSC Success | KGS IAS
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Keeping up with daily current affairs is one of the most critical aspects of UPSC preparation. With the vast syllabus and dynamic nature of the exam, staying informed about the latest events can give aspirants a strategic edge. Let’s explore how daily current affairs shape the success of UPSC candidates.
Importance of Current Affairs in UPSC Preparation
Daily current affairs play a pivotal role in both the UPSC Prelims and Mains exams. Questions in the exam often revolve around current issues and require candidates to link these events with the core topics in the UPSC syllabus. The exam isn’t just about remembering facts—it’s about analyzing events, understanding their implications, and integrating them with subject knowledge.
In the General Studies papers, as well as in essays and interviews, a strong understanding of current events helps in writing comprehensive and insightful answers. It enhances the overall quality of your preparation and boosts your chances of scoring well.
Main Areas to Cover for Current Affairs
National Developments: Government policies, important bills, and socio-political changes.
International Affairs: Global diplomacy, international organizations, and treaties.
Economy: Budget, monetary policies, and economic reforms.
Environment: Climate change, conservation efforts, and international environmental treaties.
Science & Technology: Breakthroughs in technology, space exploration, and innovations.
Reliable Sources for Daily Current Affairs
To build a strong foundation, aspirants should follow trustworthy sources like The Hindu, Indian Express, and Press Information Bureau (PIB). For UPSC-specific analysis, monthly magazines such as Yojana and Kurukshetra are valuable resources.
How to Incorporate Current Affairs into Your Routine
Create a Daily Plan: Dedicate a specific time every day for current affairs study, around 1-2 hours.
Note-taking: Organize key points from daily news and categorize them by subjects.
Frequent Revisions: Regularly revise your notes and integrate them with static portions of the syllabus to build a comprehensive understanding.
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siddhipunjab · 6 days
Daily current affairs for PCS
Current affairs play an indispensable role in the preparation for the Punjab Civil Services (PCS) examination. With the dynamic nature of the exam syllabus, keeping yourself updated with the latest news, developments, and trends becomes crucial for clearing the PCS exam. The significance of daily current affairs for PCS cannot be overstated, as they form a substantial portion of the exam, particularly in the preliminary and main stages.
Siddhi IAS, a premier coaching institute for PCS aspirants, understands this well and offers structured and comprehensive current affairs material, making sure aspirants are well-prepared for every aspect of the examination. This blog will guide you on how to make the most of daily current affairs for PCS preparation and how Siddhi IAS can help you in this journey.
Why Current Affairs Matter for PCS Preparation?
The PCS exam not only tests your knowledge of traditional subjects like history, geography, and polity but also places significant emphasis on contemporary issues and general awareness. The scope of the current affairs section extends beyond daily news to include a wide range of topics such as international relations, economic policies, government schemes, and more.
Here’s why current affairs are crucial for PCS preparation:
1. Weightage in the Exam
In the PCS Preliminary and Mains exams, a large portion of the questions are based on current affairs. In the prelims, the General Studies Paper includes questions related to the latest happenings in the fields of politics, economics, science and technology, international relations, and government schemes. Similarly, in the Mains exam, essays, as well as questions on general studies, require a strong understanding of current events.
2. Interdisciplinary Nature
Current affairs link various subjects such as economics, history, polity, and international relations. An event in current affairs might require a background understanding of multiple topics, and it is this interdisciplinary nature that makes them important for answering not only direct questions but also those that require analytical skills.
3. Boosting Analytical Abilities
PCS exams don’t just test factual knowledge but also the ability to analyze and interpret events. Regularly reading current affairs helps improve your critical thinking and analytical abilities, which are key skills for the essay and general studies papers in the Mains examination.
4. Real-Life Examples for Answer Writing
Incorporating recent events and examples from current affairs in your answers can significantly enhance the quality of your responses in the Mains exam. PCS examiners appreciate answers that are well-rounded and include relevant, real-life examples to support arguments. This helps in scoring better marks, especially in general studies and essay writing.
How to Prepare for Daily Current Affairs for PCS
Now that we know the importance of current affairs, the next step is to understand how to effectively prepare for them. Here are some tips:
1. Daily Newspaper Reading
One of the best sources for current affairs is daily newspapers. Make a habit of reading a reputed newspaper like The Hindu or The Indian Express. These papers cover a broad spectrum of topics from national and international news to economic developments and government policies, which are crucial for PCS preparation.
2. Monthly Current Affairs Magazines
To complement your daily reading, refer to monthly current affairs magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, and Civil Services Chronicle. These magazines compile important events of the month and provide insights and analysis that are relevant for competitive exams.
3. Online Sources and Mobile Applications
There are various apps and websites that provide daily current affairs updates tailored for competitive exams. Platforms like Insights on India, Vision IAS, and Siddhi IAS’s website provide daily current affairs digests, quizzes, and editorials.
4. Regular Revision
Merely reading current affairs is not enough; revising them is equally important. Make weekly and monthly revision notes to consolidate your knowledge. This will help you retain the information better and make it easier to recall during the exam.
5. Focused Preparation on Important Issues
While reading current affairs, focus on important issues such as government schemes, international relations, constitutional amendments, and economic reforms. These topics are more likely to appear in the exam, either directly or indirectly.
Siddhi IAS: Your Partner in Current Affairs Preparation
Siddhi IAS is a renowned institute that helps PCS aspirants excel in current affairs preparation. Understanding that current affairs form a critical part of the exam, Siddhi IAS offers an organized and detailed approach to help students grasp important topics and stay updated.
Here’s how Siddhi IAS can assist you in mastering current affairs:
1. Daily Current Affairs Updates
Siddhi IAS provides comprehensive daily current affairs updates on its website, covering important national, international, economic, and socio-political issues. These updates are curated by experts and presented in a format that is easy to read and understand, ensuring that students can keep track of daily developments efficiently.
2. Current Affairs Classes
At Siddhi IAS, you get the benefit of expert-led current affairs classes where instructors explain the most relevant topics in detail. These classes are designed to help students understand the background and implications of each event, making it easier to answer both objective and descriptive questions.
3. Regular Quizzes and Tests
To test your current affairs knowledge, Siddhi IAS conducts regular quizzes and mock tests based on the latest events. These tests not only assess your preparation but also provide you with feedback and strategies for improvement.
4. Comprehensive Monthly Compilations
In addition to daily updates, Siddhi IAS offers monthly compilations of current affairs. These compilations include in-depth analysis of major events, editorials, and important government policies, all of which are indispensable for PCS preparation.
5. Answer Writing Practice
One of the key features of Siddhi IAS’s approach to current affairs preparation is answer writing practice. The institute encourages students to write descriptive answers incorporating current events. This practice helps aspirants develop the habit of linking current affairs with static syllabus topics, thereby enhancing their answer quality for the Mains exam.
6. Personalized Guidance and Doubt Clearing
At Siddhi IAS, students receive personalized guidance on how to approach current affairs preparation based on their strengths and weaknesses. The institute also offers doubt-clearing sessions where students can discuss topics they find difficult and get clarity from expert faculty.
Current affairs are the backbone of your PCS preparation, and keeping up with daily news and developments is essential for success. While staying updated might seem daunting, adopting a systematic approach—such as reading newspapers, using reliable online resources, and revising regularly—can make the process more manageable.
With the expert guidance and resources provided by Siddhi IAS, you can stay on top of daily current affairs and enhance your overall exam preparation. From daily updates to regular tests and personalized coaching, Siddhi IAS offers everything you need to ace the PCS exam.
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Explore PCS Coaching in Chandigarh with Chanakya IAS Academy
Are you aspiring to join the prestigious ranks of the Punjab Civil Services (PCS)? The path to becoming a PCS officer is rigorous and demands comprehensive preparation and strategic guidance. At Chanakya IAS Academy in Chandigarh, we provide top-notch PCS coaching that equips you with the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to excel in the PCS exams. In this blog, we will delve into why Chanakya IAS Academy is your ideal choice for PCS Coaching in Chandigarh and how our unique approach can help you achieve your career goals.
Why PCS Coaching is Crucial
The Punjab Civil Services exam is one of the most competitive examinations in India. It assesses not only your academic knowledge but also your analytical abilities, decision-making skills, and understanding of state and national issues. With numerous subjects to cover and a rigorous examination pattern, having a structured coaching program can make a significant difference in your preparation.
PCS coaching provides several advantages:
Structured Curriculum: A well-organized study plan that covers all the essential topics.
Expert Guidance: Access to experienced faculty who offer insights and strategies to tackle the exam effectively.
Regular Assessments: Periodic tests and evaluations to track progress and identify areas for improvement.
Motivation and Support: A supportive environment that encourages perseverance and resilience.
Why Choose Chanakya IAS Academy for PCS Coaching in Chandigarh?
1. Expert Faculty
At Chanakya IAS Academy, we understand the importance of guidance from experienced educators. Our faculty comprises seasoned professionals and former civil servants who bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the classroom. They provide valuable insights into the examination pattern, effective study techniques, and current affairs, ensuring you are well-prepared for every aspect of the PCS exam.
2. Comprehensive Study Material
We believe that having the right study material is crucial for effective preparation. Our team has meticulously curated comprehensive study materials that cover the entire syllabus in detail. From in-depth textbooks to practice papers and current affairs updates, our study materials are designed to provide you with a complete understanding of the subjects and help you stay updated with the latest developments.
3. Personalized Coaching
Each student has unique strengths and areas for improvement. At Chanakya IAS Academy, we offer personalized coaching that caters to individual needs. Our faculty members provide one-on-one sessions and tailored study plans to address your specific requirements, ensuring you get the most out of your preparation.
4. Mock Tests and Practice Sessions
Practicing under exam conditions is essential for success. We conduct regular mock tests and practice sessions that simulate the actual examination environment. This helps you familiarize yourself with the exam format, manage your time effectively, and build confidence. Our detailed feedback and analysis after each test help you understand your performance and make necessary improvements.
5. Current Affairs and General Studies
The PCS exam places significant emphasis on current affairs and general studies. Our coaching program includes regular updates on national and international events, as well as discussions on important issues. We provide guidance on how to incorporate current affairs into your answers and stay informed about the latest developments.
6. Student-Centric Approach
Our approach is centered around the needs and aspirations of our students. We believe in creating a positive and motivating learning environment where students feel encouraged to ask questions, seek help, and engage in discussions. Our faculty members are approachable and dedicated to supporting you throughout your preparation journey.
Success Stories: Chanakya IAS Academy's Impact
The success of our students is a testament to the effectiveness of our coaching program. Many of our alumni have successfully cleared the PCS exams and are now serving in various administrative roles across Punjab. Their achievements reflect the quality of education and support provided at Chanakya IAS Academy.
Case Study 1: Anjali Sharma
Anjali Sharma, a former student of Chanakya IAS Academy, shares her experience: "Joining Chanakya IAS Academy was a turning point in my PCS preparation. The faculty's in-depth knowledge and personalized coaching helped me understand complex topics with ease. The mock tests and current affairs sessions kept me well-prepared and confident. I am grateful for the guidance and support I received throughout my preparation."
Case Study 2: Rajeev Kumar
Rajeev Kumar, another success story, says: "The structured approach and comprehensive study material at Chanakya IAS Academy were invaluable in my preparation. The mock tests and practice sessions helped me improve my time management skills and tackle the exam with confidence. The faculty's encouragement and mentorship played a crucial role in my success."
How to Enroll
Enrolling in Chanakya IAS Academy's PCS coaching program is a straightforward process. Simply visit our website or contact our office to get more information about the admission procedure, course fees, and class schedules. Our team will guide you through the enrollment process and help you take the first step towards achieving your PCS goals.
Preparing for the PCS exam requires dedication, hard work, and the right guidance. Chanakya IAS Academy in Chandigarh offers a comprehensive PCS coaching in Chandigarh designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed. With expert faculty, personalized coaching, and a supportive environment, we are committed to helping you achieve your career aspirations. Join us at Chanakya IAS Academy and take the first step towards a successful career in the Punjab Civil Services.
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civilianztvm · 10 days
Common Mistakes to Avoid While Preparing for Civil Engineering PSC Exams in Kerala: Expert Tips for Success through Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching
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Preparing for Civil Engineering PSC exams in Kerala can be a daunting task, but the right strategy and guidance can make the journey smoother. Many students opt for Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching and specialized Civil Engineering Coaching Centres to boost their chances of success. However, despite having access to these resources, candidates often make mistakes that can hinder their preparation. In this blog, we will discuss common mistakes to avoid and provide useful tips to ensure you stay on the right path during your PSC exam preparation.
 1. Neglecting the Importance of a Structured Study Plan
One of the most common mistakes that aspirants make is not having a well-structured study plan. Without a clear plan, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the vast syllabus, especially when juggling multiple subjects. Even the best Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching programs emphasize the importance of a study schedule.
A study plan helps you allocate time for different topics, revise effectively, and track progress. Many Civil Engineering Coaching Centres offer personalized study plans, ensuring candidates cover the syllabus efficiently. To avoid this mistake, take time to create or follow a structured plan that focuses on all areas of the syllabus, including general knowledge, technical subjects, and previous year papers.
 2. Relying Only on Self-Study Without Coaching Support
While self-study is essential, relying solely on it can be a pitfall, especially when preparing for competitive exams like the Civil Engineering PSC. Many candidates underestimate the value of Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching, which offers expert guidance, resources, and a community of learners. Such coaching centers provide mock tests, problem-solving techniques, and strategies for time management that are crucial for exam success.
Opting for a Civil Engineering Coaching Centre helps students gain insights into complex topics and stay updated with the latest exam trends. Balancing self-study with coaching support ensures you have a comprehensive approach to your preparation.
 3. Ignoring General Studies and Current Affairs
A common mistake made by civil engineering aspirants is focusing only on technical subjects, ignoring general studies and current affairs. Many students assume that their technical expertise will carry them through, but general studies hold significant weightage in the PSC exam. This misconception can lead to poor overall performance, even if technical answers are strong.
To avoid this, integrate general studies into your study plan. Many Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching programs include general studies as part of their curriculum. A good Civil Engineering Coaching Centre will provide materials and guidance on current affairs, helping you prepare holistically.
 4. Not Practicing Enough with Mock Tests and Previous Year Papers
Even with the best preparation, exam performance can be hindered by poor time management and unfamiliarity with the exam format. One of the biggest mistakes candidates make is not practicing enough with mock tests and previous year papers. Regular practice not only enhances your speed but also helps you identify weak areas that need more focus.
Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching platforms often provide a series of mock tests, simulating the actual exam environment. Similarly, a Civil Engineering Coaching Centre offers access to previous year papers and practice tests, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the types of questions and the time constraints. Make it a habit to regularly take mock tests and analyze your performance.
 5. Overloading on Resources and Study Materials
Another common error is overloading on resources and study materials. With a plethora of books, online courses, and materials available, students often feel the need to study everything. However, this approach leads to confusion, inefficiency, and burnout. Instead of trying to cover too many resources, focus on quality materials that cover the syllabus comprehensively.
A good Civil Engineering Coaching Centre or Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching program will provide you with the most relevant and concise study materials, cutting down the clutter. Stick to these resources, and don’t get distracted by additional material unless absolutely necessary. Following a streamlined study approach will help you retain information better and avoid unnecessary stress.
In conclusion, preparing for the Civil Engineering PSC exam requires a well-planned strategy, dedication, and avoiding common mistakes that could derail your progress. Enrolling in an Online PSC Civil Engineering Coaching program or a reputable Civil Engineering Coaching Centre can offer invaluable guidance and support, ensuring you’re on the right track. By maintaining a structured study plan, balancing self-study with expert coaching, incorporating general studies, practicing with mock tests, and using quality resources, you can avoid the pitfalls and boost your chances of success in the PSC exam.
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blogoffpage · 12 days
Understanding Part B of NLSAT: What to Expect and How to Prepare
Part B of the National Law School Admission Test (NLSAT) evaluates candidates' analytical, legal, and argumentative writing skills. This section comprises essay-based questions, requiring a solid understanding of legal principles and current legal affairs. The key to excelling lies in crafting coherent, well-structured answers that showcase critical thinking. Candidates should focus on practicing legal essays and stay updated on national and international legal developments.
What to Expect:
Essay-Type Questions: Part B tests your ability to articulate complex legal issues in a clear and logical manner. It demands precision and depth in legal analysis, which is a key trait for aspiring law professionals.
Case Law and Legal Analysis: Students will be expected to incorporate case laws and legal reasoning in their essays. Familiarity with landmark cases, legal concepts, and jurisprudence is important. The aim is to show your ability to apply legal principles to real-world scenarios.
Issue Spotting: This section may present hypothetical situations or questions involving legal issues where students must identify and analyze the problem. The ability to spot legal issues quickly and argue effectively on both sides of the debate is crucial.
Structured Arguments: Your responses should follow a logical structure, with clear introductions, arguments backed by evidence, and strong conclusions. Practicing argumentative essays with time limits will improve both content and delivery.
How to Prepare:
Deepen Legal Knowledge: Focus on constitutional law, criminal law, contract law, and other core areas of legal study. Keep up with current legal developments, both nationally and internationally, as many questions may pertain to contemporary legal debates.
Practice Essay Writing: Writing clear, concise, and structured essays under timed conditions is the best way to prepare for Part B. Develop an approach where you outline your arguments before diving into the essay itself.
Develop Critical Thinking Skills: Reading legal journals, case studies, and opinion pieces can improve your critical thinking and give you insights into how to analyze and present complex issues.
Stay Updated on Current Affairs: Legal issues are often intertwined with social, political, and economic matters. Being aware of the latest developments and trends will allow you to provide relevant, informed perspectives in your essays.
Final Thoughts:
Preparation for Part B of NLSAT is less about memorization and more about analytical thinking, legal awareness, and structured writing. With consistent practice and a deep understanding of legal principles, candidates can approach this section with confidence.
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darkmaga-retard · 18 days
Moon of Alabama
September 4, 2024
Michael Kofman and Rob Lee are U.S. experts who have visited the Ukrainian front-lines several times to then write positive hopeful pieces, in the sense of the West, about the conflict.
Their latest longer piece, published in Foreign Affairs, deviates from their older ones.
Ukraine’s Gamble The Risks and Rewards of the Offensive Into Russia’s Kursk Region
They describe the Ukrainian incursion into the Russian Kursk oblast and the resulting lack of troops on the eastern Donbas front at some length.
They seem, like many others, not to be sure what it is all about. Neither Ukraine nor the countries that supports it seem to have any theory of victory.
Determining what this operation says about Ukraine’s overall strategy and the implications it has for the broader war effort is essential. In some ways, the offensive raises more questions than answers. … For much of 2024, the West has been supporting a Ukrainian strike campaign in Crimea without a good explanation for what was meant to follow. It was serviceable as an end onto itself, degrading Russian air defense and support infrastructure. But that campaign now seems disconnected from Ukraine’s efforts in Kursk and its broader drone strike campaign against economic infrastructure in Russia. A series of disparate efforts do not a strategy make. … Since 2023, Washington has been out of ideas for how to successfully end the war on terms favorable to Ukraine. Kyiv, meanwhile, has been focused on stabilizing the frontline, but equally worried about the prevailing gloomy narrative and the sense that Ukraine is losing the war. The Kursk operation helps address the latter at the risk of doing damage to the former. Whether or not Kursk succeeds, at least it is not an attempt to refight the failed 2023 offensive, a set piece battle in which Ukraine held no decisive advantages. That said, Kyiv’s present theory of success remains unclear.
Kofman and Lee are unhappy:
Holding Kursk as a bargaining chip, expanding strikes, and economic pressure on Russia could significantly strengthen Ukraine’s hand, assuming Ukraine can also hold the line, exhaust Russia’s offensive potential, and withstand Russia’s strike campaign this winter. However it ends, the Kursk offensive needs to provide the impetus for Ukraine and its partners to get on the same page—and shake off the current drift.
“Assuming Ukraine can also …” carries a way too much weight in their closing words.
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rajiasacademy1 · 27 days
Top IAS Coaching in Chandigarh: Why Raj IAS Academy Leads the Way ?
Preparing for the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) exam is a formidable challenge that demands not only hard work but also the right guidance and resources. In Chandigarh, a city known for its educational institutions, there are several coaching centers dedicated to helping aspirants achieve their dreams. Among these, Raj IAS Academy stands out as a leading name, recognized for its excellence in IAS coaching. Here’s why Raj IAS Academy is considered the top IAS coaching in Chandigarh.
Why Raj IAS Academy is the Top Choice for IAS Coaching in Chandigarh
Expert Faculty with Proven Success: The strength of Raj IAS Academy lies in its faculty. Our team comprises experienced educators who are experts in their respective fields. They bring a wealth of knowledge and practical insights into the classroom, ensuring that students receive a high-quality education. Our faculty members are not just teachers; they are mentors who guide students through every phase of their IAS preparation.
Comprehensive and Updated Curriculum: The IAS syllabus is vast and constantly evolving. Raj IAS Academy provides a meticulously crafted curriculum that covers all aspects of the syllabus in depth. Our study materials are regularly updated to reflect the latest changes and trends, ensuring that students are always well-prepared for the exam.
Personalized Coaching and Mentorship: Every student is unique, with different strengths and areas that need improvement. Raj IAS Academy recognizes this and offers personalized coaching to cater to the individual needs of each student. Our small batch sizes allow for closer interaction between students and faculty, facilitating personalized attention and tailored guidance.
Regular Mock Tests and Performance Evaluation: Practice is key to mastering the IAS exam. Raj IAS Academy conducts regular mock tests that simulate the actual exam environment. These tests help students gauge their preparation levels and identify areas where they need to improve. Detailed performance evaluations are provided after each test, giving students a clear understanding of their strengths and weaknesses.
Focus on Current Affairs and Analytical Skills: Current affairs play a crucial role in the IAS exam, especially in the Preliminary and Main stages. Raj IAS Academy places a strong emphasis on keeping students updated with the latest developments in national and international events. Additionally, our curriculum is designed to enhance students' analytical and critical thinking skills, which are essential for answering the subjective questions in the Main exam.
Holistic Preparation Approach: At Raj IAS Academy, we believe that IAS preparation is not just about academic knowledge. We focus on the overall development of our students, including their personality, communication skills, and ethical grounding. Our holistic approach ensures that students are not only prepared to clear the exam but also to excel in their roles as future administrators.
Strategic Location and State-of-the-Art Infrastructure: Located in the heart of Chandigarh, Raj IAS Academy offers a conducive learning environment. Our state-of-the-art facilities include modern classrooms, a well-equipped library, and access to digital resources, all designed to provide students with the best possible learning experience.
Proven Track Record of Success: The success of our students is the ultimate testament to the quality of our coaching. Raj IAS Academy has consistently produced top IAS candidates who have gone on to achieve high ranks in the Civil Services Examination. Our alumni network is a source of pride and inspiration, showcasing the effectiveness of our teaching methodologies.
For those serious about cracking the IAS exam, choosing the right coaching institute is a crucial decision. Raj IAS Academy, with its expert faculty, comprehensive curriculum, personalized mentorship, and proven success record, is the top IAS coaching in Chandigarh. Our commitment to excellence and holistic development makes us the preferred choice for IAS aspirants.
Take the first step towards your IAS dream with Raj IAS Academy. Visit our website here to learn more about our courses and enroll today. Let us guide you on your journey to becoming a successful IAS officer.
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misbalewadi · 1 month
Transforming Aspirations: MPSC Class in Mumbai
Mumbai, a city known for its relentless pace and unwavering determination, is the perfect place to chase your dreams of joining the civil services. The MPSC class in Mumbai is not just another coaching center—it's a place where aspirations are nurtured, and future leaders are born. With a strong emphasis on comprehensive preparation, this MPSC class offers everything you need to excel in the Maharashtra Public Service Commission exam.
The MPSC class in Mumbai prides itself on its structured approach to learning. The curriculum is designed to cover every topic in detail, from history and geography to economics and current affairs. Each subject is broken down into digestible segments, ensuring that students grasp even the most complex concepts with ease. The faculty consists of experienced educators who bring their deep knowledge and expertise to the classroom. They don’t just teach—they inspire.
What sets this MPSC class in Mumbai apart is its focus on individualized learning. No two students are the same, and this class recognizes that. Personalized guidance is provided to each student, with one-on-one mentorship sessions where they can discuss their progress, ask questions, and receive targeted feedback. This tailored approach ensures that every student is on the right path to success.
The class also offers regular mock tests that mirror the actual MPSC exam. These tests help students get comfortable with the exam format and time constraints while also providing valuable insight into their strengths and areas for improvement. Detailed feedback is given after each test, helping students to refine their strategies and build their confidence.
Current affairs are a key component of the MPSC exam, and this MPSC class in Mumbai makes sure that students are always up to date. Regular sessions are held to discuss the latest national and international events, helping students integrate this knowledge into their answers. The class also provides high-quality study materials that are regularly updated to reflect the latest exam trends and requirements.
But it's not just about academics. This MPSC class in Mumbai also offers support in areas like time management and stress management, both of which are critical for success in such a demanding exam. The faculty is committed to helping students not only excel academically but also maintain their mental and physical well-being throughout the preparation process.
For students who are serious about their future in the civil services, this MPSC class in Mumbai offers the perfect blend of academic rigor, personalized guidance, and holistic support. It’s no wonder that so many successful civil servants have emerged from this esteemed institution.
For more Information click here for our Website: - https://chanakyamandal.org/2024/07/23/a-comprehensive-guide-to-mpsc-combined-group-b-exams-everything-you-need-to-know/
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