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inmomni · 1 year ago
No. 22
Going on trips makes me feel a certain way. Well I’m not sure if it’s that or the fact that it’s been almost a week since I took my 20mg Lexapro

Probably more so the trips.
I came across a photo of me from exactly 4 years ago. The first thing that stuck out to me was the fact that I was so thin. Well. In my eyes it looks really good. The moment I showed it to my mom she asked why I liked that photo of myself.
Obviously, I stated, it was because my face looked so good. Skinny, no acne, tan. And god what a sharp jawline.
She then stated, well yes, but you were not okay then.
Which made me think. There is a 3D component to my image of myself that I overlook all of the time. All I look at when coveting the body I had before is the physicality of it all. Smooth jawline and face. But my mom, and I’m sure many of my other loved ones, add this layer of mental stability. This idea that my appearance is all there is to mark well being is such that I still have to break from. And maybe it’s those things that blinded me or rather made it easier to be oblivious to the things causing me pain and suffering at the time. She, my mom, then added “WOW, how amazing would it be if you achieved that now, with a healthier mind and spirit”. She said those things were achievable back then because I was sick. The discord between the duality of outside and inside to me made it easier to forsake one for the other. And it still does. And the dissonance creates unease in my spirit, which then is able to swing the pendulum to the side of least resistance. For me that is a terrible outside and a terrible inside.
The number of combinations are this four-fold.
1. Bad inside - Good inside (pre collapse. Circa 2017/8-2019)
This allows for me, as stated before, the tolerance to keep up a good image, diluting my instincts in a delusion that I am okay. The process is only possible due to the human nature to compare others outsides to our insides. The delusion comes from the fact that I am able to justify that I am okay because everyone else thinks that I am okay.
2. Good inside - Bad outside (post rehab. Circa 2022-present)
After I graduated New Life, I was at my healthiest, mentally. Physically , well I like the phrase that I have been on a nearly 3 year bulk. And while that does hold some truth, the inconsistency comes in the fact that this, was not intentional. It is more of a byproduct of sacrificing one addiction, and well picking up another. Well not really picking up another, rather the lack of stamina for self control. Stamina well spent kicking alcoholism, but nonetheless it gives way for vulnerabilities. I can say that on this trip with my parents I have had amazing and, quite honestly, astounding self control when it comes to complaining and getting irritated at situations that would have thrown me off the cliff into an abyss of terrible terrible decisions and emotions. We become able to do things that once used to baffle us. And for me that comes in the form of not getting frustrated at my family when they try to force feed me, my mother’s occasional complaints, and my father’s, uhh, Korean restaurant manners. My training per say has allowed me to navigate the emotional ups and downs of this trip, keeping my parents out of the chaos that is going on inside of my mind. But all of this is coming at the cost of my physical well being. Well not this trip in particular. The stamina I am talking about is the crux of my frustrations and insecurities. And my unwillingness to deal with it head on is costing me. I can feel it. Again, not discounting the maximum dose of Lexapro I am missing out on, but still it counts for something. Like I stated earlier. This imbalance between my insides and outside is causing emotional rift. It makes me prone to selling myself short on things that I would otherwise have the strength to deal with. And ultimately it will lead to

3. Bad inside - Bad outside (2019 - 2020 PEAK Alcoholism)
This is what my mind/body/spirit slipped into. My physical condition was something to be concerned about. No joke. Diabetes OUT of control, body bloated, pale, mental stability of a self aware captive goldfish, no defense. This is what the path of least resistance is for me. I fall prey, as many of my species, and most - correction - all things do in this universe: Law of Entropy. Unmanageability, disorder, chaos, is ultimately what my life falls towards if no active steps are taken towards order. It is the sad fact of life, if you want to look at it that way. But it gives way for many opportunities to grow, not just damage control. This is well explored in my genesis and exodus from alcoholism. I don’t feel the need to go into this any more than presenting it as my third.
4. Good inside - Good outside (has never happened YET)
There have been attempts at this. If I am brutally honest, a couple of “good tries”, participation ribbon worthy performances. None have been at the level at which I pursued it like my life depended on it. I tried. Kinda. It was an honerab
 good. Okay
 Decent. Attempt. Yeah. I bought a subscription to HelloFresh. I tried to cook more healthy. But. It was too. I went from 0 - 100 WAYYYY too quickly. I need to start with chicken. And rice. Something easy. With portion control. My dad gave me good advice to start. Carrots: to keep my mouth busy, and watermelons: to satisfy my sweet tooth. The carrots worked. 110%. The watermelon, I need to figure out how to buy a good watermelon. It’s like gambling I swear. There is the illusion of skill, tapping, but ultimately the grocery store always wins. Maybe I need to shop at Trader Joe’s. Working out has been suboptimal the last 2 months. No cardio. It’s like I am afraid of the commitment. But newfound motivations come from my absolutely humiliating experience trying to hike up a short ass trail at Bryce Canyon. I. Am. Out. Of. Shape. StairMaster. I need it. Daily. Well. I need a schedule. And acne will hopefully get sorted out with Acutane. I am trying to go to church. And I have a new sponsor. Baby steps Inmo. Baby steps.
All this to say. I can’t see myself changing because I haven’t had a different experience before. I have never been in a position where all five infinity stones came together. I’ve had parts at a time, but not together. It’s time. It’s been time. Good I ask for your help. I can’t do this alone. I admit that I am powerless over myself, that when I try to take control, everything becomes unmanageable. I see that you have the power to turn me back to sanity, to have all the pieces fit. So I give my will unto you. So have your way with me and give me the strength to do the next right thing. With all of my fears and sexual insecurities, with my unwillingness to grow, I give them to you. I acknowledge that only you God have the power to take away my defects of character, so make me available to the instances where you will.
God help me. I need you. Lead me into this new season of my life where I am steadily growing. Help me address my fears that keep me stagnant and paralyzed.
Thank you for this time of reflection.
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kimiediaries · 4 years ago
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How to find peace? Some say peace comes when you are financially secured, or when you have settled down with someone special or when you build your own family. Some also say peace comes when you have fulfilled your dreams and goals are attained one by one. Yet some also say, peace comes from simple things like the chirping of the birds, the laugh of the kids, the smile of love ones and a very good meal! Oh I get excited when it comes to peace! Does it feel weird? Does peace feel exciting? Or does it need to be calm? How do you feel peace? We feel it too right? Or is it a state of mind? Hmmmm.... Sounds a lot! But one thing is sure.. Peace comes from Christ. John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. So peace can be anything, anytime, anywhere as long as Christ is in it there's PEACE. #kimiediaries #canva #canvaqoute #latenightreflections #littlestepstoprogress #beginnerwriter #digitaljournal https://www.instagram.com/p/CKtz-tVllNb/?igshid=s1l8s5h0wz9a
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lovetashi · 8 years ago
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Late night poetry, getting all up in my feels 🌙 #poetry #wocpoets #wocwriters #latenightreflections #themoon
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takethisheartofmine · 7 years ago
“The Holy Spirit resides within you, the believer, to give you the steadying power you need to grow steadily and remain steadfast in your faith REGARDLESS of circumstances around you or feelings that ebb and flow like the tide.” Charles Stanley. . . Feelings that ebb and flow...what a perfect way to describe the state of my heart recently (even as I write this), constantly wavering between ripples of calm, solid trust in the Lord and waves of anxious, turbulent doubt threatening to drown me. Like any other person, I often allow these emotions—however fleeting—to consume me, and it is only too easy to let my anger, sadness, and disappointment turn into lies that I am worthless, shameful, weak, and hopeless, that somehow these bursts of feeling determine who I am and what I (can) do. . . But thank GOD there is a greater truth, a greater Person in fact INSIDE us (the Holy Spirit Himself), who empowers us to remain strong, assured, and faithful REGARDLESS of any sort of emotional turbulence or distress we’re experiencing. It is HIS (eternally steady) love and power, not that of our own, that keeps us faithful, grounded, and loved, even when we don’t necessarily feel that way. . . And in that is the greatest freedom and JOY, not in what we do but in who He is. #yobl #yearofbiblicalliteracy #latenightreflections #steadfast #love #healing #seeking #drawmeclose #katinas #dancer #believer #danceworship #dailybread #prayer #throughdance #movement #creation (at Battery Dance)
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mickeyinthebag · 4 years ago
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Late at night when the toys and leftovers are put away, my little family's heads hit the pillow, the laptop is closed, I sit in the quiet to reflect on my day. Through the laughs and chaos, my life is blessed. I AM MickeyInTheBag . . . . . #mickeyinthebag #oliviaglass #mythirtyonelife #iamblessed #iammickeyinthebag #peace #laughterandchaos #christmasdecorations #latenightreflection (at Rio Rancho, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH8P1XXlbSZ/?igshid=om0o16bbvje
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mynexteyecandy · 7 years ago
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#throwback #latenightreflections #usingsocialmediaforreflections 🍃🍂🍃🍂🍃 Embrace life. Embrace living. Embrace this life right here right now. Embrace the moments you have with your loved ones, let them know you love them Embrace your Creator. 💓 đŸ™†đŸ» ☁ (📾: a really lovely caucasian man who was strolling with his partner. 📍: @highlinenyc ) #airhugs #sidehug #vsco . Had too much coffee today and yes it's a vicious cycle 😔. Vicious cycle of staying up late = loads of mental energy. And guess what, I'm gonna use this mental energy to be thankful for this life I am living. All praise and honor and glory to the Creator God who makes all things good in His time! Trusting God that things will be eventually good in His timingâ˜ș. . #thankful #thankYouJesus #tbt #instatravel #newyork #nyc #explorenyc #sonya5000 #positivevibes #thehighline #highlinenyc #travel #travelgram #poc_portraits #peopleexpression #pursuitofportraits #concretejunglewheredreamsaremadeof #goodnight (at The High Line)
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iron-addicts-love · 8 years ago
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Sure, you say you are ready but the important thing to ask is â–Ș ➡"Are you willing?" â–Ș Everybody is ready. Everybody wants results. Everybody has a vision. BUT not everybody is WILLING to do what it takes. â–Ș Sleep on that. 💚 â–Ș #Foodforthought #LateNightReflections #FitnessMotivation #FitQuotes #Willpower #jlabnutrition
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tellykaye-blog · 8 years ago
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#Khalid #Coaster #LateNightReflections
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nicesu-pov · 2 years ago
Making big, long-term decisions while having a quarter-life crisis was something I never thought I would do in this lifetime. I've always been the safe player, but guess how life keeps on changing me! 
#adulting #randomthoughts #latenightreflections
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chasingsunsetsfornow · 5 years ago
Alhamdu lillah for the trials that has brought me closer to Allah 💞
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lovetashi · 8 years ago
You did it to yourself...
He said. So I stopped. Stopped the caring. Stopped the talking. Stopped the hoping. ...I stopped.
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my-young-perspective · 9 years ago
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'Eternity' // there is logic in the illogical... #latenightreflections #theinkwillrun #wordlovers #eternity
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In the midst of it all
In the dark corner at 4am, I find myself contemplating,
The sheer meaning of life, this hassle, is enervating..
Time ceases to exist outside my window, 
In my corner, I am, a distant, wanderer,
A time traveller! A dreamer! A voice, but not by choice... 
I look at my fingers and think of all the things I have penned,
That award winning essay, that letter that got me a friend,
I smile and think about how my style and voice has changed..
Nothing has stayed the same, yet all the changes feel so real, never staged..
Peering into the night sky, shall I cry, shall I die, shall I write
My mind is at war, my time-the poor civilian is at the forefront of violence
 My freedom at stake, to slumber I ache, the thoughts though keep me awake...
Its easy for many to fake well being, but why should I lie?
Shall I deny the throbbing that says what cannot be denied?
In the midst of all the drama, there is peace somewhere,
Its warm and fuzzy, like the embrace of a teddy bear, 
It fills a void that longs to be filled,
And when it does, you know its so real..
And you know it was meant to be filled by only that..
It steadies the heart,
Fastens the hands,
Sharpens the mind,
Embellishes the voice..
There is ‘crazy’ but there is order found in it,
It takes patience and desire to rise from depression’s pit
But in the midst of it all, God, family and friends are ever strong anchors
And life everlasting, the sheer reward..
As a sit on my window sill, I smile..
For a time will come when I will receive my crown,
My filthy clothes will turn to a royal gown,
And it would all be worth it, no regrets indeed!
In the midst of it all, I shall stand, For I am Christ’s seed. 
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iamtinaaaaaaa · 9 years ago
A Pessimistic Soul
For this year I have been describing myself like this: “I am Pessimistic Soul caged inside an Optimistic Body.” Well, the attitude of a pessimist was never new to me. I have been showing up most of it but I just discovered it is called pessimism. I know the way I described myself was too ironic. But, I know its true to me. I have been raised and surrounded by all means of optimism but the inside of me shouts negativity.
It would be easy if everybody around knows and feels that I am a  pessimist but none of them did. I am expected to be the jolly and fun-to-be-with person. A lot of people think that my forte is throwing jokes and punchlines. I know I made them happy but at the end of the day, I am struggling in the inside of overcoming the sadness.
I do not expect that everybody understand me or even what I am feeling. I just want someone that would never judge me for who I am & would accept me. (I do not refer to a romantic relationship but just someone to talk to would listen to me.)
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naija-chic · 9 years ago
So I stay up for long nights and think God why? Why my mind wanders and dreams of what is not reality? Why I see colors and deeper textures? Why I don't look at people from their apparent phase but their inner hearts? Why I don't enjoy the usual luxuries my age group enjoys? Why my sudden longing to accomplish and succeed in something more than average? So many questions that keep me up and so many questions that remain unanswered. All I know is that I am on this earth for some reason that I don't know that I need to stand up and stop letting the world unnecessary riches blind my heart and mind
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iama55 · 9 years ago
November 1st, 2015
Happy Daylight Saving’s Day plus my dog’s birthday!  
Man, I didn’t realize how philosophical my conversations with people always end up being.  When I’m comfortable with someone, or really when they let me, I realize I just ramble on and on with the most random thoughts of mine, and I can usually somewhat tell if the other person thinks they’re provoking and interesting or just really annoying.  But then again, everything about the way I think doesn’t make sense to me either... I don’t know if I trust myself to read people properly.  
I was reading through one of the old posts I wrote back in May before I graduated, and time really does fly!  These days, I’m in a strange mode again where at times, I feel very unsatisfied and restless, and wonder if this is where I’m supposed to be and that’s okay, or if I should be taking a huge risk on someone or someplace else and really going for it even if it ends up biting me in the ass later down the line or killing me.  Then, all the sad news I’ve been reading up on hits me hard, not just Anthony Bourdain related cultural shows, but HONY stories, or about 15-year old girls reaching Serbia and examiners discovering they’ve been raped multiple times.  At these moments, all I can think about is, why is the world such a shit place?  
The other day, I was talking about life with a friend (she’s one of the few people who let me ramble on and on about whatever crosses my mind), and I thought, what if the life we have now is supposed to be our heaven?  To me, I feel like it’s a constant struggle because of my health so I wouldn’t qualify this as my heaven.  But my friends around me who worry about first world problems, I think this is heaven.  Someone else in the world has lost her husband, or barely survived the atomic bombs, is trying to put food on the table for the kids every night, trying to find water, or has just been abused.  Some ancestors rode a shaky raft hoping to make it across the ocean to safer lands, and I’m sure all of their dreams and idea of heaven is what we experience on a daily basis.  Everyone else who is going through some tough shit is missing their mom or boyfriend or sister terribly, and all they want is to be able to stick together and be reunited.  Everyday, I’m surrounded by my family, I get to see my friends once in awhile, I never worry about not being able to eat, my parents paid for my college tuition, and I have my own clean and warm room.  The only thing of course is my health that ruins what otherwise would be an ideal heaven, but it’s still a relatively nice station to have been given in life.  
On a separate note, even though I feel like I could be doing a lot more in my life, I’m proud of two things:  working out relatively consistently since August, and practicing a lot of Spanish on Duolingo.  Two things I’d been talking about since last year, but now actually being enforced into reality.  These were part of my goals last New Year’s, and I definitely feel like my abs and at least biceps are stronger, and I can ACTUALLY start squatting without feeling like I’ll die. The other day, one of the fitness trainers took time to explain how to use the bench press, dumb bells, and back machine properly, and I’m so excited to follow the routine he taught me.  Must learn the techniques to tackling butt, leg, and triceps.  On the days I work out, I breathe so hard I literally use up all my spoons in one sitting, and so I am completely wiped out for the rest of the day and can only do a few things. But immediately after on my adrenaline rush, I feel so strong.
Next goals, finding a non-profit organization I can be passionate and dedicate my time and effort toward, and a more consistent job than what I have now, as well as officially working on the steps towards graduate school.  
On a less proud note, I’ve watched all of House of Cards, and the theme of power and ambition versus your humanity is SO INTERESTING to me, and now the gender roles that play into power makes me very invested in Season 4.   
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