#late news probably lol:D
terry-idk · 1 year
Hey! Hey! Sacred and terrible air has been translated!
(edit)And not once, as it turns out:D
here(Group Ibex)
here(Tequila Sunset5)
You know, the only other book the main writer of Disco Elysium, Robert Kurvitz, ever published? Yeah, it finally has fan-translations into English:D
Maybe everyone already knows about it, cause it is a few months old, but i just found out today, so I just thought I'd post it here:D
As someone who thought about learning Estonian just to read it, this is truly the most joyous day:D
(edit)(Also, I know there are even more translations somewhere out there, but I couldn't find them. I you know of any, let me know and I'll add them here<3)
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fanofta · 8 years
You know, I can't look at any full-group photos of exo without counting them. And I hate to think "Where tha heck is Yixing??!! ;_; My bae is missing!" lol:D but really. ._. Oh and hi
OMG HELLO I’VE MISSED YOU!!!! I’ve just kinda gotten used to Yixing popping in and out, but he’s also not my ult bias so it’s probably easier for me to deal with than you.  I’m doing well though.  A little stressed with work and life, but that’s the usual, right?  Happy New Year to you too :3  OMG yeah that pic is my display pic on twitter now haha!  Gosh they both look so insanely beautiful in it ;; I have recently gone through a rather large change lol!  I am now Suho AND Xiumin biased and Xiubaek is my otp, oops >.>  So I love staring at that pic hehe~  Awwwww, I wish I could be like that lol!  I’ve had to work on both the Eves, then I only got like 2 days off before going back to work OTL  But I’m gonna go back to my normal schedule next weekend (I work weekends :/) and I’m dreading that, so I gotta savor my last few days of low work amounts XD  I’ve been doing my usual fic writing, so that will probably never change, but I’m writing massive amounts of xiubaek now hehe~  It’s nice :3  How have you been my dear?  I missed you so I hope I hear from you more!
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