#last time it went to OT and nobody wanted to stay except me and my mom
razorblade180 · 4 years
Thin Divide: Among Us
Eight people, two imposters. Snuff them out or complete the required tasks. Good luck!
Nora:I call it now, it’s definitely Jaune.
Jaune:You see that make you look suspicious Nora, but that’s so in character of you that I’m pretty sure you’re just a crew mate.
Nora:Maybe that’s the plan? Hehehe.
Weiss:Are you blaming Jaune or incriminating yourself?
Ren:Don’t even. Just don’t, she’s gonna do this the entire game.
Ruby:Alrighty! Let’s do this guys. We have our tasks, just keep an eye out for anything suspicious....
Nora:I’ll be watching Jaune like a hawk! I’ll catch him in the act!
Jaune:This is going to be a long game....
Pyrrha:Or a really short one.
Several minutes pass. Everything seems fine and people are on task. Yet things are a little tense. No one is talking. They’re all learning the rules and being cautious. Nora casually follows Jaune to do wiring and go just about everywhere. She can feel it in her gut. “I’m onto you.” She thinks as he suddenly sprints around a corner out of sight. Suddenly, lights shut off. Things suddenly feel like a bad idea.
Nora:What the!? That’s cheap. Maybe stalking someone alone was a bad idea. Oh! I’ll get Ren t-
Emergency Meeting!
📢Yang: Oh, so that’s what that button- oh geez, Nora’s dead!
Ren:Wait, what!?
Everyone looks at the character icons to see Nora’s crossed out. Ren goes pale.
Ren:Nora! Who’s responsible for this!? Where was the body found!?
Blake:Nowhere, Yang pressed the button. However....*looks at Jaune* I did see her following you.
Jaune:You know why! I didn’t do it! Ren I did not do it.
Ren:I’ll vote you out right now. Jaune I swear-
Jaune:I just finished doing wires! I’ve been focusing on task and nothing else. Yeah I saw her spy on me, then lights went out. Now we’re here.
Blake:I’m just saying you had all the opportunities to do it. The fact that you’re so offended isn’t helping.
Jaune:We have no proof and you’re suspecting me!
Weiss:You were the one with her.
Pyrrha let’s not jump to conclusions. Someone could be framing him.
Ruby:Where was everyone? I was doing trash.
Blake and Yang:Med bay.
Weiss:This map is confusing. Communications, maybe?
Jaune:No, I was there. Unless there’s another one.
Ren:A room with a tree.
Yang:It’s totally Jaune. He’s alone and already knows the map.
Ruby:I know the map. Weiss is just bad. You’re bad if you don’t know the map!
Yang:I know it.
Times up. No one voted. Two imposters remain.
Jaune walked back two wards communications. The group had gotten pretty familiar with all the cool things possible. Cameras, vents, everything. This time two people followed Jaune. Yang and Blake. He started sweating.
Yang:Why are universe lady killer? Running out of luck?
Jaune:It’s possible. You two could possibly kill me then cover it up. Do your tasks!
Yang:We were together all the time last round. We’re in the clear.
Blake:It’s you that’s in the hot seat.
Ren:*getting oxygen* Who do you think did it?
Ruby:I don’t wanna point fingers, but Yang would totally thrive in this game. But Weiss is possible too. Stay focused. Killing Nora was to make you stirred up. Keep a cool-
Reactor Meltdown
Ren:That’s not good.
Ruby:You go left, I’ll go right! Be safe!
Jaune:I’m going to stop the-
Blake:It’s taking you awhile on that panel Jaune. Don’t tell me you’re stalling?
Jaune:No, I’m just bad! Let me go the reactor or we lose!
Yang:Ooorrr I go. If Blake dies then you’re dead! If you don’t finish that panel-
Jaune:You have 30 seconds!
Yang goes sprinting out of the room. Blake goes to do her task across the room. She’s definitely sure it’s Jaune. This plan is full proof. Yeah if she dies then that would suck but-
Jaune:Ummm why hasn’t anyone stopped the reactor yet?
The counter was already at ten. What was taking Yang so long!? Both ran to the door in a panic to reach the reactor but then-
Everyone spawned back at the button. Well not everyone. Yang’s named was crossed out, and Ruby had teary eyes with a finger pointed at Weiss.
📢Weiss:Ruby it’s not what you think! I-
Ruby:Oh I saw! I saw perfectly! Right on the bridge leading to the reactor panel on the right. You were right over her corpse!
Weiss:I know it looks bad, but I found her like this! I run because I saw 1 out of 2 on the panels-
Ren:Me. I was on the other panel. Ruby was with getting oxygen and chose to get the other one.
Ruby:Yeah I wasn’t expecting to walk in on a crime scene.
Weiss:Wait! I was all the way at the bottom of the map. You should’ve gotten there before me.
Blake:Oh now you can read a map!?
Weiss:It takes time! It has to be Ruby.
Pyrrha:I was in electrical by the way. I know nobody was with me but I promise I’m innocent.
RWBR:We know Pyrrha.
Jaune:I don’t think it’s you but the fact you’ve been alone twice now.
Blake:Oh no, you’re definitely still an imposter Jaune.
Ruby:NONE OF THAT MATTERS! I want Weiss out right now!
The reaper puts her vote in.
Ruby:Sister killer! You were by yourself too. I know you Weiss, always plotting. I came across a locked door while heading there that slowed me down. Nobody can confirm where you were, and you could’ve easily vented to get where you needed to be. You’re just mad I caught you so you self reported.
Weiss:That’s- I....don’t be a dolt. You all can’t be serious, right?
Pyrrha hugs a crying Ruby while the others have their heart ache at the sight. They all look at Weiss suspiciously, taking the risk to vote. It was unanimous. Weiss was immediately escorted to the air lock, struggling the whole way.
Weiss:You’re being tricked! I’m innocent!!
Ruby:Tell it to the souls you’ve taken.
She was shot into space. All of them watching her drift away. Ruby rubbed her eyes, then gasped.
Weiss was not an imposter. 2 imposters remain.
Ruby slowly backed away towards Ren. Right now, he was the only trustworthy one. Someone’s playing mind games and it’s working two well. Nobody had the chance to get anything done before Jaune presser the emergency button.
Jaune:Okay, we obviously need a minute to reevaluate-
Blake:You’re an imposter!
Jaune:We were in a room together! Why wouldn’t I kill you and vent away. At that point I could’ve made up a story! But no, I just wanna shoot asteroids!
Pyrrha:Fair point, it would’ve been a double kill.
Ruby:All of you look suspicious except for Ren! *votes Jaune*
Pyrrha:Ruby! He only pressed the button to clear the air!
Ren:He did just come up with a good argument.
Blake:I’m voting for Jaune.
Jaune:Well I’m skipping! Pyrrha please skip two before there’s two imposters and two crew mates. This is very bad time to throw caution to the wind.
Pyrrha:I agree. *skips*
Ren:....*skips* If someone dies next round and it isn’t Jaune then it’s definitely Jaune. You’re on thin ice, so are you Pyrrha. You agree with him easily.
Pyrrha:Ren, that’s not suspicious. I do that in real life.
Blake:And he’s using it to his advantage.
Jaune:You’ve been gunning for me since the start basically, even though you were with me. That’s pretty suspicious.
They all went their separate ways except for Ren and Ruby. This was dire. Everyone sounded sketch and friendships were crumbling. Next time for sure, a vote needed to happen. Pyrrha found herself going back near the button whe Jaune came out of a room to the right, alone. Both of them looked at each nervously.
Pyrrha:What are your tasks? I’ve already seen two other people enter that room before?
Jaune:I was checking vitals. We’re all alive and my tasks are done. What are you doing?
Pyrrha:I was gonna call another meeting. Say, are you saying I’ll go in that room right now and we’re fine?
Jaune:There is no body in there. Check for yourself. If I was an imposter then I’d be on cool down. Plus you could report and I’d feel the vaccum of space.
Pyrrha nodded and peeked in. No blood or anything. She went to the vitals to confirm that everyone actually was alive. The imposters must’ve known how risky things are now. It was fine. Tasks were almost done. Jaune was finally looking normal. She breathed a sigh or relief.
Jaune:Don’t tell me you were expecting a body?
Pyrrha:*red* I’m sorry!
Jaune:It happens. Honestly I thought you were about to stab me.
Pyrrha:I don’t like this game. It’s stressful. Doubting my friends isn’t exactly fun.
Jaune:What we need is a trap. A play that leaves Blake and Ruby red handed.
Pyrrha:You think it’s them?
Jaune:It has to be, and I know just the way to check one of them and keep us in the game. Pyrrha, I have a plan....
Ruby and Ren watched the cameras in silence. Blake was at the trash while Pyrrha and Jaune were near the button. Ruby looked at Ren and smiled.
Ruby:It’s Blake and Jaune.
Ren:How can you tell?
Ruby:Unless Blake has a similar task, I did trash already. Shall we question her, or wait for actual proof.
Ren:Tasks are almost done. We might be able t-
Reactor Meltdown
Ren:Shit, Pyrrha can’t press the button now.
Ruby:But this also gives us a chance! Imma about to catch them red handed! Ren, stay on cameras and watch me go to the left. That way you can report my body if get killed, or out them if they self report. Jaune’s not dumb. He has to go right in order to act innocent and cancel the meltdown. Pyrrha would catch on otherwise. Especially if Blake goes right and nothing is fixed or they’re both alive. Meaning...
Ren:Blake has to go left or stay where she is.
Ruby and Ren high-five and get to work. Ruby starts sprinting as fast as she can. Ren checks the right side and sure enough, Jaune has a hand on the panel. Blake comes up from the bottom to where Pyrrha is. It would be dangerous if Blake killed her, but then she would definitely get voted out. The faunus slowly gets closer to the red head when suddenly, the cameras get jacked.
Pyrrha:Go left!
Blake runs to the left to get the other panel. So far so good. Let’s see how right Jaune is. Pyrrha stared at the camera. Strange, she was certain it was on earlier. Now it was off, then flicked back on briefly. Seconds later, the meltdown ended but she didn’t press the button. Not yet. She was told to wait five seconds. In that amount of time, Blake might-
📢Blake:Guys, Ren is-
RJP:You killed him.
Blake:Wh-What? No, I found him on the ground in the camera room!
Ruby:Yeah, where you killed him. I thought you’d go after me. Sloppy mistake, Blake. Now we caught you.
Jaune:I cut off the meltdown, and Ruby had to get the other one. I found it funny how eager you were to get rid of me by vote. You killed Nora to add to the suspicions. You couldn’t kill me directly because of Yang. She wasn’t an imposter but stuck to you like glue.
Pyrrha:So you had your partner kill her because you couldn’t do it without outing yourself. But if Jaune died alone with you after all that blame then you’d be caught! If you payed attention then you would’ve saw the cameras were on this round. You killed Ren without him noticing then checked them yourself.
Jaune:You soon realized you could only self report because the meltdown ended. No way you could get to the panel that fast unless you vented. Now the real question is how committed are you two bluffing, Ruby Rose? If you don’t vote Blake....
Pyrrha:Then you’re definitely the second imposter.
Blake:Ruby don’t believe them! We know Jaune is definitely-
Ruby:*votes Blake* You betrayed my sister and made me accidentally vote for Weiss because I swept up in emotions. Just like how you got Ren to look at Jaune after Nora died. I’m done with you.
The others voted for Blake. The girl could say nothing. She was at a loss for words. The trap was perfect, calculated to a the last detail. Blake took a deep sigh and walked to the airlock, giving Jaune one final look.
Blake:Well played...
The airlock opened and the three watched their friend get launched into space.
Pyrrha:Jaune that idea was amaz-
Blake was not an imposter.
Pyrrha felt her blood go cold. Those were not the words she wanted to see. She didn’t even turn around to look her “friends” and chose to stare out the window. She felt both of them pat her back. 2 imposters still remained. A problem for her, the remaining crew mate. The sight of Ruby holding a gun and Jaune with a knife was visible in the window reflection.
Ruby:Knife or bullet. You deserve the choice.
Pyrrha:Jaune’s stabbed me in back metaphorically already. Might as well do it physically.
Jaune:That’s fair.
Imposters Win
[post game]
Jaune and Ruby:Oh yeah!!!! That’s why we’re leaders!
Weiss:You can’t say that after killing your teammates!
Nora:I demand an explanation!
Jaune:Ren is too smart and figures things out fast. Had to kill you first anyways. You saying I was an imposter was just an unfortunate coincidence. But let’s talk about how you were my only kill.
Pyrrha:Ruby, you killed everyone else!?
Yang:I walked halfway up that bridge thing to the panel and then she comes running down it and kills me. Now I’m watching as ghost as she jumps into a vent and waits for Weiss to find me to put on the most believable performance of her life. You killed me, then cried about it!
Weiss:I was pleading to a murderer! You put blame on Jaune so he could do it to you and throw the trail off!
Ruby:I also told Ren that it was either you or Yang, that way he’d vote the way I wanted. I think Blake was the real crown of the plan.
Jaune:This is why you don’t blame people so fast. You had to go.
Blake:Ren, what happened to you?
Ren:*face palming*So I was watching everyone until the cameras went out, which I now know was Ruby’s doing, because she had the nerve to kill her camera last. She looked right into it as she jumped into a vent back to me.
Ruby:If you were watching then I knew you were still there and alone. I killed him, took a vent back to where I was supposed to be, stopped the meltdown, and pinned the death of Blake. All with the simple lie about me taking out the trash and not killing Ren earlier.
Jaune:And I used Pyrrha’s trust. Thank you.
Pyrrha:Don’t talk to me! You got me to skip a vote and vote Blake off! Ruby, you cried in my arms! How could you use me like that!?
Jaune and Ruby:Because you’re so helpful! Thanks Pyrrha!
WBYNR:Yeah, thanks Pyrrha.
Pyrrha:*red* I’m sorry!!!
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bokutokoutarou · 5 years
— found you
pairing - nishinoya yuu x f!reader
synopsis - throughout your lives, nishinoya yuu always seems to find you, with the exception of the special moments where he allows you to find him
[a/n] - i love noya with all my heart, so i’m dedicating my first fic on here to him
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You were seven years old when he first found you.
You were crouched down behind the bottom of the slide at the playground near your house, your hands gripping onto the sand beneath you to help you keep your balance.
You knew that it wasn’t the best hiding spot, but the other kids that you had asked to play with were much faster than you and had claimed all of the good spots for themselves, so in a desperate attempt to find a place to hide, you darted to the first and closest spot you could find—behind the bottom of the slide.
You knew that you were pretty much completely out in the open, but it was too late to move because the boy who was ‘it’ had just finished counting. At this point, winning the game wasn’t an option—you just hoped that he wouldn’t find you first. You closed your eyes, childishly hoping that he wouldn’t be able to see you if you couldn’t see him, but sure enough, it was only a matter of seconds before you heard the sound of footsteps crunching against the sand heading straight in your direction.
You opened your eyes to see a boy with brown spiky hair running towards your crouching figure. His brown eyes were gleaming in excitement and his lips were curled upwards in a bright smile, but you didn’t feel the enthusiasm that he did for finding you.
“I’m the first one, right?” you questioned him, frowning, but there was no point in you asking in the first place. You already knew the answer.
“Yeah,” the boy nodded his head. He reached his hand out toward you, and you grabbed it, allowing him to pull you up to your feet. He was still smiling, but that quickly changed when he noticed that you weren’t grinning along with him.
“What’s wrong?” he asked you, making you turn red in embarrassment.
“N-nothing, let’s just go find everyone else,” you told him, and with the two of you working together it didn’t take long for you to do so. By the time you both found everybody, you had almost completely forgotten about how you lost, but the consequences of your loss came back to bite you when it was time to choose the next person to be ‘it’.
“What’s your name again?” one of the boys you were playing with asked you, his dark brown eyes scanning you up and down.
“I’m [Y/N],” you told him.
“Well, I think [Y/N] should be ‘it’ because Noya found her first,” the boy stated, earning nods and mutters of approval from the rest of the boys you were playing with.
“Okay,” you agreed with them hesitantly. You never liked being ‘it’, but you knew that it wasn’t your place to complain, since you were the one who had asked to join their game in the first place. Plus, being ‘it’ was better than not being able to play at all.
You placed your hands over your eyes, making your vision go dark, and you began to count backwards from twenty.
“20, 19, 18…”
You heard the sounds of shoes crunching against the sand as you continued to count. Although you could have definitely cheated by peeking through the cracks of your fingers to see where everyone was going, you weren’t the type of person to do so, so you made sure that your eyes were completely covered by your hands until you finally reached zero.
“Ready or not, here I come,” you shouted out, moving your hands away from your eyes and allowing yourself to see the view of the park once more. It took a second for your eyes to adjust to the brightness of the light again, but once they did, they were darting in every direction in an attempt to find one of the boys that you were playing with.
It took you a mere three seconds for you to find someone.
It was the boy who had found you during the last round, the boy who one of the others had called “Noya”. He was crouched behind the bottom of the slide, in the same exact place that you were hiding in before. You didn’t even have to move from where you were standing to see where he was.
“I found you,” you said, but you didn’t feel very happy about it. You ran over to his crouched figure, and you were shocked to see that the boy was smiling up at you instead of being upset like you were. Nevertheless, you reached your hand toward him to help him up like he had helped you earlier. His hand grasped yours, allowing for you to pull him up to his full height, which was the same as yours.
“Thanks,” he said, a smile still on his face. “Now let’s go find the ot—”
“Wait!” you interrupted him, making the boy’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. “Why did you hide in the same spot as me…didn’t you know that I’d find you?”
You knew that he must have done it on purpose — there was absolutely no way that it was an accident — but you didn’t understand why. Why would he hide in the spot that he found you so easily in? He of all people should know how terrible of a spot it truly was.
The boy’s brown eyes widened for a moment as he took in your question.
“I…I wanted to make you feel better about you being found first,” he told you, offering you a small smile.
You stared at him in shock for a second, before your features softened and your lips curled upwards into a huge smile. You felt a warm feeling in your chest, but you were too young to understand what it was, and you didn’t understand why your heart felt like it had skipped a beat.
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You were fifteen years old when he found you in the stands cheering his name.
It was his first official match as Karasuno’s libero, and he was sitting on the bench, waiting to be switched on. In all of his years of playing volleyball at Chidoriyama, Nishinoya Yuu was never the type to get particularly nervous before a match.
Yet this time felt different.
He was on a new team, at a new school, surrounded by new teammates who he had only practiced a couple of times with. His position was the same, yet everything else felt entirely different.
Nishinoya’s nervousness didn’t make him doubt his abilities. He had trained enough at his old school to know that he was a skilled libero, and he trusted that every single second he spent practicing wouldn’t betray him. Instead, his nervousness presented itself as a surge of adrenaline that made him feel restless, making him unable to stand still and causing his mind to race with thoughts that prevented him from staying focused.
Nishinoya was so distracted that he didn’t realize that it was finally time for him to go on the court until his teammate sitting on the bench beside him tapped his shoulder, and his adrenaline was so high that he practically jumped off the bench at his teammate’s touch.
“You ready?” one of Nishinoya’s new teammates, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, asked him as he walked onto the court to take his position in the back row. The boy was about to respond when he heard a familiar voice scream his name from up in the stands.
“NOYA!” you shouted your best friend’s name with a huge grin on your face upon seeing him take his position on the court, and you waved the sign that you had stayed up all night making in the air. He looked up instantaneously upon hearing your voice, his brown eyes darting across the stands for a couple of seconds before he finally found you.
A huge smile encompassed his face when he made eye contact with you, and his grin somehow grew even larger when he read the large letters that you had written on your sign:
“Guardian deity…that has a nice ring to it,” Nishinoya whispered to himself, staring up at the sign you made in awe for a couple of seconds, before looking back up at your smiling face.
You shifted your grip on the sign so that you’d be able to easily hold it with one hand, and you gave him a small thumbs up. You were too far away from him to notice that his cheeks turned red.
“Who are you blushing at?” Tanaka asked with a smirk on his face, his eyes scanning the stands curiously.
“Nobody,” Nishinoya told him, although his cheeks were now noticeably redder than before.
He glanced back up at you in the stands one last time, before turning to face Tanaka.
“And about your question earlier…I’m ready.”
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You were sixteen years old when he found you crying at the back of the school.
The bell had rung half an hour ago, and the school was practically deserted. You were sitting on the concrete ground, your head buried in your arms to hide the tears that were cascading like a waterfall down your cheeks, and your chest shaking with every breath you took.
You didn’t know why you were crying over Hitoshi Nagata. He was just some boy from your history class who you went on a couple of dates with, but for some reason it felt like everything in your life came crashing down around you when he told you that what you two had — which wasn’t much in the first place — was over.
To be honest, you knew it wasn’t going to work out from the start. Although you were happy when he asked you out, you knew that there was someone else in your life who you longed to be with even more, someone who always knew how to make you smile, how to make you laugh. But you two were just friends, or at least that was all he seemed to see you two as.
“[Y/N] … are you okay?” an all too familiar voice asked, making your heart seemingly stop beating in your chest. You peeked up from your arms to see your best friend, Nishinoya Yuu, standing over your seated figure, his usual cheerful expression replaced with concern.
“Aren’t you supposed to be at practice?” you sniffled, trying to avoid Nishinoya’s question, but he just shook his head.
“Nice try. I already told you that practice was canceled. Now seriously, are you okay?”
“I-I’m fine, Noya, it’s just allergies,” you told him, but as much as Nishinoya Yuu acted like an idiot sometimes, he wasn’t one in the slightest.
“You don’t have to lie to me, [Y/N],” he sighed as he took a seat on the ground beside you. “You know you can tell me anything.”
“You know you can tell me anything.” His words were supposed to be comforting, but they just fueled the tears that streamed down your face. You wanted to believe that that was true, that you could simply put all of your feelings for him that you had built up over the past ten years into words and that he’d understand. You wanted to believe that you two could become more than just friends, that he’d want you two to become more than just friends, but you knew that there was no use in entertaining fantasies that would never become a reality.
“Nagata broke up with me,” you finally said, your eyes still gleaming with tears.
“That jerk…” Nishinoya muttered under his breath. You could hear the anger dripping from his voice. “He’s in my second period class, so if you want I can tell him to go—”
“It’s fine, Noya. I’m over him,” you told him, wiping the tears from your eyes with the sleeves of your sweater. You weren’t lying when you said that. Of course, it didn’t feel too great to get rejected, but you knew deep down that Nagata wasn’t for you.
“Then why are you crying?” Nishinoya asked you, and for a moment your mind went blank in confusion. At first, you thought you were crying over your breakup, but at that moment you realized that the tears that were falling down your face weren’t because of your unrequited love for Nagata — they were because of your unrequited love for your best friend.
It wasn’t Nagata’s rejection that hurt you, because Hitoshi Nagata wasn’t the person that you truly wanted to be with. Nishinoya Yuu was the one that you so desperately longed to be with, and you knew that it would hurt less to get rejected by him than to continue keeping ten years worth of feelings bottled up inside of you to no avail.
“It’s because I like someone else,” you confessed, your wavering voice coming out in almost a whisper, but he heard you clearly.
“How’s that a bad thing?”
“Because, I like someone else and it’s never going to work.”
The boy stared at you intently, curiosity gleaming in his wide brown eyes. “Who is it? You know you can tell me anything.”
There it was again. “You know you can tell me anything.” Not this. This was the one thing that you could not tell him, but you’ve been bottling up these emotions for too long, and you felt like you were finally about to explode.
“[Y/N] … if you really don’t want to talk about it then it’s okay, but—”
“It’s you, okay? I like you, Noya,” you cried out, but you clasped your hand over your mouth when you realized what you said, your cheeks heating up in embarrassment.
The boy was silent for a moment, and you felt your heart sink into your chest when you saw him start to stand up from where he was sitting beside you.
You bit your lip, your eyes turning glassy. Ten years of memories, ten years of laughter, and ten years of friendship were tarnished because you let the truth slip out without thinking, and it was too late to take it back now.
“You know what…” Nishinoya started to say, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at his face, instead deciding to fix your gaze on the ground beneath you. “I bet I could take you on a better date than Nagata ever took you on.”
You looked up at him immediately, your eyes widening in shock. “W-what?”
“There’s this really cool arcade that Tanaka and I went to that we can go to, and after that, we could go get ice cream at—”
“Noya…you don’t need to take me on a pity date,” you cut him off. The only thing worse than Nishinoya Yuu rejecting you was Nishinoya Yuu offering to go out with you out of sheer pity. “I know you don’t like me back, so you don’t have to—”
“Who said that it’s a pity date? And who said that I don’t like you back?” he asked you, making you stare at him in disbelief.
“I like you, [Y/N]. I thought I made it pretty obvious,” he told you with a grin on his face, reaching out his hand for you to take. “Now come on, the arcade closes early on Tuesdays, so we better start—”
You grabbed the boy’s hand before he could even finish speaking, and at that moment, as he pulled you up to your feet, you felt like you were on top of the world.
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You were twenty-four years old when you found him on one knee, holding up a small black box in front of you.
You two were holding hands, walking along the nature trail that passed through the park you two had met at when you were only seven years old. As you walked, your eyes were drawn to the setting sun, which was glowing a deep orange as it sunk into the purple and pink depths of the evening sky. But Nishinoya’s eyes were on you and you only.
“Do you remember the day we met, [Y/N]?” Nishinoya asked you, the fading light from the sunset making his brown eyes glimmer even more than they usually did.
“How could I forget?” you looked away from the sunset and towards the park, which was devoid of children because of how late it was. Your eyes were glazed with nostalgia as you stared at the bottom of the slide, the place where it all began. “I still can’t believe you let me find you…”
“What can I say? Even as a seven year old, I was a lady’s man,” Nishinoya grinned jokingly, making you roll your eyes playfully at his antics. “Oh, you better watch your step. Your shoelace is untied.”
You stopped walking and glanced down at your shoes, but you saw that none of your laces were undone. “Real funny, Yuu. Are you seven again or somet—”
Your voice broke when you looked up from your shoes and found your boyfriend crouched down in front of you, down one one knee. He was holding a small black box in front of him, and he opened it to reveal a diamond ring, which sparkled in the light of the setting sun.
“[Y/N] … I just wanted to thank you for being absolutely horrible at hide and seek,” he started to speak, but his words made your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
“Because none of this would have ever happened if I didn’t find you that day, and I don’t ever want to imagine what my life would be like without you because I love you, [Y/N]. I love you so damn much.”
You laughed, because of course Nishinoya would swear during a time as serious as a proposal, but tears were streaming down your cheeks, so it sounded more like a choked back sob.
“Will you marry me?” his brown eyes were shining with hope as he stared at you intently, waiting for an answer, but you didn’t even hesitate to respond.
“Yes, yes, yes!” you cried out, and out of all the times in your life that you’ve seen him smile, the smile he gave you now was the largest and brightest one yet.
You reached your left hand out to him, allowing him to hold onto it as he slipped the ring onto your finger. He stood up immediately and pulled you into a long kiss, pressing his soft lips against yours.
You were breathless after the kiss ended, and so was he. He held you close to him, his brown eyes staring lovingly into yours.
“I’m so glad I found you, [Y/N].”
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hecohansen31 · 5 years
Hey Gorgeous!
Frat Boy! Jim Mason+Insecure! Reader:
(A/N): Hello there, lovelies!
I hope everything is alright and I hope that you are having a fun day, because here comes bad writing at its finest...
I know I have already said it in the teaser but like this was written in a period in which I felt very self-conscious about myself (I still am, but I mean... I literally was at my lowest).
I honestly don’t have anything bad about my body... (except the entire ensemble suck...)... but I costantly feel like I am a passable beauty, like... “you are ot ugly, but also... you are no supermodel... so move over”.
Which I know it’s stupid, because people have it worse, but hey... my fics my fantasies... so...
Also... you don’t need male validation to feel pretty... you don’t need nobody opinion, except your own...
And now that I got somethings off my chest...
HEART IT, REBLOG IT OR PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT IT... because I am anxious and insecure also in my writing.
Love you, lovelies!
SUMMARY: After your insecurities get the worst of you, you manage to get an handsome frat boy to make you feel better.
WARNINGS: Body Image Issues, Insecurities and (Frat Parties, alcohol consumption and lingerie party so a bit of butts being show) Rejection (angsty but with a fluffy ending).
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She always known that some words didn’t belong with you and with your body.
She would never be called gorgeous and sexy, because you didn’t belong in the slightest to those categories, since she hadn’t what it took to be seriously “beautiful” or “sexy”.
She had a kind of beauty which most people described as cute, described as something that made her friends want to pet you and gave her a lot of annoying compliments, but actually they were backhanded insults, such as “you are such a cutiepie” which was clearly “you look like a child”.
And it had never really bothered her, although she couldn’t help but feel like it went a bit too far sometimes and sometimes she felt a bit insecure about her own appearance and no matter what she did: a new hair style, a lot of make-up a change of wardrobe.
Still, she wouldn’t be able to change that opinion people had about her.
So, she had stopped.
It was just another type of beauty and she was beautiful in her own way.
But it didn’t matter how much she told herself that, when her roommate was strutting in her room wearing nothing but a white piece of lingerie, barely covering her ass, for the “lingerie party” they had been invited to, meanwhile she hid herself in the scrap of lace she had wrapped around herself to hide the lacey body-suit she wore underneath it.
At first she had just wanted to stutter into the party with her flying squirrel shaped pajama, since it completely matched her style, no matter the fact that it was so big that she barely could walk in it and it wasn’t lingerie, but her roommate had swiftly brought up that there was no way she would be making her way to the party with her dressed as that.
She honestly loved Erika, but she was the typical girl you couldn’t help but find sexy: effortlessly beautiful, with long blonde hair and a tanned completion which spoke of nice summers out and sweet plump lips, which, instead, told it all about soft kisses and wild nights.
She honestly didn’t blame her roommate, but she couldn’t help but feel like she didn’t know so many of her struggles.
She was very uncomfortable for her entire staying at the lingerie party, constantly clinging onto Erika, and covering herself with the silky shawl, meanwhile she didn’t dare to meet a single boy’s eyes.
Not that they would have been fixed on her, when Erika was there.
The difference between sexy and cute was also visible in the way you interacted with people: she, for example, had an hard time talking and if she did it would have been focused on making your laugh and whisper about common interests, whereas Erika had a more direct approach, gaining the immediate interest of her audience as a true magician.
But at least she had something to hold onto for the entire night: Timothy, from of one of her classes and the latest of her crushes, had promised her to actually be at the party and absolutely come there to talk to her and “save her from public embarrassment”.
Timothy was a nice guy, the type that typically didn’t flirt around and had nice interests she shared, so she had always felt like he was a safe place to crush on, and he had seemed interested in her, suggesting they always worked together for some group projects, alongside always holding the seat next to him for her.
She really hoped not to have read too much into this, scared that he might have been interested only in a friendship, so she had waited for him to do the first move…
And she was still waiting…
“Don’t worry (Y/N)! He will come” reassured her gently Erika, holding her hand, meanwhile she giggled with the latest of her suitors, and she tried to smile a bit and relax herself.
… and finally, she eyed him, just coming out of the door, waving shyly at him, meanwhile he immediately moved towards them; Erika moved off, with the guy she had been talking with, in order to give her some privacy, for which she was grateful.
She moved away the silky shawl and although she knew sexy wasn’t her thing, she tried to do her best to assume an unbothered expression and smile brightly (but not too creepily) at him.
Timmy was at her side, immediately, a red solo cup in his right hand and his other gently and softly moved around her waist and she couldn’t help but blush.
-… you are finally here! – she whimpered, meanwhile she moved her eyes to the ground -… I thought you would be missing the chance to see a lot of girls in panties! -.
He giggled at her bad attempt to break the ice, before he leaned closer into her ear.
-I promised you to be here, didn’t I? – a thrill of adrenaline moved down her spine and she was unable to stop herself from blushing -… and I had to ask you something…-.
Now she was going to melt in his arm, her heart beating thunderously in her chest, meanwhile she tried to calm her whole body from shaking, immediately raising her head to meet her eyes…
She could already picture it: he would confess he had had a crush on her for the longest time and she would say that she felt the same, he then would tangle gently an hand between her hair and push her closer, till their lips touched and fireworks started…
…but her idyllic vision was stopped by his question:
-Is Erika single? – he looked at her with a face that told her he wasn’t joking in the slightest -… I have honestly had a bit of a crush…-.
She honestly tried her best not to react in the slightest, but she immediately felt so so humiliated and his touch was unbearable.
She wasn’t having the heartbreak of her life, but it was the eternal confirmation that she wasn’t… well what people looked for…
She broke away from him, immediately hearing him call her back, but it didn’t seem to last long because she saw him with the corner of her eyes move towards Erika and all she was able of doing was push herself away from the party set in a college brotherhood.
She was in search of the bathroom (third door on the left, they had told her) but a bit shocked by the situation, she took the wrong turn and ended up entering in the second door, finding a guy sitting on his bed, papers all scattered around, headphones in his ear.
He immediately unplugged them from himself, seeing her, eyeing her curiously behind a pair of reading glasses, meanwhile he passed a hand around his messy hair.
She honestly couldn’t believe she had just seen the cutest guy ever.
(And she was halfway through crying her heart out for Timothy…)
-Hey gorgeous! – he called out to her -… are you in or are you out? –.
And he motioned to the door she was keeping halfway open, showing her the little notebook from which he was reading, clearly studying, during a party.
She knew the torture.
-Sorry… I was…- and then it got her: he had just called her gorgeous -… did you just call me “gorgeous”? -.
She should have just closed the door after she had exited the room, leaving him alone and leaving some dignity to herself, since she honestly didn’t want to bother him, seeing his hazed glaze on the notebook.
-… yeah…- he mumbled, and she was sure that he had thought she was a weirdo -… you are probably the prettiest girl at the party-.
Was she having hearing trouble?
-You are not at the party so… I don’t think you can judge that well- she mumbled, still standing on the threshold getting a little smirk from the boy, meanwhile she sniffed slightly, trying to shush her emotions.
-… I literally know each girl at every part in here, except you- he mumbled, looking at her victoriously.
-So, I am gorgeous to you, only because I am new- she replied pointedly, making him roll his eyes and throw his notebook on his bed, which bounced slightly.
-Is it so bad to just take a compliment? – he mumbled, faking annoyance, meanwhile he made some space for her to sit down -… because I swear it wasn’t intended with any ill-willed thoughts-.
She laughed a bit, mostly because the boy wiggled his eyebrows jokingly.
Still tears shone in her eyes and she couldn’t help but let a few fell on her cheeks.
-… maybe it’s better for me to leave…- she mumbled, cleaning her hand over the lacey fabric of her body suit -… you need to study...-.
-I am honestly thinking it’s stupid for me to continue studying- he admitted, throwing his hands up in the air, getting another giggle from her -… I am not even sure that I can pass this exam… “do marine biology, you won’t have to study anything!” -.
She knew it was a bad idea to spend her time with a frat boy, half naked, but honestly she didn’t feel even in the slightest in danger with this boy with the prettiest eyes and the softest smile, clearly trying to comfort her and slowly, she moved towards the end of the bed, clearing a little space of papers, in order to sit down.
-I am sure you will do great- she tried to smile slightly to convey a sense of assurance, getting a slight thankful expression from the boy.
-That’s why I said that you are gorgeous…- he insisted again -… you have the prettiest smile I have ever seen-.
Now she blushed trying to hide her face in her hands, before trying to move his focus away from that matter, although she was thankful for his soft smile and honest compliments.
-… what about you stop with giving me compliments? And start with giving me your name? – she mumbled and got a laugh from him.
-Oh yeah… probably sounded like a creep…- he scratched the back of his head, nervous -… I am Jim, Jim Mason, studying marine biology and surfing in my spare time-.
And she could see it, since he had a lot of photos of himself and another girl on surfboard with a beautiful background.
-(Y/N) (L/N), studying (Y/S) and when I am not doing that, I like intruding into guys’ room to cry in peace- she joked, pointing out her tears, and Jim passed her a roll of hygienic paper to dry her tears getting an immediate big laugh from her.
“You are in a college brotherhood you can’t expect us to have silk tissues…?” he joked and from then on it was on: a battle of brotherhood jokes and legends, with her actually being the strongest disbeliever meanwhile he gingerly made fun of her and the brotherhood system.
In the end they were both laid down next to each other on the bed, she had told him about Timothy, getting a very annoyed laugh after a huff, meanwhile he ranted about how stupid college guys were.
“You are a college guy” she had quickly replied, getting a little smirk from him.
“… and a frat boy” he had added, meanwhile she just rolled her eyes “It couldn’t get much worse”.
They started laughing again and he gently brushed the hair that had fallen over her face, meanwhile she suddenly found face to face with the prettiest eyes she had ever seen, the ocean in it, shining brightly although she wasn’t anywhere near it.
It brought her to imagine what a date with him would be like.
But guys like Jim didn’t ask for her number: she was honestly surprised he was taking his time to comfort her, without trying anything, although he had been flirty in each of his affirmations, complimenting her.
But he had been a gentleman, nonetheless.
He had charmed her and made her immediately forget about Timothy and that awful night, coaxing her out of the place she had put herself in: maybe she was perfect, for somebody…
… or at least “gorgeous”.
She knew it that she didn’t need a man validation to feel gorgeous but at the same time… it helped… to feel that way, to know that there was someone who saw that in her…
… it made things easier…
So as soon as she saw him lean closer she completed the little gap between them, a bit ashamed of the velocity with which everything had wrapped itself, when she knew just that his name was Jim, he would be failing his marine biology test and he thought she was gorgeous.
She was definitely blushing like a schoolgirl, meanwhile he gently brought and hand to tangle in her hair, softly, another gently moving onto her neck to caress it, meanwhile she felt the slight pressure become stronger till a fresh feeling coated her lips and she awoke form her embarrassed trance just to discover it was his tongue, asking for permission.
And she didn’t know what to do, but to open her mouth to him seemed decadently natural.
He softly caressed her, comforting her and she couldn’t help but melt in the gentleness of the kiss, meanwhile his tongue explored her mouth and although she would have found that description disgusting…
…the way he swirled his tongue with expertise… she couldn’t help but moan in the kiss.
And he separated himself from her, softly, looking at her shiny eyes: she could see herself smile under the stars near the ocean, a future that might not be so impossible, because of the beautiful smile linked to his eyes.
-Well… I mean… I might not have gotten much study, but I kissed the prettiest girl of the party-.
-Flattery won’t get you anywhere, with me- she joked, linking and brushing their noses together, meanwhile he kept caressing her hair, passing them through his fingers softly, attentive to the knots.
-I already got a kiss, and I am sure that with the right amount of marine fauna knowledge I could also convince you to give me your number- although he seemed all cocky she couldn’t help but identify a tone of shyness in his voice, which clearly spoke greatly about his true feelings.
-Pass the exam and I might consider it- she mumbled, meanwhile she reached out for her discarded robe, covering her bodysuit, but giving Jim a last cheeky look which he took thankfully, almost reverently, as if she was his favorite goddess.
At that same time, a knock on the door was hear and a male voice called out drunkenly to know if the bathroom was occupied, to which Jim replied dramatically:
-I am trying to get a very pretty girl’s number, do not come in! – she giggled, before moving to grab his phone quickly, typing her number quickly, before giving it back to him.
-Call me just if you pass the exam…- she warned him, before kissing gently his check, making sure that her lipstick smudged a bit on his cheek, hearing something about him “never ever washing that cheek again”, before grabbing back the phone, winking at her.
He then gentlemanly offered to accompany her outside, where she immediately met Erika.
She was pretty sure that now that he had seen Erika, Jim would have realized that maybe he had done the wrong choice, but he just linked their hands together, which didn’t pass unnoticed by her roommate.
She smirked and suggested they stayed a bit longer, but she honestly felt like she had taken already too much of Jim’s time, considering that he had an exam (they had ever tried to look over her notes, but the boy’s handwriting was just the messiest).
This time it was him who kissed her cheek, before whispering huskily in her ear “goodnight, beautiful”.
And the blush on her cheeks didn’t lessen in the slightest, on their way to their dorms and Erika made fun of it.
But, at least, the following day she had a date with the prettiest of the frat boys.
Hello, lovelies!
As always... if you have liked this please: heart it, reblog it and let me know with an ask or anything else if you liked it or not (gently, thank you very much) so I can write and do better for the next fics!
(Also I don’t know if I will be able to upload a fic next week, because I will be on a trip, so... but just so you know, I will then be back to my usual posting, with amazing ideas!)
And here are some people who wanted to be tagged into this! (Also if you want to be added to my tag list just let me know, with a DM or an ask!).
@emmyrosee @blakewaterxx @1-800-bitchcraft  @rocketgirl2410  @liliesandforgetmenots @dyns33 @loveableasshole @kleineshaschen @lovelylangdonx @ahsx97 @hexqueensupreme @ napping-is-my-favorite @vampirefairyestelle @ miss-diamonds @lexamarie93 @kelncurls @ annabisgroovy @ crispygiantsaladgarden @ iamhereforthefanfic @lucy245 @langdonsoutpost @chloewinchester13 @ thecravetobethin @thesmutisstrongwiththisone @ladynuwanda @mega-combusken
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It’s day 3/4/5 (?) of the exams. I had Literature on Monday, Maths on Tuesday and English on Wednesday. Yesterday was a national holiday, so we had a break and I am starting another series of exams on Monday. It will be advanced Maths and then Biology and Chemistry on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Let me tell you, the first three days weren’t even that bad. Shocker, I know. I was super stressed out last Sunday and positive that every single day would be a living nightmare, but, to tell you the truth, it wasn’t.
I have to admit, the first day was scary, but I guess that was due to me not knowing what will actually happen. Form the second day on, I didn’t have trouble falling asleep or eating and I also didn’t feel like randomly throwing up, which is some progress.
I’ve been watching Victorious and then iCarly from yesterday. That’s because some episodes of Victorious make me so mad that I need to calm myself down. And because I knew that iCarly used to be my favourite show in my entire lifetime, I decided to give it a shot and so far, I am loving it again. 
I also went to the garden to suntan a bit today. I felt like I was really pale and since I am not going anywhere this summer, I decided that I can at least try to relax in my garden. I am fully aware that tanning is bad for your skin, so really, don’t overdo it, avoid the sun and all of that, but I applied some sunblocker and left the sun when it started being too much.
I also came back to exercising, as I stopped during the exams. I was way too tired to even think straight, let alone do any exercises. 
Unfortunately, ot started being hotter and hotter, so exercising in the afternoon also becomes a bit problematic, but whatever, I guess I am still fine and besides, it’s not as hot as it was last year.
I’ve been doing some thinking about my school friends. It started out simple, i went out for coffee on Tuesday and learnt that Silver will be breaking up with his girlfriend soon. Now, I don’t really know what to think about it. Yes, I had a crush on him, but that passed when I realised that he really wasn’t that good with people he cared about romantically. There were so many girl crushes that he had and acted as if he wanted to date, but when they became interested, he ghosted them.
I’ve already had my heart broken by so many people, it’s safe to say that the least I can do is learn from my mistakes.
Then, I realised that throughout the exams I haven’t talked to Black at all. I don’t know whether he ignored me on purpose or not, but he didn’t acknowledge me at all and maybe, just maybe, that’s actually for the better.
It doesn’t shatter my heart and that’s important. 
And when I started thinking about all of that, about the tenderness and softness of friendship, I started thinking about my best friend - V.
I’ve known V since I was 13 and we certainly didn’t become friends straightaway. We had our own friendships and way too many differences, she was rough around the edges and I was so delicate she could break me with two words. We became friends some years later, when I had nobody and she came to be my friend. Then, she stayed. 
I never knew how to approach her. She was super friendly at first but we didn’t know anything about each other, so she would always start the conversation with one thing that we shared and that was that we went to the same dance school. After that we talked a bit about friendships and the first breakthrough happened on her birthday when we talked and laughed a lot and I started trusting her. 
She was hurt and disappointed in people, just like I was and we both covered it up with smiles and cheerfulness that wasn’t exactly made up, cause at the end of the day, life is good and you should remember that.
Life went on and so did we. When I was 14 we went on the exchange programme where I befriended her quite quickly. At that time, I was dating a girl and said girl was a bit jealous of V, which I couldn’t grasp at that point, but I really didn’t want to hurt my girlfriend. 
Eventually, V was the one that made me and my ex break up. It wasn’t because of jealousy, no, she was a friend of my girlfriend, hell, a close one. They shared some worries and thoughts and ultimately, V was the person that my girlfriend confided in when she started thinking about breaking up with me. Long story short, V said that it was probably the best thing to do.
When my girlfriend broke up with me, I thought I was going to die. I was 14, which seems so funny, except that it’s literally not, because I’ve never hurt as much before and never hurt as much since then. It was my first take at actual feelings and I was gone, disappeared in the sea of unbalanced actions. 
I didn’t know. I didn’t know that V was the one who talked to my girlfriend and I surely didn’t know that V was someone who anonymously said so much rude shit to me after the break up that my ex had to intervene. I was in pain, the searing hot one and it seemed there was no way out.
V became my friend a year later, when I got my feelings in check, straigtened things out with my ex, even came back to said ex only to break up a couple of months later, but this time, I knew what would happen. This time, it was way more private and V didn’t say anything, didn’t meddle. We broke up for the second time because we found out that we really weren’t that good of a match. Opposites attract, but attraction is not enough to save a relationship.
V became my best friend. She was already friends with Su and the three of us would talk on the phone, constantly text or go to the movies. I was happy I had friends and when we decided to go to the same high school, I was thrilled. 
When we started high school, me and V were in the same class and Su had to transfer, which she did after the first semester. Still, the first half of the year meant a lot, especially when it came to forming social circles, taking up places to sit and such. We’d always sit together, hang out together, be together and that was fine as well.
Then Su came and we needed adjustments, but I guess it was for the better, because we managed to be more for each other but for other people too. 
I learnt what V did in my relationship with my ex and I was furious and hurt. 
But, you know, you can’t take back time. She did what she deemed necessary and admitted to changing her opinion about me and liking me way more afterwards. 
Now, here’s the deal: I don’t know how to forgive. I forget sometimes, but it’s always there in my subconsciousness, nagging me and when I do remember, I can’t bring myself to forgive. I tried to ignore it, I tried to move on, but I can’t stop holding a grudge. It doesn’t matter whether those are my friends, close friends, strangers, parents, family, whoever. I never forgive. I try to move on and live with this dull ache in my chest that makes everyday life a bit harder and I try not to show how I feel, cause you can’t turn back time, I can’t undo what you did. But I was never able to fully forgive.
There are only two people I achieved that with. My cousin, pretty much the most important person in the world and V, my other most important person in the world. 
It’s not like the knowledge doesn’t hurt, but I am alive, I love her as my friend, I am so thankful for her in my life. Sad situtations come and go, I’ve hurt her plenty of times too, so there’s not much we can do, unless we want to wallow in pity for the rest of our lives. 
She’s been extremely supportive throughout entire high school, she befriended my cousin, we hanged out at her summer house a couple of times, she ran after Black for me on that infamous birthday party and talked to him for literal half an hour. She never told me exactly what went down between them, but her support meant so much and always will and I will cherish that forever. 
Me, V and Su are the weirdest jigsaw puzzle, but we fit into each other and that’s all that matters. 
V is the smartest queen I know and I never feel bad or jealous like I have with others when she scores better on biology or chemistry tests, cause I just know that she’s smarter like that. I am better in English and Literature and she knows that too, so we bicker sometimes, but just overall have that mutual understanding of each other and respect for what we know.
She kissed me once to see how it is and I freaked out, cause she’s like family now and it shocked me. I really didn’t mean to hurt her then, I just freaked out and it was my fault, cause I offered in the first place. 
I love her so much as a friend that it’s insane. 
Care about your friends, cause they might be the best thing in your life and that’s magical.
With love,
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thewhiterabbit42 · 6 years
Special Circumstances
Pairing: Loki x Reader x Gabriel Summary:  Sometimes there are exceptions to the rules. Request: @calamitychaos - Masquerade party Word Count: 1400+ (oops) Tags/Warnings: Fluff, swearing, polyamorous relationship, trickster magic A/N:  Sæta means sweetness / sweetie
***Please do not repost, reproduce, or copy my work to any other site without my written permission.  Giving credit does NOT count.***
“... I figure next Monday would be a good time to trigger Ragnarök.  Nobody likes Mondays.  Seems fitting the end would start on one, don’t you think?”
“Mmhmm.”  You nodded absently in agreement. The festivities droned on around you, music, dancing, idle chatter, but none of it registered until a wall of deep green replaced the sea of figures.  Loki placed a solitary finger beneath your chin, and you sheepishly raised your gaze to the solid gold mask at his eyeline.  
It still struck you as odd, seeing him in something other than pinstripe anything and matching hat.  If you hadn’t left Gabriel sitting back in your hotel room, you technically wouldn’t have been able to tell which trickster stood in front you
“What’s the matter, sæta?” Your lover asked, his thumb tenderly stroking along your jawline.  
Any other night, you would have been lost in the enchantment and extravagance of the ball.  Hell, anything with either of your boys was enchanting or extravagant.  They both had a way of turning the ordinary into something beyond your expectations, and tonight’s masquerade would have been no exception.  Except, it had been weeks since you had seen either of them, and tonight’s impromptu event quickly began to represent the very things you despised: secrets, guile -- never being able to show the true nature of things.  
For once, you just wished you could be somewhere other than a hotel room with both of them.  
You forced a bright expression onto your face.  “Nothing.”
He unexpectedly leaned forward, capturing your mouth just long enough to steal a taste.  “Those lips of yours are too sweet to be telling lies.”  
This time your smile was far more genuine, the compliment sinking beneath your skin and warming your thoughts.  Your lips curled upward, knowing they were not so sweet that they wouldn’t act as a distraction.  
You slipped your fingers through the soft curls at the base of his neck, guiding him back to you.  His sense of propriety faltered, indulging you in a public display that went on longer than you expected.  By the time he drew back, honeyed hues had become heated, though they were no less determined.
“Tell me.” The huskiness beneath his command sent goosebumps across your skin, and you could hear Gabriel now.  Sheesh.  Why so serious, old man?  
The ache that bloomed on the tail end of that thought shattered any pretense of hiding how you felt.  Besides, Loki could see it.  You could tell in the way his features immediately darkened.
“I miss him.”  You did your best not to pout, but really, what did he expect?  They’d gone weeks without visiting, and the night they drop back into town, you had all of ten minutes with both of them before the god had whisked you off.  
The intensity beneath his gaze softened.  “We should have come sooner.  For that, I’m sorry.”
You nodded, accepting his apology.  
“Do you want to leave?”  He asked.  
To be honest, you were conflicted.  This was an important night, not just for him but you as well. It was the first time he’d taken you to anything involving other deities.  The last thing you wanted was to be ungrateful by running out after a hot minute.  
You just didn’t relish the thought of mingling with so many things that might devour you when there was an archangel waiting to do just that back at your hotel room.
You took a moment to finish your champagne, trying to choose your words carefully.  “I want to have my cake and eat it too.”
“Why don’t I get us a drink, and we can figure out what cake there is to be had?”  He took the empty glass from your hand, disappearing into the crowd before you’d had a chance to respond.  
You sighed.  One day you’d break him of his habit of offering decisions in the guise of suggestions.  You’d probably be on your death bed by then, but it would happen.  
Your hands traveled idly over your skirt as you waited, fingers sliding over smooth satin before encountering textured lace.  Without him next to you, you felt out of place.  Thankful to be just another masked face, you shifted closer toward the wall, wanting to stay out of the way as much as possible.  
Something moved out of the corner of your eye, and you turned, catching sight of yourself in an extraordinarily large and ancient mirror that hung across the way.  You took a moment to admire the way gold swept in across your bodice while green claimed most of your lower half.  Your mask held a similar design, the two colors claiming equal surface though the division came in the form of a sweeping zigzag.  
It was probably the most expensive outfit you had ever worn, and you were going to spend the entire night sulking in it.
“Sæta…” Loki chided, his quiet voice drawing your attention away from your reflection.  
Guilt welled up inside of you, and you were about to apologize when you noticed his hands were empty.  Your brow furrowed, a question on the tip of your tongue when he took you by the hand, spinning you until the world whirled around you.  You stumbled, but his deft hands kept you upright, one landing on the small of your back as he pulled you against him.  He claimed your mouth with his, and for a moment there was nothing but a deep-seated need burning beneath both his touch and kiss.  
“You’re not…”  You paused, remembering you were in an entire room filled with ears that could probably hear clear across the hemisphere.  “You.”
A large grin spread across your face as you lay your head against his chest and gave him a tight hug.  
“Is that how you tell us apart in the bedroom?” Gabriel inquired, hugging you back before dropping a light kiss on the top of your head.  
That was one of several ways, but you weren’t about to tell him that.
“...Maybe.”  Your smile turned sly as you released him, your fingers linking with his as a familiar figure approached.  
“Now that you have your cake, I hope you don’t mind if I find some of my own?”  Loki asked, handing you a fresh glass of champagne.  
You would buy the god an entire dessert factory if they could actually pull off being in the same place at the same time.  
“Isn’t this…”  You hesitated, finishing the thought in your head as you looked at Gabriel.  Risky?
“Technically it’s multitasking.  You’ll also notice we are over there, chatting up our host which is, admittedly, a little in poor taste.  He’ll get over it though.”  He gestured back to the center of the dance floor.  “ We’re also making good on that dance we promised to one of the fates, though I hope you’ll spare one of us to actually have one with Lacheses.”  
He leaned closer, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper.  “It’s always good to be on one their good sides--”  His words abruptly halted as he straightened back up, eyes shifting to a spot in the far corner of the room.  “Aaaaaand one of us just got our ass pinched by one of those nymphs over there.  Feisty little things.”  He briefly rubbed his backside, sending a look in the direction of the double, who merely held up his hands with a shrug.  
The full spectrum of beings in the room suddenly hit you, and you felt a surge of nerves overcome your initial elation.  While you didn’t doubt Loki’s ability to keep you safe, having both of them there was comforting.  “... It’s ok for you to stay the whole time, right?”  
“People tend to be a little put off if they think they’re not getting the real deal, not that I blame them.” Pride touched the smug smirk that stretched across his face.  “It’s kind of like getting paid lip service.  But, under special circumstances, we can get away with it.”  He took you gently by the chin.  “And I can’t think of anything more special than what’s standing in front of me.”  
“Neither can I,” Loki echoed.  Simultaneously they leaned in, each placing a kiss on your cheek.  Color flourished across your face and you melted beneath the unexpected tenderness in both their touch and tones.
“God, you’re both saps,” you muttered, grinning like one yourself.  
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stupid-jeans · 6 years
the madness game ch8 (Amir/McG)
Finally getting the real post up!
Over here at AO3
Summary/Notes: The team heads to Colombia. Amir has a lot of feelings. This chapter is safely PG.
Special thanks to TeamBC for the encouragement, support, etc. And to @undercoverwatermoon for the beta!
For a time, everything shifted. It was impossible for it not to. Jaz was still healing. The visual reminders of her torture were still evident, a reminder to all of them that they'd almost lost her. So things  got a little quieter, a little more somber, a little calmer. They were all a little more forgiving.
No one said a word, then, or even blinked at the fact that Amir was sleeping in Joseph’s room--in his bed--every night. It wasn't professional, but it felt necessary. Because McGuire was still processing, recovering, clearing out the rubble of the walls he'd constructed to keep himself safe. And Amir, well, now that they were safely home, he’d started to think too much. About losing Joseph, about his own wellbeing, about how terrifying this all was. But he felt better--safer--with Joseph in his arms.
“You're thinking too loud,” Joseph mumbled, his voice rough and low with sleep. It sent a lazy kind  of warmth through Amir that he was only just now getting used to.
“And here I thought you could sleep through anything,” he chuckled.
“Guess you’re the exception, huh?” Joseph asked, the familiar grin evident in his tone, even if Amir couldn’t feel it against his neck.
“If it’s a disruption, I’m happy to go back to my own bed…”
“You talk a big game, Raisani, but you love being here,” he said, his hand smoothing over Amir’s chest, warm and solid through the thin cotton.
“What gave you that impression?”
“You keep coming back,” Joseph whispered as his hand slid lower, over Amir’s stomach. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to this, being touched.
“You have a point,” he allowed.
“Kinda getting used to having you here. Even if you think too loud.”
“At least I don’t snore. It’s a wonder I can sleep at all.” The impact of his words was slightly lost at the quiver in his voice as Joseph fingered the hem of his shirt.
“Is this okay?” Joseph asked. “I just want to touch you.”
Until now, the other man had never asked to touch him anywhere that wasn’t already exposed. And Amir knew he could say no. But he didn’t want to.
“Yes.” He exhaled shakily and stroked up Joseph’s arm, trying to calm his racing heart.
“I love that I can do this to you…” Joseph’s fingers slid under his shirt, lightly stroking at the skin above the waistband of his sweats, and, as with everything else in this relationship so far, Amir was surprised. Because the heat was definitely there, but it was the instant calm and intimacy brought by the touch that sank into him.
“Can I tell you I love you yet?” The way he said it was so damn casual, Amir almost didn’t process what he’d said at all.
“Because I can wait. Until we’re home. Or until...I don’t know, whenever you want. But I kinda wanted you to know.” The just in case went unspoken, but it hung there for a moment.
Romantically speaking, Amir had never told anyone he loved them. Those words were reserved for his family, for obligation and blood. Not for choice. Not for this. But he thought about Adam and Jaz and all the things that could’ve gone unsaid between them. He thought about his sister leaving the house for her first rehearsal and how he’d barely spared her a glance. And then he thought, again, of losing this man, the one who he truly adored waking up beside, even in a cramped, uncomfortable twin bed.
“I love you too,” he whispered, like it was a revelation to him, because it was.
It must’ve been a revelation to Joseph too, because the other man sat up and stared down at him, disbelieving. “What?”
“Are you that surprised?” he chuckled. “You’re persistent. You didn’t exactly give me a choice.”
Except he had chosen. Repeatedly.
“You know, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to figure you out,” Joseph muttered with a boyish grin. “But dammit, I’m gonna keep trying.”
Amir reached for him, already missing the warmth, and when Joseph relented to kiss him, the hard press of his body was the only thing keeping him there. Grounded. Safe. Whole.
The flight to Colombia balanced things a little. Not completely, because they were still one person short, and her absence was heavy, but there was a mission to focus on. Work made them all feel a little closer to normal.
There were nine hours to fill, on the plane, and Amir spent a decent portion reading while Joseph dozed beside him, but their hands stayed linked between them, a gesture Amir wouldn’t have been comfortable with even two weeks ago. He thought about the plane back from Mexico, about how much everything had changed since then, about the dumb grin on Joseph’s face when he’d finally uttered the words. That alone had seemingly cleared whatever ghosts had been lingering under the surface, and Amir wished things could be that easy for him.
“It’s okay, you know,” McG mumbled beside him, and if this wasn’t such a regular occurrence by now, it might’ve startled him. “Doesn’t have to change anything.”
“What are you doing, on leave?” The question tumbled out, unbidden. It must’ve shocked Joseph too, because he sat up, any hint of weariness evaporating. “I was thinking maybe we could spend some time together, that’s all. Sleep in a bed that wasn’t built for one.”
“You sure? I mean, you don’t have to come out ot Montana or anything. We could go somewhere neutral. Anywhere, really.” Joseph’s thumb swept up the side of his own and the corner of Amir’s mouth tugged upward.
“My only request is for somewhere without any sand.”
“No? Cuz I really feel like my life is lacking in the sand department.”
“I’m relatively certain that if I never saw or felt another grain of sand for the rest of my life, I would be ecstatic,” Amir said, his grin widening at Joseph’s teasing smile.
“I think we can manage that.” Joseph leaned closer and, out of habit, Amir’s eyes darted to everyone else. No one was paying them any attention. “Kinda hoped we’d stay in the room most of the time anyway.”
The implication of privacy, the memory of Joseph against him in Tehran, made Amir a little dizzy.
“A little presumptuous, wouldn’t you say?” he murmured finally.
“Maybe if it wasn’t so obvious how bad you wanted it, too,” Joseph murmured, barely loud enough for Amir to hear, despite his proximity. It sent an instant shock of heat down his spine, his skin suddenly tingling where Joseph’s fingers rested. “I just want to kiss you for as long as I want without worrying about a mission. Or an audience.”
“Not just kissing,” Amir reminded him, Joseph’s confession from Iran replaying easily in his mind.
“Whatever you want,” Joseph vowed seriously, the easy flirting giving way to honesty. No matter how many times it happened, Amir always found it incredibly reassuring. For all of McG’s reputation, he’d never once pushed a single boundary. He’d never even tried.
“I know.”
“Can I kiss you now?” he asked, running his thumb from the back of Amir’s hand to his wrist.
Rather than responding, rather than double checking they weren’t being watched again, Amir closed the small gap between them and captured Joseph’s lips with his own. Just in case, he thought to himself.
“I love you,” he whispered as he pulled away. It wouldn’t do to have any regrets. Any day could be the day, and he’d be damned if he let himself regret a single second.
Being on the ground, everything felt lighter. With the mission outlined, with the promise of action ahead, everyone got a little looser, fell a little more at ease.
Hannah’s appearance only cemented that, and Amir was all too happy to play along. Jealousy had never been something he entertained. Barring Paloma, who had been the exception, mostly because Amir had had no claim, no right. But now Joseph had told him, clearly, there would be nobody else, and Amir had no reason to believe otherwise. And it felt good to have the banter back, to amp each other up. Amir hadn’t realized how much he’d come to rely on the way this team did things. The last few weeks at home and been tough. Any of them would do it all over again in a heartbeat, no question, and Jaz had had it tougher than any of them by a longshot. But it felt good to get a little space, to have Top back in control, to have a purpose.
“Try not to shoot either of them,” Amir suggested, suiting up for his part of the mission.
“Try not to run them over,” McG countered, grinning and playfully bumping Amir’s shoulder. “Why they trust you with the heavy machinery, I’ll never understand.”
The mission just felt right. For the next twenty minutes. And then there was a hitch.
Just in case, he reminded himself. Amir breathed and he prayed. The time for levity was over. Time to buckle down.
Ten seconds was nothing. Their mission was impossible, and they all knew it. But they had to do something while Adam was on the plane. Sitting around, waiting for the bomb to go off, was just not an option. Doing nothing led to madness, and they’d only just recovered.
Amir took comfort, selfishly, in knowing that McGuire was here, within arm’s reach. If everything went sideways, they’d be okay. But the thought of what would happen after that--of going back to Turkey and telling Jaz they’d lost Adam--was unthinkable. Though their start had been rocky, Amir liked to think he and Jaz were close now. She was part of his family, and he hoped he was part of hers. They had to come home in one piece, all of them.
“Hey,” Joseph murmured, dragging Amir out of his head. “We’ll figure it out.”
“Yeah,” he agreed.
“Let’s run it again,” Preach declared. So they did.
The high surged in him the second he laid eyes on Top. Hearing his voice was one thing, but seeing him alive, unharmed, immediately assuaged the tension in Amir’s chest. They’d done it. Everyone was going home in one piece.
Catching McGuire’s easy grin from a few rows away, Amir knew he was feeling the same. Suddenly, he couldn’t wait to get back, to do this all over again, with Jaz. To have the whole team back in action, one more time, before their deployment came to an end. It was only right.
As they deplaned with the rest of the passengers and flight crew, Hannah was waiting, a reminder of the anticipation of earlier, and Amir offered a smile. They’d succeeded because of her. Her hand found his shoulder and he considered, briefly, that maybe she’d actually choose him over McG. His gaze shifted to his boyfriend--that word was getting easier--and he could tell the other man knew exactly what he was thinking. And maybe his own lack of jealousy wasn’t quite mirrored by Joseph. No one had ever been jealous with him before. It made him feel strangely good.
“Something bothering you, McGuire?” Amir teased with a nudge as they made their way back across the tarmac to the hangar.
“She likes you,” he grumbled.
“She’s pretty. It’s too bad, really, that I’m already taken.”
“Yeah you are,” Joseph agreed, noticeably less grumpy.
Amir just chuckled and shook his head.
Being home felt just as good as he’d imagined it would. Jaz seemed to have settled in their absence, and she’d been cleared to join them again, which certainly didn’t hurt. With the last of the weight of Iran lifted from their shoulders, a bonfire was the only reasonable choice.
Amir couldn’t help but remember sitting out after the bombing, talking with Adam, still green. He’d wanted to throw in the towel. He’d almost walked away from this, from these people who he’d come to care for much deeper than he’d ever intended.
Jaz’s eyes found his, her brow furrowing only slightly in question. He smiled in return, reassuring. There was absolutely nothing wrong. Everything was perfect. They were all here and okay. They were smiling and laughing and playing really bad horseshoes. Exactly as it should be.
When Joseph slid into bed beside him later that night, smelling of fire and sand and sweat, Amir settled readily against him.
“So you’ve forgiven me for the Hannah thing then?” he couldn’t resist teasing a bit, heady from the evening, from the mission.
“I can’t help it if the girl has good taste,” Joseph murmured, already sleepy. “But I saw you first. You’re mine.”
The word spawned some totally unexpected warmth that started somewhere in Amir’s stomach and spread outward. He’d never belonged to anyone--to anywhere--before. At some point, he’d stopped looking. Sometimes, though, the things you needed had a funny way of finding you. Amir was starting to wonder if part of him hadn’t wanted to be found all along.
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THE 24/10/16 UPDATE
Woow, another liveblog from your favorite act omega liveblogger. Are there any other livebloggers out there i need to know.  So yeah, here we are with part 8! Big Vriska number for the win. Also only two updates away from double digits! Yeah, I’m not sure I thought this through with the whole update-update format, this might take a L OT of posts to get caught up. Luckily, I have no problem with making a fuckton of posts. Anyways, I think we left off with the kids, so lets hurry up and get back to them!
(Cant post the image. Here’s the link. http://mspfanventures.com/?s=16414&p=47)
GASP, IS thIS SOME MULTIPLE CHOICE SHIT? Well considering I’m forever going to be staying chronological, I suppose I should start with the one on the next page! 
A CHARACTER SELECTION MENU appears through the power of NON-LINEAR STORYTELLING. You know the drill by now, have some free will! Or just go in this order, if you think agency is overrated
Oh, that’s helpful. Great, I’ll start with ONE then.
The fact that you are a dedicated and loyal reader is obvious and indisputable, so of course you won’t be moving on ahead without having taken a gander at all of the options presented to you.
Obviously! what kinda brainless CHUMP would move on without you explicitly stating to? NOT ME.
Anyways, starting with ONE.
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PFt, woah their eyes. 
KANAYA: (Hey) ROXY: oh heeeeey! KANAYA: (Hey To You Again Except Slightly More Quietly) ROXY: (oh sorry)
It seems they gotta be quiet for reasons. H  m m M..
ROXY: (why r we whispering) KANAYA: (I Am Not Entirely Sure)
So they just need to be miss zuipPer lips for no reason then?
KANAYA: (That Just Seems To Be What Everyone Has Lapsed Into Doing) KANAYA: (And Now Speaking In A Normal Volume Will Draw More Attention Than Desired Especially When Attempting To Have A Private Conversation) ROXY: (im lovin this private convo already but you might need to make it snappy)
so everybodys just whispering? do they all got SECRETS? Also, what’s the hurry Roxy?
ROXY: (john looks about ready to get down n dirty with some srs leadership biz)
Oh yeah.
KANAYA: (Alright Then I Will Attempt To Be Brief) KANAYA: (I Wanted To Thank You Again) KANAYA: (For The Matriorb Certainly)
Alright cool! It seems that this Kanaya does remember Roxy giving her the good ol’ matriorb. 
KANAYA: (But Additionally For Everything Else You Have Accomplished Today) KANAYA: (I Know Being The One To Strike The Final Blow Against Our Shared Enemy In The Midst Of Battle Does Not Necessarily Warrant Gratitude But I Thought It Might Be Nice For You To Hear That What You Did Was Appreciated)
What she DID, was prove herself to be a goddamn BADASS. But honestly everybody here’s a badass one way or another. 
KANAYA: (At Least By Me) KANAYA: (On Behalf Of My Species As Well As All Those Who Suffered At The Behest Of The Condesce) KANAYA: (And All Those That May Now Be Born And Live Free Of Tyranny) KANAYA: (You Did Good)
Pft, nice. “Ya did good, kid.” 
ROXY: (omg i am cri)
goddammit these lines always manage to be fucking perfect.
ROXY: (that wasnt brief @ all but twas so so bootiful) ROXY: (gdi cmere moms big loveable space gf)
OK this doesn’t need to be stated, but I fucking love roxy.
KANAYA: (Um I Would Prefer It If We Saved The Hug For Later Maybe) ROXY: (aww ok thats cool)
KANAYA: (Anyway I Have Only Just Met You But You Have Already Proven Yourself To Be Just As Extraordinary An Individual As Your...) KANAYA: (Uh) KANAYA: (Rose)
Nice Kanaya.
ROXY: (as my rose?) KANAYA: (Yes Your Rose) ROXY: (;D)
ITS CONFIRMED, Rose is Roxy’s Rose. this conversation is so cute.
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See you’re still over there TZ. Whatcha lookin at? The uh... oh youre blind. what are you doing terezi?? come on girl, celebrate!
ROXY: (okay looks like john got distracted by somethin) ROXY: (so since we got a little more time to chat it up) ROXY: (and so long as were exchangin bomb as FUCK felicitations) ROXY: (youre not so shabby yourself yknow) ROXY: (like damn i was absolutely right youre one deadly customer)
Yeah no fuckin kidding, this girl knows how to kick ass.
ROXY: (seeing u whip out that BEASTLY CHAINSAW) ROXY: (was a sight to behold)
PFt, that was nothing. You should have seen when she single handedly put three of the most dangerous characters on the meteor out of commision. 
KANAYA: (I Really Did Not Do All That Much Surprisingly) KANAYA: (Or Perhaps Unsurprisingly) KANAYA: (I Am Not Sure If I Was Erring On The Side Of Caution After All) KANAYA: (Out Of Consideration For The Gift You Gave Me) KANAYA: (Or If Perhaps I Was Simply Unpracticed)
Well yeah, she didnt do as much in this battle as the others.  But like she said, she had the matriorb to keep safe. PLUS, she wasnt godtier. So yeah Kanaya, you’re excused from doing your makeup during the final epic battle.
ROXY: (who cares??) ROXY: (we WON) ROXY: (gave that witch what was COMING TO HER) ROXY: (and thats the end of that no point gettin our knickers all in a twist over it no more)
Roxy’s got the right idea. There doesn’t gotta be any more “proving yourself.” You did the battle, and you came out on top!  JUst be done with it.
KANAYA: (Yes I Suppose Youre Right) KANAYA: (Though I Do Wonder How Things Might Have Gone If I Had Attempted To Dust Off One Of The Old Fraymotifs)
Oh shit, Kanaya’s got fraymotifs? And also, you can use fraymotifs without being godtier?
oh. wait. terezi isnt godtier is she? Yeah, you totally can use fraymotifs without godtier.
ROXY: (no kidding!) ROXY: (yeah that woulda been pretty badass) ROXY: (we could have had a sick combo) ROXY: (void and...) ROXY: (uh) KANAYA: (Space) ROXY: (right yeah space)
Well too bad you’ll never have the opportunity to USE that sick deadly combo!
I am ONE HUNDRED percent sure that will be the case
i am SO SURE
nobody has to die anymore
completely sure.
KANAYA: (It May Have Indeed Been Sick But Upon Further Reflection Perhaps Not)
No kanaya, it would be SUPER fuckin badass dont even give me that shit.
ROXY: (wait rly) ROXY: (how come?) KANAYA: (I Dont Feel Like I Ever Got The Opportunity To Truly Get In Touch With My Aspect Like You) KANAYA: (It Has Never Seemed Pertinent That I Be Able To Cast Some Sort Of Spacey Enchantment) KANAYA: (In Fact I Have Yet To Stumble Across A Scenario I Could Not Handle Through More Traditional Methods) ROXY: (u mean a deadly body slam full a sharp metal teeth twice the length of your head) KANAYA: (Yes Precisely) KANAYA: (That Tends To Cover The Bases Pretty Well)
WELL, Chainsaws do seem to cover many different issues. Mainly the ones which involve somebody needing to be cut the fuck in half. But I dont know if being “In touch” with your aspect was ever really a thing. I mean, when did John become “in touch” with his aspect? He just sorta got the powers and did shit with them. i dont really know what that has to do with it- wait a goddamn second. People always associate the wind aspect with like independence and shit, right? And.. the last thing that happened before John went godtier, was a choice. Given to him by Vriska, who for the first time decided to step back and let him decide what to do on his own. Whether or not she would have owned up to what she said about letting him decide how to fall asleep, he still made the choice and went with it on is own. So maybe that’s got something to do with it.
Or maybe I’m just an idiot.
ROXY: (well you know what thats cool) ROXY: (u do u) ROXY: (besides) ROXY: (hopefully there wont be any more reason for you to wreck shit)
GOddammit stop saying shit like that
KANAYA: (That Would Be Ideal I Suppose) KANAYA: (However It Is Always Wise To Be Prepared) KANAYA: (Just In Case) ROXY: (ofc!) ROXY: (and hey) ROXY: (just cuz we won the game doesnt mean there wont be any more opportunities to like) ROXY: (explore yourself and your aspect) ROXY: (our cool powers are too friggin handy for them to just stop bein relevant once we walk thru a magic door)
ROXY: (maybe someday youll get the chance to blitz ur chakras and get spacey w it) ROXY: (and itll be at your own pace instead of having to rush it for the sake of fixing some giant spacetastrophe) KANAYA: (That Does Sound Nice)
KANAYA: (Considering Right Now I Am Very Unsure Of How To Even Begin Blitzing Those Particular Chakras) ROXY: (i bet u can ask john) ROXY: (hes rly good at givin advice for stuff like that)
ROXY: (tho he probably doesnt even know it pffff) KANAYA: (You Are Also Very Good At Giving Advice) KANAYA: (That Was Not Necessarily A Request I Simply Thought I Should Point That Out) ROXY: (TOO BAD youre gettin some anyway ;P) ROXY: (rly tho ive hardly even begun to wrestle my voidy powers into submission) ROXY: (still got a loooooong way to go on that front) ROXY: (but thus far most of my blitzing has just been like) ROXY: (being around the thing) ROXY: (and letting myself embrace this like) ROXY: (natural synergy i got going w it) KANAYA: (When You Say) KANAYA: (The Thing) KANAYA: (Do You Mean Nothing) KANAYA: (Considering Your Aspect Presides Over Literal Nothingness)
Yes Kanaya, this is exactly what she means.
ROXY: (pffft) ROXY: (yes thats what i mean :p) KANAYA: (Okay I Was Just Attempting To Clarify) KANAYA: (How Does One Surround Themselves With The Concept Of Nonexistence) ROXY: (i dunno!) ROXY: (when u put it that way it does sound pretty mind bending) ROXY: (i guess ive just been lucky?) ROXY: (or maybe the nothing is naturally attracted to me and lucks got nothin to do w it)
WELL YEAh, what isnt naturally attracted to you? Guys i just really love roxy help
ROXY: (but yeah i got that voidy ring @ one point) ROXY: (and when john started getting to fixing the timeline he took me to a place that felt like) ROXY: (the nothingest nothing to ever unexist) KANAYA: (That Sounds Interesting) KANAYA: (What Was It Like)
Probably nothing.
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THATS a cool panel right there.
ROXY: (well it was) ROXY: (white) ROXY: (but not pure white) ROXY: (just slightly off) ROXY: (and) ROXY: (it was super vast) ROXY: (but not like regular outer space where you can actually see stuff like stars stretch on and on til you cant see it anymore) ROXY: (which at least gives u a sense of distance) ROXY: (but instead it was almost claustrophobic) ROXY: (cuz there was nothing there) ROXY: (you and all the other somethings just completely enveloped by a shrink wrap o absence)
HUmm.. thats pretty interesting to say the least. Not really sure what to think of it though! Just pretty nifty.
KANAYA: (Hmmmm) ROXY: (never really tried putting this into words) ROXY: (i think the thing about it was that the void sort of) ROXY: (changed) ROXY: (depending on how i chose to perceive it) ROXY: (cause the whole point is that its kinda like) ROXY: (idk) ROXY: (maybe a little like binary) KANAYA: (Binary?)
too bad sollux is dead he’d get a kick outta this.
did anybody make this connection. computer hacker guy who likes two’s. Binary. man. i feel like everybody did.
ROXY: (yknow binary) ROXY: (computer language) ROXY: (0011101100101001)
omfg she just winked in binary.
KANAYA: (Oh That) ROXY: (the way that works is basically) ROXY: (you have a bit) ROXY: (like a computery bit) ROXY: (and it can say either 0 or 1) ROXY: (and dependin on which it is the computer displays the info differently) ROXY: (but the void is like a completely blank bit) ROXY: (there isnt a 0 or a 1 written on the bit yet but thats all were programmed to understand yknow) ROXY: (like 0 is technically nothing but whats important is that theres something there for you to see) ROXY: (but what im gettin at is that really void is just blank space waiting to be written on) ROXY: (by somebody like yours truly) ROXY: (im the computer and youre the person reading the display)
Oh. That’s pretty cool and shit. 
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OH shes gettin all magicky here
ROXY: (and my whole voidy thing) ROXY: (is that i gotta figure out the code for whatever i wanna make exist) ROXY: (and write it on the blank bits) ROXY: (then) ROXY: (i snatch em outta the void!)
Oh AGAIN. YEAh, roxys power seems a lot cooler now.
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ROXY: (yoink!!!)
nice lipstick yo
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Kanaya is so fucking cute oml. She looks kinda dumbfounded by this lipstick.
KANAYA: (Wow) KANAYA: (That Was Really Quite Insightful Roxy) KANAYA: (I Think I Am Already Beginning To Understand Things Better) KANAYA: (But What Is This) ROXY: (p sure its lipstick!) ROXY: (and its 4 u) ROXY: (i dont rly know if pinks ur color but) ROXY: (here it is anyway!)
Oh god help me im already starting to ship it.
KANAYA: (Another Gift) KANAYA: (Why) ROXY: (daaaaw i dunno) ROXY: (i mean its actually kinda cool i was able to make this at all) ROXY: (i bet it must be bc of you somehow) ROXY: (you like lipstick right?) KANAYA: (Yes) ROXY: (i dont know if this is just me but i bet this is totes a thing w space players) ROXY: (like i get the vibe that u guys r more in touch with the objects around you) ROXY: (specially the ones thatre important to you) KANAYA: (I Suppose...)
HMm.. Interesting bit of aspect analysis. That could possibly be a thing.
ROXY: (well?) ROXY: (ru gonna take it or what) KANAYA: (I Really Cant Accept This) KANAYA: (I Was Attempting To Alleviate The Debt Of Gratitude I Have Already Been Accumulating Towards You) KANAYA: (A Measly Thank You Is Hardly Enough) KANAYA: (And Yet You Present Me With Even More To Be Thankful For)
COme on Kanaya dont be like that. Just take the thing and be hAPPY! you dont gotta prove yourself for a gift.
ROXY: (man thats not how this works) ROXY: (you dont owe me nothin) ROXY: (but heck if it makes u feel better) ROXY: (the space egg wasnt rly 4 u it was 4 all the little trollings that need to be born) ROXY: (skewering the batterwitch was definitely 4 me and earth and stuff) ROXY: (and the lipstick is to thank u for takin such good care of my mom :D)
Dont you mean your Rose?
KANAYA: (... That Does Make Me Feel Slightly Better) ROXY: (so youll take it??) KANAYA: (Okay) ROXY: (hella) KANAYA: (Thank You) KANAYA: (Again) ROXY: (dont mention it!)
She will likely mention this many times.
WEll that was the end for their interaction I suppose, so it seems like we get one page of another interaction then? I guess Dirk and Jake.
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Ohp, yep. Jeez they look awkward.
DIRK: (... So.) JAKE: (...) DIRK: (...) DIRK: (That was some fight, huh.)
Goddammit this is awkward. 
JAKE: (Oh yes that sure was a doozy of a brawl we all just participated in.) JAKE: (Or rather multiple brawls.) DIRK: (I think you’re probably up to speed on exactly how well mine went.) JAKE: (Um.) JAKE: (Should i be?) DIRK: (Nevermind.)
Just another beheading of good ol’ Dirk. Seems like that’s a common thing for him. 
JAKE: (Sorry... its just difficult to, uh...) DIRK: (Don’t be sorry. It doesn’t actually matter.) JAKE: (The important part is you won right?) DIRK: (Yeah...) DIRK: (How did yours go?) DIRK: (If you feel like sharing, that is.) JAKE: (Oh i won too!) DIRK: (Well. Obviously.) DIRK: (I meant... like.) DIRK: (Specifically, HOW you won.) DIRK: (I’d be down to hear some details of all the kickassery you've been dishing out.) DIRK: (That must've been pretty crazy solo.)
Come ONNNN guys, quit dancing around the topic here. Somethings bothering you and its making everything shitty.
JAKE: (Oh.) JAKE: (Well i wasnt alone for long actually.) JAKE: (In fact it was quite the clusterfuck of skeletons sprites and green goblin brutes!) JAKE: (That crabby troll fellow even showed up at one point.) JAKE: (He seemed to be having a difficult time with one of the tinier rascals but i was up to my ears in fracas and fisticuffs myself and couldnt really lend him a hand.)
Dammit Karkat. I love him, but god he’s adorably pathetic in fights.
DIRK: (It looks like he’s alright, so no harm done.) DIRK: (How many of those green dudes were there again?) JAKE: (Im fairly certain there were 14.) DIRK: (And you trounced all of them?) JAKE: (Actually k...carat dealt with one of them i think.) JAKE: (They were small but a decidedly tricky foe. It was scurrying around so fast i dont think a single one of my bullets even grazed it!)
He has ALLLL the luck Jake, ALL of it!  Honestly, can we get a Vriska/Clover battle?
DIRK: (Well, shit. Sounds tough.) DIRK: (Still, my score reads "Jake: 13, Goblins: 0".) DIRK: (Oh, and I’m pretty sure the name you’re looking for is Karkat.) JAKE: (Is that so?) DIRK: (Yup.) JAKE: (My mistake then...) DIRK: (Don’t worry about it.)
Dammit Jake, don’t be so fucking hard on yourself. I feel bad for him now. Like, he’s beating himself up over not knowing a complete strangers name.
JAKE: (Have you spoken to him at all yet?) DIRK: (Nah.) JAKE: (Would you like to?) DIRK: (I guess? Sure.) DIRK: (He and Dave seem to be in the middle of something, though. No point in interrupting.) DIRK: (Besides, I’m talking to you right now.) JAKE: (...) DIRK: (...)
Alright dammit, I guess we’ll see if they get over whatever’s bugging them in the next update, because that’s the last page. Seeya next time and whatnot folks.
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jayykesley · 7 years
can I ask for all of the oc questions for both of my sons
absolutely you can;
1. what do they look like?
Derick’s about 5’9, with slightlytanned skin, golden blond curly hair, and blue eyes
Roswell is a tall, lanky, 17-yearold with ridiculous dark hair and big round grey eyes
2. describe their personality inthree words:
Derick: Nervous, shameful, and sweet
Roswell: Excited, enthusiastic,empathetic
3. how tall are they?
Derick’s 5’9, and Roswell’s about 5’11
4. favorite foods?
Derick loves anything sweet – cookies,brownies, cake, coffee with more sugar than actual coffee
Roswell will eat anything andeverything, he’s a growing kid
5. any allergies?
Not that I know of
6. what is their build?
When the gang first meets Derick,he’s real real skinny because he can’t afford to eat a lot. After they get himsome real food, he still somewhat skinny, but a little more filled out?
Roswell’s just lanky like a noodle
7. do they have curly, wavy, orstraight hair?
Derick’s got super curly hair thatsticks up everywhere and gets in his eyes
Roswell has straight hair that lookslike he stuck a fork in a socket
8. do they like books? if so, howoften do they read?
Derick doesn’t read a lot – not alot of good reading material in Cirsca, it’s mostly just manuals and journals.Roswell’s kind of the same way, he doesn’t mind them but reading’s not his ideaof fun.
9. what are their talents?
Derick’s not half bad at drawing,though he usually only draws Ragsy.
Roswell: Talking absolutely non-stop
10. two or more other fictionalcharacters they’re similar to?
Shoshanna from Inglorious Basterdswas the inspiration for Derick, though I guess the two aren’t wildly similar interms of personality. Maybe Cress from Lunar Chronicles? Or Noah from RavenCycle? I’m actually not sure…
For Roswell, definitely Dick Graysonfrom the Lego Batman Movie
11. what is one strange hobby/talentthey have?
Derick’s freaky good atcommunicating with animals. Like, “Disney Princess” good.
I actually don’t know one forRoswell…and here I thought I knew my ocs….
12. five songs that fit them:
For Derick, here’s three:
“The Letter That Never Came” –Thomas Newman (yeah its instrumental, but its just so sad at the beginning thatI think of Derick every time)
“Beauty and the Beast” – BATB OTS(the original with angela Lansbury – technically derick/Rosalyn but still)
“I Went TooFar” – Aurora          
I swear I have more, I just can’tthink of them atm
And Shut Up and Dance definitelyreminds me of Roswell
13. who do you think could play themin a live-action rendition?
Evan Peters, who is also myface-claim for Derick.
A young Nicholas Hoult is my faceclaim for Roswell too..
14. do they just want to rest?
YES oh my gosh yes that’s all Derickwants. Roswell’s the opposite; there’s too much to do!!
15. which OC did not sign up forthis?
Derick, for sure
16. who’s their favorite person?
It takes him a while to warm up toher, but overall I think Rosalyn is his favorite person. He also really enjoyshanging out with Carson and Lorelei, because they’re like the siblings he neverhad.
Funny enough, Rosalyn is alsoRoswell’s favorite person, right next to Dr. Anaya Gatling! Gatling’s like amentor to him, so he loves her so much too.
17. who do you ship them with?
ROSALYN with Derick, and Roswell’sperfectly fine on his own
18. have they experienced the deathof a loved one?
Derick hasn’t, Roswell has (he and Rosalynused to have an older brother)
19. have they ever been tortured?
For Derick, doesmental/emotional/physical abuse count? For Roswell, no, not yet (?)
20. what’s the worst thing you’vedone to them without spoiling anything?
Gave Derick to parents who mentallyand emotionally abused him then abandoned him, so now he genuinely doesn’trecognize real love when he’s shown it.
For Roswell, killing his big brotherreally sucks so…
21. any mental illnesses?
Derick probably does, but he hasn’tbeen diagnosed. Roswell’s mental health is great, so no.
22. what’s their favorite animal?
Derick’s is cats, Roswell’s is dogs.
23. what are their flaws?
Derick’s kind of a coward, veryabsorbed in his own mind, overthinks everything.
Roswell can be too trusting and tooeager to see the best in everyone. Also could accidentally share secret infowhile rambling.
24. what’s their favorite color?
Derick likes green, and Roswelllikes purple and yellow and blue and red and….
25. pet peeves?
Derick dislikes people who just gogo go!Roswell dislikes grumpy, pessimistic people.
26. bad habits?
Derick’s always chewing on his nailswhen he’s nervous. Roswell’s is obviously his oversharing.
27. an OC they hate:
Derick hates Rosalyn when he firstmeets her, Carson kinda too.
Roswell really only hates Chief Knoxfor killing his brother.
28. random fact about them:
Afternoons at Marni’s shop are someof the only happy childhood memories Derick has.
It’s safe to assume that, at anygiven moment, Roswell’s wearing at least one brightly colored bandage for anynumber of minor injuries
29. family members?
Derick just had a mother and afather, nobody else.
Roswell only has Rosalyn now, but heconsiders the rest of the unground dwellers his family.
30. Hogwarts house?
Hufflepuff and Gryffindor (?)
31. what makes them happy?
Derick: Ragsy, coolmornings/evenings in the Burjeok forest, watching the stars and moon at night
Roswell: Lots of things! Warmsunshine, new flowers in spring, talking to anybody, going to town, pettinganimals, etc.
32. middle and last names (ifthey’re established)?
No middle names, Denmeyer is Derick’slast name and Tate is Roswell’s.
33. introvert, ambivert, orextrovert?
Derick’s heavily introverted andRoswell’s heavily extroverted
34. how old are they?
Derick’s 22 and Roswell’s 17 (he’sthe dancing queen)
35. strange quirks they have:
Does Derick’s nail-chewing count?
36. any unhealthy obsessions?
Why did mom and dad leave, why wasn’t I enough?
For Roswell, nothing really. He’spretty healthy overall
37. looks like they could kill butis actually a cinnamon roll, looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually killyou, looks like a cinnamon roll and is actually a cinnamon roll, looks likethey could kill you and could actually kill you, or sinnamon roll
Both are totally pure cinnamon rolls
38. how smart are they?
Derick’s actually fairly smart. He’sgot a lot of practical knowledge from several years on his own.
Roswell’s fairly smart. He’s still ateen, so he’s got a lot to learn, but he’s intelligent!
39. master planner or masterimproviser?
Improviser, and about half-and-half
40. species/race?
Both human, both white
41. cat or dog person?
Derick loves both with all his heart
Roswell prefers dogs because they’remore open and obvious with their love and affection
42. where are they from?
Both are from Cirsca!
43. moral alignment? 
Derick’s Lawful neutral, and Roswell’sNeutral Good
44. what is their dominant hand?
Both are right-handed
45. do you have headcanons for them?
46. can they sing?
Derick’s not terrible, but he wouldnever draw that much attention to himself. Roswell probably shouldn’t
47. what horror-movie characterstereotype are they?
Derick would be the one that refusesto investigate the creepy noises, gets left in the living room by himself,probably winds up dying then.
Roswell is one of the first to die,he was probably the one that went to check out the creepy noises
48. how well can they worktechnology?
Derick’s better than most of thegang, since he worked in the capital city. Roswell doesn’t have a lot ofexperience with technology, so he probably wouldn’t be very good
49. which Marvel or DCsuperhero/villain would they be?
Both would actually fit CharlesXavier pretty well. Just with his whole “I don’t want to fight, I just want tobe accepted” thing?
50. how well do they develop overthe course of the story?
I want to say pretty well? I’mhoping to have Derick go from “coward who would rather stay home thanpotentially help others and stand up for his beliefs” to “scared guy who bravely facesdanger anyways for the sake of his friends and what’s right”
Roswell gets his own development,but you know, spoilers.
51. are they more humble or moreegotistical?
Humble, definitely
52. who would they be in a Disneymovie?
Derick would be snow White, justhappily traipsing through the woods with a flock of animals
Roswell would be the comedic sidekickor loyal animal companion
53. how many languages can theyspeak?
Just english
54. early-bird or night-owl?
Derick’s a night owl, and Roswell isboth since he never sleeps
55. how meme-y are they?
Derick would probably know more memesthan he’d like, because Carson and Lorelei would share them all with him.Roswell would be one of the meme-iest
56. how close are they to theirfamily?
Biological family? Derick’s not atall close, and Roswell is very close to Rosalyn.
57. do they have suicidal thoughtsor actions?
Derick kinda does but not like another oc of mine andRoswell doesn’t – he’s doing well
58. what is their preferred weapon?
Both can work a gun, but neitherlikes to fight (except I think I’m gonna give Derick a shield instead)
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metamorphosingbrick · 5 years
One last time
st He is back and i have no clue whow to deal with the vaccum. I have no feelings but my heart starts beating really fast. I dont want to care to be honest but the truth cannot be denied. It feels awfully bad to not have what you desire and that person living under the same roof. 
This is probably the last time i will mention anyone, anything- I will probably stay silent. Choose to stay quiet in the lot and be on my own. I want to be the girl i was who when someone ignored, went right upto them to remind them that I gnore your more than he ignored me. 
I wish to be the fearless girl who once in office just knew that every problem has a solution and it cannot be justified if someone did not come up with one. Live is much difficult around here to give two fucks to be honest. 
I want to validate every thought but not with you anymore. I have greater things to do and more important things to take care of. So, i am going to just study and get done with my part of the job. The main idea is to not lose focus and concentrate as much as possible in my life. 
We all fall apart but giving up is not an option. We don’t give up on situations because every problem has a solution. Studies are better than exam - they love you if you love them dearly. Better than cigarettes which does not ruin your health or wealth. You say no to them and a no means no. Anxiety or no anxiety, it does not make sense if one has to deliver eveything by themselves. Every task on this face of earth is doable. 
Except making a person love you or care for you. Stay silent and that’s all which can be regarded. Just shut yourself down and you’ll know how many things you notice and observe 
We cannot take into account the beauty of concealing the scars. What we can regard as important is the emrgence of understanding the dept of the wound and how things can be responded in accordnace to that. The wounds will be lovely in the skin, a gush of invisible blood - pouring into the ears of people. It is the expectation and desire of human which makes a person hover over the flat surface and cry out loud for the point it is required to make. The dramatic dilemma added into the soil can be understood wth the tears flushed down the drain. 
This is a situation i cannot run over in my head but simply behave with the flow. The love is incurable disease which once entered our heart - it shuts logic down. It becomes inexplicable to the people in front with the idea of incurabiliy and no ray of hope or no light in the end of the tunnel. We can rejoice with the choices made over the past or just accept the incurability of the situation. It is a virus which runs through our blood and probably an external blow of injection can cure the disease. The crying or leaking your feelings over others will make things worst. This year has already taught me so many lessons, it becomes a beautiful journey in itself to enjoy and ponder on. 
Starting from the new year’s eve, the night where i wrapped myself with a human who was no stranger to my heartbeats and enjoyed the power he had over me. The fun and frolic a person feels when they have the other perosn over their impression is a beautiful feeling. I know because i am no starnber to the spell myself. It’s an unconscious thing. Trying ot handle every part of my asisgnment which coudl not be caotured in the rear view of the situation but alas, i lost the hope and faith. But from 16th I reconquered myself with the amount of life i need to breathe in a few justification of success. A thridt to prve myself my value and if i see a hollistic view, the pang and animosity will take me noweher but breaking the jedgements of peopel and the fun of tastig success will be my endeavour. I will recapture every battle i lose wih the grace of god and balance my life the way i want it to go. Not wasting more than 10 minutes talking. Not bothering about anybdy exceot the people i really care aboutlike my family. Not talking and wasting time over love and bullshit. There is no thing as love. What someone said recently to me, was the idea of being emotionally stable which is important. If someone can be logical and practical in controlling their emotions- they win the battles in life and rule the world. When i pass this course, i will rule over the world and enjoy my life to the fullest like everyday is my last. 
The most achieveable things is what you dream and if you can dream it, you can do it. Finishing everyday goals through taking action and making the world a better place by contributing your ideas for betterment. I know no guy will be with me until i learn to be with myself. At that time i was ready to be with myself hence somoene could love me. I was willing to help through the process to myself and heart break was not a big deal to run through. 
You see yourself, 5 years down the line. I can see a heart broken girl who has hidden her feelings and emotions inside her files and papers. A very cynical individual who does not beleieve in stopping the wheel, who believes in breaking the wheel and asking people to run behind her in every sense. People will treat ourselves as we treat us, if i treat myself with repsect - people will do the same. If i am all work and no play then they will take me serously, how difficult is it, to make things different without context. One thing i have learnt firstly in this house more because of steoehn is how to ignore things whenever possible. Ignoring people followed by ignoring the person’s feelings. But no more, i will treat myself according to the time gifted to me by the universe. Utilise every bit of it and relish the ideas to make myself a better human my parents would be proud of. It’s true when maa said that when things go wrong, they blame the mothers and daughters themselves. Each day i will remind myself of all teh sufferings i went through to be a part of this universe. the anxiety and horror of the situation which i faced just to emerge enlightened and loved by myself. I will commit from today onwards to my books and career because it wont wake up one morning and say i dont like you like that anymore or god wanted this to happened and leave. I will have a stable guy who i dont love and be independent of all the needs and desires. 
From today onwards, i will talk less and less possible and work more and more as i advance. No give a shit about what people feel and just do my work like laying the brick mostly perfectly as a brick can be laid. The watch is the time keeper which will witness my chnage and sing with joy in every success melody. I will talk more logical and insightfully by doing homeowrk and keeping lists.
The world is there to eatch you and not punish you. Just the humans are not believeable and not worth spending time about. My phone and anxiety will be doble tapped to knock out. The peron beside me will hear no voice of mine untill - he or she thins i am intimidating. The world would be a different place and I would be a different perosn. The one who just talks when required and every word would make more sense to everyone that they will quote me. That is how i want to be, knwoledgeable and bold, Who cannot be hurt or bend over to have fun with or bullied to the point where she shuts and reflects on her decisions. There will be no advancement in the issues anymore and everything i say will be taken seriously with the idea that my words add value to the world. Be it James or Stephen, nobody can come cose to the idea because i wont be scraed or timid or expressive anymore but bold, fearless and unapproachable. We all change and become the humans we were destined to be, I will be the same and i will be successful in everything i touch because i will lay the brick as perfectly a brick can be laid to build the wall around me to not let people see my emotions.I will be that person quite soon. We come into the world with a purpose, when someone is earning money, nobody cares to ask the rank because its evident that money is equal to a high rank. I will recah that rank very soon and accomplish what i have came here to accomplish. In the coming months, I will talk less without emotions getting involved, pull my guards up and not talk that i will regret and stay away from Stephen. laugh and smile less to the point where people see a serious face. The interesting thing wil always be how people thought i was the fool who understood nothing but i will turn out to be the branie. Yes, this reuqires practise but learning the hard way - we change ourseleves and becime who we were destined to become. No talkings and not caring what they say about you - we are the real deal. I can visualise my tomorrow starting to end the Agile framework by 3 and lseeping till 7 am to wake up and go for a run for 15 mins and yoga for 10 minutes with stretch and surya namaskar - this goes with a bath and then leaving for college to work on the case study. I will discuss and put forward right points to the meeting and make james think and go yes. I will conquer tomorrow’s discussion. Post meeting i will start off iwth the 5th and 6th prt of agile by 4pm. Sit with Shalu from 4 to 6 to start my campaign on marketing for movies. Make a logo and download adobe to create an instagram channel talking weekly themes and genres and wriitng how it could have been marketed differently. How movie marketing can be started off with the blend of digital media and outdoor campaigns. best of movie outdoor campaigns- best ambient movie ad- how can you apply it too ypur shirt documentary - collab with documentary. Then come back home to read the questions and answers to explore the qestions in the website. This can be followed by reading up all the questions and answers in the leaflet to understand the frameworks and agile techniques again. tomorrow i wont be clulesless and thisis exactly how the day wil go and I will learn to do smart work. this would make me regret less about my existence as i am in control of every frame of the situation. Love the way you can behave and make things better ofr good of the people. DOnt forget to eat fruits and not smoke and pray to god for such a life. You are talented and gifted but the actions you atke now, the future self will be proud of you. Beautiful in every way possible. Love you and love your ideas. Talk less, remember to control your emotions and not react to everything. You protect yourself and if you mean no harm to anyone then yes, you should not feel bad about anything. I love you a lot 
0 notes
bwicblog · 7 years
AM: Greetings all babes on this fresh night ~ hopefully AWAKE unless you stayed up all day then honestly those bags you must be toting. Awful. I'm so sad for that and you but did you know there's this new startup eye depuffer? It's amazing. Frozen cucumber water with fresh tea leaves on your face AMAZING. leaves it fresh looking as if you'd actually slept. But anyway I see truck talk. Is it travel to somewhere good babe?
IA: I see every-one is having an adventur-ous m-orning
ID: oh hey it's my new punching bag.
VC: What
ID: i'm stuck in the truck because we need to pick up pris so i can go fight ashy.
AM: otherway around honey. Don't get so confused you haven't even gotten a concussion via MOI yet. AM: ADVENTUROUS. good word honey. Accurate I guess
VC: Hadean what
VC: What's this wordy thing and who's Ashy
IA: Y-ou're still planning -on fighting s-ome-one?
AM: aw cute. You're coming in such a humble manner--- it's Ashley by the way Hadsy babe.
ID: i'm planning on fighting ash. am. loudmouth there.
VC: Oh
ID: gonna humbly drive his cartilage nub in to his thinkpan.
VC: Hahahaha
VC: Good luck
AM: hold on Honeys my subs at my stop I'll be right back babes don't start the chatter without me~
VC: I mean that sincerrrely
IA: .... Y-ou sure y-ou're g-oing t-o be -okay?
VC: Please
VC: I imagine Hadean will be fine
ID: totes fine. don't worry about it. it's just gonna be a good ol fashion purpleblood beating.
VC: What, with yourrr fists? Please tell me you'rre going to use yourr psi, orr something.
AA: whaaasy is this the dude
VC: Purrples arren't frragile.
ID: that's the dude. don't worry about it vc, just know he's gonna get broken. also wtf sip if you crash i'm gonna be hella pissed. i'm gonna start elbowing you if you keep typing.
AA: mean!!
ID: so is texting when you're supposed to be driving. either pull over to write or get elbowed.
IA: Are y-ou talking t-o each -other in chat when y-ou're right next t-o each -other?
ID: you got it.
VC: pfft
IA: I supp-ose that's a way t-o c-onmunicate
ID: sips listens better to text than actual words. and probably listens even better to elbows.
IA: N-ot a safe -one, but it is -o e.
AM: You should listen to your friends gassy babe. I'm getting a little offended you think this is going to be so easy! If you don't take it seriously I really don't think I could take you out for closure coffee after babe. It's real rude to underestimate things, like here I am getting myself prepped in advance and such. Just. UHG. AM: I should be surprised though. Evidenced by these honies here and that you ignored your side kick the other night It makes sense. Kudos for boldness babe. Truly. Know when someone's not taking your bluffs though!
ID: i'm going to pris' place to get prepared, is that enough flattery for your overblown ego?
VC: Oh my god.
ID: i'm even getting an outfit that probably costs more than everything i've ever owned combined.
VC: We did it, we found the most stereotypical purpleblood
AM: You're bringing a suit right babe?
AM: stereotypical....
SA: Pris is alive. And I see this asshole is back 😊
ID: ahahah vc, he isn't. he's a paper pusher. there's nothing purpleblooded about him really.
VC: Wow.
VC: That's actually kind of sad.
VC: Poorr guy.
AM: babes please. The hostility in here is not making for a good vibe! I came in here giddy! My coffee wasn't messed up, the sub was on time i got extra crunches in this morning. Let bygones be bygones for a second Prisma sweetheart. Yeesh
VC: No, no, I just feel sorrry forr you now.
AM: Nothing wrong with a stable job babe.
VC: It's weirrrd but I'm embrracing it.
ID: =:) look ashy, i got you some pity.
AM: secretary to legislacerators is a sweet gig honey
ID: doesn't it warm your blood pusher?
VC: Oh god, not like _that_ , but yes
VC: PFfft
VC: You worrk forr _teals_?
ID: well of course platonic pity.
SA: how are they bygones... this is an active situATION ONE MOMENT
VC: whew
ID: yep.
ID: ....be careful pris.
AM: I work for Halvea babe.
VC: I have _no_ idea who that is.
VC: Somehow I doubt I carre.
AM: not a very average real is all I have today honey
ID: ij on here if you're ever dealt with them vc.
ID: ij said he was cheap labor.
VC: Ahahah oh dearr
ID: so i mean. he's a bargain paper pusher.
VC: I hope he's not a clown, forrr his sake
AM: she's a kidder. A riot really babe. It's fun. All okay. You wouldn't understand office jokes don't worry
AM. Clown...?
ID: ij didn't seem the kidding type~
AM: I take my job serious honey. I'm no clown
VC: ...I meant a Mirrthful, silly trroll
VC: What
VC: Don't you know shorrthand?
AM: Not if it's not relevant to my life sweetheart. I get you now though. Don't worry babe no. No....mirthful swindling here. Not all fresh and boring though I promise though! Hell honey I've got to keep Hadsy entertained somehow if I don't dabble in that freak cult I need a schtick right? AM: Which I have. Honey have you heard of a trump card?
ID: yeah you were talking about that last time ashy.
ID: repeating yourself isn't entertaining.
AM: it's for the new one babe.
AM: keep up.
ID: oh so you're just polishing your ego on vc i see.
AM: Sweetheart you keep saying I have an ego but listen...listen are you listening?
ID: is this you taking out frustration from all the simpering to tealbloods i assume you must do?
VC: Well, at least you'rre not a clown, though admittedly the last cirrcus I went to wasn't bad.
VC: Strrange, but not that bad.
AM: Listen babe please. Jeez. I'm saying here...I'm saying Hadsy Honey. I've got manners and I wanted this VC here to know a bit about me and I can't have them thinking I'm covered in pore clogging face paint. Okay?
AM: So chill out rougey.
ID: you just clog your pores with. cucumber slime instead.
ID: i don't know if that's better.
AM: actually it does an amazing job of exfoliating if you use some almond and rice scrub after!
AM: a really refreshing deep clean
VC: Considerr me educated. And pfft. It is. Cucumberr slime might be excessive, but it's not paint.
VC: Especially considerring how garrish some paint designs arre.
ID: sorry, i hatched with perfect skin and don't have to worry about slime and scrubs.
AM: VC I like how you think. Keep going about that. You obviously know more since I don't get involved. I've got appointments to keep and all babe. Too busy to check out those meetings they give me pamphlets for.
AM: speaking of i don't think any of them know what a copywriter is? Honey listen...do yourself a favor if you ever start a cult for your caste hire one. As a graphic designer Goes a long way or appeal babe
AM: Hadsy...I'll bring you a face mask before we fight okay? I don't need you flaking layers of dead skin around.
AM: babe listen. You can be honest about your inability to afford these things. Being charitable and kind is important to me. Really babe. I know you didn't want my chips before and your trim as ever but. Babe. Take it really.
ID: boy are you gonna be surprised when you see my mug.
AM: You haven't seen me either honey.
ID: don't worry, my expectations are low so you won't have to worry about dashing them~
AM: exciting! Almost as exciting as these faxes I need to coffee. See you babe!! Be sure to shower and let a good moisturizer soak after you apply a water activated body scrub.
AM: *need to send AM: remembered I need to get Halveas coffee
ID: i mean that shit probably isn't good for tattoos.
VC: ...I don't _know_ much about it, that's highblood business. I went to a cirrcus, that's all. Marroons don't _do_ cults, thankfully.
ID: try not to dump coffee in to the machine you inept idiot~
SA: ow 😦
ID: you okay pris? =:(
SA has sent IMG_055.png. It is a photo of him, a large gash going horizontally across his cheek.
ID: =:!!!! don't take selfies, go patch that up!
SA: I am pressing my sleeve to it while I move.
SA: it was another psion.
SA: they're out, now.
ID: they better be. =:( that might need some stitches or something.
SA: it's alright. I think. It just stings a lot.
SA: this is my first accident in a while.
ID: yeah, well. you can't be untouchable all the time unfortunately. i'm glad you're okay.
AA: n, that deffo needs stitches. and beforne anyone else fusses, am parnked and getting food, stfu.
ID: oh. okay listen to sips, get some stitches. or that. glue you can use on flesh. would that work?
AA: lmao, y, mb. as long as it's not supernglue. yrn mug bleeds lots, you can't just have shit staying open.
ID: so yeah, listen to sips and. get that to stop bleeding. =>:(
AA: orn leave it open and get a hot scarn. AA: evernybody digs scarns. >:}
ID: i mean scars make everyone look cooler. it's true.
IA: Are y-ou still driving?
AA: y, ofc.
AA: this is not a taxi sernvice, tho, you gotta have horns at least thrnee hands high to get frnee rnides.
AA: I'd take a pic to show, but, like, you can't drnive w yrn knees.
AA: that's dangernous. >:}
SA: I like my face and body mostly scarless
SA: I will return
SA: fixed.
SA: now I am beautiful again
ID: again? =:P
AA: yrn so vain, dude. >:}
ID: gonna make the scratching post- i mean sips- feel self conscious here! 💚
AA: stfu, i am the prnettiest bella at this goddamn ball. look at this face, dude, it's got like, charnactern. and chicks dig scarns. >:P
ID: if it makes you feel better, i agree that scars are badass.
ID: it's a. 'look what happened to me and i survived it' thing.
AA: y, exactly. if you don't have any scarns, how the fuck is anybody supposed to buy the fact you know wtf yrn doing?
AA: it's yrn prnoof yrn not some dumb-ass posern.
ID: i'm clearly the exception. of course.
ID: though one of these nights you should tell me scar-stories sips. =:P i wanna hear fight stories.
AA: ofc, ofc. nobody expects sparnkplugs to get theirn frnonds dirnty. >:P
AA: i'll tell you one rnight now, nerndlornd. AA: name a spot. orn a caste!
ID: hmmmm!
ID: the neck one.
SA: I can appreciate scars on others but I don't like them on me. They look too rugged. And that is not my "aesthetic"
AA: oh? that one's laaaame.
ID: well if you change your mind just know you could pull off rugged well. =:P
AA: y. eat a steak and yrn totally passable. >:}
SA: scar stories? Tell us
SA: and thank you 💚
ID: speaking of, you better have eaten today. =>:(
AA: thrnoat scarn was frnom my firnst fight! didn't know how to brneak a garnrnote prnopern yet, but luckily, she didn't know how to use it, eithern. >:}
AA: and then my ashmate said it'd look wicked sweet if it scarnrned morne, so we rnoughed it up a little forn show. AA: phern's stitches arne way bettern now, tho.
ID: go big or go hive on your first scar, gg.
SA: i will have a milkshake. That's food
SA: oh, goodness.
ID: ...at least it has a lot of calories. add some protein powder to it if you have some though.
SA: you made more scars just to look good?
SA: 😰🤕
AA: it is nooot. at least get some frnies!!
SA: it hurts to open mouth
ID: wriggler. =:P
ID: 💚
AA: and y, when i was a dumb bb. AA: needed to look rnough so ppl would stop fucking W me. >:}
SA: i can be pathetic too
SA: 💚
ID: rude we're never pathetic over here.
AA: aww, poorn pupa. AA: grind up the frnies in yrn milkshake, duh. 💚
SA: I suppose that's a good reason, Sipara
ID: ...eww.
SA: of it works it works
SA: that sounds horrible
AA: n, what's hornrnid is tuna and peanut mash shakes, so be glad i ain't telling you to drnink those.
AA: >:P
ID: what. ewww.
ID: how about your lip scars sip?
SA: did... you actually drink those
AA: it helps you gain muscle. so. y. >:}
AA: and why arne you wanting to know abt my face scarns? those arne lame. supern lame. hella lame.
ID: grossss.
ID: because they're the ones i see the most other than the neck one. and i already asked about that.
SA: what's the worst scar you have, Sipara.
AA: gdi, yrn both the wornst. >:P
SA: do you know what is immensely annoying
SA: neighbors
RS: / oh / what are they doing / ? /
RS: / or / is this an issue of existence / ? / haha /
SA: I think they are arguing.
SA: it woke me up from rest.
SA: and now my heard hurts.
SA: why is it so hard to solve problems civilly
RS: / oh / ! / I'm sorry / that's dreadful / can you get some tea / ? / that can help your head / RS: / some people are incapable of behaving in a manner that befits their sweeps / they'd rather holler like wrigglers / RS: / can you / mm / politely tap the wall / to let them know you can hear the debate / ? / perhaps it will shame them into silence / ! /
SA: mmm...
SA: Maybe, but I think all I have is black tea.
SA: it's unfortunate and i frown upon those who insist on acting like. children.
SA: If I could convince myself to move from my bed I might do that but I rather can't.
RS: / =:C! / RS: / who knows / ? / caffeine might help / but ah / perhaps not / if you don't feel like getting up / RS: / I can't precisely blame you / I fell asleep earlier / and just woke / and / moving seems rather more effort than it's worth /
SA: i thought that caffeine made headaches worse? But I am unsure...
SA: we can lie uselessly in bed together.
SA: it seems like the day for it. It's been raining all evening in Provenance.
RS: / it is fifty fifty / i drink sufficient amounts that i get panaches if i do not have any caffeine on hand / so it works for me / RS: / and / haha / marvelous / ! / the highest form of bonding / lying bonelessly in a bed / simulantaenously as your peers / RS: / it is raining here too / ! / it is damp and cold and i loathe it / how do you stand it / ? /
SA: Oh... I suppose that could cause it then. I do drink coffee-based drinks regularly.
SA: absolutely. I can think of no better experience.
SA: I enjoy the rain. I also love thunder.
SA: My loft is high enough that I can see lightning over the city and the port, and it's very beautiful.
SA; but I would rather be inside than in the rain. Listening.
RS: / haha / I don't like either of them / but / if you're up high / I suppose that makes the difference / RS: / do your psionics relate to the weather / ? /
RS: / / / ah / no / that's an impolite assumption to make / my apologies / ! /
SA: no, they are just clairvoyance.
SA: it didn't seem like a bad assumption. It was better than usual
ID: ...so, uh. pretty dead night here, huh.
SA: very. I wonder what happened
ID: no clue. maybe they just all spontaneously grew lives.
SA: oh, damn.
SA: now ill never convince them to come back.
SA: I suppose I will just have to commit harder to my videogames
ID: pfff. =:P did the pokemon-me evolve.
AA: dnw, dnw, we will have L I F E in herne. latern. eventually. mb. AA: have you two evern playned nevren have i evern btw.
ID: =:??? what's that.
AA: played!! therne is no rn therne. >:P idgaf if you've evern playerned it.
AA: it's a gaaaaaaaame, duh.
ID: ...how do you play?
SA: yes, it did. I also fed it treats.
SA: never have I ever?
SA: five fingers is what I heard it called in a bar once
ID: =:?????
ID: what happens to the fingers.
ID: do you chop them off.
SA: :)c
SA: no, you don't thankfully.
AA: 'kay, you say, like. AA: .. idk, nevern have i evern culled a man, and then evernybody around has to rnaise theirn hand if they, like, have done it. AA: orn, like, if you say it and you've done it, you gotta. AA: it's fuuun.
SA: sometimes you can use shots too
ID: oh. that sounds mostly harmless.
AA: nornmally ppl, like, take a shot when they say it. AA: but you two arne teetolling loser--
AA: oh my god, prnisma, way to be fucking scandalous. >:}
SS: (Omfg, I was bout to be like you're leavin out the best part!)
SA: how bad me be :)c
AA: oh my god, nevern use that smiley again, it's hornrnible.
AA: >:{
ID: is this all working up to asking the room to play.
SA: 😂
ID: because. yes.
SS: (Prisma's here to save your sitcushions tho Sipa)
SA: how will we verify though. There's no stakes
AA: lmfao, n, i would nevern ask the rnoom to play. AA: me and lal arne playing, b/c i bought booze, and he's got booze hid in his couch, so, like. AA: you two arne mornally rnequirned to suppornt me in my time of need and fucking play.
AA: turn on yrn webcams!!
AA: wait, no, fuck, lal doesn't got one. >:?
ID: okay. but remember my speakers don't work so type if you want me to actually answer.
AA: omg omg yessss.
SS: (I got a webcam!) SS: (It's in, uh, three pieces on my palmhusk.)
AA: if you just hung out in my hotel rnoom, you could totes use mine. >:P AA: but y, y, we will all type.
SS: (Say thx to the zeds, pal, they were real interested-like in what I tasted but unfort they just up and got the actually valuable ish.)
SA: I have a camera but I'm not showing my horrible face so you can see my hands and torso
SS: (And shit, pal, my b! Next time I'll totes up and get myself fired so I can use your cam.)
SS: (Maybe I'll set up a camgirl biz.)
SS: (Pri's secretly too pretty for mortal eyes txt it.)
ID: psh pris you saw my face looking a whole lot worse than a lil gash. =:P
SA: yes but you're handsome qualities are not weakened by scars
SA: I however look like a zombie with a tissue on my face
ID: aww hear that guys, i'm pretty even covered in gore.
AA: i meant haaaads. but y, pls get firned to come hang out w me. AA: you can totes be the field assistant to my docternrnornist. >:P
aA: also awww. way2flattern, prnii.
SS: (As I've totes established to Sipa earlier: )
SS: (Broken-face is the new chic.)
AA: why do you look
ID: and fiiine sips. i'll come over.
SA: I am a good flatterer
SA: I'm ready when you all are so let me know
SA: I will get. Malibou in the mean time
SS: (Mali-what, pal, it's straight vodka or bust!) SS: (Sunshine if you're a real troll.)
SS: (Ain't no drinkin unless you're, like, killin braincells and lowerin your life expectancy while you're at it.)
SS: (A lil blindness ain't never killed nobody!)
AA: pls get malibu and clean out yrn pan w/ it. AA: no zombie kinks in the chat rnoom, pls and tyvm. >:} forn starnterns, you totes don't wearn enough white to pull that shit off.
AA: and yyyyyyy. >:D rnoom parnty!!
ID: what's a malibou.
SS: (Tfw you're too broke to not get wasted sad and alone. (\unu/) ) SS: (This is what my life has become!)
SS: (Someone put on Trollvanescence plox.)
SA: what zombie kinks...
SS: (And y, only Pher gets to have the hots for the undead.)
SS: (Him, and that wader.)
SA: w
SA: what
ID: pheres and daz like those rainbowdrinker movies pris.
SA: oh.
AA: dnw, prni, dnw.
SA: horrid
AA: let it wash overn you like sunlight.
AA: therne, now we'rne all blind and past it. >:}
AA: arne you actually getting booze btw??
SA: yes
AA: do i have to orndern booze to kee -- !!
AA: !!!!!!!!
SS: (Aight so wait how're we playin this?) SS: (Like, showoff ver where you say a thing you've done and everyone what ain't done it takes a shot?) SS: (Or cluckbeast olympics where you say ish you ain't done and anybody what's done it's gotta take a shot?)
AA: wait, no, shit, i think i totes got some. AA: wherne the fuck did i put my bag. >:?
ID: oh malibou is booze.
SA turns on their webcam. There is a bottle of Bailey's and five shots of it on the coffee table. Of course you can only see his hands and knees because of how his computer is situated. Very serious about the face thing
SS: (Cos I gotta say I'm totes gonna win the latter, I lits grew up under a rock.)
SA: I don't actually have Malibou but
ID: i hope you ate dinner pris. =:P
SA: no 😃
SS: (Hi-5)
ID: let's do the version where lal doesn't immediately win.
SS: (We die of alcohol poisoning like trolls.)
SA: you should be more concerned about me
SA: I haven't done anything in my life
SS: (Nah, we're playin the ver where you up and lose if you ain't done jack!)
SS: (Ain't no fun otherwise.)
ID: ...okay the game where you don't both join hands and win by being boring. =:P
SS: (Nm I vote we team up and crush Hadean.)
SA: no I wouldn't betray Hadean even in useless games
SS: (Y, this is v srs bsns.)
ID: thanks pris. =:P really warming the blood pumper tonight.
SA; I do that every night
AA: omg, look what i found. >:D AA turns on her webcam and brandishes a bottle of cheap red wine at it, beaming. It has a ribbon on it. AA: also, omfg, no teaming up of any kind, 'kay.
AA: i'm going to crnush all of you and it's gotta be 4x1, or else it ain't cool. >:{
AA: ... 3v1. w/e, w/eeeeeeee.
ID: knock knock sips, let me on in.
AA: y! if pops lands on yrn head, dnw, he's frniendly.
ID: he's probably just infatuated with my horn.
SS: (Wtf, Sipa.)
AA: it's on firne, he's on firne, it's, llike, a pernf match.
SS: (Why you gotta betray me like this?)
SS: (Not the team ish, I mean the booze.)
ID: please don't let your lusus lay my horn down by the fire.
SS: (You can't take shots of wine.)
SS: (Leastways not if you ain't a lightweight. (\unu/) )
SS: ( / End transparent bid at manipulation.)
AA: if he keeps bugging you, i'll lock him in the closet. but it means he likes youuu. AA: and -- lmao, what'rne Y O U drninking, then??
SS: (...)
AA: strnaight coffee does not count as booze. >:P
SS: (I ain't actually got the foggiest wtf this is, negl.)
AA: even if it is gonna make yrn teeth fall out.
AA: take a swig and find out!!
SS: (Tastes like crap, tho!) (\^_^/) )
SS: (Fruity crap.)
SS: (.... I'm probs gonna get, like, a mold.)
SS: (The sacrifices I make for you. (\qnq/) )
AA: >:}
AA: okay, hows about, instead of taking a _shot_, i will just take a fucking chug. AA: to make it faaaaaairn. bc yrn whining.
ID: if it makes you feel better, sips' stuff is probably crap.
ID: i mean. it has a ribbon.
ID: that's cheap and tacky af.
SS: (It should probs be on record that I've, like, actually consumed units of alcohol, like.)
SS: (Twice.)
SS: (So I'm just here makin sure everyone gets as wasted as I'm bout to.)
SS: ( (\unu/) )
AA: stfuuu, it's not tacky, it's Q T.
SS: (Put the ribbon in your hair!)
SS: (Or around your horns, mb someone'll actually be able to see em that way!)
ID: ahahahah don't hold your breath.
SA: oh dear
AA: so someone'll be able to see 'em, orn so you'll be able to see 'em?? >:P AA: bc it'll need to be a biggern rnibbon forn that, dornk.
AA: and hads, i'm gonna lop off yrn horns and take 'em if you keep that shit up. AA: you've got thrnee. lrn2sharne.
ID: fight after you're both trashed, it'll be funnier that way.
SS: (Bigger ribbon and a microscope. (\unu/) )
AA: .. prni. prniiii. AA: you starnt this! and hads, wave hi forn the webcam. >:}
ID: sorry sips, you can have the third one if you can get it to stay.
SS: (Ain't my fault we up and need visual aids and a map to find 'em - you totes had your chance to steal mine.)
ID waves his better hand at the camera. Hey he's not looking as bad now, just in time to get beat up again.
SA: you want me to start?
AA: y!
SA: why...
AA: bc yrn the hearnt of ourn parnty.
AA: duuuuuuh.
ID: clearly.
SS: (^^^^^)
SA: mmm
SS: (Also I ain't doin it on accounta I ain't sure how hard peeps're goin and I'm only down to, like, alienate errybody with weird mother grub slurry experiences after a few more drinks.)
AA: well, it ain't you, hads. AA: and lal's like, only the hrnt, if we bought it off eprney.
AA: ... case in point, oh my god, this is why yrn not starnting.
SA: never have I ever
SS: (Why, you don't wanna hear bout where your buckets go???)
AA gags loudly and obnoxiously at the camera.
AA: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AA: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo AA: stfu stfu stfu
SA wrings his hands on the camera
ID is making a face like someone just skinned a cat in front of him.
SS: (Protip: They go under a rock. Like, the kinda rock jadebloods up and grow up under. What, you think the mother grub shovels that ish into her carcass herself?)
SA: I'm glad I was in a tube
AA: N E V E RN H A V E I E V E R N AA: smooched a clown, how's that. AA AGGRESSIVELY TAKES A SWIG.
SS: (Wait, why're you drinkin??)
SA: what... you're not supposed to drink if you haven't done it
ID: sips is just way too down to booze.
AA: ... wait, fuck.
SS: (Do we gotta drink on our turn??)
AA: idk!!
SS: (Omfg)
AA: i thought you werne always drninking!!
SS: (Rules! If you ain't done it, you drink!)
SA: that's. Ass backwards
SS: (If it's your turn, you say a thing you've done!)
SS: (Y, Hads decided we're doing this ver earlier.)
ID: well that's what happens when half of us never do anything pris.
SA: it's if you haven't done it you don't drink if you have done it you drink
SA: that's
SA: my head hurts
ID: otherwise sips gets trashed while you two are sober.
AA: if we do it yrn way, prni, me and hadds arne gonna get sloshed and you and lal will be the winnerns.
SS: (And you were, like, nooo, we're not doing the normal ver cos I ain't gonna turncoat on my biffle!)
AA: that's cheaaaating.
SA: then what's the point of never have I ever...
SA: how do you phrase that
SS: (Showin off wicked ish you've done and making erryone drink for bein an inexperienced loser!)
ID: you're still admitting to doing or not doing something pris!
ID: anyways just drink if you haven't smooched a clown. =>:(
AA: wait, wait, haaads. AA: you still gotta drnink. go get a watern bottle orn something. >:P
AA: you arne P A RN T I C I P A T I N G.
SA: I haven't kissed anybody
AA: omg.
ID: =:'( i don't get to drink your rotten grape juice.
SA wants to die already. He just drinks his shot very confused
SS: (RIP sobriety!)
SS: (Clean for sweeps! And this is how it ends!)
SS: (Havin' good taste in peeps!)
AA: you wernen't gonna get to, but shit, if yrn gonna call it _rnotton grnape juice_, that's the sornt of apprneciation it desernves.
SA: if we keep getting off topic I'm just drinking mine
SA: 🤷‍♀️
SS: (And not mackin on clown-chasin palm trees. (\qnq/) )
AA: okay, okay, back on topic. >:} AA: hads, have you orn have you not macked on a clown.
SS: (Well, you're the one that up and ain't gone yet.)
ID: am i drinking sips?
ID: i was the only one aware of the rules!
AA: n, i am holding out the bottle bc i gotta strnetch my tendons.
SA: how do you not know...
SS: (You're drinkin if you ain't had the privilege of getting paint smeared on your facegash!)
AA: .. wait, shit, arne you drninking?
ID: i know the rules and i do not drink because i know how shitty face paint tastes.
ID: moving on, how do we figure out who goes next.
SA: me
SS: (Person what went can pick someone!)
AA: caste-orndern. prni goes next!
SA: my turn was stolen from me
AA: i didn't steal it, i saved all of us frnom bucket slurnrny stornies.
AA: now say something beforne lal steals it back!!
SS: (P sure caste order means Hads, but aye-aye.)
ID: curse my maroon blood, screwing me over again.
ID: nah, because sips started. so i gotta wait.
SA: this
SA: I don't know how to ask questions because my life is so linear
SS: (You ain't gotta ask a Q, just say some cool ish you've up and done that you think maybe one of us plebs ain't!)
SS: (Like, uh, takin two centuries to come up w an idea for a drinkin game. (\eue/) )
ID: but don't get too specific because that's cheating.
AA: y! say it, like, idk.
SA: exactly
AA: never have i ever beaten the shit out of a stranger in an alley.
SA: it's all very specific. My entire life is specific
SS: (Wtf, Sipa, shade thrown.)
AA: orn, wait, no, too specific. AA: nevern have i evern beaten _someone_ in an alley.
SS: (Never have I ever been beat up in an alley!!)
ID: you could do never have i ever known the loving touch of a lusus? =:???
AA: hads, noooo, that's deprnessing.
SA; oh
SA: never have I ever not taken out a member of every caste
SA: there
SA; beat that assholes
SS: (Wtffffffff)
AA: .. arne we drninking if we did orn didn't?
SS: (Drink if you ain't!)
ID: if we didn't.
SS: (Drink if you wanna, like, preserve my soul.)
AA: you two bettern get to chugging. >:}
SS: (Fuck yoouuuu, I ain't drinkin. (\eue/) )
ID: so hand over the grape juice because i haven't run in to a fuschia yet.
AA: >:D >:D
SS: (Ain't never said what age they gotta be, pal, and I got real clumsy stompin boots.)
AA: they'rne -- omfg, cheatern!!
SS: (Also, like, cullpit duty.)
SA: that doesn't count
SA; that required no effort on your part
SS: (You ain't never said it wouldn't! No takebacks.)
SS: (You didn't say 'never have I ever not put effort into takin out a troll of every caste,' pal!)
ID: everyone remember in the future that lal gets grub-murdering opportunities.
SS: (Read it and weep, I ain't takin a shot. (\unu/) )
AA: lmfao. y, okay, fairn.
SS: (Got, pal.)
ID: i was about to say or got.
AA: .. arne we planning on having grnub-murnderning opporntunities??
AA: bc they'rne grnoss and squishy.
SA: please no
SS: (Only if we get, like, really wasted.)
Sa: I rather like them
ID: i never try to forsee the future sips.
AA: eeeeeeew. at both of you. >:}
SS: (I like em, too! For eatin.)
AA: they'rne the wornst and yrn also the wornst.
SA; disgusting
AA: lal, it's yrn turn!!
SS: (!!)
AA: also, beeteedubs, fuschias arne rnly fucking lame.
AA: orn tyrnians or wtfevern you wanna call 'em.
ID: gee, didn't realize that already sips.
AA: just putting it out therne. >:P
AA: idk, mb yrn a secrnet fish-lovern, hads. idk yrn fucking life.
SS: (Never have I ever got beat up in an alley by a rando wantin my cash and been rescued by a maroonblood with no shinin armor on accounta her sense a propriety's shit.)
AA: mb you got an emprne - lmfao.
ID: what did i say about specifics?
SA: that's too specific and cheating
SS: (I knoooow, omfg, I'm just messin on accounta Sipa's dumb alley thing.)
SS: (Never have I ever...)
SS: (Dumped a bucket of slurry over someone's head!)
AA: look, applaud my valiant sense of rnescue, 'kay. AA: that was my good deed forn, like, the entirne S W E E P.
AA: ...........
SA: I don't want to play this game anymore
ID: what? why not pris? =:???
SS: (And now see I'm, like, usually a real nice guy!)
AA: welp, i guess that's a guarnatee to make evernyone drnink.
AA: >:P
ID: just means we all get to drink because lal is a brat. =:P
just shifts around to lie down on the sofa, covering his face with the crook of his elbow omg.
SA: I'll just say if I have or haven't but not actually participate
SS: (The biggest brat, tyvm. (\unu/) )
Time for more gulps of the rotten grape juice that you think is mixed with gasoline.
AA: aww. is yrn head fucking w/ you? that's fiiine.
AA: .. also, wtf, lal. AA: lmaooo.
SS: (Ain't no sense in killin more pan cells if they're already up and puttin on a show.)
SS: (What??)
SA: no I just didn't want that image
ID: moving on from the mental image!
ID: never have i ever...
SS: (You punch people in the face, I do creative ish.)
AA: #b7410e AA: that's my chrnome. >:P
ID: since we're being brats...
SS: (lkjdfhg)
AA: since you apparnently don't even know it.
SS: (Soz, pal, left all my spectrometers in the caverns!)
ID: had a fish repeatedly jab a ink-tipped needle in to my eyelid for an hour.
AA: i thought we werne bosom buddies and you ain't even looked at mine. fucking rnude!!
AA: hads wtf.
SS: (Ain't had time to measure erryone's vein status upon meetin.)
SA: isn't that also very specific ...
AA: .. why would you get tattooed by a fish??
SS: (Who's up and bein specific-like now??)
ID: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
SA: also have but not the eyelid
AA: that's so specific, too, you cheatern!!
ID: because the fish is good and cheap.
AA: i got my earns tatted.
AA: does that mean i gotta take a half-sip??
SS: (Make it, like, face tattoos, or I shoulda been able to use my alley thing.)
ID: fiiine face tats.
ID: ...do ears count as face.
ID: i say no.
AA: .. also, omg, wtf you get ink, prni?
SS: (Also, wtf, am I the only one drinkin?) SS: (Y'all are punks and whippersnappers.)
SA: haven't
SA: I have a serial number tattooed behind my ear
AA: oh. oops. >:P
SA; and my lab number
SS: (Oh, shit, wait, we doin ears?)
SS: (Twinsies!!)
ID: ....ears don't count as face.
SS: (Fuck)
SS: (Still twinsies tho!)
ID: look sips, they're bonding.
SS: (Why'd you get yours behind the auricular??)
AA snatches the bottle from Hadean and pointedly takes a swig. AA: bluh. this tastes kind of -- !!
AA: omg awwwww. >:}
SA: what? Who?
AA: ... lab numbern? >:?
SA: behind what?
ID: does all wine taste like something we could put in the tank of the cart.
SS: (The thing that up and receives sound waves on the side a your head.)
SS: (Also: I think if I drink too much of this ish I might actually die!) SS: (Not, like, from alcohol poisoning, just on accounta it's awful.)
SA: I don't know. They wanted it there. If you look closely you can see it.
SA: my other is on my shoulder
SA; but if you see it it can be tracked to my program
SA: so you aren't allowed to see
SA: sorry
ID: sips, go so we can watch lal wither away from his drink.
ID: before we die from this shit we're drinking.
SS: (Trust me, pal, there ain't no prob on that front.)
SA: why do you have tattoos?
SS: (The seein thing, and also the twinsies thing I guess cos I only got one so we're losin that pissing contest.)
SA; ah
SS: (Ain't like you're on cam anyhow.)
SA: who isn't?
AA: y/y, rnight. AA: nevern have i evern... uh. uhhh.
SS: (Well, your face ain't!)
SA: oh
SS: (Not proper-like anyhow.)
AA: culled someone. how's that? >:P
ID: pris is shy because he refuses to believe scars can make a mug handsome.
SS: (And I've got tats cos I'm up and fashionable, like, obvi. Ain't nothin like a 1101 on the auricular, it's the new barcode tat.)
ID: ...culled a troll make it.
SA: not mine
ID: grubs don't count.
SA: new barcode tat ...
AA: fiiiiiine. culled a trnoll!
SS: (Still ain't drinkin! (\tumut/) )
SA; have
ID: i don't think anyone drinks? pris you cull someone?
AA: oh, gdi, that was the wornst q. i forngot yrn all, like, awful lowbies.
AA: do i get to do a do-overn??
ID: no.
SS: (Y)
SA: of course I gave
AA: gdi.
SA; was that not an assumed thing
ID: sips needs to learn from her mistakes.
ID: her stupid, stupid mistakes. =:P
SA; thought saying I'd taken out a member of every caste assumed that
AA: i was assuming yrn, like, gently petting them in the alleys and putting 'em to sleep, tbh.
AA: mb you took them out forn dinnern!
SA: no I was raised to kill people
SA: 👍
ID: get wrekt.
SA: I avoid it if. I Can.
ID: your turn pris!
SA: I can't, I'm not drinking
AA: you can still give a q, doof.
SA: bleh
SS: (What's drinkin gotta do with if you're gonna up and be dreamin about slurry buckets, anyhow?)
flails his hand a bit
AA: if you don't want yrn turn, i'll take it. >:} >:} >:}
flips off the camera tbh
ID: just do one about being rich pris.
AA: lmfao, that isn't a q!!
SA; never have I ever not been sterile
SA; asshole
SS: (Fuk)
AA: why do you keep taking it back to buckets? AA: you two arne the wornst.
SA; he started it
SA; I finished it
SWIG. And then she shoves the bottle at Hadean.
SS: (Ain't no reason to put me on front street like that!)
ID: how does it get worse instead of better?
AA: to punish us.
ID: =:'(
AA: forn ourn mistakes and sins. AA: lal, bc yrn too lame 2, like, waste yrn tips and buy a webcam forn B O N D I N G.
AA: you can just say swig. >:P
SS: (Pass on the drink.) SS: ( (\tumut/) ) SS: (See, I can totes do personal tmi, too!)
ID: ...sips it's still turning in to us drinking more than them.
AA: .. oh, gdi.
SA Laughs holy shit he sounds so pleased
SS: (Mb you just ain't visited the labrat arcade enough, pal. (\ouo/) )
SS: (Wtf I think he broke.)
AA: new goal: we'rne gonna make them drnink beforne we die of this shit.
ID: i'm gonna punch you when we get there pris. =>:P
ID: deal.
SA: only on the shoulder
ID: of course in the shoulder. or the arm.
AA: y. no brnawling until aftern the fight.
ID: of course! =:P
AA: and then prni's gotta fight me firnst, b/c he said he would and H A S N ' T.
SA: what if I'm tired that night
AA: lal, yrn turn. and then you can, like, dd on wtf you mean by labrnat. >:} AA: idt yrn squeaky enough to be a rnat.
ID: sips you just need to challenge more strangers on the internet.
AA: .. then we can _half-fight??_
SA: mmm
SS: (You can pry deets outta my cold, dead fronds! (\ouo/) ) SS: (No, okay, omfg, we gotta up and up the ante, now.) SS: (Pri totes started this pissin contest, bee tee dubs, so pls direct all complaints thaaataway.) SS: (Anywho: Never have I ever wondered where tf my kidney is apart from knowin it ain't inside my carcass no more.)
AA: haaaaaaaads. that's the diff b/w me and you, 'kay. AA: when i fight strnagerns off the internet, i'm getting fucking paid forn it.
AA: frnee fights arne forn frniends only. >:}
SS: (Pls tell me you ain't that kinda labrat, Pri, I'm countin on you here.)
SA: what? You started it? Everyone saw it????
SS: (I ain't seen ish. (\eue/) )
ID: i still think i should have won something for a tie.
SA: what kind of lab rat?
AA: was that a tie??
SA; what?
AA: >:P
ID: neither of us could fight, that counts as a tie. =>:P
SS: (Technical-like, bee tee dubs, my theme is mammalian squeakbeast, so it's kinda a squeakbeast??)
AA: nnn. that counts as evernybody in the audience's pissed b/c you done fucked up theirn bets.
AA: >:}
ID: yeah i noticed that.
SS: (See, this is why I ain't the bettin type.)
SS: (P sure there's peeps what up and figured you, like, staged that ish.)
ID: or that i was a cheater. got plenty of cheater taunts!
AA: also, y, i am taking a swig, b/c i've both of my poison-prnocessing bladderns, you fuckern.
SS: ( (\eue/) )
ID: i'm pretty sure mine are still in there. or at least most of them.
AA: wtf even happened therne, anyway? bc ngl, if you wernen't, like, mostly dead, i'd totes assume you werne cheating, too.
AA: .. oh shit, is it my turn again? >:D
SS: (Y!)
AA: !!!!!!!!!!!
ID: duh sips, i pushed my psi a lil too much.
ID: didn't you notice the amount i was pushing around there? =:P
AA: nevern have i evern.. pitch-kissed someone, since ernrnybody's _cheating_. >:P
AA: and. huh. i thought yrn limits would be way highern that.
SA: I already pass this one because I said earlier I've never kissed
SS: (!!!!!)
SS: (Wtf, you're just jelly I'm up and winnin)
AA: y, srny, prni. i had to establish dominance by, like, showing off how much of nernds all thrnee of you arne.
ID: ...yeah, well. there were outside forces at work okay. we'll leave it at that!
SS: (Also that I've got better tastes'n clowns. (\unu/) )
ID: ...what you don't think i haven't pitch-kissed.
AA: y, that is why i am holding out the bottle.
SS: (Pal, I'm p sure a guy what picks fights w peeps what're wrong on the internet)
ID: you're gonna get the bottle up your chute. =>:P
SS: (Ain't gonna be the one takin a swig.)
ID: i mean. what do you think happened to my face the last time you had to patch my carcass up sip?
SS: (A cholerbear?)
ID: i did not, in fact, stick my face in a blender.
stares at hands hands for a second before rolling over this mother fucker went to sleep
ID: ...aww man we broke pris.
SS: (Mb he's just a lightweight after that first one?)
ID: probably. since i doubt he ate before this.
SS: (He woulda had to drink for the kidney but ain't no sayin ish bout the liver.)
AA: .. whaaaaaaat.
AA: i didn't rnealise that was, like, _pitch pitch??_ lmfao, dude, get bettern taste. >:P AA: but that's also biting, you bulgemunch, get w/ it.
AA: so if that's yrn claim to fame, take a swig!!
SS: (Join us in the hall of nerd-dom.)
SS: (We'll stage an uprising gainst Sipa!)
ID: you didn't say it had to be serious pitch. and it definitely wasn't the first troll my lips have touched.
ID: i wasn't smooching the clown from before from pity.
AA: n, fuck off, yrn not allowed. settle down, losern, orn i'll pernsonally rnemove you frnom the rnanks. >:P
AA: ... idk, man, mb you werne. i'd only judge, like.
AA: a little!
AA: a smidge.
AA: a piiiiiinch. >:}
ID: =>:(
AA: fiiiine. no drniking frnom you. gdi.
SS: (RIP Hads's developin alcoholism. (\qnq/) )
AA: why am i drninking to evernything. D:< AA: since prni's ignorning us (crnuelly), lal, it's yrn turn. AA: and you gotta, like, do something N O RN M A L, orn i'll box yrn flaps.
ID: yeahhh lal.
SA: I am not
SS: (Wtf, I ain't listed nothin abnormal-like! Leastways not if you're meeeee. (\unu/) Ain't my fault you're plebs!)
SA: I am just comfortable
SA: and tired
ID: well if you gotta bow out, it's fine pris.
AA: y. if you wanna sleep, np, np.
SA: I will be here until I sleep
ID: ...can booze make you sleepy. maybe that's what's happening.
SA; just hang up on me
SS: (Y!)
SA: if it's weird
SS: (But if he's awake, then I ain't gonna be the guy to steal his Q!)
SA: it wasn't that much...
SA: steal it
SS: (V generous!)
AA: booze can make you sleep, y.
SS: (Never have I ever not fallen asleep durin a game of never how I ever!)
SA: I'm still awake
SA: also go fuck yourself
SS: (You are now, omfg.)
yawns like a petulant baby omg
SS: (Only if you ask real nice-like!)
ID: ladies please, you're both beautiful.
ID: and also wasting your questions which is boring.
SS: (RIP trolling potential. (\qnq/) Well, you guys're the ones that up and said I can't say nothin weird.)
AA: you can't say nothing weirnd and you can't lead a rnebellion, eithern. >:P
AA: we'rne just, like, crnamping yrn style on everny level, ino.
SS: ( (\qnq/) )
ID: that's us. the fun policeradicators.
SS: (Never have I ever watched someone get electrocuted. (\eue/) )
ID: ....like to complete death.
SS: (Idk, Sipa, you still breathin?)
SA: oh that's what my question should have been
AA: y, y, trnagically. AA: he fucking maimed me forn no rneason at all.
SA: you electrocuted Sipara?
SS: (I shoulda up and said 'watched someone electrocute themselves like an idiot.')
ID: woowwww.
AA: idk what it waaaas.
SS: (Y, pals, I totes up and walked up to her and electrocuted her, 100% intentional-like!)
AA: arne you saying you wouldn't touch it??
AA: bc i rnefuse to believe it.
SS: (Well, on accounta I was there and didn't...)
SS: (I ain't seen you drinkin nothin yet!)
SA: oh dear
SA: why did you touch it?
SS: (It's cool, pals, flapbeasts like shiny ish.)
Got some rather non-lowkey snickering going on.
AA: idk what it was!! ofc i fucking touched it.
SS: (Breaking news: Troll touches fire, discovers it is hot.)
SS: (Results uncertain, more testing may be necessary.)
ID: annnyyywaaayssss.
Hadean's getting elbowed. Hard.
ID: never have i ever-
AA: >:{ M O V I N G O N.
AA: >:"{
Oof. Elbow back.
!!! SHOULDER BUMP BACK before her knee hits the laptop and she's scrambling to set it up straight again.
...Time for more snickering.
ID: never have i ever had horns shorter than a half a foot past 4 sweeps old. =>:( stop ruining the game pris.
SA; what did I do?
ID: sips i meant.
SA: oh
SA: did you all see that
ID: ...maybe booze does do something to me.
SA; I was falsely accused
AA: lmfao, arne you that sloshed alrneady?
AA: booze turns hads into a liarn and a traitorn. txt it!
Quick, do the touching your nose test. That's a real thing, right?
SS: (Did you just miss???)
AA: .............
SS: (I can't tell, everything's swimmy.)
AA: y.
ID: /no/.
AA: y, he did, oh my god.
AA: i saw it!!
SS: (I believe Sipa!)
SS: (She's a filthy liar but I totes believe her!)
AA: nevern have i evern fucking lied, even once, in my entirne goddamn life.
SS: (Take a shot, bulgeface!)
ID: ...note to self. i guess when i'm recovering from wounds i am not immune to alcohol.
SS: (Wait.)
SS: (Did I even do that right.)
ID: who's sloshed now? =>:(
SS: (Brb, need sober to drunk translator.)
SS: (Wtf, I ain't never claimed otherwise!)
SS: (Just ain't as wasted as you, on accounta I'm totes winnin. (\eue/) )
Grab the stupid bottle and take a swig. Hate life. Don't hand the bottle back over.
SS: (I think I win.)
ID: you don't win shit. =>:(
AA: lmfaaaao.
SS: (Won your dignitiy)
SS: (Dignity)
AA: hey, wait, gimme ittt.
SS: (Is that how you spell that.)
SS: (Brb voice to text.)
AA: it's a digginity.
AA: duh.
ID: dignasty.
AA: no voice to text, that's cheating!!
SS: (Digofuckyourself.)
SS: (No oculars, it's also cheatin!)
ID: just take your turn nerd!
SS: (... Oh.)
SS: (Right.)
SS: (Uh.)
SS: (Wait, no, I did!)
SS: (The zapping!)
ID: sips just went last.
finally rolls over to look at his computer again and see the NONSENSE that is happening.
ID: didn't. she.
AA: uh.
AA: .. shit i'm gonna go again.
AA: fuck it.
SS: (It's Hads's turn.)
SA: that's the spirit
ID: i want to go. =>:(
AA: nevern did i evern, like - n!
Elbow her again
SS: (It was me with the electrocution then ain't nobody else gone yet!)
SS: (I'm the soberest one here, that makes me right.)
ID: never have i ever been flirting in the other chat while playing a stupid drinking game.
BLAAAAAARGH NOISE. Then she flops over, using his shoulder as a chinrest briefly --
SS: (You're supposed to drink if you ain't done it, pal, neither of us is gonna be swigging asides you.)
AA: no one is fucking flirnting, gtfo out of herne.
ID: ...fuck.
SS: (A toast to Hads! (\eue/) )
ID: so you areee flirting tho.
SS: (Y, we are star-crossed and the most serendipitous of pitch lovers stolen away in the day! Sipa, when's handfasting??)
congratulations, there is now a flustered Sipara making faces at Hads. computer what computer.
SA: That's a lie hadean
And Hadean is just giving her back the smuggest maybe-a-little-drunk look back.
SS: (I would never lie!)
SS: (Asides, if I were lying, would Sipa be makin faces??)
SS: ((She's makin faces, right??))
ID: totes faces.
SA: 🥂
SS: (Cool! So we're all on the same page!) SS: (That page being she ain't put a tie on it yet and it's totes uncool.)
SA: a.. what on it yet?
SS: (My poor kokoro is going doki doki and she ain't even laid one on me!)
SS: (Upright not right, that is!)
SS: (... Downright?)
SA: downright wrong
SS: (Insert Common Alternian here.)
SA: is what you're learning for
SA: or outright wrong
SS: (Help, help, I'm bein gaslighted!)
ID: pris i may be. slightly affected by booze when my psi are busy with other things.
ID: who knew?
SA: you are all drunk off your asses
AA: aaaarngh.
AA: i'm not drnunk, yrn drnunk.
ID: i should have tried stabbing myself in the chest and drinking earlier.
SS: (I'm deffo drunk, but I'm not the most drunk on accounta I totes won.)
SS: (Also, n, don't do that.)
AA: and stfu, lal, i'll totally fucking kissing you, don't make a bd out of it. AA: i'll kiss you and hads and prni. i'll just, like. kiss evernyone. how's that? >:P
SS: (Chest has got vital ish.)
AA: y, trny that.
SS: (Stab your walkstub!)
AA: .. wait, shit, no, not prni.
AA: soz, prni.
ID: it needs to be a big wound to focus allll of my psi on it. it'll be fiiine.
SS: (And that's called bein a floozy, pal, I'll up and cry on accounta my kismet won't kiss me nor handfast me. (\qnq/) )
SS: (Mb Pri is right.)
SS: (Mb we ain't meant to be.)
ID: aww man is drunk drama a thing.
AA: i want to punch all of you but i caaaaaan't.
ID: i wanna play. =:(
SS: (Insert sniffling here.)
She punches Hads instead.
SS: (N, too late, I'm cryin.)
ID: but none of-
.. cue flustered shriek of dismay when she remembers his arm is, uh, slightly fucked.
AA: he's okay! he's okay!
SA: what was that?!
AA: nothing!
AA: evernything is fine!
his face is Hate
SS: (Tfw can't tell if cheating or murder.)
ID: =:'((((
SS: (Or who's gettin culled.)
AA: :{
ID: i think i'm partially sober now.
AA: .. look, yrn parnt of the drnunk drnama now.
AA: i made you feel included.
AA: yrn welcome.
SA: 😰
ID: =>:'((((
AA: drnink some morne antifrneeze.
SS: ( (\quq/) )
ID: you're buying me so many fucking pancakes in the evening.
SA: 🍮
AA: >:'{
Take the booze back and chug. Hard.
SA: Hadean--
SA: 😫
AA: chug, chug, chug.
SS: (Hads, protip, 'had alcohol poisoning' ain't a good thing be be able to up and say.)
SS: (Leastways not when you got it from shitty wine.)
SA: the wine would have to be proofed absurdly
ID: i'm fine. it's fine. =>:'(
SA: if he's eaten today he should be fine but if he hasn't
SA: I am kicking his ass
SS: (Idk, mb it's shitty sherry.)
AA: he's fiiiiine.
AA: he ate! we ate, uh.
SS: (Or port.)
AA: .. shit, wtf did we eat.
ID: food.
SS: (Or food coloring in vodka.)
AA: it was van food. like, y'know, the type of stuff that's, like, food colourning in vodka.
AA: n, fuck, i was rneading soz.
AA: the type of stuff that's, like, you buy it out of a van!!
SS: (Wow, way 2 pregame!)
SA: did you mean street food
AA: omfg you can't spell prnegame
AA: yes!!!
AA: .. i'm hungrny. >:{
SS: (No, on accounta I spell it pregame and not prnegnanmne!)
AA: the way you spell it is prnenenenegofuckyrnself, duh.
AA: i know yrn blind btu c'monnnnnn. >:P
He's just gonna carefully shift his most uninjured side in to laying against Sipara.
ID: van food is the best food.
SS: (uh)
But then she chills and leans back against him. yesss, physical affection.
SS: (You wish I couldn't see, pal, mb I wouldn't have to deal w your spellin.)
SS: (Brb, I just stood up and)
SS: (Wow)
AA: it was, like, that foil wrnapped shit, prni.
SS: (Try standing up)
AA: !!
ID: ahahah no.
SS: (no do it)
AA: omg what happens
SS: (It's cool)
SA; that's street food, Sipara
AA: rnly?
AA: is it rnyl cool orn am i gonna crnack my head open.
SA: 😰
AA: >:{
SS: (It also hurts but that's only on accounta you will v quickly not be standin up!)
ID: i just got fucking comfy.
ID: ...fcuk that.
AA: omggg, lal. lal. sit down.
SS: (N, I'm floating.)
SS: (I mean, not proper-like, but it feels it!)
AA: don't brneak yrnselfff. i like yrnself.
ID: hahahah. i can see why people get drunk.
ID: it's almost like when i eat. only slow?
SS: (Only on accounts you asked real nice-like!) SS: (And also I totes like myself, too.)
SS: (And you, but I'm only sayin that without attachin three shitty jokes cos I'm wasted and that makes it seem less dumb.)
ID: only i'm allowed to break because sips hates me apparently.
SA: how are you all this drunk after a bottle of wine.
AA: lmfao no food.
AA: .. j/k we ate. i said we ate. rnight.
SS: (Excuse, I had... some number of shots of what I'm p sure is rubbin alcohol.)
ID: that was forever ago.
rubs the bridge of his nose... you can see his face finally and man he looks worn out your shenanigans sucked it right out of him
SA: order pizza?
ID: prisss. you're beautiful~
ID: and tired.
AA: prni. prniii. don't make that face. we love youuu.
AA: you get a pizza.
AA: we'rne talking to you. >:} so if oyu orndern a pziza. and we ordern a pizza.
ID: he doesn't like them!
AA: it'll be like we'rne all eatin -- oh goddamnit.
ID: make him order fancy food. like sushi.
AA: that doens't have calornies!!
ID: i don't know what else he likes to eat. other than sweet stuff.
SA: I am not--
ID: i'm a bad friend. =:(
AA: ordern baked salmon on a roasted cedarn plank.
but he flushes anyways because senpai said it
SA: I can order take out.
ID: pris you need to tell me more about yourselffff. let me in bro.
SA: not sushi..
SA: w--what?
ID: sips you gotta too. =>:( but you're easier.
AA: and yrn allowed 2 brneak bc yrn harndy, hads. duh. and AA: ugh why arne you all typing so much i'm trying to read the tpo and it keeps scrnolling down. >:{
SA: how does not knowing what...
ID: you gotta tell me more about yourself pris. =:(
SA: like what?
ID: even if i don't tell you shit. is that bad.
ID: like. things!
SA: i
SA: I don't know...
SA: id like to think you tell me things-- you're drunk, Hadean
ID: yes i am.
AA: what's that go tto do with anythingggg.
ID: but it's okay because i know i'm drunk.
ID: right?
SA: I feel as if it's impolite to try and have sensitive discussions when you're not completely sober...
SA: I will order you both pizza. What is the address
SS: (Well, it ain't sensitive-like for him, pal.)
SS: (He just, like, wants your deepest darkest secrets.)
SS: (Also wtf is this a pizza party now?)
SS: (Cos I ain't got none athat.)
ID: i'm sensitively wanting meat lovers. =:(
SS: (... Does stale muffin count??)
SA: I'd rather tell him those with just us there if he wants them, thank you
SS: (I can put ketchup on it.)
SS: (That's like bread and tomato stuff.)
SS: (Pizza!)
AA: arne you at taylorns, lal?
SA: Addresses
SS: (I lits live here, pal.)
AA: i'll get you actual pizza. w/ wine.
AA: er. anchovies.
ID: sips what's our address.
SS: (N, do it with wine!!)
AA: and how come i nevern get to be in, like, the cool feels talks??
SS: (Hads told me the truth bout your anchovy lies.)
SS: (Bc you don't kiss your princess, jerk.)
ID: i tried to include you sipsss.
AA: i will fucking smooch you, laledy, stfu.
ID: i got words for everyoneee.
looks as uncomfortable as he can for not being able to make expressions
AA: and prni didn'tttt.
ID: but i know. i shouldn't just message everyone.
ID: because that seems bad.
SS: ( (\qnq/) )
AA: you should msg evernyone!!
AA: just, like. tlk 2 them. like prni doesn't want to talk to me. orn in frnont of me. orn w/e. >:"{ AA: w/eee. lals i am getting you pizza.
ID: if i message em pheres will act like he can cull me. i don't want pheres to want to cull me.
SA: that's. Not true...
ID: maybe i can message ashy...
SS: (I'm kissin the pizza.)
SS: (..... Idk why! But I'm doin it.)
SA: don't message Ashley while you're drunk it will just be a mess
SS: (Message Pheres and tell him you've up and got feelins about him wanting to cull you!!)
AA: phern won't cull you. phern likes youuuu. he just doesn't - y.
SS: (Talk it out like bros.)
AA: do that. phern likes talking. and he likes you. it'll be fiiiine.
SA: i feel like this is all a terrible idea
ID: i'm not good at talking to pheres. we're too different.
AA: and i like yo and i like phern and you two should be frniends.
ID: and then i just make him mad i think.
ID: he'd probably be mad that i bit em even.
SA: yes that. Tends to happen.
AA: just tell him its, like, pitch.
SA: why not just wait I'm sure it will blow over
AA: he cna't argune w/ pitch.
AA: can't. argnue!!
SA: don't tell him it's pitch, don't you remember what he said at the fair?
AA: arngue.
SA: they can't say it's pitch, it will ruin his quadrant with Emerel
SS: (It's serendipity!)
SS: (Wait, what's pitch??)
ID: maybe i should just. call him and tell him to come on here...
SA: call who?
SS: (... You're pitch with Pheres's boo?)
SA: Pheres or Emerel?
SS: (Omg)
AA: you can't rnuin a quad if it isn't alrndy set to be rnuined.
AA: like, hivewrnecking isn't a T H I N G.
SA: he said he would make a club for them.
SS: (Y, when y'all were up and bout to vore each other.)
ID: =:( i don't want pheres to be my club.
SA: then don't say what happened between you and Emerel was pitch
SS: (You can;t, like, have a club if you ain't wantin a club, pal, that ain't how it works.)
ID: i just want to make em be the scared one next time.
SS: (Then it ain't a club, it's some asshole what can't mind their on biz.)
SA: ...😰
SS: (Also, that totes sounds like you need a club tho.)
AA: .. y, that isn't
AA: that's sornt of weirnd.
ID: i'm bad at this.
AA: n!! you just have to like
SS: (Sipa, pls tell me you ain't gonna dangle me out a wall aperture till I'm the scared one for revenge for the taser thing.)
SA: how are you bad at it-
AA: trny harndern.
SS: (Cos if anything you should be danglin your own pan for that one.)
AA: orn, like, talk about ittttt. do you want to bang him orn, like, murndern him??
SA:'try harder? Are you encouraging it?
ID: it wasn't fair that he beat me up when i was already beat up, was it?
SA: no.
AA: and n, lal, fuck offff. AA: no dangling!! forn anyone. >:P
AA: nnn, it wasn't.
SS: (All's fair in love and war, but hate ain't on that list.)
ID: so i don't think he hates me that way anyways.
SA: then you need a club or at the least to avoid each other
ID: i was avoiding him and i got beat up.
ID: so i just need to get better and beat him up.
ID: and then things'll be even.
AA: and prni. i'm not, like, encournaging it. AA: i'm just, like. hads gotta do what hads wants to do, you know?? i am suppornting him.
SA: that won't solve anything, he'll just hunt you down to get revenge again and then you'll do the same
ID: not if i beat him hard enough.
AA: and nnnnn. if yrn gonna beat him up again, you gotta talk to phern firnsttttt.
SA: then he will be dead
SS: (That's called, like, murder.)
AA: orn else he's ognna flip his shit.
ID: nahhh, i already tried murdering him.
SA: he's already going to flip his shit
AA: and then i'm gonna have to stop a fucking rnevenge cycle, and, like
ID: he got back up, remember!
AA: i don't want phern trnying to cull yyyou.
AA: that's the opposite of what i want. >:{
SS: (That's totes inconsiderate-like, hads.)
SS: (Plus, like, how're you gonna beat im harder'n dead, huh?)
ID: idk. em almost culled me when he jumped me.
ID: or at least it was considered i guess.
SA: why don't we tell Pheres Em hunted you down. That seems like a decent solution.
ID: nooo!
SA: if he instigated it he can deal with the consequences
ID: i don't wanna.
SA: why?
SA: it won't have any logical recourse on you..
ID: cause if they got unhappy and broke up i'd get blamed. duh.
SA: they will break up anyways if you and Emerel can't be resolved
AA: why arne you so fussed abt them brneaking up, anyway?
AA: you don't even like quads.
AA: >:?
SA: ^^
ID: i don't, but they do.
AA: phern is like. idk.
AA: ... idk!
AA: idk idk idk. >:{
ID: i feel like pheres would blame me. i don't wanna get blamed. it's easier to just not say anything about it.
SA: well the unfortunate news is this chat is public
SA: 😰
SA: how could Pheres blame you for Emerel's own mistake?
ID: ...pheres won't read this stuff, right.
SA: I think Pheres is much more logical than that
AA: phernes is puking in a bathrnoom rn.
AA: he can't rnead anythiiiiing.
SA: why--
ID: there! we just gotta bury this with other stuff.
ID: so it's so buried he won't go digging.
AA: idk, he got the flu, he's been, like, ternrnibad all day. AA: it's prnobs bc he's up at em's house. and it's, like, wet and shit.
AA: being wet isn't good forn you. ofc yrn gonna get sick if yrn wet.
AA: and brneathing in wet.
AA: >:{
SA: 😰
ID: unless you're a fish i guess.
AA: he's not a fish!!
ID: i didn't say he was.
SA: what even happened between you two to get all of this started, I don't understand.
AA: >:{
SA: It seemingly came out of left field that you two Had to fight and now you two Have to fight some more.
AA: and phern can't blame you, bc then i'd be upset, bc it's not fairn to blame you. AA: so therne.
ID: i can't say pris.
SA: alright ❤
ID: sorry. =:(
AA: >:?
AA: cna you say, like.. off-chat??
ID: no.
AA: >:????
ID: i just can't.
AA: shhh, that's fine, dnw.
AA: we all have ourn shady ass secrnets.
makes a little heart using his index fingers and thumbs. he's tryin rly hard to be comforting with sipara
AA: what the fuuuuck, that's too cute.
ID: y! =:) 💚
AA: 💞
fucking. his expression wilts a little and he looks away to hide it before letting his hands fall
SA: you two should eat. This can all be sorted out at a later time when you are properly sober.
ID: =:??? why are you looking sad? i thought we were having fun. is it not fun?
AA: priiii.
AA: did you eat??
AA: arne you hungrny?
AA: i get sad when i'm hungrny. so, like, mb you should eat, too.
SA: I'm alright, don't worry.
SA: i will eat when you two do.
ID: sips. go get the pizza. =:(
SA: did i make you both sad?
SA: I'm sorry.
ID: we're sad because we're worried about you!
AA: y. we'rne just sad bc yrn sad. if you arne sad. and if yrn not, then we'rne not sad, but, like, it's okay to be sad??
SA: please don't worry, I'm rather alright.
SA: trying to explain it wouldn't make sense right now anyways.
ID: okay. =:( we can talk about it when we're visiting.
ID: and you can both admire how great my ass'll look when i get my fancy fighting suit.
SA: ...Yes.
SA: if you would still like to by then.
manages a smile at the snark.
SA: You'll have to hurry and get here then.
SA: and sipara can offer tips to the tailor.
SA: for now, I should go get some food myself.
SA: I may be back later. Goodlight.
waves a little before closing out the webcam application
AA: good light!! ❤ ❤ ❤
AA: 💚
ID: light...
ID: i hope i didn't say something that made him sad.
ID: i was probably too pushy about wanting to know about him.
AA: nooo. i mean. mb? but nooo. AA: i think he's just - like -
AA: .. mb you should've done the thing. back at him. orn mb he's just sad we'rne not up therne??
ID: maybe. =:(
AA: dnw, dnw. AA: i don't think you can make him sad.
ID: well something made him sad. he's a nice guy.
ID: you're a nice girl.
ID: so you don't feel left out.
AA: lmfao, stfu.
ID: =:P
ID: you are! you're going with me and this is fun.
AA: i don't need secondhand backpats. >:} you two arne like. two pieces in an arnmornset.
ID: this is more fun than i've had in forever.
AA: aww.
ID: there's more than two pieces in an armorset!
ID: you're like the. metal fist that hits things hard piece.
AA: good. i miss trnavelling w/ ppl. i used to trnavel w/ phern. and then my club. but they don't anymorne. and it sucks.
ID: well i'm sorry. now you get to travel with me!
ID: and i bet my lusus enjoys the break. he's getting old anyways.
AA: and lmfao. that's the best piece. the fist piece. obvs.
ID: now he travels in style.
ID: the very best!
AA: >:P
AA: .. we will have to find you, like, an actual fax rnide, too. so he doesn't have to walk places so much.
AA: and you can sleep in a trnuck insteada, like, a fucking tent.
ID: i like my tent. when it doesn't leak.
VV: ♚ ~Evening, evening all~
ID: oh no it's aspartame.
ID: did i spell that right.
AA: yrn tent is grn888. but. leaks. and -
AA: >:?
VV: ♚ ~ Ah it's the one that spreads lies.
ID: fake-sugar stuff.
VV: ♚ ~ It's very rude to do so you know.
VV: ♚ ~ And rather unfair I'd say!
ID: i'm too drunk for a victim complex. =:(
VV: ♚ ~ it's not a complex I'm just hurt...
VV: ♚ ~ And what are you drinking tonight~? A watered down beer perhaps?
ID: gasoline.
ID: or at least it tastes like it.
VV: ♚ ~ That is certainly one way to warm yourself up~ Just don't flambe anything!
VV: ♚ ~ You really should try a higher class wine or something one day darling. You won't dissolve your insides and also it's much classier.
VV: ♚ ~ Than ah....gasoline...
VV: ♚ ~ I...I do want to be sure you know not to swallow when you siphon...
ID: i was gonna ask why you were being nice but you're still showing a lil two-face so it's okay lol.
AA: wwwwwwhy do we hate hern. AA: hern crnown is qt. orn is this a dude? his crnown is qt.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh?? I'm being conversational! It's really riveting and comes off as nice you actually try for once dear ID.
VV: ♚ ~ Thank you AA !
VV: ♚ ~ I'm not super sure myself but this one's rather hostile towards me 😦
ID: noo, see sips she hides thorns in the sugar.
ID: don't eat the sugar.
VV: ♚ ~ I mean, maybe you shouldn't if you're watching that waistline but I think our friend here is capable of thinking for themself~!
VV: Especially when consuming crude, crude gasoline.
ID: is your waistline something you worry about often.
VV: ♚ ~ I don't know if I've mentioned it before or if you're simply too far inhebriated but yes I do! As a ballerina off and on season I must be well kept and trim.
VV: ♚ ~ Do you not?
AA: lmao, she is a little barnbed.
ID: i have an abnormal... uh...
ID: thing that burns calories.
AA: arne you a ballernina orn arne you a comballernina?? AA: tl;drn do you murndern ppl w/ dance orn just dance.
AA: it's a metacatolim. i am p surne.
VV: ♚ ~ Metabolism deary!
VV: ♚ ~ Metabolism is the word you desire. I see the gasoline is muddling your brain and burning your insides so you can not spell. I'm filled with fright I will truly miss you....
VV: ♚ ~ And ah- I suppose it would depend wouldn't it? I'm a prima ballerina for performing but ah we live in such a rutheless world!
VV: ♚ ~ Who knows what one can do when backed into a corner :3c
AA: lmao. omg. yrn adornable.
VV: ♚ ~ Thank you!
ID: no she isn'ttt.
AA: i'm too tirned to even sass you back. but gd.
AA: she isssssss.
AA: she calls ppl dearny. that's prnec.
ID: she just wants something. they always do when they're sweet.
AA: prnec as F U C K. like she's yrn spoopy ancestor gonna back you into a cake.
VV: ♚ ~ Aw~ Thank you. VV: ♚ ~ Maybe I want friendship.
AA: y. mb she wants frniendship.
AA: have you considerned that, hads.
AA: >:'{
ID: /no/. =>:(
VV: ♚ ~ A cake...mmm mm I don't know any cannibals so that'd be a waste
VV: ♚ ~ You should consider it! It's a rather common things trolls want.
ID: =>:( why would you want friendship. you're fluffy.
ID: ....that makes more sense in. my head.
VV: ♚ ~ I am rather fluffy. I permed up my hair today thank you~
VV: ♚ ~ And because I'm of rouged hue and in general when one lives in the city one would desire a friend or two.
VV: ♚ ~Do you not like to have friends Hadean?!
ID: i have two friends. and they didn't just. come in saying they wanted to be friends!
AA: omgg. show me yrn headfluff.
VV: ♚ ~ I didn't do that either! You weasled the answer out of me. I was under the assumption a chat room was a place to socialize.
VV: ♚ ~ Will do let me go get my selfie light one moment!
AA: my rnail has fluffy hairn too. i want to see if it's biggern!!
AA: omg yesss.
ID: a chatroom is a place to pick fights.
ID: and lay on sipa.
ID: ...no wait that part's not the chatroom.
AA: idc don't move yrn waaarnm.
ID: i don't want to get up so it's fine.
voraciousVanity has sent CouldBFluffier.jpg
VV: ♚ ~ I'm baaaaack~! VV: ♚ ~ There you go!
AA: good. AA: and --
AA: omg ❤ ❤
AA: you arne so fluffyyyyy.
VV: ♚ ~ 💗 And I will be for the next week!! VV: ♚ ~Also I must, MUST inquire. Are you two...in the same room?
ID: nope, laying on her in different rooms.
AA: i am fixing his hairn thrnough the internwebs, it's trnue.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah. I see I see. VV: ♚ ~ It all makes sense... VV: ♚ ~ You need better lying skills!
VV: ♚ ~ How matted is his hair?
ID: it feels nice tho-
ID: my hair isn't matted stfu.
AA: lmfao. AA: it's strn8 as a stick. that doesn't matt. i think.
VV: ♚ ~ You will have to make me ''stfu"'!! Hohoho
ID: u a ho alright.
VV: ♚ ~And ah it can! If you keep it too unclean and disgusting. I have seen it.
AA: omggg, even yrn laughing is qt.
VV: ♚ ~ What proof have you at those acusations mmm?
ID: the proof of shut up.
VV: ♚ ~ As good an arguement as I should've expected out of you..
ID: idk you're the one arguing with a drunk troll.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm truly not! I'm seeing what responses I can get from you mostly before they turn to you just drooling on the keyboard!
VV: ♚ ~ I have a little timer going and everything.
AA: aww, yrn less qt now.
AA: go back 2 being twee.
ID: the mask slips~
VV: ♚ ~ Boooo, am I not allowed to have fun?
VV: ♚ ~Hadean's bullied me so I thought a bit of fun would be allowed!
ID: it's not bullying if it's true.
VV: ♚ ~ Mmmm it's not true if you have no proof 😦
ID: is too.
VV: ♚ ~ Tell me dear sweet Hadies, spreader of lies. Why did you choose to drink gasoline tonight?
ID: peer pressure.
ID: and a game.
VV: ♚ ~ ohhh a game? What form of game ?
VV: ♚ ~ Did you lose said game?
ID: never have i ever.
ID: i don't think you can win. just get drunk.
VV: ♚ ~ I see, I see. VV: ♚ ~ I do so wish you'd purchased something better than paint cleaner however.
VV: ♚ ~ Not wine, that's for sipping...
ID: i didn't do it. sips diddd.
VV: ♚ ~ Why would this Sips person do this to you 😦
VV: ♚ ~ Rather cruel if you ask me
ID: ahahah hear that sips, you're crueellll.
SA: little princess
SA: Hadean 😊
VV: ♚ ~ Ah!! Prisma evening my honeycomb prince
ID: heyyy pris! =:) did you eat?
SA: good evening. How are you?
SA: yes. I went to a nearby place. They have very good spaghetti.
ID: goooddd. i'm good. sip fell asleep and she's heavy. i think i'm trapped.
VV: ♚ ~ I'm grand! Hearing about them drinking acetone.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh my.
VV: ♚ ~ Ah...it was nice knowing you Hadies.
VV: ♚ ~ Truly tragic.
SA: oh, the wine. Yes. I tried to play for a moment but I lost my appetite for liquor after someone brought up genetic material.
SA: perhaps you could squeeze free in a bit?
ID: ahahah sorry prisss.
SA: or stay... I am unsure what to advise 😨
SA: it wasn't your fault.
VV: ♚ ~ ....genetic material
VV: ♚ ~ Perhaps staying may be best advised as in most situations of distress it's advised to stay still !
ID: hahah she's alright for now. like a slightly coolish blanket. we can do this the three of us if you wanna when we get there pris.
VV: ♚ ~ Ohhh? Where are you all traversing to? VV: ♚ ~ 😢 I was certain I was invited to travel with you Prisma, was I wrong?
SA: oh, to... cuddle...?
ID: 😒
ID: yes to cuddle.
SA: we could still travel, little princess. I am meeting Hadean and Sipara first, though. I apologize.
SA: oh..
SA: I think it may be awkward with me involved. 😰
VV: ♚ ~ I see, I see prior business then! Do travel safe! VV: ♚ ~ That does sound rather private a matter...oh my....the cuddling.
ID: why would it be awkward? =:?
SA: I am not very accustomed to physical affection and I am rather cold.
ID: you wanted a hug earlier. =:(
SA: I wouldn't want to ruin you two bonding
SA: it's different from cuddling..
ID: we can all bond. cold is nice!
SA: they are coming to me, little princess. Not the other way around
ID: cuddling is just like... a long hug.
VV: ♚ ~ Oh my mistake! Very well. Regardless don't imbibe the polish remover like they have. It seems to be eating them from the inside out!!
SA: yes... I-well, it's different for me, im sorry.
SA: but I'm happy you invited me 😊
SA: I only drink sweet wines if any if ever.
SA: not... what they were drinking.
ID: it wasn't good. but i liked being involved. =:)
ID: and okay pris. no cuddles i guess.
SA: maybe next time we could get decent liquor... if there is a next time. I. Doubt it for some reason.
SA: ...
SA: yes
VV: ♚ ~ I have a few saved up if you wish to try some higher end brands Honey comb Prince dearest~! VV: ♚ ~ maybe even take one with you ...I almost take personal offence to...to....Hadies current poison.
SA: oh, that would be kind of you.
ID: don't get drunk with the splenda prisss.
SA: I would be sad if that was Hadeans first and only experience with wine
VV: ♚ ~ Again with the lies. Cruel...
SA: we could try some sweet wines together if you'd like, Little princess
VV: ♚ ~ If Hadies ceases in his name calling I'd love to!
SA: ii don't drink to inebriation. It's alright.
SA: he's calling you sweet
ID: yeahhh splenda. why you so cruel to me?
VV: ♚ ~ Splenda is artificial and not the best choice for sweeteners!
VV: ♚ ~ Agave would be nicer.
ID: sweet n low it is.
ID: sweet n lowblood.
VV: ♚ ~ That is fine with me I have no qualms with my hue.
SA: agave nectar...
SA: oh. What did you want to know about earlier, Hadean? Before I forget to ask
SA: it is a very pretty color
SA: reds are passionate and courageous
VV: ♚ ~And being golden is a rather lovely shade as well Prisma~
VV: ♚ ~ But I do enjoy the compliment, I do my best to uphold such honors~!
ID: ...i don't remember.
VV: ♚ ~ Asking when he's less poisoned may be best sweet Apollo.
ID: apollo.
ID: man you're stretching for nicknames now.
SA: oh-- I'm sorry. Maybe if you remember
SA: thank you. Although I am far more green
VV: ♚ ~ I suppose. Mmm allow me to rethink of a deity.
ID: i'll try!
ID: and why does he have to be a god.
ID: pris is pris.
SA: I think for the sake of imagery but I am unsure how I could be remotely worthy of that
VV: ♚ ~ I simply thought a deity reference would be nice!
SA: Hadean I should give you a nickname. Like little princess has
ID: shoot pris. =:P
SA: I don't know... but I should think very hard about it
ID: ...i'm not good at nicknames. other than pris.
ID: take your time! you'll come up with the beesstttt nickname.
VV: ♚ ~ Upon deliberation. I'm sticking with prince it goes well with my nickname.
SA: I could call you Little prince but that wouldn't be fitting at all
SA: I am littler
ID: sorry i'm tall~
VV: ♚ ~ I wouldn't feel so special if we had almost identical nick names....
SA: it has to be as brash and capable as you.
SA: no, I know little princess I wouldn't do that
ID: mm, shame that you don't know how to share~
SA: I would be disappointed if you gave me a nickname and then gave Sipara or Gliese a similar one
SA: but maybe that's expected of me..
SA: hotshot would work but it implies I'm insulting you
VV: ♚~ Share? Ohhoho VV: ♚ ~ I'm very creative I can give plenty various nicknames but only those I feel deserve one hoho
VV: ♚ ~ Hot shot sounds like a racer!
ID: why would it be expected of you? =:?
ID: hotshot sounds like it could be. weird. like. fighty.
SA: I... wouldn't want to go in great detail.
SA: but I am considered the "jealous type" more often than not
SA: encouraged to be, you could say. Protective
ID: ohh. yeah. well remember what we chatted about for that!
VV: ♚ ~ The jealous type? 0: How unexpected Prisma!
VV: ♚ ~ I feel that's a rather common trait however.
ID: i'm sure a lot about pris is unexpected. when you've only talked to him a few times. uwu
VV: ♚ ~ Which is why I intend to speak more!
SA: 💚
ID: 💚
VV: ♚ ~ What is more exciting than learning about another? ❤
ID: sticking toothpicks in my ganderbulbs.
SA: please don't I like your eyes
ID: awww. 💚
SA: it comes and goes sometimes, Perdia. But on the whole it stays. Are you a jealous type?
SA: ... to both of you
SA: I would be happy to learn more about you too. Perdia
ID: idk. i could be i bet.
VV: ♚ ~ It would depend! Ah-- I'd love to say no but truly at the heart of it all yes! I do have a fondness for not being tossed to the shadows.
VV: ♚ ~ Any troll really is capable of it. Under the right circumstances, yes?
SA: I don't think anyone enjoys being treated like an object that can be returned to the shelf
SA: I may need to enhance calm before I become salty
VV: ♚ ~ Oh of course not, it's simply a tragic thing. So a little jealousy seems rather justified in such a situation? Why would one sit back and just let fate sweep them aside dear?
VV: ♚ ~ Ah! Has this struck a nerve? We may cease if it isn't a desirable thing Prisma
SA: it would be a very painful thing, yes. Especially if it felt.... special. I suppose is the word
SA: I simply have a bad taste left in my mouth regarding someone who ... had feelings for me
SA: and conveniently pushed them aside because they believed I "could never have feelings in return"
SA: then boasted about how happy they were with the person they'd replaced me with
SA; unpleasant to say the least
VV: ♚ ~ Oh dear sweet Prisma.....
VV: ♚ ~ I thought such cruelties were only in the stories written for the stage....
SA: haha
SA: there's no need to be so dramatic. I have found out enough to believe it may be perfectly normal and I only just now experienced it
SA: I am okay. If a bit miffed.
SA: but thank you
VV: ♚ ~Oh I promise i'm not being dramatic! It's truly heartbreaking dear Prince. I suppose perhaps I also just have not experienced it then.. VV: ♚ ~ I'm pleased you're at least alright now ah...
SA: i was angry when it happened. But only a little. I am not capable of much
SA: I am happy you haven't had to. Hopefully you never will 😊
SA: you seem happy with your matesprit anyways I doubt he would do that
VV: ♚ ~ Mmm yes. He never would trust me. We're on rather friendly terms. VV: ♚ ~ I would think even if something were to go awry I'd still hold him dear and near. VV: ♚ ~ It's rather hasty to simply cut one off no?
SA: who never would trust you?
SA: your matesprit?
VV: ♚ ~Oh, I forgot a comma. I mean in the sense of...he never would and you should trust me on this
VV: ♚ ~ It wouldn't look very good on him if he did! To give up so easily. VV: ♚ ~ But regardless I won't dwell on that hypothetical!
VV: ♚ ~ Loyalty is a good quality overall.
SA: oh! That was an unfortunate loss. I was almost concerned.
SA: loyalty is a virtue. I think it is most important
SA: little princess. I'm sorry, I should rest.
SA: I have cases to finish and plans to make
SA: goodlight ❤️
VV: ♚ ~ Rest well good light dearest! ❤
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