#last one for the night i swear i'll stop spamming
quinnthebard · 2 years
Home. What a strange word. It could be defined simply, she supposes. The place one returns to, their own, shelter, and so on. Q’wynn chews on the word. It repeats endlessly in her head until it loses meaning, instead sounding like some strange onomatopoeia that she wouldn’t be able to place. Every so often on her journey, or even just over the course of her life, she’s been asked about her home. Has she been home recently? What’s her home like? And often, she’s brushed it off.
For the longest time, home was La Noscea—eastern, specifically. The rainforest where her tribe lived being the place where she’s from and in the most base sense of the word, her home. It’s not a place she’s particularly fond of though. So long as she remembers she just wanted to get out. Out from the small community. Out from under her mother’s thumbs. Out from under the pressures to follow tradition. Just out, away, gone. Never to return.
And she has escaped. Grimly, she smiles before tossing the smooth stone across the surface of the sea. It skips once, twice, three times. On the fourth attempt it finally plummets to the depths of the water. It’s by choice she has returned. Her choice. No one else’s.
It’s only right that he gets to meet her family—right?
She sighs as she watches the ripples reflect and distort the colors of the setting sun. The cowardice she kept shoving aside, creeps to the surface as the water stills. She needed a break from her mother. She needed a break from the suffocating atmosphere of disappointment and in an impulsive move, she stomped out of her childhood home deaf to the words of protest called after her.
She half expected him to follow her.
She’s half hurt he didn’t.
Well now that you’re done gallivanting around, time to do us proud. Do as you were born to.
Her mother’s words still sting as they echo, ringing in her mind. Her protests unheard. G’raha’s own cast aside. It didn’t matter that she found happiness or love. She wasn’t doing what her mother expected or prepared her for and so she was a failure.
She still doesn’t even know the lengths I had to go to in order to even return.
She shakes her head. Stop dwelling. She doesn’t matter. Hasn’t matter. Has no part in my—
“You know, you can be rather hard to find when you don’t want to be found.”
The soft tenor voice behind her makes her jump slightly, goosebumps forming on her skin, her ears flicking upward before she realizes who intrudes on her moment of reflection. “I’m sorry if I caused concern.”
“No concern.” Footsteps approach, the rubber thudding gently on the wood of the dock. “Well—not for your well-being at least. I know you can take care of yourself.”
She feels his hand rest gently on her shoulder and the simple act of care brings the sting of tears to her eyes. Her nose twitches in a vain attempt to combat her oncoming display of weakness. “I’m fine.”
“Ah yes. That’s why you fled across Eastern La Noscea.”
“Hmm.” She doesn’t have a response to that.
“I’m just going to say it.” G’raha steps to her side, moving his hand from her shoulder down her opposite arm, stroking it gently in an attempt to soothe. The featherlight touch smooths the goosebumps that rose and the heavy beating of her heart. Her nose itches. “Your mom’s a bitch.”
The laugh that bursts from her chest breaks her facade, the tears starting to fall in a complex mix of mourning and joy. She sniffs between chuckles, her sobs punctuated with the occasional giggle. I must look mad. Wiping her face on her sleeve, she tries to still the storm inside.
“I’m sorry, I just—” A snort interrupts as she tries to sniffle and clear her runny nose. “I’ve never heard someone call her that. No matter how many times I may have internally.”
“Well, she is. Once you left, we argued for a good long time. She shouted at me for corrupting her daughter and filling your head with fantasies, stifling reality, preventing you from leading a fulfilling life.” He squeezes her lightly in a half hug before pulling her to sit in his lap on the dock. Their legs dangle above the water and his chin gently resting on top of her head. “Did you know she had no idea what you’ve accomplished?”
“A rhetorical question, Wynn. It was your information to divulge, I suppose, but in my fury I laid into her. I explained all you’ve gone through, all you’ve done. I shared how many people you’ve helped, inspired and the lives you’ve saved.” There’s a brief pause before he continues in just barely above a whisper. “Including mine.
“None of it. She knew nothing. She stood in shock. I took that opportunity to tell her off and that if she refused to be proud of her daughter, well, then I’d gladly support you and be proud of you as my mate because so long as you’ll have me, that’s what I want to be. We’re family as far as I’m concerned. What I’m saying is, I told her where she can shove her expectations and that if you never wanted to return, I wouldn’t blame you. And then I left.”
“That’s it?”
“What? Did you expect me to fight her for your honor? We both know who’d win.”
“My mother would, of course. No wonder you fled. She’s quite good with a frying pan.”
He chuckles. “And here I thought I could hold my own.”
“I thought I could too.” Whatever levity had been gained is lost with just those five words.
“Wynn.” She doesn’t respond. Emerald eyes peer into the depths and she hugs herself, attempting to be small. In response, his strong arms wrap around her, shielding her from whatever he can. “You don’t have to ever see her again if you don’t want to. Blood family isn’t always your true family. Sometimes it’s okay to say ‘that’s enough’ and protect yourself.”
“I just wish I was good enough for her.”
“At risk of sounding crass: fuck her expectations. You’ve done far more than any one woman can be expected of and you have earned the right to live as you wish. Stop worrying about what she wants for you and think on what you want for yourself.”
“I want to go home.”
“Then we will.”
The certainty with which he accepts her desires warms her heart and in that moment, she returns to her initial thoughts on home. His hand takes hers as they walk and she feels comfort. His presence brings stability and safety. She feels reassured and content. Then it dawns on her: yes, home may be a place but for her it’s a person.
For her, it’s him.
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gabessquishytum · 1 month
This time it’s hob who has only ever had shitty partners.
Let’s be real, hob doesn’t always make the best choices. And he is kind of a slut who leads with his heart and enthusiasm, and that means he has some category 5 bad exes. He’s been cheated on, he’s been yelled at and demeaned, he’s been strung along and heartbroken. Sometimes they’ve been controlling or emotionally manipulative. He’s had his stuff stolen, he’s been kicked out of his apartment, he’s been sued…
The thing is, hob loves with his whole heart and that’s gotten him in trouble.
And dream haaaates watching it.
Dream has never liked any of hob’s partners. As hob’s best friend he has seen hob through break up after bad break up, asshole after asshole who have taken him for granted or used him.
After hob caught his last boyfriend balls deep in someone else on their anniversary, hob comes to dream and declares that he is swearing off dating forever.
Dream has heard this before. but the issue is that hob is built for a relationship. He’s sooo husband shaped. He just picks badly.
dream is going to put a stop to it. He offers to take hob out for a night on the town—not Dream’s thing—and by the end of the night he fully intends to seduce hob, fuck hob’s brains out, and finally get his chance to treat hob like he deserves to be treated (like a treasured slut/pampered househusband/beloved boyfriend). Forever.
I know for a fact that this ask is several months old, I can only apologise to anon for that. I still have over 300 asks in my inbox, and some things that i wanted to answer get lost among spam and junk mail. Maybe one day I'll have the courage to clear out my inbox... but not today, lol. Onwards, to the prompt!
Hob is definitely a nuclear disaster when it comes to relationships. He follows his heart, and as sweet as that it, he does tend to ignore the red flags. Dream wants to tear his hair out, honestly. Hob deserves the nicest things in the world, but his taste in partners is so atrocious! Dream needs to intervene - he refuses to watch yet another car-crash. He needs to marry Hob and get him off the dating market permanently.
It turns out to be shockingly easy. Hob is a little tipsy when he first realises that Dream is flirting with him, but by the time they get back to Hob’s flat at 1am he's stone cold sober and ripping Dream’s clothes off. He seems to find it hard to believe Dream’s reassurances that they can take it slow, it won't be just a one night thing, Dream wants to take care of him... Hob has heard all those things before, from people who let him down. He is so desperate for a tiny bit of love from Dream, and he's fully willing to risk his poor fragile heart. Poor thing - Dream wants to wrap him up in blankets and protect him from the world. Instead he settles for giving Hob an incredible series of orgasms via 2 hours of fingering and foreplay before finally fucking him until he cries. Hob hasn't had such good sex... maybe ever? It's the pleasure he's been chasing for many slutty, slutty years.
Hob is surprised to find Dream in the morning, cuddling him and reassuring him that it wasn't just a fling. Hob even cries a little, admitting that he thought he was going to lose his best friend, that he loves Dream so fucking much. Dream showers him in kisses and promises that he will ALWAYS be Hob’s best friend. Just. Maybe also his boyfriend? And husband, as soon as they can organise a wedding?
Everyone who knows Hob is thrilled to see him absolutely light up and glow, once he settles into a relationship with Dream. He still gets to be a slut, because Dream wants him 24/7. He still gets to be Dream’s best friend, too. And he often says that his relationships were so shitty before because they just weren't meant to be - Hob’s soulmate was there the whole time, watching and waiting. And now they're together, he knows what it really is to be loved. No one will EVER treat him badly again <3
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puppiesandnightlock · 11 months
Link Nightwing and Flamebird
Aggggggghhhhhh this is the prompt i was so excited for!!! its my favorite one out of all of them!!
Summary: Its a masquerade ball and Jon is ready...if only he could find who he was supposed to be matching with.
i.e. damian and jon went matching to the gala but damian failed to mention who they were going as and they dance and its really cute.
so, just a disclaimer, even tho i did do my reseach on the flamebird and nightwing thing and obviously ive read a shit ton of fics thta deal with this, im shortening it incredibly and switching up some things bc i have to fit it in the context its used for in this story   anyways this is the prompt i was most excited for bc yassss masqurade ball and i almost made it a royalty one but at the last minute did this lol
If anyone would have asked Jon, he would tell them that everything that happened that night was completely Damian’s doing. 
It started off simple enough, when the Kents had gotten an invite to the annual Wayne gala. He hadn't thought much of it, they were invited every year, his parents called to cover the event by the Planet. 
Jon had completely forgotten about it until a week before, when his brother waltzed in one night and asked him what he was going to be for the masquerade ball.
“W-What?” He’d sputtered.
“Yeah, you know the ball Tim’s family puts on? We’re going as demons and angels.” Kon had said, laying in the air with his hands behind his head in a resting position.
“They didn’t tell me that!” Jon whipped out his phone and began spamming Damian with questions until his phone started ringing.
“ Honestly, corncob, must you do this now?”
The familiar annoyed tone drawled through the phone speaker.
“Uh, yeah! What the actual heck am I supposed to go as?”
The two boys could hear the eye roll through the phone, followed by the usual “tt '' of disappointment. 
“ Calm yourself Jonathan, if it worries you so much, you can simply go matching with me. I’ll send something over in your measurements tomorrow, assuming they’re still the same from a few months ago .”
“Fine. What are we going to be?”
“ I think I'll let that be a surprise. I’ll see you next week, Jon.”
The phone clicked, signaling the end of the call. 
“You see, your boyfriend has your back.” 
Kon ruffled his hair, ignoring the angry screeches of “ He’s not my boyfriend, Connor!! You know what he is? He's a flaming piece of sherbet!”
“Still can’t swear.” He chuckled, zooming out the window. 
The fact that Damian wouldn't tell him didnt stop the flow of guesses coming from the farmboy.
He pulled the worst guesses after a while, disappointed when even the best ones had been vetoed. The sun and moon one had come close, Damian had nearly smiled when he said it so that was close at least.
When the night of the gala came, he stepped into his room only to be greeted by an intricate box tied with a ribbon on his bed.
Opening it, he found a black suit, flames running up to his elbow from the cuffs, the suit otherwise black but illuminated by the colors of the sleeves. 
The mask was built up with intricate patterns of gold, and when he put it on, it gave the picture of wearing fire itself. 
Gasping, he stumbled a little, pulling it off before placing it delicately back in the box. As he took the suit out to put on after a shower, he noticed a paper floating out from under it. He snatched it midair and noticed Damian’s elegant script.
“ You have your half, now you will have to come find me. No powers, by the way.”
Of course he couldn't just tell me what we were doing. This is fire, right? What's the opposite of fire?
He dressed, finding in pleasant surprise that the coattails of the jacket had the same flames his cuffs did, cut in an odd jagged pattern. As he spun in the mirror, they flared out, almost resembling…dragon wings?
He picked up the mask again, noticing the way it curved down on his face, resembling a snout.
An idea began to form, it was if he had all the pieces of a puzzle but couldn't yet fit them together.
His parents had insisted on pictures, marveling at the suit and mask. 
“Damian must have designed this himself. It has his mark of dramatics.” Lois traced the fire on the sleeve.
“What is he going as?” Clark asked as they got into the car that had gone to pick them up.
“He hasn't told me. I’m supposed to guess.” Jon rolled his eyes, the concept stupid to him.
Per usual, they were swarmed like celebrities themselves exiting the car, Lois and Clark mixing into the crowd as Jon stood alone at the top of the ballroom's large staircase, scanning the room of masks.
He caught Kon and Tim in the corner, both dressed in matching suits of deep red and soft white. 
Dick had a redhead on his arm, as usual(choose your ship), matching sun and moon. Jason was hidden away by the refreshments, Duke following behind him. Steph and Cass were out on the dance floor, with coordinated dresses like the queens they were. 
Tired, he gravitated towards the refreshments and fought the urge to run a hand through his slicked curls.
As he looked up, his gaze landed on a man there, sipping from a glass of champagne with an amused smirk on his face. 
His suit was a deep navy, almost black, with a thick light blue stripe making up the design. The coattails were a familiar dragon wing shape. It suddenly clicked in his mind who they were supposed to be, and without a second thought, he strode over and offered the shorter man his hand. 
“Care to dance?”
Damian’s green eyes twinkled at him as he set down his flute to take his hand. 
“Took you long enough.”
They swept out onto the dance floor, brushing by Steph and Cass, who winked at them and shot  thumbs up to Damian behind Jon’s back.
He huffed and turned back to Jon, the flaming colors of his mask making his eyes stand out like icy blue pools.
The song played on, and Jon leaned in to whisper. 
“Nightwing and Flamebird, huh?”
“Mhm. You were rather close with your sun and moon theory, and the fire and ice as well.”
They spun, transitioning into formal waltz.
“Never thought you’d go with an old kryptonian legend. They were partners, the best of the best. Soulmates. Flamebird kept Nightwing from falling too far into the dark, and nightwing vowed to be by his side forever.”
Jon nearly tripped over his own shoes. “What?”
“They were lovers, if I'm not mistaken.”
“Y-yeah, that too.” He grinned suddenly. “Dami, are you a romantic ?”
“No! The very thought is appalling, I would never stoop to such a level of meaningless gibberish.” 
Being the little shit he was, Jon listened to the skip in his c̶r̶u̶s̶h̶  best friend’s heart as he dipped him slightly, bringing his face closer. 
“I think you are.”
“So that’s the way you wanna play it, Kent?”
 Damian hitched a leg over his waist, doing a specific movement to the beat of the music and smirking at his blush. 
“Because you’re sure to lose.”
“We’ll see about that, bat boy.”
The world around them became blurry, the only thing in the room being the two of them and the rhythm of the music. 
One moved, and the other tried to top it. They wove it all together in a beautiful dance, daring each other with the way they moved, the sly grins and glints in their eyes the only words they needed.
The goal was to make each other as flustered as possible, and every gasp, blush, and breathy laugh was a prize. As the music began to slow, they spun out, back in, and into a low dip, panting heavily.
A flush of exhaustion brushed their cheeks, sweat beaded on their foreheads. For a moment, their surroundings had frozen, and there was just them. All the unspoken emotions, the words missed for years had somehow been spilled out in simple dance, and they were shook, the only thing snapping them out of it was the applause that sounded once they’d stopped dancing. 
Quickly they stumbled apart, smoothing their suits and giving a nervous bow as the gala goers clapped, having watched the whole exchange. 
Grabbing Damian’s hand, he led them through the crowd that had gathered to watch them, ending up in the hallway of the manor. 
Green eyes twinkled at him as he began trying to speak, stuttering out a long drawn confession speech he’d made somewhere around five years ago.
“For the love of- Get over here, Corncob.”
Damian tugged his shirt collar, reaching up on his toes to press his lips against the others.
The flush returned, more prominent than before. 
“I-ah…the feeling is mutual, then?” Jon squeaked, mentally slapping himself for such a stupid response. 
“Quite.” A pink color was dusting the caramel complexion of the shorter boy as well.
Grinning, he bent to place a kiss on the smaller boy’s cheek, taking his hand. “What do you say we get out of here, then?”
“I’d say yes.” 
for @super-sons-week-2023
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darksidescorner · 10 months
Help why am I imagining Alleycat from Persona 5 playing as Miguel thinks about Gabi. It's SO deliciously sad
(I didn't know I'd be writing a blurb today. Not proofread, I'm sorry. Lemme tag it real quick: Angst, no comfort, no happy ending, Gabrielle)
I think about that song often anyways. It's so somber and sad in all the right ways. It gives me such powerful ideas for art. Ones that I swear I can see the composition of, and I can't see anything in my head. I don't think in pictures, yet this is a song I can see up there.
I'm imagining Miguel sat in his home, the lights are dim as it pours rain into the night. I'm imagining him holding up a holographic picture frame, and just sinking into the couch. I'm imagining how cold the colors are, and how even Gabi is a cold orange.
I'm imagining Miguel's face as he remembers everything. It's not guilt anymore, it's paralyzing grief. I'm imagining the sad smile he wears as he thinks of her before hugging the frame and letting the tears flow. I'm imagining how he hates himself for crying, because it doesn't help. It won't bring her back. It doesn't make him feel better. Its not an efficient use of his time. And yet, he can't help but cry. It's all he can do.
He can't bring her back. Maybe if he were just a little faster, he could have gotten Gabi through the portal. If he were a little quicker, maybe he could have gotten that daypass on her. If he were just a little smarter, he could have foreseen this coming. If he were a little stronger, he could have stopped the void from closing in on her.
If he were a little more, maybe this wouldn't have happened.
They say glitching is painful. Incredibly painful. It throws you off balance, knocks the air out of your chest, and breaks your cells down. Spiders and anomalies alike say it's the most painful thing they've ever experienced. That they'd rather die than do it again. It leaves you with a lasting headache and nausea. It leaves you woozy.
Miguel has never had the displeasure of experiencing that. But you know who did? Gabrielle.
His guilt makes him nauseous. His little girl, experiencing the most painful thing in the multiverse, and dying from it. It should have been him. He's dead no matter what. His spirit died with Gabrielle. It's floating through the void, the crushing weight of all that has happened to him. Of all that he caused. It twists him and rips him apart like he's a piece of paper.
And yet he carries on. Not because of any determination or willingness to, but because he's in limbo. Time will move forward no matter what, but he is stuck. He's frozen in time, on the day his baby died. So when he wakes up the next morning, and Gabrielle is nowhere to be seen, he's struck with the reality that it isn't a bad dream. His grief is him.
And so, life moves on, but he does not.
Man this went from me trying to describe the visual I see in regards to Miguel from that song, to a blurb of guilt and sadness. GoddAYUM was it fun to write.
To anyone reading: play Persona 5 Royal if you have access to it. It is such a good story. That shit changed my life. Literally message me to talk about it. Spam my inbox about it. Ask me about how to get the 3rd Semester. I'll answer literally any question about it so that you don't Google it and get spoiled. I would rather get spammed questions about a character than have someone get spoiled something important.
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gachaparadise · 3 months
i thought ZZZ was launching tomorrow night so. i absolutely did not put aside enough time to play it tonight orz... i started but i haven't gotten nearly far enough to actually review anything. despite that i persist. heres my thoughts for the first 3ish hours lol.
i find the combat. interesting. i think it has the potential to be really fun but i haven't really gotten to sink my teeth into it yet. not only because of time constraints but. the button layout is fucking with my muscle memory from like three different games and i cannot get it right to save my life. attack being x instead of b and dodge being y instead of rb is actually killing me. at least the ultimate button is where it should be so i'm not spamming it randomly.
i've done like. 3 cut scenes so i cannot speak to the overarching story much. i like the comedic vibe so far though. the opening scene with the reporter was pretty funny. i appreciate how they aren't just dumping world building on my head, just sorta letting me marinate in the world first.
environments looked really detailed and lovely but... i need to explore a little more. i need to know if we're getting little fun details like hsr. are there garbage cans for me to interact with. please. my inner trailblazer calls to me.
characters. again. just started. but i do like the sly hares or whatever they're called! billy is a silly goose, the girl is really funny as well. Nicole is cool. i like a stingy bitch lol. i'm really loving the mcs so far. i like their dynamic and their designs are really cute. i almost picked the female mc because i was worried about dialogue differences on the little date sections but... if i pick the guy and we don't get gender differences in the dialogue i can get some really yaoiful stuff and i can't risk missing out on that. plus hes cute. i REALLY love his eyes. the slightly lifted lower lid is a very unique and cute feature.
i think overall its interesting. the vibe is really cool and different from hoyos other games. but to be honest im not sure its for me? the modern techno fantasy thing IS cool, but it's not my favourite aesthetic. i think the arts good, but a little... plain? it doesn't really strike me as much as hoyos other products. that said it may be that they just look way better in motion. in cutscenes and stuff the charters look awesome but when they're standing still they seem a little dull. could be that i'm just used to the maximalist nature of their other games so a more restrained character reads as boring to me now...
there aren't really any designs that make me go ooohh yeah that right there is my WIFE!! and i'm not going to pretend that isn't my primary motivation for gacha games. so. we'll see how future characters turn out. everything just a bit more... cartoony i guess is the word? i dunno. nobody is really Hot with a capital H.
i'm getting off track since it's time for bed uh. one last thing. i feel very strongly i need to stop or minimize my time with others games especially in this launch period. i CAN technically keep playing everything i've got my hands on if i optimize the shit out of what i'm doing but. then i will be having absolutely no fun whatsoever and i need to avoid letting myself do that so. the current plan is
1) drop wuwa entirely for daily logins. i'm not sure i'm ready to quit quit but i don't really get much out of logging in right now so. i'll just stop and see if i miss it.
2) i'm gonna take a break from spending resin in genshin. i'm not even spending it on anything important lately and the battlepass is done so. i'm just going to stop doing it for a while. we're in the pre natlan slump so it's a good time to rest my genshin muscles.
3) as for hsr well. it's quick and we have auto lol. i'll just send my chars to grind for books since i'm literally out and it'll do both my resin and my dailies in one. truly do love this game
i know that SOUNDS a lot like optimizing and taking the fun out of everything but i swear its' not. optimizing would be finding a way to still be doing the dailies and resins for all 3 of those things plus whatever they have going on in pso. which is what i have been doing up til now. no more you hear me!! i may be the worlds biggest gacha apologist but even i can say you know what i've been indulging way to much lately i gotta cut back.
anyway. rant over, i'm going to bed. will continue my review tomorrow ^w^)/
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dream-of-kpop · 5 years
SKZ But They Have Drama on Instagram
Note: All misspellings are done on purpose
insta @'s if you get confused:
yungblood: Jisung
spear_b10: Changbin
xjx_inx: Jeongin
Read left to right & Zoom in if you need to see better!
[November 4th, 2019]
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[Hyunjin thought Minho was joking, but after he gave him the cold shoulder at lunch, he knew he was being serious]
[The next day]
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[2 weeks later]
[Minho unfollows Hyunjin because he's that petty]
[Either way, the guys just go about their business on Insta]
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[At lunch]
Chan: "Hyunjin, why don't you and Min-"
Hyunjin: *picks up chopsticks* "Chan stay out of my business."
Chan: "I miss Minho tho...It's bad enough Woojin le-"
Hyunjin: *voice crack* "iT's nOt mY fauLt miNho gOt upSet oUt oF noWhere."
Changbin: "He's mad cuz you accused him of reporting your post that's why."
Hyunjin: "Who else would report my post then??"
*all the guys shrug*
Hyunjin: "Exactly."
Jeongin: *looks at the time* "Guys I gotta go or imma be late for class again." *leaves*
Everyone: "Byeeeeee."
Chan: "Aren't you gonna be late for your class Jisung?"
Jisung: "Nah, the teacher doesn't care."
Chan: "Well, back to what I was saying-"
Hyunjin: "Bang Chan *places his hand on Chan's* me and Minho aren't friends anymore. We unfollowed each other."
Seungmin: "You're just throwing away 4 years of pure friendship over this petty drama?"
Hyunjin: "Sure."
*the lunch bell rings*
Hyunjin: "I gotta go-"
Felix: "Yeah, I'm off to fail my precalc test...maybe Seonghwa will let me copy off of him again."
Chan: "All right, bye guys..."
Chan: *thinks at the table* "It's none of my business but...I can't sit and do nothing..."
Jisung: "Hey are you gonna eat your chicken nuggets?"
[Later that night]
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[The next day]
Hyunjin: *sits down at the table upset* "Chan I told you to stay out of it."
Chan: "Hey he's my friend too-"
*they stop talking as they see Minho standing there with his tray of food*
Felix: "YOOOoooo lEe miNho waSSup."
Minho: "..."
Minho: "Hyunjin I saw what you said on Insta last night."
Hyunjin: "My post or my live?"
Minho: "Does it really matter?"
Hyunjin: "Yea."
Minho: "Your post..."
Hyunjin: "Ew, I bet you stalk my page."
Minho: "...You were talking shit about me so...let's go."
Hyunjin: "Really? You wanna fight?"
*Felix and Seungmin laugh together quietly*
Hyunjin: *stands up* "Come on." *pushes Minho*
*Minho sets his tray down, takes off his jacket and they start fighting*
*a crowd forms around them as they chant "WORLDSTARRRRRR"*
[Hyunjin and Minho both get suspended for 10 days]
[Since someone recorded the video, it blew up on Insta] *the school didn't know someone recorded it*
[Minho & Hyunjin's pages got tons of followers too]
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[After a few days, Minho & Hyunjin finally log back onto Instagram]
[Then winter vacation starts]
[Despite the drama, Minho, Seungmin, Jeongin, Felix, and Woojin still go on a trip to NYC]
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[They returned back to school in January but the drama didn't end]
*everyone sits at the lunch table without Hyunjin and Minho*
Jisung: "Guys I got this candy Xanax, y'all wanna try it?"
Felix: "I swear ever since Hyunjin and Minho's pages got followers they have the weirdest IG lives..."
Changbin: *slurps noodle* "Cuz they're desperate for clout."
Seungmin: *turns phone off* "I'm tired of this Instagram shit. Hyunjin is still mad over that NYC post like wtf..."
Chan: "I'm staying out of this, people are already dragging me in comments and threatening my fam..."
Jisung: "Ok wait I have an idea-"
Seungmin: "No one wants to buy your candy Xanax Ji."
Jisung: "NO NOT THAT, like, what if we spam Hyunjin and Minho with old pictures? Us being friends in since freshman year..."
Jeongin: "Hahahahah their initials are H&M."
Everyone: "..."
Jeongin: *looks at plate* "Sorry, continue."
Felix: "Yo that's a good idea, nostalgia will bring them together."
Changbin: "Lit, I'll text Woojin the plan."
Chan: "I thought that Xanax would've destroyed your braincells, but that's a good idea."
Jisung: "Um thanks."
Jeongin: "I won't be able to post tonight tho. I gotta work."
Seungmin: "Well then, everyone else will post."
Chan: *chuckles* "I'm gonna get dragged again. Watch."
[That same night the group spams Insta with old pictures of them as friends]
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[Incase if you can't see too well, the posts are all January 7th]
[The guys sit at the table the next day]
Chan: "Damn they still aren't here?"
Felix: "Nope."
*both Minho and Hyunjin walk up to the table at the same time*
*they stare at eachother*
Minho: *mumbles while looking down at the ground* "I'm sorry for being such a bitch."
Hyunjin: "It's ok. I'm sorry I accused you of reporting my pic on Instagram."
Minho: "So are we still cool?"
Hyunjin: *starts to cry* "yEs."
Minho: *tears up* "I gotta text Woojin later and tell him we're chill."
Changbin: "Wow, Jisung your plan actually worked."
Jisung: "I always tell y'all I'm smart."
Seungmin: "Yet you posted me half naked on Instagram..."
Minho: *sits down with Hyunjin* "I was certainly laughing."
Seungmin: "..."
Hyunjin: "Did y'all see our fight video? It has like over 100k views now..."
Jeongin: "Oh yeah I showed it to my mom. She laughed."
Chan: "Haha, my dad said Minho won."
Hyunjin: "Pfft did you see my punch? My dad taught me that."
Minho: "That punch was nothing, what do you mean?"
*the guys look at each other concerningly*
Hyunjin: "I was dragging you on the floor bro. Look at the vid." *pulls out phone*
Minho: "I don't need to see the vid I was there headass."
Changbin: *whispers to the rest of the group* "They're gonna argue about it on Insta tonight. Bet."
[Later that night]
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even tho idk how imessages work...i tried my best dammit ._.
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Moonshine - A Beetlejuice Fanfiction 09
Warning: swearing (as always), BJ being horny, fire hazard.
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The next day was monday, and every monday night since the girls moved together years ago was movienight. They prepared dinner together, bought a shitton of snacks, sat down on the floor in the living room and watched at least 2 movies. Most of the time they fell asleep during the third one.
So they were all in their kitchen, which had pretty peach-colored walls, a big window framed by curtains with various embroidered wildflowers on them, and olive green / beige french country-style kitchen furniture. Rei was making guacamole - which Sirius made quite a hard activity with all the jumping and whining for a piece of chips or basically anything delicious - while Sofía was talking about her business dinner from last night and Ari was sitting on the countertop, in the middle of the kitchen, eating Nutella out of a jar with a skull-shaped spoon. Minerva was laying beside her on her back, playing with a piece of breadcrust, getting occasional earscratchies.
- So I was like "No go amigo, I couldn't possibly share an exhibition with them" and my manager was like "why?" and I was like "because I'd have to be talkative and cute with them and man I couldn't" and he was like "but they are respected artists in the community" and I was like "yeah but they can't even use photoshop MICHAEL how could I work with people who are sooo past century"? - said Sofía, flipped her hair and took a sip out of her lemonade. - So yeah, he arranged the whole thing and now my coworkers for the next couple exhibitions will be not so known, but rising photographers instead of old people, isn't that awesome? - all of a sudden Minerva lifted her head up, pricked her ears and started to hiss in the entrance's direction.
Beetlejuice just arrived after his hunt for bugs in the winter garden. He was leaning against the entrance archway, and shaked his head in disappointment.
- I can't believe that you still hate me this much, you waste of fur. - the cat hissed harder. - What?!? Two can play this game, if you're not nice, I won't be either! - he pointed at Sirius, who let out one bark, then continued harassing Rei. - Look, even the dog got kinda used to me!
- I wonder what her problem is. - said Sofía while Ari pulled the kitty into her embrace.
- That's the point where you should tell them that "yeah she sees my demon buddy, yeah, we have a spectre, and I can hear him!" - said Beetlejuice in a girlish voice while he stepped closer to Ari. The girl stroked the slightly hissing Minerva, who was now laying on her lap. Ari licked her Nutella-covered spoon clean. Beetlejuice stopped in his movement and his jaw slightly dropped. He started to drool a bit. - Hooooly shit babes, it seems like you know how to turn my software into a hardware!
Ari blushed a bit and tried really hard not to giggle so she started to talk.
- ANYWAY... - that was way louder than she intended, so she cleared her throat - ...what did you do last night, Rei? - knowing exactly what happened to her poor sister (since after she got better, Beetlejuice told her everything), she was just curious if she would talk about the posession of her computer. Rei's ginger hair flew over her face as she turned to Ari and put the guacamole down to the countertop.
- Well you could say I was practicing poetry, since Robert Lewis Stevenson insisted that wine is bottled poetry, but to be honest after streaming I was just drinking and wondering what I wanted to be when I grew up... I'm sure it wasn't an anxiety ridden bitch disgusted by people with a wine problem, serving exactly those whom I disgusted by, but... - she put her hands up in the air - ...here I am! - she giggled as she turned to the fridge.
- So I suppose your "fans" were mean again? - asked Sof. Rei took some cheese out of the fridge, and scoffed while giving a piece to the very excited Sirius.
- Not mean, fuckin nasty. - she shut the fridge and rubbed the bridge of her nose under her glasses. - I mean, some of them spammed my IG DMs with requests of "please send me the bra you wore during today's stream, I saw the strap and I'm hooked", like... Ugh.
- Can't judge a man for wanting some lingerie from a pretty girl, that's my opinion. - said Beetlejuice while he hopped on the counter next to Rei.
- Jesus fuck people are weird... - commented Ari as she got off of the middle countertop. Minerva ran away to upstairs.
- Oh so that's the socially acceptable opinion now? Okay wait... - Beetlejuice cleared his throat and continued in a sarcastic manner, heavily gesturing while doing so. - OH YES PEOPLE ARE AWFUL UGH DISGUSTING EW HOW COULD SOMEONE ASK ANYTHING LIKE THAT EWEWEW. - his voice went back to normal as he looked at Ari, who just hugged Rei. - Was it good and totally believable? - Ari smiled and gave him a thumbs up behind her sister's back. - God I'm good! On the other hand, did I tell you that when I walked into Rei's room yesterday, I almost tripped on a bra? You could say... - he floated next to Ari's ear. The girl could feel his icy breath on her earlobe. - ...it was a booby trap. - Ari shut her eyes and bit her lower lip while smiling widely. - SERIOUSLY HOW ARE YOU NOT LAUGHING YOUR PRETTY ROUND ASS OFF, THAT WAS PHENOMENAL!!! - Ari let Rei go and went to one of the cupboards. Rei poured herself a glass of red wine.
- I don't even know why I'm getting upset by these kinds of shits anymore. I've been doing this job for years, I should be used to creeps. - she shrugged. - Eh, whatever, it felt nice to vent.
- And we're here to listen every time! - shouted Ari, head inside one of the lower cupboards, fistbumping the air. After some rummaging, she lifted her head out. - Hey guys, where did we put the ultimate bathbomb?
- What? - asked Sofía with a tilted head.
- The toaster. Obviously. - BJ slapped his knees as he started laughing.
- Gee, doll, that was good! Your humor is getting worse and worse under my influence and I'm living for it! - he scratched his head. - Wait, is that appropriate for me to say? Or should I say I'm dying for it? Since I'm dead? - he shrugged his shoulders. - I dunno both sound good.
After Sof got the machine out of one of the highest cupboards, Ari started making grilled cheese sandwiches. Beetlejuice floated right next to her and flashed a pretty evil, toothy grin. He wriggled his fingers while looking up at the ceiling lamp, which started to flicker. The girls quickly looked at each other but didn't say a thing. BJ giggled. Ari stuck the toaster's plug into the power outlet, which instantly made it sparkle. One of the sparkles fell on Ari's hand. She quickly got it away with a quiet "ouch", and looked at where Beetlejuice's very uproarious laugh came from. The angry face she made almost made the demon tear up.
- What? You thought I'd never mess with ya, doll? After seeing this face, I'll do it even more often, you angry little toddler you... - and with that, the lights flickered again.
- Am I hallucinating or did ya see that too? - asked Sofi, pointing at the lamp.
- Maybe it's just bad wiring... - said Rei, with a rather nervous chuckle. She didn't sound believable at all. - It's nothing to worry about...
- Oh so you think I'm nothing to worry about?! - said Beetlejuice with annoyement in his voice. - You underestimate me, little one. - he pointed at the chandelier in the living room and the lamp in the kitchen. They both started to shine and flicker in the same rhythm. The girls looked at each other.
- I'm pretty sure that's not bad wiring... I think... - one of the light bulbs in the living room shattered, stopping Ari for a moment. They all ducked as the light bulb in the kitchen exploded. - I THINK THIS HOUSE REALLY IS HAUNTED!!!
- THANK YOU! FINALLY! - shouted Beetlejuice, his eyes and his neon green hair glowing. - I'M FINALLY GETTING THE RECOGNITION I DESERVE!
- IT'S NOT, GHOSTS ARE NOT REAL! - shouted Rei, while trying to help Ari get hold of the angrily barking Sirius.
- It's scientifically proven that they are... - commented Sof.
- Shut up, I'm not superstitious like you two! I mean sure, weird things are happening in the house, like my PC acting strange, or the hairdryer sucking Sofi's hair in, but I'm sure there's a logical explanation!
Beetlejuice grinned like a maniac.
- Oh baby you really want logical explanation? You think there's any logic to ME? Then watch... This! - the demon cracked his fingers and chuckled as he looked at the plugged in toaster. Ari looked at the voice's direction and gasped when she saw what Beetlejuice was doing. The toaster's heating wires were glowing red hot, and an awful stench came from the machine. The smell of burning plastic.
- Who doesn't like a bit of electrical fire? - said Beetlejuice, laughing, looking at the infurious Sof. Ari quickly jumped up and started to go through the drawers quickly. Sof was quicker, she handed her the oven mittens, which Ari put her hands into and lifted the now flaming toaster.
- Okay... Now what? - Rei jumped up in panic too.
- What what?!?
- Where do I put it?!
- I'M NOT A VERY BRIGHT WOMAN, OKAY?!?!?!? - Rei opened up the window and pulled the curtains back.
- THROW IT OUT!!! - Ari quickly threw the machine out of the window, into the birdbath that was under it. The flames started to fade and the girls let out a huge, relieved breath.
- Welp... I may sound like a hypocrite but... After this I think we're haunted. - Sofía and Ari both looked at Rei.
- You said, literally a minute ago, and I quote, that you are not superstitious like us two. - Rei threw her hands up in the air.
- I'm not superstitious! But I'm a... Umm a little bit stitious.
- Do you seriously think this is a right time for Office quotes? - asked Sof, with folded hands and an eyeroll.
- Hey this is how I cope! Toasters don't start spitting flames normally, man! That shit scared the living Hell out of me!
Ari bit her lower lip. A faint idea crossed her mind.
- Ummm... I think we should ask our presence what do they want. - the girls and Beetlejuice both looked at Ari with lifted eyebrows. - Sof, don't you have an Ouija board? We could ask them stuff and maybe help them out. So they won't cause trouble like this again. - Beetlejuice covered his smiling mouth with his hands.
- OHMYGOD BABES THAT'S A GREAT IDEA! I never tried playing with those things but...
- Okay let's do it. - stated Rei decidedly. - Sofía! Get your Ouija board. We're adjourning movienight. Let's ask this bitch what the everliving fuck is their problem!
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joiedecombat · 3 years
100 Days of Writing: the List
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Since it seems there is some interest, why not? List of works (nominally) in progress, old unfinished fics, and Stuff I Want To Write below the cut. Feel free to ask about any of these.
Works (nominally) In Progress
"Reason or Rhyme" (Time Princess - Gotham Memoirs). The Vittorio expansion/fix-fic, because I will be forever disgruntled at how little romance content was actually included in the Mafia romance route.
Galactic Date Night Shenanigans aka "The one where everything is Balkar's fault." (SWTOR - Theron Shan/Jedi Knight). Theron "disaster spy" Shan is goaded into trying to take his wife out for a nice date for once, and it goes like every other plan these two have ever had anything to do with.
#3: [I] trusted [you] (SWTOR - Theron Shan / Jedi Knight). A post-Nathema prompt fic I swear I will finish one of these days.
super secret short story/novella project - Okay it's not that super secret, but it is something I'm mostly keeping under my hat for now as I work on it because of reasons, and is actually (inconveniently, for 100 Days of Writing purposes) the main thing I've been working on lately. I expect to be able to say more about it later. Maybe even within the 100 days! We'll see.
southern gothic urban fantasy procedural romance - Faerie Animal Control Warden meets FBI Elf during investigation of a suspicious death out in the kudzu. A little bit of Bright, a bit Mushi-Shi, a drop of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.
Stuff I Want to Write
Distinct from works in progress in that I have not actually gotten past the planning stage on any of these - if that. A few of these have been rattling around in concept for long enough to have gone through several distinct evolutions without ever getting any writing done on them. Still, hope springs eternal and ideas are never wasted.
the rival bands AU / the rock opera playlist fic (Sailor Moon - Makoto Kino/Nephrite). Currently exists entirely as an incomplete playlist.
space opera Pride and Prejudice retelling - exactly what it sounds like on the tin. Do y'all know I have yet to encounter a futuristic/space AU? Surely there's one out there somewhere, but I have yet to see it. If you know of one, for the love of God don't tell me.
"Ten of Swords" - (Archer EMIYA/Minako Arisato). fate/stay night + Persona 3 Portable crossover what's even wrong with my brain.
the Regency fae story - a Regency-era fantasy in which a lot of the needlessly complicated and restrictive social rules followed by the upper classes are actually an attempt at defending against the Fair Folk. Sort of Pride and Prejudice vs Changeling: the Lost vs Labyrinth. Could turn into a whole Pride and Prejudice retelling, I guess?
drinking games - fantasy imperial court intrigues involving a romance between a court poison taster and a master spy/assassin.
untitled - East/southeast Asian-inspired Beauty and the Beast retelling in which the Beast is a mountain god whose appearance is based on a tiger. I'm probably too white to write this.
untitled - Private investigator hired to investigate local bad-boy-made-good for insurance fraud, turns out it was actually an ill-advised teenage deal with the devil coming due. Might fit in with that other southern gothic urban fantasy idea, I am not sure.
the ciphered letter - This one started off as a combination of a Mage: the Awakening campaign and a really, really weird spam email I got one time. Orphan gets mysterious ciphered letter, meets snarky Welsh mage, awakens to magic and maybe almost gets made a human sacrifice to an eldritch abomination.
Forfeit - Regency/Victorian-esque fantasy involving reincarnation, a race of immortals, and a half-immortal teaming up with a mortal who sacrificed his future reincarnations for pseudo-immortality to uncover and stop the sinister secrets that power a colonizing empire. It makes more sense in my head... probably?
untitled - Slow burn enemies to lovers between the world-conquering emperor and the rebel leader who's opposing him, over the course of a time loop. AKA Lord of Heroes Kartis/Monarch with the serials filed off. Or I guess I could just write Lord of Heroes fanfic?
low fantasy Magnificent Seven Samurai - Farming village scrapes together a group of starving mercs to protect them from marauders, drama ensues. That's it, that's the whole idea.
Unfinished Fics
Distinct from works in progress in that these are all old enough I can no longer claim I intend to finish them. Some of them I may come back to, especially the few that had substantial progress made before they fell by the wayside. Most will probably be left abandoned, either because I have lost interest in continuing to work on them or I have just plain forgotten what I was planning to do with them.
dreameater - A very old, loosely Forgotten Realms-inspired concept involving an aging half-elf, his fully elven partner, and a mysterious magical threat that's devouring people's dreams.
"Fortune Favors the Brave" (Baccano! - Luck Gandor/Eve Genoard). The Luck/Eve shipping fic.
"Intermezzo" (Blood+ City of Nightwalkers). Follow-up fic to an obscure manga prequel/side story for the vampire anime Blood+, involving Hagi and the Hong Kong cop who semi-adopted him that one time.
"The Art of Losing Everything" (Dragon Age: Origins - Alistair Theirin/f!Cousland). An Alistair/f!Warden fic with themes of loss, duty, and sacrifice.
"In Pieces" (Dragon Age II - Fenris/f!Hawke). A terrible horrible no good very bad AU where Hawke actually turned Fenris over to Danarius and then came back to try to fix her mistake, which I can never finish because I can't make that initial decision make internal sense no matter how hard I try.
"Pas de Deux" (Final Fantasy VIII - Squall Leonhart/Rinoa Heartilly). Exploration of how Squall and Rinoa's relationship could develop after the events of the game.
"With Good Intentions" (Final Fantasy VIII - Squall Leonhart/Rinoa Heartilly). An AU in which Rinoa discovers that technically you can change the past, it's just that if Squall has an actual decent childhood the world ends. Way too ambitious for me to ever actually finish, probably, but I can't quite give up on the idea.
"I've Loved These Days" (Gundam SEED - Mu la Flaga/Murrue Ramius). One of several partly-written Gundam SEED fics kicking around in my files.
"The Last Night of the World" (Gundam SEED - Mu la Flaga/Murrue Ramius). Another Gundam SEED fic, one that began as a prompt in ye olde LiveJournal days. "I've Loved These Days" might have been a prototype, though they don't appear to have any text in common. Could in theory still get finished, maybe.
Valentine's ghosts (Gundam SEED Destiny - Andrew Waltfeld/Murrue Ramius). I'm just saying, Andy/Murrue would have been so much more interesting than the whole Neo thing in Destiny.
"Lion Passant" (Kingdom Hearts). Something something Leon as a failed Keyblade Bearer. The Kingdom Hearts franchise has rewritten its own lore at least three times since I originally had the idea, I can't imagine I'll ever continue it now.
"Vigil" (KotOR - Carth Onasi/f!Revan). Carth/Revan retrospective somewhere around the tomb of Naga Sadow on Korriban.
"Semper Fidelis" (KotOR/KotOR II - Carth Onasi/f!Revan). Post-Sith Lords Carth/Revan resolution fic.
"Clarity" (KotOR II). Atton Rand backstory study from the POV of that one nameless Jedi.
"A Simple Game of Cards" (KotOR II - Atton Rand/Jedi Exile). Spoilers: it is never a simple game of cards. Turns out someone already did it with more or less the same twist I had in mind.
the besieged base fic (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). A fic rendition of the "Besieged Base" mission from the first Mass Effect.
"Get Up, Jonah" (Mass Effect). I woke up thinking about Turkish drummers. Didn't take long; I don't know much about Turkish drummers. Virmire, before the other shoe drops.
"Long Night" (Mass Effect). Ashley on Virmire.
"My Heart Dances" (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). Liara POV of Shepard/Kaidan.
"No Way Out" (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). Heading up the Citadel during the ME1 endgame.
"Right Here, Right Now" (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). An ME1 epilogue / pre-ME2 sort of fic.
"While the Night is Still Young" (Mass Effect - f!Shepard/Kaidan Alenko). Shepard/Kaidan en route to Ilos.
Apparently I had approximately a million little Mass Effect shortfic ideas I never finished and in some cases never started. Apparently they're all for the first game. (I think there was a Thane idea or two for ME2 that I just never started on at all. RIP.)
"To Absent Friends" (Tiger and Bunny). Sad, sad futurefic of an elderly Pao-Lin reflecting on the deaths of all the other heroes over the years.
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