#last one at work today hahahahaa sob
jerseyartblog · 7 years
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Eye see you ⊙ω⊙
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stuckinthekookiejar · 8 years
Smile with Me
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Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Summary: You were having a bad day, but you didn’t want Jungkook to worry. However, Jungkook did worry and he wanted nothing more but for you to smile again.
Word Count: 1767
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If anyone took a look at your bed, they’d just say it was a total mess with the blankets all jumbled up in the middle. Was that the case? Nope. The blankets weren’t JUST jumbled up in the middle, they were jumbled up with you in the middle. You were encased in a blanket burrito in the center of your bed sobbing because today just wasn’t your day. 
It started off pretty good. You woke up to the birds chirping, your breakfast wasn’t burnt this time, and your boyfriend was actually able to stay and eat with you in the morning. That last one was a rare occurrence especially the kind of job he held as part of an idol group. It was all going well until you had missed the bus. You would’ve asked Jungkook to drive you but, he had his own work to get to and you knew how demanding it was. Instead, you decided to walk over to the next station hoping that there would be another bus you could take to school. You didn’t actually reach your class until an hour in, and by the time you took a seat the lecture was already almost finished. Your professor wasn’t all that understanding either and gave you a full absence. And since you couldn’t attend class during prior occasions, you were forced to drop it for having too many absences. 
After school, you headed off to work where you thought you could relax. You liked your work as an employee at a local clothing store, but one ill-tempered customer just had to disrupt your peace. The customer claimed that you had insulted her when she had asked you how a dress she was trying on fit her. You simply said that she might want to try a larger size not because you were trying to insult her, but because she just plainly looked uncomfortable with the snug fit. But of course, she went all ballistic on you and called for your manager who had to repeatedly apologize and ended up giving the lady the dress for free. Your manager was a little more understanding, but that didn’t prevent him from cutting your pay for the rest of the month in order to pay for the dress. 
You weren’t the type of person to share your problems easily, and so you tended to keep your stresses all bottled up. These incidents with your added stress from the everyday things in life had finally pushed you over the edge.  You were breaking down, your head hurt from overthinking everything.
Am I going to get enough credits for the semester? What if I have to repeat a year? Am I going to be able to pay rent on time? What if I can’t afford electricity or water? All these sorts of thoughts whizzed by in the depths of your mind. 
You heard the front door open and shut and a pair of footsteps enter your apartment, “Jagi! I’m back!” 
Quickly you remove yourself from your little sanctuary and fix yourself up. You wiped away your tears, blew your nose and fixed your disheveled hair before walking out to greet him,
“Welcome home, Kookie-ah. Did you eat? Want me to heat something up?” He sets down his bag and jacket on the couch and combs his hand through his sweaty hair,
“I ate with my hyungs earlier so I’m all good,” He came over to you and peppered your face with little pecks, “How was your day, jagi-ah?” 
“My day? It was fine...” Whenever you had bad days like this you always put on a facade in front of him. You would always smile and be sure to add some extra pep to your tone as you spoke just to disguise your stress from Jungkook. He had enough things to worry about. 
But Jungkook always noticed. He always noticed how your fake smile would falter or how your eyes were just a tad bit swollen. He’d notice when you sat hunched over your desk worrying about exams or paying the bills or just stressing over anything. He always noticed and that’s why he’d always ask about your day whenever he felt like you were having a hard time. He wanted you to talk about your problems with him, but he wasn’t that good with bringing that kind of stuff up and you seemed unwilling to share your strife. 
“You don’t seem...fine. Everything okay, jagi?” 
“Yeah...I’m fine. I really am Jungkook. Why don’t I go heat up the shower for you, okay?” Jungkooks watches your back as you head towards the bathroom. 
A million of ideas formulates in Jungkook’s brain on how to cheer you up. Would you like to go the gym and work out the stress? Would you like to take it out on a video game? Perhaps an Iron Man marathon would relax you? But after trying to come up with a good solution, he realized that all these things were the things he would do if he was stressed. 
“Kookie-ah! The shower is all warmed up!” You called before you retreated back into your bedroom. 
Jungkook had two choices: give up trying to pry out your problems, or go to you and actually try to talk things out. He gave it a quick thought. You always avoided answering questions related to your problems, and you were stubborn refusing to answer them. Yet, you wanted to talk about them. You really wanted to get them out, and Jungkook could sense that. He knew you’d want to let off some steam, but you just didn’t want to burden him so you left your problems to boil in you until your feelings overflowed. Jungkook made his decision. 
You were hunched over your vanity with your hand cupped over your mouth to quiet your sobs. Your emotions were just too much to contain, and you were glad that you got to find a way to avoid Jungkook for at least another few minutes. You hoped you’d be able to collect yourself in the time it took for him to shower. 
Jungkook opened the door quietly, you didn’t even notice him come in. He watched as you were crying, and he felt his insides shatter with every tear that left your eyes. There was only one thing that he could do to cheer you up, it was something he even did with his hyungs when they seemed down. 
Quietly, he takes the blanket off your bed and wraps himself in it with only his head peeking out. He tiptoes behind you making the ugliest face he could and begins to dance in a funny fashion,
“Jagi-ah, where’s my happy jagi-ah?” He sang in a weird sing-songy kind of tune. You stared at his hilarious antics through the mirror and a smile couldn’t help but creep up the sides of your face. He comes up behind you and scoops you up into the blanket and tosses you gently onto the bed. A tickle attack soon makes its charge on your sides, making you squirm and laugh uncontrollably.  
“Jungkook-ah! S-stop...hahhahaa....s-stop it! Jungkook-ah!” You continued to laugh beneath him,
“I’m not stopping until my happy jagi-ah comes back!” his fingers relentlessly glide over your sensitive areas where he knew it’d tickle you the most, “Not until you tell me what’s wrong!” 
“J-Jungkook-ah.....HAHAHAHAA...OKAY, OKAY, I’LL TELL YOU!” He stops, the both of you out of breath heaving to get a hold of air. You sit up and he takes a seat next to you, still wrapped in the white sheet,
“What’s the matter jagi? Why’s my happy jagi-ah not so happy today?” He wraps an arm around your shoulders pulling you two closer together,
“C’mon, jagi. You never tell me what’s wrong...it worries me...” You almost tear up again after hearing that your attempts at disguising your stress to avoid worrying Jungkook were all for nothing. You end up telling him about how much of a bad day you had from school to work to all the other shit that had a built up your stress,
“Jungkook...I’m sorry that I made you worried. I just...I just didn’t want to bring these things up because I didn’t want to pile all my problems on top of you when you have your own things to worry about...I don’t want to be a burden.” Jungkook immediately turns you to fully face him and surrounds you in an embrace,
“Silly jagi-ah,” He strokes your head lovingly, your eyes were welling with tears, “You’re not a burden, and you’ll never be one. You’re my support system, and I should be to you. It’s okay for you to pour all your problems out to me because I want to be there for you, jagi. I want you to lean on me like how I lean on you,” He moves his hands to your shoulders and breaks away from the hug to get a better look at your now tear stained face. With his hands cupping your cheeks, he wipes away every tear with his thumbs, “It kills me inside to see you suffering like this all alone. I want to help you. Don’t be afraid to let it all out.” 
Your mouth slowly forms into a frown and tears start to cascade down your face as you pounce into his chest and wrap your arms around his waist. Uncontrollable sobs escape your throat and tears splattered against his sweaty, white t-shirt. His arms move around your body to comfort you as you let all your pent up emotions loose. 
You finally begin to calm down and sit up. You wipe away the tears that didn’t fall onto Jungkook’s shirt as you sniffle, a frown still evident on your face. Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore. He couldn’t stand that frown that you had on, so he did what he thought would make you smile: aegyo. 
He wraps himself in the blanket once again with only his head peeking out and starts to talk in a high pitched school boy voice, 
“’I had a dream, I dreamt of a ghost, It was scary.’” He pouts his lips and wiggles his head from side to side. You couldn’t hold back your laughter after watching Jungkook let go of all his manliness,
“Yah, I thought you vowed never to do aegyo again?” You giggle, a genuine smile now stamped on your face. His cheeks were red and full of embarrassment while his bunny smile overtook his face,
“I’d do anything for you, jagi-ah. I’d do anything to make you smile with me.” 
Gif not mine, credit to the owner
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