#last concert in saitama super arena
banqanas · 1 month
BATTLE OF TOKYO ~Jr.EXILE vs NEO EXILE~ backstage photo -
I feel like BOT24 backstage photos have double the amount of last year's, so here's a list of my favourite pictures (mainly fanta & jr exile):
Note: List is for Round 1 (Saitama Super Arena) only. updated every concert day
DAY 1 (2024.08.10)
RIKU who comes early to the venue so he can kick box Part 1
LIKIYA+Rui+Yamasho, the title says "oniichan group" but i call them slayyy king Rui+his bodyguards
Riki+Leiya (you can see his *redacted* 🙈🙈)
Sawa+Kokoro who sneaked in behind him
Sota's teeth brushing time Part 1
Tsurugi making a face when he has a migraine + Sawa is there
a rare KazuHokuSota
KetoTai with the brightest smiles ever in the universe
Riki with his favourite Sawa-san
Kokoro with Leiya-aniki
Takapi+Takkun+Rui and his gal (not Kamiken)
Keito, the cutest boy in the universe + Yusei and his donut this picture saved my life thank you so much for everything that made this moment possible 🙏
Gheechan and Kukku going home all lovey dovey
DAY 2 (2024.08.11)
RIKU who comes early to the venue so he can kick box Part 2
Gheechan+Kukku so close as usual Big Love
Taiki+Yusei being lovey dovey as usual Bigger Love
Miku sexual harassing psyfe's Kanabros /hj
Ryuta+Keito's bad hair day
Keito's hair fixed and perfect
JIMMY+Horinacchan birthday present
Makocchan+Leiya rare selfie
Sota's teeth brushing time Part 2
Sawa drenched in sweat after rehearsals is beautiful today too
Sota who has to follow suit
SawaSota two shot
RYUSHIN waiting in front of NEO EXILE's dressing room waiting to take a picture with someone he hasn't taken a pic together yet
REN+Keito. That's it that's the tweet
ZIN+RYOJI. they look good together
Hiroto with his oshi
Taiki+Yusei+Keito+Sota+new fanta member
Sawa+twins who are instinctively always camera ready
Sawa+Kokoro, the unexpected Part 2 (back hug)
Keito who saw SawaKoko and tried back hugging Taiki too but failed
Fanta twins photobombed by Yusei
10 billion Kei-chan (feat. Shohei)
Yamasho, Rui with salads + Kazuma with the biggest bag ever
Susan and Ryoji going home all lovey dovey im sorry but why does all WHH members are so lovey dovey for???? i cant take this 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ WHH is too love dream happiness
DAY 3 (2024.08.12)
theres no part 3 of Riku's kick boxing 😔 instead there's Miku's!
the words on Ryu's shirt is sending me.
YuseLeiya. thats it thats the tweet
YuseTai. thats it thats the tweet
FANTA TWINS!!!!!!!!! taking click box with each other hehe
Keito kawaii
Keito again. still kawaii
Sawanatsu with Ryoga!!!!!!! i've always thought that these two have the same vibes.... I want to see them perform together
Sawanatsu with Riku!!!!!!
Keito with yamasho paisen!!!!! thank you for this picture
Ryoji brushing his teeth
Sota's teeth brushing time Part 3.1 (feat Icchan, Yamasho, Masa) <- MUST WATCH
Sota's teeth brushing time Part 3.2 (feat. Sawanatsu)
Sota + Yosshi's teeth brushing time
Sawanatsu + Rui doing the kororo pose! I want to see them perform ROLL UP too.......................
Sawamatsu and Susan!!!!!! Mr. Adult Ikemen and Mr. Future Adult Ikemen (??) 👀 thank you for this picture that is full with mature handsome nutrients 🙏🙏🙏😇
Masa and his oniisan, Yusei. Yusei voice: we're actually brothers, you see 😎
Yusei with Gheechan!! now that you mention it i feel like they look somewhat alike.... interesting.....
Sawa. And then comes Sota. And next comes Keito. fanta kids are genki today too love and peace 😇🙏❤️❤️
SawaKetoSota who were dissing Taiki because he keeps going missing for the group photo
KetoSota who went to go find Taiki
And Sawa who lay down on the floor waiting
Keito's posing for the backstage picture with fan
SawaTai. thats it thats the tweet
Kokoro and Ren playing baseball and Ryushin ignoring them
Kazuma+Kokoro+Riki. oof i really like all their faces...and to have them together???!! blessed.
KazuRiki..........ugh they look so good together.... 顔が良い
Kazuma and Gheechan..... also look very good together.....
Ryuchan and Riku..... Ryucha is so cool........
SawaTai again (😒) but this time Sawa is gal
Horinacchan feeding Leiya. no comments necessary. please just look at it
Keito going home!!! otsucurry keito!!!! (im interested in the green keychain he has on his bag tho..... what is that......)
RICKY with his sunflower crochet bag!!!!!!! he's been wearing it a lot and its sooo cute i love it
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cheltranslations · 1 year
#NOAHnoHAKOBUNE @Nonaka Miki (23.07.09)
Chel here 😈💜👾
Thank you very much
For coming to look at my blog!
Your likes and comments
Make me super happy!
☁️🎀Previous 2 choices🎀☁️
Which type of tofu do you prefer
Silken? Cotton?
Was the majority!
Compared to the last time I asked these 2 choices
Silken tofu has become more popular…!
I also prefer silken!I also like
My dog Nonaka Tofu-chan ❤️ 笑lol
☁️🎀❛ ・ ❛🎀☁️
I went to watch with Maria!
I've loved Mrs. GREEN Apple-san's music
For a long time、and I've talked about their songs
Many times on my blog
I also visited their pop up store
Which was held last year、
So I'm very happy
That I could go to their anniversary concert!
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Words cannot express my thoughts、
But to try
It moved my heart、
That's how amazing their live show was。
From start to end、it was amazing…!
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I also bought random goods with Maria!
It was a very happy time!
Happy 8th anniversary!
(T/N News and information has not been translated)
☁️🎀Today's 2 choices🎀☁️
Talk events?
Recently I've been listening to
From Mrs. GREEN APPLE-san's new album、on repeat!
Is there a song you have on repeat?
See ya 🐾
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hellopromp3 · 7 years
°C-ute - Tadori Tsuita Onna Senshi 【ENCORE】 (Last concert live at Saitama Super Arena 170612)
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graphicabyss · 4 years
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Completely missed this photo from February last year. Apparently, Jaejoong went to L’Arc~en~Ciel Concert in MMXX in Saitama Super Arena. After the concert, Gackt prepared a surprise birthday party for Hyde, Jaejoong and Hiro (the brother of Taka of One Ok Rock) as they all had their birthdays at the end of January.
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angiekatinamaple · 7 years
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Kaga Kaede Blog | 12-06-2017 Translation [English/Español] T:"°C-ute-san" Good evening! It's Kaga Kaedeeee (ノ ^^) 八 (^^)
Today, at the Saitama Super Arena It was the last concert of ° C-ute-san.
In the opening act, all other members of Hello! Project  sang a song. I've been watching °C-ute-san for a long time, but during rehearsals, ahh, today was the last time.
° C-ute-san were cute and cool until the end, I don't want them to disband.
I saw everything from the audience seats, But I couldn't stop crying when I realized that it was the last time I could listen  those songs that carry so many memories.
° C-ute-san's songs are great songs. The lyrics written by Tsunku-san always resonate deep on my chest. I cried in each one of them, and I have received courage again and again.
I participated in a ° C-ute tour for the first time, In 2013 on the Treasure Box tour, they called me with my nickname "Dii, Dii", Thank you for celebrating my birthday at a concert on the °COMPASS tour, the last tour where I participated, They congratulated me when I joined Morning Musume, truly thank you very much.
From tomorrow, I don't know what will be the real feeling of °C-ute's absence, I do not know what to think about it. But, I definitely became a member of Morning Musume thanks to ° C-ute-san. Without them, I couldn't have debut, I really appreciate it.
I am a member of Morning Musume, but I want to become like ° C-ute-san. There is still a long way to go before I can be like them, so I have to work harder.
Thank you for your hard work these 15 years! Really, thank you so much!!
Team ° C-ute forever.
******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ********
Buenas nocheees! Soy Kaga Kaedeeee(ノ^^)八(^^ )ノ
Hoy, en el Saitama Super Arena fue el último concierto de °C-ute-san.
En el acto de apertura, todas las demás miembros de Hello! Project cantamos una canción.
Estuve viendo a °C-ute-san durante mucho tiempo, pero durante los ensayos, ahh, hoy fue la última vez.
°C-ute-san fueron lindas y geniales hasta el final, no quiero que se desintegren.
Vi todo desde los asientos de la audiencia, pero no pude dejar de llorar cuando me di cuenta que era la última vez que podría escuchar esas canciones que llevan tantos recuerdos.
Las canciones de °C-ute-san, son grandes temas. Las letras escritas por Tsunku-san siempre resuenan en el fondo de mi pecho. Lloré en cada una de ellas, y he recibido valor una y otra vez.
Participé en el tour de °C-ute por primera vez, en el 2013 en el tour Treasure Box, me llamaban con mi apodo "Dii, Dii", gracias por celebrar mi cumpleaños en un concierto en el tour de °COMPASS, el último tour donde participé, Me felicitaron cuando me uní a Morning Musume, en verdad, muchas gracias.
A partir de mañana, no sé cuál será el verdadero sentimiento de que no estará °C-ute-san, no sé qué pensar al respecto. Pero, definitivamente puede convertirme en miembro de Morning Musume gracias a °C-ute-san. Sin ellas, sé que no hubiese podido debutar, en verdad lo aprecio mucho.
Soy una miembro de Morning Musume, pero quiero llegar a ser como°C-ute-san. Aún falta un largo camino por delante para poder ser como ellas, así que tengo que trabajar más duro.
Gracias por su arduo trabajo estos 15 años! En verdad, muchas gracias!!
Team °C-ute por siempre.
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nctinfo · 5 years
[TRANS] ViVi Magazine: NCT 127′s last Tokyo cross-talk & what reward would you give yourself!
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Q. What reward/prize do you want to give yourself for finishing the tour? Doyoung: I would like to receive the reward of meeting my family and having a meal (with them). I want to talk a lot while eating and receive strength from them. Johnny: Ah, I thought the reward you meant was something like 'funniest-award' (laughs) An answer like Doyoung certainly is better. If I could give myself a reward like that...... I'd like to have a bit more free time. During my free time, I want to eat something delicious or travel. I've poured out everything I have on the tour, and I think I need time to fill it up again. Jaehyun: Me too, we don't have much (free time) so I would like to take a vacation. I want to travel alone. Jungwoo: Me too, we've been working hard on the Japan tour, so I want to give myself the 'holiday'-prize Johnny: How many days? Jungwoo:  Then about three days...... And I want to spend a lot of time seeing my family whom I've not been able to see, have a good time eating something delicious or travel around and enjoy small things. Yuta: Same for me, I'd like the same vacation (reward). I had so many different things to do during this tour, I figured I'd need some time to get my mind back together and I want to meet my friends whom I've not been able to see. The length (of the vacation) would be, ah..... one week! Taeil: I want to give myself a car (laughs). I've been wanting one for a while. There's not a specific car I want, but speaking of it, I think a compact car would be better Taeyong: Then I want a brand bag. Yuta: Is there a bag you've been looking at? (laughs) Taeyong: I'm joking joking (laughs) I have a three-year-old nephew. There are clothes I want to buy for my nephew so I want to buy them in Japan and bring them back! Haechan: Personally, I quickly want to receive the Saitama Arena performance DVD! Mark: I want to receive the album soon! I think I will be reminded of the tour when I listen to it. And I want to keep it for my personal use
Q. Then besides yourself, what would you give to one other member? Yuta: I can’t pick! This I can never pick! Taeyong: Mhm! Can’t pick! Because everyone worked equally hard! Doyoung: I’d like to give something to Yuta hyung. Since it was a Japanese tour. I think as Yuta hyung is our Japanese member he really thought about a lot of things and did his best. That’s why I’d like to get him whatever he wants. As long as I can get it with my own money, that is (laughs) Yuta: Whoa, really?! Thank you! I’m so happy!! Taeil: I can’t pick either, I’d like to give something to all members. A cup of coffee for each♡ Haechan: Then for me it’s Taeil hyung. Taeil hyung has really become a huge source of strength for me, he’s always beside me cheering me on, so I’d like to treat him to a meal! Jungwoo: What kind? Haechan: I feel like I’d like whatever Taeil hyung picks, so anything. I’ll just be happy to eat together! Johnny: Then I’d like to gift Doyoung a bed. There’s not a specific reason for this, I just think he’d be very happy to suddenly receive a bed. It’s just a thought though, so I’m not going to actually give it to him (laughs) Doyoung: Hahaha (laughs) I’m happy with the thought of it too (laughs) Jaehyun: Then I’d like to say this to Johnny hyung…… Since during the tour he always kept saying “Can I keep being on stage like this?”, now I want to tell him ‘Yes you can keep being on stage” (laughs) Johnny: Woaaaah! Thank you~ (laughs) Jungwoo: I’d like to give something to Mark. He always helps me out, cheers me on and gives me lots of love. So for Mark whos doing his best every time like he never stops trying, I would like to get new glasses since his eyesight is bad. Mark, always thank you! Mark: Aaaaah! Thank you (laughs) In fact, I would like to give something to Jungwoo too. I was also thinking of Haechan, but he’s a bit cheeky…… Just joking! (laughs) Jungwoo hyung was practicing the most out of us all this time. There was a lot to memorize, some things were being changed, he always went ahead first to practice. When I looked at him I thought it really must’ve been hard. So I’d really like to give him something filled with ‘You worked so hard’. Jungwoo hyung likes food so I’m thinking of taking him out to a meal! Jungwoo: Thank you. But once you eat food it’s gone. What I’d like more is Mark’s constant attention on me….. Mark: You’re really overdoing it (laughs) Haechan: What the hell are these two doing here?!?! Taeyong: I’m always careful when picking presents. But I haven’t really thought of something to celebrate the end of the tour. So first of all right now I’d like to get everyone a pair of socks. Yuta: Why socks?! Taeyong: I want the members’ tired feet to feel comfortable, so I want to get good socks. To rest well~ Yuta: Oh okay. Should I get everyone waistband support then? (laughs)
Q. I’ve asked this several times during the series but… what’s the most memorable place or food in Japan? Johnny: We ate Okonomiyaki in Osaka and Hiroshima, and I was impressed how the respective Okonomiyaki tasted different from each other! Yuta: I also really enjoyed the Takoyaki from my hometown Osaka! And the Eel Deopbab in Nagoya was also delicious~ I ate Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki in Hiroshima, which were also really good! Ah, since I’m from Osaka I’ll say Hiroshima (laughs) Taeil: The Eel Deopbab I ate in Nagoya was seriously delicious. At the time I used to eat lunch boxes, and I liked to pack up the soup and eat it~ Doyoung: Eel Jjambap is delicious, even if you add wasabi. Haechan: I didn’t have it this tour, but the Eel Deopbab also stayed in my memory! Actually, I originally didn’t eat eel. But a long time ago when we went to Nagoya, I asked myself ‘Wouldn’t Eel Deopbab be ok?’ so I tried it and it was really really good! Since then, if there would ever be Eel Deopbab again, I’d definitely eat it. Doyoung: I also can’t forget the Sushi that I ate in Ishikawa. It was seriously so delicious, I ate until I couldn’t eat any more. Sushi is seriously the best! Johnny: Which Sushi was the best? Doyoung: Sea urchin and tuna. The expensive ones! (laughs) Taeyong: Mine is sweet potato ice cream. I ate it in Osaka. It’s the best~! Yuta: Ahh~! That’s right, that’s right! I seriously recommend that one. That was also my first time finding out about it (laughs) Jaehyun: I remember all foods in the various places that we went to, but what really lingered is walking down the streets of Otaru. At the time, I was walking down the street with the snow piled up, when I walked into an orgel shop and bought an orgel. There was a big clock in front of the orgel store, and when the time came, a loud ‘Booo~!’ played, just the moment we left it had started ringing! It was so awesome, I still remember it even now. Mark: If you say Hokkaido, ramen come to mind. And the ice cream and pancakes I ate at a café in the streets in Otaru! Jungwoo: I also remember walking down the channel in Otaru really well. Although it snowed at the time, it weirdly wasn’t particularly cold . And I ate two kinds of Sapporo ramen, soy bean paste and soy sauce. They were both really delicious. And also, Nagoya Eel Deopbab~ Ishikawa Sushi~ Hiroshima Okonomiyaki~ I ate all the various representative foods, and they were all really delicious! Ahh, and the eel was delicious too!
Q. Tell us what you’d like to challenge in Japan and what are your future plans! Doyoung: More than anything as the tour is finished my heart is filled with “This was really fun”, I really want to do more of Japan tour. And I’d like to become an artist that you want to keep seeing over and over. Taeil: That’s right. And next time I’d like to do even more shows, I want to grow in order to be able to do that. Johnny: I feel like this too. I want to do more concerts and I want to become an artist that people want to see. And personally, I’d like to learn more Japanese. Jungwoo: I want to be able to do stages as cool as our company’s DBSK seniors, just like they are a step ahead in Japan, my dream is for us to progress everyday and grow. My wish is also to meet more fans from different regions in the future. Haechan: This time we had a chance to do shows in halls and arenas, so in the future I want for us to showcase a growing image bit by bit through arena tour and a dome tour! And I’d also like to go to a Japanese convenience store on my own! Mark: My goals for the stage are the same as the other members, I want our dream to come true quickly! This and I also have a personal goal, I want to learn Japanese quickly. I feel like this every time I come here but if I study Japanese harder I can understand our fans better, we can also convey our minds better, the gap between us will shrink and we’ll get along even better. So now I really want to be good at Japanese quickly. Jaehyun: Right. There’s also a lot of things I want to do in Japan besides touring, right now I’m thinking of snowboarding. I want to snowboard in places where there’s a lot of snow in Hokkaido, and then I want to go shopping in Tokyo! Taeyong: I want to buy a house in Japan. I really want to buy it. So everyone, when we become neighbours I’d like you to help me out. Yuta: A house?! What kind? Taeyong: I like small houses, the houses in Tsukushima Alley where we went to shoot for Vivi were super pretty! I want to buy a house like these! Yuta: I want to go to every corner of Japan, regardless if the concert venue is big or small. There’s still a lot of people that don’t know us, so I want to go to various places and let people know even a tiny bit about NCT 127, this is something I think about the most.
Translation: Alex, Myeon, Esmee @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: ViVi [ Kor ] — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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dailyexo · 5 years
[TRANSLATION] EXO-CBX - 190418 Official EXO-L Japan website update: “‘EXO-CBX “MAGICAL CIRCUS” 2019 -Special Edition-‘ at Saitama Super Arena!!“
"昨年行われた『EXO-CBX“MAGICAL CIRCUS”TOUR 2018』がさらにパワーアップした、 『EXO-CBX “MAGICAL CIRCUS” 2019 -Special Edition-』公演が、4/16(火)・4/17(水)さいたまスーパーアリーナにて開催されました!"
Translation: "A powered-up version of last year’s ‘EXO-CBX “MAGICAL CIRCUS” TOUR 2018’, the 'EXO-CBX “MAGICAL CIRCUS” 2019 -Special Edition-' was held this year at the Saitama Super Arena on April 16th-17th!"
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"会場内では開演前から熱気が感じられましたが、いざメンバーがステージに登場すると、EXO-L-JAPANのみなさんが待ち望んでいた気持ちがそのまま伝わる弾けるような大歓声が!!! ペンライトが会場中キラキラと輝く中、ベクヒョンは「こんなに大きな会場をいっぱいにしてくれてありがとうございます!」とMCで感謝の表しとても嬉しそうに会場全体を見渡していました。
このライブでは「みなさんに魔法をかけて幸せにする!」がテーマとなっていますが、みなさん魔法の呪文を覚えていますでしょうか!? その幸せの呪文とは・・・
「ハッピーに なる~!!」
公演中ずっと、メンバーたちからもファンのみなさんからも幸せな気持ちが溢れているのがわかるような、そんなさいたま公演でした! 神戸公演にご参加いただくみなさんも、ぜひ大声で呪文を唱えてくださいね^^♪
そして最後のMCでは、グッズのリフレクションバンドを使ったハートで最高の幸せを届けてくれたEXO-CBX! この素敵なアイディアを出したベクヒョンに、公演に来られなかったみなさんのためにもハートを作ってもらいました^^"
Translation: "An air of excitement filled the venue before the concert started. When the members finally took the stage, EXO-L Japan, filled with anticipation and excitement, greeted them with a loud cheer!!! Surrounded by a sea of twinkling penlights, Baekhyun expressed his happiness and gratitude by saying, ‘Thank you so much for filling up a venue as large as this one!’ as his gaze moved over the crowd.
The theme of this concert was, ‘Casting a magic spell to make everyone happy’. Did everyone remember the magic spell!? The magic spell is…
Throughout the whole concert the happiness of the members as well as the fans overflowed; what a great concert in Saitama it was! To those who are also attending the Kobe concert, please make sure you recite the magic spell loudly there, too ^^♪
Also, during the last ment, EXO-CBX expressed their happiness by making a heart using the reflection band that was sold as concert goods! This idea came from Baekhyun who wanted to make a heart to share with those who could not attend the concert^^"
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次は神戸に幸せを届けに行きますよ~! みなさん、待っていてください♪
Translation: "Thank you to everyone who offered their passionate cheers and support at the Saitama concert!
Next, EXO-CBX is off to Kobe to spread happiness there, as well~ Please wait for them, everyone ♪"
Credit: translation, dailyexo.tumblr.com, Source: Official EXO-L Japan website.
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bccity · 5 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of July 31 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly limit).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on the monthly schedule.
Threads and solos do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Overall Company
BC artists are again encouraged to attend WISH’s concerts again this month, especially once news regarding Goeun’s case drops. The success of WISH’s concerts will be one of BC”s two main media play defenses. Thankfully, the news won’t lead to too big of a stock drop like the initial lawsuit news did, but all idols under BC are still forbidden to publicly speak about the case to the press or fans.
Post-July 8 update: All idols are still forbidden to talk about the case and it seems that the higher-ups that know more about what’s going on have been told not to be open with people about more details as well. The general atmosphere of the company this month is a little tense, with management on high alert to keep all of their charges out of trouble. Any questions raised about Goeun will be dismissed and those questioning will be told to focus on their own schedules instead of other people’s business.
Important dates:
BC Soloist 1
Now that her debut is imminent, she has a packed schedule this month. The album has already been fully recorded and choreographed, but the music video still needs filmed. She’ll also make a special surprise appearance on an episode of Weekly Idol with senior soloists that will air a week before her debut to introduce her to the public.
Important dates:
July 8: Release of pre-debut single “Week”.
July 15: Why Don’t You Know MV filming.
July 16: Special appearance on Weekly Idol Soloist Special filming (also appearing: Dimensions Soloist 1 and Gold Star Soloist 3, to air July 24).
July 31: Release of “Why Don’t You Know” & Hands on Me mini album/debut showcase, promotions continue until August 31.
Along with the company’s two other boy groups, Decipher is being sent off to KCON NY this month. Decipher is a bit less popular than their two junior groups overseas, but they still have a number of fans that will be attending just for them. The week before KCON will be packed with group and individual English lessons packed in to provide the members with, at the very least, memorized lines to recite. They’ll have a hi-touch, a meet and greet, and participate in the second concert day.
Important dates:
July 7: Performance at KCON NY at Madison Square Garden in New York, NY, USA (also performing: 7ROPHY, Knight, & CHARM).
              ↳ Decipher R & V
After the meeting last month with Decipher V, the members will be called into concept meetings this month and record the single for their comeback at the end of the month. It’s a song that had originally been in consideration for a full group comeback but has been repurposed for the unit after management deemed it more fit for them after deciding Decipher V should make a return.
Important dates:
After music show promotions end on the fourth, they get the news from the manager that they’ve been gifted almost two weeks of vacation time from the 6th to the 18th thanks to their successful comebacks since re-signing their contracts. The members are free to leave Seoul or the country as long as they remain on their best behavior. Once they come back from vacation, they’ll be met with the news of a new brand deal with hair care brand Mise En Scene, which they’re scheduled to film a CF for straight away. At the end of the month, they’ll hold a fan sign for the brand deal.
Important dates:
July 4: End of music show promotions.
July 19: Mise En Scene CF filming.
July 28: Mise En Scene fan sign in Jung, Seoul.
Management is confident that this comeback falls comfortably into Knight’s image and artistic niche, but the results after the mini-album drops might say otherwise. It could be the numerous albums BC has made Knight pump out every year for the last few years catching up to them with the fan base, poor marketing, a song a bit too dark for the season, or the fierce competition from groups like Femme Fatale and Fuse for digital points and music show wins hurting their chances with casual fans, but this comeback under performs much more noticeably than the last in physical sales, digital charting, and music show wins. They’re still clearly going to end the year in the top three selling groups of the year physically as always, but with BC more concerned with building up CHARM, it becomes obvious BC doesn’t plan to have them come back again until next year and they’ll be relied on for second half of the year concert profits instead.
Important dates:
July 6: Performance at SBS Super Concert at AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong (also performing: CHARM).
July 7: Performance at KCON NY at Madison Square Garden in New York, NY, USA (also performing: 7ROPHY, CHARM, & Decipher).
July 9: Release of “Now or Never” & Sensuous mini album showcase, promotions continue until August 9. 
July 13: Fan sign in Yeouido, Seoul.
July 14: Fan sign in Gangnam, Seoul.
July 27: Filming of “Now or Never Suit Version” choreography video.
July 27: Performance at Boryeong Mud Festival in Boryeong.
              ↳ White Knight
No schedules for the month.
Important dates:
Music show promotions continue to go well though BC doesn’t have them promoting too extensively. As soon as promotions end, the members will be hopping on a plane for their Taiwan concerts, then returning to South Korea where they’ll be shooting for a summer-themed photo book and behind the scenes video on Jeju Island that will be released near the end of summer for fans (admin note: if you want to reference exact outfits/concepts/photo pairings, you may use the respective AOA line distribution with the maknae aligning with Choa since Chanmi is absent from the shoot). After that, they’ve got one last tour stop for the month in Malaysia. They’re asked to keep attending pole dancing classes in preparation for their Japanese music video as well and, in general, avoid putting themselves too much in the public eye this month following the news on Goeun’s case.
Important dates:
July 19: End of music show promotions.
July 20: Prima Donna tour concert at National Taiwan University Sports Center in Taipei, Taiwan.
July 21: Prima Donna tour concert at National Taiwan University Sports Center in Taipei, Taiwan.
July 23: Lipstick Hot Summer photo book shooting day one in Jeju Island.
July 24: Lipstick Hot Summer photo book shooting day two in Jeju Island.
July 25: Lipstick Hot Summer photo book shooting day three in Jeju Island.
July 27: Prima Donna tour concert at Stadium Negara in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
              ↳ Lip Gloss
No schedules.
This month, the members will only be in Seoul for around a total of two weeks, from July 5-6, 9-12, and 18-25. The rest of the time, they’ll either be doing their Japanese concert and fan meeting tour or performing at the SBS Super Concert or KCON NY. This means English lessons the first week of the month and expectations to be studying Japanese if needed the rest of the time. Time when they are in Seoul will be spent learning and recording for their Japanese single album Happy Ending and in practice learning the choreography for it so the music video can be filmed and released next month.
Important dates:
July 2: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Marine Messe Fukuoka in Fukuoka, Japan.
July 3: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Marine Messe Fukuoka in Fukuoka, Japan.
July 6: Performance at SBS Super Concert in Hong Kong at AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong (also performing: Knight).
July 7: Performance at KCON NY at Madison Square Garden in New York, NY, USA (also performing: 7ROPHY, Knight, & Decipher).
July 13: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Ecopa Arena in Shizuoka, Japan.
July 14: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Ecopa Arena in Shizuoka, Japan.
July 16: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan.
July 17: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan.
July 26: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
July 27: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
July 28: CHARM 2019 Japan Tour ‘Haru’ concert at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
July 29: CHARM Japan Fanmeeting - ‘Hana’ at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
July 30: CHARM Japan Fanmeeting - ‘Hana’ at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, Japan.
The stricter diets and curfews and additional practice time don’t let up this month, but their public schedules do at least. Their tour begins this month with dates in Seoul and Bangkok. The rest of the time, they’re scheduled to film a Pocari Sweat CF and record for their Japanese releases for next month. The double title tracks for said Japanese comeback will be filmed at the end of the month with contrasting concepts, one more typical bright pop WISH and one more in the vein of their latest Korean comeback.
Important dates:
July 6: WISHlights Tour concert at KSPO Dome in Seoul, South Korea.
July 7: WISHlights Tour concert at KSPO Dome in Seoul, South Korea.
July 11: Pocari Sweat CF filming.
July 25: Happy Happy MV filming.
July 27: WISHlights Tour concert at Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand. 
July 31: Breakthrough MV filming.
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tanimotoamiblog · 5 years
Blog Post Translation: September 26th, 2019: 127.
Enjoy, and please don’t repost without credit!
I went to watch
Angerme 2019 Fall "Next Page" ~ Katsuta Rina Graduation Special~
Katsuta-san, congratulations on your graduation!!
Katsuta-san really Loves Angerme On stage and At the Hello Concert, it's conveyed from her
I think that for her junior members, She's an important presence, And she also gets along well with her generation-mates
It's good! I thought!!!
She was stylish until the end, Just as expected of her!! *
At the Hello Con,
On the last day, I took photos with her T_T <3 <3 <3
It's just, The members were Lining up
Because they wanted to take a photo with Katsuta-san
So I also got into the line lolol
I was super nervous...
Katsuta-san is a person Who firmly holds onto herself
She's cool,
She studies what kind of Fashion, hair and makeup Would suit her,
She's honest about the things she likes,
She's a really wonderful woman I admire!!!
From now on, I'm cheering for Katsuta Rina-san's dreams!!!!
I want her to make
Costumes for Tsubaki Factory :') <3 <3
I want to wear The costumes that Katsuta-san seriously thinks about!!!!!
So my dream can come true!!!!!
Everyone, Thank you very much for the comments!!
What I did in a day I can tell everyone that Through my blog and the like but,
I don't really have the chance To know what everyone else is doing! So it was fun to read the comments!
Also, you said that the episode With Onoda Saori-chan was cute! I think that from now on too, the devil in me Will continue to appear So please wait for it lololol Since we're good friends, I can do that, right!
Tsubaki Factory Live Tour 2019: Fall
28 performances remaining!!!
The next performance is!!
My hometown, and it's also Ono Mizuho-chan's birthday
Hokkaido performances!!!
Come, okay!
Check out the information
Yesterday, IZ*ONE's 3rd Japanese single "Vampire" went on sale
The last day of their first Japanese tour Is going to be a performance at Saitama Super Arena~!!
For IZ*ONE and WIZ*ONE, It'll still be a lovely new day!
I can't go to the final concert, So at this time,
I went to Shibuya 109 for the limited
IZ*ONE "Vampire" POP UP STORE <3 :) <3
I bought the random Clearfiles And T-shirts and hoodies that I can wear at lessons
Which member did I get In the random clearfile??? <3
See ya
#probaseball #centralpacificdualleague #theleaguechampionshiphasbeenannounced #yomiurigiants #saitamaseibulions #congratulations!! #T_TT_T
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dimensionsunited · 5 years
Members may earn 3 points each (up to 6 points) for writing, by the end of May 31 KST:
A solo para of 400+ words based on their monthly schedule (does not count toward your monthly total).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their monthly schedule.
Threads do not have to take place directly during an important date listed on the schedule, but must be related to what the muse is mentioned to be doing in the paragraph explaining their schedule/the company’s schedule for the month and/or their thoughts on the mentioned activities or lack thereof.
These schedules may be updated throughout the month if new information needs to be added.
Overall Company
The Dimensions United summer photo book and video package that the idols have already shot for releases next month, so this month, the video portion of the package will be finished and all idols under the label will be given short interviews on what Dimensions United means to them, their hopes for the rest of 2019, and how they feel about the year so far. This will obviously be expected to be positive toward Dimensions in tone and will be edited as such. There will also be miscellaneous recording throughout the month during different artist’s practices, studio sessions, and some (mostly staged) interactions between idols under the company to push a family image.
Important dates:
Dimensions Soloist 1
After her goodbye stage on the first of the month, most of the rest of the month will be spent in heavy tour rehearsal. She kicks off her tour this month with a concert at the end of the month in Seoul. Next month, she’ll be embarking on the North American leg of her tour.
Important dates:
May 1: End of music show promotions.
May 25: Yonsei University Festival performance (also performing: Lipstick, Gold Star Soloist 1, and Femme Fatale).
May 26: Warning Tour concert at Yes24 Live Hall in Seoul, South Korea.
Dimensions Soloist 2
His new album drops at the end of the month. His second album didn’t do quite as well as his first, so Dimensions hopes this one will do better to show promise to be able to pull off successful first solo concert. He has filming for not only his music video, but also several promotional videos this month, as well as a performance at KCON Japan to start to reach outside of the domestic market.
Important dates:
May 17: Performance at KCON Japan MCountdown.
May 20: Twenty Favorite Things video filming/recording (to be released after comeback).
May 27: Release of “Twenty-Something” & mini album showcase, promotions continue until May 29.
May 31: Run To You filming.
Dimensions wants Gal.actic to lay low until their summer comeback to focus on letting the bad press die down now that the press conference is out of the way, so they’ll begin recording for their summer album this month. The track list is still in flux, so songs may still be cut and added. Ultimately, the album will consist of two new group songs and solos by four of the members (Leader/main vocal, vocal, lead vocal, and lead rapper/lead dancer/vocal). Now that the injunction has been dropped, Gal.actic has also booked a university festival performance and a performance at KCON, even if it’s only during the convention portion instead of the main MCountdown show.
Important dates:
May 10: Seokyung University Festival performance (also attending: BEE).
May 17: Convention performance at KCON Japan (also performing: MARS).
May will be a break month compared to how busy Alien has been lately. They’re releasing the Japanese version of “Shoot Out” and performing at KCON, but other than that, they’re encouraged to get more rest than usual since Dimensions doesn’t plan for them to get much rest at all in the second half of the year. Preparations for their next comeback won’t be kicking into full gear yet, but there will be a few meetings about concepts and goals for it.
Important dates:
May 13: Release of Japanese single version of “Shoot Out”.
May 18: Performance at KCON Japan MCountdown (also performing: MARS and Decipher).
This month is mostly spent for MARS on preparations with choreography and final studio recordings for their July comeback single, as well as performances at KCON Japan and Hallyu PopFest Singapore, two events Dimensions happily scheduled the group for the help their current mission of expanding their foreign fanbases. For this month’s cover project, the members will get to choose their own solo or duet vocal, rap, or dance covers that will be uploaded throughout the month. The company guidelines will be that the cover songs must be serious (no gag/parody covers), appropriate for upload, and they must be able to be filmed in the company building with one camera and cameraman without additional cost of production value (like any major costumes, set, props, lighting, etc.).
*Reminder* All members must be moved out of the dorm by May 24.
Important dates:
May 17: Convention performance at KCON Japan (also performing: Gal.actic).
May 18: Performance at KCON Japan MCountdown (also performing: Alien and Decipher).
May 25: Hallyu PopFest Singapore (also performing: MARS).
For the first time since their debut, 7ROPHY has been a highly requested group for university festivals, and Dimensions is taking advantage of the opportunity to get some additional income through booking them for a couple of performances this month, both at said festivals and other concerts. Their recent success also means higher-ups are eager to get a mini-album out this year, and the track list for that will be completed by the end of the month with songs and concepts finalized.
Important dates:
May 14: Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Festival performance.
May 17: Kwangwoon University Festival performance.
May 18: Performance at 2019 Dream Concert at Seoul World Cup Stadium in Seoul, South Korea (also attending: Fuse and CHARM) 
May 25: Seowon Valley Green Concert in Cheongju (also performing: BEE).
May 26: Performance at Hallyu PopFest Singapore (also performing: Knight, Alien, and Element).
After a short break to recuperate in Seoul at the beginning of the month and discuss plans for a Korean summer comeback and a new Japanese album release shortly following that, the members will be returning to Japan to finish off the Japan leg of their tour before ultimately heading back out from Seoul on the 29th to fly to California to participate in a concert there before beginning the North America leg of their tour next month.
Important dates:
May 11: Unity 1st Japan Tour concert at Sapporo Cultural Arts Theater in Sapporo, Japan.
May 12: Unity 1st Japan Tour concert at Sapporo Cultural Arts Theater in Sapporo, Japan.
May 19: Unity 1st Japan Tour concert at Fukuoka Sun Palace in Fukuoka, Japan.
May 20: Unity 1st Japan Tour concert at Fukuoka Sun Palace in Fukuoka, Japan.
May 23: Unity 1st Japan Tour concert at Forest Hall in Nagoya, Japan.
May 24: Unity 1st Japan Tour concert at Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan.
May 25: Unity 1st Japan Tour concert at Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan.
May 26: Unity 1st Japan Tour concert at Saitama Super Arena in Saitama, Japan.
May 31: Performance at Channel 93.3 Kickoff Concert in San Diego, CA, USA.
Lucid weren’t invited to perform at any university festivals last year, but this year, the demand for them has skyrocketed following “Glass Bead”’s release, and they’ve been booked for their first ever university festival performances accordingly. Additionally, behind the scenes, the members will be finishing learning choreography for their comeback and then filming the music video mid-month as well as doing album jacket photo shoots.
Important dates:
May 22: Kyungpook Nation University Festival performance.
May 23: Hanyang University Festival performance (also performing: Femme Fatale).
May 25: Yonsei University Festival performance (also performing: Gold Star Soloist 1, Dimensions Soloist 1, Femme Fatale, and Lipstick).
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recentanimenews · 3 years
Watch Nana Mizuki's Striking Performance in "LIVE RUNNER 2020 → 2022" Concert Digest
    Voice actress/singer Nana Mizuki's official YouTube channel has started streaming a ten-minute digest clip of her "NANA MIZUKI LIVE RUNNER 2020 → 2022" concert held at Saitama Super Arena on January 4, 2022. It was her first concert with an audience in two years and four months since since her last concert tour "NANA MIZUKI LIVE EXPRESS 2019."
As the largest tour in her career to celebrate her debut's 20th anniversary, "NANA MIZUKI LIVE RUNNER 2020" was originally scheduled to run through 13 cities in Japan with 17 performances from March 28 to August 16, 2020, but all performances were canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As an alternative performance, "NANA MIZUKI LIVE RUNNER 2020 → 2022" was held at the 37,000-capacity arena for two days on January 3 and 4. The title of the tour, "LIVE RUNNER," reflects the 20th anniversary of her singer's debut, and the idea of "running towards the future."
  At the concert, she announced that her 14th album was set to be released in the spring of 2022, and her summer live tour will be held at five cities across Japan from July 16 to August 21, 2022.
          /#LIVE_RUNNER ダイジェストを公開???? \ 今年1月に開催した、 「NANA MIZUKI LIVE RUNNER 2020 → 2022」ダイジェスト映像をYouTubeにて 公開しました???? ライブのハイライトを 10分越えの大ボリュームでお届け❗️ ▷https://t.co/nXxiT1Oy88 ぜひご覧ください????#水樹奈々
— 水樹奈々オフィシャル (@NM_NANAPARTY) February 27, 2022
    The concert key visual:
    Source: Nana Mizuki official website / YouTube channel
  By: Mikikazu Komatsu
0 notes
Team 8 4th Anniversary Book Profile Translations
Saga Prefecture Representative-
寺田美咲 Terada Misaki
Born on 12/28/1999
Blood Type A
Catchphrase: In front of you~? In front of me? Misakki!
Currently planning a fan event in her friendly “RYMM Room”
Nickname: Misakki (みさっきー)
Kennin Team: Team K
Hobbies: Listening to music
Specialty: Crossing my eyes
Strength: Bright, energetic
Weakness: Negative
Charm point: Eyes, thin hands
Favorite word or phrase: Positive thinking
Favorite food: Udon
Disliked food: Chickpeas
Person you admire: Murayama Yuiri-san
Member you get along well with: Onishi Momoka
How would you describe yourself in a phrase?: Cheerful idiot
What do you want the most right now?: Headphones
What do you do to reduce stress?: Laugh
What event this year left the biggest impression on you?: Team 8’s solo concert in Saitama Super Arena
What event this year made you the happiest?: I got to appear on “AKBingo!”.
What was the toughest thing for you this year?: The training camp with Tokyo Gegege-san
How do you think you grew this year?: Talk power
Your goal for this year: Make my dance moves sharper.
Dream for the future: Model
What you’re looking forward to with your kennin team: There are a lot of things that I’m nervous about, but I’ll do my best to cooperate with everyone!
Casual Clothes Point Check!
I bought this outfit when I was out shopping with Miyazaki Prefecture’s representative, Yaguchi Moka-chan. We bought matching outfits, but Moka-chan is wearing something different today (lol). Usually I wear more casual and boyish clothes.
My Memorable Hashtags:
I want everyone to eat this <3
Most recommended! Hometown gourmet
During last year’s “Eight no Hi”, I was able to feel the emotions of 47 people become one. I think that there were many songs that could be seen as highlights of the show. The part that left the biggest impression on me personally, was during our performance of SKE48-san’s “Kataomoi Finally”, because while I wasn’t necessarily the center, there was one part of the formation where it looked like Aichi representative Utada Hatsuka-chan and I were double centers. I was able to tell myself that I was really the center, so that I had to work very hard.
Because of Team 8 work with Wakayama representative Yamamoto Ruka-chan, Gifu representative Hattori Yuna-chan, and Nara representative Onishi Momoka-chan, I’ve been able to find sides of myself that I didn’t know before because we’re always talking about everything. Together we created a group 755 called the “RYMM Room.” “RYMM” comes from the first letters of all of our given names, and then “Room”, it’s kinda impossible to read though (lol). The fans seem to like it, so we’ve been thinking that we want to be able to do a cafe event or something, at least any work this year with RYMM Room would be nice. Also at the shuffle I was allowed to become a kenin member with Team K. The other day, I had a job with the team captain, Komiyama Haruka-san. Even though I really wanted to talk to her, I couldn’t (lol). The next time we meet, I’ll definitely get along with her!
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destination-of-fate · 7 years
(English) Mafumafu’s interview with Natalie Music (October 18th, 2017)
Original article here.
Mafumafu gave a very interesting interview to the music website Natalie to celebrate the release of his new CD! He spoke about the meaning behind his new songs, his future plans as both a solo artist and a member of After the Rain, and gave a bit more explanation about a new organization he is trying to form for online musicians and singers. Please let me know if you spot any typos or errors, and enjoy the interview~! :D  
Mafumafu has released his solo album titled “Ashitairo World End.”
Mafumafu began his career as a video uploader who posted under the “I tried singing ___” category on video sites such as Niconico Douga. He now works as a member of After the Rain in addition to writing theme songs for anime series, gaining popularity as both a vocalist and a creator. To celebrate the release of “Ashitairo World End,” Natalie conducted a solo interview with Mafumafu. As he reflected on his increasingly high profile from many events over the last year, we inquired about the life of this unique creator and self-styled “jack of all trades.”
This year, I get the impression that many new people have taken notice of you, due to all the news about your various promotional songs and contributions to albums.
My work schedule has practically exploded with busyness compared to how it was last year, but I’m thankful for that.
At the start of the year you carried out your first solo concerts via tour. You’ve participated in many events and held large-scale concerts as After the Rain too. I was surprised that these were your first solo concerts.
The truth is that until now, I’d always avoided doing solo concerts. I’m first and foremost a video uploader, so I believed that my music was complete when I used videos to put a song and an image together for an audience. That’s why I didn’t have much interest in performing on stage. But that just sounded like an excuse so that I didn’t have to do concerts, and that’s when I had a sudden realization. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve believed that “growth” is when a person learns something they never knew before, or when they become able to do something they were unable to do before. I still feel that my music is complete when it’s in video form, but when I thought that having solo concerts might allow me to grow, I decided to give it a try.
Having completed your solo concerts, do you feel like you’ve experienced any personal change or growth?
Yes, I do. I always felt that “completed music” was something that could only be achieved in recorded form. But then I realized that “completed music” could take a different form in a place like a concert hall. Since you can’t re-do a concert, you might end up making mistakes, but I still felt like concerts have their own benefits to them too. Although with one concert you can reach a few thousand people, and with a tour you can make your music heard by tens of thousands of them. If I use videos, I get hundreds of thousands of views, which means more people will hear my songs, and videos don’t require money to listen to the music. That’s the kind of thing I was thinking about. I felt that my main method of work really is through videos.
Outside of the anime theme songs you’ve performed as After the Rain, you’ve also had more opportunities to provide songs for series like “Gamers!” and the second season of “Osomatsu-san.” I feel like you’ve been able to stand in the spotlight more as Mafumafu the composer.
It’s an honor to be recognized as a composer. It’s true that now I’m approached with more offers to write songs for other performers than I was in the past, but I don’t let it get to my head, and I think of it as studying that I do every day.
Another big piece of news was the song you wrote for Kudo Shizuka-san. It was an unexpected combination that surprised a lot of people. Can you tell us the story behind that?
She had apparently been listening to my songs before that point, and one day I suddenly received the message, “Kudo Shizuka-san has asked you to write a song for her.” I was like, “Are you sure it’s me she asked for?”
You wrote the song “Kinki to Tsukiakari” for her. How did Kudo-san respond to the song?
She really liked it, and told me, “I’m glad I requested a song from you. Thank you.” I responded like, “No, thank you.” It was a valuable experience that I was able to have.
Last May you organized the event “Hikikomori Demo Fest ga Shitai!” on the large stage at Saitama Super Arena. This caught the eye of many people with other performers in addition to yourself, such as Amatsuki-san, the UraShimaSakataSen members, “XYZ Tour” performers, and more.
Before then, there had never been an opportunity where internet artists like ourselves can stand on a big stage like that and just do whatever we want. I feel like one of my current roles is to plan things that haven’t been able to be done before, or step a bit into new territory. To change the subject a little, over these last 3 years, there have been many people in this field of work who have run into work-related trouble, or been victims of fraud. For example, most utaite and Vocaloid producers do not belong to a big company, and there are also some people who have been victims that were mistaken in choosing the company that they did. I’ve been experimenting to see if I can create an organization that provides an environment for these people that makes it easy for them to work in until they can find their next company to join. As I was considering that, I saw the sold-out arena during “Hikifest” and became confident that I needed to make an environment for video uploaders that’s easier for them to work in, so that more opportunities like Hikifest were able to occur.
I’d like to hear about your album “Ashitairo World End” as well. After receiving the album, I was surprised to see that there were 16 tracks, and most of them were new songs for the album. It’s a lot, isn’t it (laughs). But I felt like I absolutely had to include 16 songs on this album. First of all, After the Rain’s album “Clock Crest Story” contained 16 songs. I felt like I couldn’t have any less than that. Also, when I counted up everything I wanted to do, I ended up needing about 16 songs for all of that. What do you mean by “what you wanted to do”? ”Rinne Tensei” is a song with a synthesizer sound that uses a four-on-the-floor rhythm pattern (T/N: This is a term for a song where the bass drum is hit once per beat in 4/4 time), “Suisai Ginga no Chronicle” is a melodious song in triple meter that gives you sort of a floating feeling, “Futari Bocchi” is a mid-tempo, slightly decadent kind of song, “Fury” is an eccentric song like I’ve never made before, and “Shuuten” is a song I’ve wanted to make for a long time now… When I counted up everything like that, I needed 16 songs. I’ve always planned to make an album called “Ashitairo World End.” But my last album “Yamiiro Night Parade” (released April 2015) ended up having quite a long break before I made this one, and that was because I personally felt like there were too many things I was unfamiliar with when it came to music, and I thought that I needed to grow more before I could release “Ashitairo World End.” Why did you decide on a title first? Ever since I was young, I would genuinely ask my teachers and adults around me questions like, “What would tomorrow be like if I died?” and, “What happens to people when they die?” No one really spoke seriously to me, and my teachers got mad at me. I’ve lived up to today with those strange, mysterious things on my mind. The album “Ashitairo World End” (T/N: “Tomorrow-Colored World End”) was built with the themes of “What if tomorrow has no color?” and “What if there was no future?” After deciding on the title, what was the first song you wrote? The first song I wrote for the album was “Rinne Tensei.” To loosely summarize this song, the lyrics mean like, “It’s time to say goodbye to this worthless life.” Within the lyrics, there’s actually two points of view from people. One is a person harboring hope for the next world, and one is me as a human reincarnating as the character with the name Mafumafu. I wanted to express how the world was still worthless in the end even after reincarnating. I feel like your lyrics often contain nuances of “rejecting the real world,” not just within “Rinne Tensei.” Rather than writing songs for my listeners, I always just write them for myself. That is to say, I’m not someone who is very good at speaking, nor do I have a personality that makes it easy to come to mutual understandings with people, but I use the method of “writing lyrics and turning them into songs” as a way to convey things. It’s a one-way means of communication, but it works perfectly for me. The lyrics I come up with do have meaning to them, but I leave individual interpretation up to each listener themselves, and I don’t think that I need to consider how people will react to my songs. I believe that I just need to make them say what I want to say. You also write music and lyrics for After the Rain. How do you mentally separate your unit works from your solo works? After the Rain is comprised of Soraru-san and myself, and I think it’s something that wouldn’t work without both of us there. That’s why the songs have to be suitable, as things that Soraru-san and I will share together. That’s how I see it, which is why I feel quite a sense of responsibility when I write After the Rain songs (laughs). I study music everyday, and carefully focus my energy on my work. With all that, everything I’ve worked on comes back to me when I make something as a solo artist, and not to say I don’t focus on this work, of course, but I feel like I can express my thoughts and the kind of music I want to make without changing anything. You said earlier that “Shuuten” (T/N: “Last Stop”) was a song you’d always wanted to write. Does that mean you’d planned to end the album “Ashitairo World End” with “Shuuten” from the start? I’d wanted to write a song called “Shuuten” for a while now, and I actually wasn’t sure if “Shuuten” should be the final song, or another song I wrote called “World End” should be at the end. “World End” is a faster tempo song than “Shuuten,” and I wrote about “hope” in a way that was pretty easy to understand. But “Shuuten” became something I agreed with more, so I used that one. ”Shuuten” is the answer to the question “What happens to people when they die?” that you mentioned earlier. That makes it a song that expresses your views on life and death, correct? That’s right. Humans have to let go of everything when they die, and they surely forget that they are themselves as well. I wanted to write about how that’s all that happens. It’s not just a pessimistic view though, and I think you can also see it in the positive way of people breaking free from everything that ties them down. No matter how nice you try to make things look, no matter how unfair the things you did to make money were, no matter how wonderfully you saved many people for a just cause, in the end, everyone arrives at that same “last stop.” If people listened to this song and thought about that “last stop” just a little bit, then maybe things like judging and blaming other people, or trying to obtain things even through unfair means, maybe things like that wouldn’t matter anymore. I wanted them to relax a bit, and to convey that there are many different points of view in life. In the Limited Edition A version of your album is a DVD called “Mafumafu’s Solo Journey ~Aimlessly Going to a Hot Springs Town~” Can you tell us what kind of video this is? It’s really just a live-action video of me going to a hot spring (laughs). I went to a hot springs town called Ikaho, which is in Gunma, and was honored to have the voice actor Uchiyama Kouki-san do the narration. His lines are dubbed in as someone I talk to in the DVD, and what was just footage of me walking around was made into a proper “travel show” kind of video. I also had a specific request about this video being part of Limited Edition A. What was the request? I feel like it’s normal for things like music videos and concert footage to go as a DVD with version A, and then version B has some kind of sub-content with it, but I wanted to try reversing that. My A version is the travel video, and the B version is the MV and concert video. If my album managed to make it to the top of the rankings and the description for Limited Edition A is given, the DVD content will say, “Mafumafu’s Solo Journey ~Aimlessly Going to a Hot Springs Town~,” right? I thought it’d be funny if people saw that and thought, “Eh, what the heck is that?” (laughs). Finally, I’d like to ask you what you’d like to achieve both as a member of After the Rain, and as the solo artist Mafumafu. More than just joining together with someone, I want to always be creating new “chemical reactions.” If one plus one is going to equal two, there’s no point in adding them, since the result will end exactly where it’s hypothesized to be. I want to accomplish things that the two of us couldn’t do without being together. I want to walk 3 more steps further than everyone else into new territory. To say something a bit more ridiculous, I’d like to create a “movement.” I feel like you’ve already created one. I feel like working as After the Rain allows us to walk on a path that we never had before. Like how you would walk on a sidewalk if it’s there, I think everyone walks on a path that someone else built first. But you might actually find a shortcut if you cut through the forest on the side, or a new world like nothing you’ve ever found before might be out there somewhere. That’s why we will keep challenging ourselves to new things, and hope that the people who see that also begin to challenge themselves to new things as well. There are many dreams I want to accomplish as an individual as well. I want to accomplish them all before I die. I think that humans will soon be able to obtain eternal life too. What I want to accomplish as an artist is to complete all the music that I want to make. There’s no point in making music if I run out of things I want to say or create, so I think I’d stop there, but there’s so much music that I do want to make that hundreds of years wouldn’t be enough time for me to do it all, so I don’t think I’ll stop. You’re a vocalist, composer, and performer. It feels like you’ll never run out of things you want to do. I’m a “jack of all trades,” so I want to do everything that people would never predict of me.
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hellopromp3 · 7 years
°C-ute - JUMP 【ENCORE】 (Last concert live at Saitama Super Arena 170612)
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bts-trans · 7 years
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170622 BigHit’s Tweet
[#오늘의방탄] 사이타마 슈퍼아레나에서의 마지막날 공연이 잘 끝났습니다💕즐거운 콘서트를 만들어준 아미들 덕분에 행복해요👍🏻 pic.twitter.com/IpklvARt2O
[#Today'sBangtan] The last day of at the Saitama Super Arena has ended successfully💕 We’re happy thanks to ARMYs who created an enjoyable concert for us👍🏻
Trans cr; Alli @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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arashigossip · 7 years
Arashi new tour, new system, new problem!
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Johnnys try to avoid the resales of the tickets for the concerts so they lauched a new system of identification with a Qr code mailing online. The first test was at the "Jr. Festival" held at Saitama Super Arena on April 8, it was problematic for fans to get into the venue. The date line for the beginning of the concert get delayed, the Jrs began the concert with MC part and a half hour later the whole venue was completed. The fans runs in the SNS their anger. The first test of the system was a mistake. Then in "V6 LIVE TOUR 2017 The ONES" performed at the Yokohama Arena on October 6th, the same problem occour. The fans complain about the wainting time for the acceptance of the code in the entnace. The one's who ballot for the "standing seat" were moved for the arena but when the concert has alredy 2 songs performed. The problems multiply when the fan's companions try to enter with the fans who actually purchase. Also the voices are raising against the bad manners of the staff. They get angry with the fans rush before the concert. The balloting proces for arashi was troublesmome for the ones who ballot for Sapporo, Osaka and Tokyo Dome they was moved to fukoka and other venues. "According to the writing on the net, despite the fact that some fans selected only Fukuoka performances and applied," The third hope was Sapporo and it won the prize. "In addition, The fans who wanted Tokyo Dome and Kyocera Dome Osaka argued that Sapporo Dome won the same hope because of the 3rd request and confirmed that there was no mistake at the time of application. There was also a voice that some kind of mistake caused by the operation side is caused by the voice saying that it changed to Sapporo when I look at the application status of my page from Sapporo.The ticket fee will be deposited after winning but the cost of travel to Sapporo and schedule will be something to lock at it, but if you do not transfer money it will be treated as cancellation, "If you do not get a ticket in the future" is the recurrent fear. Speaking of Johnny's, last year the membership agreement of Johnny's Family Club, which manages fan clubs, has been partially revised as pointed out by the Consumer Damage Prevention. Likewise, the ticket sales agreement has been changed to "notify beforehand when revising," and the clause "can not change or cancel after purchase" is said to be accompanied by the phrase "change due to buyer's circumstances or cancellation" . It was finally changing to a fans-friendly office, but event-related troubles are always going on. Maybe the new system prevent for resales, but the troubles for the fans multiplies too.The group face now a different scenario: a complete venue or having vacant spots for the balloting mistake or even from personals cancellation.
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