#last category for this meme
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milkbreadtoast · 2 years
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🫡 (wasnt sure abt some of these but. others im v sure abt dmcbdmdj)
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eve-to-adam · 5 months
I was tagged by @theladyelizabeth to make this lockscreen/spotify meme; thank you very much for thinking of me, my dear, haha! <3333333
I've had this lockscreen since… 2018, I think? He can even be included in the "celebrity" category, because he is the lead singer of my favourite Japanese rock band, The GazettE.
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As for the song, well, this can be considered a little - a very big!, actually - melodic crush of mine. Not only does the song gives me pleasure and inspiration in terms of writing or art, but it seems to me that it is like a gate - among many other such gates, by the way - which I call the comfort zone. It's like when you throw yourself on your favorite sofa and you don't want to get up from there for a long time, haha. But this is not the only reason why I like it so much, but - suspense -, the song also serves another purpose: it is one of my themes for the couple John of Bedford x Anne of Burgundy. Does this aspect contribute to my obsession with the song? Surely!
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My last celebrity photo? I don't really have that. The times when I used to collect pictures with celebrities have long gone. But let me tell you something: this - this is the picture, the source, the series, the material, the actors, the subject that sparked my curiosity for the Middle Ages and for the history of England, for the Plantagenet dynasty, for Lancaster and York. And I am grateful for that! <3333
Tagging: @teodoraioana221 and @richmond-rex, if you want to participate, of course! :D
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mwagneto · 5 months
The thing is that yes, 13 herself is good, but the show as a whole just wasn't great during her run. Something something there's a baby in this dumpster
yeah like i recognise that most ppl just disliked the show even if they liked her but that's like... almost worse to me? coz i rly love her seasons like i hate the big twist as do most ppl but like it's literally doctor who i'm used to bad decisions. but like the episodes themselves are fine? good even?? i mean there's some i think suck ass like rosa or kerblam but a lot of them are like really good??? and it literally just. makes me really sad that ppl put up with 6 seasons of moffat but literally immediately gave up on 13. like it was actually fucking insane to watch how hyped everyone (EVEN non dw fans) was about her turning into a woman and then the fandom just. disappeared. like idk obviously i cant fault anyone for liking/disliking whatever they want but it makes me so fucking sad.. i like her & her era so much and it seems like 99% of people are only willing to acknowledge it even exists when they wanna make a gender joke abt tennant or when it'd look weird to not include 13 so they include her even tho they know nothing about her or completely misinterpret her as a silly goofy friendly #girlie coz people are chronically incapable of engaging w text if it's a woman
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theinfinitedivides · 11 months
'the Girls are gay (queer)' 'who says they're gay (queer)' 'they are gay (queer, see scene where they call Azad on his wedding night from the prison to offer him some 'technical support/tactical advice' on the most important night of his life. laughter ensues, which then means that this obvious innuendo could only really work in the scene if several of them have 1. had sex with a man/amab before 2. had sex with a woman/afab before or 3. both, creating the possibility that at least one of the conditions have been met and therefore cementing the headcanon that the Girls are not straight)'
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evintide · 1 year
five times smiled ( oh god from twilight oh fuck )
five times drabble prompts » ★ !!
ONE » this realm is strange. despite the imposed twilight that now coats it’s very essence, the air feels thick, ill with intent and filled with unfamiliar scents. at least her malformed figure can move freely through this gloom, and for that she is thankful. it does little to tamp down on her nerves however, ever eager to figure out her next step. visiting that princess had given her some ideas on what to do, but little with which to enact them. she had to steal away whenever one of her mutated kin came to check up on the hylian ruler, an act that always struck a bolt of shame and anger through her heart.
but she had to bide her time. soon. soon. Zant and his strange new god could not be all seeing, so there had to be a weak spot with which she could exploit. she'd been able to hide away a large piece of one of their most precious relics from the usurper during her escape, but in it’s fractured state she stood no chance against him. she needed help… but the thought of praying to her ancestors felt wrong. they hadn’t come to her in her time of need, why would they now?
perhaps she disregards their grace too soon, or maybe it’s a genius stroke of luck. whichever it is, something answers her inward pleas. someone screams in the distance — one that lacks the garbled tone of the transformed twili, nor the lyrical voice of those unchanged. hope compels her forward and it takes mere minutes for Midna to find the source.
they find him before she does. not that it will do anything to stop her, but it serves as a bump in her path. no matter, she thinks, watching as the large beast is dragged away by one of Zant's minions. she knows what he is even if those who take him do not. he has to have been sent to her for a reason and she won’t let him slip out of her grasp so easily. she has a good enough idea on where they’re going, and as a devilish smile splits her lips apart, she knows soon enough her plans will start coming together.
TWO » the story is old. like ash on her tongue and bitterness in her heart, she lays out the darkness that has stained her tribe from its very inception. a tale she’s heard since birth, the mold with which she and her kinsmen were created and warned not to repeat. the secret that had torn their world in two, and bound her to a realm just beyond reach. not that he would know. very few did here, she surmised, and while that offered her a marginal amount of comfort before, knowing that he remained in the dark did not. she owes him that much, after everything.
she floats behind Link, material now in the scorching light, but unable to bring herself to look at him while her tale unfolds. would he think any different of her, knowing who she came from? of what she sought now, even after causing him so much anguish?
she inhales sharply, closes her lone eye and chooses to face the sun. not the one that freely beams across her shadowed skin, but the one that has been her constant through it all. if she was to make such an daunting request, she’d best do it face to face. thus she floats before Link, casting aside any hesitation and requests his help. his companionship, his support.
“ you’ll come with me, won’t you? "
the smile he gives is quiet, reassuring, and above all else brilliant to her. she knows not what to say in the face of it, giving only the smallest of nods before dashing back into his shadow. Midna tells herself the warmth that spreads through her is from the foreign sensation of being in the desert sun. but the other, wiser part of her knows it comes from the equally small smile that sneaks its way across her face.
THREE » she isn’t against him helping others. far from it, given how patient and understanding he has been through her own requests. ( or demands to be specific, but that's something she was working on… ) still, it’s hard to find any sort of understanding in this odd little side quest of his. with the once hidden village now cleared out of bulblin’s, the town of Kakariko had unexpectedly become over run with… cats. very needy cats, at that. a proverbial wave of which loved to shadow the hylian hero wherever he went now, cloying after him in a chorus of meows.
she had half a mind to remind him they had other things to do — some very important things at that. but the way his eyes lit up with every new little furry friend that approached made her give pause. maybe she shouldn’t be this surprised at how animals flocked to him — she’d seen the array with which were kept back at his home village, and the way small pups and other cats chased him in the streets of the city. so seeing him flocked after so fervently in the middle of nowhere shouldnt be too much of a change of pace.
he didn’t have to say anything to her after chatting up with the village’s lone cucco. one look of those large blue eyes told her enough of what she needed to know. so with a roll of her lone eye, the twili gave a shrug of surrender.
“ alright, fine. but there’d better be something good after all this. ”
she couldn't figure out if he was wagging his tail because of her acquiescence or her inevitable smile, but Midna didn’t bother to give it much thought.
FOUR » her heart breaks a little when Zelda leaves her. but she is back, in her own mind and form, and that is enough. even if she cannot return to her own, Midna, for the first time in what feels like forever, is glad to see that someone who has given up so much can be graced with another chance. it’s hard to face the other princess, her returning radiance nearly blinding, once silent kindness given word. spoken so softly but strong enough to shatter the imp’s heart. she can’t find the right words to say — whether to offer thanks, apology, or both all at once.
none of them are given the chance -- not before the force of Ganondorf reforms again, a malignant curse that refuses to accept defeat no matter how much they push back. the trio turns to see the shadowy cloud form a cruel, snarling face, down but not out, even after being twice struck down.
Midna inhales, closes her eye. so. it’s come to this.
with a subtle flex she summons the shards of her ancestors relic once more, feels the dark energy radiate power as they circle her to fit together over her figure. she doesn’t have to look at Link to know he understands what’s about to happen. hears the sharp inhale, feels the reach of his hand. the least she can do is send them off with one final smile; an attempt of mirroring the same they had both gifted her throughout their journey. a silent thank you, for all that they’ve done, what they’ve sacrificed, in the name of her selfishness and narrow minded view.
it was time to return the favor, win or lose. and she would not have them face any more danger on her behalf.
as the helm reconnects and the power of darkness thrums through her, Midna's smile remains. they’re safe, and that’s all that matters.
FIVE » she always relished leaving people speechless. the reaction she receives is expected, but no less enjoyed when he outright beams. a source of light in his own right, the twili ruler couldn’t help but laugh, and their reunion is warm, exhausted, and damp with joyous tears.
but their time is finite, even if they don’t know it. she does, for in her heart of hearts she knows what must be done. even as the sun begins to peak over the mountains in the distance, Midna wills it to slumber just a little longer, as they traverse over soil and sand to make their way towards her home. her final destination, and theirs the beginning of a new chapter.
may ignorance be bliss, as he still smiles. she as well, but with a more somber edge. maybe her fellow queen knows, but Midna doesn’t try to look too deeply for it. fears it, almost, for the warmth she once shared with Zelda is now just a budding memory, so she tries to make up for it in gentle touches and coy smirks. if Zelda notices, she doesn’t say, and for that Midna will always be thankful.
goodbyes are always difficult. hyrule’s queen is pragmatic but kind, Link her silent but gentle advocate. seeing them there, together and whole, is like having two pieces of a puzzle finally laid out before her. yet, those pieces belong elsewhere. so she resolves herself, turning to take the last few steps towards home, and at the top looks down at them one final time.
her breath hitches, lips tremble. and as the tear falls, she reaches out, then retreats. as the glass shatters, she looks at him with a watery gaze and smiles.
" ... see you later. "
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grandprix-ao3 · 1 year
🤩????? So curiousss
14. 🤩 A fic that made you SLAM that “subscribe” button
okay this might be missing the point of the whole fic rec thing. but. touch tank by daytrippers (Lando/Daniel) ... i have never subscribed to a writer so quickly after reading a fic with a premise i didn't like very much. still a good fic but like. i don't think i bookmarked it? i just liked their writing soso much it was one of those things where i subscribed then read all their other fics immediately. so good i love all their stuff 12/10
for fics of theirs that i full hardcore recommend i'll say (the pierre line) (Pierre/Esteban) and sweet nothing (Esteban/Mick). i'm eating their writing shoving it down my throat i want to choke on it. and other normal things i have said
fic recs ask meme
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seraphimfall · 7 months
i’ve read so much tradcath bullshit the last two years. i can confidently say tradcath men fit into one of two categories:
“protestant-raised and converted to catholicism because of his crippling porn addiction and racist tendencies. reposts crusader and conquistador memes. is hated in his local parish.” tradcath
“catholic-raised band kid who ate his lunches with the religion teacher. smells like mildew. cut off all his friends that came out as gay after high school. now larps as an aquinian scholar and cries after jerking off.” tradcath
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fandom · 10 months
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Top 23 of 2023
Have you been aching to get your hot little hands on 52 weeks of data around original posts, likes, reblogs, and searches, all weighted and ranked and tied up into categories with a nice little bow on top? Well, today’s your day! It should come as no surprise that Artists on Tumblr reign supreme: from stunning traditional art, jaw-dropping digital art, fanart, sculptures, textile art—you name it, basically—this year’s list shows that Tumblr truly is the home for art and artists. Thank you, Artists on Tumblr, for enriching our dashboards day after day. 
Rounding out the top three, we have two iconic shows: Good Omens is live-action, and The Owl House is animated, but both have a heck of a love story at their core. The second season of Good Omens blessed us with not one but two ineffably exquisite ships, while the final season of The Owl House broke and then healed fans’ hearts in equal measure. Thanks, @danaterrace! Actually, come to think of it, the Good Omens finale kinda did the same in reverse. Thanks to you, too, @neil-gaiman! We can’t wait for season 3. 
Speaking of heartbreak and healing, Our Flag Means Death’s second season offered both in droves. The entire cast gave stellar performances, and fans couldn’t have been happier to see the kinds of representation the show displayed. Last year’s #1 topic, Stranger Things, may have dropped a bit, but trust us, you wouldn’t know it from the amount of meta, fanart, and fics in the tag. And did you hear about the live-action adaptations of both The Last of Us and One Piece? They were a preeeetty big deal this year, too. Check ‘em out if you haven’t yet (lol, of course you have). And we’d be remiss not to mention the hugely dedicated fans, fanartists, and fic writers devoting their time to all things Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Y’all deserve a little pizza, as a treat.
2023 was also a year for blockbuster movies, which of course hasn’t escaped anybody’s notice here on Tumblr. Barbie smashed box offices worldwide and left us reeling with every re-watch. How can one describe Greta Gerwig’s pink-filled opus? It certainly is one of the movies of all time. Meanwhile, with its incredible animation and soundtrack, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse introduced us to a whole new multiverse of Spider-People, opening the portal to a veritable flood of incredible OCs. And then, of course, we got a fresh perspective on an old classic when cinephiles introduced Martin Scorscese’s cinematic masterpiece, Goncharov (1973), to a new generation of film aficionados who resoundingly agree that it is, in fact, the greatest mafia movie ever made. We’re so glad this underrated film finally got the acclaim it has long deserved.
In the realms of gaming and tech, the long-anticipated Baldur’s Gate 3 has basically become everyone’s new favorite D&D/dating sim combination. Of course, the Pokémon franchise, games, shows, and Hatsune Miku collabs remain perennial favorites. Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter, sorry, we mean of course X, made waves across the internet. Similarly, the Reddit blackout drove Redditors to new venues, and Tumblr users welcomed the folks from r/196 with open arms—we’re huge fans of your memes, y’all, and you fit right in. Welcome, we’re glad you enjoy the chaos. Here’s a fun fact: if we included post metadata in Year in Review rankings, #polls, introduced in January of 2023, would have been the #5 topic on Tumblr this year. Phenomenal. 
And, oh right. Taylor Swift had kind of a big year, what with the albums, the epic global tour, and the movie and stuff. Fantastic work, @taylorswift, the Swifties on Tumblr thank you for everything.
This is Tumblr’s Year in Review.
Artists on Tumblr
Good Omens
The Owl House
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Critical Role
Taylor Swift
Genshin Impact
Stranger Things
The Last of Us
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Elon Musk
Star Wars
Our Flag Means Death
Crowley | Good Omens
Baldur's Gate 3
One Piece
Aziraphale | Good Omens
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moltengoldveins · 7 months
ok but I have Thoughts about the way Minecraft usernames translate to actual names, both irl and in fanfic. They’re definitely ‘obsessed with structure and grumpy at inconsistency flavor autism’ thoughts but still. I find it weird how we cut and paste the media we’re given to fit what we view as functional worldbuilding, and how that gets screwy when translating online names.
like, you’re working with several categories here. The person’s actual real name, their irl nickname, their gamer tag, a name possibly contained by or possibly the entirety of that gamer tag, and any extra pieces or symbols in the gamer tag. And you have the weird situation where those categories might not easily translate to a ‘First Name Last Name’ structure. For an example, we’ve got Phil Watson, who’s gamer tag is ‘Ph1LzA,’ and is called Philza Minecraft or Philza. The ‘Minecraft last name’ is a…. Bit? A joke? A reference to a bit of lore? It’s unclear. The ‘Za’ bit was put there for flair and is now an integral part of his name. Sometimes it’s his last name. Sometimes his real last name is chucked in there. the 1 in his actual username is literally never referenced in nicknames or fic it’s like it’s not even there. But that’s a simple one. What about Tubbo_? because we call him Tubbo Underscore. Like. We say the ‘_’ aloud. Why do we do that. What has possessed us to make that decision? What about FitMC? I’ve usually heard it said ‘Fit Emsee.’ Why say that, and not say ‘Minecraft? That’s not even really a last name, it’s just like…. His full first name. Fit is used more like a shortened nickname. BadBoyHalo. Like. ‘Bad boy’ is a slang term, not a name. It would make the most sense to call him Halo, that’s the distinct noun in the name, the term the ‘bad boy’ bit is referring to. Like ‘GoodTimesWithScar’ but noooo. Bad. Halo is usually a last name, if it’s there at all. Skeppy on the other hand is… just his name. No last name ever. Technoblade is also weird. Technoblade is his full name. We call him that. We ALSO call him ‘Techno,’ and use Blade as a last name. We also use Blade as a title. What the heck. GeminiTay. We call her Gem. We use Tay as a last name sometimes. Her name is a Zodiac constellation. Literally nowhere I’m have I seen that affect her naming conventions. IJevin. We just… remove the I. For everything. This wouldn’t bother me except we don’t do it with everyone and I’m starting to get annoyed by the inconsistency. GoodTimesWithScar. Ok. This one also bugs me. Like, most fics call him Scar Goodtimes when they need a name. I’m not gonna dig into it but that’s…. Why? Why that? Grian never gets a last name. Ranboo sometimes gets chopped into Ran and Boo but usually he’s an Underscore or he’s last nameless. Wilbur Soot functions wonderfully (until the get involved shhhh) but it’s too close to his real name it gets very confusing.
anyway, all of this sucks, I hate it all, we’re a terrible fandom /hj
all that nonsense aside, yknow who has a functional Firstname Lastname username? It’s even got a space, and proper capitals: Mumbo Jumbo. That’s who. Look at that. It’s perfect. Everyone should be more like Mumbo Jumbo. Thank you and good night.
Edit: I know about Ranboo Beloved and Grian Dreamslayer and the various other characters whose names I didn’t mention perfectly in this post. This was no piece of journalism, this was an old man shouts at cloud meme personified. I was very overstimulated and this was what happened to catch my autistic ire. I’m not upset, just figured I’d clarify, a lot of people seem distressed at my not mentioning Beloved. Hope y’all are having a lovely day 💜
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abxtchbetired · 3 months
seven deadly sins headcanons
because i'm tired of sinday memes being all about sex. send a category + a number. warning: some of the questions in the lust section are nsft. that's why it's at the bottom.
gluttony - - -
what could your muse eat all the time without ever getting tired of it?
a feast of all your muse's favorite foods is laid out in front of them. what's on the menu?
is your muse the type to leave the last bit of food for someone else, or to take it for themselves before someone else can claim it?
does your muse frequently overeat?
does your muse go back for seconds? thirds? fourths?
how many meals and snacks does your muse eat in a day?
what are your muse's go-to beverages?
does your muse drink enough water?
does your muse drink many sugary drinks, like soda or juice?
is your muse a heavy (alcohol) drinker? if so, what do they drink? in what situations do they drink? do they know their limits? do they stop at their limit, or go past it?
is your muse addicted to caffeine? if so, what is their preferred caffeinated beverage?
does your muse have a sweet tooth?
greed - - -
what does your muse collect, if anything?
is your muse prone to hoarding anything?
what is your muse's financial situation? what are their financial goals?
is money important to your muse? why or why not?
how much money does your muse keep in their checking account at any given time? if your muse keeps cash, how much do they usually have in their wallet? does your muse carry coins around? what is the limit on their credit card, if they have one? do they have multiple credit cards?
does your muse have good savings habits? how much do they currently have saved up?
is your muse prone to shopping sprees? if so, what do they usually indulge in buying?
is your muse in debt? if so, are they managing it well, or are they struggling?
would your muse throw others under the bus/step on others if it meant they could find more success/make more money?
would your muse steal anything?
wrath - - -
does your muse like to get revenge on those they feel have wronged them?
how does your muse handle anger? do they have anger issues? how do they manage or vent their anger?
does your muse believe in karma?
did your muse get into fights as a kid? do they get into fights as an adult? if your muse never got into fights before, would they in the name of self defense?
what, if anything, provokes your muse to violence?
does your muse believe that violence can solve some problems? or are they more a "violence is never the answer" type? somewhere in-between?
does your muse destroy things for fun, or to let off steam?
was your muse a bully? or were they bullied themselves?
has your muse ever considered murdering someone? or have they actually gone through with murdering someone?
does your muse enjoy hurting others, whether it be physically or emotionally?
pride - - -
does your muse believe they are the best at everything, even if that belief is unwarranted?
in what areas might your muse be a little overconfident? are they overconfident in the sense that they don't have the skills to back it up, or in the sense that they do have the skills but they are obnoxious in their confidence?
does your muse accept responsibility for their actions when they have done something wrong?
is your muse comfortable with apologizing to others?
does your muse feel remorse? if so, how do they express it?
has your muse every blown off preparing for something because they were confident they could complete the task without preparation? if so, what was the situation?
is your muse prone to bragging? what do they brag about?
does your muse look down on others they perceive as being "not as good" at things as they are?
sloth - - -
on what day(s) does your muse feel most lazy? at a specific time of day, or all day?
is your muse prone to procrastination?
what chores/responsibilities does your muse avoid doing at all costs?
how many hours of sleep does your muse get? do they feel rested after, or are they still tired?
once your muse gets started doing something important, do they drag their feet, take many breaks, and ultimately prolong the task? or do they work as quickly as possible, at the sacrifice of a quality job? or do they work efficiently without sacrificing quality?
does your muse put on real clothes every day, or only if they have to go out?
if your muse could get away with wearing pajamas all day every day, would they?
does your muse complain about responsibilities a lot?
is your muse the type to get up on time on their own or with an alarm? are they the type to hit snooze over and over?
envy - - -
does your muse get jealous easily, or does it take a lot for them to feel it?
what kinds of things does your muse get jealous about?
does your muse compare themselves to others often? if so, how does it affect them?
lust - - -
is your muse sexually active? if so, how often do they have sex? how many partners do they typically have at one time? if not, why not?
what is your muse's sexuality? if asexual, are they sex favorable, sex indifferent, or sex repulsed?
is your muse vanilla, or are they kinky? if kinky, what are their top three kinks, and why do they like them? if vanilla, what position(s) does your muse have sex in?
what sex-related words turn your muse on? what words make them cringe?
does your muse masturbate? if so, how often, and how do they get themselves off? if not, why not?
does your muse have high, medium, or low libido?
is sex compatibility a dealbreaker for your muse in a relationship? why or why not?
how does your muse feel about one-night-stands?
what was your muse's first time having sex like? who was it with, why did they choose that person, where did it take place, how old were they, and what happened?
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ms-demeanor · 4 months
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if we're like, showing graphs and stuff, this is the type that i think a lot of people on tumblr are thinking of when they think about the economy.
Only one third of people with family incomes below $50k spent less than their income each month. I would guess that a lot of people on tumblr who get aggro about this topic (and the vast majority of people on r/povertyfinance, who discuss this sort of thing a lot) fall into this earning category.
Real wage increases only matter if you got a raise (one third of workers got a raise last year, which means that 2/3rds didn't - included in the economic wellbeing report linked above). Whether or not rent is outpacing wages only matters if you're not going to be rent burdened (more than a third of renter households are cost burdened in every state and 12 million rental households spend more than half their income on rent). Employment rates lose a lot of meaning when you're working multiple jobs to make ends meet (the percentage of multiply employed workers was falling in the US from 1996 to the 2010s, when it plateaued, then it started rising slightly then collapsed in 2020 and has been rising steeply since then and it's too soon to tell if it's going to go back to the plateau or keep going up).
Four in ten adults in the US is carrying some level of medical debt (even people who are insured) and 60% of people with medical debt have cut back on food, clothes or household items; about 50% of people with medical debt have used up all their savings.
Tumblr is the broke people website and yeah, people who are working two jobs to afford $900 for one room and utilities in a three bedroom apartment are not going to feel great about the economy even if real wages are raising and inflation-adjusted rents are actually pretty stable. "The Rent is too Damn High" has been a meme for 14 years so, like, yeah. Even if it's pretty stable when adjusted for inflation it is stable and HIGH.
It's hard to feel good about the economy when you're spending the last few days of the pay period hoping nothing unexpected hits your account, and it's VERY frustrating to be told that the economy's doing well when you've had to start selling blood to buy groceries.
Sure, unemployment is low, that's neat. It's good that inflation has stabilized (it genuinely has; prices are not likely to fall back to pre-inflation rates and eventually you'll likely be paid enough to reach equilibrium, but a lot of people aren't there yet).
But, like, it costs eight thousand dollars a year out of pocket to keep my spouse alive. I'd guess that we've paid off about a third of the 40-ish thousands of dollars he's racked up since his heart attack. His medical debt is why I don't have a retirement plan beyond "I guess I'll die?" So talking about how good the economy is kind of feels like being chained in the bottom of a pit that is slowly filling with water while people on the surface talk about the fact that the rain is tapering off. Neat! That's good! But I can't really see it from where I'm standing.
Inflation really is getting better. My state just enacted a $20 minimum wage for fast food workers. The Biden administration has worked hard to reduce many kinds of healthcare costs. A lot of people have had significant portions of their student debt cancelled.
But a lot of people are still having trouble affording groceries and it doesn't seem helpful to say "your perception of the economy is decoupled from the reality of the economy" on the "can I get a few dollars for food today?" website.
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spacerockfloater · 3 months
hi! i noticed you learnt about what ryan condal said regarding blood and cheese. it was…something. i would like to know your thoughts on the matter. though it would be completely understandable if you need sometime to gather them together or if you would rather not at all! thank you and bye!
Hello beloved, thank you so much for asking me! I’d love to share my opinion!
If anyone’s wondering, @rhaenelle is referring to this interview where Ryan Condal essentially says he believes that Blood & Cheese’s brutality and heinousness was exaggerated by the Greens in a propagandistic attempt to convince their subjects that Rhaenyra and Daemon are the worst villains ever born, hence why he toned the event down; to show us what he thinks is the accurate version of Jaehaerys’ murder.
Now, I am aware that Condal had already warned us that HOTD was going to be a feminist retelling of the events of F&B, which practically means that his plan has always been to whitewash the everlasting fuck out of Rhaenyra. So what do I think about this?
Well, for starters, I think that Ryan Condal is an excellent businessman. He knows what kind of tropes are going to make the audience engage with his show. He understands that people need a hero to cheer for and a villain to hate, therefore he removed the moral ambiguity from all of the characters and divided them into two categories: the Blacks, enlightened revolutionaries full of passion, deserving of admiration and correct in everything they do, and the Greens, pious fools with a moral superiority complex who are stack in the ways of the past and commit despicable crimes. The average viewer does not possess the intelligence to comprehend that both parties have their good and bad moments, and that they’re both correct in fighting for what each believes is rightfully theirs. Simultaneously, he benefits from the modern trends that want women in media to take revenge when they are wronged and emerge as triumphant girlbosses, because of course a white upper class woman’s suffering in a western world (or Westeros) society has everything to do with her gender and nothing to do with her personality or decisions (even if this works solely for Rhaenyra, because Alicent seems to be held accountable for every single one of her actions). Finally, it is obvious that Condal is trying to appease disgruntled Daenerys fans, so he has rebuilt Rhaenyra into this tortured martyr that wishes to change the world for the better in an attempt to make her resemble her great granddaughter six times removed.
For all of these reasons, I find it very logical that he is going out of his way to minimise the tragedy the Greens experience. It just doesn’t make Rhaenyra look good and honestly, who wants that? The producers saw how unhappy Danny’s stans were when they made her lose her shit; they’re not going to make the same mistake twice. They don’t want their show to tank like the last season of GOT did, so they’ll do everything in their power to keep the audience happy. And it’s working! What’s the last thing Condal says in this clip? “You kinda start rooting for [Blood and Cheese]!” and boy oh boy, the TB stans sure do! Literally hundreds of memes that rejoiced at Jaehaerys’ death were posted on X this week, with tens of thousands of likes. But when Lucerys died, it was presented as the most foul thing to ever happen in the ASOIAF universe. It is the TB supporters that dictate which child murder is good and which is bad, and that decision usually depends on which child came out Rhaenyra’s womb, not let’s say, the fact that one kid was a toddler that could barely walk, while the other was a teenager that laughed at the disabled person he mutilated himself.
It’s all just marketing
That being said, I want to clarify that I understand why Condal and the HOTD producers do what they do, but being a good entrepreneur does not necessarily make you a literary genius. Now, I’m not gonna explain why stripping Rhaenyra off of every character trait that made her interesting is a bad decision and that in their attempt to remove the blame from her so that they can elevate her as this righteous patron of feminism, they’re accidentally removing all of her agency and turning her simply into a victim, because I have a whole blog dedicated to that. But let’s just say that presenting Rhaenyra as this sexually liberated idol that’s incapable of evil, when in fact she’s an entitled aristocrat who’s completely at the mercy of men around her, from her father to her husbuncle, is the most performative activism move ever pulled in recent TV history, as well as pushing the narrative that Alicent suffers from internalised misogyny because duh, a woman can only be good and a feminist if she supports Rhaenyra, not when she pursues her own interests.
Ultimately, I think we just have to accept that this show is not meant for TG fans. We are not going to find any satisfaction in it. Everything that was unique and admirable about the Greens in the book has vanished. Their family dynamic is fucked up, Alicent’s children hate her, Aegon and Halaena cannot stand one another, Alicent is constantly a victim and never someone that chases her own ambitions, Halaena is very vague, Aemond appears to be more angsty than angry, Aegon is a stupid rapist, Jaehaerys’ death was turned into a mockery, Alicole was weaponised in order to make us shit on Alicent and Criston even more and so on. This show barely caters to us because we’re not making them any money.
The reason that there are more TB than TG stans is because (I’m gonna get so much fucking hate for this) most people who watch TV are fucking morons. I swear, when F&B came out 6 years ago, no one gave a flying fuck about Rhaenyra, because we all understood that everyone involved in the Dance of the Dragons was fucked up in their own way and that the message of this story, just like the general message of ASOIAF, is that nobody deserves to sit on that fucking throne. We were all in agreement about that. But then this fucking show came along and all the oblivious simpletons that swallowed whatever the producers shoved down their throats, grabbed the book and decided that “Woah, this book is obviously a critique on patriarchy and Rhaenyra is obviously the victim of the story”! As if GRRM, the man who said that he doesn’t sit down and think “Oh, I’m going to write a woman now” but instead he believes women to be people just like men, with complex personalities, would ever do that. And they just can’t believe that it is possible for book!Rhaenyra to be an evil racist classist full of entitlement! Surely it must be because the Greens are rewriting history! There’s no way GRRM, the man that created Cersei fucking Lannister, would ever make a female character that’s vicious and crazy just because she feels like it! Y’all need to sit down for a moment. I say this as a radical feminist that supports the 4B movement: you’re projecting your own ideas onto George’s work. Not all the media we consume has to reflect our ideologies, but if you think that it has to, then this book isn’t the anti misogynistic masterpiece you wish it was.
Like, when it comes to F&B, I am firmly anti Targaryen and did not wish for any side to win. I wanted them all wiped out to be honest. But when it comes to HOTD, I’m TG basically out of spite at this point.
All in all, I just think that things are going to go downhill for us from this point on. They’ll just keep glorifying the Blacks until the very end.
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offside-the-lines · 5 months
MattDrai Fic Recs
So @irrelevanttous and @puckthisshift sent me the ask meme prompt for "what my favorite Mattdrai fic is" and I went on a JOURNEY lemme tell ya. I ended up figuring out how to download my AO3 history (in which I discovered that in the last year, I've read like literally 50% of all the MattDrai fics ever written) to help me figure out what my faves were. So here are some (most? I hope?), split into categories.
General Faves:
head above water by yourblues (@msmargaretmurry) 🔒 (E, 91.1k) This might be one of the best pieces of RPF ever written; it's a classic. I have visited this fic literally 21 times. It has everything: stupidity, pining, incredible sex, falling for each other, also more stupidity. Chapter 6 literally rips my entire soul out every time. I think this fic permanently altered my brain chemistry. It's a perennial re-read.
only fools rush in by @bropunzeling 🔒 (E, 94.9k) This is another fic that is a Must Read for HRPF as a whole. The entire time, I just want to reach through the screen and wring both of their necks for being so incredibly dense. And I love everything about this, especially just the way it's written is so incredible.
Growing Into Someone by @blaahaj 🔒 (E, 46.5k) God, I love this fic so much, I come back to it all the time. I think this must've been one of the first Mattdrai works I read. But I just love how natural the initial tension is, and how inevitable their falling in love is, and how the climax happens and resolves is just so incredible.
Undo Falling for You by crookedsilence (@csblogs) 🔒 (T, 16.1k) This is an AU I guess? I put it in this section because it's Hanahaki, so like only kinda AU. Either way, I am obsessed with this! It is just emotionally perfect. Highly recommend.
rough dream? by reticent 🔒 (M, 7.2k) So, this fic is probably the most "out there" suggestion because of the warning (I'll get to that part) but this fic is literally the most perfect microcosm of what Mattdrai fics tend to have: pining, lack of communication, falling in love while being terrified of falling in love, etc. This is a time loop fic where Matthew is stuck in the time loop but it's told from the perspective of Leon. It is absolutely incredible. I think about this fic ALL THE TIME. The warning is for a suicide, but no "actual" character death because the time loop resets.
i'll tell you when to stop by dogjuice 🔒 (E, 39.6k) (McMattDrai) This is the real answer to 'what fic do you send people if they want to get into MattDrai'. I have sent this to so many people because it is perfect. Everything about this is perfect. Matthew's internal dialogue and his anxiety, and his perception of what's happening. The second half of the fic is so well-written and suspenseful. Something I feel it will give me a heart attack even though I've read it like 10 times.
Future Fics
Saving the Best for Last by @puckingtrash 🔒 (E, 100.1k) This is the fic that made me obsessed with Future Fics of current rivals. There's just a level of camaraderie and understanding that happens after that many years in the same league; it doesn't matter how much beef you had. And this fic is just so incredible. I love thinking about what these guys do after retirement. A must read IMO.
home by now by daisysusan (@hopetorun) 🔒 (E, 102.3k) Probably one of the best fics. I love the way this builds up and keeps you on edge. It really mirrors how Matty feels, just this general unease of knowing something is wrong but not knowing what. The laying of the pining with the hurt and confusion is just so well done.
back to where we lasted by @ohtemporas 🔒 (E, 34.4k) Trade fics are always so interesting with these two. Especially in the situation where they are exes. And one of them (Leon in this case) has fucked up greatly, and they need to figure out how to get past it because neither of them are over it. Or in this case, figure out how to do it again, but properly.
Old Flames Burn Brighter by @cisumox (E, 25k) I love this fic so much because of the way they are both clearly affected by what happened and how much they still want to love each other. I think about this one al the time. Warning: this does involve a career ending injury.
settle down in the Sunshine State by @puckthisshift 🔒 (E, 14.7k) This has my fave Mattdrai trope where one of them is a fucking idiot, and is so in their head about it. And they have absolutely no idea what literally every single other person knows. In this case, it's Matthew. I absolutely love this fic. I read it all the time.
gather your broken lessons and move by rumandwhine 🔒 (E, 30.5k) This one is super interesting because it doesn't involve a trade, or them in the same place. It is the same as it was before, but different. How are they doing to figure out what went wrong and how are they going to make sure they don't make the same mistakes? They are older now, but are they any less stupid. Keep reading to find out. (Also featuring an absolutely hilarious situation with Drai and his rookie).
linger by @bropunzeling 🔒 (E, 65.5k) (Omegaverse) This is another all timer. It is so incredible: the way they are just so inexplicably drawn to each other, and obsessed but so worried about their obsession. And the way Leon treats Matthew as something really special from the beginning (and how Matthew just doesn't seem to pick up on that). The way that things build towards the climax, with the ASG 2023 moment (which makes me want to rip my eyeballs out every time; it HURTS). It has all the best parts of omegaverse and explores their relationships with their dynamics so thoughtfully.
whatever promises I made by @puckthisshift 🔒 (E, 360k) (Omegaverse) Yet another all timer for the genre as a whole. The way that omegaverse is explored here is so interesting. It was the fic that really got me on board with the AU. It is so core to the way the characters interact with each other and the world, and the inherent traumas it brings really parallels some of the experiences of populations in the real world (e.g. women).
so is the longing by dogjuice 🔒 (E, 44.7k) (Omegaverse) When I tell you I have read this fic sooooo many times. It is so so good (and so hot). Matthew is so incredibly oblivious and Leon is pining so hard and down soooooo bad. I think Leon's love for Matthew can be seen from like Alpha centauri and yet Matthew totally misses it (among other things). This is SO good.
Egos and Eligibility by @puckthisshift 🔒 (E, 91.1k) (Regency & Omegaverse) I will continue to suck up to my good friend Iris LOL. But seriously, I read this before I even knew it was her and I love it so much. I adore Regency Matthew and the way Leon is literally ever MMC from the era (Mr Darcy) is so funny to me (why so pissy Leon). Regency is such a perfect setting for the Omegaverse tropes of courting and, also again, exploring the societal impact of having these dynamics in play. I think the part where Matthew goes into heat is SO funny and well written. Bridgerton wishes.
Royal Pain by lavender_hazyy 🔒 (E, 48.9k) + Sequel Rules of Engagement (E, 37.8k) (Medieval/Royalty/Bridgerton/Robin Hood) That sounds like the most bonkers combination of things, but it's truly so so so good. I recommend this one SO much. It's so much fun to read, and their interactions are so funny. Poor Connor is always experiencing the Horrors in the background. Everything about this is perfection. THE FUCKING LOVE LETTERS OMG.
bittersweet and strange by @puckthisshift 🔒 (E, 53.4k) (Fairytale Curses) Will I ever stop thinking about this? Probably not. :) I think so much of this is a metaphor for the "beast" that Matthew portrays himself to be (maybe believes himself to be) irl. Also, I will never get enough of Taryn as a character; she is just incredible. I will literally never forget the reveal at the end (and ever villain I ever write will be henceforth inspired by you). (Also, curly haired tiger Matthew, you will always be real to me. Leon + me *handshake emoji* wanting to tough Matthew's fur).
I honestly don't even think this is ALL of the Mattdrai fics I think about regularly/reread regularly. But these are at least a lot of them. There are also so many good recommendation lists on this website when you search for "mattdrai fic recs" that will include even more fics than the ones I've selected.
Legitimately, thank you to all Mattdrai writers out there for being the fucking GOATs. I don't know what I would be reading if not this.
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starkwlkr · 7 months
Hi anon with missing cillian request this side!!!😅😅
I just wanted to say ur work on cillian with nolan!reader was soooo good and was wondering if u could write one where she attends the award shows with him and chris and they include her in their speech
(Maybe nolan reader had given the book to her father🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)
And if u could include some sweet couple and parents moment that would be AWESOME!!!!!!
what a night | cillian murphy (nolan!reader)
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when you heard cillian’s name being called at the 2024 oscars, you felt like a tearing up, but you promised you weren’t going to cry. eh, some promises were meant to be broken.
the audience stood up to applaud for your husband. he turned to you and kissed you. you made sure your lipstick didn’t get on him like it did before. “i’m so proud of you.” you whispered to him as he gave you a hug.
when he released you, he stepped aside and saw his father in law, christopher, ready to give him a hug. you were sure twitter was going to make memes about the hug. it was something you discovered recently about how your father was always casting cillian in his work. you saw many jokes about it that it made you genuinely laugh.
finally, cillian made it to the stage to receive his oscar. in a room full of people, he found you staring at him with eyes full of love and proudness.
“i’m a little overwhelmed. thank you to the academy. um, chris nolan and emma thomas it’s been the wildest most exhilarating most creatively satisfying journey you’ve taken me on over the last twenty years. i owe you more than i can say. thank you so much. and thank you for not firing me after you found out your daughter and i were dating.” he said as the audience laughed.
the camera showed chris and you laughing at his joke.
after thanking the crew and cast, he looked at you. “thank you for being my partner in life, the mother of our beautiful children, my best friend, you are my person. i love you.” your father watched as you teared up.
after cillian finished his speech, you were tapped on your shoulder by your father, who offered you a tissue. “thanks, dad.” you chuckled as you took it.
next it was time for best director, a category you were nervous for your father.
“and the oscar goes to . . . christopher nolan, oppenheimer.” steven speilberg announced. your father had done it, finally. he was an oscar winner. after eight nominations, he finally got his golden statue.
after he hugged and kissed emma, he walked to your direction. cillian was still backstage, but he was watching close by. your father hugged you for a few seconds then kissed your cheek.
“you did it!” you cheered.
“it’s yours too, love.”
when he got to the stage, he was greeted by steven and got handed his oscar. it was truly a surreal moment. he first thanked the studios and several people who helped make the film.
“to my daughter, you are the reason for this.” he held up the statue. “you have a brilliant mind and a kind soul and i’m extremely proud to be your father. you gave me the book that this film is based on and you helped create a masterpiece. thank you forever. i share this with you.” his words made you cry even more.
you blew a kiss to your father then wiped away a tear. it was a dream come true.
shortly after, cillian got back to his seat, golden statue in hand. “did i do okay?”
“you did it perfectly, my love.”
when it was time for best picture to be announced, you were a bit confused. you weren’t sure if al pacino was didn’t care or if he was joking, but your father’s film had won best picture. it was a weird way to announce it, but your father and the oppenheimer team walked to the stage to receive the award.
it was definitely a perfect way to end the night.
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darin-nidk · 6 months
Family dynamic. | Vox's sibling!Reader.
Content: Implicit imposter syndrome, subtle hints of depression. General description of S.Reader's relationship with The Vee's.
A/N: Probably the last thing you'll see of this particular reader unless I get requests for potential relationships with other Hazbin hotel characters.
Frankly, Hell wasn't exactly what you had in mind, if anything, this particular ring of Hell was like Earth with extra steps and fancier titles: people (read: sinners) still got killed, sometimes there was a transactional reason behind, sometimes just because ; consent was also a bit of a myth here too ; politics? Not exactly. Religion? Uh, duh — after all, the fancy titles previously mentioned were: Archangels, Seraphims, Angels, Sinners and Hellborns (was Adam his own category? His title was First Man and, according to some sources, he had self-proclaimed as Dickmaster or the original dick).
The only upside thus far was that your physical form was kind of cool (literally, a humanoid robot so... an android that had to regulate its body temperature to not overheat), no bones ached, no muscles hurt and you couldn't get sick (a virus, maybe...?) plus your cult leader brother was, to no one's surprise, a cult leader! With the power of hypnosis which, in retrospective, was kind of like his gig back on Earth with manipulation skills that had been perfectly crafted and mastered throughout years and years of studying the human psique and emotions.
The TV head was... new. Unexpected, certainly hilarious even if the context was gruesome to an extent. It made sense, same goes with you: the right-hand, the prophet of this newfound god. Although your form was different since you died electrocuted because of a faulty electrical connection.
Ah yes, what is there to do in Hell..? The Radio Demon had gone missing as well as Lilith, part of you heavily believes that those two separate events are, in fact, connected despite the lack of evidence. A hunch though without something to back it up, you kept quiet — after all, you weren't a big mastermind, though you did enjoy chaos and creating a ridiculous amount of back-up plans in case something went terribly wrong. Cautious? Anxious? Oh, yeah. Your stubborn egotistical brother was careless when going through his many power-trips or when his rage made his (seemingly) perfect persona crack, hence why you just had to have ways to ammend any and all mistakes. Problems made you uneasy, utterly sick — gotta fix 'em, gotta have potential solution for every possible scenario no matter how insane they could be. You never know! You have to know, a sense of being capable of choosing, to own something, just about any single aspect of your life just had to be yours to control.
Nonetheless... Hell, huh. What to do? Unlike Vox, your powers were quite limited and served as support for his, rinse and repeat a life on that one. Besides that, you weren't an official Vee member, more like an honorary one — and thanks to you being a charmer, a problem solver (people-pleaser) and overall someone who rather live comfortably, well... You started babysitting looking after Valentino whenever Vox was too busy (read: didn't want to put up with his bullshit) and this lead to uhhh, unwillingly being dragged to his studio. The porn actors loved you, which made Valentino hate you but also love you as well because "motherfuckers are more willing to cooperate when there's una cara bonita como la tuya around these parts" while squeezing your 'cheeks' (screen). Yeah, you didn't get why Vox wanted this mothman carnally, though his voice was podcast material, the accent? Delicious.
Now when it came to the backbone of The Vee's, it was a trickier situation — mostly due to not having an actual reason to interact with Velvette. Sure, you guys exchanged texts like roasting Vox and Valentino, gossip, some blackmail material... Memes, selfies, the very basic. Being physically in the same room was comfortable, pleasant silences while sitting next to each other and showing funny videos from your respective devices ; or sharing private conversations that were hilarious with or without context, that's for sure! Oh and, let's not forget that this fashionista icon and unforgiving social manager will absolutely roast you if you are dressed like last century. Still, she was kind to you and, in return, you behaved the same way — work collegues, or flatmates would be a way to describe how you two got along.
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Y si hablas español, 'tonces no seas garca y dame $2 para honrar el billete que no esta en circulación y que ni siquiera es de colección a mi MP .
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