#lars and the stars
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stealingpotatoes · 3 months ago
AU where Anakin and Owen are actually brothers like we deserved in the films. Nothing about the plot changes it just makes everything like 20% sadder. (Plus space wizard farmer family shenanigans).
I honestly believe half-brother Owen could give Anakin enough of a reality check for this to be a fix-it au LOL
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tyquu · 11 months ago
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How 2 avoid telling ur kid his dad was a wizard
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octoling-wearing-gauges · 7 months ago
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will the real lars fans please stand up
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allthingskenobi · 11 months ago
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@swsource​ star wars week: day 5 – favorite names/nicknames
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twinterrors29 · 6 months ago
Owen Lars died a few days before the end of Revenge of the Sith
so when a bedraggled, light-haired and light-skinned man showed up on her doorstep carrying a child, Beru Whitesun saw a solution to all her problems: identity fraud to get out of paying death taxes to the Hutts and ensure she had enough help running the farm
she even got a free baby out of the deal, and was able to convince her totally-not-new 'husband' that this would keep him safe from the new Empire as well!
this does, of course, add an additional layer of awkwardness to the arrival of Artoo and Threepio at the start of A New Hope
Luke: hey Uncle Owen, these droids we bought say that they belong someone named Obi-Wan Kenobi who they claim lives near here, do you know who that could be?
'Owen,' sweating: he, uh, died
Luke: oh, did you know him then?
'Owen,' sweating harder: how about we just wipe these droids' memories in the morning and forget this whole conversation, how does that sound son??
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spikybanana · 2 years ago
luke: where do babies come from?
owen: brought by sorcerers. they come and drop 'em at the house. that's how we got you.
luke: you're not lying
owen: nope
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adragonsfriend · 1 year ago
Whilst I adore the idea that in the maybe 24 total hours Anakin was present on the Lars' farm, he fixed literally everything mechanical there because of *angst*, I think an infinitely funnier idea is that Padme did their taxes. She doesn't like sitting around doing nothing any more than Anakin, and she was there for several extra hours, there's no way she didn't ask for something to do, and I think that thing should be their taxes.
Cliegg and Owen weren't actually expecting to actually be able to use a coreworlder's work, but as it turns out, Padme totally helped them commit tax fraud even better than they already were without even being asked.
Bonus points if she was doing it at the same time Anakin was out committing bloody murder.
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captain-mozzarella · 6 months ago
AU where a few years after Obi-Wan gives Luke to the Lars', Quinlan finds him and says "join the hidden path Obi, please see" and Obi-Wan tells him "bro I can't leave, Luke is here, but I'll still help however I can" so Quinlan leaves and comes back a few weeks later with a force sensitive baby. And Obi-Wan just stands there holding the baby thinking 'what the fuck do I do with this thing????' and he does what any rational person would do and gives it to the Lars' cuz that way Luke can have some siblings. This happens a few more times.
And that's the story of how Luke thinks babies come from Obi-Wan
I'm calling this the Storki-Wan au
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syndullahera · 7 months ago
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hyfinart · 6 months ago
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hi chat new au in my brain :)
dont feel like writing it all down again so heres my explanation off discord lol
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tossawary · 6 months ago
Oh, hm, I properly realized that Obi-Wan never finds out about the Tusken massacre in the prequel trilogy. Now I'm imagining an immediately post-Ep3 scene on Tatooine, in which Owen or Beru is forced to reference it as it relates to other occupational hazards on Tatooine, and Obi-Wan has to be like, "I beg your fucking pardon???"
And they're reluctantly like, "You know, that time that Anakin, your student, came back to Tatooine after his poor mother had been taken by the Sand People? He singlehandedly killed that big group of them down to the last child, dozens of them, and then took off right afterwards. Big mess. It was about four years ago now. Just before the Clone Wars started. Is that, uh, is that normal for you Jedi people, by the way?" And Obi-Wan has to say, "No. No, it is fucking not."
So the Larses are, at least, incredibly relieved. They didn't want that kind of thing to happen around here again and were a little worried about this Kenobi guy starting that up again. Big mess, don't you know? Everyone in their corner of Tatooine heard about it. People a few towns over heard about it. Anakin and that Padmé woman really never said anything?
Obi-Wan, already reeling from Anakin's recent betrayal and suddenly having to re-evaluate the late Padmé's entire character as well, in the flattest tone of voice that anyone has ever used: "No, I can't say that she ever mentioned it. How odd."
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stealingpotatoes · 5 months ago
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i love comparing the fake stories that each twin was told
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phoenixkaptain · 8 months ago
Canon straight ships in Star Wars always crack me up like
You have Mutually Obsessed and Making That Everyone Else’s Problem (anidala)
Or maybe you want Roguish Princess and Rogue Turned On By That (hanleia)
Maybe even a little “I’m Trying to Kill You, Stop Daydreaming About Being My Best Friend” (lukemara)
And over there in the corner is Only Considered Normal In Comparison to the Given Competition (obitine)
And outside, not even apart of the conversation: Actually Normal Human Beings Who Just Love Each Other With Little to No Murder Being Involved (Bail&Breha, Owen&Beru)
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octoling-wearing-gauges · 1 year ago
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look who's back
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riyo-soka · 8 months ago
The Organas and the Lars family are all well aware that the children they’re raising each have a sibling somewhere in the far reaches of the galaxy. They can never say anything, since Luke and Leia would be in grave danger if the truth of their heritage were to get out, but sometimes the twins’ adoptive families can’t help but think about the other child that they will never know.
Breha notices her daughter’s title causes her to struggle with finding companions her own age and wonders if that loneliness might have been lessened had the twins never been separated. Sometimes, she imagines taking Leia’s brother by the hand and introducing him to the people of Alderaan as a beloved member of the Organa family just like his sister.
Beru starts stitching a family tree -a tradition among slaves and former slaves on Tatooine, meant to bring together families that were separated by slavery- but struggles to finish it when she realizes it’s too dangerous to include her niece. After the war, Luke and Leia create their own, and Leia displays her connection to the Lars family line like a badge of honour.
Bail is always concerned about Luke’s wellbeing somewhere in the back of his mind. The Lars family are supposed to be good, hardworking people, but even under Obi-Wan’s protection, Tatooine is a hostile place to live: especially compared to a temperate core world planet like Alderaan. Since he is unable to directly intervene so far out in Hutt Space, his contacts within the rebellion are occasionally tasked with checking in on the state of things in and around Tatooine’s settlements. On the occasions where Owen and Beru found themselves struggling to put food on the table, an off-world traveller would soon arrive offering to pay handsomely for something like mechanical help or a ride to Anchorhead.
Owen tries not to dwell on what-if scenarios and focus on keeping his nephew safe, but raising a force sensitive child -much less a force sensitive child of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala- is stressful on the best of days. When people in town murmur under their breath about how odd the Lars boy is, he worries. Both that the empire will take the whispering about Luke being odd seriously, and that the little girl Obi-Wan told them about when he arrived with baby Luke hidden under his cloak might be put in danger by those same whispers.
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twinterrors29 · 7 months ago
Owen and Beru never managed to have kids of their own despite always wanting them and having married right around the start of the Clone Wars because both of them got their Sex Ed from Shmi 'Immaculate Conception' Skywalker-Lars
considering that it worked out more or less as they'd wanted via Force-wizard baby-delivery before too long anyway, they never actually questioned this
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