#larry one shot
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lhhspixie · 8 months ago
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kiss me, don’t let go
by fearlessrry
Louis Tomlinson/Harry Styles | 6k
Tags: Omega louis, Alpha harry, scenting, nesting, dropping, fluff, coffee shop au
Harry turns around, and as soon as he does, he’s met with the most beautiful blue eyes he has ever seen.
He doesn’t know why or how, but he finds himself walking towards the sweet vanilla scent that is filling all his senses and making him feel dizzy.
“Hey, do you mind if I sit here while I wait for a table to clear up?”
Or; A crowded coffee shop seems to be the perfect place to get an alpha and an omega to fall in love, and you don’t need to tell that twice to Harry and Louis.
Link on AO3
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harriedoll · 1 year ago
SPOILER DA ONE NOVA (one jĂĄ postada!! clique aqui para ler)
- Odeia a chuva, Ă©? VocĂȘ Ă© feito de açĂșcar, por acaso? - O motorista tambĂ©m tinha um sorrisinho no rosto. Ele encarava o garoto pelo retrovisor. Apesar de gostar da companhia do garoto, odiava que seu Ășnico contato fosse apenas ali. Ele queria poder dar toda a sua atenção ao garoto sem ter que ficar ligado no trĂąnsito ou nos passageiros. 
- Sim, senhor. 
- EntĂŁo vocĂȘ Ă© meu docinho de coco. - Louis jogou, vendo o garoto ficar ainda mais vermelho. Ele era simplesmente adorĂĄvel. Mas, ainda assim, Louis podia ver que o biquinho ainda estava em seus lĂĄbios. - VocĂȘ estĂĄ tĂŁo birrento assim sĂł por causa da chuva?
- NĂŁo! - Harry exclamou, negando rapidamente. - VocĂȘ me deixou ontem, tive que ficar aqui sozinho... - O drama era certeiro, mas ele queria ver atĂ© onde podia levar Louis. 
- Me desculpe, docinho. Tive um imprevisto com minha mĂŁe, foi de Ășltima hora. - Ele se desculpou, parando no ponto e entĂŁo se virando para o garoto. - Vou estar aqui para te levar todos os dias. Prometo que nĂŁo vai mais acontecer. 
- Espero que, Lou. Minhas manhĂŁs sĂŁo melhores com vocĂȘ. 
Harry tinha apenas uma certeza depois dele dia: Louis tambĂ©m o queria. Os dois estavam naquele flerte desgraçado a quase um mĂȘs. Harry sentia que poderia explodir de tanto tesĂŁo. Todas as noites ele tentava se distrair daquela tentação enquanto se masturbava, mas parecia nunca ser suficiente. Ele sĂł iria estar satisfeito quando tivesse o pau de Louis indo fundo em sua buceta. E ele iria conseguir isso o mais rĂĄpido possĂ­vel. 
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miley1harry · 2 years ago
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bathroomtrapped · 6 months ago
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role reversal
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salfishersface · 1 year ago
Fun With Friends || Larry Johnson || Sal Fisher
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Synopsis - A game of truth or dare turns into something more with your best friends Sal Fisher and Larry Johnson. {NOT a Sal x Larry fic!}
Warnings - NSFW.
Notes - Characters are aged 18+!
Word Count - 5k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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You were sitting in Larry’s bedroom in the basement flat of Addison Apartments with both Larry and Sal. The three of you were smoking, drinking and generally just having a good time. It was four in the morning and there was no sign of anybody going to sleep when Larry piped up, “let’s play truth or dare.”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully. It was such a childish game and yet, you couldn’t help but say yes to him. Sal looked to Larry in confusion and asked, “how do you play?” 
“You’ve never played truth or dare?” Larry asked, watching as Sal shook his head while he tightened the loosening prosthetic to his face. You sighed to yourself at this movement. You wish Sal felt more comfortable around you to remove his prosthetic after all, you’d been friends for years. However you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable by bringing up the subject. Larry went on to explain the game to Sal, “it’s simple, really. We each ask each other, ‘truth or dare’ and whichever one they pick, we give them! Y/N, let’s go first, show him how it’s done.” 
“Alright,” you shrugged. “Larry, truth or dare.”
Larry thought for a moment, stroking the small hairs on his chin. “Erm, go on then. Give me a dare.” 
Now it was your turn to think. You thought hard, looking around the room for potential dares when your eyes settled on the whisky bottle in front of you. You leaned over to Sal and whispered in his ear so Larry couldn’t hear. When Sal nodded, you pulled away and looked at Larry with a grin. “We dare you to drink that whisky, without stopping, for ten seconds.” 
“That’s it?” Larry chuckled, grabbing the half-empty bottle of whisky from the floor. 
“I don’t think you can do it,” you said playfully, folding your arms. 
Larry opened the bottle of whisky and gave it a sniff before responding. “Well prepare to eat your words.” Larry smiled before he began to chug the bottle of whisky and you and Sal counted down from ten. This was more so to try and put Larry off, but that man was determined to never break a dare. And just like that, his ten seconds were up. When he pulled away from the whisky bottle, Larry made a face of utter disgust but with equal amounts of playfulness. “Tastes better with lemonade that’s for sure,” he chuckled as he wiped his mouth with his sleeve. 
You were half impressed with your friend and nodded slowly. “Well, I didn’t think you’d be able to do it.” 
 What happens if you fail a dare?” Sal asks, cocking his head to the side. 
“You shook your head and laughed. “Nothing Sal-”
“You’ll just be known as a chicken forever and we’ll lose all respect for you,” Larry interrupted jokingly. You pushed Larry in the side, causing him to fall off the bed and onto the ground with a drunken giggle. 
“I think I’ll take a truth then,” Sal said, smiling underneath his prosthetic. 
Larry stood up and sat back onto the bed next to you while flashing his friend a toothy grin. “Alright Mr Straight A’s. Did you ever cheat on a test when we were at school?”
You could see Sal’s eyes widen through the holes of his prosthetic. He wanted to lie and say no, but what fun would the game be if he lied when he was supposed to tell the truth. So, he nodded. “Once, yeah. It was on a physics test.”
“Why did you do that? You were great at school!” Larry laughed, pouring himself another glass of whisky and lemonade for the three of you. 
“That can be another truth for you and I’ll tell you,” Sal smirked, winking at his best friend before turning to you. “Okay, Y/N. Truth or dare?” 
“Truth,” you said, not even hesitating. 
The two men looked at each other and Larry nodded, signalling that he had a truth for you. “Do you have a favourite best friend?” He asked, pointing between himself and Sal. 
You chuckled and shook your head. “No. I love you both equally.” 
“Come on Y/N, that’s no fun!” Larry pouted, watching as you took a sip of your drink. 
“Next time, ask me a better question then,” you remarked. “Okay Larry, it’s you again. Truth or dare?”
“I pick dare,” Larry said immediately. 
“Erm,” Sal thought before raising up a finger, signalling he had a dare for Larry. “Try to lick your elbow!” 
“Sally, that’s a shit dare,” you said, smiling widely at him. 
“It’s all I could think of,” Sal said with a shrug, smiling back at you awkwardly. 
But once again, Larry wasn’t one to break a dare and so, he attempted to lick his elbow. He failed miserably. You and Sal burst out laughing. “Ha ha ha, so funny. Larry can’t lick his elbow!” Larry said sarcastically, returning his arm to his side. 
“No, no, it’s not that. It was just the look of pure determination on your face!” You squealed, leaning towards Sal and pulling the same facial expression that Larry had pulled. Sal’s laughter echoed through the room whilst Larry pouted at the pair of you. 
“Alright alright,” Larry said in an attempt to get you to stop mocking him. “Sal it’s your turn, truth or dare?”
“Truth, again.”
“Are you crushing on anyone right now?” Larry asked, watching as Sal lifted up his prosthetic slightly so he could take a large gulp of his drink. 
When he had finished drinking, he placed the glass on the bedside table and nodded shyly. “Big time.” 
“Oh my God!” Larry exclaimed. “Who is it? Why haven’t you told me?!” 
Sal found himself shrugging, “I didn’t think it was important to be honest with you.”
Larry looked confused. This was major news and he wanted to hear more about it but you interrupted, a frown on your face. “If Sal doesn’t want to tell you who his crush is, then leave him alone.”
Larry stuck his tongue out at you before asking, “do you know?” 
“Not a clue,” you said truthfully, shaking your head. 
“Hmm, fine. But one day Sally Face, your secret will become common knowledge to me,” Larry said, his voice joking threat. “Your turn Y/N.” 
“I think I’ll go for dare this time,” you grinned, nodding your head feeling confident. The last two dares had been easy ones, ones you would kill for, so you thought your two best friends would go easy on you. But no, Larry had to be Larry. 
“I dare you to take off your shirt,” Larry said with a sly grin. 
You looked between your friends, shock laced your face. “My shirt?” You asked, tugging at the bottom of your shirt anxiously. Larry nodded, a mischievous grin on his face while Sal gulped down a lump in his throat. There was no way you were actually going to do the dare, right? You sighed and began to slowly remove your shirt, exposing your bra to your two male friends. Both of their eyes widened and Sal was thankful for the prosthetic covering his face because he was undoubtedly bright red. 
“Huh, I didn’t think you’d actually do it,” Larry said, biting his lip as his eyes raked across your chest. 
“Didn’t want to be known as a chicken,” you replied, trying to act calmly as you took a sip of your drink. You sat awkwardly looking down at your chest before glancing at your friends. “What? Neither of you have seen a bra before?” You joked, but they both shook their heads. You were slightly taken back by your friends answers, but just nodded your head and covered your chest with your arms before returning to the game. “Alright Larry, truth or dare?” 
You didn’t confer with Sal this time. After his little confession of never seeing a bra before, you had the perfect question. “Have you ever had sex with somebody?” 
That wasn’t the sort of truth question Larry was expecting you to ask and he was slightly taken back by it that he ended up choking on his drink. “W-What?” He stuttered, wanting to make sure he had heard you right before confessing that he had indeed, never had sex before. 
“You heard me, have you ever had sex?” You repeated your question again, this time more slowly. 
Sal looked down at his feet awkwardly, tearing his eyes away from your half-exposed body as Larry shook his head and answered. “No. I’ve not. I mean, I’ve kissed girls but never actually had, you know, sex.” You smirked somewhat triumphantly. It felt as if you had gotten revenge for your dare, but little did you know this just meant Larry was about to ramp up the game. 
“Alright Sally Face,” Larry slurred, the alcohol getting to him now. “Truth or dare.”
“Dare,” he said stoically, although he already feared what his dare was going to be. 
“I dare you to take off your prosthetic and show our lovely Y/N here your face,” Larry said.
Your eyes widened at Larry’s dare for Sal and you shook your head. “Sal, you don’t have to do that-” you started, holding your hand out to touch his shoulder gently in a reassuring manner. But Sal was already removing the straps on the back of his head. When his prosthetic fell off onto the floor, Sal didn’t look at either you or Larry. He kept his head down and his eyes on the ground before downing the rest of his drink. That’s when he looked at you, flashing you an awkward and yet somewhat apologetic smile. You leaned in closer to your friend, pressing a soft kiss to his scarred cheek. “You’re beautiful, Sally.”
“Y-You think so?” He asked through a slurred stutter. You pushed some strands of blue hair away from his face and nodded, a soft and gentle smile gracing your lips. 
“That’s cute,” Larry snickered. “I dare you to kiss now.” 
“But I was going to pick truth-”
“I picked for you,” Larry shrugged. 
You sucked in a deep breath and looked at Sal, a silent way of asking him for permission. He nodded to you, indicating that he was okay with it although he was shaking slightly from anticipation. You were so beautiful to him, and even more so with his prosthetic off. He could see every inch of you and he was loving it, and to know that you weren’t scared or repulsed by him just made his heart sing. You shuffled closer to Sal and wrapped your arms around his neck before pressing your soft, wet lips against his chapped ones. Sal didn’t know what to do with his hands, but he settled on placing them on your bare waist gripping ever-so-slightly. Meanwhile, Larry watched the two of you share a sweet, yet clumsy kiss. You stayed like that for a few moments, allowing yourself to get lost in the feeling of his lips on yours before you pulled away. As you did, Sal smiled softly at you, licking his lips. He had been rendered speechless. 
Larry spoke up once again, a mischievous smile on his lips. “Now, I dare you to kiss me.”
You turned your head to look at him, eyes wide. You looked at Sal before looking at Larry once more, nodding sternly. You moved from Sal, shuffling across the bed to Larry’s position. Before you even bent down to kiss him, Larry’s hands were already on your waist pulling you down on top of his body. The kiss with Larry was more forceful than the kiss with Sal, but it was equally as clumsy. Larry became a little more suggestive as his hands moved along your hips, stroking them before sliding up your back to unhook your bra. A gasp of surprise tumbled from your lips as your bra slipped down your arms and off of your chest, leaving you completely bare to your best friends. 
“But what about the game?” You asked, pulling away from Larry’s lips to look between him and Sal. 
“Fuck the game,” came Larry’s response as he kissed you again. His tongue poked into your mouth and swirled around, savouring the taste of whisky and lemonade on your breath. Both Larry and Sal felt themselves harden at the sight of your exposed chest and Larry couldn’t hold himself back. His hands moved from the top of your back to your chest, pawing desperately at your tits. Then, his lips moved to your neck and Larry began to suck and bite at the soft flesh separating him from your jugular vein. You turned your head to the side to give Larry better access to your neck, taking the opportunity to look at Sal. A soft whimper escaped you as your eyes met Sal’s and you had to bite your lip to stop yourself making any more noise. You could feel the wetness growing between your legs at both Larry’s movements and the way Sal was watching you intensely. As Larry continued to kiss up and down your neck, you used your forefinger to beckon Sal towards you. He hesitated but slowly made his way over to your side. You turned the top half of your body to face him, still sitting on top of Larry and grabbed Sal’s shoulders, pulling him towards your lips again. This time, the kiss was much fiercer. A whimper of surprise left Sal’s lips as he welcomed the kiss, your tongue trailed his bottom lip begging for entrance. Larry looked up from your neck to see you making-out with Sal and in response, bit down hard on your neck. 
“Larry!” You shrieked softly between Sal’s lips. Sal’s eyes widened at the sound of your voice, the mixture of pain and pleasure evident in your tone only seemed to turn him on even more. His cock twitched in his jeans, begging to be released. Your lips moved against Sal’s desperately wanting a reaction from your best friend. Larry continued to palm at your chest as he sucked on your neck, flicking your nipples between his fingertips. 
You pushed Larry away and quickly manoeuvred yourself off of his body and grabbed the waistband of his sweats, pulling them down slowly to reveal his grey boxers. His cock strained against the tight fabric and you could see a wet patch starting to form around his tip as the result of the pre-cum. Larry’s breath was shallow as you finally took off his trousers, eyes gazing up and down your body. He felt slightly embarrassed that you were seeing him in his boxers, but he wasn’t complaining. He had thought about this moment countless times. Once Larry was completely naked and gasped at the coolness of the air against his cock, you turned to Sal and smiled sweetly at him. “Your turn.”
Sal gulped and nodded, allowing your fingertips to grace across his crotch as you unzipped and unbuttoned his jeans almost effortlessly.  “Please Y/N,” Sal whispered, his voice barely audible. 
As you began to slide his jeans down his muscular legs, you raised an eyebrow at him and asked, “what?”
“If we’re really doing this, I don’t want to be teased for my first time, please,” he moaned. Sal’s boxers were looser than Larry’s, but you could still see his distinctive hardened length twitching at your touch. You finally tugged off Sal’s jeans and boxers and threw them across the room to meet Larry’s sweats.
You looked between the pair of them and smiled sweetly. “Who wants my mouth first?” 
 The pair looked stunned and looked at each other, silently deciding. After a few seconds, Sal nodded and Larry spoke up. “Me.” You looked at Sal, making sure he was okay with being second, but he just shrugged. As long as he got you, he didn’t care. That was all the confirmation you needed to start moving back towards Larry. You teasingly lowered your mouth around him and looked up with your eyes to see Larry staring down at you. Once your lips touched the head of his cock, Larry couldn’t stop the moans. “Oh fuck,” he hissed, watching intensley as you lowered your head between his legs and wrapped your mouth around his length. Your mouth was so warm and wet around his hard dick that he wanted to cum immediately. Larry couldn’t help but grab your hair and keep your mouth still around him for a moment while he got used to the feeling of your mouth. Once he felt he was ready, he pushed your head further down, causing his cock to hit the back of your throat. You gagged slightly, but took his cock expertly. Sal was watching you the entire time, his hand hovering over his own cock desperate to relieve the itch he was feeling. Larry looked at Sal and grinned as he began to thrust in and out of your mouth. You closed your eyes as you began to suck, swirling your tongue around the tip and licking up the droplets of pre-cum oozing from the head. “Oh God.”
You opened your eyes and looked up to see Larry in a state of complete bliss. His eyes were now screwed shut and his mouth was hanging open for the silent moans to leave his throat. You looked at Sal, mouth still around Larry, and held out one of your hands. Sal looked confused and tilted his head to the side, but found himself moving closer to you. From what you could see, Larry and Sal were quite similar in size but Larry’s cock was much fatter whereas Sal’s was thinner. Your hand wrapped around Sal’s skinny length and you began to pump experimentally as you continued to suck on Larry as if he were nothing but a lollipop. Both of the men were moaning your name in perfect harmony, it almost made you laugh at how easily you had gotten them in this state.  
After a few more moments, Larry gasped. His eyes shot up and he jerked his cock out of your mouth. You looked at him in confusion but he quickly answered your silent question. “I was going to cum.”
“I think I’m nearly there myself,” Sal whispered, biting his lip. 
You removed your hand from Sal’s cock and looked between the pair of them, shaking your head. “Not yet. Neither of you.”
Sal couldn’t help but groan as your small hand moved away from him, a cry of desperation leaving his lips. “Why not?” Sal asked, bucking his hips up in the air. 
“Want you cum inside of me. Both of you,” you said, eyes narrowing. Both Larry and Sal widened their eyes at your words and looked at each other. 
 Are you sure?” Larry asked, earning a nod of approval from you. Sal didn’t say anything, just watched on in surprise as you began to take off your pyjama pants and underwear. Was this really happening? This was a dream come true for both of the men in your presence that they almost had to pinch themselves to make sure they weren’t dreaming. 
Once you were completely naked, you looked between your best friends. You weren’t as nervous as you thought you would be but maybe it was the alcohol coursing through your veins. You couldn’t be sure though. You lay down on the bed and spread your legs wide, waiting for one of them to make the first move. Of course it was Larry. He pressed his lips to your lower leg and trailed up your thigh, stopping right before your cunt. You were about to look down to see what he was doing, when you felt cool air against your folds. Larry had blown on you and it had sent a shiver of pleasure up your spine, causing you to open your legs further. Larry grinned devilishly at you before plunging his tongue against your folds. You gasped and cried out, grasping at the sheets below you. Larry was relentless against your cunt, lapping and sucking like a dog starved. You never would have thought that this was his first time eating pussy, but it was. Sal waited patiently, watching and licking his lips as the sight of your legs quivering over Larry’s shoulders. 
“Does that feel good?” Larry asked you as he began to nibble on your clit. You couldn’t form a coherent sentence for the life of you, so you just nodded excitedly. Your hands made their way to his long, brown hair and tugged lightly. This made Larry groan and another wave of pleasure spread through your body at the sensation. 
“I think she likes it,” Sal mused, more so to himself than to Larry, but Larry heard and nodded. His hands grasped your hips, hard enough to leave bruises but you didn’t care. You pushed Larry’s head further into your cunt and revelled in the feeling he was giving you. 
“Oh Larry!” You cried out. “I’m going to cum if you keep on going like that.”
“It’s that easy to make you cum?” Larry teased, but you didn’t hear him. Instead, you came. Harder than you ever had before. Your hands on Larry’s hair tightened and you let out a yelp as you squirted over Larry’s face, and that man didn’t waste a drop. He slurped you up like a cold drink on a summer's day. When you came down from your high, Larry was laying on top of you, staring into your eyes. “Oh you look so hot when you cum Y/N. Doesn’t she Sally Face?” 
Sal nodded and let out a shaky breath. “Yeah. Yeah she does.” Sal’s hand was now wrapped tightly around his cock as Larry slicked the tip of his head against your soaked folds, lubricating himself. 
“I already know you’re going to feel so good,” Larry mumbled to you, pressing his lips against yours as he slammed into you. You let out a choked cry and threw your head back against the mattress, eyes meeting Sal’s. 
“Larry, wait!” You whimpered, attempting to stop his hips from moving. You were being stretched and were fuller than you have ever been before that it hurt, but it hurt so good. Larry halted his movements when he saw the tears in your eyes.
“Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” He asked, panic lacing his voice. 
You shook your head and smiled at him. “No I’m okay, just
 Just give me a minute to adjust before you carry on.”
Larry nodded in response and Sal came over to your side to begin literally kissing your tears away. “You’re okay,” Sal cooed, his hand stroking your head gently. You wanted to reply, but you couldn’t and that’s when Larry started moving again. 
Larry’s pace was brutal. Fast and snappy, just like him. He had been craving this moment since he learnt what sex was and now that it was finally happening, he was going to give it everything he had. Your hands flew up from the bedsheets to Larry’s back, scratching down his skin and definitely leaving marks. Moans tumbled past your lips as Larry continued his strokes, his eyes never leaving yours with each movement he made. It was romantic, in a weird way. Sal continued to pump at his cock as he watched Larry pound into you, eagerly awaiting his own turn. “Fuck you feel so fucking good,” Larry growled as he dipped his head against your neck and began to bite yet again. 
“Larry, oh God Larry!” You cried out, almost screaming. It was a good job that Larry lived alone and in the basement, because you definitely would have woken people up with the noises you were making. The bed began to creak and you feared for a second that it would break from the sheer intensity of Larry’s thrusts, but it held. The headboard, however, began to slam against the wall which only spurred on your arousal. Sal tilted his head to the side as he watched Larry’s cock emerge from your cunt before disappearing again, a sheer coat of wetness ringed around the base of his cock from your arousal and it was obvious that you were close to cumming again. Larry was close also, but he wanted to hold on for you. He wanted to give you one more orgasm before he finished inside of you, so he pulled his cock from your pussy and slipped two fingers inside of you with ease. He began pumping ruthlessly, your breasts bouncing from the force. 
“You’re making it so hard not to cum right here and now,” Larry grumbled. It was then that he felt you clench around his fingers and he knew that you were cumming. You tried to vocalise it, but you had definitely been fucked dumb and could only nod. “Okay. I’m going to cum now, okay?” Larry said to you in a soothing voice. You looked at him through glossy eyes and opened your mouth to beg for him but all that came out was a loud shout as Larry slammed back inside of you, continuing his ruthless pace. Your walls fluttered around Larry’s cock and within seconds he was spurting hot ropes of cum inside of you, moaning your name repeatedly as his head fell against your neck. His hips slowed down to a halt and after a few seconds, Larry pulled out of you. His hands caressed your face and hair as he pressed his lips to yours in a slow, passionate kiss. Then, he sat up and turned to Sal with a grin on his face. “Your turn.”
You lay on the bed completely breathless as Larry rolled off of you and Sal climbed on to you. “Y/N, you with me?” Sal asked. 
“Yeah,” you breathed out. “I’m with you. Please Sal.”
Sal smiled softly at you before slowly inserting himself inside of you, stretching you in a different way to Larry. His pace was slow and sensual, loving almost. As if pouring all of his emotion into making love to you. Sal’s lips were on yours in an instant and you immediately kissed him back. Your hands wrapped around his neck pulling him as close as possible all while Larry lay on the bed next to you and poured himself another whisky and lemonade. “God I love you. I love you so much,” Sal whispered against your lips. Your eyes widened at his confession, but you couldn’t say you were totally surprised. You let out a gasp as the tip of Sal’s cock stroked your cervix and you fell apart immediately. 
“Sally,” you whimpered breathlessly, hands locking through his blue hair. Sal pulled away from your lips and rested his forehead against yours, eyes staring into your soul as he continued to thrust his hips against you. The pleasure felt too good that tears began pouring from your lower lash line. 
“Shh you’re okay,” Sal cooed, pressing his lips against your forehead. You smiled at him in reply and pressed a hand to his scarred face. 
“You’re so beautiful Sal,” you whispered, causing him to tear up. 
“I’m glad you think so,” he let out a breathy laugh and bit his lip as he sped up his pace slightly. 
“Touch my clit,” you whispered to him. Sal trailed a hand down the front of your body and rested it between your legs, fingertips fumbling across your clit clumsily. Although he didn’t know what he was doing exactly, it felt good. “Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
“I won’t stop,” Sal reassured you. “I won’t ever stop.” At those words, you felt your third orgasm approaching. You prompted Sal to move his fingers faster across your bundle of nerves and he did, finally pushing you over the edge. You cried out his name with a sob as you gushed around him, wetting the bed sheet and a bit of his torso. Sal smiled lovingly down at you as he felt your pussy clench around his cock. “Can I cum? Can I cum Y/N, please?” 
“Yes Sally, please cum,” you begged, continuously nodding your head. Sal sped up his pace again, the headboard snapping against the wall once more. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and with a loud growl, he came. You felt his cock twitch inside of you, swear you could feel his creamy load filling you up until you physically couldn’t take anymore. 
Panting, Sal kissed your cheek and your lips before whispering to you. “I love you Y/N.”
You let out a sob at his words and pulled him close to you, not allowing his cock to slide out of you just yet. You could feel him softening inside you, felt his and Larry’s mixture trickle down your thigh. It was definitely a feeling that you could get used to. Eventually, Sal moved and lay down next to you on the bed. He stared at the ceiling before he looked at you. You were already asleep, snoring ever so softly. Sal watched as your chest rose and fell with each breath you took, completely enamoured by you. 
“It’s her, isn’t it?” Larry asked quietly, looking at Sal over your naked body. 
“Hmm?” Sal asked, biting his bottom lip as he turned his head to face his best friend. 
“The person you’re crushing on. It’s Y/N, isn’t it,” Larry questioned, although it was more of a statement than an actual question. He already knew the answer.
“Of course,” Sal mumbled, laying down and throwing an arm over you. He was careful not to wake you with his movements. 
 Think I love her too,” Larry confessed, gulping the rest of his drink before laying his head down on the pillow and closing his eyes. Sal didn’t respond, just hummed in acknowledgement. There wasn’t much he could say after all. Neither of them knew where they stood and they wouldn’t until you woke up. Did this mean something? Or was it simply just fun with friends? They would ask you in the morning, but for now, they let you sleep peacefully between them.
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queenofthepirates83 · 7 months ago
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Sal Fisher x Reader
“I like you too”
Tag: fluff, one-shot
Tw: none(but tell me if there is)
Words: 851
A/N: first fanfic! Sorry this is short I wrote this a while ago and decided to finish it now lol, also sorry if it’s bad
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When you first moved into the Addison Apartments you weren’t happy or anything. It wasn’t like you wanted to stay in that house, no. Your mom thought it would be best to move out, away from all the bad memories your stepfather had created in that house.
You first met Larry, courtesy of his mother, who loved you almost instantly. Larry introduced you to Sal, you guys got along great. Then one thing led to another and now you’re sitting in your room, thinking about Sal.
You sighed knowing that you couldn’t stay in your room forever. You had to tell Sal how you really felt. No jokes or excuses this time.
Last time you tried to do it you made a complete fool of yourself and made an excuse and just left and hid in your room.
But you have to tell Sal how you felt towards him. Larry kept telling you that he felt the same way but you wouldn’t believe him. So Larry put you two in the same room, left and waited for you to confess your feelings.
You didn’t trust Larry. You didn’t believe what he said but in all honesty it was true. Sal did like you back and not just in a friendly way.
You sighed and got off your bed and went to your closet to get pants on.(you went to bed with a shirt and your underwear. Or not, it’s your choice.) You chose (your choice of pants) and walked away to your door and opened it. You walked out and noticed your mom on the couch passed out. She had on her nurse clothes, since she took another night shift for the money.
You sighed and went over to the kitchen, grabbing a juice. You walked back to the front door crouching down to put some shoes on.
Once they were on you opened the front door and walked/took the elevator to his apartment.
You were at his door, contemplating if you should knock or not and just leave. You sighed, knowing that Larry would tell Sal himself if you didn’t do it. You knocked on Sal’s door once you built up the confidence. You stood there for a few more minutes before Sal opened the door. His hair was a little messy and the collar of his shirt looked like he almost pulled it to one side. “Hey Sal, wanna hang out for a little?”
Sal nodded and stood aside for you to walk in. You smiled and walked into his apartment. Sal closed the door and walked to his. You followed him. You both walked into his room. You looked around for a moment as Sal shut the door.
“When was the last time you cleaned?” You asked, glancing around again as you took some clothes off the floor and put it in his laundry hamper.
He shrugged as he watched you, sitting down on his bed. “Can’t remember.”
“You don’t seem to remember a lot.”
He shrugged again, staring at you through his mask. “Why’d you come over anyway?”
You stared back at him as you sat down next to him on the bed. “Just wanted to talk.”
You felt yourself getting nervous as he pressed on. What was his reaction going to be once you told him? Was Larry correct? What about Ash? The two seem quite close. The questions swirled around your mind like a plague. You liked Ash, she was a good friend to you and the other three. But her and Sal are close too, and not just in a friendly way.
Sal tilted his head down a little as he stared at you. “Hm?”
You blinked, your vision becoming less blurry as your vision focused on him. “Uh
Larry wanted me to tell you something.”
He nodded slowly. Sal was half aware of your feelings for him, from what Larry had told him and from how you act when you’re around him. He also didn’t believe Larry, just like how you did. And Sal did like you, he did have feelings for you.
” you blinked again, squinting your eyes at him as his gaze only intensified, whether he realized or not. “I like you.”
And those were the three words that confirmed everything. The corner of his lips turned up, his gaze softening as he stared at you. His felt his face get a little red, the tips of his ears going red too.
You felt yourself get nervous at his
lack of response. Not even an ‘oh’ or ‘wow’.
?” You asked slowly.
He simply stared at you before he moved to take his mask off.
You had seen his face before, he took it off in front of you a while ago. He felt comfortable showing you his face, which in your book was good. Really good.
When his mask was off, he set it beside him before moving closer.
You smiled, admiring him for a moment before you leaned in a little, your lips meeting his scarred ones in a soft and gentle kiss.
“I like you too.”
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paulyenvol6 · 6 months ago
Against All Odds (Chapter 3)
Contains: SMUT, oral (f receiving), touching, slight soft dom Harry, mentions of virginity, f reader who is very inexperienced
Masterlist of this story
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Just when she was about to enter the room she heared the piano. It was weird, why was there someone playing at 1:15 am? She opened the door and it was him: Harry Styles. Of course. She wanted to leave but something made her stay. She felt her heart beating faster. He looked so handsome in his black simple suit and his hair being so curly and messy.
He played very beautifuly until he suddenly stopped. She realized that there had been a little sigh coming out of her mouth. Harry turned around and fixed her with his eyes. „What the fuck are you doin‘ here?“, he asked. Y/n didn’t say anything. „Words. Answer me.“, Harry demanded again. „I – I don’t know, I c – couldn’t sleep and I – I walked around
“ Harry slightly chuckled at her being all nervous and stuttering.
„C’mere.“, he said with his dark voice. Her eyes widened, which made him smirk. „C’mon.“ Y/n didn’t know what to do so she walked over to him, standing awkwardly next to him. „Can you play?“, he asked. Y/n nodded and Harry stood up, to make space for her. He didn’t say a word but she understood. She sat down and felt his arm close to her shoulder as she started to play a slow piece. Harry didn’t say anything until she finished. „That was very beautiful.“, he admited.
Y/n got goosebumps all over her body. How was he able to make her react to him like that? She felt his arm closer to her shoulder and then he lowered his head to her ear. „You’re driving me crazy.“, he whispered very quiet. Y/n sighed and closed her eyes. „Do you want me?“ She was unable to say a word but slightly pressed her arm closer to him. „Do you want me, y/n? Do you want me to touch you?“
She gasped: „Yes.“ and that was enough for Harry to turn her head and kiss her. Her lips were so soft that he wondered how the rest of her body would feel. He opened his mouth and parted her lips with his tongue to get into her mouth. He wasn’t onehundred percent sure, but it seemed to him that she didn’t wear a bra which made him go wild.
He fumbled at the neckline of her shirt and touched her neck. It all happened very fast and wild and his hands now were laying on her hips. Suddenly, still sitting on the piano chair, y/n pushed him away by putting her hands on his chest. He was very suprised but stepped away from her. „What’s wrong?“, he asked. „Are you alright?“ She nodded and looked to the ground. „Yeah, I am. It’s just
 I mean I really enjoy it, but
you know
“, she sighed and Harry chuckled. „You can tell me, love.“
She sighed again and her voice got even more quiet than before. „I – I’ve never had sex.“ „What?“ Harry really seemed suprised. „Wow that was unexpected.“  Y/n nodded and didn’t know what to say. She was horny for this man but wasn’t sure how to deal with the situation. „So, what is it you wanna do, y/n?“, Harry asked. „I don’t know, I mean I
 you know I think I’d like to go further, but it’s just, I’m a little scared and I really don’t know what to do.“
Harry came a little closer to her and whispered: „Have you ever done anythin‘ else? Like touching? Or did anyone ever go down on you?“ Y/n shook her head. „No, I just kissed someone in like... middle school.“ Harry took her hand and caressed it. „You want me t‘ show you? I’mma be very gentle and soft, promise. But y’can say no, if y’don’t wanna.“ Y/n was suprised of his gentle touch and words and she turned around to finally look in his eyes. They were darker than usually and she was suprised that she even noticed.
„I think I want you to show me.“ „Y’think or y’know?“ She smiled. „I know I want you to show me.“ Harry smiled but still kept standing where he was. „But I need t’make sure that you feel comfortable all the time. If I do anythin‘ y’don’t like, you need to promise me, that you tell me, ok? Y’need t‘say, if it’s t’much.“ Y/n nodded and mumbled „Okay.“ He smirked and came closer to kiss her again. He was excited and horny. He knew that he had to be very careful not to hurt her and be slow with her but he still couldn’t be any luckier right now. Those soft lips, and her hair that smelled so good.
Y/n was very suprised by Harry. She didn’t know that he was capable of being that gentle and sweet. The way he dealt with her words has been very nice and understanding. And he suddenly changed from being a mean asshole to being caring. Or did he just act like it and played her? 
Harry kepts kissing her soft lips and put his hands on her waist. „May I?“, he mumbled against her lips and she nodded. Her oversized shirt, which turned him on for some reasons was still in the way but he slowly caressed her skin. His hands wandered down to find the hem of the shirt. He touched the skin over the waistband. It was so soft and warm that he felt like he never wanted to take his hands off her.
When his hands crawled higher he thought it was time to change their positions. He still stood next to the piano chair and had to lean down to her while she had to turn her head to kiss him. He picked her up and then sat down on the couch in the rehearsal room with y/n on his lap. She reached down to kiss him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She played a bit with his hair, which made Harry sigh.
He put his hands under her shirt again and touched his way up to under her breast. He could feel her getting a bit stiff and whispered: „It’s all right, Honey. Do you want me to keep going or should I stop?“ „No, I want you to keep going. I’m just nervous.“ „There’s no reason to be. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna do anythin‘ y’don’t like.“ „I know, it’s just, I’ve never done anything like this and no one has ever seen me naked, except for my parents at a young age, of course.“, she nervously chuckled.
„That’s ok. No reason to be insecure though. You’re so fucking beautiful, god.“ Y/n giggled and slightly blushed. Harry held her closer to his chest and kissed her jaw and then made his way down to her neck. He left soft kisses and sucked on it very gentle. Meanwhile he touched her chest by running his thumb over her skin. Y/n let out a gasp when he touched her nipple.
He smiled and kept caressing her skin. He could feel her breathe even faster when he teased her nipples between his fingers and traced the contures of her breasts with his fingers. God, he really knew how to turn her on.
He stopped kissing her and y/n immediately missed his lips. Harry took off her shirt not before giving her a questioning look. Y/n nodded and helped him getting it off faster, which made Harry smirk. As soon as the shirt was off Harry kissed down from her neck to her naked chest which made y/n shiver of excitement. When his tongue played with her nipple she moaned softly and dug her hands in his hair.
She straighted herself up so that Harry didn’t have to bend his head down. Her chest was now on the same height as his mouth. Y/n could feel a big bulge underneath her, which got her very exciting and nervous. Harry kept kissing her bare chest. He just couldn’t get enough of her warm and soft skin, of her moaning and whimpering. He could feel her pressing against his cock which made him even hornier and drove him crazy. 
He had his hand around her waist, dugged in her skin and slowly caressing it, and now his hands wandered down to her hips. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her short sweatpants. He touched his way down to her naked legs and dugged his fingers into her thighs. God, she was so sexy.
He thought he couldn’t be any luckier right now when y/n gently pushed his head away from her chest, kissed him on his mouth and started to unbotton his white shirt. She laid her hands on his chest and caressed his skin. Harry’s hands were still running over her thighs and massaged her. He could feel y/n slightly be nervous when she kissed him on his neck. „It’s alright, love. You’re doin‘ awesome.“
It was true, her mouth felt incredible on his collarbone. He gently touched her hair and caressed it a bit. He let out a gasp when she softly licked over his tattooed skin. „Oh god, y/n.“, he moaned. He could see her still being a little insecure but there honestly was no reason to be. Y/n’s mouth was now on his lips again and she sighed against them when Harry ran his hands over the skin right below the hem of her shorts.                 
„Do you want to go further? We really don’t have to, I want you to feel comfortable.“ He wanted her so bad, but he didn’t want to go too fast. It was very hard to hold himself back but he had to. It was her first time and he didn’t want to pressure or scare her. But y/n just nodded and kissed him on his buttom lip.
„Need t’hear it, Baby.“, Harry whispered, took her face in his hands and held her a bit away from him. „Just don’t want you to regret anythin‘ later.“ „Yes I wanna go further, Harry. I really do. I trust you, that you’re gonna be nice.“ Harry smirked. „You trust me? After our history?“ Y/n chuckled. „I know, but
 Right now I do. Right now I wanna be with you.“ Harry smiled at her in a way that she had never seen him smile before. Or at least not at her. It was an honest smile, nothing sarcastic in it. 
Harry once again picked her up from the couch and laid her down. Luckily, the couch was quite big so Harry had enough space to kneel over her, with one knee on each side of her hips. He leaned down to kiss her and then kissed all the way down to the waistband of her shorts, where he stopped. He looked up to her in her eyes. Y/n bit her lips and nodded in a very serious way.
„Yes.“ was all she had to say and Harry hooked his fingers into the waistband, pulled them down and dropped them next to the couch. She didn’t wore any panties, which was obvious since it was the clothes she had wanted to sleep in. „You want fingers or my mouth?“ Y/n was thinking. „I don’t know
 Maybe mouth?“ Harry nodded. „Very nice to hear.“ Y/n smiled and shivered from the  excitement.
She felt very good, of course still nervous, but he was so soft and gentle with her that she felt safe and comfortable. Harry spreaded her legs gently and positioned himself between them. He kissed her belly and then down to her pubic area.
His tongue immediately found her clit, which made y/n gasp and arch. His tongue drew circles around her clit, teasing her and touched it very gentle with the tip of his tongue. Y/n whimpered and dugged her hands in the sofa, which made Harry so hard that it was almost uncomfortable.
He then teased her by touching her entrace, which revealed to him how tight she actually was. She was already so wet for him and god she tasted so good that Harry wished to stay between her legs forever. Her cunt was dripping and he wanted to get every ounce of her sweet arousal. She panted under him, eyes closed and by now she was unable to stay still. She shifted restlessly and arched on the couch. When she started to softly moan his name he thought he was gonna lose it. 
Then Harry came back to her clit, licking it, sucking on it and kissing it. During it he watched her experiencing that much pleasure under his touch, which drove him crazy and was so hot to him. Y/n put her hands to his head and pressed him closer to her cunt in an uncontrolled way. She was too turned on and wild to really know what she was doing, she just wanted to touch him and clung to something.
Harry could hear her getting louder and knew she was close to an orgasm. He licked her clit faster and faster, felt her clench and then felt her come on his tongue. She gasped a „Oh god, Harry!“ and he thought that was the hottest thing he had ever heared. She squeaked softly and then fell back on the couch panting very fast and uncontrolled.
Harry crawled up to her and pulled her to his chest. She closed her eyes and slowly came down from her high. Wow, that has been awesome. Y/n of course masturbated and had always enjoyed it, but his tongue on her clit for her was a whole new level. Shit, he was so hot and the way he had looked with his head between her legs, his gorgeous and sexy hair and then his eyes which had sometimes looked up to her during the act. They had been so dark from his erection.
Harry had put an arm around her back holding her close to him. „Harry, was very good.“, she said. „Great to hear that.“, he smiled and caressed her hair out of her face. „Are you cold?“, he asked when he saw her slightly shivering and the goosebumps on her arms. „Yes, a little.“, y/n answered.
Of course she was, Harry thought. He was fully dressed, besides his shirt being opened but she was naked and now, after an orgasm it was obvious that she would get a little cold after her body was calmed. „Let’s get you warm.“, Harry spoke, sat up, grabbed her clothes off the floor and gave them to her. She put them on and they walked out of the rehearsal room. During their way up in the elevator y/n took his hand and pressed herself against Harry’s arm, which made him smirk.
When they were standing in front of y/n’s door Harry took her hand and left a soft kiss. „It was very beautiful, I hope you thought so too.“ Y/n blushed and answered: „Oh fuck yes, I enjoyed it.“ They laughed, before y/n entered her room and they wished each other a good night, or what was left of it.                                                 
She immediately jumped into her bed and stared at the ceiling. What did just happen? She wasn’t able to realize this. She has had sex with Harry. Harry, the person that she had been mad at constantly the last week. The person she genuinly had hated for his arrogance. And now, this Harry had nothing to do with the old version of him. He had been so lovely and caring. What was going on with him? And what would happen now? Would they just see each other the next day and act like nothing happened? Was it a one – time – thing? She really needed to get some sleep now, which she did while thinking of his soft mouth and tongue.                                  
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louddydisturb · 11 months ago
‘Tate atenta a la fuga
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Louis até tentou afastar Harry depois que recebeu sua sentença, mas ele mesmo se viu voltando para os cachos chocolate depois de 6 anos
TW: menção a tentativa de estrupo, violĂȘncia, uso de maconha, traição, Hlinter, exibicionismo e desuso de preservativo
Harry, 26
Louis, 28
Aproveitem a leitura:)
(dessa vez realmente)
Dsclp qualquer erro eu revisei mas deve ter passado algo porque sĂŁo 2 da manhĂŁ
“POLICIA! SOLTE A ARMA!” os olhos de louis se arregalam, as luzes vermelha e azul iluminando a noite escura “NÃO VAMOS REPETIR! SOLTE A ARMA E COLOQUE AS MÃOS PARA CIMA” o moreno suspira antes de olhar para Harry que chorava desesperadamente
Louis solta a arma e logo dois policiais vem para cima de si, prendendo as algemas firmes em seus pulsos
Os olhos azuis encontraram os olhos verdes mais uma vez antes de ser levado para a delegacia
“Vai ficar tudo bem” ele falou baixinho
Louis foi preso, condenado a 6 anos de prisĂŁo por porte ilegal de arma e homicidio
Harry sabia que ele era inocente, ela ate tentou depor no julgamento mas a familia do seu abusador apresentou um laudo falso dizendo que a garota tinha problemas mentais
Louis não se arrependia, não tinha o minimo remorso. O momento mais satisfatorio de sua vida foi poder vingar sua namorada enfiando uma bala atraves da cabeça do babaca. Ele ate confessou o crime
Harry contou as horas e os minutos até que pudesse ver Louis novamente e quando esse dia chegou ela acordou cedo para se arrumar e preparar algumas coisas pra levar para ele
Ao chegar na frente do presidio seu coração começou a bater forte e o vento gélido de inicio de inverno a fazia estremecer
Quando Louis entrou na sala de visitas acompanhado de um guarda Harry congelou em seu lugar
Ele tinha um corte na sobrancelha e no canto dos labios finos e mais alguns hematomas em sua mandĂ­bula
“Lou!” Ela se aproxima observando o rosto com cuidado
“Ta tudo bem, Hazzy” ele se afasta forjando um sorriso que nĂŁo combinava com o tom gĂ©lido dos olhos azuis
“Porque não disse para os guardas que eles estão te batendo?”
“NĂŁo Ă© assim que funciona, Harry” ele senta em uma das cadeiras no meio da sala enquanto brinca com as algemas em seu pulso “foram os prĂłprios guardas que fizeram isso”
“Não gosto de te ver machucado” Harry se aproxima deixando um selinho nos labios rosados
“Vamos falar de coisas boas. Logo vĂŁo me separar de vocĂȘ”
“Luke sente sua falta”
Luke era o filhote de Husky que Louis tinha presenteado Harry no aniversario de dois anos de namoro deles
“Eu acho injusto vocĂȘ nĂŁo poder trazer ele nas visitas” Harry senta em cima da mesa de frente para Louis, esse que se aproxima e deita a cabeça nas coxas pĂĄlidas “senti sua falta”
“Logo vocĂȘ vai estar livre de novo” ela acaricia os fios castanhos sentindo um bolo se formar em sua garganta
“São seis anos, Harry”
“Nós vamos passar por isso” uma lagrima solitária escorre pela bochecha rosada de Harry “eu vou ficar te esperando, Lou”
“Vamo Tomlinson hora de voltar” o guarda entra no cubículo
“AtĂ© semana que vem, amor” ele reluta um pouquinho antes de ser forçado para fora da sala
Nos dois primeiros anos Harry visitava Louis constantemente e isso causou revolta em sua familia
Afinal nĂŁo era certo a filinha unica dos styles ter um namorado atras das grades
Mas ela suportou todos os olhares de desgosto quando tinha comemoraçÔes em familia, porem no dia que louis completava 3 anos preso harry recebeu a noticia de que ele nĂŁo queria ver ela, assim como no dia seguinte, e na proxima semana, quando completou um mĂȘs que harry continuava sendo negada ela recebeu uma carta
“VocĂȘ Ă© livre, Hazza. NĂŁo gaste seu tempo se prendendo a mim”
Harry chorou, chorou de saudade, chorou de raiva
Por muitos dias ela mal saia do quarto ou se alimentava mas logo o verão chegou ao fim e a garota teria que começar de novo a faculdade
Ela trancou o curso depois de todo o escùndalo da prisão de Louis, ainda mais quando o motivo da prisão também era um aluno da faculdade.
Logo depois do inicio das aulas Harry estava em uma das festas universitårias junto de Louis e mais algumas amigas quando um cara, que depois ela descobriu que se chamava Blake, começou a flertar descaradamente com Harry, mesmo depois que ela falou que tinha namorado.
Na semana seguinte ele começou a seguir a garota pelo campus e um dia após do fim das aulas ele a agarrou e a levou para uma das salas vazias do corredor. Para sorte de Harry um professor tinha esquecido as coisas na sala então Harry pode correr
As perseguiçÔes continuaram ate em um ponto em que ele começou a seguir harry até o apartamento que a garota dividia com Louis
Nessa tarde Harry estava sozinha no apartamento quando a campainha tocou, Louis tinha saĂ­do para comprar comida entĂŁo Harry apenas supĂŽs que era ele e que tinha esquecido as chaves entĂŁo abriu a porta. Mas para a surpresa da cacheada nĂŁo era Louis que estava ali
O Stalker agarrou harry a prendendo contra a parede, Luke estranhando a movimentação começou a latir e tentar morder o desconhecido
Harry conseguiu fugir novamente correndo para fora do prédio e encontrando com Louis que acabava de estacionar na frente do local
O moreno notou o desespero nos olhos da namorada e logo a figura que corria em direção da garota. Ele nĂŁo pensou duas vezes antes de pegar a arma do porta-luvas e disparar trĂȘs vezes contra o homem
Depois que a noticia se espalhou pela faculdade Harry não teve mais coragem de pisar naquele lugar de novo, ainda mais quando ela tinha tantas mås lembranças
Harry realmente nĂŁo gostava de ir para a faculdade
Até no dia em um festival da faculdade ela conheceu Thomas, seu atual namorado.
“Acredita que ja estamos juntos ha 2 anos, amor” o loiro abraçava os ombros de harry enquanto eles caminhavam com Luke pelo parque perto do apartamento que moravam juntos hà 8 meses
“Sim Ă© louco nĂ©?” Harry tomava o milk shake sentindo a brisa confortavel do inicio do verĂŁo, ela estava estranhamente de muito bom humor hoje
“Se as coisas nĂŁo tivessem tornado o rumo que tomaram talvez sequer tinhamos nos conhecidos” a garota apenas concorda nĂŁo entendendo muito bem onde ele queria chegar com essa conversa “ainda lembro de quando nos conhecemos pela primeira vez, vocĂȘ parecia tĂŁo abalada, amor. Gosto de ver o quanto vocĂȘ evoluiu” eles param proximo a um lago “gosto de saber que ajudei o brilho da Harry das historia que a sua mĂŁe conta voltar” a mĂŁo cheia de aneis acaricia a bochecha rosada
“E eu sou muito feliz de ter um namorado tão atencioso” ela sorri fraco
“Eu sei que pode parecer precipitado mas eu acho que essa realmente seja uma ideia perfeita” os olhos castanhos olhavam Harry em expectativa “ja moramos juntos entĂŁo esse sĂł vai ser um passo a mais no nosso relacionamento” ele ajoelha e tira uma caixinha vermelha aveludada da mochilinha nas costas do Husky “quer casar comigo?” E por fim a caixinha Ă© aberta revelando o par de alianças
“É serio?” A cacheada estava estatica sem acreditar oque estava ouvindo
“Não quero forçar nada tambem, se não quiser ta tudo bem” thomas fala rapido querendo se levantar
“É claro que eu quero, amor!” Harry começa a praticamente pular animada e mal acreditando que agora ela tinha um anel em seu dedo
“VocĂȘ vai ficar tĂŁo linda de branco, Hazzy” ele abraça a cacheada “vai ser a noiva mais linda do mundo”
“E com o noivo mais lindo do mundo”
Isso fez harry ter uma ponta de esperança que as coisas podiam sim melhorar, mesmo que no fundo ela ainda se pegava pensando sobre louis, se ele estava bem e se ele ao menos sentia sua falta. Mesmo que hoje ela tivesse recebido a notificaçao “liberdade do meu Lou💕” em seu calendario
Ela nĂŁo estava sendo egoista com o homem que trocou a propia liberdade por sua causa, afinal ele mesmo disse que ela deveria seguir em frente
Eles ainda se abraçavam felizes quando Luke ameaçou correr, fazendo Thomas agarrar a coleira, e começar a latir para um homem que caminhava pelo parque
“Prometo que volto a tempo para a prova de doces na quarta” thomas terminava de fechar a mala de mão
“VocĂȘ nĂŁo pode adiar a viagem pra depois do casamento?” Harry senta na cama amarrando o robe de seda em sua cintura pequena
“Eu tentei adiar, amor. Mas se eu conseguir fazer essa parceria vai ajudar muito a empresa” ele beija a testa da cacheada “sabe como Ă© dificil conseguir horario na agenda dos deakin” Harry bufa baixinho
“Promete que vai estar aqui na quarta?”
“Prometo” Harry da um ultimo beijo no noivo antes dele sair do apartamento
Era quase sempre assim, Thomas passava quase uma semana inteira viajando e quase sequer tinha tempo para Harry
A mulher passava entĂŁo a maior parte do tempo passeando na casa de amelia, sua melhor amiga e que tinha acabado de ter gemeos
Harry adorava passar a tarde na casa nao tao longe da sua, ela sempre sonhou em ter uma familia grande.
Mas tambem nunca teve tempo de falar sobre com Thomas
Em exatos dois meses aconteceria finalmente a cerimonia de casamento que ela tanto esperou, sĂł faltava acabar de resolver pequenos detalhes
“Luke, vamos hora do filme” ela chama o cachorro enquanto terminar de fazer as pipocas e pegava alguns petiscos no armĂĄrio da cozinha “no fim sempre vai ser nos dois nĂ©, Lulu?” Os olhos azuis do animal traziam um conforto para Harry
“NĂŁo luke vocĂȘ nĂŁo pode comer outra cenoura! Eu acabei de cortar essas” o cachorro choraminga na perna de harry “seu pai chega hoje de viagem, se vocĂȘ comer todas as cenouras nĂŁo vai sobrar cenouras para o jantar” ele deita ao pe de Harry continua resmungando baixinho “vocĂȘ Ă© teimoso, Luke!”
De repente o cachorro levanta e corre até a porta principal do apartamento vi, arranhando e farejando ali
“Que fugir de casa agora?” Harry ri sozinha com o drama do animal mas uma segunda voz na casa a faz travar no lugar
“Luke! Oi garotão!” Harry conseguia ouvir Luke pulando pela sala e os passos do dono da voz que Harry conhecia muito bem “não vai me dizer oi tambem, Hazzy?” O perfume forte inebria os sentidos de Harry
“Louis?” Os olhos verdes arregalam ao que ela se vira, ele estava perto, muito perto
“A reação de Luke foi mais emocionante e ele me conheceu quando era filhote”
“Oque vocĂȘ ta fazend- Como vocĂȘ entrou na minha casa?”
“A senha Ă© o nosso aniversario de namoro, hazzy. Nada autentico”
“Isso não te da o direito de invadir a minha casa!” Ela caminha para a sala se sentindo atordoada com tudo isso
“Pensei que estaria com saudades minha” a cacheada ri com a fala do mais velho “eu não aguentava mais esperar ate que eu pudesse te ver de novo”
“NĂŁo aguentava mais que atĂ© me proibiu de ir te ver”
“Proibi de ir me ver? Eu tava te protegendo, Harry! Acha que era bom ficar ouvindo todo mundo comenta sobre vocĂȘ depois das visitas?”
“E ao menos pensou em conversar comigo e nao apenas me afastar?”
“Era o melhor que eu podia fazer na Época, mas agora ja ta tudo resolvido” Louis se aproxima, as mĂŁos tatuadas alcançando a cintura de Harry “podemos voltar a ficar juntos” o coração de Harry acelera em ter o moreno tĂŁo perto de si depois de tanto tempo â€œĂ© so deixar dele e podemos voltar para a nossa vida”
“NĂŁo Ă© assim que funciona, Louis” a cacheada se afasta novamente enquanto tentava regular a prĂłpria respiração “eu estou feliz agora e amo o Thomas” os olhos verdes evitavam os azuis
“Ama?” Louis ri irînico a abraçando por trás “ama ele, Hazzy?”
“S-sim” a respiração em seu pescoço fazia sua mente nublar
“Eu trabalhei tĂŁo duro durante esses anos preso para conseguir te comprar um anel bem bonito quando eu saĂ­sse, Harry. Mas pelo visto ja conseguiu um” uma mĂŁo abraça a cintura de Harry enquanto a outra segura a mĂŁo delicada e analisa o anel com atenção “vocĂȘ jura que ama tanto ele mas eu sinto voce ficar tensa apenas em me ter perto” ele beija o pescoço alvo com calma “parece que sĂŁo apenas palavras vazias, amor”
” Harry sente suas pernas vacilarem por um instante e sua cabeça girar
“Estou errado?” Ele sorri com o quão afetada a cacheada parecia “suas coxas dizem o contrario”
“Ele não vai demorar para chegar em casa” Harry vira ainda tendo a cintura segurada pelas mãos fortes
“NĂłs dois sabemos que vocĂȘ nĂŁo liga” eles estavam tĂŁo prĂłximos que o mĂ­nimo movimento faria seus lĂĄbios encostarem â€œĂ© sĂł me pedir, Hazzy.”
Os olhos verdes estavam tomado pelo preto e o olhavam intensamente, um olhar quase felino.
“Me pede, Harry”
“Eu quero vocĂȘ, Lou” ela abraça o pescoço do outro, puxando para um beijo ĂĄvido
Eles caminharam atrapalhados ate o quarto no fim do corredor, Harry gemendo baixinho entre o beijo ao que suas costas encontram com os lençóis macios da cama
“VocĂȘ Ă© a Ășnica coisa que passou pela minha cabeça por todos esses anos” ele fala enquanto desce os beijos por toda a clavĂ­cula e o pescoço alvo “eu estava a ponto de enlouquecer sem poder te ter, Hazza” as mĂŁos subiram desde da cintura de Harry atĂ© a alcinha fina do pijama de seda
“VocĂȘ me tem agora entĂŁo jĂĄ pode me foder” ela rebola contra o falo grosso embaixo de si
“Agora eu te tenho e por isso eu vou aproveitar cada momento” louis desliza as alças do pijama liberando os peitos cheinho “cada segundo” Harry geme alto sentindo a lingua quente entrar em contato com seu mamilo sensível
Ele mamava preguiçosamente enquanto brincava com o piercing do outro
“Ainda Ă© tĂŁo sensĂ­vel quanto eu lembro” ao que Louis se afasta Ă© possĂ­vel notar as mordidas e o quĂŁo vermelho o peito de Harry havia ficado, ele nĂŁo estava se importando sobre o fato de Harry estar noiva. No fim das contas ela sempre seria dele
O moreno termina de tirar o pijama da mulher, tirando alguns segundos para observar o corpo alvo. Ele tinha muitas ideias em mente de como ele iria destruir aquele corpo e a marcar como sua propriedade novamente
“Se arrumou para o babaca, amor? Seu corpo cheira a hidratante de morango e sequer estĂĄ usando calcinha
 que putinha” ele estapeia a coxa branquinha antes de se encaixar entre as pernas da outra “vocĂȘ ta tĂŁo molhada quanto uma puta, Hazzy” o dedĂŁo Ă© pressionado contra o clitoris inchadinho de Harry fazendo-a gemer alto e tentar segurar o braço de louis, as unhas longas arranhando de leve ali “tĂŁo molhada que eu aposto que conseguiria te foder sem sequer precisar te preparar” ele beija e mordisca as coxas de harry “mas nĂŁo estamos com pressa, nĂ© amor?” Ele continua agora espalhando beijos pelo baixo ventre da cacheada, essa que gemia sequer se preocupando em responder a pergunta “eu perguntei se estamos com pressa, Harry” um tapa Ă© desferido na buceta dolorida fazendo a mulher gritar e fechar as coxas
 não e-estamos com pressa” ela se apoia nos antebraços observado Louis sorri antes de começar a chupar devagar “porra, Lou
” Harry rebolava contra a lingua do outro. Seu quadril mal encostava no colchão mais
Louis apertava os quadris largos buscando manter o mĂ­nimo de seu autocontrole
Harry começava a querer fechar as coxas mas sempre era impedida por Louis que começou a as afastar
Os olhos azuis tinham a pupilas completamente dilatadas, nem heroĂ­na conseguiria ter o efeito que harry tinha em Louis
“Caralho” ele se afasta para retirar a camisa preta e deitar na cama antes de puxar harry para cima de si, essa que começou a praticamente calvagar seu rosto
Louis apertava e estapeava a bunda cheinha enquanto tentava a penetrar com a lingua deixando harry completamente extasiada sentindo seu baixo ventre revirar indicando um orgasmo muito proximo e quando Louis sentiu as coxas tremerem em cima de si, ele nĂŁo demorou para chupar o clitoris sensĂ­vel e penetrar dois dedos na entradinha apertada, fazendo gozar tremendo e gemendo alto
Ele a tirou de cima de si, a deitando de bruços na cama macia. Harry continuava tomada pelo orgasmo e tinha pequenos espasmos apenas ao um simples toque de Louis
“Tão gostosa” ele apertou uma banda da bunda gordinha observando a marca vermelha se formar ali
“Eu quero te chupar, Lou” Harry fala abafado, quase incompreensível
“Hm?” Ela engatinha para o meio das pernas do outro, se ajoelhando ali
“Quero seu pau” as mão tremulas vão para a braguilha do cinto de Louis, abrindo e por fim desabotoando a calça jeans
“Continua uma puta faminta por pica” ele acaricia os cachos, a forçando contra o falo grosso ainda preso na cueca
Ela puxa o jeans junto com a cueca fazendo o pau bater duro contra a virilha de Louis
O olhar de Harry era quase inocente ao que ela lambia um linha desde da base ate a cabecinha rosada do penis. Louis com certeza sentiu falta disso nos Ășltimos 6 anos
Ele a guiava, fazendo-a o levar fundo na garganta
O Tomlinson tira um baseado e cigarro do bolso da calça e acende tragando a erva devagar. Esse era um dos passatempos favoritos dos dois mesmo que Harry não fumasse tão frequentemente, oque deixava tudo melhor pois ela ficava chapada mais råpido
Ele geme fodendo a garganta apertada e puxando os cachos com a mĂŁo livre, as visĂŁo dos olhos verdes lagrimejando era uma das favoritas de Louis
“Senta pra mim, amor” ele traga sentindo seu corpo ficar leve
“Ainda não quero” ela começa uma punheta rapida fazendo o baixo ventre de Louis revirar e logo tiras grossas de porra mancham as bochechas coradas
“Caralho” ele jura que podia gozar de novo apenas por ver a cacheada limpar a porra das bochechas e chupar os próprios dedos sujos de esperma
Ela senta em cima do pau ainda sensível pós orgasmo e começa rebolar devagarinho sentindo Louis estremecer enquanto tragava a droga
Ele aperta as bochechas gordinhas e a puxa para perto, baforando entre os lĂĄbios vermelhos.
“Coloca as mãos para trás” ele tira o cinto e apoia o baseado entre os labios para poder prender os pulsos firmes juntos “bem melhor assim” e então ele encaixou o pau duro na grutinha que vazava aos montes em seu colo “senta”
“Não consigo, lou” ela choraminga apoiando a testa no ombro largo
“Não consegue?” ele estoca uma vez fazendo-a gemer alto “claro que consegue, amor” ao que ela se afasta Louis pode notar os olhinhos vermelhos lagrimejando “porque está chorando, putinha?” Ela tentava quicar mas ele levantava o quadril junto, a deixando frustada em seu colo “fuma um pouco” ele encosta o baseado no labios gordinhos a observando tragar enquanto circulava os quadris
Ele começa a estocar lento fazendo Harry choramingar buscando por mais
Ela quica afoita praticamente esquecendo do mundo a sua volta, ela sentia seu orgasmo se aproximar e o nome de Louis era a unica coisa que rondava sua cabeça
“Harry porque a porta da casa ta destrancada? VocĂȘ sabe que Ă© perig-“ o Loiro congela na porta do quarto processando oque estava acontecendo
Louis apenas sorriu e puxou harry para deitar em seu ombro enquanto a fodia mais forte
“Que porra ta aconte-“ Louis tira a arma que escondeu embaixo do travesseiro usando-a para fazer um sinal de silencio. Ele continuou empunhando a arma enquanto fodia a cacheada a fazendo praticamente gritar o seu nome enquanto gozava, esguichando por todo o lençol, praticamente esmagando Louis que gozava
Quando Louis voltou o olhar para a porta jĂĄ nĂŁo tinha ninguem ali, apenas um anel dourado no chĂŁo
“VocĂȘ continua usando os mesmos sais de banho que usava quando estĂĄvamos juntos” Louis comenta enquanto lavava os cachos de Harry
“Eu apenas gosto deles, nada demais” ela sobra espuma no rosto de Louis
“Eu não ganho credito por isso?” Harry nega com a cabeça se sentando de frente no colo de Louis para lavar os fios cor chocolate “se sentar ai não me responsabilizo se fodermos na banheira
“Isso nĂŁo Ă© um problema” ela o beija rindo ao que Louis leva as mĂŁos automaticamente para sua bunda
Louis organizou a cama enquanto Harry terminava de tomar outro banho para entĂŁo os trĂȘs (claro que luke tinha que estar ao pĂ© dos dois) poderem finalmente dormir
“Estranho que Thomas ainda não tenha voltado” Harry se aconchega nos braços tatuados de Louis
“NĂŁo acho que ele vĂĄ voltar tĂŁo cedo
 vocĂȘ quer fugir pra ItĂĄlia?” Ele brinca com o anel no dedo de Harry, o tirando devagar
“Sim, porque não? Podemos ser felizes numa casa no interior do sul da italia” Harry sorri com o pensamento enquanto se deixava tomar pelo perfume forte de Louis
“Podemos pensar nisso”
Parte dois?🇼đŸ‡č
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silverkiiwii · 1 year ago
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The Devil's Hour (1k)
A Larry One Shot by @tomlinsins || silverkiiwii
“Lou? Were you still asleep? We are supposed to be leaving.” “Harry?” His brain was still too slow to catch up. Why was Harry here so early? Why wasn’t he getting his full rest? “Yes? I told you I’d pick you up in the morning. We should be on the road by now.” “But it’s six a.m.” He said it like it was the most obvious explanation. Something about his tone being so innocent set Harry off into a bout of giggles as he pulled Louis to his chest.  “Aww Lou. That’s morning babe."
or Harry and Louis are going on their first roadtrip and they have very different interpretations of what leaving in the morning means.
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miley1harry · 2 years ago
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cwrotes · 2 years ago
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plaid plaid in a purple morning ; larry
valentine’s day au | fluff | 9.4k
summary: "it's february 14 and louis couldn't feel more alone. without a partner, or a large number of friends, he resigns himself to the idea of spending the day of love watching movies with his flatmate, niall. or at least, that was the plan until things only went from bad to worse. or where the microwave goes up in flames and a curly-haired, hugely impertinent fireman knocks the wind out of louis, who can't believe anything that's happening."
“What does a firefighter care what he intended to do with his best friend?
"Were your girlfriends on their way?" he inquires, causing the brown-haired man to grimace again in bewilderment.
The expression on the curly-haired man's face, pretty as it is, doesn't let you know what he's thinking, let alone figure out what he's up to with all this.
"No?" he answers in a doubtful tone, hastening to rectify himself. "Only Niall has a girlfriend and well, huh, it was just going to be the two of us. Just us."
"You don't have a girlfriend?" he interjects, as if that had been the only thing she'd withheld from that entire sentence.”
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yearinlou · 5 months ago
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Larry Stylinson + The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by Brand New
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devourers-of-god · 1 year ago
Hii :D
for first i wanted to say that i love your blog and the way you describe the characters!
can i request HC of the characters on valentine's day? if you don't want to do it to everyone, it could be just Travis and Sal. i'll let you decide there, take as much time as you want and if you don't want to do it, everything is fine. (i hope i wrote it well, it's a bit difficult for me to write in english)
HIII! thank you so much for the compliments it is very heart warming :( SOrry im late about your request HAHAH I will indeed do Sal and Travis only,,, you know me so well anon ,,, You wrote everything perfectly !! I couldn't have guessed if you didn't tell me :) ILY REQUESTS ARE OPEN PEOPLE! LOOK ALIVE! /ref but plz everyone, read my carrd In my bio before submitting.. its upsetting to see asks that doesn't meet my rules...
Type : Headcanons
Warnings: None! Mostly Fluff sorry y'all I don't write nsfw
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= Sal prepared some things for you by the gentle help of Ashley, because sal didn't know how to please you and Ash is your best friend.
= I think Sal would make you a valentines boo basket like the ones you see on TikTok. Filled with your favourite chocolates and CDS, cute slippers, horror movie blanket, jewelry and some surprises connected to your interests.
= He would come by your apartment/house and wear ''clean clothes'' ( Jeans he washed the night before and his favourite shirt lol), with his nails freshly painted of a beautiful black colour.
= He also brought movies to watch, romantic ones you say? Hell nah this Sal Fisher, he brought horror movies that you would enjoy.
= You were so happy by his gifts that you jumped right into his arms and dragged him into your room, he cuddled and kissed you A BUNCH because boy was he happy his partner liked what he bought them. He filled your entire face with kisses, when Sal started he couldn't stop.
= After all the affection was received, you two were stuck on the couch, under your new blanket, cuddling and watching movies. For the occasion Sal took off his mask, only if no one was there that day, which made you very happy and flustered to see your lover's face after a long day.
= Travis already struggles with showing affection, it was very hard to warp his mind around celebrating for the first time in his life Valentines day with his boyfriend.
= He also had to ask Ashley because she's your best friend after all, she recommended following his heart and doing something classic to not stress him too much. And that he did!
= My sweet boy put on a suit for you and bought flowers, not just any flowers tho, Travis believe in flower language. Which is that every single flower has a different meaning when given. He carefully chose Daisies (I truly love you), Red Carnation (My heart aches for you), Honey Suckles (Devoted affection) and lastly, Salvia Red (forever mine). Yes he could've chosen classic roses but he felt like you might think that he didn't put in any effort.
= This boy is an hopeless romantic and decided to write you a letter about his true feelings since he was so bad at expressing them in front of you, words couldn't leave his mouth but they were flowing with the help of his fountain pen.
= He then picked up gourmet chocolates, a bit expensive but he thought it would make you happy. Ashley suggested that he makes a mixtape of your favourite songs on a cassette since you had a walkman. He made 2 mixtapes, one of your favourites and the other one is songs that reminds him of you.
= He showed up to your door in the evening and your jaw dropped, seeing your boyfriend in a suit made you feel things you've never felt before. He felt super happy by your reaction and the letter was so profound it made you cry. You also knew flower language and you were basically bawling because of the effort (and money) he spent on you.
OKAY DONE ! you guys can see that I prefer travis over sal oops,,, I hope everyone still loved it! plz plz plz send me things because im desperate.... I love you all guys.......
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caterpillarinacave · 5 months ago
the most accidentally hilarious moment in NATM 3 is as the tablet is dying and Larry is cradling Dexter while the audience has this clear view of Ahkmenrah, a teenager who was murdered thousands of years ago, is very, very, slowly collapsing to the floor as his body reverts to a decayed mummified corpse. And nobody acknowledges it.
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salfishersface · 6 months ago
Late Night Call From An Ex || Larry Johnson
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Synopsis - You receive a late night call from your ex.
Warnings - NSFW. Drug Use.
Notes - All characters are aged 18+!
Word Count - 3.4k.
{Caffeinate Me}
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It was heading into the early hours of the morning and everywhere, both inside and outside of your apartment, was quiet. The town of Nockfell was sleeping. There were only two sources of light illuminating your room: first came from the blue screen of your TV, you see, you had fallen asleep watching your favourite movie a few hours earlier, and the second came from the light of the moon behind the sheer curtains covering your window. Your sleep was dreamless and tranquil at the same time, your body was in a state of complete relaxation
 that was until your phone began to ring and vibrate loudly on the glass-top bedside table just to your right. 
You shot up from your scrunched up position and while your eyes adjusted to the two sources of light in your room, you flailed your arm around on the bedside table to reach for your phone. Out of fear of an emergency, you didn’t even bother to check the caller ID. You clicked the accept button and brought the phone to your ear. “Hello? Is everything okay?” You asked, your voice shaky from nerves and still full of sleep. A short, sweet giggle came down the other end of the phone and immediately extinguished any panic you had been feeling and replaced it with pure rage. “Who is this?” You asked, your tone firmer than before. 
“It’s mee,” the voice replied in a giggling, drunken sing-song. Upon hearing those two words, your heart sank. It was your ex-boyfriend: Larry Johnson. 
You let out a frustrated sigh and hesitated between hearing him out or ending the call immediately. You pulled the phone away from your ear to check the caller ID in order to confirm that it was Larry, when you noticed the time. It was almost half three in the morning – the time alone made you want to hear what he could possibly want. With another sigh you rolled your eyes. “What do you want Larry?” You asked, trying to keep the calm tone of your voice. Larry let out another dreamy sigh on the end of the phone and you immediately knew he was drunk, stoned, or both. After a few seconds passed by with no response, you repeated your question. “What do you want Larry?”
Larry stopped his giggling on the other end of the line and let out a groan. “Missed you,” he slurred. “Wanted to speak to you.”
“You’re drunk and high,” you sighed. Despite this, you couldn’t help but feel your heart flutter at his admission. 
“I was just trying to numb the pain,” a choked cry escaped his lips followed by a sigh. “They say drugs and alcohol numbs the feelings, right? Well I’m feeling so much pain Y/N.”
You felt your heart clench with sadness at Larry’s words. You pulled your phone away from your ear to look at the date before responding. “Larry
 It’s been four months.”
“I know, I know, and it’s been the worst four months of my life. I need to see you,” desperation oozed from Larry’s voice and you let out a soft groan. “Please Y/N.”
“Do you even know what time it is right now Larry?” You snapped, checking the time once more. You didn’t even give him a chance to answer before you carried on. “It's just past half three in the morning. You woke me up.”
But Larry wasn’t fazed by whatever time it was. “Please,” he repeated. You could hear the sadness and pain in his voice. 
With a low growl of defeat you closed your eyes tightly and nodded your head. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes,” and with that, you put the phone down and swung your legs over the edge of your bed. You headed to the bathroom of the apartment to brush your teeth and shoved on some comfy clothes while trying to prepare yourself for what you would find at Larry’s apartment. That’s what hurt you more. 
When you were ready, you grabbed your car keys from the dressing table in your bedroom and made sure all of the windows in your apartment were locked. Then you rushed from your front door to your car which was parked in its allocated space in the apartment complexes’ parking lot. You began the short drive to Addison Apartments and took note of the streetlights that illuminated the way and lit up the drunkards who were stumbling home with their friends and loved ones. Your heart felt heavy as you pulled up to the apartments. You pulled your key out of the ignition and ran to the heavily lit entrance of the complex, running straight towards the elevator and pressing the ‘B’ button that would take you to the basement below. When you arrived at the basement, the elevator door opened with a loud ding, startling you slightly. You stepped out of the elevator and quickly made your way to Larry’s apartment door, banging loudly. 
After a few seconds of banging, the door to Larry’s apartment swung open revealing the long-haired brunette. You looked at your ex-boyfriend, his eyes sunken and red from crying and smoking weed. “You came!” Larry exclaimed, hiccuping slightly. A wide, yet sad smile appeared on his lips. You pushed past Larry and took a few steps into his apartment, the smell of weed and stale alcohol immediately filling your nostrils.
“Of course I came,” you sighed, rolling your eyes. “You called me at half three in the morning, what was I supposed to do?” 
“I knew you’d come,” Larry whispered softly as tears began to fall down his cheeks. Larry took in your appearance and watched you, almost as if he was waiting for you to say something. But when you didn’t say anything, he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you flush against his body. “Gods, I’ve missed you so much.” He choked up. You froze in place, unsure of what to do. You wanted to comfort Larry, you really did, but at the same time all of this was happening because of him. He was the one who broke things off with you four months ago with no real reason as to why. Eventually, after a few seconds, you began to pat Larry’s back hesitantly. “I’ve missed you,” he repeated. 
You let out a frustrated sigh as your hand began to make absent-minded circles on Larry’s back. He smelt of drugs and booze, it was turning your stomach. “Where’s Sal?” You asked him quietly.
“Went home,” Larry grumbled, wiping his nose on his long-sleeved shirt. “He said that I needed to talk to you
 To fix this. To fix us.”
“Larry, you made it perfectly clear that there wasn’t ever going to be an us again.”
“I was wrong, okay? Look
 I need you. I’m an utter mess without you. All I do is drink and get high, hoping that your beautiful, beautiful face will disappear from my mind.” 
Another sigh left your lips and you could feel your heart breaking. You too were finding it hard to come back from the breakup, but you were trying your best. One of the reasons you were doing ‘so good’ was because you went no-contact, and yet here you are standing in front of Larry, offering him comfort. It was painful. “You know getting high and drunk isn’t a good way to deal with your emotions Larry,” you spoke softly to him. 
“I know but
” Larry trailed off, sniffling. 
“No buts,” you said sternly. “Come on, let’s get you showered and cleaned up.” Larry didn’t even protest as you shut his apartment door and led him towards the bathroom. You turned on the shower and allowed it time for the water to heat up as you turned towards your ex-boyfriend who was still sniffling to himself. “Arms up,” you said, motioning your arms up. Larry followed in your movements, lifting up his arms as you grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. “Good, good,” you whispered, more-so to yourself than Larry, who was already working on unbuttoning his trousers. In the blink of an eye, your ex-boyfriend was now completely naked in front of you, stumbling his way into the shower. “Be careful!” You hiss as he slips on the watery, slippery surfaces upon entering.       
“Oops,” Larry giggled, allowing the water to spray over his head and trickle down his body. 
“Sit down Larry,” you said, motioning towards the floor of the shower. Without any words of protest Larry sat down, the water completely covering his head and body now. You grabbed a handful of shampoo and began to rub it into Larry’s scalp. Your heart was beating rapidly at the tenderness of the moment, a queasiness settling in your stomach. Larry had stopped his giggling and was now staring at you as your fingers massaged his scalp. “What?” You asked, your voice laced with a hint of annoyance. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured, biting his bottom lip. 
You felt your heart jump even harder against your ribcage at Larry’s words, but you chose to ignore his antics. After tonight, you’d go no contact again. This was just a blip of a reunion. You ignored Larry’s words and motioned for the man to put his head under the running water. Larry complied, rinsing the soap out of his hair. He already felt slightly more sober. When Larry’s hair was completely rinsed you grabbed the shower gel and poured a decent sized blob on a flannel. You began to wash his body, starting with his shoulders. You made sure that the suds from the flannel poured down his chest. “May I?” You asked, motioning down to his lower body. Larry nodded his head, his eyes glazed over as he watched you bending down to wash his legs and groin area. When you were finished washing his body, Larry leaned against the cold tile walls and allowed the water to run down his body. It was clear he was coming down from the drugs and alcohol now. “Come on, let’s get you dressed and into bed,” you whispered to Larry, as you turned off the shower and grabbed a towel from the towel rack to wrap over his body. 
“Thank you,” Larry hiccuped as he stepped out of the shower. He led the way to his bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed with the towel still wrapped firmly around his shoulders. 
“You’re welcome Larry,” you whispered back, a soft smile on your lips. All the anger you had felt towards him for calling you in the early hours of the morning had disappeared and was replaced by a familiar fuzzy feeling in your stomach. You shook your head, trying your hardest not to allow those feelings to fester anymore than they already had. “Let’s get you dressed.”
Larry shook his head and lay back on the bed, allowing his body to be on full display for you. “You know I like to sleep naked,” he said cockily, a tired smirk on his lips. 
“So you do,” you mumbled. You patted your thighs awkwardly as you looked around Larry’s bedroom. It didn’t look much different than when the two of you were together, there was just more junk lying around the floor. “Are you going to be okay now?” 
Larry immediately perked up at your words, his eyebrows furrowing. “You’re not leaving, are you?” He asked, panic lacing his voice. 
“Well, yeah. You seem sobered up enough for me to go back to my house, back to sleep.”
“Don’t leave me,” Larry whispered softly, his hand reaching out to grab your wrist and pull you towards the edge of the bed. “I don’t want you to go.”
” you whispered back, trying your hardest not to let the tears well up in your eyes.
“Just for tonight.” You felt your resolve crumbling little by little, especially with the way Larry was looking at you. His eyes were large, resembling a puppy dog, and he had a discreet pout on his lips. “Just for tonight,” he whispered, pulling you down on top of him. It didn’t take a second for his lips to meet yours, kissing you so lightly you would have mistaken his lips for a feather if your eyes weren’t open. A gasp left your lips at the contact and you attempted to move away. 
“Larry, we can’t.” 
“Just for tonight,” he repeated again, closing his eyes and kissing you more passionately than before. You couldn’t deny him, not when your heart was beating as rapidly as it was. You kissed back, letting out a soft moan as your own eyes fluttered closed. You felt his cock twitch against your thighs as you deepened the kiss further, your hands moving to cup his face to keep him steady. He smelt like a mixture of body soap and alcohol, it was oddly comforting to you. Larry rolled you both over so his naked form was now hovering over you, droplets of water fell from his wet hair onto your face and neck just as your ex-boyfriend leaned down to pepper hot kisses against your throat. “Missed you so much Y/N,” he whispered against your jugular vein. Without any hesitation Larry’s hands were already moving to your trousers, inching them down your thighs. Your body shivered as your trousers were pulled off completely and thrown across the room but you were too caught up in the kiss to verbally react. Larry’s hands cupped your tits over your shirt and groaned at the feeling of them against the palm of his hands. “Oh my Gods,” he moaned against your mouth. His cock was now rock hard and leaking pre-cum against your bare thighs. “I can’t wait much longer.” 
“Are we really doing this?” You ask, panting heavily. 
“Yes,” Larry replied. His thumbs tucked under the elastic of your underwear before he ripped them off, leaving your bottom half completely bare to him. “You’re even more beautiful than I remember,” Larry mumbled as his hand smoothed up your thigh, finally coming to rest on the lips of your heat. Larry gazed into your eyes as he slicked a finger inside your cunt, biting his bottom lip in an attempt to stop the moan that was threatening to spill from his lips. 
“Larry,” you whimpered softly, grasping onto the sheets below your body. 
“You’re so wet,” he gasped. Larry began to move his finger in and out of you slowly, earning every moan and gasp that fell from your lips. After a few seconds of this motion, Larry inserted a second finger inside of you and began scissoring. He wanted to make sure you were fully stretched for him. You let out a whimper as Larry retracted his fingers and put them up to your lips. “Suck,” he demanded. You nodded your head and opened your mouth slowly, allowing Larry to slip his digits past your lips. Your scent and taste invaded your senses as you slowly slurped the wetness off of Larry’s fingers, moaning softly as you did. “Such a good girl for me.” 
You let out a moan of appreciation and felt Larry position himself between your legs. “Please Larry,” you whispered, your voice begging. 
“I’ll give you what you want my sweet girl. I promise,” Larry whispered as he fully seated himself between your legs. He didn’t even give you a second to answer before pushing himself past your tight entrance. The moan that ripped through your lips was obscene and you couldn’t help but cling tightly against Larry as he gave you a few seconds to adjust. You were about to give him the go-ahead, to tell him that it was okay for him to move, but Larry must have read your mind. His hips pulled away from your own before snapping back against them in one swift, rapid movement. Your eyes widened and your mouth hung open. “Holy shit, you’re so tight!” Larry exclaimed through gritted teeth, hips moving immediately once more. 
“Larry!” You squealed, biting your lip. Larry however responded to your squeal by fucking into you at a harder rate, his cock practically spearing in and out of you. Your arms hung loosely around Larry’s waist and your head tilted further back on the bed, not only this but you were moaning loudly. You didn’t have the head space to be embarrassed about that though, all’s you could think about was how nice it felt to be fucked like this again. To be fucked like you were the most precious thing on earth. Your legs were untangling from Larry’s waist due to the sheer intensity of his thrusts when Larry decided to switch positions slightly. In one easy movement he had you folded, legs over his shoulder and forehead pressed against yours as he pounded against you. His eyes gazed into yours with such passion, desire and adoration that it sent visible tingles up your spine. 
“You know I love you,” he panted, pressing soft kisses to your nose and cheeks. You felt your cunt flutter at those words and at the sultry, lustful tone of his voice which just made Larry smirk. “Do you like that? Hmmm? When I say that I love you?” You didn’t hesitate to nod, which only made the brunette chuckle lowly. “Then let me say it again: I. Love. You.”
“I love you too,” you gasped out. Your eyes widened as you felt the coil in your stomach tightening, threatening to snap at any moment. Larry was quick to recognise this and brought a hand up to your throat, squeezing slightly as he continued to pump away. Your toes began to curl as he continuously hit that squishy soft spot inside of you and before you knew it, you were cumming. “Fuck, Larry. I’m cumming!” You practically screamed, eyes widening even more until they shook as you squirted over Larry’s torso and groin area. Your cunt clenched down on his cock, pulsating and fluttering as the clear liquid gushed out of you unapologetically. The sight, the sounds, the sensations – it was all too much for Larry. 
Immediately, he came. His hips stuttering as he filled you up to the brim while whimpering in your ear. “Shit I’m cumming. Marry me, please fucking marry me.”
You couldn’t deny him. Not right now. Not while rope after rope of his semen was flowing inside of you. Nodding your head you let out a strained, shaky breath. “Okay.” 
“Thank you,” he groaned, finally stilling his hips against your own. Larry continued to keep his face buried into the crook of your neck, peppering soft kisses against your neck as he gasped for breath. The hand that he had wrapped around your throat was now stroking gentle circles on your cheek, as if mapping your facial structure to his memory. “Holy shit, I love you.” 
“I love you too,” you mumble softly. 
Larry finally lifts his head up from your shoulders and kisses your lips softly. His lips greedily glided over yours as his hands trailed down to map your body. “I meant what I said y’know,” he muttered sleepily.
“Huh?” You asked, tilting your head to the side.
“I want you to marry me. I don’t want to be apart from you anymore. These last four months have been hell for me, being without you, it made me realise that I don’t care if I’m a screw up. I need you.” 
“No Y/N,” Larry said sternly, interrupting you. “I mean it. I need you in my life. You make me want to be a better person. You make me feel as though life is worth living.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his words. You could hear the sincerity oozing out of each syllable. “I will marry you,” you said, cupping his face with your hand. Larry opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He had to admit, he was shocked. He was expecting some form of resistance from you. 
“You will?” He asked, dumbfounded. You chuckled and nodded your head, looking up at him with an affectionate gaze. Larry grinned at you before pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. “Fuck, I really love you.”
You and Larry had a lot to work on together, but you were both determined to make it work between the two of you. Shortly after this encounter, you were moving your stuff into the basement of Addison Apartments as Larry had asked you to move in with him. Being back in his embrace just felt right. It felt needed, for the both of you. You couldn’t believe that after four months of being apart, you clicked as if you had never been separated. That is what true love is.
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madeinth00 · 1 year ago
tá mas imaginem direitinho o louis acordando o harry comendo ele de ladinho bem gostosinho com a mão na boca dele abafando os gemidos pq eles estavam na casa da mãe do h pq o louis tinha se mostrado um “bom rapaz” e todo mundo concordou dele dormir la mas mal sabiam que ele tava fazendo o h chorar de tesao ai dps de deixar ele cheinho de porra (e nao deixar o h gozar pq gostava de torturar ele um pouco) os dois vao tomar cafe bem lindinhos o louis mimando a sogra e falando sobre religiao e o h todo molinho depois de ser usado como brinquedinho do papai lou :c
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