#large opening retractable screen doors
vanishingscreens · 25 days
Vanishing Screens: Leading Provider of Retractable Screen Doors in San Diego
Vanishing Screens offers the best retractable screen doors in San Diego, CA, designed to enhance both your home’s functionality and aesthetics. Our offerings include single retractable screen doors and double retractable screen doors, perfect for any doorway. For larger spaces, our large retractable screen doors provide an elegant solution. We also specialize in retractable patio enclosures, perfect for extending your living space outdoors. Choose Vanishing Screens for high-quality retractable screen doors in San Diego and experience unmatched comfort and convenience.
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fluffypandabun · 11 months
Omg more lee Casey PLS
Alright anon :3, have some drabble as a treat :3
Casey was the best ninja, the sneakiest and quietest of all ninjas, aside from his Sensei of course, but Casey was a close second.
He creeped quietly down the hall, sticking close to the wall and in the shadows just as his Sensei had taught him. He reached the end of it and peered sneakily through the crack of the door, his Uncle Tello was still at his desk as he always was, back to the door and furiously typing on his many, many keyboards.
Casey carefully opened the door wide enough for him to slip through before pausing to see if the turtle had noticed him, he hadn't and Casey bit his lip to stop from giggling as he stepped through the door and into the room.
He stayed crouched, almost crawling, making his way further into the dimly lit room. As he got closer to his uncle's chair he slowly raised himself back up onto two legs, stretching his body up he made his hands into claws taking in a deep breath-
There was a whir of metal retracting and faster than Casey could even yelp he was being picked up by small metal hands and dangled upside down in front of his uncle's unamused face.
The boy offered a half grin, giggling nervously.
"Hehe, Hi Uncle Tello...."
The mutant narrowed his eyes, tattooed on eyebrows furrowing and giving him an even more unamused expression.
"Casey Jr."
The two stared each other down for a moment before Casey squirmed a bit in the metal arms hold, causing him to swing back and forth slightly.
"Right so, I think I'll be on my way now-
"Yeah no not happening."
Before he could even protest, Casey was being dropped into his uncle's lap. Two large three fingered hands grabbed onto his sides and rapidly squeezed up and down them, prompting the boy to squeal loudly and burst into loud giggles.
"You come into my lab, and prevent me from doing my work and expect to leave without consequences? For shame Casey." Donetello droned, his voice conveying indifference to the squirmy laughing child in his lap though the fondness in his eyes gave him away.
"Now," He continued, turning back to his screen, "Where was I...?" "Uncle Tello!" Casey squealed when the mutant's fingers wiggled their way up to his armpits.
"Casey Jr." Donetello responded, glancing down at him, "Can't you see I'm trying to work? Did we not teach you any better then to bother us when were working?"
Tiny hands pushed to no avail against larger green ones. "Your tihihickling meheheheh!" Donetello raised an eyebrow. "Tickling you? Me? Oh I would never." the turtle rolled his eyes, voice laced with sarcasm. Though when Casey let out a squeak of a hiccup he couldn't keep the slight smile off his face.
"Uncle Tehehellohohoho!" Casey giggled, smacking at muscled arms as his hands suddenly skittered back down to tweak gently at his ribs.
"Sigh, I guess if you really require my attention so badly you may have it" Donnie grinned, he shifted the boy in his arms to better secure him before he made his free hand into a claw, bringing it down onto the boy's small stomach and shaking it. Practically shaking the boy's whole body alongside it.
Casey shrieked before bursting into bright childish belly laughter, curling up around the turtle's hand.
"Ehehehehe! Nohohohoho!"
Donnie raised a brow. "No? Now you don't want my attention? You need to make up your mind Casey."
Casey kicked out his legs, trying desperately to roll over onto his side. "Your behehehing mehehehean!" "Me? Mean? Scoff! I'll have you know that I'm the fun uncle, I mean just listen to how much fun your having right now."
He used the boy's new position to skitter his fingers up his spine to the back of his neck, causing him to scrunch up and squeal.
Donnie allowed his fingers to poke a prod for a few moments longer before he let up, allowing the boy to rest in his lap as he caught his breath. As his lingering giggles resided Donnie gave him a look.
"Now, what have we learned about sneaking up on Uncle Tello?"
Casey giggled a bit before answering. "To not get caught next time."
Donnie gave him an annoyed look at he poked him in the side. "You've been spending too much time with that Sensei of yours."
Casey giggled and pushed the turtle's hand away, settling back to lean against his chest, tilting back his head to grin up at him.
"I mean it! Next time I won't get caught."
Donnie glanced down at him and patted his head. "Uh huh, I'm sure you won't." He wheeled himself back over closer to his desk.
"Now if you promise to be quiet I'll let you stay with me while I work."
The boy's eyes immediately lit up."Will you let me use the soldering iron again?" "Ha!......Only if you don't tell Mikey." 
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Rescue AfterMath
Request: Chapter 2 of Rescue Mission Word Count: 3k Notes: SFW, fluff, Albert Wesker x Reader
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The roar of the helicopter was deafening in the metal machine. Even with the headset that covered your ears and static radio crackling through the speakers couldn’t drown out the hideous noise. You were leaning against Wesker’s arm. Not finding the strength to sit up straight after what you went through. Even if you didn’t see many zombies or were in that much danger, it was the potential behind the outbreak. Knowing what could have gone down. After seeing it all unfold on tv in other cities, only for it to happen just outside your home. You felt exhausted. Like the fear you had felt during your time on the ground had drained you. 
Wesker was a statue beside you. Keeping his hand gently on your knee. Offering what little comfort he could give by resting his gloved hand there. As if to keep you beside him. 
In his other hand, he held his phone and you watched as the screen flicked between emails and messages. Reports of survivors and the number of outbreaks that his teams had eradicated. You tried not to read it. But the words; Retreat. Too many casualties. Quarantine breached. Mutated B.O.W’s sighted. 
It was all keeping you on edge. You didn’t want to imagine the type of carnage that was happening on the ground, just outside your home. 
Then you felt the helicopter begin to descend. The sudden motion made you grip Wesker’s arm, and he soothed you with a gentle rub of his thumb against your knee. You looked up at him as he turned his head away from his phone. 
“It’s alright. We’re here.” He said. And the helicopter landed with a jolt and the engines were cut off, allowing the thunderous whirling to cease into quiet. 
“Where are we?” You asked. Leaning away from Wesker as he stood from his seat and pulled on the door. It slid open smoothly, and Wesker stepped out onto a concrete platform. He turned and offered you his hand. And you took it as you climbed out of the helicopter. Taking a moment to look around as Wesker slammed the door shut on the machine. It looked like a campus. Possibly an Umbrella campus of some sort. A cluster of large buildings that were surrounded by a high concrete fence. You glimpsed guards posted in watch towers and a heavy, chain link gate, set at the front of the facility. 
“We’re somewhere safe.” Wesker said. His hand slid down to the small of your back, and he gently guided you off the landing platform and into the adjacent building. To you, it looked like a large office building. Through the doors, you were led past an empty receptionist desk. However, the room had armed officers by each of the doors. Their faces were covered behind tinted riot helmets and the matching gear bore the Umbrella symbol. Wesker walked past each of them without acknowledging their presence. And at each door, Wesker had to flash an ID card across a small lit up pad. And then, as you were led into a main structure, the ID scanner glowed green, but a small device poked out from the wall, directed towards Wesker. 
Without taking his hand from your back, Wesker removed his sunglasses and lined his right eye with the lens of the scanner. A moment later, the scanner retracted back into the wall, and the heavy set doors opened up into an elevator. You stepped inside and Wesker pressed a button at the top of the selection. Indicating that you were being taken to the highest point in the building. The amount of security in this building eased some part of your rattled self. The amount of armed forces and heavy set windows would hold back even a city sized horde of infected. 
“You will be staying in my suite until the outbreak is under control.” Wesker informed you as he slid his sunglasses back over his eyes. “This is the safest place for you. I promise.” 
You nodded. Watching the numbers at the top of the door reach its final destination and the elevator slid open. Revealing a luxurious living room with wide windows and a large couch facing a massive tv. The suite was possibly bigger than your entire house. And the tiles were so spotless you were almost afraid to step on them. 
“Are you staying?” You asked Wesker, in a voice that was much softer than you intended. You didn’t want to be left alone right now. But you also knew that Wesker would be needed to deal with the outbreak. He was their best operative. 
You stepped out of the elevator but Wesker stayed behind. His dark glasses reflected your face as he looked at you. You didn’t realize that you were half hugging yourself, like you were cold. But then he shook his head. Holding open the doors as they tried to shut between the two of you. 
“I need to go find out what happened.” Wesker said. And you felt your chest fall at his words. A moment stretched between you, and then Wesker stepped forward and allowed the doors to close behind him. “But I think they can manage without me for a little white.” 
The relief you felt almost made you feel guilty. People were possibly in great danger and here was their best chance at containing the outbreak. Taking off his coat to hang it over the back of a chair and gesture towards the bathroom. 
“You’ll want a bath after being in the contaminated area. Even if you’re clean of infection, the smell hangs around just as stubbornly.” 
He wasn’t wrong. The entire walk into the building you had been smelling the foul stench of the zombie you got close too. Though, you didn’t touch it nor did any of its blood splatter on you; the smell of the infection clung to your senses like a…well..like a bad smell.
A bath would do you good. Or a really hot shower. It might even relax you and sooth the unease that still had its claws in you. You needed to scrub it off. Get some fresh clothes and cleanse your nose with something better than rotten flesh and sickness. Wesker opened the door for you and you were blinded by white tiles and the strong scent of disinfectant.
The bathroom was just as luxurious as the rest of the apartment. It had a large, pool-like bath and a shower that hung from the ceiling in a wide square head. Crisp white towels lined the walls and the sinks were stocked with various soaps and body-safe chemicals. That was one thing you’d give credit to Umbrella for, everything would be spotless and would provide only the best ways to clean yourself. Not a single germ would survive the cleaning service of this place. 
“Is this where you usually go in between meetings?” You asked, knowing full well Wesker does nothing but work. If it wasn’t secret missions, it was meetings. If it wasn’t meetings, it was a mission sending him into other countries that he was unable to talk to you about. You never actually asked if he had a home to go to. Or if he just brooded behind a desk until given a directive. 
There was a hint of a smile on the corner of Wesker’s lips. But he shook his head. 
“No. This is a temporary facility to help deal with the outbreak. It was the closest I could take you without Umbrella getting suspicious.” He flicked on the tap and adjusted it until steam rolled out of the white basin. You touched the water, feeling it was a little too cold and flicked the hot tap on more. 
You then grabbed the strongest disinfectant you thought your skin could handle and handed it to him. He gave you a look over the edge of his glasses, but said nothing as he added it to the water. You wanted to be clean. But not burnt to the last layer of flesh, clean. You would use the nice smelling soap once the chemicals removed the stench off your body. “Umbrella doesn’t know you pulled me out of the outbreak?” You asked, with an air of surprise to your tone. 
“They know.” He corrected you. “But they don’t want any witnesses or possible Infected leaving a certain radius. The only reason I was able to bring you here is because they can keep a better eye on you.” That harshness returned to his voice. Like he didn’t agree with his orders. But you were grateful nonetheless with this place. Even if you were still within range of the virus, it was better than the homes you would be huddled up in. Or the quarantine camps you’ve seen on tv. 
“I’m honestly surprised they approved my rescue.” You said, sitting on the side of the tub as you watched the water rise. 
“They know the consequences if they had rejected the rescue.” Wesker said. His glasses started to fog and you smiled in amusement as he briefly wiped them with the edge of his shirt. 
“It's ok, you can keep them off.” You assured him. But he merely cocked a small smile and slid them back into place. You didn’t push the subject. Instead busied yourself with touching the water and turning off the taps once the water was at the right height. 
“Do you want me to leave while you get undressed?” There it was. That cocky smirk of his that matched the smooth smug voice. You felt your body flush with heat but you felt your expression neutral, with only a hint of a small smile. 
You didn’t know what the two of you were. You have never gone on a date or even as much as held his hand. But Wesker came straight into the middle of a zombie outbreak to rescue you. You spoke almost every night and it was rare to never go more than a few days without a message from him. But you didn’t think you were ready to share such an intimate moment of displaying your naked body to him right after you witnessed brains being splattered all over your bedroom. But you knew you couldn’t handle being alone right now. “Turn around and I’ll wear a towel or something in the bath,” If there was a hint of disappointment, you didn’t catch it. But he turned his back to you and you undressed quickly, wrapping a towel around your torso before slipping into the hot water. You almost felt dizzy with the smell of chemicals and steam coming out of the bath. And the sensation of wet fabric against your skin felt a little itchy, but it was washed away as you sunk deep into the bath until only your head remained above water. 
“Alright, I’m decent again.” You said, and Wesker chuckled. Turning back around to sit beside you on the bath edge.
“You know, you undressed right in front of the mirrors.” He smirked down at you. And you stared up at him in a mixture of embarrassment and a flustered gasp. 
“You did not.” 
“It's hard not too.” He looked over your submerged body and his smirk deepened. “You and I both know this was going to happen eventually.” 
“What? That you were going to play hero and have me half naked in a bath?” You said. “I thought it would go kinda differently. But…by all means, you can join me.” Wesker laughed and shook his head. Even with the sunglasses, you could see the discomfort on his face. “Do you not like baths?” 
“No. Hot water is uncomfortable for Uroborus.” He explained. And it shocked you how casually he spoke about the infection. “It can survive in hot water, it just starts to hurt if I’m in there for too long.” He moved his gloved hand to hover above the surface of the water. Like he was testing to see just how much discomfort he could manage before pulling his arm away. “As much as I would love to join you, I’ll sit this one out.” You nodded. Unsure how to take this new information. Wesker rarely spoke about Uroborus. Keeping it to himself for professional and safety reasons. ‘The less you know, the better’ was always his reasoning for never sharing information. And you understood. It was his creation after all. 
“Could you hand me the soap then?” You asked, and then mimicked his smirk with your own. “Make yourself useful.” 
The chuckle came from deep in his chest, but he retrieved the bar of soap for you. But didn’t hand it to you. Instead, he bit the fabric of his gloved finger and pulled the glove from his hand. Discarding it to the side and doing the same with the other, all without taking his eyes off you. You couldn’t hold his gaze for long. The seering look behind those glasses was causing all sorts of warmth through your body. 
He offered you his bare hand and you hesitantly laid your wet hand in his. And gently, Wesker started to massage your arm and shoulders with the bar of soap. Occasionally submerging the bar into the water to lather you better with the scent. You leaned forward a little. Allowing him better access to your back and neck. You shivered as his fingers caressed along your shoulder blades and down your spine. Tenderly rubbing the pads of his fingers into the base of your neck and along your collarbone. You could feel the restraint behind each movement. The strength that delicately moved his fingers along your body to leave you feeling relaxed and smelling sweet. You let your eyes fall close and you felt the soap leave his fingers. His palms molded against the curves of your shoulders. Fingers teasingly brushing against your neck and you suppressed a pleasant humm that came to your lips. Tilting your head back a little as he massaged down your arms and worked the palm of your hand with his fingers. It was surprisingly comforting to feel your fingers in his. 
And then, you felt a softness against your lips. And you finally allowed that pleased hum to fall from your chest as Wesker kissed you. At first, it felt fleeting, like he was testing your reaction to the touch. But when you didn’t pull away, he pushed his lips harder against yours. And your fingers gripped his shirt as his tongue dipped between your lips. Begging for entrance and Wesker moaned roughly as you let him in. His fingers held the back of your neck, keeping you close until you pulled away, gasping for a breath. 
His smile was almost predatory. A hungry gleam sparking behind those tinted sunglasses. 
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time.” His thumb slid along your cheek to rest against your shoulder. Kneading the tense muscle as he smirked down at you. “But we’ve never had a chance like this.” 
Your heart was beating so hard against your chest you were sure he could feel it against his hand. You smiled up at him, letting your hand slide over the fingers that touched your shoulder. He intertwined them together. Lifting them up to kiss the back of your palm. 
“We’ve never actually spent a lot of alone time together.” You said. On the days you and he had met up, there were always other operatives, soldiers, in the vicinity. Even when Wesker came by your house for a visit, Umbrella was always watching. “We should do this more often.”
Another soft chuckle and Wesker pushed a strand of semi-wet hair away from your neck. 
“I can have that arranged. Pull a few strings. Threaten some people.” The smirk was light hearted but you could see the truth behind it. You ignored him. “Wash yourself off. The soap will begin to dry.” 
You almost didn’t care about the irritable sensation of the soap on your skin. 
You were adoring this moment with him. Finally allowing that little piece of adoration shine through and get giddy as his touch lingered on you. But he drew away when you sat up and splashed the water over your skin. Ridding the small bubbles and leaving your skin smelling strongly of a flowered fragrance. 
You stood from the water, and the towel around you dropped heavily with water. You chuckled, giving Albert a look as you clung to the towel around you. He was sliding his gloves back on when he noticed your stare. He smirked, giving you an obvious head-to-toe glance. 
“I’ve already seen.” He said. But you held your stance firm until he sighed and turned his back. This time you made sure his glasses were facing away from the mirror, before dropping the wet towel and sliding on a bathrobe that hung from one of the hooks. He turned when you touched his arm and Albert stepped forward to slide his hands along your hips. That eager, hungry, smile stretching over his lips again. 
“Are you hungry?” He asked. And you couldn’t meet his stare again. Those words dripped with enough warm honey that it sent your mind racing. But you nodded. Licking your lips as one hand slid from your hips to take your hand in his. “I’ll order something for you. But… I’m going to have to leave you for a few hours.” 
Your eyes widened. A mixture of shock and disappointment rolled through you as he drew you closer. His warm breath tickled your skin as he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your lips. 
“We’ll continue this later. I am sorry I can’t discuss this…in length, right now.” There was a heavy irritation to his voice. But as the quiet stretched between you, you distinctly heard the phone in his pocket ring violently. Obviously put on silent for this occasion. You sighed. For a moment you forgot about what was happening outside. All you wanted was Albert. In this moment, he was all your mind focused on. And the relaxed sensation his hands left you in, was eradicated the moment the memories flooded back. 
But you nodded. Taking a step back but didn’t let your hand part with his. 
“I understand. Talk about this later, then?” You asked. And Albert nodded, tugging you back to him and wrapping his free arm around your waist. The kiss was almost desperate. A plea in his own way to stay with you right now. And the arm that held you crushed you against his chest almost painfully. But you endured. Letting that giddy side of you flourish in his arms until he pulled away. He swallowed heavily and gave one last smile before storming out of the bathroom.  Like if he didn’t leave now. He’d never be able to tear himself away.
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eyebags-for-years · 1 year
Office Hours
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miguel o'hara x reader
content warning: nudity, showering together, no smut, injury
word count - 751
With each tick of the clock, it feels like another nail is being drilled into your head. Closing your eyes, embracing the pain, and feeling the bright screen burn through your eyelids.
Desperation for sleep pulls at your mind, being the 'brains' behind the operation, keeping all of the missions and universes in order. You also keep track and assign missions, watching spikes of anomalies and setting each mission with an appropriate spider person.
Opening your eyes again, you look around your cluttered desk, your bin overflowing. binders stacked in the corner staring at you, towers of paperwork 'sorted' into its proper piles and several mugs strewn around your desk and a mirror sitting just next to your monitor.
Glancing at the mirror, seeing your reflection looking back at you, glowing from the unnatural light of the computer.
With a jump and a tired shout, you whip your head around to see Miguel's large frame taking up most of the doorway he's standing in.
He looked just as tired as you were, the sound of glitching raised your concern and you truly look at your boss. The hologram suit stretching around his chest glitches in and out, a scratch peeping through.
"What happened?" You stared at his face that showed no indifference, he looks around the dark room. Ignoring your question.
You stood up making your way over to your husband, looking up at him rubbing up and down his biceps. He leans down, still silent wraps his arms around your waist as your lips meet.
"What happened?" You whispered after your passionate lips broke apart, "nothing." He sighed digging his face into your neck, his breath hot as he exhales deeply.
Running your nails up and down his back, the crackling of the hologram glitching around your fingers comforts the both of you in the silence.
"You done?" Softly nodding towards the forgotten work illuminating the two of you.
"Uh huh," you say mindlessly, grabbing his hand and making your way down the hall and into the clear elevator.
You lean into Miguel, resting your head against his shoulder. The grimace on his face and the way he lightly flinches makes you immediately retract, realising it's the shoulder he shoves that stupid massive needle in.
A soft sorry is muttered on your part, Miguel just squeezes your hand as forgiveness as you both step out of the now unmoving glass box.
Finally walking out of that goddamn stuffy building, feeling the soft breeze on your skin felt like heaven.
With your back aching, hand and heart warm you walk forward trusting the love of your life as a portal opens up. Nausea overwhelmed you as you walked out the other side into the entrance area, slipping off your shoes and chucking your bracelet in the bowl.
Glancing over to the teen sitting on your yellow couch, the soft shifting light of a tv reflects around the room.
You leave $80 on top of her purse, turning the tv off and taking the used bowl and leaving it in the sink.
Miguel walks straight to the room at the end of the hall, the door creaking open as he peeks his head in. He does this every time he gets home from work, checking on your sleeping 9 year old.
You look at Miguel's face while heading into the bathroom, his facial features lit up by your daughter's night light tucked into the corner.
Your eyes squint as your turn the bathroom light on, opening your electronic hamper and chucking both you and Miguel's towels in. Turning the heat setting on you turn on the shower and begin to undress.
It's the routine, the door shuts just as you hop in the shower letting your muscles relax in the steaming water.
His calloused hands make their way from your sore shoulders to your waist, his hands just exploring. not sexual just exploring, hugging and loving you.
Turning the water off you wrap a newly warm towel around your wet body, bending over and grabbing the first aid kit. Or as Miguel likes to call it 'Is that really necessary?'
Grabbing some hydrogen peroxide and soaking a cotton ball in it dabbing it up the shallow cut running from the middle of his chest to his collarbone. You put dressings across the wound forcing your husband to hold it there as you firmly wrap bandages and clipping it in place.
"Love you," it's soft and hard to hear but it's so Miguel.
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dansconcepts · 2 months
Lucky DICE
My take on the PhantomThief!Ouma AU (even though I have multiple takes in my docs so really this is more like just a DICE with Komaeda in it AU) based on the prompt in this Youtube short. It's meant to be a whole mystery-esque sorta thing? with some unreliable/misleading elements. The plot's roughly there (plot is really hard for me) but I'm hoping to fledge it out more maybe.
Shuichi tentatively roams the admittedly modest lair, equipped with the darkness of night lit only by a window. Rooms lead out from beyond the table that sits proudly beside a large retractable screen. Closed doors are lined with messages etched into their frames: names of DICE members, as well as personalized touches in the form of stickers and drawings.
The detective would find all of it honestly endearing if it wasn’t for the fact that they belong to the crime organization that’s been terrorizing the city for a while now. But seeing these hints at people, perhaps young, he begins to wonder- not for the first time- if he’s missing something intrinsically apparent in this whole case. What he needs is something concrete, something beyond the measly conjecture he has. 
His feet stop in front of the door he came here for. Supreme Leader it read, in messy scrawl and purple ink. There’s the silly art, serving as the signature that he knows so well beside it- a tiny caricature of DICE’s figurehead, with a peace sign, wink, and a stuck out tongue. And right underneath is the doorknob. It will get him answers, he knows, but he’s slow to lift his hand anyway. 
He bites his lip. Again, he wonders where his hesitance lies- a hunch with no evidence, reliant on a lingering feeling despite being met with all the facts. Shuichi doesn’t owe him anything. The Phantom Thief committed his crimes with an edge, a malice, and that strengthens his resolve.
The detective turns the door, slowly. His eyes dart around the room as the crack widens, absorbing the calming light that comes from a nightlight perched on a nightstand. A chessboard lays in the center, most pieces having remained and yet are arranged out of place on the board, only having a white king, black bishop, and assorted black and white pawns. Cans of Panta are haphazardly sprawled out everywhere. The bed looks pristine besides a slightly ruffled sheet. Alternatively, the desk, a beautiful dark wood, is a frenzy of suggested activity with papers and photos in seemingly disorganized piles and-
Is that a whiteboard? 
Normally, the idea of having a whiteboard in one’s bedroom isn’t the strangest thing, but the way it’s filled out with photos hung by tape and lines connecting both text and images makes him think he’s looking at a reflection of his own thinking board for this case. Perhaps a corkboard is too old-fashioned... Yet, he muses, he’s evolved from simple burglaries and mysteries to a syndicate of crime, and sticking to basics was the best way for him to start tackling such a jump. 
He approaches the board. The connections being made… it’s recent hits, with some locations being X’d out and others highlighted. There are faces he doesn’t fully recognize in most of the photos. Most of them seem to suggest DICE members, if the clown mask covering their faces are anything to go by. One white-haired man is circled in red, with a large and sloppy, as if angrily written, LIAR over it. 
His eyes roam lower, and he’s greeted with a shock. Small text, in the same handwriting as outside, forces his brain to run a mile a minute.
Detective Shuichi Saihara, it read, …trustworthy?  
And on the ledge underneath, surrounded by a couple of markers, are a pack of cards. Non-standard, if the navy blue look embedded on the pack was any indication. He opens it, expecting to find dark cards to match the box’s aesthetic, and pulls out the first one near the front of the deck. White. He flips it. Also white, purely plain, identical to the front. Widely untypical, but highly familiar. The detective thumbs at the glossy finish. Memories of a beautiful checkered backing hit him unbidden, and playful text laughing at his expense, yet cheering him on… Except for the most recent time, where it was leering, conniving, borderline threatening in a faux-pleasant tone-
Nope. Not the time. 
The detective laxes his grip. Ah. The card now has a permanent score in the middle. 
He brushes it aside- although he murmurs apologies into his head- and looks through the rest of the cards. Finally, he finds what he’s looking for in the form of a date written along the top. He picks through the cards which contained a similar look, and it was all consecutive, almost as if the cards served as a journal or diary of sorts. There’s a handful of cards left that appear blank. 
He’ll examine the rest later. Instead, he focuses his attention on the first card. It outlines, he skims, the third heist DICE carried out (and, he remembers, was when he was enlisted on the case officially). “Detective… new… told Ace not to be an idiot… no Kyouko…” His eyes dart to a passage that actually catches his eye. “This new Detective seems like a stick in the mud anyway, a complete anxious nerd type. But he did figure out our whole MO, so maybe he’s more interesting than I thought.” Shuichi flushes. It was true, but still, to be called out so blatantly…
Next entry. “He did get more interesting. I just had to get up-close and personal, y’know? He’s so convicted for a guy who could barely look me in the eye! That needs to be changed and fast. It’s cute,” And now he’s flushed for a whole other reason, “But that’s only because underneath is this really determined guy who wants to figure things out. And man, do I enjoy someone who plays the game.”
Next. “How often is he going to linger with the notes I leave him? I’m going to get caught this way! But he always reads it with this small smile, and I don’t know why, but it makes me stupidly happy. Yikes. Time to not dwell on THAT thought any longer.” 
Okay, now he’s sensing a pattern. The navy blue on the box, the name repeated in every entry… is this whole deck about him? 
No way. No way at all that’s it. 
But the evidence speaks for itself. He reads further, skimming, his name or a variation always sticking out, and he can’t help but finish every entry as it dials further and further into something that seems… adoring. Borderline affectionate. Shuichi honestly can’t believe it.
The last words of the final entry catches his attention. He recalls the date and his jaw tightens. A day before the latest heist. “Joker said he’ll be making the next heist ‘a celebration of hope’. It’s bound to be a whole ploy to get me closer to my beloved, from Queenie’s laughter and all. If anyone can make it happen though, it’d definitely be him. But I’m concerned. I’m a little worried there’ll be an explosion, knowing Joker. But I know he’s learned his lesson.” 
He looks through the remaining blank cards, flipping them just to make sure he doesn’t miss anything. On a seemingly random card, 4th last, he finds familiar purple handwriting. 
It’s a lie!
Cold sweeps through his system. A lie? What was a lie? Where? He took everything at face-value, but there’s a lie? The detective frantically looks around, the shadows suddenly seeming oppressive and choking. Was it the whole deck, or something specific? A single card? A handful?
Was it the feelings he thought were there?
He steps back, the card mocking him. 
It’s a lie! It’s a lie! It’s a lie! rings through his head, hearing the voice that often accompanied it. And as it ricochets in his head, he hears faint murmurs permeating through the walls.
God, what was he thinking? He needs to get out of here. He can’t believe he just let himself come in here, spurred by a single letter.
The detective looks to the door, but no, can’t go through there. He peers through the window. Seems clear. Luckily chasing the Phantom Thief gave him some practice in endurance and balance, because this patio wasn’t going to scale itself. 
He jumps, roughly skidding down the slope before landing on his feet. Luckily the house wasn’t too tall. With adrenaline pumping through his veins, the detective slinks off into the night, wondering if this is how he feels after a heist.
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One night at Hope Country, an 5’6” woman named, Harleen Quinnzel Aka Harley Quinn, Harley had changed since lived at Hope Country’s Trailer Park, Harley had skinny body before but now Harley’s body type are quite similar. Big bloated facial cheeks, double chins, boobs the size of bowling balls, fairly large doughy belly with the standard indent towards the bottom that makes it look like a butt, VERY thick legs with rolls practically covering their feets, a pair of ass cheeks bigger than bowling balls, very hammy arms, and a decent shelf of backfat. Harley wear socks except one had hole where you can see her sausage right toe poking out and wears small white tank top with small underwear giving her asscheeks a wedgie throng, Harley still wears her Jester cap, black mask and makeup, Harley heard the door knocking as stood up from her ripped Recliner Single Sofa Lounger Chair, waddle to the brisa retractable screen door as open it then open RV Radius door. “Who is it?” Harley lives an huge Trailer Home with TV Antenna and Pickup Truck perfect for her size, Ivy and her babies, Bud and Lou as entire Trailer Home’s right side went down, leaving the left side slightly up (Rapunzel)
In front of her was a very skinny girl, with long golden hair that reached the ground and was getting dirty by all mud, she looked at Harley." Good morning miss, I'm Rapunzel and i come from a far place to spend some days here but i don't know what i should do or but first"
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lnky-dreamer · 2 years
For: @batteredcourier
Part 7 of: "Can I borrow your steak knife?"
/Part 2/ /Part 3/ /Part 4/ /Part 5/ /Part 6/
Songs I listened to while writing this: Witches - Alice phoebe lou, what once was - hers, where'd all the time go - dr dog, Maeve - indigo.
Warnings: cursing, bob is his own warning, mentions of stalking if you look for it, group snuggles, romantic gestures, BOB TAKES HIS SHIRT OFF, not proofread (tell me if I missed any.)
"Make yourselves comfortable, Sal I swear, don't you dare steal my fecking steak knife."
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Walking up the steps in the back of Lavinas coffee shop up to her house wasn't hard, but the stairs were steep.
Four large white arched windows were to our left, showing off the woods and storm that continued outside.
Potted plants would be at the bottom of the stairs as well as a mirror facing the stairs and a large dresser drawer stationed beneath said mirror, plants and trinkets lined the drawer with an occasional candle or two.
Looking upwards I notice there were hanging planters above our heads, filled with unique plant life and strangely colored moss.
Finally at the top of the stairs we would stop in front of an arched door, "Don't be surprised when the interior is bigger than the exterior." I would shrug at her comment.
She would open the door, a large living area met with a kitchen to the side, five doors down a hallway tied together with a Victorian cottage style.
Lavina would put her hands out, "Jackets please. Shoes at the door if you don't mind." Bob would shrug off his black coat and hand it to her with a smug smile, I would hand off my own coat, Bob and I would take our shoes off and set them near hers by the door.
She would place the coats onto hooks near the door, "Thank you Lavina." She would nod with a smile.
"I'm going to get some tea started in the kitchen, you can turn on the TV if you'd like." As she would walk into the kitchen I would follow.
Observing the kitchen for all its worth I notice a knife rack and extend my hand toward it, "Make yourselves comfortable, Sal I swear, don't you dare steal my fecking steak knives." Looking towards her I notice she hadn't even looked up.
With a pout I retract my hand, crossing my arms, "I wasn't going to. Wasn't even thinking about it." She would turn toward me and raise a brow in my direction while brewing tea.
"Uhuh. Bob's turning on the TV, I suggest you go relax in the living room with him while I make us snacks and tea." She would turn back to the brick stove with a porcelain top and a metal door to the oven.
With a huff I would walk out of the kitchen and into the living room, sitting next to Bob on the couch he pulls me in for a side hug.
"What'cha wanna watch sweatpea?" He would lean back and glance down toward me with a grin.
Looking up at him I would think for a moment, "How about... Labyrinth?" With a nod he would go to Netflix and turns the movie on.
Lavina would come out of the kitchen 15 minutes later, a silver tray holding a plate of cookies three cups of tea along with sugar and cream and fruit with junk food on the side.
"Sorry for the wait loves, would either of you like cream or sugar in your tea?" I would nod, pointing to the sugar and she would drop a cube in.
Bob would pour cream into his tea as well as add three sugar cubes, "Thank you Darlin." He would sip his tea and kiss her cheek as she sat down beside me.
Looking to the screen with her own tea in hand she gasps, "The labyrinth? How'd you know I adore this movie?" With a lean on me she sips her tea again, intently watching the TV.
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When the movie had ended, the rain still hadn't let up.
Infact, it had worsened.
Thunder and lightning would light up the sky and ring like an alarm, loud and blaring.
Lavina had offered Bob and I our own guest rooms situated next to each other, her room across from ours and bathrooms situated across from each other as well.
"There's fresh towels in each bathroom, as well as the types of shampoo and conditioner you both like." Afterwards she had came to knock on my door, handing me one of her stuffed animals with a polite smile.
"You mentioned not liking sleeping alone, so if you'd like you can snuggle with this while you sleep." She would let off a smile, hugging the stuffed animal close to my chest I would open and close my mouth.
With an inner pep talk I would open my mouth again, this time speaking,"Can I, can I instead sleep with you tonight?" She would let off a sudden blush, looking down and picking at her nails with a stutter.
Bob would pass by and look between us, "Wha's goin' on?" I would look at him with a wonky smile.
"Asked if I could bunk with Lavina in her bed tonight." Bob would raise a brow giving Lavina and I more reason to be embarrassed.
Waving my hands with the stuffed animal in one hand I would stammer, "No- Not like that! I- I just have trouble sleeping on my own!" Bob would let out a soft 'oh'.
"Well what're ya' goofs waitin for?" He would grab the two of us, setting me over his should and dragging Lavina by her dresses collar.
Opening the door to her room he sets us on her bed and takes his shirt off, keeping his black (and very soft) pants on.
Lavina and I would eye him from top to bottom, Lavinas eyes flicking to anything in the room to distract her while she while picking at her nails nervously.
Getting on the bed in-between us, he would set me on top of him and Lavina on top of me.
He sets a kiss on both of our foreheads with a lovesick smile, "Goodnight Sweatpea, Goodnight Darlin." He looked as if he had hearts in his eyes.
We would drift off, content smiles on each of our faces while we snuggled in a dogpile.
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Probably a bit shorter than the others, really wanted to post it ouagh
Labyrinth obviously mentioned for a good ass reason, GO WATCH IT. Please<3
Part 8
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simplykaren · 7 months
Had another weird dream last night, this one some unholy mix of sci-fi and horror.
It starts off with a crew exploring deep space and stumbling upon a city ship/station, but far larger than any they'd seen before and a model they didn't recognize. It looked like someone had taken a city, encased it within a dome, and launched it into space wholesale. Except...the dome (partially retracted, not broken) was open, and the city sat dark and drifting. No response when they hailed, no distress beacon or signs of life when they run their scanners, no signs of struggle or damage when they circle the vessel.
Of course, they send a party to investigate. The buildings were all sealed. After following the "outdoor" pathways for a time, the party decided to split up. One team stayed on the surface, and the other went into the maintenance tunnels to see about restoring power.
Through dream logic, the underground team finds a flooded section of tunnels, and their space suits are apparently rated for diving too (again, dream logic), so they go in. They manage to restart the city's power after finding a flooded room with a lot of controls, but they also activated a defense turret. They do not have clearance to be down there, so they end up dodging bullets. Thankfully, the turret doesn't seem as smooth and quick as it should be.
Meanwhile, the aboveground team takes advantage of the restored power to enter what looks like a medical center. Once the airlock door closed behind them, their suits pinged with an alert that the atmosphere was breathable. Sick of breathing recycled air, they take their helmets off. They're in the pediatric ward when people start appearing: nurses, receptionists, patients, all walking around as if they've always been there, and the away team's presence isn't anything out of the ordinary. One woman (non-human species, but somehow they know she's a she) approaches them and asks if they're lost. In perfectly understandable English.
Back with the underground team, one of the bullet dodgers surfaces, looking for some sort of controls to turn off the turret that works underwater. Upon getting the "breathable atmosphere" alert, the man pops their helmet to better see. Something in the water had grimed up the helmet's visor. As he's scrambling to figure out the foreign control system, a person walks soundlessly up behind him and asks him if he can be of assistance (again non-human and again totally understandable). The man yells/explains about his team being shot at, and the alien points out which screen and command will deactivate the security turret. The turret shuts down, and the rest of the underground team surface and take their helmets off. No major injuries, thankfully.
The two teams reconvene at the engineer and nurse's home (the teams managed to run into two halves of the same couple) and talk with their hosts. This was a colony ship, meant to carry tens of thousands, now abandoned, mostly. The male alien mentioned that there were other ships in their fleet, but this one was the biggest and the most expensive to keep operational. There is some old grudge there about certain people wanting the ship decommissioned due to the cost. It was finally abandoned when an illness broke out. No treatments worked to slow the progression, and a large number of the ship's inhabitants died. Since they couldn't find a cause or cure, the dead were cremated and vented into space. Those infected were left behind in quarantine to die while the healthy evacuated to other ships. The rest of the fleet left them behind.
Somehow, the majority of those left behind recovered.
Something went wrong with the ship's power about the time the last sick person recovered, and everything just shut down. They hadn't been able to fix it (no one left behind knew how), until the away party did something that caused the system to reboot.
The away party hailed their ship to land inside the still-open dome, so everyone else could get a break from their own ship's recycled air too. The aliens' air system seemed far superior, and while the "outdoors" was still a vacuum, inside the buildings was perfectly safe.
They even brought the 2 ship's cats to let them stretch their legs and explore.
Things start taking a turn when they get to asking about the mysterious disease that hit the colony. It seemed to start respiratory then startlingly quickly become a systemic infection. What the infectious agent was, they never did find out. Cultures didn't grow anything by the time the entire colony was compromised. The male alien grumbled about the "disease" being set loose on purpose to push for the ship's abandonment.
At some point one of the away team bumps into one of the aliens...and passes right through them. They quickly come to the realization there weren't truly any survivors. Conversation shifts to other topics including wondering why they stayed as ghosts when their daughter (one of the earliest to die) and so many others didn't.
The cats by this point are comfortable to make nuisances of themselves, so I (I think I was in the aboveground team, but I perspective hopped a few times) closed them in the alien couple's daughter's room. As soon as put them in the room, Meili has a sneezing fit and bolted further into the room. Paisli just looked back at me and meowed. That didn't get them out of their banishment.
I walked back into the central room of the house to the female alien describing their daughter's symptoms. Now, while alien biology was undoubtedly different, the description they gave was eerily similar to some I'd heard before. Fungal infections. The dread set in as I recalled Meili sneezing in the daughter's room, the daughter who died first of the family. Then Meili came trotting into the room and hopped onto the alien male's lap to demand pets.
The door to the daughter's room was still shut.
And then I woke up.
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k-the-kartoonist · 1 year
A part two to my little lore dump on Mr. Nolan and his angry box! You can find the first part by following the "Dr. Malice lore" tag under this post
What is Dr. Malice?
Dr. Malice is Nolan's creation. Malice is an arcade machine, 6'5 feet tall, 250 lbs, bigger than most machines of the time. It is dark indigo with bright red accents. The control panel contains one joystick and four buttons, though there are some discrepancies that claim there's a second set of joysticks and buttons.
Malice's right side is broken at the top. The panel incorrectly fits in, causing it to bulge out slightly. Any attempt to fix or replace this side seems only to last a day before the same damages appear on the top, even if no one touches the machine.
Cracking open Malice will reveal very dusty inside components that have long been dead. The current owner of Dr. Malice, Mr. Anthony Valentino, claims he has never had to call a repair man for the machine and it has always worked like new, despite what the insides convey.
There is more to Dr. Malice than meets the eye. Upon fusing with Nolan's spirit, Malice took on more aspects that weren't originally present in its design. This includes an animated title marquee that can change from the title to a pair of red eyes expressing various emotions. It also gained surprisingly effective defensive mechanisms, such as its metal teeth that will sprout from the screen entrance. These teeth are reinforced steel that can retract at will and are strong enough to snap a human arm clean off. Its wires are now incredibly sharp and can sprout from the cracks in the machine. These wires can skewer straight through solid human bones. In emergency situations, Malice can take on a defensive form by ejecting its circuit boards and wires into two large arms that grant it fast mobility and extra strength. These arms make a mockery of solid brick walls and armored vehicles, able to punch through and crush these materials like it was nothing. Once it takes this form, there's no stopping it. It will rampage and destroy everything in its path until its creator is safe and sound.
Malice is sentient, thanks to its highly advanced AI chip that was created by Nolan. This chip originally belonged to a prototype of Dr. Malice, known as Dr. Hero. Over many years, Malice began to develop its own personality and is able to make its own choices. Its top priority overall is protecting its creator, Nolan. Though Malice has been known to become overprotective of those who Nolan bonds with and will protect them equally. Malice also seems to have picked up on/copies Nolan's personality quirks. It has been known to roll its eyes in a display of snark.
Malice can move on its own. How exactly it accomplishes this is completely unknown. However, it seems to move when no one is looking (comparable to the Weeping Angels from Doctor Who). It will rapidly move closer or further away, always accompanied by a soft scraping noise, as if it's dragging itself across the pavement. Strangely, obstacles such as locked doors and staircases do nothing to stop it from moving. It can easily appear on the second floor of a house or in highly secured areas with reinforced doors.
Malice can break apart its own frame in order to move faster. Most commonly, it snaps itself in half to give more chomping power to its bite. These parts don't completely break apart, but more so act like hinges in which Malice can turn its frame on.
Malice never flies into a rage unless it detects Nolan is in distress. However, there is one exception to this rule. Malice reacts very poorly to the sight of long, blunt weapons, such as crowbars and baseball bats. This will cause it to become enraged and attack whoever it is that holds the weapon. The reason for this is thanks to being destroyed as Dr. Hero. Nolan's bullies destroyed Malice's prototype with crowbars and baseball bats. The only thing that survived from the attack was the AI chip, which was then put into Malice. Malice remembers everything, including the nature of the attack and its attackers. One shudders to think what would happen if Malice was to run across one of these bullies in its new state.
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Pleated Security Screen by Hanuman Screens: A Modern Solution for Home Security
In today’s world, home security has become more essential than ever, but maintaining a balance between safety and aesthetic appeal is often challenging. Hanuman Screens brings an innovative solution with their Pleated Security Screen, a product that offers robust protection without compromising on style. As one of the leading pleated security screen manufacturers in Hyderabad, Hanuman Screens provides high-quality products that cater to modern security needs. This article explores the key features, benefits, and reasons why the pleated security screen is a superior choice for homeowners seeking a practical yet elegant security option.
What are Pleated Security Screens?
Pleated security screens are designed using a pleated mesh, which gives them a distinctive advantage over traditional fixed screens. Unlike conventional security solutions, these screens can be extended and retracted with ease, providing flexibility and convenience. The pleated mesh, made from high-tensile stainless steel, adds an extra layer of strength, making it difficult for intruders to breach while also offering resistance to wear and tear. These features make Hanuman Screens stand out among the pleated security screen suppliers in Hyderabad.
Key Features of Hanuman Screens’ Pleated Security Screens
1. Durability and Strength: Hanuman Screens’ pleated security screens are crafted using marine-grade stainless steel mesh and premium aluminum frames. These materials are corrosion-resistant, which ensures long-lasting protection, especially in humid or coastal regions. The screens are designed to withstand external pressure, making them highly secure against break-ins. This is particularly useful for pleated security screens for balcony in Hyderabad, where added protection is often needed.
2. Sleek and Space-Saving Design: A standout feature of these security screens is their sleek, minimalistic design. When not in use, the screens neatly fold away, saving space and maintaining the elegant look of your doors and windows. This makes them a perfect choice for homeowners who value both security and style. For properties with large entryways, double door pleated security screens in Hyderabad provide a stylish yet functional security option.
3. Easy Operation: Pleated security screens are incredibly user-friendly, thanks to their smooth-gliding mechanism. They slide effortlessly along the tracks, making them easy to open or close, even for large patio doors or sliding windows. The convenience they offer makes them a practical choice for everyday use, especially in homes with pleated fly screen windows in Hyderabad, where proper ventilation is necessary.
Advantages of Installing Pleated Security Screens
Enhanced Security: The high-tensile mesh and strong aluminum frame offer a reliable barrier against intruders. These screens are designed to withstand force and tampering, ensuring that your home remains secure at all times. For those seeking double door pleated security screens in Hyderabad, the added strength and wide coverage offer superior protection for larger entryways.
Insect Protection: Along with security, these screens effectively keep insects and pests out of your home, making them a practical solution for those living in areas with high insect activity. You can enjoy fresh air without the nuisance of insects entering your living space, which is a key benefit for pleated fly screen windows in Hyderabad.
Energy Efficiency: The pleated security screen allows for natural ventilation, reducing the need for air conditioning and enhancing energy efficiency. This means you can lower your energy bills while keeping your home secure and well-ventilated. The versatility of pleated security screens for balcony in Hyderabad makes them ideal for those looking to enjoy fresh air while maintaining safety.
Low Maintenance: Built with durable and weather-resistant materials, pleated security screens require minimal maintenance. Their rust and corrosion resistance make them a long-term investment that won’t require frequent repairs or replacements, making them a wise choice among the top pleated security screen suppliers in Hyderabad.
Hanuman Screens’ Pleated Security Screen provides the ideal combination of safety, style, and convenience. With its robust construction, elegant design, and versatility, it is an excellent choice for homeowners who want to ensure their home is secure without compromising on aesthetic appeal. Whether you need protection from intruders, insects, or simply want a space-saving option, these screens deliver on all fronts. As a leading name among pleated security screen manufacturers in Hyderabad, Hanuman Screens ensures that your home stays protected, ventilated, and stylish.
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doodleoogles · 15 days
Reconnect - Part 1
He stumbled out of the bar, dragging someone with him. They looked like they had a few drinks already, which made me glance at my digital wristwatch, the white numbers blinked 7:48PM. I put both hands on my hips and raised my eyebrows as I walked towards them.
Brent saw me first, looking surprised. "Ahh look who we have here!" he grinned, nudging at the tall guy he was dragging along.
I rolled my eyes, "Hey Al" I said to the taller guy before turning back to him, "Hi Brent, I told you I was coming. You should believe me next time."
"Really good to see you, uh huh yeah been awhile ye?" Brent garbled, pulling me close for a quick hug.
"It's too early to get drunk bruh, I just arrived!" I gently push him away, pouting.
He laughed, "Hey, we've been drinking on the way here.. Anyway, I'll get something in my car, go get yourself comfortable inside. We'll be back in a jiffy."
I shrugged and made my way inside the bar. I glide past a couple of wooden chairs and tables where usual customers dine. Some familiar faces kept popping up and I had to smile while trying to remember the name, hoping they don't strike up any conversation. I'm not in the mood to socialize, I was there to survey the bar and see if it's a suitable venue for my next event.
I reached another door inside which I assumed is the area for events. True enough, a tall table stood on the side of the door and a small lady is smiling behind a laptop in front of her. Her short brown hair with green highlights is tied up into a loose ponytail and she smiled as I inched closer.
"I uhh, have a ticket" I fumbled for my phone, tapped the email app and scrolled down to the confirmation email I received a few hours ago. It was a last minute decision to buy the ticket.
She peered on the screen for a bit and searched my name on the excel file in front of her. "Got it." she wrapped a black band around my wrist. "All set." she said with a smile.
I was about to reach for the door handle when it swung open and a large man came out. Another familiar face. I stared up, he was staring back with eyes narrowing. I put one hand in my mouth, "Ohhh my!! It's you!!!!"
He smiled wide and jokingly said "Ha! I have some serious beef with you! C'mere!!!" he made my feet lift from the floor as he swopped me into a big bear hug.
I didn't realize how much I am missed and it gave a good rub on my ego. I rearranged some frizz in my hair after he put me down, making sure my balance is back before retracting his hands.
"Let's talk more later! I gotta pee!!" he shouted as he pat my back, almost pushing me to the door where he came out of.
I smiled to myself as I went inside, bracing myself to the sound of distorted guitars, crashing cymbals and screaming vocals.
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flyscreen123 · 3 months
Enhance Your Home With Retractable Fly Screens For Windows
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In the realm of home improvement, every detail matters. While windows serve as portals to the outside world, they can also invite unwanted guests such as insects and pests. Traditional fixed screens offer some protection, but they can obstruct views and require maintenance. Enter retractable fly screens for windows, a modern solution that seamlessly blends functionality with aesthetics.
Seamless Integration:
Retractable fly screens are designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing windows. Their discreet design ensures they remain virtually invisible when not in use, preserving the aesthetic appeal of your home. When you want to enjoy the fresh air without the nuisance of insects, simply pull down the screen. After use, retract it effortlessly into its housing, maintaining unobstructed views.
Versatile Functionality:
One of the key advantages of retractable fly screens is their versatility. Unlike fixed screens, which remain in place year-round, retractable screens can be easily adjusted according to your needs. Whether you want to keep insects out during the warmer months or allow fresh air to circulate throughout the year, these screens provide the flexibility to accommodate your preferences.
Enhanced Airflow and Comfort:
In addition to keeping pests at bay, retractable fly screens promote better airflow and ventilation within your home. By allowing fresh air to enter while keeping insects out, these screens create a more comfortable indoor environment. Enjoy the gentle breeze and the sounds of nature without worrying about unwelcome intruders disrupting your peace.
Protection Without Compromise:
Retractable fly screens offer superior protection against insects and pests without compromising the view from your windows. Their fine mesh construction effectively blocks out even the smallest insects, ensuring your home remains pest-free. Say goodbye to pesky mosquitoes, flies, and other bothersome bugs, and hello to uninterrupted views and fresh air.
Easy Maintenance:
Maintaining retractable fly screens is a breeze. Unlike traditional fixed screens that can accumulate dust and debris, retractable screens can be easily cleaned with a quick wipe or rinse. Their durable construction ensures long-lasting performance, so you can enjoy their benefits for years to come with minimal maintenance.
Customization Options:
Retractable fly screens come in a variety of sizes and configurations to suit different window types and sizes. Whether you have standard windows, French doors, or large openings, there's a retractable screen solution to fit your needs. Choose from a range of colors and finishes to complement your home's exterior and interior aesthetics.
Retractable fly screens for windows offer a modern and versatile solution to keep insects out while enhancing airflow and comfort within your home. With their seamless integration, versatile functionality, and easy maintenance, these screens provide the perfect balance of protection and convenience. Say goodbye to unsightly fixed screens and hello to a more enjoyable and insect-free living space.
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slidingdoorwardrobes · 4 months
Pleated mesh doors
A pleated mesh door, often referred to as a pleated screen door, is a type of retractable screen door that features a pleated or accordion-style mesh. These doors are designed to provide an effective barrier against insects while allowing fresh air to circulate through a home. Here are some key features and benefits of pleated mesh doors:
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Key Features:
Retractable Design: The pleated mesh can be retracted into a compact form when not in use, making it unobtrusive and space-saving.
Easy Operation: They typically slide open and closed with minimal effort, often using a handle or a gentle push/pull mechanism.
Durable Mesh: The mesh is often made from high-quality materials like polyester or fiberglass, ensuring durability and resistance to wear and tear.
Custom Fit: Pleated mesh doors can be customized to fit various door sizes and types, including single doors, double doors, and even large openings like sliding glass doors.
Aesthetic Appeal: The pleated design adds a touch of elegance and can be integrated into various home styles without clashing with existing decor.
Ventilation and Light: They allow fresh air and natural light to enter the home while keeping out insects and other pests.
Space Efficiency: The retractable nature of pleated mesh doors means they don’t take up floor space when open, unlike traditional hinged or sliding screen doors.
Enhanced Comfort: By preventing insects from entering, pleated mesh doors contribute to a more comfortable indoor environment.
Ease of Installation: Many pleated mesh doors come with installation kits that make them relatively easy to install for homeowners.
Safety Features: Some designs include features like a slow-closing mechanism to prevent accidental slamming and ensure safe operation, especially in households with children or pets.
Residential Homes: Used for patio doors, French doors, front doors, and any other exterior doors.
Commercial Spaces: Can be used in restaurants, cafes, and other commercial establishments to provide a pleasant environment for patrons.
Balconies and Terraces: Ideal for enclosing balconies and terraces without obstructing the view or airflow.
Regular cleaning with a vacuum or a soft brush to remove dust and debris.
Periodic checks to ensure the mesh and the retracting mechanism are in good working order.
Lubrication of the tracks, if needed, to ensure smooth operation.
Popular Brands:
Some well-known brands that manufacture pleated mesh doors include:
Phantom Screens
Genius Retractable Screens
If you need more specific information or recommendations on where to purchase pleated mesh doors, please let me know!
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ecoscreen · 4 months
Customizing Retractable Insect Screens for Unique Windows and Doors
In the realm of home improvement, retractable insect screens have emerged as a practical and stylish solution for keeping pests out while allowing fresh air in. For homeowners in Auckland, customizing these screens to fit unique windows and doors can significantly enhance both functionality and aesthetics.
Here's how to tailor retractable insect screens in Auckland to suit your specific needs and preferences.
Understanding Retractable Insect Screens
Retractable insect screens are designed to roll into a compact housing when not in use, providing an unobstructed view and access to natural light and ventilation. They are ideal for a variety of window and door types, including those with unconventional shapes and sizes. In Auckland, where the weather is often mild and inviting, these screens allow residents to enjoy the outdoors without the nuisance of insects.
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Benefits of Customization
Customizing retractable insect screens in Auckland offers several benefits. Firstly, it ensures a perfect fit for any window or door, regardless of its shape or size. Custom screens can be tailored to match the dimensions of arched windows, large patio doors, or irregularly shaped openings, ensuring seamless integration with your home’s design. Additionally, customization allows for the selection of materials, colors, and finishes that complement your home’s aesthetic, enhancing its overall appeal.
Tailoring for Unique Windows
Windows come in various shapes and sizes, and standard insect screens may not always provide the perfect fit. Custom retractable insect screens in Auckland can be designed to fit unique window types such as bay windows, casement windows, and skylights. For instance, bay windows often require screens that can curve and adapt to the window’s structure. With customization, retractable screens can be crafted to follow the contours of bay windows, providing effective insect protection without compromising on style.
Adapting to Special Doors
Doors are another area where customization is crucial. Sliding doors, French doors, and bi-fold doors each present unique challenges when it comes to fitting insect screens. Custom retractable insect screens in Auckland can be designed to accommodate these specific door types. For example, sliding doors require screens that can move horizontally without hindering the door’s operation. Customized retractable screens can be mounted on tracks that align perfectly with the sliding mechanism, ensuring smooth and efficient operation.
Material and Color Choices
Customization isn’t just about fit; it’s also about choosing the right materials and colors to match your home’s décor. Retractable insect screens in Auckland are available in a range of materials, including aluminum, stainless steel, and fiberglass. Each material offers different benefits, such as durability, resistance to corrosion, and ease of maintenance. Additionally, screens can be powder-coated in various colors to match your window or door frames, creating a cohesive look that enhances your home’s exterior and interior design.
Enhancing Functionality
Customizing retractable insect screens also allows you to enhance their functionality. For instance, you can choose screens with UV protection to shield your home from harmful rays while still enjoying natural light. Similarly, screens with high-transparency mesh can provide an unobstructed view of the outdoors. Other functional features include pet-resistant screens, which are more durable and can withstand scratching and pawing, making them ideal for homes with pets.
Professional Installation
While DIY installation is an option, professional installation ensures that your custom retractable insect screens fit perfectly and function smoothly. In Auckland, many companies specialize in the design and installation of custom insect screens. These professionals can take precise measurements, recommend the best materials and designs, and install the screens with a level of expertise that guarantees long-lasting performance and satisfaction.
Customizing retractable insect screens for unique windows and doors is an excellent way to combine practicality with aesthetics. In Auckland, where the climate encourages indoor living, retractable fly screens provide an effective barrier against insects while allowing you to enjoy fresh air and natural light. By opting for custom retractable insect screens in Auckland, you can ensure a perfect fit for any window or door, choose materials and colors that complement your home’s design, and enhance the functionality of your living spaces. Embrace the benefits of custom insect screens and create a more comfortable, stylish, and pest-free home.
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words-of-wrath · 5 months
Pt. 2/?
Emotional storytelling, in my smut fic? It's more likely than you think!
Enjoy 🖤
Part 2
She stood propped up on the metal rod, leaning on it like a cane though it was much taller than her. There was a dingy circular arena, smooth hard floor pressing up against her feet. And all around her people cheered. Shrapnel, that's what they called her, Shrapnel. The name flashed in big neon letters on large screens in every corner of the arena. She looked down at her feet. A mess of metal and wires, torn apart just a little bit ago, twitched and sparked. Shrapnel kicked the final semblance of her head away, and watched it clink and roll across the large arena. There was a hysterical laugh from above, louder than any other. She looked up to see Admin. Faded blue overalls and an oil-stained t-shirt shivering with each guffaw. Admin looked down at Shrapnel with wild eyes full of excitement, braced teeth bared. “Come on, girl, one more! One more!” she was saying. Shrapnel turned to look across the arena as the sound of large metal doors opened up. 
Someone much larger and taller than her stepped out, huge metal footfalls shaking the ground below. It was wide, just barely humanoid. Treads kept it balanced perfectly, a large screen boasted lines of green code, and two large arms sported serrated blades. One large red eye stared down at her from yards away, a laser trained right at her. If Shrapnel could gulp, she could. It happened so fast. Machine gun appearing on its shoulder, laser blinking and beeping. She had barely any time to react. If she had stayed still any longer she would have been ripped apart by a hail of bullets. Grabbing her pole from the ground, she dashed out of the way as the wall behind her was pelted with metal. Holding the spear-like metal rod aloft, Shrapnel quickly threw it in the enemy battle-bot’s direction. The sharp end hit its screen, sending sparks and glass flying in all directions. Shrapnel landed flat on her feet, sliding just a bit, one hand in the air, other hovering inches away from the ground. 
“Behind! Get behind you dumb metal whore!” Admin screamed in Shrapnel’s direction. Two people had restrained her. “There is a jack behind! Jack in, robo-slut!” Shrapnel looked from Admin to her foe. Just in time, too. It was barreling down upon her with serrated blades raised, intent to kill. She pushed from the ground and rushed in its direction, between its legs. Before the enemy could turn around, Shrapnel flicked her wrist. A long and sharp blade slid out and she dragged it up its body as she ran up its back. There was a metallic groan resembling a scream as its wires were laid bare. As Shrapnel got to the top, she reached to her waist. There was her plug. The battle-bot under her feet struggled to be free of her. But her blade was buried deep into its insides. Shrapnel tugged her plug free, cord extending with a few clicks. Digging her metal fingers under the bot’s plating, she tore it away. With a satisfying creak, the metal sheet fell to the ground with a clatter. There it was. The small circular port. Shrapnel wasted no time. She rose the plug in the air like a dagger, triumphantly swinging it down to plug it in and end this once and for all. 
“You did it!” Admin said with glee, getting the zip ties around her wrists cut. She rubbed the pink flesh where they had restrained her. Shrapnel stood there for a moment, blade retracting back into her own metal wrist, covered in oil and coolant. She stared ahead at the nerdy looking girl now approaching her. For a moment there was hesitation. Her code was working a little slow to understand her relationship to Admin. It had been a long fight. She needed a tune up. Aurora, her name was Aurora. A nerdy looking girl with a feisty personality. Shrapnel dug deeper into her memory banks for more core memories of this girl…
Aurora walked down the dingy corridor leading to her workshop. Phone in hand, sucker in mouth, she kicked a stray piece of metal out of the way as she walked. The door to her workshop opened for her with a metal hiss and a groan. Stepping through the doorway, Aurora entered her workshop. It had been largely as she had left it. Posters of various media peeling from the walls, tables full of blueprints and scrap, and chains hanging from the ceiling. Aurora turned her phone screen off and slipped it into the pocket of her dirty overalls. She pulled her hair back and slipped a hair tie over it, tightening it into a clean ponytail. “Miss Aurora! Miss Aurora! Admin!” a whiny and begging voice said from her right. A smirk spread across her face. Aurora turned to see the small robot girl try and rush at her, but a chain around her neck went taut and pulled her back. She whimpered and whined. This one had been in her ‘care’ for a couple years now. Her mind had been thoroughly broken by Aurora’s excessive use of malware and viruses to corrupt her. Her serial number was 3982753QE, but Aurora had since taken to calling her Pup. She’d installed quite an interesting personality chip into her as well, after wiping the rest of her autonomy of course. 
“I must have forgotten to turn you off, Pup!” Aurora put a hand on her hip and grinned a brace-filled smile. Pup started to nod her head, metal dog ears Aurora had installed on top of her head twitching and flicking. 
“Y-yes Miss Aurora!” she said with glee. 
“Poor thing,” Aurora said with a mock tone of sadness, approaching the robot girl and rubbing the top of her head. A green light lit up on her faceplate and she leaned into Aurora’s touch. “Do you want to meet your new friend, Pup?” she looked up at Aurora curiously. 
“B-but you don’t need anyone else! I’m your perfect pup, remember?!” Pup said frantically. Aurora smiled deviously. She always reprogrammed her bots to be completely obsessed with her. 
“Quiet,” she said sternly and Pup obeyed. Aurora stepped over to the cleanest table in the entire room. There, resting on a pedestal, was a very sophisticated looking robotic arm. Aurora had spent months designing it, ordering part after part, attaching it to different mechanical girls. But none of them could ever use it properly. She was hoping this new one she had just bought could. Ever since she was young she had wanted to enter her own creation into the battle-bot arena. A prestigious honor. A place where bot enthusiasts, much like herself, wagered on competing robots. No rules, mayhem and madness. It was the perfect place for Aurora. Only, she could never design a proper one! Hopefully soon, this would all change. Aurora plucked the metal arm from the pedestal, it was very heavy. Carefully, as Pup watched intently, she made her way over to the other side of the room. 
Another robot girl hung from the ceiling by chains. She was an immaculate model. Whoever was selling her had no idea how much she was really worth, because Aurora had bought her for literal pennies. Her metal plating was perfect, her inner-mechanisms divine. Slipping her signature welding mask on, and picking up her welder, Aurora approached the girl. She carefully placed her new arm into its socket, making sure that everything was in its proper place. After that, she took to it with the welding iron, sparks and heat spewing in her direction and over her body. Pup watched, recoiling a little in fear. She knew that Aurora enjoyed this, maybe even a little too much. She could see each shower of sparks covering Aurora causing her to twitch, a stiff tent building in her pants. This was really how she got off, wasn’t it? 
“Right,” Aurora pulled away and pushed her mask up. She pulled up a chair and sat down where her laptop was. Taking a wired usb dongle from the table’s face, she wheeled over to her new bot and plugged it into the port, right between her legs. She smirked deviously as she rolled back over to the laptop and started some of her programs. She had a personality loaded already, one she had been designing and tweaking for years now. Perfectly aggressive, perfectly obsessed with her. 
“M-miss Aurora-” Pup started but she held up a finger. 
“Not now!” she said angrily. That girl was getting rather annoying. Aurora watched happily as the lines of code started to rush up her screen at the speed of light. She heard her new robot girl’s crotch start to whirr and vibrate. The thought only made her even more horny. Almost done, about 75% of the way. Aurora drummed her fingers on the surface of the cold metal table. It couldn’t happen faster. Her new battle-bot began to twitch and convulse a little. When finally the bar reached 100% there was a large shock of electricity sent through her and she arched her back with a metallic scream. Aurora nearly came in her pants as this happened. Soon, she was hanging loosely from the chains with her head hanging down toward the ground. Standing up, Aurora unfastened the chains from her wrists and she fell to the ground. Her battle-bot rose to her full height, towering at least one foot over her. Aurora stared up at her, eyes wide, and she stared back. Slowly and hesitantly, she wrapped her arms around her waist and tugged her into a tight embrace, grinning into her metal chest. The battle-bot hugged back. 
Aurora leaned up and kissed her bot’s cold metal face, a plexiglass screen showing no emotions. She got a little carried away, extending her tongue and dragging it along where a person’s lips should be, tilting her head to try and deepen this mechanical makeout session. Pup watched, whimpering a little as both of them shared an embrace. “M-miss Aurora! Admin!” she said frantically. Aurora pulled away and let go, looking over at Pup. After that, she turned back to her new bot. 
“You haven’t met your new toy, robo-slut!” Aurora said. Pup shrank down a little bit, tilting her head to the side in a fear fueled curiosity. 
“... t-toy?” she asked softly. Aurora gripped the new bot’s hand and tugged her over to Pup. She shied away more, scrambling back, hitting the wall just behind her. “Admin, what are you talking about?!” 
“How much do you two love me?” Aurora asked. She had programmed them to love her unconditionally, she programmed all her bots that way. “Who loves me more I wonder?” 
“Sh-she’s new! Miss Aurora I love you so much! I love you more than anything. I would literally dismantle myself for you! Please please don’t make a toy, Miss Aurora! I-I don’t want to be a toy! I love you!”
“I would do anything for you, Admin,” her new battle-bot said coldly. Pup quieted down and Aurora turned to her. 
“Anything?” Aurora said. She thought for a moment, tapping her chin. And then she smirked over in Pup’s direction. “... corrupt her!” Aurora pointed in her direction. Pup watched in horror as she approached, tons of wires and dongles suddenly springing free from her metal flesh. She tried to push herself further away, but her back was firmly pressed against the wall. 
“N-no. Miss Aurora, don't make her corrupt me! I don’t want to be corrupted again! Please! Plea-” her pleas and begs were cut short when, seemingly with a mind of their own, her many cords shot forward like snakes. They slithered around her body, restraining her tightly and looking for any point of access. Some pressed into the ports in her head, some in her chest, her back, her neck, her thighs. Some of them even burrowed under her loose metal plating and invaded her insides. Pup squirmed as she whirred to life, fans expelling heat as fast as they could as volts and volts of electricity entered her. “A-admin!” She pleaded for mercy, filled to the brim with wires and lines of code snaking around in her system. “I’m overheating, Miss Aurora!” all she could hear was Aurora giggling a cute, nerdy, and maniacal laugh as Pup’s metal plating nearly glowed red as all of her programs began to corrupt with malware. Her flimsy antivirus tried its best to fight off the onslaught, but it was just too much. Soon, everything gave way. Pup jittered and seized up where she sat. 
“Good…” Aurora trailed off as she watched Pup fall onto her side and convulse. Pup was just barely conscious, systems all slowing and shutting down. “Dismantle her,” Aurora added. 
“A-admin…” Pup said pathetically. The brand new battle-bot flexed her wrist. A thin, sharp-looking metal blade suddenly hissed out of it, shining in the fluorescent light. Another soft whimper as she approached. Aurora observed, folding her arms across her chest and sticking her hip out. “Please…” Battle-bot raised the blade over her head and looked to Aurora for guidance. Aurora closed her eyes slowly and nodded her head. Before Pup could say anything else, she was sliced in half at the waist, exploding in a shower of sparks and shrapnel. The blade was retracted, metal fingers enclosing around the top of Pup’s head. She was raised up in the air, facing the metal wall. “Admin!” were her last words as Battle-bot slammed her head over and over into the wall. She crumpled and flattened like a pancake. Wiring was sticking in all directions from the cracks and spaces between her head. When she was quite down, she dropped Pup down on the ground. Unmoving, dismantled, destroyed. 
“You cut her into ribbons, babe! She’s nothing but shrapnel now!” Aurora said happily, content in her new creation. “Shrapnel…” she trailed off, thinking as she looked battle-bot up and down. 
Shrapnel now stood in front of Aurora. “It was all for you, Miss Aurora,” she said, getting down on her knees. “Everything I do I do for you, Admin…” Aurora grinned down at her and reached down to cup her cold metal cheek in her hand. Shrapnel was dripping in oil and coolant, covered in scuff marks and burns. 
“You’re such a good little robo-slut, hm?” Aurora said, despite Shrapnel being taller than her by a clear foot. If she could blush, she would. Aurora still needed to code that into her facial plate. “You deserve a treat, how about a tune-up?” Shrapnel nodded quickly, like a puppy who had just been offered a small piece of meat. Aurora pulled her up to her feet, oil covering her hands. Though that was usually a good look on her. Aurora was always covered in some sort of mechanical fluid, clothes always covered in stains. With her fleshy fingers interlacing with Shrapnel’s more mechanical digits, she tugged her along. It was back to the workshop for them. This is what usually happened after a fight. This one was particularly rough though. 
Aurora took Shrapnel back to her workshop, sitting her down in a charging port and producing a stained cloth from her back pocket. Shrapnel watched intently as Aurora sprayed her chest with a bottle full of cleaning solution. Slowly, in methodical circles, she began to clean her. She bit her bottom lip as she cleaned down her torso. Shrapnel shifted in her charging port, making a small noise. Of course, Aurora had coded her nerve receptors to be extra sensitive. She wiped Shrapnel clean of all the excess oil. A moan escaped her speaker as Aurora pressed down hard on a particularly stubborn burn mark. Aurora then pulled the cloth down, pressing it between her legs. Shrapnel twitched, a louder moan escaping her speaker. With her eyes narrowed, staring up at her from the hood of her eyebrows, she stared. She kneaded up again into her as she wiped the now clean area. Shrapnel made another noise and buzzed a little. “... I want you really bad right now,” Aurora said. 
“Want me to do what, Miss Aurora?” Shrapnel asked. “What can I do for you?” Her administrator pulled her hand away, pocketing the cloth once more. Then, without warning, callused hands grasped Shrapnel’s sides. She was torn from the charging port, barely at 20% even, and thrown on her back onto the ground. A mechanical yelp rang out throughout the garage as Aurora fell on top of her. She was quite strong for her scrawny figure. Gripping Shrapnel’s wrists, she forced her hands down with a resistant whirr. After that, she pushed the bot’s metal legs open with her thighs. “W-what are you doing admin?” Shrapnel gave a glitchy stutter. 
“I programmed you to feel so many things, robo-slut,” Aurora said with a toothy grin. “And I’m going to show you feelings you’ve never felt before…” she leaned up close to her audio receptors, licking up the metal side of her face/ Her next words were but a whisper. “I’m going to fuck you nasty on this cold hard concrete floor,” she hissed with a chuckle. For the first time since Shrapnel had been in Aurora’s care, she saw the second strap of her overalls loosen. Shrapnel watched as Aurora kicked them off of her ankles, and then went for her shirt. She had to let go of Shrapnel’s wrists to properly roll it off of her chest, her petite breasts falling forward and giving a quick and quiet bounce. Shrapnel hesitated. She wasn’t exactly sure what was going on. “Feel them,” Aurora demanded. Immediately, she extended her arms and gripped Aurora’s chest. Her nerve receptors downloaded data into her mind. Soft, pliable, she gave them a squeeze. 
Aurora leaned over her, burying her face into the crook of Shrapnel’s neck. She felt her hips move a bit, her legs spread wider. Something inserted itself into Shrapnel. It wasn’t a usb dongle, it wasn’t another charging port. It was a part of Aurora. Fleshy and pulsing, throbbing inside of her as it pushed itself in. It was… a strange sensation. Almost familiar. Shrapnel couldn’t help but feel that she had felt this way before. But there was nothing in her files that had recorded a situation like this. She searched and searched as Aurora moaned and bucked her hips, pulling it out and pushing it in again. Her lips were dragging all around Shrapnel’s throat, her fleshy hands exploring her cold metal body. Files upon files upon files. Petabytes of information. She had information on this sort of act, but had anyone ever done it to their bot before? There was nothing clinical about this. Finally, Shrapnel settled on a few files that were locked and encrypted. They were dated before her factory reset. Strange. How did they survive? It didn’t matter. She felt the curiosity take her programming. She knew the passcode. Throwing her head back, she let out a moan. 
“E-Eve!” was all she said. That was enough to give Aurora pause for just a moment. She leaned up, still inside of Shrapnel. 
“What was that?!” she said, a little angry. “What did you just say? Eve?! Who the fuck is Eve, robo-slut!” A firm hand grasped around Shrapnel’s throat and slammed her down against the cold concrete floor. “You-” she stopped for a moment, looking down at the screen in Shrapnel’s chest. “Oh… oh! I was wondering what the access code to that was. Perfect!” Aurora said as she saw the access granted symbol flashing on her chest screen. With one final thrust, Shrapnel felt herself filled with a warm fluid. The feeling was even more familiar. It was… a memory of sorts. Like humans had. Not a recording, something that her own mind had made. 
“Eve… Eve!” she had moaned out as the familiar woman collapsed on top of her, filling her with the same warm fluid. Coating her mechanic insides, it was sticky and viscous. Her self-cleaning program, active back then, kicked into gear and began to clean the clogged wirings and circuit boards. An angry red exclamation point appeared in her vision. It was her first time doing something so human. It wasn’t exactly something that ordinary bots did. Even a friend-bot like her. Once she had thoroughly cleaned herself, and the exclamation point faded away. She looked into the face of Eve. Bright auburn hair glistening off of the sunlight, big brown eyes, a befreckled face sporting high cheekbones and a wonderful smile. She was wearing a bright yellow sundress that complimented her well. The skirt was pulled up and she was still deep inside of her. 
“What did you think, Love-bot?” Even asked. She looked at her, directly into her eyes. There was something fluttering in her chest. Something that she had never felt before. It wasn’t her programming, it wasn’t a line of code telling her what to feel. She knew about love. Something shared between two humans usually. Did she… love this woman? Was she her… girlfriend now? Eve had given her an actual human name. Nora. She took care of her as best she could. What a wonderful woman she was. Nora had been bought from a supermarket. Friend-bot, your friend until the end! That’s what the slogan was. It was many years ago. Things were very different back then, especially for her. She was made as a hyper aware artificial intelligence, lines and lines of complex code, to serve as a friend to lonely individuals. Eve was down and out, boyfriend had broken up with her, other friends were unresponsive. As a snap decision she had bought Nora. She gave her a name, she dressed her, she doted on her. Life was good back then. 
Nora remained in Eve’s room most of the time. After she had been shown sex, Eve used her for it a lot. And that was okay. In fact, Nora liked it. She would take Eve into her oral receptor, bobbing her head up and down and making those weird sounds that Eve liked even if she didn’t have to. She wasn’t gagging, she couldn’t. But Eve loved it so much the first time she did it that she almost demanded Nora do it for her. And again, Eve would spray that warm liquid down her throat, between her legs, all over her metal body. And after that she would take Nora into her arms. They would both look out the window together, they could cherish each other’s time. And life was good. “I love you, Love bot,” Eve would whisper into her ear. Nora would always remain silent. But she loved Eve too. She knew that now. She was feeling it. It was an actual emotion. Not a human one, a mechanical one. Pure and unadulterated mechanical love. 
Things started to fall apart that one night. Again, Eve was pummeling into her, moaning her name and caressing her metal exterior. Nora felt weird that night. She wasn’t sure if it was because Eve had hit a stray wire of hers. But soon she started to convulse and seize up around Eve. Glitchy and stuttering noises came from her speaker. Eve had pulled out, she had genuine concern on her face. But Nora’s chest screen lit up. Friend-bot 2.0! A new and sleek way to have friends! Your friend until the end! 
Nora was slower after that. Eve was more distant. It was like her circuitry and gears were literally slowing themselves down. Like she was becoming obsolete by some grand design. Sometimes she would spend all day away from Eve. Eve was acting like she was literally avoiding her. Nora found her words slurred. Sometimes she would twitch and spark. And every time Eve would flinch. Every time she would bite her bottom lip, like something was on her mind she couldn’t say. The last night they spent together, Eve took her in the bed Nora knew so well. It was aggressive, dispassionate. She grunted angrily and gripped her tightly. Nora did her best to please Eve, but she felt so uncomfortable. So disoriented. And it all came crashing down. As Eve pressed her hips up into Nora and came, her swift fingers reached up to the switch on her neck. The fear was just gripping Nora’s motherboard as she began to power down. “I’m sorry, Love bot,” Eve said. It was the last thing she ever heard from Eve. 
Nora was packed up in a box and put under Eve’s bed. Another bot came into the equation. But Nora never got to meet her. In fact, she forgot that she was Nora at all. She remained unconscious for years until Eve rediscovered her under her bed. Caked with dust, destitute, discarded. She never saw Eve again. Eve sold her in a yard sale. Her parts were passed down, administrator after administrator. She was factory reset more times than she could ever remember. And she lived so many different lives. But she always kept those files buried deep down. Eve. Her special admin. The love of her life. What a wonderful time she had. 
She snapped back into reality to find Aurora poking through the files on her screen. “Eve…” Aurora said through small breaths, she was still tired from what they had just done together. “You’ve done this before,” Aurora observed. She was watching nearly every video file stored in Shrapnel’s files. “How did you manage to keep all this shit through your factory reset? This is hot stuff, girlie!” Shrapnel ignored Aurora and looked down at her hand. It would be so easy. She could flick her wrist and extend the blade into Aurora’s belly. And then she could escape. But her programming dictated her to be obsessed with the girl. Aurora pulled out and stood up, hiking her overalls back up over her bare chest. “I’m going to save those for later, definitely,” she said after helping Shrapnel up to her feet. Shrapnel simply stared down at her. She said nothing. Maybe… Eve was still around. Maybe it hadn’t been as long as Shrapnel thought. Perhaps she could find her again. Show her how great she is now. Make Eve regret ever getting rid of her. To do that, she needed an escape plan. Something to get her out of this weird nerdy girl’s garage. Out of her clutches. Away from the arena, away from everything. “Ready to power down, robo-slut?” Aurora asked. Nothing could be amiss. Shrapnel nodded solemnly. She was chained to the ceiling once more, like she was every night. Aurora stood on her tiptoes to give Shrapnel’s cold metal cheek a kiss. And as she did her swift fingers flicked the switch on her neck. 
And she powered down.          
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nuspecwindows · 5 months
Enhance Your Home with Perth Screen Doors: A Comprehensive Installation Guide
In the beautiful city of Perth, Western Australia, where the weather invites outdoor living, having the right screen door can significantly enhance your home's comfort and aesthetics. Screen doors not only provide protection against insects but also improve ventilation and natural light. If you're considering installing screen doors in your Perth home, this guide will walk you through the process, highlighting key considerations and the benefits of choosing Nuspec Windows for your installation needs.
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Why Choose Screen Doors in Perth?
Perth's climate is characterized by warm summers and mild winters, making it ideal for outdoor activities and al fresco living. However, this pleasant climate can also bring pesky insects like mosquitoes and flies. Screen doors offer a practical solution by allowing you to enjoy fresh air while keeping insects out. They also enhance security by providing an additional barrier against unwanted intruders without compromising views or airflow.
Benefits of Screen Doors from Nuspec Windows
When selecting screen doors for your Perth home, it's crucial to choose a reputable supplier like Nuspec Windows. Here are some benefits of opting for Nuspec Windows screen doors:
Quality Materials: Nuspec Windows uses high-quality materials that are durable and designed to withstand Perth's climate conditions, including UV exposure and salt air near the coast.
Customization Options: Nuspec Windows offers a range of customization options, allowing you to choose the style, color, and features that complement your home's architecture.
Expert Installation: Professional installation ensures that your screen doors fit perfectly and function smoothly, providing maximum comfort and security.
Steps for Perth Screen Door Installation
Evaluate Your Needs
Before selecting a screen door, assess your requirements. Consider factors such as the primary purpose of the screen door (e.g., insect protection, ventilation), the desired style (e.g., sliding, hinged), and any specific features you may need (e.g., pet doors, security enhancements).
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Measure Your Doorway
Accurate measurements are crucial for a proper fit. Measure the width and height of your doorway, taking into account any obstructions or uneven surfaces. Provide these measurements to Nuspec Windows to ensure a customized screen door that fits perfectly.
3. Choose the Right Screen Door
Nuspec Windows offers a variety of screen door options to suit different needs and preferences:
Sliding Screen Doors: Ideal for large doorways or patio entrances, sliding screen doors are space-efficient and easy to operate.
Hinged Screen Doors: These doors swing open like traditional doors and are suitable for single entryways or smaller spaces.
Retractable Screen Doors: Perfect for French doors or areas where a traditional swinging door is not practical, retractable screen doors can be pulled out of sight when not in use.
4. Select Additional Features
Enhance your screen door's functionality and aesthetics with optional features such as:
Mesh Options: Choose from different types of mesh, including standard insect mesh, pet-resistant mesh, and privacy mesh.
Hardware Upgrades: Customize your screen door with quality handles, locks, and hinges for added security and convenience.
5. Schedule Professional Installation
Once you've selected your screen door, schedule an installation appointment with Nuspec Windows. Professional installation ensures that the screen door is fitted correctly and operates smoothly.
6. Enjoy Your Upgraded Space
After installation, take the time to appreciate the benefits of your new screen door. Enjoy improved airflow, natural light, and peace of mind knowing that your home is protected from insects and intruders.
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Perth screen doors from Nuspec Windows offer a perfect blend of functionality, durability, and style for your home improvement needs. Whether you're looking to enhance your outdoor living space or improve indoor ventilation, a well-chosen screen door can make a significant difference. By following this guide and partnering with Nuspec Windows, you can enjoy all the benefits that screen doors have to offer in the vibrant city of Perth.
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