#large dog beds
australianpet · 2 years
5 Reasons Your Big Dog Needs Their Own Bed
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For many pet owners, investing in a high-quality Dog Beds Large is just as important as purchasing top-of-the-line food and toys to keep your pooch healthy and happy. But do you know if you have the correct size dog bed for your dog? Overly small or large beds can be uncomfortable and even painful, especially if your furry friend has any joint or orthopedic problems.
1) Luxury matters, even for dogs
Most Dog Beds Large are made for smaller breeds—but your big dog still deserves a comfortable place to rest. Dog beds for large dogs are often constructed with thick, high-quality memory foam, a plus for both your dog and their joints.
Some even include cooling gel for hot nights, as well as machine-washable covers that can be removed and cleaned easily. Finding a bed that meets all of these criteria is possible—and your big pup will thank you by making it his new favourite spot in the house!
2) Dogs can get lonely
Some dogs seem happy being left on their own all day while their owners are at work. However, many others can get lonely without human interaction and without adequate exercise.
This can lead to anxiety, which in turn leads to destructive behaviour or obesity – both of which will have a negative impact on your dog’s health. Keep your dog healthy and happy by providing them with a dog bed large enough for them to fit in comfortably and a bed large enough for you to actually join them!
3) It’s safer than sleeping on your bed
Dogs can be just as sweet, loving and snuggly as cats and small dogs, but they are also far more likely to jump up on your bed for a snooze—and often without you even noticing.
That’s not only dangerous for them, but it’s also downright scary for you! Dog beds don’t take up much space in your room, so both of you can enjoy a good night’s sleep.
4) Having their own bed builds self-confidence
dogs are social animals and naturally want to spend as much time with their human family as possible. Putting your dog in a separate area when it’s bedtime can make them anxious and insecure, especially if they don’t understand why they can’t stay in their usual spot.
5) Having their own bed makes them happy
Dogs can be quite territorial; they like being surrounded by things they know, and their own bed is a familiar place.
Big dogs should have room to stretch out in their own comfy place where they feel secure, especially at night when fear often keeps them on edge. Dog beds for large dogs offer soft, soothing places for dogs that’ll help keep them relaxed and calm at night.
You may think your big dog doesn’t need their own Dog Beds Large. However, when it comes to better health and a longer lifespan, having a bed of their own is an important part of their care. If you want your big furry friend around for years to come, give them a comfy place to sleep so they can get some proper rest!
Source: 5 Reasons Your Big Dog Needs Their Own Bed
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dickpuncher420 · 2 years
i rlly like the idea that druk is this rlly grumpy and standoffish dragon, like those cats that will show affection by chilling in the same room as you but will growl if you try to pet them. and both zuko and sokka have accepted this over the years, they know that druk loves them in his own way but generally prefers to do his own thing. it’s fine, it’s just his personality, you can’t change his nature.
but then izumi is born and druk Will Not Leave Her Side. 9 times out of 10 you can find druk curled up into bed with her, carefully arranging himself so as not to crush her tiny body. zuko goes to wake her up in the mornings and druk just growls at him and refuses to let him get close to her. he shadows her everywhere she goes. he lets her use him as a support when she’s learning how to walk. she’ll yank at his whiskers and play with his beard and he won’t even bat an eye, when other people have had their eyebrows burned off for lesser offences.
zuko refuses to admit that he’s jealous of his own daughter. sokka just laughs and says that he should’ve listened to him and gotten a polarbear-dog instead.
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gayestcowboy · 9 months
they should make dog beds for humans
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alliluyevas · 1 year
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i'm sorry but am i really in this much of a minority for thinking having a dog sleep in your bed sounds both unhygienic and really disruptive. i don't judge people who have their pets sleep with them but it is just SO offputting to me personally and I don't know why it seems so overwhelmingly popular.
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nymphilily · 6 months
Malleus, tucking Sylvie into bed while on baby sitting duty: Alright per your mother's instructions you have had a warm glass of milk, brushed your hair and teeth, your favorite teddy bear is safely in your grasp and your nightlight is on. I do believe that is everything tasked of us. Good night, Sylvie. Pleasant dreams
Sylvie: Uncle Mallie...
Malleus: Is something the matter, Sylvie?
Sylvie: ...
Malleus: Out with it child. You need to rest or else you won't wake up in time for your parents arrival home tomorrow morning
Sylvie: You didn't check for monsters under my bed
Malleus: Now don't be preposterous. No monster would dare hide under your bed while I am-
Grim: 👁️👄👁️
Malleus: ...
Malleus: Sylvie
Sylvie: Yes Uncle Mallie?
Malleus: There is, indeed, a monster under your bed
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flawney · 2 months
I just had a vision of modern witchers shopping at COSTCO and making their own hungry man dinners for one.
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rigginsstreet · 4 months
Sleeping with 2 people and 4 dogs in one bed is a nightmare I cannot get comfortable
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theworstcreature · 5 months
Chat what if I started crying
Tw for animal death in the tags
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chiricocuvie · 19 days
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Wow good dog
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classifiedfolder · 1 year
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fireworks >:(
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chaos-coming · 3 months
I love dogs and often think about having one but every time i dogsit i am reminded that they are So Much Work
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good morning <33
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someone send me the strength and the caffeine to not fall asleep at work today
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Ahahha yeaahh
The dog bed is just so comfy babe,
And you got me this comfy collar and I love it when you pet my head and teach hh me tttrickss..mdn. ahhbbnnnf jnnnn
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loverdude · 8 months
Head in my FUCKING HANDS oh my god
#💭#my poor boyfriend's dog. has been acting so INSANE.#for the past week or two he's been like.#insanely anxious... pacing... panting... not listening to commands...#jumping on furniture including the bed... my boyfriend's nightstand... the fucking kitchen table... THE FUCKING TRASH CAN...#and he's NOT A SMALL DOG#he's like a medium-large mutt part pittie... 9 years old#he's crawling under the bed he's getting stuck places he's scratching on the door if we shut him in a room#my boyfriend barely got any sleep bc he kept getting woken up the entire night by his dog like#jumping on stuff getting stuck under stuff knocking everything over scratching and whining#he like broke off part of one of his claws when jumping on the kitchen table at one point#knocked everything off of it including the tablecloth#tried leashing him to a shelf with a weighted blanked on it while we were at the laundromat and barricading off the kitchen#with totes and shelves and stuff#and when we got back he'd knocked over half the fucking barricade and twisted around the shelf he was leashed to#and had somehow gotten the leash wrapped around one of the KITCHEN CHAIRS#so he was STUCK#my boyfriend's stepdad is bringing a kennel tomorrow#which is a last resort but if he's not shut in something he's like#going to get hurt and break all my boyfriend's things and damage his apartment#i talked to the vet she said to try getting him some more exercise to wear him out and if that doesn't work#to get some blood work done and if that's all normal then to put him on some anxiety meds#took him on a really long walk today but he knocked over the shit in the kitchen AFTER that#and his water bowl...#he's eating drinking pooping peeing etc just fine he doesn't feel sick or bloated he's just fucking ANXIOUS#about something but we don't know whatttt#my poor boyfriend is so stressed and frustrated and has gotten like no sleep and i'm so stressed too#i'm sure it'll be okay but my GOD#UGH sorry for the long-ass rant holy shit#i'm just so fucking stressed and frustrated and worried
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