#lara soft bios
misodoll · 9 months
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my sweet angel, lara. ୨𖹭୧
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sharksmirk · 5 months
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Randomly found this on my external hard drive - dunno why but I've always had a soft spot for Pierre 😅 I find his bio kind of funny because it talks about what a psychotic murderer he is and how he likes to toy with his victims. Y'know, the guy Lara scared of a cliff by going "boo!" 😂
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I just want a factually accurate, incredibly detailed Palmer station in winter in Antarctica fic where Lilith and Beatrice are no nonsense researchers and Camila and Ava and all nonsense maintenance/mechanics people with incredibly well written smut for both ships to magically appear out of thin air. C’mon, universe, help me out…
okay okay okay okay but listen beatrice is there to study heliophysics for nasa. she’s as usual a fucking science nerd supreme & if you ask her about the heliopause or voyager 1 well i hope you brought snacks because she’s not remotely normal about solar wind fizzling out against interstellar wind & the small influence (cosmologically) of the brightest thing we know.
ava is the station mechanic & also a pilot & a professional alpinist. big fan of penguins. her & bea meet when Ava slides off the roof of the bio-building & ends up dangling upside-down in her harness waving to a flummoxed bea through the window.
lilith is a marine biologist and glaciologist & cam is part of her dive-team. they’re weird and soft and lilith is like a stork in a lab coat when cam is around (clumsy) but she’s also… constantly in a wet suit or in a lara croft-type fit because biologists are Like That so cam is playing it cool but like… wants to fuck this strange woman who gets emo over the melting ice caps.
help anon you’re testing my whisker-thin resolve to not start any more aus
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Political Thriller AUs..... where the Arranged Marriages are more lethal than the cyanide-laced donuts. How are you feeling around this AU?
Arranged Marriage AUs or Betrothal AUs are sort of a weakness of mine particularly when the author is wise enough to include more of the political reasons behind the union rather than "force my idiots to fall in love" which is the common path a lot of these AUs take. It's not a BAD direction and I do sometimes want to see End Game of my idiots falling in love but that's not necessarily what's important.
It's the why, what is this world, what are the stakes, what's going to be broken if one, or both REFUSE, do they have other people they want to marry etc.
There's a lot you can do with these AUs other than "teehee they had no choice but to fall in love"
As for who I would do this to I have a Konbart one pingponging in my head that the concept is Krypton never was destroyed, Tomar-Re managed to stabilize the planet and save them all, but Jor El sent Clark to Earth anyway because he was certain it was going to happen, and the fallout afterwards was a lot of political upheaval and he was caught in the crossfire and was murdered (possibly by Dru). Things unfold more or less identically except Clark finds out where he is from, that they are all alive, has his own adventures there as a adopted child meeting the bio fam and their culture some 25 years later, meets his mom who did manage to survive the post-near-apocalyptic event. He has a lot of inner struggles of 'what is home' and knows in his heart it is with the Kents and his mom knows this too.
Eventually Kon comes along, but he's created on Krypton, not on Earth, as a sort of co-opt project between planets. Krypton wanted a way to try to genetically engineer Kryptonians to be able to have their powers AND live in any environment regardless if they have a red sun. Earth was needed because Krypton does not have as advanced of knowledge on genetic manipulation as Earth does, and use with the Earth Metagene was something even their own geneticists were curious about. The only way they were able to do this was cooperation between planetary governments. Kon was a secret side project that when exposed blew up because 1.) they used Kal's dna 2.) they were successful and 3.) they have a fucking clone running around and Krypton had actively BANNED cloning due to the last time they dabbled it and it ended badly.
Clark finds out about this clone and storms there like WTF - It's a mess. There's back and forth bs on what to do with him - some politicians are just 'kill it' but most are 'well no hold up, he actually has some intriguing abilities, we can use this!' Meanwhile Clark is just - 'sort this out, now, or I'm taking him to Earth.'
So they agree, he is an El, so he is released to Lara to protect and raise. Lara by now has high status (for now) and power under her so while critics might grumble, there is nothing they can do less they be shot off to the Phantom Zone.
Things settle down, but only so much.
Earth starts becoming a bigger presence in the interstellar community, Krypton is ever paranoid that Kal on Earth with an endless supply of Metas is a threat to them and so tensions begin to rise.
Some of the more warmongering Kryptonians want to conquer Earth, its conditions are ripe for them to be as their ancestors should have been under a young sun, and humans are soft and need help from aliens and only a spare few of their own kind are even worthy their grace as something approximating equal (metas, Amazons etc).
Clark knows if he just evacs Kon and Lara from the growing tensions on Krypton it would send a message to various Kryptonian politicians that Earth just may be that shady after all and Clark really is plotting against them so he works with his mother to try to find a solution. What would make the tension lesson so diplomacy talks could go positively.
Lara suggests an arranged marriage, because nothing makes Kryptonian's more excited than the prospect of legally bound by blood and law cooperation.
Clark says no before he even hears who or why. Lara persists and explains that while he, who was raised among people that do not partake in arranged marriages, and he who has a very singular mindset of what a marriage should be, arranged marriages are common among Krypton and nothing will show the wide majority of their people that Earth is willing to be neighbors and allies than by participating in one of their most time honored traditions.
Clark relents, and asks who. It is Kon. He has to think about it because that's his little brother. After much self reflection and dismantling his initial responses to the suggestion he relents that it is not a bad idea.
The hard part is deciding who would be a good match for Kon - but the fact that any gender is open for consideration makes things easier. After weighing all the options they have, and getting a lot of "wtf no!" Bart is suggested partly as a joke by [redacted].
Fucking Bartimus. At first he is written off as absolutely NOT eligible due to his more or less canon impulses but out of all the suggestions between metas and Amazons and Atlanteans Bart is the one who is in a position best suited to protect himself against literally everything. No one can touch him unless he wants to be touched. He's also from prominent Hero Family and has a name for himself on Earth as Impulse so it's not as if he's really ineligible.
So they agree.
Bart's not happy about this AT ALL and he thinks they chose him just to get rid of him because this takes place just little while after Max vanishes and he's feeling like he's being yanked around (he is 18 though, he just had longer with Max) and he's had so little control of his life this is just one other thing he has to deal with. Wally tries to explain but he does it badly so he pisses him off even more. Iris explains and he's beyond listening at this point. It takes Helen letting him rant at her and talking through things for him to come down that maybe they really don't HATE HIM.
So he shows up and lets Clark explain it and he, after thinking about it for 2 seconds (for Bart he was going back and forth for about 20 minutes though) agrees that this will be interesting and might just be the right thing to do - and because no one else will I guess it should be him.
Kon meanwhile wasn't taking the whole thing seriously enough because he didn't honestly think it would happen.
He was wrong when Lara told him they found him a husband. Cue record scratch, glass shatters and a cat yowls sound effect. Cue panic. Cue the last 5 years of being totally out of control of his life and being yanked around by anyone and everyone as a political pawn exploding.
It takes a long time for Lara to calm him down but she has a tough job because everything that Kon is freaked out about is TRUE. She reminds him that this good for him and their people, that she too was from an arranged marriage, and that the match they secured for him was a good one and it is for the good of everyone and, dickishly, what would Kal do?
So Kon is sort of guilt bullied into it even though he agreed to it in the first place (very quickly and was just like 'hey just so long as they're hot!') and knew it was happening but he didn't think it would actually happen.
Seeing Bart's picture does dispel some of his anxiety, he is cute, he's attracted to him, he has a nice bod, super speed sound pretty neat and he knows Clark wouldn't choose someone who was creepy.
Little does he know Clark didn't even choose Bart at all at first and Bart wasn't even an option until everyone said NO.
So there they are, both initially GRRRRRR about the whole thing not because of the other but because of the situation. Kon feels like he just a tool to be used, and Bart feels like everyone just wants him gone even if everyone has done everything to explain that's not the case and they believe in him. Bart's older and wiser to know that if they really did believe in him, he would have been up for consideration at the start instead of [redacted].
Overall the stakes are pretty basic - get married just to open the door to start a meaningful conversation. Not even to STOP a conflict, just to hopefully get communication better. If either Kon or Bart balk on it it has the potential to exacerbate tensions between Earth and Krypton though Earth has more to lose.
In the end Kon and Bart do find love.
And that's what I have for this Arranged Marriage AU on my spreadsheet that MAY or may not ever be written, and as always some details may just change entirely.
Send me a fanfic/media trope or theme and I'll rate and tell you what I might do with it or something.
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moochilatv · 2 months
Lara Taubman presents: The Siren
The video is some crazy too.
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"The Siren" exists at the crossroads between melancholic serenity and emotional freedom. It is without a doubt one of the highlights of Lara Taubman's new album "The Gospel of Getting Free". After some major transformative work on herself, indie americana and alt folk singer songwriter Lara Taubman has produced a new album in her usual style but with a whole new twist.
The Gospel of Getting Free tells her story from a renewed, refreshed and positive perspective.
Listen The Gospel Of Getting Free in Spotify:
Official BIO:
Lara Taubman grew up in southern Virginia, where the sounds of Old Time music were all around her. She began singing as a child but was seriously drawn to painting, and went to college to pursue a life in visual art.
She has spent a lifetime listening abundantly to all kinds of music, yet when Lara began to write her own songs those formative sounds of Old Time music are where her heart was led. She went on to study Cultural Theory in graduate school and became a professional art critic and curator. Her work took her all over the world until she returned back to the city of her heart, New York City. A few years ago, she was working on some fiction, it led her to hear a call while she was cleaning one day: “If you don’t have children, you will probably be OK with that, but if you don’t sing in a serious, committed way, you will regret it on your deathbed.”
She listened to the call. It brought her through a very intense journey of healing from a lifetime of emotional pain and trauma. Through singing again and learning how to make music she was reborn into a world of hope and joy. One soft fall day in September of 2018 she found herself on the porch of the Wolfe Island Records studio, the old converted post office on Wolfe Island, Canada. Her producer and founder of the label Wolfe Island Records, Hugh Christopher Brown had invited her to make an album. The rest is history, one that she never consciously designed.
Today, she owns a small farm on the island, with a massive old barn doubling as a music and performance space. It is not far from the Post Office and the community of musicians who have also moved there and who helped her to make her album. Wolfe Island has joined New York City in her heart, which she still calls home.
Find more about the artist in IG:
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luminarycomet · 2 years
This blog is inspired by two tumblr users, lara-prisma-avm-ask-blog and Tulipsempai. Thank you for inspiring me to make ava and avm comics and artwork!
What I do bere:
- Comics
Centers around the three powerful stick in the whole internet world. The trio goes on adventures and having fun with each other.
I'm still building up a series for them but here are possible upcoming series' I would like to feature.
Inner Corruption- This au involves around Second Coming's originally dormant powers. His powers somehow gets corrupted and goes out of control.
Our Lost Brother- This au involves the three main hallow sticks. They find out that Chosen is not the oldest out of the three.
A Whole New Dark - This au involves a year after the Showdown. CG finds a comatosed TDL and takes him into their new house. When Dark wakes up, he doesn't remember anything or himself.
That's all I am maybe trying to plan for. Although it may change in the future.
Character Bio:
Here are the characters featured in this blog -
Second Coming -
Age: 18
Pronouns: They/Him/Them/it/he
Gender: Male
The caring and sweethearted out of the 3(4?). He is the youngest hallow out of the 3 but the oldest of the CG. He tends to have dreams about his powers and his fight with Dark(though he doesn't even remember anything that happened).
Dark Lord -
Age: 21
Pronouns - He/Him/His
Gender - Male
Despite redeeming himself, he shows a stubborn and rude personality. He acts like the jerky older brother of the 3. He care for both Chosen and Second, but doesn't show it directly. Because of his lack of discipline, he might show to be childish and reckless. His powers became dormant, so he can't access it whenever time he wants to. He likes sparring with Chosen.
Chosen One-
Age: 25
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Gender - Male
The oldest of the 3. He tends to be cold and uncaring, at least not to his brothers or the color group. Due to the torture he expirence in the past, he's not much of a talker. He doesnt seem to show a lot of emotion either. He would show more emotion when he's around Dark and Second. Just like Dark, his powers became dormant. During his free time, he would leave their house and revisit Dark and his' old house.
Victim -
Age: 14 (death), 26 (stick years)
Pronouns - They/Them/His/He
Gender - Any gender (but mostly male)
Died from Alan, planning to take revenge on him. Usually he's shy and soft, but aggressive and cold when it comes to Alan.
CG - They won't be visible as much here...BUT I will make another blog featuring the CG. (Color Gang) I'm totally okay if you ask the CG a question!
These characters are free to be asked! Just here are the rules:
ChosenxDark, SecondxChosen or any ships with the Hallo Brothers are not shipped in this au. (But I do ship Chosen x Dark in another au :) )
No asks that involves 18+
No hate with the characters/art or other people's comments. (Try to be respectful)
Don't send fanart that's inappropriate (I'm just a teen ;-;)
That's all! Have a great day!!
Again, thanks lara-prisma-avm-ask-blog and Tulipsempai for inspiring me to make a tumblr of AvA/AvM!
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glow4eva · 4 years
ㅤㅤ∿ lara (dreamnote) bios.
ㅤㅤ𓎆 문 ♡ 生活 𓂃 ⩄
ㅤㅤ. 𝗹𝗮𝗿𝗮 ╰ 🍶 ╮ ٠ 𖧷 ᴥ
ㅤㅤ라라 🦪 𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅 🛵 𓂃 . 𝙷𝙾𝙼𝙴
ㅤㅤ𝗆𝗒 𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗀𝗂𝗋𝗅 🎡 ˇ ⽨ ᝰ 🏰
ㅤㅤᘒ 𝗌𝗂𝗇𝖺𝖾月亮 👩🏻‍🌾 𖤘 飝 𓂃 ♥︎
like or reblog if you save.
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dreamrnote · 4 years
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like or reblog if you save! ♥︎
@namgyuls on twt.
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fr-omis · 5 years
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like or reblog if u save!!
@ f4irydodo on twitter.
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s-hinigami · 4 years
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#youi messy icons
PLS like or reblog if u save/use :)
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aki-meno · 4 years
miso users 𓂃冬
misoworId (misoworid)
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chen-les · 4 years
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⌗ moon sinae layouts. ᨒ
like or reblog, if you save 𓍼 @chenlepalette on twt.
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atxtez · 4 years
moon sinae ㅡ dreamnote! bios
ㅤㅤ       라라  ◜७  l. 𝘄ɔ𝗿𝗹𝗱   🧚‍♀️ ࣪ . ࣪ㅤ
ㅤㅤ      𓂅 ࣪ 드림노트  ☄︎  la . ra   ࣪.  𖧧࣪
ㅤㅤ      ·•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )   라라 . ࣪  🌙 ◜si.nae
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elkiebf · 4 years
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lara layouts. ♥
reblog or like if u save!
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glow4eva · 4 years
ㅤㅤ∿ dreamnote bios.
ㅤㅤd̲𝒏. 🩹 ᭡ ᪤ 𝅓 🍶 戇
ㅤㅤ#드림노트: 𝗆𝗒 뿐 '𝗇 하나 𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿.
ㅤㅤ육𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘴. 👩🏻‍🌾 O_o 𓄹 ╮ 𓊘 🗝️
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kkiliz · 4 years
sumin users
☆ SUMIN (DREAMNOTE ) USERS!! like or reblog if used <3
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