#laps are sat upon
jomiddlemarch · 7 months
(I measure time by how a body sways)
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Part II
“What’s that?” Hermione asked, with a subtle wiggle of her fingers in his general direction. His heart was still beating and he was able to let out his next breath, so she hadn’t cast a wandless curse in his direction but then, the night was young. She sounded prim, as if she were channeling McGonagall at her most Scottish schoolmarm, if you left out Minerva’s well-known appreciation for good single malt Scotch and fit young men in Quidditch gear.
“Brandy. Armagnac. From the Malfoy cellar,” he said. She gave him what could only be called a speaking look, her lips pursed. If he were not terrified and about to piss himself, he would have found it utterly adorable.
“Bill said you don’t like Firewhiskey,” Draco replied.
“You’d asked?”
“No, he suggested I bring something. If you agreed to meet with me,” Draco said. Bill had not implied any if, far from it, but Draco felt it was best not to have Hermione think her acceptance had been the default expectation.
“You think I’ll need a drink? To talk with you?” she said. She was less ready to take umbrage and somehow more hurt; he’d put her on the defensive, despite his best efforts. She was also tired, he could tell that from looking at her, if he hadn’t already heard it from Bill and Cosima, her assistant, who had required much placating and a box of Honeyduke’s finest filled chocolates to agree to rearrange Madam Granger’s schedule to accommodate him. “I can’t decide whether you’re suggesting I can’t cope or that I won’t want to.”
She didn’t say Or that this isn’t a professional meeting, it’s a date, an assignation. She didn’t say Or you want me tipsy, you’re heard I’m an affectionate drunk.
She most certainly did not say either of those.
He would actually have combusted or winked out of existence, he’d be busy greeting plenty of people on the other side of the Veil.
“You’re being very gracious to meet with me and I wanted you to be able to have something worth drinking, if you chose to avail yourself. I took Bill’s advice because he knows you better than I do,” Draco said. He was fudging the truth, but not terribly.
“He’s got some nerve,” Hermione said. She settled though, relaxed into her chair. 
“I believe it’s the exceedingly great confidence of a man who convinced a French half-Veela to marry him,” Draco said. “You can call it nerve if you prefer.”
She laughed then, a merry sound he’d have to remember if the evening went as horribly pear-shaped as he anticipated it would. He did not have Bill’s confidence.
“What’s it about? This,” she gestured around the private room, the curtains drawn, the table between them with the brandy bottle and two fat-bottomed glasses. “Us.”
“I want to begin by saying how deeply I appreciate you granting me this time to confer, Madam Nimue Granger—”
“There’s a bottle of very good Armagnac sitting right there. You’ve known me since I was eleven. We sat through that benighted travesty of an experts panel in Ravenna with the Dante impersonator together. Call me Hermione, Draco,” she said.
“All right, Hermione,” he said.
“Wasn’t so hard, was it?” she said lightly.
“No. I suppose not,” he said.
“But what you have to tell me is. Hard, I mean. You find it difficult, you went to Bill,” she said.
“He’s good at difficult things,” Draco said.
“He is. You’re stalling,” she said, smiling a little. “Shall I promise not to hit you again?”
He laughed, suddenly, choking on it. Her brown eyes were bright, her hair pulled back from her face with some Mugglish clip, the hollow at the base of her throat delicately shadowed. He wanted to protect her but the only threat he could see was himself.
“I trust you will restrain yourself,” he said.
“But not that I won’t feel the urge,” she said, shaking her head. “Intriguing.”
“I think you’re the only person who’ll be able to understand what happened, what caused it,” he said. “I wouldn’t have come to you otherwise—”
“What is it, Draco?”
“I can’t explain it—it was nearly a fortnight ago, I woke up, and this was, it was like this,” he said, unfastening the cuff of his sleeve, rolling it up his forearm, above his elbow. Stretching his arm across the table so it was fully exposed to her view, the new brand vivid against his fair skin. 
“Lumos maxima melissa,” she whispered, the words of the spell barely more than breath on her parted lips. The light in the room altered, had the diamond clarity of the operating theater and the gentle slip of a summer daybreak.
And then she took hold of his arm, her hand circling his wrist.
Draco kept breathing because it was required, but it became work, to move the air in and out as she touched him, her magic vital in her fingertips. Her gaze was focused on his arm and he understood suddenly how Harry had defeated Voldemort. He kept his head bowed, waiting for her to say something, do something.
She let go of his arm and left it resting on the table. Then she shrugged off her robe and shoved up with loose sleeve of her knitted jersey, extending her own arm beside his.
“About a fortnight ago, I woke up and it was like this,” she said.
“Fuck me,” he exclaimed, staring at her skin. There was the subtlest flicker…
“You’re not imagining things. The stars twinkle sometimes. Eltanin and Aldibain,” Hermione said. The two brightest stars in the constellation Draco, etched on her skin in the shape of the dragon, its mouth open, its body coiled and draped, Hevelius’s creature, one he’d pored over when he’d learned what his name meant. His name on her arm, if one knew how to read it, not his fox Patronus, not the purple hyacinth that meant I’m sorry.
“A fortnight, you said?”
“It must have been the same time your Dark Mark changed,” she replied. “I woke up with the most horrid headache. Couldn’t get a pain potion to even touch it, but it was gone by the end of the day.”
“You must have a theory to explain it,” Draco said.
“Not a terribly good one, since I was missing some critical data,” she said. “Are we supposed to drink the brandy now?”
“If you don’t need to look at anything in more depth—”
“I saw that scar on my own arm every day for the past fifteen years. The only difference is that it’s on your arm now. I can safely assume you’ve tried a number of charms and potions to remove it or divine its provenance. It’s still there and you came to me,” she said, sounding just as she had every time she gave a lecture to a scholarly audience she considered her peers. “I think we can have some brandy and then discuss everything.”
“Everything?” he repeated.
“You’ve met me. I don’t do things by halves. But we can pace ourselves,” she said.
“Why aren’t you more…” he trailed off.
“Upset? Angry? Freaked out? Hysterical?” she said as he shook his head. “I didn’t think you’d pick any of those words but they’re worth saying. I’m not more shocked because it was the first change that was an impossibility. Once that happened, all bets were off. And also, because it’s you.”
“It’s me,” he said. “You were offended when you thought I wanted to get you drunk—”
“That was offensive, that’s why,” she countered.
“Why does it being me make a difference?” he asked.
“First of all, it’s hard to believe that what you just said was the King’s English. Secondly, it makes it better. It makes it something I can be curious about, not horrified,” she said, pausing, looking at him with her head tilted to the side, inquisitive, lovely. “It’s not your Patronus, is it?”
“No. My Patronus is a fox. A very diffident and hard-to-coax fox,” he said. 
“I didn’t think your Patronus would be a dragon. Too on the nose. It would be embarrassing with your name, to be so concrete,” she said. She glanced over at the bottle, which Draco took as his cue to open it and pour out a generous measure for them both. She let the belly of the glass warm against her palm before she took a sip. “Mmm. That’s gorgeous.”
He took a swallow from his own glass before he spoke, letting the brandy take the place of the words he’d almost uttered you’re gorgeous you’re everything.
“Are you more interested in why it happened or how?” he asked. He could make an effort to pretend their conversation was solely academic, professional, impersonal—some word that was mature and appropriate, that wasn’t about him driving her away with a confession of his feelings. It didn’t matter that Bill had said she cared for him, they could still be friends. Sitting across from her, the last thing he wanted was to see that light in her sherry brown eyes go out, her face turned away from his.
“Yes,” she said and grinned.
“Did I deserve that?” he said.
“Probably not, but you’re so bloody serious. Whatever happened, it’s not the end of the world,” she said. “We’ve both lived through that. This is nothing like. We’re sitting here, drinking brandy and we have wonky brands on our arms that involve magic we don’t understand, and it’s all right. It really and truly is.”
“You’re only trying to make me feel better,” he said.
“Is it working?” she asked.
Draco considered. Her question and the shape her lips made asking it, the arch of her eyebrows over her expressive eyes, the way she sat, her hand curved around the brandy glass. He was still in one piece as was the bottle of Armagnac, the table, the door and all the panes of glass in the windows. 
“I think it must be,” he said.
“Good,” she said. She took another sip of the brandy, closed her eyes for a moment. “Did you feel anything, right before it changed?”
“I was ill the night before. Fever, chills. Tried to sleep it off,” he said.
“Fine the next day though?”
“Yes. Except that the mark wasn’t the same. I felt dizzy when I saw it, but I think it was the shock, not part of an illness or any other magical process,” he said.
“It seems unlikely that there was an infectious agent or magico-immunologic trigger, since we were nowhere near each other for a shared exposure and I can’t recall anyone around me being ill or dealing with a toxic substance,” she said.
“It’s not impossible though,” Draco said.
“No, but that doesn’t make it likely. The physical symptoms were probably associated with the magical signature alteration. The designs are quite detailed and the original enchantments were cast by a very powerful Dark wizard and witch,” she said. 
“I’m sorry,” Draco said.
“What? Why?” 
“For making you revisit Bellatrix torturing you. For making you remember what Voldemort did, what I did for him,” Draco said, rubbing a hand at the back of his neck. Wishing he dared to toss back everything left in his glass and pour himself another. A double.
“I haven’t forgotten. You’re not making it any worse. It’s better, actually, because I’d sort of come to terms with the scar on my arm and when it changed, I felt like I didn’t have control of my body. I didn’t know why your signifier had replaced her slur,” Hermione said.
“You knew it meant me?”
“Not immediately. But there’s such a thing called a library, Draco, and I’m particularly fond of spending my time there, researching, when I’ve got a puzzle to solve,” she said. “I didn’t exactly want to tell anyone, certainly not you.”
“Not ever?” Draco said.
“Not without knowing more,” she said. She fiddled with her glass, bit her lip. “I don’t know if I would have been brave enough to ask you to meet with me. If you hadn’t asked me.”
“You’re a Gryffindor’s Gryffindor. You’re brave enough for anything,” he said.
“You say it as praise. I hear a sentence,” she said. “It’s exhausting, being brave enough for anything when no one is. Not me, not Harry. Not you.”
“No one’s ever accused me of bravery,” he said.
“Maybe you don’t talk to enough people,” she said. “Or listen to them.”
“I can’t argue with that,” he said.
“Do you know if anyone else’s Dark Mark has changed recently?” she said, returning to their ostensible reason for meeting. Draco had totally given himself over to wherever she wanted to take the conversation and was focusing on pacing himself with the brandy.
“I’m not in contact with most of the others who have one,” he said, stumbling a bit over the choice of others, not wanting to say Death Eaters, not wanting that degree of their past in the room, between them. “But I haven’t heard anything and neither had Bill.”
“Just us then,” she mused, startling him with the casual ease with which she said us. 
“It would seem that way,” he replied.
“But it’s not an equal swap, is it? You have my scar, but I have your name in a rebus-esque fashion,” she said. Draco frowned. It had been quite some time since he’d been unable to understand what she was saying.
“A rebus is a Muggle puzzle,” she explained. Now she frowned, a thinking deeply frown, not an unhappy one. Draco felt obscurely pleased he knew the difference.
“Perhaps it has to do with the casters?” he offered. “Who they were or their intentions?”
“That’s an interesting angle. Not sure how we’d disambiguate it—”
“As terrible as she was, Bellatrix was not Voldemort’s peer in terms of magical power. Even before you take into account all the Dark magic he used to amplify his ability, his original reservoir was at least an order of magnitude greater than hers. Probably more like three,” Draco said.
“How do you know that?” Hermione asked.
“I’m familiar with some of what he did early on. Bellatrix did try to emulate him in all ways. She wasn’t able to sustain the majority of the spells he’d used. I found a journal she kept. She only managed about a third of them and she had more backlash from the potions than he did,” Draco said. “If he had been the one to curse you in the ballroom, at best you would have lost your arm and magic. You probably wouldn’t have survived. You would have tried to fight back, that first instant, whether you thought about it or not. Your magic would have been compelled to resist him. He would have either been amused or annoyed, but either way, he would have intensified the curse. That would have been it.”
Hermione, killed. Draco didn’t think he would have been able to make a sound then. Imagining it now, he felt the keening of his soul at the prospect, the urge to tear the very Veil itself.
“That’s…frankly, I don’t know what that is,” she said. “Daunting? An odd relief? The stuff of nightmares?”
“M’sorry,” he said, gulping down some brandy.
“It’s all right. It does make me think more about intention though. Because the Dark Mark changed after Riddle was destroyed, once it was untethered from the caster. But it didn’t kill all its bearers. It was like the spell reverted to its initial intention, without the warp Riddle put on it to make it the Dark Mark. Even so, when he branded his Death Eaters, it was supposed to be, well, I guess sort of a good thing? Joining his side. From his perspective, it was an initiation rite, a membership token. Whereas Bellatrix wanted to humiliate and hurt me,” she said.
“Yeah,” Draco said. 
“Maybe it’s not to do with the casters. Maybe it’s you,” she said.
“It’s my fault?” he said.
“I didn’t say it was your fault. You might be the inflection point. Your Dark Mark changed. Your name replaced my scar. Maybe we don’t need to overthink it. It’s about you,” she said. As if it were good news, an answer she’d been hoping to discover.
“Me,” he said. 
“Something changed in you, something that involved your magic. Something significant enough to overwrite the Dark Mark and to alter my scar, perhaps because you were there when I got it. Or because of the Black lineage,” Hermione said.
“I did something and you have to deal with the consequences. Again,” he said.
“In a manner of speaking, yes. But you say consequences like it’s a bad thing. Like I wouldn’t prefer having a beautiful constellation with twinkling stars appear on my arm instead of a disgusting slur that never stopped hurting carved into me by a mass murderer,” she replied. 
“You don’t have to try and make me feel better,” he said. She’d do that, however sincere she sounded.
“If you do, that’s great. I’m telling you how I feel. I feel better. Given the chance, I’d have chosen this,” she said.
“You felt sick when it happened,” he pointed out.
“For a day. I was in the infirmary after Dolohov cursed me for a solid three weeks, dosed to the gills with potions Snape had to brew specially and an anti-emetic to keep them down, since they all tasted vile,” she said.
“I didn’t know that,” he said. 
“What happened to you? What changed?” she asked. He sat there, silent, without a clue where to begin. She frowned, thinking, clearly impatient with him or doubting that he’d ever come up with anything helpful.
“The Dark Mark represents your greatest regret,” she said. “It used to be the cabinet, right?”
“And now it’s my scar,” she said. “You regret what—witnessing me being tortured? Me being hurt? Not being able to do anything to stop it? Ever saying that word?”
“Yes. All of it. All of it, Hermione,” he said.
“You regret it more than bringing Death Eaters into Hogwarts?” she asked, her eyes steady upon him. There was a curious lack of condemnation in her expression and tone, as if she might understand.
“I do,” he said.
There was no universe where she didn’t ask the question, no timeline, no reality he could ever inhabit. She was Hermione Granger and she would always want to know.
“You know why,” he said. “You must—”
“I need to hear it. From you,” she said.
“I’m in love with you,” he said. “When I understood that, that’s when it changed.”
To her credit and earning his everlasting gratitude, Hermione did not toss back the rest of her brandy. In fact, she didn’t touch the glass at all. She kept looking at him. If she had been a Legilimens, she would have been inside his mind in an instant; he could not have Occluded to save her life, let alone his.
“What?” she exclaimed.
“Let me explain. When we went back to Hogwarts, to talk to the students. When you told me you were sorry. When you said they’d let me go hang. After everything, you saw that in me now and said something. I’d already liked you, so much, I’d already wanted you, but that was when I knew I loved you, that I’d fallen in love with you. I’m sorry—”
“You’re sorry?” she said.
“Bloody hell, Hermione, I’m sorry for burdening you with this, my emotions, when you don’t want it and you’ll feel compelled to be gracious. Or you’ll be embarrassed, you won’t feel we can be friends any longer, because I’ve put this between us and it can’t be undone. I don’t regret loving you, I regret having to tell you, when you don’t—”
“You’re awfully sure of how I feel for someone who has not asked me. Unless you dosed the brandy with Veritaserum. If you have, I have to tell you that it’s a Class 2 offense and also that I found a prototype antidote potion recipe among Snape’s things and I finished it off, so that won’t affect me,” she said. She was less prickly than she had been a minute ago. In fact, she was smiling her little superior swot smile he’d once found insanely provoking and now adored for being a glimpse of the girl she’d once been.
“You finished it off?” he said.
“That’s the part you want to focus on?” she replied. “Not the asking me how I feel? Fine. Snape’s first draft was solid, but he didn’t account—”
“I’m scared. To ask you,” Draco said. There was his act of bravery, his Gryffindor declaration: he was a coward.
“Why?” she asked and it was clear she wasn’t taking offense or taking the piss or getting ready to smack him. Her forefinger traced the round curve of the brandy glass and she was waiting for him to answer, wanting him to explain himself. 
“Because you’re honest when it counts the most,” he said.
To his surprise, she laughed.
“Another time, I’ll let you know all the ways that statement has been disproved, but I appreciate the…aspiration of it. I’m flattered,” she said.
“I wasn’t trying to flatter you,” he replied.
“I know. I know you mean I won’t lie to you about how I feel and I won’t. Not to you. Not now and not about this,” she said. “It’s only, you should know that in another circumstance, I’d say whatever I thought I needed to. Right now, what I think I need, what you need, is for me to be direct—”
“I don’t want to lose your friendship,” he interrupted.
“You won’t,” she said. “Telling me you’re in love with me won’t make me stop being your friend. I like you, Draco.”
“All right,” he said. He sounded crestfallen even to himself, when he should have been overjoyed that he hadn’t made her walk out, curse him or throw the expensive brandy in his face. “That’s fine then, that’s more than enough—"
“I care about you,” she said. 
“As a friend,” he said. He’d moved on to sullen. She smiled, tilted her head to the side. The stars twinkled on her arm.
“As a friend. And more than a friend,” she said.
“You don’t have to say that,” he replied.
“I know I don’t. Except I do, because it’s true. And lying to you doesn’t suit my needs,” she said. “It’s a dreadful relief, that your Dark Mark changed. I was going to have to glamour Bellatrix’s curse back onto my arm around you and I can’t tell you how much that would have annoyed me, but I couldn’t let you see your name on my skin, could I?”
“Um, no?”
“It wouldn’t have taken you but a second to see what it was. To recognize your name. It would have been the most embarrassing declaration of affection I could imagine or at least I’d have tried to convince you it was just some magical excrescence.”
“Some magical excrescence?”
“See, you never would have believed it. Maybe if Luna said something like that, but me? It would have been horribly awkward and now, it’s not,” she said, finishing up rather pertly, as if she were tying a bow on a gift.
“You care about me as more than a friend,” he said, testing it out.
“That sounds quite roundabout, doesn’t it?” she said. “Shall I make it sound better?”
He nodded.
“I love you,” she said. “I’m in love with you. You are also a good friend. Better?”
He nodded again. Her eyes were bright and her cheeks pink. She’d barely touched the brandy. He shook his head and she frowned.
“It would be better without this bloody table between us,” he said.
She laughed, turned her palm upwards and flicked her fingers slightly, murmured Mitto adte and then she was sitting in his lap; she might have tumbled off except he’d instantly wrapped his arms around her and brought her closer.
“That wasn’t an Apparition,” he said because it didn’t seem polite to simply start snogging the living daylights out of her.
“No, I found a way to do a reverse-Accio on a person,” she said. “I’ve been waiting for the right time to use it.”
“I believe you found it,” he said and then it didn’t seem polite not to start kissing her. One could say what one would about him, but he’d been raised with exquisite manners.
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3416 · 8 months
I’m not sure why but every time I see that pic of them at the blue and white event I think Mitch is in Auston’s lap 🙃
i mean.. the angle and everything... would not be that much of a stretch for them
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ill-skillsgard · 2 years
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sorrellegiance · 1 year
worn the fuck out why did my grandparents have so many children and then why did all their children have so many children
#played THREE rounds of foosball (first to nine points each) with the eight year old and then he wanted to play animals upon animals which is#a very delightful animal stacking die rolling game and i could've played a lot more of that only then the ten year old came along and wante#to start a game of monopoly and i did some theatrics about how LONG and BORING monopoly was and i'd rather play the spinning fish game with#the four year old but then they wheedled me a bit and i said fine but i would be setting a timer for thirty minutes on my phone and then i#would be fishing but then it was thirty minutes and i said fine ten more minutes because i'd just bought boardwalk and was flush with hope#but then had some spectacularly bad rolls and had to start mortgaging everything and somewhere in all that i forgot to stick to the timer#and then i was mortgaged to the hilt and hungry (two aunts got stuck on the bridge coming and dinner was pushed back and back) until finall#i landed on a property with a hotel and then another with FOUR houses on it and that was it for my career as a landlord#after dinner i sat down at the keyboard and banged out some tunes with the four year old (her full force with her palms and me rattling up#and down the top octave with two pointer fingers which i think will be quite bruised tomorrow) and it turned into freeze when she abruptly#switches the keyboard off and runs a lap around the grand piano and continue banging when she gets back on the bench and then after that sh#started chasing me around the big living room sectional and there was a lot of slipping skidding around corners in my socks which was FUN A#HECK and then i let her roll me around on the nice thick rug and then she chased me some more around everyone eating cake (mango mousse and#a green tea three layer with red bean cream SO GOOD) and then my mom sighed a lot about how stinky i was in the car#there aren't even that many children!! two of them had just turned thirteen! teenagers!! but there was just so much children for so few#children (six of em) sheesh!! okay yeah definitely time to shower now sor#a happy thing#sor.txt
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etchif · 1 year
Im so emotional about Sam & Frodos friendship its so loving and fond and beautiful and there are tears in my eyes
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qilinkisser · 2 years
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*arven voice* google how to get partner off of lap without hurting their feelings
Reblogs encouraged! Arven (right) uses he/him! S/I (left) uses they/them!
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moechies · 1 month
“shit, this pussy’s damn tight, girl.” toji chuckles, leaned against the wooden headboard of his mattress, with your pretty cunt impaled on his dick. you’re sat upon the man’s lap, back slumped into his bigger body as he lifts your legs to your chest with a singular arm.
“hnn—! thank y-you, thank you, thank you !” you slur, holding onto the man’s bigger arm for leverage as he pumps his cock against your cunt, your round butt slapping against his pelvis.
“tch,” he smirks, “thank you? haven’t heard that one b’fore.” his thrusts come to a slow, leaving you breathless and dazed. you lay back against the man’s chest as he continues lazy but brutal pumps to your poor cunt, pushing against him in an attempt to get him to slow.
“hnn.. ‘m sorry..” you cry out, embarrassed, face growing flushed as your nose scrunches at the memory of a few seconds prior.
toji can’t help but fall into a short fit of laughing at your adorable innocence, soft lips curled into a mean smirk, “‘s alright, sweet thing. yer so polite, hm?” he taunts, pressing a weighted kiss against your lips. you slip your tongue against his before you lose the chance, pressing your face closer to the man’s touch.
“y’take cock like a naughty brat, though.” he whispers in between a breath.
his sloppy tongue overrules yours, slowly but surely swallowing you whole. he peeks through a sliver of his eye, watching you pant into his mouth with your eyes squeezed tight, drool leaking down your chin, so entirety focused on kissing him back. “toji—“ you mewl.
“ya started it,” he mumbles against your swollen lips, giving your cunt a soft slap. you jerk and cry against his hold, pushing the said assaulting hand away, making him giggle. “what a dumb little thing.”
“please ! ‘m gonna c-cum! toji, please, please—“ you cry as his thrusts get harder, pace becomes sloppier, before it all comes to an abrupt stop.
your pants slow, gentle mewls that leave your lips as you begin to fall into a fit of sobs. “no..” toji breaks a grin, petting against your hair whispering sweet praises, “‘m sorry doll, daddy’s tired. let me have a break, yeah?” he adores how you look up to him with bleary eyes, chest full of pained hiccups as you attempt to bounce yourself atop his cock in your position. “..w-wanna cum!”
“don’t be so selfish, sweet thing. ‘m old, ‘s what ya get for hangin’ around me.” he lies through his teeth. pace slowly resuming. his creamy, slicked up cock causes his thrusts to grow in noise, face flushing at the evidence of the use of your poor cunt.
“daddy —!”
“shhh, settle down and let daddy focus, yeah?” he mumbles breathlessly against the shell of your ear, “or else daddy might get too tired.. and won’t be able to finish ya off.” he sighs.
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ttsukiimi · 4 months
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〃★ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 ⎯ You’ve been a good wife—you really have! But when your husband’s boss confronts you about him cheating with his secretary, you just can’t help but take up his offer to get back at him.
〃★ 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 ⎯ nanami x fem!reader, gojo x fem!reader, Sukuna x fem!reader, geto x fem!reader, cheating (not reader), smut (mdni), exhibitionism (sukuna, gojo), slight n⍣pple play, slight cl⍣t play, slight creamp⍣e (geto), full Nelson (gojo), office s⍣x.
〃★ 𝐚/𝐧 ⎯ I was gonna add toji but realized his broke assss not the boss of anyone🤧
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The wooden legs of his desk scrapped against the floor with every deep thrust, important paperwork scattered all over from how much he had you squirming from his slow, calculated movements. Your nails dug into the wood, scratching and latching onto the edge as your back arched, a cry of pleasure bubbling from your throat.
Was this wrong somehow? No. Your cheating scum of a husband should receive the treatment he’s given you. And you almost wished he’d walk in on the sight of his boss balls deep in his wife. Well, ex-wife, anyway.
Nanami leaned in to your ear and you shivered, feeling his breath fan past your neck, smelling his cologne and—fuck, you could feel his muscles through this suit against your back. “Hope you’ve finally found your worth. He never deserved you.”
His words entered one ear and came out the other with how hazy he had you feeling, cock penetrating you over and over in a cycle that had you feeling delirious. Your head spun, and the world seemed to blur from existence—except for Nanami; his hands, his words, his voice.
“I’ll make you feel better—cum better than he ever has.”
Now, Satoru had always had his eyes on you. From the very first moment you came into the office, bringing your husband his forgotten lunch, he knew he had to have you. The whole interaction left him feeling bitter anyway—he only waved you off after he grabbed his lunch and refused to kiss you in front of his colleagues.
What kind of man was he?
Satoru had no problem fucking you in front of him, though.
You watched your husband’s wide eyes, embarrassed but basking in your sweet revenge. A smirk graced Satoru’s lips, his own focused on your husband’s flickering gaze from how he split your cunt open so lewdly to your bouncing tits as if in a trance.
“‘S how’s it feel? Watching your pretty little wife get ruined?” He breathed, strong arms folding you further into the full Nelson position he had you locked in. “You turned on, hm? Seein’ her lil’ cunt get fucked?”
Your eyes closed and your tongue lolled out, head thrown back onto Satoru’s shoulder as your hand came down to pinch your pulsing clit in circles.
Satoru peppered kisses upon your jawline and stopped by your ear. “Why don’t you tell him how good ‘m making you feel?”
You’d always had your eye out for your husband’s particularly hot and intimidating boss, though you’d always stray your gaze away from him out of respect and loyalty. Respect and loyalty that your husband never seemed to reciprocate.
And when his boss finally confirmed that he was cheating on you—you’d finally given into your fantasy of fucking him.
But this isn’t how you imagined your fantasy would go.
Everyone’s eyes were glued to you, either out of fear of what Sukuna would do or out of pure infatuation from how wet your cunt was. You sat on Sukuna’s lap, legs spread open for anyone and everyone to see—even your spouse whose face was a mix of anger and confusion.
He didn’t have the right to be mad right now.
You were almost about to curse him out when Sukuna slid in with one swift thrust. Your breath caught in your throat, tears already welling in your eyes as he began to move without giving you even a second to adjust to his abnormal size.
He bounced you on his lap, heavy balls smacking against your ass so loudly it resonated throughout the meeting room. His big hands groped your chest though your blouse, practically ripping it off you.
“I’ll show you fuckers how to properly fuck a pretty lil’ thing like her.”
Heat creeped up into your face. You hadn’t expected your day to amount to anything—considering your husband’s boss had told you about his affair just a day before—but there you were, sat on the same man’s lap as he fucked up into your cunt.
I’ll fuck you like you deserve. Those were his words—the words that got you here in the first place.
Suguru’s fingers toyed with the hood of your clit, pinching the nub of nerves in such a gentle yet pleasurable way that had shocks of electricity rocking through you. Your legs shook and quivered with how wide he had you spread them, muscles beginning to feel sore after some amount of time.
But Suguru hadn’t had his fill yet, he had to show you—make you feel what your husband couldn’t do to your body. So, with his cock still pumping in and out of you recklessly, two fingers entered your mouth while his unoccupied hand pinched and twisted your hardened nipples.
“Suck,” he ordered, and you did. It was almost embarrassing how fast you complied, wrapping your tongue around his thick digits as you suckled on them, excess saliva dribbling down your chin.
And it was all so lewd. The ring of cum coating his cock from both your multiple orgasms, your red and pulsing clit, your moans—and shit. If Suguru knew one thing it was one thing only; he would keep his promise and fuck you like you deserve.
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carebearbussy · 2 months
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ᥫ᭡ imagining heian era! sukuna tending to his pregnant wife, and slowly warming up to having a child.
౨ৎ when he finds out you are pregnant, he goes full 'nonchalant, but worried husband' mode. he did not want kids. he thought they were lousy and annoying, and they would not bring any use to his bloodline. he told you that this would just get in his way, and that you should find a way to get rid of it. but the way you looked up at him with your adorable dazzling eyes? eh, he could make it work, just for you. but he found it hard to warm up to the idea of having children.
౨ৎ hires the best of the best to guarantee your health is in tact. doctors? you will have daily checkups, which included the doctor coming to the estate, and keeping track of your daily prgress while you are bedside. such as seeing if the baby is kicking, how large your stomach grows, and even recommending you a special diet to hold the nutrients for your baby. he is doing all of this for you, not that pesky baby. handmaidens? they will double in number. you are more fragile than ever, and in his eyes, you need all of the female support you can get that he cannot provide.
౨ৎ would host a grand babyshower. there would be hundreds, even thousands of guests at your babyshower. it would be hosted somewhere with a large, outside venue, bustling with people coming to support you. people would give you their blessings, hoping the best for the newcoming ryomen. gifts for the baby such as clothes, furniture, etc. and for you? people will gift you a plethora of things. jewelry, trinkets, and everything under the sun. the citizens of the nearby villages will bow to your feet, wishing you the best. your pregnancy will be treated as an event. around the villages, it will be talked about.
౨ৎ makes a extravagant nursery for your child. it will be in a large room, making extra space for your baby. sukuna will notice you spend alot of time there, watching you decorate the nursery to your pleasing day by day. liked seeing you struggle to put the furniture together, as you are forced to ask him for help, as you watch his assemble a bassinette. you could tell he was starting to get used to the idea of having a child around the estate. as you list off all of your ideas for how you would decorate, he liked to think you might be a suitable mother.
౨ৎ you held a giant journal of names, keeping track of each one as time goes by. you wrote in the journal with an ink pen, sometimes even letting sukuna in on the name choosing. as you sat on his lap in his large office, he would suggest 'little roach', or 'annoying brat' for some of the names, which was quickly shut down. you will think intently upon each name, asking sukuna on his opinion. sukuna thinks he should be the one naming the child, but with his suggestions, that will not be happening. you'd be better off asking some of your handmaidens for advice.
౨ৎ would ask any ladies in the estate for advice as well. this is something he thought he would never have to do. but he finds it difficult to ajust to your pregnancy, due to your influx in hormones, making you seem emotional all the time. would ask your handmaidens why you become so emotional, but they seem offended with the way he worded it. but they realize that sukuna is naturally brash, so they help him by giving him tips and tricks for fatherhood. he tries his best, mostly caring about what he thinks is best for you, not so much your child.
౨ৎ liked looking at your stomach more often than he thought he would. he never knew you would look so goddamn cute swollen with his child, but here he was, watching as you lay in bed, reading a book of poems, as he sees his future child kicking inside your uterus. you child was larger than an average one, he noticed, due to his abnormal genes. placing his large hand over your stomach, he could feel every single kick, asking you questions as it happens. "why does this brat kick so much? tell him to stop." "kuna, hes a baby..." "i do not care, he needs to learn to stop being so restless."
౨ৎ your delivery will send him into internal panic. he demands that he is in the room with you, holding your hand. but your large group of handmaidens by your side strongly disagree, reccomending that he let you be. but making sure you were okay was his top priority, so he stayed in the large bedroom where you gave birth. your head and body would be covered in towels, your hands tightly cuffing your handmaidens. it was extremely painful, as your screams could be heard from afar. but with the way sukuna had rubbed his thumb on your cheek, it made you feel slightly better. after you, he would be the first to hold your child, demanding so himself.
౨ৎ he wants a boy, 100%. he is hoping for a strong heir that can add onto his legacy, even though it isnt entirely necessary. if he ends up having a son, he will teach him the ways of manhood. teaching him how to hunt his own humans, how to properly court a lady (in his mind), and how to become as strong as him someday. and most of all, how to take care of his mother. he will not tolerate any disrespect towards you. he will call his son names like 'ryomen 2.0', or 'annoying rat'.
౨ৎ but if he gets a girl? he will be upset when he finds out. but he will come around to love her after quite a while. will go from calling her a nuisance, to hosting mini tea parties with her stuffed animals which were gifted by her auntie handmaidens, squeezing himself into a small chair at a small dining table with fake tea and pastries. he will truly care for his daughter, and will become extremely overprotective over her. he will call her 'little princess', or 'spoiled brat'.
౨ৎ enjoys watching you tend to your children. he secretly enjoyed the fact that he could call you 'the mother of his children'. being domestic with you is something he had never imagined in his life, but here he was, burping your small newborn over his shoulder with one hand. he likes to see the way your eyes light up when your child walks for the first time, or when they say their first words. he doesnt think it is important, but since its you, he doesnt say anything. "woman, what are you freaking out over?" "come quick! he just said 'papa'!" "i knew it, thats my child alright."
౨ৎ but he will absolutely refuse to change the babys diapers. do not ever ask him to do that, he will very rudely decline. bu dont worry. like everything else, he will come around to do so.
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alastor-simp · 9 months
Alastor x Reader - Sleeping On His Lap
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Here is my attempt at a Alastor x reader fanfiction. Took me awhile to kinda get into his character so please don't be mad if Alastor seems a bit off. Enjoy!
Sigh, it was another eventful day at the Happy Hotel, or Hazbin Hotel as it was now called as a certain deer demon decided to change the name. You had spent all day doing certain tasks around the hotel such as helping Charlie create posters for the hotel, clean the rooms with Nifty, break up the brawl between Vaggie and Angel Dust as he had pissed her off one too many times and organize the bar for Husk as he was passed out drunk. You could have refused to do these things, but you enjoyed helping people, so it made it all worth it.
You had started working at the hotel after you had saw Charlie singing on the 666 news about the hotel and redeeming demons, only for her idea to be made a laughing stock upon everyone who watched the broadcast. You actually had mixed feelings about the whole redeeming thing, seeing as you weren't sure if someone like you could be sent to heaven, despite not being a very big criminal during your time when you were alive, but apparently doing a little shoplifting is enough to send you a one way ticket to hell. Charlie's words did inspire you a little bit, so even if you felt that you couldn't be redeemed, others probably had a better chance, so you decided to head to the hotel and ask for a job after the broadcast was cut off from the brawl with Charlie and Katie Killjoy. You were hired in a split second and immediately pulled into a bear hug by Charlie, and then introduced you to the others.
Back to the present, you began to feel extremely exhausted from moving around everywhere, so you headed over to one of the rooms with the long couches so you could take a rest. Heading into one of the rooms, you peeped around and saw that no one was there, which made it better as you really needed some peace and quiet. Heaving a deep sigh, you sat down on the couch, turning and falling back, as you laid your body down, with your head facing the front of the couch. "What a long day", thinking to yourself as your eyes slowly began to close and you were lulled into a deep sleep.
**2 Hours Later**
As you were sleeping, you felt the sensation of someone petting your head, the soothing feeling had awoken you a bit, but you quickly fell back asleep at the warm touch. You could feel that you were holding something in your dreams, and you assumed it was one of the pillows on the couch, so you brought it closer to your face and nuzzled it. "Mm, smells nice ", as the scent from the pillow was making you more relaxed, as it reminded you of a being in the middle of a deep forest. After sleeping for 30 more minutes, you slowly began to open your eyes, and try to make out what was in front of you. Expecting to see a pillow, you saw red stripes in front of you, "Huh?" As you were still trying to make out what was in front of you, a loud voice interrupted your thoughts: "Ah, awake now are we?", said a static voice above you. Eyes opening wide, you looked up from your position and saw Alastor staring down at you with his trademark smile. Slowly, you began to piece together that you were laying on his lap, and nuzzled into his chest as you were sleeping. "AHHHH", jumping up from your position, you rolled off his lap, and your body fell to the ground as you stared at Alastor in shock, as he continued to look at you with his glowing eyes, amused at your reaction. "Um, h-how long was I sleeping on your lap?", you softly asked, as your face was red, but your eyes were showing fear, as you remembered that Alastor did not like to be touch, and you happened to hug him in your sleep. "HAHA, For quite a while, darling. It was a very busy day, I assume?", Alastor said as he placed his arm on the armrest of the couch, and his hand against his cheek, smiling even wider.
Nodding your head, you slowly got up from your position, and started apologizing to Alastor, eyes aiming towards the ground and fingers twiddling together. Alastor raised an eyebrow and wondered why you were apologizing, to which you answered that you had hugged him in your sleep, and that he made it very aware that he did not enjoy physical contact from someone unless he initiated it, feeling extremely bad if you made him uncomfortable. Listening to you, Alastor's smile relaxed to a small grin as he looked at you with gentle eyes. He did admit that he was not use to being touch by others, and was quite surprised from the sleep hug, but he didn't detest it as much coming from you, which boggled his mind completely. It must be due to your kind and innocent nature that made him react different around you, as he was used to more of the common riff raff being terrified of him or trying to battle in a turf war, but how you were with him, made his black heart melt.
Feeling that Alastor was upset as he didn't respond to your apology, you quickly excused yourself and began to head over to the door to leave. A loud SNAP was heard and before you knew it, you had been teleported back on to the couch, this time being seated on Alastors lap. "A-Al, what are you doing?!", your face began to become as red as his hair, while your eyes stared at Alastor in shock. Smiling at you, Alastor moved his hand to your chin and tilted your face up: "There is no need to apologize, darling. If I had been upset about you hugging me, you possibly w̩͉͍̱̍̂̉̊o̫̼̐̎̋͜u͚͌l̳̓d̠͉̗͋̔͞'̼̳̣̼͊̏̾̾t͜͝ ͕̱͐͠ḇ̅e̙͗ ͍͓͔̱͍͛̔͌͘͞a̝̜̘̎́͒ḽ͒í̱̙̈́v̧̌e̠͠ ̢̹̜́́̈̀ͅr̲͇̳̅̽͌i̩͈̒̅ĝ̲̦̎ẖ̛̳̲͙̀͌̽͘ͅt͉̅ ͖̞͍̞́̋͛͛ň͚̫̦́͂̿͟o̱͌w̡̕" he said, as his eyes flashed for a second into radio dials. "However! I am not opposed to be touched by you. So no need to apologize, my dear.", Alastor said as he continued to smile at you widely, but his glowing eyes were looking at you softly, letting you know that he was not angry with you. Feeling shy, you turned your head away from Alastor, muttering a soft okay, as your heart was beating rapidly. "Smile my dear!" Alastor said as he moved his hand from your chin to your cheek, to have you look at him again. Baring through the embarrassing situation, you gave Al a small smile, which pleased him. "You always over do it, darling. While Charlie and I appreciate your efforts at helping the hotel, it does no good to work yourself to the point of fatigue. If you are ever feeling exhausted and need a break, don't be hesitant to come find me, as my radio tower is open to you. Understand, my dear?" said Alastor, as he leaned closer towards you, making you flustered again.
Nodding your head was enough to let Alastor knew you understood as he chuckled, while sliding you off his lap, and as he stood up from the couch. "Now then, we should probably head back to the lobby before the others get worried about our lack of presence.", He said, as he straighten his coat out, while turning towards you, extending his hand out for you to take it. "Yeah we should", as you grabbed his hand, and made your way with him back to the lobby. You were still trying to process what just happened between you and Alastor, but you feel like you both have become much closer then before, and you didn't mind it one bit.
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honeybubblebeeeeee · 2 months
Sylus’ love language is definitely physical touch and quality time. He just likes it when you’re around and enjoys it even more when you’re invading his personal space. Because when it comes to you he has no idea what personal space is.
You knocked on his office door softly.
Hearing a muffled ‘come in’ from the other side, you turned the handle and slipped in while closing it behind you.
Sylus sat on the opposite side of the room at his desk, looking through some papers. He put them down upon seeing you, a smirk on his lips.
“There you are.” His voice echoed throughout the room. He held out a hand beckoning you over to him.
“Is everything okay? Luke and Kieran said it was urgent.” You paced over to him, concern etched into your face as you saw how serious he looked.
Sylus hummed his agreement. “Yes yes. Quite urgent. Very important.” Once you got within reach he wasted no time pulling you into his lap. He rested your legs over the armrest, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face into the side of your neck.
A giggle left you at his antics. “Sylus! Tell me what was so urgent.” You tried to push him away to look at his face but it was only met by him trapping your hands to his chest as he nipped at your skin.
“I needed to see you. It was urgent.”
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kissinkou · 6 months
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ft. jjk men & their reactions to your new lingerie set <3
cw : highly suggestive. cursing. mentions of oral f!r, fingering, squirting. allusions to s3x. petnames ( angel, baby, sweetheart, my love, doll, good girl ). @sinugu @vegazm for youssss !! :>
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ᰔ˚⊹ — GOJO
satoru thinks nothing in this world could ever top the sight of you in pretty white lace. you look like an angel, he’ll say. when he comes home from a long day at work, you’re his darling deity here to rescue him from his stressful life. satoru will stare at you, clad in your cheeky white panties and silky laced white bra. and maybe, he’s the devil to your angel, because he’s ready to ravage you like a wild animal as soon as he walks through the door. he rips your brand new set ? that’s alright, he can always buy you a new one.
“ all dressed up f’me ? fuck, s’pretty. c’mere angel, promise i wont bite. ”
ᰔ˚⊹ — GETO
suguru swears under his breath the moment he walks into your shared room and sees you all dressed in pretty pastel pink. he’ll pretend to be all nice and calm at first, but don’t let the good guy act fool you, because as soon as he reaches the end of the bed where you reside, you’re absolutely done for. he’ll make you keep that set on when he’s licking a stripe up your panties, only letting you take them off when you’re practically begging for him to stop teasing. that’s only the beginning of it, because you’re still clad in your pink bra 3 orgasms later, and he’s still nose deep in your pussy.
“ oh ? s’cute, baby. now lemme get a taste of those new panties, yeah ? ”
ᰔ˚⊹ — CHOSO
choso is almost as flustered as you are. walking in to see his precious girlfriend, all dressed up in periwinkle lace and frilly hems. oh, you just look so cute and so tempting he cant help but grow hard almost immediately upon entering the room. his cheeks will grow into a furious blush, face red and hot as he compliments you and your stunning new lingerie. but be careful, because once choso has you, you might not be able to get away. he’ll beg you to keep the whole set on the entire time, sucking around your plush tits and running his fingers over your soaked panties, completely desperate and eager to have you all to himself.
“ you look so beautiful, sweetheart. can i touch you ? please ? wanna feel you so bad... ”
ᰔ˚⊹ — SUKUNA
ryomen gets cocky from seeing you all dressed up, and it’s just for his eyes only. his hands will explore every crevice of you they can, finger hooking on your red bra strap to chuckle at the way you whimper when it snaps back. he’ll have you sat on his lap, holding you still at his mercy on his kings chair. oh, and you might want to get yourself another set of garments, because those panties are going straight into his pocket for later when he’s done with you.
“ yeah ? got all prettied up f’me ? come sit on my lap like a good girl, you deserve a throne. ”
ᰔ˚⊹ — NANAMI
nanami thinks that this is just what he needed. coming home to his pretty girl after a days worth of frustration, eager to let out his stress on you. and god, that lingerie looked so good he practically fell to his knees the second he made it through the door. he’ll have you pressed up against his chest, shushing you as you whine and squirm in his hold as his fingers drill into you at an unforgiving speed. he’ll keep going, pleasing you to no end until you’re bucking your hips and squirting all over his hand.
“ so gorgeous, my love. such a good girl f’me. let me show you just how much this means to me, hm ? ”
ᰔ˚⊹ — TOJI
toji believes that he’s just won the lottery, and you’re his shining prize. all fancied up in sleek black lingerie, lace and mesh covering the expanse of your desirable skin. he’s ready to give you exactly what you want, if you’ll let him have you. and don’t be upset if he rips your pretty fishnets, because he’ll just fuck that cute pout off your face. he’ll pound into you mercilessly from behind, obscene hole ripped into your tights so he can fit inside you just right.
“ aw, how precious. don’t worry, i’ll treat ya nice. face down, ass up, doll. ”
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©KISSINKOU — do not copy, steal, plagiarize, take inspo from without consulting, or translate my work.
@/nyyrami has plagiarized this work of mine. please beware !!
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cherrynflowergarden · 2 months
disgusting(ly in love) || matt sturniolo
an; hiiii my loves how are y'all?? someone please give me some ideas for this i wanna make one for chris too:( this was originally supposed to be for 10 mins but i ran out of ideas and ended up making it 8 mins THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 400 FOLLOWERS I LOVE YOU ALL<33
summary; a youtube compilation of matt and yn being in love for 8 mins.
tagged; @t1llysblogs
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matt was bored. and on youtube. having stumbled upon a video titled "MATT AND YN BEING DISGUSTING(LY IN LOVE)!!!??? tw happy couple (ew)" he decided he had nothing better to do than watch this.
clip one; sleeping beauties
the clip started with nick going down the stairs and screaming for matt. what he didn't know was yn, matt's girlfriend had stayed over.
expecting matt to be awake, he pushed the door open with his vlog camera on.
there laid matt and yn, all cuddled up on the bed. the blanket covered their tangled legs yet the way matt held his girl against his chest was enough to make everyone jealous of the couple. near them mr wrinkleton, matt's pug plushie and ms bubbles, yn's rabbit plushie cuddled too, almost making it look just like the couple in plushie forms.
a small laugh left nick, as he zoomed the camera into their faces.
clip two; twitch stream
matt was streaming on twitch with his brothers while his girlfriend went out on lunch with her friends.
coming back home, yn did not expect to hear shouts from each brother's room. assuming they were only playing video games with each other, she yelled "honeyyyyyy i'm homeeeeee" right as she entered in matt's room. not giving him any time to answer the girl skipped her way to her boyfriend and sat on his lap; all excited to tell him about the latest gossip session she had with her girls.
but that could wait for a while.
he looked so beautiful that she couldn't help but wrap her arms around his neck, giving a sweet kiss on his lips. pulling away she kissed his cheeks and mumbled "god you're so cute".
giggling softly, the boy pulled her face up and said "thank you baby" she was about to say something when chris screamed "OH MY VIRGIN EYES". laughing at the way her eyes got wide, matt explained "we're streaming baby"
clip three; birthday gift
sometimes yn vloged. since the triplets' birthday was coming soon, she decided to vlog the entire process of shopping for the brothers.
twelve minutes into the video, she was all set and ready with meaningful gifts for each brother. once she put all the gifts in separate bags for each brother, she smiled at the camera. "finally. it was such a tiring day. now only one thing is left to do. y'all remember the paints i brought? well we're doing a fun little craft." taking out the red and pink paints, she went to grab a plain black tshirt.
cutting a heart stencil out of a paper, she stuck the paper to the tshirt's back. applying the fabric paint on her lips she started kissing the cloth between the cutout paper heart. applying different shades of pink and red, she filled kisses in the shape of a heart. laughing at her now smudged 'lipstick' she showed the camera her now ready gift.
"gonna let it dry now. i think i will maybe do something in the front also. not sure. will keep you guys updated!!"
safe to say, matt loved his gift so much that he demanded another kiss tshirt so that he could wear her kisses every day.
clip four; beach
this was a short clip from the hawaii vlog. the triplets, yn, maddie and nate where walking to the beach near hotel. well not all of them were walking through.
yn decided she was too tired to walk today and matt being the absolute angel he is, let her to hop on his back as he carried the girl to the beach.
maddie had vlogged matt carrying his girl on his back, humming to whatever she had to say. the camera captured matt listening carefully to his girlfriend as she spoke animatedly about penguins. the last thing the camera captured was yn repeatedly kissing the boy's cheek as he smiled before chris pushed the couple claiming "it was sick to watch people in love"
clip five; beach again
this was a clip from the same vlog as the last. matt and yn were seen enjoying in the water. splashing water against eachother their joyous laughs could be heard.
suddenly matt lifted the girl up, enjoying her screams of fear. dropping her a little, matt laughed harder as his girl tightened her hold on his neck. "matt i swear to god if you throw me in the water" laughing at her empty threats, matt dropped her down a little.
"but baby i love you" he said as he completely dropped her down.
clip six; deaf, mute and blind challenge
yn sometimes participated in the triplets' videos. right now she was a part of the deaf mute and blind challenge. nick and chris were deaf, matt was mute and she was blind.
it was tough to be blind when she was only one who could actually cook something but nothing goes according to her wish, right?
which brings us to this moment. yn, desperately trying to find the bowl which contained the pancake mixture. looking at his struggling girlfriend, matt came behind her and pulled the bowl towards them. putting the whisk in her hand, he grabbed her from behind and helped her whisk the ingredients together. mumbling a small thank you the girl was finally relieved as the process was almost over.
all while nick and chris danced and screamed to doja cat.
clip seven; grwm
yn was filming a get ready with me to go to a date. while she was putting the make up on, her boyfriend entered the room. saying a quick hi to him she turned back to explain her makeup process to her followers.
"—oh y'all need to try this mascara. it's sooooo good. i literally cried—" hugging the girl matt cut off her rant. he squeezed the girl in his arms as she turned around to place a kiss on his cheek. laughing at the bright red stain her lipstick left on his cheeks she tried to grab a tissue to wipe it off. protesting against it, the boy pulled her closer to him.
clip eight; dancing in the snow
the clip was from a random vlog yn posted. it started off with yn putting her vlog camera on the car's bonet and running towards matt. the two, fully covered in wools from head to toe danced in the snow without any music.
matt twirled his girl, a small laugh leaving him as the girl lost balance and collided with him, pushing the two to the ground.
it may seem silly to others, dancing without any music or laughing like madmen in the snow but to them this was the best moment of their life.
as the video ended, matt pouted at the screen. he now missed his girlfriend. he decided to facetime his girl not knowing chris was right behind him and he recorded matt smiling and blushing at moments with his girlfriend. probably this would end up in another compilation of matt and yn being in love.
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nanaminokanojo · 6 months
POTTY MOUTH | sukuna x reader
–your toddler is cussing and guess whom he learned it from | Inspired by this ig reel from sullivanking. It's so Sukuna-coded and I just had to.
CW: just cussing
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Tiny footsteps followed as your toddler tottered about the hallway into the living room where your husband was sitting, watching TV. You ignored it, thinking it was just gibberish your three-year-old son was saying, but then, he said it again, the vowel not quite sounding right, but you knew just why your ears piqued at the sound.
Swiftly, you turned around, your feet carrying you to the direction your kid went before you know it, holding one of the clothes you were folding in the laundry room from whence you came from. He wasn't saying the word quite right, but still... You were met with an equally shocked Sukuna who was just trailing his little replica with his eyes, arms crossed over his broad chest as the latter just walked around the room, seemingly unaware that the two of you were even watching.
You couldn't make out the expression on your husband's face, but your left eye twitched at every single utterance of the foul word coming from your little one's mouth no less. It didn't take long for you to figure out how he felt as he sank his lips between his teeth, also unaware that you were watching him. Soon, much to your chagrin, his shoulders were shaking even as he fought the laughter that was beginning to spill over his mouth.
Then, again, in that small, innocent voice, you heard it again: "Fak." You gasped and both Sukuna and your child looked at you, the older of the two clearing his throat and trying to school his expressions into that of disappointment albeit feigned upon seeing the same yet genuine expression on yours. Your son, however, beamed at you and waved innocently. "Hi, Mama."
"Hello, sweetheart..." You sat on the couch next to Sukuna, hiding your face from your little boy as you glared daggers at your husband.
"What the fuck did I do?" he whispered, but your son heard it and giggled, pointing at Sukuna with his tiny finger. "Papa! Fak –!"
"Sweetheart, don't say that," you interrupted, shaking your head as you beckoned him over. "That's not a very nice word."
But your kid, like his father, was defiant, running out of the room, laughing in high-pitched tones instead of being deterred from saying that bad word again. And finally, Sukuna cracked up, his deep voice ringing throughout the room even as you started smacking him on the leg and arm, fending himself from your "attacks".
"Baby, why are you mad at me?" He jabbed a thumb over to the general direction your son went. "He's the one cussing." He was still fighting laughter.
"This is on you! If you weren't such a potty mouth then he wouldn't be hearing such words!"
He tried to gather you in his arms, pulling you over his lap and securing you there as he planted a kiss on your temple, lingering there and letting go with a loud smack, but you still pouted at him. "Oh, come on. It's not my fault he's so smart."
You narrowed your eyes at him.
"His Mama is very smart," he said, trying to placate you, but you playfully pushed his head away from you. "Is that a roundabout way of saying he got that from me?"
"Naww." He pulled you even closer until your arm was flush against him, resting his chin on your shoulder. "Baby, I'm complimenting you."
"Okay, but do something about it. Daycare starts tomorrow..."
"Oh." He blinked at you and you saw your exact thoughts reflected in his carmine eyes. How he's going to explain why his kid is saying such a word, you didn't know, but it sounds like a Sukuna problem.
"...and you're taking him there."
A/N: To all my readers, I assure you, I am writing, just taking a little break from everything. And yes, I have a bad case of brainrot, Sukuna being the culprit. Hope you enjoyed this though.
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If You Cared to Ask
Azriel hasn't been listening. You got hurt. Sometimes, an argument can't be boiled down to just one instance.
Part 2
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“You never listen! I have tried over and over to get you to understand but it’s like you don’t even care.”
Azriel’s brow twitched in irritation, the only tell on his otherwise passive face. “That is not true. We have sat down and discussed this at length, y/n. I listen.” 
You laughed, an incredulous pressure weighing down your shoulders. “Okay, fine. You listen, but you never hear me, Azriel! I feel like I’m talking to a brick wall most of the time.” 
“I can reiterate every word you’ve ever said to me. I hear you and I listen to you.” 
Anger twisted through your gut at his nonchalance. You clenched and unclenched your fists and tried to ignore the heat slowly encroaching upon your ability to remain composed. Although, compared to Azriel, you were not even close to the picture of calm. 
“Tell me why it bothers me then,” you seethed through clenched teeth. “Reiterate it for me, Shadowsinger.” 
Azriel’s jaw shifted as he clasped his hands together in his lap, the faelight in the kitchen clashing harshly with the planes of his face. He leaned back in his chair and let out a tortured sigh that almost sent you reeling. 
“You seem to believe,” Azriel began, his voice a low drawl. “That I am blatantly avoiding you—that I am choosing to serve my high lord in place of spending time with you. Both of which, I am not doing. I simply have a duty to this court, y/n. You know that.” 
“Oh, fuck you, Azriel,” you rolled your eyes. “Making this about duty and honor. Making me seem like I’m the crazy one for being angry when you promised me—” 
“You know there is little I can do about promises,” Azriel snapped, a hint of anger finally showing through in the darkness of his eyes. “You knew when we were mated that I have responsibilities that go beyond our relationship.” 
You pushed back from your seat at the table and set to pacing in the kitchen, fighting the urge to tug at the roots of your hair. “Yes, obviously, Azriel, but this was so important to me. I needed you there and this isn’t the first time I’ve been abandoned without even a word.” 
“Abandoned,” Azriel scoffed. “I would hardly call not showing up to your clinic at the camps one day abandoning you. Rhys needed me to—” 
“I needed you!” you shouted, your hands pressed to the countertops and your gaze frantic as you stared at Azriel’s unmoving figure. “I needed you, Azriel. I had every eye on me in that camp and when Devlon’s men had me yanked from the clinic for what I was doing I needed you to—” 
“He did what?” 
“Oh, don’t act like you care now.” You waved off the staunch posture he had adopted and rolled your eyes for a second time at the piercing hatred that had taken over his expression. “Don’t you dare act like you have the right.” 
“You are my mate, y/n. If anyone put their hands on you—” 
“Well, they did. Bruised up my arms and everything. But you were so busy with your duty to your high lord that you couldn’t give a shit until after I was thrown into the mud surrounded by the women I was supposed to be helping up there.” 
Azriel’s hands turned white as he clenched them in his lap. His lashes fluttered and his brow furrowed and he looked utterly lost at the situation—unable to formulate any kind of response to what could be considered his failure. 
“I thought you were simply setting up the back rooms. I didn’t know you were starting the practice or speaking to the camp,” he croaked, eyes downcast and searching the floor. 
“Except I told you I was. I told you two weeks ago and then again right before I left.” 
“I—I can’t remember you saying that.” 
“Of course you can’t. Because if it isn’t Rhys giving you orders or Cassian leading training you’re absent. You stand right in front of me and you’re not even here.”
Azriel finally looked up from the ground and met your eyes with the same torture his sigh made you privy to earlier. But this time it was rooted in something else—this time, he seemed to finally grasp the weight behind your words. 
But you were utterly sick of trying to get him to this point. “I’m so sorry, my love,” he expressed, pain in the furrow of his brow. “I hadn’t realized—with Rhys just returning to Velaris I’ve been so caught up in—” 
“I’m sorry too,” you cut him off. 
Azriel froze. “What?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek and felt the dread begin to rise. You knew you were going to hate this part, but you hadn’t expected Azriel to apologize. He hadn’t apologized for anything in months. You’d been alone in this relationship and he chose the day you’d packed your bags to show remorse.
“I can’t do this, Azriel. Not right now.” 
“Can’t do what?” 
The silence in the kitchen was oppressive. Azriel had leaned forward with his elbows on his knees and you were on the other side of the kitchen counter, protected by a barrier you knew you should have put up weeks ago. Your eyes never left his. 
“I can’t do this with you.” 
Azriel breathed in sharply, his eyes widening. “No,” he stressed, heaving up from the chair. “No, y/n, don’t—what do you mean you can’t do this? Explain it to me.” 
Your mate attempted to round the counter and reach for you, but you weren’t going to accept the affection…not when you had been begging for it for months. Not when he was only ready to give it to you now.
You backpeddled until you reached the hall. Azriel didn’t follow, afraid you would take off. 
“I’ve been telling you this was a problem for months now. I thought it was just an adjustment period—I knew that having Rhys back would change things at first and I was okay with that. Your brother returned from hell and you needed to be there to support him. To support your family. 
“But I’m your family, too. And you forgot that. I can’t—I can’t be relying on someone like that right now. I’m doing too much at the camps for you to… forget about me so easily. I can’t keep building you up in my mind just to be disappointed and hurt.” 
Azriel's jaw quivered. 
“Emotionally and physically. I would’ve asked someone else to come to the clinic with me yesterday, but I chose you. And you forgot about me.” 
Azirel looked as if he’d been punched in the stomach, his shoulders caving in with his anguished breath out. You pressed your lips together as you watched him, all of your anger morphing into a twisted sort of guilt that didn’t sit right in your gut. 
“Please,” Azriel whispered. His hands shook at his side. “Please, I’m so sorry, my love. I never wanted—Please, don’t leave me.” 
“You don’t get to have both, Azriel.” Your voice was as weak as his. “You don’t get to have me and treat me like I’m something you deal with on the side. I matter more than— 
Azriel shook his head and broke through your words. “You matter more than anything. I’ve been a fool. I know I’m an ass. Please, let me fix this, my love. Please don’t leave.” 
You clenched your fists so hard your nails embedded into your palms. 
“I need time to be alone.” 
Azriel was quick to nod. “I’ll give it to you. I’ll leave and—” 
“No, I need… more time than that. I have some things packed. I’ll be back, but… I need to leave. I can’t think clearly around you.” 
A choked cry left Azriel’s throat and the sound burned at your waterline. “Where?” 
You only shook your head. 
“Tell me where. Please. How am I supposed to know you’re safe?” 
“How were you supposed to know before?” 
Part 2
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furuu · 19 days
◝ ‿    You noticed how grumpy Sukuna had been all day, his temper flaring at every little thing, lashing out at servants with sharp, biting words. The deep, guttural growl that seemed to rumble from his chest set everyone on edge. His usual terrifying presence had become even more menacing, a dark aura clinging to him like a second skin.
Despite his brooding demeanor, a part of you couldn't help but feel a mix of concern and curiosity. You tilted your head slightly, watching him with keen eyes as he huffed, his expression stoic but tinged with annoyance. His four, fiery crimson eyes, which normally blazed with authority, now held a glint of something else-something darker and more irritated.
Approaching him carefully, you couldn't resist the urge to ask, "You doing alright, my love?" Your voice was soft, cautious, as if trying not to provoke him further. In response, he let out another agitated huff, but as he heard your voice, his irritation seemed to subside, if only for a moment.
His gaze softened slightly, the flicker of affection in his eyes undeniable. "I'm perfectly fine," he grumbled, crossing his powerful arms over his broad chest, trying to maintain his gruff demeanor. But you could see right through him-your presence alone had a calming effect, even if he refused to admit it.
You hummed quietly to yourself as you moved closer, a small smile playing on your lips. Without hesitation, you climbed onto his large lap, settling comfortably as he sat upon his imposing throne. He let out another quiet, dramatic huff, as if trying to emphasize his unknown frustrations. An idea formed in your mind, and you couldn't help but giggle softly. Though his face remained expressionless, you noticed that his lower set of eyes were locked onto you, following your every move with a silent intensity.
Despite his grumpy demeanor, you knew Sukuna well enough to recognize that he was drawn to you, his attention unwavering.
His lower set of eyes seemed to plead for your attention, even if his pride wouldn't allow him to ask for it outright. Raising an eyebrow slightly, he finally broke the silence, his voice gruff yet laced with curiosity.
"What's so amusing?"
You leaned in closer, the playful smile never leaving your face. "You're hungry, aren't you, my lord?" you teased, your voice tinged with amusement. "Is that why you've been so grumpy today? You haven't eaten a thing yet, have you?"
For a brief moment, Sukuna's grouchy expression faltered as your words hit the mark. "Are you implying I'm... hangry?" he questioned, his voice losing some of its initial sharpness. His four arms crossed defensively as his lower eyes averted your gaze. "I'm the King of Curses. I do not get hangry," he protested, though the slight rumbling of his stomach betrayed his claim.
You pouted playfully, noticing the subtle snarl of his lips in response. "You poor thing," you cooed, your hand snaking behind his head to rub at the sensitive undercut of his hair. He grunted under your touch, clearly enjoying the sensation despite himself. "Why don't you eat, my love? You're such a grouchy thing without a full belly."
Sukuna huffed again, leaning subtly into your touch. He hadn't eaten because he knew how much you disliked it when he indulged in his darker, more primal cravings—cannibalism, his twisted preference for human flesh or organs. He wouldn't admit that he was holding back for your sake, though. "I don't need to eat—I'm not that hungry," he muttered, but the quiet rumble of his stomach told you otherwise.
Before you could respond, Uraume, Sukuna's trusted subordinate, entered the room quietly and swiftly. They approached with a small bowl, offering it to you-a grim assortment of human parts carefully prepared for your lord. Uraume's presence was fleeting, and they quickly dismissed themselves, leaving you alone with Ryomen once more. You noticed how his abs clenched in hunger, even as his expression remained distant and stoic, his lower eyes locked onto your small hands holding the bowl.
"Are you sure?" you asked softly, teasingly, as you noticed the way his gaze lingered. His growl in response was all the answer you needed.
Sukuna's body trembled slightly as he fought to resist the overwhelming urge to feed. The aroma of the human flesh assaulted his senses, his mouth watering in anticipation. You could see his resolve wavering, the sound of his stomach rumbling growing louder, betraying his need.
One of your hands gently reached up to his face, guiding his gaze to yours with a tender touch along his jawline. "Shhh," you soothed, feeling his head lean into your palm, his usual resistance melting away under your touch. His four eyes met yours, the hunger in them now mingled with a hint of surrender.
You ran your thumb over his lower lip, lifting it slightly to reveal his sharp, lethal fangs.
With your other hand, you picked up a piece of meat from the bowl, holding it up to his mouth. "Hush now," you whispered, your voice soft and coaxing. "This will make you feel better."
As your thumb grazed his lip, Sukuna shivered under your touch. He tried to maintain his composure, but you could see the struggle in his eyes as his resistance began to crumble. The piece of meat you held in front of him seemed to taunt him, the primal desire within him threatening to take over.
"Hush now, boy," you cooed again, your tone patient and soothing, waiting for him to give in and take the meat. At your gentle command, Sukuna's pride wavered. The word "boy" irritated him slightly, but the hunger gnawing at him was too strong to ignore. With a resigned huff, he opened his mouth, allowing you to place the morsel on his tongue. As soon as the taste hit him, a low, guttural groan escaped his throat, and he began to chew, his primal instincts finally taking over.
You watched him with adoration in your eyes, your hand still caressing the side of his tattooed face as he ate. With each bite, you could see the tension and irritation slowly melting away, replaced by a deep sense of relief and satisfaction. His lower eyes closed slightly, contented, as he continued to lean into your touch.
After swallowing the flesh, his adam's apple bobbing as he did, Sukuna's voice was calmer when he spoke again. "More."
You smiled softly, letting go of his face only long enough to offer him another piece of meat. This time, as you held the food to his lips, his gaze remained fixed on you, a hint of irritation flickering in his eyes until you gently placed your hand on his jawline again.
He visibly relaxed, his irritation fading as he accepted the food.
Grunting in satisfaction, Sukuna leaned further into your touch, silently expressing his contentment with being fed and your understanding of his unspoken needs.
Once Sukuna had finished the last of the food you offered him, you found yourselves lying together in his chambers. His body was finally relaxed, the earlier tension completely gone. He nestled against you, his cheek resting on your soft chest, soaking in the warmth and comfort of your presence. You felt his head nuzzle deeper into you as he sighed in contentment.
"My good boy," you whispered, your fingers gently threading through his pink hair. "Just needed to eat, hm? So stubborn."
Sukuna let out a quiet grumble, a weak protest against your words, though the pleasure in his expression was undeniable.
"Not a good boy," he muttered, his voice laced with defiance, but his eyes were closed, fully enjoying the moment.
Despite his protests, it didn't take long for Sukuna to drift off into a deep sleep, his powerful lower arms wrapping around your waist as he held you close. His hands absentmindedly pawed at the soft flesh of your thighs, almost like a cat kneading its favorite spot, as he surrendered to sleep.
"Such a kitty too," you whispered softly, a fond smile playing on your lips as you watched him. "So grumpy until you're nice and full, hm? Then you take a nice long nap."
He grumbled faintly in his sleep, a sound that was both a protest and a sign of pleasure, his grip on your waist tightening slightly as he cuddled closer. As you held him, you couldn't help but feel a deep affection for the powerful, yet strangely vulnerable, king of curses lying in your arms.  𓈒 ꒱ა
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