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bricehammack · 4 months ago
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grace-werethesame · 2 years ago
This is great ! I can’t believe you’re back... Yours were the first fanfictions I’ve read ... I loved them so much ! I can’t wait for you to post more short story and for the publication of that novel you talk about ! Thanks for sharing  your stories with us.
Hi, Grace and Tommy fans out there! Out of the blue, I decided to post short scenes from my upcoming Tommy and Grace novel here on tumblr, just snippets that I hope you'll enjoy. I'm a slow writer, so the novel is moving along quite slowly but steadily. In the meantime, while it's being finished, I wanted to give you a piece of it now, so that you know how many people love this fantastic couple, and so that you feel you're not alone in your adoration. If you like these short posts, let me know and I'll publish more in the future. :)
"There's something else I'm curious about," Grace mentioned, after Tommy's head had come to rest on her shoulder again, and she was staring at the rays of light scattered across the floor, pondering. "What the meaning of that two words you used to describe me?"
"What do you mean?"
"It sounded like femeie nebună."
"Do you understand Romanian?" Tommy marveled.
"A little. Don't avoid the question!" she warned him after Tommy hadn't said a word for half a minute.
"Maybe we shouldn't have started this conversation," he murmured under his breath. Releasing Grace from his arms, he leaned against the bedpost, not bothered by the hard bedrails pressing into his spine. With raised eyebrows, Grace stared back, giving Tommy a meaningful glance. Her lover first sighed, then spread his hands wide as a final gesture of relinquishment, then lowered them resignedly. "Crazy woman."
"It means: crazy woman."
If the accusation of being dramatic doesn't hold up, neither does the suggestion that she doesn't pull herself together quickly after the shock of an unexpected event. This included when her lover called her crazy women.
"Did you really call me that?" she was indignant, but Grace herself realised the contradictory impression her grinning lips gave. This did not stop her from continuing. "In the middle of our first quarrel?" she complained. "And why is that exactly?" Tommy shook his head, laughing. Grace's upper body half turned towards him and she rested her legs beside herself. "And what did I ever do to deserve such an honourable title as crazy?"
"Shall I sort? You pointed a gun at me. You threatened to blow my brains out if I ever thought of using you again to achieve my goals. For the record, that part was justified. I watched you shoot your shitty cousin... if I counted right, six toes, like it was the most natural thing in the world, and then warned him that if he insulted you again, you'd rip his tongue out. He attacked you, and you broke his wrist. I heard from Polly that you stole her pistol and needle from her purse as you walked past her and replaced it with a whisky bottle and a wooden stick. Then you pointed the needle at her throat and threatened to shoot her too. When I heard that, I couldn't believe my ears. That was surprising, even for you. Nobody ever dared treat Polly like that before. I'm quite impressed, Miss Burgess," he tilted his head. There were sparks of amusement in his eyes, with a hint of genuine astonishment and a touch of harmless sneer.
"I simply laid down the rules." Grace had no intention of making excuses. She didn't embellish the facts, because there was nothing new in them. Everything happened exactly as Tommy had just described it. Grace had been aware that the Shelby sisters' aunt had not taken her to heart, and from her past experience, and from the number of times Polly Gray had tried to get her out of her own way just to prove herself superior, and when she had failed, had always countered with some outrageous insult, Grace had drawn the reasonable conclusion that she did not like Polly either. Grace could not deny that she considered her certain qualities worthy of respect, but Polly was too much of a competitive spirit, not helped by her spectacular jealousy of the influence she felt Grace was exerting over Tommy. As if the only way a man and a woman can work together is for one to manipulate the other through trickery. "No one can falsely accuse me and then walk free and expect to get away with it."
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highlyhighlyrecommended · 6 years ago
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Beautiful series of photos from la petite ceinture in paris by Pierre Folk taken between 2011 - 2015.
»Mankind has influence on its own territory in many ways. Human actions such as technical paradigm shifts, or simple urban tissue cutting, transform our surroundings. As by-products of these transformations, residual spaces can be found in the interstices of our habitat.«
All photos ©Pierre Folk
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thingsdavidlikes · 3 years ago
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by dimitryroulland https://flic.kr/p/2nmdqAC
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m4a-tv · 4 years ago
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Streetart Petite Ceinture 14e #45 #menacemonsterart #angrymonster #angrymonsters #greymonster #monsterart #monsterarts #monsterstreetart #petiteceinturestreetart #portedechatillon #graffitiartparis #lalignedelapetiteceinture #graffparisien #petiteceintureparisienne #lapetiteceinture #lapetiteceinturedeparis14 #lapetiteceinturedeparis #streetartparis14 #streetartparis14ème #streetartparis14eme #petiteceinture #75014 #75014paris #paris14 #paris14eme #paris14ème #14ème #petiteceinture14 #petiteceinture14eme #petiteceintureparis (à Paris 14ème Porte D'orléans) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZY7tHFgsS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hcdahlem · 5 years ago
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«S’ils étaient un couple, un couple en couple, elle irait dans ces maisons. Mais ils ne sont pas un couple – seulement deux amants jaloux de leur liberté. Ils aiment se parler, se raconter, s’écrire, s’attendre, faire l’amour dans des chambres provisoires. Ils sont l’un et l’autre séparés, et souvent l’un de l’autre séparés, par leur travail, leurs enfants. Ils se retrouvent dans des chambres sans attaches, sans histoire, sans avenir.» L’histoire d’amour d’Adrienne et de François – mais est-ce vraiment une histoire d’amour – nous est contée par la plume délicate de Nathalie Piégay. Leurs rencontres dans des hôtels de la petite ceinture sont en quelque sorte leur oxygène dans des vies déjà bousculées par une première expérience manquée. Alors ce violoncelliste qui vit au Havre et vient donner des cours à Paris n’entend pas quitter sa ville et ses enfants et cette pharmacienne qui a connu un divorce difficile vont tourner autour de l’idée du couple, un peu comme ils tournent autour de Paris. Les atomes vont-ils fusionner ou exploser ? #lapetiteceinture #NathaliePiegay #editionsdurocher #hcdahlem #roman #livre #lecture #books #blog #littérature #bloglitteraire #jaimelire #lecturedumoment #lire #bouquin #bouquiner #livresaddict #lectrice #lecteurs #lecteurscom #bouquiner #livresque #auteur #jaimelire #lectureaddict #litterature #instalivre #livrestagram #RentréeLittéraire2020 #litteraturefrancaise #litteraturecontemporaine #litteraturefrancophone collectiondelivres.wordpress.com (à La Petite Ceinture) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_aS1wKHjcE/?igshid=ufpjgmvz3n86
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ao3feed-elu · 3 years ago
leave a light on (english version)
by LaPetiteCeinture
"We broke up with Aidan" Deep, deaf silence. Lucas's stomach twitched. He lifted his chin, his gaze fixed on the barky trunk of the oak tree towering on the opposite side of the walkway. Until that moment, he hadn't thought it possible that someone could exude confidence and insecurity at the same time, but as he heard his own voice, he realized his mistake. "Can I come to your place?" He hesitated, but his lips moved forward again, so that his thoughts could not catch up with him. "I need you"
He had never said those words to anyone before.
friends to lovers
Words: 21498, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Fandoms: SKAM (France)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Eliott Demaury, Lucas Lallemant, Yann Cazas, Arthur Broussard, Basile Savary, Idriss Bakhellal, Sofiane Alaoui, Imane Bakhellal, Alexia Martineau, Manon Demissy, Emma Borgès, Daphné Lecomte, Eliott Demaury's Mother, Eliott Demaury's Father, Lucas Lallemant's Father, Lucas Lallemant's Mother
Relationships: Eliott Demaury/Lucas Lallemant
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - College/University, Unrequited Love, Actually not so unrequited..., But Lucas have to figure it out, Explicit Sexual Content, Partnership, Established Relationship, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional Sex, Mental Health Issues, Mental Abuse, mental illnes, Mental Breakdown, Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety Attacks, Panic Attacks, Love Confessions, Friendship/Love, whom I kidding?, It' never just friendship
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39114321
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xflorianngx · 4 years ago
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#France #Paris #15eme #urbex #streetart #art #urbexworld #photography #chemin #urbexparis #cheminfer #history #tag #graf #atmosphere #promenade #picoftheday #lapetiteceinture #lapetiteceinturedeparis #ultrawide #mural #muralart #muralpainting #graffiti #graffitiart #graffitiparis #portraitphotography #portrait #picoftheday (à 15eme arrondissement, Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP_ODFCpBL-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rorytait · 5 years ago
La Petite Ceinture
During my time in Paris, I was based in the 14th Arrondissement, just around the corner from one of the sections of La Petite Ceinture (The Little Belt), a disused radial railroad around the edge of the City of Paris that is now opened to the public as a green parkland space! 
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It feels a bit dodgy in some parts as you go through some tunnels, but all in all it's a really cool idea and I made good use of it during my time there!
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ladygwladys · 6 years ago
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Bordel j’ai froid ❄️ - — - #paris #parisisalwaysagoodidea #igersparis #parisparis #picoftheday #photooftheday #lapetiteceinture (à La Petite Ceinture) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoW8sKWFwiu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tyune7k1dlr8
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supercoolpicsnews · 8 years ago
Прогулка по тайной парижской железной дороге, заброшенной с 1934 года
«Малый пояс» (La Petite Ceinture) — так называется парижская железная дорога, заброшенная с 1934 года и превратившаяся за это время в тихий заброшенный сад. О Подробнее: http://supercoolpics.com/progulka-po-tajnoj-parizhskoj-zheleznoj-doroge/
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m4a-tv · 4 years ago
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Streetart Petite Ceinture 14e #43 #pinkfont #pinkgraffiti #pinktag #redhat #redhatart #petiteceinturestreetart #portedechatillon #graffitiartparis #lalignedelapetiteceinture #graffparisien #petiteceintureparisienne #lapetiteceinture #lapetiteceinturedeparis14 #lapetiteceinturedeparis #streetartparis14 #streetartparis14ème #streetartparis14eme #petiteceinture #streetartiste #75014 #75014paris #paris14 #paris14eme #paris14ème #14ème #petiteceinture14 #petiteceinture14eme #petiteceintureparis (à Porte d'Orléans) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPZYYJqlf1R/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bobostories · 6 years ago
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@lehasardludique : Lectures, jeux de société, méditation ou laptop, tout le monde trouve sa place. Concerts, Cuistots Migrateurs et Ateliers pour enfants et grands, la programmation est riche et engagée. Voyagez dans cette ancienne gare, grâce aux talents de #chefs réfugiés.
#bobostories #instagram #instakids #lescuistotsmigrateurs #instaworld #lapetiteceinture #train #gare #paris #saintouen
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tommyxgrace-always · 3 years ago
Thanks @nat111love Always happy to share the tommy x grace fic links!!
Here’s some of my favs:
1- All time fave- https://archiveofourown.org/works/24443518/chapters/58981510
2- set in modern times
3- the Grace we deserved, she has been given so much more depth in this one
4- short and hot story
5- you can check out English version fics of one of my new fav fic writer @lapetiteceinturesworld , set in alternate universe
6- another sweet one, love arthur in this one
7- https://archiveofourown.org/works/13205259/chapters/30206733
8- scene analysis
I have more, just give me a shout whenever you want more!!
Hello, I would like to ask if you could recommend good fanfics about Tommy and Grace. Thank You!
Hi nonnie!!!!
I wish I could but I can't !!! I haven't read grace x tommy fanfics in years . @tommyxgrace-always reads fanfics so I'm tagging her, I'm also tagging @korinthya and @peakysource in hopes that you guys can leave us some recommendations .
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xflorianngx · 4 years ago
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#France #Paris #15eme #urbex #streetart #art #urbexworld #photography #chemin #urbexparis #cheminfer #history #tag #graf #atmosphere #promenade #picoftheday #lapetiteceinture #lapetiteceinturedeparis #ultrawide #mural #muralart #muralpainting #graffiti #graffitiart #graffitiparis #portraitphotography #portrait #picoftheday 📸pic @nikos_2294 📸 (à 15eme arrondissement, Paris) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP30ju2p0ll/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lesphotosdozi-blog · 7 years ago
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#Paris #France #urbanexploration #urbex #explorationurbaine #rail #rails #railways #group #groupe #photographer #photographers #photographe #photographes #blackandwhite #noiretblanc #tunel #tunels #tunnel #tunnels #19earrondissement #lapetiteceinture #petiteceinture #petiteceinturedeparis #abandonné #abandonned (at 19th arrondissement of Paris)
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