#laparoscopy for appendicitis
unitedhospitals123 · 2 months
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unitedhospital · 3 months
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dratefahmed1 · 2 months
Acute Appendicitis 19 Questions and Answers #acuteappendicitis #appendicitis #symptoms #shorts #mcqs
#shorts #mcqs #appendicitis “Acute Appendicitis: Questions and Answers” #acuteappendicitis #appendicitis #symptoms #causes #treatment “Everything You Need to Know About Acute Appendicitis” #acuteappendicitis #appendicitis #symptoms #causes #treatment #prevention “Acute Appendicitis: Frequently Asked Questions” #acuteappendicitis #appendicitis #faqs #symptoms #causes #treatment “Can You Really Die…
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i-eat-worlds · 9 months
hey so can you walk my through the process for an appendix removal and the aftermath
yes I can! so there are two kinda of appendectomies: open and laparoscopic.
open appendectomies are exactly what they sound like, open. The tissues above the appendix are cut open and pulled back to expose the appendix to the surgeon can remove it.
laparoscopic appendectomies are less invasive. They use a camera and long-handled tools put through two or three holes into he abdomen to remove the appendix. There’s not a large incision, so recovery times are shorter.
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laparoscopic appendectomies are the norm, unless the appendix has burst.
appendectomies should be done under general anesthesia, so the first part of recovery is waking up.
If your procedure was laparoscopic, then it might’ve been done outpatient and you’ll go home afterwords. I’m not sure how common this is though. If it wasn’t outpatient, then you get a nice hospital stay. You’ll be given pain medication as needed, and a few hours after laparoscopic and the next day after open you’ll be asked to get out of bed.
If the appendix ruptured, then you might given nasogastric tube to help remove air and stomach fluids that you swallow. You cannot eat or drink with a ng tube in.
keeping the incision site clean and dry is super important. In two to three weeks, the stitches or staples will be removed
your abdominal muscles will be sore. A lot. Aspirin and similar medications can raise the risk of bleeding, so avoid those .
after a laparoscopy, you might feel pain form a buildup of CO2 gas. This will improve over a few days.
Want to learn more?
Everything I said but in more detail! Also I am Not A Medical Professional, so if you are and have stuff to add, then please do!
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seedsivf · 3 days
SeedsIVF: Leading Laparoscopy Surgery Centre in Nashik for Advanced Medical Care.
 Discover SeedsIVF, the premier laparoscopy center in Nashik, offering advanced minimally invasive surgeries with expert care. Experience shorter recovery times and personalized treatment.
In the realm of modern medicine, laparoscopy stands out as a revolutionary technique that has transformed surgical procedures. Also known as minimally invasive surgery, laparoscopy involves making small incisions through which specialized instruments and a camera are inserted, allowing surgeons to perform complex operations with enhanced precision and reduced recovery time. At SeedsIVF, we are proud to be recognized as the leading laparoscopy surgery center in Nashik, offering unparalleled expertise and state-of-the-art facilities.
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Why Choose SeedsIVF for Laparoscopy Surgery?
Expert Surgeons with Extensive Experience
At SeedsIVF, our team of surgeons is composed of highly qualified professionals with extensive experience in performing a wide range of laparoscopic procedures. Our surgeons are not only skilled in the technical aspects of the surgery but also deeply committed to patient care, ensuring that each individual receives personalized and compassionate treatment.
State-of-the-Art Technology
We believe that the foundation of successful surgical outcomes lies in the use of cutting-edge technology. Our laparoscopy center in Nashik is equipped with the latest surgical instruments and imaging systems, allowing our surgeons to perform even the most intricate procedures with precision and accuracy. This commitment to technological advancement ensures that our patients benefit from the most effective and efficient surgical techniques available.
Comprehensive Laparoscopic Procedures
Diagnostic Laparoscopy
Diagnostic laparoscopy is a procedure used to examine the organs inside the abdomen. It helps in diagnosing a variety of conditions, such as unexplained pelvic pain, infertility, and abdominal diseases. Our expert surgeons at SeedsIVF utilize this minimally invasive approach to accurately diagnose and plan subsequent treatments.
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, or gallbladder removal surgery, is one of the most common laparoscopic procedures performed at our center. This technique offers numerous benefits, including smaller incisions, less pain, and quicker recovery compared to traditional open surgery.
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
For women requiring a hysterectomy, the laparoscopic approach provides a safer and less invasive option. Our surgeons at SeedsIVF specialize in laparoscopic hysterectomies, ensuring that patients experience minimal discomfort and a faster return to their daily activities.
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Appendicitis, the inflammation of the appendix, often necessitates surgical intervention. Laparoscopic appendectomy is the preferred method at SeedsIVF, offering patients a quicker recovery time and less postoperative pain.
Benefits of Laparoscopy Surgery at SeedsIVF
Minimized Surgical Trauma
One of the primary advantages of laparoscopy is the reduced surgical trauma to the body. The small incisions used in laparoscopic procedures mean less damage to the surrounding tissues, leading to a quicker and more comfortable recovery for patients.
Reduced Risk of Infection
Smaller incisions also mean a lower risk of infection, as there is less exposure of internal organs to external contaminants. At SeedsIVF, we maintain stringent sterilization protocols to further minimize the risk of postoperative infections.
Shorter Hospital Stays
Thanks to the minimally invasive nature of laparoscopy, patients typically experience shorter hospital stays. This not only reduces the overall cost of medical care but also allows patients to return to the comfort of their homes sooner.
Your Health is Our Priority
At SeedsIVF, we are dedicated to providing the highest standard of care in laparoscopic surgery. Our commitment to excellence, combined with our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced team, makes us the premier choice for patients seeking advanced surgical solutions in Nashik. Whether you require a diagnostic procedure or a complex surgical intervention, you can trust SeedsIVF to deliver exceptional outcomes with compassion and care.
Visit:  -  https://www.seedsivf.com/laparoscopy.php
Contact:- +91- 9225669715
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greeshmaglobo · 2 months
Understanding the Latest Advances in Appendix Laparoscopic Treatment
The field of laparoscopic surgery has been at the forefront of medical innovation, constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Within this field, the treatment of appendicitis has undergone significant advancements, revolutionizing conventional approaches. Laparoscopic appendectomy has long been recognized as a crucial technique in the management of appendicitis. This minimally invasive procedure involves removing the inflamed appendix through small incisions in the abdomen, guided by a camera-equipped instrument called a laparoscope. While already transformative, recent innovations have taken this technique to new heights, promising better surgical outcomes and patient experiences.
One notable advancement in laparoscopic appendectomy is the integration of advanced imaging technology. High-definition cameras and three-dimensional visualization systems have provided surgeons with unparalleled clarity and depth perception during procedures. This enhanced visual acuity not only improves the precision of surgical maneuvers but also enables better identification of anatomical structures, reducing the risk of complications and ensuring optimal surgical outcomes. In addition, the introduction of robotic-assisted laparoscopic surgery has brought about a new era of precise and skillful surgical procedures. Robotic platforms provide surgeons with enhanced control and maneuverability through the use of specialized instruments attached to robotic arms. This advanced technology allows for intricate movements in tight spaces, making it particularly advantageous in laparoscopic treatment of the appendix where precise manipulation is crucial. 
By enhancing the capabilities of surgeons, robotic-assisted laparoscopy holds the potential to improve surgical outcomes while minimizing patient discomfort. Furthermore, advancements in surgical techniques have also played a significant role in refining the treatment of appendix laparoscopy. One such technique gaining popularity is single-incision laparoscopic surgery (SILS), which involves performing the entire appendectomy through a single small incision, typically concealed within the belly button. SILS offers cosmetic benefits by leaving patients with virtually no visible scars, while also potentially reducing postoperative pain and expediting recovery. As surgical expertise continues to progress, SILS presents an appealing alternative for certain patients seeking minimally invasive treatment for appendicitis.
Additionally, the concept of organ-sparing surgery has emerged as a transformative approach to managing appendicitis. Traditionally, appendectomies involved complete removal of the appendix. However, recent studies have indicated that in certain cases of uncomplicated appendicitis, conservative management strategies such as antibiotics combined with interval appendectomy may be equally effective. This conservative approach not only preserves the appendix but also reduces the risks associated with surgery, providing a personalized treatment option for patients who are cautious about invasive interventions. 
Despite the remarkable progress made in appendix laparoscopic treatment, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. One of the main challenges is ensuring equal access to the latest technologies and techniques, especially in underserved communities. Furthermore, ongoing research is crucial to better understand the long-term effectiveness and safety of emerging treatment methods, which will guide clinical practice and shape future innovations. The field of appendix laparoscopic treatment is constantly evolving, driven by continuous innovation and a dedication to excellence. With cutting-edge imaging technology and innovative surgical techniques, each advancement brings us closer to achieving safer and more effective treatment options for appendicitis. 
As we navigate this uncharted territory together, let us remain unwavering in our commitment to advancing medical care and enhancing the lives of patients worldwide. Al Hayat International is a leading provider of appendix laparoscopic in Muscat, offering exceptional care and specialized expertise. The experienced surgeons employ advanced methods and the latest technology to guarantee the best results for each patient. It Is dedicated to excellence and a patient-focused philosophy, emphasizing safety, comfort, and effectiveness during the treatment process. Count on Al Hayat International for top appendix laparoscopic care, enabling you to regain your health with assurance and tranquility. 
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drsouravdhar · 2 months
What You Need to Know About Appendectomy? - Dr. Sourav Dhar
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Appendectomy is a treatment measure to remove the appendix. As a form of primary treatment appendectomy is chosen to address emergency conditions like an inflamed or busted appendix. This emergency treatment is mainly surgical with supporting care. But is undergoing appendectomy risky or painful? Learn more about appendix surgery in Siliguri below.
Why Opt For An Appendectomy?
Appendectomy is a surgical way of removing the inflamed appendix also called appendicitis. Particularly if you have symptoms like diarrhea or constipation, abdominal swelling, nausea, fever, loss of appetite, etc it indicates appendicitis.
Treating appendicitis becomes necessary because the opening of the appendix gets clogged with stool and bacteria which can cause an abscess or peritonitis. Unless your doctor performs an appendectomy, your inflamed appendix may rupture or burst which gets life-threatening.
Appendectomy Procedure
Before conducting an appendectomy, the patients receive IV fluids and antibiotics medications. During the procedure, the doctor will suggest general anesthesia to numb the patient from the waist down. Broadly there are two kinds of appendectomy and both procedures are completed within one hour.
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Laparoscopic appendectomy is carried out through smaller incisions to reach the appendix through the abdomen. For that, a narrow small tube is used for coating the abdomen with carbon dioxide. Your surgeon can see through your appendix with the persisting gas. After that, a laparoscope (a thin tube attached to a camera)  is inserted through the incision.
Then, the doctor can see the images of your appendix on the monitor and accordingly tie it off with stitches and remove the appendix. Patients recover faster in laparoscopy than in open surgeries. For kids, laparoscopic appendectomy is suggested because it leads to fewer infections, fewer incisions, and heals the wounds fast.
Open Appendectomy
Open appendectomy is conducted on the lower right side of the abdomen. They direct the abdomen and remove the appendix and after that close the wounds with stitches. Especially if your appendix has busted, then the open appendectomy allows the surgeons to clear the abdominal cavity more easily. Mostly open appendectomy is suggested in cases of:
Ruptured appendix where the infects have spread widely
Already had abdominal surgery in the past
If there's a lump or appendix mass in the area of the appendix burst
Risk Factors Of Appendectomy
Appendectomy is a common procedure and extremely safe if undergone by experienced doctors. However, some associated risks with any surgery include:
Internal bleeding or blood clots
Organ injuries such as intestines or bladder
Appendix surgery in Siliguri is completely safe with higher chances of faster recovery. If appendicitis is in the early stages then it can be treated with medically recommended antibiotics. However, in complex cases of appendicitis, surgery is the only way out.
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drdigantpathak · 5 months
Expanding Horizons: A Look at Conditions Treatable with Laparoscopic Surgery
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Laparoscopic surgery, often referred to as minimally invasive surgery (MIS), has revolutionized the surgical landscape. This technique utilizes small incisions and specialized tools to access internal organs, offering numerous advantages over traditional open surgery. But what are the specific conditions that can benefit from this innovative approach?
Diagnostic Prowess:
Laparoscopy surpasses its surgical role, serving as a valuable diagnostic tool. By inserting a laparoscope, a thin fiber-optic instrument, into the abdomen, laparoscopic surgeon in Jabalpur gain a magnified view of internal organs, allowing for:
Visualization of abnormalities: This includes identifying cysts, tumors, adhesions, and signs of inflammation, aiding in the diagnosis of conditions like endometriosis, appendicitis, and pelvic inflammatory disease.
Biopsy acquisition: Tissue samples can be retrieved through the laparoscope for further analysis, confirming diagnoses, and guiding treatment plans for suspected cancers.
Therapeutic Applications:
When it comes to treatment, laparoscopic surgery in Jabalpur offers a less invasive alternative to traditional open procedures for a wide range of conditions, including:
Gallbladder removal (gallbladder surgery in Jabalpur): This is one of the most common laparoscopic procedures, effectively treating gallstones and associated pain.
Appendix removal (appendectomy): For appendicitis, laparoscopic removal offers faster recovery and reduced scarring compared to open surgery.
Hernia repair(hernia surgery in Jabalpur): This minimally invasive approach effectively addresses inguinal, umbilical, and other hernias, improving patient comfort and reducing recurrence rates.
Pelvic procedures: Laparoscopy is instrumental in treating endometriosis, removing uterine fibroids, and performing hysterectomies (uterus removal).
Gastrointestinal surgery(gallbladder surgery in Jabalpur): Laparoscopic techniques are employed for procedures like fundoplication (for heartburn), and even complex surgeries like colectomy (bowel resection) for specific conditions.
Urologic procedures: Laparoscopic surgery facilitates kidney and adrenal gland removal, as well as certain prostate surgeries.
Beyond Minimizing Incisions:
The benefits of laparoscopic surgery extend beyond smaller incisions. Patients often experience faster recovery times, reduced pain, and improved cosmetic outcomes. Additionally, shorter hospital stays and quicker return to daily activities translate to lower healthcare costs.
Laparoscopic surgery has become an indispensable tool in modern medicine. Its ability to diagnose and treat a diverse range of conditions with minimal invasiveness has significantly improved patient outcomes and redefined surgical possibilities. As technology continues to advance, we can expect the scope of treatable conditions and the benefits for patients to expand even further.
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drpriya · 5 months
Appendix surgery, or appendectomy, is typically needed when the appendix becomes inflamed or infected, a condition known as appendicitis. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and fever. If left untreated, an inflamed appendix can rupture, leading to serious complications such as peritonitis.
Appendectomy is the standard treatment for appendicitis. It is essential to seek medical attention promptly if you experience symptoms suggestive of appendicitis, as surgical removal of the appendix is usually the recommended course of action to prevent complications and promote recovery.
Appendectomy, the surgery to remove the appendix, is generally a very successful and routine procedure. The success rate is high, and most people experience a smooth recovery. Complications are relatively rare, especially when the surgery is performed promptly in cases of appendicitis.
Factors such as the surgical technique used (open surgery or laparoscopy), the overall health of the patient, and any pre-existing conditions can influence the success and recovery. In modern medical practice, appendectomy is considered a safe and effective procedure. However, as with any surgery, there are inherent risks, and individual outcomes may vary.
Before appendix surgery, various diagnostic tests are typically conducted to confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis and assess the patient's overall health. These tests may include:
Physical Examination: The doctor will perform a thorough physical examination, focusing on the abdomen to check for signs of tenderness, swelling, or pain.
Blood Tests: Blood tests, including a white blood cell count, are often conducted to check for signs of infection and inflammation.
Urinalysis: This test may be done to rule out other possible causes of abdominal pain.
Imaging Studies: Imaging tests such as ultrasound or computed tomography (CT) scans may be used to visualize the appendix and identify signs of inflammation or other abnormalities.
These diagnostic tests help confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis and determine the most appropriate course of action, which may include surgery. The decision for surgery is often based on a combination of clinical evaluation and imaging results. Get the best treatment and full body health checkup at the best hospitals in India.
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gemivf · 6 months
Diagnosis and procedure of the laparoscopy treatment
Laparoscopy is performed by the doctor to treat several medical conditions. 
Diagnosis: Laparoscopy is when surgeons use only the laparoscope. It lets them look directly inside the abdomen. Imaging tests, like CT scans and MRIs, can provide a lot of information about what’s going on inside the body, but they aren’t perfect. Sometimes, physically taking a look is the best option.
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Treatment: Surgeons also use laparoscopic surgery for, you guessed it, surgery. For example, the treatment of appendicitis and many gallbladder issues is commonly done via laparoscopic surgery. The list of surgeries that surgeons can perform this way continues to grow as experts develop new techniques. If you are looking for Laparoscopy surgery in Punjab, then contact the Gem Hospital and IVF centre.
Gem Fertility Hospital
Address – 40 Feet Road, Namdev Marg, Bathinda, Punjab 151001
Contact – +91 9872344833
Website - https://gemivf.com/
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unitedhospital · 3 months
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drnishamangal · 6 months
Dr. Nisha S Mangal | Gynecologist and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Jaipur
In the realm of modern surgical innovation, laparoscopy has emerged as a revolutionary technique, minimizing invasiveness while maximizing precision. Dr. Nisha Mangal, a distinguished laparoscopic surgeon in Jaipur, stands at the forefront of this medical advancement. With her expertise and commitment to patient care, Dr. Mangal has become a beacon of hope for individuals seeking minimally invasive surgical solutions.
About Dr. Nisha Mangal:
Dr. Nisha Mangal is a highly skilled and experienced laparoscopic surgeon based in Jaipur. Her journey in the field of surgery has been marked by a dedication to staying at the cutting edge of medical technology and a passion for delivering exceptional patient outcomes. Having earned her credentials from renowned medical institutions, Dr. Mangal has honed her skills to offer state-of-the-art laparoscopic procedures.
Key Highlights of Laparoscopy:
Laparoscopy, also known as minimally invasive surgery, involves using a small camera and specialized instruments to perform surgical procedures through tiny incisions. This technique offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, including:
Minimal Scarring: Laparoscopic procedures typically result in smaller scars, promoting better cosmetic outcomes and quicker recovery.
Faster Recovery: Patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery often experience less postoperative pain and a faster return to normal activities compared to traditional surgery.
Reduced Blood Loss: The precision afforded by laparoscopic instruments minimizes blood loss during surgery, contributing to improved patient safety.
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Laparoscopic Surgeries : Services Offered by Dr. Nisha Mangal:
Dr. Nisha Mangal specializes in a wide range of laparoscopic procedures, including but not limited to:
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Removal of the gallbladder for conditions such as gallstones.
Laparoscopic Appendectomy: Removal of the appendix for appendicitis.
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy: Removal of the uterus for various gynecological conditions.
Laparoscopic Hernia Repair: Repair of hernias using minimally invasive techniques.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy: Examination and evaluation of abdominal and pelvic organs for diagnostic purposes.
Patient-Centric Approach:
What sets Dr. Nisha Mangal apart is her patient-centric approach. She takes the time to thoroughly understand each patient’s unique medical history, concerns, and expectations. Dr. Mangal believes in open communication, ensuring that patients are well-informed and comfortable throughout their surgical journey.
For those in Jaipur seeking advanced and minimally invasive surgical solutions, Dr. Nisha Mangal’s expertise in laparoscopy stands as a beacon of hope. Her commitment to excellence, coupled with a patient-centric philosophy, makes her a trusted choice for individuals looking for surgical interventions that prioritize precision, efficiency, and a swift recovery.
if you are searching for the best gynecologist in jaipur
Contact us: 9119134481
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When to See Your Doctor About Abdominal Pain?
What do you usually do when you have a stomach ache? Most of us either take some medicine or simply take a rest. But there are times when the pain becomes unbearable. It is when you need a doctor. However, stomach pain should not be confused with abdominal pain. Abdominal pain refers to discomfort anywhere in the belly region, spanning from the ribs to the pelvis.
While we commonly refer to it as “stomach pain” or a “stomach ache,” the pain in the abdomen can originate from various organs beyond the stomach like the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and large and small intestines. Pain can even arise in the abdominal wall, encompassing the skin and muscles forming the outer shell of the abdomen. It’s crucial to acknowledge that the pain felt in the belly might also emanate from other areas such as the chest, pelvis, or back.
Dr Amita Jain, leading abdomen surgeon in the field of laparoscopy, in India shares a few warning signs for abdominal pain that need immediate medical attention. However, before we delve deep, let’s understand the types of abdominal pain.
The abdomen is divided into four quadrants by the doctors for diagnosis of the pain. They are: upper (above the belly button), lower (below it), right-sided, and left-sided. The midline, extending from the sternum to the belly button, helps distinguish the location of discomfort in the abdomen for medical assessment.
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What are the Warning Signs for Abdominal Pain?
Dr Amita Jain, says, you need to look for the following signs, these are:
1. Sudden and intense abdominal pain, with an almost piercing sensation, is a serious concern, possibly indicating conditions like appendicitis, organ perforation, or gastrointestinal tract rupture. For instance, in the case of appendicitis, the pain is usually felt in the lower right abdomen but may start anywhere in the abdomen along with loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, or fever.
2. Persistent stomach pain lasting more than a day, spreading to your back, could signal serious conditions like acute pancreatitis or cholecystitis. In pancreatitis, pain starts in the upper abdomen, often extending to the back, accompanied by symptoms like fever, nausea, vomiting, and a swollen...
Read Here: https://www.dramitajain.com/blog/2023/12/12/when-see-doctor-abdominal-pain/
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kgjhospitals · 7 months
laparoscopic surgeon in pattaravakkam
Why is Laparoscopic Surgery so advantageous?
Laparoscopic surgery is based on the basic principles of open surgery. But it employs and is supplemented by specialized techniques and operation procedures. It is applied on the circumstances where the surgeon a small hole which won’t be manipulated manually. The entire sequence and process is viewed on a video screen. If you need laparoscopic surgery, then contact laparoscopic surgeon in Pattaravakkam Chennai.
What is Laparoscopy surgery?
Laparoscopy is the type of surgery that is normally performed in the abdomen or in the pelvis through small incisions supported by a camera.  During this process, a short and narrow tube is inserted into the abdomen via a small hole or incision.
Here, long and narrow surgery instruments are inserted. The laparoscopic surgeon cuts, manipulates and sews the tissue. The doctors who perform such surgeries are called laparoscopic surgeons. Laparoscopic surgery is an advanced and latest mode of surgery involving the use of a laparoscope. It is a thin fiber optical tube and a small video camera attached to its tip.
Features of Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic surgery uses a laparoscope (a thin rod with a camera attached to the end) to view the abdominal and pelvic cavities through small keyhole incisions. This minimally invasive surgical or keyhole technique ensures faster recovery and better outcomes for patients.This is a minimally invasive surgical technique and is therefore used in the abdominal and pelvic areas. A thin telescoping pole with a camera at the end is used to look inside the body without opening it completely.
Why is Laparoscopic Surgery so popular?
Laparoscopic surgery is popular among the general public because it is relatively painless and the surgery proceeds smoothly. The doctors now also specialize in the treatment of various diseases using laser and laparoscopic surgery, helping patients save their lives in critical situations.The various Laparoscopic procedures performed here include:
Crohn’s disease
Gall stones
Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP)
Bowel incontinence
Rectal prolapsed
Hernia and Appendicitis
Ulcerative colitis
Colorectal polyp
Chronic constipation
KGJ Hospitals is guided by the best Laparoscopic surgeon in Pattaravakkam Chennai and is also equipped with modern healthcare tools and technologies in general as well as laparoscopic surgery and the hospital has emerged as a sophisticated center for laparoscopic surgeries.
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I am in mental agony waiting for my appendectomy consult; it’s terrifying to know that one of your organs has been trying to kill you for 6+ years and still can at basically every moment. I only have a week to go 🙃
At least my doctor actually admitted that it is chronic appendicitis because i’ve done some research and apparently it’s so rare for someone to have it chronically that most doctors don’t even know about it.
I’ll have to ask her how she knew, it’s not her area of expertise (hence why she couldn’t remove it during my laparoscopy) but like, did she know about it previously or did she see how fucked my appendix was and was like ‘i have to look up what is going on there’?
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jindallaparoscopy · 8 months
Define the process of Appendix removal by laparoscopy
The human body's appendix is a muscular organ that is joined to the large intestine. Its name, "vermiform," which means "worm-shaped," comes from the Latin word for a small tube that resembles a worm. The appendix protrudes from the cecum, a pouch-like structure in the large intestine, at its lower end.
Appendicitis is the medical term for appendix inflammation. It is extremely painful and may be fatal and is brought on by the appendix becoming blocked. More over 5% of the population in the United States will experience appendicitis at some point in their lives, making it the most common cause of acute abdominal pain requiring surgery.
Your healthcare practitioner may utilize laparoscopy, a form of diagnostic surgical treatment, to examine your reproductive and abdominal organs within your body. The method of  Appendix removal by laparoscopy can also be used to obtain tissue samples (biopsies) for analysis. Your abdomen is sliced open, and a narrow, telescope-like instrument called a laparoscope is inserted.
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Appendix removal by laparoscopy
A Best laparoscopic surgeon accesses your appendix during a laparoscopic appendix removal by making a few tiny incisions in your belly. Your abdomen is inflated with carbon dioxide using a cannula, which is a tiny, narrow tube. They can see your appendix more clearly thanks to the gas.
Your abdomen will be expanded by the laparoscopic surgeon before a laparoscope is inserted via the incision. A laparoscope is a lengthy, narrow tube that has a camera and a bright light at the front.
The surgeon can see within your abdomen thanks to the camera, which projects images onto a screen. Your appendix is cut out and stitched shut. Next, the tiny incisions are cleansed, stitched up, and dressed. Laparoscopic surgery typically has fewer risks and a shorter recovery time than open appendectomy. It may be the best option if you:
don’t have any complications from appendicitis
are older
are pregnant
are at risk of surgery complications
have overweight or obesity
Why you choose us?
One of the well-known hospitals is Jindal Endo-Laparoscopy Hospital, which specializes in proctology procedures (PILES, FISSURE, FISTULA, and PLONIDAL SINUS), daycare procedures, general procedures, laparoscopic procedures, general procedures, urology procedures, plastic surgery procedures, cancer surgery procedures, and all types of endoscopic work. A group of doctors and nursing professionals that are highly skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable in their respective fields provide all of the therapies. For sophisticated laparoscopy, endoscopy, urology, and gastrointestinal procedures, our facility is the top choice. Since 22 years, Dr. Dinesh Jindal (MS, FMAS, FAIS) has been working with the most recent and cutting-edge technologies in the fields of basic and advanced laparoscopic surgery, endoscopic surgery (both therapeutic and diagnostic), urology, and gynecology.
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